HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-07-15 Special Meeting Minutes . , MINUTES OF THE JULY 15, 2013 SPECIAL MEETING (TOWN HALL MEETING) OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES AMERICAN LEGION MEMORIAL CIVIC CENTER 6140 DEMPSTER STREET MORTON GROVE, ILLINOIS 60053 Pursuant to proper notice in accordance with the Open Meetings Act. the special meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Daniel P. DiMaria who led the assemblage in the pledge of allegiance. Clerk Ed Ramos called the roll. In attendance were: Elected Officials: Mayor Daniel P. DiMaria, Trustees Bill Grear, Tony Kalogerakos, John Pietron, John Thill, Maria Toth, and Clerk Ed Ramos Absent: Trustee Shel Marcus was absent with notice. Village Staff : Village Administrator Ryan J. Home and Corporation Counsel Teresa Hoffman Liston Mayor DiMaria welcomed the many people in attendance this evening who were present to participate in the process of providing input on a very important matter. Village Administrator Home gave some brief background information. He said that, while most of the regulation of the Illinois Concealed Carry Act occurs at the State level, there are three ways in which it affects local government. They are: Local Preemptions, Applications, and Local Law Enforcement Activity. For local preemptions, there are two different provisions that preempt local authority over firearms. They provide that the regulation, licensing, possession, and registration of handguns and transportation of firearms and ammunition are exclusive powers of the State government. They also provide that the regulation of possession or ownership of assault weapons are exclusive powers of the State, but a unit of local government may pass an ordinance regulating assault weapons within ten days after the effective date of the Act. The definition of"assault weapon"would be designated by the ordinance. _ 15,2013 Town Hall Meetin• Mayor DiMaria then invited those who wished to speak on this topic to do so. Alice Gutenkauf Mrs. Gutenkauf said she had been the plaintiff in the lawsuit against the Village when it banned handguns. She said she is a collector of firearms, but has 8425 Mason, MG varying feelings about different kinds of weapons. She felt that defining assault weapons fairly would be very important. Pat Kansoer Mr. Kansoer said that he, too, had been a plaintiff in the handgun lawsuit. He felt that passing laws is not solving problems, and did not feel that Morton Grove 8545 Major, MG had gun problems. He pointed out that other objects can hurt people if they are misused. He felt that gun laws don't make people safer, nor do they curb crime. Rather, they infringe on law-abiding citizens' rights. Ken Viani Mr. Viani agreed with Mr. Kansoer that an ordinance will not make people safer. He also felt that coming up with a definition of an assault weapon was 8928 McVicker, MG important. Mark Stein Mr. Stein felt the Village should leave the Second Amendment alone. He cited some FBI crime statistics, noting that very few crimes are committed with 5820 Lincoln, MG assault weapons. Georgianne Brunner Mrs. Brunner asked the board to consider defining assault weapons and felt that it was unfair of the State to leave it to the local governments to do so. She said 5833 Belleforte, MG that dogs and cats can be regulated—why not guns? She noted that, when she was a Village Trustee, she had voted against the Village lifting its handgun ban. Mrs. Brunner urged the Village to stand up to the NRA and protect her rights. Laura Frisch Mrs. Frisch, a teacher, thanked the Board for holding this town hall meeting. She pointed out the increased lethality of assault weapons. Just as people are 5830 Crain, MG not supposed to own vicious dogs, so should they not own assault weapons. Assault weapons are meant to kill people rapidly. She felt that an assault weapon ban would have made a difference in the Newtown massacre. She said that, since the assault weapon ban was appealed, mass shootings in the country have doubled. Jose Arguello Mr. Arguello also thanked the Board for providing an opportunity to speak to this issue. He said he is a teacher too, and while he does not like "bans", he did 5905 Carol, MG feel it was important for the community to feel safe. He said it was important to define assault weapons. He noted the Sandy Hook tragedy and said that kids who go to school have a right to come back home alive. He felt that people with guns have the capability of killing more people than people without guns. He also felt that criminals should not have access to better guns than police officers. 2 15,2013 Town Hall Meetin David Azra Mr. Azra said he was against a ban and felt that gun rights should be left to the State. He noted that the Second Amendment is clear in its intent and purpose. 7847 Beckwith, MG Joel Siegel Mr. Siegel represents Jews for the Preservation of Firearm Ownership and was speaking on behalf of Jewish gun owners. He felt that the ordinance would be a Lincolnwood, IL "feel-good" thing at best. He also noted that bans are the tools of anti-Semitic "nazi" types. Barry Roseth Mr. Roseth noted that many Chicago suburban communities are considering legislation and warned the Village to "be ready" for litigation. Unicorporated Maine Township Don Szachowicz Dr. Szachowicz stated that he is a doctor at Lutheran General Hospital and a scout leader in his spare time. He said that shooting is fun if it's done safely, Beckwith, MG noting that he's accompanied his scout troop to Napowan where they learn to shoot safely. He said common sense is necessary in defining assault weapons. He added that many civic-minded residents like to go deer hunting or sport shooting, so why penalize them? Mark Dungca Mr. Dungca is an immigrant from the Philippines and noted that one of the rights of an American is the right to bear arms. He said that he, personally, doesn't 8617 Austin, MG own a gun, but is willing to fight for the principle. Ed Wilson Mr. Wilson said that the gun isn't to blame, it's the shooter. 9240 Shermer, MG David Weintraub Mr. Weintraub pointed out that Newtown had gun restrictions, but that didn't prevent a tragedy from occurring. Skokie, IL Mayor DiMaria said that nothing has been decided yet. The Village is working on a draft ordinance which will be posted on its website. He said the Village could always decide not to do anything, but he wanted to hear from the residents first. Mr. Home said that the first reading of the draft ordinance will take place on Wednesday, July 17, 2013, at a Special Meeting at Village Hall at 6:00 p.m. All are welcome to attend and comment on the draft or- dinance. The second reading and possible passage of the ordinance will be at a Special Meeting on Thursday, July 18, also at Village Hall at 6:00 p.m. 3 Trustee Toth moved to adjourn the Town Hall meeting, seconded by Trustee Thill. Motion passed unanimously via voice vote (with one absent). The Town Hall meeting adjourned at 8:01 p.m. PASSED this 12th day of August, 2013. Trustee Grear nyC Trustee Kalogerakos AYE Trustee Marcus EBbIAfri Trustee Pietron EV- Trustee Thill RYE Trustee Toth t91 APPROVED y thi 1 day of August, 2013. Daniel P. DiMaria, Village President Board of Trustees, Morton Grove: Illinois APPROVED a FILED in my office this 13th day of August, 2013. . 4 WIC s Edilberto Ramos, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove, Cook County. Illinois Minutes by.Teresa Cousar 4