HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-06-24 Board Minutes MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE PRESIDENT �— AND THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, HELD AT THE RICHARD T. FLICKINGER MUNICIPAL CENTER JUNE 24, 2013 CALL TO ORDER I & Village President Dan DiMaria called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and led the II. assemblage in the Pledge of Allegiance. He then directed the Clerk to call the roll. III. Village Clerk Ed Ramos called the roll. Present were: Trustees Bill Grear, Tony Kalogerakos, John Pietron, and John Thill. Trustees Marcus and Toth were absent with notice. IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. Regarding the Minutes of the June 10, 2013 Regular Board Meeting, Trustee Toth moved, seconded by Trustee Grear, to accept the Minutes as presented. Motion passed unanimously via voice vote. Trustees Toth and Marcus abstained, as they had been absent from the June 10, 2013 Regular Board Meeting. b. Regarding the Minutes of the Special Meeting of June 10, 2013, Trustee Grear moved, seconded by Trustee Kalogerakos, to accept the Minutes as presented. Motion passed unanimously via voice vote. Trustees Toth and Marcus abstained, as they had been absent from the June 10, 2013 Regular Board Meeting. V. SPECIAL REPORTS 1. North Shore Senior Center Update on Social Services a. Liz Gordon of North Shore Senior Center (NSSC) provided an update on all social services activities since January 1, 2013. The services the Village has contracted for include Bene- fits/Counseling/Applications; Information and Assistance; In-Office Assistance; Fire and Police Contacts; Health Screenings; and attendance at various health and wellness clubs and Village Board and Commission meetings. At this point, there have been 493 resident contacts; this is on track to have over 1,000 contacts by year-end and 300 health screenings. b. In addition, a Caregivers' Support Group was formed and began meeting last month, and the Salvation Army funds have been reinitiated and are now being distributed again. Currently, they plan to begin providing coupons to low-income residents to be used at the Farmer's Market for fresh produce. In September, a Bereavement Support Group will begin. Minutes of June 24,2013 Board Meeting V. SPECIAL REPORTS (continued) c. Ms. Gordon said that a running log is kept of every inquiry for assistance; the type of assistance requested; and the resolution of the call. Also every month they have a calendar of which staff member is present and what activities will be occurring. d. She said it's really been a busy six months, but it's a pleasure to serve the residents of Morton Grove. e. Trustee Grear said he would like to receive their calendar of activities every month. Village Administrator Ryan Home said he would put it in the trustees' packets. f. Trustee Thill said that, when the NSSC plans a big event, they should check with Village Hall first or get a calendar from Mr. Home, to avoid any conflicts. g. Trustee Marcus said that, as the new liaison to the Commission on Aging, he has met with the NSSC staff members. He noted that we're always looking for volunteers to serve on that commission. He urged residents who would like to be involved or participate to contact him at Village Hall or to stop at the Civic Center to learn about the wide array of services and programs being offered. He thanked Ms. Gordon and her staff. h. Mayor DiMaria said that donations for the bingo games are always welcomed by the NSSC staff as well. VI. PUBLIC HEARINGS NONE VII. RESIDENTS' COMMENTS (Agenda Items Only) NONE VIII. PRESIDENT'S REPORT 1. Mayor DiMaria sought concurrence for his appointment of Wayne Addis and Joel Greenberg as Village Adjudication Prosecutors, to provide more flexibility and give residents a better perception of the system. Trustee Thill moved to concur, seconded by Trustee Kalogerakos. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. Grear aye Tr. Kalogerakos aye Tr. Marcus aye Tr. Pietron awe Tr. Thill aye Tr. Toth aye 2. Next Mayor DiMaria sought concurrence for his appointment of Susan Anderson to the Police and Fire Commission. Trustee Grear so moved, seconded by Trustee Marcus. Motion passed unanimously via voice vote. 2 Minutes of June 24,2013 Board Meeting VIII. PRESIDENT'S REPORT (continued) ` Trustee Toth noted that it was important for Board Members to receive resumes from all residents the Mayor wishes to appoint. She said she would also be interested in knowing if any given appointment is a replacement or for filling a vacancy on a Commission or Board. Mayor DiMaria said that the appointment of Mrs. Anderson was to fill a vacancy of an appointment that expired a year or so ago. He stated that the Executive Secretaries have the resumes, and he would ensure that copies of resumes were included in the Board packets going forward. IX. CLERK'S REPORT Clerk Ramos had no report X. STAFF REPORTS A. Village Administrator: Village Administrator Ryan Home had no report. B. Corporation Counsel: Corporation Counsel Liston had no report. XI. TRUSTEES' REPORTS A. Trustee Grear: Trustee Grear had no formal report, but encouraged everyone to purchase raffle tickets for the Morton Grove Days event. He said tickets could be purchased at Village Hall or at the Park District for$5 each or a book of 5 for$20. First prize is $2,000 cash; second prize is $500 cash; and third prize is a $300 gift certificate for Menards. Trustee Kalogerakos: B. Trustee Kalogerakos had no report. C. Trustee Marcus: Trustee Marcus had no report. 3 - 9 XI. TRUSTEES' REPORTS (continued) D. Trustee Pietron: Trustee Pietron presented Ordinance 13-06, Authorizing the Renewal of a Non-Exclusive Cable Television Franchise Agreement by and Between Comcast of Illinois VI, LLC, and the Village of Morton Grove. This is the second reading of this ordinance. Trustee Pietron explained that the original franchise agreement with Comcast of Illinois VI, LLC has lapsed and they are requesting that the agreement be renewed. Trustee Pietron moved to adopt Ordinance 13-06, seconded by Trustee Toth. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. Grear aye Tr. Kalogerakos aye Tr. Marcus aye Tr. Pietron aye Tr. Thill aye Tr. Toth aye E. Trustee Thill: 1. Trustee Thill presented for a first reading Ordinance 13-08, Amending Title 5, Chapter 13, Article F, Section 1 of the Municipal Code of Morton Grove Entitled "No Parking .._ Streets." a. He explained that this ordinance will create parking restrictions that will meet the current and future needs of the businesses on Nagle Avenue. b. Trustee Thill said that the Traffic Safety Commission had received a Request for Review to restrict parking on Nagle Avenue opposite a driveway where Lifeway Foods, Inc. receives its deliveries and ships its products. Research by Village staff noted that existing parking restrictions in the area are not included in the Municipal Code and are therefore not legally enforceable. Four of the five businesses in the area, as well as the Public Works Department, have actively participated in the development of this issue and have provided written support for the additional parking restrictions requested by Lifeway Foods. The Traffic Safety Commission recommends accepting the request of Lifeway Foods, and Village staff feels it is important to codify the signed parking restrictions to make them legally enforceable. c. There was no further discussion on Ordinance 13-08. As this is a first reading, no action will be taken this evening. 2. Next, Trustee Thill presented fora first reading Ordinance 13-09, Amending Title 5, Chapter 13, Article 4, Section 4 of the Municipal Code of Morton Grove Entitled " Restricted Parking Streets." a. He explained that this ordinance will eliminate a special permit parking restriction on Sayre Avenue that the residents no longer want. 4 9 XI. TRUSTEES' REPORTS (continued) E. Trustee Thill: (continued) b. Trustee Thill said that the Traffic Safety Commission had received a Request for Review to eliminate special permit parking on the 8800 block of Sayre Avenue. This permit parking had been established in 2002 at the request of residents in the area due to Produce World employees parking there. Since Produce World has relocated, the need for the permit parking is no longer there. Where there is future development at this corner, the Village will require the development(s) to meet parking requirements in order to avoid adverse affects to the parking on Sayre Avenue. In 2002, Village staff had recommended broadening the special permit parking restrictions to include the 8800 and 8900 blocks of Sayre Avenue, and now supports the elimination of the special permit parking restrictions on both blocks. c. There was no further discussion on Ordinance 13-09. As this is a first reading, no action will be taken this evening. F. Trustee Toth: Trustee Toth had no formal report, but encouraged residents to attend or participate in the pie contest at the Farmer's Market this coming Saturday. Residents who want to participate need to bring two identical fruit pies to the Market no later than 10:45 a.m. All of the rules and information can be found at the Farmer's Market website: www.mgfarmersmarket.com XII. OTHER BUSINESS NONE XI I I. WARRANTS Trustee Toth presented the Warrants for June 24, 2013, in the amount of$633,113.69. She moved to approve the Warrants, seconded by Trustee Kalogerakos. Trustee Thill had several questions. ➢ On page 3, a payment of$1,400 for additional coats of paint at Village Hall. He wondered what that was for. Finance Director Navarrete said it was because the paint color changed after it was first applied. ➢ On page 4, a payment of$1,822 for monthly Fire Department maintenance. He wondered what that was for. Ms Navarrete said that was for the radio tower. ➢ On page 4, a payment of almost$11,000 for legal services. He said he assumed that was for union contact negotiations, but wondered if that was a normal price. Corporate Counsel Liston clarified that the charges we3re indeed appropriate. ➢ On page 12, a payment to Nicor Gas for 6140 Dempster. He wondered what that was for. Ms. Navarrete said it was for the Civic Center. 5 Minutes of June 24,2013 Board Meeting XIII. WARRANTS (continued) Mayor DiMaria called for the vote on the Warrants. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. Grear aye Tr. Kalogerakos Lye Tr. Marcus aye Tr. Pietron aye Tr. Thill aye Tr. Toth aye XIV. RESIDENTS' COMMENTS 1. Eric Poders addressed the Board regarding communication. He read a posting from the "We Grovers of Morton Grove" Facebook page which touted the Village's excellent Public Works Department, the volunteerism displayed by residents, and other qualities that make Morton Grove a great place in which to live, work, and raise a family. Mr. Poders commended Mayor DiMaria and Corporation Counsel Liston for taking the time to meet with him to listen to his ideas. He then read for the record a letter he had composed to Mayor DiMaria, in which he noted that "now is the time" for all local government bodies to provide factual information to their constituents and to promote Morton Grove. He felt that key media and communication personnel at the Village, Park District, School Districts, and Public Library should meet and work together to share communications tools and techniques to bring the local community together and to develop a common platform of communication. 2. Michael Yousef, 9314 Mansfield, addressed the Board on the subject of owning poultry in Morton Grove. He has lived in the Village for eight years and his favorite hobby is raising ..— chickens. He said chickens are smart animals, child-friendly, and he wanted to be allowed to raise chickens in the Village. The chickens would not be free to roam; they would be kept in a coop and a chicken run. Other communities allow this, so he hoped Morton Grove would look into it as well. He understood that it would likely involve filing a permit and fees, and would expect an inspector to come out and ensure that the coop was proper. He said if people couldn't comply with the rules, they would lose the right to have chickens. Mr. Yousef said he had been honored to meet with Mayor DiMaria and talk about this subject, whch is near and dear to his heart. 3. Georgianne Brunner made an appeal asking for volunteers to help out during the four-day Morton Grove Days festival. She noted that there will be great entertainment, wonderful food, activities for kids, a terrific carnival, and a spectacular parade, but the Morton Grove Days Commission can only do it because of help from the residents! She said volunteers can work for just a couple of hours one day up to several hours all four days. Anyone interested in volunteering can contact her at 847-967-0725 or by emailing her at madays(a-prnail.corn. XV. ADJOURNMENT/EXECUTIVE SESSION Trustee Kalogerakos moved to adjourn the Meeting. Trustee Thill seconded the motion. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. Grear aye Tr. Kalogerakos aye Tr. Marcus aye Tr. Pietron aye Tr. Thill aye Tr. Toth aye The meeting adjourned at 7:33 p.m. 6 PASSED this 8th day of July, 2013. Trustee Grear Trustee Kalogerakos 1 Trustee Marcus Trustee Pietron eir" Trustee Thill Trustee Toth IF— APPROVED by me this 8th day of July, 2013. 1 A ! Daniel P. DiMaria,Village President Board of Trustees, Morton Grove, Illinois r APPROyE4 and FILED in my office this 9th day of July, 2013. Edilberto Ramos,Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove, Cook County, Illinois Minutes by Teresa Causer 7