HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-09-09 AgendaNOTICE/AGENDA
TO BE ..
1, Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll Call
September 9, 2013
7:00 pm
Approval of Minutes — Regular Meeting of August 12, 2013
Special Reports
Public Hearings
Residents' Comments (agenda items only)
President's Report -- Administration, Northwest Municipal Conference, Council of Mayors, Strategic
Plan, Comprehensive Plan
a. Proclamation - Constitution Week, September 17 — September 23, 2013
Chamber of Commerce Week, September 9 — September 13, 2013
b. Commission/Board /Committee appointments /reappontments are requested as follows:
Appearance Commission Paul Minx
Community Relations Commission Terri Cousar
Finance Advisory Commission Joe Brunner
Board of Environmental Health Raoul Smoczynski
Plan Commission/Zoning Board Saba Khan
Richard T. Flickinger Municipal Center
6101 Capulina Avenue « Morton Grove, Illinois 60053 -2985
Tel: (847) 965 -4100 Fax: (847) 965 -4162
Recycled Paper
8. President's Report (continued)
b. Commission/Board/Committee appointments are requested as follows (continued):
Strategic Plan Committee Ed Gabriel
Keith White - Chairperson
Jeanine Como
Eileen Harford
Tony Ilofeld
Brenda Glenn
Betty Fergus
c. Presentation for Retiring District Fire Chief Robert Hohs
d. Moment of Silence in Remembrance of 9 -11
e. Illinois Liquor Control Commission Parental Responsibility Campaign Presentation
f Mayoral Update
9. Clerk's Report — Community Relations Commission
10. Staff Reports
a. Village Administrator
1) Miscellaneous Reports and Updates
b. Corporation Counsel
11. Reports by Trustees
a. Trustee Grear — Fire Department, Emergency Management Agency, RED Center, Fire and
Police Commission, Community and Economic Development Department, Economic
Development, Chamber of Commerce (Trustee Kalogerokos)
b. Trustee Kalogerakos — Police Department, Legal, Plan CommissionlZoning Board of Appeals,
NIPSTA, Fire and Police Commission (Trustee Great)
1) Resolution 13 -52 (Introduced September 9, 2013)
Authorizing the Collective Bargaining Agreement Reached Between the Village and the
Fraternal Order of Police, Lodge #135 for January 1, 2011 through December 31, 2013
C. Trustee Marcus — Advisory Commission on Aging, Family and Senior Services Department,
Finance Advisory Commission, Condominium Association (Trustee Toth)
d. Trustee Pietron — Appearance Commission, Building Department, Real Estate Committee, IT
Communications (Trustee Thill)
11. Reports by Trustees (continued)
e. Trustee Thill -- Public Works Department, Solid TVaste Agency of Northern Cook CounlJ{ Traff c
Sufety Commission, GVaukegan Road TIF, Lehigh/Ferris TIF, Dempster Street Corridor Plan
(Trustee Pietron)
1) Resolution 13 -53 (Introduced September 9, 2013)
Authorizing the Execution of a Purchasing Agreement for a New John Deere 544K End
Loader from West Side Tractor Sales Company
Trustee Toth — Finance Department, Capital Projects, Environmental Health, Natural Resource
Commission (Trustee Marcus)
12. Other Business
I.I. Presentation of Warrants August 26, 2013 $664,118.47
September 9, 2013 $321,200.45
Total i2K.3 92
14. Residents' Comments
15, Executive Session — Personnel Matters, Labor Negotiations, Pending Litigation, and Real Estate
16. Adjournment -To ensure full accessibility) and equal participation for all interested citizens, individuals with disabilities
who plan to attend and who require certain accommodations in order to observe and/or participate in this meeting, or who
have questions regarding the accessibility of these facilities; are requested to contact Susan or Marlene (8471470 -5220)
promptly to allow the Village to malce reasonable accommodations.
Village President Daniel P.
DiMana called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
After leading the
assemblage in the Pledge
of Allegiance, he directed the Clerk to call the
Village Clerk Ramos called the roll. Present were: Trustees Bill Grear, Tony S. Kalogerakos,
Sheldon Marcus, John Pietron, John Thill and Maria Toth.
a. Regarding the Minutes of the July 8, 2013 Regular Board Meeting, Trustee Toth moved,
seconded by Trustee Grear, to accept the Minutes as presented. The motion passed
unanimously via voice vote.
b. Regarding the Minutes of the Town Hall Meeting of July 155 2013, Trustee Toth, moved,
seconded by Trustee Grear, to accept the Minutes as presented. The motion passed
with one abstention by Trustee Marcus via voice vote.
G. Regarding the Minutes of the Special Meeting of July 17, 2013, Trustee Toth, moved,
seconded by Trustee Kalogerakos, to accept the Minutes as presented. The motion
passed unanimously via voice vote.
d. Regarding the Minutes of the Special Meeting of July 18, 2013, Trustee Toth, moved,
seconded by Trustee Kalogerakos, to accept the Minutes as presented. The motion
passed unanimously via voice vote.
a. Mr. Ron Farkas, Chairperson of the Plan Commission /Zoning Board of Appeals pre-
sented Plan Commission Case PC13 -04. He stated on July 15, 2013, a public hearing
was conducted regarding PC13 -04 which requested approval of a special use to oper-
ate a propane service station and reduce the required number of parking spaces from
385 to 375. More specifically, Menard, Inc. has requested the station be located on the
southeast portion of the existing parking lot at their existing 6301 Oakton Street location
thereby calling for the need to delete several parking stalls. He noted, Menard's fleet of
vehicles is converting to propane use and it is anticipated there will be additional com-
panies and vehicles that will be using more propane such as FedEx in the near future.
The installation will consist of a 1,000 gallon above ground double lined tank. Currently,
25 Menard's employees are qualified to operate this facility. He noted 35 stores already
operate these types of facilities around the country. At the conclusion of the public
hearing, the Plan Commission unanimously voted to approve the changes and are re-
- Minutes of August 12, 2013, Board Meeting'
commending the same to the Village Board this evening. An ordinance has been pre-
pared and will appear later on the docket schedule.
Mr. Tyler Edwards, representing Menard, Inc. stated they have done a parking analysis,
as was requested, which has delayed the project. However, if the ordinance is passed
this evening, construction will begin tomorrow and they will be completed in time to re-
ceive a grant from the state of Illinois. He stated they have been working on this grant
for more than one year, which makes this a viable project.
Brian LeFevre from Sikich presented the 2011 Comprehensive Financial Report. He
noted the document is divided into three sections, an Introduction, Financial, and Statis-
tical. Their opinion on the financial statements is based on financial reporting standards
set by GASB, which includes how the document will appear, as well as the auditing
standards which must be followed. Sikich's opinion is then given using general ac-
counting principles. The management discussion and analysis in the next section is ac-
tually a good beginning point for the document and anyone not wishing to read the en-
tire CAFR. It will help someone understand the document by giving a general overview.
The Village currently has three months of reserves worked into the budget. Revenues
and expenditures are operating at break even for the fiscal year, and the water and
sewer fund operating budget is working well. He noted all the Village's deposits and in-
vestments are collateralized and meet appropriate standards. The three pension funds
were then outlined. The local municipal retirement is funded at 56.8 %, the police
pension fund at 53.9 %, and the fire pension fund at 51.7 %. He detailed out what the
actuary has recommended to be contributed and what the Village actually contributed.
New statutory requirements will require the Village to move toward 100% of the pension
contributions by 2018. Mr. LeFevre then did a brief review of the contributions and vari-
ous requirements.
Trustee Thill wanted to know if a more detailed explanation could be done at a later
date concerning this document. Mayor DiMaria offered a separate meeting for Trustee
Trustee Marcus felt the Village had done fairly well with its finances. He was pleased
there was nothing glaring in the recent audit.
Mr. LeFevre stated this is the 24th consecutive year the Village has received the auditing
award from the Government Finance Officers Association. The Certificate of Achieve-
ment for Excellence in Financial Reporting is a well recognized report within the finan-
cial community.
There was no public hearing held this evening.
a. Mr. Quinn stated he was a member of the Fire Pension Board and he noted the actual
net pension obligation (sum of the money that should have been paid plus accrued in-
terest) for the Fire Pension Fund was $7.6 million, and that all liabilities for pension
funds equaled $15 million. The Village's current outstanding debt totals $18 million. He
' _. Minutes ntAugust 12, 2U13, �oard;1We� tin
stated there is a cost that must
be paid
sooner or later. He went on to state
the Village
must do something about these
and that residents of the Village are
getting a
free ride if the Village continues
to pass
on these debt obligations.
a. Mayor DiMaria asked for the Board's concurrence to appoint/reappoint several individu-
als for the following commissions. The appointees include:
Economic Development Comm
Appearance Commission
Advisory Commission on Aging
Natural Resource Commission
Board of Environmental Health
Plan Commission /Zoning Board
Traffic Safety Commission
Larry Gomberg, Wayne Youkhana,
Jennifer Mitchell
William Zimmer
Nancy Lanning
Mary Busch
Georgianne Brunner
Ron Farkas, Jeaninne Witko, Andy Shimanski
Keith White, Dale Senensky, Mike Anderson
Trustee Grear so moved, seconded by Trustee Kalogerakos. The motion passed un-
animously via voice vote.
b. Mayor DiMaria introduced Dr. Beth Sagett - Flores, the new Superintendent of Golf
School District #67. Dr. Sagett - Flores stated she is looking forward to working with eve-
ryone. Once the renovations are completed at the schools (Golf and Hynes she and
her staff will be moving back into the facilities. She has been told all the renovations will
be completed by the start of the school year. Dr. Sagett- Flores stated she grew up in
Lincolnwood and is glad to be back in the area. Her top priority this year will be educa-
tion. She will also be working to gain the trust of the community.
Mayor DiMaria stated before he introduces the following resolution, he wanted everyone
to receive a brief overview of the strategic plan process and how it is going to be im-
plemented. He stated this process is needed in order to help the Village to move for-
ward. It will actually be a roadmap of who we are and where we are going in the future.
This process is definitely warranted and staff has done an excellent job in finding an
appropriate strategic plan strategist.
Community and Economic Development Director Nancy Radzevich then gave a brief
overview stating this process is a way to engage the community and set goals and prior-
ities over the next one to five years. This will help the community as a whole to formu-
late and develop goals as well as identify a plan and how this all can be implemented.
A review committee consisting of staff members has gone over the proposals that have
been submitted by various companies. Staff determined there were approximately four
to five consulting companies that brought with them qualified consultants. Three com-
panies were chosen from that group and interviewed, and staff collectively felt Houseal
Lavigne was the preferred consultant. The overall scope of services has now been re-
fined and a market analysis for economic development has been included.
Mr. John Houseal then spoke. He stated they have been in business for nine years and
most of their business is with municipalities. He stated there is a lot that goes into
creating a plan from community outreach to implementation. He outlined the work they
have completed for other local communities and identified their needs and specific
.Minutesvf August 12, 2013, Board � oofing
projects. He outlined multiple examples of how the Village can be helped by this stra-
tegic plan and briefly reviewed the scope of work for all present, It included a market
overview analysis, a community outreach program, and a summary analysis. Housel
Lavigne will prepare a draft strategic plan, refine that document, and work toward a final
plan, and ultimate implementation. Overall, Mr. Houseal will be helping the community
achieve its goal of implementing a strategic plan that will help guide the Village into the
Mayor DiMaria stated this is an important asset that Morton Grove has needed for some
time. Trustees overall were excited about the ultimate goal and achievement of such a
process. There was some concern about the amount of time it will take to Implement
this plan, but it was discussed the plan will take approximately eight months to create.
Outreach programs will begin by the end of the year. It is anticipated the Stategic Plan,
itself, will be implemented sometime around March 2014. There was also some con-
cern about the cost for this program; however most of the Trustees felt the price was
more than fair for the amount of work involved.
Mayor DiMaria then introduced Resolution 13 -51, Authorizing a contractual services
agreement with Houseal Lavigne Associates for the Morton Grove Community -
Strategic Plan. This resolution allows for the employment of Houseal Lavigne Asso-
ciates to provide consultation services for the preparation of a Community Strategic
Plan for the Village of Morton Grove. Following a formal request for qualifications to
provide this service to the Village, Houseal Lavigne was chosen to be the best suited
consultant for the Village. Their specialized expertise will help the Village understand its
current position, determine the future direction for the community as a whole, and identi-
fy possible avenues through which it can pursue particular courses of action. This plan
will be used to establish various priorities for the next one to five years, and will identify
tasks and sources necessary to achieve those goals.
There being no discussion, Trustee Pietron moved, seconded by Trustee Kalogerakos,
to adopt Resolution 13 -51.
Tr. Grear aye Tr. Kalogerakos aye Tr. Marcus aye
Tr. Pietron aye Tr. Thill aye Tr. Toth aye
Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays, 0 absent
d. Mayor DiMana presented his updates for the past month. The Mayor stated the Morton
Grove Days festival was a huge success with the weather being almost perfect. By all
reports, the festival appeared to be the busiest ever. The parade was wonderful, and
without the volunteers this all could not have been such a great success. Several staff
members and himself attended the ICSC where they met with various brokers who may
be 'interested in bringing restaurants and businesses to Morton Grove. The Community
and Economic Development Department hosted a manufacturing "Meet and Greet" and
everyone who attended was anxious and pleased to have been able to get together.
Mayor DiMana stated he was excited to begin work on the Community Strategic Plan.
He also stated he has not forgotten about flood relief for residents. Staff is proactively
working on short, mid, and long term solutions to this ever growing problem. Several
Board members attended the Ramadan Breaking of the Fast at the Muslim Education
Center where they met with local religious leaders as well as Cardinal George. It was
an interesting evening and once again a reason to be proud of Morton Grove. The re-
cently held Town Hall meeting which gave everyone an opportunity to speak on the as-
_.. .. Minutes of August 12, 2013, Soar4'Ueoti
sault weapons ban legislation was informative and gave the Village a credible document
to present to the state of Illinois. He also attended the Mayor's Caucus Business Meet-
ing where various pension issues were discussed. The special guest speaker was
Governor Quinn.
Clerk Ramos had no formal report.
a. Village Administrator
1) Miscellaneous Reports and Updates. Mr. Horne was absent this evening. In his
place, Assistant to the Village Administrator Peter Falcone stated there were no
additional reports or updates to be reported on at this time.
b. Corporation Counsel
Corporation Counsel had no formal report.
a. Trustee Grear
Trustee Grear had no formal report, however, he did state District Fire Chief Hohs will
be retiring on September 9, 2013, after almost 35 years on the force. He will truly be
b. Trustee Kalogerakos
1) Trustee Kalogerakos presented Resolution 13 -44 authorizing the purchase of
one police utility vehicle through the Suburban Purchasing Cooperative
Bid Program. This year, the Suburban Purchasing Cooperative's contract is
with Currie Motors Fleet in Frankfort, Illinois. Purchasing vehicles through the
cooperative allows municipalities to bypass formal bid procedures because the
Cooperative has already done a thorough bid process. Every three years, high
mileage squad cars are replaced to insure these key pieces of equipment do not
fail during their normal course of duty. Squads are utilized 24 hours -a -day, 365
days per year and are needed to be in excellent condition at all times. The cost
for this particular purchase is $26,854.
There being no discussion, Trustee Kalogerakos moved, seconded by Trustee
Toth, to adopt Resolution 13 -44.
Trustee Pietron checked with Chief Erickson to make sure this vehicle was po-
werful enough to service the force. He did not want the department to be short
changed. The Chief stated it was more than adequate and it also had the new
eco -boost feature.
. Minutos ofAugust 12„ 2013, Ooard MeeSng
Tr. Grear aye Tr. Kalogerakos aye Tr. Marcus aye
Tr. Pietron aye Tr. Thill aye Tr. Toth aye
Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays, 0 absent
2) Trustee Kalogerakos presented Ordinance 13 -14 to grant a special use for an
automobile service station, propane fueling station, and an amendment to
a special use permit (Ordinance 05 -08) to reduce the number of required
parking spaces from 385 to 375 at the address commonly known as 6301
Oakton Street, Morton Grove, Illinois. Pursuant to Plan Commission Case
13 -04 presented earlier this evening, Menards has requested a special use for
the construction and operation of a propane fueling station. This station will
subsequently reduce the number of available parking spaces from 385 to 375.
The propane pump will be operated by trained Menard's staff who are certified to
operate such propane fueling stations. The station will only be operated during
the normal course of the business day. There was no public objection at the
public hearing held by the Plan Commission, and the Commission itself unanim-
ously recommends the granting of the special use. As previously noted under
the Plan Commission report, the Menard, Inc. corporate office has formally re-
quested the second reading of this ordinance be waived so they can obtain a
grant from the state of Illinois which has a time limit for construction by the end
of this month.
Trustee Kalogerakos moved to waive the second reading of Ordinance 13 -14,
seconded by Trustee Grear.
Trustee Toth stated she will be voting no for the waiving of the second reading.
She believes in the principle of the second reading which gives the public time to
review and ask questions on important documents.
Tr. Grear aye Tr. Kalogerakos aye Tr. Marcus nay
Tr. Pietron aye Tr. Thill aye Tr. Toth nay
Motion passed: 4 ayes, 2 nays, 0 absent
Trustee Kalogerakos then moved to adopt Ordinance 13 -14, seconded by Trus-
tee Grear.
Tr. Grear aye Tr. Kalogerakos aye Tr. Marcus aye
Tr. Pietron aye Tr. Thill aye Tr. Toth aye
Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays, 0 absent
Trustee Marcus
Trustee Marcus had no formal report. He did state staff has been working under stress-
ful conditions since the compressor for the air conditioning went out on the Administra-
tive side of Village Hall. It is anticipated it will be several weeks before a new one is in-
stalled. He therefore asked the general public to have patience with staff as they con-
tinue to work on these rather warm and humid days.
d. Trustee Pietron
Trustee Pietron had no formal report.
Minutes of August 12,1p13, BoardM#Ond
Trustee Thill
1) Trustee Thill introduced Resolution 13 -45 will authorize a contract by and
between the !tillage and the Automobile Mechanics Union Local No. 701
for the Period of January 1, 2012 through December 31, 2014. The union
and the Village have entered into a tentative agreement for the extension of this
collective bargaining agreement. This contract provides for a salary equity ad-
justment commensurate with salary increases for the period from January 1,
2012, through December 31, 2014, as granted or not granted to its non -
represented, non - supervisory employees for that period of time. The agreement
also authorizes the Village to withdraw from participation in the 701 pension fund
for those employees. In lieu of the pension contributions, the Village will make
one lump sum payment to the union members for pension payments they would
have made from the date the pension withdrawal becomes effective through De-
cember 31, 2013. Beginning January 1, 2014, the Village will make contribu-
tions to a 401A account for union members who do not participate in IMRF in a
percentage equal to the contributions paid by the Village to IMRF non - union.
members. This resolution will authorize the Mayor to sign and the Clerk to attest
to this agreement on behalf of the Village.
There being no discussion, Trustee Thill moved, seconded by Trustee Toth to
adopt Resolution 13 -45.
Tr. Grear aye Tr. Kalogerakos aye Tr. Marcus aye
Tr. Pietron aye Tr. Thill aye Tr. Toth aye
Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays, 0 absent
2) Trustee Thill introduced Resolution 13 -46 authorizing the execution of an in-
tergovernmental agreement between the Village, the Morton Grove Park
District, and School District #70 for the joint purchasing of parking lot im-
provements. This program includes the resulting and ancillary improvements at
Fire Station #4 and the Police Station at a cost of approximately $77,344.22.
The other resurfacing will be at the north Harrer Park parking lot and Park View
School's access road. This joint purchasing is expected to result in lower unit
prices overall for each agency than it would for standalone projects. The overall
estimated contract amount is valued at $177,516.44 and the pro rata share of
construction costs for the Park District and School District #70 will be reimbursed
to the Village at the conclusion of this project.
Trustee Grear expressed concern about Park View School being inconve-
nienced due to this work. Public Works Assistant Director Joe Dahm stated they
will be working with the District and are hopeful to be done quickly. They will al-
so be encouraging the contractor to work Saturdays in the hopes of finishing
There being no additional discussion, Trustee Thill moved, seconded by Trustee
Kalogerakos, to adopt Resolution 13 -46.
Tr. Grear aye Tr. Kalogerakos aye Tr. Marcus aye
Tr. Pietron aye Tr. Thill aye Tr. Toth aye
Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays, 0 absent
_. Minutes of AU ust12,2013, Board Mebtin
3) Trustee Thill introduced Resolution 13 -47 to authorize the execution of a
contract with Abbey Paving and Sealcoating Company, Inc. for the 2013
Municipal Parking Lot Paving Program. This program maintains the quality,
drainage, and drivability of the Village's parking facilities. This program includes
resurfacing and ancillary improvements. Abbey Paving and Sealcoating was
found to be the lowest qualified bidder following a formal bid process.
There being no discussion, Trustee Thill moved, seconded by Trustee Toth to
adopt Resolution 13 -47,
Tr. Greer aye Tr. Kalogerakos aye Tr. Marcus aye
Tr. Pietron aye Tr. Thill aye Tr. Toth aye
Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays, 0 absent
4) Trustee Thill introduced Resolution 13-48 authorizing the execution of a con-
tract renewal with Precision Pavement Markings, Inc. for the 2013 Pave-
ment Marking Program. The current program includes renewing pavement
markings on approximately one mile of roadway and 19 intersections. Four
communities including Morton Grove have formed a cooperative procurement
program for a four year term beginning in 2012. The larger quantities included
in the cooperative purchase will help reduce the cost of the work for each muni-
cipality. Precision Pavement Markings, Inc. performed the work satisfactorily in
2012 and is available to complete the work again this year. The estimated con-
tract amount is $30,000; however this is a unit price contract and the final con-
tract amount will be based on the actual quantity of work performed.
There being no discussion, Trustee Thill moved, seconded by Trustee Kaloge-
rakos to adopt Resolution 13 -48.
Tr. Grear aye Tr. Kalogerakos aye Tr. Marcus aye
Tr. Pietron aye Tr. Thill aye Tr. Toth aye
Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays, 0 absent
5) Trustee Thill introduced Resolution 13 -49 updating a Cooperative Agreement
between the Village and the Morton Grove Park District. This particular
agreement has not been updated since 2001. Cooperative Agreements such as
this one help ensure the provision of excellent quality services to the community
as a whole while holding expenditures to a minimum and eliminating duplica-
tions. This agreement updates the long standing tradition of sharing equipment
and services.
Trustee Thill expressed concern over the Village doing work for the Park District.
Assistant Public Works Director Dahm stated the Village has done work for the
Park District on a very limited basis in the past.
There was a brief discussion concerning the contents of the agreement sent
from the Park District. Since there were some concerns about different sections
of the document, a motion was made to table Resolution 13 -49 the document
by Trustee Thill, seconded by Trustee Toth.
Minutes of August 12, 2013, t3o4rd R9eetin :'
Tr. Grear nay Tr. Kalogerakos aye Tr. Marcus aye
Tr. Pietron aye Tr. Thill aye Tr. Toth aye
Motion passed: 5 ayes, 1 nays, 0 absent
6) Trustee Thill concluded with introducing Resolution 13 -50 to authorize the ex-
ecution of a contract with Strada Construction Company for the 2013 Con-
crete Replacement Program. This program will repair the concrete features to
serviceable condition and improve sidewalks and curb ramps to meet accessibili-
ty standards. In addition, this program includes concrete improvements to the
Metra station parking lot to eliminate underused landscape areas and to in-
crease the size of inadequate snow storage areas along the parking lot's peri-
meter. This program also allows residents to have the Village perform elective
work to parts of the Village's sidewalk system, and curb and gutters that have
not been prioritized by the Public Works Department. Residents pay 50% for si-
dewalk, and curb and gutter replacement, and 100% for driveway aprons. There
was a formal bid process that took place and Strada Construction Company was
the lowest qualified bidder at an estimated contract amount of $141,000. This is
another unit price contract so the actual final amount will be based on the actual
quantity of work performed.
There being no discussion, Trustee Thill moved, seconded by Trustee Toth to
adopt Resolution 13 -50.
Tr. Grear aye Tr. Kalogerakos aye Tr. Marcus aye
Tr. Pietron aye Tr. Thill aye Tr. Toth aye
Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays, 0 absent
f. Trustee Toth
Trustee Toth had no formal report.
Trustee Toth presented the Warrants for July 22, 2013, in the amount of $741,210.71. She
moved to approve the Warrants which was seconded by Trustee Kalogerakos.
Trustee Pietron asked about several items on this warrant which he was not familiar with.
Trustee Thill felt small payments of less than $5.00 should not be sent out by mail but individ-
uals /companies should pick the checks up at Village Hall or forfeit payment. There being no
additional questions or comments, the vote was taken.
Tr. Grear aye Tr. Kalogerakos aye Tr. Marcus aye
Tr. Pietron aye Tr. Thill aye Tr. Toth aye
Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays, 0 absent
Minutesof'AU ust1Z,2013, BoarAmeetin9�...
Trustee Toth presented the Warrants for August 12, 2013, in the amount of $1,390,400.29.
She moved to approve the Warrants which was seconded by Trustee Marcus.
There was no discussion
Tr. Grear aye Tr. Kalogerakos aye Tr. Marcus aye
Tr. Pietron aye Tr. Thill aye Tr. Toth aye
Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays, 0 absent
XIV. RESIDENTS' COMMENTS (non - agenda items)
There were no resident comments on non - agenda items.
There being no further business to come before the Board., Trustee Toth moved to adjourn the
meeting at 8:54 pm. Trustee Marcus seconded the motion which was unanimously approved
via voice vote.
PASSED this 91" day of September 2013.
APPROVED by me this 91h day of September 2013.
Daniel P. DiMaria, Village President
Village of Morton Grove
Cook County, Illinois
APPROVED and FILED in my office
this 10" day of September 2013.
Ed Ramos, Village Clerk
Village of Morton Grove
Cook County, Illinois
Minutas by Susan Lattanzi
WHEREAS, September 17, 2013, marks the two hundred twenty -sixth anniversary of the
drafting of the United States Constitution by the Constitutional Convention; and
WHEREAS, it is fitting and proper to accord official recognition to this outstanding
document and its memorable anniversary, and to the patriotic celebrations which will
commemorate the occasion; and
WHEREAS, Public Law 415 guarantees the issuing of a proclamation each year by the
President of the United States designating September 1.7 through 23 as Constitution Week;
NOW, THEREFORE, I, Daniel P. DiMaria, Mayor of the Village of Morton Grove,
Illinois, do herby proclaim the week of September 17 through September 23, 2013, as
and ask that all residents of the Village reaffirm the ideals of the framers of the constitution had
in 1787 by attentively protecting the freedoms guaranteed to us through this guardian of our
liberties, remembering that lost rights may never by regained.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and
caused to be affixed the seal of the Village of Morton Grove.
Daniel P. DiMaria, Village President
I'll1age of Morton Grove
WHEREAS, the Morton Grove Chamber of Commerce works with the businesses, merchants, and
industry to advance the civic, economic, industrial, professional and cultural life of the Village of Morton
Grove; and
WHEREAS, chambers of commerce have contributed to the civic and economic life of Illinois for
175 years; and
WHEREAS, this year marks the 94`h anniversary of the founding of the Illinois Chamber of
Commerce, the state's leading broad -based business organization; and
WHEREAS, the chamber of commerce and its members provide citizens with a strong business
environment that increases employment, the retail trade and commerce, and industrial growth in order to
make the Village of Morton Grove a better place to live; and
WHEREAS, the chamber of commerce encourages the growth of existing industries, services, and
commercial firms, and encourages new firms and individuals to locate in the Village of Morton Grove;
WHEREAS, the State of Illinois is the home to international chambers of commerce, the Great
Lakes Region Office of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the Illinois Chamber of Commerce, and more
than 400 local chambers of commerce; and
WHEREAS, this year marks the 98`h anniversary of the Illinois Association of Chamber of
Commerce Executives, a career development organization for chamber of commerce professionals; and
NOW, THEREFORE I, Daniel P. DiMaria, Mayor of the Village of Morton Grove do hereby
proclaim September 9 through September 13, 2013, as
in the Village and call out its significance to the citizens of the Village of Morton Grove.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be
affixed the seal of the Village of Morton Grove.
Daniel P DiMaria, Village President
LeLyislative Summary
Resolution 13 -52 - �
Programs, Departments
or Groups Affected
Fiscal Impact:
Source of Funds:
Workload Impact:
First Reading:
Special Considerations
or Requirements:
Prepared by:
September 9, 2013
To authorize the Village President to execute a collective bargaining agreement between
the Village of Morton Grove and the Fraternal Order of Police for the period between
January 1, 2011 through December 31, 2013.
The Union and Village negotiating teams have entered into an agreement for a two year
extension of the Collective Bargaining Agreement originally entered into on March 8,
1989. This agreement will establish compensation and benefit adjustments and clarify
labor management issues between the Village and all police officers.
In 1989, the police officers in the Police Department of the Village of Morton Grove
elected to form the Fraternal Order of Police, Lodge 9135 to act as its exclusive
representative for contract issues. The parties negotiated an agreement as to all terms of an
extension of its collective bargaining agreement except salary increases which were
submitted to arbitration. The arbitrator awarded a 2.5% salary adjustment for 2012 and a
2% adjustment for 2013.
Village Administrator, Police Department, Finance Department, Legal Department
The salary and benefit adjustments will be reflected in appropriate budgets.
General Fund
The implementation of this resolution will be performed by the Police Department,
Finance Department, and Village Administrator.
Approval as presented.
Not required
k illage Administrator
Reviewed by:
Corporation Counsel Mark rickson, Police Chief
WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (VILLAGE), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home
rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois,
can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not
limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and
WHEREAS, since 1985, the Illinois Public Labor Relations Act, 5 ILCS 31511 et seq. has
authorized public safety employees in the State of Illinois to form labor unions and/or employee
associations for the purpose of bargaining collectively with their municipal employers; and
WHEREAS, a certification election was held on March 8, 1989, and the Morton Grove Police Patrol
Officers voted to select the Fraternal Order of Police, Lodge #135 as their approved Collective Bargaining
Agent; and
WHEREAS, the Fraternal Order of Police, Lodge #135 and the Village of Morton Grove negotiated
and approved an initial Collective Bargaining Agreement which was authorized by Ordinance No. 89 -29
which was passed on August 3, 1989, and subsequent to that time, the Village and the Fraternal Order of
Police have periodically renegotiated the terms and conditions of the Collective Bargaining Agreement the
last being Resolution 10 -03 passed on January 11, 2010; and
WHEREAS, the parties negotiated an agreement as to all terms of an extension of its collective
bargaining agreement except salary increases which were submitted to arbitration; and
WHEREAS, the arbitrator awarded a 2.5% salary adjustment for 2012 and a 2% adjustment for
SECTION l: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses
into this Resolution as though fully set forth therein thereby malting the findings as hereinabove set forth.
SECTION 2: The Village President is hereby authorized and empowered to execute the written
Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Village of Morton Grove and the Fraternal Order of Police,
Lodge Number 4135 for the term January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2013.
SECTION 3: The Village Administrator and the Chief of Police and their designees are hereby
authorized to implement and administer the terms and conditions of this written agreement.
SECTION 4: This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval
and publication in pamphlet form according to law.
PASSED this 9`r' day of September 2013.
Trustee Grear
Trustee Kalogerakos
Trustee Marcus
Trustee Pietron
Trustee Thill
Trustee Toth
APPROVED by me this 9 "' day of September 2013
Daniel P. DiMaria,'Village President
Village of Morton Grove
Cook County, Illinois
APPROVED and FILED in my office this
10`x' day of September 2013,
Ed Ramos; Village Clerk
Village of Morton Grove
Cook County, Illinois
Legislative Summary
Resolution 13 -53
Programs, Departments
or Groups Affected
Fiscal Impact:
Source of Funds:
Workload Impact:
First Reading:
Special Considerations or
Respectfully submitted:
September 9, 2013
To authorize the Village President to execute a purchasing agreement with West
Side Tractor Sales Company for the purchase of a New John Deere 544K End
Loader used by the Public Works Water /Sewer and Street Divisions to maintain the
Village's water and sewer distribution and infrastructure system, as well as all
Village owned properties, roadways and right -of -ways.
To provide a New John Deere 544K End Loader used for the maintenance and
installation of water main, sewer pipes, valve assemblies, fire hydrants along with
any work on Village roadways and properties required within the Village.
This was a bidding process where bid specifications were drafted, advertised, and a
bid opening took place. During the bidding process, vendors brought various end
loaders for demonstration. The Public Works crews tested two end loader makes
and models with the 2013 John Deere 544K being the preferred unit tested by the
crews. A 1998 Caterpillar 928G end loader will be traded. The Village currently
owns three (3) John Deere 544 End Loaders; a 1989 544E, a 1996 544G and a 2008
544J that have proven the brand's service life and value.
Public Works, Water /Sewer Division
Bid price at $143,786.00 including lyear 5,000 hr extended warranty and trade.
Public Works Enterprise Fund — Account No. 405033 - 572030.
The Public Works Department, Water /Sewer Division, as part of their normal work
activities, perform the implementation of the New John Deere 544K End Loader.
Approval as presented.
Prepared by: ` � l
P ut Tgdj , Division Superintendent
Reviewed by:
Reviewed bv:
Teresa. Hof
DeMonte, Director of Public Works
WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (Village), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home
rule unit of goverrunent under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois,
can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not
limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and
WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove, Public Works Department advertised in the August 9,
2012, edition of the Pioneer Press inviting bids for the PURCHASE OF A NEW JOHN DEERE 544K
WHEREAS, the Department of Public Works Water /Sewer Division performs the required
maintenance on Village owned water and sewer infrastructure including but not limited to, water main,
hydrants, valves, and sewer pipe; and
WHEREAS, during the process, two (2) participating vendors furnished demonstrators to Public
Works for testing purposes, and
WHEREAS, the Public Works Water /Sewer crew tested all models and determined the 2013 John
Deere 544K end loader to be the best unit as tested, and
WHEREAS, the Public Works Department has successfully completed the bidding process that
included three qualifying vendors; and
WHEREAS, three (3) bids were received publicly opened and read on Friday August 16, 2013, at
10:00 A.M. at the Public Works Department, 7840 Nagle Avenue with the following results:
; and
West Side Tractor Sales Co.: 2013 John Deere 544K $176,800.00
Option: lyr, 5,0001ir extended warranty: S 986.00
Less Trade: $ (34,000.00)
Total: $143,786.00
Rail Construction Equipment: 201' ) John Deere 544K $181,275.00
Option: lyr, 5,000 hr extended warranty: S 1,100.00
Less Trade: $ 0
Total: 5182,375.00
Brooks Tractor: 2013 John Deere 544K $234,589.00
Option: lyr, 5,000 hr extended warranty: $ 1,019.00
Less Trade: $(31,000.00)
Total: 5204,608.00
WHEREAS, Public Works would like to award the bid to West Side Tractor Sales Co. for the
John Deere 544K End Loader for $143,786.00 including extended warranty and trade; and
WHEREAS, funding for the above purchase is included in the 2013 Annual Budget in Account
405033-572030 in the amount of $160,000.00; and
WHEREAS, the qualification and availability of the awarded bidder have been verified; and
SECTION 1. The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses
into this Resolution as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth.
SECTION 2. Only those companies listed and described in this Resolution for the purchase of a
New Loader Backhoe be approved.
SECTION 3. The Director of Public Works is hereby authorized to execute a purchase agreement
with West Side Tractor Sales Company, 1560 Old Rand Road, Waconda, Illinois 60084 for the purchase
of a "New John Deere 544K End Loader ".
SECTION 4, This Resolution shall be in full force and effect upon its passage and approval.
Trustee Grear
Trustee Kalogerakos
Trustee Marcus
Trustee Pietron
Trustee Thill
Trustee Toth
Daniel P. DiMaria, Village President
Village of Morton Grove
Cook County, Illinois
ATTESTED and FILED in my office
This 10" DAY OF SEPTEMBER 2013
Ed Ramos, Village Clerk
Village of Morton Grove
Cook County, Illinois