HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-07-08 Agenda• • TO BE HELD AT THE RICHARD T. FLICKINGER MUNICIPAL CENTER 1. Call to Order 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Roll Call 4. 9 7 July 8, 2013 7 :00 pm Approval of Minutes — Special Meeting of June 24, 2013 Regular Meeting of June 24, 2013 Special Reports a. Swearing In Ceremony for Police Sergeant Eric Eimer and Police Commander Ed Panko to be made by Fire and Police Commission Chairperson Mike Simkins b. Presentation by Sharon Durling of the Northern Illinois Municipal Electric Collaborative regarding electrical aggregation C. Plan Commission Case PC13 -05 requests approval of a preliminary and final plat of subdivision and relief from various submittal requirements in Section 12 -8 of the Village's Unified Development Code to be presented by Plan Commission Chairperson Ron Farkas d. Plan Commission Case PC13 -06 requests a special use for a recreational use and the associated parking requirements in accordance with Sections 12-4 and 12 -7 of the Village's Unified Development Code to allow for the reconstruction and alteration of an existing pool and bathhouse and associated parking facilities to be presented by Plan Commission Chairperson Ron Farkas Public Hearings Residents' Comments (agenda items only) Richard T. Flickinger Municipal Center 6101 Capulina Avenue • Morton Grove, Illinois 60053 -2985 TeL (847) 965 -4100 Fax: (847) 965 -4162 President's Report — Administration, Northwest Municipal Conference, Council of Mayors, Strategic Plan, Comprehensive Plan a. Proclamation — Morton Grove Woman's Club Day — July 8, 2013 b. Commission/Board/Committee appointments are requested as follows: MG Police Facility Committee Steve Blonz Bill Simkins Mazher Kahn Rita Minx C. Resolution 13 -42 (Introduced July 8, 2013) Authorizing the Execution of an Intergovernmental Agreement Between the Village and the O'Hare Noise Compatibility Commission d. Ordinance 13 -10 (Introduced July 8, 2013) (First Reading) Amending Titles 4 -3 -5B entitled "Fees Established" and 4 -6D -1 to 4- 6D -20, entitled "Liquor Control" of the Municipal Code of the Village 9. Cleric's Report — Community Relations Commission 10. Staff Reports a. Village Administrator 1) Miscellaneous Reports and Updates b. Corporation Counsel 1 1. Reports by Trustees a. Trustee Grear — Fire Department, Emergency Management Agency, RED Center, Fire and Police Commission, Community and Economic Development Department, Economic Development, Chamber of Commerce (Trustee Kalogerakos) Trustee Kalogerakos — Police Department, Legal, Plan Commission/Zoning Board of Appeals, NIPSTA, Fire and Police Commission (Trustee Great) I) Ordinance 13 -11 (Introduced July 8, 2013) (First Reading) Approving a Preliminary and Final PIat for the McGrath Subdivision and Relief from Various Submittal Requirements in Section 1.2 -8 of the Unified Development Code for a 15.96± Acre Parcel, Located North of Golf Road Between Harlem Ave and Waukegan Rd, Commonly Known as 7000, 7040, 7100, and 7152 Golf Road 2) Ordinance 13 -12 (Introduced July 8, 2013) (First Reading) Granting a Special Use Permit Use for Recreation Centers and On -Site Parking to Allow for the Reconstruction and Alteration of an Existing Pool and Bathhouse and Associated Parking Facilities at 9201 Oriole, Morton Grove C. Trustee Marcus —Advisory Commission on Aging Family and Senior Services Department, Finance Advisory Commission, Condominium Association (Trustee Toth) 11. Reports by Trustees (continued) d. Trustee Pietron — Appearance Commission, Building Department, Real Estate Committee, IT Communications (Trustee Thill) e. Trustee Thill — Public Works Department, Solid Waste Agency of Northern Cook County Traffic Safety Commission, Waukegan Road TIF, Lehigh/Ferris TIF, Dempster Street Corridor Plan (Trustee Pietron) 1) Ordinance 13 -08 (Introduced June 24, 2013) (Second Reading) An Ordinance to Amend Title 5, Chapter 13, Article F, Section 1 Entitled "No Parking Streets" of the Municipal Code of the Village 2) Ordinance 13 -09 (Introduced June 24, 2013) (Second Reading) An Ordinance to Amend Title 5, Chapter 13, Article F, Section 4 Entitled "Restricted Parking Streets" of the Municipal Code of the Village f. Trustee Toth — Finance Department, Capital Projects, Environmental Health, Natural Resource Commission (Trustee Marcus) 12. Other Business 13. Presentation of Warrants - $450,051.95 14. Residents' Comments 15. Executive Session — Personnel Matters, Labor Negotiations, Pending Litigation, and Real Estate 16. Adjournment - To ensure fedl accessibility and equal participation far all interested citizens, individuals with disabilities who plan to attend and who require certain accommodations in order to observe and/or participate in this meeting or who have questions regarding the accessibility of these facilities, are requested to contact Susan or Marlene (8471470 -5220) promptly to allow the Village to make reasonable accommodations. MINUTES OF THE JUNE 245 2013, SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES RICHARD T. FLICKINGER MUNICIPAL CENTER 6101 CAPULINA AVENUE MORTON GROVE, ILLINOIS 60053 Pursuant to proper notice in accordance with the Open Meetings Act, the special meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm by Mayor Daniel P. DiMaria who led the assemblage in the pledge of allegiance. Clerk Ed Ramos called the roll. In attendance were: Elected Officials: Mayor Daniel P. DiMaria, Trustees Bill Grear, Tony S. Kalogerakos, Sheldon Marcus, John Pietron, John Thill, Maria Toth, and Clerk Ed Ramos Absent: None Village Staff: Village Administrator Ryan J. Horne, and Corporation Counsel Teresa Hoffman Liston, Community and Economic Development Director Nancy Radzevich, and Building Commissioner Bill Porter Also Present: None Mayor DiMaria stated the topics of the meeting were to discuss real estate, pending litigation, personnel, and collective bargaining. These topics are appropriate for Executive Session. Trustee Kalogerakos moved to adjourn to Executive Session to discuss real estate, pending litigation, personnel, and collective bargaining. The motion was seconded by Trustee Marcus and approved unanimously pursuant to a roll call vote at 6:02 pm. At the close of the Executive Session, Trustee Kalogerakos oved to adjourn the Special Meeting. The motion was seconded by Trustee Toth and app oved unanimously pursuant to a voice vote at 6:57 pm. , . f Richard T. Flickinger Municipal Center 6101 Capulina Avenue Tel: (847) 965 -4100 Morton Grove, Illinois 60053 -2985 Fax: (847) 965 -4162 CALL TO ORDER I & Village President Dan DiMaria called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. were: Trustees Bill Grear, Tony Kalogerakos, and led the II, assemblage in the Pledge of Allegiance. He then directed the Clerk to call the roll. III. Village Clerk Ed Ramos called the roll. Present were: Trustees Bill Grear, Tony Kalogerakos, John Pietron, and John Thill. Trustees Marcus and Toth were absent with notice. IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. Regarding the Minutes of the June 10, 2013 Regular Board Meeting, Trustee Toth moved, seconded by Trustee Grear, to accept the Minutes as presented. Motion passed unanimously via voice vote. Trustees Toth and Marcus abstained, as they had been absent from the June 10, 2013 Regular Board Meeting. b. Regarding the Minutes of the Special Meeting of June 10, 2013, Trustee Grear moved, seconded by Trustee Kalogerakos, to accept the Minutes as presented. Motion passed unanimously via voice vote. Trustees Toth and Marcus abstained, as they had been absent from the June 10, 2013 Regular Board Meeting. V. SPECIAL REPORTS 1. North Shore Senior Center Update on Social Services a. Liz Gordon of North Shore Senior Center (NSSC) provided an update on all social services activities since January 1, 2013. The services the Village has contracted for include Bene- fits /Counseling /Applications; Information and Assistance; In- Office Assistance; Fire and Police Contacts; Health Screenings; and attendance at various health and wellness clubs and Village Board and Commission meetings. At this point, there have been 493 resident contacts; this is on Back to have over 1,000 contacts by year -end and 300 health screenings. b. In addition, a Caregivers' Support Group was formed and began meeting last month, and the Salvation Army funds have been reinitiated and are now being distributed again. Currently, they plan to begin providing coupons to low- income residents to be used at the Farmer's Market for fresh produce. In September, a Bereavement Support Group will begin. Minutes June said that, when the NSSC plans a big of 24, 2013. Board Meetin" calendar from Mr. Horne, to avoid V. SPECIAL REPORTS (continued) c. Ms. Gordon said that a running log is kept of every inquiry for assistance; the type of assistance requested; and the resolution of the call. Also every month they have a calendar of which staff member is present and what activities will be occurring. d. She said it's really been a busy six months, but it's a pleasure to serve the residents of Morton Grove. e. Trustee Grear said he would like to receive their calendar of activities every month. Village Administrator Ryan Horne said he would put it in the trustees' packets. f. Trustee Thill said that, when the NSSC plans a big event, they should check with Village Hall first or get a calendar from Mr. Horne, to avoid anv conflirrc g. Trustee Marcus said that, as the new liaison to the Commission on Aging, he has met with the NSSC staff members. He noted that we're always looking for volunteers to serve on that commission. He urged residents who would like to be involved or participate to contact him at Village Hall or to stop at the Civic Center to learn about the wide array of services and programs being offered. He thanked Ms. Gordon and her staff. h. Mayor DiMaria said that donations for the bingo games are always welcomed by the NSSC staff as well. VI. PUBLIC HEARINGS NONE VII. RESIDENTS' COMMENTS (Agenda Items Only) NONE VIII. PRESIDENT'S REPORT Mayor DiMaria sought concurrence for his appointment of Wayne Addis and Joel Greenberg as Village Adjudication Prosecutors, to provide more flexibility and give residents a better perception of the system. Trustee Thill moved to concur, seconded by Trustee Kalogerakos. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. Grear ave Tr. Kalogerakos aae Tr. Marcus aye Tr. Pietron aae Tr. Thill avee Tr. Toth aae 2. Next Mayor DiMaria sought concurrence for his appointment of Susan Anderson to the Police and Fire Commission. Trustee Grear so moved, seconded by Trustee Marcus. Motion passed unanimously via voice vote. Minutes of June 24, 2013 Board Meeting VIII. PRESIDENT'S REPORT (continued) Trustee Toth noted that it was important for Board Members to receive resumes from all residents the Mayor wishes to appoint. She said she would also be interested in knowing if any given appointment is a replacement or for filling a vacancy on a Commission or Board. Mayor DiMaria said that the appointment of Mrs. Anderson was to fill a vacancy of an appointment that expired a year or so ago. He stated that the Executive Secretaries have the resumes, and he would ensure that copies of resumes were included in the Board packets going forward. IX. Clerk Ramos had no report X. A. Village Administrator CLERK'S REPORT STAFF REPORTS Village Administrator Ryan Horne had no report. B. Corporation Counsel: Corporation Counsel Liston had no report. XI. A. Trustee Grear: TRUSTEES'REPORTS Trustee Greer had no formal report, but encouraged everyone to purchase raffle tickets for the Morton Grove Days event. He said tickets could be purchased at Village Hall or at the Park District for $5 each or a book of 5 for $20. First prize is $2,000 cash; second prize is $500 cash; and third prize is a $300 gift certificate for Menards. Trustee Kalogerakos: B. Trustee Kalogerakos had no report. C. Trustee Marcus: Trustee Marcus had no report. Minutes of June 249 2013 Boats Meetin 'i Xl. TRUSTEES' REPORTS (continued) D. Trustee Pietron: Trustee Pietron presented Ordinance 13 -06, Authorizing the Renewal of a Non- Exclusive Cable Television Franchise Agreement by and Between Comcast of Illinois Vl, LLC, and the Village of Morton Grove. This is the second reading of this ordinance. Trustee Pietron explained that the original franchise agreement with Comcast of Illinois VI, LLC has lapsed and they are requesting that the agreement be renewed. Trustee Pietron moved to adopt Ordinance 13 -06, seconded by Trustee Toth. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. Grear aae Tr. Kalogerakos acre Tr. Marcus aye Tr. Pietron aye Tr. Thill aye Tr. Toth aye E. Trustee Thill: Trustee Thill presented for a first reading Ordinance 13 -08, Amending Title 5, Chapter 13, Article F, Section 1 of the Municipal Code of Morton Grove Entitled "No Parking Streets." a. He explained that this ordinance will create parking restrictions that will meet the current and future needs of the businesses on Nagle Avenue. b. Trustee Thill said that the Traffic Safety Commission had received a Request for Review to restrict parking on Nagle Avenue opposite a driveway where Lifeway Foods, Inc. receives its deliveries and ships its products. Research by Village staff noted that existing parking restrictions in the area are not included in the Municipal Code and are therefore not legally enforceable. Four of the five businesses in the area, as well as the Public Works Department, have actively participated in the development of this issue and have provided written support for the additional parking restrictions requested by Lifeway Foods. The Traffic Safety Commission recommends accepting the request of Lifeway Foods, and Village staff feels it is important to codify the signed parking restrictions to make them legally enforceable. c. There was no further discussion on Ordinance 13 -08. As this is a first reading, no action will be taken this evening. Z Next, Trustee Thill presented for a first reading Ordinance 13 -09, Amending Title 5, Chapter 13, Article 4, Section 4 of the Municipal Code of Morton Grove Entitled " Restricted Parking Streets." a. He explained that this ordinance will eliminate a special permit parking restriction on Sayre Avenue that the residents no longer want. Minutes of June 24,2013 Board Meeting'. XI. TRUSTEES' REPORTS (continued) E. Trustee Thill: (continued) b. Trustee Thill said that the Traffic Safety Commission had received a Request for Review to eliminate special permit parking on the 8800 block of Sayre Avenue. This permit parking had been established in 2002 at the request of residents in the area due to Produce World employees parking there. Since Produce World has relocated, the need for the permit parking is no longer there. Where there is future development at this corner, the Village will require the development(s) to meet parking requirements in order to avoid adverse affects to the parking on Sayre Avenue. In 2002, Village staff had recommended broadening the special permit parking restrictions to include the 8800 and 8900 blocks of Sayre Avenue, and now supports the elimination of the special permit parking restrictions on both blocks. c. There was no further discussion on Ordinance 13 -09. As this is a first reading, no action will be taken this evening. F. Trustee Toth: Trustee Toth had no formal report, but encouraged residents to attend or participate in the pie contest at the Farmer's Market this coming Saturday. Residents who want to participate need to bring two identical fruit pies to the Market no later than 10:45 a.m. All of the rules and information can be found at the Farmer's Market website: www.mgfarmersmarket.com XII. OTHER BUSINESS ilk Xlll. WARRANTS Trustee Toth presented the Warrants for June 24, 2013, in the amount of $633,113.69. She moved to approve the Warrants, seconded by Trustee Kalogerakcs, Trustee Thill had several questions. ➢ On page 3, a payment of $1,400 for additional coats of paint at Village Hall. He wondered what that was for. Finance Director Navarrete said it was because the paint color changed after it was first applied, ➢ On page 4, a payment of $1,822 for monthly Fire Department maintenance. He wondered what that was for. Ms Navarrete said that was for the radio tower. ➢ On page 4, a payment of almost $11,000 for legal services. He said he assumed that was for union contact negotiations, but wondered if that was a normal price. Corporate Counsel Liston clarified that the charges we3re indeed appropriate. ➢ On page 12, a payment to Nicor Gas for 6140 Dempster. He wondered what that was for. Ms. Navarrete said it was for the Civic Center. Minutes of June 24, 2013. Board Meetiu Xlll. WARRANTS (continued) Mayor DiMaria called for the vote on the Warrants. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. Grear aye Tr. Kalogerakos acre Tr. Marcus aye Tr. Pietron acre Tr. Thill acre Tr. Toth aye XIV. RESIDENTS' COMMENTS Q Eric Poders addressed the Board regarding communication. He read a posting from the "We Grovers of Morton Grove" Facebook page which touted the Village's excellent Public Works Department, the volunteerism displayed by residents, and other qualities that make Morton Grove a great place in which to live, work, and raise a family. Mr. Poders commended Mayor DiMaria and Corporation Counsel Liston for taking the time to meet with him to listen to his ideas. He then read for the record a letter he had composed to Mayor DiMaria, in which he noted that "now is the time" for all local government bodies to provide factual information to their constituents and to promote Morton Grove. He felt that key media and communication personnel at the Village, Park District, School Districts, and Public Library should meet and work together to share communications tools and techniques to bring the local community together and to develop a common platform of communication. Michael Yousef, 9314 Mansfield, addressed the Board on the subject of owning poultry in Morton Grove. He has lived in the Village for eight years and his favorite hobby is raising chickens. He said chickens are smart animals, child- friendly, and he wanted to be allowed to raise chickens in the Village. The chickens would not be free to roam; they would be kept in a coop and a chicken run. Other communities allow this, so he hoped Morton Grove would look into it as well. He understood that it would likely involve filing a permit and fees, and would expect an inspector to come out and ensure that the coop was proper. He said if people couldn't comply with the rules, they would lose the right to have chickens. Mr. Yousef said he had been honored to meet with Mayor DiMaria and talk about this subject, whch is near and dear to his heart. 3. Georgianne Brunner made an appeal asking for volunteers to help out during the four -day Morton Grove Days festival. She noted that there will be great entertainment, wonderful food, activities for kids, a terrific carnival, and a spectacular parade, but the Morton Grove Days Commission can only do it because of help from the residents! She said volunteers can work for just a couple of hours one day up to several hours all four days. Anyone interested in volunteering can contact her at 847 - 967 -0725 or by emailing her at lndaysG,gai!_com. XV. ADJOURN MENTIEXECUTIVE SESSION Trustee Kalogerakos moved to adjourn the Meeting. Trustee Thill seconded the motion. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. Grear acre Tr. Kalogerakos acre Tr. Marcus aye Tr. Pietron aae Tr. Thill acre Tr. Toth aye The meeting adjourned at 7:33 p.m. PASSED this 8th day of July, 2013. Trustee Grear Trustee Kalogerakos Trustee Marcus Trustee Pietron Trustee Thill Trustee Toth APPROVED by me this 8th day of July, 2013. Daniel P. DiMaria, Village President Board of Trustees, Morton Grove, Illinois APPROVED and FILED in my office this 9th day of July, 2013, Ediiberto Ramos, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove, Cook County, Illinois Minutes of June 24, 2013'Boerd Meetin Minutes by Teresa Cousar Village of Morton Grove Department of Community Development To: Village President and Board of Trustees From: Ronald L. Farkas, Chairman, Plan Commission Nancy M. Radzevich, AICP, Community and Econo is evelopment Director, Date: July 2, 2013 tC Re: Plan Commission Case PC13 -05: Request for approval of Preliminary and Final Plats of Subdivision and relief from various submittal requirements in Section 12 -8 for a 15.96 + /- acre parcel, located north of Golf Road between Harlem Avenue and Waukegan Road, commonly known as 7000, 7040, 7100, and 7152 Golf Road Commission Report Public Hearing Notice and Application Public Notice was provided for the public hearing for PC13 -05 in accordance with applicable requirements. A public notice was published (Pioneer Press) on May 23, 2013, letters were sent to surrounding property owners and a public notice sign was placed on the subject property on May 31, 2013. On June 17, 2013, a public hearing was conducted by the Morton Grove Plan Commission for PC13 -05, a request for approval of Preliminary and Final Plats of Subdivision and relief from various submittal requirements in Section 12 -8 for a 15.96 + /- acre parcel, located north of Golf Road between Harlem Avenue and Waukegan Road, commonly known as 7000, 7040, 7100, and 7152 Golf Road. The application was filed by Action Glenview Ventures, LP c/o Hamilton Partners. Kraft Foods is relocating /consolidating their offices and Action Glenview Ventures, LP c/o Hamilton Partners has a contract purchase agreement with Phenix, the current property owner, to acquire the site once Kraft has vacated. The property is being subdivided as part of the sale agreement and to accommodate future redevelopment of the property. Public Hearing — Staff Overview Nancy Radzevich presented the case on behalf of the Village. As noted in the staff report, the 15.96 + /- acre parcel is located north of Golf Road between Harlem Avenue and Waukegan Road, is commonly known as 7000, 7040, 7100, and 7152 Golf Road, and is zoned C -1, General Commercial District (See zoning map, p.4.). The property is improved with an existing surface parking lot for the Kraft Foods offices, on the abutting property to north, located in Glenview. Ms. Radzevich stated Hamilton Partners, Inc. is requesting approval of Preliminary and Final Plats of Subdivision to resubdivide the existing eight (8) lot parcel into four (4) lots. The subdivision is necessary for the purchase of the property by Action Glenview Ventures, LP c/o Hamilton Partners from Phenix. Ms. Radzevich noted the current Village Subdivision Regulations (Section 12 -8 of the Municipal Code) are geared towards larger scale development proposals and /or traditional multi -lot residential subdivisions. As such, with this application for approval of Preliminary and Final Plats of Subdivision, the applicant has also requested waivers to some of the subdivision filing requirements. The requested waivers are for items specifically geared towards subdivision applications with associated (re)development proposals or residential projects such as homeowner association rules and regulations, bonds for new roadways and associated infrastructure improvements, parking studies, etc. Ms. Radzevich explained the approval of this four (4) lot subdivision is being requested by Hamilton Partners to allow them to close on the purchase of the property from Phenix. Although development of one or more of the new lots is expected in the future, the current application is solely for the approval of a new four new lot subdivision — no development proposals have been filed at this time. As such the associated requested waivers, as listed in the application and the staff report, are appropriate for this application. Ms. Radzevich further noted that the proposed lots comply with the underlying zoning in terms of lot size and frontage requirements. From design standpoint, the propose lots are in compliance with the basic design requirements of the subdivision code. Public Hearing — Applicant Presentation Todd Berlinghof, a partner with Hamilton Partners, was sworn in. Mr. Berlinghof explained this project started approximately one year ago, with an agreement between Phenix /Kraft and Hamilton Partners. Although they originally contemplated redevelopment of entire site, they have since modified the plans to sell off the property to allow for the redevelopment of the northwest corner of Golf and Waukegan and reoccupation of the balance of the site by 1TW. Two of the four lots in the proposed subdivision, making up an 8 acre parcel, are expected to be developed by McGrath, with an Audi dealership on one of the lots and a potential additional car dealership on the adjacent lot in the future. The other two lots in this subdivision will remain as part of the former Kraft site and will be utilized by I'M/. Currently there is some soil testing /removal underway on the lot at the northeast corner of Harlem and Golf, as there had been a gas station located in this area. Because Kraft is conducting additional investigation /remediation of that corner parcel, they are keeping that lot as a separate parcel through this requested Plat of Subdivision. Mr. Berlinghof noted that in addition to the waivers to some of submittal requirements, the application also includes a request for an extension of the recording date. Although Kraft believes they will be able to vacate the site in November or December, Hamilton Partners is requesting the date for recording the subdivision be extended to March 2014 to allow for any delays associated with their move. Commission Questions /Discussions To /With the Applicants Chairman Farkas asked for questions from the Commissioners. Commissioner Gabriel asked for clarification on the use of the four lots in the proposed subdivision. Mr. Berlinghof explained ITW had not made any determinations yet for their properties, but two eastern most lots are to be sold off to McGrath for development of the auto dealerships. Commissioner Gabriel asked for additional clarification on the configuration of lots 1 and 4. Mr. Berlinghof state that the reason the subdivision is proposed that way is ITW wanted to keep the former gas station site separate, as that is the area where additional environmental work is being done. Commissioner Blonz asked whether the existing stop light on Golf Road would remain. Mr. Berlinghof said it will remain unchanged and will be used as an accessway. Commissioner Blonz asked Ms. Radzevich to explain the sections of the code for which waivers were being sought. Ms. Radzevich responded that the waivers being requested are for submittal requirements that are associated with development proposals and /or specifically for multi -lot residential subdivisions and for the extension of time for recording the plats. As this application is solely for the approval of Preliminary and Final Plats of Subdivision and does not include a defined development proposal at this time, staff believes the requested waivers are appropriate for this application. Chairperson Farkas asked what the difference is between a preliminary and final plat of survey. Ms. Radzevich responded that, typically, a Preliminary Plat would be filed with an initial development proposal for a residential or more complex commercial development, and the final Plat would be filed once final designs are completed are may include more details related to the development. In this case it is straightforward subdivision of land — without an associated development proposal —and as such both plats can be reviewed and approved concurrently. Mr. Berlinghof added the Final Plat is needed for their closing, which is why both were filed together. Chairperson Farkas asked for comments from any interested parties. There was no one from the public who wanted to be heard regarding this petition. Chairperson Farkas asked if there was any further discussion from the Commissioners. There was none. Chairperson Farkas asked if there was a motion to recommend approval of Plan Commission case PC13 -05. Commissioner Shimanski moved to recommend approval of PC13 -05, request for approval of Preliminary and Final Plats of Subdivision and relief from specific submittal requirements in Section 12 -8, per the submitted application, for the 15.96 + /- acre parcel located north of Golf Road between Harlem Avenue and Waukegan Road, commonly known as 7000, 7040, 7100, and 7152 Golf Road, with the following condition: The Plats shall be updated, as necessary, based on the Plan Review Departmental Comment memorandum from the Village Engineer, dated 6/3/13, prior to the Plats being presented to the Board of Trustees for approval. Commissioner Witko seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously (Yes 7; No 0; Absent 0). Village of Morton Grove MI "' Department of Community Development To: Village President and Board of Trustees ZDvelo7pment From: Ronald L. Farkas, Chairman, Plan Commission Nancy M. Radzevich, AICP, Community and Econorf Director Date: July 2, 2013 Re: Plan Commission Case PC13 -06 — Morton Grove Park District requesting a Special Use for a recreational use and associated parking in accordance with Sections 12 -4 and 12 -7 of the Morton Grove Unified Development Code to allow for the reconstruction and alteration of an existing pool and bathhouse and associated parking facilities at 9201 Oriole Commission Report Public Hearing Notice and Application Public Notice was provided for the public hearing for PC13 -06 in accordance with applicable requirements. A public notice was published (Pioneer Press) on May 23; 2013, letters were sent to surrounding property owners and a public notice sign was placed on the subject property on May 31, 2013. On June 17, 2013, a public hearing was conducted by the Morton Grove Plan Commission for PC13 -06, a request for a special use permit in accordance with Sections 12 -4 and 12 -7 of the Morton Grove Unified Development Code for a recreational use to allow for the reconstruction and alteration of an existing pool and bathhouse and for the associated parking facilities at 9201 Oriole. The application was filed by the Morton Grove Park District. Public Hearing — Staff Overview Nancy Radzevich presented the case on behalf of the Village. As noted in the staff report, the 2.23 + /- acre parcel is located at the northeast corner of Church Street and Oriole Avenue and is zoned R -1 Single - Family Residence District. The property is improved with an existing pool and bathhouse; tennis, basketball and sand volleyball courts; a playground; and parking facilities. The existing structures are over 40 years old, currently do not comply with ADA requirements, and are generally outdated. As such, the Park District is seeking to reconstruct /alter the pool, bathhouse, surrounding grounds and associated parking facilities. Ms. Radzevich noted the Special Use application was filed concurrent with a Variation Application, ZBA13 -03, for a 14.92 ft. waiver to the required front yard setback for the bathhouse structure, which had been heard and approved by the ZBA earlier the same evening. Although this use has existed for decades, the current Municipal Code requires a special use permit for recreational uses in residential zoning districts. The Morton Grove Park District has filed this application to seek approval of the reconstruction and alternation of the existing pool and bathhouse and approval of the number of parking spaces on -site, in accordance with Sections 12 -4 and 12 -7 of the Municipal Code. The current pool and bathhouse are outdated and are not ADA compliant; the new pool and bathhouse facilities, increased landscaping and addition of another ADA compliant parking stall will all be improvements to the site. Ms. Radzevich noted the new bathhouse will be brought up to current codes and will include a new community room for parties, meetings, etc. Public Hearing — Applicant Presentation The Chairman asked who would be speaking on behalf of the Park District and the following were sworn in: • Steve Mihelich, project architect from Williams Architects; • Joseph Brusseau, Brusseau Design Group (landscaping); • Jason Green, project engineer from W -T Engineering, LLC; • Tracy Anderson, Executive Director, Morton Grove Park District; and Greg Jayne, Superintendent of Parks and Facilities, Morton Grove Park District. Steve Mihelich reviewed the proposed plans and described the changes to the pool and bathhouse and slight modification to the parking facility to eliminate one standard stall in order to create an additional ADA compliant stall as required by code and to add a turn - around for emergency vehicles, as requested by the Fire Department. He explained the existing 50M lap pool, deep well and shallow kiddy pool would be replaced with a new activity pool and a 25 yard by 8 lane lap pool with deep well for diving boards /slides. The existing 4720 square foot bathhouse structure will be replaced with a modern 6951 sq. ft. bathhouse, which will include a multi- purpose /community room and outdoor concession deck area. The bathing load, as determined by the Illinois Department of Public Health, will remain unchanged at 500 maximum bathers. Mr. Mihelich gave an overview of the interior of the bathhouse and the building materials. He noted the proposed use of fabric structures throughout the pool area to provide shade and add color to the site. The pool is proposed to be fenced for safety. The design of the pools and the associated depths conform to the Illinois Department of Public Health Beach and Bathing Code, Joseph Brusseau gave an overview of the landscape plan. New shade trees will be used on the Pool deck. Perennials and shrubs are also proposed to soften the appearance of the building. Landscaping with low level plants and high level plants are being proposed in certain areas as way to separate the two pools. Commissioner Gabriel asked about the landscaping at the proposed storm water detention area. Mr. Brusseau stated that the current plan is for a blue grass turf surface in that area. Jason Green, the project engineer, provided more information on the detention area. The submitted plans show that the project will result in a reduction in the amount of impervious surface area. He stated the detention area is currently designed to be a 3 ft. maximum depth and would predominately remain dry. Only after a significant rain event could it fill up to a 3 ft. level. However, based on the report from the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District, he believes the detention area could be reduced or possibly eliminated altogether. He noted his firm is currently working with the Village Engineer on the Village's storm water requirements and are hopeful the depth of the proposed detention area will be reduced, if not eliminated altogether. Commissioner Gabriel stated that the detention area is outside of the fenced area and could be a safety problem year round, especially when the pool is not open or staffed. Children could play in it and perhaps an accident could occur. He asked how long it would take to clear, once filled with water and whether they considered putting the detention underground with a grassy area on top. Mr. Green stated it would take anywhere from 12 -24 hours for the water to clear, if it were to fill up. He stated that they had not considered underground detention. Greg Jayne, Superintendent of the Morton Grove Park District, stated that safety is their number one concern. If there is a depth of water in this detention area then they would barricade it in some way to deter children from entering. Commissioner Shimanski asked Mr. Green what type of storm would need to occur for this detention area to fill up. Mr. Green stated that the detention area is designed for a 100 year storm. Shimanski asked how deep it would be after a 20 year storm event. Mr. Green responded it would likely fill about one (1) ft. Commissioner Gabriel asked if landscaping around the pools would interfere with possible swim meets. Mr. Mihelich stated that the area immediately around the pool does not include landscaping, but instead is open for staging of competitors and patrons. Gabriel asked if the pool is also ADA compliant. Mr. Mihelich said yes. Commissioner Gabriel asked if any improvements to the existing parking area were proposed. He stated that the driveway is too steep and cars scrape their bumpers. Mr. Mihelich stated no changes to the parking lot were proposed, other than some restriping and the addition of the turnaround area for the Fire Department. Commissioner Gabriel asked if repairs are going to be done to the parking lot, post - construction. Mr. Mihelich stated that the asphalt will be repaired and seal coated after the project is completed. Chairperson Farkas asked about an area of the pool that appears different from the plans in their packets. Mr. Mihelich said the design of diving board area had changed slightly after the application had been filed. He noted that he had discussed the slight change with Ms. Radzevich. Ms. Radzevich stated since the overall boundary of the pool structure and actual location of the pool itself had not changed, Ms. Radzevich did not feel it was necessary for them to resubmit 30 sets of the plans, because the new design was consistent with plans originally filed and do not affect the approvals being sought through the Special Uses permit. Chairperson Farkas asked if there were any other modifications that were not included in the packets. Ms. Radzevich stated there were no others. Commissioner Shimanski asked if the overall site plan that Mr. Mihelich used in his presentation, Sheet AS1.1, had been filed with the application because it was not in his packet. Ms. Radzevich stated this drawing was not part of the application packet. Commissioner Shimanski stated he would like this drawing included in the plan reference list because it is shows the overall site and all of the parking facilities. Mr. Mihelich indicated he would submit all necessary copies of Sheet AS1.1 and Ms. Radzevich stated that drawing should be incorporated into the plan reference list. Commissioner Shimanski asked if a traffic study was done on for this project. The submitted documents indicated that there should be 92 stalls for this project. Ms. Radzevich stated the Park District and their consultant team provided a supplemental memorandum attached to the staff report, which covers the parking demand. As this proposal does not include an expansion of the existing use and is instead a reconstruction of existing facilities staff determined that having actual data on the pool usage and parking demand was more important. Further, Ms. Radzevich explained that in accordance with Section 12- 7 -3:B, of the Municipal Code, for a Special Use application, the parking standards included in the code are only advisory to the Commission, who approve the number of parking spaces on site. She further explained the because the use was not being expanded, has existed in its current configuration for decades, and because the Park District expects the same parking demand to remain consistent after the project, staff did not believe a formal parking study would be required. Instead she requested a summary and analysis of the overall usage, the peak hour demand, and the methods by which the patrons arrive to site. Tracy Anderson, Executive Director for the Morton Grove Park District, explained their parking data/ analysis. She stated that this is a neighborhood pool, so many of the patrons, particularly the children, walk or bike to the pool, are dropped off, or arrive via carpools. Although the bather load is 500, the peak time usage of the pool is 150 bathers, which typically occurs in late afternoon. When there are swim meets, the buses drop the participants off and the buses park at a neighborhood school. Ms. Radzevich stated that after the packets had gone out, she received a sign memorandum from the chairman from the Traffic and Safety Commission. He had no comments on the application. A copy of this will be given to the commissioners for their records. Chairperson Farkas asked Ms. Anderson about the parking usage on each of the lots on site. Ms. Anderson stated that most of the traffic occurs through the Oriole entrance. The parking area located on the east side of the site is hardly used. Commissioner Blonz stated, based on the sketch submitted with the supplemental parking memorandum, it appears that overflow parking occurs on adjacent streets, in front of the neighbors' houses? Tracy Anderson stated, yes, at the peak time, there are some people who park on the adjacent streets. Ms. Radzevich advised the Commission that she had spoken to the Village Engineer and he had indicated that he was not aware of any complaints having been filed with him or the Traffic Safety Commission regarding on- street parking related to the pool use. Commissioner Blonz asked if they had considered adding parking spaces to the site. Mr. Mihelich stated the budget for this project was limited and expansion of the parking facilities was not part of the scope. Commissioner Gabriel asked if they had explored trying to accommodate overflow parking in other areas adjacent to the site. Commissioner Blonz asked Ms. Anderson if they could better inform patron of the parking area on the east side of the site versus having them park on the adjacent streets. Ms. Anderson stated they would increase education on other available parking options when the west lot is filled. Chairman Farkas stated he was still a bit concerned about the lack of a parking study. Ms. Radzevich explained that in this case a parking study did not seem appropriate because: • the pool and bathhouse facilities, have existing for decades at this location in generally the same configuration with the parking currently provided, • the proposed reconstruction of the pool and bathhouse does not include an increase in the intensity of the use nor increase in number of patrons, and • the pool use itself is only a seasonal use — only active approximately 3 months per year. Further, Ms. Radzevich stated that if a professional firm had been hired they likely would have contacted the Park District and gathered the same data and provided the same analysis that the Park District provided in their supplemental memorandum. Commissioner Shimanski stated that he was comfortable the data presented in the reports and at the meeting was sufficient to address his questions regarding the parking, and was satisfied that a professional parking study would not be needed. Chairperson Farkas asked for comments from any interested parties. Two residents asked to speak. Both expressed concerns about the noise — specifically the loud music. Ms. Anderson indicated that the project involves removing the current speakers, which are pole mounted, and replacing them with ground level speakers. This will help keep the noise from traveling. Chairperson Farkas asked if there was any further discussion from the Commissioners. Commissioner Blonz stated he would support this, however, he wanted Ms. Anderson to keep a watch on the parking situation and if they find there is too much overflow parking onto the surrounding neighborhoods, they would like her to look at adding more onsite parking. Ms. Anderson indicated she would do so. Chairperson Farkas asked if there was a motion to recommend approval of Plan Commission case PC13 -06. Commissioner Shimanski recommended approval of PC13 -06, Morton Grove Park District requesting a Special Use for a recreational use and associated parking in accordance with Sections 12 -4 and 12 -7 of the Morton Grove Unified Development Code to allow for the reconstruction and alteration of an existing pool and bathhouse and associated parking facilities at 9201 Oriole, with the following conditions: 1. The pool and bathhouse shall be constructed in accordance with the following plans submitted with this special permit applications, dated 5- 17 -13, unless otherwise noted: A. Drawing Number 7007T0, "Plat of Topography — Oriole Park Topographic Survey" prepared by DLZ Industrial Surveying, Inc., dated 4/1/13 B. Sheet C -1.0, "Site Demolition Plan," prepared by Williams Architects and W -T Civil Engineering, LLC.; C. Sheet C -2.0, "Site Development Plan," prepared by Williams Architects and W -T Civil Engineering, LLC.; D. Sheet C -3.0, "Site Geometric Plan," prepared by Williams Architects and W -T Civil Engineering, LLC.; E. Sheet C -4.0, "Site Grading Plan," prepared by Williams Architects and W -T Civil Engineering, LLC.; F. Sheet C -5.0, "Site Utility Plan," prepared by Williams Architects and W -T Civil Engineering, LLC.; G. Sheet CIR -1.0, "Passenger Vehicle Circulation Plan," prepared by Williams Architects and W -T Civil Engineering, LLC.; H. Sheet CIR -2.0, "Passenger Vehicle Circulation Plan," prepared by Williams Architects and W -T Civil Engineering, LLC.; I. Sheet EX -1.0, "Existing Pervious /Impervious Exhibit," prepared by Williams Architects and W -T Civil Engineering, LLC.; ]. Sheet EX -2.0, "Proposed Pervious /Impervious Exhibit," prepared by Williams Architects and W -T Civil Engineering, LLC.; K. Sheet Li, "Landscape Plan," by Williams Architects and Brusseau Design Group, LLC, dated 5/17/13; L. Sheet ASIA. "Overall Site Plan," prepared by Williams Architects; dated May 30, 2013; M. Sheet AS1.2, "Enlarged Site Plan," prepared by Williams Architects; N. Sheet A4.1, "Building Elevations," prepared by Williams Architects; O. Sheet SPHIA, "Site Photometric Plan," prepared by Williams Architects, undated; 2. The Park District shall submit updated plans in accordance with the Village Engineer's Plan Review Departmental Comment memorandum, dated 6/3/13, for review and approval prior to the issuance of any building permits. 3. The elevations and landscaping should be constructed consistent with the plans and material samples and building material color palette presented to and recommended for approval by the Appearance Commission at their June 3, 2013 meeting, and referenced in Condition 1., above; 4. Should the proposed detention area could result in life safety issues resulting from regular retention of significant standing water, the Park District shall apply for and construct a fence to secure that area from patrons of the park. Such fence shall comply with the Municipal code requirements in terms of location and size, or the Park District shall seek any necessary waivers to the code to ensure that the detention pond is fully enclosed. Commissioner Dorgan seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously (Yes 7; No 0; Absent 0). ff"1111age of Morton Grove WHEREAS, from the earliest days of the Village of Morton Grove's history, a Spirit has existed within the community and among its women; and WHEREAS, on June 11, 1953, the Morton Grove Woman's Club received its charter from the Illinois Federation of Woman's Clubs making this their 60th anniversary; and WHEREAS, on June 22, 1953, the newly chartered not - for - profit club was formally accepted into this illustrious organization; and WHEREAS, once the Morton Grove Woman's Club was formed it contributed significantly to the community through its educational, social, civic and varied cultural activities; and WHEREAS, these philanthropic activities recently included Operation Support our Troops which resulted in the Morton Grove Woman's Club receiving the Club Creativity Award; and WHEREAS, it is fitting the Village recognize and honor the Morton Grove Woman's Club for it many contributions to the Village where their motto is "Everyone Helps - Everyone Wins ". NOW THEREFORE, I, Daniel P. DiMaria, Mayor of the Village of Morton Grove, Illinois, do hereby proclaim July 8, 2013; as in Morton Grove and urge all women from varied backgrounds, who have gifts and talents to celebrate with and join this illustrious organization so it may be a lasting reminder of the courage and strength that exists in our Village. In witness hereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the seal of the Village of Morton Grove. Daniel P. DiMaria, Mayor Legislative Summary Resolution 13 -42 AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE AND THE O'HARE NOISE COMPATIBILITY COMMISSION Introduced: July 8, 2013 Synopsis: This resolution will authorizing an Intergovernmental Agreement for the Village to participate in the O'Hare Noise Compatibility Commission. Purpose: Participation in the O'Hare Noise Compatibility Commission will allow the Village to obtain and share information about noise issues relating to flights to and from O'Hare Airport, Background: The O'Hare Noise Compatibility Commission was created by an intergovernmental agreement adopted in October 1996 between the City of Chicago and various municipalities and public school districts as an opportunity to come together to analyze the noise emitted by the O'Hare International Airport. With increased noise and potential for additional noise and related issues due to air traffic to and from O'Hare Airport, participation in this commission is in the best interest of the residents of the Village of Morton Grove. Programs, Departs Administration and Legal Departments or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: N/A Source of Funds: N/A Workload Impact: The Village's involvement will be handled on a day -to -day basis by the Administration and Legal Departments. Admin Recommend: Approval as presented. Second Reading: N/A Special Consider or None Requirements: Respectfully submitted: Administrator Prepared by: ✓ Teresa HofBr an is/ r Corporation Counsel AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE AND THE O'HARE NOISE COMPATIBILITY COMMISSION WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (Village), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, the City of Chicago owns and operates an airport known as Chicago O'Hare International Airport (the "Airport"); and WHEREAS, pursuant to authority granted by an ordinance adopted by the Chicago City Council on October 30, 1996, and Section 10 of Article VII of the Illinois Constitution and the Intergovernmental Cooperation Act (5 ILCS 220), the City of Chicago entered into an Intergovernmental Agreement Relating to the O'Hare Noise Compatibility Commission (the "Intergovernmental Agreement ") by and among the City and various municipalities and public school districts (as defined in the Intergovernmental Agreement, ["Participants"]); and WHEREAS, the O'Hare Noise Compatibility Commission ( "O'Hare Commission ") was established pursuant to the Intergovernmental Agreement and provides a common forum for interested parties to have a voice in noise issues related to the Airport; and WHEREAS, with increased noise and the potential for additional noise and related issues due to air traffic to and from O'Hare Airport, participation in this commission is in the best interest of the residents of the Village of Morton Grove. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Resolution as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2: The Village President is hereby authorized to execute, and the Village Clerk to attest to an "Intergovernmental Agreement" between the O'Hare Noise Compatibility Commission and the Village of Morton Grove until December 31, 2015. SECTION 3: This Resolution shall be in full force and effect upon its passage and approval. PASSED this O' day of July 2013 Trustee Grear Trustee KaIogerakos Trustee Marcus Trustee Pietron Trustee Thill Trustee Toth APPROVED BY ME THIS 8`h day of July 2013 ATTESTED AND PILED in my office this 9t' day of July 2013 Ed Ramos, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois Daniel P. DiMaria, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois Legislative Summary ORDINANCE 13 -10 I AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLES 4 -3 -5B ENTITLED "FEES ESTABLISHED" AND 4 -6D -1 to 4- 6D -20, ENTITLED "LIQUOR CONTROL" OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE Introduced July 8, 2013 Synopsis This Ordinance will amend and update Title 4 -3 -513 and Title 4 -6D of the Village Code. Purpose To update asI regulate the amount and type of liquor licenses available in the Village of Morton Grove and to encourage the location of restaurants. Background: Village staff periodically reviews Village codes and ordinances to ensure they are in compliance with state statute and current practices. Pursuant to an Ordinance, the Village created Class "E" liquor licenses which allows for the on premise consumption of alcohol for establishments who derive at least 50% of sales for items other than liquor. Class "E" licenses were targeted for use by restaurants. Village Code allows for twenty (20) Class "E" licenses, eleven (11) of which are currently issued. Various restaurateurs have informed the Village they would prefer Class "A" licenses, as the cost is the same, and Class "E" licenses require additional paperwork to record the varied sales. To be more business friendly, staff has recommended the Code be changed to: • Eliminate the Class `B" liquor license category (these licenses will be reclassified as Class "A" and Class "B" licenses). • Increase the number of Class "A" licenses from 8 to 24. • Increase the number of Class "B" licenses from 8 to 12. • Eliminate package sales for Class "A" & Class `B" licenses except by special permit. • Allow gas /service stations to obtain a Class "E" license. Programs, Departments Liquor Control Commission, Administration and Legal Departments or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: The adjustment will have a minimal impact on the Village's finances. Source of Funds: Not applicable. Workload Impact: The implementation of this ordinance will be performed by Village staff Administrator Approval as presented. Recommendation: Second Reading: Required — Code Amendment (July 30, 2013) Special Considerations or None Requirements: Administrator Approval Prepared by: Administrator Teresa TloffmaryL?sr;z6f Corporation Counsel ORDINANCE 13 -10 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 4 -3 -5 ENTITLED' °FEES ESTABLISHED" AND 4 -6D -I to 4- 6D -20, ENTITLED "LIQUOR CONTROL" OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (Village), located in Cook County, Illinois is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and hlcur debt; and WHEREAS, the Village has a policy of regularly reviewing and revising its Municipal Code, as necessary, to insure the provisions of the Code remain compliant with contemporary statutes and relevant to the current operations and requirements within the Village; and WHEREAS, Title 4 of the Village Code contains regulations and licensing requirements for businesses operated or conducted within the Village; and WHEREAS, Village staff periodically reviews Village codes and ordinances to ensure they are in compliance with state statute and current practices; and WHEREAS, Village Staff has recommended the Code be changed to: • Eliminate the Class "E" liquor license category (these Licenses will be reclassified as Class "A" and Class "B" licenses); • Increase the number of Class "A" licenses from 8 to 24; • Increase the number of Class `B" licenses from 8 to 12: • Eliminate package sales for Class "A"& Class `B" licenses except by special permit; • Allow gas/service stations to obtain Class "F" licenses; and WHEREAS, the Corporate Authorities deem it in the best interest of the Village to amend the Village Code in accordance with staff recommendations. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Ordinance as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. 4 -3 -5: FEES ESTABLISHED: B. In addition to the Certificate of Compliance fees set for the above, the following use or businesses shall also pay the following fees: Fee Liquor License Fees (investigatiordfingerprint fee is actual out -of- pocket) E, Intentionally deleted F, Food /Specialty Stores, Full Package Sale $13000 Application Annual Maximum Number of $ Class Fee Fee Licenses Issued A, Full Liquor $1,000 $2,750 24 B, Beer /Wine $100 $2,500 12 C, Club /Consumption 4- 6D -12: organizations per year H, Caterers, Full Liquor $ on Premise $ 250 $1,000 2 D, Full Package Sale $1,000 $3,500 10 E, Intentionally deleted F, Food /Specialty Stores, Full Package Sale $13000 $2,500 15 G, Special Event $ 0 $ 0 3 for any location at Privilege Granted by License 4 -6D -6: Termination; Transfer of Interest; Renewal 4 -6D -7: the same time; 4 -6D -8: License Classifications and Fees 4 -6D -9: License Application minimum of 5 Bond Required; Amount; Conditions 4- 6D -11: Causes for License Rejection, Suspension and /or Revocation 4- 6D -12: organizations per year H, Caterers, Full Liquor $ 250 $2,500 5+ I, Caterers, Beer /Wine $ 250 $1,000 5 1, Temporary Off Premise $ 0 $ 50 per day 6 per year per licensee K, Temporary Tasting Permit $ 0 $ 50 per day I per week per licensee L, BYOB $ 250 $ 500 15 + The annual fee for a Class H license held by the same licensee holding a Class A, Class C, or Class F license shall be $1,250. CHAPTER 6 ARTICLE D. LIQUOR CONTROL SECTION: 4 -6D -1: Construction 4 -6D -2: License Required 4 -6D -3: Consumption, Possession and Storage of Alcoholic Liquors on Unlicensed Premises 4 -6D -4: Powers of Local Liquor Control Commissioner 4 -6D -5: Privilege Granted by License 4 -6D -6: Termination; Transfer of Interest; Renewal 4 -6D -7: Change of Location 4 -6D -8: License Classifications and Fees 4 -6D -9: License Application 4- 6D -10: Bond Required; Amount; Conditions 4- 6D -11: Causes for License Rejection, Suspension and /or Revocation 4- 6D -12: Violation of State Tax Acts 4- 6D -13: Regulations for Licensees 2 4- 6D -14: Regulations for Licensees Operating Video Gaming Terminals on the Licensed Premise 4- 6D -15: Prohibited Conduct 4- 6D -16: Prohibited Conduct Relating to Minors 4- 6D -17: Declaration of Nuisance 4- 6D -18: Emergency Closing 4- 6D -19: Proceeding Before the Local Liquor Control Commissioner 4- 6D -20: Violations; Penalties 4 -6D -1: CONSTRUCTION: This chapter shall be liberally construed, to the end that the health, safety, and welfare of the people of the Village of Morton Grove shall be protected and temperance in the consumption of alcoholic liquors shall be fostered and promoted by sound and careful control and regulation of the sale of alcoholic liquor. Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to preempt the Illinois liquor control act of 1934, 235 Illinois Compiled Statutes 511 -1 et seq., except to the extent allowed by the Illinois constitution, or where the regulations in this chapter are more restrictive than those in the Liquor Control Act, in which case the regulations in this chapter shall be controlling. Except in those instances where the Liquor Control Act has been preempted by this chapter, enforcement of the Liquor Control Act and this chapter shall be concurrent. (Ord. 06 -20, 6 -12 -2006) 4 -6D -2: LICENSE REQUIRED: It is unlawful for any person either by himself or through an agent, or any person acting as an agent, employee, barkeeper, clerk, or servant of another, to sell, dispense, or offer for sale at retail any alcoholic beverage or engage in any sale of alcoholic beverage within the Village of Morton Grove without first having obtained a license to do so as provided in this chapter, or during any period that the license has been suspended or revolted. It shall be unlawful for any person to sell or offer for sale or engage in any sale of any alcoholic beverage in violation of the terms and conditions of any license issued pursuant to this chapter. It shall be unlawful for any person holding a business license within the Village of Morton Grove to knowingly allow any customer to consume alcoholic beverages on the property where the business license has been issued unless the premise has been licensed for the sale or consumption of alcoholic beverages. Each sale on a given date shall be deemed a separate violation. (Ord. 06 -20, 6 -12 -2006) 4 -6D -3: CONSUMPTION, POSSESSION AND STORAGE OF ALCOHOLIC LIQUORS ON UNLICENSED PREMISES: A. No person shall provide as part nor sell at retail for consumption on an unlicensed premises any nonalcoholic beverages or ice, knowing same to be intended to be mixed with or consumed with any alcoholic liquor on the premises. B. No person shall frequent or patronize any house, building, store, place or premises where such person knows or has reason to believe the sale of alcoholic liquor without a license as required by this chapter is occurring. (Ord. 06 -20, 6 -12 -2006) 4 -6D -4: POWERS OF LOCAL LIQUOR CONTROL COMMISSIONER: The Village President shall be the local liquor control commissioner and shall be charged with the administration of the appropriate provisions of the liquor control act of the State of Illinois within the Village of Morton Grove, and of such ordinances and resolutions relating to alcoholic liquor as may be enacted by the corporate authorities. For purposes of this chapter, the local liquor control commissioner shall be and shall constitute the local liquor control commission of the Village of Morton Grove. The liquor commissioner shall receive compensation as set forth in subsection 1 -6 -48 of this Code. The liquor commissioner shall have the following powers: A. To receive applications and to grant, renew or deny such licenses in accordance with the provisions of this chapter. B. To receive license fees and forward the same forthwith to the office of the finance director /treasurer. C. To authorize one or more deputies or agents to act on his behalf, with or without compensation as determined by the corporate authorities, for the purpose of obtaining any of the information desired by the liquor commissioner or to assist the liquor commissioner in the exercise of the powers and the performance of his duties. D. To make or cause to be made by the various Village departments such investigations as may aid him in the performance of his duties. E. To enter, or to authorize any law enforcement officer or peace officer to enter, at any time upon any licensed premises, to examine any licensed premises to determine whether any law, order, or regulation of the Village of Morton Grove or the local liquor control commissioner, or any federal or state law, rule or regulation with respect to alcoholic liquor, or any liquor license, has been or is being violated. F. To require fingerprints of any licensee or employee or agent of a licensee or any applicant for a liquor license or for a renewal thereof. To examine or cause to be examined under oath any applicant for a license or for a renewal thereof, or any licensee upon whom notice of a violation of this chapter has been served, and to examine, or cause to be examined, the books and /or records of any such applicant or licensee. G. To require the attendance of witnesses and/or the production of documents and records at any hearing before him, to administer or cause to be administered oaths to hear testimony and take proof on any matter in the performance of his duties within this chapter, and for such purpose to issue subpoenas which shall be effective in any part of the State of Illinois. H. To compel any licensee or applicant to submit to any examination and /or to produce any books and records which, in the judgment of the liquor commissioner, may be material to the determination of whether an applicant is qualified to receive a license, whether the licensed premises is lawful, and /or whether a licensee is in compliance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations, under the provisions of this chapter. The failure of any licensee or applicant to comply with this provision, unless for good cause shown, shall be deemed to be an admission that the licensee or applicant is not qualified to maintain or receive a license. I. To require any licensee or applicant to answer any charges made in any objection to the issuance of the license. The failure of any licensee or applicant to comply with this provision, unless for good cause shown, shall be deemed to be an admission that the licensee or applicant is not qualified to maintain or receive a license. To receive, investigate and act upon any complaint from any person that any of the provisions of this chapter or the Liquor Control Act or any rules or regulations adopted by the commissioner or by the state liquor commission have been or are being violated. K. Pursuant to section 4 -6D -19 of this chapter, to suspend for not more than thirty (3 0) days, or revoke any license issued under this chapter, or levy a fine against any licensee, for each violation of any federal, state or local law, ordinance, rules or regulations relating to the sale of alcoholic liquor, and for any of the following reasons: I. The willful making of any false statement in an application for a license, permit or certificate. 2. Refusal of any licensee to testify under oath to all relevant and material questions propounded to him at any hearing conducted by the local liquor control commissioner. 3. Refusal of any licensee or his employee or agent to produce for inspection by the liquor commissioner any document requested which may be relevant to any hearing or investigation of alleged violations of the state liquor control act, this chapter, or any rule or regulation of the liquor commissioner. 4. The state liquor commission has suspended or revoked the license of the licensee. 5. Within sixty (60) days of the granting of a license, the licensee has failed to operate the business at the location in the license except upon petition to and an order issued by the local liquor control commission granting an extension period. 6. Failure to notify the liquor commissioner of the hiring of any new managers within fourteen (14) days after any such manager begins working, and /or failure to provide all information necessary to keep the licensee's application accurate and current. The failure to obey any lawful order of the liquor commissioner. 8. The licensed premises constitutes a nuisance as defined by Village ordinance including this chapter. 9. Suspension or revocation is required pursuant to section 4 -6D -12 of this chapter. L. To keep or cause to be kept a complete record of all licenses issued by him, and to furnish upon request to the office of the Village Administrator, finance director- treasurer, and /or Chief of Police a copy thereof, and to inform the board of trustees from time to time of any changes including the issuance of new licenses and the revocation of old licenses. M. To make recommendations to the Village board regarding the number of licenses available for each license classification and the appropriate fees to be charged for those licenses. N. To make, promulgate, alter, amend, repeal, and enforce such rules and regulations relating to the administration and enforcement of the provisions of this chapter as are consistent with this chapter and which may be deemed by him to be desirable to facilitate his functions and duties, to the end that the health, safety and welfare of the Village of Morton Grove shall be protected and temperance in the consumption of alcoholic liquors shall be fostered and promoted. Such rules and regulations shall become effective to be adopted only after being placed on file in the office of the Village Administrator for a period of thirty (30) days after notice to the public and all licensees affected thereby. O. To hold public hearings at any time concerning any matters embraced within this chapter. (Ord. 06 -20, 6 -12 -2006) 4 -6D -5: PRIVILEGE GRANTED BY LICENSE: A liquor license granted pursuant to this chapter is solely a personal privilege, and unless sooner revoked pursuant to this chapter or by federal or state law shall last for no more than one year; from January 1 (or later for an initial application) through December 3 LA license shall not constitute property and may not be transferred. It shall not be used as collateral, nor be subject to voluntary or involuntary attachment, assignment, garnishment, or execution, encumbrance or hypothecation, nor shall it descend by the laws of testate or intestate devolution. Renewal of this license is a privilege and shall not be construed as a vested right which shall limit or prevent the decreasing number of licenses to be issued within the Village. No license shall be renewed under this section unless the manager of the licensed establishment, and each employee of the licensee who is or will be engaged in the selling, mixing, preparing, or serving of alcoholic liquor at the licensed premises has successfully completed an alcohol sales and service training program. (Ord. 12 -08, 3 -26 -2012) 4 -6D -6: TERMINATION; TRANSFER OF INTEREST; RENEWAL: A. Except as provided herein, a license shall automatically terminate upon the death, dissolution, or the insolvency of the licensee, upon the sale or transfer of any interest in the license by an individual or club licensee, upon the sale or transfer, assignment of more than fifty percent (50 %) of the outstanding shares of a corporation or interest in any partnership holding a license, or upon the filing of a petition for adjudication of bankruptcy by or as to the estate of the licensee. A transfer of a deceased licensee's interest to a father, mother, brother, sister, husband, wife, son, or daughter shall be permitted provided that such person meets all qualifications required to hold the license and shall be bound by all conditions of the license. B. In the event of the death of a licensee, the executor of the will or administrator of the estate of any deceased licensee pursuant to the appropriate court order, or if none, the spouse or any child of the licensee upon the written approval of the liquor commissioner may exercise the privileges of the deceased licensee until the expiration of such license or until six (6) months after the death of the licensee, whichever is the shorter period of time, provided such person meets all qualifications required to hold the license and shall be bound by all conditions of the license. C. The trustee of any insolvent or bankrupt licensee, when such estate consists in part of alcoholic liquor, may continue the business of the sale of alcoholic liquor under order of the appropriate court, and may exercise the privileges of the insolvent or bankrupt licensee until the expiration of such license but not longer than six (6) months after the bankruptcy or insolvency of such licensee, whichever is the shorter period of time, provided such trustee meets all qualifications required to hold the license and shall be bound by all conditions of the license. D. No refund shall be made of any portion of the license fees paid for any period in which the licensee shall be prevented from operating under such license in accordance with the provisions of this chapter. E. Upon the termination of a license pursuant to subsection A or B of this section, the successor in interest may apply for the issuance of the license pursuant to section 4 -6D -9 of this chapter and shall pay all applicable initial application and license fees. A licensee whose license has not been terminated prior to the expiration of its term may apply for the renewal of the license at the expiration thereof, provided he is then qualified to receive a license and the premises for which such renewal license is sought is suitable for such purpose. However, the renewal privilege herein provided for shall not be construed as a vested right which shall in any case prevent the corporate authorities from decreasing the number of licenses to be issued within its jurisdiction. (Ord. 06 -20, 6 -12 -2006) 4 -6D -7: CHANGE OF LOCATION: Any license issued under this chapter shall apply only to the premises described in the application and in the license issued thereon. After a license has been granted for a particular premises, the liquor commissioner, upon the filing of a written request, and payment of an investigation fee in the amount as shall now or may be required by this chapter, and upon a proper showing, including the applicant's statement under oath that the premises to which said relocation is to be made complies in all respects with the requirements of this chapter, may endorse upon said license permission to abandon the premises therein described and relocate to another premises approved by him. The request shall be rejected if the applicant has not operated his business at the original licensed premises for at least ninety (90) days prior to the application for change of location. No change of location shall be permitted unless the proposed new location is a lawful location and premises for the retail sale of alcoholic liquor pursuant to Illinois law and all applicable Village ordinances. Nothing herein contained shall be construed to permit any licensee to change the location of his business, or operate his business or a portion thereof, as a subtenant or otherwise at a site or place of business which would be prohibited or denied to an original applicant. (Ord. 06 -20, 6 -12 -2006) 4 -6D -8: LICENSE CLASSIFICATIONS AND FEES: A. Licenses shall be divided into the following classes: Class A. full Iiquor: Licenses which shall authorize the retail sale on the premises specified of alcoholic liquors for consumption on said premises. Package sales for consumption off the premises shall be allowed by special permit. 2. Class B, beer /wine: Licenses which shall authorize the retail sale of beer and wine for consumption only on the premises specified. Package sales for consumption off the premises shall be allowed by special permit. 3. Class C, club consumption on premises: Licenses which shall authorize the retail sale of alcoholic liquors for consumption only on the premises in any "club ", as defined in this chapter. 4. Class D, full package sale: Licenses which shall authorize the retail sale of alcoholic liquors, only in original packages for consumption off the premises and not for consumption on the premises where sold. 5. Intentionally deleted 6. Class F, food /specialty stores, full package sale: Licenses which shall authorize the retail sale of alcoholic liquors, only in original packages for consumption off the premises at an establishment where the principal business is gasoline, groceries or drugstore items, and is not the sale of alcoholic liquor. 7. Class G, special event: Licenses which shall authorize the retail sale of alcoholic liquor only for consumption on the premises for special events as defined by this chapter. 8. Class H, caterers full liquor: Licenses which shall authorize the sale of alcoholic liquors for consumption on the premises where served and limited to invited guests at private functions. Such licenses shall be issued only to caterers as defined by this chapter and having a current Morton Grove business license. Catering establishments holding class H licenses must have food service available when liquor is being served. Class I. caterers beer /wine: Licenses which shall authorize the sale of beer and wine for consumption on the premises where served and limited to invited guests at private functions. Such licenses shall be issued only to caterers as defined by this chapter and having a current Morton Grove business license. Catering establishments holding class I licenses must have food service available when beer and wine are being served. 10. Class J, temporary off premises: Licenses which shall authorize a holder of a class A, B, or C license to sell alcohol (or for a class B license holder to sell beer and wine) for consumption at a designated premises other than the licensee's licensed premises for a specific period not to exceed three (3) days. 11. Class K temporary tasting permit: License which shall authorize a holder of a class A, B, D, or F license to provide small quantity samplings of alcoholic liquor for on premises tasting purposes only in conjunction with a sales promotional effort. Said permit shall not exceed more than a six (6) hour period, and no more than one permit per week shall be issued to any licensee. All such tastings must take place in a designated area of the licensed premises and shall be supervised by a person who has completed an alcohol sales and service training program . 12. Class L BYOB permit: License which authorizes a restaurant to allow the consumption of wine and beer not purchased from the restaurant but brought to the restaurant by a customer under the provisions set forth in 4- 6D -13J. B. All application, investigation, fingerprinting and annual license fees shall be paid at the filing of the application. In the event a license is not issued, any annual license fee prepaid with an application shall be refunded to the applicant less a one hundred dollar ($100.00) processing fee. All application and investigation fees shall be retained by the Village regardless of whether or not the person is granted a license. C. No more than the maximum number of licenses set forth shall be issued for any class of licenses. Each applicant for a license shall pay the fees set forth in Title 4, Chapter 3. 4 -6D -9: LICENSE APPLICATION: A. The liquor commissioner shall prepare, or cause to be prepared, an application form, in accordance with the foregoing, and shall require such other additional information, records or background investigations as the liquor commissioner or Chief of Police shall from time to time determine to be advisable and /or necessary to confirm the information provided in the application. B. Any person desiring a license authorized by this chapter shall make application to the liquor commissioner. A separate application shall be made for each license by the applicant. Such application shall be typed or legibly handwritten on forms prepared and furnished by the liquor commissioner. Each application shall be signed and verified by oath or affidavit by each person so required, and shall be filed with the office of the Village Administrator. The following persons shall be listed on the application: If the applicant is an individual or individuals, each individual shall sign and verify the application. If the applicant is a general partnership, all partners shall sign and verify the application. If the applicant is a limited partnership, all general partners and any limited partner owning more than a five percent (5 %) interest in such limited partnership and any person entitled to share in more than five percent (5 %) of the profits of the partnership who shall sign and verify the application and specify the percentage of interest owned or profit to which he is entitled. 4. If the applicant is a corporation or a limited liability corporation (LLC), all officers, directors and managing members and any stockholders owning more than fifty percent (50 %) of the corporate stock of a publicly traded corporation and more than five percent (5 %) of the corporate stock of a nonpublicly traded corporation, shall be listed, and their official position and percentage of stock owned shall be specified. The application shall be signed and verified by the president, secretary, managing member and site manager. 5. If the applicant is a club, all local officers and directors shall be listed and their official position shall be specified. The application shall be signed and verified by the president, secretary and site manager. 6. Any person who acts as the manager or agent of the licensee shall submit information and documentation as required of him by the liquor commissioner. C. Applications shall contain the following information and statements: The name, address, and date of birth and social security number of all persons required to be listed on the application. 2. A statement whether each person required to be listed on the application is a resident of the State of Illinois. In the case of corporations, officers, directors, or stockholders and in the case of partnerships, partners do not have to be residents of Illinois if the licensee employs a resident manager to operate the licensed premises. A statement of the citizenship of all persons required to be listed on the application, and if any person is a naturalized citizen of the United States, the date and place of naturalization and a copy of said naturalization documents. If any person is not a citizen of the United States, a statement the person has the legal authority to reside in the United States and a copy of all documents granting said authority. 4. The name and address of the applicant's prospective business, and if applicable, the date of the filing of the "assumed name" of the business with the county clerk. If the applicant is an Illinois corporation, a copy of the articles of incorporation and a certificate of good standing. 6. If the applicant is a foreign corporation, a certificate from the secretary of State of Illinois to conduct business in Illinois as a foreign corporation. If the applicant is an Illinois limited partnership, a copy of the filed certificate of limited partnership and a certificate of good standing from the Illinois secretary of state. 8. If the applicant is a foreign limited partnership, a copy of the filed certificate of limited partnership in the state of filing, and a copy of the filed application for admission to transact business as a foreign limited partnership in Illinois. If the applicant is an individual, a statement as to the nature of the business of the applicant. 10. If the applicant is a club, a copy of its charter, the date it was formed, and state of its headquarters, and a statement as to the nature of its business and activities within the State of Illinois. 11. A statement whether the proposed location is within one hundred feet (100') of any church, school, hospital, home for the aged or indigent persons or for war veterans, their wives or children. 12. A statement whether food for human consumption is to be sold at the event conducted or in the licensed premises if the license is granted. A statement whether the business will be in combination with a restaurant, and whether fifty percent (50 %) of the gross receipts of the licensed business will be or has been from the sale of such food, and documentation substantiating this statement if requested by the local liquor control commissioner. 13. A statement as to the ownership of the licensed premises. If the applicant is not the owner of the licensed premises, the name, address, and phone number of the owner, and the duration of the lease. Documentation showing proof of ownership (deed, or tax bill or like document) or a copy of the lease. 14. A statement whether any person required to be listed on the application previously applied for, holds, or held a liquor license of any type issued by any state or subdivision thereof, or by the federal government that was rejected, suspended or revoked, and all pertinent information detailing the reason for and circumstances of any such rejection, suspension or revocation. 15. A statement whether or not any person required to be listed on the application or any agent, bartender, limited partner or stockholder has ever been convicted of being the keeper or an inmate of a house of prostitution, or pandering, or of any other crime or misdemeanor, with the exception of traffic offenses not connected with the misuse of alcoholic beverages. 16. A statement whether any person required to be listed on the application is not at the time of making the application connected directly or indirectly with a house of ill fame and verification that no such connection will occur during the existence of the license. 11 17. A statement whether any person required to be listed on the application has ever been convicted of a felony, or is disqualified to receive the license sought by reason of any matter or thing contained in this chapter, the laws of this state, or the ordinances of the Village. If any such person has been convicted of a felony, a statement indicating the state and county in which the conviction occurred and explaining the nature of the charges which led to the conviction and other relevant information pertaining to the conviction. 18. A statement that should the licensed premises become or constitute a nuisance the license, permit or certificate may be suspended or revoked or the licensee may be fined by the liquor commissioner. 19. A statement that any person required to be listed on the application will testify under oath and subscribe to the truth in response to all relevant and material questions propounded to him, in any hearing conducted by the liquor commissioner, either before or after the issuance of a license. 20. A statement that any person required to be. listed on the application will provide, on receipt of a lawfully authorized subpoena by the liquor commissioner, any book or record of his licensed business in connection with any investigation conducted by the liquor commissioner. 21. A statement that any person required to be listed on the application, and any manager, bartender, agent or employee, if requested by the liquor commissioner, will permit a record of his or her fingerprints to be made by the Village's police department. 22. In the case of the purchase of an existing business, a statement listing the value of the physical assets if purchased and proof of purchase and a statement setting forth the amount paid for the business as a going concern having value. 23. In the case of a new business, a statement listing all persons and corporations financing the purchase or construction of the business to be licensed and, if requested, a statement detailing the financial background of the applicant and business to be licensed. 24. A statement that all persons required to be listed on the application have paid all taxes, fees or other debts owed to the Village of Morton Grove. 25. A statement that no person required to be listed on the application, and no person interested in anyway, directly or indirectly, in relation to the license applied for, the premises or the profits or proceeds from the sale of alcoholic liquor. nor any member of his or her household is an elected official or a full -time employee of the Village of Morton Grove. 26. A statement authorizing the liquor commissioner to cause to fingerprint all persons required to be listed on the application and all managers and key employees pursuant to subsection G of this section. 12 27. A statement that all persons required to be listed on the application will not violate any of the laws of the State of Illinois, or of the United States, or any ordinance of the Village in relation to the license or the licensed premises. 28. Proof that all managers of the licensed premises and each employee who will be engaged in the selling, mixing, preparing, serving, or delivering alcoholic liquor for consumption on or off the licensed premises has successfully completed an alcohol sales and service training program. 29. A copy of the licensee's Village of Morton Grove business license, and state liquor license (when available) and the licensee's federal employer identification number. 30. All information required must be supplied at the time of application and clearly typed or legibly handwritten. It is the applicant's responsibility to supply on the application, the name and address of each manager or bartender to be employed and to ensure that a background investigation is completed on each, including the submission of fingerprints. D. The requirement of supplying all of the above information is a continuing one. If any supplied information or statements become invalid or if a new manager or bartender is employed, it is the duty of the licensee to provide updated information in writing to the liquor commissioner and the Chief of Police. This includes changes in the makeup or control of partnerships or corporations as follows: If the licensee is a partnership, the liquor commissioner must be informed within seven (7) days of the dissolution of the partnership, and within thirty (30) days of the sale or acquisition of a five percent (5 %) interest in the partnership by any person, or upon any partner acquiring a fifty percent (50 %) or greater interest in the partnership if such partner was not shown to own a fifty percent (50 %) or greater interest on prior applications or renewals, or of the resignation or replacement of any managing partner or site manager. 2. If the licensee is a corporation, the liquor commissioner must be informed within seven (7) days of the dissolution of the corporation, and within thirty (30) days of the resignation or replacement of any officer, managing member or site manager or of the sale or acquisition or transfer of five percent (5 %) of the corporate stock by or from any one stockholder, or if any stockholder acquires fifty percent (50 %) or more of the stock if such stockholder was not shown to own fifty percent (50 %) or more of the stock on prior applications or subsequent renewals. 3. In the case of clubs, the liquor commissioner must be informed within thirty (30) days upon the election or appointment of a new officer or director, and annually if the membership roster changes. 4. The liquor commissioner must be informed within seven (7) days of the death, insolvency, bankruptcy or conviction of a felony of any licensee, or person required to be listed on the license application. 13 E. No license shall be issued, renewed, or allowed to continue, unless the applicant files with the liquor commissioner a certificate by an insurance company authorized to do business in the State of Illinois certifying the applicant has in full force and effect dramshop insurance in such amount as required by law or in the amount of one million dollars ($1,000,000.00), whichever is greater, and listing the Village as the certificate holder, and proof of other insurance that may be required by all local ordinances, state, and federal statutes. If at any time during the period of the license said insurance is not maintained or a current certificate of insurance is not on file with the liquor commissioner, said license shall be suspended or revoked. It is unlawful for a licensee to attempt to pay a license fee, transfer fee, late fee, settlement, or fine pursuant to this chapter with a negotiable instrument that is dishonored on presentation and said negotiable instrument shall not be considered payment and shall be cause for disciplinary action. G. Prior to the initial approval and issuance of a license, or whenever a transfer of any interest in the license pursuant to subsection D of this section or section 4 -6D -6 of this chapter, or at the request of the liquor commissioner, all persons required to be Iisted on the application and at the request of the liquor commissioner, and all managers and bartenders shall submit his or her fingerprints to the Morton Grove Police Department in the form and manner prescribed by Chief of Police.. These fingerprints shall be checked against law enforcement records and criminal history records databases. The licensee or applicant pay a fee for conducting the criminal history records check, as determined by the Chief of Police. H. An application for renewal of any previously issued license shall be filed prior to April I each year. The application shall be accompanied by payment of all the requisite fees, shall be verified, and shall include the same information and documentation as shown above, which shall be current and accurate as of the date of filing said renewal application as well as the following documentation and information: 1. A copy of the applicant's current state liquor license number; 2. The date the applicant first obtained a license for the sale of liquor at his place of business; The applicant's retailer's occupation tax (ROT) registration number; 4. Whether the applicant is delinquent in the payment of the retailer's occupational tax (sales tax), and if so, the reasons therefore; 5. Proof of completion of alcohol sales and service training program required by subsection 4- 6D -13I of this chapter for each manager and employee who is or will be engaged in the selling, mixing, preparing, serving, or delivering of alcoholic liquor to customers, guests, or patrons for consumption on or off the licensed premises. Any application for renewal of a liquor license submitted after April 1 must be accompanied by a one hundred dollar ($100.00) late filing fee. The failure to renew a license or to pay all 14 requisite fees before the expiration of the license shall render the license nonrenewable unless all required information, documentation, and fees, including a late fee in the amount of two hundred dollars ($200.00) or ten percent (10 %) of the license fee, whichever is greater, are filed with the Village Administrator within ten (10) working days of the expiration of the license. Applications for class G. J and K licenses need not follow the formal process set forth in this section, but shall be made by a written correspondence to the local liquor commissioner at least thirty (30) days before the event, and shall identify the date and time of the event, the type of license requested, and the location of the event, and shall include proof of insurance, proof all persons selling or serving alcoholic liquor have completed an alcohol sales and service training program pursuant to subsection 4- 6D -13I of this chapter, and such other information required from time to time by the local liquor commissioner. (Ord. 11 -11, 3 -28- 2011) 4 -6D -10 BOND REQUIRED; AMOUNT; CONDITIONS: A licensee who has had a liquor license revoked or suspended within the last three (3) years shall, as a condition of obtaining or retaining a liquor license from the Village, obtain a surety bond in the sum of two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) with a solvent surety company licensed to do business in the State of Illinois, and approved by the liquor commissioner. The bond shall be made payable to the Village and conditioned on the faithful observance by the licensee of the provisions of this chapter, all ordinances and laws of the State of Illinois and of the United States Of America applying to the sale and possession of alcoholic liquor and shall be further conditioned on the payment of all fines and costs which may be assessed against the licensee by the local liquor control commissioner for the violation of any of the provisions of this chapter. If a licensee shall be fined and fails to pay the fine, or the license shall be revoked by the liquor commissioner and no appeal is taken from such, the order or any appeal taken therefrom is decided adversely to the Iicensee, the bond shall be forfeited and the liquor commissioner may institute suit on such bond in the name of the Village of Morton Grove for the entire amount of the bond. (Ord. 06 -20, 6 -12 -2006) 4 -6D -11 CAUSES FOR LICENSE REJECTION, SUSPENSION AND /OR REVOCATION: A. In addition to other grounds specified in this chapter, the liquor commissioner shall refuse the issuance or renewal of a license, or suspend or revoke the license, of any licensee or applicant, for any of the following conditions with respect to an owner, licensee, applicant, manager or bartender except as otherwise provided in subsection B of this section and subsection 4 -6D -1913 of this chapter: A person under the age of twenty one (21) years. 2. A person who is not a resident of the State of Illinois except as allowed by this chapter. A person who is not of good character and reputation in the Village of Morton Grove and the community in which he resides. 15 4. A person who has not submitted a complete, accurate and truthful application and all required documentation for a license as provided for in this chapter. 5. A person who has been convicted of a felony under any federal or state law, unless the liquor commissioner determines that such person has been sufficiently rehabilitated to warrant the public trust after considering matters set forth in such person's application and the liquor commissioner's investigation with the burden of proof of sufficient rehabilitation to be on the applicant. 6. A person who has been convicted of being the keeper of or is keeping a house of prostitution or a house of ill fame. A person who has been convicted of pandering, or any other crime(s) or misdemeanor(s) opposed to decency and morality or of a sexual nature, or is determined to be a "sex offender" as defined by statute and /or is required to register as such. 8. A person who has been convicted of a gambling offense as proscribed by any Village ordinance, subsections (a)(3) through (a)(11) of section 28 -1, or section 28 -1.1 or 28- 3 of the criminal Code of 1961, or as proscribed by a statute replaced by any of the aforesaid statutory provisions. 9. A person who is licensed by the State of Illinois as an alcohol distributor. 10. A partnership or co- partnership, if any person owning more than five percent (5 %) thereof would not be eligible to receive a license hereunder for any reason other than the citizenship or residency requirements of this chapter, so long as the partnership employs a resident manager to operate the licensed premises. 11. A corporation, if any officer, or director thereof, or any stockholder or stockholders owning in the aggregate more than five percent (5 %) of the stock in such corporation would not be eligible to receive a license for any reason hereunder other than the citizenship or residency requirements of this chapter so long as the corporation employs a resident manager to operate the licensed premises. 12. A corporation, unless it is incorporated in Illinois, or unless it is a foreign corporation which is qualified under the "business corporation act of 1983" to transact business in Illinois. 13. A club, if any of its officers or directors would not be eligible to receive a license for any reason hereunder other than the residency requirements of this chapter. 14. A person that is not an individual(s), partnership, corporation or "club" as defined in this chapter, except for persons applying for a class G license. 15. A person whose place of business is conducted by a manager who is not qualified to hold a license under this chapter. IN 16. A person who does not beneficially own the premises for which a license is sought, or does not have a lease thereon, or written permission from the owner of the licensed premises for the period for which the license is to be issued. 17. A person who is not a beneficial owner of the business to be operated by the licensee. 18. Any person not eligible to receive a license under the Illinois Liquor Control Act or subsequent relevant liquor regulations as may be amended from time to time. 19. Any person who is an elected official or full-time employee of the Village of Morton Grove and no such official or employee shall be interested in any way, either directly or indirectly, in the manufacture, sale or distribution of alcoholic liquor within the Village, except that a license may be granted to the Village president or any member of the Village board of trustees in relation to a premises located within the Village of Morton Grove if the sale of alcoholic liquor pursuant to the license is incidental to the selling of food, the issuance of the license is approved by the state liquor commission, the issuance of the license is in accordance with all applicable local ordinances in effect where the premises are located, and the official granted a license abstains on all votes on alcoholic liquor issues pending before the Village board. 20. A person who does not have liquor liability insurance coverage for the licensed premises in an amount that is at least equal to the maximum liability amounts required by the Liquor Control Act or one million dollars ($1,000,000.00), whichever is greater. 21. A person who sells or intends to sell alcoholic liquor at any premises or place of business where the majority of customers are minors or where the principal business transacted consists of school books, school supplies, food, lunches, or drinks for such minors. 22. A person who sells or intends to sell alcoholic liquor within one hundred feet (100') of any church, school other than an institution of higher learning, hospital, home for aged or indigent persons or for veterans, their spouses or children, or any military or naval station, but this prohibition shall not apply to hotels offering restaurant service, regularly organized clubs, or to restaurants, food shops or other places where sale of alcoholic liquor is not the principal business carried. In the case of a church, the distance of one hundred feet (100') shall be measured to the nearest part of any building used for worship services or educational programs and not to property boundaries. Nothing in this section shall prohibit the issuance of a license to a church or private school to sell at retail alcoholic liquor if any such sales are limited to periods when groups are assembled on the premises solely for the promotion of some common object other than the sale or consumption of alcoholic liquors, or where a church locates within one hundred feet (100') of a preexisting licensed premises. 23. A person who at the time of application for renewal of any license issued hereunder would not be eligible for such license upon a first application. 17 24. A person who fails to so testify or provide such books or records for inspection as required by the local liquor control commissioner. 25. Where the licensed premise constitutes a nuisance as defined by this chapter or elsewhere in this Code or by any state or federal law. 26. Where the licensee or his employees or agents have failed to submit his or her fingerprints in violation of this chapter. 27. In cases of a renewal application, a licensee who is delinquent in paying any amount owed to the Village of Morton Grove, until the finance director confirms that all delinquencies and obligations have been satisfied, and if requested, the applicant provides documentation that all taxes, fees, obligations or debts owed to the Village of Morton Grove by the licensee have been satisfied. 28. In cases of a renewal application, if the department of revenue has reported to the Illinois liquor control commissioner that such licensee is delinquent in filing any required tax returns or paying any amounts owed to the State of Illinois until the licensee is issued a certificate by the department of revenue stating all delinquent returns or amounts owed have been paid by guaranteed remittance or the payment agreement to pay all amounts owed has been accepted by the department. 29. A person whose license under this chapter or the Liquor Control Act has been revolted for cause within the past twelve (12) months. 30. A person whose license under this chapter or the Liquor Control Act has been revoked unless the liquor commissioner determines it is unlikely the person will violate any provision of this chapter. B. A criminal conviction of a corporation is not grounds for the denial, suspension, or revocation of a license applied for or held by the corporation if the criminal conviction was not the result of a violation of any federal or state law concerning the manufacture, possession or sale of alcoholic liquor, the offense that led to the conviction did not result in any financial gain to the corporation and the corporation has terminated its relationship with each director, officer, employee, or controlling shareholder whose actions directly contributed to the conviction of the corporation. The liquor commissioner shall determine if all provisions of this subsection have been met before any action on the corporation's license is initiated. (Ord. 06 -20, 6 -12 -2006) 4 -6D -12 VIOLATION OF STATE TAX ACTS: A. In addition to other grounds specified in this chapter, the liquor commissioner, on complaint of the department of revenue of the State of Illinois, shall refuse the issuance or renewal of a license, or suspend or revolve the license, of any person, for any of the following violations of any tax act administered by the department: W, Failure to make a tax return. 2. The filing of a fraudulent return. 3. Failure to pay all or part of any tax or penalty finally determined to be due. 4. Failure to keep books and records. 5. Failure to secure and display a certificate of registration, if required. 6. Willful violation of any rule or regulation of the department relating to the administration and enforcement of tax liability. B. Upon receiving notice from the department that a violation of any of the items in subsections Al through A6 of this section have been corrected or otherwise resolved to the department's satisfaction, the liquor commissioner may vacate an order of revocation. (Ord. 06 -20, 6 -12- 2006) 4 -6D -13 REGULATIONS FOR LICENSEES: A. Condition of Licensed Premises: All licensed premises shall be kept in a clean and sanitary condition and shall be governed by the ordinances of the Village regulating the condition of the premises used for the storage or sale of food for human consumption. B. Hours of Sale or Consumption: No licensee shall permit any alcoholic liquor to be sold or given away or consumed on a licensed premises between the hours of two o'clock (2:00) A.M. and six o'clock (6:00) A.M. on weekdays and Saturday; and between the hours of three o'clock (3:00) A.M. and ten o'clock (10:00) A.M. on Sunday. Class A, B, C, H, I, J& L licensees must stop the sale and serving of alcohol by 1:30 AM on weekdays and Saturday, and by 2:30 AM on Sunday. C. Lights and Signs: All lights of all outside advertising display or illuminating signs of licensed premises shall be turned off at one o'clock (1:00) A.M. on weekdays and Saturday, and two o'clock (2:00) A.M. on Sunday. D. License Posted In Plain View: Each licensee shall cause his license to be framed and hung in plain view in a conspicuous place on the licensed premises. E. Books and Records: Each licensee shall make his books and records available upon reasonable notice for the purpose of investigation and control by the liquor commissioner. Such books and records shall be maintained in the State of Illinois, unless access to the records is available electronically. F. Sign Required; Violation: Every licensee shall post in plain view on the licensed premises an eight and one -half inch by eleven inch (81/2" x 1 I ") sign with the following message: "Government Warning: According To The Surgeon General, Women Should Not Drink Alcoholic Beverages During Pregnancy Because Of The Risk Of Birth Defects ". The local 19 liquor control commission shall furnish a copy of this sign upon request. If the licensee fails to post said sign within seven (7) days after receiving a written warning, he shall be fined in accordance with title 1, chapter 4 of this Code for each such violation, and each day the violation continues shall constitute a separate offense. G. Outdoor Areas Adjacent To Licensed Premises: Subject to all applicable Village ordinances, the local liquor control commissioner may allow the sale and consumption of alcoholic liquor in completely enclosed outdoor areas such as decks and patios adjacent to the permanent structure of a licensed premises so long as he determines said sale and consumption shall not adversely impact the peace, health, safety or welfare of the surrounding neighborhood. Said determination is subject to review and reconsideration on an annual basis. H. Video Recording And Monitoring: Unless waived in writing by the liquor commissioner, the holder of a class D or class F license and any licensee who has video gaming terminals on the licensed premise shall install and maintain in good working order video recording and monitoring equipment pursuant to specifications as determined from time to time by the Chief of Police and shall maintain video recordings for a period of at least fourteen (14) days after each sale. Video recordings must be accessible remotely to the Chief of Police upon request at anytime. A written notice that "all sales of alcohol are video recorded" shall be posted near the point of sale. Holders of class D or F licenses shall record all persons entering and leaving the building and all sales of alcohol. Licensees who have video gaming terminals shall record all persons entering or leaving the building, the operation and playing of all video gaming terminals, and all payouts /distributions of winnings from gaming activities. Any class D or F licensee who had installed approved video recording equipment prior to August 13, 2012 shall not be required to replace or upgrade its video recording equipment to comply with this subsection until the first to occur of the following: 1. The video recording equipment fails to properly record or save recordings 2. The licensee is found to have violated any section of this chapter. 3. January 1, 2015. Responsible Alcohol Service Training Required: Each manager of a licensed premises, and each employee of a licensee who will be engaged in selling, mixing, preparing, serving or delivering alcoholic liquor to customers, guests or patrons for consumption on or off the licensed premises, shall, within ten (10) days after beginning employment with the licensee, successfully complete an alcohol sales and service training program. 2. Each licensee shall maintain on the licensed premises and with the liquor commissioner proof of completion of the alcohol sales and service training required pursuant to this subsection in a manner that will allow inspection, upon demand, by m any designee of either the State of Illinois liquor control commission or the local liquor control commissioner. 3. No person shall sell, mix, prepare, serve, or deliver alcoholic liquor in the Village, for consumption on or off the licensed premises, unless that person has successfully completed an alcohol sales and service training program, and that proof of such training is available for inspection at the Iicensed premises. 4. No local liquor licensee shall allow alcoholic liquor to be sold, served, or delivered except by a person who has successfully completed an alcohol sales and service training program. (Ord. 10 -13, 6 -14 -2010) BYOB Licensees: The following provisions apply to holders of Class "L" (BYOB Licenses, and are in addition to all other requirements set forth in this chapter. 1. The hours of BYOB wine service shall occur only between 3:00 pm and 10:00 pm. 2. No more than one bottle of wine or 48 ounces of beer per patron over the age of 21 shall be permitted to be consumed at any table or booth. 3. The licensee shall only permit BYOB service to occur on the premise in conjunction with the purchase and consumption of a full meal on the licensed premise. 4. Patrons must be seated at a table or booth to consume wine. 5. The licensee may provide glassware and ice to the patron and may uncork the wine, pour it, and shall control its consumption. 6. The Iicensee may but is not required to charge a corkage fee. 7. All employees who perform corkage duties shall successfully complete an alcohol sales and service training program and shall serve the wine as if it was purchased in the establishment complying with all state and local laws. 8. Section 235 ILCS 5/6 -33 of the Illinois Liquor Control Act is hereby incorporated by reference with respect to prohibitions against any persons carrying or transporting or possessing liquor in an unsealed and open condition. 9. The licensee shall be liable for violations of this chapter in the same manner as the holder of any other classification of liquor license including but not limited to violations for service to minors and the over - serving of patrons. K. Access: The Chief of Police or his designees and/or any peace officer of the Village of Morton Grove Police Department wearing a uniform or displaying a badge or other sign of authority shall have unobstructed /unhindered immediate access to the licensed premise including but not limited to all outdoor areas during the business hours and /or any time the licensed premise is occupied. The licensee, its agents and /or employees shall allow and /or facilitate said access and shall not hinder or obstruct said access in any manner. 21 4 -6D -14 REGULATIONS FOR LICENSEES OPERATING VIDEO GAMING TERMINALS ON THE LICENSED PREMISE: A. It shall be unlawful for any licensed premise to operate a video gaming terminal, except for Class "A ", "B ", and "C" license holders who have also obtained approval for the operation of video gaming terminals from the State of Illinois, and who have obtained a video gaming terminal permit sticker from both the State of Illinois and the Village of Morton Grove. The cost for a video gaming terminal permit sticker issued by the Village of Morton Grove shall be $250.00 per machine /terminal to be renewed on an annual basis. B. Regulations governing licensed establishments operating video gaming terminals: A valid Village video gaming terminal permit sticker shall be clearly displayed at all times on each video gaming terminal. 2. No more than the maximum amount of video gaming terminals allowed by Illinois law may be located on the licensed establishment's premises. All video gaming terminals must be located in an area restricted to persons 21 years of age or older. The entrance to such an area must at all times be within the view of at least one employee who is at least 21 years of age. Video Gaming Terminals must not be visible from any area outside of the building. 4. No licensed establishment may cause or permit any person under the age of 21 to use, play or operate a video gaming terminal. 5. No video gaming terminal may be played except during the legal hours of operation allowed for the consumption of alcoholic beverages at the licensed premise. 6. The licensed establishment must fully comply with the Illinois Video Gaming Act (230 ILCS 40/1 et seq) and all rules, regulations, and restrictions imposed by the Illinois Gaining Board which are here as may be amended from time -to -time which are hereby incorporated by reference into this chapter. T The licensed premise shall be video recorded pursuant to Section 4- 6D- 13(H). 8. Any violation of this section shall be cause for the immediate suspension of the liquor license for the licensed premise. And such suspension shall remain in effect until the licensee demonstrates that it is in full compliance with this section. 9. Any licensee that has had its licensed revoked or suspended by the Village of Morton Grove, or by the Illinois State Liquor Control Commission or has its video gaming license revoked or suspended by the Illinois Gaming Board shall automatically have its Village video gaming terminal permit stickers revoked or suspended for the same time period as its liquor and/or gaming board permit sticker suspended whichever the case may be. 22 10. Every video gaming terminal that does not have a valid video gaming terminal permit sticker issued by the Village of Morton Grove or the State of Illinois operated in violation of this section or is otherwise unlawful shall be considered a gambling device subject to seizure and shall be turned over to the Illinois Gaming Board in accordance with Board regulations and applicable laws unless otherwise ordered by a court of competent jurisdiction. 4- 6D -15: PROIIIBITED CONDUCT: A. No person shall gamble and no licensee shall permit gambling on any licensed premises except where such gambling activity is permitted and licensed by state statute and is conducted under the rules and regulations provided by the state for that particular type of gambling activity. B. No person shalt peddle alcoholic liquor in the Village. C. It shall be the responsibility of the licensee to ensure the conduct and activities of any employee having a disease or medical condition shall be in compliance with the ordinances of the Village contained in title 8 of this Code regulating employee health in food service establishments. D. No licensee shall directly or indirectly sell, give, or deliver alcoholic liquor to any intoxicated person or to any person known to him to be an alcoholic. E. No person shall transport, carry, possess or have any alcoholic liquor in, upon or about any motor vehicle, except in the original package with the seal unbroken. P. No person shall drink or consume alcoholic liquor in an area adjacent to a licensed premise, including the parking area, or in any public right -of -way. G. Any owner of a licensed premises or any person from whom the licensee derives the right to possession of such premises, or the agent of such owner or person who knowingly permits the licensee to use said licensed premises in violation of the terms of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a violation of this chapter to the same extent as said licensee and be subject to the same punishment. H. Every act or omission of any nature constituting a violation of any of the provisions of this chapter, by any officer, director, manager, or other agent or employee of any licensee, shall be deemed and held to be the Liquor Control Act of such employer or licensee, and said employer or licensee shall be punishable in the same manner as if said act or omission had been done or omitted by him personally. No licensee shall discharge or in any way retaliate against any person, because the person reported a violation of any provision of this chapter to the local liquor control commissioner or other law enforcement official. 23 No person shall offer anything of value to any Village official or employee, directly or indirectly, to influence the issuance of a license or the enforcement of any provision of this chapter. K. No licensee shall deny or permit his agents and employees to deny in violation of any federal, state or local law any person the full and equal enjoyment of the accommodations, advantages, facilities and privileges of any premises in which alcoholic Iiquors are authorized to be sold subject only to the conditions and limitations established by law and applicable alike to all citizens. L. No person except a manufacturer or alcohol distributor, or importing alcohol distributor, shall fill or refill, in whole or in part, any original package of alcoholic liquor with the same or any other kind or quality of alcoholic liquor, and it shall be unlawful for any person to have in his possession for sale at retail any bottles, casks or other containers containing alcoholic liquor, except in original packages. M. Safety provisions: A licensee shall not permit the use of any pyrotechnic device within its licensed premises without the prior authorization of the Illinois state fire marshal, or the Village fire marshal or his designee. A licensee, or any agent or employee of that licensee, may not use or permit mace, pepper spray, or any other toxic air - released compound within its licensed premises. Violation of this subsection M1 by any licensee or any employee or agent of a licensee is a class 4 felony. 2. No person may impede any person who is attempting to an emergency that constitutes a threat to the health licensed premises. For the purpose of this section, the attempting to exit" includes physically restraining the an exit while the licensed premises is open to the pub] M2 is a class 4 felony. to exit a licensed premises due or safety of persons within the term "impede a person who is person or blocking or locking ic. Violation of this subsection A licensee of a licensed premises with an authorized capacity of at least two hundred fifty (250) persons, as set by the state fire marshal, the fire chief or his designee or as set by local ordinance, whichever is lowest, must place a panic bar on each exit of its licensed premises. A licensee of a licensed premises with an authorized capacity of at least five hundred (500) persons that conducts live entertainment within its licensed premises must, before the commencement of the live entertainment, make an announcement to the patrons of the licensed premises that generally informs those patrons of the locations of exits and fire escapes at the licensed premises. N. Happy hours prohibited: No retail licensee or employee or agent of such licensee shall: a. Serve two (2) or more drinks of alcoholic liquor at one time to one person for consumption by that one person, except conducting product sampling as allowed by law or selling or delivering wine by the bottle or carafe; 24 b. Sell, offer to sell or serve to any person an unlimited number of drinks of alcoholic Iiquor during any set period of time for a fixed price, except at private functions not open to the general public; C, Sell, offer to sell or serve any drink of alcoholic liquor to any person on any one date at a reduced price other than that charged other purchasers of drinks on that day where such reduced price is a promotion to encourage consumption of alcoholic liquor; d. Increase the volume of alcoholic liquor contained in a drink, or the size of a drink of alcoholic liquor, without increasing proportionately the price regularly charged for the drink on that day; e. Encourage or permit, on the licensed premises, any game or contest which involves drinking alcoholic liquor or the awarding of drinks of alcoholic liquor as prizes for such game or contest on the licensed premises; or f Advertise or promote in any way, whether on or off the licensed premises, any of the practices prohibited under subsections NI a through NI e of this section. 2. Nothing in subsection NI of this section shall be construed to prohibit a licensee from: a. Offering free food or entertainment at any time; b. Including drinks of alcoholic liquor as part of a meal package; C. Including drinks of alcoholic liquor as part of a hotel package; d. Negotiating drinks of alcoholic liquor as part of a contract between a hotel or multiuse establishment and another group for the holding of any function, meeting, convention or trade show; e. Providing room service to persons renting rooms at a hotel; f. Selling pitchers (or the equivalent, including, but not limited to, buckets), carafes, or bottles of alcoholic liquor which are customarily sold in such manner and delivered to two (2) or more persons at one time; or g. Increasing prices of drinks of alcoholic liquor in lieu of, in whole or in part, a cover charge to offset the cost of special entertainment not regularly scheduled. 3. All licensees shall maintain a schedule of the prices charged for all drinks of alcoholic liquor to be served and consumed on the licensed premises or in any room or part thereof. (Ord. 06 -20, 6 -12 -2006) 25 4- 6D -16: PROHIBITED CONDUCT RELATING TO MINORS: A. No person or licensee nor any officer, associate, member, representative, agent, or employee of such licensee shall sell., give, or deliver alcoholic liquor to any person under the age of twenty one (2 1 ) years. B. No person or licensee nor any officer, associate, member, representative, agent, or employee of such licensee shall sell alcoholic liquor to any person who appears to be under the age of thirty -five (35) without first requiring said person to furnish a valid State of Illinois picture I.D. or driver's license, or U.S. passport. (Ord 12 -09, 04- 09 -12) C. No person under the age of twenty -one (2 1) years shall purchase, obtain or consume alcoholic liquor. D. A licensee shall display a sign at the licensed premises at all times in a prominent place, which shall read substantially as follows: WARNING TO PERSONS UNDER 21 YEARS YOU ARE SUBJECT TO A FINE OF UP TO ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($1,000) UNDER THE ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE IF YOU PURCHASE ALCOHOLIC LIQUOR, OR MISREPRESENT YOUR AGE FOR THE PURPOSE OF PURCHASING OR OBTAINING ALCOHOLIC LIQUOR. ALL UNLAWFUL ATTEMPTS TO PURCHASE ALCOHOL SHOULD BE REPORTED TO THE MORTON GROVE POLICE DEPARTMENT 847 - 470 -5200 E. No person shall permit any person under the age of twenty one (2 1) to be or remain at any establishment where the sale of alcoholic liquor is the principal business unless accompanied by his or her parent or guardian, or any lawful employee eighteen (18) years of age or older. F. No parent or guardian shall permit his or her child to violate any of the provisions of this section. G. No person under the age of twenty one (2 1) years shall falsely represent that he or she is at least twenty one (21) years of age, or present or offer to any licensee, his agent or employee, any proof or evidence of age and identity that is false, fraudulent, or not actually his or her own for the purpose of ordering, purchasing, attempting to purchase or otherwise procuring or attempting to procure any alcoholic beverage. H. No person under the age of twenty one (21) years shall have in his or her possession any false or fraudulent written, printed, or photostatic evidence of age and identity. No person under the age of twenty one (2 1) years shall have any alcoholic liquor in his or her possession on any street or highway or in any public place or in any place open to the public, unless such person is making a delivery of alcoholic liquor in pursuance of the order of his or her parent. co No person shall rent a hotel or motel room for the purpose of or with the knowledge that such room shall be used for the consumption of alcoholic liquor by a person under the age of twenty one (21) years. to either the residence K. No person shall permit a person under the age of twenty one (21) to consume alcoholic liquor at his residence or property. A person is deemed to violate this subsection if he knowingly authorizes, enables, or permits his property to be used for the consumption of alcoholic liquor by a person under the age of twenty one (21), or by failing to control access to either the residence or the alcoholic liquor maintained in the residence. L. No person shalt have alcoholic liquor in his or her possession on public school district property on school days or at events on public school district property when children are present unless the alcoholic liquor is in the original container with the seal unbroken and is in the possession of a person who is not otherwise legally prohibited from possessing the alcoholic liquor, unless the alcoholic liquor is in the possession of a person in or for the performance of a religious service or ceremony. M. No licensee shall permit any employee or any person under the age of twenty one (21) to sell, serve, handle, draw, pour, or mix any alcoholic liquor on the licensed premises. N. The possession and dispensing, or consumption by a person under twenty one (21) years of age of alcoholic liquor in the performance of a religious service or ceremony, or the consumption of alcoholic liquor by a person under twenty one (2 1) years of age under the direct supervision and approval of a parent or guardian or person standing in loco parentis of such person under twenty one (2 1) years of age in the privacy of a home, is not prohibited by this chapter. (Ord. 06 -20, 6 -12 -2006) 4- 6D -17: DECLARATION OF NUISANCE: Every lot, parcel, or tract of land, and every building, structure, establishment, or place whatsoever, together with all furniture, fixtures, and ornaments located thereon, wherein any unlawful sale of alcoholic liquor is conducted, or wherever alcoholic liquor is kept, stored, concealed, allowed or intended for illegal sale or is or is to be sold, disposed of, or in any other manner used in violation of any of the provisions of this chapter, or any place where alcoholic liquor is sold or served and which is also used for illegal purposes including the sale of unlawful drugs, lewdness, or illegal gambling, prostitution, or is otherwise detrimental to the peace and well being of the neighborhood is declared to be a public nuisance and shall be abated and may be enjoined as provided by the Village ordinances and laws of this state for the abatement of public nuisances. (Ord. 06 -20, 6 -12 -2006) 4- 6D -18: EMERGENCY CLOSING: A. If the liquor commissioner has reason to believe any continued operation of a particular licensed premises will immediately threaten the welfare of the community he may, upon the issuance of a written order stating the reason for such conclusion and without notice or hearing, order the licensed premises closed for not more than seven (7) days, except that if such licensee shall also be engaged in the conduct of another business or businesses on the 27 licensed premises such order shall not be applicable to such other business or businesses. The licensee shall be given an opportunity to be heard during that period. B. The Chief of Police upon the issuance of a written order stating the reasons therefore, without notice or hearing, may order a licensed premises to be closed without a hearing for a period of twenty four (24) hours if the premises was the scene of a disturbance involving injury or threat to any person or the use of firearms, or if the premises constitutes a crime scene and such closing could prevent the loss or destruction of evidence and facilitate a police investigation, for up to seven (7) days or longer if necessary to preserve the integrity of evidentiary collection procedures. (Ord. 06 -20, 6 -12 -2006) 4- 6D -19: PROCEEDING BEFORE THE LOCAL LIQUOR CONTROL COMMISSIONER: A. The liquor commissioner, after conducting an administrative hearing, may revoke or suspend any license issued by him or impose a fine upon a licensee if he determines cause exists for such action by a preponderance of the evidence. B. Any resident(s) of the Village may file a complaint with the Chief of Police stating any licensee has been or is violating the provisions of this chapter. Such complaint shall be in writing and shall be signed and sworn to by the parties complaining. The complaint shall state the particular provision, rule or regulation believed to have been violated and the facts in detail upon which belief is based. If the Chief of Police is satisfied the complaint substantially charges a violation he shall conduct an investigation. If, after conducting an investigation, the Chief of Police has reason to believe a violation did occur, he shall refer the matter to the liquor commissioner who shall conduct a hearing to determine whether action should be taken against the licensee in accordance with this section. C. The following procedures shall apply to all hearings and rehearings for the suspension or revocation of licenses, or impositions of fines by the liquor commissioner or to review an order for an emergency closing, or a denial of a request for the issuance, transfer or renewal of a license: All hearings shall be open to the public. 2. Except for hearings related to emergency closures, all licensees and persons charged with a violation pursuant to this chapter shall be given at least a three (3) day written notice of the proceeding affording the licensee or such person an opportunity to appear and defend. This notice provision may be waived by the licensee or other person so charged. 3. Notice of the hearing may be served by personal delivery to the person so charged, or the licensee or his manager, by certified mail to the known address of the licensee or person charged, or to the licensee by posting on the licensed premises. 4. A certified official record of the proceedings shall be taken by a certified court reporter or certified shorthand reporter. we 5. Irrelevant, immaterial, or unduly repetitious evidence may be excluded. 6. The rules of evidence and privilege as applied in civil cases in the circuit courts of Illinois shall be generally followed. However, evidence not admissible under such rules of evidence may be admitted if it is deemed reasonably reliable by the liquor commissioner. 7. The liquor commissioner shall reduce his finding to writing. 8. The liquor commissioner shall within five (5) days after such hearing, if he determines after such hearing the license should be revoked or suspended or the licensee should be fined, state the reason or reasons for such determination in a written order, and either the amount of the fine, the period of suspension, or the license has been revoked, and shall serve a copy of such order within the five (5) days upon the licensee by regular mail to the licensee's or person's last known address, or to the licensed premises. Failure to follow this provision shall not constitute a jurisdictional defect and shall not impair the legal effect of or enforcement of an order issued by the liquor commissioner within any reasonable time after the hearing. In the event the liquor control commissioner shall find a person or a licensee guilty of violating any provision of this chapter, he may: (Ord. 06 -20, 6 -12 -2006) a. Levy a fine on the person or licensee for such violations. The fine imposed shall be in accordance with title 1, chapter 4 of this Code. Each day on which a violation continues shall constitute a separate violation. Not more than fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000.00) in fines under this section may be imposed against any licensee during any annual period of his license. Proceeds from such fines shall be paid into the general corporate fund of the Municipal treasury; (Ord. 08 -22, 5 -12 -2008) In addition to any fine, order the suspension of any license for up to thirty (30) days. During any period of suspension, the licensee shall remove all alcoholic liquor from the premises, or with the written consent of the liquor commissioner, conceal said alcoholic liquor from public view. The licensee shall also prominently display a sign provided by the liquor commissioner which shall advise the public that the sale of alcohol is prohibited during the period of suspension; C. In addition to any fine, order the revocation of the license. Unless specified otherwise, a revocation shall be entered as to the licensee only and not to the licensed premises; d. In addition to or in lieu of any fine, suspension, or revocation, order the licensee to successfully complete an alcohol sales and service training program; 29 e. In addition to any fine, suspension, or revocation, order the licensee to pay reasonable attorney fees incurred by the Village; f In addition to any fine, suspension, or revocation, order the licensee to pay reasonable costs incurred at the hearing, including court reporter fees, police personnel and inspector fees. D. The aforesaid proceedings and sanctions imposed by the liquor commissioner are not exclusive and shall be in addition to all other rights of prosecution, actions or remedies available to the Village, state liquor commission and the state. E. Any order or action of the liquor commissioner levying a fine or refusing to levy a fine on a licensee, granting or refusing to grant a license, revoking or suspending or refusing to revoke or suspend a license or refusing for more than thirty (30) days to grant a hearing upon a complaint to revoke or suspend a license may, within twenty (20) days after notice of such order or action, be appealed by any interested person or resident of the Village of Morton Grove to the state liquor commission subject to the following: Except as provided in subsection E3 of this section, in any case where a licensee timely appeals to the state Iiquor commission from an order or action of the liquor commissioner having the effect of suspending or revoking a license, or denying a renewal application, the licensee may continue the operation of the licensed business pending the decision of the state liquor commission and the expiration of the time allowed for an application for rehearing. 2. Except as provided in subsection E3 of this section, if an application for rehearing is filed, the licensee may continue the operation of the licensed business until the decision on rehearing. In any case in which a licensee applies for a rehearing, or appeals to the state liquor commission a suspension or revocation by a liquor commissioner that is the second or subsequent such suspension or revocation placed on that licensee within the preceding twelve (12) month period, the provisions of subsections E and E2 of this section shall not apply, and the appeal or rehearing shall not stay the order of the liquor commissioner. During the period of suspension or revocation or until the state liquor commission overturns the order of the Iiquor commissioner and all rehearings have concluded, or if none, upon the expiration of the time allowed for an application for rehearing, the licensee shall remove all alcoholic liquor from the premises, or with the written consent of the liquor commissioner, conceal said alcoholic liquor from public view. During said period, the licensee shall also prominently display a sign provided by the liquor commissioner which shall advise the public that the sale of alcohol is prohibited. An appeal of any decision of the liquor commissioner shall be limited to a review of the official record of the proceedings. 4. A certified official record of the proceedings taken and prepared by a certified court reporter or certified shorthand reporter shall be filed by the liquor commissioner 30 within five (5) days after notice of the filing of such appeal, provided the appellant licensee pays for the cost of the transcript. 5. The state liquor commission shall review the propriety of the order or action of the liquor commissioner subject only to consideration of the following questions: a. Whether the liquor commissioner has proceeded in a lawful manner; b. Whether the order is supported by the findings; C. Whether the findings are supported by substantial evidence in the light of the whole record. 6. The only evidence which may be considered in the review shall be the evidence found in the certified official record of the proceedings of the liquor commissioner. No new or additional evidence shall be admitted or considered. The state liquor commission shall render a decision affirming, reversing or modifying the order or action reviewed within thirty (30) days after the appeal was heard. (Ord. 06 -20, 6 -12 -2006) 4- 6D -20: VIOLATIONS; PENALTIES: A. The Village of Morton Grove Administrative Adjudication Hearing Officer and /or the Circuit Court of Cook County are authorized to hear and determine proceedings against any person for violations of this chapter. B. No person shall be charged or prosecuted for any violation of this chapter if he is a law enforcement officer or an agent of the Chief of Police in the investigation or enforcement of the provisions of this chapter or the Liquor Control Act and his activities are approved in writing by the Cook County state's attorney, the director of state, or the Chief of Police of the Village. C. Any person who sells alcoholic liquor at any place within the Village of Morton Grove without having first obtained a valid and current license to do so under the provisions of this chapter shall be fined in accordance with Title 1, Chapter 4 of this Code. Each day on which a violation continues shall constitute a separate violation. SECTION 4: The terms and conditions of this ordinance shall be severable and if any section, term, provision, or condition is found to be invalid or unenforceable by any reason by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining sections, terms, provisions, and conditions, shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 5: In the event this ordinance or any Code amendment herein is in conflict with any statute, ordinance, or resolution or part thereof, the amendments in this ordinance shall be 31 controlling and shall supersede all other statutes, ordinances, or resolutions but only to the extent of such conflict. Except as amended in this ordinance, all chapters and sections of the Village of Morton Grove Village Code are hereby restated, readopted, and shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 6: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form according to law. PASSED this 30"' of July 2013. Trustee Grear Trustee Kalogerakos Trustee Marcus Trustee Pietron Trustee Thill Trustee Toth APPROVED by me this 30`h day of July 2013 ATTESTED and FILED in my office this 31" day of July 2013. Ed Ramos, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois 32 Daniel P. DiMaria, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois Legislative Summer Ordinance 13 -11 —1 APPROVING A PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT FOR THE MCGRATH SUBDIVISION AND RELIEF FROM VARIOUS SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS IN SECTION 12 -8 OF THE UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE FOR A 15.96 + /- ACRE PARCEL, LOCATED NORTH OF GOLF ROAD BETWEEN HARLEM AVENUE AND WAUKEGAN ROAD, COMMONLY KNOWN AS 70005 7040, 7100, AND 7152 GOLF ROAD Introduced: July 8, 2013 Synopsis: This ordinance will authorize the Village to approve a preliminary and final plat of subdivision for a four lot subdivision to be known as the McGrath Subdivision and relief from various submittal requirements found in Section 12 -8 of the Unified Development Code, The parcels are found north of Golf Road between Harlem Avenue and Waukegan Road commonly known as 7000, 7040, 7100, and 7152 Golf Road. Purpose: The approval will allow Hamilton Partners to complete the assemblage and registration of the plats from the prior Kraft property with the county. Background: Action Glenview Ventures, LP has, under Case No. PC 13 -05, requested approval of preliminary and final plats of for a 15.96 + /- acre parcel, located north of Golf Road between Harlem Avenue And is located in the CI General Commercial Zoning District. To date, no development plans have been submitted to the Village for this site. The Plan Commission held a public hearing on June 17, 2013and recommended approval of the subdivision and approval of waivers of certain subdivision requirements pertain to residential developments. Programs, Departs Administration, Community and Economic Development, and Legal Departments or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: N/A Source of Funds: N/A Workload Impact: The Village Administrator, Director of Community and Economic Development, along with Corporation Counsel and the Building Commissioner will monitor the finalization of the registration of this subdivision. Admin Recommend: Approval as presented Second Reading: July 30, 2013 Special Consider or None Requirements: Respectfully submitted: Administrator Reviewed by: Teresa Hoffin Prepared by: Nancy a zevrc , om i n tS and Economic Development Director APPROVING A PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT FOR TI4E MCGRATH SUBDIVISION AND RELIEF FROM VARIOUS SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS IN SECTION 12 -8 OF THE UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE FOR A 15.96 + /- ACRE PARCEL, LOCATED NORTH OF GOLF ROAD BETWEEN HARLEM AVENUE AND WAUKEGAN ROAD, COMMONLY KNOWN AS 7000, 7040, 7100, AND 7152 GOLF ROAD WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove, located in Cook County, Illinois, is a Home Rule unit of government and under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, and as such can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to, the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, Action Glenview Ventures, LP, c/o Hamilton Partners, 300 Park Boulevard Suite 300, Itasca, 11 60143, with permission from the property owner Phenix Management Corporation, Three Lake Drive, Northfield, IL 60093, has made a proper application to the Plan Commission in the Village of Morton Grove under Case No. PC 13 -05, requesting approval of preliminary and final plats of subdivision for the McGrath Subdivision and relief from various submittal requirements in Section 12 -8 of the Unified Development Code for a 15.96714- acre parcel, located north of Golf Road between Harlem Avenue and Waukegan Road, commonly known as 7000, 7040, 7100, and 7152 Golf Road; and WHEREAS, the proposed four lot subdivision includes land zoned C 1 General Commercial District; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the applicable provisions of the Municipal Code of the Village of Morton Grove, upon public notice duly published in the Pioneer Press newspaper, a newspaper of general circulation in the Village of Morton Grove, which publication took place on May 23, 2013, and upon posting of a sign on the property and written notification being sent to property owners within 250 feet of the subject property as required by ordinance, the Plan Commission held a public hearing on June 17, 2013, at which time all concerned parties were given the opportunity to present and express their views for the consideration of the Plan Commission, and as a result of said hearing the Plan Commission made certain recommendations including certain conditions through a report dated July 2, 2013, a copy of which is attached hereto and made apart hereof as Exhibit "A" and 11 WHEREAS, the legal description for 7000, 7040, 7100, and 7152 Golf Road is attached hereto as Exhibit `B' and WHEREAS, the preliminary and final plats of subdivision comply with the lot area and lot width requirements for lots within a C -1 General Commercial District, per Section 12- 4 -3:E.; and WHEREAS, the Plan Commission has recommended the Corporate Authorities of the Village of Morton Grove accept and approve the preliminary and final plats of subdivision for the McGrath Sub- division as prepared and tenured by the Applicant, a copy of which is attached hereto as ExhibiY"C "; and WHEREAS, Hamilton Partners has applied for and the Plan Commission has recommended approval of waivers to the submittal requirements associated with development proposals and /or multi -lot single - family residences listed in Section 12 -8 as follows: 12- 8- 2:13.1.1. through 12-8-2:B. Lt; 12- 8- 2 :B.2.f. through 12- 8- 2:13.2.1; 12 -8- 2:13.3; 12- 8- 3:A.3; 12- 8- 3:13.2; 12- 8 -3.C; 12- 8 -3.D; 12- 8 -4:A; 12- 8- 4:13.7; 12- 8 -4.D; 12- 8 -4.E; WHEREAS, the Hamilton Partners has applied for and the Plan Commission has recommended approval of a waiver to Section 12- 8- 3:A.4. to allow the applicant an extension of time, through April 1, 2014, to record the Final Plat of subdivision to allow sufficient time for Hamilton Partners to complete the intended sale of the new lots after Kraft has vacated the site; and WHEREAS, the Corporate Authorities of the Village of Morton Grove have considered the report of the Plan Commission and find the proposed preliminary and final plats of subdivision and requested waivers are in accordance with subdivision requirements of all applicable ordinances of the Village of Morton Grove for a four lot subdivision of commercially zoned land. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Ordinance, as though fully set forth herein, thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2: The Corporate Authorities do hereby approve the application for PC13 -05, request for approval of Preliminary and Final Plats of Subdivision, and relief from specific submittal requirements in Section 12 -8 of the Unified Development Code, as per the submitted application and listing above, for the 15.96 + /- acre parcel located north of Golf Road between Harlem Avenue and Waukegan Road, commonly known as 7000, 7040, 7100, and 7152 Golf Road. SECTION 3: The Village Clerk and /or his designee is hereby authorized and directed to cause a certified copy of this ordinance to be filed with the Recorder of Deeds of Cook County Illinois; SECTION 4: The applicant or his /her successors shall file the final plat of subdivision and associated Access Easement and Restrictions Agreement with the Recorder of Deeds of Cook County Illinois, on or before April 1, 2014, and shall file three copies of the recorded plat with the Building Commissioner for the Village of Morton Grove within ninety (90) days of such recording; SECTION 5: The applicant shall comply with all applicable provisions of Title 12, Chapter 8 regarding the content, submission, and recording of the final plat of subdivision, except for those Sections for which waivers were requested and the Corporate Authorities, through this Ordinance, have granted. SECTION 6: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication according to law. PASSED this 30th day of July 2013. Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Grear Kalogerakos Marcus Pietron Thill Toth APPROVED by me this 30th day of July 2013. Daniel P. DiMaria, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois APPROVED and FILED in my office This 30th day of July 2013. Ed Ramos, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois EXHIBIT "A" q Village of Morton Grove Department of Community Development To: Village President and Board of Trustees f From: Ronald L. Farkas, Chairman, Plan Commission l Nancy M. Radzevich, AICP, Community and Economic evelopment Director, Date: 3uly 2, 2013 Re: Plan Commission Case PC13 -05: Request for approval of Preliminary and Final Plats of Subdivision and relief from various submittal requirements in Section 12 -8 for a 15.96 + /- acre parcel, located north of Golf Road between Harlem Avenue and Waukegan Road, commonly known as 7000, 7040, 7100, and 7152 Golf Road Commission Report Public Hearing Notice and Application Public Notice was provided for the public hearing for PC13 -05 in accordance with applicable requirements. A public notice was published (Pioneer Press) on May 23, 2013, letters were sent to surrounding property owners and a public notice sign was placed on the subject property on May 31, 2013. On June 17, 2013, a public hearing was conducted by the Morton Grove Plan Commission for PC13 -05, a request for approval of Preliminary and Final Plats of Subdivision and relief from various submittal requirements in Section 12 -8 for a 15.96 + /- acre parcel, located north of Golf Road between Harlem Avenue and Waukegan Road, commonly known as 7000, 7040, 7100, and 7152 Golf Road. The application was filed by Action Glenview Ventures, LP c/o Hamilton Partners. Kraft Foods is relocating /consolidating their offices and Action Glenview Ventures, LP c/o Hamilton Partners has a contract purchase agreement with Phenix, the current property owner, to acquire the site once Kraft has vacated. The property is being subdivided as part of the sale agreement and to accommodate future redevelopment of the property. Public Hearing — Staff Overview Nancy Radzevich presented the case on behalf of the Village. As noted in the staff report, the 15.96 + /- acre parcel is located north of Golf Road between Harlem Avenue and Waukegan Road, is commonly known as 7000, 7040, 7100, and 7152 Golf Road, and is zoned C -1, General Commercial District (See zoning map, p.4.). The property is improved with an existing surface parking lot for the Kraft Foods offices, on the abutting property to north, located in Glenview. Ms. Radzevich stated Hamilton Partners, Inc. is requesting approval of Preliminary and Final Plats of Subdivision to resubdivide the existing eight (8) lot parcel into four (4) lots. The subdivision is necessary for the purchase of the property by Action Glenview Ventures, LP c/o Hamilton Partners from Phenix. Ms. Radzevich noted the current Village Subdivision Regulations (Section 12 -8 of the Municipal Code) are geared towards larger scale development proposals and /or traditional multi -lot residential subdivisions. As such, with this application for approval of Preliminary and Final Plats of Subdivision, the applicant has also requested waivers to some of the subdivision filing requirements. The requested waivers are for items specifically geared towards subdivision applications with associated (re)development proposals or residential projects such as homeowner association rules and regulations, bonds for new roadways and associated infrastructure improvements, parking studies, etc. Ms. Radzevich explained the approval of this four (4) lot subdivision is being requested by Hamilton Partners to allow them to close on the purchase of the property from Phenix. Although development of one or more of the new lots is expected in the future, the current application is solely for the approval of a new four new lot subdivision — no development proposals have been filed at this time. As such the associated requested waivers, as listed in the application and the staff report, are appropriate for this application. Ms. Radzevich further noted that the proposed lots comply with the underlying zoning in terms of lot size and frontage requirements. From design standpoint, the propose lots are in compliance with the basic design requirements of the subdivision code. Public Hearing Applicant Presentation Todd Berlinghof, a partner with Hamilton Partners, was sworn in. Mr. Berlinghof explained this project started approximately one year ago, with an agreement between Phenix /Kraft and Hamilton Partners. Although they originally contemplated redevelopment of entire site, they have since modified the plans to sell off the property to allow for the redevelopment of the northwest corner of Golf and Waukegan and reoccupation of the balance of the site by P.W. Two of the four lots in the proposed subdivision, making up an 8 acre parcel, are expected to be developed by McGrath, with an Audi dealership on one of the lots and a potential additional car dealership on the adjacent lot in the future. The other two lots in this subdivision will remain as part of the former Kraft site and will be utilized by ITW. Currently there is some soil testing /removal underway on the lot at the northeast corner of Harlem and Golf, as there had been a gas station located in this area. Because Kraft is conducting additional investigation /remediation of that corner parcel, they are keeping that lot as a separate parcel through this requested Plat of Subdivision. Mr. Berlinghof noted that in addition to the waivers to some of submittal requirements, the application also includes a request for an extension of the recording date. Although Kraft believes they will be able to vacate the site in November or December, Hamilton Partners is requesting the date for recording the subdivision be extended to March 2014 to allow for any delays associated with their move. Commission Questions /Discussions To /With the Applicants Chairman Farkas asked for questions from the Commissioners. Commissioner Gabriel asked for clarification on the use of the four lots in the proposed subdivision. Mr. Berlinghof explained ITW had not made any determinations yet for their properties, but two eastern most lots are to be sold off to McGrath for development of the auto dealerships. Commissioner Gabriel asked for additional clarification on the configuration of lots 1 and 4. Mr. Berlinghof state that the reason the subdivision is proposed that way is ITW wanted to keep the former gas station site separate, as that is the area where additional environmental work is being done. Commissioner Blonz asked whether the existing stop light on Golf Road would remain. Mr. Berlinghof said it will remain unchanged and will be used as an accessway. Commissioner Blonz asked Ms. Radzevich to explain the sections of the code for which waivers were being sought. Ms. Radzevich responded that the waivers being requested are for submittal requirements that are associated with development proposals and /or specifically for multi -lot residential subdivisions and for the extension of time for recording the plats. As this application is solely for the approval of Preliminary and Final Plats of Subdivision and does not include a defined development proposal at this time, staff believes the requested waivers are appropriate for this application. Chairperson Farkas asked what the difference is between a preliminary and final plat of survey. Ms. Radzevich responded that, typically, a Preliminary Plat would be filed with an initial development proposal for a residential or more complex commercial development, and the final Plat would be filed once final designs are completed are may include more details related to the development. In this case it is straightforward subdivision of land — without an associated development proposal —and as such both plats can be reviewed and approved concurrently. Mr. Berlinghof added the Final Plat is needed for their closing, which is why both were filed together. Chairperson Farkas asked for comments from any interested parties. There was no one from the public who wanted to be heard regarding this petition. Chairperson Farkas asked if there was any further discussion from the Commissioners. There was none. Chairperson Farkas asked if there was a motion to recommend approval of Plan Commission case PC13 -05. Commissioner Shimanski moved to recommend approval of PC13 -05, request for approval of Preliminary and Final Plats of Subdivision and relief from specific submittal requirements in Section 12 -8, per the submitted application, for the 15.96 + /- acre parcel located north of Golf Road between Harlem Avenue and Waukegan Road, commonly known as 7000, 7040, 7100, and 7152 Golf Road, with the following condition: 1. The Plats shall be updated, as necessary, based on the Plan Review Departmental Comment memorandum from the Village Engineer, dated 6/3/13, prior to the Plats being presented to the Board of Trustees for approval. Commissioner Witko seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously (Yes 7; No 0; Absent 0). EXHIBIT "B" LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR 7000, 7040, 7100, and 7152 GOLF ROAD PARCEL2 LOT Is 2 AND 3 (EXCEPT THAT PART TAKEN FOR PUBLIC ROAD PURPOSES IN REGISTERED AS DOCUMENT NO 2823346) MCINTOSH & PRASSAS SHOPPING CENTER, BEING A SUBDIVISION IN THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 71 TOWNSHIP 41 NORTH, RANGE 13 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF REGISTERED IN THE OFFICE OF THE REGISTRAR OF TITLES OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS ON MAY 23, 1955 AS DOCUMENT NO. 1596298. ALSO: THE SOUTH 200 FEET OF THE WEST 250 FEET OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED TRACT A TRACT OF LAND IN THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 7, TOWNSHIP 41 NORTH, RANGE 13 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS BEGINNING AT A POINT IN A LINE 50 FEET EAST OF THE WEST LINE OF SAID QUARTER SECTION BEING 21.25 FEET NORTH OF THE SOUTH LINE THEREOF, THENCE NORTH ALONG SAID LINE 250 FEET, THENCE EAST 250 FEET TO A POINT JUST 250 FEET NORTH OF GOLF ROAD AS DEDICATED AND RECORDED IN BOOK 565 OF PLATS PAGES 40 TO 45; THENCE SOUTH ALONG THE LINE PARALLEL WITH THE WEST LINE OF SAID QUARTER SECTION 250 FEET TO THE NORTH LINE OF GOLF ROAD AFORESAID; THENCE WEST ALONG SAID LINE 189.74 FEET; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY 60.36 FEET TO THE PINT OF BEGINNING (EXCEPT THAT PART TAKEN FOR PUBLIC ROAD PURPOSES), IN COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, ALSO: THE SOUTH 200 FEET OF THE EAST 250 FEET OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED TRACT THE EAST 350 FEET OF THE SOUTH 350 FEET OF THAT PART LYING WEST OF THE WEST LINE OF WAUKEGAN ROAD AND NORTH OF THE NORTH LINE OF GOLF ROAD (EXCEPT THAT PART IN THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID TRACT LYING SOUTHEASTERLY OF A CURVED LINE, CONVEX TO THE SOUTHEAST RADIUS 25 FEET AND TANGENT TO THE WEST LINE OF WAUK80AN ROAD AND THE NORTH LINE OF GOLF ROAD) OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 70 Exhibit A -I TOWNSHIP 41 NORTH, RANGE 13 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN (EXCEPT THAT PART TAKEN FOR PUBLIC ROAD PURPOSES), IN COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS. .- kI NON M E °gss R EXHIBIT "C" s c gib am I I z� ;fix SOS gp: i imgm� 96 ��pSp o°F pY$ 5 R EXHIBIT "C" iE c gib am §o gp: 3 gm FtA s a F�a �gS co s z, F� 88 0 v� Rd R EXHIBIT "C" a aI asp as�x5u g 4y�`d_RR " " ^' E ?A�CZ "o u n�y¢FF €�'�� °g gsso oat. de k' x ?�- °zmec' e i I �g� €����x McGrath suEChriet, Morton Grove, Inam gib am 3 s a a co s z, S 88 0 v� Rd 5 3 m yo� f P £ �M G4 4 a aI asp as�x5u g 4y�`d_RR " " ^' E ?A�CZ "o u n�y¢FF €�'�� °g gsso oat. de k' x ?�- °zmec' e i I �g� €����x McGrath suEChriet, Morton Grove, Inam gib am 3 s a a co s z, S 88 0 v� Rd 5 3 m yo� f P 4 G4 4 a aI asp as�x5u g 4y�`d_RR " " ^' E ?A�CZ "o u n�y¢FF €�'�� °g gsso oat. de k' x ?�- °zmec' e i I �g� €����x McGrath suEChriet, Morton Grove, Inam a� € E R R Ag 3 o d �£ q R sf�Z �P4P1 'ppp�; !RIM r; JLH Land Surveying Inc. gib am 3 s a a co s z, S 88 0 v� Rd 5 3 m yo� f a� € E R R Ag 3 o d �£ q R sf�Z �P4P1 'ppp�; !RIM r; JLH Land Surveying Inc. gib am s a a co s z, 88 0 5 3 f a� € E R R Ag 3 o d �£ q R sf�Z �P4P1 'ppp�; !RIM r; JLH Land Surveying Inc. 4 "441 6anrt s a��es Nb°gb� egg:F$ M "MMM -AVENUE— _ o srnvI 10xiY ae.w:nianv no 0 e AffiDTyIF rvoaY a________________ i I i II T I aj i D es i I i 2 I i I C }N= (I 0 '4 g I 1 L� p II d t� �Fill 1111 IIII aM /It IIII VIII IIII [III ✓ -1\ 5p "gµ1 S. 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IIII d� IIII gg IIII IIII c� 1111 O IIII it A III IIIQ IH H IIII Hit $ Q IIII n �� IIII IIII IN I m II IIII WWI 3t {aou6 N'<S 3AfSSL�' Ili / -- 6V021- -: „- °ry- y £ G6 �� Pi 3 — P�a 9 — i 3a � l t 1� • JLH Land Surveying Inc. mmu sama S i �+ PO N 9 ° 4 � 4 I McAreth aWtlivklon Morton Grove, i0rmte Hamilton Partner. y £ G6 �� Pi 3 — P�a 9 — i 3a � l t 1� • JLH Land Surveying Inc. mmu sama S i 5, GO s e a E i I G E es °° ° aq, e xt'G F al z a lob 1� e u a p s G I ap GI qn s a"G 5 A R gP3dA p p G R '- j � & I ° e e) 3 aag €R MgI z r zi i c x €s �G�� t �tses�ec FG� p rk g gEG r� °�F� r� f8sgsFs H saa Gae 9 Ede � Ir8e g€ s G s£ s2 z€ SG zY a IF aR,.Eg 7^ �RsGi R p ssa�nz € gcr :1: 2G R a Ga R yeas" a aG ZR x v4`o�e a s "aGA$t ^ "� a sG �,$cQs° MCenom Subdivfnlon snPE �gmE ° rre Morton Grow Aunofs Reh c P E x €c A y L °S s ' 9H A' r 41 �Ax C Re �A< I f �a s -vG aF EF G All H i I ap GI qn s a"G 5 A R gP3dA p p G R '- j � & I ° e e) 3 aag €R MgI z r zi i c x €s �G�� t �tses�ec FG� p rk g gEG r� °�F� r� f8sgsFs H saa Gae 9 Ede � Ir8e g€ s G s£ s2 z€ SG zY a IF aR,.Eg 7^ �RsGi R p ssa�nz € gcr :1: 2G R a Ga R yeas" a aG ZR x v4`o�e a s "aGA$t ^ "� a sG �,$cQs° s� x bo 3 �m m4 Pp i %g MCenom Subdivfnlon snPE ° Morton Grow Aunofs Reh c P M L s ' 9H A' �Ax �A< �a s� x bo 3 �m m4 Pp i %g n g -: > 1 o w' �GpE �e a SF � Rdi¢ s a$� £payg MCenom Subdivfnlon Morton Grow Aunofs L s ' i A' n g -: > 1 o w' �GpE �e a SF � Rdi¢ s a$� £payg Y rPf SS3SS@ 53334mY4 rrgrrb;gr � gPg�$¢gt9g'7gg$P n 88$88888 YJLH Land Surveying Inc. 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I`•. ^ ^ ^ ; : r -- gy\ . , , e m - -: _ -- --- -- ----- -- - - - - - � �� {\ { : / I! �i i} I( NMI '\ I} A§ 1§ A§ \/ }I I ii \ i/ �/. i� .� �\ i' iLO \� � 9 T a . � ƒ 9 : \ I Ni H it » \ � o;— -s a Land ^~ Surveying ^_~ , Inc. n° ff\\ \ } [ ( {\ k � (� » \ � o;— -s a Land ^~ Surveying ^_~ , Inc. n° ff\\ \ } [ k � » \ � o;— -s a Land ^~ Surveying ^_~ , Inc. n° ff\\ \ } [ Legislative Summary Ordinance 13 -12 GRANTING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT USE FOR RECREATION CENTERS AND ON -SITE PARKING TO ALLOW FOR THE RECONSTRUCTION AND ALTERATION OF AN EXISTING POOL AND BATHHOUSE AND ASSOCIATED PARKING FACILITIES Introduced Synopsis: Purpose: Background: Programs, Departs or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: Source of Funds: Workload Impact: Admin Recommend: Second Reading: Special Consider or Requirements: AT 9201 ORIOLE, MORTON GROVE, ILLINOIS July 8, 2013 This ordinance will authorize a special use permit for a recreation center and associated on -site parking which will allow for the reconstruction and alteration of an existing pool, bathhouse, and associated parking facilities at 9201 Oriole, commonly known as Oriole Pool. The Park District intends to reconstruct the Oriole pool, bathhouse, and parking area. Since the property is zoned in the RI zoning district, a special use is required. The Park District has applied for a special use permit to reconstruct Oriole pool, bathhouse, and parking area. The Park District, also applied through ZBA 13 -03 for variations from the front yard setback requirement for the reconstructed bathhouse to allow the reconstructed bathhouse to be located approximately 10 feet from the front property line, which is an improvement over the existing 8+/- ft. front yard setback on the existing bathhouse. The reconstruction will not increase the capacity or intensification of the use of this public facility. The facility is a public neighborhood park and pool facility that serves the surrounding residential neighborhood and for years without adversely impacting the surrounding residential neighborhood. The Appearance Commission has already approved the building design and landscaping plan for this project. The Zoning Board approved the requested variations and the Plan Commission, after a public hearing on June 17, 2013 recommended the approval of the special use permit. Administration, Community and Economic Development, and Legal Departments N/A N/A The Village Administrator, Director of Community and Economic Development, along with Corporation Counsel will monitor the progress of this project. Approval as presented July 30, 2013 The Park District has respectfully requested this Ordinance be passed on a first read as noted in the attached letter which has been made a part of this Ordinance dated July 2, 2013, C Respectfully submitted: Reviewed by:_ Waggem istator R an Teresa Hoffman Prepared by: I it 01 Nancy _ zevic oam nity and Economic Development Director Counsel ORDINANCE 13 -12 AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT USE FOR RECREATION CENTERS AND ON -SITE PARKING TO ALLOW FOR THE RECONSTRUCTION AND ALTERATION OF AN EXISTING POOL AND BATHHOUSE AND ASSOCIATED PARKING FACILITIES AT 9201 ORIOLE MORTON GROVE, ILLINOIS WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (Village), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, the applicant, Morton Grove Park District, 6834 W. Dempster, Morton Grove, IL 60053 has made a proper application to the Plan Commission in the Village of Morton Grove under case number PC 13-06 requesting the approval of a special use permit for a recreation center and associated on -site parking to allow for the reconstruction and alteration of an existing pool and bathhouse and associated parking facilities at 9201 Oriole Morton Grove, Illinois; and WHEREAS, the property is located in the R -1 Single- Family Residence District; and WHEREAS, Section 12- 4 -2:C. of the Village ofMorton Grove Unified Development Code allows for special use permits for recreations centers; and WHEREAS, Section 12- 7 -3:13. of the Village of Morton Grove Unified Development Code allows the final parking required for a special use to be decided by the village board, through the recommendation of the plan commission; and WHEREAS, the application is for the reconstruction and alteration of the existing pool and bathhouse facilities with no increase in bathing load capacity nor an intensification of use_ and WHEREAS, the Morton Grove Park District applied for and was granted an associated variation, through ZBA13 -03, from the front yard setback requirement for the reconstructed bathhouse to allow for the reconstructed bathhouse to be located approximately 10 feet from the front property line, which is an improvement over the existing 8 +/- ff. front yard setback on the existing bathhouse; and WHEREAS, the Morton Grove Park District applied for and was granted an appearance certificate through the appearance commission for the building design and landscaping plan; and WHEREAS, the recreation center use and associated on -site parking facility has existed in this location for years without adversely impacting the surrounding residential neighborhood; and WHEREAS, Oriole Park is a public neighborhood park and pool facility that serves the surrounding residential neighborhood and; WHEREAS, pursuant to the applicable provisions of the Municipal Code upon public notice duly published in the Pioneer Press, a newspaper of general circulation in the Village of Morton Grove which publication took place on May 23, 2013, and pursuant to the posting of a sign on the property and written notification sent to property owners within 250 feet of the subject property as required by ordinance, the Morton Grove Plan Commission held a public hearing relative to the above referenced case on June 17, 2013, at which time all concerned parties were given the opportunity to be present and express their views for the consideration of the Plan Commission, and as result of said hearing, the Plan Commission made certain recommendations and conditions through a report July 2, 2013, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof and marked as Exhibit "A", and WIIEREAS, the Corporate Authorities have considered this matter at a Public Meeting and find pursuant to the relevant provisions of the Village of Morton Grove Unified Development Code, the proposed Special Use is so designed, located, and proposed to be operated, the public health, safety and welfare will be protected and will not cause substantial injury to the value of the other properties in the neighborhood in which it is located; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of the Village of Morton Grove Municipal Code, the Corporate Authorities have determined the Special Use, as approved by the Plan Commission, shall be issued subject to the conditions and restrictions as set forth herein. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Ordinance, as though fully set forth herein, thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth: SECTION 2: The property located at 9201 Oriole, Morton Grove, Illinois 60053, is hereby granted a special use permit for a recreation center and associated on -site parking to allow for the reconstruction and alteration of an existing pool and bathhouse and associated parking facilities at that address subject to the following conditions and restrictions which shall be binding on the owners /lessees, occupants and users of this property, their successors and assigns for the duration of the special use: The pool and bathhouse shall be constructed in substantial accordance with, and the Building Commissioner may approve minor revisions to, the following plans submitted with this special permit applications, dated 5- 17 -13, unless otherwise noted: A. Drawing Number 7007T0, "Plat of Topography — Oriole Park Topographic Survey" prepared by DLZ Industrial Surveying, Inc., dated 4/1/13 B. Sheet C -1.0, "Site Demolition Plan," prepared by Williams Architects and W -T Civil Engineering, LLC.; C. Sheet C -2.0, "Site Development Plan," prepared by Williams Architects and W -T Civil Engineering, LLC.; D. Sheet C -3.0, "Site Geometric Plan," prepared by Williams Architects and W -T Civil Engineering, LLC.; E. Sheet C -4.0, "Site Grading Plan," prepared by Williams Architects and W -T Civil Engineering, LLC.; F. Sheet C -5.0, "Site Utility Plan," prepared by Williams Architects and W -T Civil Engineering, LLC.; G. Sheet CIR -1.0, "Passenger Vehicle Circulation Plan," prepared by Williams Architects and W -T Civil Engineering, LLC.; H. Sheet CIR -2.0, "Passenger Vehicle Circulation Plan," prepared by Williams Architects and W -T Civil Engineering, LLC.; I. Sheet EX -1.0, "Existing Pervious /Impervious Exhibit," prepared by Williams Architects and W -T Civil Engineering, LLC.; J. Sheet EX -2.0, "Proposed Pervious /Impervious Exhibit," prepared by Williams Architects and W -T Civil Engineering, LLC.; K. Sheet LI, "Landscape Plan," by Williams Architects and Brusseau Design Group, LLC, dated 5/17/13; L. Sheet AS 1.1 "Overall Site Plan," prepared by Williams Architects; dated May 30, 2013; M. Sheet AS 1.2, "Enlarged Site Plan," prepared by Williams Architects; N. Sheet A4.1, "Building Elevations," prepared by Williams Architects; 0. Sheet SPH1.1, "Site Photometric Plan," prepared by Williams Architects, undated; 2. The Park District shall submit updated plans acceptable to the Village Engineer and consistent with with the Village Engineer's Plan Review Departmental Comment memorandum, dated 613113, prior to the issuance of any building permits. 3. The elevations and landscaping should be constructed consistent with the plans and material samples and building material color palette presented to and recommended for approval by the Appearance Commission at their .Tune 3, 2013 meeting, and referenced in Condition l., above; 4. Should the Building Commissioner determine that the proposed detention area poses a safety risk resulting from regular retention of significant standing water, the Park District shall apply for and construct a fence to secure that area from patrons of the park. Such fence shall comply with the Municipal code requirements in terms of location and size, or the Park District shall seek any necessary waivers to the code to ensure that the detention pond is fully enclosed. SECTION 3: The owners, lessees, occupants, and users of 9201 Oriole, their successors and assigns allow employees and authorized agents of the Village of Morton Grove access to the premise at all reasonable times for the purpose of inspecting said premise to verify all terms and conditions of this special use permit have been met. SECTION 4: The special use permit is granted so long as the owner, occupant and users of this property utilize the area for the purposes as herein designated. SECTION 5: The Village Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to amend all pertinent records of the Village of Morton Grove to show and designate the special use as granted and amended hereunder. SECTION 6: The applicant/owner shall comply with all requirements of the Village of Morton Grove Ordinances and Codes that are applicable. SECTION 7: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form according to law. PASSED this 30th day of July 2013. Trustee DiMaria Trustee Kalogerakos Trustee Marcus Trustee Pictron Trustee Thill Trustee Toth APPROVED by me this 30th day of July 2013. Daniel P. DiMaria, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois APPROVED and FILED in my office This 30th day of July 2013. Ed Ramos, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois EXHIBIT "A" µ village of Morton Grove Department of Community Development To: Village President and Board of Trustees ZcD From: Ron ald L. Farkas, Chairman, Plan Commission Nancy M, Radzevich, AICP, Community and Econorvelopment Director Date: July 2, 2013 Re: Plan Commission Case PC13 -06 — Morton Grove Park District requesting a Special Use for a recreational use and associated parking in accordance with Sections 12 -4 and 12 -7 of the Morton Grove Unified Development Code to allow for the reconstruction and alteration of an existing pool and bathhouse and associated parking facilities at 9201 Oriole Commission Report Public Hearing Notice and Application Public Notice was provided for the public hearing for PC13 -06 in accordance with applicable requirements. A public notice was published (Pioneer Press) on May 23, 2013, letters were sent to surrounding property owners and a public notice sign was placed on the subject property on May 31, 2013. On June 17, 2013, a public hearing was conducted by the Morton Grove Plan Commission for PC13 -06, a request for a special use permit in accordance with Sections 12 -4 and 12 -7 of the Morton Grove Unified Development Code for a recreational use to allow for the reconstruction and alteration of an existing pool and bathhouse and for the associated parking facilities at 9201 Oriole. The application was filed by the Morton Grove Park District. Public Hearing — Staff Overview Nancy Radzevich presented the case on behalf of the Village. As noted in the staff report, the 2.23 + /- acre parcel is located at the northeast corner of Church Street and Oriole Avenue and is zoned R -1 Single - Family Residence District. The property is improved with an existing pool and bathhouse; tennis, basketball and sand volleyball courts; a playground; and parking facilities. The existing structures are over 40 years old, currently do not comply with ADA requirements, and are generally outdated. As such, the Park District is seeking to reconstruct /alter the pool, bathhouse, surrounding grounds and associated parking facilities. Ms. Radzevich noted the Special Use application was filed concurrent with a Variation Application, ZBA13 -03, for a 14.92 ft. waiver to the required front yard setback for the bathhouse structure, which had been heard and approved by the ZBA earlier the same evening. Although this use has existed for decades, the current Municipal Code requires a special use permit for recreational uses in residential zoning districts. The Morton Grove Park District has filed this application to seek approval of the reconstruction and alternation of the existing pool and bathhouse and approval of the number of parking spaces on -site, in accordance with Sections 12 -4 and 12 -7 of the Municipal Code. The current pool and bathhouse are outdated and are not ADA compliant; the new pool and bathhouse facilities, increased landscaping and addition of another ADA compliant parking stall will all be improvements to the site. Ms. Radzevich noted the new bathhouse will be brought up to current codes and will include a new community room for parties, meetings, etc. Public Hearing — Applicant Presentation The Chairman asked who would be speaking on behalf of the Park District and the following were sworn in: • Steve Mihelich, project architect from Williams Architects; • Joseph Brusseau, Brusseau Design Group (landscaping); • Jason Green, project engineer from W -T Engineering, LLC; • Tracy Anderson, Executive Director, Morton Grove Park District; and • Greg Jayne, Superintendent of Parks and Facilities, Morton Grove Park District. Steve Mihelich reviewed the proposed plans and described the changes to the pool and bathhouse and slight modification to the parking facility to eliminate one standard stall in order to create an additional ADA compliant stall as required by code and to add a turn - around for emergency vehicles, as requested by the Fire Department. He explained the existing 50M lap pool, deep well and shallow kiddy pool would be replaced with a new activity pool and a 25 yard by 8 lane lap pool with deep well for diving boards /slides. The existing 4720 square foot bathhouse structure will be replaced with a modern 6951 sq. ft. bathhouse, which will include a multi- purpose /community room and outdoor concession deck area. The bathing load, as determined by the Illinois Department of Public Health, will remain unchanged at 500 maximum bathers. Mr. Mihelich gave an overview of the interior of the bathhouse and the building materials. He noted the proposed use of fabric structures throughout the pool area to provide shade and add color to the site. The pool is proposed to be fenced for safety. The design of the pools and the associated depths conform to the Illinois Department of Public Health Beach and Bathing Code. Joseph Brusseau gave an overview of the landscape plan. New shade trees will be used on the pool deck. Perennials and shrubs are also proposed to soften the appearance of the building. Landscaping with low level plants and high level plants are being proposed in certain areas as way to separate the two pools. Commissioner Gabriel asked about the landscaping at the proposed storm water detention area. Mr. Brusseau stated that the current plan is for a blue grass turf surface in that area. Jason Green, the project engineer, provided more information on the detention area. The submitted plans show that the project will result in a reduction in the amount of impervious surface area. He stated the detention area is currently designed to be a 3 ft. maximum depth and would predominately remain dry. Only after a significant rain event could it fill up to a 3 ft. level. However, based on the report from the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District, he believes the detention area could be reduced or possibly eliminated altogether. He noted his firm is currently working with the Village Engineer on the Village's storm water requirements and are hopeful the depth of the proposed detention area will be reduced, if not eliminated altogether. Commissioner Gabriel stated that the detention area is outside of the fenced area and could be a safety problem year round, especially when the pool is not open or staffed. Children could play in it and perhaps an accident could occur. He asked how long it would take to clear, once filled with water and whether they considered putting the detention underground with a grassy area on top. Mr. Green stated it would take anywhere from 12 -24 hours for the water to clear, if it were to fill up. He stated that they had not considered underground detention. Greg Jayne, Superintendent of the Morton Grove Park District, stated that safety is their number one concern. If there is a depth of water in this detention area then they would barricade it in some way to deter children from entering. Commissioner Shimanski asked Mr. Green what type of storm would need to occur for this detention area to fill up. Mr. Green stated that the detention area is designed for a 100 year storm. Shimanski asked how deep it would be after a 20 year storm event. Mr. Green responded it would likely fill about one (1) ft. Commissioner Gabriel asked if landscaping around the pools would interfere with possible swim meets. Mr. Mihelich stated that the area immediately around the pool does not include landscaping, but instead is open for staging of competitors and patrons. Gabriel asked if the pool is also ADA compliant. Mr. Mihelich said yes. Commissioner Gabriel asked if any improvements to the existing parking area were proposed. He stated that the driveway is too steep and cars scrape their bumpers. Mr. Mihelich stated no changes to the parking lot were proposed, other than some restriping and the addition of the turnaround area for the Fire Department. Commissioner Gabriel asked if repairs are going to be done to the parking lot, post- construction. Mr. Mihelich stated that the asphalt will be repaired and seal coated after the project is completed. Chairperson Farkas asked about an area of the pool that appears different from the plans in their packets. Mr. Mihelich said the design of diving board area had changed slightly after the application had been filed. He noted that he had discussed the slight change with Ms. Radzevich. Ms. Radzevich stated since the overall boundary of the pool structure and actual location of the pool itself had not changed, Ms. Radzevich did not feel it was necessary for them to resubmit 30 sets of the plans, because the new design was consistent with plans originally filed and do not affect the approvals being sought through the Special Uses permit. Chairperson Farkas asked if there were any other modifications that were not included in the packets. Ms. Radzevich stated there were no others. Commissioner Shimanski asked if the overall site plan that Mr. Mihelich used in his presentation, Sheet AS1.1, had been filed with the application because it was not in his packet. Ms. Radzevich stated this drawing was not part of the application packet. Commissioner Shimanski stated he would like this drawing included in the plan reference list because it is shows the overall site and all of the parking facilities. Mr. Mihelich indicated he would submit all necessary copies of Sheet AS1.1 and Ms. Radzevich stated that drawing should be incorporated into the plan reference list. Commissioner Shimanski asked if a traffic study was done on for this project. The submitted documents indicated that there should be 92 stalls for this project. Ms. Radzevich stated the Park District and their consultant team provided a supplemental memorandum attached to the staff report, which covers the parking demand. As this proposal does not include an expansion of the existing use and is instead a reconstruction of existing facilities staff determined that having actual data on the pool usage and parking demand was more important. Further, Ms. Radzevich explained that in accordance with Section 12- 7 -3:B. of the Municipal Code, for a Special Use application, the parking standards included in the code are only advisory to the Commission, who approve the number of parking spaces on site. She further explained the because the use was not being expanded, has existed in its current configuration for decades, and because the Park District expects the same parking demand to remain consistent after the project, staff did not believe a formal parking study would be required. Instead she requested a summary and analysis of the overall usage, the peak hour demand, and the methods by which the patrons arrive to site. Tracy Anderson, Executive Director for the Morton Grove Park District, explained their parking data/ analysis. She stated that this is a neighborhood pool, so many of the patrons, particularly the children, walk or bike to the pool, are dropped off, or arrive via carpools. Although the bather load is 500, the peak time usage of the pool is 150 bathers, which typically occurs in late afternoon. When there are swim meets, the buses drop the participants off and the buses park at a neighborhood school. Ms. Radzevich stated that after the packets had gone out, she received a sign memorandum from the chairman from the Traffic and Safety Commission. He had no comments on the application. A copy of this will be given to the commissioners for their records. Chairperson Farkas asked Ms. Anderson about the parking usage on each of the lots on site. Ms. Anderson stated that most of the traffic occurs through the Oriole entrance. The parking area located on the east side of the site is hardly used. Commissioner Blonz stated, based on the sketch submitted with the supplemental parking memorandum, it appears that overflow parking occurs on adjacent streets, in front of the neighbors' houses? Tracy Anderson stated, yes, at the peak time, there are some people who park on the adjacent streets. Ms. Radzevich advised the Commission that she had spoken to the Village Engineer and he had indicated that he was not aware of any complaints having been filed with him or the Traffic Safety Commission regarding on- street parking related to the pool use. Commissioner Blonz asked if they had considered adding parking spaces to the site. Mr. Mihelich stated the budget for this project was limited and expansion of the parking facilities was not part of the scope. Commissioner Gabriel asked if they had explored trying to accommodate overflow parking in other areas adjacent to the site. Commissioner Blonz asked Ms. Anderson if they could better inform patron of the parking area on the east side of the site versus having them park on the adjacent streets. Ms. Anderson stated they would increase education on other available parking options when the west lot is filled. Chairman Farkas stated he was still a bit concerned about the lack of a parking study. Ms. Radzevich explained that in this case a parking study did not seem appropriate because: • the pool and bathhouse facilities, have existing for decades at this location in generally the same configuration with the parking currently provided, • the proposed reconstruction of the pool and bathhouse does not include an increase in the intensity of the use nor increase in number of patrons, and • the pool use itself is only a seasonal use — only active approximately 3 months per year. Further, Ms. Radzevich stated that if a professional firm had been hired they likely would have contacted the Park District and gathered the same data and provided the same analysis that the Park District provided in their supplemental memorandum. Commissioner Shimanski stated that he was comfortable the data presented in the reports and at the meeting was sufficient to address his questions regarding the parking, and was satisfied that a professional parking study would not be needed. Chairperson Farkas asked for comments from any interested parties. Two residents asked to speak. Both expressed concerns about the noise — specifically the loud music. Ms. Anderson indicated that the project involves removing the current speakers, which are pole mounted, and replacing them with ground level speakers. This will help keep the noise from traveling. Chairperson Farkas asked if there was any further discussion from the Commissioners. Commissioner Blonz stated he would support this, however, he wanted Ms. Anderson to keep a watch on the parking situation and if they find there is too much overflow parking onto the surrounding neighborhoods, they would like her to look at adding more onsite parking. Ms. Anderson indicated she would do so. Chairperson Farkas asked if there was a motion to recommend approval of Plan Commission case PC13 -06. Commissioner Shimanski recommended approval of PC13 -06, Morton Grove Park District requesting a Special Use for a recreational use and associated parking in accordance with Sections 12 -4 and 12 -7 of the Morton Grove Unified Development Code to allow for the reconstruction and alteration of an existing pool and bathhouse and associated parking facilities at 9201 Oriole, with the following conditions: 1. The pool and bathhouse shall be constructed in accordance with the following plans submitted with this special permit applications, dated 5- 17 -13, unless otherwise noted: A. Drawing Number 7007T0, "Plat of Topography — Oriole Park Topographic Survey" prepared by DLZ Industrial Surveying, Inc., dated 4/1/13 B. Sheet C -1.0, "Site Demolition Plan," prepared by Williams Architects and W -T Civil Engineering, LLC.; C. Sheet C -2.0, "Site Development Plan," prepared by Williams Architects and W -T Civil Engineering, LLC.; D. Sheet C -3.0, "Site Geometric Plan," prepared by Williams Architects and W -T Civil Engineering, LLC.; E. Sheet C -4.0, "Site Grading Plan," prepared by Williams Architects and W -T Civil Engineering, LLC.; F. Sheet C -5.0, "Site Utility Plan," prepared by Williams Architects and W -T Civil Engineering, LLC.; G. Sheet CIR -1.0, "Passenger Vehicle Circulation Plan," prepared by Williams Architects and W -T Civil Engineering, LLC.; H. Sheet CIR -2.0, "Passenger Vehicle Circulation Plan," prepared by Williams Architects and W -T Civil Engineering, LLC.; I. Sheet EX -1.0, "Existing Pervious /Impervious Exhibit," prepared by Williams Architects and W -T Civil Engineering, LLC.; J. Sheet EX -2.0, "Proposed Pervious /Impervious Exhibit," prepared by Williams Architects and W -T Civil Engineering, LLC.; K. Sheet Ll, "Landscape Plan," by Williams Architects and Brusseau Design Group, LLC, dated 5/17/13; L. Sheet AS1.1, "Overall Site Plan," prepared by Williams Architects; dated May 30, 2013; M. Sheet AS1.2, "Enlarged Site Plan," prepared by Williams Architects; N. Sheet A4.1, "Building Elevations," prepared by Williams Architects; O. Sheet SPHIA, "Site Photometric Plan," prepared by Williams Architects, undated; 2. The Park District shall submit updated plans in accordance with the Village Engineer's Plan Review Departmental Comment memorandum, dated 6/3/13, for review and approval prior to the issuance of any building permits. 3. The elevations and landscaping should be constructed consistent with the plans and material samples and building material color palette presented to and recommended for approval by the Appearance Commission at their June 3, 2013 meeting, and referenced in Condition 1., above; 4. Should the proposed detention area could result in life safety issues resulting from regular retention of significant standing water, the Park District shall apply for and construct a fence to secure that area from patrons of the park. Such fence shall comply with the Municipal code requirements in terms of location and size, or the Park District shall seek any necessary waivers to the code to ensure that the detention pond is fully enclosed. Commissioner Dorgan seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously (Yes 7; No 0; Absent 0). To: Dan DiMaria, President Village of Morton Grove Trustee Bill Grear Trustee Tony Kalogerakos Trustee Sher Marcus Trustee John Pietron Trustee John C. Thill Trustee Maria S. Toth cc: Ryan Horne, Village Administrator From: Tracey Anderson, Executive Directo Morton Grove Park District Date: July 2, 2013 Re: Waiver of the 2 "d Read Dear President DiMaria and Board of Trustees, As you are aware, the Morton Grove Park District is preparing for the construction of a new pool at Oriole Park. The Park District along with the architectural firm of Williams Architects, intends to present the Oriole Pool plans to the Village of Morton Grove on July 8`h. Our goal is to have this project completed and ready for the 2014 pool season. As you can imagine the project of building a new pool is no small task; there are many contractors, permits, inspections and phases to negotiate and complete. One of our most important deadlines is the application and receipt of the permit from the Illinois Department of Public Health. In order to apply for this permit we must comply with all the IDPH guidelines which include the Village approval. This permit process typically takes 10 to 12 weeks. Receiving this permit by mid September would allow the Park District to begin construction in October and maintain its original project schedule. The Appearance Commission and the Plan Commission have reviewed and approved the Oriole Pool plans. At this time, the Morton Grove Park District and Williams Architects respectfully request a waiver of the second read. If granted, Williams Architects will soon be applying for all local permits including the Village of Morton Grove Building Department. If you have any further questions please contact me at: 847 - 965 -0383. COMMITTED TO QUALITY PARK AND RECREATION SERVICES Legislative Summar L Ordinance 13 -08 -- AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND TITLE 51 CHAPTER 13, ARTICLE F, SECTION I ENTITLED "NO PARKING STREETS" OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE Introduced: July 8, 2013 Synopsis: To amend the Municipal Code to add a new parking restriction on Nagle Avenue and to codify existing signed parking restrictions. Purpose: ( To create parking restrictions that will meet the current and future needs of the businesses on Nagle Avenue. Background: The Traffic Safety Commission (TSC) received a Request for Review to restrict parking on Nagle Avenue opposite a driveway where Lifeway Foods, Inc. receives its deliveries and ships its. products. Village staff researched the parking restrictions and noticed there are signed parking restrictions that are not included in the Municipal Code, so these parking restrictions are not legally enforceable. Four of the five businesses (and the Public Works Department) have actively participated in the development of this issue and have provided written support for the addition parking restriction requested by Lifeway Foods. TSC recommended accepting the request of Lifeway Foods. Village staff considers it to be important to codify the signed parking restrictions to make the restrictions legally enforceable. An exhibit titled "Recommended Parking Restrictions" is attached and graphically illustrates the recommended parking restrictions. Programs, Departments Public Works, Engineering Division or Groups Affected i Fiscal Impact: $100 Source of Funds: General Fund 025017-563130. Workload Impact: I The Public Works Department, Engineering Division, as part of their normal work activities, performs the management and implementation of the program. Administrator Approval as presented. Recommendation: Special Considerations or None Requirements: __ Respectfully submitted: � -�'-�� Reviewed by: `Rya i .1. Horne, Village Administrator Teresa Floffman 1 isto brporation Counsel Prepared by: __� _ Reviewed by: Chris Tomich, Village Engineer dy DeMonte, Director of Public Works AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND TITLE S, CHAPTER 13, ARTICLE F, SECTION 1 ENTITLED 44NO PARKING STREETS" OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (Village), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, the Village established the Traffic Safety Commission to receive, review, and present recommendations to the President and Board of Trustees regarding requests or inquiries on matters involving traffic safety, including requests for installation of traffic control devices; and WHEREAS, the land use along Nagle Avenue south of Oakton Street is a general manufacturing zoning district of the Village; WHEREAS, on- street parking patterns create difficulty for Lifeway Foods, Inc. at 6431 Oakton Street to access a loading area on their property; and WHEREAS, the Traffic Safety Commission received a request from Lifeway Foods, Inc. to add a parking restriction on the east side of Nagle Avenue across from the driveway leading to the loading area of Lifeway Foods, Inc. located at the southwest corner of Nagle Avenue and Oakton Street; and WHEREAS, Village staff identified, during the research of this request, existing signage on the west side of Nagle Avenue restricting on- street parking that is not codified as a parking restriction in the Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, the Traffic Safety Commission, at its regularly scheduled meetings on May 2, 2013 and June 6, 2013, at the Richard T. Flickinger Municipal Center, considered the above referenced request; and WHEREAS, three other businesses abutting Nagle Avenue indicated their support for the request from Lifeway Foods, Inc.; and WHEREAS, Lifeway Foods, Inc. and the three other businesses abutting Nagle Avenue also supported the recommendation from Village staff to codify the existing signed parking restrictions along Nagle Avenue; and WHEREAS, the Traffic Safety Commission recommended to prohibit parking on the east side of Nagle Avenue between the north side of the truck dock at 7901 Nagle Avenue and the south side of the parking lot entrance at 7901 Nagle Avenue; and WHEREAS, the Traffic Safety Commission did not explicitly recommend codifying the signed parking restrictions not codified in the Municipal Code; and WIiEREAS, Village staff recommends codifying these signed parking restrictions. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: T7ie Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Ordinance as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hercinabove set forth. SECTION 2: Title 5, Chapter 13, Article F. Section I Entitled "No Parking Streets" of the Municipal Code is hereby aanended to add the following restrictions: 5- 13F -1: NO PARKING STREET: There shall be no parking at any time on any of the following. The Director of Public Works or his designee shall place "No Parking" signs in or at suitable places within the no parking zones as herein established: Street Between Side of Street Nagle Avenue A point 140 feet north of the East centerline of Kirk Street and a point 215 feet north of the centerline of Kirk Street Nagle Avenue Oakton Street to a point 285 East and west feet south of the centerline of Oakton Sheet Nagle Avenue Kirk Street and a point 160 West feet north of the centerline of Kirk Street SECTION 3: The Director of Public Works and /or his designee is hereby authorized and directed to remove any conflicting signs and erect such signs as detailed in this Ordinance. SECTION 4: This ordinance shall be communicated to residents adjacent to the parking restrictions via a letter, which shall be received as evidence of the passage and legal publication of this Ordinance. SECTION 5: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its approval and publication. PASSED THIS 8`" day of July 2013 Trustee Grear Trustee Kalogerakos Trustee Marcus _ Trustee Pietron Trustee Thill Trustee Toth APPROVED BY ME THIS 8t' day of July 2013 Daniel P. DiMaria, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois ATTESTED and FILED in my office This 9 °i day of July 2013. Ed Ramos, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois M3,00 CO MapOfficew Recommended Parking Restrictions i GI3': tiy._:: XICTFL 5 ;''Pi t Legislative Summa AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND TITLE 59 CHAPTER 13, ARTICLE F, SECTION 4 ENTITLED "RESTRICTED PARKING STREETS" OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE Introduced: Synopsis: Purpose: Background: Programs, Departments or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: Source of Funds: Workload Impact: Administrator Recommendation: Special Considerations or Requirements: Respectfully submitted: July 8, 2013 To amend the Municipal Code to eliminate a parking restriction on the 8800 and 8900 blocks of Sayre Avenue. To eliminate a special permit parking restriction that residents of the 8800 block of Sayre Avenue no longer desire. The Traffic Safety Commission (TSC) received a Request for Review to eliminate a special permit parking on the 8800 block of Sayre Avenue. Ordinance 02 -31 established the special permit parking zone on the 8800 and 8900 blocks of Sayre Avenue at the request of residents in 2002. At that time, the retail market, Produce World, was identified as being the principal contributor to business parking spilling onto Sayre Avenue and reducing the number of available parking spaces for the residents of the street. The petitioner asserted that Produce World is no longer there and other adjacent businesses are no longer there, so the need for the permit parking is no longer there. When there is future development at this corner, the Village will require the development(s) to meet parking requirements in order to avoid adverse affects to parking on Sayre Avenue. Village staff advises broadening consideration of the need for special permit parking restrictions to include both the 8800 and 8900 blocks of Sayre Avenue that were created by Ordinance 02 -31. Village staff supports the elimination of the special permit parking restriction. TSC recommended rescinding the special permit parking restriction on the 8800 and 8900 blocks of Sayre Avenue. Public Works, Engineering Division No material cost for this work, but only staff time to remove signs. General Fund 025017 - 563130 The Public Works Department, Engineering Division, as part of their normal work activities, performs the management and implementation of the program. Approval as presented. None Ryan J. Horne, Village Administrator Prepared by: AirisTom <� - -�' Reviewed by: Di-lc!hVi , llage Engineer Rev;dvDeM v' _ Toffman Liston, C.or oration Counsel onte.. Directo r of Public Works AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND TITLE 55 CHAPTER 13, ARTICLE F, SECTION 4 ENTITLED "RESTRICTED PARKING STREETS" OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (Village), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, the Village established the Traffic Safety Commission to receive, review, and present recommendations to the President and Board of Trustees regarding requests or inquiries on matters involving traffic safety, including requests for installation of traffic control devices; and WHEREAS, the Traffic Safety Commission received a request to rescind special permit parking restrictions on the 8800 block of Sayre Avenue; and WHEREAS, the Traffic Safety Commission, at its regularly scheduled meeting June 6, 2013, at the Richard T. Flickinger Municipal Center, considered the above referenced request; and WHEREAS, Ordinance 02 -31 established a special permit parking zone on both sides of Sayre Avenue from Dempster Street to a point 220 feet north of the centerline of Greenwood Avenue, which encompasses the 8800 and 8900 blocks of Sayre Avenue; and WHEREAS, the petitioning residents asserted the justification for the special permit parking zone no longer exist and should not exist in the future, so the special permit parking restrictions should no longer be necessary and is in and of itself a burden to residents frequently a number of guest's cars that exceed the number of guest parking passes distributed by the Village; and WHEREAS, the Traffic Safety Commission recommended to rescind the special permit parking restriction on the 8800 and 8900 block of Sayre Avenue. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Ordinance as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2: The Corporate Authorities do hereby rescind the effect of Ordinance 02 -31. SECTION 3: Title 5, Chapter 13, Article F, Section 4 Entitled "Restricted Parking Streets" of the Municipal Code is hereby amended to delete the following restrictions: 5- 13F-4: A RESTRICTED PARKING STREET: Special Permit Parking: There shall be no parking on the following streets between the hours and on the days as indicated except for vehicles displaying a special permit or a special guest pass so to do. The village administrator shall issue one such permit for each vehicle registered to any resident of said streets upon showing proof of payment of the village license fees as described in section 5 -3 -3 of this title. Each such permit shall be fixed firmly to the lower left hand portion of the rear window of the vehicle for which it is issued at all times when such vehicle is parked on said streets. Guest passes shall be limited to two (2) per household and shall be issued only to residents on the restricted parking side of any village street listed in the following schedule of restricted parking streets to be used for vehicles visiting the residents on a temporary basis. The village administrator may issue parking permits to nearby residents (within 500 feet of existing permit parking restrictions) based on a resident petition demonstrating to the satisfaction of the village administrator, a need based on circumstances caused by the permit parking restrictions. The village administrator may issue one such permit for each vehicle registered to any resident who has petitioned and been approved, upon proof of Payment of the village license fees as described in section 55- 1 -3 -3. of this title: There shall be no parking on the following street(s) between the hours indicated, except for vehicles displaying a zone 9 special parking permit or a zone 9 special parking pass, provided no more than two (2) passes shall be issued to each household: Street Between Sayre Avenue From the centerline of Dempster Street to a point 220 feet north of the centerline of Greenwood Avenue Side of Street Dav And Time Both All days and at all times SECTION 3: The Director of Public Works and/or his designee is hereby authorized and directed to remove any conflicting signs and erect such signs as detailed in this Ordinance. SECTION 4: This ordinance shall be communicated to residents adjacent to the parking restrictions via a letter, which shall be received as evidence of the passage and legal publication of this Ordinance. SECTION 5: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its approval and publication. PASSED THIS 8 °i day of July 2013 Trustee Grear Trustee Kalogerakos Trustee Marcus Trustee Pietron Trustee Thill Trustee Toth APPROVED BY ME THIS 8"' day of July 2013 Daniel P. DiMaria, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois ATTESTED and FILED in my office This 9`' day of July 2013. Ed Ramos, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois