HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-03-25 AgendaL J' VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES TO BE HELD AT THE RICHARD T. FLICKINGER MUNICIPAL CENTER March 25, 2013 7:00 pm Call to Order 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Roll Call 4. Approval of Minutes — Special Meeting of March 1 l , 2013 Regular Meeting of March 11, 2013 5. Special Reports 6. Public Hearings 7. Residents' Comments (agenda items only) S. President's Report — Administration, Northwest Municipal Conference, Council of Mayors, TIF Committee, Capital projects, Real Estate Committee a. Proclamation — Sexual Assault Awareness Month — April 2013 b. Proclamation — National Fair Housing Month — April 2013 C. Proclamation — National Donate Life Month — April 2013 9. Clerk's Report — Legal, Cable and Telecommunications Commission a. Resolution 13 -16 (Introduced March 25, 2013) Accepting the Canvas Results and Proclamation for the February 26, 2013, Consolidated Primary Election 10. Staff Reports a. Village Administrator 1) Miscellaneous Reports and Updates b. Corporation Counsel Reports by Trustees a. Trustee DiMaria — Fire Department, Emergency Management Agency, RED Center, NIPSTA, Police and Fire Commission (Trustee Great) i) Resolution 13 -17 (Introduced March 25, 2013) Authorizing a Contract Extension with the Morton Grove Firelighters Association b. Trustee Gomberg — Police Department, Environmental Health, Police and Fire Commission, IT Communications (Trustee Marcus) C. Trustee Grear — Community and Economic Development Department, Chamber of Commerce, Waukegan Road TIF Review, Lehigh/Ferris TIF Review, Dempster Street Corridor Plan, Real Estate Committee, Comprehensive Plan, Economic Development (Trustee DiMaria) d. Trustee Marcus — Public Works Department, Condominium Association, Community Relations Commission, Solid Waste Agency of Northern Cook County, Natural Resource Commission, Traffic Safety Commission (Trustee Thill) e. Trustee Thill — Building Department, Appearance Commission, Capital Projects, Plan Commission/Zoning Board ofAppeals (Trustee Toth) 1) Resolution 13 -18 (Introduced March 25, 2013) Authorizing the Purchase of a 2013 Ford F250 Pick -Up Truck and a 2013 F450 Cab and Chassis with Utility Body and Wheel Lift 2) Resolution 13 -19 (Introduced March 25, 2013) Authorizing the Purchase of Two 2014 International 7400 SFA Trucks and Plows and Salt Spreaders 3) Resolution 13 -20 (Introduced March 25, 2013) Authorizing the Purchase of One 2013 John Deere 1435 Series II Commercial Front Mower with a 60 Inch Mower Deck Contract 410- LT00777 -A 4) Resolution 13 -21 (Introduced March 25, 2013) Authorizing the Execution of a Contract with H &H Electric Company for the Traffic Signal and Street Lighting Maintenance Program f. Trustee Toth — Finance Department, Finance Advisory Commission, Northwest Municipal Conference, Advisory Commission on Aging, Family and Senior Services Department (Trustee Gomberg) 12. Other Business 13. Presentation of Warrants - %K647.39 14. Residents' Comments 15. Executive Session — Personnel Matters, Labor Negotiations, Pending Litigation, and Real Estate 16. Adjournment -To ensure full accessibility and equal participation for all interested citi. ens, individuals with disabilhics who plan to attend and who require certain accommodations in order to observe and /or participate in this meeting, or who have questions regarding the accessibility of these facilities, are requested to contact Susan or Marlene (8471470-5220) promptly to allow the Village to make reasonable accommodations. 1 ., MINUTES OF THE MARCH 11, 2013, SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES RICHARD T. FLICKINGER MUNICIPAL CENTER 6101 CAPULINA AVENUE MORTON GROVE, ILLINOIS 60053 Pursuant to proper notice in accordance with the Open Meetings Act, the special meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm by Clerk Kalogerakos who led the assemblage in the pledge of allegiance. Clerk Tony S. Kalogerakos called the roll. In attendance were: Elected Officials: Trustees Daniel DiMaria, Larry Gomberg, William Great, Sheldon Marcus, John Thill, and Maria Toth Absent: Mayor Daniel J. Staaekmann Village Staff: Village Administrator Ryan J. Horne, Corporation Counsel Teresa Hoffman Liston, and Public Works Director Andy DeMonte Also Present: Special Counsel Lisa Calloway Clark Kalogerakos stated Mayor Staackmann was absent due to a preseheduled surgery. He asked for a motion to appoint a president pro tern. Trustee DiMaria moved to appoint Trustee Sheldon Marcus as president pro tem. The motion was seconded by Trustee Great and approved unanimously pursuant to a roll call vote. President Pro Tem Marcus stated the topics of the meeting were to discuss pending litigation, personnel, collective bargaining, and executive session minutes. These topics are appropriate for Executive Session. Trustee Toth then moved to adjourn to Executive Session to discuss pending litigation, personnel, collective bargaining, and executive session minutes. The motion was seconded by Trustee Thill and approved unanimously pursuant to a roll call vote at 6:01 pm. At the close of the Executive Session, Trustee Gomberg moved to adjourn the Special Meeting. The motion was seconded by Trustee Toth and approved unanimously pursuant to a voice vote at 6:49 pm. Minutes by: Tony S. Kalogerakos, Village Clerk Richard T. Flickinger Municipal Center 6101 Capulina Avenue • Morton Grove, Illinois 60053 -2985 Tel: (847) 965 -4100 Fax: (847) 965 -4162 aeeyuedPera CALL TO ORDER I & Village Clerk Tony Kalogerakos called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the absence of II. Village President Dan Staackmann and led the assemblage in the Pledge of Allegiance. Clerk Kalogerakos then explained that Mayor Staackmann had had hand surgery earlier in the day. Discussion had been held during the Executive Session preceding the Board Meeting as to who should serve as President pro tem. Accordingly, Clerk Kalogerakos called for a motion naming Trustee Marcus as President pro tem. Trustee DiMaria so moved, seconded by Trustee Toth. Motion passed unanimously via voice vote. III. Village Clerk Tony Kalogerakos called the roll. Present were: Trustees Dan DiMaria, Larry Gomberg, Bill Grear, Shel Marcus, John Thill, and Maria Toth. He noted that President pro -tem Marcus retains his ability as a trustee to vote on matters before the Board tonight. IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Regarding the Minutes of the February 25, 2013 Regular Board Meeting, Trustee DiMaria moved, seconded by Trustee Toth, to accept the Minutes as presented. Motion passed unanimously via voice vote. V. SPECIAL REPORTS Presentation to Grant Gilbert in Recognition of his Assistance in Obtaining Grant Funding for the Tree Planting Program a. President pro -tem Marcus, as liaison to the Natural Resources Commission, joined Mr. Gilbert and Public Works Director Andy DeMonte and Bill Burns, the Village arborist, at the podium. Mr. DeMonte explained that the Public Works Department wanted to recognize a volunteer who has made a significant contribution to Morton Grove, Grant Gilbert. Mr. Gilbert was appointed to the Natural Resources Commission in July of 2008 and currently serves as its chair. In 2011, Public Works did not have funding for tree replacement, but Mr. Gilbert arranged for a donation of 58 trees of varying species which were then planted throughout the Village. Minutes of March 11 2013 Hoard Meeting' V. SPECIAL REPORTS (continued) c. In 2012, Mr. Gilbert arranged for an additional 32 trees to be donated to the Village. Also in 2012, he also advised and assisted staff with grant applications, and the Village was successful in obtaining a grant from the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative for $10,000. Those funds were used for planting trees lost to the Emerald Ash Borer. Mr. Gilbert is assisting staff again this year for additional grant requests. d. Mr. DeMonte said that, because of Mr. Gilbert's efforts, 165 trees have been planted in Morton Grove, so to recognize his hard work and dedication, the Public Works Department presented Mr. Gilbert with a plaque. e. Mr. Gilbert thanked the Village and said it's been a pleasure in terms of trees and natural resources. He also thanked his colleagues on the Natural Resources Commission. He said that Morton Grove has "Grove" in its name and a tree as its symbol. He acknowledged that grant funds and donations are important, but are only a small part of what the Village could be doing to protect its trees and property values. He said that last year, the Natural Resources Commission, working with Village staff and the Public Works Department, crafted a permitting process for the removal of large trees. The vote was close but the legislation did not pass. Our neighboring communities have permits in place to deal with the negative economic and safety issues that the unsupervised removal of large trees causes. Morton Grove still needs to address this issue. f. He thanked the Board for the recognition and said he and the members of the Natural Resources Commission, several of whom were present. He said he and his fellow Commissioners look forward to working together with the Village again to come up with a permitting process, so that Morton Grove can live up to its name. g. Mayor pro -tem Marcus thanked the Public Works Department and Mr. Gilbert, and pointed out that the Natural Resources Commission is just one of the Village's many volunteer commissions that people can choose to get involved with. He said if any resident is interested in joining the Natural Resources or any other Village commission, they should contact the Mayor's office for more information. VI. PUBLIC HEARINGS NONE VII. RESIDENTS' COMMENTS (Agenda Items Only) NONE Vlll. PRESIDENT'S REPORT Mayor pro -tem Marcus asked for the Board's concurrence to appoint Agnes Quinn to the Advisory Commission on Aging. Trustee Grear so moved, seconded by Trustee DiMaria. Motion passed unanimously via voice vote. Minutes of'Mareh 11, 2013 Board Meeting VIII. PRESIDENT'S REPORT (continued) Trustee Grear welcomed Mrs. Quinn to the Advisory Commission on Aging. Next, Mayor pro -tem Marcus asked for a motion to concur with the establishment of the Recycling Ad Hoc Committee, to be comprised of Public Works Director Andy DeMonte, Bonnie Burnett (Health Department, retired), Lee Tamraz, who also serves on the Village's Traffic Safety Commission, and residents Tom Maddex and Judy Kochman. Trustee Toth moved to concur, seconded by Trustee Gomberg, Trustee DiMaria asked if this committee is set to a number of five, or can more people be involved? Village Administrator Ryan Horne said that, at the last Board meeting, Mayor Staackmann had committed to establishing this committee to evaluate and determine the needs of the Village regarding recycling; it's a limited purpose committee, similar to the one established to evaluate bids for the waste hauling contract. The committee will make recommendations to the Village Board. Trustee Thill said it was his understanding that this committee was specifically created because of the controversy involving the waste transfer station, not the Village's overall recycling program just this one component. Mr. Horne thanked Trustee Thill for the clarification, and agreed that this committee was created to evaluate activities and uses that had been discussed in public meetings for the parcel of land at Austin and Lehigh. Mayor pro tern Marcus called for the vote. Motion passed unanimously via voice vote. 3. Next, Mayor pro tem Marcus proclaimed Saturday, March 23, 2013, from 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. as "Lights Out America —Earth Hour." He noted that it has been estimated that turning off non - essential lights for one hour could save as much as 15% of the energy consumed on an average Saturday night. He called upon all of Morton Grove's residents and businesses to participate, on a voluntary basis, by turning off all non - essential lights from 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. on Saturday, March 23rtl IX. CLERK'S REPORT Clerk Kalogerakos announced that the Consolidated Municipal Election would be held on Tuesday, April 9, 2013. Early voting will take place at Was Village Hall (at Oakton and Waukegan) beginning March 25`h and ending April 6'h. Applications for an absentee ballot are available at Village Hall or on the Cook County website. Clerk Kalogerakos said that the completed absentee ballots must be postmarked by April 81h X. STAFF REPORTS A. Village Administrator: Village Administrator Ryan Horne had no report. X. Corporation Counsel" STAFF REPORTS (continued) Corporation Counsel Liston had no report. XI. A. Trustee DiMaria: Trustee DiMaria had no report. B. Trustee Gomberg TRUSTEES'REPORTS Minutes of March 11, 2013 Board Meeting Trustee Gomberg presented Resolution 13 -13, Authorizing the Purchase of Watchguard Digital In -Car Video Recording Systems for Police Vehicles From the Illinois State Bid Program, Contract #PSD- 4017032. He explained that these will replace units purchased in 2008, which are now showing signs of age and deteriorating in reliability. The in -car video recorders document police activity and can be used for evidence collection, court testimony, and refuting claims of police misconduct, so reliability is critical. The three units will cost a total of $14,646. Trustee Gomberg moved to approve Resolution 13 -13, seconded by Trustee Toth. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. DiMaria aye Tr. Gomberg aye Tr. Grear aye Tr. Marcus aye Tr. Thill aye Tr. Toth aye C. Trustee Grear. Trustee Grear had no report. D. Trustee Marcus: Trustee Manus presented Resolution 13 -14, Authorizing the Annual Memorial Day Parade and Closure of Dempster Street. He explained that this resolution is required by the Illinois Department of Transportation for the closure of Dempster Street for the Memorial Day Parade, which is being held this year on Sunday, May 26, 2013, at 1:30 p.m. Trustee Marcus moved to approve Resolution 13 -14, seconded by Trustee Toth. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. DiMaria aye Tr. Gomberg aye Tr. Grear aye Tr. Marcus aye Tr. Thill ace Tr. Toth aye Minutes of March 11; 2013 Board Meedn XI. TRUSTEES' REPORTS (continued) D. Trustee Marcus: (continued) 2. Next, Trustee Marcus presented Resolution 13 -15, Authorizing the Execution of a Contract With Denier, Inc. For the 2013 Crack Sealing Program. He explained that the Village has an annual program, depending on funding appropriations, to seal cracks on newly resurfaced asphalt streets and on concrete streets. This work can delay the onset of pavement deterioration if done at the appropriate time in the life of the pavement's surface, and can reduce the life cycle cost of maintaining a street. Trustee Marcus said that the Village has formed a cooperative procurement program with 14 other nearby municipalities to provide crack sealing services for a three year term, from 2013 -2015. This program is administered by the Village of Glenview at no cost to Morton Grove. The contract was bid through a public process and Denier, Inc. of Mokena, Illinois, was determined to be the lowest responsible bidder. The proposed price for the work to be com- pleted in Morton Grove is $70,210, but since this is a unit price contract, the final contract amount will be based on the actual quantity of work performed. The Village has budgeted $100,000 for this work. Trustee Marcus moved to approve Resolution 13 -15, seconded by Trustee Gomberg. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. DiMaria acre Tr. Gomberg acre Tr. Grear ave Tr. Marcus aye Tr. Thill acre Tr. Toth aye E. Trustee Thill: Trustee Thill had no report. F. Trustee Toth: Trustee Toth had no formal report, but announced that the Advisory Commission on Aging is co- sponsoring, with the North Shore Senior Center, a series of presentations open to the public. On March 12, the presentation "Home Safe Home" will be offered at the Civic Center from noon to 1:00 p.m. In April, the presentation is titled "Self Defense for Seniors." All are encouraged to attend. 2. Trustee Toth thanked Mrs. Quinn for volunteering to serve on the Advisory Commission on Aging and noted that there were still openings on that commission. Anyone interested should send their resume to the Mayor's office. Minutes of March 11, 2013 Board Meetin XII. OTHER BUSINESS Trustee Thill offered a suggestion that the Board should consider taking the revenue coming in from video poker and red -light cameras and setting it aside to put toward police and fire pensions at the end of the calendar. Funding the pensions is an obligation of the Village and Trustee Thill felt that this would be a good thing for the Village to do. Mayor pro tem Marcus directed Mr. Horne to come back to the Board with a recommendation. X111. WARRANTS Trustee Toth presented the Warrants for March 11, 2013 in the amount of $593,676.84. She moved to approve the Warrants, seconded by Trustee Thill. There was no discussion on the Warrants. Motion passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 abstain. Tr. DiMaria abstain Tr. Gomberg aye Tr. Grear acre Tr. Marcus acre Tr. Thill acre Tr. Toth aae XIV. RESIDENTS' COMMENTS NONE XV, ADJOURNMENT /EXECUTIVE SESSION Trustee Toth moved to adjourn the Meeting. Trustee Thill seconded the motion. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. DiMaria aye Tr. Gomberg aae Tr. Grear aae Tr. Marcus aye Tr. Thill acre Tr. Toth aae The meeting adjourned at 7:23 p.m. PASSED this 25th day of March, 2013. Trustee DiMaria Trustee Gomberg Trustee Grear Trustee Marcus Trustee Thill Trustee Toth APPROVED by me this 25th day of March, 2013. Daniel J. Staackmann, Village President Board of Trustees, Morton Grove, Illinois APPROVED and FILED in my office this 26th day of March, 2013, Tony S. Kalogerakos, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove, Cook County, Illinois Minutes of March 11, 2013 Board Meetin'` Minutes by Temsa Ciousal Village of Morton Groye WHEREAS, Sexual Assault Awareness Month is intended to draw attention to the sexual violence that is widespread and has specific public health implications for every person not only in the Village of Morton Grove, but all of Illinois, and our nation as a whole; and WFIEREAS, rape, sexual assault, violence, and sexual harassment can impact our community as seen by statistics indicating one in five women and one in 71 men will be raped at some point in their lives (Black et al., 2011); and WHEREAS, child sexual abuse prevention must be a priority to confront the reality that one in six boys an one in four girls will experience a sexual assault before the age of 18 (Dube et al., 2005); and WHEREAS, all individuals must work together to educate everyone in our community about what can be done to prevent sexual assault, as well as how to support the many survivors; and WHEREAS, staff and volunteers of anti- violence programs at the Northwest Center Against Sexual Assault encourage every person to speak out when witnessing acts of violence, however small; and WHEREAS, with leadership, dedication, and encouragement, there is compelling evidence we can be successful in reducing sexual violence in the Village and throughout our nation with increased education, awareness, and community involvement. We must also hold perpetrators who commit these acts of violence responsible for their actions; and WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove strongly supports the efforts of national, state, and local partners, and of every citizen, to actiy.,ely engage in public and private efforts to prevent sexual violence. It is time for all of us to start conversations, take appropriate action, and support one another to create a safer environment for all. NOW, THEREFORE I, Daniel J. Staackmann, Mayor of the Village of Morton Grove do hereby proclaim the month of April 2013 as and urge all citizens of Morton Grove to join advocates and communities across the nation in playing an active role in preventing sexual violence. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the seal of the Village o E orton Grove 1 Y2 Daniel J.'rtaae in n, Village President Village j Morton Gro C WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove finds decent, safe, and offordable housing to be a part of the American dream; and WHEREAS, individuals in the State of Illinois have the right to choose where to live without discrimination based on race, color, religion, age (40 and over), sex (including sexual harassment and pregnancy), familial status, marital status, national origin /ancestry, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, military status, unfavorable military discharge, and order of protection status; and WHEREAS, acts of housing discrimination and barriers to equal housing opportunities are repugnant to a common sense of decency and fairness; and WHEREAS, federal and state laws affirm the right of every person to equal housing opportunities; and WHEREAS, fair housing is a positive community good; and WHEREAS, economic stability, community health, and human relations in all communities and the State of Illinois are improved by diversity and integration; and WHEREAS, stable, integrated, and balanced residential patterns are threatened by discriminatory acts and unlawful housing practices that result in segregation of residents and opportunities in our region; and WHEREAS, the talents of grassroots and non - profit organizations, housing service providers, financial institutions, elected officials, state agencies, and others must be combined to promote and preserve integration, fair housing, and equal opportunity. NOW THEREFORE, I, Daniel J. Staackmann, Mayor of the Village of Morton Grove, Illinois, do hereby proclaim April 2013, as NATIONAL FAIR HOUSING MONTH in Morton Grove and to establish the Village as an open and inclusive community committed to fair housing and to promote appropriate activities by private and public entities intended to provide or advocate for integration and equal housing opportunities for all residents and prospective residents >ve. In witness hereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the seal of the Village of Morton Grove. Daniel J. Staackmann, Village President Village ®f Morton Grove WHEREAS, with quiet compassion and exceptional generosity, organ and tissue donors leave an indelible mark on the lives of countless Americans. Their selfless acts inspire hope at moments of profound need, and these acts recal I the giving spirit which Ties at the heart of our nation's character; and WHEREAS, during National Donate Life Month, we reflect on that essential quality and have the opportunity to recommit to saving lives through organ and tissue donation because every ten minutes a new person joins the national transplant waiting list; and WHEREAS, the need for donors is greater than ever before. Today, more than 1 10,000 Americans await an organ transplant, and while many individuals will receive lifesaving treatment, too many, an average of eighteen people each day, will pass away before help arrives; and WHEREAS, all of us can play a part in ending this unacceptable loss of life; and WHEREAS, every citizen should consult their family, friends, physician, or faith leader about a decision to become an organ and /or tissue donor; and WHEREAS, if you choose to be a donor, your decision could give hope and life to many individuals, and WHEREAS, it is simple and easy for individuals to designate their decisions. An online registration process takes just thirty seconds by visiting wwwO nor. and WHEREAS, even as millions of individuals choose to donate life, our Nation continues to face a shortage of donors impacting patients and families across the country; and WHEREAS, everyone needs to renew their commitment to addressing this urgent public health issue, to ensure every individual, no matter what their need, has access to the care and services they should have. NOW, THEREFORE. 1, Daniel J. Staaakmann, President of the Village of Morton Grove, Illinois do hereby proclaim April 2013, as and call upon everyone, including health care professionals, volunteers, educator, other government agencies, faith -based and as to boost the number of organ and tissue donor throughout our community and the nation. With your help, this ordinary action can produce extraordinary results. In witness hereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the seal of the Village orton rov II' ois. Daniel J. Staackmamn, Village President Legislative Summary Resolution 13 -16 - -I ACCEPTING THE CANVAS RESULTS AND PROCLAMATION FOR THE FEBRUARY 26, 2013, CONSOLIDATED PRIMARY ELECTION Introduced: Synopsis Purpose: Background: Programs, Depts or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: Source of Funds Workload Impact: Administration Recommendation: First Reading: Special Considerations or Requirements: March 25, 2013 This resolution accepts and confirms the results of the February 26, 2013, Consolidated Primary Election. To formally announce and record the results of the, February 26, 2013, Consolidated Primary Election. On February 26, 2013, a consolidated primary election was held within the Village of Morton Grove. Two candidates from the Action Party ran for one office of Village President for a four year term. Total ballots cast 2,517 The balloting for office of Village President for one four year term: Daniel J. Staackmarm I 1 Daniel P. DiMaria 1,691 The Board of Elections of Cook County, Illinois have proclaimed and this resolution confirms the certification and proclamation of the individual to run in the upcoming Consolidated Election to be held on April 9, 2013: Daniel P. DiMaria– Village President Not Applicable None. Not Applicable. Not Applicable Approval as presented. Not Required None Respectfully submitted:�� - Ryan . Horne, Vi 11ge tt imstrator Prepared and Reviewed by: a Teresa Hoff r-Ai Liston, Corporation Counsel RESOLUTION 13 -16 ACCEPTING THE CANVAS RESULTS AND PROCLAMATION FOR THE FEBRUARY 26, 2013, CONSOLIDATED PRIMARY ELECTION WHEREAS, pursuant to the Consolidated Election laws of the State of Illinois, the VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE did cause to be submitted to the electors of said Village, at the regular consolidated primary election held on the 26`h day of February 2013, for the position of Village President for a four (4) year term; and WHEREAS, responsibility for the administration of said election was with the County Clerk and Board of Election Commissioners of the County and the State of Illinois, and which said election was properly conducted pursuant to the law; and WHEREAS, the election returns have been canvassed by the Board of Election Commissioners of Cook County, Illinois; and WHEREAS, as a result of said canvas, the Board of Elections have certified the following results: A. Total Number of Ballots Cast at the February 26, 2013, Consolidated Primary Election was B. The balloting for the office of Village President from the Action Party of the Village of Morton Grove for one (1) four (4) year term was as follows: NAME OF CANDIDATE, NUMBER OF VOTES RECEIVED DANIEL J. STAACKMANN 1,126 DANIEL P. DIMARIA 1.691 and WHEREAS, the Board of Election Commissioners of Cook County Illinois has proclaimed the following person from the Action Party has been chosen to run in the consolidated election to be held on April 9, 2013, for the position of Village President of the Village of Morton Grove to serve a full term of four (4) years: DANIEL P. DIMARIA NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Corporate Authorities of the Village of Morton Grove, Cook County, Illinois, as follows: SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Resolution as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2: The Village accepts the canvassing, certification, and proclamation of the Board of Election Commissioners of Cook County Illinois and affirms the following individual from the Action Party has been duly elected to run in the upcoming consolidated election to be held on April 9, 2013, for the office of Village President: DANIEL P. DIMARIA Village President - four year term SECTION 3: All orders or resolutions in conflict with this Canvassing Resolution shall be, and the same are to the extent of such conflict hereby repealed, and this Resolution shall be in full force and effect immediately and forthwith upon its adoption, all as required by the statutes of the State of Illinois. PASSED this 25rh day of March 2013 Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee DiMaria Gomberg Grear Marcus Thill Toth APPROVED by me this 25`x' day of March 2013. Daniel J. Staackmann, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois ATTESTED and FILED in my office This 26`x' day of March 2013. Tony S. Kalogerakos, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois Page 1 of i Cook County Clerk s Office - -- - -- - - -- - 94 - - -- 209 - - -- - - - -- Suburban Cook County Election Results 90 165 - - 258- 1.734 421 February 26, 2013 Consolidated Primary Election 413 1.183 - -- 310 121 President, Village of Morton Grove Township & Precinct Results 1,148 - - -- 229 Registered Voters: 382.398 142 229 603 169 36 Ballots Cast 53 614 Voter Turnout: 14% 1.256 Back to Election Summary Results 173 - 251 1,224 Print Results Downioao Results President, Village of Morton Grove ib of 16 Precincts Reoorted - -- 122 43 77 *. Vote For 1 - - -- 290 116 173 - 289 11,172 - -2,406 914 1,476 2390 - % Votes Daniell Staackrnann(Achon Party) r—"` _ 39.97% 1,126 Daniel P DiMana (Action Party) 60.03%, 1,691 Tovmship Results Precinct Results in Precinct Registeretl Voters Ballots Cast - m Is Total Votes - o -_- Maine 15 ._ 531 - - -- 65 - - - -24 41 _- 65._ Maine 40 981 102 64 37 101 -- Marne 62 '., -. -. 514 54 ',. 24 29 53 -_. Maine 63 - -. - -_. 721 _.._ 90 -_ -31 59 90 - - -_.. Maine 71 .. 548 '... 73 44 29 .. 73 Marne 90 462 4525 20 45' Maine Township Results 3,757 Precinct Results Precinct Registered Voters Ballots Cast Niles 10 Niles 35 Niles 38 - Niles 50 - -- Niles 53 - Niles 54 Niles °57 Niles 58 Niles 59 - -- Niles 72 -- Niles Township Results 429 - -212 215 427 0 !m _ mo - Total Votes 3 1,102 209 94 115 209 - 1,120 - -- 258 90 165 - - 258- 1.734 421 182 231 413 1.183 - -- 310 121 184 305 1,148 - - -- 229 87 142 229 603 169 36 133 169 1.256 - - -- 251 78 173 - 251 1,224 147 ',. 67 80 147 - -396 - -- 122 43 77 120 1 406 - - -- 290 116 173 - 289 11,172 - -2,406 914 1,476 2390 - httpJ/ electiomight- cookcountyclerk .com/Det'aii.aspx ?eid=22613 &rid =36 &vfor= l &twpft3 = -0 3/14/2013 Legislative Summary Resolution 13 -17 AUTHORIZING A CONTRACT EXTENSION WITH THE MORTON GROVE FIREFIGHTERS ASSOCIATION Introduced: March 25, 2013 Synopsis: This resolution will authorize an extension to the 2009 -2013 agreement with the Morton Grove Firefighters Association of Morton Grove, IAFF Local 2178. Purpose: To reduce to writing the Arbitrator's award for the 2009 -2012 Collective Bargaining Agreement between the IAFF and the Village and to extend the term of that agreement through December 2013 with a two percent (2 %) salary increase for 2013. Background: The Morton Grove Firefighters became certified in 1986 as a collective bargaining unit. The initial contract was entered into in May 1987 and subsequent to that time they have periodically renegotiated the terms and conditions of their Collective Bargaining Agreement. The terms of the 2009- 2012 agreement were the result of an arbitrator's award. The parties have agreed to extend those terms for one additional year and provide a salary increase to be effective for fiscal year 2013 of two percent (2 %), effective January 1, 2013 and rather than enter into a protracted negotiation have agreed to a Memorandum of Agreement for this change for calendar year 2013. Programs, Departments Legal, Administration and Fire Departments or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: Base salary rates in all steps and classifications received a 3% increase on 1 -1- 09, a2.5% increase on 1 -1 -10, a 0% increase in 1 -1 -11, and a 2.5% increase on I- I - 12, On January 1, 2013 the increase would be 2% and will be effective until December 31, 2013. Source of Funds: General Fund Workload Impact: The Finance Department will adjust records accordingly Administrator Approval as presented Recommendation: First Reading: None required Special Considerations or None Requirements: n / Respectfully submitted: f j /f" Z -'- Rya Horne, Village Administrator Prepared by: `e Reviewed by: Teresa l4offman is o orporaticn Counsel Tom Friel, Fire Chief RESOLUTION 13 -17 AUTHORIZING A CONTRACT EXTENSION WITH THE MORTON GROVE FIREFIGHTERS ASSOCIATION WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (VILLAGE), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS since 1985, the Illinois Public Labor Relations Act, 5 ILCS 315/1 et. seq. has authorized public safety employees in the State of Illinois to form labor unions and /or employee associations for the purpose of bargaining collectively with their municipal employers; and WHEREAS, at a certification election held on September 10, 1986, the Morton Grove Firefighters Association was selected by the qualified employees of the Fire Department as the approved collective bargaining agent; and WHEREAS, the initial contract entered into by the Village was concluded on May 1, 1987, and subsequent to that time the Village and the Firefighters Association Bargaining Team have periodically renegotiated the terms and conditions of the Collective Bargaining Agreement; and WHEREAS, The terms of the 2009 -2012 agreement were the result of an arbitrator's award. The parties have agreed to extend those terms for one additional year and provide base salary rates in all steps and classifications as follows: and January 1, 2009 3% January 1, 2010 2.5% January 1, 2011 0% January 1, 2012 2.5% January 1, 2013 2% WHEREAS, with the exception of the salary increase to be effective for fiscal year 2013, the Village and the Union wish to forego their right to negotiate over other changes and/or modifications to said agreement and to extend the term of the 2009 -2012 agreement through December 31, 2013;; and WHEREAS, the Corporate Authorities approve of all the terms and conditions in the Memorandum of Agreement, attached hereto as Exhibit "A"; and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Resolution thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2: The Village President is hereby authorized and empowered to sign the written Memorandum of Agreement between the Village of Morton Grove and the Morton Grove Firefighters Association, extending the term of the current agreement of January 1, 2009 through December 31, 2012 through December 31, 2013. SECTION 3: The Village Administrator and the Chief of the Fire Department and/or their designees are hereby authorized to implement and administer the terms and conditions of this written agreement. SECTION 4: This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form according to law. PASSED this 25 "' day of March 2013. Trustee DiMaria Trustee Gomberg Trustee Grear Trustee Marcus Trustee Thill Trustee Toth APPROVED by me this 25 "' day of March 2013. Daniel J. Staackmann, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois APPROVED and FILED in my office this 26 "' day of March 2013. Tony S. Kalogerakos, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove ( "Village ") and the Firefighters Association of Morton Grove, IAFF Local 2178 ( "Union "), are parties to a collective bargaining agreement for the term January 1, 2009 through December 31, 2012; and, WHEREAS, with the exception ofthe salary increase to be effective for fiscal year 2013, the Village and the Union wish to forego their right to negotiate over other changes and/or modifications to said agreement and to extend the term of the 2009 -2012 agreement through December 31, 2013; By: NOW, THEREFORE, the Village and the Union hereby agree as follows: Effective January 1, 2013, and retroactive to said date, salaries and hourly rates, which shall include paramedic pay, longevity pay, differential pay and shift reduction allowance pay, shall be paid to all employees on the payroll on and after such date pursuant to this Agreement and the 2013 salary schedule set forth in Appendix "B" attached hereto and made a part hereof. Appendix `B" reflects an inorease in base rates in all steps and classifications of two percent (2 %) effective January 1, 2013. 2. All other provisions of the parties' 2009 -20I2 collective bargaining agreement shall be extended through December 31, 2013 and shall remain in full force and effect. 3. This Memorandum of Agreement shall be subject First to ratification by the Union and then by the Village Board of Trustees. ENTERED INTO this _Y day of March, 2013. OF MORTON GROVE FIREMEN'S ASSOCIATION OF MORTON GROVE ®t2SPIXk'r7 J �OGq,� al /¢ Richard T. Flickinger Municipal Center 6101 C;aputina Avenue * Morton Grove. iilinoi4 60053 -2985 Tel: (847) 965 -4100 Fax: (847) 965 -4162 b i�u'Y M N } Q z Q 7 m W x F �U z W W LL a W QW W J lu W z U J Q fA �Y m� C N O J d Q N D aRi N } � O C N o _r Q N T R G � J d Q N Go J d Q V u7 @ p-} Q M V � a} w Q N I7 � aY N d N � a} ..da U1 � Q w c N W O� m� V O v, h �O (O mtp O t m N M t0 W O m (O 7 7 O N n V N m N M LLi N O M V O m M O N m m m .- V h u) n N m W n mi O O J O E M M N M h O M 7 O V M V O V V m (6 M N O m W m m OM M M R (6 M coo L6 M 6 m M M O M O N m m d M N d O m O O m� � O v, h �O (O mtp O NO N N m �O W Ot0 m f0 m m O N n V N m N M W n V M. V 0.0. M M O m m M N t 0 n N n M m n n 0 m O J M O M_ M MO O M n M V OV NM M V OM c V CD N (NO m m O T OM Co R m M coo cei M 6 a M M O M O N W m d M N d O m O O m� t Omn v, n N N O O i0 N N M i �O O m (O COh (0 � m � V N m N M W n V M. V 0.0. M M e- 6 of ni N ui h �i n v m n n of of n W � M N N M h M V 00 (h0 M V OM M V CD N (NO m m m w OM M R m M coo cei <") 6 a M M O M O N roue m d M N d O m O O t0 t 0h v, n N N O O i0 N N M � V O m C O O (0 t 0 M V V N m N M W n V M V M M M N 66 ti M N (p (p t0 n V OJn N n f�.-mm of of n W O M N N M h M V 00 (h0 M V OM M V (D O M ED C6M OM M R to M coo cei M 6 a M M O M O N roue Vh d N d O m O O h N Oh v, V N N n m LL N m N QV N n N (O M M �(p O M Mh �O u1 n M W M O M n M m M of of ti M N ri co v n co N n n of of n W O M m N M h M V 00 (h0 M OM V C6M m co R vm M coo cei M 6 a o') M cy; C' ) O N roue Vh d N d O � O m M W v, m M N Omi OMi t� W O M M N m h N N O O M Mh MV � Q (Mn0 N W M N U (o N (O tOM NOVi� B d E �mro R vm coo � 6 a M N O N roue Vh d N d O N t m M W v, m M 0 r p M M O M M N m h N C M r-� > m M � Q (Mn0 N N U (o N B d E R v a T � LQ d d T LL Q 07= IL Qp]_ t N n m v, Lp M n r TU M O O W M VV m h C M > m M 0 M c O U 3 LU W U_ n 7 CL 0 Q U d a N c v C R e R C w 3 d i 0 N m N M N M O r TU M O O Y N m h C M > m M 0 M c O U 3 LU W U_ n 7 CL 0 Q U d a N c v C R e R C w 3 d i 0 N m N M N M O r aN M ti O O C m h C M > m M 0 Q m = TNO s N J> C > O O Qm == 0 0 w R c 0 Q O U d D U) E W U V d E R R a c R C Y d J C O U m U U C O y N � U R 3 O G O O U C O O y N p 0 O N d 3 M O =.0 y d L y � 'O O R R y U 3 d d c d c m c T c o a p d R ;mo�aW d R C R C am d m m N C L y y s p'm 0 O m N M 00 y O N n 3 c c v 0 G d O O � o ❑ m a a N d O D U L L O y R R p k-N0] Q W W z W O r aN o ti C M > m 0 C O U m U U C O y N � U R 3 O G O O U C O O y N p 0 O N d 3 M O =.0 y d L y � 'O O R R y U 3 d d c d c m c T c o a p d R ;mo�aW d R C R C am d m m N C L y y s p'm 0 O m N M 00 y O N n 3 c c v 0 G d O O � o ❑ m a a N d O D U L L O y R R p k-N0] Q W W z W O aN O C > > 0 Q m = C O U m U U C O y N � U R 3 O G O O U C O O y N p 0 O N d 3 M O =.0 y d L y � 'O O R R y U 3 d d c d c m c T c o a p d R ;mo�aW d R C R C am d m m N C L y y s p'm 0 O m N M 00 y O N n 3 c c v 0 G d O O � o ❑ m a a N d O D U L L O y R R p k-N0] Q W W z Legislative Summary Resotution 13 -78 � AUTHORIZATION FOR THE PURCHASE OF A 2013 FORD F -250 PICK UP TRUCK AND A 2013 F450 CAB & CHASSIS WITH UTILITY BODY & WHEEL LIFT Introduced: i March 25, 2013 Synopsis: As a member of the Northwest Municipal Conference the Village of Morton Grove takes advantage of the Conference's competitive bidding process known as the Suburban Purchasing Cooperative Procurement Program. A Joint purchasing program for local government agencies representing 143 municipalities. Purpose: To replace a 1997 Ford pick -up, and a 1991 Chevrolet Kodiak tow truck with high mileage assigned to the Vehicle Maintenance Department. Background: The Public Works Department routinely reviews vehicles and equipment for fuel economy, safety, dependability, age, and excessive repair cost. Replacing or eliminating equipment no longer meeting the department's needs. Programs, Departments Public Works and Finance Departments. or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: Funding in the 2013 Public Works Adopted Budget have been approved in the amount of $262,000.00 for replacement of vehicles and equipment. The vehicles replaced at this time will be in the amount of $88,680.00. Source of Funds: Account number 025017- 572010 General Fund. Workload Impact: The implementation of the program is done as part of the normal operations of the Public Works and Finance Departments. Administrator Approval as presented. Recommendation: First Reading: Not required. Special Considerations or None Requirements: Respectfully submitted: ,3��✓ Reviewed By: l V ll J. 1 {0� Village Administrator iy DeMonte, Director of Public Works Prepared by: 1 ✓ ision Superintendent o L. — Reviewed by: „ Teresa Hoffm r stop, Corporation Counsel RESOLUTION 13 -18 TO AUTHORIZE THE PURCHASE, OF A 2013 FORD F250 PICK -UP AND A 2013 F450 CAB AND CHASSIS WITH A UTILITY BODY AND WHEEL LIFT THROUGH THE NORTH SUBURBAN PURCHASING COOPERATIVE PROCUREMENT PROGRAM WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (VILLAGE), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, the Suburban Purchasing Cooperative representing 143 municipalities conducted a bidding process for the purchase of a 2013 Ford F250 pick -up and a 2013 Ford F450 cab and chassis with a utility body and a wheel lift, and the low bidder for said purchases was Currie Motors, 9423 West Lincoln Highway. Frankfort, Illinois 60423; and WHEREAS, the Village as a member of the Northwest Municipal Conference has previously utilized the North Suburban Purchasing Cooperative Procurement Program for purchases of vehicles; and WHEREAS, the Village Board approved the 2013 Adopted Budget on December 10, 2012, as Ordinance 12 -39, which included account number 025017- 572010, in the amount of $262,000 which provides funding for vehicles and equipment replacement; and WHEREAS, the description and purchase price for the vehicle is as follows: 2013 Ford F250 XL 4x4 regular cab pick -up truck with plow: $34,583.00 2013 Ford F450 XL Cab and Chassis with Utility Body and Wheel Lift: $57,597.00 'Trade of 1997 Ford F250: (1,500.00) Trade of 1991 Chevrolet Kodiak Tow Truck: (21000.00) Total: $88,680.00 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION l: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Resolution as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2: That only those companies listed and described on this Resolution for the purchase of a 2013 Ford F250 pick -up, and a 2013 Ford F450 Cab and Chassis with a Utility Body and Wheel Lift be approved in this Resolution. SECTION 3: The Director of Public Works and Finance Director of the Village of Morton Grove is hereby authorized to execute the Purchase of a 2013 Ford F250 pick -up and a 2013 Ford F450 Cab and Chassis with a Utility Body and Wheel Lift for a total amount of $88,680.00 from Currie Motors, 9423 West Lincoln Highway, Frankfort, Illinois 60423. SECTION 4: This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and upon its passage and approval. Passed this 25th day of March 2013. Trustee DiMaria Trustee Gomberg Trustee Grear Trustee Marcus Trustee Thill Trustee Toth Approved by me this 25'h day of March 2013 Daniel J. Staackmann, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois Attested and filed in my office This 26`' day of March 2013 Tony S. Kalogerakos, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois January 15, 2013 Currie Motors Mr. Thomas Sullivan 9423 W. Lincoln Highway Frankfort, IL 60423 Dear Mr. Sullivan, This letter is to inform you that the Suburban Purchasing Cooperative's Governing Board and final one year contract extension with Currie Motors has approved the third Frankfort, IL for the SPC 2013 Ford F-250 XL 42 Regular Cab from January 22, 2013 through January 21, 2014. With acceptance of this contract extension, Currie Motors, Frankfort, IL agrees to all terms and conditions set forth in the specifications contained within the original Request for proposal to which you responded. The SPC looks forward to another productive year working with Currie Motors. Please sign and date this agreement below, retaining copies for your files and returning the original to my attention. Sincerely, 417CY114 OUT ft4. rl�t Ellen Dayan Northwest Municipal Conference Program Manager for purchasing I/I5 /t3 Name: Ellen Dayan Date Northwest Municipal Conference Name: Thomas Sullivan Date Currie Motors DuPage Mayors Norlkwastkfaniciprd South Suburban Mavors Managers Co4lereace Conference And ManagersAssorialion will Comoro 1220 Oak Brook Road 1616 Eaat Ga6rRoad 19lid West J74" Street CiO1 err 't °I League Oak Brook Qui tell Des Plaines, IL 60016 3180 Tbeodare Street, Smile loll Suzette Quintell Ellen 1>ayn+n East litual Cresol IL 60429 Joliet, IL 60435 Phone: (630) 571 -0480 Phoney (847) 296 -9200 Ed Passel Cherie Belont Fax: (630) 571.0484 Fax: (847) 196 -9207 Phone. (708) 206 -1155 Phone: (81J) 729 -3535 Fax: (708) 206.1133 Far. (815) 729 -3536 E417-j 900800 d ttiL -1 0091POV9181 dnots alaaroo-yl0aj Ag90:00 Et- 91 -mvr January 15, 2013 Currie Motors Mr, Thomas Sullivan 9423 W. Lincoln Highway Frankfort, IL 60423 Dear Mr. Sullivan, This letter is to inform you that the Suburban Purchasing Cooperative's Governing Board has approved the third and final one year contract extension with Currie Motors, Frankfort, IL for the SPC 2013 Ford F-450 XL 4x2 Chassis Cab from January 22, 2013 through January 21, 2014. With acceptance of this contract extension, Currie Motors, Frankfort, IL agrees to all terms and conditions set forth in the specifications contained within the original Request for Proposal to which you responded. The SPC looks forward to another productive year working with Curie Motors, Please sign and date this agreement below, retaining copies for your files and returning the original to my attention. Sincerely, i' Ellen Dayan Northwest Municipal Conference Program Manager for Purchasing Kk 1115/13 Name: Ellen Dayan Date Northwest Municipal Conference Name: Thomas Sullivan Date Currie Motors DuPage Mayors & Northweu Municipal Soutk suburbanMavorr Managers Conference Canerence willcounry l AndManagm Assodation Governmental league 1220 O¢k Brack Road 1616 East Go Road Oak Brook. !L 60523 1904 West ax Street 3180 Theodore 604 Suite 101 Des Plaines, !L 60016 East Hnzel Crest IL 60419 Joliet, lL 60435 suzette Quintet! El /ea n + Ed Pnesel Cherie Belom Phone: (630) 571-0480 Phone: (847) 296.9200 Phone: 08 206 -1155 Fax: (630) 571 -0484 Fax. (847) 296 -9207 ) Phone: (815) 72-33535 Fax: (708) 206 -1133 Flu.• (815) 729 -3536 E99 -d 900 /100'd 141-1 00919999181 dno19 aitsn3 -MMI "90:60 El- 9l-NVr Currie Motors Fleet Presents... _r • •• Prepared For: Mr, Paul Tobin Prepared 13y: Thomas F. Sullivan Prepared On. March 14, 2013 Prepared For: Mr. Paul Tobin Village Of Morton Grove 7840 N. Nagle Morton Grove, Illinois, 60053 Prepared By: Thomas F. Sullivan Currie Motors Fleet 9423 W. Lincoln Highway Frankfort, Illinois, 60423 Phone: 815-464-9200 Fax: 815 -464 -7500 2013 Ford F -250 4x4 SD Regular Cab 8' box 137" WB SRW XL (F2B) Powertrain Triton 6.21 V -8 SOHC SMPI 16 valve engine with variable valve control * 200 amp HD alternator "650 amp 72 amp hours (Ah) HD battery with run down protection * Transmission oil cooler * 6 -speed electronic SelectShift automatic transmission with overdrive, lock -up, driver selection * Part-time four -wheel drive with electronic transfer case shift, auto locking hubs * ABS & driveline traction control' 3.73 axle ratio * Stainless steel exhaust Steering and Suspension Hydraulic power- assist re- circulating ball steering * 4 -wheel disc brakes with front and rear vented discs * Firm ride suspension, with AdvanceTrac w /Roll Stability Control stability control with anti -roll control * Mono -beam non - independent front suspension * Front anti -roll bar * HD front coil springs " HD front shocks * Rigid rear axle" Rear leaf suspension * HD rear leaf springs " HD rear shocks ` Front and rear 17.0" x 7.50" argent steel wheels with hub covers * LT245/75SR17.0 BSW AS front and rear tires " Underbody w /crankdown mounted full -size steel spare wheel Safety 4 -wheel anti -lock braking system * Center high mounted stop light * Dual airbags, passenger side front - impact cancellable airbag, seat mounted driver and passenger side- impact airbags, curtain list row overhead airbag * Front height adjustable seatbelts * SecuriLock immobilizer Comfort and Convenience Air conditioning * AM /FM stereo, clock, seek -scan, 2 speakers, fixed antenna * Cruise control with steering wheel controls * Manual tailgate /rear door lock " 2 12V DC power outlets * Analog instrumentation display includes tachometer, oil pressure gauge, engine temperature gauge, transmission fluid temp gauge, engine hour meter, exterior temp, systems monitor, trip odometer * Warning indicators include oil pressure, engine temperature, battery, lights on, key, low fuel, door ajar, service interval, brake fluid, low tire pressure * Steering wheel with tilt and telescopic adjustment * Manual front windows with deep tint * Variable intermittent front windshield wipers, sliding rear window * Passenger side vanity mirror * Day -night rearview mirror * Interior lights include dome light with fade, front reading lights * Glove box, front cupholder, instrument panel bin * Upfitter switches Seating and Interior Seating capacity of 3 * 40 -20 -40 split -bench front seat with adjustable head restraints, center armrest with storage 4 -way adjustable driver seat includes lumbar support * 4 -way adjustable passenger seat * Vinyl faced front seats with vinyl back material * Full cloth headliner, full vinyl /rubber floor covering, plastic /rubber gear shift knob, chrome interior accents Exterior Features 2 skid plates, side impact beams, front license plate bracket, fully galvanized steel body material, side steps * Black side window moldings, black front windshield molding * Black door handles * Black grille * 2 doors with tailgate rear cargo door * With bed liner * Class V trailering, trailer harness, trailer hitch, brake controller, trailer sway control * Prices and content availability as shown, ere subject. to change and should be treated as estimates only. Actual base vehicle, package and option pdcing may vary from this estimate because of special local pricing, availability or pricing adjustments not reflected in the dealers computer system. See salesperson for the most current information. Reference CT05205242 2/1/2013 Printed on March 14, 2013 at 13:06 Price Level: 335 QuotelD: MGF250 Page 2 Vehicle Profile Continued Prepared For: Mr. Paul Tobin Prepared By: Thomas F. Sullivan Dealership: Currie Motors Fleet Exterior Features (Continued) Driver and passenger manual black folding manual extendable trailer outside mirrors * Front and rear black bumpers, with front tow hooks rear step * Aero- composite halogen headlamps * Additional exterior lights include cab clearance lights, pickup cargo box light, underhood light * Clearcoat monotone paint * Snow plow provision Warranty Basic ... ............................... 36 month /36,000 miles Powertrain 60 month /60,000 miles Corrosion Perforation ...... 60 month /unlimited mileage Roadside Assistance 60 month /60,000 miles Dimensions and Capacities Output...... ............................... 1 St gear ratio 3rd gear ratio 5th gear ratio .............................. Reverse gear ratio ...................... GVWR ........ ............................... Rear GAWR Weight Front curb weight Front axle capacity ...................... Front spring rating Front tire /wheel capacity .......... Towing capacity .......................... Front legroom Front hiproom Passenger area volume .............. Body width .. ............................... Wheelbase . ............................... Front tread ... ............................... Turning radius ............................ Exterior cargo length Exterior cargo volume Exterior cargo maximum width ..... 385 hp @ 5,500 rpm Torque ..... .......................... — 405 11b. -ft. @ 4,500 rpm ................ 3.974 2nd gear ratio ................. ............................... 2.318 ............... 1.516 4th gear ratio .................. ............................... 1.149 ................ 0.858 6th gear ratio .................. ............................... 0.674 .......... I..... 3.128 Curb weight ............. ............................... 61468 tbs. .... M000 tbs. Front GAWK ..................1. 5,600 lbs. .......... 6,100 tbs. Payload ................... ............................... 3,780 lbs. .......... 3,770 lbs. Rear curb weight ....... ............................... 2,698 lbs. .......... 6,000 lbs. Rear axle capacity ....... ............. ............ __, 6,2001bs. .......... 5,600 lbs. Rear spring rating ,_ .................. _............. 611001bs. ........... 6,390 tbs. Reartire /wheel capacity .. .................. ........ 6,390 tbs, ........ 12,500 tbs. 5th -wheel towing capacity ........................ 121500 lbs. ............... 41.1 of Front headroom ........... ............................... 40.7 „ ....... 67.6" Front shoulder room .... . ........ ..... _.,_,................ 68.0" ......1 65.9 cu.ft. Length ........................ ............................... 227.6 „ ............... 79.9 " Body height .................... ............................... 79,2 „ ............. 137.0 ” Cab to axle .................... ............................... 56.3 „ ........... — 68.311 Rear tread ..................... ............................... 67.2 „ .... I. ....... ... 23.1 Fuel tank ................... ............................... 35.0 gal. .......1....111 98.0 ” Exterior cargo minimum width .......................... 50.9 it ........... 77.3 cu.ft. Exterior cargo pickup box depth .................. 1......1......11. 69.311 Prices and content availability as shown, are subject to change and should be treated as estimates only Actual base vehicle, package and option pricing may vary from this estimate because of special local pricing, availability or pricing adjustments not reflected in the dealers computer system. See salesperson for the most current information. Reference CT05205242 2/112013 Printed on March 14, 2013 at 13:06 Price Level: 335 QuotelD: MGF250 Page 3 Prepared For: Mr. Paul Tobin Village Of Morton Grove 7840 N. Nagle Morton Grove, Illinois, 60053 Prepared By Thomas F. Sullivan Currie Motors Fleet 9423 W. Lincoln Highway Frankfort, Illinois, 60423 Phone: 815 -464 -9200 Fax: 815-464-7500 URI F28 Base Vehicle Price (F2B) STD 32,385.00 Packages 600A Order Code 600A OPT N/C (996) Engine: 6.2L 2 -Valve SOHO EFI NA V8 Flex -Fuel, (44P) Transmission's TorgShift 6 -Speed Automatic DID: Includes SelectShift.; (X37) 3.73 Axle Ratio; (STDGV) GVWR: 10,000 tb Payload Package; (TSK) Tires: LT245175Rx 17E BSW A/S (5); (64A) Wheels: 17" Argent Painted Steel Includes painted hub coversrcenter ornaments.; (A) Heavy Duty Vinyl 40120140 Split Bench Seat: Includes center armrest, cupholder and storage.; (587) Radio: Ai Stereo w /Digital Clock: Includes 2- speakers. POWertrain 996 Engine: 6.2L 2 -Valve SOHC EFI NA V8 Flex -Fuel INC Included Torque: 405 ft.lbs. @ 4500 rpm. 44P Transmission: TorciShift 6 -Speed Automatic O/D INC Included Includes SelectShift. X3E Electronic Locking w/3.73 Axle Ratio OPT 390,00 STDGV GVWR: 10,000 lb Payload Package INC Included Wheels & Tires TBK Tires: LT245175Rxl7E BSW AIS (5) INC Included 64A Wheels: 17' Argent Painted Steel INC Included includes painted hub coversicenter ornaments. Seats & Seat Trine A Heavy Duty Vinyl 40 /20/40 Split Bench Seat INC Included Includes center armrest, cupholder and storage. Prices antl content availability as shown, are subject to change and should be treated as estimates only Actual base vehicle, package and option pricing may vary from this estimate because of special local pricing, availability or pricing adjustments not reflected In the dealer's computer system. See salesperson for the most current information. Reference CT05205242 21112013 Printed on March 14, 2013 at 13:06 Price Level: 335 QuoteiD: MGF250 Page 4 Selected Options Continued Prepared For: Mr. Paul Tobin Prepared By: Thomas F. Sullivan Dealership: Currie Motors Fleet Code Description Class MSRP Other Options 137WB 137" Wheelbase STD N/C 473 Snow Plow Prep Package OPT 85.00 includes computer selected springs forsnowplow application and heavy -duty alternator NOTE: Restrictions apply, see Supplemental Reference or Body Builders Layout Book for details. 41P Transfer Case & Fuel Tank Skid Plates OPT 100.00 213 4x4 Electronic- Shift -On- The -Fly OPT 185.00 Includes manual locking hubs and auto rotary control on instrument panel. 67D Extra Heavy -Duty 200 -Amp Alternator OPT 75.00 52B Trailer Brake Controller OPT 230.00 Compatible with select electric over hydraulic brakes. 18B 6" Angular Black Molded -in -Color Running Boards OPT 320.00 592 Roof Clearance Lights OPT 55.00 85S ToughBed Spray -In Bedliner OPT 475.00 Includes tailgate- guard, black box bed tie -down hooks and black bed attachment bolts. PAINT Monotone Paint Application STD N/C 433 Manual Sliding Rear Window w /Privacy Glass (Fleet) OPT 125.00 66S Upfifter Switches (4) OPT 125.00 Located on instrument panel. 587 Radio: AMIFM Stereo w /Digital Clock INC Included Includes 2- speakers. Fleet Options 525 Cruise Control (LPO) OPT 235.00 Interior Colors For: Primary w /XL (Reg) AS Steel OPT N/C Primary Colors For: Primary w /XL (Reg) Z1 Oxford White OPT N/C Accessories and Aftermarket Options Lighting -01 Corner Strobes 4 $750.00 4- Corner Strobe LED ESP -01 Extended Warranty $1,940.00 3 Year 100000 Mile Powertrain Care C -03 Shop Manual $295.00 CD -Rom R -66 Tommy Gate Lift G2 $3,398.00 Electric Hydraulic Operation 13001b 55 "x38" +6" Ramp Aluminum Deck Prices and content availability as shown, are subject to change and should be treated as estimates only. Actual base vehicle, package and option pricing may vary from this estimate because of special local pacing, availability or pricing adjustments not reilected in the dealers wmputer system. See salesperson for the Most current information. Reference CT052052422/1/2013 Printed on March 14, 2013 at 13:06 Price Level: 335 QuotelD: MGF250 Page 5 S 7 lCCtiod OptlliffPll9 Corrittl28.ed Prepared For: Mc Paul Tobin Prepared By: Thomas F. Sullivan Dealership: Currie Motors Fleet Code Description Class MSRP R -72 Western Pro Plus 8'6" Snow Plow $5,94500 Cab Command Electric Hydraulics Rubber Snow Deflector Vehicle Subtotal $47,11300 Destination $995.00 Vehicle Subtotal (including Destination) $48,108,00 Prices and content availability as shown, are subject to change and should be treated as estimates only Actual base vehicle, package and option pricing may vary from this estimate because of special local pricing, availability or pricing adjustments riot reflected in the dealers computer system. See salesperson for the most current information. Reference CT05205 2 42 2/112013 Printed on March 14, 2013 at 13:06 Price Level: 335 QuotelD: MGF250 Page 6 Prepared For: Mr. Paul Tobin Village Of Morton Grove 7840 N. Nagle Morton Grove, Illinois, 60053 Quotation Vehicle Snapshot Prepared By: Thomas F. Sullivan Currie Motors Fleet 9423 W. Lincoln Highway Frankfort, Illinois, 60423 Phone: 815-464-9200 Fax: 815-464-7500 4x4 SO Engine: 6.2L 2 -Valve SOHC EFI NA V8 Flex -Fuel Transmission: TorgShift 6 -Speed Automatic 0/D Rear Axle Ratio: Electronic Locking w/3.73 GVWR: 10,000 to Payload Package Cab W box 137' WB SRW XL Description MSRP Vehicle Price (excluding option discounts) $47,113.00 Vehicle Subtotal $471113.00 Option Credits 0.00 Other (Discount)Margin (13,525.00) Incentives 0.00 Total Other Items (13,525.00) Net Selling Price $33,588.00 Destination 995.00 Total Quote $34,583.00 Less: Trade In 1,500.00 97 Ford F250 Serial #: w/ 0.00 miles. Condition: Gross amount 1, 500.00 less lien amount 0.00 Net Difference 33,083.00 Lien payment for :97 Ford F250 0.00 TOTAL $33,063.00 Customer Signature Acceptance Date Prices and content availability as shown, are subject to change and should be treated as estimates only Actual base vehicle, package and option pricing may vary from this estimate because of special local pricing, availability or pricing adjustments not reflected In the dealer's computer system. See salesperson for the most current information. Reference CT05205242 2/1/2013 Printed on March 14, 2013 at 13:06 Price Level: 335 QuotelD: MGF250 Page 7 Prepared For: Mr. Paul Tobin Village Of Morton Grove 7840 N. Nagle Morton Grove, Illinois, 60053 Dimensions 8z Capaddes Prepared By Thomas F. Sullivan Currie Motors Fleet 9423 W. Lincoln Highway Frankfort, Illinois, 60423 Phone: 815-464-9200 Fax: 815-464-7500 .r yx 4x4 SD Regular Cab 8' box 137" WB SRW XL (F2B) Description Value Dimensions and Capacities 14, 2013 Output......... .. ... ...................... .................. ....... ........_... ..... ....._................... ........._.._................ .. 385 hp @ 5,500 rpm Torque......................................................................................................... ............................... 405 lb.-ft, @ 4,500 rpm 1stgear ratio ........................................................................................................................... ............................... 3.974 2ndgear ratio ......................................................................................................................... ............................... 2.318 3rdgear ratio .......................................................................................................................... ............................... 1.516 4thgear ratio ........................................................................................................................... ............................... 1.149 5thgear ratio ........................................................................................................................... ............................... 0.858 6thgear ratio ........................................................................................................................... ............................... 0.674 Reversegear ratio .................................................................................................................. ............................... 3.128 Curbweight ................. _ ............... .............................. ................ ........... ........................... ............................ 6,468 lbs. GVWR............................................................................................................................. ............................... 10,000 lbs. FrontGAWR ......................................................................................................... ............................... 5,600 lbs. RearGAWR Weight ......................................................................................................... ............................... 6,100 lbs. Payload............................................................................................................................ ............................... 3,780 lbs. Frontcurb weight ............................................................................................................. ............................... 3.770 lbs. Rearcurb weight ............................................................................................................. ............................... 2,698 lbs. Frontaxle capacity ............................................................................................................ ............................... 6,000 lbs. Rearaxle capacity ............................................................................................................ ............................... 6,200 lb& Frontspring rating .... ............... ........................................... .... ..._............... ............. ....... ....... ...................... 5,600 tbs. Rearspring rating ..... ......................................................... ..........._.............. .............................. . ................ , 6'100 lbs. Fronttire /wheel capacity .................................................................................................. ............................... 6,390 lbs. Reartire/wheel capacity ................................................................................................... ............................... 6,390 lbs. Towingcapacity ............................................................................................................. ............................... 12,500 lbs. 5th -wheel towing capacity ............................................................................................. ............................... 12,500 lbs. Frontlegroom ..................................... ............ .._ .... .... .............. ........................................ ... ..................... ..... .._.. 41.1 „ Frontheadroom ...................................................................................................................... ............................... 40.7 „ Fronthiproom ......................................................................................................................... ............................... 67.6 „ Frontshoulder room .............................................................................................................. ............................... 68.0 „ Passengerarea volume ........................................................................ ............................... ...........................65.9 cu.ft. Length................................................................................................................................... ............................... 227.6 „ Bodywidth ............................................................................................................................... ............................... 79.9 „ Bodyheight ............................................................................................................................. ............................... 79.2 ., Wheelbase. ....... ................................................................................................................. .................._._.......... 137.0„ Cabto axle .............................................................................................................................. ............................... 56.3 „ Fronttread ............................................................................................................................... ............................... 683 ., Prices and content f special ea shown, are subject to change and adjustments no treated as estimates only. Actual base vehicle, package son notion most may vary rmat Im estimate because of special local pricing, evalability or pricing adjustments not reflected in the tlealer's computer system. See salesperson for the most current informatbn. Reference C705205242 211/2013 Printed on March 14, 2013 at 13:06 Price Level: 335 QuotelD: MGF250 Page 8 Dimensions &- Ctiptircities C6t9$buied prepared For: Mr. Paul Tobin Prepared By: Thomas F. Sullivan Dealership: Currie Motors Fleet Description Value Dimensions and Capacities Reartread ........... .. .......... ................................. ................ ................................................. ......... ...........................6T2„ Turningradius ......................................................................................................................... ............................... 23.1 Fueltank ............................................................................................................................. ............................... 35.0 gal. Exteriorcargo length ............................................................................................................. ............................... 98.0 „ Exteriorcargo minimum width ............................................................................................... ............................... 50.9 „ Exteriorcargo volume ...................................................................................................... ............................... 77.3 cu.ft. Exteriorcargo pickup box depth ............................................................................................. ............................... 20.0 „ Exteriorcargo maximum width ............................................................................................... ............................... 69.3 „ Prices and content availability as shown, are subject to change and should be treated as estimates only. Actual base vehicle, package and option rising may vary from this estimate because of special local pricing, availability or pricing adjustments not reflected in the dealer computer system. See salesperson for the most current Information. Reference CT05205242 21112013 Printed on March 14, 2013 at 13:06 Price Level: 335 QuotelD: MGF250 Page 9 Prepared For: Mr. Paul Tobin Village Of Morton Grove 7840 N. Nagle Morton Grove, Illinois, 60053 Prepared By Thomas F. Sullivan Currie Motors Fleet 9423 W. Lincoln Highway Frankfort, Illinois, 60423 Phone: 815-464-9200 Fax: 815-464-7500 2013 Ford F -250 4x4 SD Regular Cab 8' box 137" WB SRW XL (F26) Description Months /Distance Basic......................................................................................................... ............................... 36 month /36,000 miles Powertrain................................................................................................. ............................... 60 month /60,000 miles Corrosion Perforation ....................................................................... ............................... 60 month /unlimited mileage Roadside Assistance ............................................................................... ............................... 60 month /60,000 miles Prices and content availability as shown.. are subject to change and should be treated as estimates only Actual base vehicle, package and option pricing may vary from this estimate because of special local pricing, availability or pricing adjustments not reflected in the dealer's computer system. See salesperson for the most current information. Reference CT05205242 211/2013 Printed on March 14, 2013 at 13:06 Price Level: 335 QuotelD: MGF250 Page 10 Curl ^ie Motors Fleet Presents... 1 • • a 1 - D- Prepared For: Mr. Paul Tobin Prepared By Thomas F. Sullivan Prepared On. March 14, 2013 Prepared For: Mr. Paul Tobin Village Of Morton Grove 7840 N. Nagle Morton Grove, Illinois, 60053 ZIUMM Prepared By: Thomas F. Sullivan Currie Motors Fleet 9423 W. Lincoln Highway Frankfort, Illinois, 60423 Phone: 815-464-9200 Fax: 815-464-7500 �fi • • 1 ITIT 4x2 SD Regular Cab 165" WB DRW XL (F4G) Powertrain Triton 6.81. V -10 SOHC SMPI 30 valve engine* 175 amp alternator* 750 amp 78 amp hours (Ah) HD battery with run down protection * Transmission oil cooler * 5 -speed electronic SelectShift automatic transmission with overdrive, lock -up, driver selection * Rear -wheel drive * Limited slip differential, driveline traction control * 4.88 axle ratio Stainless steel exhaust Steering and Suspension Hydraulic power- assist re- circulating ball steering * 4 -wheel disc brakes with front and rear vented discs * Firm ride suspension * Mono -beam non - independent front suspension * Front anti -roll bar * HD front coil springs * HD front shocks * Rigid rear axle * Rear leaf suspension * Rear anti -roll bar * HD rear leaf springs * HD rear shocks * Front and rear 19.5' x 6.00" argent steel wheels * LT225170SR19.5 BSW AS front tires * AT rear tires * Frame mounted mounted full -size steel spare wheel Safety 4 -wheel anti -lock braking system * Dual airbags, passenger side front - impact cancellable airbag, seat mounted driver and passenger side - impact airbags, curtain 1 st row overhead airbag * Front height adjustable seatbetts Comfort and Convenience Air conditioning * AM /FM stereo, clock, seek -scan, 2 speakers, fixed antenna * 2 12V DC power outlets * Analog instrumentation display includes tachometer, oil pressure gauge, engine temperature gauge, transmission fluid temp gauge, engine hour meter, exterior temp, systems monitor, trip odometer * Warning indicators include oil pressure, engine temperature, battery, lights on, key, low fuel, door ajar, service interval, brake fluid * Steering wheel with tilt and telescopic adjustment * Manual front windows with light tint * Variable intermittent front windshield wipers * Passenger side vanity mirror * Day -night rearview mirror * Interior lights include dome light with fade, front reading lights * Glove box, front cupholder, instrument panel bin * Upfitter switches Seating and interior Seating capacity of 3 * 40 -20 -40 split -bench front seat with adjustable head restraints, center armrest with storage 4 -way adjustable driver seat includes lumbar support * 4 -way adjustable passenger seat * Vinyl faced front seats with vinyl back material * Full cloth headliner, full vinyl /rubber floor covering, plastic/rubber gear shift knob, chrome interior accents Exterior Features Side impact beams, front license plate bracket, fully galvanized steel body material, side steps * Black fender flares Black side window moldings, black front windshield molding * Black door handles * Black grille * 2 doors * Trailer harness " Driver and passenger manual black folding manual extendable trailer outside mirrors * Front black bumper with front tow hooks * Aero- composite halogen headlamps * Additional exterior lights include cab clearance lights, undamped light * Clearcoat monotone paint Prices and content availability as shown, are subject to change and should be treated as estimates only Actual base vehicle, package and option pricing may vary from this estimate because of special local pricing, meciabdity or pricing adjustments not reflected in the dealer s computer system. See salesperson for the most current information. Reference CT0520524212/262012 Printed on March 14, 2013 at 14:10 Price Level: 330 QuotelD: MGTow Page 2 Vehicle PrgftlC Continued Prepared For: Mr. Paul Tobin Prepared By: Thomas F. Sullivan Dealership: Currie Motors Fleet Warranty Basic ........... ............ .. 36 month /36,000 miles Powertrain 60 month /60,000 miles ..... Corrosion Perforation .,.... 60 month /unlimited mileage Roadside Assistance ............ 60 month /60,000 miles Dimensions and Capacities Output ............ ......................... 362 hp @ 4,750 rpm Torque ... . .............................. 45716 , -ft. @ 3,250 rpm 1st gear ratio ................ ...... 3.110 2nd gear ratio ................. 2.220 3rd gear ratio ................. ............................... 1.550 ............................... 4th gear ratio .................. 1,000 gear ratio .................. ............................... 0.710 ............................... Reverse gear ratio ...... 2.880 Curb weight ............ ...._.......................... 6,836 lbs. . ........ GVWR .............. ............. ............... ........ ....... ........... 16,500 Ibs. Front AWR ... ............................... 5,600 lbs. Rear GAWR Weight. ............................... ... .... 12,OOO lbs. Payload Payload ................... ............................... 9,821 lbs. Front curb weight ....................... lbs. Rear curb weight .............._.... 3,047 lbs. Front axle capacity ............ P Y 12,000 Ibs. Front spring rating 5,600 lbs. Rear spring rating .... ......... ......... 12,000 lbs, Front tire /wheel capacity Rear tire /wheel capacity ........................... 15,000 lbs. Towing capacity ...... ............................... 16,000 lbs. 5th -wheel towing capacity .............. Ibs. Front legroom ................ 41.1 " Front Front headroom .................... 40.7" ........................... Fronthiproom .... Front shoulder room ......................... 68,0" Passenger area volume 65.9cu.ft. Length .......... ..... .. .. ......... ...... 250.5 " Body width ... , ............ __.,,..,....,,., 93 g 1, .., Body height ................... ............................... 80.4 " Wheelbase .. .... .. .......... 165.0 „ Cab to axle .................... ............................... 84.0 " . .. ......... Axle to end of frame ......... ...,..... ., ... ... .. 47.6 „ Front tread ..................... ............................... 74.8 " ............................... Rear tread ....................... ........... ......... ......... 74.0 „ Turning radius ................ ..... .......................... 24.3' Fuel tank ........ ............................... ........... 40.0 gal. Prices and content availability as shown, are subject to change and should be treated as estimates only. Actual base veh ca, package and option pricing may vary from this estimate because of special local pricing, availability or pricing adjustments not reflected in the dealer s compuler system. See salesperson for the most current information. Reference CT05205242 12/262812 Printed on March 14, 2013 at 14:10 Price Level: 330 QuotelD: MGTow Page 3 Prepared For: Mr. Paul Tobin Village Of Morton Grove 7840 N. Nagle Morton Grove, Illinois, 60053 lims Vehicle Snapshot Prepared By: Thomas F. Sullivan Currie Motors Fleet 9423 W. Lincoln Highway Frankfort, Illinois, 60423 Phone: 815-464-9200 Fax: 815-464-7500 2013 Ford F -450 Chassis 4x2 SO Reoular Cab 165" W8 DRW XI. IF4G1 Engine: 6.8L 3 -Valve SOHC EFI V10 Transmission: TorgShiit 5 -Speed Auto vivi Rear Axle Ratio: Limited -Slip w /4.88 GVWR: 16,500 lb Payload Package Code Description Class MSRP F4G Base Vehicle Price (F4G) Packages STD 34,100.00 650A Order Code 650A OPT N/C (99Y) Engine: 6.8L 3 -Valve SOHO EFI V10; (447) Transmission: TorgShift 5 -Speed Auto w /OD : Includes SelectShift,; (X48) 4.88 Axle Ratio; ( STDGV) GVWR: 16,5001b Payload Package; (TFB) Tires: 225/70Rx 19, 5G BSW AS (6); (64Z) Wheels: 19.5 "Argent Painted Steel (6); (A) HD Vinyl 40/20/40 Split Bench Seat: includes driver side manual lumbar, center armrest, cupholder and storage.; (587) Radio: AM /FM Stereo w /Digital Clock: includes 2 speakers. Powertrain 99Y Engine: 6.81L 3 -Valve SOHC EFI V10 INC Included Torque: 457 ft. lbs. @ 3250 rpm. 44T Transmission: TorclShift 5 -Speed Auto w /OD INC Included Includes SelectShi£t. X8L Limited -Slip vvi Axle Ratio OPT 360.00 STDGV GVWR: 16,500 Ito Payload Package INC Included Wheels & Tires THB Tires: 225/70Rx19.5G BSW Traction OPT 190.00 Includes 4 traction tires on the rear and 2 all- season tires on the front. Optional spare is BSW all - season. 64Z Wheels: 19.5" Argent Painted Steel (6) INC Included 512 Spare Tire & Wheel OPT 350.00 (61J) 6 -Ton Hydraulic Jack. Excludes carrier. REQUIRED in Rhode Island Prices and content availability, as shi are subject to change and should be treated as estimates only Actual base vehicle, package and option pricing may vary from this estimate because or special but pricing, availability or pricing adjustments not reflected in me dealer's computer system. See salesperson for the most current Information. Reference CT05205242122612012 Printed on March 14, 2013 at 14:10 Price Level: 330 QuoteID: MGTow Page 4 SGleeted Options Continued Prepared For: Mr. Paul Tobin Prepared By: Thomas F. Sullivan Dealership: Currie Motors Fleet Code Description Class MSRP Seats & Seat Trim A HD Vinyl 40120140 Split Bench Seat INC Includes driver side manual lumbar, center armrest, cupholder and storage, Other Options PAINT Monotone Paint Application STD 165WB 165" Wheelbase /84" Cab to Azle STD 611 6 -Ton Hydraulic Jack INC REQUIRED in Rhode Island 67H Heavy- Service Front Suspension Package OPT Includes pre- selected heavy- service front springs (see Order Guide Supplemental Reference for spnngs/FGAWR of specific vehicle configurations). Recommended only on vehicles which will permanently utilize aftermarket equipment such as heavy -duty winches, brush guards or other apparatus which loads the front axle to the specified Gross Axle Weight Rating (GA WR). NOTE 1: May result in a deterioration of fide quality. NOTE 2: Vehicle ride height will increase with the addition of this package. 18B 6" Angular Molded -in -Color Black Running Board OPT 587 Radio: AMIFM Stereo wlDigital Clock INC Includes 2 speakers. Interior Colors For : Primary w /XL (Begs) AS Steel OPT Primary Colors For: Primary w1XL (Begs) Z1 Oxford White OPT Accessories and Aftermarket Options R -46 9 Knapheide Service Body KNAPHEIDE 610854JI SERVICE BODYstand. shelving consisting of 2 divider shelves for front compartments one in rear compartments, 1 in curbside honz. Galva -gnp Knapfined bumper with pintle recess, recessed taillights, FACTORY PAINTED WHITE CUT OUT CENTER OF BUMPER FOR WHEEL LIFT APPLICATION 20 "deep compartments for 60" C/A with dual rear wheels * " * * *` ** MORTON GROVE * * * * * * ** Tow -01 Minute Man XD Slide in Wheel Lift 65" Reach Lift Capacity 3500ibs Tow Capacity 7500lbs Approx Weight 1400lbs Composite Bushings Max Lift Height 40" Plus Electric Hydraulic Pump Rear Bumper Safety Chains Tire Straps Hard Ware Counter Weight Minute Man Battery Box Push Bumper with Recessed Winch Mount and Roller Guide Paint Push Bumper RE1200 Ramsey Winch Super Springs Included N/C N/C Included 125.00 320.00 Included N/C NIC $9,415.00 $24,353.00 Prices and content availability as shown, are subject to change and should be treated as estim dies only. Actual base vehicle, package and option pricing may vary firom this estimate because of special local pricing, availability or pricing adjustments not reflected m the Reference CT05205242 12/2612012 dealer s computer system. See salesperson for the most curteni information. Printed on March 141 2013 at 14:10 Price Level: 330 QuotelD: MGTow Page 5 Selected Options Continued Prepared For: Mr. Paul Tobin Prepared By: Thomas F. Sullivan Dealership: Currie Motors Fleet Code Description Class MSRP Vehicle Subtotal $69,213.00 Destination $995.00 Vehicle Subtotal (including Destination) $70,208.00 Prices and content availability as shown are subject to change and should be treated as estimates only Actual base vehicle, package and option pricier may vary from this estimate because of special local pricing, avaitachly or pricing adjustments not reflected in the dealer's computer system. See salesperson for the most current information. Reference CT0520524212I2612012 Printed on March 14, 2013 at 14:10 Price Level: 330 QuotelD: MGTow Page 6 Prepared For: Mr. Paul Tobin Village Of Morton Grove 7840 N. Nagle Morton Grove, Illinois, 60053 Vehicle Snapshot Prepared By: Thomas F. Sullivan Currie Motors Fleet 9423 W. Lincoln Highway Frankfort, Illinois, 60423 Phone: 815-464-9200 Fax: 815-464-7500 2013 Ford F -450 Chassis 4x2 SD Engine: 6.8L 3 -Valve SOHC EFI V10 Transmission: TorgShift 5 -Speed Auto w /OD Rear Axle Ratio: Limited -Slip w14.88 GVWR: 16,500 lb Payload Package Cab 165" WB DRW XL Description MSRP Vehicle Price (excluding option discounts) $69,213.00 Vehicle Subtotal $69,213.00 Option Credits 0.00 Other (Discount)Margin (12,611.00) Incentives 0.00 Total Other Items (121611.00) Net Selling Price $56,602.00 Destination 995.00 Total Quote $57,597.00 Less: Trade in TOP Kick Tow Truck Serial #: w/ 0.00 miles. Condition: 2,000.00 Gross amount 2, 000.00 less lien amount 0.00 Net Difference 55,597.00 Lien payment for :Top Kick Tow Truck 0.00 TOTAL $55,597.00 Customer Signature Acceptance Date Prices and content availability as shown, are subject io change and should be treated as estimates only. Actual base vehicle, package and option pricing may vary fmm this estimate because of special local pricing, availability or pacing adjustments not refleIXetl in the deajei s computer system. See salesperson (or fhe most current information. Reference CT05205242 12(2612012 Printed on March 14, 2013 at 14:10 Price Level: 330 QuoteID: MGTow Page 7 Prepared For: Mr. Paul Tobin Village Of Morton Grove 7840 N. Nagle Morton Grove, Illinois, 60053 Dimensions & Capacit��s Prepared By Thomas F. Sullivan Currie Motors Fleet 9423 W. Lincoln Highway Frankfort, Illinois, 60423 Phone: 815-464-9200 Fax: 815-464-7500 4x2 SD Regular Cab 165" WB DRW XL (F4G) Description Value Dimensions and Capacities 14, 2013 Output............................................................................................................. ............................... 362 hp @ 4,750 rpm Torque......................................................................................................... ............................... 457 lb. -ft. @ 3,250 rpm 1 at gear ratio ........................................................................................................................... ............................... 1110 2ndgear ratio ......................................................................................................................... ............................... 2.220 3rdgear ratio ............. ......... --- ............... ......................... ...._......................................_...... ............................ ... 1.550 4thgear ratio ............................. ....................................... .............. ........... ......... .............. .... ........... .............. - -.... 1.000 5thgear ratio ........................................................................................................................... ............................... 0.710 Reversegear ratio .................................................................................................................. ............................... 2.880 Curbweight ........... ....._........... ............. ................................................... ... ................... ..................... .......... 6,836 lbs. GVWR............................................................................................................................. ............................... 16,500 lbs. FrontGAWR ......................................................................................................... ............................... 5,600 lbs. RearGAWR Weight ................. ................. .................. --- ........ ....................................................... .............. 1210001bs. Payload...... ............. ....... ...................... .... ... ........ --- ..... ...................... ................. ............ ............ .... — ............ 9,821 lbs. Frontcurb weight ............................................................................................................. ............................... 3,789 Ibs. Rearcurb weight ............................................................................................................. ............................... 3,047 lbs. Frontaxle capacity ............ .............. .._ ............... .................. ...... ..... ...... .... ...... ... ............ . . ....... ---- .............. ... 7,000 lbs. Rearaxle capacity .......................................................................................................... ............................... 12,000 lbs, Frontspring rating ............................................................................................................ ............................... 5,600I s. Rearspring rating .. ............ ... ...................... ....................................... ....... ...... .. - ................ ................. ...... 12,000 lbs. Fronttire /wheel capacity ........ ................................. ................ ...... ........._.......... ...... ............................ ........... 7,5001bs. Reartire /wheel capacity ................................................................................................ ............................... 15.000 Ibs. Towingcapacity .................. ........... ........... .......................... ........................................... .............. ............... 16,000 lbs. 5th -wheel towing capacity ............................................................................................. ............................... 18,10016$. Frontlegroom ......................................................................................................................... ............................... 41.1 „ Frontheadroom .... ...................................... ............. ................ ........... .................... ....................... ...................... .40.7„ Fronthiproom ......................................................................................................................... ............................... 67.6 „ Frontshoulder room .............................................................................................................. ............................... 68.0 „ Passengerarea volume ................................................................................................... ............................... 65.9 tuft. Length................. .......................... ................... .................... ... .......... ................. ................ ..... ....... ..._........ _.._..250.5„ Bodywidth ........ .................. .. ............................................... .................................. .. ... ......... .... .......................... .... 93.9 „ Bodyheight ..................... ............... ................................................. ..................... ... .... ..... ..... .._................... ...... .. 80.4„ Wheelbase........................................................................................................................... ............................... 165.0„ Cabto axle .............................................................................................................................. ............................... 84.0 „ Axleto end of frame ................................................................................................................ ............................... 47.6" Fronttread ............................................................................................................................... ............................... 74.8'1 Prices and content availability as shown, are subject to change and should be treated as estimates only. Actual base vehicle, package and optian pricinp may vary from this estimate because of special local prfdng avaliabifty or pricing adjustments not reflected in the dealers computer system. See salesperson for the most current information. Reference CT05205242122612012 Printed on March 14, 2013 at 14:10 Price Level: 330 QuotelD: MGTow Page 8 Dimensions &- "NlCditE8 Cf11761111( "d Prepared For: Mr. Paul Tobi n Prepared By: Thomas F. Sullivan Dealership: Currie Motors Fleet Description Value Prices antl content availability as shown, are subject to change antl should be [realetl as estimates only. Actual base vehicle, package antl option pricing may vary from lhis esmnafe because pt special local pr;cinq, availability or pricing adjustments not reflected In the tlealers computer system. See selosperson for the most current information. Reference CT052052421226I2012 Printed on March 14, 2013 at 14:10 Price Level: 330 QuotelD: MGTow Page 9 Prepared For: Mr. Paul Tobin Village Of Morton Grove 7840 N. Nagle Morton Grove, Illinois, 60053 Warranty Prepared By Thomas F. Sullivan Currie Motors Fleet 9423 W. Lincoln Highway Frankfort, Illinois, 60423 Phone: 815-464-9200 Fax: 815-464-7500 2013 Ford F450 Chassis 4x2 SD Regular Cab 165" WB DRW XL (F4G) Description Months /Distance Basic......................................................................................................... ............................... 36 month /36,000 miles Powertrain................................................................................................. ............................... 60 month /60.000 miles . Corrosion Perforation ...................................................................... ............................... 60 month /unlimited mileage RoadsideAssistance ............................................................................... ............................... 60 month /60,000 miles Prices and content availability as shown, ere subject fo change entl should be treaiatl as es;imatas only. Actua! base vehicle, package and option pricing may vary from this estimate because of special local pricing, ava,lability or pacing adjustments not reFlected in the tlealer s computer system. See salesperson for the most current information. Reference CT05205242 121262012 Printed on March 14, 2013 at 14:10 Price Level: 330 QuoteID: MGTow Page 10 PRAIRIE New Truck Proposal INTERNATIONAL Single Axle Dump Truck Specifications HICKS State of Illinois Solicitation # 225684 ^ Contract # PSD4016932 Paul Tobin CONTACT NAME Village of Morton Grove BUYER INFORMATION Film Capulina ADDRESS Morton Grove, IL 60053 CITY/ STATE/ ZIP 847 - 663 -3903 847 - 815 -1686 cell PHONE/ FAX/ EMAIL TAX EXEMPT #/ COUNTY 2014 INTERNATIONAL 7400 SFA 4X2 / 160" WHEELBASE/ 85" CAB TO AXLE 120,000 PSI/ 2,654,000 RBM single frame rail w/ 20" front frame extension MAXXFORCE DT466 270HP/ 860# TORQUE w/ GRID HEATER 3000RDS Allison Six (6) speed trans. w/ T- Handle & External Trans. Cooler Extended Life Oil Pan/ Transmission TCM mounted inside cab Transmission temp. gauge/ Hour meter/ Plow light Switch Warning Lights & Alarm for Low Coolant, Low Oil PSI, Engine Temp. "Winter /Summer" Air Cleaner w/ In -Dash Filter Minder Horton Two -Speed Fan Drive/ Front Engine PTO/ Block Heater 14,000# Front axle & suspension w/ 20004 aux. overloads & HD shocks 19,000# Rear axle w/ 23,500# susp. & 4500# rubber aux/ SPL type drivelines Air Brakes w/ 13.2 compressor/ Bendix air dryer/ DV2 Heated drain valve Automatic slack adjusters/ Oil bath wheel seals/ Stationary front grille Trailer brake package w/ 7 -way ABS trailer plug/ Bodybuilder wires @ BOC Tilt & Telescoping steering column/ Leece - Neville alternator/ Delco starter 100 gallon aluminum fuel tank (driver side) w/ fuel water seperator Three (3) Batteries @ 1950 CCA w/ battery box mounted right side BOC Horizontal muffler mounted under cab w/ vert. exhaust pipe & 36" turn out Air horn/ Jump start stud/ L.E.D. cab marker lights/ Air ride cab AM /FM /Weatherband radio/ Air conditioning/ Cigar lighter Black heated mirrors w/ Black fender mounted convex mirrors Air ride driver seat w/ arm rest/ Fixed passenger seat/ Daytime lights 121122.5 Continental HSC -1 (16PLY) STEER TIRES w/ Grey Powder coat wheels 111122.5 Continental HDR -1 (14PLY) DRIVE TIRES w/ Grey Powder Coat Wheels PLEASE CIRCLE DESIRED GEAR RATIO: 6.14 (73 mph) / 6.43 (69 mph) / 6.83 (65 mph) / 7.17 (62 mph) Please include copy of tax exempt form w/ your order. All prices are F.O.B. 4015. Dirksen Pkwy. Springfield, Illinois Payment in full is due at time of delivery. DATE: 3/14/13 Contact: Kevin Burdell Municipal Fleet Sales 401 S. Dirksen Pkwy` Springfield, IL. 6; Ofc: 217 -523. 5631'" Fax: 217.523 -0797 Email: kburdell @prairiearchway.com Please Circle Cab Color: Red -2303 / IDOT Orange Omaha Orar School Bus Yellow/ Blue / Blue Met -6E Green -6047 / White / Black Sales price $64,876.00 Options $688.00 Body price $53,531.00 Freight $0.00 Sub -total $119,095.00 Trade ($2,000.00) License/ Title $105.00 Total $117,200.00 (2013 EPA mandated OBD charge of $6� included in sales price) 177" W B / 102" CA Omit Front PTO Adaptor Plate Trans Dipstick - move to right side 70 Gallon Fuel Tank Heated Windshield Cowl Tray Cover 6 pack upfitter switches Legislative Summary Resolution 13 -19 AUTHORIZATION FOR THE PURCHASE OF TWO (2) 2014 INTERNATIONAL 7400 SFA TRUUCKS WITH PLOWS & SALT SPREADERS Introduced: March 25, 2013 Synopsis: The Village of Morton Grove participates in the State of Illinois Central Management Services, known as the Joint Purchasing Program. This Joint Purchasing Program is an opportunity for local government agencies to take advantage of the State of Illinois competitive bidding process. This is contract 4PSD4016932 Purpose: To replace two (,2) 1992 G.M.C. Topkick Dump Trucks with high mileage assigned to the Public Works Street and Water Departments. Background: The Public Works Department routinely reviews vehicles and equipment for fuel economy, safety, dependability, age, and excessive repair cost. Replacing or eliminating equipment that no longer meets the department's needs. Programs, Departments Public Works and Finance Departments. or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: Funding in the 2013 Public Works General and Enterprise adopted budgets have been approved in the amount of $558,000.00 for replacement of vehicles and equipment. The vehicles replaced at this time will be in the amount of $254,415.00. Source of Funds: Account number 025017-572010 and 405033 - 572030, General and Enterprise Funds. Workload Impact: The implementation of the program is done as part of the normal operations of the Public Works and Finance Departments. Admin Recommendation: Approval as presented. First Reading: Not required. Special Considerations or None. Requirements: Respectfully submitted: / Reviewed By: e��i� 4iivision ' Horne illage Administrator dy De Monte, Director Public Works Prepared by: Reviewed by: -:? Pa Superintendent Teresa Hoffn n on, Corporation counsel RESOLUTION 13 -19 TO AUTHORIZE THE PURCHASE OF TWO 2014 INTERNATIONAL 7400 SFA DUMPS WITH SALTERS THROUGH THE STATE OF ILLINOIS CENTRAL MANAGEMENT AGENCY PROCUREMENT PROGRAM WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (VILLAGE), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, the State of Illinois Central Management Agency conducted a bidding process for the purchase of 2014 International 7400 SEA Dump Trucks, and the low bidder for said purchases was Prairie International, 401 S. Dirkson Parkway, Springfield Illinois 62703; and WHEREAS, the Village has previously utilized the State of Illinois Central Management Services Procurement Program for purchases of vehicles; and WHEREAS, the Village Board approved the 2013 Adopted Budget on December 10, 2012, as Ordinance 12 -39, which included account number 025017 - 572010 and 405033 - 573020 in the amount of $558,000 which provides funding for vehicles and equipment replacement; and WHEREAS, the description and purchase price for the vehicle is as follows: Two (2) International 7400 SEA Durnp trucks with salt spreaders: $260,415.00 Trade of two (2) 1992 GMC Topkick Dump trucks: (6,000.00) Total: $254,419.00 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION l: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Resolution as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2: Only those companies listed and described on this Resolution for the purchase of two (2) 2014 International 7400 SFA Dump Trucks with Salt Spreaders be approved in this Resolution. SECTION 3: The Director of Public Works and Finance Director of the Village of Morton Grove is hereby authorized to execute the purchase of two (2) 2014 International 7400 SFA Dump Trucks with Salt Spreaders amount of $254,415.00 from Prairie International 401 S. Dirkson Parkway, Springfield Illinois 62703. SECTION 4: This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and upon its passage and approval. Passed this 25th day of March 2013. Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee DiMaria Gomberg Grear Marcus Thill Toth Approved by me this 25 '' day of March 2013 Attested and filed in my office This 26`x' day of March 2013 Tony S. Kalogerakos, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois Daniel J. Staackmann, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois CONTACT NAME Village of Morton Grove BUYER INFORMATION Contact: Kevin Burdell Municipal Fleet Sales 6101 Capulina 4015. Dirksen Pkwy^ Springfield, IL.6 ADDRESS Ofc:217- 523 -5631" Fax: 217. 523 -0797 Morton G CITY/ STATE/ ZIP 847- 663 -3903 PHONE/ FAX/ EMAIL FAX EXEMPT #/ COUNTY IL 60053 847 - 815 -1686 cell 2014 INTERNATIONAL 7400 SFA 6x4 / 177" WHEELBASE/ 102" CAB TO AXLE 120,000 PSI/ 2,654,000 RBM single frame rail w/ 20" front frame extension MAXXFORCE 10 /HTS70 310HP/ 10504t TORQUE w/ GRID HEATER 3000RDS Allison Six (6) speed trans. w/ T- Handle & External Trans. Cooler Extended Life Oil Pan/ Transmission TCM mounted inside cab Transmission temp. gauge/ Hour meter/ Plow light Switch Warning Lights & Alarm for Low Coolant, Low Oil PSI, Engine Temp. "Winter /Summer" Air Cleaner w/ In -Dash Filter Minder Horton Two -Speed Fan Drive/ Front Engine PTO/ Block Heater 16,000# Front axle & suspension w/ 2000# aux. overloads & HD shocks 40,000# Rear axle w/ Hendrickson HMX 400 -52 susp. & HD shocks/ SIRE drivelines Air Brakes w/ 13.2 compressor/ Bendix air dryer/ DV2 Heated drain valve Automatic slack adjusters/ Oil bath wheel seals/ Stationary front grille Trailer brake package w/7 -way ABS trailer plug/ Bodybuilder wires @ BOC Tilt & Telescoping steering column/ Leece - Neville alternator/ Delco starter 100 gallon aluminum fuel tank (driver side) w / fuel water seperator Three (3) Batteries @ 1950 CCA w/ battery box mounted right side BOC Horizontal muffler mounted under cab w/ vert. exhaust pipe & 36" turn out Air horn/ Jump start stud/ L.E.D. cab marker lights/ Air ride cab AM /FM /Weatherband radio/ Air conditioning/ Cigar lighter Black heated mirrors w/ Black fender mounted convex mirrors Air ride driver seat w/ arm rest/ Fixed passenger seat/ Daytime lights 315/80R22.5 Continental HSU2 (20PLY) steer tires w/ Grey powder coat wheels 11R22.5 Continental HDR -1 (14PLY) drive tires w/ Grey powder coat wheels PLEASE CIRCLE DESIRED TIO: 6.14 (67 mph) / 6.43 (64 mph) / 6.63 (60 mph) 7.17 (57 mph) Please include copy of tax exempt form wJ your order. All prices are F.O.B. 401 S. Dirksen Pkwy. Springfield, Illinois Payment in full is due at time of delivery. Email: kburdell @prairiearchway.com Please Circle Cab Color: Red -2303 / IDOT Orange Omaha Oral School Bus Yellow / Blue / Blue Met -6E Green -6047 / White / Black Sales price $74,482.00 Options $688.00 Body price $67,240.00 Freight $0.00 Sub -total $142,410.00 Trade ($4,000.00) License/ Title $105.00 Total $138,515.00 (2013 EPA mandated OBD charge of $6! included in sales price) Omit Front PTO Adaptor Plate Trans Dipstick - move to right side 70 Gallon Fuel Tank Heated Windshield Cowl Tray Cover 6 pack upfitter switches Legislative Summary Resolution 13 -20 AUTHORIZATION FOR THE PURCHASE OF A NEW 2013 JOHN DEERE 1435 SERIES II COMMERCIAL FRONT MOWER WITH A 60 INCH MOWER DECK CONTRACT # 10- LTOO777 -A Introduced: March 25, 2013 Synopsis: The Village of Motion Grove is able to participate in the competitive bidding process through the Illinois Association of County Board Members. A joint purchasing program for the County and local government agencies that include municipalities. Purpose: To replace a 2001 John Deere F935 Front Mower with high hours assigned to the Public Works Street Department, Background: The Public Works Department routinely reviews vehicles and equipment for fuel economy, safety, dependability, age, and excessive repair cost. Replacing or eliminating equipment that no longer meets the department's needs. Programs, Departments Public Works and Finance Departments. or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: Funding in the 2013 Public Works Adopted Budget have been approved in the amount of $262,000.00 for replacement of vehicles and equipment. The vehicles replaced at this time will be in the amount of $13,677.66 Source of Funds: Account number 025017 - 572010 General Funds. Workload Impact: The implementation of the program is done as part of the normal operations of the Public Works and Finance Departments. Administrator Approval as presented. Recommendation: First Reading: Not required. Special Considerations or None. Requirements: Respectfully submitted: "� Reviewed B y: ,�r?/� a ..H e, Village Administrator !')Andy De Monte, Director Public Works Prepared by: Reviewed by: — P I T , Division Superintendent Teresa Hoffm n stop, Corporation Counsel RESOLUTION 13 -20 TO AUTHORIZE THE PURCHASE OF A NEW 2013 JOHN DEERE 1435 SERIES II COMMERCIAL FRONT MOWER THROUGH THE ILLINOIS ASSOCIATION OF COUNTY BOARD MEMBERS PROCUREMENT PROGRAM WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (VILLAGE), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perfoml any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, the Illinois Association of County Board Members conducted a bidding process for the purchase of a new 2013 John Deere 1435 Series II Commercial Front Mower with a 60 inch Mower Deck, and the low bidder for said purchases was John Deere Company, 2000 John Deere Run, Cary, North Carolina 27513; and WHEREAS, the Village Board approved the 2013 Adopted Budget on December 10, 2012, as Ordinance 12 -39, which included account number 025017 - 572010, in the amount of $262,000 which provides funding for vehicles and equipment replacement; and WHEREAS, the description and purchase price for the vehicle is as follows: 2013 John Deere 1435 Series II Commercial Front Mower: $14,543.76 60 inch 7 -Iron II Mower Deck: $ 31133.90 Trade of a 2001 John Deere F935 Front Mower: ( 4,000.00) Total: $13,677.66 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Resolution as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2: Only those companies listed and described on this Resolution for the purchase of a new 2013 John Deere 1435 Series II Commercial Front Mower with a 60 inch Mower Deck be approved in this Resolution. SECTION 3: The Director of Public Works and Finance Director are hereby authorized to execute the purchase of a new 2013 John Deere 1435 Series II Commercial Front Mower with a 60 inch Mower Deck from John Deere Company, 2000 John Deere Run, Cary, North Carolina 27513. SECTION 4: This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and upon its passage and approval. Passed this 25'h day of March 2013. Trustee DiMaria Trustee Gomberg Trustee Grear Trustee Marcus Trustee Thill Trustee Toth Approved by me this 25rh day of March 20 Daniel J. Staackmann, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois Attested and Filed in my office This 26"s day of March 2013 Tony S. Kalogerakos, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois Quote Id: 7699374 Customer Name: MORTON GROVE VILLAGE ALL PURCHASE ORDERS MUST BE MADE OUT TO (VENDOR): Jahn Deere Company 2000 John Deere Run Cary, NC 27573 FED I D: 36- 2362580; DUNS* 60- 7690989 Delivering Darwin ! Lewis BUCK BROS., INC. 29626 N, H ALL PURCHASE ORDERS TO DELIVERING DEALER: BUCK BROS., INC. 29626 N. HIGHWAY 12 WAUCONDA, IL 60064 847- 467 -4900 w 4 F ` : r - F, ! ,s BE SENT CONFIDENTIAL XH3 13rN21SWI dH lLellii RT:i. Fit7;7 c jeu I Quote Id: 7699374 Customer Name: MORTON GROVE VILLAGE ADN ALL PURCHASE ORDERS MUST BE MADE OUT TO (VENDOR): John Deere Company 2000 John Deere Run Cary, NC 27513 FED ID; 36- 2382580; DUNS #: 60- 7690989 c rwparea ror: MORTON GROVE VILLAGE ADMIN 6101 CAPULINAAVE MORTON GROVE, IL 60053 ALL PURCHASE ORDEF TO DELIVERING DEALE'.. 13UCK BROS., INC. 29626 N. HIGHWAY 12 WAUCONDA, IL 60084 647 - 487 -4900 Delivering Dealer. BUCK BROS., INC. Darwin D Lewis 29626 N. HIGHWAY 12 WAUCONDA, IL 60084 Phone: 847 - 487-4900 r MUST BE SENT Qu to ID: 7699374 Great On: February 20, 2013 Last Modill On: March 15, 2013 Expirati Date: April 25, 2013 Selling Price JOHN DEERE 1435 Series 11 $ 14,543.76 X Commercial Front Mower (Less Mower Deck) Contract: IL Assoc of County Board Members_10- LT00777 -A Price Effective Dale: March 154 2013 JOHN DEERE 60 In. 74ron 11 $ 3,1319D X Commercial Side Discharge Mower Deck (For 1400 Series If and Non - Series If Front Mowers) Contract: IL Assoc of County Board Members_1 D- LT00777 -A Price Effective Date: March 15, 2013 Equipment Total Trade In Summary Qty Each 2001 JOHN DEERE F935 DIESEL F.M. (25,5 HP) 1 $ 4,000.00 - MOF935X186939 Payoff Total Trade Allowance Trade In Total includes Fes e and Non- coniract Equipment Total Trade In SubTotai Total Down Payment Qty Extended 1 = $ 3,133.90 W By :X Rom l/l ll eat rr $17,677.66 $ (000.00) $13,877,86 $ 13,677.66 (0.00) 2 abed XUA 13rb3SU'I dH Bi :L 6102 fiY JeW ALL PURCHASE ORDERS MUST BE MADE OUT ALL PURCHASE ORDEF TO (VENDOR): TO DELIVERING DEALE John Deem Company BUCK BRCS., INC. ZOOD John Deere Run 29626 N. HIGHWAY 12 i NC 27513 FED ID 36 2362580; WAUCONDA IL 60084 DUNSM 60- 7690989 847- 487 -4900 r r• _, s E 9Sed KH3 13rM3SH -I dH By:X (0.00) $ 131677.66 AI e/. Fin? CT Jeu Quote Id: 7699374 Customer Name: MORTON GROVE VILLAGE ADMIN ALL PURCHASE ORDERS MUST BE MADE OUT TO (VENDOR ): John Deere Company 2000 John Deere Run Cary, NC 27513 FED ID: 36- 2382580; DUN S#: 60- 7690989 ALL PURCHASE ORDER MUST BE SENT TO DELIVERING DEALE BUCK BROS,, INC. 29626 N. HIGHWAY 12 WAUCONDA, IL 60084 1 847- 487 -4900 1 sock dumber: ; ontract: IL Assoc of County Board Members 10- LT00777- A 'rice Effective Date: March 15, 2013 * Price per item - includes Fees Code Description Qty List price [CDATA: D Discount]% 4 0077TC 1435 Series ii Commercial 1 $18,420.00 23-00 $ 4 Front Mower (Less Mower as a , Wheel D 1! e s r I I Drive Tires 3002 -,.:_ Suspension Seat 1 Options with Armrests Standard In. 74ron ! #. Selling Price' $ 14,543.76 Non- contract items int Contract d_ Price $ 0.00 23.00 $ 100 $ 468.00 23.00 $10'.64 $ 468.00 $10'64 Assoc Number xtt IL of • Board ! -., it i0 t' r 0 Price per includes 360.36 $ 3B0,36 $360,36 $ 36036 Eh Non- Contract Items XH-1 I ar'?Ia SH1 riw AT:l. OTn7 CT JeLl Illinois . • of i Grounds Care Equipment JOHN DEERE Contract Number: 10- LT00777 -A Contract Period: April 6, 2010 — March 31, 2014 Eligibility: State Agencies are not eligible to use this contract. Eligible agencies are The Illinois Association of County Board Members and Commissioners and its Constituents, which includes cities, counties, political- subdivisions, parks and recreations, government funded non - profit agencies, Public School Systems, Special Purpose Districts, etc. For questions or clarifications regarding eligibility visit www.ilcounty.org or click following link to read IL Government Brochure or call Kelly Murray, Executive Director, at 217 -528 -5331. All other questions should be directed to Governmental Sales at 800 - 358 -5010, Option2. Brochure & Article: Click here for Brochure and Click here for Article A orders must show John Deere Company as the vendor and reference the contract and item number. Purchase orders should be submitted to: John Deere Company 2000 John Deere Run Cary, NC 27513 Quotes Quotes are valid for 30 days from the creation date of the quote. All quotes created in JDQ2 have creation and expiration dates on the upper right hand corner of the first quote page for your convenience. Allied non - Deere) Yes — See_ Information Below Credit Cards Yes — See Information Below Fees None I Leasing Yes — See Information Below Multiple Unit Discount Not Given Non - contract (Deere) Yes — See Information Below �Rental � Yes — 'See Information Below Tmrll a -In 1 Vac —.Caa Infnrmafinn Ralnw Allied (non - Deere) Yes, allied equipment may be included on the PO and must be itemized and noted as allied. Allied Equipment is any equipment / item that is not John Deere. Credit Cards Use of credit cards is permitted. I►.LIIa Leasing Standard and municipal leases are permitted. Multiple Unit Discount Program Not Given Rion- Contract (Deere) Yes, non - contract equipment may be included on the PO and must be itemized and noted as non - contract equipment. Non - Contract equipment is any John Deere item that is not on contract. Rental See pricing structure below. Trade -in Trade -ins are permitted and must be itemized on PO. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: PRICE TAB LIST PRICE° DISCOUNT PRICE PAGE DATES Lawn Tractors (excludes D100 18% and LA Series L25 Current Pricing g Garden Tractors L30 18% Current Pricing Equipment for Riders & Tractors L35 18% Current Pricing Commercial Walk- Behind Mowers C10 13% Current Pricing Zero Turn Radius Mowersrcial C13 23% Current Pricing Commercial Front Mowers C15 23% Current Pricing Commercial Wide -Area Mowers C18 23% Current Pricing Debris Maintenance G30 22% Current Pricing Special Application Mowers G15 22% Current Pricing Residential Zero -Turn Mowers L21 0% Current Pricing Compact Utility Tractors C20 17% Current Pricing Equipment for Compact Utility C25 17% Current Pricing g Tractors 5000's Series 6000's & 7000's Series A2 18% 23% Current Pricing Crossover Utility Vehicles & Equipment C41 16% Current Pricing Equipment for Utility Tractors A9 23% Current Pricing Recreational Utility Vehicles C39 16% Current Pricing Mid -Duty Crossover Utility Vehicles & Equipment C40 16% Current Pricing Utility Vehicles & Equipment High Performance Utility Vehicles & Equip C42 C47 16% 16% Current Pricing Current Pricing Reel Mowers Special Application Vehicles and E ui ment G10 G20 22% 22% Current Pricing Current Pricing Aeration G25 22% Current Pricing a�jy ;4y N�iC�.'+�y q��ryjRa 4 "^.'� 4 Ef'J�V'IeY' AG^I'�ii�+i�'+j+(J.`- ,?+'^.3 Y v✓x`P�y 'P (Y"ad "`v+ P�`A� td Ai"' '7 Y�L 'r'i`?.Flrvi. w'?:. C l V Cutting & Mowing 18% Current Pricing Hay & Forage 18% Current Pricing Landscaping 18% Current Pricing Livestock 18% Current Pricing Planting & Seeding 18% Current Pricing Snow Equipment 18% Current Pricing Cotton 18% Current Pricing Material Handling 18% Current Pricing Transports 18% Current Pricing Tillage 18% Current Pricing Golf 18% Current Pricing }T�Tp Til3i'iiaH. u;. �y All 5 and 6D Series, 6105R, Term of Rental - 8 months 6115R, 6125R 6105M, 6115M, 6125M $_16.99 $ 16 99 6170R, 6190R, 621 OR $ 19.99 Loader $-2,00— $ 2.00 TRACTOR RENTAL PROGRAM: PRODUCT: PRICE PER HR (450 Hours Minimum) PRICE PER HR (Exceeding 450 Hrs) Term of Rental - 12 months All 5 and 6D Series, 6105R, $_16.99_ 6115R,6125R $ 16.99 6105M, 6115M, 6125M — — 6170R1 6190R, 6210R $ 19 gg $ 19.99 Loader $_2.00_ $ 2.00 ayment Kemittance Information - ohn Deere Government and National Sales remittance address is different from the endor address listed above of Cary, NC. Please remember to advise customers of this s they may internally require this information to be on their purchase orders when iey are issued. orrect remit to address is: John Deere Gov't and Nat'l Sales 21748 Network Place Chicago, IL 60673 -1217 Please contact Government Sales for assistance on quoting at 1- 800 - 358 -5010 Option 2 UPDATES: 26Feb 13 - Contract Renewed 07Dec12 - Added 6105M, 6115M and 6125M to Rental Tractors 15Nov12 - Updated eligibility to reflect Public School Systems, IL Brochure, and Special Purpose Districts. 26JU112 - Added C39 Recreational Utility Vehicles 23Mar12 - Rental rates updated 21Mar12 - Contract renewed; Discontinued sections L40 and C19 removed from contract 13Jan12 - Removed TLB (C27); Added Mid Duty Gators (C40) and updated rental 7030 series to 6R series 06Apr11- Contract renewal; some discounts changed Le!?islative Summary Resolution 13 -21� AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A CONTRACT WITH H &H ELECTRIC COMPANY FOR THE TRAFFIC SIGNAL AND STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE PROGRAM Introduced: Synopsis: Purpose: Background: Programs, Departs or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: Source of Funds: Workload Impact: Administrator Recommendation: First Reading: Special Considerations or Requirements: March 25, 2013 To authorize the Village President to execute a contract with H &H Electric Company for the Traffic Signal and Street Lighting Maintenance Program. To maintain traffic signals and street I ights. The Village has the maintenance responsibility for 10 traffic signals, which includes 6 IDOT- owned traffic signals on Dempster Street, and all of the Village -owned street lights. The Village has an annual program to maintain these traffic signals and street lights. The Public Works Department considers it to be cost - effective to hire a contractor to maintain the traffic signals and to maintain the Village -owned street lights on arterial streets. The contract maintenance includes basic, routine maintenance. However, an additional amount of approximately $50,000 per year is expected for emergency services, when a traffic signal post or street light pole is knocked down in a crash or other unforeseeable events. The Village is reimbursed by the State for maintaining IDOT -owned traffic signals and uses Motor Fuel Tax funds to maintain Village -owned traffic signals and street lights. The State requires the contract bidding to meet State's requirements in order to use funds administered by the State. The contract was advertised and three sealed bids were received. The bid tabulation is attached as Exhibit "A ". H &H Electric Company of Franklin Park, Illinois was determined to be the lowest responsible bidder. H &H Electric's qualifications and availability have also been verified. Public Works. The estimated contract value is $24,849.48. The estimated contract amount including emergency services for unforeseeable events is $80,000. Account #305060 - 553300 - Street Improvements The Public Works Department as part of their normal work activities performs the management and implementation of the program. Approval as presented. N/A None Respectfully submitted: Prepared by: yan e, Village Administrator Reviewed by: Reviewed by: Chris Tomich, Village Engineer Teresa Director Public Works Liston, Corporation Counsel RESOLUTION 13 -21 AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A SERVICE CONTRACT WITH H &H ELECTRIC COMPANY FOR THE TRAFFIC SIGNAL AND STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE PROGRAM WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (Village), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, the Traffic Signal and Street Lighting Maintenance Program is necessary for the maintenance of Village traffic signal and street light infrastructure; and WHERAS, the Public Works Department advertised in the February 25, 2013 and March 7, 2013, issues of the Illinois Department of Transportation Notice to Contractors Bulletin inviting bids to the "Traffic Signal and Street Lighting Maintenance Program"; and WHEREAS, eleven general contractors were notified of the availability of bidding materials and eighteen parties obtained the bidding materials; and WHEREAS, three bids were received, publicly opened and read at the Public Works Facility at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday March 19, 2013, with the bid results as follows and as shown in Exhibit "A ": and Contractor Total H & H Electric Company $24,849.48 Lyons Electric Company, Inc. $31,191.80 Meade, Inc. $39,572.28 WHEREAS, Motor Fuel Tax funds will be used to perform the necessary work; and WHEREAS, funding for the above work is included in the Adopted Village of Morton Grove 2013 Budget in Account Number 035060-554170; and WHEREAS, the qualifications and availability of the lowest qualified bidders have been verified. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Resolution as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2: The Village President of the Village of Morton Grove is hereby authorized to execute and the Village Clerk to attest to a contract with the H &H Electric Company, 2830 Commerce Street, Franklin Park, Illinois 60131, based upon their bid for "Traffic Control and Street Lighting Maintenance Program" in the amount of $24,849.48. SECTION 3: This Resolution shall be in ful l force and effect from and upon its passage and approval. PASSED THIS 25`x' DAY OF MARCH 2013. Trustee Trustee 'Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee DiMaria Gomberg Grear Marcus Thill Toth APPROVED BY ME THIS 25t" DAY OF MARCH 2013 Daniel J. Staackmann, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois ATTESTED and FILED in my office This 26 °i day of MARCH 2013 Tony S. Kalogerakos, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois m t� m O C O c m o 0 N O ro N rn O r n' W Y] p r O Mj C6 C C6 CD'. U L � m J M H) fA fA di f9 f9 H3 fA EA E9 fA M H3 fA t9 fA HT di Hi to EA (A EA t9 V3 Hf (fl EA Ui fA (A � C o N O M N M O cQ�J E9 EA f9(A f9 ER N3 E9 Hi fA t9 di di EA(A Nl bi di EAEA k9 EA ffl M(A H3 di Efl Hj Vi EA fA p E � W W O p 9 U O O O O c V O O O �Wm Em a`vi Lo c LO O -p m N ro o °v, °v a m m m m m w° ai o o o ro C6 � `r E o N m otn U �o p ai IZ N ro 44 U 2— — N N _ Z5 E Y m Hf fA E9 f9 fA (fl Ul FA EA d3 E9 H3 E9 ER 63 fA fN (A k9 fA fA k9 to EA fA fA EA fA fA fA fA a W p a vi a E m v N °i °o °o '010 E E o m m N N N O N O � N O 3 0 O p ✓ U W m W E N Z� O. D wVi U3 fA fA(A f9�H3 fA ER bi f9 fA fHfA fA F9 fR EAM69 Ni fA EH MfA f969 Q Q o fA ER fA d p W U O O O O 0 o 0 0 0 to � i o c