HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-12-10 MinutesI & Village President Dan Sfaackmann called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and led the
II. assemblage in the Pledge of PJlegiance. He then directed the Clerk to call the roll.
III. Village Clerk Tony Kalogerakos called the roll. Present were: Trustees Dan DiMana, Larry
Gomberg, Bill Grear, Shel Marcus, .John Thill, and Maria Toth.
a. Regarding the Minutes of the Special Meeting /Budget Workshop of November 20, 2012,
Trustee DiMaria moved, seconded by Trustee Grear, to accept the Minutes as presented.
Motion passed unanimously via voice vote.
b. Regarding the Minutes of the November 26, 2012 Special Meeting, "Trustee DiMaria moved
to accept the Minutes as presented, seconded by Trustee Marcus. Motion passed
unanimously via voice vote.
c. Regarding the Minutes of the November 26, 2012 Regular Board Meeting, Trustee DiMaria
moved, seconded by Trustee Toth, to accept the Minutes as presented. Motion passed
unanimously via voice vote.
2012 Tax Levu and Budget Request for the 2013 Calendar Year
Village Administrator Ryan Horne noted that, in preparation for the 2013 Budget, three Budget
Workshops had been held, the first was on October 22, 2012 and two more subsequently.
Each was open to the public. The Budget Ordinance had its first reading on November 26,
2012. It was reviewed by the Finance Advisory Commission on December 5, 2012. There is
no net increase in the Village's tax levy.
Mliffutes of il to h 1P,2012 Boartl M bl i¢
Mr. Horne explained that the Village must levy a certain amount of money but these amounts
will actually be paid out of various other Village funds', therefore, a number of tax abatement
resolutions are on tonight's Agenda.
There were no comments from the Board or the assemblage.
Trustee DiMaria moved to close the Public Hearing, seconded by Trustee Toth.
Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays.
Tr. DiliVlaria are Tr. Gomberg acre Tr. Grear aye
Tr. Marcus aye Tr. Thill aye Tr. Toth aye
VII. RESIDENTS' COMMENTS (Agenda Items only)
Mayor Staackmann displayed an article from a recent Chicago Tribune which talked about the
high cost of municipal borrowing. He noted that there used to be a law prohibiting municipali-
ties from borrowing over 5% of their tax base. That law is no longer on the books. Mayor
Staackmann said was proud to say that Morton Grove is at the low end of that scale (although
not listed in the article) at 2.3% of its tax base.
2. Mayor Staackmann introduced Resolution 12 -51, Authorizing the Execution of An
Agreement Between the Village of Morton Grove and Liturgical Publications., Inc. For
Publication of a Bi- Monthly Village Newsletter.
He explained that the Village currently produces a quarterly newsletter which is distributed to
residents and local businesses throughout the community. Liturgical Publications, Inc. is
willing to print a bi- monthly Village newsletter for no cost to the Village. Instead, it will sell ads
for the newsletter and the Village will receive a rebate of 30% of the ad sales revenue in
excess of $20,500 per publication year beginning in March 2014. The company is seeking a
five -year contract which cou=d be cancelled with one year advance notice; however, Village
staff is recommending the contract be revised to that it may be cancelled at the option of the
Village with one hundred twenty (120) days' notice. This agreement will save the Village
approximately $12,000 annually. Mayor Staackmann asked the Board for a motion to approve
this resolution.
Trustee DiMaria so moved, seconded by Trustee Grear.
b. Trustee Marcus was concerned about allowing a vendor to sell ads in a Village publication; he
felt there might be a liability issue. He noted that when the Village purchased some buildings
in the Lehigh - Ferris TIF District, it was adamant about not letting the tenants stay in the
buildings because of future potential liability. He felt this was a similar situation.
c Trustee Marcus said he believes that enhancing the Village's communications with its
residents is a good thing, but did not feel that having a vendor selling ads in a Village publica-
tion was the way to go.
5'j tv `+ Cdr to
hYltnuteSofAeneinber 10, 20128oard
d. Trustee Grear asked if Corporation Counsel Liston could elaborate on the legality of what the
Village was considering in this resolution.
e. Ms. Liston asked for clarification if Trustee Marcus' concerns were whether this is a legal
arrangement. He responded that his concern was more that it's been the Village's policy
to avoid potential liability and since the newsletter has the Village's name on it, he was
Cvi iCet rio'6.
f. lvls. Liston said the contract gives the Village the ultimate right to approve or disapprove any
ads — either the nature of the ad itself or the advertiser. Liturgical Publications prints church
bulletins so they are sensitive about the types of advertising and advertisers they accept.
Village staff checked their references, which were fine.
g. Trustee DiMaria had a copy of the Mundelein newsletter, which is done by Liturgical Publica-
tions. He said tt looked to him like the ads were pretty much from local businesses, which he
thought was great. The newsletter itself was tasteful and very well done.
Trustee Marcus still had concerns and felt the Board should be cautious.
17. Mayor Staackmann
said that it's legal and the
village reserves the
right to approve or
disapprove any ads
or advertisers, so he felt it
was a good way to
increase communication
while saving money.
He called for the vote on
Resolution 12 -81.
Motion n passed: 5 ayes, 1 nay.
Tr. DiMarla pye
Tr. Go93mberg
Tr. Grear ave
Tr. Marcus IM
Tr. Thill
Tr. Toth aye
3. Next. Mayor Staackmann established the Village Board Meeting dates for Calendar Year
2013. All meetings begin at 7:00 p.m. 1 he daces are as follows:
January 14 and 28
February 'i 1 and 25
March 11 and 25
April 8 and 22
May 13 (may 27 cancelled)
June 10 and 24
July 8 (July 22 cancelled)
August 12 (August 26 cancelled)
September 9 and 23
October 14 and 28
November 11 and 25
December 9
Trustee Grear asked if the Board wants to hold a meeting on a date where the meeting has
been cancelled, could it do so? Mayor Staackmann said the Village could do so as long as
it followed the appropriate provisions of the Open (Meetings Act (post notice of the meeting
48 hours in advance). The meeting would then be treated as a Special Meeting of the Board.
4. Mayor Staackmann then sought concurrence for his appointments of the following people to
chair the designated Village boards and commissions:
Alice Rupkey, Advisory Commission on Aging
Deanna Gotta, Appearance Commission
Ron Fine, Cable and Telecommunications Commission
Sainina N`ussain, Community Relations Commission
David Lewis, Econonvc DavelopmenY Commission
sa?:t t Ai • r 'M #tM W.,r0>,.inti r nn 20e2 ap .a
Georgianne Brunner, Board of Environmental Health
Doug Steinman, Finance Advisory Commission
Michael Simkins, Fire and Police Commission
Grant Gilbert, Natural Resources Commission
Ron Farkas. Plan Commission/Zoning Board of Appeals
Keith White, Traffic Safety Commission
These chairperson appointments are effective January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013.
Trustee Marcus moved to concur with the mayor "s Chairperson appointments, seconded by
Trustee Thill.
Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 Trays.
Tr. DiMaria pye Tr. Gornberg avee Tr. Grear awe
Tr. Marcus ayge Tr. Thill 912 Tr. Toth
5 . Next, Mayor Staackmann noted that the schedule for the regular meetings of the Village's
various boards, commissions, committees, and subcommittees for Calendar Year 2013 was
posted on the Village's website.
6. Mayor Siaackmann then asked for concurrence with the following administrative
Elizabeth M. Rochford, Adjudication Officer
Teresa Hoffman Liston, Corporation Counsel
Remy Navarrete, Finance Director /Treasurer
Tom Friel, Fire Chief
Mark Erickson, Police Chief
Andy DeMOnte, Public Works Director
Ryan J. Horne, Village Administrator
Frank Tennant, Village Prosecutor
These administrative appointments are effective January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013.
Trustee Toth moved to concur with these appointments, seconded by Trustee Grear.
Ithation passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays.
Tr. DiMaria pye Tr. Gomberg pyre Tr. Grear pyre
Tr. Marcus a +fie Tr. Thlll aye Tr. Toth ayre
Mayor Staackrnann wished the assemblage and his fellow Board members happy holidays
Clerk Kalogerakos reminded the assemblage that the Board Meeting for December 24, 2012
is cancelled: he, too, wished everyone the happiest of holidays.
A. Village Administrator:
a. Village Administrator Ryan Horne spoke about Ordinance 12 -38, which is an ordinance
updating business regulations and establishing a compliance certificate program for business-
es and non - residential premises. This ordinance will be read out under Trustee Toth's report,
'L I`0r �c nc: �r: r'rteci to provide an overview and some highlights.
b. This ordinance had its first reading in early November. One of the main points of this
ordinance is that it eliminates traditional business licenses. Another is that it establishes a
compliance certificate program, Mr. Horne pointed out that the Village currently does not have
the ability to license certain businesses (such as banks, attorneys), because they are licensed
at the State and /or Federal level, A compliance certificate program will help the Village
establish an accurate registry of all business uses. Such a program will ensure consistent
treatment of all businesses and also help ensure that, in applicable instances, the non -
residentia! use is permitted in a residential area.
C. Regarding hone businesses, Mr. Horne said that the basic rule of thumb is that if your
neighborhood doesn't know that you're in business, if you're not having an impact on traffic or
on the; health and safety of your neighborhood; if you're a "desktop" business, you would not
need to comply.
d. Mr. Horne said the Illinois Department of Revenue sends the Village a list of newly -
incorporated businesses, The Village currently mandates that those businesses obtain a
Village business iicense. Under the new ordinance, however, the Village will follow -up with
those businesses to determine what type of business is being conducted.
e. As far as implementation, current business license holders were mailed renewals in Decem-
ber. Not having to have a business license will be a relief for contractors who live in town and
use their home address as their business mailing address, The compliance certificate program
treats all businesses equally and fairly,
f. Trustee
Gear said
that he
heard that some local businesses had concerns;
said he had
them to Mr.
to resolve whatever misunderstandings might be
g. Trustee Marcus asked what happens if a person's business mailing address is an out -of -town
Post office box? Mr. Horne said the Department of Revenue would be sending the Village a
list of everyone who was "incorporated" as a business in town. He added, we just don't want a
neighborhood business causing problems without the Village know a business exists there.
B. Corporation Co-rnse,
Corporation Counsel Liston had no report.
Trustee DiMana:
o'FDxcetnber16,.2D,*Z*Prd Well]
Trustee D €Maria had no report, but
thanked the
employees and volunteers for all their
efforts and wished everyone happy
Trustee Gomberl
Trustee Gomberg presented Ordinance 12 -41, Establishing Title 2, Chapter 15 of the
Municipal Code Entitled "Emergency Telephone System Board" in the Village of
Morton Grove.
This is the second reading of this Ordinance.
Trustee Gomberg explained that, since 1989, the Village has charged a 911 surcharge to
telephone customers within the Village in accordance with State statute. Since 2003, those
funds were deferred to the Forth Suburban Communications Center (NSECC), which provided
emergency dispatching services within the Village of Morton Grove. Beginning in January
2013, the Village will no longer be a part of NSECC and has contracted with the Village of
Glenview for emergency dispatching services. As a result, the State statute requires the
Village to re- establsh an Emergency telephone System Board (ETSB) to receive and
disburse E911 surcharges and, if necessary, to plan, coordinate, and maintain an E911
systern within the Village. This ordinance will amend Title 2 to include a new Chapter 15 to
establish an ETSB to comply with the State statute.
Trustee Gomberg moved, seconded by Trustee DiMaria, to adopt Ordinance 12 -41.
Motion. passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays.
DiMwu is
2. Trustee Gomberg next presented Resolution 12 -91, Authorizing an Amendment to the
intergovernmental Agreement By and Between the Village of Glenview and the Village
of Morton Grove For joint Public Safety Communication Services.
He explained that this resolution will authorize the Village to enter into a 5 -year agreement
with the Village of Glenview to provide police dispatching services for all 911 and 10 -digit
emergency telephone, calls. This will result in a savings of $400,000 between 2012 and 2013.
"rustee Gomberg moved to approve Resolution 12 -91, seconded by Trustee DiMaria.
Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays.
Tr. Grear aye
Tr. Toth aye
3. Trustee Gomberg wished the assemblage happy holidays and a happy, healthy, prosperous
ne-w year
•'91 nutes of December 10,
Boars! ie`
by Trustee Marcus.
Motion passed:
6 ayes,
Trustee Grear
Trustee presented Resolution 12 -80, Authorizing the Village to Enter Into a
Redevelopment Agreement With Churchill Real Estate, LLC For the Vacation of
Certain Rights -of- Way Adocent to 6900 Dempster Street and 8833 Waukegan Road,
Imi �i'u,EDY u'G'b "cy i inG, s.
He explained that this Resolution authorizes the Village to enter into an agreement with
Churchill Real Estate. LLC for the vacation of a portion of New England Avenue and portions
of a public alley adjacent to it for use by the Honda dealership. The Village will be compen-
sated $50,000 for this. Churchill Real estate agrees to maintain all existing fire lanes, allow
access to all Fire Department connections, and maintain access to existing fire hydrants.
Additionaily, Churchill Real Estate agrees to continue to operate a Honda dealership on the
property for an additional ten -year period. Trustee Grear added that, if they fail to continue
operating an automobile dealership at that location, the Village will be compensated $400,000.
Trustee G,-ea"
to approve Resolution 12 -80,
by Trustee Marcus.
Motion passed:
6 ayes,
0 nays.
Highways, MFT Section
13- 00000 -OOGM.
Tr. DiMaria
Tr. Grear awe
Tr': Marcus
2 ve
Tr. Toth aye
Trustee Grear
said he
felt this was
good for this
local business
and good for the Village.
2, Trustee Grear said he hoped everyone enjoys the upcoming holidays and wished all a happy
new year. He also thanked and acknowledged Carlo, an ENIA volunteer who tapes the Village
Board meetings, and Carlo's wife, Debbie, who made cookies for the Board members, for their
professionalism and selflessness. He thanked Boyle Wong, as well. Boyle is the Village's IT
person and one of those responsible for getting the Village Board meetings out to the public.
D. Trustee Marcus:
Marus presented
12 -90, Appropriation of
2013 Motor Fuel Tax Funds
Foe the
Maintenance of
Streets and
Highways, MFT Section
13- 00000 -OOGM.
He explained that, each year, the Village receives a portion of the motor fuel tax collected by
the State. These funds must be spent on the eligible improvements of roadways. The State
re- quires an es5nrate and final statement of the maintenance expenses for each year of the
program. The total estimated expenses for the 2013 Motor Fuel Tax Program are $543,000.
Trustee Marcus moved to approve Resolution
Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays.
Tr. DiMarua Lye Tr. Gornberg
Tr. Marcus all! Tr. ThH1
12 -90, seconded by Trustee Thill.
' Mrts�facner 1D,20AR, ,TFTUN ,!),Ik, 1 BoadM
D. Trustee Marcus_ (cont'd
2. Trustee Marcus also thanked Carlos and his wife for the cookies, and echoed his colleagues'
compliments about Carlos and Boyle. He said that transparency is important to the Village,
especially all of the programming on Cable Channel 6. He urged residents to take advantage
of it.
3. Trustee Marcus also wanted to publicly acknowledge Jackie Walker- O'Keefe who has served
the Village as its Director of Family and Senior Services for the past eight years. Jackie was a
dedicated employee, committed to providing good services. He wished her well and thanked
4. Trustee Marcus then wished everyone a happy, healthy, new year, and wished "Happy
Hanukkah" to his friends and family.
E. T- i!stee T.ill�
Trustee Thill had no report.
F. Trustee Toth,
1. Trustee Toth presented Ordinance 12 -39, An Ordinance Adopting the Budgets For All
Corporate Purposes of the Village of Sfiorton Grove and the Morton Grove Library, Cook
County, Illinois, for the Calendar Year Effective January 1, 2013 and Ending December
31. 2013.
This rs the second reading of this Ordinance.
Trustee Toth noted that the 2013 Budget was initially presented at a Budget Workshop held
on October 22, 2013. It has since been discussed and revised at several other Budget
Workshops. A public hearing on the budget was held earlier this evening. The Budget
is and has been available for public inspection at the office of the Village Administrator, the
Public Library, and posted on the Village's website since at least November 21, 2012.
The total
of the Village is $54,169,592.
The total budget of the Morton Grove Public
Library is
for a combined
budget total of $57,2781869.
T -ustea Toth moved to adopt Ordinance 12 -39, seconded by Trustee Thill.
Trustee DiMaria asked Mr. Home if, in January, after the Economic Development new hire is
on board, if new programs are developed, would the Village be able to divert any funds to
support any of these new programs? Mr. Horne responded that the budget is a plan, and
plans do change. He said that the new hire is a professional with a wealth of experience who
has already come up with a number of ideas.
8�� ^,,.A. "t? �r.� !. ;i� `_ j Minuteenfi December 10,2012Ao, d �ti
Trustee Toth_ (confd.)
IUr. Home
said he will ask Nancy
to come to the Board in
January with
some over - arching
Development program
There being no further discussion, Mayor Staackmann called for the vote.
, lv - -. c:� - ayes,, 0 nays.
2. Next, Trustee Toth presented Ordinance 12 -40, An Ordinance Levying and Assessing
Taxes for the Village of Morton Grove, Cook County, Illinois, for the Fiscal Year
Beginning .January 1, 2013 and Ending December 31, 2013.
This is the second reading of this Ordinance.
that 'he 201: Budget calls for expenditures in the amount of
S ,7,278,869. The amount necessary to be levied for 2012 property taxes is the amount of
$11,516,588, By taw, the Village is required to levy an additional $6,559,473 for debt service
payments authorized by general obligation notes and bonds, for a total levy— before
abatement - -of $18.136,061. However, the Village Board intends to adopt this evening several
abatement Resolutions which abate $5,493,046 from the levy, resulting in the net levy as
intended by the Corporate Authorities in the amount of $12,643,015. This means a 0%
increase in the (Library's portion of the tax levy and a 0% increase in the Village's portion of
the tax levy.
Trustee Toth moved to adopt Ordinance 12 -40, seconded by Trustee Marcus.
Motion riasseet� 5: ayes, 0 nays.
Tr. DiMaria anLe Tr. Gomberg ave Tr. Grear
?'c. ilareias awe Tr. Th €I€ ave Tr. Toth afire
Trustee Toth then brought forward the first of six tax abatement resolutions,
Resolution 12 -83, Tax Abatement Resolution for the 2012 Tax Levy Relating to
Ordinance 02 -30.
She explained that Ordinance 02 -30 was for the issuance of $5,300,000 in general obligation
promissory notes; Series 2002. The ordinance provided that the levy of taxes for the year
2012 should include sufficient funds to pay $475,695 for the debt service payment. In
6epten fiber of 2009, pursuant to Ordinance 09 -15, the Board issued refunding bonds in the
am,) +ant of $4,920.000, Series 2009A, to refinance the remainder of the Series 2002 notes.
However, despite the refunding, Coolc County will continue to levy taxes as provided in
Ordinance 02 -30. 1 herefore, this resolution, abating the debt service for the Series 2002
notes, is required. Ater abatement, the net levy for the Series 2002 notes is zero ($0).
Trustee Toth moved to approve Resolution
Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays.
T . DiNlarta 11ye Tr, Gomberg
1'r. Marcus ave Tr. Thil€
12 -83, seconded by Trustee DiMaria.
.,`fa1„4l lip ,;1r, ?i ,? ^ _ `. "; ,,t+ l mt�trye ,fxr��p;np.an3m?;.p.,��nungn;�
---- - - --
Trustee Totti: (cont'd.)
4. Resolution 12 -84, Tax Abatement Resolution for the 2612 Tax Levy Relating to
Ordinance 09 -05.
She explained that Ordinance 09 -05 was for the issuance of $7,650,000 in general obligation
u tads rers tl, U, fie or�InuricC provided that the levy of taxes for the year 2012 should
include sufficient funds to pay $1,741,290 for the debt service payment on said bonds.
However, this amount will be abated by $1,076,322, because the 2013 Budget has allocated
revenue from the Local Option Sales Tax in the amount of $440,000; revenue from
accumulated interest earnings of $1,000, revenue from the Water/ Sewer Fund in the amount
of $435,322, and available fund balance in the Debt Service Fund of $200,000 to pay for this
debt service. After these abatements, the net levy for this bond series is $664,968.
7 ruestee Toth moved to approve Resolution 12 -84, seconded by Trustee Grear.
Motion passed: 6 ayes, 6 ways.
Tr. DiMaria five, Tr. Gomberg awe Tr. Grear afire
T, -, 'Fr. Th's4V ave Tr. Toth av�
5. Resolution 12 -85, Tax abatement Resolution for the 2012 Tax Levy Relating to
Ordinance 10 -01.
She explained that Ordinance 10 -01 was for the issuance of $9,975,000 in general obligation
bonds, Series 2010A and Series 2010B. The ordinance provided that the levy of taxes for the
year 2012 shrWd include sufficient funds to pay $832,375 for the debt service payment on
said bonds. However, this amount will be abated by $447,855 because the 2012 Budget has
aliosated revenue tram the Water /Sewer Fund in the amount of $366,245, and available fund
balsrnce in the D'Pht Service fund (from the Build America Bond Subsidy) in the amount of
$81,610 to pay for this debt .service. After these abatements, the net levy for this bond series
is $384,520.
Trustee Toth moved to approve Resolution 12 -85, seconded by Trustee Thill.
lWolion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays.
Ti'. BiMaria �ye� Tr. Gomberg aye Tr. Grear save
Tr. 11fP,arccas g. I r. Thill a7Le Tr. Toth ave
6. Resolution 12-86, Tax Abatement Resolution for the 2012 Tax Levy Relating to
Ordinance5 67 -26.
She explained that Ordinance 07 -26 was for the issuance of $9,200,000 in general obligation
bonds, Series 2007. The ordinance provided that the levy of taxes for the year 2012 should
include sufficient Eunds to pay $796,200 for the payment of principal and interest on said
bonds. The 2012Budget has allocated revenue from the Lehigh- Ferris TIF Fund in the amount
o $790,200 to pay for this debt service.
Trustee Toth moved to approve Resolution 12 -86.. seconded by Trustee Grear,
liVrotion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays.
Tr, p, }ifw ?rla aaljra Tr. Gomberg aye T r'. Grear 2 4y
Marcus a; x Tr. Th;iil _of+ca Tr. Toth ave
. , _ -.. 6 , ,p d t!rs t , { I t c `< r;; : :W n ' .� +: N., - . ± '. U. ute of 00ceipber 90, 3097 Board MeetiiY' ".
F. Trustee Toth: (coed.)
12 -87,
Tax abatement Resolution for the 2012 Tax Levy
Relating to
Trustee Toth explained that Ordinance 09 -15 was for the issuance of $4,920,000 in
a I ,,,,, y,rtici j iefu IL ping „uudu,. cries 2C 09P;. The ordinance provided that the levy of
axes for the year 2012 should include sufficient funds to pay $570,838 for the debt service
poyrnent on said bonds. `Lire 2012 Budget has allocated revenue from the Waukegan Road
TIF Fund in the amount of $579,838 to pay for this debt service.
-,rnjstee Toth moved, seconded by Trustee Grear, to approve Resolution 12 -87
IUdotion passed!: 6 ayes, 0 nays.
Tr .. fliM ar'sa <<l,rt Tr. Gomberg aye Tr. Grear aae
T r. Irfiarcus, 1.tt2 Tr. ThiN aye Tr. Toth aye
8 ax Abatement !ReFolution' for the 2011 Tax Levy Relating to
Ordinanc; 98.AI,
Trustee Toth explained that Ordinance 98-41 was for the issuance of $3,165,000 in general
obligation promissory notes, Series 1998A. The ordinance provided that the levy of taxes for
the year 2012 should include sufficient funds to pay $269,896 for the debt service payment on
said bonds. The 20'12 Budget has allocated revenue from the Waukegan Road TIF Fund in
the amount of 1,209,896 to pay for this debt service.
Trustee T oth moved to approve Resolution 12 -88, seconded by Trustee Thill.
Motion passed: 6 ayesq 0 nays.
''r f if!9arl Tr. Gornberg ave Tr. Grear ave
Tr. ! °,�arcus ave. Tr. Thill aye Tr. Toth aye
9. i iext, Trustee Toth presented for a first reading Ordinance 12 -37, Amending Title 10,
Chapter 10, of the Vi lage of Morton Grove Municipal Code Entitled "Sign Regulations."
a. She explained th4at, in 2010, the Village adopted a new Sign Code to be more "user- friendly,"
to streamline the process for the application and review of signs, to conform with current busi-
ness trend's and current technology, and to incorporate specific criteria for the approval of sig-
naage within he V!Illage. This resolution will clarify the definition and regulation of temporary
During implementation of the new Sign Code, Village staff found that few sign owners register
temporary signs, and it is difficult to enforce time limits for temporary signs. Staff believes the
interests of the Village can be protected without requiring registration and time limits on tem-
f?oraryr signs, as long as the signs are required to be removed immediately once they become
worn, discolored, or damaged. Village: staff does recommend that permits be required for in-
flatable and similar displays, and that such displays be removed after 20 days. This resolution
alsc revises the Code to define a "mural'. as a temporary sign; to allow signage on the main
nr.. I of canopier;, and to clarify the regulations of ground monument and pylon signs.
here was no discussion on Ordinance '2 -37.
Trustee Toth: (cont'd.)
1 ,'V1` inuf¢5n1,A¢cefibmr10, 2073Botird Meeting.
10. Trustee Toth then presented Ordinance 12 -35, Amending Titles 1, 3, and 4 of the
Municipat Code to Update Business Regulations and Establish a Compliance Certificate
Program for Businesses and Non - Residential Premises.
Cornprehenswe overview of this ordinance earlier this
Trustee Toth moved to adopt Ordinance 12 -38
Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays.
f;. 3,iltd!aria; .Tyrq Tim. Gombesg
Tr. Marcus 2r? Tr. Thlli
seconded by Trustee Marcus.
11. T riAsfee Toth said she was pleased to share with the Board and the asserriblage a list of the
Village's accomplishments in 2012. These include:
p The Electrical Aggegation Program: 98% of households in the Village are
participating and it is estimated that each household will save $349 a year. The
annual estimated total community -wide savings is $2,620,000.
a New Water lulling Statements: In response to customer requests, the new
statements provide detailed rate information, clear instructions on when and where
to make g•awrients, and contact information for discussion customer concerns. Also, an
'early detection" process was implemented to notify residents of possible water leaks.
24-Hour Access: Residents now have 24 -hour access to purchase or renew vehicle
stickers and pet licenses through the Village's website.
� Wietra Parking Machines: These were upgraded to now accept credit cards. The
'Tillage also created a process to quickly resolve ticket disputes due to simple keypad
Eire and EMS Calls: Average response time of 4 minutes or less.
ln,crease i Service Availnhilgty: The Village retrofitted both fire engines 4 and 5 to
Acwaru:ed Life Support Capability, resulting in increased service availability to
resident:, at minimal cost.
6 n r *asal" 0 uatity of CMS Patient. Care: The Village successfully transitioned the
r ire Del:iarfinestt's Resource Hospital affiliation to Advocate Lutheran General, result-
in g in inr.,reased quality of ._MS patient care and paramedic continuing education while
iowenng adminissirative costs.
mA,` O Re* ated Prep: The Police Department safely and successfully planned and
prepared for NATO- related events.
Dispatch Center Savings: The upcoming transition to the Glenview Public Safety
Di )paturi ,";eriter for 911 calls tnriil result in a significant savings to the Village.
Eirainai.ai Assis'lance: $26,000 in financial assistance was provided for residents in
a Ri bhr, Pr sate Parrmership T 1 , public- private partnership between the Village and
c r h Senior r enter co it a ns to expand services for seniors in the Village.
. MMO.. ,'.,i` �$ 'i 6, w. ''� ��'. '� .Nr;, i10 r �, ,l'r', � *nutesip0eaember lD,�E072 Board Me�tin`
Trustee Tor: (cont'd.)
Business Licenses. 54 new business licenses were issued in 2012.
® Develop rnent: An 82 -unit independent senior living facility (Homestead of Morton
Grove) opened in early 2012.
�r.ir1"A, te,. ? he Econon')c Development Commission (EDC)
sPo isored seven Classic and Antique Car Shows during the summer of 2012, bringing
additional traffic to Prairie View Plaza and surrounding Morton Grove businesses. The
EDC also continued to profile businesses in the Village's quarterly newsletter, and
created a Community Choice Business Awards Program to recognize local businesses
who had invested in their properties. Awards are given in the categories of buildings/
facades, grounds /landscaping, and business signs.
mhas'aucture: A 'Village -wide water meter change -out was completed; many water
Trains and service leaks were repaired; a 60 -year old pump and motor set were re-
placed at the North Pumping Station, nearly six miles of streets were resurfaced; over
1 4,00 tr ry %ivem- tr in med and{ 191 trees were planted.
Communication: The Village's website averages 4,500 separate visitors to the site
each month; the e- Newsletter now has 650 subscribers; and MGTV expanded its pro -
gramming offerings to include mtterviews with many public officials, including Secretary
of Slate Jesse White, State Representative John. D'Amico, and Cook County Circuit
Court Judges Geary Kull and Larry Axeirood.
12. Trustee Goth wished all happy holidays and a happy New Year.
Mayor Staackmann
thanked the Village
staff and empioyees,
complimenting them for
a job
well done; in 2012
approve the
seconded by Trustee DiMaria.
Village received a
Trustee Toth
the Warrants
ter December 10, 2012 in the amount
of $191,691.24.
She moved to
approve the
seconded by Trustee DiMaria.
Village received a
Thill asked about a
pay?-nenr listed on
12 for $601000
to Clean Energy. Finance
Navarrete card
Village received a
for this, so it is
using monies received
from the
State to make
There being rro further discussion on the Warrants, Mayor Staackmann called for the vote.
Motion passed 6 ayes,, 0 mays.
Tr. DiMiar6,a rrr Tr. Gomberg aye Tr. Grear acre
Tr. Vkarous Tve Tr. Thill ave Tr. Toth awe
* `�1; „"� a &�$ °„ , f t lw x.. r ,.Mirtute5 h`f 12eoerhbei 10, @072 Boa
rtl MeeYifl
Nancy Pa €folio said she is affiliated with the citizens group to stop the Waste Transfer
Station. She noted that if Lake Shore Waste applies for a license to open a recycling center,
she and the group will oppose it. She urged the Board not to grant such a license because
such a recycling center would be a food source for rodents and wildlife, a breeding ground for
mosquitoes carrying the West Nile Virus, an increased amount of truck traffic and diesel
L. ,_ . ., Z r;iP , r d, s)Aunmertal to property values.
Ms. Panfliio
she understands that there is no
such application
pending, but she
wanted her
to be on the public record.
b. Mayor Staackmann coucurred that there is currently no application and no discussions occur -
ing betwe?r the Village and Lake Shore Waste. He said he has been in contact with the citi-
zens' group and will continue to maintain communications with them.
Trustee Toth moved to adjourn the Meeting. Trustee Thill seconded the motion.
Motion passed: gr ayes, 0 nays.
Tr. Pliiytarua aye. Tr,. Garnberg aye Tr. gear are
Tr. Marcus f�k Tr. Thili 2ye Tr. Toth acre
The meeting adjourned at II_03 p.m
PASSED this 14th day of January, 2013.
Dig i- :-
APP,RQVEDrby 94his 14tn.day of January, 2013
Daniel J. Stoackmann, Village President
Board of Trustees, Morton Grove. Illinois
APPROVED and FiLF:D in my ce ih' 15 day of January, 2013.
- - --1 -- r -- -- - --
Tony S. Kalogerako age Clerk
Village of Morton Grove, Coale County, Illinois
Alji rI_ s bfWeemiber 10 2012 Board M"*« :
Minutes by Teresa Cousac