HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-10-22 MinutesI& Village President Dan Staackmann called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and led the
II. assemblage in the Pledge of Allegiance. He then directed the Clerk to call the roll.
III. Village Clerk Tony Kalogerakos
called the roll.
Present were:
Trustees Dan DiMaria,
Larry Gomberg, Bill Grear, She[
Marcus, John
Thill, and Maria
a. Regarding the Minutes of the Special Meeting of October 8, 2012, Trustee DiMaria moved,
seconded by Trustee Toth, to accept the Minutes as presented. Motion passed
unanimously via voice vote, with Trustee Marcus abstaining.
b. Regarding the Minutes of the October 8, 2012 Regular Board Meeting, Trustee DiMaria
moved, seconded by Trustee Toth, to accept the Minutes as presented. Motion passed
unanimously via voice vote, with Trustee Marcus abstaining.
Community Choice Business Awards Presentation
Mayor Staackmann stated that this Awards presentation would be made at a future Board
meeting, not this evening's.
2. "Muslim Faith and Culture —A Neighborhood Q &A" Presentation
Commissioner Janice Cha of the Community Relations Commission invited the Board and
the assemblage to attend a special presentation that will be taking place on Wednesday,
November 14, at 7:00 p.m. at the Morton Grove Public Library. The presentation, "Muslim
Faith and Culture —A Neighborhood Q &A" is co- sponsored by the Commission and the
Muslim Education Center. This is in response to an incident earlier this year and will allow
residents to ask a variety of questions about Muslims and Islam in an informal, conversational
setting. She encouraged all to come so they can get to know their Muslim neighbors.
Minutes of October 22, 2012 Board Meeting•..
V. SPECIAL REPORTS (continued)
Trustee DiMaria pointed out that the printed Agenda for tonight's meeting indicates that this
presentation is taking place on December 14, 2012. Commissioner Cha reiterated that the
presentation is actually happening on November 14, 2012.
Mayor Staackmann sought concurrence on two appointments this evening: Deborah Manno to
the Appearance Commission and Isabel Hughes to the Community Relations Commission,
Trustee DiMaria so moved, seconded by Trustee Thill. Motion passed unanimously via
voice vote.
Clerk Kalogerakos
asked for a motion to approve the Executive Session Minutes of
February 27,
March 26, 2012; April 9, 2012; May 14, 2012; June
11, 2012, June 25,
2012; July 97
and August 13, 2012.
Trustee Thill
so moved, seconded by Trustee Marcus. Motion passed:
6 ayes, 0 nays.
Tr. DiMaria
Tr. Gomberg aye
Tr. Grear aae
Tr. Marcus
Tr. Thill afe
Tr. Toth aye
2 Clerk Kalogerakos then asked for a motion to not release any Executive Session Minutes.
Trustee Toth made the motion, seconded by Trustee Thill. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays.
Tr. DiMarta aye Tr. Gomberg afire Tr: Grear aye
Tr. Marcus aye Tr. Thill aye Tr. Toth acre
3. Lastly, Clerk Kalogerakos sought a motion to destroy Executive Session tapes, as authorized
by the Illinois Open Meetings Act, dated September 29, 2010; October 11, 2010; October 25,
2010; November 8, 2010; November 9, 2010; January 10, 2011; January 24, 2011;
February 28, 2011; March 14, 2011; March 21, 2011 (both pre- and post -), and March 28,
Trustee Toth
so moved,
by Trustee Thill.
passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays.
Tr. DiMaria
Tr. Grear ayre
Tr. Marcus
Tr. Toth aye
A. Village Administrator:
Village Administrator Ryan Horne announced that the first Budget Workshop to discuss the
2013 Budget would be held on Wednesday, October 24, at 6:00 p.m. at Village Hall in the
second floor Trustees' Conference Room.
B. Corporation Counsel
Corporation Counsel Liston had no report.
A. Trustee DiMaria:
Trustee DiMana had no report.
B. Trustee Gomberg:
Trustee Gomberg presented Resolution 12 -76, Authorization For The Purchase of
Watchguard Digital In -Car Video Recording Systems For Police Vehicles From the
Illinois State Bid Program, Contract #PSD- 4017032.
He explained that the Morton Grove Police Department has been using the in -car recording
system from Watchguard for several years. Units purchased in 2008 are now showing their
age; therefore, this resolution authorizes the purchase of three new recording systems to
replace those whose reliability is deteriorating. The cost for these recording systems is
Trustee Gomberg moved to approve Resolution 12 -76, seconded by Trustee Grear.
Motion Passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays.
Tr. DiMaria aye Tr. Gomberg aye Tr. Grear aye
Tr. Marcus aye Tr. Thill aye Tr. Toth aave
C. Trustee Grear:
Trustee Grear had no report.
... ... Minutes of October22,2012'8oard Mee tin
X. TRUSTEES' REPORTS (continued)
D. Trustee Marcus:
Trustee Manus presented Resolution 12 -77, Authorization to Execute a Contract With
Rogers Pump Sales and Service, Inc. For The North Pumping Station Pump and Motor
He explained that this resolution will authorize the replace of a 54 -year old, 900 gallon per
minute centrifugal pump and 50hp direct coupled motor at the North Pumping Station on
National Avenue. He said there are four sets of existing pumps and motors working at the
North Pumping Station that were originally installed in 1958. Over the years, this equipment
has been rebuilt. Parts availability has now become an issue, so the Village is beginning to
replace this aging equipment with new. Cost of this pump and motor replacement is $19,251.
Trustee Marcus moved, seconded by Trustee DiMaria, to approve Resolution 12 -77.
Trustee Thill commented that one of the reasons the Vilage charges 3% extra on water /sewer
bills is to have funds available for replacements and repairs of this nature.
There being no further discussion, Mayor Staackmann called for the vote on Resolution 12 -77.
Lotion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays.
Tr. DiMarla aye Tr. Gomberg aae Tr. Grear acre
Tr. Marcus aye Tr. Thill gye Tr. Toth aye
E. Trustee Thill:
Trustee Thill had no report.
F. Trustee Toth:
Trustee Toth announced that the Advisory Commission on Aging, in conjunction with the
North Shore Senior Center, would be hosting a program called "Introduction to the Yellow Dot
Program." This explains a program offered by the Illinois Department of Transportation to help
first responders locate vital information about drivers if they're involved in an accident. The
presentation will be held on November 13, 2012 from 2pm to 3pm at the Civic Center.
Trustee Toth noted that this is not a program for seniors only, rather, for anyone who drives
a car.
Trustee Grear reminded the assemblage of the Veterans Day Parade on Sunday,
November 11, 2012. It kicks off in the parking lot of the American Legion and will march to
the Library. He encouraged everyone to attend.
Minutes of Oetober22,2012`8oard Meetin ".:
Trustee Toth presented the Warrants for October 22, 2012 in the amount of $1,002,353.65.
She moved to approve the Warrants, seconded by Trustee Thill.
There was no discussion. Upon the vote, the motion passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 abstain.
Tr. DlMaria abstain Tr. Gomberg save Tr. Grear aye
Tr. Marcus acre Tr. Thill acre Tr. Toth acre
Eric Poders. Mr. Poders, accompanied by three rats, announced that a particular website
(mglovesrats.com) has now been shut down. The phone number associated with it was from a
prepaid phone (847- 532 - 2365). The email associated with it is ChrisMG, and that person is
still posting on Patch.com and on a word -press site. Several images this person is using and
has used violate copyright laws, which is a federal offense. Mr. Poders identified several of
the "stolen" images and strongly encouraged the person responsible to come to the podium
and apologize to the Village officials, and to attend a District 69 Board Meeting and apologize
to the District Superintendent.
Rudy Furundzik, 7628 W. Lake Street, said that he's been asking questions of the Board
over and over again, with no resolution. He said he has not heard anything back from the
Village. He asked for information about the old water meters versus the new meters, and
never received anything. Public Works has come out and inspected his property and has not
found any leaks, but Mr. Furundzik said it's impossible that he's using 200% more water from
last year to this year. He's looking for an explanation. He also wondered why the Village is
charging more for water rates than Chicago or Niles is charging. He found this very odd and
expressed that he's beginning to think he should move.
He felt it was bad practice for the Village to choose silence. The Village should work together
with residents to solve problems. He said the board members should be ashamed and
reiterated that he's expecting answers.
Trustee Marcus moved to adjourn the Meeting. Trustee Toth seconded the motion.
Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays.
Tr. DiMaria aave Tr. Gomberg aye Tr. Grear aye
Tr. Marcus aae Tr. Thili avee Tr. Toth aye
The meeting adjourned at 7:21 p.m.
_. ... ,_ .... _. NlinutesrrfOcttiWZr 20,12?8oarbf0ee
PASSED this 12th day of November, 2012.
Marcus dy
Thill A y
APP OVE by t is 12th day of November, 2012.
Daniel J. taa mahn, Village President
Board of Trustees, Morton Grove, Illinois
Tony S. k
Village of
c County, Illinois
November, 2012.
Minutes by Teneea Cous it