HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-01-23 MinutesI. Village President Dan Staackmann called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and directed the Clerk to call the roll. Village Clerk Tony Kalogerakos called the roll. Present were: Trustees Dan DiMa %a, Larry Gomberg, Bill Grear, Shel Marcus, John Thill, and Maria Toth, III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Regarding the Minutes of the January 9, 2012 Regular Board Meeting, Trustee DiMana moved, seconded by Trustee Toth, to accept the Minutes as presented. Motion passed unanimously via voice vote. IV. SPECIAL REPORTS 1. Briefing on Possible New TIF District at the Prairie View Site a. Village Administrator pro tem Ryan Horne said that the Village had hired the consulting firm of S.B. Friedman and Associates in December to do a TIF eligibility study of the Prairie View area. He then turned the presentation over to Steve Friedman. b. Mr. Friedman outlined the boundaries of the potential TIF site (the Dempster & Waukegan intersection plus other properties that are not part of the current Waukegan Road TIF). The rationale for the TIF is that some of the property owners in the area have expressed interest in redevelopment and are working toward it. One of the key impediments to redevelopment in this area is the requirement to meet a contemporary level of storm water treatment and handling now required by the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District (MWRD), as well as other streetscape improvements. The key problem is the higher storm water management standards now then when the area was originally developed. Another key issue is that, in the current economy, tenants want to know that developers have all their financing in place. This is true of relocating tenants and of new tenants. c. The TIF Act lists 13 possible factors for eligibility. An area is eligible to become a TIF district if it is designated as "blighted" (blight requires that five of the 13 factors are present) or designated as a "conservation" site (conservation requires that 50% of the buildings within the proposed area are 35 years of age or older AND that three of the 13 factors are present). IV. SPECIAL REPORTS (continued) �Minutes �dfiUanuaN�3 ,�D12:Hpardrltefl4o d. The Dempster - Waukegan area qualifies for the "blighted" designation because seven of the 13 factors are present: obsolescence, deterioration, structures built below current code standards, excessive vacancies, inadequate utilities, lack of community planning, and lack of growth in EAV. Mr. Friedman said the goal of the proposed TIF would be to facilitate improvements that would stimulate commercial redevelopment in the area. He said it would be ideal for that area to once again become the commercial "heart" of the Village. Mr. Friedman said the objectives of the TIF would include repair /replacement /improvement of public utilities and infrastructure, rehabilitation and /or new construction of more modern commercial space, to provide resources for improvements and renovations to existing properties, and to provide resources for streetscaping, landscaping, and signage to improve the image and accessibility of the area. One of the property owners in the proposed TIF area has come forward with a redevelopment concept plan for Prairie View Plaza. g. Mr. Friedman said that, given developer interest, and the fact that the area meets the requirements, he recommended the Village move forward with this. h. Mr. Alan Sopoznik is the development manager for Federal Construction, which owns the Prairie View shopping center. They have owned it since the mid 1970's. Federal Construction owns three shopping centers; one in Elmhurst was redeveloped 10 years ago and is going strong. All three are grocery - anchored shopping centers. Mr. Sopoznik acknowledged that the Prairie View shopping center has seen better days. The plaza was re- facaded in 2001 in the hopes of attracting new tenants, but the parking situation is challenging because of the health club. The health club's lease expires in !November of 2013. The ownership is interested in "starting from scratch" at this center. The entire property would be demolished and rebuilt. This will require having tenant leases in place, and Federal Construction is working on obtaining them. He said Mr. Friedman is correct, tenants find it helpful if you know what your costs are and what their rents are going to be. Mr. Sopoznik said that storm water at Prairie View is a big concern, there is asbestos throughout, the site needs to be elevated —there is a lot that needs to be done in order to bring in new, attractive quality commercial /retail establishments. The goal would be to do it in two phases: start at the east and and demolish up to Bally's in 2013, and in 2014, demolish the properties from Bally's west to Waukegan. Mayor Staackmann asked him to address the MWRD requirements. Mr. Sopoznik said the new requirements state they should have between 8 and 9 acres, about a foot deep, to store water. Since the owners don't want to give up that much acreage, the thought is to have about a 1.5 acre area in the back corner near the forest preserve that would be 4- to 8 -feet deep. Currently all the water flows into the forest preserve. In preliminary discussions with the MWRD, they would be comfortable with this concept. Mayor Staackmann asked if there were plans to improve the traffic flow in the parking lot. Mr. Sopoznik said yes, there were two primary changes. First, they plan to move the buildings further back from the street to increase parking in the lot and minimize wasted space in the back. IV. ftTUtes-&JAnna 23 0120oard! eefi SPECIAL REPORTS (continued) Mr. Sopoznik said the second primary change is that they plan to move the entrance, as the current entrance is too close to the Dempster- Waukegan intersection. They still need to get a traffic study. Their belief is that once the health club is gone, there will be less traffic and less density. He stated that the buildings would all be retail space, so all would generate sales tax. M . Trustee Grear asked about the size of the property. It's about 25 -28 acres of land. n. Trustee Thill asked if the other two developments were successful. Yes, the one in Elmhurst is redeveloped and is doing very well. The one in North Riverside is partially redeveloped, but has some parking issues. o. Trustee Marcus asked about the existing leases, such as Dominicks. He said that all of the leases will terminate, except Dominicks, in November of 2013. Dominicks has 20 + years of options on its lease. In preliminary discussions, they've been asked to do something more "significant" with this particular store. Mr. Sopoznik said they'd expect a long -term renewed commitment from Dominicks. Their intent would be to have Dominicks put a newer store in that location, if they stay. P . Trustee Grear clarified with Mr. Friedman that this study is being paid for by a current TIF. Administrator pro tern Horne responded, stating that there are reserve funds that are being used; however, if a TIF is created, these funds will be reimbursed by the new TIF. q. Mr. Friedman said that there would be a public meeting about this proposed TIF on Monday, January 30, at 7:00 p.m. at the Civic Center. It would be an opportunity to learn more about this and provide some input. V. Director of Economic Development John Said explained that the idea is to have Mr. Friedman go into more detail about this study and have Mr. Sopoznik give more detail about the concept plan. It would be more conversational in nature, with an opportunity for questions and answers. The Board has asked for this as part of the process. It will be held on the second floor of the Civic Center, but if it's an overflow crowd, it can be moved to the main floor. NONE tt O MMENTS (Age Rafesh Suiidya, a resident since 1993, spoke to the Board about his frustration with Bally's, He and his son are members. His son's locker was broken into last year. They made a police report, and called Bally's headquarters to complain. Security was subsequently beefed up temporarily there. Now, since LA Fitness has taken it over, there has been a rash of burglar- ies. Locks have been broken; in fact, his own wallet, car keys, and house keys were stolen. The management has not been helpful. He felt that security was terrible there now — sometimes there's no one even at the front desk. He has complained to the corporate head- quarters of LA Fitness, but he's also hoping that the Morton Grove corporate authorities can do something to ensure that patrons and their personal property will have some protection there. VI. RESIDENTS' COMMENTS (Agenda Items Only) (continued) VII. Vlll. iX. Mayor Staackmann said that he's ask the Police Chief and Corporation Counsel look into what could be done and get back to him. Mr. Sulidya added that the police are constantly being called to go over there, he felt that it could possibly be an inside job. He felt that it was very unethical there. PRESIDENT'S REPORT Mayor Staackmann thanked Public Works for their excellence in removing the recent snow. He also thanked residents for moving their cars so the streets could be plowed. Mayor Staackmann reiterated the importance of next Monday night's TIF meeting. He said that Prairie View Plaza is vital to the future of the Village and its sales tax base, and added that he hoped residents would attend next Monday night's meeting, resident participation in this matter is very important. Clerk Kalogerakos had no report. A. Village Administrator STAFF REPORTS Village Administrator pro tem Ryan Horne reported on the City of Chicago water rate increases. He said that residents deserve and expect clean water and a reliable water supply (consistency of service). He showed a comparison of a 20 -ounce bottle of water at 99 cents to a gallon of milk at $2.99 a gallon and a gallon of gasoline at $3.50 a gallon. The cost of the water comes to 4.95 cents per ounce; the milk, 2.34 cents an ounce; and the gasoline, 2.73 cents an ounce. Interestingly, the FDA rules for bottled water are generally less strict than tap water rules. Some bottled water is really tap water from other cities! The Village charges residents 0.0117 cents per ounce for its water (much cheaper than bottled water at 4.95 cents per ounce). So a nickel buys a Morton Grove resident 3.3 gallons (426 ounces) of municipal water. b. The City of Chicago has said it will raise its rate for water in 2012 by 25 %, in 2013 by 15 %, in 2014 by 15 %, and in 2015 by 15 %, for a total of a 70% increase. This is happening to all the communities who receive Lake Michigan water. It was unexpected and it is not acceptable. So the Village has begun working with neighboring communities to see if we can help each other by perhaps finding an alternative supply, either individually or by municipal partnering. The current "contract" with Chicago ends in 2018. c. Realistically, every year the Village should replace at least 1 mile of water main (at a cost of _ $142 million). This was done recently on Dempster, but prior to that, the last time was Wau- kegan Road. There is also a 500,000 gallon reservoir that is at the end of its useful life. Recently the water line running under the Metra tracks needed to be replaced; but there are 9 more just like it. IX. -$ ` - �linute3�fJaniia �3,�Oi2:H�aral�il�t. STAFF REPORTS (continued) A. Village Administrator (continued) Mr. Horne said that the Village is looking at options, including partnering with other municipalities to find another supplier or possibly going to a monthly billing structure. @. Corporation Counsel Corporation Counsel Liston had no report. X. A. Trustee DiMaria: TRUSTEES' REPORTS Trustee DiMaria had no formal report, but wished a speedy recovery to Sen. Mark Kirk. B. Trustee Gomberg' Trustee Gomberg had no report, but echoed Trustee DiMaria's well wishes for Sen. Kirk, C. Trustee Grear. Trustee Grear had no report. D. Trustee Marcus: 1. Trustee Marcus presented Resolution 12 -02, Authorization to Execute Change Order No. 3 to the 2091 Street Improvement Program Contract With Arrow Road Construction Company. He explained that the work for this project was delayed by the Village for approximately 49 days in order to redesign elevations of the roadway improvements on Hoffman Terrace. The delay resulted in the construction company having to extend their rental term for the signs and barricades used for the project, at a cost of $3,430. Trustee Marcus moved to approve Resolution 12 -02, seconded by Trustee Thiil. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. CDiMaria acre Tr. Gomberg acre Tr, Grear awe Tr. Marcus afire Tr. Thill aye Tr. Toth acre 5 L17 I - =sisui oc X. D. Trustee Marcus: (continued) TRUSTEES' REPORTS (continued) 2. Trustee Marcus next presented Resolution 12 -03, Authorization to Execute Change Order No. 4 to the 2011 Street Improvement Program Contract With Arrow Road Construction Company. He explained that this change order is for approximately $14,000 for work not included originally because of field conditions that required more work than was originally known. Also, a resident requested additional work which amounted to $77000. The $7,000 has already been collected from that resident. Thus the amount for Change Order No. 4 is. 20.797.15, bringing the total 2011 Street Improvement Project, including all change orders, to $1,399,747. 80. Trustee Marcus moved to approve Resolution 12-03, seconded by Trustee Toth. Motion glassed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. DiMaria save Tr. Gorri Ue_ Tr. Grear acre Tr. Marcus save_ Tr. Thill afire Tr. Toth aye 3. Trustee Marcus then brought forward Resolution 12 -04, ,Authorizations to Negotiate an intergovernmental Agreement With the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) for the Lincoln Aver6e Realignment Project. He explained that the Village intends to realign Lincoln Avenue at its grade crossing with the Metra tracks and to establish bicycle facilities on Lehigh 'from Oakton to Lincoln and on Ferris Avenue. The Village applied for federal funding for these improvements in 2010. IDOT awarded the Village $446,000 for this project. The funding can only be used for tle realign- ment project. The conceptual -level project cost estimate is approximately $2,500,000. Village staff continues to seek additional outside funding for this proiect. Staff is recommending targeting a construction year of 2015 in order to bring together sufficient funding and construction approval from IDOT and Metra. An intergovernmental agreement with IDO is required in order to accept this funding. Trustee Marcus moved to approve Resolution 12 -04, seconded by Trustee Toth. Motion passed: 5 ayes, 1 nay. Tr. DiMaria ave Tr. Gomberg acre Tr. Grear sae Tr. Marcus ave Tr. Thill raffia Tr. Toth EYM Lastly, Trustee Marcus introduced for a first reading Ordinance 12 -01, Amending Title 5, Chapter 13, Article A -1, Entitled "Traffic Schedules" of the Municipal Code of the Village of Dorton Grove. He said that the Traffic Safety Commission received a request from the Village of Skokie for stop signs at the intersection of Davis Street and Linder Avenue. Linder is the corporate boundary of Morton Grove and Skokie. Skokie intends to install a stop sign on westbound Davis Street at its intersection with Linder Avenue. The Traffic Safety Commission reviewed the request and is recommending that the Village establish a stop sign on eastbound Davis at its intersection with Linder Avenue. As this is a first reading, no action will be taken this evening. X. TRUSTEES' REPORTS (continued) D. Trustee Marcus: (continued) 5. Trustee Marcus extended his best wishes to Senator Kirk and his family. E. Trustee Thill: Trustee Thill had no report.. F, Trustee Toth: Trustee Toth had no report. XI. OTHER BUSINESS NONE XII. WARRANTS Trustee Toth presented the Warrant Register in the amount of $1,046.590.15, She moved to accept the Warrants, seconded by Trustee Thill. There being no discussion, Mayor Staackmann called for the vote. Motion passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 abstain. Tr. DlMaria abstain Tr. Gornberg aye Tr. Grear s e Tr. Marcus aye Tr. Thill aae Tr. Toth aye XIII, RESIDENTS' COMMENTS BONE XIV. ADJOURNMEN T IEXECUTIVE SESSION Trustee Marcus moved to adjourn the Meeting. Trustee DiMaria seconded the motion. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 stays. Tr. DiMaria a rye Tr. Gontberg ave Tr. Grear afire Tr. Marcus aye Tr. Thill acre Tr. Toth ave The meeting adjourned at 7:47 p.m. 7 - � ... .e'1Vlinute5;ni.��nura ,'�3 „�D'1�at3tiar�lillA, .: PASSED this 13th day of February, 2012, Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee DiMaria Gomberc Grear Marcus Thill Toth of February, 2012. Daniel J! Sta"ackmann, Village President Board of Trustees, Morton Grove, Illinois APPROVED and FILED in my of;Ice$this 14th day or February, 2012, IT' IT rr pp Tony S. Kalogerakos, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove, Cook County, Illinois Mrnulns by Teresa Oouser