HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-10-08 Agenda1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. S. 9 10 Pledge of Allegiance Roll Cali Approval of Minutes — Special minutes from the September 24, 2012, meeting Regular minutes from the September 24, 2012, meeting Special Reports a. Announcement of the Thanksgiving Naval Recruit Dinner to be made by representatives of the American Legion Post #134 Public Hearings Residents' Comments (agenda items only) President's Report —Administration, Northwest Municipal Conference, Council ofMayors, TIF Committee, Capital protects, Real Estate Committee a. Proclamation — National Red Ribbon Week for a Drug -Free America, October 22 — October 30, 2012 b. Proclamation — Mar Dinkha's Day, October 17, 2012 e. Commission/Board appointment is requested as follows: Advisory Commission on Aging Alma Joel Labunski Appearance Commission Mathew Ingrain Cleric's Report— Legal, Cable and Telecommunications Commission Staff Reports a. Village Administrator 1) Presentation on Proposed Sign Code Regulations 2) Miscellaneous Reports and Updates b. Corporation Counsel 11. Reports by Trustees a. Trustee DiMaria — Fire Department, Emergency Management Agency, RED Center, NIPSTA, Police and Fire Commission (Trustee Great) b. Trustee Gomberg — Police Department, Environmental Health, Police and Fire Commission, IT Communications (Trustee Marcus) C. Trustee Grear — Community and Economic Development Department, Chamber of Commerce, Waukegan Road TIF Review, Lehigh /Ferris TIF Review, Dempster Street Corridor Plan, Real Estate Committee, Comprehensive Plan, Economic Development (Trustee DiMaria) 1) Ordinance 12 -34 (Introduced September 24, 2012) (Second Reading) Adopting and Approving a Tax Increment Redevelopment Plan and Project Area in the Village 2) Ordinance 12 -35 (Introduced September 24, 2012) (Second Reading) Designating the Dempster /Waukegan Redevelopment Project Area Pursuant to the Tax Increment Allocation Redevelopment Act 3) Ordinance 12 -36 (Introduced September 24, 2012) (Second Reading) Adopting Tax Increment Allocation Financing Respecting the Dempster /Waukegan Redevelopment Project Area in the Village d. Trustee Marcus — Public Works Department, Condominium Association, Community Relations Commission, Solid Waste Agency ofNorthern Cook County, Natural Resource Commission, Traffic Safety Commission (Trustee Thill) 1) Resolution 12 -73 (Introduced October 8, 2012) Authorizing the Sale of Surplus Personal Property Owned by the Village 2) Resolution 12 -74 (Introduced October 8, 2012) Authorizing the Execution of a Change Order No. 1 to the 2012 Concrete Replacement Program with G &L Contractors, Inc. e. Trustee Thiil — Building Department, Appearance Commission, Capital Projects, Plan Commission /Zoning Board ofAppeals (Trustee Toth) £ Trustee Toth — Finance Department, Finance Advisory Commission, Northwest Municipal Conference, Advisory Commission on Aging Family and Senior Services Department (Trustee Comber ^g) 1) Resolution 12 -75 ( Introduced October 8, 2012) Authorizing the Village of Morton Grove to Acquire Property Commonly Known as 8300 Lehigh Avenue, Morton Grove, Illinois 12, Other Business 13. Presentation of Warrants 14. Residents' Comments 15. Executive Session — Personnel Matters, Labor Negotiations, Pending Litigation, and Real Estate 16. Adjournment -To ensure full accessibility and equal participation for all interested citizens, individuals with disabilities who plan to attend and who require certain accommodations in order to observe and /or participate in this meeting, or who have questions regarding the accessibility of thesefbcda'ties, are requested to contact Susan or Marlene (8471470 -5220) promptly to allow the Village to make reasonable accommodations. s MINUTES OF THE SEPTEMBER 24, 2012, SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES RICHARD T. FLICKINGER MUNICIPAL CENTER 6101 CAPULINA AVENUE MORTON GROVE, ILLIN ®IS 60053 Pursuant to proper notice in accordance with the Open Meetings Act, the special meeting was called to order at 6:01 pm by Village President Daniel J. Staackmann who led the assemblage in the pledge of allegiance. Clerk Kalogerakos called the roll. In attendance were: Elected Officials: Mayor Daniel J. Staackmann, Village Clerk Tony S. Kalogerakos, and Trustees Daniel Dimaria, Lary Gomberg, William Grear, Sheldon Marcus, John Thill, and Maria Toth Absent: None Village Staff: Village Administrator Ryan J. Horne and Corporation Counsel Teresa Hoffman Liston Also Present: None Mayor Staackmann stated the topics of the meeting were to discuss pending litigation, personnel, real estate matters, and Executive Session minutes. These topics are appropriate for Executive Session. Trustee DiMaria then moved to adjourn to Executive Session to discuss pending litigation, personnel, real estate matters, and Executive Session minutes. The motion was seconded by Trustee Toth and approved unanimously pursuant to a roll call vote at 6:02 pm. At the close of the Executive Session, Trustee Grear moved to adjourn the Special Meeting. The motion was seconded by Trustee Dimaria and approved unanimously pursuant to a voice vote at 6:50 pm. Minutes by: Tony S. Kalogerakos, Village Clerk Richard T. FIickinger Municipal Center 6101 Capulina Avenue • Morton Grove, Illinois 60051 -2985 Tel: (847) 965 -4100 Fax: (847) 965 -4162 s a•a I & Village President Dan Staackmann called the meeting to order at 7:00 called the roll. p.m. and led the II. assemblage in the Pledge of Allegiance. He then directed the Clerk to call the roll. Ill. Village Clerk Tony Kalogerakos called the roll. Present were: Trustees Dan DiMaria, Larry Gomberg, Bill Grear, She[ Marcus, John Thill, and Maria Toth. IV, Weis a. Regarding the Minutes of the Special Meeting of September 10, 2012, Trustee DiMaria noted a correction. The first sentence of the third paragraph should read "Trustee DiMaha then moved to open the Executive Session..." instead of "Trustee DiMaria then moved to adjourn to Executive Session..." Trustee DiMaria moved, seconded by Trustee Toth, to accept the Minutes as corrected. Motion passed unanimously via voice vote, with Trustee Marcus abstaining. b. Regarding the Minutes of the September 10, 2012 Regular Board Meeting, Trustee Toth moved, seconded by Trustee DiMaria, to accept the Minutes as presented. Motion passed unanimously via voice vote, with Trustee Marcus abstaining. Regarding the Minutes of the Special Meeting of September 13, 2012, Trustee DiMaria moved to accept the Minutes as presented. Trustee Toth seconded the motion, which passed unanimously via voice vote, with Trustee Marcus abstaining. V. SPECIAL REPORTS Mayor Staackmann introduced Brian Sullivan, Executive Director of the Morton Grove Park District. Mr. Sullivan said it gave him great pleasure to build on the strong relationship between the Village Board and the Park District by introducing to the Board the Park Board's newest commissioner, Rusmir Zec. Mr. Zec was appointed this past July and will serve until the expiration of his term in April 2013, and hopefully beyond. Minutes of Se tember 10, 2012. Board Meeti441 VI. SPECIAL REPORTS (continued) Mr. Zec said he looked forward to serving on the Park Board and build on the great programs that already exist there. He also looks forward to partnering with the Village Board. VI. PUBLIC HEARINGS NONE VI. RESIDENTS' COMMENTS (Agenda Items Only) NONE VII. PRESIDENT'S REPORT 1. Mayor Staackmann had several proclamations: a. He proclaimed the week of September 17 -23, 2012, as "Constitution Week" and asked all Village residents to reaffirm the ideals of the framers of the Constitution by actively protecting the freedoms guaranteed to all through this document.. b. Mayor Staackmann then proclaimed October 7 -13, 2012 as "Fire Prevention Week ". He noted that home fires killed more than 2,600 people in the United States in 2010, and fire departments in the U.S. responded to more than 369,000 home fires. The theme for 2012 Fire Prevention Week is "Have Two Ways Out," serving as a reminder to all to develop and practice a home fire escape plan. He urged everyone to practice their home fire escape plan during Fire Prevention Week and to support the many public safety activities and efforts of Morton Grove's fire and emergency services. c. Lastly, Mayor Staackmann proclaimed October 2012 as "Crime Prevention Month" in Morton Grove. He said that people of all ages must be made aware of what they can do to prevent themselves and their families from being harmed by crime, and he urged all citizens, govern- ment agencies, public and private institutions, and businesses to invest in the power of pre- vention and work together to make Morton Grove a safer, stronger, more caring community. VIII. CLERK'S REPORT Clerk Kalogerakos reminded the assemblage that absentee ballot applications are now available at Village Hall. They must be returned by November 1, 2012. Also, information on the general election is now available on the Village's website. IX STAFF REPORTS A. Village Administrator: Village Administrator Ryan Horne had no report. M B. Corporation Counsel- EA STAFF REPORTS (continued) Corporation Counsel Liston had no report. A. Trustee DiMana: Trustee DiMaria had no report. B. Trustee Gomberg TRUSTEES' REPORTS Minutes 61rSe tembeT1D,2012800Td1A6W4. a. Trustee Gomberg, as liaison to the Board of Environmental Health, announced that the risk of West Niles Virus infection in humans is continuing to decrease. The North Shore Mosquito Abatement District is, however, encouraging people to continue to take precautions and eliminate any source of standing water on their property. This will be final week for trapping and testing of mosquitoes this year. b. Trustee Gomberg also announced that the Board of Environmental Health will have a recycling information table at the upcoming Farmers Market on October 6 from Sam to noon. They encouraged all to attend. C. Trustee Grear: Trustee Grear presented for a first reading Ordinance 1234, Adopting and Approving a Tax Increment Redevelopment Plan and Project Area in the Village of Morton Grove, Illinois. There was no discussion on Ordinance 12 -34. Next, Trustee Grear introduced for a first reading Ordinance 12 -35, Designating the DempsterMaukegan Redevelopment Project Area Pursuant to the Tax Increment Allocation Redevelopment Act. There was no discussion on Ordinance 12 -35. 3. Lastly, Trustee Grear presented for a first reading Ordinance 12 -36, Adopting Tax Increment Allocation Financing Respecting the DempsterMaukegan Redevelopment Project Area in the Village of Morton Grove. He explained that the purposes of these three ordinances are to reverse declining property values and EAV in the Prairie View Shopping Center and adjacent areas, to encourage private investment to enhance the District and real estate and sales tax bases, and to attract retailers to satisfy the consumer requirements of residents and shoppers in the area, which is approx- imately 75 acres. W1 utes 0f **M* 10, 2042 Board M X. TRUSTEES' REPORTS (continued) D. Trustee Marcus: Trustee Marus had no report. E. Trustee Thill: Trustee Thill had no report. Trustee Toth: Trustee Toth had no report. XI. OTHER BUSINESS NONE XIL WARRANTS Trustee Toth presented the Warrants for September 24, 2012 in the amount of $1,108,146.23. She moved to approve the Warrants, seconded by Trustee Thill. There was no discussion. Upon the vote, the motion passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 abstain. Tr. DiMaria abstain inspected his home for leaks and found nothing. He Tr. Gomberg awe Tr. Grear aae was dramatically higher. Tr. Marcus aae Tr. Thill aye Tr. Toth acre XIII. RESIDENTS' COMMENTS Rudy Furundzik, 7628 W. Lake Street, said that he's been asking questions of the Board over and over again, with no resolution. He said that he appreciated Trustee Gomberg, who called him regarding petitions Mr. Furundzic had presented to the Board this past May. These petitions were signed by 250 west side residents asking for their sewers to be fixed. He said Trustee Gomberg was the first person to show any interest. Mr. Furundzic said that he has previously explained what his issues are regarding the storm sewers but no one has tried to resolve it, so he and 250 other residents are quite upset. Mr. Furundzic also wondered why his water usage was so much higher now that his new water meter had been installed. Apparently his usage is 258% more, and this with only three people living in his house. Mr. Furundzik said that when he saw this drastic increase in gallons used, he called the Vil- lage and Public Works responded. They inspected his home for leaks and found nothing. He wondered why then was his water usage was dramatically higher. ' � � ,Mi6UtrS,nfi,Se t¢iiiberaD;2D�W1;�oaM:Me " "`F XIII. RESIDENTS' COMMENTS (continued) Mr. Furundzik was also concerned about the cost of water. He felt the Village's cost, compared to what the City of Chicago is charging, is higher. Chicago treats the water and maintains the water system, whereas in Morton Grove, it's just pumped to homes and businesses, so why is the Village charging almost the same as the City charges? Not only that, he compared the price to what Niles residents pay, and Niles is less expensive. Mr. Furundzik said he was furious. XIV. ADJOURNMENT/EXECUTIVE SESSION Trustee DiMaria moved to adjourn the Meeting. Trustee Thill seconded the motion. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. DiMaria acre Tr. Gomberg aye Tr. Grear awe Tr. Marcus acre Tr. Thill save Tr. Toth aye The meeting adjourned at 7:17 p.m. PASSED this 8th day of October, 2012. Trustee DiMana Trustee Gomberg Trustee Grear Trustee Marcus Trustee Thill Trustee Toth APPROVED by me this 8th day of October, 2012, Daniel J. Staackmann, Village President Board of Trustees, Morton Grove, Illinois APPROVED and FILED in my office this 9th day of October, 2012, Tony S. Kalogerakos, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove, Cook County, Illinois Minutes sy: Teresa coussr Vri.11aFe of Morton Grove whereas, dreg av,d aleoholabuse wANVeriea awwuallg creates staggeviwg soeCetal costs awd w'vev.t wi! lio of people fYOw reacUai g rhea' full pote LM at schonl, ow tre jnb, awd iw cur eovnwLVLw%ties; awd whereas, the rate of abvese of drugs awd alcohol b� our Natiows Uoutb cause for alaYw avid GYLt6Gal to I'ea Gh ✓oi�fth WLth awry- di'vCO: V,n.eSSa geS awa ewGOUVage V;ea ltVl U.:.LteStlJi l,eS� aV„p', whereas, our childrew face d ecisiows abo - u iw a�cohol, tobacco, awa Other drugs as earlU as their elew�ewtav school ears; awd people o f all ages OAuSt be vuade aware o f what , I caw do to prevewt the uselves awd t e v favwblies, eighbors, awd eo- woV,,zerc_ frow, br VwP harvwed bp d.V gs awd alcohol ab.zse; av�d whereas throng the efforts of parewts, teachers, law eve O(eeWtev� professiowals, healthcare professiowals, awd ded Gated covevAvcwitl leawVs, we have vwodeprogress lv�,provl v�g -DnSltive activities OVO directiow �.NhiGh Uives Uouth.� tke oaaortL<v.,itu, to succeed; awd whereas, the v ost effective A10 L,4 to reduce -1ne ci,iC e of �ouc 0KVD ada.etOw w,d the - rlvi e It causes s to reduce d,ew awd; owd whereas, ow the occasiow of "riatCowal wed r_ibbv wee for a nvua -� ree 4w erica,` we joiw all AW,erLGa we LVL savLwg `W! Will wn [0VOer tni,erate �Op deSZKkr.LVe i,W..uG', t dVvCGI aV�d P,'�Cn✓!(`;, gbu5° has oV., our hovaes, Schools, wor2places, awd highwu)s. NOW, EhCrefOYC, I, MaLgoV t'�av,,i e' ). StaaG2wca ww, do heVebU pVOGl0 i.i'u DGtober 2? th rouUv; October Notiowal Red Ribbow weee for a llrvp, -Free Aw erLea eV,CO L[rage all G.tLZewS to SLCpport actiVAt'eS t0 raise awa revtCc_ -n owd ewcovraQe prevev�uov, o-f substa wC� abuse ,also call upo ever Avvericaw to wear Cl, red Vlbbow throughout the we t iv, rec c, it ow r their co w Lt eNt to a healthU, drug -free lifestyle awd as a cowtw It ewt to o drug -free Aw erica. rrr asap rl WTrlEss wH6�EOp, have here ✓wt0 se vhU howd awd NLn oV, C�v0Ve, DavvieL). staaelwrvaww, village �Vesident Village o Morton Gr r WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove, would like to pay tribute and recognize the accomplishments of His Holiness Mar Dinkha IV; and. WHEREAS, Mar Dinkha IV has served as Bishop of the Holy Apostolic Catholic Assyrian Church of the East for 50 years this October 17, 2012, and as the Patriarch of the Holy Apostolic Assyrian Church of the East since 1976; and WHEREAS, Mar Dinkha IV was ordained a deacon in the Church at the early age of thirteen, and as a priest in 1957, thereby celebrating his 50 years in the priesthood in 2007; and WHEREAS, due to the continuous instability of Iraq, Mar Dinkha IV has established the Church's headquarters in the United States, and his residency in Morton Grove, Illinois; and WHEREAS, the Holy Apostolic Catholic Assyrian Church of the East will be hosting an anniversary dinner celebrating the consecration of His Holiness Mar Dinkha IV on October 21, 2012, to commemorate and honor his service and love for the church. NOW, THEREFORE, I, Daniel J. Staackmann, Mayor of the Village of Morton Grove, Illinois, do hereby proclaim October 17, 2012, as in the Village of Morton Grove. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the seal of the Villa of Morton Grove. Daniel J. Staackmann, Village President Legislative Summary Ordinance 12 -34 ADOPTING AND APPROVING A TAX INCREMENT REDEVELOPMENT PLAN AND PROJECT AREA IN THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, ILLINOIS Introduced: September 24, 2012 Synopsis: This ordinance will authorize the Village to adopt and approve a Dempster / Waukegar, Tax Increment Redevelopment Plan and Project Area Purpose:'' To reverse declining property values and EA V in the Prairie View Shopping Center and adjacent areas, and encourage private investment to enhance the District, and real estate and sales tax bases, and to attract i retailers to satisfy the consumer requirements of residents and shoppers in the area. Background: Over the past several years, the Prairie View Shopping Center has experienced declining property values, and vacancies. This decline has had an adverse effect on surrounding properties. In 2011, the owners of k the shopping center approached the Village proposing a plan to do major renovations to the center, but informed the Village they will not be able to do so without Village assistance due to the high cost, the uncertain economic climate and increased M W RD and related requirements. The Village then retained S.B. Friedman and Company to conduct an eligibility analysis of this area. Based on their report dated February 29, 2012, S.B. Friedman and Company determined eligibility factors required for the creation of a Tax Increment Financing District were present for blight in the area. The Village then convened a Joint Review Board consisting of representatives of local taxing districts. The Joint Review Board reviewed and recommended the approval of Tax Increment Financing for the area designated as the Dempster/ Waukegan Redevelopment Project Area. In order to create a TIF District it is necessary the Corporate ! Authorities to make certain findings required by the statute. These findings include the area be more than 'h acres in size and conditions of blighting exist. In order to comply with the Tax Increment'. Allocation Redevelopment Act (TIF Act), the Village, after proper notice, held a Public Hearing on April 30, 2012 and August 10, 2012. It also conducted a Joint Review Board meeting on May 3, 2012 and August 2, 2012. In addition to these meetings, the Village held approximately eleven other public meetings where - the creation of the tax increment financing district was discussed. This ordinance will incorporate findings of the Corporate Authorities which concur with the report dated February 29, 2012, by S.B. Friedman and Company. The Corporate Authorities believe the proposed area on the whole has not been subiect to growth and development through private investment and private investment and growth will not occur without the approval of the plan and project and the designation of the area as a Tax Increment Redevelopment Area. Upon approval of this ordinance, a certified copy of the ordinance will be filed with the County Clerk of Cook County. Programs, Departs Administration and Legal Departments or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: N/A Source of Funds: N/A W'orldoad Impact: The Village Administrator and Corporation Counsel will oversee implementation ofthe plan. I Admin Recommend: Approval as presented Second Reading: October 8, 2012 Special Consider or None Requirements: Respectfully submitted: Administrator Prepared by: " Teresa Hdffman L,';_ , `,C poration Counsel ADOPTING AND APPROVING A TAX INCREMENT REDEVELOPMENT PLAN AND PROJECT AREA IN THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, ILLINOIS WHEREAS, the President and Board of Trustees ( "Corporate Authorities ") of the Village of Morton Grove, Cook County, Illinois (the "Village ") have heretofore determined that the stable economic and physical development of the Village is endangered by the presence of blighting factors, with a resulting decline of the Village which impairs the value of private investments and threatens the sound growth and the tax base of the Village and the taxing districts having the power to tax real property in the Village (the "Taxing Districts ") and threatens the health, safety, morals and welfare of the public; and WHEREAS, the Corporate Authorities have heretofore determined that in order to promote and protect the health, safety, morals and welfare of the public that blighting conditions in the Village need to be eradicated and conservation measures instituted, and that the redevelopment of the proposed Dempster /Waukegan Redevelopment Project Area in a portion of Village (the "Area') should be undertaken, and that to remove and alleviate adverse conditions in the Area it is necessa =.y to encourage private investment and restore and enhance the tax base of the Village and the Taxing Districts by such redevelopment; and WHEREAS, the Village has heretofore evaluated various lawfully available programs to provide such assistance and has determined that the use of tax increment allocation financing pursuant to the Tax Increment Allocation Redevelopment Act, as amended, constituting Division 74.4 of Article 11 of the Illinois Municipal Code (the "Act ") is necessary to achieve the redevelopment goals of the Village for the Area; and WHEREAS, the Village has heretofore caused to be conducte "Dempster /Waukegan Tax Increment Financing District Eligibility Project ", dated February 29, 2012 (the "Plan" and "Protect"). Company, a planning and development advisory firm recognized allocation and redevelopment financing in the State of Illinois; and d an eligibility analysis as part of Study, Redevelopment Plan and prepared by S.B. Friedman & for expertise in tax increment WHEREAS, the eligibility analysis in the Plan and Project concludes that the proposed Area qualifies as a redevelopment project area pursuant to the Act; and WHEREAS, the proposed Plan and Project do not include the improved with a golf course and related clubhouse and other facilities state, county or municipal government as public land for outdoor camp nature preserves and used for that purpose within 'five (5) years prior to and development of vacant land (i) or (ii) designated by a federal, ing and hunting activities or for the adoption of this Ordinance; WHEREAS, the implementation of the Plan and Project will not result in displacement of residents from inhabited units; and WHEREAS, the Plan and Project sets forth in writing the Program to be undertaken to accomplish the objectives of the Village and includes estimated redevelopment project costs proposed for the Area, evidence indicating that the proposed Area on whole has not been subject to growth and development through investment by private enterprise, an assessment of the financial impact of the proposed Area on any increased demand for services from any taxing district affected by the Plan and Project and any program to address such financial impact or increased demand, the sources of funds to pay costs, the nature and term of the obligations to be issued, the most recent equalized assessed valuation of the proposed Area, an estimate as to the equalized assessed valuation after redevelopment and the general land uses to apply in the proposed Area, a commitment to fair employment practices and an affirmative action plan, and the Plan and Project accordingly comply in all respects with the requirements of the Act_ and WHEREAS, pursuant to section 11- 74.4 -4.2 of the Act, the Village is required to establish an interested parties registry for activities related to a redevelopment project area, and, pursuant to an ordinance adopted on November 11, 2002, the Corporate Authorities approved rules to implement the registrat on process for such registries; and WHEREAS, pursuant to section 11- 74.4 -5(a) of the Act, prior to the adoption of ordinances proposing the designation of a redevelopment project area or approving a redevelopment plan, the Village caused the following actions to be taken: on ,tune 29, 2012, the proposed Plan and Project were placed on file with the Village Clcrk; on July 12, 2012, notice was published in the Morton Grove Champion indicating that interested persons may register with the Village in order to receive information on the proposed designation of the Area and approval of the Plan and Project; on July 16.. 2012, copies of the proposed Plan and Project were sent by certified mail to the Taxing Districts; on July 19, 2012, the Village mailed notice of the availability of the Plan and Project and how to obtain information relating to the plan (i) to all residential addresses that, after a good faith effort, the village determined are located outside the boundaries of the proposed Area which are within 750 feet of the boundaries of the proposed Area and (ii) to all organizations and residents that had registered with the Village in the interested parties registry; and WHEREAS, pursuant to section 11- 74.4 -5(b) of the Act, the Village convened a joint review board ( "Joint Review Board") to consider the proposal to designate the proposed Area under the Act, and such Joint Review Board met at the times and as required by the Act and has reviewed the public record, planning documents and forms of ordinances to adopt and approve the Redevelopment Plan and designate the Area as a redevelopment project area under the Act: WHEREAS, the Joint Review Board adopted by majority vote a recommendation to approve. the Plan and Project and designate the Area as a redevelopment project area under the Act, having reached its decision on the basis of the Area and Project satisfying the Plan requirements, the eligibility criteria defined in section 11- 74.4 -3 (a) of the Act and the objectives of The Act; and WHEREAS, pursuant to section 11- 74.4 -5(a) of the Act called a public hearing (the "Hearing ") relative to the approval of tF of the proposed Area and the adoption of tax increment allocation place for such Hearing on September 10, 2012. at 7:00 p.m. in located at 6101 Capuiina Avenue, Morton Grove, IL 60053; and the Village Board by resolution e Plan and Project, the designation financing, and fixed the time and the Flickinger Municipal Center, WHEREAS, pursuant to section 11- 74.4 -6(a) of the Act, due notice with respect to such Hearing was given by certified mail to taxpayers within the proposed Area on August 1.6. 2012, and by publication in the Morton Grove Champion on August 16, 2012 and August 2 3, 2012; and WHEREAS, pursuant to section 11- 74.4 -6(b) of the Act, due notice with respect to such Hearing was given by certified mail on July 16, 2012, and such notice, together with a copy of the Redevelopment Project and Plan; and the name of a person to contact for information, was given to the Taxing Districts and to the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity and included an invitation to the Taxing Districts and DCOE to submit comments to the Village concerning the subject matter of the Hearing; and WHEREAS, the Village held the Hearing at the time and place fixed in the resolution calling for same, and at the Hearing, any interested persons and the Taxing Districts were permitted to file with the Village Clerk written objections and was heard orally in respect to any issues embodied in the notice of said Hearing, and the Village heard and determined all protests and objections at the Hearing; and WHEREAS, the Hearing was adjourned on September 10, 2012; and WHEREAS, the eligibility analysis included in the Plan and Project demonstrates that the Area suffers from the following factors which are present to a major extent and reasonably distributed throughout the Area: obsolescence of buildings, deterioration; presence of structures below minimum code standards; excessive vacancies; inadequate utilities; lack of community planning and lack of growth in equalized assessed value; and WHEREAS, the Corporate Authorities have reviewed the eligibility analysis contained in the Plan and Project, testimony from the public hearing, the recommendation of the Joint Review Board, and such other matters or studies as the Corporate Authorities have deemed necessary or appropriate to make the findings set forth herein and are generally informed of the presence of the conditions existing in the proposed Area and have reviewed the conditions pertaining to real property in the proposed Area to determine whether the proposed Area is contiguous and that there exist conditions that cause the proposed Area to be classified as a blighted area under the Act; and WHEREAS, the Corporate Authorities have reviewed the evidence indicating that the proposed Area on the whole has not been subject to growth and development through investments by private enterprise and have reviewed the conditions pertaining to the lack of private investment in the proposed Area to determine whether private development would take place in the proposed Area as a whole without the approval of the Plan and Project, the designation of a tax increment redevelopment area and the adoption of tax increment financing; and WHEREAS, the Corporate Authorities have made an assessment of any financial impact of the proposed Area on, or any increased demand for services from, the Taxing Districts affected by the proposed Plan and Project and any program to address such financial impact or increased demand; and WHEREAS, the Corporate Authorities have reviewed the proposed Plan and Project and also the existing comprehensive plan of the Village as a whole to determine whether the proposed Plan and Project conform to such comprehensive plan of the Village; and WHEREAS, the Corporate Authorities have heretofore, and it hereby expressly is, determined that the Village has in all respects complied with the requirements of the Act in such actions taken to date as above recited: 3 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTERS OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOT{ COUNTY, ILLINOIS. as follows: SECTION 1: Incorporation of Recitals. The foregoing recitals to this Ordinance are incorporated in this Ordinance as if set out in full by this reference, and the statements and findings contained therein are found to be true and correct, and are hereby adopted as part of this Ordinance. SECTION 2: Findings. The Corporate Authorities make the following findings: (a) The Area is legally described in Exhibit A attached to this Ordinance and incorporated herein as if set out in full by this reference. The street location (as near as practical) for the proposed Area is described in Exhibit B to this Ordinance and is incorporated herein as if set out in full by this reference. The map of the proposed. Area is attached to this Ordinance as Exhibit C and is incorporated herein as if set out in full by this reference. (b) There exist conditions which cause the proposed Area to be classified as a redevelopment project area under the Act and to be classified as a "blighted area" for improved parcels as defined in section 11- 74.4 -3(a) of the Act. Due to the presence of such conditions, the blighted area is detrimental to the public safety, health, morals and welfare. (c) The proposed Area as a whole has not been subject to growth and development through investment by private enterprise and would not reasonably be anticipated to be developed in accordance with the public goals stated in the Plan without the adoption of the Plan. (d) The Plan and Project conform to the comprehensive plan for the development of the Villaae as a whole. (e) As set forth in the Plan and Project and in testimony at of completion of the Project is not later than Decerber 31, 2036, retirement of all obligations incurred to finance redevelopment project Project, is not later than December 31, 2036, provided that such obliga twenty (20) years from their respective dates. the Hearing, the estimated date and the estimated date of the costs as defined in the Plan and Lions may not mature more than (f) The parcels of real property in the proposed Area are contiguous, the. proposed Area is not less than one and one -half acres, and only those contiguous parcels of real property and improvements thereon which will be substantially benefrtted by the proposed redevelopment project improvements are included in the proposed Area. SECTION 3: Approval of Plan and Project. The Plan and Project, which were the subject matter of the Hearing held on September 10, 2012, are hereby adopted and approved. A copy of the Plan and Project is set forth in Exhibit D attached hereto and incorporated herein as if set out in full by this reference. SECTION 4: Filing Plith County Clerk, The Village Clerk is hereby directed to file a certified copy of this Ordinance with the County Clerk of Cook County, Illinois. SECTION 5: Invalidity of Any Section. If any section, paragraph or provision of this Ordinance shall be held to be invalid or unenforceable for any reason, the invalidity or unenforceability M of such section, paragraph or provision shall not affect Ordinance. any of the remaining provisions of this SECTION 6: Superceder; Effective Date. Ordinance No. 12 -15 is hereby repealed and all ordinances, resolutions, motions or orders in conflict herewith be, and the same hereby are, repealed to the extent of such conflict, and this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect immediately from and after its passage and approval PASSED THIS 8 "' day of October 2012 Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee DiMar,a Gomberg Grear Marcus ThiIl Toth APPROVED BY ME THIS 8`h day of October 2012 ATTESTED and FILED in my office This 8"' day of October 20121 Tony S. Kalogerakos, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois Daniel J. Staackmann, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois 5 E'xlribiEA i® Ordinance 12 -34 Boundary Legal Description qf Project Area THAT PART OF THE SOUTH HALF OF SECTION 18 AND THAT PART OF THE NORTH HALF OF SECTION 19 IN TOWNSHIP 41 NORTH, RANGE 13 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN IN COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, BEING DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 1 IN DEMPSTER - WAUKEGAN ROAD SUBDIVISION, BEING A SUBDIVISION IN SAID SOUTH HALF OF SECTION 18, ACCORDING TO THE PLATTHEREOF RECORDED OCTOBER 15, 1925 AS DOCUMENT NO. 9066534; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID DEMPSTER - WAUKEGAN ROAD SUBDIVISION TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 5 IN LOCHNER'S RESUBDIVISION, BEING A SUBDIVISION IN SAID SOUTH HALF OF SECTION 18, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED JULY 10, 1997 AS DOCUMENT NO. 97497619; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT S AND IT'S WESTERLY EXTENSION THEREOF TO A POINT OF INTERSECTION WITH THE WEST RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE OF NORMANDY AVENUE; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID WEST RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE TO A POINT ON THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTH 10 FEET OF LOT 18 IN SAID DEMPSTER - WAUKEGAN ROAD SUBDIVISION; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE TO A POINT ON THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT 18; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID WEST LINE TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 28 IN SAID DEMPSTER - WAUKEGAN ROAD SUBDIVISION; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 28 TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 28; THENCE WESTERLY TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 59 IN SAID DEMPSTER - WAUKEGAN ROAD SUBDIVISION; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 59 TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 59; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT 59 AND ALONG THE WEST LINE OF LOTS 58 THRU 44 INCLUSIVE IN SAID DEM PSTER-WAU K EGAN ROAD SUBDIVISION TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 44; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG A LINE TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 16 IN STEELE'S MORTON GROVE HIGHLANDS, BEING A SUBDIVISION IN SAID SOUTH HALF OF SECTION 18, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED AUGUST 6, 1924 AS DOCUMENT NO. 8540426; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID LOT 16 AND ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID STEELE'S MORTON GROVE HIGHLANDS TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID STEELE'S MORTON GROVE HIGHLANDS; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID STEELE'S MORTON GROVE HIGHLANDS TO THE EAST RIGHT -OF- WAY LINE OF THE PUBLIC ALLEY ADJOINING THE WEST LINE OF SAID STEELE'S MORTON GROVE HIGHLANDS; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID EAST RIGHT -Or" -WAY LINE TO A POINT ON THE NORTH RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE OF SAID HAZEL STREET; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG A LINE TO A POINT OF INTERSECTION WITH THE SOUTH RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE OF SAID HAZEL STREET AND SAID EAST RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE OF THE PUBLIC ALLEY ADJOINING THE WEST LINE OF SAID STEELE'S MORTON GROVE HIGHLANDS; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID EAST RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE TO A POINT OF INTERSECTION WITH THE NORTH RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE CHURCHHILL STREET; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG SAID NORTH RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE TO A POINT OF INTERSECTION WITH THE NORTHERLY EXTENTION OF THE WEST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF NEW ENGLAND AVENUE; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID NORTHERLY EXTENTION AND WEST RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 127 IN SAID DEMPSTER - WAUKEGAN ROAD SUBDIVISION; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 127 TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 127; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT 127 TO A POINT OF INTERSECTION WITH THE EASTERLY EXTENSION OF THE NORTH LINE OF LOT 170 IN SAID DEMPSTER - WAUKEGAN ROAD SUBDIVISION; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG SAID EASTERLY EXTENSION AND NORTH LINE TO A POINT ON THE EAST RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE OF WAUKEGAN ROAD; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID EAST RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE TO A POINT ON THE SOUTH LINE OF LOT 156 IN DEMPSTER - WAUKEGAN ROAD SUBDIVISION; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF LOT 156 AND IT'S EASTERLY EXTENSION THEREOF TO A POINT ON THE EAST RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE OF THE PUBLIC ALLEY ADJOINING SAID LOT 156; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID EAST RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE TO A POINT OF INTERSECTION WITH THE EASTERLY EXTENSION OF THE NORTH LINE OF LOT 151 IN SAID DEMPSTER- WAUKEGAN ROAD SUBDIVISION; 6 THENCE WESTERLY ALONG SAID EASTERLY EXTENSION AND NORTH LINE TO A POINT ON SAID EAST RIGHT -OF- WAY LINE OF WAUKEGAN ROAD; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID EAST RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE TO A POINT OF INTERSECTION WITH THE EASTERLY EXTENSION OF THE SOUTH LINE OF LOT 24 IN FOREST VIEW SUBDIVISION, BEING A SUBDIVISION IN SAID SOUTH HALF OF SECTION 18, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED MARCH 23, 1925 AS DOCUMENT N0, 8824972; THENCE WESTER' Y ALONG SAID EASTERLY EXTENSION, SOUTH LINE AND WESTERLY EXTENSION THEREOF TO A POINT OF INTERSECTION WITH THE WEST RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE OF THE PUBLIC ALLEY ADJOINING SAID LOT 24; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID WEST RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 114 IN SAID FOREST VIEW SUBDIVISION; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 114 AND IT'S WESTERLY EXTENSION THEREOF TO A POINT ON THE WEST RIGHT -OF- WAY LINE OF SAYRE AVENUE; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID WEST RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 31 IN SAID FOREST VIEW SUBDIVISION, SAID NORTHEAST CORNER ALSO BEING A POINT ON THE SOUTH RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE OF A PUBLIC ALLEY; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG SAID SOUTH RIGHT - OF -WAY LINE TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 26 IN SAID FOREST VIEW SUBDIVISION; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT 26 TO A POINT ON THE NORTH RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE Of DEMPSTER STREET; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG SAID NORTH RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE TO A POINT OF INTERSECTION WITH THE NORTHERLY EXTENSION OF THE WEST LINE OF LOT 5 IN FINK AND OTHERS SUBDIVISION, BEING- A SUBDIVISION IN SAID SOUTH HALF OF SECTION 18 AND NORTH HALF OF SECTION 19 ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED APRIL 12, 1893 AS DOCUMENT NO. 1847465; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID NORTHERLY EXTENSION AND WEST LINE TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 5; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 5 TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 4601N THE FIRST ADDITION TO DEMPSTER - WAUKEGAN ROAD SUBDIVISION, BEING A SUBDIVISION IN SAID NORTH HALF OF SECTION 19, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED MARCH 11, 1927 AS DOCUMENT NO. 9576777; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT 460 AND THE SOUTHERLY EXTENSION THEREOF TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 430 IN SAID FIRST ADDITION TO DEMPSTER - WAUKEGAN ROAD SUBDIVISION; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT 430 AND THE SOUTHERLY EXTENSION THEREOF TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 401 IN SAID FIRST ADDITION TO DEMPSTER - WAUKEGAN ROAD SUBDIVISION; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT 401 TO A POINT ON A LINE MEASURED PERPENDICULAR TO THE WEST RIGHT -OF -WRY LINE OF WAUKEGAN ROAD AT A POINT 355.29 FEET (AS MEASURED ALONG SAID WEST RIGHT -OF WAY LINE) SOUTH OF THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 206 IN SAID FIRST ADDITION TO DEMPSTER - WAUKEGAN ROAD SUBDIVISION; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG SAID PERPENDICULAR LINE TO A POINT ON THE WEST RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE OF WAUKEGAN ROAD; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID WEST RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE TO A POINT OF INTERSECTION WITH THE WESTERLY EXTENSION OF THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTH 330 FEET OF LOT 2 IN WHITE'S SUBDIVISION, BEING A SUBDIVISION IN SAID NORTH HALF OF SECTION 19, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED JANUARY 6, 1882 AS DOCUMENT NO, 368124; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG SAID WESTERLY EXTENSION AND SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTH 330 FEET TO A POINT ON THE CENTER LINE OF THE 16 FOOT PUBLIC ALLEY (NOW VACATED) IN BLOCK 7 IN SCHRADER'S ADDITION TO MORTON GROVE (NOW VACATED) BEING A SUBDIVISION OF SAID LOT 2 IN WHITE'S SUBDIVISION, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED JANUARY 11, 1892 AS DOCUMENT NO. 1595582; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID CENTERLINE TO A POINT ON THE CENTERLINE OF MAINE STREET (NOW VACATED) AS LAID OUT IN SAID SCHRADER'S ADDITION TO MORTON GROVE; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG SAID CENTERLINE TO A POINT ON THE CENTERLINE OF OAK PARK AVENUE (NOW VACATED) AS LAID OUT IN SAID SCHRADER'S ADDITION TO MORTON GROVE; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID CENTERLINE TO A POINT ON THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 2 IN WHITE'S SUBDIVISION; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG SAID NORTH LINE TO A POINT ON THE EAST LINE OF THE WEST 763 FEET OF THE EAST 26.31 ACRES OF LOT 1 IN SAID WHITE'S SUBDIVISION; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID EAST LINE TO A POINT ON THE SOUTH LINE OF THE PARCEL OF LAND DESCRIBED BY DOCUMENT NO. 90402807, RECORDED AUGUST 17, 1990; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE TO A POINT ON THE EAST LINE OF SAID PARCEL OF LAND DESCRIBED BY DOCUMENT NO, 90402807; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID EAST LINE AND NORTHERLY EXTENSION THEREOF TO A POINT ON THE NORTH RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE OF DEMPSTER STREET; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG SAID NORTH RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE TO SAID POINT OF BEGINNING. 7 Exhibit B to Ordinance 12 -34 Street Location for Project Area The Project Area is generally bounded by the following streets: on the west by Sayre Avenue. the Village corporate limits and Waukegan Road; on the east by the Cook County Forest Preserve; on the north by parcels along the western frontage of New England Avenue to approximately Churchill Street; and on the south by the north line of Meadow Lane. Exhibit C to Ordinance 12 -34 Map of Project Area EXHIBIT C - MAP OF AREA ul I Dempster St r �I s J: Map 2: RPA Boundary Legend RPA Boundary Assessment Block; Parcels Note', denotes assessment block (first 7 digits of PINT as defined by Cook County Assessor's Office N 0 Feet February 2612 600 1 Dempster /Waukegan Tax Increment Financing District VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, IL uwr,we+rz m+mmxsrr. www.sbfrieciman.com Hazel St ¢ o :. v u Churchill St _._ _ Churchill St - -- - -� I Greenwood St. >1 m Q, � 6 ul I Dempster St r �I s J: Map 2: RPA Boundary Legend RPA Boundary Assessment Block; Parcels Note', denotes assessment block (first 7 digits of PINT as defined by Cook County Assessor's Office N 0 Feet February 2612 600 1 Dempster /Waukegan Tax Increment Financing District VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, IL uwr,we+rz m+mmxsrr. www.sbfrieciman.com Exhibit D to Ordinance 12-34 Redevelopment Plan and Project 10 ■ \( ƒ\ \\ ez _ _ 0 \ / E . \ }` \ \\ � \ ° \ ) \ 3 E % ) kk / / \ ƒ [ § \E cu \\ } ] f 4 = \ \ \\ \( ƒ\ \\ ez _ _ 0 \ / E . \ }` \ \\ � \ ° \ ) \ 3 E % ) kk / / \ ƒ [ § \E cu \\ } ] f 4 = \ \( ƒ\ \\ ez _ _ \ }` \ \\ \( ƒ\ \\ ez _ _ to m Cr c ti CL co Q6 c oi Or L co on It W al to lo to to \ \ \�\ \ \E \\ \ \�\ \\ on to to C to Qj t- lo Ct \ \ \ \ \� \ \ \ \ \ \\ & \\\ f\ \ \ at to _\ or / \{ - :- _ op Lu tQ _� \ \_\ y \,\_\ \ \ op I /i \\ \ \\ \} \\ \\ 0 0 G c E - E - u - o z _ _ _ v a _ E . a E o c ° ° n c _ F E E E 0 0 G c F E E E _ E E - c E r - _ - e - - y °i i O E c � n 0 0 G c E E - _ - e - - y °i c � n 0 0 G c E L � E — c 3 � c E z Ea 3 `c E - e E o E G> - _ E m o - Q e E m v< v v v E c i h 6p E£ cg 3 o` F_ E V N O O c � u 2 c u p c S Vm > 3 9 m 6 5 N N A yS V��Jc Vii. rul 6p E£ cg 3 o` F_ E V N O O c � u 2 c u p c S Vm > 3 9 m 6 5 N N A yS V��Jc Vii. 0 0 c � v'z w a C °C d � C Q 1- 'J 3 E v v v c m m c X m a m s yj m 'o t w`a v; 8 m 0 0 z 0 `z 0 3 �I a 9 c C > C f ELI u 0 0 c � v'z w a C °C d � C Q 1- 'J 3 E v v v c m m c X m a m s yj m 'o t w`a v; 8 m 0 0 z 0 `z 0 3 a 3 a _ _ c E � _ E ` G m �>s c � _ 0 0 c � v'z w a C °C d � C Q 1- 'J 3 E v v v c m m c X m a m s yj m 'o t w`a v; 8 m 0 0 z 0 `z 0 c E _ o E — o� - ° E c to F E 3 c c m > moo E - _ ` N m E A _ r t E N ° 3 = _ _ '' E ° _ _ 3 ^' _« 3 to E - 0 E 4 0 0 0 oQ to E CL C $ _ # E y ol 3 a E + a. w E° m_ o o 1 to — c y a to E — ° E m o 7o c - o _ E E E v F E Co 's 'o' V E ` ol 3 x E -`° C - °p __ _ o _ E�, a s o r o _ -- o - `p 3 o o - E p t = o o. mLL 10 m „a0 .-`Y <tto na LL. o to ° E 3 9 to m 3 ° _ - a z_ E a= E 3 0 m to = oC ro > t _ to 9 C p = E _ - E to Q, to - - E H o - _ - to cu It ol oo C 2 s E< o. _ .`f C �3a a_ E r c c = _ .� E .: o ED c N ai qj o. 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Background. Over the past several years, the Prairie View Shopping Center has experienced declining property values, and vacancies. This decline has had an adverse effect on surrounding properties. In 201 1, the owners of the shopping center approached the Village proposing a plan to do major renovations to the center, but informed the Village they will not be able to do so without Village assistance due to the high cost, the uncertain economic climate, and increased MWRD and related requirements. The Village then retained S.B. Friedman and Company to conduct an eligibility analysis of this area. Based on their report dated f February 29, 2012, S.B. Friedman and Company determined eligibility factors required for the creation of a Tax increment Financing District were present for blight in the area. The Village then convened a Joint Review Board consisting of representatives of local taxing districts. The Joint Review Board reviewed and recommended the approval of Tax Increment Financing for the area designated as the Dempster/ Waukegan Redevelopment Project Area, in order to create a TIF District it is necessary the Corporate Authorities to make certain findings required by the statute. These findings include the area be more than '/2 acres in size and conditions of bliehting exist. The approval of this ordinance is necessary to comply with the Tax Increment Redevelopment Act to designate the area set forth in Exhibit "A° as a Redevelopment Project Area pursuant to the Act. The area consists of the Prairie View Shopping Center., properties immediately to the east of the center, a vacant parcel north of the center (across Dempster Street), continuing west of Waukegan to include the vacant Produce World building, and then south of Dempster to include the Shell Gas Station and the IFC Credit Corporation building. Upon approval o'Fthis ordinance, the Village Clerk will file a certified copy of the ordinance with the County Clerk's office, also 1 as required by statute. Programs, Departs Administration and Legal Departments or Groups Affected Fiscal impact: i N/A Source of Funds: N/A Workload Impact: The Village Administrator and Corporation Counsel will oversee implementation cu the plan. Admin Recommend: Approval as presented Second Reading: October 8,2012 Special Consider ort None Requirements: i Respectfully submitted: Administrator Prepared —kZ Tereses a HAfiman Li o orporation Counsel AN ORDINANCE DESIGNATING THE DEMPSTER/WAUKEGAN REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA PURSUANT TO THE TAX INCREMENT ALLOCATION REDEVELOPMENT ACT WHEREAS, on October 8, 20125 the President and Authorities ") of the Village of Morton Grove, Cook Coun Ordinance 12 -34, adopting and approving a redevelopment " Project") within the municipal boundaries of the Village and (the "Area ") described in Section 3 of this Ordinance; and Board of Trustees (the "Corporate Y. Illinois (the "Village ") adopted plan and project (the "Plan" and within a redevelopment project area WHEREAS, the Plan and Project, along with the proposed designation of the Area, were the subject of a public hearing on September 10, 2012, held pursuant to the Tax Increment Allocation Redevelopment Act, as amended, constituting Division 74.4 of Article l l of the Illinois Municipal Code (the "Act"); and ' WHEREAS, the Corporate Authorities have now determined that it is necessary and desirable and for the best interests of the citizens of the Village to designate the Area as a redevelopment project area: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON SHROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, as follows: SECTION 1: Incorporation of Recitals. The foregoing recitals to this Ordinance are incorporated in this Ordinance as if set out in full by this reference, and the statements and findings contained therein are found to be true and correct, and are hereby adopted as part of this Ordinance. SECTION 2: Required Findings. The Corporate Authorities hereby make the following findings: A. As required by Section 11- 74.4 -4(a) of the Act, the Area includes only those contiguous parcels of real property and improvements thereon that are to be substantially benefited by the proposed redevelopment project improvements set forth in the Plan and Project. B. As required by Section 11- 74.4 -3(p) of the Act: The Area is not less, in the aggregate, than one and one -half acres in size: and 2. Conditions exist in the Area that cause the Area to qualify for designation as a "'blighted area" within the meaning of section 11- 74.4 -3(a) of the Act. SECTION 3: Designation of Area. The Area, as described in Exhibit A attached to and incorporated herein as if set out in full by this reference, is hereby designated a redevelopment project area pursuant to Section 11- 74.4 -4(a) of the Act, and shall hereafter be known as the Dempster /Waukegan Redevelopment Project Area. The streets generally surrounding the Area are described (as near as practical) in Exhibit B attached to and incorporated herein as if set out in full by this reference. The map of the Area is depicted on Exhibit C attached to and incorporated herein as if set out in full by this reference. The parcel or tax identification number of each parcel of property included in the Area is set forth in Exhibit D attached to and incorporated herein as if set out in full by this reference. SECTION 4: Filing With County Clerk. The Village Clerk is hereby directed to file a certified copy of this Ordinance with the County Clerk of Cook County, Illinois. SECTION S: Invalidity of ,4ny Section. If any section, paragraph or provision of this Ordinance shall be held to be invalid or unenforceable for any reason, the invalidity or unenforceability of such section, paragraph or provision shall not affect any of the remaining provisions of this Ordinance. SECTION 6: Superceder; Effective Date. Ordinance no. 12 -16 is hereby repealed and all ordinances, resolutions, motions or orders in conflict herewith be, and the same hereby are, repealed to the extent of such conflict, and this Ordinance shall be in Mt force and effect immediately from and after its passage and approval. PASSED THIS 8"' day of October 2012 Trustee DiMaria Trustee Gomberg Trustee Grear Trustee Marcus Trustee Thitl Trustee Toth APPROVED BY ME THIS 8`h day of October 2012 ATTESTED and HLED in my office This 8`h day of October ?012. Tony S. Kalogerakos, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois Daniel J. Staackmann, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois Exhibit A to Ordinance I2 -35 Boundary Legal Description gj"projectArea THAT PART OF THE SOUTH HALF OF SECTION 18 AND THAT PART OF THE NORTH HALF OF SECTION 19 IN TOWNSHIP 41 NORTH, RANGE 13 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN IN COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, BEING DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 1 IN DEMPSTER - WAUKEGAN ROAD SUBDIVISION, BEING A SUBDIVISION IN SAID SOUTH HALF OF SECTION 18, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED OCTOBER 15, 1925 AS DOCUMENT NO. 9066534; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID DEMPSTER. - WAUKEGAN ROAD SUBDIVISION TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 5 IN LOCHNER'S RESUBDIVISION, BEING A SUBDIVISION IN SAID SOUTH HALF OF SECTION 18, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED JJLY 10, 1997 AS DOCUMENT NO. 97497619; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 5 AND IT'S WESTERLY EXTENSION THEREOF TO A POINT OF INTERSECTION WITH THE WEST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF NORMANDY AVENUE; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID WEST RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE TO A POINT ON THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTH 10 FEET OF LOT 18 IN SAID DEMPSTER - WAUKEGAN ROAD SUBDIVISION; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE TO A POINT ON THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT 18; THENCE SOUTHERL" ALONG SAID WEST LINE TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 28 IN SAID DEMPSTER - WAUKEGAN ROAD SUBDIVISION; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 28 TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 28; THENCE WESTERLY TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 59 IN SAID DEMPSTER - WAUKEGAN ROAD SUBDIVISION; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 59 TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 59; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT 59 AND ALONG THE WEST LINE OF LOTS 58 THRU 44 INCLUSIVE IN SAID DEM PSTER-WAU KEGAN ROAD SUBDIVISION TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 44; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG A LINE TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER, OF LOT 16 IN STEELE'S MORTON GROVE HIGHLANDS, BEING A SUBDIVISION W SAID SOUTH HALF OF SECTION 18, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED AUGUST 61 1924 AS DOCUMENT NO. 8540426; THE NORTHERLY ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID LOT 16 AND ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID STEELE'S MORTON GROVE HIGHLANDS TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID STEELE'S MORTON GROVE HIGHLANDS; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID STEELE'S MORTON GROVE HIGHLANDS TO THE EAST RIGHT-OF- WAY LINE OF THE PUBLIC ALLEY ADJOINING THE WEST LINE OF SAID STEE'' -E'S MORTON GROVE HIGHLANDS; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID EAST RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE TO A POINT ON THE NORTH RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE OF SAID HAZEL STREET; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG A LINE TO A POINT OF INTERSECTION WITH THE SOUTH RIGHT -Or- -WAY LINE OF SAID HAZEL STREET AND SAID EAST RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE OF THE PUBLIC ALLEY ADJOINING THE WEST LINE OF SAID STEELE'S MORTON GROVE HIGHLANDS; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID EAST RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE TO A POINT OF INTERSECTION WITH THE NORTH RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE CHURCHHIL'_ STREET; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG SAID NORTH RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE TO A POINT OF INTERSECTION WITH THE NORTHERLY EXTENTION OF THE WEST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF NEW ENGLAND AVENUE; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID NORTHERLY EXTENTION AND WEST RIGHT -0F -WAY LINE TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 127 IN SAID DEMPSTER - WAUKEGAN ROAD SUBDIVISION; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 127 TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 127; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT 127 TO A POINT OF INTERSECTION WITH THE EASTERLY EXTENSION OF THE NORTH LINE OF LOT i70 IN SAID DEMPSTER- WAUKEGAN ROAD SUBDIVISION; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG -SAID EASTERLY EXTENSION AND NORTH LINE TO A POINT ON THE EAST RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE OF WAUKEGAN ROAD; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID EAST RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE TO A POINT ON THE SOUTH LINE OF LOT 156 IN DEMPSTER - WAUKEGAN ROAD SUBDIVISION; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF LOT 156 AND IT'S EASTERLY EXTENSION THEREOF TO A POINT ON THE EAST RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE OF THE PUBLIC ALLEY ADJOINING SAID LOT 156; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID EAST RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE TO A POINT OF INTERSECTION WITH THE EASTERLY EXTENSION OF THE NORTH LINE OF LOT 151 IN SAID DEMPSTER - WAUKEGAN ROAD SUBDIVISION, THENCE WESTERLY ALONG SAID EASTERLY EXTENSION AND NORTH LINE TO A POINT ON SAID EAST RIGHT -OF- WAY LINE OF WAUKEGAN ROAD; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID EAST RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE TO A POINT OF IN T ERSECTION WITH THE EASTERLY EXTENSION OF THE SOUTH LINE OF LOT 24 IN FOREST VIEW SUBDIVISION, BEING A SUBDIVISION IN SAID SOUTH HALF OF SECTION 18, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED MARCH 23, 1925 AS DOCUMENT NO. 8824972; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG SAID EASTERLY EXTENSION, SOUTH LINE AND WESTERLY EXTENSION THEREC= TO A POINT OF INTERSECTION WITH THE WEST RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE OF THE PUBLIC ALLEY ADJOINING SAID LOT 24; THENCE NORTHER' Y ALONG SAID WEST RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 114 IN SAID FOREST VIEW SUBDIVISION; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 114 AND IT'S WESTERLY EXTENSION THEREOF TO A POINT ON THE WEST RIGHT -OF- WAY LINE OF SAYRE AVENUE; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID WEST RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 31 IN SAID FOREST VIEW SUBDIVISION, SAID NORTHEAST CORNER ALSO BEING A POINT ON THE SOUTH RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE OF A PUBLIC ALLEY; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG SAID SOUTH RIGHT - OF -WAY LINE TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 26 IN SAID FOREST VIEW SUBDIVISION!; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT 26 TO A POINT ON THE NORTH RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE OF DEMPSTER STREET; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG SAID NORTH RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE TO A POINT OF INTERSECTION WITH THE NORTHERLY EXTENSION OF THE WEST LINE OF LOT S IN FINK AND OTHERS SUBDIVISION, BEING A SUBDIVISION IN SAID SOUTH HALF OF SECTION 18 AND NORTH HALF OF SECTION 19 ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED APRIL 12, 1893 AS DOCUMENT NO. 1847465; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID NORTHERLY EXTENSION AND WEST LINE TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 5; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT S TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 460 IN THE FIRST ADDITION TO DEMPSTER- WAUKEGAN ROAD SUBDIVIS10N, BEING A SUBDIVISION IN SAID NORTH HALF OF SECTION 19, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED MARCH 11, 1927 AS DOCUMENT NO. 9576777; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT 460 AND THE SOUTHERLY EXTENSION THEREOF TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 430 IN SAID FIRST ADDITION TO DEMPSTER- WAUKEGAN ROAD SUBDIVISION; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT 430 AND THE SOUTHERLY EXTENSION THEREOF TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 401 IN SAID FIRST ADDITION TO DEMPSTER- WAUKEGAN ROAD a SUBDIVISION; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT 401 TO A POINT ON A LINE MEASURED PERPENDICULAR TO THE WEST RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE OF WAUKEGAN ROAD AT A POINT 355.29 FEET (AS MEASURED ALONG SAID WEST RIGHT -OF WAY LINE) SOUTH OF THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 206 IN SAID FIRST ADDITION TO DEIVIPSTER- WAUKEGAN ROAD SUBDIVISION; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG SAID PERPENDICULAR LINE TO A POINT ON THE WEST RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE OF WAUKEGAN ROAD; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID WEST RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE TO A POINT OF INTERSECTION WITH THE WESTERLY EXTENSION OF THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTH 330 FEET OF LOT 2 IN WHITE'S SUBDIVISION, BEING A SUBDIVISION IN SAID NORTH HALF OF SECTION 19, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED JANUARY 6, 1882 AS DOCUMENT NO, 368124; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG SAID WESTERLY EXTENSION AND SOUTH LINE O;- THE NORTH 330 FEET TO A POINT ON THE CENTER LINE OF THE 16 FOOT PUBLIC ALLEY (NOW VACATED) IN BLOCK 7 IN SCHRADER'S ADDITION TO MORTON GROVE (NOW VACATED) BEING A SUBDIVISION OF SAID LOT 2 IN WHITE'S SUBDIVISION, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED JANUARY 11, 1892 AS DOCUMENT NO. 1595582; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID CENTERLINE TO A POINT ON THE CENTERLINE OF MAINS STREET (NOW VACATED) AS LAID OUT IN SAID SCHRADER'S ADDITION TO MORTON GROVE; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG SAID CENTERLINE TO A POINT ON THE CENTERLINE OF OAK PARK AVENUE (NOW VACATED) AS LAID OUT IN SAID SCHRADER'S ADDITION TO MORTON GROVE; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID CENTERLINE TO A POINT ON THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 2 IN WHITE'S SUBDIVISION; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG SAID NORTH LINE TO A POINT ON THE EAST LINE Or THE WEST 763 FEET OF THE EAST 26.31 ACRES OF LOT 1 IN SAID WHITE'S SUBDIVISION; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID EAST LINE TO A POINT ON THE SOUTH LINE OF THE PARCEL OF LAND DESCRIBED BY DOCUMENT NO, 90402807, RECORDED AUGUST 17, 1990; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE TO A POINT ON THE EAST LINE OF SAID PARCEL OF LAND DESCRIBED BY DOCUMENT NO. 90402807; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID EAST LINE AND NORTHERLY EXTENSION THEREOF TO A POINT ON THE NORTH RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE OF DEMPSTER STREET; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG SAID NORTH RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE TO SAID POINT OF BEGINNING. A Exhibit B to Ordinance 12 -35 .street Locaatinn.for ProjectAreaz The Project Area is generally bounded by the following streets: on the west by Sayre Avenue, the Village coTorate limits and Waukegan Road; on the east by the Cook County Forest Preserve; on the north by parceis alone the western frontage of New England Avenue to approximately Charchill Street; and on the south by the north line of Meadow Lane. 5 Exhibit C to Ordinance 12 -3} Map gfPrgjectAreca EXHIBIT C - MAP OF AREA _.. Davis St hazel St m Ott y a � y uve cl m� v �I �I I I Map f{2tj: RPA Boundary Friedmar 6. 9 Mrc ow 1U793 . Dempster.S -_ Legend RPA Boundary Assessment Blocks Parcels Nopptlepp. 6LSF�H.W� denotes assessment 11ocl; (first 1 digits of PIN' as defined by Cook County I Assessor's Office N b0C/ Feet February 2612 Dempster /Waukegan Tar, increment Financing District VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, I, 7 www.sbfriedman.com Churchill SP i _., Churchil! St -- I Greenwood St v a Q rs' v� l��I�x i X41 e uve cl m� v �I �I I I Map f{2tj: RPA Boundary Friedmar 6. 9 Mrc ow 1U793 . Dempster.S -_ Legend RPA Boundary Assessment Blocks Parcels Nopptlepp. 6LSF�H.W� denotes assessment 11ocl; (first 1 digits of PIN' as defined by Cook County I Assessor's Office N b0C/ Feet February 2612 Dempster /Waukegan Tar, increment Financing District VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, I, 7 www.sbfriedman.com Exhibit D to Ordinance 12 -55 pr®perol� identification numbers cif parcels in Project Area 10 -18 -312- 007 -0000 10-19 -102- 029 -0000 10 -18- 314 -028 -0000 10 -19- 102 -030 -0000 10 -18- 320 -011 -0000 10 -19- 102 -033 -0000 10 -18- 320 -033 -0000 10 -19- 102 - 034 -0000 10 -18- 320- 041 -0000 10 -19 -102 -035 -0000 10 -18 -320- 042 -0000 10 - 1_9 -103 -001 -0000 10 -18 -321 -004 -0000 10 -19 -103 -002 -0000 10 -18- 321 -023 -0000 10 -19 -106 -048 -0000 10- 18- 321 -027 -0000 10 -19 -200- 002 -0000 10-IS-321-035-0000 10 -19- 200 - 007 -0000 10-18-321-036-0000 10 -19- 200 - 009 -0000 10 -18 -321- 042 -0000 10 -19- 200 -010 -0000 10 -18- 321 -043 -0000 10 -18 -3321 -044 -0000 10 -18 -321 -045 -0000 10 -18- 321 -047 -0000 10 -18- 321 -048 -0000 10 -18 -321- 049 -0000 10 -18 -321 -050 -0000 10 -18- 321 -052 -0000 10 -18 -321- 053 -0000 10 -18- 321 -054 -0000 10- 18321- 055 -0000 10 -18 -322- 042 -0000 10 -18- 323 - 038 -0000 10- 18- 323 -039 -0000 10 -18 -323- 040 -0000 10-18-323-041-0000 10 -18- 323 -054 -0000 10 -18- 400 -048 -0000 10- 18- 400 -056 -0000 10 -18- 400 - 061 -0000 10 -18- 400 -062 -0000 10 -18- 402 - 038 -0000 10 -18- 402 -039 -0000 10 -18- 402 - 040 -0000 10 -18 -402 -041 -0000 10 -18- 402 - 054 -0000 10-18- 402 - 055 -0000 10 -19 -102 -021 -0000 10- 19- 102 - 022 -0000 10-19 - 102 - 027 -0000 10 -19- 102 - 028 -0000 Legislative Summary Ordinance 12 -36 ADOPTING TAX INCREMENT ALLOCATIONS FINANCING RESPECTING THE DEMPSTER/WAUKEGAN REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA Introduced: Synopsis: Purpose: Background: Programs, Departs or Groups Affected Fiscal impact: Source of Funds: Workload Impact: Admin Recommend: Second Reading: Special Consider or IN THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, ILLINOIS September 24, 2012 This ordinance will allocate financing respecting the Dempster /Waukegan Redevelopment Plan and Project Area and to attract retailers to satisfy the consumer requirements of residents and shoppers in the area. To reverse declining property values and EAV in the Prairie View Shopping Center and adjacent areas, and encourage private investment to enhance the District, and real estate and sales tax bases. and to attract retailers to satisfy the consumer requirements of residents and shoppers in the area. Over the past several years, the Prairie View Shopping Center has experienced declining property values, and vacancies. This decline has had an adverse effect on surrounding properties. In 2011" the owners of the shopping center approached the Village proposing a plan to do major renovations to the center, but informed the Village they will not be able to do so without Village assistance due to the high cost, the uncertain economic climate., and increased MWRD and related requirements. The Village then retained S.B. Friedman and Company to conduct an eligibility analysis of this area. Based on their report dated February 29, 2012' S.B. Friedman and Company determined eligibility factors required for the creation of a Tax Increment Financing District were present for biiaht in the area. The Village then convened a.loint Review Board consisting of representatives of local taxing districts. The joint Review Board reviewed and recommended the approval of Tax Increment Financing for the area designated as the Dempster/ Waukegan Redevelopment Project Area. In order to create a TIF District it is necessary the Corporate Authorities to make certain findings required by the statute. These findings include the area be more than %, acres in size and conditions of blighting exist In order to comply with the Tax Increment Allocation Redevelopment Act (TIF Act;, the Village, after proper notice, held a Public Hearing on April 30, 2012 and August 10, 2012. It also conducted a joint Review Board meeting on May 3, 2012 and August 2, 2012. In addition to these meetings, the Village held approximately eleven other public meetings where the creation of the Tax Increment Financing District was discussed. Adoption of this ordinance is necessary to approve Tax increment Financing forthe Dempster /Waukegan Redevelopment Project Area. Tax increment Financing will be used to pay redevelopment project costs as allowed by the Act and as set forth in the plan and project area. The project area is depicted on a map included as Exhibit "C" of this ordinance. Once tax increment financing has been approved, the County Collector will pay to the taxing districts within the TIF District that portion of taxes which is attributable to the lower of the current Equalized Assessed Value (EAV) or the initial EAV of each taxable parcel within the TIF District. That portion of taxes which is attributable to the increase in the current EAV over and above the initial EAV shall be allocated and when collected shall be paid to the Villa, *e and deposited in a special fund designated as the 2012 Dempster /Waukegan Redevelopment Project Area Special Tax Allocation Fund. Upon approval, this ordinance shall be filed with the County Clerk of Cook County, Illinois. Administration and Legal Departments N/A N/A The Village Administrator and Corporation Counsel will oversee implementation of the plan. Approval as presented October b, 2012 None I A Respectfully submitted: Rage Administrator Prepared by: °� / r Teresa H6offman LpiR kl4rporarion Counsel AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING TAX INCREMENT ALLOCATION FINANCING RESPECTING THE DEMPSTERAVAUKEGAN REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA IN THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, ILLINOIS WHEREAS, it is desirable and for the best interests of the citizens of the Village of Morton Grove, Cook County, Illinois (the "Village"), for the Village to adopt tax increment allocation financing pursuant to the Tax Increment Allocation Redevelopment Act, as amended, constituting Division 74.4 of Article 11 of the Illinois Municipal Code (the "Act "); and WHEREAS, the President and Board of Trustees of the Village (the "Corporate Authorities ") have heretofore approved a redevelopment plan and project (the 'Plan" and "Project ") as required by the Act by passage of an ordinance, and have heretofore designated the Dempster /Waukegan Redevelopment Project Area (the 'Area ") as required by the Act by the passage of an ordinance, and the Village has otherwise complied with all other conditions precedent required by the Act: NOW, THEREFORE, DE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND HOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, as follows: SECTION I: Incorporation of Recitals. The foregoing recitals to this Ordinance are incorporated in this Ordinance as if set out in full by this reference, and the statements and findings contained therein are found to be true and correct, and are hereby adopted as part of this Ordinance. SECTION 2: Tax Increment Financing Adopted. Tax increment allocation financing is hereby adopted to pay redevelopment project costs as defined in the Act and as set forth in the Plan and Project within the Area as described in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein as if set out in full by this reference. The street location (as near as practicable) for the Area is described in Exhibit B attached hereto and incorporated herein as if set out in full by this reference. The map of the Area is depicted on Exhibit C attached hereto and incorporated herein as if set out in full by this reference. SECTION 3. Allocation of Ad Valorem Taxer. Pursuant to the Act, the ad valorem taxes, if any, arising from the levies upon taxable real property in the Area by taxing districts and tax rates determined in the manner provided in Section 11- 74.4 -9(c) of the Act each year after the effective date of this ordinance until the Project costs and obligations issued in respect thereto have been paid shall be divided as follows: (a) That portion of taxes levied upon each taxable lot, block, tract or parcel of real property which is attributable to the lower of the current equalized assessed value or the initial equalized assessed value of each such taxable lot, block, tract or parcel of real property in the Area shall be allocated to and when collected shall be paid by the county collector to the respective affected taxing districts in the manner required by taw in the absence of the adoption of tax increment allocation financing. (b) That portion, if any, of such taxes which is attributable to the increase in the current equalized assessed valuation of each lot, block, tract or parcel of real property in the Area over and above the initial equalized assessed value of each property in the Area shall be allocated to and when collected shall be paid to the Village treasurer who shall deposit said taxes into a special fund, hereby created, and designated the "2012 Dempster /Waukegan Redevelopment Project Area Special Tax Allocation Fund" of the Village, and such taxes shall be used for the purpose of paying Project costs and obligations incurred in the payment thereof. SECTION 4: Filing With County Cierk. The Village Clerk is hereby directed to file a certined copy of this Ordinance with the County Clerk of Cook County, Illinois. SECTION 5: Invalidity of Any Section. If any section, paragraph or provision of this Ordinance shall be held to be invalid or unenforceable for any reason, the invalidity or unenforceability of such section, paragraph or provision shall not affect any ot" the remaining provisions of this Ordinance. SECTION 6: Superceder; Effective Date, Ordinance No. 12 -17 is hereby repealed and all ordinances, resolutions, motions or orders in conflict herewith be, and the same hereby are, repealed to the extent of such conflict, and this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect immediately from and after its passage and approval. PASSED THIS 8"' day of October 2012 Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee DiMaria Gomberg Grear Marcus Thill Toth APPROVED BY ME THIS 8'r day of October ).Of' ATTESTED and FILED in my office This 8`" day of October 2012. Tony S. Kalogerakos, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois J. Staackmann, Village President Villaue of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois L'xhibitA to Ordinance 12 -36 Boundary Legal Description of Project Area THAT PART OF THE SOUTH HALF OF SECTION 18 AND THAT PART OF THE NORTH HALF OF SECTION 19 IN TOWNSHIP 41 NORTH, RANGE 13 EAST OFT HE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN IN C0OK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, BEING DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 1 IN DEMPSTER - WAUKEGAN ROAD SUBDIVISION, BEING A SUBDIVISION IN SAID SOUTH HALF OF SECTION 18, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED OCTOBER 15, 1925 AS DOCUMENT NO. 9066534; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID DEMPSTER - WAUKEGAN ROAD SUBDIVISION TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 5 IN LOCHNER'S RESUBDIVISION, BEING A SUBDIVISION IN SAID SOUTH HALF OF SECTION 18, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED JULY 10, 1997 AS DOCUMENT NO, 97497619; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 5 AND IT'S WESTERLY EXTENSION THEREOF TO A POINT OF INTERSECTION WITH THE WEST RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE OF NORMANDY AVENUE; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID WEST RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE TO A POINT ON THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTH 10 FEET OF LOT 18 IN SAID DEMPSTER- WAUKEGAN ROAD SUBDIVISION; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE TO A POINT ON THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT 18; THENCE SOUTHER' Y ALONG SAID WEST LINE TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 28 IN SAID DEMPSTER - WAUKEGAN ROAD SUBDIVISION; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 28 TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 28; THENCE WESTERLY TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 59 IN SAID DEMPSTER- WAUKEGAN ROAD SUBDIVISION; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 59 TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 59; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT 59 AND ALONG THE WEST LINE OF LOTS 58 THRU 44 INCLUSIVE IN SAID DEMPSTER - WAUKEGAN ROAD SUBDIVISION TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 44; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG A LINE TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 16 IN STEELE'S MORTON GROVE HIGHLANDS, BEING A SUBDIVISION IN SAID SOUTH HALF OF SECTION 18, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED AUGUST 6, 1924 AS DOCUMENT NO. 8540426; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID LOT 16 AND ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID STEELE'S MORTON GROVE HIGHLANDS TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID STEELE'S MORTON GROVE HIGHLANDS; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID STEELE'S MORTON GROVE HIGHLANDS TO THE EAST RIGHT -OF WAY LINE OF THE PUBLIC ALLEY ADJOINING THE WEST LINE OF SAID STEELE'S MORTON GROVE HIGHLANDS; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID EAST RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE TO A POINT ON THE NORTH RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE OF SAID HAZEL STREET; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG A LINE TO A POINT OF INTERSECTION WITH THE SOUTH RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE OF SAID HAZEL STREET AND SAID EAST RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE OFF THE PUBLIC ALLEY ADJOINING THE WEST LINE OF SAID STEELE'S MORTON GROVE HIGHLANDS; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID EAST RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE TO A POINT OF INTERSECTION WITH THE NORTH RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE CHURCHHILL STREET; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG SAID NORTH RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE TO A POINT OF INTERSECTION WITH THE NORTHERLY EXTENTION OF THE WEST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF NEW ENGLAND AVENUE; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID NORTHERLY EXTENTION AND WEST RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 127 IN SAID DEMPSTER - WAUKEGAN ROAD SUBDIVISION; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 127 TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 127; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT 127 TO A POINT OF INTERSECTION WITH THE EASTERLY EXTENSION OF THE NORTH LINE OF LOT 170 IN SAID DEMPSTER- WAUKEGAN ROAD SUBDIVISION; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG SAID EASTERLY EXTENSION AND NORTH LINE TO A POINT ON THE EAST RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE OF WAUKEGAN ROAD; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID EAST RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE TO A POINT ON THE SOUTH LINE OF LOT 156 IN DEMPSTER - WAUKEGAN ROAD SUBDIVISION; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF LOT 156 AND IT'S EASTERLY EXTENSION THEREOF TO A POINT ON THE EAST RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE OF THE PUBLIC ALLEY ADJOINING SAID LOT 156; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID EAST RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE TO A POINT OF INTERSECTION WITH THE EASTERLY EXTENSION OF THE NORTH LINE OF LOT 151 IN SAID DEMPSTER - WAUKEGAN ROAD SUBDIVISION; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG SAID EASTERLY EXTENSION AND NORTH LINE TO A POINT ON SAID EAST RIGHT -OF- 3 WAY LINE OF WAUKEGAN ROAD; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID EAST RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE TO A POINT OF INTERSECTION WITH THE EASTERLY EXTENSION OF THE SOUTH LINE OF LOT 24 IN FOREST VIEW SUBDIVISION, BEING A SUBDIVISION IN SAID SOUTH HALF OF SECTION 18, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED MARCH 23, 1925 AS DOCUMENT NO. 8824972; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG SAID EASTERLY EXTENSION, SOUTH LINE AND WESTERLY EXTENSION THEREOF TO A POINT OF INTERSECTION WITH THE WEST RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE OF THE PUBLIC ALLEY ADJOINING SAID LOT 24; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID WEST RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 114 IN SAID FOREST VIEW SUBDIVISION; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 114 AND IT'S WESTERLY EXTENSION THEREOF TO A POINT ON THE WEST RIGHT -OF- WAY LINE OF SAYRE AVENUE; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID WEST RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 31 IN SAID FOREST VIEW SUBDIVISION, SAID NORTHEAST CORNER ALSO BEING A POINT ON THE SOUTH RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE OF A PUBLIC ALLEY; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG SAID SOUTH RIGHT - OF -WAY LINE TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 26 IN SAID FOREST VIEW SUBDIVISION; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT 26 TO A POINT ON THE NORTH RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE OF DEMPSTER STREET; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG SAID NORTH RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE TO A POINT OF INTERSECTION WITH THE NORTHERLY EXTENSION OF THE WEST LINE OF LOT S IN FINK AND OTHERS SUBDIVISION, BEING A SUBDIVISION IN SAID SOUTH HALF OF SECTION 18 AND NORTH HALF OF SECTION 19 ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED APRIL 12, 1893 AS DOCUMENT NO. 1847465; THENCE SOUTHER' Y ALONG SAID NORTHERLY EXTENSION AND WEST LINE TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 5; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OFF SAID LOT S TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 4601N THE FIRST ADDITION TO DEMPSTER - WAUKEGAN ROAD SUBDIVISION, BEING A SUBDIVISION IN SAID NORTH HALF OF SECTION 19, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED MARCH 11, 1927 AS DOCUMENT NO. 9576777; T HENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT 460 AND THE SOUTHERLY EXTENSION THEREOF TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 430 IN SAID FIRST ADDITION TO DEMPSTER- WAUKEGAN ROAD SUBDIVISION; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT 430 AND THE SOUTHERLY EXTENSION THEREOF TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 401 IN SAID FIRST ADDITION TO DEMPSTER - WAUKEGAN ROAD SUBDIVISION; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT 401 TO A POINT ON A LINE MEASURED PERPENDICULAR TO THE WEST RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE OF WAUKEGAN ROAD AT A POINT 355.29 FEET (AS MEASURED ALONG SAID WEST RIGHT -OF WAY LINE) SOUTH OF THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 206 IN SAID FIRST ADDITION TO DEMPSTER- WAUKEGAN ROAD SUBDIVISION; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG SAID PERPENDICULAR LINE TO A POINT ON THE WEST RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE OF WAUKEGAN ROAD; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID WEST RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE TO A POINT OF INTERSECTION WITH THE WESTERLY EXTENSION OF THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTH 330 FEET OF LOT 2 IN WHITE'S SUBDIVISION, BEING A SUBDIVISION IN SAID NORTH HALF OF SECTION 19, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED JANUARY 6, 1882 AS DOCUMENT NO. 368124; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG SAID WESTERLY EXTENSION AND SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTH 330 FEET TO A POINT ON THE CENTER LINE OF THE 16 FOOT PUBLIC ALLEY (NOW VACATED) IN BLOCK 7 IN SCHRADER'S ADDITION TO MORTON GROVE (NOW VACATED) BEING A SUBDIVISION OF SAID LOT 2 IN WHITE'S SUBDIVISION, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED JANUARY 11, 1892 AS DOCUMENT NO. 1595582; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID CENTERLINE TO A POINT ON THE CENTERLINE OF MAINE STREET (NOW VACATED) AS LAID OUT IN SAID SCHRADER'S ADDITION TO MORTON GROVE; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG SAID CENTERLINE TO A POINT ON THE CENTERLINE OF OAK PARK AVENUE (NOW VACATED) AS LAID OUT IN SAID SCHRADER'S ADDITION TO MORTON GROVE; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID CENTERLINE TO A POINT ON THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 2 IN WHITE'S SUBDIVISION; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG SAID NORTH LINE TO A POINT ON THE EAST LINE OF THE WEST 763 FEET OF THE EAST 26.31 ACRES -OF LOT 1 IN SAID WHITE'S SUBDIVISION; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID EAST LINE TO A POINT ON THE SOU T H LINE -0F THE PARCEL OF LAND DESCRIBED BY DOCUMENT NO. 90402807, RECORDED AUGUST 17, 1990; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE TO A POINT ON THE EAST LINE OF SAID PARCEL OF LAND DESCRIBED BY DOCUMENT N0, 90402807; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID EAST LINE AND NORTHERLY EXTENSION THEREOF TO A POINT ON THE NORTH RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE OF DEMPSTER STREET; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG SAID NORTH RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE TO SAID POINT OF BEGINNING. 4 Exhibit B to Ordinance 12 -36 Street Location, for Project Area The Project Area is generally bounded by the following streets: on the west by Sayre Avenue, the Village corporate limits and Waukegan Road; on the east by the Cook County Forest Preserve; on the north by parcels along the western frontage of New England Avenue to approximately Churchill Street: and on the south by the north line of Meadow Lane. Exhibit C to Ordinance 12-36 Map of Project Area EXHIBIT C - MAP OF AREA _.. Davis St mom m; __. Hazel St _ oar w " ¢ u Churchill St Churchill St - -- Greenwood St f d i! st ¢' _f o; M z Z! ° `; lzf Dempster St RIMM i o, I i C `m (i rni Y Map 2: RPA Boundary Legend RPA Boundary L.. -: Assessment Blocks Parcels Note: denotes assessment block (first 7 digits of PIN) as defined by Cook County Assessor's Office 0 600 Feet February 2012 f i Dempster /Waukegan Tax Increment Financing District VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, IL PRI SB Frieder - — ,�=+ volt+ .:. www.sbfriedman.com Le!islative Summary Resolution 12 -73 AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF SURPLUS PERSONAL PROPERTY - -- OWNED BY THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE Introduced: October 8, 2012 Synopsis: This Resolution will authorize the sale of a motor vehicle deemed surplus property. Purpose: Selling motor vehicles and equipment through the Northwest Municipal Conference run auction in cooperation with Manheim Auctions, Inc. provides for an effective means for the Village to sell surplus vehicles. Back ground: The Public World Department in its normal course of business annually reviews vehicle and equipment conditions for all Village departments. After a review by the department some of the equipment is determined to be no longer useful for a variety of reasons; some reasons being but not limited to the cost of maintenance, scheduled for replacement, outdated, or no longer used by Village departments. Ordinance 05 -27 allows the Village to sell surplus motor vehicles pursuant to a resolution approved by simple majority of the Village Board of Trustees_ i Programs, Departments Public Works and Finance Departments, Or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: Funds that will be generated by the sale of equipment at auction are unknown at this time. Source of Funds: N/A Workload Impact: Minimal, delivery of equipment to auction. Admin Recommendation: Approval as presented. Second Reading: Not required i Special Consideration or None Requirements: I Respectfully submitted Reviewed by //ice. ;` ,,r ,R- an JV Hgene, Village Administrator ( dy N) me Public Works Director Prepared by: "j>/. �!,f �✓� Reviewed by: Oaul T6 Str°`.,�'verintendent Teresa Liston, Corporation Counsel f AUTHORIZING THE SALE BY PUBLIC AUCTION OF PERSONAL PROPERTY OWNED BY THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (VILLAGE); located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt and WHEREAS, Article VII, Section 10 of the Constitution of the State of Illinois_ and Chapter 127, paragraphs 741 -748 of the Illinois Revised Statutes, authorize and encourage intergovernmental cooperation: and WHEREAS, the Northwest Municipal Conference /Manheim Auction Service Inc, a corporate organization representing municipalities and townships chartered within the State of Illinois and Counties of Cook, Lake, McHenry, Kane, and DuPage organizes joint municipal auctions of surplus vehicles; and WHEREAS, on or about May 23, 2005,.the Corporate Authorities adopted Ordinance 05- 27 which provides "obsolete or surplus personal property which is, in the opinion of the Finance Director and Village Administrator, is no longer necessary or useful to the Village and has an estimated value exceeding $1,000 and all motor vehicles and real property of any value of the Village of Morton Grove shall be sold subject to approval by resolution of a simple majority of the Village Board of Trustees". WHEREAS, the Finance Director, Village Administrator, and Director of Public Works have deemed those vehicles listed in Exhibit "A" are no longer necessary or useful to the Village and the Director of Public Works has recommended these vehicles be sold at the joint municipal auction of surplus vehicles conducted by the Northwest Municipal Conference / Manheim Auction Service Inc. WHEREAS, attached as Exhibit "A" is a list of vehicles to be auctioned. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, AND ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Resolution as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2: Pursuant to Ordinance 05 -27 of the Village of Morton Grove, the Village President and Board of Trustees for the Village of Morton Grove find the described personal property Iisted on Exhibit "A" attached hereto now owned by said jurisdiction is no longer necessary or useful to said jurisdiction and said jurisdiction would be best served by the sale of the properties. SECTION 3: The Village Administrator for the Village of Morton Grove is hereby authorized to direct the sale of the aforementioned personal property at the following Northwest Municipal Conference /Manheim Auction Service me. auction scheduled for: 10:00 am Saturday, October 20, 2012 Arlington Heights PubIie Works Facility 222 N. Ridge Avenue Arlington Heights, IL 60004 SECTION 4: The Administrator is hereby authorized to direct the Northwest Municipal Conference /Manheim Auction Service, Inc. to advertise the sale of the aforementioned personal property through area newspapers, direct mailings, and other channels deemed appropriate prior to the date of said auction. SECTION 5: The Village Administrator is authorized to direct the Northwest Municipal Conference /Manheim Auction Service, Inc. to enter into an agreement for the sale of said property whereby said property is sold at the auction according to the terms set forth in the Specifications for the Sale of Vehicles and Equipment at Northwest Municipal Conference/ Manheim Auctions attached hereto and made a part of this resolution. SECTION 6: No bid shall be accepted for the sale of an item, which is less than the minimum value set forth herein, unless the Village Administrator, or the designee of the Village Administrator so authorizes at the time of the auction. SECTION 7: Upon payment in full of the auctioned price for the aforesaid items of personal property by the highest bidder, the Village Administrator is authorized to direct the Northwest Municipal Conference /Manheim Auction Service, Inc. to convey and transfer the title and ownership of said personal property to the bidder. SECTION 8: This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage. PASSED this 8 °' day of October 2012. . Trustee DiMaria Trustee Gomberg Trustee Grear Trustee Marcus Trustee Thill Trustee Toth APPROVED by me this 8 °i day of October 2012. Daniel J. Staackmarm, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois APPROVED and FILED in my office this 9 °' day of October 2012. Tony S. Kalogerakos, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois n n �1 �YIY Legislative Sum►rmary Resolution 12 -74 AUTHORIZING TO EXECUTE CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 TO THE 2012 CONCRETE REPLACEMENT PROGRAM WITH G&L CONTRACTORS, INC. Introduced: October 8, 2012 . Synopsis: To authorize Village staff to execute Change Order No. 1 to the Contract with G &L Contractors, Inc. for the 2012 Concrete Replacement Program Purpose: I To increase the amount of the G &L Contractors contract for the 2012 Concrete Replacement Program by $12,640.00. Background: Resolution 12 -43 authorized a contract with G &L Contractors, Inc. to replace concrete sidewalks, curbs and pavements throughout the Village included in the 2012 Concrete Replacement Program in the amount of $67,895.00. The Public Works Department is replacing a deteriorated water main system under the pavement in the maintenance yard at the Public Works Facility at 7840 Nagle Avenue, which will require the replacement of the pavement in the area of the water main improvement on the west side of the maintenance building. Public Works does not have the capacity to perform this work and G &L Contractors, Inc. has agreed to perform this extra work at a contact unit cost of $40.00 per square yard. A change order is required because the net change to the original i contract will change by more than $10,000.00. Programs, Departments i Replaced Programs: 2012 Concrete Program or Groups Affected ! Departments: Public Works, Finance Department Groups Affected: None Fiscal Impact: Change Order Amount- $12,640.00; Adjusted Contract Amount - $80,535.00 i Source of Funds: 2012 Construction Services Account (Account Number 025017 - 552290) Workload Impact: i The Public Works Department, Engineering Division performs the management and implementation of the project as part of their normal work activities. Aclmin Recommendation: Approval as presented. Second Reading: Not required Special Considerations or None Requirements: 'e ?i d Respectfully submitted: 7aV4 RyAn J. i'forne, Village Administra �i Prepared by: ", f� 16e Dahm, Assistant Director of Public Works Reviewed by: Andy De I Reviewed by: Teresa rector of Public Works 14, Corporation Counsel AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CHANGE ORDER NO, I TO THE 2012 CONCRETE REPLACEMENT PROGRAM WITH G &L CONTRACTORS, INC. WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (V i I lage), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt: and WHEREAS, Resolution 12 -43 awarded a contract to G &L Contactors, Inc. for the 2012 Concrete Replacement Program to replace concrete sidewalks, curbs and pavements throughout the Village; and WHEREAS, the Public Works Department is replacing a deteriorated water main system under the pavement in the maintenance yard at the Public Works Facility at 7840 Nagle Avenue, which will require the replacement of pavement in the area of the water main improvement on the west side of the maintenance building; and WHEREAS, the Public Works Department does not have the capacity to perform this work; and WHEREAS, G &L Contractors, Inc. has agreed to perform this extra work at the unit cost of $40.00 per square yard; and WHEREAS, the estimated cost of this work is $12,640.00; and WHEREAS, funding for the above work is included in the Village of Morton Grove 2012 Budget in Account Number 025017- 552290 in the amount of $110,000.00 with a remaining un- obligated balance of $18,434.00; and WHEREAS, the Account Number 025017-552290 has the sufficient surplus to supply the funding for this additional work. NOW, THEREFORE, RE IT RESOLVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Resolution as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2. The Corporate Authorities authorize the Village Administrator, Director of Public Works, and the Village Engineer to execute Change Order No. 1 to the Contract with G &L Contractors, Inc. for the 2012 Concrete Replacement Program which will increase the amount of this contract by twelve thousand six hundred forty dollars ($12,640.00). SECTION 3. That this Resolution shall be in full force and effect upon its passage and approval. PASSED this 8th day of October 2012 Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee DiMaria Gormberg Grear Marcus Thill Toth APPROVED by me this 8th day of October 2012 Daniel J. Staackmann, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois ATTESTED and PLED in my office 'Phis 9th day of October 2012 Tony S. Kalogerakos, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois 7 "? Village of Morton Grove Departmen'' of Public Works 7840 Nagle Avenue Morton Grove 60053 Date: 10/8/2012 Request No 1 7 Final Contractor: G &L Contractors Inc Address 7401 IN St, Louis Av Skokie, Illinois 60076 County. Road District or Municipality Section No Request for Approval of Change in Plans Morton Grove Contract Name 2012 Concrete Reolacment Prop. I recommend that this Addition be (addition, extension deduction) The estimated quantities are shown below and made to (to from) the contractor agrees the above contract. to furnish the materials and do the work at the unit prices. Item Description Unit Quantity Unit Price Add ioo(A) °` Detluctioo(D) total Addition Total Deduction 8" Concrete Pavment i SY 316 -00, 40.00 I A j $ 12,640.00 1 $ $ $ $ S $ $ $ $ I $ S $ $ $ $ 1 $ I I v $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ I$ i$ 5 $ S $ it IS $ $ $ I IS ($ I Total Changes:) Printed 10/4/2012 1 014 Change Omer Form (Rev. 03 /09/10) Total Net Change. $ 12.640.00 Amount of Onginal Contract. $ 67,895.00 Amount of Previous Change Orders $ Amount of adiustedlnnal contract. 5 80,535.00 Total net addition to date S 12 640.00 which Is 18.616982 % of the contract price. (addition, deduction) Contract Completion. Original Contract Completion Previous extensions Adjusted Contract Completion State fully the nature and reason for the change. ADDT ION OF 8" CONCRETE PAVEMENT FOR PUBLIC WOKP,S MAINTENANCE VA When the net increase or decrease in the cost of the contract Is $10,000.00 or more, or the time of completion is increased or decreased by 30 days or more, one of the following statements must be checked: Approved Approved Approved The undersigned has determined that the clrcumstances which necessitate this change were not reasonably foreseeable at the time the contract was premed. The undersigned has determined that the change is germane to the original contract as signed. The undersigned has determined that this change Is in the best interest of the Local Agency and is authorized by law. Village Engineer Date Director of Public Works Date jn,V�F'Iage A{1m7nis�`l.^ Date Note: Make out separate form for change In length quantifies. Give net quantities Submit 3 Originals Prepared by Approved Assistant Director of Public Works Title of Paperer Contractor's Office,- Title of COnlraeior S Officer Date Printed 10/1/2012 4o[4 Change Order Form (Rev 03/09/1M I i I I I lidh L 11 J Ill'. I i I I I lidh L I .e_. t J Ill'. L (I I is Legislative Summary Resolution 12 -75 AUTHORIZING THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE TO ACQUIRE PROPERTY COMMONLY KNOWN AS 8300 LEHIGII AVENUE, MORTON GROVE, ILLINOIS Introduced: I October 8, 2012 Objective: To authorize the purchase of property commonly known as 8300 Lehigh Avenue, Purpose: This property will be land banked for future redevelopment. Background: The Village through the years has acquired nurnerous pieces of property for possible future development. The property located at 8300 Lehigh Avenue recently became available for purchase. As requested by the Village Board, Village staff has negotiated a contract with the owner of record for Village Board approval. The terms of the contract include: 1. The Purchase Price 81,150,000; 2. Contract subject to a 45 day "due diligence" contingency. 3. Earnest :Honey in the amount of S 100,000 to be held by a mutually agreed escrowee — interest to accrue to the Village of Morton Grove. 4. Closing on December 31, 2013, or sooner if the property becomes vacant. i Funds for the earnest money deposit are available in the reserve balance of the General Corporate Fund. Programs, Departments Finance Department, Village Administrator, and Legal Department or Groups Affected: Fiscal Impact: 81,150,000 Source of Funds: Funds for the purchase will be budgeted in the Capital Projects Fund for 2013. Workload Impact: i Corporation Counsel will handle the closing of this transaction as part of her normal workload. i Administrator Approval as presented. Recommendation: Second Reading: Not Required Special Considerations or None Requirements: 1 Administrator Approval Ryan J. Horne, village Administrator Prepared by: Teresa Hoffman Liston, Corporation Counsel RESOLUTION 1.2 -75 AUTHORIZING THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE TO ACQUIRE PROPERTY COMMONLY KNOWN AS 8300 LEHIGH AVENUE, MORTON GROVE, ILLINOIS WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (VILLAGE), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the Village of Morton Grove to acquire the property commonly known as 8300 Lehigh Avenue, Morton Grove, Illinois 60053 to be land banked for possible use as a municipal government facility; and WHEREAS, the Village has sufficient funds in the General Corporate Fund Reserves for the purchase and acquisition of properties; and WHEREAS, the cost to acquire this property shall be budgeted in the Village's Capital Projects Fund for fiscal year 2013; and WHEREAS, Village staff and the owner of the property have negotiated a "Contract" for the purchase of the property subject to the approval of the Village Board of Trustees; and WHEREAS, the terms of the contract include: The Purchase Price $1,15000; 2. Contract subject to a 45 day "due diligence" contingency. 3. Earnest money in the amount of $100,000 to be held by a mutually agreed escrowee — interest to accrue to the Village of Morton Grove. 4. Closing on December 31, 2013, or sooner if the property becomes vacant. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Resolution as though fully set forth herein thereby making the findings as hereinabovc set forth. SECTION 2: The Village President and Village Clerk of the Village of Morton Grove are hereby authorized to execute a contract between the Village and the Owner of Record for the purchase of property commonly known as 8300 Lehigh Avenue, Morton Grove, Illinois for the sum of S 1,150,000 with a closing to occur on December 31, 2013, with additional terms and conditions in substantial conformity with Exhibit A,> SECTION 3: The Village Administrator, Corporation Counsel and/or their designees are hereby authorized to prepare, execute, and deliver any documents or take any steps necessary to purchase said property pursuant to the contract. SECTION 4: This Resolution is an exercise of the home rule authority of the Village of Morton Grove and is intended to and, to the fullest extent allowed by the constitution of the State of Illinois, shall be construed as to supersede any contrary or conflicting state, county, or local rule or regulation. SECTION 5: This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication according to law. PASSED this 8 "' day of October 2012. Trustee DiMaria Trustee Gomberg Trustee Grear Trustee Marcus Trustee Thill Trustee Toth APPROVED by me this 8th day of October 2012, . Daniel J. Staackmann, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois APPROVED and FILED in my office this 9 "' day of October 2012. Tony S. Kalogerakos, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois REAL ESTATE CONTRACT FOR THE PURCHASE OF 8300 LEHIGH AVENUE, MORTON GROVE, ILLINOIS BETWEEN THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE AND JOSEPH A. HINKAMP TRUST DATED DECEMBER 12, 1975 ( "CONTRACT ") The VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, a municipal corporation and a home rule unit of government located in Cook County, Illinois ( "Village "), as the "Buyer ", hereby agrees to purchase and the Joseph A. Hinkamp Trust dated December 12, 1975 ( "Seller ") hereby agrees to sell that property commonly known as 8300 Lehigh Avenue, Morton Grove, Illinois and legally described in Exhibit "A" and all improvements thereon (the "Property ") pursuant to the following terms and conditions: 1) PURCHASE PRICE: The Village shall pay Seller the sum of One Million One Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($1,150,000.00) to be paid as follows: 2) A Within two (2) business days of the Contract Date (as defined below), the Village shall deposit into a joint order escrow with Chicago Title and Trust Company the sum of One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00) as and for "Earnest Money ". The Earnest Money shall be deposited in an interest bearing account for the Village's benefit and all investment fees shall be paid by the Village. The parties shall split anyjoint order escrow fees. B The balance of the Purchase Price, as adjusted by agreed or customary credits and prorations including tax prorations, Earnest Money, and unpaid utilities shall be paid in good funds at Closing. CLOSING: The Closing shall take place on the date that is twenty -one (21) days after the Seller has notified the Village that Grip Pro, LLC (the "Tenant ") has vacated the Property, at a location to be mutually agreed upon by the parties. 3) CONTINGENCY PERIOD AND INSPECTIONS. A The Seller shall make available to Village for Village's inspection, copies of all leases, contracts, surveys, environmental reports, soils tests, maps and plats, if any, for the Property in its possession within ten (10) business days after the date this Contract is executed. B The Village and its agents shall have until 5:00 PM on the date that is forty -five (45) days after the Contract Date (the "Contingency Period ") to conduct, at Village's sole cost and expense and subject to the terms hereof, its "Inspection" of the Property which may include without limitation physical inspections, asbestos sampling, surveys, soils tests, site analyses, engineering studies, examinations of the building and improvements thereon (including structural and mechanical tests) environmental studies and investigations and appraisals. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any invasive testing of the Property shall be prohibited without Seller's prior written consent. C The Village may terminate this Contract for any reason during the Contingency Period and in such event, the Earnest Money (and any interest earned thereon) shall be returned to Village. D Seller represents and warrants that the building located on the Property shall be vacant at Closing. In connection with tests or inspections of the Property by the Village, or its agents, employees or contractors, the Village shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless Seller and its shareholders, partners, officers, members, managers, employees or agents from and against any lien, claim, suit, loss, cost, expense (including reasonable attorneys' fees), personal injury, damage or action arising from any activities of the Village, its agents, contractors or engineers on the Property. The Village shall provide Seller with certificates of insurance listing Seller as additional insured on its commercial liability insurance policies in amounts and in form reasonably acceptable to Seller. 4) TAX PRORATION& The Seller shall be responsible for the payment of all real estate taxes which are due and payable prior to closing. The 2012, if unpaid as of Closing, and 2013 real estate taxes shall be prorated through the date of closing at 100% of the most recent actual tax bill and shall be re- prorated when the actual tax bill(s) is available. Seller has contested the 2012 real estate taxes, and in that regard, shall be entitled to any reduction in the 2012 and /or 2013 real estate tax bill(s). In that regard, the Village agrees to pay any refund and /or savings it receives for a reduction in the 2012 and /or 2012 real estate taxes resulting from such real estate tax contest. At closing, The Seller shall deposit with the Seller's attorney, as escrowee, an additional sum equal to 25% of the credit given to the Village for the 2012 and /or 2013 tax prorations to guarantee the final reproration. 5) TITLE: At Seller's expense, Seller will deliver or cause to be delivered to the Village within ten (10) days in advance of Closing, as evidence of title in Seller, a title commitment for an ALTA title insurance policy in the amount of the Purchase Price with extended coverage by Chicago Title Insurance Company, subject only to items listed in Paragraph 7. The parties shall each pay their respective usual and customary share of any requested additional title charges and the parties shall equally pay for any closing escrow and "New York Style" fees incurred as a result of this transaction. Seller shall furnish the title insurer at Closing an Alta Statement and Gap Undertaking covering the date of Closing, and shall sign any other customary forms required by the title insurer for issuance of an ALTA Insurance Policy. 6) SURVEY. Within seven (7) days prior to closing, Seller, at Seller's cost, shall furnish the Village with a staked ALTA survey dated within 90 days of closing showing all boundaries, rights of way, easements, and set back lines. 7) DEED: Seller shall convey or cause to be conveyed to the Village good and merchantable title to the Property by recordable Trustee's Deed subject only to: general real estate taxes not due and payable at the time of Closing, covenants, conditions, and restrictions of record, building lines and easements, applicable zoning and building laws, ordinances, restrictions and acts suffered or done by the Village if any, so long as they do not adversely interfere with the current use and enjoyment of the real estate. 8) POSSESSION: At closing, the Seller shall surrender the Property to the Village. 9) SELLER REPRESENTATIONS: Seller represents that all leases and tenancies have been fully disclosed to Village, including the Industrial and Office Lease with Grip Pro, LLC, Seller further represents that it has not received written notice from any governmental body of (a) zoning, building, fire or health code violations that have not been corrected; (b) any pending rezoning; or (c) a proposed or confirmed special assessment and /or special service area affecting the Property. Seller further represents that Seller has no actual knowledge of boundary line disputes, easements or claims of easement not shown by the public records, any hazardous waste on the Property or any improvements for which the required permits were not obtained. 10) MAINTENANCE OF PROPERTY: Prior to the vacancy of the building, the Property (including the building and the grounds) shall be maintained in the same condition as found on the date of the Contract, normal wear and tear, excepted. 11) DESTRUCTION OR DAMAGE OF PROPERTY. If prior to the closing, the Property or any part thereof shall be destroyed or materially damaged by fire or other casualty, the Village shall have the option to terminate this Contract, upon written notice given to the other party within ten (10) days after such material damage. In such an event, the Earnest Money shall be returned to the Village. If the foregoing option to terminate is not exercised, this Contract shall continue in full force and effect, and the Seller shall assign its interest in any insurance policies covering the Property at the time of the fire or casualty to the Village. 12) DEFAULT. Upon a default by Seller which is not cured within any applicable cure period, Seller shall be responsible for all damages, reasonable costs and expenses, including attorney's fees due to the failure of the Seller to comply with the terms of this Contract and the Earnest Money shall be returned to the Village. Upon a default by the Village, the Village shall be responsible for all damages, reasonable costs and expenses, including attorney's fees incurred by the Seller, in excess of the Earnest Money, which shall be promptly delivered to Seller due to the failure of the Village to comply with the terms of this Contract. 13) NOTICE: All notices required shall be in writing and shall be delivered by personal delivery; by certified mail, return receipt requested which shall be effective on the date of mailing; or by sending facsimile transmission which shall be effective as of date and time of facsimile transmission, provided that the notice transmitted shall be sent on business days during business hours (9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Chicago time). In the event fax notice is transmitted during non - business hours, the effective date and time of notice is the first hour of the first business day after transmission. Notices to the Seller shall be addressed to Seller's attorney: Keith J. Wenk, Mason, Wenk & Berman, L.L.C., 1033 Skokie Blvd., Suite 250, Northbrook, IL 60062; fax: 847 -656 -6067. Notices to the Village shall be addressed to Teresa Hoffman Liston, Corporation Counsel, 6101 Capulina Avenue, Morton Grove, Illinois 60053; fax: 847- 965 -4162. 14) MISCELLANEOUS: A Time is of the essence of this Contract. B The Seller shall pay for a I I County, State and Municipal transfer taxes to the extent required bylaw. law until this transaction has closed. C All disputes related to the construction or enforcement of these terms and provisions shall be governed by the laws of the State of Illinois and are subject to the covenant of good faith and fair dealing implied in all Illinois contracts. D The terms of this Contract and all related negotiations shall be kept confidential to the extent allowed by law until this transaction has closed. E The parties agree to comply with the reporting requirements of the applicable sections of the Internal Revenue Code and the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act of 1974, as amended. THIS CONTRACT SHALL NOT BECOME EFFECTIVE UNLESS AUTHORIZED BY THE VILLAGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE. This Contract has been executed as of October _, 2012 (the "Contract Date "). "Seller" "Buyer" By: Name: Title: JOSEPH A. HINKAMP TRUST VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, ILLINOIS By: Name: Daniel J. Staackmann Title: Village President Attest. am Name: Tony S. Kalogerakos Title: Village Clerk LEGAL DESCRIPTION