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2012-02-27 Agenda
AGENDA. VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES TO BE HELD AT THE RICHARD T, FLICKINGER MUNICIPAL CENTER February 27, 2012 7:00 pm 1. Call to Order 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Roll Call 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Approval of Minutes— Special Meeting /Community Workshop of January 30, 2012 Regular Meeting of February 13, 2012 Special Reports Public Hearings Residents' Comments (agenda items only) President's Report — Administration, Northwest Municipal Conference, Council of Mayors, TIF Committee, Capital Projects, Real Estate Committee a. Proclamation — Lights Out America — Earth Flour — March 31.2012 b. Ordinance 12 -04 (Introduced February 13, 2012) (Second Reading) Amending Title 1, Chapter 5, Section 8 of the Municipal Code to Modify the Meeting Agenda Clerk's Report — Legal, Cable and Telecommunications Commission Staff Reports a. Village Administrator Pro Tem i) Electrical Aggregation Referendum 2) School District 67 Superintendent Jamie Reilly's Referendum Presentation 3) Miscellaneous Reports and Updates b. Corporation Counsel 11. Reports by Trustees a. Trustee DiMaria — Fire Department, Emergency Management Agency, RED Center, NIPSTA, Police and Fire Commission (Trustee Greco) 1 1. Reports by Trustees (continued) Trustee Gomberg — Police Department, Environmental Health, Police and Fire Commission, 17' Communications (Trustee Marcus) 1) Resolution 12 -13 (Introduced February 27, 2012) Authorizing the Purchase of Police Pursuit Vehicles through the Suburban Purchasing Cooperative Bid Program C. Trustee Grear — Community and Economic Development Department, Chamber of Commerce, Waukegan Road TIF Review, Lehigh/Ferris TIFRevi"N , Dempster Street Corridor Plan, Real Estate Committee, Comprehensive Plan, Economic Development (Trustee DiMaria) d. Trustee Marcus -- Public Idl'orks Department, Condominium Association, Community Relations Commission, Solid Waste Agency of Northern Cook County, Natural Resource Commission, Traffic Safety Commission [ Trustee Thill) e. 1) Ordinance 12 -03 (Introduced February 27, 2012) (First Reading) Amending the Municipal Code, Title 7, Chapter 2, Section 6 Entitled "Removal of Trees" in the Village 2) Ordinance 12 -05 (Introduced February 27, 2012) (First Reading) Amending Title 7, Chapter 6, Section 12 and 13 Entitled "Pollution Control Facility" of the Municipal Code of the Village 3) Resolution 12 -14 (Introduced February 27, 2012) Authorization to Execute a Contract with Twin Supplies, Ltd for the Retro -Fit and Installation of Energy Efficient Lighting in Village Owned Buildings 4) Resolution 12 -15 (Introduced February 27, 2012) Guarantee of Municipal Work Performed on State of Illinois Rights -of -Way within the Village 5) Resolution 12 -16 (Introduced February 27, 2012) Authorizing the Purchase of a 2012 Ford F -250 Pick Up Truck Through the North Suburban Purchasing Cooperative Procurement Program 6) Resolution 12 -18 (Introduced February 27, 2012) Authorizing the Northern Illinois Municipal Electric Collaborative (NIMEC) and Preparing Documents for the Aggregation of Municipal Electric Supply Trustee Thill — Building Department, Appearance Commission, Capital Projects, Plan Commission/Zoning Board ofAppeals (Trustee Toth) 1} Ordinance 12 -06 (Introduced February 27, 2012) (First Reading) Granting an Amendment to the Special Use Permit for the Property Located at 8710 Ferris and 8701 Lincoln Avenue for a Planned Unit Development in the Village l 1. Reports by Trustees (continued) Trustee Toth — Finance Department, Finance Advisory Commission, Northwest Municipal Conference, Advisory Commission on Aging„ Family and Senior Services Department (Trustee Gomberg) 1) Resolution 12 -17 (Introduced February 27, 2012) Authorizing the Support of the Northwest Municipal Conference 2.012 Legislative Program 12. Other Business 13. Presentation of Warrants - $1,102,045.32 14. Residents' Comments 15. Executive Session — Personnel Matters, Labor Negotiations, Pending Litigation, and Real Estate 16. Adjournment -To ensure full accessibility and equal participation for all interested citiaens, individuals wrlh disabilities who plan to attend and who require certain accommodations in order to observe andlor participate in this meeting, or who have questions regarding the accessibility of these facilities, are requested to contact Susan or Marlene (8471470 -5220) promptly to allow the 11711age to make reasonable accommodations. III z MINUTES OF THE JANUARY 30, 2012, SPECIAL MEETING/ COMMUNITY WORKSHOP AMERICAN LEGION MEMORIAL CIVIC CENTER 6140 DEMPSTER STREET MORTON GROVE, ILLINOIS 60053 Pursuant to proper notice in accordance with the Open Meetings Act the special fleeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Village President Daniel J. Staackmann. In attendance were: Elected Officials: Mayor Daniel J. Staackmann, and Trustees Daniel DiMaria, William Grear, Sheldon Marcus, John Thill, and Trustee Toth Absent: Trustee Larry Cromberg and Village Clerk Tony S. Kalogerakos Village Staff: Village Administrator Pro Tem Ryan J. Horne, Assistant to the Village Administrator Peter Falcone, Corporation Counsel Teresa Hoffman Liston, and Community and Economic Development Director John D. Said Also Present: Representatives from S.B. Friedman and Company; Alan Saposnik and Sam Polski representing the owners of the Prairie View Shopping Center; Bruce Huvard, the Village's Special Counsel on TIF matters; and numerous residents Mayor Staackmann provided a brief history of the Prairie View Shopping Center area. He noted while the Village was considering creating a Tax increment Financing District in the area, no final decision had been made. Mayor Staackmann noted the Waukegan Road TIF, while not a revenue generating success, was instrumental in transforming the aesthetics and safety of that area. The Lehigh /Ferris TIF is known as one of the more successful TIFs in the State of Illinois, in particular the Woodland development within this TIE has the potential of producing revenue which can be used for economic development. and infrastructure in the amount of $40 million. President Staackmann stated Prairie View has slowly deteriorated over the years, real estate vacancies have increased, and the shopping center's share of property taxes within that area have subsequently decreased. Village Administrator Pro Tem Ryan Home then introduced himself and various staff members who were present. He noted the purpose of this evenings meeting was to create a dialogue. He requested and appreciated public feedback and reminded everyone to be civil, Community and Economic Development Director John Said also thanked the assemblage. He noted one of the purposes of this meeting was to have the public become better informed as well as to give Village officials and staff needed feedback. He stated the Village previously authorized S.B. Friedman and Company to do a TIF feasibility study. He then provided a brief history of the Richard T. FIickinger Municipal Center 6101 Capulina Avenue • Morton Grove, Illinois 60053 -2985 Tel: (847) 965 -4100 Fax: (847) 965 -4162 164 r R(xyded Paper Prairie View Shopping Center including pictures taken from when the center was first built which was nearly fifty years ago. He noted ten to twelve years ago this center had undergone a $10 million fapade improvement which did not produce the desired results of new tenants and increased revenue. Mr. Horne then provided a brief introduction to tax increment financing. He noted property taxes at the center and values have declined. The Village's pull to help turn that around and the creation of a Tax Increment Financing District for the area is a tool the Village is considering. Steve Friedman of S.B. Friedman and Company provided an overview of the proposed redevelopment project area. He noted the boundaries would encompass all of the Prairie View Shopping Center and several parcels fronting Dempster on the north side of the street; the old Produce World site; and those properties immediately west of the Prairie View Shopping Center fronting Waukegan Road; and New England Avenue from Dempster to Churchill; and Waukegan Road from Dempster to Churchill. Also included would be the Public Storage facility on Dempster Street. Mr. Friedman noted some of the owners of properties within that area have expressed an interest in redevelopment. Ile noted most redevelopment will come at a very expensive price. The most daunting is the cost to conform with current storm water mana;ement requirements by the MWRD. In order to attract perspective tenants, a developer must have financing in place. He then noted the Illinois TIT Act requires in order to create a TIP, the area must meet thirteen eligibility factors. In order to be considered blighted, five of those factors must be met. In order to create a conservation area, more than 50% of the properties of the structures must be over 35 years old, and at least three factors must be present. He noted the area under consideration met seven of the statutory factors. He noted 6311/o of the parcels faced obsolescence, 65% of the parcels had factors of deterioration, 47% of the land area had structures below current codes, and the area experiences excessive vacancies — 23% of the building's square footage. There are inadequate utilities on 55% of the parcels. The area was developed prior to the adoption of the Village's Comprehensive Plan and the EAV in the area had declined. Mr. Friedman noted the goals and objectives of the draft TIF plan included the facilitation of improvements that will stimulate commercial development within the area. This goal could be met through the following objectives: • The repair, replacement, construction, or improvement of public utilities and infrastructure: • The encouragement of rehabilitation and /or new construction of more commercial spaces; • The facilitation of the assembly, preparation, and marketing of available sites; • Provide resources for improvement and renovation to existing properties and businesses; • Provide resources for streetscaping, landscaping, and signage to improve the image, attractiveness, and accessibility of the area. Alan Saposnik of Tower Reality, which is the property manager for the Prairie View Shopping Center, then gave a brief report. He noted its current owners had owned the center since the mid - 1970s. Owning commercial shopping centers for that period of time was quite unusual. The owners are from Canada and have a desire to hold the property long term. Recently, the same owners have redeveloped shopping centers in Elmhurst and North Riverside. All three of the shopping centers were formally anchored by the E.J. Korvette store. This store was known for its two story structure. Today, second stories are not widely used in local shopping centers. The Prairie View second floor is now used by a health club (previously Bally's and now L.A. Fitness). Originally it was thought including a health club at the center would increase traffic which would help other retail stores within the center. In fact, the opposite affect had occurred. Persons using the health club fill up the parking lots and rarely use the other facilities. The health club's lease expires at the end of 2013 and at that time the owners of the center have an opportunity to restore the retail character. Currently, the center has a 350,000 square foot foot- print. The owners would like to demolish most of the structures on the site and replace them with 295,000 square feet. This process is expected to be done in two phases. One of the most expensive requirements of this development will be to meet the MWRD's storm water requirements. Mr. Saposnik noted the center's high point was at Dempster Street and then sloped down more than 12 feet toward the forest preserve. Pursuant to the MWRD's requirements, the center will be required to store eight acre feet of water. Also, in order to redevelop the site, the owners will need to remove a significant amount of asbestos which also will increase the cost. Construction is expected to take place in 2013 and 2014. Another advantage of redeveloping the center will be to move the primary structures back — the current loading docks and the rear (south side of the structure) are wider than necessary. Moving the buildings back will create more parking for the center. Mr. Saposnik stated the current site lines are not conducive for retail businesses in today's environment, and six to eight feet below street grade is not acceptable. The developers would like to raise these site lines by three to four feet, and that this grading improvement is also very expensive. Mr. Saposnik noted there are many challenges to accomplish with this redevelopment, most important of which was the attraction of anchor tenants. Mr. Saposnik stated he did not want to try and Lure tenants who currently rent within Morton Grove because that would not be in the Village's best interest. Their main competition is from shopping centers on Golf Road (Golf Mill), and Touby Avenue (Village Crossing). Members of the audience were then invited to ask questions. The following questions were asked: o How long would it take to redevelop this site? Mr. Saposnik stated the security of tenants was needed first, but they expected Phase 1, which is the property east gfBally's (L.A. Fitness) would be reconstructed in 2013 and Phase 11, the west portion, would be constructed in 2014. What type of businesses were being sought? Mr. Saposnik stated they were negotiating with clothing stores, arts and crafts, and electronic centers. He noted the current grocery store at the site (Dominick's) had a long term lease. He stated new lenanls are looking . for smaller spaces which are less deep than the current structures. What is a'I'IF? Mr. Friedman noted when a TIF is created the current equalized assessed value of the properC)y within the district is ' frozen' . Tax is based qff the,frrozen EAV. It continues to be shared by all of the districts. He noted the EAU in the proposed redevelopment area had decreased by 13% in 2009 and 7% in 2010. If the EAV goes up, the portion q/ the increase —the increment financing -- can be used by the Tillage to stimulate further development. He also noted if these sites are redeveloped there will be an increase in sales taxes which are also currently decreasing. The audience was then invited to ask questions which were then answered at the end of the question session based on categories. Questions included: • How would the new development in surrounding areas impact uses within the shopping center? • Can we improve the look and appeal of the shopping center to create a more inviting shopping environment? • Is there a plan to redevelop other parcels outside of Prairie View? + What impact would this TIT have on District 67? • Could the current site layout be revised? • Please outline the steps for the approval process? s Would porting be allowed for TIE districts adjacent to the proposed site, i.e., Lehigh/Ferris and Waukegan Road? • What amount of money is expected to be spent?' Y Could landscaping and trees be incorporated into the plan? • Since property values have also declined in the neighborhoods, how do we remove tax burdens from residents who have already seen this decline? What will happen to current tenants in the shopping district during redevelopment? • Can the forest preserve be considered as part of the project layout? • What will replace Bally's amenities especially its pool? f Can a per forma statement be developed on the TIF's impact on schools, residents, etc.? What is Plan `B" if no TIF is created? • Explain the layout design of the new shopping center. • Since there are many vacant spaces in Morton Grove, are we just moving; around tenants? Mr. Friedman then provided responses to some of the questions. The impact on District 67 was complicated. Since EAVs are currently declining, if the sites are not redeveloped and a TIF is not created, the Prairie View Shopping Center tax bill will go down which will create pressure on other properties and residences within the school district He also stated when a TIF is created the taxes are not frozen, just the EAV. He noted porting is allowed in certain cases, whether or not it was desirable or 'feasible in this case has not yet been determined. Mr. Friedman noted Chicago allows porting in some cases but only if certain conditions are met. Mr. Saposnik stated the owner of Prairie View wanted retail tenants. In order to attract retail tenants, an effective parking lot will be required. This alone is incentive to terminate the center's association with the health club. As to questions about aesthetics, he noted tenants are only interested in aesthetics that will increase sales. While other aesthetics are nice, other tenants will not pay for them. Mr. Saposnik noted rents for the center had been flat for ten years, yet construction and other costs have gone up. The cost to redevelop the site will be at least $50 million. The owners want to develop the site with energy efficiencies. He also noted as to Plan "B" if the TIF is not created, the owner will fill up the center as is with whatever tenants will be attracted to the current site. Currently, the center is losing money as the developer is trying to expire leases to see if the site can be redeveloped. Mr. Horne noted the Village had in the past entered into economic sharing agreements with school districts when TIFs are created and the Village would consider doing the same in this case. A resident then asked whether or not there were any preliminary financial numbers for this TIF district. Mr. Horne stated there were none at this time. Another resident asked a question regarding the length of the TIP. Mr. Friedman stated a typical TIF District lasts for 23 years but can be closed if projects are completed early. Since TIF financing in this district is expected to be pay -as- you -go, i.e., the Village has not planned to issue bonds for the district, in all likelihood the TIF area will last for 23 years. Keeping the TIF open for 23 years even if there is a surplus can be advantageous to school districts and other taxing bodies. Mr. Friedman was aware in a particular case, the Village of Niles closed its TIT early but believes that was in consideration of a school district. In an answer to a question about porting, special counsel Bruce Huvard stated the law allows porting if it is included in the redevelopment plan. Mr. Huvard stated porting makes sense if it creates a synergy for redevelopment between districts. A question was then asked whether or not a TIF could last beyond 23 years. Mr. Friedman stated it could but it would take special legislation. General connnents were then fielded. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:04 pm. Minutes by: John D. Said, Community and Economic Development Director Special meeting minutes.01 -30 -12 CALL TO ORDER Village President Dan Staackmann called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and directed the Clerk to call the roll. 11. Village Clerk Tony Kalogerakos called the roll. Present were: Trustees Dan DiMaria, Larry Gomberg, Bill Grear, Shel Marcus, John Thill, and Maria Toth. Ill. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Regarding the Minutes of the January 23, 2012 Regular Board Meeting, Trustee DiMana moved, seconded by Trustee Toth, to accept the Minutes as presented. Motion passed unanimously via voice vote. IV. SPECIAL REPORTS 1. Presentation from Morton Grove Foundation Jim and Yvette Karp, representing the Morton Grove Foundation, appeared before the Board to promote the upcoming Taste of Morton Grove, which will be held at the White Eagle on Thursday, March 8, from 5:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. A number of local restaurants will be featured, as well as a raffle, a silent auction, and the Parkview Concert Band. Tickets are $30 each, and funds raised will go towards this year's 25 beneficiaries, which include the Morton Grove Farmers Market and the Morton Grove Days Commission, among many others. Raffle tickets are $25 each and there are three cash prizes: $4,000, $1,000, and $500. Mr. Karp said he hoped people would consider buying a raffle ticket even if they could not attend the event itself. He added that event and raffle tickets can be purchased at Village Hall, Fire Station #4, Inland Bank, MB Bank, and Century 21 Marino Realtors. 2. Presentation by the Economic Development Commission a. David Lewis, Chairman of the Economic Development Commission (EDC) and Jennifer Mitchell, Vice - Chair, appeared before the Board to discuss their 2011 activities and their planned 2012 activities. One program that continued to be successful in 2011 was the featuring of local businesses in the Morton Grove Exchange, the Village's quarterly newsletter. Doing this helps increase awareness of products and services being offered in Morton Grove and encourages people to shop locally. Those businesses that have been profiled in the newsletter have reported an increase in traffic and sales as a result. IV. SPECIAL REPORTS Minutes of February 13, 209213oaui Meet b. 2011 was the first year for the Business Community Awards program. It honored local businesses that take a special pride in their establishments' appearance. Both EDC members and Chamber of Commerce members participated in gathering nominations and determining winners of this program. Winners were honored in a ceremony at Village Hall. Both the newsletter program and the Business Community Awards program will continue in 2012. c. Vice -Chair Mitchell said that an event that introduces real estate professionals to the Village and its available retail, commercial, and industrial properties is in the planning stages. The event will feature a luncheon and presentations by Village officials highlighting the Village's attributes and market characteristics. The goal of this event is to inspire those real estate professionals to encourage their clients to locate or relocate to Morton Grove. Chairman Lewis said that the EDC members feel that last year's special events were success- ful and should continue this year. The EDC is working on securing a new location for the car shows, which will now be held on Friday nights, and will increase the number of car shows from 3 to 6. Potential new locations are under review. The Pet Adoption event will be repeated this year under the guidance of EDC member Karen Johnson. A decision regarding the Health Expo will be made at the next EDC meeting. e. The Commission is utilizing local media to help promote the Village, working with MGTV on a variety of programming and working in Skokie's Comcast Cable TV studio to have Morton Grove business owners featured on their shows. The advantage of Comcast is the widespread exposure of local business to people all across northern Illinois. These shows also boost Morton Grove's image in a very positive way. V. Mr. Lewis encouraged residents to attend the EDC meetings. They are held at 5:30 p.m. the third Monday of every month at Village Hall, in the Trustees' Conference Room on the second floor. He thanked the EDC members for all of their hard work and efforts. lVD03 19 Vi. RESIDENTS' COMMENTS (Agenda Items Only) NONE VII. PRESIDENT'S REPORT Mayor Staackmann introduced for a first reading Ordinance 12 -04, Amending Title 11 Chapter 5, Section 8 of the Municipal Code to Modify the Meeting Agenda. He explained that the Board had recently gone through some training provided by the Illinois Attorney General's Office regarding the Open Meetings Act. This training highlighted the need to update the Village Code and agenda for Village Board meetings to make provisions granting all persons an opportunity to address the public body (currently, the Village Code only Minutes of Febraary,13, 20A2foard Meetin 'I VII. PRESIDENT'S REPORT (continued) provides for "resident comments ") at Board meetings. This ordinance will formalize the Village's protocol of imposing a reasonable time limit (four minutes) for public comments. In keeping with past practice, this time limit can be extended at the discretion of the Village President. Since this is a first reading, no action will be taken tonight. 2. Mayor Staackmann thanked Public Works for their quick and efficient handling of snow removal. VIII. CLERK'S REPORT Clerk Kalogerakos had no report. IX. STAFF REPORTS A. Village Administrator Village Administrator pro tem Ryan Horne had no report. B. Corporation Counsel Corporation Counsel Liston had no report. X. TRUSTEES' REPORTS A. Trustee DiMaria: Trustee DiMaria presented Resolution 12 -05, Authorizing the Extension of a Subscription Contract for Community Mass Notification Services. a. He explained that this resolution authorizes the Village Administrator pro tem and the Fire Chief to execute a contract with Everbridge, Inc. in order to renew the existing community mass notification services contract for a period of three years. b. A subscription to this service is necessary to disseminate time - critical information to residents during emergencies or community crisis. Contracting these services to a qualified third -party vendor is preferable to purchase and ongoing maintenance of infrastructure and equipment. Outsourcing this service has enabled the Village to assure the most advanced technology is available for sending public safety messages. The contract will cost $11,201 per year over a three -year contract. Trustee DiMaria moved, seconded by Trustee Grear, to approve Resolution 12 -05. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. DiMaria ave Tr. Gomberg aye Tr. Grear aye Tr. Marcus aye Tr. Thill aye Tr. Toth aye ... Minutes ofFebrua 13,2012BoartlMeeti X. TRUSTEES' REPORTS (continued) Trustee DiMaria: (continued) 2. Next, Trustee DiMaria presented Resolution 12 -11, Authorizing the Execution of a Contract for Ambulance Billing Services. a. He explained that, in 2008, the Village reevaluated and adjusted ambulance service fees in coordination with the Villages of Niles and Skokie. In doing so, the Village agreed to utilize Paramedic Billing Services, Inc. for the purposes of billing for ambulance services. Their service has been exemplary and therefore the Village wishes to extend their services for another three -year contract for the agreed compensation of six percent (6 %) of the ambulance service fees collected. Trustee DiMaria moved to adopt Resolution 12 -11, seconded by Trustee Grear. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. DiMaria afire Tr. Gomberg aye Tr. Grear aye Tr. Marcus ave Tr. Thill acre Tr. Toth aye Trustee Gomberq Trustee Gomberg presented Resolution 12 -06, Authorizing the Indemnification of the State of Illinois for Photo Enforcement Equipment Attached to the Illinois Department of Transportation Facilities. He explained that the Village has a contract to install, maintain, and operate an Automatic Traffic Law Enforcement System to issue citations for persons violating red lights. In order to install these devices, they need to be attached to an Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) facility. IDOT is therefore requiring that the State be indemnified before installation of these devices can occur on their property. Trustee Gomberg moved to approve Resolution 12 -06, seconded by Trustee Thill. Trustee Toth said she is still not convinced that red light cameras accomplish their goal of changing motorists' behavior, and she was disappointed that the State was imposing this requirement, especially since the equipment would be posted on a State route. She felt the State was not taking any responsibility, just putting it all on the village, and said she was not comfortable with this resolution. Mayor Staackmann said he had met with Representative D'Amico, who is a safety advocate and is on the National Safety Council. He is knowledgeable about this matter. Rep. D'Amico told the mayor that findings have proven that when the cameras are removed, the accident rate at those sites increases dramatically. Upon the vote, the motion passed: 5 ayes, 1 nay. Tr. DiMaria aavee Tr. Gomberg aae Tr. Grear acre Tr. Marcus aae Tr. Thill acre Tr. Toth nay Minutes of 1:ebruary 13,20 AAeetin , X. TRUSTEES' REPORTS (continued) C. Trustee Grear. Trustee Grear presented Resolution 12 -12, Authorizing the village to Accept Planning Staff Assistance Delivered by the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning. a. He explained that this resolution authorizes the Village to receive planning services provided at no cost by the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP). The work will consist of review of the Village's industrial areas and related tasks, and ultimately, completion of an Industrial Areas Plan for the Village. b. Trustee Grear noted that the Village is experiencing a decline in portions of its remaining industrial areas. Since the Village relies on that tax base and revenue generated by these properties and their employment opportunities, it needs to ensure the long -term economic viability of the remaining industrial base through sound planning and economic development practices. CMAP will assist the Village in the development of an Industrial Areas Subarea Plan. Trustee Grear moved to approve Resolution 12 -12, seconded by Trustee Toth. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. DiMaria aye Tr. Marcus afire D. Trustee Marcus: Tr. Gomberg aye Tr. Thill aae Tr. Grear acre Tr. Toth acre Trustee Marcus presented Ordinance 12 -01, Amending Title 5, Chapter 13, Article A -1, Entitled "Traffic Schedules" of the Municipal Code of the Village of Morton Grove. This is the second reading of this ordinance. a Trustee Marcus said that the Traffic Safety Commission received a request from the Village of Skokie for stop signs at the intersection of Davis Street and Linder Avenue. Linder is the corporate boundary of Morton Grove and Skokie. Skokie intends to install a stop sign on westbound Davis Street at its intersection with Linder Avenue. The Traffic Safety Commission reviewed the request and is recommending that the Village establish a stop sign on eastbound Davis at its intersection with Linder Avenue. Trustee Marcus moved to adopt Ordinance 12 -01, seconded by Trustee Thill. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. DiMaria aye Tr. Gomberg aye Tr. Grear aae Tr. Marcus acre Tr. Thill aae Tr. Toth acre 2. Next, Trustee Marcus presented Resolution 12 -07, Authorizing the Execution of Separate Contracts With Plote Construction, Inc., Peter Baker and Son Company, and Meyer Material, LLC, for the 2012 Material Purchasing Program. He explained that the 2012 Material Purchasing Program is necessary for the maintenance of Village streets, and includes the purchase of hot -mix asphalt, bituminous patching mixture, and Portland Cement concrete. X. D. Trustee Marcus: (continued) --.-- -- Nlinates- nfFebrnaflµ13 ;30F3-SQart�- RAeEfina; TRUSTEES' REPORTS (continued) b. The estimated contract values are: for Plote Construction (hot -mix asphalt): $45,900, for Peter Baker and Son Company (bituminous patching mixture): $23,000, and for Meyer Material LLC (Portland Cement concrete): $17,280. These funds will be paid for from the Motor Fuel Tax Fund. Trustee Marcus moved to approve Resolution 12 -07, seconded by Trustee Toth. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. DiMaria aae Tr. Gomberg aye Tr. Grear ayre Tr. Marcus aye Tr. Thill aye Tr. Toth aye Trustee Marcus then presented Resolution 12 -08, Approving an Agreement for Access to Cook County Geographic Information Data System. a. He explained that this resolution approves an agreement with Cook County to gain access to County geographic information systems at no cost to the Village. The Village maintains a geographic information system to manage many aspects of its operations. The County also maintains such a system, but it contains additional data. It benefits the Village to have access to Cook County's data. The County is willing to share the data at no cost to the Village, but regulates the use and distribution of the data through an intergovernmental agreement process. The Village executed this same agreement in 2011. Trustee Marcus moved to approve Resolution 12 -08, seconded by Trustee Toth. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. DiMaria aye Tr. Gomberg aye Tr. Greer aye Tr. Marcus acre Tr. Thill acre Tr. Toth aye 4. Lastly, Trustee Marcus presented Resolution 12 -09, Authorizing a Highway Authority Agreement and a Tiered Approach to Corrective Action Objectives Supplemental Agreement Between Buchanan Energy (N), LLC and the Village of Morton Grove, Relating to the Property Located at 7971 Golf Road. He explained that this Highway Authority Agreement is a requirement of the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) in order for the property owners at 7971 Golf Road to receive a no further remediation letter, and will protect human health and the environment in the event there are contaminants within the right -of -way. ExxonMobil /Buchanan Store #415 owns a gas station located at 7971 golf road. At one time, underground storage tanks were present there and contaminants were released. ExxonMobil/ Buchanan Store #415 is responsible for removing those contaminants to IEPA standards. in order for ExxonMobil /Buchanan Store #415 to receive a no further remediation letter from the IEPA, the IEPA requires the Village and Exxon Mobil /Buchanan Store #415 to enter into a Highway Authority Agreement with respect to that part of Washington Street near the gas station. The Agreement will prohibit potable and domestic uses of ground water within the right -of -way and limits access to the Village and others to soil within the right -of -way. It does not, however, prohibit the village from constructing, reconstructing, improving, repairing, or maintaining the right -of -way. The Agreement shall be in effect until the right -of -way is demonstrated to be suitable for unrestricted use. X. D. Trustee Marcus: (continued) TRUSTEES' REPORTS (continued) C . This resolution also authorizes the supplemental agreement between the Village and Exxon - Mobil /Buchanan Store #415, whereby ExxonMobil /Buchanan Store #415 will reimburse the village for reasonable costs incurred in performing site investigations and removal of any contaminants. It also indemnifies and holds the Village harmless for any loss associated with the release of contaminants or the existence of contaminants within the right -of -way. Trustee Marcus moved to approve Resolution 12 -09, seconded by Trustee Thill. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. DiMaria aye Tr. Gomberg aye Tr. Grear aye Tr. Marcus awe Tr. Thill aye Tr. Toth aye E. Trustee Thill: Trustee Thill had no report.. Trustee Toth: Trustee Toth presented Resolution 12 -10, Authorizing a License Agreement Between Morton Grove Pharmaceuticals Inc. and the Village of Morton Grove for Village -Owned Property Adjacent to 6451 West Main Street, Morton Grove, Illinois. She explained that, in 2005, the Village entered into a lease agreement with Morton Grove Pharmaceuticals to lease approximately 13,000 square feet of property immediately east of 6451 W, Main Street to be used as a secure private parking lot. Both parties are interested in renewing the original lease agreement. The new lease agreement will allow for this arrangement to continue from January 1, 2012 through December 31, 2016, unless either party terminates the agreement by 180 days written advance notice. The Village receives $26,780 per year for this lease, with an annual rate increase of 3% per year. Trustee Toth moved to approve Resolution 12 -10, seconded by Trustee Marcus. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. DiMaria are Tr. Gomberg aye Tr. Grear aye Tr. Marcus aye Tr. Thill aye Tr. Toth aye 2. As liaison to the Commission on Aging, Trustee Toth encouraged residents to attend the Commission's monthly meeting on February 14 at 1:00 p.m. to hear guest speaker David Randall of the new Homestead of Morton Grove project. XI. OTHER BUSINESS NONE XII. WARRANTS Trustee Toth presented the Warrant Register in the amount of $429,191.94. She moved to accept the Warrants, seconded by Trustee Thill. Trustee Thill had two questions, both of which were addressed satisfactorily by Village Administrator pro tem Ryan Horne. There being no discussion, Mayor Staackmann called for the vote. Motion passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 abstain. Tr. DiMaria abstain Tr. Gomberg aye Tr. Grear aae Tr. Marcus aye Tr. Thill acre Tr. Toth acre XIII. RESIDENTS' COMMENTS Sandra Jansen, 5801 Keeney, said that she has been in discussions with Deputy Chief Stromberg regarding animal control, specifically the feeding /keeping of strays in the Village. XIV, Trustee Marcus moved passed: 6 ayes, 0 nay Tr. DiMaria acre Tr. Marcus aae The meeting adjourned ADJOURNMENT /EXECUTIVE SESSION to adjourn the Meeting. Trustee Toth seconded the motion. Motion s. Tr. Gomberg aye Tr. Grear acre Tr. Thill acre Tr. Toth aye at 7:31 p.m. N PASSED this 27th day of February, 2012, Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee DiMaria Gomberg Grear Marcus Thill Toth APPROVED by me this 27th day of February. 2012, Daniel J. Staackmann, Village President Board of Trustees, Morton Grove, Illinois APPROVED and FILED in my office this 28th day of February, 2012. Tony S. Kaiogerakos, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove, Cook County, Illinois --MinnMS- ef-beaa:Y�3 207isarti, Minules by Teresa Gousar village of Morfon Gipoye WHEREAS, our nation's use of energy continues to increase which is causing detrimental effects on the world's climate; and WHEREAS, the sustainability of our nation's energy as well as the effects it is having on the world is a matter of importance to the residents of the Village of Morton Grove now and in the future; and WHEREAS, it has been estimated turning off non - essential lights for one hour could save as much as fifteen percent of the energy consumed on an average Saturday night; and WHEREAS, these energy savings could reduce carbon emissions into the air, preserve the natural resources used to produce this energy, and set a positive precedent for our nation, resulting in ongoing reduced costs for the Village's taxpayers and businesses of Morton Grove; and WHEREAS, Earth Hour in an initiative to turn off the lights in cities around the world for one hour starting at 8:30 pm local time on March 31, 2012, which will help demonstrate working together each of us can make a positive impact on carbon dioxide emissions and the world's climate; and WHEREAS, Earth Hour encourages communities, businesses, and individuals to take simple steps needed to cut these carbon dioxide emissions; and WHEREAS, Earth Hour began in 2007 in Sidney Australia where companies, government departments, families, and individuals turned off non - essential lighting for one hour at 7:30 pm as a step towards reducing that city's green house gas pollution; and WHEREAS, participation in Lights Out America — Earth Hour would provide the residents of the Village of Morton Grove with insights into the impact of light pollution and allow them to witness first hand the benefits of regulating lighting. NOW, THEREFORE, I, Daniel J. Staackmann, Mayor of the Village of Morton Grove, Illinois, do herby proclaim March 31, 2012, as LIGHTS OUT AMERICA - EARTH HOUR in Morton Grove by recommending to all its residents and businesses to participate, on a voluntary basis, and turn off all non - essential lights from 8:30 pm to 9:30 pm on this date. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and � caused to be affixed the seal of the Village of Morton Grove. Daniel J. Staackmann, Village President .Legislative Summary AMENDING TITLE L CHAPTER 5, SEC'T'ION 8 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE TO MODIFY THE MEETING AGENDA Introduced Objective Purpose: Raekground: Programs, Departments or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: Source of'Funds: Workload Impact: Administrator Recommendation: Second Reading: Special Considerations or Requirements: February 13, 2012 To amend Title I, Chapter 5, Section S of the Municipal Code entitled "Agenda "'. The amendments proposed in this ordinance will brin(,) this section of the Village Code in compliance with the Open Meetings Act and will establish procedures for members of the public to address the Village Board during its meetings. The last formal change to the Agenda was made in 2005 with Ordinance 05 -24, Ili January 2012, the Village Board participated in Open Meetings Act training provided by the Illinois Attorney General's Office. This training highlighted the need to update the, Village Code and the agenda procedures for Village Board meetings to make provisions granting all persons an opportunity to address the public body (currently the Village Code only provides for "resident comments ") at Board meetings. This ordinance will formalize the Village's protocol of imposing a reasonable time limit (four minutes) for public comments. In keeping with past practices this time limit can be extended at the discretion of the Village President. Administration and Legal Departments Not applicable Not applicable The Administration and Legal Departments will implement this ordinance in the course of their normal duties. Approval as presented. Required —code amendment, Februar}l 27, 2012 None Administrator Approval Ryan omc,Village Administrator .1/ Prepared by. / !! Teresa Hoffinan List'og;`Corporation Counsel ORDINANCE 12 -04 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE I, CHAPTER 5, SECTION 8 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE TO MODIFY THE MEETING AGENDA WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (VILLAGE), located in Cook County, Illinois is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perfori any function pertaining to its goverment affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, Title 1, Chapter 5 of the Village Code of the Villace of Morton Grove addresses the power and authority of the Village Board of Trustees and procedures to be followed during Villagc Board meetings; and WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove, through its elected officials, has requested the order of business and the procedures relating to the order and conduct of business at Villagoe Board meetings be reconsidered to bring the ordinance incompliance with the Open Meetings Act to provide any person has the right to address the Village Board at its meetings subject to reasonable rules and time limits; and WHEREAS, an ordinance amendment is required to bring Village Code in compliance with the Open Meetings Act; and NOW. THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Ordinance as though fully set forth therein thereby malting the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2: Title 1 entitled Adminisn -wive, Chapter 5 entitled Village Board of Trustees, Paragraph 8 entitled Agenda of the Municipal Code is hereby amended by repealing the existing Paragraph 1 -5 -8 entitled Agenda to be replaced with a new Paragraph 1 -5 -8, also to be entitled A.uenda to read as follows: AGENDA: An Agenda shall be prepared by the Village Administrators office - -- with consultation with the Village President for all Board meetings. except in an emergency situation; said agenda is to be distributed to the Village President and all Trustees at least forty -eight (48) hours prior to the scheduled meeting. The Village President and Trustees shall have the authority to request placement of any item of business under their report section of -- the Agenda provided the request is received by the Village Administrator prior to the completion of the Agenda for distribution as provide for in this section. The Board of Trustees can amend the Agenda at any time the evening of a scheduled Village Board meeting by a majority vote of those Trustees present in compliance with the Open Meetings Act The order of business to be observed at all meetings of the Village Board shall be as follows: A. Cali to Order B. Pledge of Allegiance C. Roll D. Approval of Minutes E. Public Hearines F. Special Reports G. Public Comments. agenda items only. H. President's Report I. Clerk's Report I. Staff Reports I. Village Administrator 2. Corporation Counsel K. Report by Trustees L. Other Business M. Presentation of Warrants N. Public Comments on matters of Village eoncem.* 0. Executive Session (if' necessary) P. Adjournment * Comments are to be limited to 'four minutes unless ai extension of time is granted by the Village President. (Ord 92 -57, 11 -9 -92; Ord 98 -11, 9- 14 -98; Ord 03 -01, 02- 24 -03; Ord 05-24, 5- -23 -05; (C)rd 12- . 02- 2 7,12) SECTION 4: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage. and approval. PASSED THIS 27`' DAY OF FEBRUARY 2612. Trustee DiMaria Trustee Gomberg Trustee Great Trustee Marcus Trustee Thiil Trustee Toth APPROVED BY ME THIS 27t" DAY OF FEBRUARY 2012 Daniel J. Staaclanann, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois ATTESTED and FILES in my office This 28 °i day FEBRUARY 2012 Tony S. Kalogerakos, Village Clerl< Village of Morton Grove Cook Cotmty, Illinois Legislative Surnma:'y Resolution 12 -13 _ AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF POLICE PURSUIT VEHICLES THROUGH THE SUBURBAN PURCHASING COOPERATIVE BID PROGRAM Introduced: February 27, 2012 Synopsis: To authorize the Village President to approve the purchase of four (4) police pursuit vehicles atNapleton Fleet Group in Westmont, Illinois. Napleton Fleet Group was awarded by the Suburban Purchasing Cooperative the contract to sell 2012 Dodge Charger Police cars. Purchasing the squad cars from the Suburban Purchasing Cooperative allows municipalities to bypass formal bid procedures. Purpose: To replace high mileage vehicles currently being utilized in the Police Department. Background: Every 3 years, high mileage squad cars are replaced to insure key equipment utilized by the Village's police officers do not fail during their normal course of duty. The squad cars are utilized 24 hours -a -day and they need to be in excellent condition at all times. Four (4) police squads were approved by the Village Board to be purchased in 2012 at the cost of $100,000. Programs, Departments i Police Department, Public Works Vehicle Maintenance or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: $23,766 for each squad for a total of $95,064.00, for 4 squad cars. Source of Funds: 023014 - 572030 Workload Impact: The ordering and changing over of the vehicles will be coordinated by the Public Works Vehicle Maintenance Department. Administrator i Approval as presented. Recommendation: i Second Reading: Not Required Special Considerations or None Requirements: Respectfully submitted: Prepared by: Erickson, Chief of Police Administrator Pro Tem ; Reviewed by:fk` Teresa Hofku r Liston, Corporation Counsel 6 � AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF POLICE PURSUIT VEHICLES THROUGH THE SUBURBAN PURCHASING COOPERATIVE BID PROGRAM WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (VILLAGE), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, the Village Board has authorized the acquisition of Police Squad Cars in the Calendar Year 2012 Budget, and WHEREAS, the Calendar Year 2012 Budget incorporates a line item to purchase four (4) police squad cars; and WHEREAS, the Suburban Purchasing Cooperative recently opened bids providing for the purchase of police squads and the low bidder was Napleton Fleet Group in Westmont, Illinois for 2012 Dodge Charger's at a unit price of $23,766.00; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The Village President and Board of Trustees hereby authorize the purchase of four (4) Model Year 2012 Dodge Charger Squad Cars from Napleton Fleet Group per the terms and conditions of the Suburban Purchasing Cooperative Bid, Contract # 120, at a unit price of $23,766.00 for a total cost of $95,064.00. SECTION 2: The Village Administrator and Director of Finance are hereby directed to authorize the issuance of a purchase order to place the squad cars on order. SECTION 3: That this Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. PASSED this 27`x' day of February 2012. Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee DiMaria Gomberg Grear Marcus Thill Toth APPROVED by me this 27`x' day of February 2012, Daniel J. Staackmann, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois APPROVED and FILED in my office this 28`x' day of February 2012. Tony S. Kalogerakos, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois November 16, 2011 Napleton Fleet Group Ms. Kristen N, Hrones Manager 1 E. Oak Hill Drive, Suite 100 Westmont, IL 60559 Dear Ms, Hrones, This letter is to inform you that the Suburban Purchasing Cooperative's Governing Board has approved the award of the SPC 2012 Dodge Charger 4 Door RWD Sedan Police Vehicle to Napleton Fleet Group, Westmont, IL based on your response being found to be in compliance with all bid specification requirements. With acceptance of this contract, Napleton Fleet Group, Westmont, IL agrees to all terns and conditions set forth in the specifications contained within the Request for Proposals to which you responded. Napleton Fleet Group, Westmont, IL will handle all billing Each vehicle purchased will be assessed a $100 00 administrative fee per vehicle which shall be paid directly by th� vendor to the SPC on aguarterly basis. The SPC looks forward to a productive year working with Napleton Fleet Group, Westmont, IL. Please sign and date this agreement below, retaining conies for your files and returning the original to my attention. The duration of the contract is November 16, 2011 through November 15, 2012, The SPC reserves the right to extend this contract for up to (3) three additional one -year terms upon mutual agreement of the both the vendor and the SPC on a negotiated basis. Sincerely, Ellen Dayan Program Manager for Purchasing Northwest Municipal Conference hi 11/16/2011 Nance: Ellen Dayan Date Northwest Municipal Conference DuPage Mayors & Managers Conference 1220 Oak Brook Road Oak Brook, IL 60523 Strzelle Qu ntell Phone: (630).571 -0480 Fax: (630) 571 -0484 Northwest Munleinal Conference 1616 East 670ifRoad Des Plaines, IL 60016 Ellen Dayan Phone: (847) 296 -9200 Fax: (h47)296-Q07 Name: Kristen N. Hrones Date Napleton Fleet South Suburban Mayors Arid Manages Association 1904 West 174" Streel East Hazel Craq, IL 60429 Ed Paesel Phone, (7081) 206 -1155 Fax: (708) 206 -1133 Will County Cove•ruuenral League 3180 Theodore Sit eel, Sw(c iol Jolfet, IL 60435 Cherie Behan Phone: (815) 722 -7280 F'ax:�(815) 722 -0528 Xapleton Fleet Group Suburban Purchasing Contract 0 2012 Dodge Charger Pursuit BASE MODEL 2D12 DODGE CHARGER RWD 4 DOOR SEDAN POLICE $29736.00 — LDDE48 ENGINE [2 3.61. 24VALVE VVT V6 ENGINE (STD) Code: ERB $0.00 906.71. HEMI VVT MDS V8 ENGINE -Inc: high speed engine $985.00" controller, P225/60RI8 performance BSW tires, performance exhaust Code: EZH ( FLEX•FUEL SYSTEM (REQ: ERB Engine) Code: XKN $0.00 TRANSMISSION 6 -SPEED AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (STD) $0.00 Coder DGJ CPOS PKG 027A POLICE CUSTOMER PREFERRED ORDER $0.00 SELECTION PKG -Inc: 3.61. V6 engine, 5- speed auto trans, 4 keys & fobs Code: 27A 29A POLICE CUSTOMER PREFERRED ORDER $0.00 SELECTION PKG -Inc: 5.7 V8 engine, 5 -speed auto trans, 4 keys & fobs `Upon selection of this pkg, the cost of powertrain components will be added` Code: 29A WHEELS 'J8 "X7.5' STEEL WHEELS (STD) Code: WEJ $0.00 18" X 7.5" ALUMINUM WHEELS (REQ: AEB Street $0.00 Appearance Group) Code: WPB TIRES P225160RIS PERFORMANCE BSW TIRES (STD) $0.00 Code: TWM Cj P22516DR18 PERFORMANCE BSW TIRES Cade: TWW $0.00 ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT ® CONNECTIVITY GROUP -Inc: Bluetooth streaming audio, $352.00 auto - dimming interior mirror wimicrophons, UConnect hands -free communication wBluetooth Code: AAJ C STREET APPEARANCE GROUP -Inc: 18" x 7.5" $441.00 aluminum wheels, black grille w/bright surround, manual fold -away pwr heated6mirrors, fog lamps, front & rear climate control outlets, front reading lamps, full length floor console, Illuminated front cupholders, rear stabilizer bar (REQ: PW7 Bright White, PBV Blackberry Pearl, PRY Redline (3) Coat Pearl, PS2 Bright Silver Metallic, PX8 Pitch Black or PDM Tungsten Metallic)(WCKJ Floor Covering REQ: CM8 Mini Floor Console) Code: AEB CONVENIENCE GROUP I -Me' pwr front seats, 4avay pwr $427.00 driver lumbar adjust, pwr adjustable pedals Code: AHM L BASE POLICE PKG -Inc: front & rear wire harness, pwr $1,549.00 distribution center, siren speaker & bracket, trunk tray & cooling fan (w/TBW Spare Tire REQ: TBH Spare Tire Relocation Bracket) Code: AYE PATROL PKG #1 -Inc; front & rear wire harness, pwr $2,870.00 distribution center, siren speaker & bracket, trunk tray & cooling fan, front comer LED lamps, police floor console, rear corner I ED lamps (w/TBW Spare Tire REQ: TBH Spare Tire Relocation Bracket) Code: AYF PATROL PKG 92 -Inc: front & rear wire harness, pwr $2,359.00 distribution center, siren speaker & bracket, trunk tray & cooling fan, police floor console, push bumper (wnw Spare Tire REQ: TBH Spare Tire Relocation Bracket) Code; AYH PATROL PKG #3 -Inc: front & rear wire harness, pwr $2,910.00 distribution center, siren speaker & bracket, trunk tray & cooling fan, front corner LED lamps, police floor console, rear comer LED lamps, push bumper Code; AYM SLICK TOP POLICE PKG #1 -Inc: front & rear wire $2,025.00 harness, pwr distribution center, siren speaker & bracket, trunk tray & cooling fan, police floor console (wfrBW Spare Tire REQ: TBH Spare Tire Relocation Bracket) Code: AYN C SLICK TOP POLICE PKG #2 -Inc: front & rear wire $2,270.00 hamess, front corner LED lamps; pwr distribution center, siren speaker & bracket, trunk tray & cooling fan (w/TBW Spare Tire REQ: TSH Spare Tire Relocation Bracket) Code: AYP Cj ENGINE BLOCK HEATER *Inc in Alaska` Code: NHK $45.00 BASE ENGINE CONTROLLER 'Limits max speed to 130 $0.00 MPH* Code: NZE 103,08 AXLE RATIO (REQ: EZH Engine) Code: DMP $0.00 CLASS it RECEIVER HITCH (REQ: AYE Base Police Pkg, $445.00 AYF Patrol Pkg #'i, AYH Patrol Pkg #2, AYM Patrol Pkg #31 AYN Slick Top Pkg #1 or AYP Slick Top Pkg 42) Code: XFN ®18" WHEEL COVERS (N /A w /AEB Street Appearance $27.00 Group) `Replaces STD bright hub caps` Code: WBA FULL -SIZE SPARE TIRE -Inc: vinyl trunk liner & cover $142.00 Code: TBW CI SPARE TIRE RELOCATION BRACKET (REQ: AYE Base $107.00 Police Pkg, AYF Patrol Pkg #1, AYH Patrol Pkg #2, AYM Patrol Pkg #3, AYN Slick Top Pkg #1 or AYP, Slick Top Pkg 92)(REQ: TBW Spare Tire) Code: TBH FRONT SPLASH GUARDS (REQ: AYE Base Police Pkg, $71.00 AYF Patrol Pkg #1, AYH Patrol Pkg #2, AYM Patrol Pkg #3, AYN Stick Top Pkg #1 or AYP Slick Top Pkg #2) Code: MEJ REAR SPLASH GUARDS (REQ: AYE Base Police Pkg, $71.00 AYF Patrol Pkg #11 AYH Patrot Pkg #2, AYM Patrol Pkg #3, AYN Slick Top Pkg 01 or AYP Slick Top Pkg #2) Code: MEG PUSH BUMPER (REQ: AYE Base Police Pkg, AYF Patrol $312.00 Pkg #1, AYN Slick Top Pkg #1 or AYP Stick Top Pkg #2) Code: MBR GRILLE LIGHTS (REQ: AYE Base Police Pkg, AYF Patrol $303.00 Pkg #1, AYH Patrol Pkg #2, AYM Patrol Pkg #3, AYN Slick Top Pkg #1 or AYP Slick Top Pkg #2) Code: MEK BLACK DRIVER -SIDE SPOT LAMP Cade: LNF $178.00 G MATCHING PASSENGERSIDE SPOT LAMP (REQ: LNF $178:00 Driver -Side Spot Lamps) Code: LNA LED SPOT LAMPS (REQ: LNF Black Driver -Side Spot $134.00 Lamp) Code: LNX FRONT CORNER LED LAMPS (REQ: AYE Base Police $312.00 Pkg, AYH Patrol Pkg #2 or AYN Stick Top Pkg 91) Code: LNB REAR'CORNER LED LAMPS (REQ: AYE Base Police $312.00 Pkg, AYH Patrol Pkg #2 orAYN Stick Top Pkg #1) Code: LNU SIDE LIGHTS (REQ: AYE Base Police Pkg, AYF Patrol $312.00 Pkg #1, AYH Patrol Pkg 42, AYM Patrol Pkg #3, AYN Slick Top Pkg #1 or AYP Slick Top Pkg 42) Code: LNZ FULL FEATURE LIGHT BAR (REQ: AYE Base Police $3,916.00 Pkg, AYF Patrol Pkg #1, AYH Patrol Pkg 92, AYM Patrol Pkg #3, AYN Slick Top Pkg #1 or AYP Slick Top Pkg #2) Code: LN4 U LIMITED FEATURE LIGHT BAR (REQ: AYE Base Police $2,670.00 Pkg, AYF Patrol Pkg #1, AYH Patrol Pkg #21 AYM Patrol Pkg #3, AYN Slick Top Pkg #1 or AYP Slick Top Pkg 92) Code: LN5 MANUAL FOLD -AWAY PWR HEATED MIRRORS $53.00 Code: GUK MIRROR LIGHTS (REQ: AYE Base Police Pkg, AYF $441.00 Patrol Pkg #1, AYH Patrol Pkg #2, AYM Patrol Pkg #31 AYN Slick Top Pkg #1 or AYP Slick Top Pkg #2) "Late Availability` Code: LNY REAR DECK FULL WIDTH LIGHTS (REQ: AYE Base $1,179.00 Police Pkg, AYF Patrol Pkg #1, AYH Patrol Pkg 92, AYM Patrol Pkg #3, AYN Slick Top Pkg #1 or AYP Slick Top Pkg #2) Code: LN3 REAR DECK LIGHTS (REQ: AYE Base' Police Pkg, AYF $512.00 Patrol Pkg #1, AYH Patrol Pkg #2, AYM Patrol Pkg #31 AYN Stick Top Pkg #1 or AYP Slick Top Pkg #2) Code: LN2 CJ MINI FLOOR CONSOLE (REQ: AEB Street Appearance $0.00 Group, 27A CPOS Pkg) "Deletes full - length floor console' Code: CM8 rj POLICE FLOOR CONSOLE (REQ: AYE Base Police Pkg $556.00 or AYP Slick Top Pkg #2) Code: CUG BLACK VINYL FLOOR COVERING (w /AEB Street $89.00 Appearance Group REQ, CM8 Mini Floor Console) "Replaces STD floor carpeting" Cade: CKJ O FRONT & REAR FLOOR MATS (REQ: AYE Base Police $80.00 Pkg, AYF Patrol Pkg 91, AYH Patrol Pkg #2, AYM Patrol Pkg #3, AYN Slick Top Pkg #1 or AYP Slick Top Pkg #2)(N /A w1CKJ Floor Covering) Code: CLE DEACTIVATE REAR WINDOWS & DOOR LOCKS $22.00 Code: CW6 [ FLEET SINGLE KEY SYSTEM (FREQ 1) Code: GXF $36.00 CJ FLEET SINGLE KEY SYSTEM (FREQ 2) Code: GXA $36.00 [j FLEET SINGLE KEY SYSTEM (FREQ 3) Code: GXE $36.00 0 FLEET SINGLE KEY SYSTEM (FREQ 4) Code: GXG $36.00 t—, CAN- CONTROL SIREN SYSTEM (REQ: AYE Base Police $1,869.00 ` -,Pkg, AYF Patrol Pkg #1, AYH Patrol Pkg 92, AYM Patrol Pkg #3, AYN Slick Top Pkg #1 or AYP Slick Top Pkg #2) Code: JJK EQUIPMENT MOUNTING BRACKET (w /AEB Street $0,00 Appearance Group REQ: CM8 Mini Floor Console) Code: XFX FRONT MAP LAMPS Code:LBG $0.00 VISOR LIGHT (REQ: AYE Base Pollee Pkg, AYF Patrol $401.00 Pkg #1, AYH Patrol Pkg #2, AYM Patrol Pkg #3, AYN Stick Top Pkg #1 or AYP Slick Top Pkg #2) Code: XGV 0 7r SEAT TYPE BLACK INTERIOR, HD CLOTH FRONT BUCKET SEATS $0.00 & REAR BENCH SEATS Code: CBXB BLACK INTERIOR, HD CLOTH FRONT BUCKET SEATS $107.00 WNINYL REAR Code: X5X9 Morton Grove Cost per Car (delivered) $23,766.00 Factory Warranty Basic....36 months/ 36,000 mites Corrosion Perforation.....60 months /100,000 mites Powertrain Transferabie.,..60 month /100,000 miles Roadside Assistance »1.36 months /36,000 miles Please clearly mark the options you want. Municipality: Morton Grove Contact Name: Pant Tobin Phone Number: 847 -663 -3903 Email: Ptobin @mottongmvell.org Today's Date:2JB/12 PO4 State Tax Exempt it Quantity: 4 Please scan to rbarr(fnauletonfleet com with SPC ORDER In Subject line. Or Fax to 630.530.0562. Important: Please contact Bob Barr prior to order placement and Purchase Order issuance to verify option compatlbility and option availability. 5 BRIGHT WHITE Code: PW7 $0.00 PITCH BLACK Code: PX8 $0.00 MIDNIGHT BLUE PEARL Code: PB8 $445.00 [� BLACKBERRY PEARL Code: PBV $0.00 ELECTRIC BLUE PEARL Code: PB5 $445.00 ® MICHIGAN STATE POLICE BLUE Code: F79 $445.00 E] SHERIFFS TAN Code: P76 $445.00 BRIGHT SILVER METALLIC Code: PS2 $0.00 [� WHITE GOLD Code: PWL $445.00 [� TUNGSTEN METALLIC Code: PDM $0.00 [j REDLINE (3) COAT PEARL Code: PRY $445.00 SEAT TYPE BLACK INTERIOR, HD CLOTH FRONT BUCKET SEATS $0.00 & REAR BENCH SEATS Code: CBXB BLACK INTERIOR, HD CLOTH FRONT BUCKET SEATS $107.00 WNINYL REAR Code: X5X9 Morton Grove Cost per Car (delivered) $23,766.00 Factory Warranty Basic....36 months/ 36,000 mites Corrosion Perforation.....60 months /100,000 mites Powertrain Transferabie.,..60 month /100,000 miles Roadside Assistance »1.36 months /36,000 miles Please clearly mark the options you want. Municipality: Morton Grove Contact Name: Pant Tobin Phone Number: 847 -663 -3903 Email: Ptobin @mottongmvell.org Today's Date:2JB/12 PO4 State Tax Exempt it Quantity: 4 Please scan to rbarr(fnauletonfleet com with SPC ORDER In Subject line. Or Fax to 630.530.0562. Important: Please contact Bob Barr prior to order placement and Purchase Order issuance to verify option compatlbility and option availability. 5 Legislative Summary Ordinance 12 -03 AMENDING THE MUNICIPAL CODE, TITLE 7, CHAPTER 2, SECTION 6 ENTITLED "REMOVAL OF TREES" IN THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE Introduced: February 27, 2012 Synopsis: This ordinance will update Village regulations regarding the removal of frees on public and private property. Purpose: To recognize trees are valuable components of the Village's infrastructure and to upgrade Village safeguards, to prohibit the deliberate destruction, removal, or injury of trees throughout the Village. Background: In 2005, the Village created the Natural Resource Commission. That commission studied the Village's existing ordinances regulating and protecting trees and made recommendations to Village officials. This ordinance incorporates a recommendation proposed by the Natural Resource Commission so trees throughout the Village are not just arbitrarily removed. Programs, Departments Public Works Department. or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: N/A Source of Funds: I I N/A Workload Impact: The management of the program is performed by the Public Works Department as part of their normal work activities. The Public Works Director will coordinate any tree removal operation. Administrator Approval as presented Recommendation: Second Reading: Municipal Code Book Change — March 12, 2012 Special Considerations or None Requirements: Respectfully submitted: I4; one , VEf? il lage Administrator Pro Tem Prepared by: f Reviewed by Teresa Hoffman f.iston, Corporation Counsel i' v DeMontetPublieWorksDirector ORDINANCE 12 -03 AMENDING THE MUNICIPAL CODE, TITLE 71 CHAPTER 2, SECTION ENTITLED "REMOVAL OF TREES" IN THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (VILLAGE), located in Cook County, Illinois is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, the Village has a policy of regularly reviewing and revising its Municipal Code as necessary to insure the provisions of the Code remain compliant with contemporary statutes and relevant to the current operations and requirements within the Village; and WHEREAS, trees are an important part of the Village of Morton Grove in that (a) 20% of the Village is comprised of Cook County Forest Preserve District; (b) trees are an important component of the Village's infrastructure; (c) in addition to adding to the scenic beauty of the Village, the maintenance of trees and wooded areas tend to preserve the ecology of the Village and promote the health and safety of the residents; (d) trees provide a noise barrier, prevent erosion of top soil, provide nearby nesting areas for birds and other wildlife, windbreaks in shaded areas, and increased property values; and WHEREAS, currently the Village Code regulates the protection of trees through Title 7, Chapter 2, entitled "Tree Preservation ", and the current Code section Title 7, Chapter 2, Section 6 regulates the removal of trees from public properly; and WHEREAS, the Corporate Authorities believe it is in the best interest of the Village to provide additional regulations for the removal of trees from private property; and WHEREAS, the proposed Code amendment will require any person removing or causing to be removed a tree with a diameter greater than ten (10) inches as measured at a distance of four and one half feet (4.5') above the ground, must first obtain a permit from the Director of Public Works: and WHEREAS, the Director of Public Works may then impose conditions for the safe removal and disposal of said tree in order to protect the public welfare and safety, and to prevent damage to surrounding property; and WHEREAS, the cost for a tree removal permit shall be determined from time -to -time by the Village Administrator; and WHEREAS, the Village Administrator has indicated initially a tree removal permit of seventy - five dollars ($75) is appropriate, however, in the event any person removes or causes to be removed any applicable tree from private property without having first secured a permit or without following the restrictions and regulations imposed by the Director of Public Works shall be required to pay in addition to any applicable fines an increased permit fee in the amount of five hundred dollars ($500); and WHEREAS, the Corporate Authorities have determined in order to protect and preserve trees in the Village, especially trees on public property, it is reasonable, appropriate and necessary to update Title 7, Chapter 2, Section 6 of the Village Municipal Code. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Ordinance as though fully set forth herein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2: Title 7, Chapter 2, Section 6 of the Municipal Code of the Village of Morton Grove is hereby amended by deleting the current Section 6 in its entirety and replacing it as follows: 7 -2 -6: REMOVAL OF TREES: A. Removal of Trees from Public Property: No person shall, without first obtaining a permit from the Director of Public Works remove any tree from public property. The Director of Public Works may impose conditions for the removal and disposal of said tree, and may require any tree removed by permit or otherwise be replaced with a tree or trees of substantially equal size and quality. The cost of said permit shall be determined from time -to -time by the Village Administrator. Any person who violates this section shall pay to the Village of Morton Grove in addition to any fine imposed, reasonable costs for the replacement and replanting of a tree or trees of similar size and quality as that removed. B. Removal of Trees from Private Propertv: No person shall remove or cause to be removed a tree with a diameter greater than ten (10 ") inches measured at a distance of four and one half (4.5') above ground without first obtaining apermit from the Director of Public Works. The Director of Public Works may impose conditions for the safe removal and disposal of said tree to protect the public health and safety and to prevent damage to surrounding property. The cost for said permit shall be determined from time -to -time by the Village Administrator. In the event any person fails to obtain a tree removal permit as required by this section or fails to follow the restrictions and regulations imposed by the Director of Public Works shall pay in addition to any fine imposed an enhanced tree removal permit fee of not less than five hundred dollars ($500) as determined from time -to -time by the Village Administrator. (Ord 92 -26, 5- 11 -92; Ord. 95 -27, 7- 17 -95; Ord, 07 -02, 2- 12 -07; Ord 12- , 02- 27 -12) SECTION 3: The terms and conditions of this ordinance shall be severable and if any section, term, provision, or condition is found to be invalid or unenforceable for any reason by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining sections, terms, provisions, and conditions shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 4: In the event this ordinance or any part thereof is in conflict with any statute, ordinance, or resolution or part there, the amendments in this ordinance shall be controlling and shall supersede all other statutes, ordinances, or resolutions but only to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 5: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption, approval, and publication as provided by law. PASSED THIS 12`x' day of March 2012. Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee DiMaria Gomberg Grear Marcus Thill Toth APPROVED BY ME THIS 12`r day of March 2012, Daniel J. Staackmann, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois ATTESTED and FILES in my office This I')"' day of March 2012. Tony S. Kalogerakos, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois Legislative Summary Ordinance 12 -05 AMENDING TITLE 7, CHAPTER G, SECTIONS 12 AND 13 ENTITLED "POLLUTION CONTROL FACILITY" OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE Introduced I February 27, 2012 Objective To amend Title 6, Chapter 7, Sections 12 and 13, of the Village Municipal Code entitled "Pollution Control Facility." Purpose: To update the Village's Municipal Code to include specific regulations concerning Pollution Control Facilities Background: The Village, like other communities in the area have received inquiries regarding allowing pollution control facilities to be located within their corporate limits. A pollution control facility includes any site which stores waste, transfer stations, waste treatment facilities with incinerators, or sanitary landfills. In order to be proactive, Village staff has prepared an amendment to the Village Code which will establish regulations consistent with the Environmental Protection Act of Illinois to codify a procedure for an applicant wishing to obtain permission from the Village of Morton Grove to locate and operate a pollution control facility. The ordinance also sets forth requirements for any applicant to escrow funds with the Village to cover the Village's entire cost for reviewing applications and conducting hearings to determine the Village's approval siting for such facilities. Programs, Departments Legal and Administration Departments or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: Not applicable. i Source of Funds: Not applicable. Workload Impact: Impact for the administration and enforcement of this ordinance will be handled by the Village's Administration office and Legal Department during their normal course of duties. Administrator Approval as presented. Recommendation: Second Reading: March 12, 2012, required — code amendment Special Considerations or None Requirements: Administrator Approval Prepared by: lage Administrator Pro Tem Liston, Corporation Counsel AMENDING TITLE 7, CHAPTER 6, SECTIONS 12 AND 13 ENTITLED "POLLUTION CONTROL FACILITY" OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (VILLAGE), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, the Village is continually in the process of reviewing and as necessary, updating existing Municipal Ordinances; and WHEREAS, it is the recommendation of Village staff Title 7, Chapter 6, be amended to add a new Section entitled "Pollution Control Facility ". and WHEREAS, the purpose of this new Code provision is to codify a procedure for applicants wishing to obtain permission from the Village of Morton Grove to locate and operate a Pollution Control Facility within the Village of Morton Grove pursuant to the Environmental Protection Act of Illinois 415 ILCS 5/1 et seq; and WHEREAS, the purpose of this section is also to set forth a requirement for the applicant to escrow funds with the Village to cover the Village's entire cost for reviewing such applicant and conducting a legal hearing to determine the Village's approval for the siting of such Pollution Control Facilities; and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Ordinance as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2: Title 7, Chapter 6, Section 12 of the Municipal Code of the Village of Morton Grove is hereby added to read as follows: 7 -6 -12: POLLUTION CONTROL FACILITY: A. Definitions: Whenever the following terms are used in this Chapter, they shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them hereafter provided: 7701516.1 37094/145069 B. C. ACT "The Environmental Protection Act," 415 ILCS 511 et seq. APPLICANT Any person, partnership, firm, association, corporation, municipal corporation or unit of local government, company or organization of any kind that files a request for siting approval of a pollution control facility pursuant to the Act and this Ordinance. FACILITY A pollution control facility as defined in the Act. PETITION The application filed by the Applicant requesting siting approval for a Facility. VILLAGE The Village of Morton Grove, County of Cook, State of Illinois. VILLAGE The Village of Morton Grove Clerk. CLERK VILLAGE The Village of Morton Grove Board of Trustees. BOARD In addition, all other words used in this Chapter and defined in the Act shall have the same definitions and meanings as set forth in the Act. Notice of Request for Siting Approval No later than fourteen (14) days before the date on which the Village Clerk receives a request for siting approval, the Applicant shall cause written notice of such request to be served either in person or by registered mail, return receipt requested, on owners of all property within the subject area that is not solely owned by the Applicant and on the owners of all property within 250 feet in each direction of the lot line of the subject property, said owners being such persons or entities which appear from the authentic tax records of Cook County; provided the number of feet occupied by all public roads, streets, alleys and other public ways shall be excluded in computing the 250 feet requirement; provided further in no event shall this requirement exceed 400 feet, including public streets, alleys and other public ways. 2. Such written notice shall also be served upon members of the Illinois General Assembly from the legislative district in which the proposed Facility is located and shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation. Such notice shall state the name and address of the Applicant, the location of the proposed Facility, the nature and size of the Facility, the nature of the activity proposed, the probable life of the proposed activity, the date when the request for site approval will be submitted, and a statement persons have the right to comment on such request. Application for Siting Approval: An original application, ten(] 0) paper, and a minimum of ten (10) electronic copies of the entire application, including all plans, exhibits, reports, maps and other submittals (other than the materials on file at the IEPA, at time of the filing of the application), 7701516.1 37094/145069 shall be delivered to the office of the Village Clerk. Upon receipt of any such application, the Clerk shall date stamp, retain and preserve the original application as the start of the public record on this matter. The Clerk shall also date stamp and retain a paper copy of the application and, with respect to the the other copies of the application, deliver one paper and one electronic copy to the Village President and each Village Board Member. The Clerk shall also deliver two (2) paper and electronic copies to the Corporation Counsel's office. The date on the stamp of the Village Clerk shall be considered the official filing date for all purposes relating to the time of filing. Receipt and acceptance of a petition by the Village Clerk is pro forma, and does not constitute an acknowledgment the applicant has complied with the Act or this Article. Should the petition be presented to the Village Clerk without the correct number of copies, in the incorrect form, or without the sections and fee described in this subsection, the petition shall be rejected by the Village Clerk. 2. A copy of the Application shall be made available at Village Hall for public inspection in the office of the Village Clerk or such other location as may be convenient to the operation of the Village government. Another copy of the Application shall be made available for purposes of fulfilling copy requests submitted to the Village. The Clerk may employ an outside copy service for this purpose and said service may be furnished a copy of the Application for purposes of reproduction. Members of the public shall be allowed to obtain a copy of the Application or any part thereof upon payment of the actual costs of reproduction. All copying requests shall be fulfilled by the Village Clerk within a reasonable time and in conformance with the Freedom of Information Act. 3. Applications shall include the following: a. A written petition on 8 '' /z" x 11" paper setting forth or including the following: 1) The identification of the applicant, owner of the subject property and the proposed operator of the Facility. if the subject property is owned in a trust, then also identify the beneficiary(ies) of the trust(s). Also indicate for each whether the Applicant, the landowner, and the operator is an individual, partnership, limited liability company, corporation or unit of government. In the case of an individual, list his or her address. In the case of a partnership, submit the names of all partners. In the case of a limited liability company, submit the names and addresses of all members and managers and attach a certificate of good standing for the LLC from the Secretary of State's office. In the case of a corporation, submit the names and addresses of all officers and directors, and the names and addresses of all shareholders owning 10% or more of the capital stock of the corporation; together with certified copies of the articles of incorporation in the State of Illinois or, if not incorporated in the State of Illinois, its certificate of authority to do business in the State of Illinois. 3 7701516.1 37094/145069 2) The legal description of the proposed site of the Facility and a street address or some other reasonable description of where the Facility is to be located. 3) A description of the proposed Facility, its operation and the anticipated longevity thereof. 4) The area to be served by the proposed Facility and a statement of the needs in such area for such a Facility. 5) The expected types, amounts and methods of treatment or storage of all wastes proposed for the site and the origins of these wastes. 6) The monitoring plan (including background analyses) for ground water and the procedure by which surface water and air will be monitored (including procedure by which the applicant will establish background levels). 7) The plans for closure of the site and continued monitoring thereafter. 8) Proof of notice pursuant to Section 39.2(b) of the Act. b. Site plans showing details of the proposed Facility including, but not limited to: 1) Engineering cross- sections; 2) All existing wells within 1,000 feet of the subject property; 3) All monitoring systems, including, but not limited to, ground water, surface water, and air; 4) Fences, buildings and other structures; 5) Roads, entrances and driveways; 6) All core sample locations on the subject property; 7) Location and purpose of any other drill -holes on the subject property; and 8) Any information to demonstrate the proposed Facility is so designed, located and proposed to be operated in such a mariner that the public health, safety and welfare will be protected, in addition to that which has been provided already pursuant to this article; 9) Whether any existing uses will be continued. A detailed topographic survey of the subject property and the surrounding area within 500 feet of the property line indicating topographical variations in no 4 7701516.1 37094/145069 greater than two (2) foot intervals for the subject property and USGS data for the property within 500 feet of the property tine (unless otherwise required); existing land uses; existing zoning; and, if applicable, the boundary of any floodway or flood plain. For all purposes related to any siting application, " floodway" and "flood plain" shall mean the regulatory "floodway" and regulatory "flood plain" as defined by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). These features may be shown on one or more exhibits. d. A statement of the plan of operation for the proposed Facility including, but not limited to, the following: 1) Method of landfilling, incineration, composting, resource recovery or other process; 2) Hours of operation; 3) Personnel and their training; 4) Litter, vector, dust and odor control; 5) Surface drainage and erosion control (this information shall include proof from the Cook County Storm Water Management Committee the proposed; design of the Facility has obtained technical compliance with the Watershed Development Ordinance and/or the U.S. Clean Water Act): 6) Fire control; 7) Corrective actions for spills and other operational accidents; and 8) Coordination of operations with any other pollution control facility and /or recycling facility operated on, adjacent to, or within 500 feet of the Facility. e. A report analyzing the projected traffic impacts attributable to the proposed Facility and describing how the proposed Facility has been designed to minimize the impacts on existing traffic flows. The report shall include, but not be limited to the following: 1) Description of the anticipated number, type, size, origin, routing and expected distribution of arrival and departure times of all vehicles accessing the Facility site. If any of these factors are expected to vary significantly over the expected life of the Facility, details of the expected variance shall be presented along with the anticipated peak traffic data: 2) Description of any changes in traffic volumes or patterns to or from any existing development on the site that may be altered as a result of construction of the Facility; 7701516.1 370941145069 3) Description of the roadway network adjacent to and surrounding the proposed Facility, including number of lanes, turning lanes at intersections, traffic controls, and vehicle turning and classification counts at the site entrances and exits, all signalized intersections and significant unsignalized intersections along principal routes of access. The area of detailed study shall extend along principal routes of access until the site traffic represents an insignificant percentage of the overall traffic stream. Traffic counts shall be taken during the expected daily peak periods of operation of the proposed Facility as well as the existing peak traffic periods on the surrounding roadways; 4) Descriptions of any traffic concerns identified by roadway jurisdictions within the area of detailed study; 5) Operational capacity analysis during peak periods at principal intersections within the area of detailed study for a minimum of two scenarios: (i) existing traffic volumes, and (ii) with the addition of site traffic. If projected traffic volumes are analyzed, the report shall include the basis for the projections and the analysis should consider both build and no -build scenarios; 6) Analysis of vehicle accidents at intersections within the area of detailed study; 7) Detailed analysis of anticipated traffic at the entrance(s) and exit(s) to and from the proposed Facility, including either a traffic signal warrant analysis or gap study, and an intersection design study meeting the requirements of the agency having jurisdiction over the route providing access to the proposed Facility. This information should include information on traffic for any pollution control facility and /or recycling facility located on, adjacent to or within 500 feet of the Facility. f A written commitment (by Host Agreement or otherwise) to obtain certificates of insurance from companies having a Best rating of A VI or better shall, at such time as the Facility is permitted, cover accidents such as fires, explosions, non - sudden accidental occurrences and pollution impairment. g. If the site is a proposed hazardous waste Facility, a copy of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Contingency Plan. It. A statement describing the past operating experience of the Applicant and, if different, the Operator of any solid waste or gas handling operations on any active unit or any proposed expansion of any active unit (and, for each, any subsidiary, member, manager or parent corporation) in the field of solid or hazardous waste management. Also include a statement describing the past operating experience of subsidiaries of the parent corporation operating or licensed in Illinois in the field of solid or hazardous waste management. For purposes of this paragraph, the tern "active" means available to receive additional waste. 7701516.1 37094/145069 A statement setting forth a complete record of violations from the last ten (10) years of the Applicant and any proposed Operator of any solid waste or gas handling operation on any active unit or any proposed expansion of any active unit (and any subsidiary, member, manager, parent corporation or subsidiary of the Applicant or proposed Operator) of any with environmental laws and regulations governing solid or hazardous management operations or activities. Said statement shall include, but not be limited to, a citation of the applicable statute or ordinance violated or alleged to be violated and a brief written summary of the activities or operations giving rise to the actual or alleged violations and the ultimate outcome of the matter, including whether any fines or penalties were imposed. For purposes of this paragraph, the term "active" means available to receive additional waste. A description of the following (if applicable): 1) Leachate collection system. i. Type, location and construction of the subsurface collection system; ii. Written narrative describing methods and processes of the collection, management and treatment of the leachate; iii. Program for monitoring effectiveness of the collection, management and treatment of the leachate: and iv. Discharge points of effluent. Z) Final cover system, including proposed soil and/or geomembrane specifications if applicable. 3) Facility construction quality assurance and quality control program: 4) Personnel requirements for Facility operation and thil training requirements for those personnel. 5) Gas collection system. i. Type, location and construction of the subsurface collection system; ii. Written narrative describing methods and processes of the collection, management and utilization of the gas; iii. Program for monitoring effectiveness of the collection, management and utilization of the gas; and iv. Manner, method, and design of system to utilize the gas for energy. k. The Application Fee for a request for siting approval is required and shall be administered as follows: 7701516.1 37094/145069 I) The Applicant shall deposit the sum of $50,000.00 in the form of a certified or cashier's check, to cover the costs associated with the siting process, including (but not limited to) court reporter costs, transcript costs, Village legal and consultant costs, and other expenses incurred by the Village in conducting the review of the request for siting approval, the subsequent public hearing and the siting approval decision; provided, however, that any portion of the application fee that remains unexpended at the conclusion of the siting approval decision shall be returned to the applicant An accounting of expenses attributed to the hearing process shall be provided monthly. 2) In the event, at any time prior to the conclusion of the siting approval process, the Village has expended such sums as to reduce the balance of the application fee to a figure less than $20,000.00, the Applicant will be notified in writing. The Applicant would then have fourteen (14) days to deposit with the Village Clerk an additional $15,000.00 in the form of a certified or cashier's check, unless the Village Administrator and/or his designee determines, in his /her sole discretion, additional funds in excess of $15,000.00 are necessary based upon the status of the siting process, in which case the Applicant shall deposit that amount. Any portion of the fees, including any additional fees, which remain unexpended at the conclusion of the siting approval decision shall be returned to the Applicant. 1. A table of contents shall be provided which readily identifies all sections and subparts of the application, including all accompanying appendices, exhibits, tables, and illustrations. The pages, appendices, exhibits, tables, and illustrations shall be denoted in logical sequence. m. The Applicant shall also produce a copy of the entire Application in pdf or other searchable electronic format such that the Application may be uploaded to the Village's website and that read -only copies of the Application may be provided to members of the public requesting same. 4 An Application may not be filed that is substantially the same as an application disapproved within the preceding two (2) years pursuant to a finding under any of the criteria of subsection 8B of this Ordinance. 5. Although date stamped at the time of delivery, the Application shall be subject to further review to assure compliance with the requirements of this Ordinance concerning the content of the Application. Following receipt of the Application, the Village Clerk shall cause the publication of a black border notice stating said Application and supporting evidence have been filed and are available in the Village Clerk's office for public inspection. The Village Clerk shall cause such notice to be published no later than thirty (30) days from the date of filing. 6. In order to give members of the public an opportunity to make informed written comment and to give members of the public and the Village an opportunity to prepare adequately and fairly for the public hearing hereinafter described, the Applicant must 7701516.1 370941145069 fully comply with all requirements of this Section of the Ordinance and failure to submit the required information as of the Date of Filing shall, absent good cause shown in the judgment of the Hearing Officer, render such information inadmissible at the public hearing. At any time prior to the completion by the Applicant of the presentation of the Applicant's factual evidence and opportunity for cross - examination by the Village Board and any participants, the Applicant may file not more than one amended application containing substantive amendments or revisions upon payment of additional fees in the sum of $25,000.00, unless the Village Administrator and /or his designee determines, in his/her sole discretion, the funds in excess of the $25,000.00 are required due to the nature of the changes of the amended application, in which case that greater amount shall be the sum due. Upon the filing of an Amended Application, the time limitations for final action by the Village Board shall be extended for an additional period of ninety days. 8. Other amendments may be made if, in the opinion of the Hearing Officer, any such proposed amendment is nonsubstantive and the Hearing Officer otherwise allows such amendments. D. Review of Application: The Village Administrator and/or his designee together with the assistance of Special Counsel to the Village, shall be responsible for coordinating the review of the Application by Village Staff and its consultants and to render such reports, advice or recommendations to the Village President and Village Board as the Village Administrator and /or his designee shall deem prudent to assisting the Village President and Village Board in making their decision. The Village Administrator and /or his designee is authorized to call meetings and set deadlines for the submittal of reports and recommendations in preparation for submission through the public hearing process. The Village Administrator and /or his designee, Special Counsel, Village Staff, and the Village's consultants shall not discuss the Application or the review thereof with, nor submit reports or recommendations to the Village President, Village Board, or Corporation Counsel except in accordance with the public hearing process set forth below. Should the Village Administrator and /or his designee desire to enter any reports, testimony or other evidence into the record of the public hearing, such shall be entered in accordance with the procedures set forth in this Ordinance and such shall also be available for copying by the public upon the payment of the actual costs of reproduction. E. Participation and Information from Other Parties: 1. The Applicant is aParticipant. 2. The Village is a Participant. For purposes of the Act, the Village and its employees and staff, and any experts, consultants, investigators or attorneys hired by the Village to review, investigate, present at hearing, or otherwise work for the Village concerning the c 7701516.1 37094/145069 Petition, all constitute one Participant. To the extent the Village employees and staff wish to participate in the public hearings outside their roles or employment with the Village, they must submit a Notice of Participation, as do other members of the public. Any person other than described in (1) and (2), above, must file a written "Notice of Participation" on a form supplied by the Village Clerk notifying the Village Clerk and counsel for the Applicant of that person's or entity's intent to participate. a. Every Notice of Participation must be filed with the Village Clerk before the adjournment of the first day of public hearing. In the case of counsel of record for any Participant, said counsel shall, on or before the 80`x' day from the Date of Filing, serve a letter upon the Village Clerk and upon counsel for the Applicant entering his or her appearance for the Participant. b. Every Notice of Participation shall provide the following information: the name, address daytime phone number and, if available, facsimile number of the Participant or counsel; whether the Participant will be participating on his /her own behalf or as a representative /spokesperson of another person or entity (and if on behalf of another person or entity, identify the name of that person or entity); whether the person (or the entity or association he /she represents) will be represented by an attorney during the public hearings; and whether the person intends on providing oral testimony or comment during the public hearing. All members of the public who desire to present sworn testimony, unsworn comment, or submit written questions to the Hearing Officer must file a Notice of Participation. C. No person may become a Participant after the first day of the hearing except for good cause shown. The Hearing Officer shall liberally interpret this limitation if the additional participation shall not delay the process or unfairly prejudice a prior Participant. No late Participant shall be entitled to recall a witness who has previously testified. 4. Participant rights. Participants have the right to present sworn testimony and witnesses. Participants represented by counsel have the right to cross - examine or question witnesses who provide sworn testimony. Participants who are not represented by counsel may provide witnesses, evidence and sworn testimony subject to cross - examination by others; provide unsworn testimony or comment during the public hearing (subject to the Hearing Officer's judgment and consistent with fundamental fairness); or, as is the case for members of the public generally, submit written questions to the Hearing Officer who, in his /her sole discretion, shall decide whether such questions shall be posed and the manner of posing such questions. Participants who are not represented by counsel shall not cross - examine witnesses directly. 5. Any attorneys acting as counsel and representing a Participant must be licensed and in good standing to practice law in the State of Illinois, or if licensed and in good standing to practice law in another State which is part of the United States, shall be allowed to serve as a counsel for a Participant upon motion made to and granted by the Hearing Officer. 10 7701516.1 37094/145069 6. All witnesses (other than those called purely for purposes of rebuttal) and the subject matter on which they will testify shall be disclosed, and all reports, studies, exhibits or other evidence, or copies thereof, that any person, other than the Applicant, desires to submit as evidence for the record at the public hearing must be filed with the Village Clerk and with counsel for the Applicant no later than eighty (80) days after the Date of Filing of the Application. In the event the 80"r day after the Date of Filing falls on a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, the next business day shall be considered the date by which all such information must be filed. Copies of all such information shall also be available for copying by the public upon the payment of the actual costs of reproduction. Evidence or witnesses not so disclosed by the required date shall be admissible at the hearing only where the Hearing Officer shall find the admission of such evidence is necessary to provide fundamental fairness to the parties. F. Public Hearings The Public Hearing shall be held no sooner than ninety (90) days from the Date of Filing and shall not commence any later than one hundred twenty (120) days from the Date of Filing. The Public Hearing shall be at such times and places as is convenient for the public generally but shall be conducted so as to comply with the statutory requirement the Village render a decision prior to the one hundred eighty (180) day from the Date of Filing, and accounting for the thirty (30) day period for written comment following the close of the public hearing, with due time for the corporate authorities to deliberate and render a decision. The Village Administrator and/or his designee shall determine the date(s), time(s) and location(s) for the Public Hearing as soon as is practical but in no event later than thirty (30) days after the Date of Filing. Once determined by the Village President and /or his designee, the Village President and/or his designee shall notify the Applicant of the date, time and location of the Public Hearing and shall request the Applicant cause notice of the Public Hearing to be made as follows: a Publish two (2) legal notices in a newspaper of general circulation published in the Village or Cook County. The first such notice shall be published no sooner than fifty (50) days from the Date of Filing and no Iater than sixty (60) days from the Date of Filing: the second such notice shall be published no sooner than sixty -five (65) days from the Date of Filing nor later than seventy-five (75) days from the Date of Filing. Said notices, which may be in lower case, shall consist of the following: 1) The name and address of the Applicant; 2) The owners of the site and, if ownership is in a land trust, the names of the Beneficiaries of said trust: 3) Legal descriptions of the Property and the Facility Boundary, with each depicted on a Plat of Survey: 4) The street address of the Property and, if there is no street address for the Property, a description of the site with reference to location, ownership 11 7701516.1 370941145069 or occupancy or in some other manner that will reasonably identify the property to the residents of the neighborhood; 5) The nature and size of the proposed Facility; 6) The Date of Piling and the time and date of the public hearing; 7) The location of the public hearing; 8) A statement the Application with all required information is available in electronic format from the Village Clerk's office and further that all witness lists and copies of reports and other evidence must, absent good cause, be filed with the Village Clerk and all counsel of record no later than the eightieth (80) day from the Date of Filing. b. Certified mail to all members of the Illinois General Assembly from the district in which the proposed site is located. C. Certified mail to the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency. d. Certified mail to the County of Cook and all municipalities or townships within one and one -half (1'/2) miles of the proposed Facility. e. Public hearing notice in a newspaper of general circulation in Cook County published as a display at least once during the week preceding the public hearing. Such notice shall consist of all items described in subsection B 1 above except for item B.1.C. Hearing Procedures: a. The Village's Corporation Counsel shall designate a licensed attorney to act as a Hearing Officer to preside over the public hearing, and the Hearing Officer shall make any decisions concerning the admission of evidence and the manner in which the hearing is conducted, subject to this Ordinance. The Hearing Officer shall make all decisions and rulings in accordance with fundamental fairness. The Hearing Officer may exclude irrelevant, immaterial, incompetent or unduly repetitious testimony or other evidence. All testimony and all public meetings concerning the Petition shall be in the presence of a certified court reporter who shall report all proceedings regarding consideration of the Petition. The Hearing Officer shall have the following powers or duties: I ) Administer oaths and affirmations; 2) Conduct a public meeting, prior to the start of the public hearings, to explain the public hearing procedure and site location review process; 3) Arrange for the presence of a certified court reporter to attend and transcribe the conduct of all public hearings for the public record; 12 7701516.1 37094/145069 7701516.1 37094/145069 4) Regulate the course of the hearing, including, but not limited to, controlling the order of proceedings, consistent with this Ordinance, and to grant recesses for good cause shown. For example, good cause may be found when issues, facts, data or other pieces of evidence arise in the course of the hearing that were not reasonably foreseeable to the party requesting the recess. No recess may extend past five (5) days except due to the availability of a suitable forum for the hearing; 5) Require a witness or person presenting unsworn public comment to state his /her position either for, against, or undecided with respect to the proposed Facility; 6) Examine a witness and direct a witness to testify; 7) Establish reasonable limits on the duration of public hearing consistent with the Act and this Ordinance, including but not limited to the reasonable limitation of sworn testimony, unsworn oral comment, direct and cross - examination of any witnesses, and the limitation of repetitive or cumulative testimony and questioning; 8) Rule upon objections and evidentiary questions, with the understanding such rulings must be consistent with fundamental fairness, but need not be in strict compliance with the Illinois Supreme Court, Illinois Code of Civil Procedure, or any local rules of evidence governing a civil judicial trial in the State of Illinois; 9) Allow the introduction of late -filed evidence, be it written or testimonial, on behalf of any Participant, provided good cause is shown for the late - filing, the evidence is offered in and is relevant to the rebuttal portion of the Applicant's or Participant's case, and evidence was filed with the Village Clerk at least one (1) day before the public hearing at which it is offered, and fundamental fairness to all parties will be preserved; 10) The Hearing Officer shall be an attorney, licensed to practice in Illinois. The Hearing Officer shall confer with the Village Board concerning the Petition, between the Date of Filing of the Petition and the Board's decision on the Petition. Given the Hearing Officer's role of communicating with the Village Board, the Hearing Officer may not confer with the Participants (members of the public, Applicant and Village included) concerning the Petition, unless such conference takes place during the public hearing, is through correspondence which is filed with the Village Clerk (and, thus, available for everyone to view), or concerns location, time or other similar scheduling aspects of the public meeting or public hearing, or the notices for same. The only additional exception from this restriction is the Hearing Officer may confer with the Village Clerk about the upkeep or status of the public record, make a request to review or copy the public record, or confer with the Village Clerk regarding the scheduling or location of the public meeting or hearing, or arrangements for the notices of the public meeting and hearing; 13 11) At the conclusion of the public hearing and after consideration of all timely -filed written cominents, the Hearing Officer shall submit draft written findings (of law or fact) to the Village Board and file a copy of such findings with the Village Clerk; 12) The Hearing Officer does not have the right or the power to vote, as a Village Board Member votes, on the Petition. b. Conduct of the public hearing shall be substantially as follows: 1) Call to order; 2) Introduction of the Village Board Members who are present together with the Village's Corporation Counsel who is acting as Counsel for the Corporate Authorities; 3) Introduction of the Hearing Officer; 4) Recognition of the Applicant and identification of the Petition; 5) Recognition of fees, notices, and date of filing of the Petition; 6) Recognition of the Village staff and Special Counsel present; 7) Recognition of all other Participants who have filed the Notice of Participation; 8) Recognition of all reports, exhibits, maps or documents of record; 9) Applicant, Participants represented by Counsel, and Special Counsel for the Village Staff may then make an opening statement; 10) The Village Board shall then hear testimony from the Applicant and /or any witnesses the Applicant may wish to call. Upon the close of the Applicant's testimony, Participants represented by counsel may present sworn testimony, including any witnesses and evidence they wish to present. Upon the close of all such testimony, the Village may present sworn testimony, including witnesses and evidence it may wish to present. The Hearing Officer, in the exercise of his or her discretion, may then permit rebuttal testimony and sur- rebuttal testimony; 11) All witnesses shall testify under oath and be subject to reasonable questioning as follows: direct examination by counsel; cross - examination by counsel for other Participants or the Village Staff, the Village Board and /or the Hearing Officer (including the use of written questions submitted by the Public to the Hearing Officer); redirect examination; re -cross examination; 14 7701516.1 370941145069 12) Following the testimony outlined in subparagraph 0) above, any Participant not represented by counsel wishing to provide sworn testimony subject to cross - examination by others may proceed; 13) Following the testimony, if any, outlined in subparagraph (1) above, any Participant that has not otherwise presented testimony may provide unsworn testimony or comment, subject to the Hearing Officer's judgment concerning content and duration and consistent with fundamental fairness; 14) Closing statements, if any, by counsel for the Applicant, Participants represented by counsel, and counsel for the Village Staff; 15) Rebuttal statement, if any, by the applicant, subject to limitations as imposed by the Hearing Officer; 16) Hearing declared closed. C. Public comment: written and oral: 1} Any person has the right to file written comment concerning the appropriateness of the proposed Facility, or its compliance with the requirements of Section 39.2 of the Act, with the Village Clerk, at any time after the filing of a Petition and within the time limitation provided in subsection (4), below. Likewise, the Applicant, Village Staff, the Corporation Counsel and/or any Participant may file draft proposed findings of fact within the same time limitation; 2) The Village Clerk, on behalf of the Village Board, shall receive written comment or draft findings of fact and the Clerk shall date stamp saute, shall serve copies of the same on counsel for the Applicant and counsel for the Village, Village Staff and counsel of record for all participants; and shall file written comment and the postmarked envelope in which comment is received; 3) Copies of such written comments shall be made available for public inspection in the offices of the Village Clerk, and members of the public shall be allowed to obtain a copy of any written comment upon payment of actual cost of reproduction; 4) Any written comment received by the Village Clerk or postmarked not later than thirty (30) days after the date of the last public hearing shall be made part of the record at the public hearing as hereinafter described and the Village Board shall consider any such timely written comments in making its final determination concerning said Petition. In the event that the thirtieth (30) day falls on a Sunday or a Federal holiday, the next day on which mail is delivered shall be considered the thirtieth (30) day for purposes of this subsection; 15 7701516.1 37094/145069 5) Any person has the right to provide oral, unsworn comment during the course of the public hearing, upon reasonable notice to the Hearing Officer the person desires to provide such comment and consistent with the Hearing Officer's judgment concerning the conduct of the hearing. All oral testimony may be submitted in written form if the Hearing Officer so directs. This type of comment, since it is not provided under oath, is not subject to cross - examination. G. Records Kept The Village Clerk shall be responsible for keeping the records of said hearing. The records shall consist of the following: a. The Application and all amendments thereto; b. Proofs of the required notices; c Notices of Participation; d. Written comments filed by the public (either received by the Village Clerk's office or postmarked between the Date of Filing and thirty [30] days after the close of the hearing); e. All reports, studies, exhibits, documents or statements received in evidence at the public hearing; f. The transcript of the public hearing; g. Any motions filed during the public hearing; h. All transcripts, when available, or disclosures of meetings, other than the public hearings held pursuant to this Article, at which the Village President or a Village Board Member was in attendance and the Application was discussed; i. The Hearing Officer's proposed findings of fact and recommendations to the Village Board (including any conditions of approval); j. The resolution containing the final decision of the Village Board; 2. 'The Village Clerk shall be responsible for certifying all copies of the record of the public hearing. H. Siting Approval Decision On or before the one hundred and eightieth (180) day following the Date of Piling, or on or before the two hundred seventieth (270) day following the Date of Filing if the Applicant filed an amendment to the Application in compliance with the timing requirements of the Act, the Village Board shall, by written resolution, upon the vote of a majority of its members, decide whether to: 16 7701516.1 37094/145069 a. Grant the Petition, without any conditions; or b. Grant the Petition, but with conditions on such approval, provided such conditions are reasonable and necessary to accomplish the purposes of Section 39.2 of the Act and are not inconsistent with the regulations promulgated by the Illinois Pollution Control Board; or C. Deny the Petition. 2. In making its recommendation on the request for siting approval, the Village Board shall base its decision on the following criteria: a. The Facility is necessary to accommodate the waste needs of the area it is intended to seine; b. The Facility is so designed, located and proposed to be operated that the public health., safety and welfare will be protected; C. The Facility is located so as to minimize incompatibility with the character of the surrounding area and to minimize the effect on the value of the surrounding property; d. The Facility is located outside the boundary of the one hundred year flood plain; C. The plan of operations for the Facility is designed to minimize the danger to the surrounding area from fire, spills or other operational accidents; f The traffic patterns to or from the Facility are so designed as to minimize the impact on existing traffic flows; g. If the Facility will be treating, storing or disposing of hazardous waste, an emergency response plan exists for the Facility which includes notification, containment and evacuation procedures to be used in case of an accidental release; E If a solid waste management plan was previously adopted for Cook County prior to the 'filing of the petition, the Facility is consistent with that plan; and If the Facility will be located within a regulated recharge area, any and all applicable requirements specified by the Illinois Pollution Control Board for such area have been met. In its evaluation of statutory criteria (ii) and (v) as set forth in 415 ILLS 5/392, the Village Board may also consider as evidence the previous operating experience and past record of violations and penalties of the Applicant and, if different, the Owner or Operator of any solid waste or gas handling operations (and, for each, any subsidiary, member, manager or parent corporation) in the field of solid or hazardous waste management. 17 7701516.1 37094/145069 4. No determination by the Village Board of a siting approval request may be reconsidered. 5. A local siting approval granted under this Chapter shall expire at the end of two (2) calendar years from the date upon which it was granted, unless the local siting approval granted under this Chapter is for a sanitary landfill operation, in which case the approval shall expire at the end of three (3) calendar years from the date upon which it was granted, and unless within that period the applicant has made application to the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency for a permit to develop the site. In the event the local siting decision has been appealed, such expiration period shall be deemed to begin on the date upon which the appeal process is concluded. I. Administration of Fees and Costs 1. Upon termination of any proceedings under this Chapter, a final accounting and summary of all authorized expenditures and reimbursements shall be presented to the Village Board. 2. Any portion of an application fee not required for reimbursement to the Village for costs and expenses incurred by the Village under this Chapter shall be returned to the applicant. Should there be costs and/or expenses in excess of the amount paid by the applicant in the application fee, the applicant shall bear any and all additional costs. 3. In order to properly administer the application fee received with respect to this Chapter, the Finance Director is hereby authorized and directed to receive and hold such application fees for administration subject to the review and approval of the Village Board. 4. In order to expedite payment of all bills incurred as a result of administering this Chapter, all bills and questions concerning billing should be directed to the Finance Director. J. Compliance Review: Prior to filing its application pursuant to Title 7, Chapter 6, Section 12.C, the applicant shall submit information to the Village Administrator staff or the Village's consultant, in the Village Administrator's discretion, for review as to the compliance of the application with this Chapter. This review shall not be for the purposes of making any determination on the Criteria set forth in Section 39.2 of the Act. The Village staff and/or consultants performing this compliance review may, in their discretion, and in addition to identifying any areas of potential non - compliance with this Chapter, may seek supplemental information to confirm compliance. The purpose and intent of this subsection is to, among other things, avoid amendment of an application and delay the hearings as a result of non- compliance with this Chapter. The Village shall not consider this compliance review in making its final determination on whether to approve or deny the application filed. In performing this compliance review, the Village has not consented to, concurred in or objected to the proposed plans of any applicant to develop, construct and operate a pollution control facility, and nothing in the Village staffs and /or consultants' review, compliance comments or compliance determination shall be deemed by the applicant. the Village, other public agencies, or the public to indicate the Village has herein or heretofore adopted any position on the potential 18 7701516.1 37094/145069 development of the proposed Facility. The date the compliance review documentation is submitted by the applicant is not considered an official filing date under Title 7, Chapter 6, Section 12.C.1. The Applicant shall reimburse the Village the reasonable costs to the Village for a consultant to assist it in this compliance review, but such amount shall not exceed fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000.00). (Ord 12- ,03- 12 -12) SECTION 3: Title 7, Chapter 6, Section 13 of the Municipal Code of the Village of Morton Grove is hereby amended to read as follows: 7 -6 -13: PENALTIES: Unless otherwise provided herein, any person who violates, disobeys, omits, neglects or refuses to comply with, or resists the enforcement of any of the provisions of this chapter shall be fined in accordance with Title 1, Chapter 4 of this code for each offense. Each day that a violation is pelnitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. The occupant of any premises upon which a violation of this chapter has occurred and the owner of any such premise shall be deemed prima facie liable for the violations occurring and subject to the penalties provided therefore. In the event a waste disposal firm violates any provisions of any ordinance of this village, the village shall have the right, in addition to enforcing the penalties otherwise provided, to revoke the license of such waste disposal firm. (Ord. 08 -22, 5 -12 -2008; Ord 10 -25, 12- 13 -10; Ord 12- , 03- 12 -12) SECTION 4: If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this Chapter is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct, and independent provision, and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions hereof. SECTION 5: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form according to law. PASSED this 12th day of March 2012. Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee DiMaria Gomberg Grear Marcus Thiil Toth 19 77015161 37094/145069 APPROVED by me this 12`x' day of March 2012. Daniel J. Staackrnann, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois APPROVED and FILED in my office this 13`x' day of March 2012, Tony S. Kalogerakos, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois 20 7701516.1 37094/145069 LeLyiSlative Summary Resolution 12 -14 AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH TWIN SUPPLIES, LTD FOR THE RETRO -FIT AND INSTALLATION OF ENERGY EFFICIENT LIGHTING IN VILLAGE OWNED BUILDINGS Synopsis February 27, 2012 Objective: To enter into an agreement for the retro -fit and replacement of lighting equipment at various Village owed buildings. Purpose: The purpose of the contract is to secure funding and upgrade Village owned buildings to energy efficient lighting. Background: After receiving a free energy audit from Twin Supplies, LTD it was determined lighting in Village owned buildings could be upgraded, providing enhanced lighting and energy efficiency for $144,093.18. Twin Supply will till out grant applications (on behalf of the Village of Morton Grove) providing total funding from the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) and the Illinois Clean Energy Act (ICE). Total out -of- pocket expense to the Village will be zero dollars. After grant monies are received by the Village of Morton Grove, Twin Supplies will provide all material and labor in -order to complete lighting upgrades. Once lighting upgrades are complete, Morton Grove will turn over all grant proceeds to Twin Supplies LTD. Staff contacted and inspected completed projects of other grant recipients; finding work and process to be satisfactory. Programs, Departments 1 All Village Departments and Buildings or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: $144,093.18 Source of Funds: DCEO and ICE Energy Grants Workload Impact: Hours overseeing project from Public Works and Finance staff Administrator Approval as presented. Recommendation: First Reading; Not required. Special Considerations or Staff is requesting to waive the bid process and award the contact to Twin Supply, Requirements: Ltd., based on Twin Supplies, Ltd. experience with DECO and ICE grant applications and its prior work performance for other municipalities along with a timing deadline to submit applications by March 12, 2012. Respectfully submitted: 4rnV Ryan . Administrator Pro Tem Prepared by: Jy _ Reviewed by: De Monte, Director of Public Works Teresa Corporation Counsel RESOLUTION 12 -14 AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH TWIN SUPPLIES, LTD. FOR THE RETRO -FIT AND INSTALLATION OF ENERGY EFFICIENT LIGHTING IN VILLAGE OWNED BUILDINGS WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (Village), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt: and WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove operates and maintains nine (9) separate Village owned facilities throughout the year; and WHEREAS, part of regular maintenance in each facility is the maintenance of the lighting system involving replacement of electrical ballast, lenses and light bulbs of different types; and WHEREAS, the majority of the Village facilities have older inefficient lighting fixtures ranging in age between 32 to 42 years old; and WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove has the opportunity to apply for two (2) separate energy grants that will upgrade and replace at no cost to the Village all of the existing lighting in eight (8) of the nine (9) Village owned facilities with energy efficient lighting and equipment; and WHEREAS, Twin Supplies, Ltd. of Hinsdale, Illinois provided the Village of Morton Grove with a complete facility inspection and audit of the existing lighting systems at each Village owned facility; and WHEREAS, the Village, with the assistance of Twin Supplies, will apply for a grant from the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity ( "DCEO ") in the amount of $89,401.18 (the "DCEO Grant "). and a grant from the Illinois Clean Energy Program ( "ICE ") in the amount of $54,692.00 (the "ICE Grant ") for the purchase and installation of certain lighting fixtures, wiring and bulbs (referred to as the "Services" or the "Project ") to be installed within the buildings owned and operated by the Village; and WHEREAS, subject to approval of the DECO Grant and the ICE Grant, Twin Supplies agrees to furnish the Services, including all related Labor and Materials required to perform certain lighting upgrades at the following building locations owned and operated by the Village of Morton Grove and at the listed costs as set forth in attached Estimate 1628, Estimate 1630, Estimate 1631, Estimate 1632, Estimate 1633, Estimate 1638, Estimate 1640 and Estimate 1641 (see Group Exhibit "A" attached hereto and madeapart hereof): 1. 6101 Capulina Avenue (Police Department) 2. 6101 Capulina Avenue (Village Hall) 3. 6250 Lincoln Avenue (Fire Station 4) 4. 7828 Nagle Avenue (Public Works ( Steirs) 5. 7840 Nagle Avenue (Public Works Department) 6. 6702 Oakton Street (South Pumping Station) 7. 8820 National Avenue (North Pumping Station 8. 6140 Dempster Street (Civic Center) ;and WHEREAS, Public Works staff has inspected and verified Twin Supply's workmanship and corresponded with staff from other municipalities in the area that have completed similar retro -fit lighting projects funded by the DCEO and ICE Energy Grant programs; and WHEREAS, timing to qualify for the available energy grants requires submittal by March 12, 2012; and WHEREAS, Public Works staff in charge of facility maintenance find it is in the best interests of the Village and its residents to enter into this Agreement; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Resolution as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2: Only those companies listed and described on this Resolution for the upgrading of the existing lighting equipment be approved in this Resolution. SECTION 3: The Public Works Director of the Village of Morton Grove is hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with Twin Supply, Ltd. 123 E. Ogden, Ste 102B, Hinsdale, Illinois 60521. SECTION 4: This Resolution shall be in full force and effect upon its passage and approval. PASSED this 27 °i day of February 2012. Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee DiMaria Gomberg Grear Marcus Thill Toth APPROVED by me this 27`h day of February 2012, Daniel J. Staackmann, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois APPROVED and FILED in my office this 28`' day of February 2012. Tony S. Kalogerakos, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois TI ,SEDAC Trade Allp 123 E. Ogden, Ste 102B cell: 708 -604 -0784 Hinsdale, IL 60521 fax: 630 -537 -1045 AGREEMENT This Agreement is made February 27, 2012. by and between Twin Supplies, Ltd. ( "Twin Supplies "), a SEDAC Trade Ally, and the Village of Morton Grove, located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois ( "Village "). WHEREAS, the Village, with the assistance of Twin Supplies, will apply for a grant from the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity ( "DCEO') in the amount of $89,401.18 (the "DCEO Grant "), and a grant from the Illinois Clean Energy Program ( "ICE ") in the amount of $54,692.00 (the "ICE Grant) for the purchase and installation of certain lighting fixtures, wiring and bulbs (referred to as the "Services" or the "Project) to be installed within the buildings owned and operated by the Village; and WHEREAS, subject to approval of the DECO Grant and the ICE Grant, Twin Supplies agrees to furnish the Services, including all related Labor and Materials required to perform certain lighting upgrades at the following building locations owned and operated by the Village of Morton Grove and at the listed costs as set forth in attached Estimate 1628, Estimate 1630, Estimate 1631. Estimate 1632, Estimate 1633, Estimate 1638, Estimate 1640 and Estimate 1641 (see Group Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof): 1. 6101 Capulina Avenue (Police Department) 1 6101 Capulina Avenue (Village Hall) 3. 6250 Lincoln Avenue (Fire Station 4) 4. 7828 Nagle Avenue (Public Works / Steirs) 5. 7840 Nagle Avenue (Public Works Department) 6. 6702 Oakton Street (South Pumping Station) 7. 8820 National Avenue (North Pumping Station 8. 6140 Dempster Street (Civic Center) and WHEREAS, the DCEO Grant and the ICE Grant will be used to pay for the total project costs (i.e.. the Services), which, without any change orders to the project, are estimated to be $144,093.18. Thus, upon completion of the Services, the submittal of the required paperwork to DCEO, and the final approvals and receipt of the DCEO and ICE Grant funds, the Village will owe Twin Supplies the full amounts listed on the attached Estimates (Group Exhibit "A ") which total $144,093.18; and 275540_1 WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove shall not be obligated to pay Twin Supplies any money prior to receipt of the DCEO Grant funds or prior to receipt of the ICE Grant funds. Upon receipt of progress payments from DCEO and ICE for the completion of Services, the Village shall pay such progress payments to Twin Supplies within five (5) business days of receipt of such funds, including funds designated by DCEO as the "DCEO- Incentive" payment and "ICE- Incentive" payment; and WHEREAS, Twin Supplies and the Village agree to cooperate in the preparation and the submittal of the necessary paperwork on behalf of the Village to qualify the Village for the grant payments from DCEO and ICE; and WHEREAS, the Village and Twin Supplies are authorized, pursuant to Article VII, Section 10 of the Illinois Constitution of 1970, 65 ILCS 5/8- 1- 7(b)(4), and 5 ILCS 220/1 to 220/9 (the "Intergovernmental Cooperation Act "), to enter into this Agreement; and WHEREAS, the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Morton Grove find it is in the best interests of the Village and its residents to enter into this Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the Parties' mutual understandings, promises, covenants and agreements, and compensation set forth below, the sufficiency of which is acknowledged, the Parties agree as follows: 1. Each of the above recitals, in its entirety, is incorporated by reference herein as Section 1 of this Agreement. 2. Twin Supplies, at no cost or charge to the Village, will cooperate with the Village in the preparation of the DCEO and ICE Grant applications, and will prepare the paperwork required to obtain the DCEO Grant payments, including the DCEO- Incentive payment and the ICE Grant payments, including the ICE - Incentive payment. The Village of Morton Grove will cooperate with Twin Supplies in the preparation of and submittal of the grant applications to DCEO and ICE. The energy audit of the Village of Morton Grove performed by Twin Supplies will be free of charge. Twin Supplies agrees not to charge for the submission of any grant- related paperwork to DCEO and ICE. 3. Receipt of the DCEO - Incentive and the ICE - Incentive is contingent upon the year it is filed. For example, the DCEO- Incentive amount outlined in the Estimate is for DCEO Year 5 of the DCEO Program which will expire on May 31, 2013. Twin Supplies will not be held accountable for changing incentive amounts and or rates after Year 5, 4. When the DCEO- Incentive and the ICE- Incentive are received, the Village of Morton Grove will pay the approved Incentive(s) amounts in full within five (5) business days of receipt. For example, if the DCEO- Incentive payment is received before the ICE- Incentive payment, the DCEO - Incentive payment will be paid out to Twin Supplies first or vice versa. In addition the Village of Morton Grove will not be responsible to pay Twin Supplies and monies over the said DCEO & ICE grants that do not cover the cost as shown on Estimate 1628, Estimate 1630, Estimate 1631, Estimate 1632, Estimate 1633, Estimate 1638, Estimate 1640 and Estimate 1641. The scope of work may need to be reduced in -order for Morton Grove to have a zero cost other than the amount of all grant incentives paid to Twin Supplies, unless otherwise approved in writing by both parties. 275540_1 2 5. Twin Supplies shall comply with all applicable federal laws, State laws or local ordinances, rules and regulations, as well as any other rules and regulations imposed by any governmental regulatory agency with oversight jurisdiction in the performance of the Services under this Agreement and the preparation of and submittal of the paperwork for the DCEO Grant and ICE Grant. In addition, Twin Supplies certifies that: A. It is not delinquent in the payment of any tax administered by the Illinois Department of Revenue nor is delinquent in the payment of any money owed to the Village, except in the case where the company: (a) is actively contesting such liability or the amount of tax in accordance with procedures established by the appropriate revenue act, or (b) has entered into an agreement with the Department of Revenue or the Village for payment of all taxes due and is in compliance with that agreement. B. It is not barred from contracting with any unit of State or local government as a result of violating Section 33E -3 or Section 3313-4 of the Illinois Criminal Code, C. It complies with the Illinois Drug Free Work Place Act. D. It complies with the Equal Employment Opportunity Clause of the Illinois Human Rights Act and the Rules and Regulations of the Illinois Department of Human Rights. E. It complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act. F. It (and its subcontractors) shall comply with the Illinois Fair Employment Practices Act and the Illinois Prevailing Wage Act (see clarifying legislation at Public Act 96- 0058) relative to the performance of the Services. G. It is in full compliance with the Federal Highway Administration Rules on Controlled Substances and Alcohol Use and Testing, 49 CFR Parts 40 and 382. H. Twin Supplies shall comply with all applicable federal laws, State laws and regulations including, without limitation, those regulations in regard to all applicable equal employment opportunity requirements, Article 2 of the Illinois Human Rights Act (775 ILCS 5/2 -101 et seq.), the Americans with Disability Act (42 U.S.C. 12101 e[ seq.), and such laws and regulations relating to minimum wages to be paid to employees, limitations upon the employment of minors, minimum fair wage standards for nimors, payment of wages due employees, and health and safety of employees. Twin Supplies agrees to pay its employees, if any, all rightful salaries, medical benefits, pensions and social security benefits pursuant to applicable labor agreements and federal and State statutes, and further agrees to make all required withholdings and deposits therefore. Twin Supplies agrees to maintain full compliance with changing government requirements that govern or apply to the 275540 1 construction of the Project. Twin Supplies understands and agrees that the most recent of such federal, county, State and local laws and regulations will govern the administration of this Agreement at any particular time. Likewise, new federal, county, State and local laws, regulations, policies and administrative practices may be established after the date this Agreement has been executed and may apply to this Agreement and the Project. Any lawsuit or complaint of violation of laws that is received by Twin Supplies relative to this Agreement or the Project shall be immediately forwarded to the Village Manager. 6. CONTRACT BONDS A. CONTRACT SECURITY: Upon written approval from the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity ( "DCEO "), and approval from the Illinois Clean Energy Program ( "ICE "), the Contractor shall furnish the Owner with a Contract Bond. in penal sums in the amount stipulated in this specification, conditioned upon the performance by the Contractor of all undertaking, covenants, terms, conditions, and agreements of the Contract Documents, and upon the prompt payment by the Contractor to all persons supplying labor and materials in the prosecution of the work provided by the Contract Documents. Such bonds shalt be executed by the Contractor and a corporate bonding company licensed to transact such business in Illinois and name shall be on the current list of "Surety Companies Acceptable on Federal Bonds" as published in the Treasury Department Circular Number 570. The expense of these bonds shall be borne by the Contractor. If at any time a surety on any such bond is declared bankrupt or loses its rights to do business in Illinois or is removed from the list off surety Companies accepted on Federal Bonds, the Contractor shall within fifteen days after notice from the Owner to do so, substitute an acceptable bond (or bonds) in such form and sum and signed by such other surety or sureties as may be satisfactory to the Owner. The premiums on such bond shall be paid by the Contractor. No further payments will be deemed due nor shall be made until the new surety or sureties shall have furnished an acceptable bond to the Owner. All bonds shall remain in full force and effect through the guarantee period. B. FORM OF BOND: The Contractor shall utilize the Contract Bond form contained within the Contract Documents (Attachment B). C. PROVISIONS OF BONDS: The Contractor shall provide, at his expense, separate bonds written in favor of the Village of Morton Grove which provide for: 1) CONTRACT BOND shall be in a penal sum of 100% of the Contract amount. Such bond shall: a) Serve as security for faithful performance of the work. b) Comply with requirements of the Illinois Prevailing Wage Act, 275540_1 4 SURETY: The Surety must be licensed to do business in the State of Illinois and must be acceptable to the Village of Morton Grove. POWER OF AUTHORITY: The Contractor shall file with the Village of Morton Grove, certification that the insurance /bonding agencies have current power to bond. The Power of Authority shall be in the form approved by the Village of Morton Grove indicting the local agency is under current Contract to issue bonds, etc. 7. INSURANCE During the term of this Agreement, Twin Supplies shall procure and maintain, for the duration of the contract, insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damages to property, which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder by Twin Supplies, his agents, representatives, employees or subcontractors. A. Minimum Scope of Insurance Coverage shall be at least as broad as: 1. Insurance Services Office Commercial General Liability occurrence form CG 0001 with the Village named as additional insured, on a form at least as broad as the sample endorsement including ISO Additional Insured Endorsement CG 2010 or CG 2026; and 2. Owners and Contractors Protective Liability (OCP) policy with the Village as insured Required if box is checked®; and 3. Insurance Service Office Business Auto Liability coverage form number CA 0001, Symbol 01 "Any Auto." 4. Workers' Compensation as required by the Workers' Compensation Act of the State of Illinois and Employers' Liability insurance. 5. Builder Risk Property Coverage with Village as loss payee - Required if box is checked❑ nsao i A. Minimum Limits of Insurance Contractor shall maintain limits no less than the following, if required under above scope 1. Commercial General Liability: $1,000,000 combined single limit per occurrence for bodily injury, and property damage and $1,000,000 per occurrence for personal injury. The general aggregate shall be twice the required occurrence limit. Minimum General Aggregate shall be no less than $2,000,000 or a project- contract specific aggregate of $1,000,000. 2. Owners and Contractors Protective Liability (OCP); $1,000,000 combined single limit. 3. Business Automobile Liability: $1,000,000 combined single Limit per accident for bodily injury and property damage. 4. Workers' Compensation and Employers' Liability: Workers' Compensation Coverage with statutory limits and Employers' Liability limits of $500,000 per accident. 5. Builder's Risk: Shall insure against "All Risk" of physical damage, including water damage (flood and hydrostatic pressure not excluded), on a completed replacement cost basis. C. Deductibles and Self - Insured Retentions Any deductibles or self - insured retentions must be declared to and approved by the Village. At the option of the Village, either; the insurer shall reduce or eliminate such deductibles or self - insured retentions as respects the Village, its officials, agents, employees and volunteers; or the Contractor shall procure a bond guaranteeing payment of losses and related investigation, claim administration and defense expenses. D. Other Insurance Provisions The policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contain, the following provisions: A. General Liability and Automobile Liability Coverage a. The Village, its officials, agents, employees and volunteers are to be covered as additional insured as respects: liability arising out of the Contractor's work, including activities performed by or on behalf of the Contractor; products and completed operations of the Contractor: premises owned, leased or used by the Contractor; or automobiles owned, leased, hired or borrowed by the Contractor. 275540_1 6 The coverage shall contain no special limitations on the scope of protection afforded to the Village, its officials, agents, employees and volunteers. b. The Contractor's insurance coverage shall be primary as respects the Village, its officials, agents, employees and volunteers. Any insurance or self- insurance maintained by the Village, its officials, agents, employees and volunteers shall be excess of Contractor's insurance and shall not contribute with it. c. Any failure to comply with reporting provisions of the policies shall not affect coverage provided to the Village, its officials, agents, employees and volunteers. d. The Contractor's insurance shall contain a Severabiiity of htterests /Cross Liability clause or language stating that Contractor's insurance shall apply separately to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought, except with respect to the limits of the insurer's ability. e. If any commercial general liability insurance is being provided under an excess or umbrella liability policy that does not "follow form," then the Contractor shall be required to name the Village, its officials, agents, employees and volunteers as additional insured. £ All general liability coverage's shall be provided on an occurrence policy form. Claims -made general liability policies will not be accepted. B. Workers' Compensation and Employers' Liability Coverage The insurer shall agree to waive all rights of subrogation against the Village, its officials, agents, employees and volunteers for losses arising from work performed by Contractor for the Village. C. Professional Liability (Required if Box is checked) a. Professional liability insurance with limits not Less than $1,000,000 each claim with respect to negligent acts, errors and omissions in connection with professional services to be provided under the contract, with a deductible not -to- exceed $50,000 without prior written approval. 275540_1 7 b. If the policy is written on a claims -made form, the retroactive date must be equal to or preceding the effective date of the contract. In the event the policy is cancelled, non - renewed or switched to an occurrence form, the Contractor shall be required to purchase supplemental extending reporting period coverage for a period of not less than three (3) years. c. Coverage (architect, engineer, surveyor, consultant): Professional liability insurance that provides indemnification and defense for injury or damage arising out of acts, errors, or omissions in providing the following professional services, but not limited to the following: 1. Preparing, approving, or failure to prepare or approve maps, drawings, opinions, report, surveys, change orders, designs or specifications; 2. Providing direction, instruction, supervision, and inspection, engineering services or failing to provide them, if that is the primary cause of injury or damage. D. All Coverage Each insurance policy required by this clause shall be endorsed to state that coverage shall not be suspended, voided, cancelled, reduced in coverage or in limits except after thirty (30) days prior written notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, has been given to the Village. E. Acceptability of Insurers Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a Best's rating of no less than A -, VII and licensed to do business in the State of Illinois. F. Verification of Coverage Contractor shall furnish the Village with certificates of insurance naming the Village, its officials, agents, employees and volunteers as additional insured, and with original endorsements affecting coverage required by this clause. The certificates and endorsements for each insurance policy are to be signed by a person authorized by that insurer to bind coverage on its behalf. The certificates and endorsements may be on forms provided by the Village and are to be received and approved by the Village before any work commences. Other additional 275540_1 8 insured endorsements may be utilized, if they provide a scope of coverage at least as broad as the coverage stated on the ISO Additional Insured Endorsements CG 2010 or CG 2026. The Village reserves the right to request full certified copies of the insurance policies and endorsements. G. Subcontractors Contractor shall include all subcontractors as insured under its policies or shall furnish separate certificates and endorsements for each subcontractor. All coverage for subcontractors shall be subject to all of the requirements stated herein. H. Assumption of Liability The contractor assumes liability for all injury to or death of any person or persons including employees of the contractor, any sub - contractor, any supplier or any other person and assumes liability for all damage to property sustained by any person or persons occasioned by or in any way arising out of any work performed pursuant to this agreement. 7. To the fullest extent permitted by law, the Contractor hereby agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Village, its officials, agents and employees, against all injuries, deaths, loss, damages, claims, patent claims, suits, liabilities, judgments, cost and expenses, which may in anywise accrue against the Village, its officials, agents and employees, arising in whole or in part or in consequence of the perforrrnrance of this work by the Contractor, its employees, or subcontractors, or which may in anywise result therefore, except that arising out of the sole legal cause of the Village, its agents or employees, the Contractor shall, at its own expense, appear, defend and pay all charges of attorneys and all costs and other expenses arising therefore or incurred in connections therewith, and, if any judgment shall be rendered against the Village, its officials, agents and employees, in any such action, the Contractor shall, at its own expense, satisfy and discharge the same. Contractor expressly understands and agrees that any performance bond or insurance policies required by this contract, or otherwise provided by the Contractor, shall in no way limit the responsibility to indemnify, keep and save harmless and defend the Village, its officials, agents and employees as herein provided. The Contractor further agrees that to the extent that money is due the Contractor by virtue of this contract as shall be considered necessary in the judgment of the Village, may be retained by the Village to protect itself against said loss until such claims, suits, or judgments shall have been settled or discharged and/or evidence to that effect shall have been furnished to the satisfaction of the Village. 275540_1 9 & Whenever notice is required to be sent to either Party, it shall be addressed as follows: to Twin Supplies at the business address Iisted on Page I above; and to the Village at the following address: Village Manager, Village of Morton Grove, 6101 Capulina Avenue. Morton Grove, Illinois 60053, or to such other places as may be designated by the Parties from time to time. All notices shall be sent by personal delivery or certified mail, return receipt requested, and shall be deemed given as of the date of the personal delivery or, if given by certified mail, three (3) days from the date of mailing. 9. Nothing in this Agreement is intended or shall be construed as establishing a relationship of agency, partnership or joint venture between the Parties hereto. Each Party hereto shall retain the sole right to control its own employees. 10. The Parties warrant and represent that the execution, delivery of and performance under this Agreement is pursuant to authority, validly and duly conferred upon the Parties and the signatories hereto. 11, This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding between the Village and Twin Supplies with respect to the subject matter contained herein and supersedes any and all prior understandings and /or agreements between the Parties, whether written, oral or otherwise. Any and all representations, agreements, promises and /or understandings not expressly set forth herein are hereby null, void and of no legal effect. 12. This Agreement may be modified or amended only by the mutual consent of the Parties. Any modification or amendment of this Agreement must be in writing, signed by the Parties and duly executed. Any attempt to modify or amend this Agreement that fails to conform to the aforementioned requirements shall be null, void and of no legal effect. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, with each counterpart deemed to be an original. 11 This Agreement may be terminated prior to completion of the Project for nonperformance by either Party or by mutual agreement of the Parties or as a consequence of the DCEO Grant and/or ICE Grant not being approved by DCEO. hi the event of termination. the indemnification obligations of Twin Supplies contained in this Agreement shall survive the termination of this Agreement for any causes of action or claims arising out of or relating to acts or omissions of Twin Supplies performing under this Agreement while it is in full force and effect. This Agreement shall terminate upon completion and acceptance of the Project by the Village and payment in full to Twin Supplies, provided that the Parties have fulfilled their respective obligations under this Agreement. 14. The terms, conditions and provisions of this Agreement shall be severable, and if any term, condition or provision is found to be unenforceable for any reason whatsoever, the remaining tennis, conditions and provisions shall remain in full force and effect, unless the Agreement can no longer be performed by one or both of the Parties. The Parties agree that any litigation filed in regard to this Agreement shall be brought in the Cook County Circuit Court, Daley Center or the U.S. District Court, Northern District of Illinois - Chicago. 275540_1 10 15. This Agreement shall be effective from the date the last signatory signs the Agreement 27°i day of February, 2012. VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, By: Village President Date: 275540 1 TWIN SUPPLIES, LTD., a SEDAC Trade Ally By: Date: Christopher J. Skokna a PHONE: (708) 609.0784 Li®. FAX: (630) 537.1045 VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE 6101 CAPULINA MORTON GROVE. 11, 60053 Date Estimate # 2/21/2012 Proj.1631 EMAIL: chrisjmj @comcast.net Ship To FIRE STATION 44 6250 LINCOLN AVE MORTON GROVE, IL 60053 Rep Project TMS Item Description Qty Rate I Total C0OPER- HB1632PS- MP -... COOPER T8 HI BAY 6 LAMP FIXTURE 15 145.00 2,1 75.00 COOPER- SWG/HnI -4F F -B HEAVY DUTY WIREGIlARD4 SWG1HBI -4FT -B IS 36.00 540.00 COOPER -MC6 COOPER MC6 MODULAR CORD SIX FEET 15 1115 182.25 CONNECT DIRECTLY TO F -BAY COOPER- Y- FOGGLE.10 COOPER -Y- TOGGLE -10= MOUNTING TOGGLE AND 10' 30 7.45 223.50 CABLE PHIL- F32T8 /ADV850 /AL... PHILIPS F3218/ADV850/5000K 30.0001 IR 121-IRS IT 90 3.59 323.10 3100 ENERGY ADVANTAGE "TCP- LED9E26P2030KFL TCP P.AR20 9 WATT LED 50.000 HOURS 35 28.00 980.00 TCI'- LED 14E26P3030KFL, TCP PAR 30 FLOOD 14 WATT LED DIMMABLE 2 43.50 87.00 TCP- LEDI7E26P3830KFL 17W PAR 38 FLOOD LED 5 YR. WARRANTY 2 46.50 93.00 VENTURL.95320 VENTIJREMP320W /1-175 /1-15 /S /UVS /PS /EM /950 NATURAL 2 35.00 70.00 WHITE 90 CRI 20,000 HOURS VENTURE- CF001X04R0 OPEN SOCK ET4KV MOG W /12" LEADS 2 10.00 20.00 VENTURE- V90137413K QUAD TAP 320 WATT PS BALLAST 2 85.00 170.00 L(_iMECON -33W LEI) 33W FORWARD THROW WALL PACK LWP2 90.000 1 410.00 410.00 1.70 LUMINAIRE LIFETIME, 7 YR UNMATCHED WARRANTY # * * * * ** *GREEN * *1 * * * * ** LUMECON -33W LED 33W FORWARD THROW WALL PACK LWP2 90.000 1 410.00 410200 L70 LUMINAIRE LIFETIME, 7 YR UNMATCHED WARRANTY * * * * * ** *RED " * * * * * * *** LUMFCON -33W LED 33W FORWARD TNROW WALL, PACK LWP2 90.000 5 400.00 2000.00 1,70 LUMINAIRF. LIFETIME, 7 YR UNMATCHED WARRANTY LUMECON -LFLI LUMECON -LFLI -32W LED ROUND BACK FLOOD LIGHT 4 400.00 1,60090 Subtotal Sales Tax (0.0 %) C s IN VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE 6101 CAPULINA MORTON GROVE. IL 60053 Ship To Date Estimate # 2/21/2012 Proj.1631 FIRE STATION #14 6250 LINCOLN AVE MORTON GROVE. 11.60053 Rep Project TMS Item Description Qty Rate Total LUMECON SW FWP3 LED MINI WALL PACT; 8 WATT 90.000 HOURS. 7 YR 3 225.00 675.00 UNMATCHED WARRANTY RECYCLING LAMP DISPOSAL AND BALLAST DISPOSAL, 0.00 0.00 TRANSPORTATION AND STORAGE CONTAINERS' * ** NO CHARGE * * * * LABOR LABORTIME 1.800.00 1,800.00 Subtotal Sales Tax (O.Q %) vm Page 2 511.758.85 50.00 $1 1.758.85 fiN7 W61 VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE 6101 CAPULINA MORTON GROVE, IF 60053 Ship To i Date Estimate # 2/21/2012 Proj.1640 NORTH PUMPING STATION 8820 NA'T'IONAL, AVE. MORTON GROVE. IL, 60053 Rep Project TMS Item Description Qty Rate Total LLIMECON 81A7 LWP3 LED MINI WALL PACK 8 WATT 90,000 HOURS. 7 YR 2 225.00 450.00 UNMATCHED WARRANTY LUMECON -LFLI LUMECON -LFLI -32W LED ROUND BACK FLOOD LIGHT 1 400.00 400.00 LUMECON-33W LED 33W FORWARD THROW WALL PACK LWP2 90,000 3 400.00 1,200.00 1.70 LIIMINAIRE LIFETIME. 7 YR t1NMATCI9F,D WARRANTY REF -KIT I X 4 TWO PHILIPS F327.8 /ADV850 /ALT9 ENERGY ADVANTAGE 13 32.00 416.00 ADVANCED BALLAST 41OP2P32LWSC, SOCKETS.POWER PLUG LI.JMINAIRE DISCONNF,C'Pik102 REF -KIT I X 8 FOUR PHILIPS F32T8/ADV /850 /ALTO SERIES 413990-7 6 70.00 420.00 SOCKETS, BALLAST COVER, AND ADVANCE BALLAST 410PA- 4P32 -SC OPTANIUM RECYCLING LAMP DISPOSAL, AND BALI.,AST DISPOSAL, 0.00 0.00 TRANSPORTATION AND STORAGE CONTAINERS * "" NO CHARGE "" LABOR LABOR TIME 960.00 960.00 Subtotal S3s46.00 Sales Tax (0.0 %) $0.00 Total $3.846.00 IN VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE 6101 CAPULINA MOR'T'ON GROVE, IL 60053 Ship To Date Estimate # 221/2012 Proj. 1641 MORTON GROVE CIVIC CENTER 6140 DEMPSTER AVE MORTON GROVE. IL 60053 Rep Project 1 M Item Description Qty Rate Total REF -KIT I X 4 TWO PHILIPS F321'8 /ADV850 /ALTO ENERGY ADVANTAGE 2 32.00 64.00 ADVANCED BALLAST 4IOP2P32L W SC, SOCKETS.PO WER PLUG LUMINAIRE DISCONNECT 0102 TCP- LED9E26P2030KFL 'I'CP TCPPAR209 WATT LED 50,000HOURS 25 28.00 700.00 -LED I7E26P3830KFL 17W PAR 38 FLOOD LED 5 YR. WARRANTY 3 46.50 .139.50 TCP -26D90 RD DIECAST EXIT SINGLE AC ONLY 25 YEAR LED 2 85.87 171.74 TCP- LDCT3WH27K TCP - CANDELABRA TORPEDO 3 WATT LED 25.000 IR 99 [8.70 1,851.30 RECYCLING LAMP DISPOSAL AND BALLAST DISPOSAL, 0.00 0.00 TRANSPORTATION AND STORAGE CONTAINERS * * ** NO CHARGE * * ** LABOR LABOR TIME 1,868.46 1.868.46 Subtotal 54,795.00 Sales Tax (0.0 %) S0.00 Total $4.795.00 Legislative Summary Resolution 12 -15 GUARANTEE OF MUNICIPAL WORK PERFORMED GN STATE OF ILLINOIS RIGHT -OF -WAY WITHIN THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE Introduced: Synopsis: Purpose: Background: Programs, Departments or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: Source of Funds: Workload Impact: Admin Recommendations: Second Reading: Special Considerations or Requirements: February 27, 2012 To provide a guarantee to the State of Illinois that all work performed by Village forces within the State's rights -of -way will conform to the conditions on the permit granted by the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT), to hold harmless the State of Illinois while performing permitted work, to assume all liability for damages pertaining to the performance of the work, and authorize the Village Administrator, Director of Public Works, Building Coin missioner and Village Engineer to sign IDOT working permits on behalf of the Village. Increase efficiency in performing work and reducing the cost of work when performing repairs or improvements on the various elements of Village -owned infrastructure including, but not limited to, water mains, sewers, street lighting, traffic signals, sidewalks, landscaping trees and signage. This is a routine guarantee provided by many municipalities. IDOT requires a permit and financial security (highway bond) within their rights -of -way. This is similar to the Village's permit process for work performed within the Village's own rights -of -way. Municipalities have an option of providing the financial security for each repair or may provide a guarantee all work performed by the Village within the State's rights -of -way will conform to their requirements of the performance for the work. Providing this guarantee will eliminate the time and cost of procuring a bond for each permit. Public Works Department There is no cost associated with this guarantee. N/A The Public Works Department will forward the guarantee to IDOT for their records. Approval as presented. N/A N/A Respectfully Submitted: R4J. eAdministrator Pro Tam Prepared by: = —� Reviewed b Y /: Chris Tomich, Village Engineer Teresa Hoffman Lis on, Corporation Counsel RESOLUTION 12 -15 GUARANTEE OF MUNICIPAL WORK PERFORMED ON STATE OF ILLINOIS RIGHT OF WAY WITHIN THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (VILLAGE), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt: and WHEREAS, the VILLAGE desires to undertake the location, construction, operation and maintenance of VILLAGE infrastructure including but not limited to water mains, sewers, street lighting, traffic signals, sidewalks, landscaping, trees, and signage on State highways within the VILLAGE, which by law and for agreement come under the jurisdiction and control of the Department of Transportation of the State of Illinois hereinafter referred to as DEPARTMENT; and WHEREAS, an individual working permit must be obtained from the DEPARTMENT prior to any of the aforesaid installations being constructed either by the VILLAGE or any private person or firm under contract and supervision of the VILLAGE; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Resolution as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2: The VILLAGE hereby pledges its good faith and guarantees all work shall be performed in accordance with the conditions of the permit to be granted by the DEPARTMENT, and to hold the State of Illinois harmless during the prosecution of such work, and assume all liability for damages to a person's property due to accidents or otherwise by reason of the work which is to be performed under the provision of said permit. SECTION 3: The Village Administrator, Director of Public Works, Building Commissioner, and Village Engineer of the VILLAGE are hereby instructed and authorized to sign said working permit on behalf of the VILLAGE. SECTION 4. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect upon its passage and approval. PASSED THIS 27`' DAY OF February 2012. Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee DiMaria Gomberg Grear Marcus Thill Toth APPROVED BY ME THIS 27`x' DAY OF February 2012 Daniel J. Staackmann, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois ATTESTED and FILED in my office This 27" DAY OF February 2012 Tony S. Kalogerakos, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois Lelzislative Summary Resolution 12 -1( AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF A 2012 FORD F -250 PICK UP THROUGH THE NORTH SUBURBAN PURCHASING COOPERATIVE PROCUREMENT PROGRAM Introduced: February 27, 2012 Synopsis: As a member of the Northwest Municipal Conference, the Village of Morton Grove will take advantage of the Conference's competitive bidding process known as the Suburban Purchasing Cooperative Procurement Program. This is a joint purchasing program for local government agencies representing 14' ) municipalities Purpose: To replace a 1998 Chevrolet pick up with high mileage assigned to the Street Department. Background: The Public Works Department routinely reviews vehicles and equipment for fuel economy, safety, dependability, age, and excessive repair cost. Replacing or eliminating equipment that no longer meets the department's needs. Programs, Departments Public Works and Finance Departments. or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: Funding in the 2012 Public Works adopted budget have been approved in the amount of $223,335 for replacement of vehicles and equipment. The vehicle being replaced at this time will be in the amount of $27,876. Source of Funds: i General and Enterprise Funds. Workload Impact: The implementation of the program is done as part of the normal operations of the Public Works and Finance Departments. Admin Recommend: Approval as presented. First Reading: N/A Special Considerations None or Requirements; /j a Respectfully submitted: Ry n ,I. Horn ,Village Administrator Pro Tem ? Prepared by: Reviewed by: ` A y De Monte, Director of Public Works Teresa Hoff ai ,iston, Corporation Counsel RESOLUTION 12 -16 AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF A 2012 FORD F -250 PICK UP THROUGH THE NORTH SUBURBAN PURCHASING COOPERATIVE PROCUREMENT PROGRAM WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (VILLAGE), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt: and WHEREAS, the Suburban Purchasing Cooperative represents 143 municipalities who participated in and conducted a bidding process for the purchase of 2012 Ford F -250 pick up trucks, and the low bidder for said purchases was Currie Motors, 9423 West Lincoln Highway., Frankfort, Illinois 60423: and WHEREAS, the Village, as a member of the Northwest Municipal Conference, has previously utilized the North Suburban Purchasing Cooperative Procurement Program for the purchase of various vehicles; and WHEREAS, the Village Board approved the 2012 Adopted Budget on December 12, 2011 as Ordinance 11-47. which included account number 025017 - 572010, in the amount of $223,335 which provides funding for vehicles and equipment replacement; and WHEREAS, the description and purchase price for the vehicle is as follows: 2012 Ford F -250 XL 4x4 regular cab pick up truck: Total: 527,876 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Resolution as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2: Only those companies listed and described on this Resolution for the purchase of a 2012 Ford pick up truck may be approved in this Resolution. SECTION 3: The Director of Public Works and Finance Director of the Village of Morton Grove is hereby authorized to execute the purchase of a 2012 Ford F -250 pick up for a total amount of $27,876 from Currie Motors, 9423 West Lincoln Highway, Frankfort, Illinois 60423. SECTION 4: This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and upon its passage mid approval. PASSED this 27`x' day of FEBRUARY 2012, Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee DiMaria Gomberg Great Marcus Thill Toth APPROVED by me this 27`" day of February 2012 Daniell. Staackmann, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois ATTESTED and FILED in my office This 28`x' day of February 2012 Tony S. Kalogerakos, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Coots County, Illinois January 26, 2012 Currie Motors Mr. Thomas Sullivan 9423 W. Lincoln Highway Frankfort, IL 60423 Dear Mr. Sullivan, This letter is to inform you that the Suburban Purchasing Cooperative's Governing Board has approved a one year contract extension with Currie Motors, Frankfort. IL for the following four SPC vehicle contracts: Ford F -250 XL Regular Cab 2 WD DRW Contract 4103 Ford F -350 XL Regular Cab 2WD DRW Contract 9104 Ford F-450 XL Chassis Cab 2 WD DRW Contract 9106 Ford F -550 XL Chassis Cab 2 WD DRW Contract #107 The extensions have been approved from January 22, 2012 through January 21, 2013. Thesc are the first of three (3) possible one year extensions. With acceptance of these contract extensions, Currie Motors, Frankfort, IL agrees to all terns and conditions set forth in the specifications contained within the original Requests for Proposal to which you responded. The SPC reserves the right to extend these contracts for two additional one- year terms upon mutual agreement of the both the vendor and the SPC on a negotiated basis, The SPC looks forward to another productive year working with Cunic Motors. Please sign and date this agreement below, retaining copies for your rites and returning the original to my attention. Sinocrely, 1ILN, I �jv L' yan Northwest Municipal onference Program Manager for Purchasing a ic: Ellen Daya Date rrthwest Munici al Conference Name: Thomas Sullivan Date Currie Motors DnPage Moron & Northimst Aluafc*l South Suburban Mayon mRl Counrr Managers Conference 1220 Oak Brook Road Confermee 1616 East Goff Road And bianagen Association 1904 Iren 170 Strect Go4'emmmtal League 3180 Mwdom Stmet, Suat, NJ Oak Brook, IL 60523 &A Phmms. IL 60016 East Hivel Crc:n.14 60429 Jn1irL IL 604,15 Sicette Quintet! ENen Dgvan Ed Pnurl Cherie Belom Phoac, (630) 571.0480 Phone: 04 7) 2796-Y2 01) Phoue: (708) 206 -155 Phone (8151 729.35.45 Fos. (630) 571 -0484 Far: !8471296 -9207 Far-1708) 206-1133 Far. (8151 729-35.56 98E -d t(1D /tD0'd VOV -1 0051V9V5t8t dnoig alim�.�yp8d IidVV:VO Zl- 9Z-Nvr Currie Motors Fleet Presents... Prepared For: Mr. Paul Tobin Village Of Morton Grove 7840 N. Nagle Morton Grove, Illinois, 60053 Prepared By: Thomas F. Sullivan Currie Motors Fleet 9423 W. Lincoln Highway Frankfort, Illinois, 60423 Phone: 815-464-9200 Fax: 815-464-7500 r:s.vr. 1 • r 4x4 SD Regular Cab 8' box 137" WB SRW XL (F2B) Powertrain Triton 6.21 V -8 SOHC SMPI 16 valve flexible recommended fuel engine with variable valve control * 157 amp HD alternator * 650 amp 72 amp hours (Ah) HD battery with run down protection * Transmission oil cooler * 6 -speed electronic SelectShift automatic transmission with overdrive, lock -up, driver selection * Part-time four -wheel drive with electronic transfer case shift, auto locking hubs * ABS & driveline traction control " 4.30 axle ratio " Stainless steel exhaust Steering and Suspension Hydraulic power- assist re- circulating ball steering * 4 -wheel disc brakes with front and rear vented discs * Firm ride suspension, with AdvanceTrac w /Roll Stability Control stability control with anti -roll control * Mono -beam non - independent front suspension * Front anti -roll bar * HD front coil springs * HD front shocks * Rigid rear axle Rear leaf suspension * HD rear leaf springs * HD rear shocks * Front and rear 17.0" x 7.50" argent steel wheels with hub covers * LT245/75SR17.0 BSW AS front and rear tires * Underbody w /crankdown mounted full -size steel spare wheel Safety 4 -wheel anti -lock braking system * Center high mounted stop light * Dual airbags, passenger side front - impact cancellable airbag, seat mounted driver and passenger side - impact airbags, curtain 1st row overhead airbag * Front height adjustable seatbelts * SecuriLock immobilizer Comfort and Convenience Air conditioning * AM /FM stereo, clock, seek -scan, 2 speakers, fixed antenna * Manual tailgate /rear door lock * 2 12V DC power outlets * Analog instrumentation display includes tachometer, oil pressure gauge, engine temperature gauge, transmission fluid temp gauge, engine hour meter, exterior temp, systems monitor, trip odometer * Warning indicators include oil pressure, engine temperature, battery, lights on, key, low fuel, door ajar, service interval, brake fluid, low tire pressure * Steering wheel with tilt and telescopic adjustment * Manual front windows with deep tint * Variable intermittent front windshield wipers, sliding rear window * Passenger side vanity mirror * Day -night rearview mirror * Interior lights include dome light with fade, front reading lights * Glove box, front cupholder, instrument panel bin * Upfitter switches Seating and Interior Seating capacity of 3 * 40 -20 -40 split -bench front seat with adjustable head restraints, center armrest with storage" 4 -way adjustable driver seat includes lumbar support * 4-way adjustable passenger seat * Vinyl faced front seats with vinyl back material * Full cloth headliner, full vinyl /rubber floor covering, plastic {rubber gear shift knob, chrome interior accents Exterior Features Side impact beams, front license plate bracket, fully galvanized steel body material, side steps * Black side window moldings, black front windshield molding * Black door handles * Black grille * 2 doors with tailgate rear cargo door * Prices and content availability as shown, are subject to change and should be treated as estimates only Actual base vehicle, package and option pricing may vary from this estimate because of special local pricing, availability or pricing adjustments net refiectetl in the dealer s computer system. See salesperson for the most cur ent information. Reference CT05205242 11114/2011 Printed on February 17, 2012 at 08:54 Price Level: 220 QuoteID: MGF250 Page 2 Vehicle Profile Contds'wed Prepared For: Mr. Paul Tobin Prepared By: Thomas F. Sullivan Dealership: Currie Motors Fleet Exterior Features (Continued) Class V trailering, trailer harness, trailer hitch, trailer sway control * Driver and passenger manual black folding manual extendable trailer outside mirrors * Front and rear black bumpers, with front tow hooks rear step * Aero- composite halogen headlamps * Additional exterior lights include cab clearance lights, pickup cargo box light, underhood light * Clearcoat monotone paint * Snow plow provision Warranty Basic , 36 month /36,000 miles Powertrain ........... ._...... ..... 60 month /60,000 miles Corrosion Perforation _,_... 60 month /unlimited mileage Roadside Assistance ............ 60 month /60,000 miles Dimensions and Capacities Output ...... ............................... 385 hp @ 5,500 rpm Torque ... ............................... 405 lb,-ft. @ 4,500 rpm 1st gear ratio ....... .......... ............................... 3.974 2nd gear ratio .................. ................ .............. 2,318 3rd gear ratio ................. ............................... 1.516 4th gear ratio .................. ............................... 1.149 5th gear ratio .................. ............................... 0.858 6th gear ratio .................. ............................... 0.674 Reverse gear ratio ..................... .......... _........ 3128 Curb weight ,_ .......................... _,_.._._....... 6,394 lbs. GVWR ............................. Ids, Front GAWR ..._......_:........ ..... 5,600 lbs. Rear GAWR Weight. _ ...... ...................... 6,100 lbs. Payload .,,,,,,,, 3,790 his. Front curb weight ..................................... 3,737 lbs. Rear curb weight ,,,,,, ....... _...._....... ,,..,,,,,,,. 2,657 lbs Front axle capacity.,, ,._ ................._...._..... 6,000 lbs. Rear axle capacity ...... _........... _................ 6,200 lbs. Front spring rating ........, ............... 5,600 lbs. Rear spring rating ......_.. .............__ 6,100 its. Fronttire /wheel capacity ............................ 6,3901bs. Reartire /wheel capacity ............................ 6,3901bs. Towing capacity ...... ............................... 12,500 lbs. 5th -wheel towing capacity ............ _...... _._. 15,300 lbs. Front legroom ,. ......... ......... .. .._.... 41.1 " Front headroom ......... ......... 40.7 1, Front hiproom ................ ............................... 67.6" Front shoulder room ........ ............................... 68.0" Passenger area volume ............................ 65.9cu.ft. Length ,,,,,,..,,,..,,,..,,,,, ............ 227.6" Body width ..................... ............................... 79.9 " _................... Body height .................... ............................... 79.2 „ Wheelbase .................. ............................... 137.0 " Cab to axle .................... ............................... 56.3 „ Front tread ..................... ............................... 68.3 ” Rear tread ..................... ............................... 67.2 ., Turning radius ................ ............................... 23.1 ' Fuel tank ................... ............................... 35.0 gal. Exterior cargo length ..... ............................... 98.0 " Exterior cargo minimum width .......................... 50.9 " Exterior cargo volume . ............................... 77.3 cu.ft. Exterior cargo pickup box depth ....................... 20.0" Exterior cargo maximum width ......................... 69.3 " Prices and content availability as shown, are subject to change and should be treated as estimates only Actual base vehicle, package and option pricing may vary from this estimate because of special local pricing, availability or pricing adjustments not reflected in the dealer s computer system. See saiesperson for the most current information. Reference CT05205242 11114,2011 Printed on February 17, 2012 at 08:54 Price Level: 220 QuotelD: MGF250 Page 3 Prepared For: Mr. Paul Tobin Village Of Morton Grove 7840 N. Nagle Morton Grove, Illinois, 60053 Selected Options Vehicle Snapshot Prepared By Thomas F. Sullivan Currie Motors Fleet 9423 W. Lincoln Highway Frankfort, Illinois, 60423 Phone: 815-464-9200 Fax: 815-464-7500 Engine: 6.21 2 -Valve SOHC EFI NA V8 Flex -Fuel Transmission: TorgShift 6 -Speed Automatic 0/D Rear Axle Ratio: Electronic Locking w/4.30 GVWR: 10,000 lb Payload Package 2012 Ford F -250 x 137' WB SRW XL IF26) Code Description Class MSRP F2B Base Vehicle Price (F2B) STD 32,040.00 Packages 600A Order Code 600A OPT N/C (996) Engine: B2L 2 -Valve SOHC EFI NA V8 Flex -Fuel, (44P) Transmission: TorgShift 6 -Speed Automatic DID: Includes SelectShift.; (X37) 3.73 Axle Ratio; (STDGV) GVWR: 10,00016 Payload Package; (TBK) Tires. LT245175Rxl7E BSW A/S (5); (64A) Wheels: 1 T'Argent Painted Steel, Includes painted hub coversicenter ornaments.; (A) Heavy Duty Vinyl 40/20/40 Split Bench Seat: Includes center armrest, cupholder and storage.; (587) Radio: AM/FM Stereo w /Digital Clock: Includes 2- speakers. Powertrain 996 Engine: 6.21- 2 -Valve SOHC EFI NA V8 Flex -Fuel INC Included Torque: 405 ft.lbs. @ 4500 rpm. 44P Transmission: TorgShift 6 -Speed Automatic O/D INC Included Includes SelectShiff. X4M Electronic Locking w /4.30 Axle Ratio OPT 390.00 STDGV GVWR: 10,000 lb Payload Package INC Included Wheels & Tires TBK Tires: LT245/75Rx17E BSW Al (5) INC Included 64A Wheels: 17 Argent Painted Steel INC Included Includes painted hub coversrcenter ornaments. Seats & Seat Trim A Heavy Duty Vinyl 40/20/40 Split Bench Seat INC Included Includes center armrest, cupholder and storage. Prices and content availability as shown, are sm iect to change and should be treated as estimates only Actual base vehicle package and option pricing may vary from this estimate because of special local pricing, availability or pricing adjustments not reflected in the dealer's computer system. See salesperson for the most Current Information. Reference CT05205242 1111412e11 Printed on February 17, 2012 at 06:54 Price Level: 220 Quote0: MGF250 Page 4 Selected 01!7tion2F Continued prepared For: Mr. Paul Tobin Prepared By: Thomas F. Sullivan Dealership: Currie Motors Fleet Code Description Class MSRP Other Options 137WB 137" Wheelbase STD N/C 473 Snow Plow Prep Package OPT 85.00 Includes computer selected springs for snowplow application and heavy -duty alternator. NOTE: Restrictions apply, see Supplemental Reference or Body Builders Layout Book for details. 213 4x4 Electronic- Shift -On- The -Fly OPT 185.00 Includes manual locking hubs and auto rotary control on instrument panel. 18B 6" Angular Black Molded -in -Color Running Boards OPT 320.00 592 Roof Clearance Lights OPT 55.00 PAINT Monotone Paint Application STD N/C 433 Manual Sliding Rear Window w /Privacy Glass (Fleet) OPT 125.00 56S Upfitter Switches (4) OPT 125.00 Located on instrument panel. 587 Radio: AM /FM Stereo w /Digital Clock INC Included Includes 2- speakers. Interior Colors For: Primary w /XL (Reg) AS Steel OPT N/C Primary Colors For : Primary w /XL (Reg) Z1 Oxford White OPT N/C Accessories and Aftermarket Options Re -21 Western Ultra Mount Pro Snow Plow 7.5' $4,330.00 Joy Stick Controller ESP -01 Extended Warranty $1,940.00 3 Year too, 000 mile powertrain C -03 Shop Manual $295.00 CD -Rom Vehicle Subtotal $39,890.00 Fuel Charge $0.00 Destination $995.00 Vehicle Subtotal (including Destination) $40,885.00 Prices and content availability as shown, are subject to change and should be treated as estimates only. Actual base vehicle, package and option pricing may vary from this Reference because of special local pricing, availability or pricing adjustments not reflected in the dealer's computer system. See salesperson for the most Chirac infortnalon. Reference cause Of ±1l local 1 Printed on February 17, 2012 at 08:54 Price Level: 220 CuoteID: MGF250 Page 5 Prepared For: Mr. Paul Tobin Village Of Morton Grove 7840 N. Nagle Morton Grove, Illinois, 60053 Quotation Vehicle Snapshot Prepared By: Thomas F. Sullivan Currie Motors Fleet 9423 W. Lincoln Highway Frankfort, Illinois, 60423 Phone: 815-464-9200 Fax: 815-464-7500 4x4 SD Engine: 6,2L 2 -Valve SOHC ER NA V8 Flex -Fue Transmission: TorgShift 6 -Speed Automatic O/D Rear Axle Ratio: Electronic Locking w/4.30 GVWR: 10,000 lb Payload Package 1 Cab 8' box 137" WB SRW XL Description MSRP Vehicle Price (excluding option discounts) $399890.00 FDAF Assessment 0.00 Vehicle Subtotal $397890.00 Option Credits 0.00 Other (Discount)Margin (13,009.00) Incentives 0.00 Total Other Items (137009.00) Net Selling Price $26,881.00 Destination 995.00 Total Quote $279876.00 TOTAL $27,876.00 Customer Signature Acceptance Date Prices and content availability as shown, ate subject to change and should be treated as estimates only Actual base vehicle, package and option pricing may vary from this estimate because of special local pricing, evailebdity or pricing adjustments not reflected In the dealer's computer system. See salesperson for the most current Information. Reference CT052 05242 1 111 412 011 Printed on February 17, 2012 at 08:54 Price Level: 220 QuoteID: MGF250 Page 6 Prepared For: Mr. Paul Tobin Village Of Morton Grove 7840 N. Nagle Morton Grove, Illinois, 60053 ff arr°rrn%, Prepared By: Thomas F. Sullivan Currie Motors Fleet 9423 W. Lincoln Highway Frankfort, Illinois, 60423 Phone: 815-464-9200 Fax: 815-464-7500 4x4 SD Regular Cab 8' box 137' WB SRW XL (F28) Description Months /Distance Basic......................................................................................................... ............................... 36 month /36,000 miles Powertrain....................... ........_.......................... ........... ....._.................. ............_............. ...... 60month/60r000miles Corrosion Perforation ....................................................................... ............................... 60 month /unlimited mileage Roadside Assistance ............................................................................... ............................... 60 month /60,000 miles pricers end content suailabtllty as shown, are subject to change and shouttl be treated as estimates only Actual base vehicle, package and opGOn pacing may vary from this Reference because of spade/ ;wel pricing, avail billy or pricing adlusPmente not reflectad ;n the dealers computer system. See salesperson for the most current information. Reference CT0520524211It4pot 1 Printed on February 17, 2012 at 08:54 Price Level: 220 QuotelD: MGF250 Page 7 Legislative Summary Resolution 12 -18 AUTHORIZING THE NORTHERN ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL ELECTRIC COLLABORATIVE (NIMEC) AND PREPARING DOCUMENTS FOR THE AGGREGATION OF MUNICIPAL ELECTRIC SUPPLY Introduced: February 27, 2012 Synopsis: This resolution will authorize an agreement with NIMEC to act as the Village's consultant and broker to aggregate its residents and small business electric loads. Purpose: To supply electricity to residents and small businesses at an economic rate. Background: The Village has placed a referendum on the March 20, 2012, ballot seeking authorization to aggregate electrical supplies for all residents and small businesses who do not chose to opt out of the program. It is believed such aggregation will result in lower electric rates. Should the referendum pass, the Village will need assistance in assembling documents and completing the necessary procedures and documents to finish the lengthy, legally. Working with NIMEC will get Morton Grove out in the market as quickly as possible to ensure monthly savings start as soon as possible if the referendum is approved on March 20, 2012. The Village of Morton Grove has successfully bid electric supply with NIMEC in the past, saving money on electric used by water pumping stations and street lights. NIMEC has the most experience in helping communities achieve optimal competitive electrical pricing. This resolution will authorize Village staff to use NIMEC as its exclusive consultant and broker for the aggregation process. Programs, Departments Administration, Finance, and Legal Department. or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: N/A Source of Funds: N/A i Workload Impact: The management of document assembly will be handled by the Administration, Finance, and Legal Departments as part of their normal work activities. Administrator Approval as presented Recommendation: Second Reading: N/A Special Considerations None or Requirements: Respectfully submitted: lage Administrator Pro Tem Prepared by: / �� Teresa Hoffman b, _ orporation Counsel RESOLUTION 12 -18 AUTHORIZING THE NORTHERN ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL ELECTRIC COLLABORATIVE (NIMEC) AND PREPARING DOCUMENTS FOR THE AGGREGATION OF MUNICIPAL ELECTRIC SUPPLY WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (VILLAGE), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, The Village has placed a referendum on the March 20, 2012, ballot seeking authorization to aggregate electrical supplies for all residents and small businesses who do not chose to opt out of the program. It is believed such aggregation will result in lower electric rates; and WHEREAS, Should the referendum pass, the Village will need assistance in assembling documents and completing the necessary procedures and documents to finish the lengthy, legally; and WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove has successfully bid electric supply with NIMEC in the past, saving money on electric used by water pumping stations and street lights; and WHEREAS, NIMEC has the most experience of any consultant in Illinois in this process, assisting fifteen other communities in the past year; and WHEREAS, NIMEC looks to consult approximately fifty (50) additional communities this year, including municipalities that could be combined with the Village of Morton Grove to achieve optimal size to achieve the most competitive rates; and WHEREAS, Staff needs assistance in assembling documents and completing the necessary procedures and doctim2ents to finish the process legally; and WHEREAS, NIMEC. can get the Village of Morton Grove out to the market as quickly as possible to ensure monthly savings start as soon as possible. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Ordinance as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2: This resolution will authorize Village staff to use NIMEC as its exclusive consultant and broker for the electrical aggregation process should the residents approve the March 20, 2012, referendum. NIMEC will be compensated for these services by the ultimate successful electrical supplier. In the event the referendum does not pass, there will be no charge to the Village for NIMEC services. SECTION 3: The Village Administrator and Director of Finance are authorized to take all steps necessary to enter into a contract with NIMEC for such services and to work with NIMEC to begin preparation for municipal aggregation to save residents and small businesses money on their electric bills, should the referendum question be approved on March 20, 2012. SECTION 3: This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. PASSED this 27`t' day of February 2012. Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee DiMaria Gomberg Grear Marcus Thill Toth APPROVED by me this 27`x' day of February 2012. Daniel J. Staackmann, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois APPROVED and FILED in my office this 28`x' day of February 2012. Tony S. Kalogerakos, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois Lez?islative Summary Ordinance 12 -06 AN ORDINANCE GRANTING AN AMENDMENT TO THE SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 8710 FERRIS AND 8701 LINCOLN AVENUE FOR A PLANNED UNIT Introduction: Synopsis: Purpose: Background. DEVELOPMENT IN TIDE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE February 27, 2012 Programs, Departments or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: Source of Funds: Workload Impact: Administrator Recommendation: Second Reading: Special Considerations or Requirements: Respectfully submitted: This ordinance will grant an amendment to the special use permit for the property located at 8710 Ferris and 8701 Lincoln Avenue to allow the unit mix to be reduced to 63 units. 'file Unified Development code requires an amendment to a special use permit when revisions are made to Planned Unit Developments. In 2005, pursuant to Ordinance 05 -28, the Corporate Authorities approved a special use permit for a Planned Unit Development at 8710 Ferris and 8701 Lincoln Avenue for the construction of 65 town homes. In 2007, at the request of the owners, Toll Brothers, Inc., and pursuant to Ordinance 07 -07, the Village approved an amendment to the special use permit to provide 64 town home units and to change the mix of the style of the units. Previous ordinances in 2007 and 2009 adjusted the total number of units between 64 and 65; there were 65 town homes approved in the original Planned Unit Development; which was later reduced to 64. 'File current request from Toll Brothers consists of a minor modification to remove the unit ( #27 Oakton) as shown on the attached plan. This translates to a total of 63 units with 8 units in building #4 instead of 9. Pursuant to the Unified Development Code adopted pursuant to Ordinance 07 -07, such minor changes all allowed without the need of going through a full formal Plan Commission process, so long as the amendment has been approved by the Village Administrator, Corporation Counsel, Building Commissioner, and Plan Commission Chairperson. All these officials have approved the proposed amendment. Approval of this ordinance will formally grant an additional amendment to the special use permit granted pursuant to Ordinance 05 -28. Building and Inspectional Services; Community Development, Village Engineer N/A N/A The special use amendment was processed by the Building Commissioner, Village Attorney, and Director of Community Development pursuant to the normal course of business. Approval as presented. Required — March 12, 2012. None. Ho ne, Village Administrator Pro Tem �� %� 1 Reviewed I Prepared by: John D. Said, Director of Community Development Teresa hloff4i Liston, Corporation Counsel CST: 171►M�[i1` fi►•EiZ; AN ORDINANCE GRANTING AN AMENDMENT TO THE SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 8710 FERRIS AND 8701 LINCOLN AVENUF, FOR A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT IN THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (VILLAGE), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, the applicant, Toll Brothers, Inc. located at 1035 E. Woodfield Rd., Schaumburg, Illinois 60173 was granted pursuant to Ordinance 05 -28 a special use permit in the Village of Morton Grove approving a Planned Unit Development for that property known as 8710 Ferris Avenue and 8701 Lincoln Avenue for the development and construction of 65 town houses on or about May 23, 2005; and WHEREAS, on October 8, 2007 (Ordinance 07 -27), June 23, 2009 (Ordinance 09 -10), and August 10, 2009 (Ordinance 09 -14) Toll Brothers, Inc. was granted amendments to its special use permit to adjust the total units of town homes to 64 (63 units are now proposed); and WHEREAS, the applicant, Toll Brothers, Inc. has made a proper application to the Village of Morton Grove for another minor amendment to the Planned Unit Development to change a portion of the site plan to provide a total of 63 units of town homes pursuant to the site plan attached as Exhibit "A"; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Ordinance 07 -07 the Village adopted Unified Development Code which set forth an abbreviated procedure for minor revisions to special use permits and allows said minor amendments to be made without a formal grant permission process upon the approval of the Village Administrator, Corporation Counsel, Building Commissioner and Plan Commission Chairperson' and WHEREAS, the Village Administrator, Corporation Counsel, Building Commissioner and Plan Commission Chairperson have approved this proposed amendment and have found the proposed site plan changes meet the standards for the abbreviated procedure; and WHEREAS, the property is zoned in the CR "Residential District" pursuant to the provision of the Village of Morton Grove Unified Development Code; and WHEREAS, the property is zoned in the CR "Residential District' pursuant to the provisions of the Village of Morton Grove Unified Development Code; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of the Village of Morton Grove Unified Development Code, the Corporate Authorities have determined the proposed amendment to the special use shall be approved subject to conditions and restrictions as set forth herein. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Ordinance, as though fully set forth herein, thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2: The property located at 8710 Ferris Avenue and 8701 Lincoln Avenue, Morton Grove, Illinois is hereby granted an amendment to the special use permit for a Planned Unit Development as follows: 1. The proposed planned unit development shall be constructed in accordance with the site plan and elevations plan as originally approved in Ordinance 05 -08 but amended to change that portion of the site plan and elevation as shown on the site plan dated February 7, 2012, by ESE, and elevation plan dated February 13, 2012, by Toll Architecture. 2. Except as inconsistent with this amendment, all other provisions of Ordinance 05- 28 and subsequent ordinances will remain in full force and effect. J. The special use as amended is granted so long as the occupant and users of this property utilize the property for the purposes as herein designated. SECTION 3: The owners, lessees, and occupants of 8710 Ferris Avenue and 8701 Lincoln Avenue their successors and assigns shall allow employees and authorized agents of the Village of Morton Grove access to the premise at all reasonable times for the purpose of inspecting said premise to verify all terms and conditions of the special use permit, as amended, have been met. SECTION 4: The Village Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to amend all pertinent records of the Village of Morton Grove to show and designate the special use permit as amended hereunder. SECTION 5: The Applicant /Owner shall comply with all applicable requirements of the Village of Morton Grove Ordinances and Codes. SECTION 6: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form according to law. PASSED this 12 °i day of March 2012. Trustee DiMaria Trustee Gomberg Trustee Grear Trustee Marcus Trustee Thill Trustee Toth APPROVED by me this 12`' day of March 2012. APPROVED and FILED in my office this lir" day of March 2012. Tony S. Kalogerakos, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois Daniel J. Staackmann, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois VHAdminAl_egisVOrdA.2012 \8710 Ferns and 9701 Gncoln, special useA February 15, 2012 John Said, AICP Director, Community and Economic Development Village of Morton Grove 6101 Capulina Avenue Morton Grove, IL 60053 Re: Revision to the Crossings at Morton Grove PUD and Site Plan Dear Mr. Said: Please accept this letter as a formal request to revise the Planned unit Crossings at Morton Grove. I would like to request to modify Building site plan and elevation renderings for your review. The site plan shows that this revision is consistent with the applicable appearance requirements already met throughout the community. The n depicts the elimination of the Oakton (unit 27), therefore changing the c 64 to 63. Building #4 will have 8 units instead of 9. Please note Buildir already approved configuration of 6 Henning floorplans. There will be ; to the landscape plan. 7elopment for the I have included a biting, set - back, and sion of Building 94 ,call unit count from #3 will remain in its significant changes I look forward to hearing from you after you have had an opportunity to review this request. Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have questions or need additional materials. Sincerely, Tricia A. Patton Project Manager New York Stock Lxchange • Symbol TOL ILLINOIS DIVISION 1035 E. Woodfield Road • Schaumburg, IL 60173 • (847) 590 -5100 TollBrothers.com (847) 590 -5640 CONSTRUCTOq WIT D 1 UNIT u UNITS UNIT a / UNIT A UNIT 0 UNIT 1 f 1 i \ UNa f ,N1i n Uxii a \UNIT a \UNIT A UNIT CONSTRUCTED L� UNITS \ all a UNIS F e rue DOW ., N \rc � IF 25. \ NUTURE LV TI N.\ EE 6.?I \- m EEIDBE �� \ N MODE, WRESTED FNEV COLONIAL ,.eE2 >> MODEL Ea \ O[ EIEV = 6ppl1N j7jAE In xoaN:'wees *EN L,_J D z w Q I— I— LLJ co z Q C) Q �z u. Q z BUILDING 4—\ M' UNITS UNDER \ CONSTRUCTION I FUTURE UNITS PROPOSED LAYOUT: TOTAL COMMUNITY UNIT COUNT =63 UNITS i S �1 �4E 74 B. S,f _ M6 I 0 LI FUTURE UNITS BUILDING 3 2'= "nry O IB Building /{4: N NHE approved units any as THE OAKTON (UNIT 27) MasNO = 8 5689 s.f. a'as— t TO BE ELUMINATED fi YB 35 Net change i=E I III uu H�ilaa m i «1 mDDDam 4.826 -05 UN? 21 112 V w HEN!NE BUILDING 4 NEEV CMPWLL firt26.05 UNIT n °' THE CROSSINGS OF NORTON GROVE HEHNING _ Land Planning w adi iwnlnoxA gL 4 -62E.0 iuHUxl Engineering c V UEANGTDN ILLINOIS: ,E_625 a5 X 2f W iMEN Nc NI wAE nl M AOLDINEs 25 MEµ1W xE C Lk= iry 17- 825,05 S �1 �4E 74 B. S,f _ M6 I 0 LI FUTURE UNITS BUILDING 3 2'= "nry O Building /{4: approved units = 9 6309 s.f. THE OAKTON (UNIT 27) pse units = 8 5689 s.f. a'as— t TO BE ELUMINATED Net change -620 s.f. I III uu i «1 112 V w BUILDING 4 -- °' THE CROSSINGS OF NORTON GROVE _ Land Planning w adi gL MORTON (DVE Engineering ILLINOIS: —a— Land Garnering NI I I lu u' iii 911 ;111'11 lihI I —i -FI (�I�; �I�i�0 ;� ❑ ©® °® � .II i I I ii III � ��'�IU i lilt tl Ilh' I G 1111 I � op lG�II( jj FIT 119 �' IIIIhN {{ ; I j �II�I' Ill�li •. ; IIIII� t. ".. _l, I m II II ix- 11 } 'I IiIi 1,1i 'ji 1111 � iili f l i V: ; n ❑�� I I I n I.... h..l I 111 41 O j 4I 31, dI - li 4 lil 't'I i hill ' HI �II � il� III• I'll �! I I � I�i i it I III iL. II 1;;; v --x-- i I I �i���i ❑O© l l I I i i'I'illi i� ❑ ®® z II I III VIII �illil �I In th, Ali Ix �IlMill, �4Ji1 o Jill I� ill 11 I� m 1' El G II 3 Zi III it N Ii li ili�il ll�ll li , _ Q II III. •. it ill Ilia �;. I.pp, I DEE I I; rti L i �I I•II ill. IlI� LIII �i �lu III i` {ln l7i Irz `I Nyy J W o T {I F- i; `(�- -. � � LL zONAU 3s) 9 No WISKWUxn oxv molSxaWlaia U0a15uQUMYn W JO SMIA1A15NY 9ItlossalUOaeiYLL wl'svaluans :;w exvsw RU No sxvwmmeaxasxo ;susuiem am navxoems IouruAAANV sxwwuomsuvis canigmesava;>Vio ai vmror sx�uunvasauxvsxpowa rmwm x� satumwms;vxous�wuse jo alol c1N9MWm 'NO Ai VwJAIWMcAV MYNM onva)"I Viim�[tlma0Ma11'AVA: U QasOon ac MWOWlII111 GI Sxl3W39xN ANILV3 CANN I VO3mxox':Yrom mllUNAM lWMUO'J3lxxmwoxr •xo35nam 6itlN3/3vcxv Ox�VNa' aattlYl3tlaMA31LL '0LLI9NIJN3avouv]NI SasNlOtlerAtlOUYadoaa aHl MYAx 3aY9xlMVays9LLleciLYSfltla3YVO0IY ]IxNISM'b MN S11689FMxW'Sx0�00 AsooM Legislative Surnmary Resolution 12 -17 AUTHORIZING THE SUPPORT OF THE NORTHWEST MUNICIPAL CONFERENCE 2012 LEGISLATIVE PROGRAM Introduced: February 27, 2012 Synopsis: This resolution will confirm the Village's support of the Northwest Municipal Conference's efforts to provide a comprehensive platform on legislative issues in order to protect and benefit the interests of its member municipalities, residents, and businesses. Purpose: To support the NWMC's efforts to work with federal and state legislators to protect and promote the interests of the residents and taxpayers of the Village. Background: The Northwest Municipal Conference's platform on legislative issues strives to help protect local government revenues, online sales tax collection and sales tax sourcing rules, as well as address labor related cost drivers such as pension reform, preventing abuse of the Public Safety Employees Benefit Act, and balancing the interest arbitration process. The Village is in support of all of these various platforms. Programs, Departments Administration and Legal Departments or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: N/A Source of Funds: N/A Workload Impact: The involvement of the Village will be rim through the Administration and Legal Departments as part of their normal work activities. Administrator Approval as presented Recommendation: Second Reading: N/A Special Considerations or None Requirements: Respectfully submitted: Ryai J. Horne, Village Administrator Pro Tem Prepared by: Teresa Hoffmao`1 on, Corporation Counsel RESOLUTION 12 -1.7 AUTHORIZING THE SUPPORT OF THE NORTHWEST MUNICIPAL CONFERENCE 2012 LEGISLATIVE PROGRAM WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (Village), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove is a member of the Northwest Municipal Conference: and WHEREAS, the Northwest Municipal Conference works with its members to develop its annual Legislative Program which serves as a comprehensive platform on legislative issues in order to protect and benefit the interests of its member municipalities, residents, and businesses in communities and the region; and WHEREAS, the Northwest Municipal Conference's 2012 Legislative Program focuses on issues vital to the Village of Morton Grove including protecting local government revenues, online sales tax collection and sales tax sourcing rules as well as addressing labor related cost drivers such as pension reform, preventing abuse of the Public Safety Employees Benefit Act and balancing the interest arbitration process; and WHEREAS, the Northwest Municipal Conference will actively pursue these legislative priorities to the benefit of the Village of Morton Grove and all members of the Northwest Municipal Conference. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Resolution as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2: The Village of Morton Grove will actively support the 2012 Legislative Program both locally and in the federal and state capitals; and SECTION 3: A copy of this resolution will be forwarded to the Northwest Municipal Conference, to all state and federal legislators representing the Village of Morton Grove, and to the Office of the Governor of the State of Illinois. SECTION 4: This Resolution shall be deemed an exercise of the home rule authority of the Village of Morton Grove and is intended and shall be construed to the fullest extent allowed by the Constitution of the State of Illinois to supersede any contrary or conflicting state, county, or local rules or regulations. SECTION 5: This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and upon its passage and approval. PASSED THIS 27t" day of February 2012 Trustee DiMaria Trustee Gomberg Trustee Grear Trustee Marcus Trustee Thill Trustee Toth APPROVED BY ME THIS 27th day of February 2012 Daniel J. Staackmann, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois ATTESTED AND FILED in my office This 28th day of February 2012, Tony S. Kalogerakos, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois