HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-07-12 MinutesVillage Clerk Tony Kalogerakos called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. After leading the
assemblage in the Pledge of Allegiance, he called the role. Present were: Trustees Dan
DiMaria, Larry Gomberg, Bill Grear, Shel Marcus, and John Thill. Clerk Kalogerakos
announced that Mayor Staackmann was ill and would not be in attendance this evening.
Trustee Grear moved to appoint Trustee DiMaria as President pro -tem for this meeting.
The motion was seconded by Trustee Thill and passed unanimously via voice vote.
Trustee DiMaria then moved to the President's chair.
a. Regarding the Minutes of the Special Meeting of June 12, 2010, Trustee Grear moved,
seconded by Trustee Marcus, to accept the Minutes as presented. There was no discussion.
Motion passed unanimously via voice vote.
b. Regarding the Minutes of the Special Meeting of June 28, 2010, Trustee Gomberg moved,
seconded by Trustee Thill, to accept the Minutes as presented. There was no discussion.
Motion passed unanimously via voice vote.
c. Regarding the Minutes of the June 28, 2010 Regular Meeting, Trustee Thill moved,
seconded by Trustee Marcus, to accept the Minutes as presented. There was no discussion.
Motion passed unanimously via voice vote.
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V, RESIDENTS' COMMENTS (Agenda Items Only)
President pro -tern DiMaria sought concurrence for the appointment of Craig S. Stehle to the
Economic Development Commission for a three -year term. Trustee Gomberg so moved,
seconded by Trustee Thill. Motion passed unanimously via voice vote.
Clerk Kalogerakos had no formal report.
A. Village Administrator
1. Mr. Wade said that Finance Director Ryan Horne was going to provide an update on the
billing process for solid waste /recycling collection. He explained that, when the Village
negotiated its new contract with Groot, it was able to save even more money (approximately
$35,000 annually) by doing the billing internally. Mr. Wade said he was very thankful that
Mr. Horne and the Finance Department showed their initiative by offering to take on this task.
a. Mr. Wade said there are 8,000 -plus single family homes in the Village, plus condos and town -
homes. That made the transition from Groot doing the billing to the Village doing the billing a
little bumpy. He then turned it over to Mr. Horne for a progress report.
b. Mr. Horne first clarified that the actual billing is done by the Village, but service questions go to
Groot directly. He noted that the solid waste /recycling charge is now included on residents'
water bills. Residents will see a $35 charge for trash, which reflects two months' of service at
$17.50 per month. $12.85 of that goes to Groot for waste pickup, and the remainder goes to
the Solid Waste Agency of Northern Cook County (SWANCC), who handles the disposal of
the waste. A very small portion goes back to the Village.
c. One thing that has been confusing thing for residents is that water bills are done on a two -
month (even /odd) cycle. When the Village started doing the billing for solid waste /recycling
pickup in May, that was the "odd" cycle. In May, residents were being billed for their March
and April water usage, but the solid waste charge was for May and June. Residents who were
billed in June ( "even" cycle) were paying for water usage for April and May, and trash collec-
tion for May and June. In order to honor the 5% discount for residents who wished to pay for
their solid waste pickup for the whole year, the Village said that residents who received their
bills on May 1St would have a 30- to 45 -day window to pay the 5 %. Residents billed on June 1St
will also have a 45 -day window in which to pay the 5 %.
d. Mr. Horne said that Finance Department staff discovered some glitches in the Village's
software that resulted in some people getting billed for trash pickup, even though they had
paid for the whole year in advance to get the 5% discount. He personally apologized for that,
and said he is working with the software vendor to get the issue resolved.
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STAFF REPORTS (continued)
e. Mr. Horne readily admitted that townhomes and homeowners associations are a challenge
when it comes to the billing for solid waste /recycling service. Some associations wanted to
pay the utility bills as a group, but they wanted the trash paid on a "per- person" basis. So in
some cases, these associations have gone from a single billing to multiple billing. He asked
for patience and said that, in the coming years, things should get better. President pro tem
DiMaria thanked Mr. Horne and asked if any of the trustees had any questions or comments.
f. Trustee Thili complimented the Finance Department staff working the front desk at Village
Hall, noting that they do a great job of explaining things to residents and resolving problems.
g. Trustee Grear asked if the 5% discount took effect as of the last bill. Mr. Horne said that it
did, but the software glitch resulted in some people getting billed again. He also clarified that
residents on the June billing cycle will still have an opportunity to pay in advance to get the
5% discount.
2. Mr. Wade announced that there will not be a Board Meeting on July 26.
B. Corporation Counsel:
Corporation Counsel Liston had no report.
A. Trustee DiMaria:
Trustee DiMaria had no report.
B. Trustee Gomberg:
Trustee Gomberg had no report.
C. Trustee Grear:
Trustee Grear had no formal report, but noted that the July 4th festivities were a huge success,
including the carnival, the parade, and the fireworks. He thanked all the volunteers and for
their hard work in making the 3 -day festival a great success.
D. Trustee Marcus:
Trustee Marcus had no formal report.
E. Trustee Thill
1. Trustee Thill presented Ordinance 10 -15, Granting an Amendment to the Special Use
Permit for the Property Located at 8220 National Avenue, Morton Grove, Illinois, for the
Installation of Three Antenna Dishes on the Village's Water Tower.
This is the second reading of this Ordinance.
Trustee Thill moved, seconded by Trustee Gomberg,
passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent.
Tr. DiMaria aye Tr. Gomberg aye
Tr. Marcus ale Tr. Thill Ue
to adopt Ordinance 10 -15. Motion
Trustee Thill moved to approve Resolution 10-48, seconded by Trustee Gomberg. Motion
p. • ! nays, I absent,
Tr, DiMaria ave Tr. Gomberg
Tr. Marcus aye Tr. Thill ave Tr. Toth
Trustee Thill moved to approve Resolution 10 -48, seconded by Trustee Gomberg.
Trustee Marcus asked if this was the lowest bid and if it was a bid received from Morton Grove
being part of a consortium of other municipalities. The contract amount is $72,500, but since it
is a unit price contract, the final contract amount will be based on the actual quantity of work
performed. Mr. DeMonte said that it was the lowest bid, and the Village had sought it out on
its own, not as part of a consortium.
President pro -tem DiMaria called for the vote on Resolution 10 -48. Motion passed: 5 ayes,
0 nays, 1 absent.
a Trustee Thill moved to waive the second reading of Ordinance 10 -16, as the document had to
be recorded with the Secretary of State and Illinois Department of Labor by July 15, 2010,
Trustee Gomberg seconded the motion.
E. Trustee Thill (continued)
Minute`s of July `12,_201Q BOOM,
Nlec jn
b. Trustee Marcus asked why the Village was so late with this ordinance that it now could not
follow its rules about having two readings for every ordinance. Corporation Counsel Liston
responded that this is a "housekeeping" type of ordinance that, unfortunately, didn't make it on
the last Meeting Agenda.
c. Trustee Marcus asked what the impact would be to the Village if this ordinance was not
recorded by the Secretary of State and Illinois Department of Labor by July 15'h. Ms. Liston
responded that the State statute requires that this be filed, and the Village would be in
violation if it did not comply.
d. There being no further discussion, President pro -tem DiMaria called for a vote on the motion
to waive the second reading of Ordinance 10 -16. Motion passed unanimously via voice
Trustee Thill then moved to approve Ordinance 10 -16, seconded by Trustee Gomberg.
Motion passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent.
Tr. DiMaria pye Tr. Gomberg aye Tr. Grear aye
Tr. Marcus ave Tr. Thill awe Tr. Toth absent
Trustee Thill moved to approve Resolution 10 -49, seconded by Trustee Marcus,
Trustee Thill noted that this purchase was budgeted at $20,000, but came in at $11,377, sav-
ing the Village nearly $8,600.
Trustee Thill moved to approve Resolution 10 -50, seconded by Trustee Gomberg. Motion
passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent.
Tr. DiMaria pye Tr. Gomberg aye Tr. Grear awe
Tr. Marcus aye Tr. Thill aye Tr. Toth absent
F. Trustee Toth:
Trustee Toth was absent —no report.
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Trustee Gomberg presented the Warrant Register for July 12, 2010 in the amount of
$344,337.11. He moved to accept the Warrants, seconded by Trustee Gomberg.
None of the trustees had any questions or comments:
There being no discussion on the Warrants, President pro tem DiMaria called for the vote.
Motion passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent.
Tr. DiMaria g)Le Tr. Gomberg afe Tr. Grear ffe
Tr. Marcus ay_e Tr. Thill afe Tr. Toth absent
Rudy Firenzik, 7626 Lake Street, Mr. Firenzik said that he had gone to the library to research
the Board Meeting where the flooding plan for 2011 was introduced. He felt there was no
"scope" of the project mentioned. He said he was looking for a structural plan of what the
Village would be doing in 2011 to address the issue of the sanitary sewer system flooding
problem. Mr. Firenzik wanted to know when he could sit down with someone to talk about
President pro -tem DiMaria said that any of the Board members would be glad to sit down with
Mr. Firenzik to discuss this, and suggested that he call Mr. Wade at Village Hall tomorrow to
set up a meeting.
Mr. Firenzik said it was very said that it's taking so long to get answers.
Trustee Gomberg moved to adjourn the meeting. Trustee Thill seconded the motion.
Motion passed unanimously via voice vote. The meeting adjourned at 7:26 p.m.
PASSED this 9th day of August, 2010.
this 9th day of August, 2010.
Daniel P. Sty ackmann, Village President
Board of Trustees, Morton Grove, Illinois
APPROVED and FILED in my offic this �Oth day f August, 2010,
Tony'S. KKgerako V' lage Clerk
Village of orton o ,Cook County, Illinois
Min4te tlf.Ju! 125.090'B0ars# Main
Minutes by: Teresa Cousar