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Village President Dan Staackmann called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. After leading the
assemblage in the Pledge of Allegiance, he directed the Village Clerk to call the roll.
II. Village Clerk Tony Kalogerakos called the roll. Present were: Trustees Dan DiMaria, Larry
Gomberg, Bill Grear, Shel Marcus, John Thill, and Maria Toth.
a. Regarding the Minutes of the Special Meeting of June 14, 2010, Trustee DiMaria moved,
seconded by Trustee Toth, to accept the Minutes as presented. There was no discussion.
Motion passed unanimously via voice vote.
b. Regarding the Minutes of the June 14, 2010 Regular Meeting, Trustee DiMaria moved,
seconded by Trustee Toth, to accept the Minutes as presented. There was no discussion.
Motion passed unanimously via voice vote.
Eric Poders. Mr. Poders commented about Ordinance 10 -14, which amends the Village's
Sign Regulations and is on the Agenda for a first reading tonight. He asked if she could give a
history or timeline on how much time has been spent updating the Sign Code so the residents
and businesses could know how much work has been done on it. He also asked her to outline
what the next steps will be and how this will be communicated to the business community.
M Minutes of June x$, 2010 Board 1646 g
1. Mayor Staackmann proclaimed the week of September 20, 2010 as "Live United Week" in the
Village. He noted that, during that week, communities across the northwest suburban United
Way region will be joining together to give people a chance to get involved and make lasting
changes in their community. He called upon all the residents of Morton Grove to observe the
week of September 20, 2010, with appropriate programs, activities, and ceremonies that ad-
vance the common good.
2. Mayor Staackmann said that, a week ago Friday, the Village was hit by a hard storm, but
Morton Grove was lucky. He said he witnessed some of the destruction in Des Plaines—
about 20 high- tension wires snapped along Mannheim road, creating a very large power
outage. The mayor said that, every time the Village has a storm, he calls Public Works
Director Andy DeMonte to see what problems are being reported. For this particular storm,
Mr. DeMonte had been on vacation, but he nevertheless went out to survey the town. Less
than an hour later, Public Works personnel were on the street. Police and EMA personnel
were also out, due to many traffic signals not working on major intersections. Mayor
Staackmann noted that EMA personnel are truly the "unsung heroes" of the Village, giving of
time without cost to the Village. EMA provides full support to public works, police, and fire
personnel, freeing them up to do the things they've been trained to do. Mayor Staackmann
said that he couldn't say enough about EMA for what they do. The Board thanked EMA and
the entire staff of the Fire Department, Public Works, and the Police Department.
Clerk Kalogerakos had no formal report.
A. Villaqe Administrator
Mr. Wade asked Mr. DeMonte to give the monthly Dempster Street Construction Status
Report. Mr. DeMonte said there was very little to report. The water main is completed, and on
Wednesday this week there will be a pre- construction meeting with IDOT about the roadway
improvements project. ComEd is moving some utilities on Dempster; they should be finished
with that by the end of this week. Nicor will be removing their gas main from Dempster and it
plans to run it down the alleys on either side of Dempster. That work will be completed within
the next three weeks. AT &T still needs to move a few utilities; the Village is coordinating with
them about that. He said that, until the preconstruction meeting is over, he won't have too
many more details.
Trustee Thill asked about the progress of Lincoln Avenue. Mr.DeMonte said he believed that
work is scheduled to begin on or about July 6. They'll start with the water main down Ferris,
and then begin removal of curbs and driveway aprons. The utilities also have some work to
do down Ferris. Nicor is finishing up their gas main work on Ferris.
Trustee Marcus said he saw signs on Dempster stating construction would begin on July 12.
Mr. DeMonte said it's "on or about" July 12. Trustee Marcus asked about its duration.
Mr. DeMonte said he's estimating completion in December. The plantings will be done in the
spring of 2011.
Minutes of June 28, 2010 Board Meetin
B. Corporation Counsel:
Mayor Staackmann noted that he had received complaints from several residents about
solicitors at intersections. He asked Ms. Liston to provide a short synopsis of the laws regard-
ing that type of solicitation. Ms. Liston said that, in 2006, the Village enacted an ordinance
regarding peddlers and solicitors which covers door -to -door and non - commercial solicitors
(people coming to a person's door to collect for various causes or for political purposes). The
Village has for many years allowed not - for - profit agencies to do fundraising at certain of its
intersections. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in the "Watch Tower" case that the Village
cannot stop people from exercising their First Amendment rights. Soliciting for charity is a
First Amendment issue. The Village also cannot pick and choose which groups are allowed to
solicit. The Village is, however, permitted to regulate the safety concerns of allowing people
on busy street corners. Ms. Liston said her understanding is that solicitation is not allowed at
the intersections of Dempster & Waukegan and Golf & Waukegan because those intersec-
tions are too busy and too dangerous to allow people to stand there and ask for funds.
Groups wishing to solicit at intersections have to register with the Police Department. If fraud
is involved or if these groups are acting dangerously to themselves or others, the Police
Department can get involved. Some communities have enacted a total ban on solicitation in
the interest of safety, and Morton Grove has the right to do this as well.
Trustee Thill asked if the Village can restrict groups to soliciting only a certain number of
times per year. Ms. Liston said the Village was not allowed to put any "caps" on the number
of times a group could solicit.
Mayor Staackmann said that if residents are feeling "intruded upon" or that the solicitors at
street corners are getting too aggressive, they should contact the Police Department and let
them handle it.
A. Trustee DiMaria:
Trustee DiMaria had no formal report, but announced that he had been working with Boyle
Wong to get the Village on Facebook, as another way of communicating with residents.
Trustee DiMaria reminded everyone of the Morton Grove Days festivities and encouraged
everyone to buy raffle tickets and to come out and enjoy a great three -day event.
B. Trustee Gomberg:
Trustee Gomberg had no formal report, but wanted to let residents know about a way on the
Village's website that members of the public can let the Board know how they're feeling about
things going on in the Village. He encouraged residents to go to the Village's website
(www.mortongroveil . org), and click on the link to vmg(&mortongroveil.org, enter a subject in
the "subject" line, and then send the Board a message. Trustee Gomberg encouraged
residents to do that, asking that they also leave a phone number or email address so that
they can receive a response.
Minutes of June 2$, 2010 Board Maotin
C. Trustee Grear:
Trustee Grear had no formal report, but he, too, encouraged everyone to come out for the
Fourth of July holiday weekend.
D. Trustee Marcus:
Trustee Marcus had no formal report.
E. Trustee Thill
Illinois, Trustee Thill presented for a first reading Ordinance 1 Owl 5, Granting an Amendment to the
Special Use Permit for the Property Located at 8220 National Avenue, Morton Grove,
f Installation of Three Antenna Dishes on [. Tower.
There was no discussion on Ordinance 10 -15.
2. Trustee Thill next presented Resolution 10 -46, Authorizing the Execution of a Contract
With North Suburban Asphalt Maintenance, Inc. For the 2010 Cracksealing Program,
Trustee Thill said moved to approve Resolution 10 -44, seconded by Trustee Marcus.
The Villages of Morton Grove, Glenview, Wilmette, and Winnetka have formed a Cooperative
Procurement Program, administered at no cost to Morton Grove by the Village of Glenview, to
provide cracksealing services for a three -year term from 2010 to 2012. The larger quantities
included in a cooperative purchase reduce the cost of the work for each Village. Trustee Thill
complimented Mr. DeMonte because the Village budgeted $20,000 for this work, but because
of the cooperative purchase, it will cost the Village much less ($14,952). The 2010 crackseal-
ing program includes routing and sealing cracks up 3/" inch on Central Avenue from Lake
Avenue to just north of Church Street, and on Shermer Road from Dempster to Golf.
Mayor -• for the vote on Resolution 1i 4• Motion passed: i
Tr, DiMaria ave Tr. Gomberg ave Tr, Grear Toth ave
F. Trustee Toth:
Trustee Toth presented for a first reading Ordinance 10 -14, Amending Title 10, Chapter 10,
of the Village of Morton Grove Municipal Code Entitled "Sign Regulations ".
Trustee Toth said that, with the help of an ad hoc Sign Review Committee comprised of
members of the Appearance Commission, the Chamber of Commerce, business owners, the
Village Administrator, Director of Economic Development, former Village Planner, Corporation
..x ' Minutes df iune 281 2010 Board m "'t
F. Trustee Toth: (continued)
Counsel, herself and Trustee Marcus, the Sign Code was reviewed over a period of six to
seven months with approximately six meetings lasting two to three hours each, in an effort to
update the Village's Sign Code to be more user- friendly, to streamline the process for applica-
tion and review of signs, and to incorporate specific criteria for the approval of signage. It has
also been made consistent with current constitutional law, procedures, and Illinois law.
The new Sign Code significantly changes the requirements and processes for sign approval
within the Village. Most sign applications will now be approved by the Building Commissioner
and his staff so long as the application conforms to statutory requirements. Applicants will
also have the option of seeking design review from the Appearance Commission. That
Commission will be allowed greater latitude to approve signs which display a level of creativity
and might not otherwise be achieved by strict conformance to sign regulations.
The new Sign Code also takes into consideration special circumstances unique to the proper-
ty. Criteria for the determination of the size and amount of signage will be changed to conform
with current business trends. Electronic messaging will now be allowed under certain condi-
tions, and temporary signs will no longer need a permit, although advance written notice of
the date of installation of the temporary exterior signage or display must be provided to the
Village Administrator, and the sign must then be registered with the Building Commissioner.
A second reading of this ordinance has been scheduled for August 9, 2010. This gives any
interested parties enough time to weigh in to the Village Administrator with feedback so that it
can be incorporated before the second reading.
Trustee Gomberg presented the Warrant Register for June 28, 2010 in the amount of
$1,005,135.06. He moved to accept the Warrants, seconded by Trustee Thill,
Trustee Thill had several questions:
a. He noted that there was a check for $1,500 for "stump grinder rental." He asked Mr. DeMonte
how long the grinder was rented for. Mr. DeMonte said they had it for five days at a cost of
$300 per day.
b. Trustee Thill noted a check to DeMeo Bros. for the Dempster Street water main work of
approximately $256,000. He asked if that was the final payment. Mr. Horne said, no, it's the
progress billing. Some change orders are being processed that will be reflected on the final
billing statement.
c. Trustee Thill asked about a check to Glenbrook Auto Parts for $300 for various parts. He
wondered why Public Works wasn't using a Morton Grove supplier. Mr. DeMonte said that
the only auto parts store left in Morton Grove is Lee Auto Parts, and they carry more "after
market" parts. Glenbrook has about everything Public Works needs.
WARRANTS (continued)
d. Trustee Thill asked, regarding a check to the State of Illinois for $96,000, if that was the end
of Morton Grove's costs on Harlem Avenue. Mr. Horne noted that this had been from a 2007
construction project on Harlem Avenue, and was the final payment of the Village's 20% share.
e. Trustee Thill
noted the payment of $230,000 for the new
ambulance and
wondered when the
Village could
expect delivery. Chief Friel said no sooner than
and then it would
probably need a few more modifications in -house before
it can be placed
in service.
of Jurie
28, 2010
WARRANTS (continued)
d. Trustee Thill asked, regarding a check to the State of Illinois for $96,000, if that was the end
of Morton Grove's costs on Harlem Avenue. Mr. Horne noted that this had been from a 2007
construction project on Harlem Avenue, and was the final payment of the Village's 20% share.
e. Trustee Thill
noted the payment of $230,000 for the new
ambulance and
wondered when the
Village could
expect delivery. Chief Friel said no sooner than
and then it would
probably need a few more modifications in -house before
it can be placed
in service.
f. Trustee Thill asked about a $1,000 payment to the League of Illinois Bicyclists for Metra
brochures. He wondered why the Village was paying for this. Mr. Horne said that this was a
federal grant to encourage biking to alleviate Metra commuter parking congestion. This
represents the Village's 20% share of the program.
There being no further discussion on the Warrants, Mayor Staackmann called for the vote.
Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays.
Tr. DiMaria aye Tr. Gomberg He Tr. Grear aae
Tr. Marcus aye Tr. Thill fe Tr. Toth aye
a. Eric Poders, Mr. Poders commented that the construction work on the Metra bridge on Golf
Road is now completed. He had driven by there shortly after completion and noted gravel and
signs down on the corner by Avon, and called Andy DeMonte, noting that it was an eyesore
and that the gravel could be hazardous. Mr. DeMonte asked questions and went out and
checked it out himself. Mr. Poders went back a few hours later and everything was cleaned
up. He commended Mr. DeMonte, especially since Golf Road is under the jurisdiction of
Mr. Poders
encouraged everyone
to come out
the Fourth of July and to pay special
attention to
Dempster, stating that
next year it
look very different.
Mr. Poders asked if, after the budget season, the Board could look into the legality and
possibility of having aldermen, especially because there are two townships in Morton Grove.
He felt that, an arrangement with aldermanic zones along the lines of Evanston, would be
helpful. Mr. Poders said that people didn't really know where to go and who to talk to, in spite
of the board members "putting themselves out there ", and thought people might be more
comfortable with someone in their area.
b. Rudy Firenzik, 7628 Lake Street. Mr. Firenzik said that, during the last rain storm, he
inspected over 18 catch basins of sanitary sewers. He found they are backing up from
Harlem and Greenwood all the way to his house. He wants to find out where the problem is.
He noted that the Morton Grove Police stopped him and told him that he's not allowed to lift
the cover and inspect. He has to request that in writing. Mayor Staackmann said that is
correct and that Village Administrator Wade is the person to whom to submit that request.
Mr. Firenzik commented that he was very patient and reminded the mayor and Mr. DeMonte
that they had promised him that the Village would be taking care of the flooding problem
during the first quarter of 2010. That has long passed. He wanted to know what the Village's
solution to the problem was.
Min tes;of June. , 2010 Boa AA rd etirt'
Mayor Staackmann said that the solution was presented at the last Board Meeting. It goes
into effect in January and was well - publicized in the local newspapers. He suggested that
Mr. Firenzik watch the Board Meeting on cable TV or take the DVD out of the Library to watch
it. He noted that the Agenda is published at Village Hall and on the Village's website, and was
announced at the meeting previous to the last meeting. Mayor Staackmann said the solution
is the one that the Village can best afford and that will aid the most people.
Mr. Firenzik said what should residents do in the meantime? Sanitary sewer back -up is a
health issue. This has been an issue in his area for the past 30 years.
moved to adjourn
the meeting. Trustee Thill seconded
the motion.
unanimously via
voice vote. The meeting adjourned
at 7:35 p.m.
PASSED this 12th day of July, 2010.
APPROVED by me this 12th day of July, 2010.
Daniel_ Di!%Iarla, Pre s de n Pro Tem
Board of Trustees, Morton Grove, Illinois
APPROVED and FILED in office this 13th
Tony S. Kalo .rak9 ,`Village Clerk
Village of Moorrove, Cook County, Illinois
of July, 2010.
Minutes by, Teresa Cousar