HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-03-08 Minutesi. Village President Dan Staackmann called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. After leading the
assemblage in the Pledge of Allegiance, he directed the Village Clerk to call the roll.
II. Village Clerk Tony Kalogerakos called the roll. Present were: Trustees Dan DiMaria, Larry
Gomberg, Bill Grear, John Thill, and Maria Toth. (Trustee Marcus was out of town.)
a. Regarding the Minutes of the Special Meeting of January 27, 20 10, Trustee DiMaria moved,
seconded by Trustee Toth, to accept the Minutes as presented. There was no discussion.
Motion passed unanimously via voice vote.
b. Regarding the Minutes of the Special Meeting of February 15, 2010, Trustee DiMaria moved,
seconded by Trustee Grear, to accept the Minutes as presented. There was no discussion.
Motion.passed unanimously via voice vote.
C, Regarding the Minutes of the Special Meeting of February 22, 2010, Trustee DiMaria moved,
seconded by Trustee Toth, to accept the Minutes as presented. There was no discussion.
Motion passed unanimously via voice vote.
d. Regarding the Minutes of the February 22, 2010 Regular Meeting, Trustee DiMaria moved,
seconded by Trustee Grear, to accept the Minutes as presented. Trustee Gomberg noted that
there was a misspelling of the SWANCC representative's name throughout the Minutes. His
last name is spelled "Beal "Biel ". (The Minutes will be corrected and resubmitted for
posting on the Village's website.) There was no further discussion. Motion passed
unanimously via voice vote.
1. Mayor Staackmann proclaimed March 27, 2010, as "Lights Out America —Earth Hour" in
Morton Grove. He said that Earth Hour is an initiative to turn of the lights in cities around the
world for one hour, starting at 8:30 p.m. local time on March 27th. This will help demonstrate
that, working together, each of us can make a positive impact on carbon dioxide emissions
and the world's climate. Mayor Staackmann encouraged all residents and businesses to
participate, on a voluntary basis, in Earth Hour by turning off all non - essential lighting from
8:30 to 9:30 p.m. on March 27th
Mayor Staackmann said that Thursday night is the "Taste ", and that he would defer his
comments to Corporation Counsel Liston, who is very involved with this event.
Clerk Kalogerakos presented Ordinance 10 -06, Amending Title 1, Chapter 5, Section 8 of
the Municipal Code to Modify the Meeting Agenda.
This is the second reading of this Ordinance.
Clerk Kalogerakos explained that, prior to 2005, the Village Board's agenda included a
consent agenda. The consent agenda includes ordinances and resolutions which are
typically perfunctory or non - controversial in nature. Only one motion and one second is
needed to move to approve or deny all the items contained on the consent agenda. The
Village President or any of the Trustees may remove any item from the consent agenda at
any time prior to a vote being taken. Ordinance 10 -06 would modify the Village Board's
agenda to once again include a consent agenda.
Trustee Thill said he wanted the public to know that all this Ordinance would do is put
"mundane" items under one umbrella, so the Board could take just one vote. He said he felt
that everything the Board passes, however, should be discussed in public, or at least be given
the opportunity to be discussed in public. Mayor Staackmann commented that every item
brought before the Board is discussed and is available for public review. Having a consent
agenda would in no way hinder public access or public discussion. The consent agenda would
only serve to expedite the Board meetings.
Trustee DiMaria moved to approve Ordinance 10 -06, seconded by Trustee Thill. Motion
failed: 0 ayes, 5 nays, 1 absent.
Tr. DiMaria n Tr. Gomberg nay Tr. Grear D al
Tr. Marcus absent Tr. Thill Day Tr. Toth nay
1. Mayor Staackmann proclaimed March 27, 2010, as "Lights Out America —Earth Hour" in
Morton Grove. He said that Earth Hour is an initiative to turn of the lights in cities around the
world for one hour, starting at 8:30 p.m. local time on March 27th. This will help demonstrate
that, working together, each of us can make a positive impact on carbon dioxide emissions
and the world's climate. Mayor Staackmann encouraged all residents and businesses to
participate, on a voluntary basis, in Earth Hour by turning off all non - essential lighting from
8:30 to 9:30 p.m. on March 27th
Mayor Staackmann said that Thursday night is the "Taste ", and that he would defer his
comments to Corporation Counsel Liston, who is very involved with this event.
Clerk Kalogerakos presented Ordinance 10 -06, Amending Title 1, Chapter 5, Section 8 of
the Municipal Code to Modify the Meeting Agenda.
This is the second reading of this Ordinance.
Clerk Kalogerakos explained that, prior to 2005, the Village Board's agenda included a
consent agenda. The consent agenda includes ordinances and resolutions which are
typically perfunctory or non - controversial in nature. Only one motion and one second is
needed to move to approve or deny all the items contained on the consent agenda. The
Village President or any of the Trustees may remove any item from the consent agenda at
any time prior to a vote being taken. Ordinance 10 -06 would modify the Village Board's
agenda to once again include a consent agenda.
Trustee Thill said he wanted the public to know that all this Ordinance would do is put
"mundane" items under one umbrella, so the Board could take just one vote. He said he felt
that everything the Board passes, however, should be discussed in public, or at least be given
the opportunity to be discussed in public. Mayor Staackmann commented that every item
brought before the Board is discussed and is available for public review. Having a consent
agenda would in no way hinder public access or public discussion. The consent agenda would
only serve to expedite the Board meetings.
Trustee DiMaria moved to approve Ordinance 10 -06, seconded by Trustee Thill. Motion
failed: 0 ayes, 5 nays, 1 absent.
Tr. DiMaria n Tr. Gomberg nay Tr. Grear D al
Tr. Marcus absent Tr. Thill Day Tr. Toth nay
A. Village Administrator
1. Dempster Street Status Report
a. Mr. Wade said that the Board tonight will be voting on the first of "hopefully few" change
orders for Dempster Street, and that this is the first monthly Dempster Street status report.
He asked Public Works Director Andy DeMonte to update the Board and the assemblage
about this $12 million project.
Mr. DeMonte said his first piece of advice is to "stay off of Dempster." He said the contractor
started at Lincoln & Dempster, connected to the 10" and 6" valve there, and is now at Ferris
Avenue. This is Phase 1. They will be going as far east as Austin Avenue. Along the way they
will be installing the new 12" water main down the center of Dempster, connecting hydrants
that need to be connected, connecting individual side streets to the 12" main, and connecting
valves. The valves will stay closed until they can be pressurized, chlorinated, and tested be-
fore being opened back up. Mr. DeMonte said that, somewhere along the line, the contractor
will have to go back and connect individual services. That is another thing can't be done until
after pressurizing, chlorinating, and testing. He said he was not sure if the contractor will go
to Austin and then come back, or if they'll have another crew follow the first after they go a
couple of blocks. He said he's having a meeting with the contractor next week in their trailer.
The meeting is staff only, as there is not really enough room in the trailer for members of the
public. Mr. DeMonte said if anyone needs any information, they should call him.
Trustee Thill asked if "no parking" signs had been posted on Dempster. Mr. DeMonte said
they had been, up to Austin. He said he would estimate that the project is about 5%
completed at this point. He said that he hasn't received a lot of complaints. The few that
came in were about letting traffic flow to the businesses at Ferris and Dempster and Lincoln &
Dempster. Mr. DeMonte added that some night work may happen, especially at McDonald's,
which is open 24 hours. They will have to be shut down at some point, and the Village has
communicated that with McDonalds' management.
On another topic, Mr. DeMonte noted that the north water tower painting project will begin on
Monday, March 15.
B. Corporation Counsel:
Ms. Liston said the Morton Grove Foundation's "Taste" event is this Thursday. She looked
over the assemblage and commented that pretty much everyone in attendance is either a
volunteer or a participant or a reporter (who will cover the event favorably). She thanked
everyone on behalf of the Taste committee, saying that the Taste is a wonderful community
event, entirely put together by volunteers. The event to date has raised over $450,000. It's
money from Morton Grove residents that goes back to needy people in the Village or in the
area. There is no paid staff; sponsors donate; restaurants donate; the firefighters have some
fabulous raffles; and the volunteers not only work the event, they also buy raffle tickets.
Ms. Liston reiterated her thanks to all.
A. Trustee DiMaria:
Minutes of March 8, 2010 Board Meeting:
Trustee DiMaria had no formal report, but announced that, in support of the soon4o -open
Morton Grove Farmers' Market, every Wednesday in March from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., if
anyone eats at Kappy's, they have pledged to donate a percentage of the receipts to the
Farmers' Market. He said he hoped everyone would support the Farmers' Market by eating
out at Kappy's on any Wednesday in March.
B. Trustee Gomberg:
Trustee Gomberg presented for a first reading Ordinance 10 -08, Amending Title 5,
Chapter 3, Section 3 of the Village of Morton Grove Municipal Code Entitled "License
He explained that, as part of the 2010 budget process, the Board had recommended various
vehicle license fees be raised. Specifically, raising the basic motor vehicle license fee from
$30 to $55, the discounted vehicle fee for seniors over the age of 65 to $25, the fee for an.
tique motor vehicles (over 25 years old) to $40, and increasing the license fee for larger trucks
as well.
Trustee Gomberg said that these increases will provide the Village an
revenue. He said that, since vehicle license mailings will be going out
the Finance Department has requested that this ordinance be passed
berg therefore moved to waive the second reading of Ordinance 1041
seconded the motion. Motion passed: 4 ayes, 1 nay, 1 absent.
Tr. DiMaria afire Tr. Gomberg Ue Tr.
Tr. Marcus absent Tr. Thill ate, Tr.
estimated $433,255 in
around March 15, 2010,
tonight. Trustee Gom-
3. Trustee DiMaria
Grear Darr
Toth age„
Trustee Gomberg then moved to approve Ordinance 10 -08, seconded by Trustee Toth.
Motion passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent.
Tr. DiMaria afe Tr. Gomberg aye Tr. Grear aYe
Tr. Marcus absent Tr. Thill aye Tr. Toth ave
Trustee Gomberg reminded the assemblage to tune in to Channel 6 for an informative panel
discussion regarding the 2010 Census. Many questions are addressed during the program,
which was done with the assistance of the Community Relations Commission.
C. Trustee Grear:
Trustee Grear had no report but echoed Trustee DiMaria 's remarks about Kappy's efforts to
support the Farmers' Market.
X. TRUSTEES' REPORTS (continued)
D. Trustee Marcus:
1. In the absence of Trustee Marcus, Trustee Gomberg presented Ordinance 10 -05, An
Ordinance Amending Various Sections of Title 5 Including 5 -1 -5, Entitled "Compliance
Citations," 5 -3 -2 Entitled "Vehicle License Requirements," 54-19 Entitled "Violations
Suitable for Enforcement by Compliance Citations," and 5 -8 -4 Entitled "Prohibited
Equipment or Condition."
This is the second reading of this ordinance.
Trustee Gomberg explained that this ordinance updates various sections of Title 5 of the cti
Village's Municipal Code to bring them into conformity with contemporary police operations,
to prohibit vehicles with expired state registrations from parking on public rights -of- -way, and
to prohibit vehicles from having tinted or darkened windshields and front windows.
Trustee Gomberg moved, seconded by Trustee Grear, to approve Ordinance 10 -05. Motion
passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent.
Tr. DiMaria ave Tr. Gomberg ave Tr. Grear ave
Tr. Marcus absent Tr. Thill ave Tr. Toth ave
E. Trustee Thill
1. Trustee Thill presented Resolution 10 -19, Authorization to Execute Change Order No. 2
With De Meo Brothers, Inc., For the Dempster Street Water Main Improvements.
Trustee Thill explained that the Village has a set contract for the water main work being done
on Dempster. He said that, of the first four valves the contractor uncovered, three were leaking
badly and were faulty. Rather than take chances on the remainder of the valves, the Village
will replace all 19 valves, which will cost $107,000.
Trustee Thill moved to approve Resolution 10 -19, seconded by Trustee Toth. Motion passed.
5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent.
Tr. DiMaria aye Tr. Gomberg ave, Tr. Grear ave
Tr. Marcus absent Tr. Thill ave Tr. Toth aae,
2. Trustee Thill then presented Ordinance 10 -03, Amending Title 5, Chapter 13, Article F,
Section 2 Entitled "No Parking During Certain Hours" and Title 5, Chapter 13, Article F,
Section 4 Entitled "Restricted Parking Streets" of the Municipal Code of the Village of
Morton Grove.
This is the second reading of this Ordinance, which was introduced at the Board Meeting on
January 11, 2010, and subsequently remanded back to the Traffic Safety Commission.
Trustee Thill noted that the Traffic Safety Commission considered this matter at their February
41 2010 regular meeting and again at a special meeting on February 18th. They recommend
that the Village restrict parking on the south side of Henning Ct. between Narragansett and
Ferris and that said area require a Zone 5 or Zone 11 special parking permit, to be determined
by the Village's administration.
X. TRUSTEES' REPORTS (continued)
D. Trustee Marcus:
1. In the absence of Trustee Marcus, Trustee Gomberg presented Ordinance 10 -05, An
Ordinance Amending Various Sections of Title 5 Including 5 -1 -5, Entitled "Compliance
Citations," 5 -3 -2 Entitled "Vehicle License Requirements," 54-19 Entitled "Violations
Suitable for Enforcement by Compliance Citations," and 5 -8 -4 Entitled "Prohibited
Equipment or Condition."
This is the second reading of this ordinance.
Trustee Gomberg explained that this ordinance updates various sections of Title 5 of the cti
Village's Municipal Code to bring them into conformity with contemporary police operations,
to prohibit vehicles with expired state registrations from parking on public rights -of- -way, and
to prohibit vehicles from having tinted or darkened windshields and front windows.
Trustee Gomberg moved, seconded by Trustee Grear, to approve Ordinance 10 -05. Motion
passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent.
Tr. DiMaria ave Tr. Gomberg ave Tr. Grear ave
Tr. Marcus absent Tr. Thill ave Tr. Toth ave
E. Trustee Thill
1. Trustee Thill presented Resolution 10 -19, Authorization to Execute Change Order No. 2
With De Meo Brothers, Inc., For the Dempster Street Water Main Improvements.
Trustee Thill explained that the Village has a set contract for the water main work being done
on Dempster. He said that, of the first four valves the contractor uncovered, three were leaking
badly and were faulty. Rather than take chances on the remainder of the valves, the Village
will replace all 19 valves, which will cost $107,000.
Trustee Thill moved to approve Resolution 10 -19, seconded by Trustee Toth. Motion passed.
5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent.
Tr. DiMaria aye Tr. Gomberg ave, Tr. Grear ave
Tr. Marcus absent Tr. Thill ave Tr. Toth aae,
2. Trustee Thill then presented Ordinance 10 -03, Amending Title 5, Chapter 13, Article F,
Section 2 Entitled "No Parking During Certain Hours" and Title 5, Chapter 13, Article F,
Section 4 Entitled "Restricted Parking Streets" of the Municipal Code of the Village of
Morton Grove.
This is the second reading of this Ordinance, which was introduced at the Board Meeting on
January 11, 2010, and subsequently remanded back to the Traffic Safety Commission.
Trustee Thill noted that the Traffic Safety Commission considered this matter at their February
41 2010 regular meeting and again at a special meeting on February 18th. They recommend
that the Village restrict parking on the south side of Henning Ct. between Narragansett and
Ferris and that said area require a Zone 5 or Zone 11 special parking permit, to be determined
by the Village's administration.
E. Trustee Thill: (cont'd.)
Staff supports the recommendation and notes that Zone 5 special permit parking restrictions
exist on the abutting east side of Ferris Avenue, so requiring Zone 5 special parking on the
south side of Henning Ct. Is recommended.
Trustee Thill moved to adopt Ordinance 10 -03, seconded by Trustee Toth. Motion passed.
5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent.
Tr. DiMaria p3e Tr. Gomberg MLe Tr. Grear ave
Tr. Marcus absent Tr. Thill ave Tr. Toth afe,
3. Trustee Thill introduced for a first reading Ordinance 10 -07, Amending Title 5, Chapter 13,
Article A -1, Entitled "Traffic Schedules" of the Municipal Code of the Village of Morton
Trustee Thill explained that the Traffic Safety Commission heard and subsequently
recommended approval of a request for stop signs at the intersection of Henning Ct. and
Narragansett Avenue. The recommendation conforms to the provisions of the Illinois Vehicle
Code and Illinois Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices.
There was no further discussion on Ordinance 10 -071
F. Trustee Toth:
1. Trustee Toth had no formal report, but reminded the assemblage that the Morton Grove
Foundation would host its annual "Taste" event on March 11, 2010, at the White Eagle,
6845 Milwaukee Avenue, in Niles. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. Tickets for the event are $30 in
advance and $40 at the door. The event will feature cuisine from many area restaurants as
well as the Village's own firefighters. Tickets are available at Village Hall, Century 21 Marino
Realtors, and Inland Bank.
Trustee Toth also reminded everyone that the Community Relations Commission had
extended its deadline for submissions for its "Most Memorable Morton Grove Moment"
essay project to March 31, 2010. Detailed information and essay forms for submissions
can be obtained at Village Hall, the Library, the Civic Center, and Prairie View Center.
Trustee Gomberg presented the Warrant Register for March 8, 2010 in the amount of
$395,229.54. He moved to accept the Warrants, seconded by Trustee Toth.
WARRANTS (continued)
Trustee Thill had several questions:
a. On page 4, there are several checks payable to Commonwealth Edison; two are for $300.
He noted that these were payments made on behalf of residents who couldn't afford to pay
their electric bill. He wondered if these were bills for a single month of service or if they were
cumulative. Finance Director Ryan Horne answered that they were cumulative.
b. Also on page 4, Trustee Thill wondered about a check payable to CVS Corporation for
$10,800. He knew it was for the Village's revenue - sharing agreement with them, and
wondered if this was the last payment. Mr. Horne said it is not the last payment; the
agreement calls for the Village to pay CVS either $250,000 or for 14 years, whichever
comes first. To date, the Village has paid them approximately $120,000. There is about
5 more years left on the agreement.
c. On page 6, Trustee Thill asked about a $2,000 charge for sulphuric acid chlorine color meter,
and wondered why it was being purchased. Mr. DeMonte said it's part of a chemical Public
Works uses in an automatic chlorinator device that reads chlorine residual daily. This is a
year's supply of the chemical for three units; the color meter is part of one of these devices.
d. Trustee Thill wondered about a charge to High Tech Auto Class, Inc. to replace a rear window
in a squad car. Chief Erickson said this was because of a broken defroster embedded in the
rear window's glass so the glass had to be replaced.
e. Trustee Thill inquired about a charge on page 7 to Valley Safety Inc. for "gas mask fit." Chief
Erickson said this is something mandated by the State. The Police Department needs to have
those masks tested and fitted once a year. He said they are currently working with Chief Friel
to have the Fire Department do the testing and fitting in order to eliminate that expense.
f. Also on page 7, Trustee Thill wondered if a payment of $2,600 to International Piping HVAC
was for maintenance. Building Commissioner Ed Hildebrandt responded that a portion of it is
for maintenance, but approximately $834 is for service repairs not covered by the contract.
g. Trustee Thill inquired about an $845 charge to Premier Bus Lines. He wondered if that was for
a senior trip and if the seniors pay for it. Mr. Horne said that the seniors do pay for it.
There was no further discussion on the Warrants. Upon the vote, the motion passed:
5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent.
Tr. DiMaria � Tr. Gomberg a; a Tr. Grear ave 00000000
Tr. Marcus absent Tr. Thill a,�e Tr. Toth ave
a. Barbara Novick. Ms. Novick said she is a 25 -year resident of the Village, currently living in
the Woodlands, and is a member of the Village's Advisory Commission on Aging. She had
questions about a senior event on March 12th being sponsored by American Legion Post
#134. In their newsletter, they promote the event and say that the funds will go to the
Commission on Aging. As a member of that Commission, Ms. Novick said she had not seen
anything in writing about this until she was given the Legion's newsletter with this article in it,
She pointed out that the Commission does not have a bank account and depends on the
Village to handle whatever expenses it incurs. She wondered if it was even permissible to
give money to a Village Commission.
Ms. Novick said her understanding is that payments are to be made to the American Legion,
which will then turn the money raised over to the Commission. She was considered because
the Commission is not designed to handle money. She wondered if the Village or the Com�
mission on Aging should be involved in this, and wondered if there were any administrative
costs or fees incurred by the Legion that will be passed along.
Mayor Staackmann said that he, too, was confused. He said the Village and the Legion Post
#134 have an agreement for three members from the Legion and three members from the
Village Board to meet periodically to discuss issues pertinent to either group. That group
convened on February 9f" and the Village asked similar questions, but could not get any
answers or direction about this fundraiser from the Commander. Mayor Staackmann said that
he's been getting calls seeking information about this but does not have information. On
February 25t ", the Legion Board met. The chairperson of the Commission on Aging is also the
President of the Legion's Auxiliary, and she doesn't have any information either. He agreed
that the Commission on Aging is not set up to take in money. Mayor Staackmann said this is
a very noble effort of the Legion, but as of right now, no one from the Legion has approached
either himself or Family & Senior Services Director Jackie Walker- O'Keefe to discuss how this
will work.
b. Eric Poders, Mr. Poders said that he has a meeting in Sen. Jan Schakowsky's office
tomorrow. This is "appropriations" time and he is going to ask for funds for the senior center
services for 2011. He is also going to talk about Comcast and their service issues. They
basically have a monopoly in the Village. Mr. Poders said it was his understanding that AT &T
U -verse has stopped production. He is going to try to get discounts for seniors on cable
services. He said he would also talk about this with the Commission on Aging at its meeting
Trustee DiMaria said that he believed U -verse was still being offered in various sections of
town. It's not everywhere in the Village yet, but it's still being rolled out. He added that he
was going to get it himself
There being no further business, Trustee Thili moved to adjourn the meeting. Trustee Toth
seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously via voice vote.
The meeting adjourned at 7:39 p.m.
PASSED this 22nd day of March, 20101
Trustee DiMaria
Trustee Gomberg
Trustee Grear
Trustee Marcus
Trustee Thill
Trustee Toth
Kiel StaacKmann, Village President
Board o Trustees, Morton Grove, Illinois
Tony S. Kalogerakols/,Vi
Village of Morten Grove,
Crook County, Illinois
day of March, 20101
Minutes by: Teresa Cousar