HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-11-28 AgendaVILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES TO BE HELD AT THE RICHARD T. FLICKINGER MUNICIPAL CENTER 1. Call to Order 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Roll Call 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. November 28, 2011 7:00 pro Approval of Minutes - Special Meeting of November 14, 2011 Regular Meeting of November 14, 2011 Special Reports a. Presentation of Fire Poster Contest Winners by the Director of Fire Prevention, Captain William Porter Public Hearings Residents' Comments (agenda items only) President's Report - Administration, Northwest Municipal Conference, Council ofMayors, TIF Committee, Capital Projects, Real Estate Committee a. Proclamation - Drunk and Drugged Driving Prevention Month - December 2011 b. Commission/Board appointment is requested as follows: Appointment Plan Conunission /Zoning Board ofAppeals Janine Witko Clerk's Report - Legal, Cable and Telecommunications Commission Staff Reports a. Village Administrator 1) Briefing on the Prairie View Tax Increment Financing Study and Presentation of Prairie View Redevelopment Project Proposal b. Corporation Counsel 11. Reports by Trustees a. Trustee DiMaria — Fire Department, Emergency Management Agency, RED Center, NIPSTA, Police and Fire Commission (Trustee Great) Trustee Gomberg — Police Department, Environmental Health, Police and Fire Commission, IT Communications (Trustee Marcus) 1) Resolution 11 -53 (IntroducedNovember28, 2011) Authorizing a Contractual Agreement with CDW -G to Provide for the Renewal of a Microsoft Enterprise Agreement for Microsoft Software Licensing for Operating and Productivity Software for all Village Desktop Computers 2) Resolution 11 -58 (Introduced November 28, 2011) Authorizing an Agreement with Lin -Mar Towing for Towing Services within the Village C. Trustee Grear — Community and Economic Development Department, Chamber of Commerce, Waukegan Road TIF Review, Lehigh /Ferris TIF Review, Dempster Street Corridor Plan, Real Estate Committee, Comprehensive Plan, Economic Development (Trustee DiMaria) 1) Resolution 11 -54 (Introduced November 28, 2011) Authorizing an Agreement with S.B. Friedman and Company for an Eligibility Study and Redevelopment Plan for Consideration of the Prairie View Plaza Tax Increment Financing Designation V 2) Resolution 11 -55 (Introduced November 28, 2011) Authorizing an Agreement with S.B. Friedman and Company to Review a Request for Village Financial Assistance Submitted by the Owners of the Prairie View Shopping Center 3) Resolution 11 -59 (Introduced November 28, 2011) Authorizing an Agreement Between the Village and Cohen, Salk & Huvard, P.C. to Act as Special TIF Counsel d. Trustee Marcus — Public Works Department, Condominium Association, Community Relations Commission, Solid Waste Agency ofNorthern Cook County, Natural Resource Commission, Traffic Safety Commission (Trustee Thill) 1) Ordinance 11 -46 (Introduced November 28, 2011) (First Reading) Amending Title 5, Chapter 13, Article E, Section 1 Entitled "Streets and Alleys Designated as One -Way" of the Municipal Code 2) Resolution 11 -56 (Introduced November 28, 2011) Appropriation of 2012 Motor Fuel Tax Funds for the Maintenance of Streets and Highways MFT Section 12- 00000 -00GM 3) Resolution 11 -57 (Introduced November 28, 2011) Authorizing the Execution of a Service Contract with Municipal GIS Partners (MGP) for Geographical Information System Services 11. Reports by Trustees (continued) e. Trustee Thill — Building Department., Appearance Commission, Capital Projects, Plan CommissionlZoning Board of Appeals (Trustee Toth) 1) Ordinance 11 -42 (Introduced November 14, 2011) (Second Reading) Amending the Village's Unified Development Code, Sections 12 -4 -3 and 12 -17 -1 to Allow an Auto Glass Repair /Replacement Facility as a Special Use in the C -1 General Commercial District 2) Ordinance 11 -43 (Introduced November 14, 2011) (Second Reading) Granting a Special Use Permit to Allow an Auto Glass Repair /Replacement Facility at the Property Located at 8910 Waukegan Road 3) Ordinance 11 -44 (Introduced November 14, 2011) (Second Reading) Amending the Village's Unified Development Code, Section 12 -4 -3 to Allow Clubs and Lodges as Special Uses in the CR Commercial/Residential District 4) Ordinance 11 -45 (Introduced November 14, 2011) (Second Reading) Granting a Special use Permit to Allow Clubs and Lodges at the Property Located at 6419 Chestnut Trustee Toth — Finance Department, Finance Advisory Commission, Northwest Municipal Conference, Advisory Commission. on Aging, Family and Senior Services Department (Trustee Gomberg) 1) Ordinance 11 -47 (Introduced November 28, 2011) (First Reading) Adopting the Budgets for All Corporate Purposes of the Village and the Morton Grove Library, Cook County, Illinois for the Calendar Year Effective January 1, 2012 and Ending December 31. 2012 2) Ordinance 1.1 -48 (Introduced November 28, 2011) (First Reading) Levying and Assessing Taxes for the Village, Cook County, Illinois for Fiscal Year Beginning January 1, 2012 and Ending December 31, 2012 3) Resolution 1.1 -60 (Introduced November 28, 2011) Tax Abatement Resolution for 2011 Tax Levy Relating to Ordinance No. 02 -30 4) Resolution 11 -61 (Introduced November 28, 2011) Tax Abatement Resolution for 2011 Tax Levy Relating to Ordinance No. 09 -05 5) Resolution 11 -62 (Introduced November 28, 2011) Tax Abatement Resolution for 2011 Tax Levy Relating to Ordinance No. 10 -01 6) Resolution 11 -63 (Introduced November 28, 2011) Tax Abatement Resolution for 2011 Tax Levy Relating to Ordinance No. 07 -26 7) Resolution 11 -64 (IntroducedNovember28, 2011) Tax Abatement Resolution for 2011 Tax Levy Relating to Ordinance No. 09 -15 11. Reports by Trustees (continued) Trustee Toth (continued) 8) Resolution 11 -65 (Introduced November 28, 2011) Tax Abatement Resolution for 2011 Tax Levy Relating to Ordinance No. 98 -41 12. Other Business 13. Presentation of Warrants - $567,247.64 14. Residents' Comments 15. Executive Session — Persomnel Matters, Labor Negotiations, Pending Litigation, and Real Estate 16. Adjournment -To ensure full accessibility and equal participation for all interested citizens, individuals with disabilities who plan to attend and who require certain accommodations in order to observe and /or participate in this meeting, or who have questions regarding the accessibility of these facilities, are requested to contact Sumner Marlene (8471470 -5220) promptly to allow the Village to make reasonable accommodations. Y , e MINUTES OF THE NOVEMBER 14, 2011, SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES RICHARD T. FLICKINGER MUNICIPAL. CENTER 6101 CAPULINA AVENUE MORTON GROVE, ILLINOIS 60053 Pursuant to proper notice in accordance with the Open Meetings Act. the special meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm by Village President Daniel I. Staackmann who led the assemblage in the pledge of allegiance. In attendance were: Elected Officials: Mayor Daniel J. Staackmann, Village Clerk Tony S. Kalogerakos. and Trustees Daniel DiMaria, Larry Gomberg, William Grear. Sheldon Marcus, John Thill, and Trustee Toth Absent: None Village Staff: Corporation Counsel Teresa tioffinan Liston and Fire Chief'fom Friel Also Present: None Mayor Staackmann stated the purpose of the meeting was to discuss pending litigation, personnel matters, and purchase /sale of real estate, all of which are appropriate for Executive Session. Trustee DiMaria then moved to adjourn to Executive Session to discuss pending litigation, personnel matters. and purchase /sale of real estate. The motion was seconded by Trustee Marcus and approved unanimously pursuant to a roll call vote at 6:01 pm. At the conclusion of the Executive Session, Trustee DiMaria moved to adjourn the Special Meeting. The motion was seconded by 'Frustee Marcus and approved unanimously pursuant to a voice vote at 6:33 pm. Minutes by: Tony S. Kalogerakos. Village Clerk Special mecting minutes.) 1 -13-I I Richard T. Flickinger Municipal Center 6101 Capulina Avenue • Morton Grove, Illinois 60053 -2985 Tel: (847) 965 -4100 Fax: (847) 965 -4162 l Recycled Paper CALL TO ORDER t. Village President Dan Staackmann called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and directed the Clerk to call the roll. II. Village Clerk Tony Kalogerakos called the roll. Present were: Trustees Dan DiMaria, Larry Gomberg, Bill Grear, Shel Marcus, John Thill, and Maria Toth. IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Regarding the Minutes of the October 24, 2011 Regular Board Meeting, Trustee DiMaria moved, seconded by Trustee Grear, to accept the Minutes as presented. Motion passed unanimously via voice vote. Regarding the Special Meeting Minutes of October 25, 2011, Trustee DiMaria moved, seconded by Trustee Toth, to accept the Minutes as presented. There was no discussion. Motion passed unanimously via voice vote. SPECIAL REPORTS a. Plan Commission Chairman Ron Farkas said that he was presenting two reports tonight; both are similar in that the Village's Unified Development Code must be amended first to allow the respective types of businesses in the particular zoning districts as a Special Use. Both also then request a Special Use Permit to operate their respective facilities. b. In this Case, the Applicant is Safelite AutoGlass. They are requesting an amendment to the Village's Unified Development Code to include auto glass replacement within the definition of the Automotive Repair use in the C -1 zoning district, and to add a reference to auto glass replacement to the definition for "Automotive or Other Motor Vehicle Repair." They are also requesting a Special Use Permit to open an auto glass repair facility at 8910 Waukegan Road. Mr. Farkas said that, currently, auto glass repair /replacement and auto body work are only al- lowed in the M- Manufacturing zoning district. After discussion, the Plan Commission felt that, by itself, auto glass installation /repair /replacement appears to cause less noise, vibration, Minutes of November 14, 2011 Board Meeting:: IV. SPECIAL REPORTS (continued) c. odor, waste product, etc., than auto repair uses already allowed in C -1 zoning districts as special uses. The Commission felt the standards for amending the Unified Development Code were met, and voted unanimously to recommend approval of the text amendment. d. Safelite AutoGlass proposes to construct a facility of approximately 4,500 square feet at 8910 Waukegan Road. The facility will be limited to auto glass replacement, installation, and repair, and all activity will be done onsite within the facility. Because there are single - family residential homes located west of the site, with a 16 -foot wide alley separating the proposed Safelite facility and the homes, Safelite is proposing to install a solid 6 -foot wood fence along the west edge of the alley, and use the alley area itself for landscaping. The Village will retain ownership of the alley, as there is an existing sewer line there. Safelite, however, will be responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of the landscaping and fencing. Regarding parking, the Safelite representatives testified that much of the work originating from this location will be done by mobile units visiting customers throughout the area. Mobile units will come to the facility, pick up supplies and auto class, and then visit customers during the course of the day, completing their work while the customer's car is parked at work or in the owner's driveway. Mobile units will be parked at employees' homes during non -work hours. The proposed 19 parking spaces, including 15 outside spaces and 4 garage spaces, meets the Village's requirements. Mr. Farkas said the applicant was initially requesting a rear yard setback variance, however, they are now stating that they are modifying the site so that they don't need to request this variance after all. Mr. Farkas said the Commission felt that this application met the seven standards for granting a Special Use Permit, and voted unanimously to recommend approval of the Special Use request. h. Commissioner Toth sought clarification that the 15 external spaces will not be used to park customers' cars overnight. Mr. Farkas said that is correct. Trustee Marcus asked if any of the residents from the neighborhood spoke. Mr. Farkas said none did, although they were invited to do so. Trustee Thill said he had spoken to some residents in that area who were concerned about the 6 -foot fence. One neighbor has a gate going out to the alley. Trustee Thill asked if the alley would still be usable. Mr. Farkas said there will still be a little area in between, and said that Village staff and the applicant had said they would work with the residents on that. He said no one had mentioned a gate, though. k. Trustee Thill was also concerned about work beginning at 9:00 a.m. on Sundays. Mr. Farkas said that all work would be done within the building and therefore noise should not be an issue. Trustee Thill moved to accept the Plan Commission's report regarding PC 11 -10. Trustee Marcus seconded the motion, which passed unanimously via voice vote. IV. Minutes of November 14, 2011 Hoard Meetinri' SPECIAL REPORTS (continued) 2. Plan Commission Case PC 11 for many years, and only recently, -11 zoning district Requesting really hasn't taken them a long time to come forward. a Text Amendment to the Village's Unified Development Code and a Special Use Permit for Clubs & Lodges Uses at 6419 Chestnut a. Mr. Farkas said that the Applicant in this case is the Morton Grove Moose Lodge #376. They are requesting that the Village's Code be amended to allow clubs and lodges as special uses in the C/R (Commercial /Residential District). They are also requesting a Special Use Permit for their current location. b. Mr. Farkas said that the Moose Lodge is currently a legal non - conforming use, meaning that, while clubs and lodges are prohibited from being in a 0-1 zoning district, the Moose Lodge, in its present location, was there legally before the area was rezoned to C /R. So they have the right to be there; however, they cannot make any substantial changes to the building, or, if the building sustains damages over 50 %, they would not be allowed to rebuild. c. The Moose Lodge wishes to establish compliance with the Village's existing requirements, especially as they may do some minor improvements in the future, such as an exterior upgrade or a parking area resurfacing. They do not want to have difficulties in the future due to zoning nonconformity. d. Community Development Director John Said testified at the Plan Commission hearing that clubs and lodges do not appear to be in conflict with the intent of the C/R zoning district. The Moose Lodge complies with applicable development standards, such as setbacks, FAR, and related requirements. After the discussion, the Plan Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval of the request for the text amendment and the Special Use Permit. e. Trustee Thill said he was surprised that it had taken the Moose Lodge so long to come forward. He also asked if the Moose Lodge moved out of its current location and another club came in and took it over, could they? Corporation Counsel Liston said that another club could, because the Code would be amended, and the Special Use stays with the property. So an- other club could be there, as long as they qualify, unless the Village amends the Code again. f. Mr. Farkas noted that the Moose Lodge was indeed "legal" for many years, and only recently, the zoning district changed. So it really hasn't taken them a long time to come forward. V. Trustee DiMaria moved to accept the Plan Commission's report regarding PC 11 -11, seconded by Trustee Thill. Motion passed unanimously via voice vote. PUBLIC HEARINGS NONE VI. RESIDENTS' COMMENTS (Agenda Items Only) 0 VII, VIII. IX. Minutes of November 14, 2011 Board Meeting' PRESIDENT'S REPORT Mayor Staackmann asked for concurrence with his appointment of Ed Ramos to the Finance Advisory Commission. Trustee Thill so moved, seconded by Trustee Marcus. Motion passed unanimously via voice vote. Mayor Staackmann wished everyone a happy and safe Thanksgiving holiday. CLERK'S REPORT Clerk Kalogerakos announced that MGTV has a new schedule. It is posted on Channel 6 and on ATT U -verse Channel 99, A. Village Administrator X. STAFF REPORTS Finance Director Ryan Horne sat in for absent Village Administrator Joe Wade. Trustee Gomberg noted that the Illinois Senate had recently voted to approve legislation that would divert the corporate personal property replacement tax revenue away from local gov- ernments in order to reinstate the salaries and benefits of regional superintendents of educa- tion. Having passed both chambers, the bill will now go to Governor Quinn for signature or veto. He asked Mr. Horne how this could potentially affect the Village's budget and finances. Mr. Horne said that he had just become aware of this: his understanding is that it is a one -time diversion of 613 million dollars for the regional superintendents of education. He asked the Board for more time to research this matter and report back to them. Corporation Counsel: Corporation Counsel Liston had no report. A. Trustee DiMaria: TRUSTEES'REPORTS Trustee DiMaria had a "public service announcement" from EMA, the Village's Emergency Management Agency. This week (November 14 -9) is "Winter Weather Preparedness" week. People probably still remember the blizzard of this past February, which left hundreds stranded and /or without power. Although the storm was predicted, it still caught many people unprepared. Minutes of November 14,2011 Hoard MeeGn X. TRUSTEES' REPORTS (continued) A. Trustee DiMana: (continued) EMA encourages all residents to "be prepared" by making sure to have on hand plenty of non- perishable food, drinking water, a battery- operated weather radio, a portable AM /FM radio, flashlights, any necessary medication, and a first -aid kit. Residents should also have a plan for warmth and heat if the power is out for an extended period. They should also make up a kit for each vehicle, which would include many of the above -noted items., but also extra clothing, blankets, jumper cables, a tow rope, sand or cat litter, and basic tools. Trustee DiMaria said that the National Weather Service's long -range forecasts are predicting weather much like we had in February for this winter, so he urged everyone to get prepared. For more information, contact EMA at 847- 965 -1502. B. Trustee Gombera: Trustee Gomberg had no report. C. Trustee Grear: Trustee Grear had no formal report, but wished everyone a Happy Thanksgiving, and encouraged people to donate some time this year at the American Legion to help out with "Navy Day ". D. Trustee Marcus: 1. Trustee Marcus presented Ordinance 11 -34, An Ordinance Amending Title 5, Chapter 13, Article E, Section 1 Entitled "Streets and Alleys Designated as One -Way" of the Municipal Code of the Village. a. Trustee Marcus moved to remove Ordinance 11 -34 from the table and bring it up for reconsideration. The motion was seconded by Trustee DiMaria. b. Trustee Marcus asked for clarification on where things stood with this ordinance. He knew that the alley in question had formerly been one -way eastbound and in September, the Board voted to change it to allow two -way traffic. If the Board votes now, is it voting to make the alley one -way eastbound again? c. Corporation Counsel Liston said that the alley has signage indicating traffic flow was one -way eastbound only. This was requested by CVS during the Special Use process, and is preferred and necessary for its supply trucks. The trucks would have a tough time backing up to the loading dock otherwise. However, the Village's Code reflected that that alley was one -way westbound. Ms. Liston said that, if the Board decided to vote down Ordinance 11 -34, that they also direct staff to prepare a new ordinance to make the Village's Code consistent with the historical use of the alley. Also, from a practical standpoint, there should be some direction to staff to delay the implementation of Ordinance 11 -34. Minutes of November 14, 2011 Board Meetin `" X. TRUSTEES' REPORTS (continued) D. Trustee DiMaria: (continued) d. Trustee Marcus asked Ms. Liston if she was suggesting that Ordinance 11 -34 be tabled again. She responded that there was no need for that, she was only cautioning the Board that if they voted this ordinance down, something else needs to be done, specifically, an ordinance needs to be drafted and direction given to delay implementation until after the next Board meeting. The last paragraph of the ordinance has language that typically states the ordinance will be in "full force and effect" upon its passage. e. Public Works Director Andy DeMonte noted that there was an ordinance passed in 1972 that made that alley a one -way westbound. After CVS was granted its Special Use Permit, the signage was changed to reflect one -way eastbound. He felt the only options for the Board were either keep the alley open to two -way traffic or make it one -way eastbound. Ordinance 11 -34, when voted upon in September, made the alley open to two -way traffic. Trustee Marcus again sought clarification. Mayor Staackmann said that if the Board votes "yes," it will keep Ordinance 11 -34 in its current form. If the Board votes "no", staff will prepare a new ordinance. Trustee Grear suggested the Board vote on the matter. Mayor Staackmann called for the vote. Trustee Marcus asked if the motion could be amended as per Ms. Liston's recommendation. Mayor Staackmann said it could not, since there was a motion on the floor already. Upon the vote, the motion failed: 1 aye, 5 nays. Tr. DiMaria nay Tr. Gomberg nay Tr. Grear nay Tr. Marcus nay Tr. Thill acre Tr. Toth nay Trustee Grear asked to speak again on the matter, but Mayor Staackmann advised him that, with the vote taken, the matter is now closed. 2. Trustee Marcus then presented Ordinance 11 -40, Providing For The Submission to the Electors of the Village of Morton Grove, Cook County, Illinois, the Question Whether the Village Should Have the Authority Under Public Act 096 -0176 to Arrange For The Supply of Electricity For Its Residential and Small Commercial Customers Who Have Not Opted Out of Such a Program. Trustee Marcus moved to table Ordinance 11 -40 to the December 12 Board Meeting, seconded by Trustee Toth. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. DiMaria aye Tr. Gomberg acre Tr. Grear awe Tr. Marcus acre Tr. Thill acre Tr. Toth acre Trustee Marcus noted, as liaison to the Solid Waste Agency of Northern Cook County (SWANCC), that because the Village is a member of SWANCC, it receives a percentage of revenue based on the amount of recycling it does. He was pleased to report that the Village had received $47,000 as its share of recycling revenue. This money will go into the General Fund. He encouraged everyone to recycle, not only for its benefits to the environment, but also for its benefits to the Village. X. E. Minutes of November 14,7011 Board Meetino TRUSTEES' REPORTS (continued) Trustee Thill: Trustee Thill had presented several ordinances for first readings. Ordinance 11-41, Approving and Authorizing an Amendment to the Lease Agreement Between the Village of Morton Grove and SprintCom, Inc., a Kansas Corporation, Con- cerning Real Property Owned by the Village and Located at 8820 National. This would extend the lease agreement between the Village and SprintCom, for its personal wireless telecommunications equipment on the north water tank. It will also provide for auto- matic rent increases as the rate of 3% per year. Mayor Staackmann noted that the applicant had requested that the second reading be waived. Trustee Thill so moved, seconded by Trustee Toth. Motion passed: 5 ayes, 1 nay. Tr. DiMaria acre Tr. Gomberg aye Tr. Grear acre Tr. Marcus nay Tr. Thill acre Tr. Toth aye Trustee Thill then moved to adopt Ordinance 11-41, seconded by Trustee DiMaria. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. DiMaria acre Tr. Gomberg awe Tr. Grear acre Tr. Marcus aye Tr. Thill aye Tr. Toth acre 2. Ordinance 11-42, Amending the Village of Morton Grove Unified Development Code, Sections 12 -4 -3 and 12 -17 -1 to Allow an Auto Glass Repair /Replacement Facility as a Special Use in the C -1 General Commercial District. This is pursuant to the text amendment portion of Plan Commission Case 11 -10, reported out earlier this evening. 3, Ordinance 11 -43, An Ordinance Granting a Special Use Permit to Allow an Auto Glass Repair /Replacement Facility at the Property Located at 8910 Waukegan Road. This is pursuant to the Special Use portion of Plan Commission Case 11 -10, reported out earlier this evening. Ordinance 11 -44, Amending the Village of Morton Grove Unified Development Code, Section 12 -4 -3, to Allow Clubs and Lodges as Special Uses in the CR Commercial/ Residential District. This is pursuant to the text amendment portion of Plan Commission Case 11 -11, reported out earlier this evening. 5. Ordinance 11 -45, An Ordinance Granting a Special Use Permit to Allow Clubs and Lodges at the Property Located at 6419 Chestnut. This is pursuant to the Special Use portion of Plan Commission Case 11 -11, reported out earlier this evening. Minutes of November 14, 2011 Hoard Meeiin X. TRUSTEES' REPORTS (continued) Trustee Toth: Trustee Toth had no report. Xl. OTHER BUSINESS Trustee Marcus moved to direct staff to draft an ordinance allowing one -way eastbound traffic flow on the alley behind CVS. Trustee Grear seconded the motion. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. DiMaria acre Tr. Gomberg acre Tr. Grear acre Tr. Marcus acre Tr. Thill acre Tr. Toth aae 2 Trustee Marcus moved to direct staff to develop a resolution to plant $10,000 worth of trees throughout the Village, pointing out that its ash tree population has been decimated by the emerald ash borer. The funds would come out of the $47,000 the Village is receiving as a result of its recycling program. Trustee Thill seconded the motion. Trustee DiMana asked Trustee Marcus if he wanted to include any further direction in his motion, such as where the trees should be planted and what kind of trees should be planted. Ms. Liston asked if it was Trustee Marcus' intention that the trees should be planted before the end of this year. He said no, next spring is fine. Mr. Horne pointed out that, since the Budget hasn't been approved yet, it would be a fairly simple matter to just increase the line item for tree replacement in the budget. Trustee Marcus agreed and withdrew his motion. Trustee Thill withdrew his second. XII. WARRANTS Trustee Toth presented the $4,011,359.47. She movec There being no discussion, 0 nays, 1 abstain. Tr. DiMaria abstain Tr. Marcus acre Warrant Register for November 14, 2011 in the amount of to accept the Warrants, seconded by Trustee Thill. Mayor Staackmann called for the vote. Motion passed: 5 ayes, Tr. Gomberg aye Tr. Grear acre Tr. Thill acre Tr. Toth aye Minutesnf November 14,2011 Board Meeting XIII. RESIDENTS' COMMENTS 1. Michael Rizzo. Mr. Rizzo stated that he had provided the Clerk with copies of a five -page document to distribute to the Board. He asked the Board to keep their copies for future reference, and for use to follow along with his comments. a. He said the first page of the document was a FOIA request done by his mother, requesting information on what police personnel were on duty on various dates over the past several years. Page 2 is the Village Attorney's response. He said that the response was, in his opinion, "no response" because the information requested was not provided. The response cited security and safety measures as reasons why and noted that the information requested was considered confidential. Mr. Rizzo said it was ridiculous and insulting. He said the reason for the request in the first place was because he and his mother thought that a couple of Morton Grove cops showed up on his private property in Glenview in March of 2010 under the pretense of being Glenview cops. Mayor Staackmann corrected Mr. Rizzo's use of the term "cops," asking him to use "police officers" instead. Mr. Rizzo was reluctant to do so at first, saying that they are "employees" like those who fix streets or pick up leaves. Mayor Staackmann said, "in this room, we show them respect." Mr. Rizzo said he would refer to them as police officers out of respect for the Mayor, if he so requested it. Mayor Staackmann did so. b. Mr. Rizzo went on to say that the lack of response to a fairly benign FOIA request was troubling. Another FOIA request was made, regarding information as to the names of any police officers having contact with him on March 4, 2010. Instead of a response, he received what appeared to be an abstract of times and dates. c. Mr. Rizzo said that he has been able to establish that officers entered his private property (which is posted "private ") in a black, unmarked car. They were not in uniform and they represented themselves as Glenview investigators. They stopped his mother's car on their private property. He said the denial of the first FOIA request was done to cover up a lie. d. Mr. Rizzo then pointed to copies of a Chicago Tribune article about the Park Ridge police department. He said that he has worked to expose police corruption in Park Ridge since 2003. e. Mayor Staackmann asked Mr. Rizzo to clarify what he was getting at. Did he feel a crime had been committed, and if so, what? Was he accusing Morton Grove police officers of being on his private property? Was he asking the Village to do an internal investigation? Mr. Rizzo said he was being stymied because of the lack of response to his FOIA requests and asked to be allowed to finish his presentation. f. Mr. Rizzo pointed out a 2007 Pioneer Press article which included comments he made about Park Ridge police officers. Apparently an officer had come to his house several days after Mr. Rizzo had filed a complaint against this officer. He accused the officer of committing crimes under the pretense of enforcing laws. Mr. Rizzo felt that local police departments could function as an "unelected government," usurping the elected officials if they weren't watchful. He said the lack of response to his FOIA requests did not look good for the Village. g. Mr. Rizzo said that the Park Ridge officer stopped him was Lt. Robert France, who retired in 2007. He also brought up Park Ridge Deputy Police Chief Tom Swoboda and another officer, Jeff Caudell. Mayor Staackmann asked again, what does this have to do with Morton Grove? Minutes of November 14 „2011 Board Meetin XIII. RESIDENTS' COMMENTS (continued) Mr. Rizzo said that a pattern of corruption exists and he thought it might exist here. However, he did not have enough evidence at this time to bring forward a formal complaint. Mr. Rizzo stated that one of Morton Grove's police commanders had lied to lawyers and "targeted” him, and wanted to know if this commander, or anyone on the police department who had "targeted him," "committed crimes against him,° or "trespassed on his private property" was personally acquainted with Lt. France, Deputy Chief Swoboda, or Officer Caudell. He noted that his phone number was on the documents he provided and said he would accept calls from any elected officials or residents, but not from the police department. He said that corruption exists and he thinks there might be a problem here. j. Mayor Staackmann said that if Mr. Rizzo is accusing the Morton Grove Police Department of corruption, he was free to file a formal complaint and the Village would do an investigation. Otherwise, he told Mr. Rizzo, "you're coming here with a lot of accusations and generalities." Trustee DiMana added, "We just want to know what your point is." k. Mr. Rizzo said that the Board kept interrupting him and that he'd like to be allowed to finish. Mayor Staackmann said that Mr. Rizzo had an attitude toward the Village and its police department, and said, "If there is a problem, we would like to know. If you have an accusation, make it." The mayor pointed out that what happens in Glenview is Glenview's business; what happens in Park Ridge is Park Ridge's business. Mr. Rizzo said that kind of attitude is the problem. Police Departments feel they can do what they want because no one is watching. I. Mayor Staackmann told Mr. Rizzo he had 45 seconds to finish. Mr. Rizzo said that was not enough time, and argued that he had a right to speak. Mayor Staackmann said that the Board offers the privilege of addressing it, and it says on the sign -in form that people have four minutes to speak. Mr. Rizzo had already gone well over four minutes. He insisted that he be allowed to finish speak and said he would not leave the podium until he had done so. At that point, Trustee DiMaria moved to adjourn the meeting. Mayor Staackmann said that the meeting could not adjourn, as another person had signed up to address the Board. m. Mr. Rizzo said told the mayor that "your police department threatened my mother and lied, saying they were Glenview officers." Mayor Staackmann told Mr. Rizzo that he was very belligerent and that he was out of order. Mr. Rizzo said, "You can't hide what goes on here," and threatened to bring in the U.S. Attorney. He said he was upset that he hadn't been allowed to speak. Mayor Staackmann noted that Mr. Rizzo had spoken for over 10 minutes. Trustee Grear asked if Ms. Liston could shed any light on this matter, but Mayor Staackmann said this is not the time for debate or question- and - answer. This is for "residents' comments.,' 2. Rudy Firenzik, 7628 Lake. Mr. Firenzik asked if the Village could look into safety issues on Dempster where the shopping center is (Harlem and Dempster). He felt it was dangerous with people turning into and coming out of the shopping center, and said he's seen many accidents there. Mr. Firenzik noted that he had finally received a response from Public Works, but was not satisfied with it. He said he was asking for technical specifics on the sanitary sewer system in Morton Grove, information that he felt, as a taxpayer, he was entitled to see. He noted again that he bought property at the highest elevation in the Village just so he would have no flood- ing problems. 10 Mill. Minutes of November 14,2011 Board Meetul RESIDENTS' COMMENTS (continued) b. In 2008, he began asking the Village to find and resolve his flooding problem. He said that he is now refusing to pay his sewer charges so the Village is threatening to shut off his water. He felt the charges should be separate, and pointed out that he is paying his water bill. He won- dered why he should pay for a "shoddy" product. C. Mr. Firenzik stated that he has had to throw out a furnace, carpeting, a washer and dryer, all because of flooding. He was looking for someone knowledgeable about the sanitary sewer system to sit down and talk with him. He said he would like answers to his questions and said he would come back and speak at every meeting until he got them. XIV. ADJOURNMENT/EXECUTIVE SESSION Trustee DiMaria moved to adjourn the Meeting. Trustee Marcus seconded the motion. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. DiMaria acre_ Tr. Gomberg aye Tr. Marcus aye Tr. Thill acre The meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m. PASSED this 28th day of November, 2011. Trustee DiMana Trustee Gomberg Trustee Grear Trustee Marcus Trustee Thill Trustee Toth APPROVED by me this 28th day of November, 2011, Daniel J. Staackmann, Village President Board of Trustees, Morton Grove, Illinois APPROVED and FILED in my office this 29th day of November, 2011, Tony S. Kalogerakos, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove, Cook County, Illinois Tr, Grear acre Tr. Toth acre M nWes by Teresa Causer 11 — UORTON MORTON GROVE FIRE DEPARTMENT 6250 LINCOLN AVENUE MORTON GROVE, ILLINOIS 60053 847.470 -5226 FAX 847-96S-7711 W W W.MORTONGRO V EIL.ORG The Fire Department's Director of Fire Prevention, Captain William P. Porter recently conducted the NINETEENTH ANNUAL POSTER CONTEST, in conjunction with the Morton Grove Fire Department and the Firefighter's Association of Morton Grove. All the schools in the Village of Morton Grove were invited to participate in the program. A list of contest rules for the posters and a date the posters were to be turned in by was given to each school. This year, the theme was any fire safety topic the student wanted to choose. The posters were judged on the following criteria. 1. The fire safety message is correct. 2. The message is clear. 3. And, the quality of the artwork of the poster. The Firefighter's Association of Morton Grove sponsored the awards for the program. A plaque with a digitized photo of their winning poster and a Special Coin are given for the winning poster in each grade classification. In addition, plaques are awarded to the student with the overall winning poster and to the school that student represents. The following are the 2011 . Poster Contest winners. Kindergarten Molly Mehr Hynes School First Grade Darin Weber Jerusalem Lutheran Second Grade Ayham Yousef MCC Full Time School Third Grade Anorta Zozan Hynes School Fourth Grade Cerasela Doman Jerusalem Lutheran Fifth Grade Violet Gilbert Park View School Sixth Grade Antonio Iusco Jerusalem Lutheran Seventh Grade Daniel Demian Jr. Jerusalem Lutheran Eighth Grade Piper Farrell Jerusalem Lutheran ** *Overall Winner Sara Grosse Jerusalem Lutheran * ** Protection through Prevention and Preparedness Village o Morton Gra ' WHEREAS, motor vehicle crashes killed 927 people in Illinois during 2010; and WHEREAS, hundreds of those deaths involved a driver impaired by alcohol and /or drugs; and WHEREAS, the December holiday season is traditionally one of the most deadly times of the year for impaired driving; and W.HEREA.S, for thousands of families across the state and the nation, holidays are a time to remember loved ones lost; and WHEREAS, organizations across the state and the nation are joined with the Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over and other campaigns which foster public awareness of the dangers of impaired driving and anti - impaired driving law enforcement efforts; and WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove is proud to partner with the Illinois Department of Transportation's Division of Traffic Safety and other traffic safety groups in that effort to make the roads and streets safer. NOW, THEREFORE, 1, Daniel J. Staackmann. Mayor of the Village of Morton Grove, do hereby proclaim the month of December 2011, as Drunk and Drugged Driving (3D) Prevention Month in the Village and do hereby call upon all citizens, government, agencies, business leaders, hospitals and health care providers. schools, and public and private institutions to promote awareness of the impaired driving problem, to support programs and policies to reduce the incidence of impaired driving, and to promote safer and healthier behaviors regarding the drugs this December holiday season and throughout the vear. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the seal of the Village of Morton Grove. Daniel J. Staackrnaun, Village President Le6islative Summary F._ Resolution I1 -53 AUTHORIZING A CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENT WITH CDW -G TO PROVIDE FOR THE RENEWAL OF A MICROSOFT ENTERPRISE AGREEMENT FOR MICROSOFT SOFTWARE LICENSING FOR OPERATING AND PRODUCTIVITY SOFTWARE FOR ALL VILLAGE DESKTOP COMPUTERS Introduction: November 28, 201 1 Synopsis: To authorize an enterprise -wide software agreement with Microsoft Corporation through CDW- G, the current State of Illinois contract reseller for operating and productivity software. Purpose: To maintain sufficient licensing of operating and productivity software according to the software's terms and conditions. The Microsoft Enterprise Agreement will allow the Village to maintain licensing compliance as well as maintain software updates, upgrades, and technical support. Background: 'FheVillage of Morton Grove is required to maintain licensing for the software it uses in daily operations. The operating system, individual applications. and connectivity to servers all maintain their own licensing scheme. The Enterprise Agreement renewal includes an annual maintenance support cost for updates and upgrades (Microsoft Software Assurance), as well as the license costs. The licenses and software maintenance structure was originally established in 2008. This type of agreement licenses the enterprise as an entire fleet as opposed to individual purchases. The Enterprise Agreement has advantages over individual purchases including lower platform costs, distributed payments, anniversary period renewals, and software upgrade assurances. This payment covers the license and maintenance period of December 2, 2011, through December I, 2012. Programs, Departments All Departments. or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: The 2011 licensing and software maintenance' expense is S16.20149. Source Of Funds: i Funds from the Information Technology division fiscal year-201 I are allocated for this Agreement. Workload Impact: The Information Technology division as part of their normal wort: activities will oversee and coordinate the management of this contract. Administrator Approval as presented Recommendation: I First Reading: I None required. Special Considerations or None. Requirements: Respectfully submitted: Admin Reviewed by: bfl Tel Noffiy{ai is n, Corporation Counsel Prepared by: Boyle Wong, Network Administrator RESOLUTION 11 -53 AlTTHORIZING A CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENT WITH CDW -G TO PROVIDE FOR THE RENEWAL OF A MICROSOFT ENTERPRISE AGREEMENT FOR MICROSOFT SOFTWARE LICENSING FOR OPERATING AND PRODUCTIVITY SOFTWARE FOR ALL VILLAGE DESKTOP COMPUTERS WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (Village), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to government affairs, including but not Limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove utilizes and relies on Microsoft Corporation software to operate Village business; and WHEREAS, the Village's use of Microsoft Corporation software is based on its compliance with the software's terms and conditions; and WHEREAS, the Village is required to maintain a valid license for all software in use_ and WHEREAS, the Information Technology Division determined the Village needs to maintain and update its Microsoft operating and productivity software; and WHEREAS, the Village established an Enterprise Agreement licensing structure with Microsoft in 2008 through Resolution 08 -62 in order to comply with the Village's use of Microsoft Corporation software and maintain the existing Enterprise Agreement for the period December 2, 2011 through December 1, 2012; and WHEREAS, CDW -G of Vernon Hills, Illinois, a large account reseller of Microsoft Software products, maintains the current pre - negotiated State of Illinois reseller contract #CMS2595580 for Microsoft Enterprise Agreement licensing; and WHEREAS, the Information Technology Division recommend renewing the Microsoft Enterprise Agreement through CDW -G of Vernon hills, Illinois in order to maintain sufficient Microsoft Corporation software licenses through CDW -G to support the Village's business. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY. ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Resolution as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2: The Village President of the Village of Morton Grove is hereby authorized to execute, and the Village Clerk to attest, a contract with CDW -G, 230 N. Milwaukee Avenue, Vernon Hills, Illinois, for the amount of X16,202.49 based upon operating and productivity software for one hundred twenty (120) Village desktop computers. SECTION 3: The Village Administrator and /or his designees are authorized to take all steps necessary to finalize negotiations for said contract and implement its terms and conditions. SECTION 4: This Resolution shall be in full force and effect upon its passage and approval. PASSEL) THIS NOVEMBER 28, 2011 Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee DiMaria Gomberg Grear Marcus Thill Toth APPROVED BY ME THIS NOVEMBER 28, 1.011 Daniel Staackmann, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois ATTESTED AND FILED in my office this November.) 8, 2011 Tony S. Kalogerakos, Village Clerk . Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois Legislative Summary Resolution 11 -58 AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH LIN -MAR TOWING AND RECOVERY FOR TOWING SERVICES WITHIN THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE Introduced: November 28, 2011 Synopsis: This resolution will authorize towing and storage services for vehicles involved in accidents, abandoned, village owned vehicles, and vehicles authorized to be towed by Village Ordinances. Purpose: To authorize a contract for towing and storage services for Village purposes. Background: I In September 2011, the Village of Morton Grove requested proposals from towing services capable of providing towing and storage services for vehicles involved in accidents, abandoned, village owned vehicles, vehicles authorized to be towed by Village ordinances. Four proposals (A -1 Towing Services of Niles, Illinois, Lin -Mar Towing and Recovery of Morton Grove, Illinois, O'Hare Towing Service of Northlake, Illinois, Red's Towing of Glenview, Illinois) were received in a timely fashion and evaluated by Village Staff. Pursuant to the request for proposal, the bids were evaluated based on the following criteria which are listed in the order of importance: I. Operator qualifications and equipment; 2. References; 3. Prior experience with the Village of Morton Grove; 4. Pricing; 5. Proximity to the Village of Morton Grove, Village staff also reviewed each proposal to make sure the bidders were in compliance with all federal, state, and local legal laws and requirements, and following that review recommend, as referenced in the attached memorandum dated November 18, 2011, Lin -Mar Towing and Recovery be the Villagc's primary towing and storage service. Programs, Departments Police Deparnnent, Public Works and Administration Departments. or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: Funding in the 2012 Adopted Budget has -been approved in the amount of $250 for such services. Source of Funds: General Fund — Account No. 023014- 552220 Workload Impact: The implementation of this contract will be done as part of the various departments' normal operations. Admin Recommend: Approval as presented. First Reading: Not required. Special Considerations or None Requirements: Respectfully submitted: alt:2 Q' 0 Joseph F. Wade, � VillageAdministrator Prepared by: Reviewed by: Mark Erickson, Chief of Police Teresa Corporation Counsel RESOLUTION 11 -58 AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH LIN -MAR TOWING AND RECOVERY FOR TOWING SERVICES WITHIN THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (Village), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, in September 2011, the Village of Morton Grove requested proposals from towing services capable of providing towing and storage services for vehicles involved in accidents, abandoned, village owned vehicles, vehicles authorized to be towed by Village ordinances; and WHEREAS, four proposals from the following companies were received in a timely fashion and evaluated by Village Staff: A -1 Towing Services of Niles, Illinois, Lin -Mar Towing and Recovery of Morton Grove, Illinois, O'Hare Towing Service of Northlake, Illinois, Red's Towing of Glenview, Illinois, ; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the request for proposal, the bids were evaluated based on the following criteria which is listed in the order of importance: Operator qualifications and equipment; 2. References: 3. Prior experience with the Village of Morton. Grove; 4. Pricing; Proximity to the Village of Morton Grove; WHEREAS, Village staff also reviewed each proposal to make sure the bidders were in compliance with all federal, state, and local legal laws and requirements; and WHEREAS, two bidders, namely O'Hare Towing Service and A -1 Towing were not deemed recommended by the Village of Morton Grove. While both Red's Towing and Lin -Mar Towing and Recovery were deemed qualified and recommended, the committee overseeing this process unanimously recommended Lin -Mar Towing and Recovery despite the fact their prices were slightly higher than the price quoted by the unqualified Red's Towing, based in large part on the satisfactory level of service which has previously been provided to the Village of Morton Grove, their proximity to the Village of Morton Grove, and their quick response times. Lin -Mar Towing and Recovery had the most qualified on -site equipment, excellent reeordkeeping, and staffing. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Resolution as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2: The Village President is authorized to execute and the Village Clerk is authorized to attest to a contract between the Village of Morton Grove and Lin -Mar Towing and Recovery, pursuant to the proposal submitted by Lin -Mar Towing and Recovery dated October 28, 2011. SECTION 3: The Village Administrator, Chief of Police, Director of Public Works and applicable staff members are authorized to take all steps necessary to manage, supervise, and implement said contract. SECTION 4: This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and upon its passage and approval. PASSED THIS 28`r' DAY OF November 2011 Trustee DiMaria Trustee Gomberg Trustee Grear Trustee Marcus Trustee Thill Trustee Toth APPROVED BY ME THIS 28'J' DAY OF November 2011 Daniel J. Staackmann, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois ATTESTED and FILED in my office This 29`" DAY OF November 2011 Tony S. Kalogerakos, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois DATE: November 18, 2011 TO: Mayor Staackmann; Board of Trustees; Joe Wade; Terry Liston FROM: Chief Mark Erickson SUBJECT: Tow Service RFP Recommendation The Village of Morton Grove staff has conducted a Request for Proposal process for Towing and Storage Services. The process culminated on October 6, 2011. The Village received proposals from the following companies. 1. A -1 Towing Service Niles, IL 2. Lin -Mar Towing Morton Grove, IL 3. O'Hare Towing Noithlake, IL (closest facility) 4. Reds Towing Glenview, IL References provided by each company can be generally stated as very supportive. Site Visits Site visits (11115111) were conducted by Chief Erickson & Support Services Supervisor Santiago, Police Department; and, Vehicle Maintenance Manager John Genovesi, Public Works. Reds Body Shop Glenview IL Red's has a multi- building site with excellent outdoor storage size. They have daily operations trucks on sight, which appear to be satisfactory. Red's subcontracts their overflow and heavy duty equipment to Fries Automotive, 81 Old Palatine Rd, Wheeling, IL. Average response time is estimated at 15 -20 minutes for routine tows; overflow and heavy duty tows will come from Wheeling. Record keeping and staffing appear to be sufficient, and it is open 24 hours on site. Lin -Mar Towing & Recovery Morton Grove IL Lin -Mar is finalizing their move into their new, very large facility at Oakton/Austin. They will have all equipment and operations under one roof. Lin -Mar is the closest tow service, with the largest staff and the most equipment. Average response time is 8 minutes for all tows. Excellent record keeping and staffing are noted through prior experience with the Village. A -1 Towing Service Niles, IL A -1 Towing has just completed a move to 7855 Caldwell in Niles. They have their daily operations trucks on sight, but subcontract their overflow and heavy duty equipment to Emies Towing, located at 909 S Milwaukee, Vernon Hills, IL. A -1 has the smallest facility of the sites. Stated response time will be 13 -15 minutes for routine tows; overflow and heavy duty tows will come fi-om Vernon Hills. Record keeping appears to be adequate. Staffing and a tow truck will be added if contracted by Morton Grove, as stated by owner. Selection Committee The selection committee was comprised of Chief Erickson and Support Services Supervisor Santiago, Police Department; Director Andy DeMonte, Public Works; Chief Friel, Fire Department; Director Ryan Horne, Finance Department. The committee met twice (11 /09 /l l & 11/15/11) and reviewed all four proposals and identified the strengths and weaknesses of each vendor, and the criteria listed in the RFP. O'Iiare Towing Service Submitted a bid for only rotating heavy duty equipment towing from Northlake - not recommended at this time. A -1 Towing Niles, IL Stated they would need additional staffing and a truck purchase to accommodate our needs; contract out to Vernon Hills for auxiliary equipment; stated response time will be 13 -15 minutes for routine tows; not accredited by the BBB - not recommended at this time. Reds Body Shop Glenview IL Red's appear to have a well run operation; average response time is estimated at 15 -20 minutes for routine tows; contract out to Fries in Wheeling for auxiliary equipment; appear to have excellent record keeping; BBB rating is A +; overall pricing is slightly lower than Lin -Mar. Lin -Mar Towing and Recovery Morton Grove IL Lin -Mar has a well run operation; they will have all equipment and operations under one roof; are the closest tow service, with the most qualified on -site equipment; have the lowest average response time (8 minutes for all tows); have an excellent record keeping and staffing are noted through prior experience with the Village; BBB rating is A -; pricing is slightly higher than Red's. Selection Committee Recommendation Based on all the information above, the committee unanimously recommends Lin -Mar Towing and Recovery as the tow service for the Village of Morton Grove, providing compliance with all federal, state and local legal requirements is verified. Le0stative Summary Resolution 11 -54 7 AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH S.B. FRIEDMAN AND COMPANY FOR AN ELIGIBILITY STUDY AND REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR CONSIDERATION OF THE PRAIRIE VIEW PLAZA TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DESIGNATION Introduced.: November 28, 2011 Synopsis: This resolution will authorize an agreement with S.B. Friedman and Company to conduct a formal eligibility study and redevelopment plan for Tax Increment Financing Designation for the Prairie View Plaza Shopping Center and certain surrounding parcels. Purpose: A formal eligibility study and redevelopment plan is a precursor for establishing a Tax Increment Financing District (TIF) for this area. Background: The Prairie View Plaza is located at the southeast corner of Dempster Street and Waukegan Road. The center was originally built in the 1960s and occupies 25 acres and contains approximately 350,000 square feet of retail space on two levels. The current tenants include a Dominick's food store, a Bally's fitness center, a Harlem Furniture, and a Starbucks. The center currently suffers from obsolescence, an aging facade, infrastructure, and lacks on -site detention. Currently, the shopping center is only 73% occupied. The Village had previously contracted with S.B. Friedman and Company to complete an eligibility reconnaissance of this area. The study concluded the area including approximately 50 parcels would qualify for a conservation or blighted area under the Illinois TIF Act. If the Village is to create a Tax Increment Financing District it must complete a formal eligibility study and redevelopment plan, The Village has worked closely with S.B. Friedman and Company on analyzing similar proposals and has been satisfied with the quality of their services. S.B. Friedman and Company has submitted a proposal dated November 18, 2011, to prepare a formal eligibility study and redevelopment plan. This study will encompass • Redevelopment project area description. • Formal legal description of project area. • Summary of eligibility findings. • Redevelopment plan goals and project objectives. • Redevelopment strategies and activities. • Existing and proposed land use. • Estimated redevelopment project costs. • Most recent EAV and estimated future EAV. • Assessment of impacts on other taxing districts. The scope of services proposed by S.B. Friedman will also confirm the study area boundaries, meetings with staff and the Village Board to review the plan and assist Village staff to facilitate the public approval process. S.B. Friedman and Company proposes to complete these efforts with a target date of March/April 2012 for all Village approvals. Fees will be billed at S.B. Friedman's normal hourly rate with a total estimated fee of $29,000. Programs, Dents, Village Administrator, Community Development, Corporation Counsel, Finance Department. Groups Affected: Fiscal Impact: $29,000 Source of Funds: Lehigh/Ferris TIF —Account No. 151079 - 552110 Workload Impact: The Village Administrator, Corporation Counsel, Director of Community Development, and Finance Director will assist S.B. Friedman and Company in this research. Admin Recommend: Approval as presented. First Reading: i Not required. Special Consider or I None Requirements: Respectfully submitted: Reviewed by: Village Administrator Teresa Hoffrha Liston, Corporation Counsel RESOLUTION 11 -54 AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH S.B. FRIEDMAN AND COMPANY FOR AN ELIGIBILITY STUDY AND REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR CONSIDERATION OF THE PRAIRIE VIEW PLAZA TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DESIGNATION WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (Village), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its goverrunent affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove with the assistance of S.B. Friedman and Company will review a request for Village financial assistance for the renovation of the Prairie View Shopping Center located at the southeast corner of Dempster Street and Waukegan Road; and WHEREAS, the center was originally built in the 1960s and occupies 25 acres and contains approximately 350,000 square feet of retail space on two levels with tenants that include Dominick's food store, a Bally's fitness center, a Harlem Furniture, and a Starbucks; and WHEREAS, the center currently suffers from obsolescence, an aging fapade, infrastructure, and lacks on -site detention; and WHEREAS, the owners of Prairie View Shopping Center have submitted a proposal to the Village to construct a new 290,000 retail shopping center to replace the shopping center currently in place which is only 73% occupied; and WHEREAS, the owners expect to make a private investment of approximately $58.5 million; and WHEREAS, the Village previously contracted with S.B. Friedman and Company to complete an eligibility reconnaissance of this area and the study concluded the area including approximately fifty parcels would qualify for a conservation or blighted area under the Illinois TIF Act; and WHEREAS, if the Village is to create a Tax Increment Financing District it must complete a formal eligibility study and redevelopment plan; and WHEREAS, the Village has worked closely with S.B. Friedman and Company on analyzing similar proposals and has been satisfied with the quality of their services; and WHEREAS, S.B. Friedman and Company has submitted a proposal dated November 18, 2011, to prepare a formal eligibility study and redevelopment plan which would encompass: • Redevelopment project area description; • Formal legal description of project area; • Summary of eligibility findings; • Redevelopment plan goals and project objectives, i Redevelopment strategies and activities; • Existing and proposed land use; Y Estimated redevelopment project costs; • Most recent EAV and estimated future EAV; • Assessment of impacts on other taxing districts; and WHEREAS, the scope of services proposed by S.B. Friedman will also confirim the study area boundaries, and meetings with staff and the Village Board to review the plan and assist Village staff to facilitate the public approval process; and WHEREAS, S.B. Friedman and Company proposes to complete these efforts with a target date of March or April 2012 for all Village approvals; and WHEREAS, fees will be billed at S.B. Friedman "s normal hourly rate with a total estimated fee of 529,000. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Resolution as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2: The Corporate Authorities hereby authorize the execution of an agreement with S.B. Friedman and Company to conduct an eligibility study and redevelopment plan (Exhibit "A ") and assist the Village of Morton Grove with respect to the public approval process for the designation of a Tax Increment Financing District. SECTION'): The Village President and Village Clerk are hereby authorized to execute an attest to such agreement. SECTION 4: The Village Administrator and staff are hereby authorized to coordinate the implementation of this agreement with S.B. Friedman and Company. SECTION 5: This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and upon its passage and approval. PASSED TiIIS 28`' DAY OF November 2011 Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee DiMaria Gomberg Grear Marcus Thill Toth APPROVED BY ME THIS 28`x' DAY OF November 2011 Daniel J. Staackmann, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois ATTESTED and FILED in my office This 29" DAY OF' November 2011 Tony S. Kalogerakos, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois Exhibit "A" S. B. h iedman F; Company 221 North LaSa tie Street, Suite! 820 Chicago, IL 60601 j T 1312) 424 -4250 IF (312) 424 -4262 November 18, 2011 Mr. Joe Wade Village Administrator Village of Morton Grove 6101 Capulma Ave. Morton Grove, IL 60053 -2902 Dear Mr. Wade: SB Friedman & Company (SB Friedman) is pleased to continue our work with the Village of Morton Grove ( "the Village ") to prepare a formal Redevelopment Plan to designate a Tax Increment Financing (TIF) district covering an area at the intersection of Dempster Street and Waukegan Road. Under our most recent contract for TIF services (dated June 21, 2011), we completed an eligibility reconnaissance of the study area. We concluded thatthe area, including approximately 50 parcels, would qualify as a conservation orblighted area under the TIF Act. The reconnaissance and related analysis from our previous engagement will be incorporated into the formal Eligibility Study and Redevelopment Plan for TIF designation. The scope below outlines the work required to draft a full Eligibility Study and Redevelopment Plan and facilitate the public approval process. Tasks related to negotiating a redevelopment agreement are included in a separate contract. Scope of Services PART ONE: PREPARE ELIGIBILITY STUDY AND REDEVELOPMENT PLAN 1. Confirm Study Area Boundary and Route to Designation Based on our prior research, we will confirm with Village staff the study area boundary for the TIF designation. If the Village determines that they would like to adjust the boundary, we will assess the eligibility of additional parcels if the addition results in a boundary expansion. Additionally, we will confirm the Village's preferred route to TIF designation (blighted or conservation). We determined that the study area has enough factors to be designated as a conservation area or a blighted area. We will discuss sensitivities or concerns (where applicable) associated with each option. 2. Prepare Eligibility Study and Redevelopment Plan and Report An Eligibility Study and Redevelopment Plan document will be prepared for the proposed TIF district. As required by the Act, this document will include the following: ® Redevelopment Project Area Description 55 FRIEDMAN I DEVELOPMENT ADVISORS 1 www.sbfriedman.com Village of Morton Grove TIF District Designation • Formal Legal Description of the Boundary of the Redevelopment Project Area • Summary of Eligibility Findings • Redevelopment Plan Goals and Project Objectives • Redevelopment Strategies and Activities • Existing and Proposed Land Use • Estimated Redevelopment Project Costs (TIF Budget) • Most Recent EAV and Estimated Future EAV • Assessment of Impacts on Other Taxing Districts • Affirmative Action Plan A series of maps of the proposed TIF district will also be prepared (or updated) and included in the report. These maps will include: community context, proposed boundary, eligibility factors by parcel, existing land use, and future land use. 3. Meet to Review the Redevelopment Plan/ File Plan The Eligibility Study and Redevelopment Plan document will be reviewed with you and other staff assigned to oversee the Plan. Following staff review, we will brief the Village Board on the Plan and hold a public meeting (addressed in the following section) to review key elements of the Plan. Applicable changes will be incorporated into the final Plan and filed with the Village Clerk. PART TWO: FACILITATE PUBLIC APPROVAL PROCESS 4. Prepare Mailing Lists Our scope includes the compilation of mailing /address lists, as required for mailing notices, including taxing agencies, taxpayers within the proposed TIF area, the taxpayers of properties within the proposed TIF area for the past three years where taxes were not paid in the prior year, and residential addresses within 750 feet of the TIF boundary. An allowance for title searches (to identify property tax delinquencies) is included in the budget. We assume that the Village attorney or special TIF counsel will draft the necessary ordinances, resolutions and notices required to designate the TIF district. The Village may elect to engage a mailing company for preparation and distribution of the mailings or to prepare the mailings using Village staff resources. If these resources are notavailable, we can recommend a mailing company and coordinate noticing, as appropriate. We have assumed that the Village's TIF counsel will draft required notices for these mailings, the Village will publish required notices in local newspapers, and that the costs associated with these activities will be handled by the Village outside of the terms of this agreement. Complete Public Approval Process We will attend and make presentations, as appropriate, at an informational public meeting and atstatutorily required meetings that are part of the TIF review process as well as other informational and briefing meetings that may be requested. The attached budget includes an allowance for the following meetings: • One (1) additional Village Staff Review Meeting • Two (2) Village Board Briefings /Meetings sv rremurveKn I UtVtLVYMtN I ADVISORS 2 www.sbfriedman.com Village of Morton Grove TIF District Designation • One (1) Informational Public Meeting • One (1) Joint Review Board (1RB) Meeting • One (1) Public Hearing We will attend other additional meetings, as necessary or requested by you. These additional meetings will be billed at our hourly rates, together with any additional incurred expenses. Timeframe and Fees We understand that the designation of this TIF district is a time sensitive matter for the Village. We previously discussed targeting March /April of 2012 to complete all Village approvals. We will work as diligently as possible to meet this timeframe. Professional fees for these services will be based on the time required at the current hourly billing rates of those involved. Based on the scope of services outlined herein, we estimate our professional fees will be approximately $25,000. This estimate includes statutorily required meetings and certain additional meetings that, based on our discussions with you, we expect will be required. Including an allowance for general expenses and other TIF related expenditures, the total budget is estimated at $29,000. A detailed budget estimate is included on the last page of this letter. Local travel, lodging, publications, maps, telephone toll charges, photocopies, report reproduction, color reproduction, faxes, messenger and express services, postage, data purchased specifically for this project, use of company owned or licensed databases, and other out -of- pocket expenses are included in this estimate. TIF related expenditures, including title searches and the boundary legal description, will be billed as incurred. This fee estimate is subject to revision if the engagement entails more timethan estimated due to problems that are encountered that could not reasonably have been foreseen at the commencement of the engagement, or if the scope is changed. In this event, we will discuss the matterwith you so that a mutually acceptable revision maybe made. If the time spent on this engagement is substantially less than we have estimated, we will bill you a lesser amount. Additional services provided beyond the scope outlined here will be billable based on the hourly rates of personnel involved and actual time incurred. The following Special TIF Designation rates apply to this engagement: $115 Research Associate $105 Intern President $250 Practice Leader $210 Senior Project Manager $180 Project Manager $165 Associate Project Manager $140 Associate $115 Research Associate $105 Intern $ 75 These rates are those that have been in effect for this type of service since 2009. In recognition of our elationship with you, we will hold to these rates through this engagement. 55 FRIEDMAN j DEVELOPMENT ADVISORS 3 www.sbfriedman.com Village of Morton Grove TIF District Designation Invoices will be rendered either monthly or at key milestones as our work progresses for services and costs incurred. Invoices are payable within 30 days. If at any point the decision is made to discontinue our services, our fee will be based upon the actual time expended and out -of- pocket costs incurred to that date. The attached "Limitations of Our Engagement" apply to this assignment. Acceptance Procedures We appreciate the opportunity to be of service to the Village of Morton Grove. To indicate your acceptance of this proposal, please sign the enclosed copy and return it to us as authorization for us to proceed. Please do not hesitate to call if you have any questions. Sincerely, Stephen B. Friedman, AICP, CRE President Signature Daniel J. Staackmann Name - `Jewell Walton, AICP Project Manager November 28, 2011 Date Village President Title S8 FRIEDMAN I DEVELOPMENT ADVISORS 4 www.sbfriedman.com Village of Morton Grove TIF District Designation Limitations of Our Engagement Our report will be based on estimates, assumptions and other information developed from research, knowledge of the industry and meetings during which we will obtain certain information. The sources of information and bases of the estimates and assumptions will be stated in the report. Some assumptions inevitably will not materialize, and unanticipated events and circumstances may occur; therefore, actual results achieved duringthe period covered by our analysis will necessarily vary from those described in our report, and the variations may be material. The terms of this engagement are such that we have no obligation to revise the report to reflect events or conditions which occur subsequent to the date of the report. These events or conditions include without limitation economic growth trends, governmental actions, changes in assessment practices, changes in the TIF statute, interest rates and other factors. However, we will be available to discuss the necessity for revision in view of changes in the economic or market factors affecting the proposed project. Our report will be intended solely foryour information, and forsubmission to the Village Board for purposes of establishing a Tax Increment Financing (TIF) district. It should not be relied upon by any other person, firm or corporation or for any other purposes. Neither the report nor its contents, nor any reference to our firm, may be included or quoted in any offering circular or registration statement, appraisal, sales brochure, prospectus, loan, or other agreement or document intended for use in obtaining funds from individual investors. 55 FRIEDMAN I DEVELOPMENT ADVISORS 5 www.sbfriedman.com Village of Morton Grove TIF District Designation Dempster /Waukegan TIE Designation: Detailed Budget SB FRIEDMAN I DEVELOPMENT ADVISORS 6 www.sbfriedman.com Project Number of PlNs: 50 Person President Manager Associate 5 edai Tr Pro'ect Rates Rate $ 250 5 165 5 1.15 RP PART(: Prepare Eligibility Study and Redevelopment Plan Confirm Boundary and Route to Designation Allowancem do Eligibility Follow Up Write First Draft of Redevelopment Plan Prepare Additional Maps: Existing & Future U., Community Context Prepa re TI F Budget Obtain and Proof Boundary Survey /Legal Description Review Redevelopment Plan withthe Village Make Revisions /Finalize Report 1 2 2 2 1 1 4 1 1 2 4 4 4 16 8 2 4 4 8 Sub -Total Hours for PART 1- Preparing Redevelopment Plan Sub -Total Dollars for PART l -Pre ing Redevelopment Plan $ 71 10,010 7 $ 1,750 18 $ 2,970 $ 46 5,290 PART 2: Noticing & Public Approval Process 750 Feet Requirement 0. Preto re Buffer Ma P S. Conduct Fieldwork and Col iect Addresses C. Enter Adores s es /Obtain Posta l l nforma ti on D. Compi I e /Proof Ust for Me i ling Coordinate /Comp!Ia Taxpayer, Del t nquent Taxpayer & Res i peril al Adores Lisis Preparing /Packaging /Mailing All Applicable Notices Assume Al l owa rice for 2 Vi l l a Re Boa rd Mean ngs /Bri all ngs Al l owa me for 1. a not if ona l Vi l l age Ste IT Meeb ng Informational Public Meeting Jot at Review Board Public Hwarirw Completed By Attorney, Ml l age 8 4 4 4 4 1 2 and /or Mailing 8 4 4 4 4 2 8 8 4 8 Company 4 4 4 Sub -Total Hoursfor PART 2- Public Approval Process Sub -Total Dollars for PART 2..P2tdjja roval Process 93 24 27 4,455 $ 42 4,830 TOTAL HOURS TOTAL DOLLARS Expenses $ 164 25,295 31 $ 7,750 45 $ 1,425 5 88 10,120 Genera l Ex pans es; (3 %of Total Profes al one l Fees) $ 759 Ti ti e Sea rches(a s s umed$ 15 per PI N) $ 750 Legal Description (Allowance) $ 2,500 TOTAL BUDGET- PROFESSIONAL FEES AND EXPENSES $ 29,304 SB FRIEDMAN I DEVELOPMENT ADVISORS 6 www.sbfriedman.com Legislative Summary Resolution 11 -55 AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH S.B. FI2IEDMAN AND COMPANY TO REVIEW A REQUEST FOR VILLAGE FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE SUBMITTED BY THE OWNERS OF THE PRAIRIE VIEW SHOPPING CENTER Introduced: November 28, 2011 Synopsis: This resolution will authorize a contract between the Village of Morton Grove and S.B. Friedman and Company to review i request for Village financial assistance for the renovation of the Prairie View Shopping Center. Purpose: Special expertise is required to determine the propriety and appropriate level and structure of financial assistance in order to complete a major renovation of one of the Village's primary shopping centers. Background: I The Prairie View Plaza is located at the southeast corner of Dempster Street and Waukegan Road. The !I center was originally built in the 1960s and occupies 25 acres and contains approximately 350,000 square feet of retail space on two levels. The current tenants include a Dominick's food store, a Bally's fitness center, a Harlem Furniture, and a Starbucks. The center currently suffers from obsolescence, an aging facade, infrastructure, and lacks on -site detention. The owners have submitted a proposal to the Village to construct a new 290,000 retail shopping center. The owners expect to make a private investment of approximately $58.5 million. In order for this reconstruction to be feasible, the developer has made a proposal to the Village for substantial financial assistance, the amount of which is subject to negotiations. Currently, the shopping center is only 73% occupied. In order to properly consider this proposal, the Village needs to conduct a thorough review of the developer's pro forma and financial assistance application to determine the appropriate level and structure of financial assistance for the project. The Village has worked closely with S.B. Friedman and Company on analyzing similar proposals and has been satisfied with the quality of their services. S.B. Friedman and Company has submitted a proposal to the Village to conduct an analysis of the Prairie View Plaza's proposal. This analysis will include: • Review development information to determine possible need for assistance. • Evaluate development costs, including construction costs, site preparation costs, design fees, construction oversight, etc. • Review rents and lease -up assumptions. • Financial analysis - review revenues, expenses, resulting net operating income. • Evaluate returns both with or without municipal assistance. • Prepare memo of findings. • Participate in term sheet /redevelopment agreement negotiations. The services should be concluded within the next two months. Professional fees for these services will be based on time required to complete this assignment and S.B. Friedman and Company estimates the fee to review the proposal and draft a term sheet on the Village's behalf that will outline the business terms and financing structures of a potential redevelopment agreement to be between $23,000 to $25,000. Further negotiations of the term sheet will be based on S.B. Friedman and Company's standard hourly rates. Programs, Depts, Village Administrator, Community Development, Corporation Counsel, Finance Department. Groups Affected: Fiscal Impact: Approximately S25,000 Source of Funds: Lehigh/Ferris TIF - Account No. 151079 - 552110 Workload Impact: The Village Administrator, Corporation Counsel, Director of Community Development, and Finance Director will assist S.B. Friedman and Company in this research. Admin Recommend: Approval as presented. First Reading: ` Not required. Special Consider or None. Requirements: Respectfully submitted: Reviewed by: ade, Village Administrator Teresa Hoffman Liston, Corporation Counsel RESOLUTION 11-55 AUTIiORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH S.B. FRIEDMAN AND COMPANY TO REVIEW A REQUEST FOR VILLAGE FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE SUBMITTED BY THE OWNERS OF THE PRAIRIE VIEW SHOPPING CENTER WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (Village), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove with the assistance of S.B. Friedman and Company will review a request for Village financial assistance for the renovation of the Prairie View Shopping Center located at the southeast corner of Dempster Street and Waukegan Road; and WHEREAS, the center was originally built in the 1960s and occupies 25 acres and contains approximately 350,000 square feet of retail space on two levels with tenants that include Dominick's food store, a Bally's fitness center, a Harlem Furniture, and a Starbucks; and WHEREAS, the center currently suffers from obsolescence, an aging fagade, infrastructure, and lacks on -site detention; and WHEREAS, the owners of Prairie View Shopping Center have submitted a proposal to the Village to construct a new 290,000 retail shopping center to replace the shopping center currently in place which is only 73% occupied; and WHEREAS, the owners expect to make a private investment of approximately $58.5 million; and WHEREAS, in order for this reconstruction to be feasible, the developer has made a proposal to the Village for substantial financial assistance; and WHEREAS, in order to properly consider this proposal, the Village needs to conduct a thorough review of the developer's pro forma and financial assistance application to determine the appropriate level and structure of financial assistance for the project; and WHEREAS, special expertise is required to determine the propriety and appropriate level and structure of financial assistance in order to complete a major renovation of one of the Village's primary shopping centers; and WHEREAS, the Village has worked closely with S.B. Friedman and Company on analyzing similar proposals and has been satisfied with the quality of their services; and WHEREAS, S.B. Friedman and Company has submitted a proposal to the Village to conduct an analysis of the Prairie View Plaza's proposal which would include: • Review development information to determine possible need for assistance; • Evaluate development costs, including construction costs, site preparation costs, design fees, construction oversight, etc; • Review rents and lease -up assumptions; • Financial analysis — review revenues, expenses, resulting net operating income; • Evaluate returns both with or without municipal assistance; • Prepare memo of findings; • Participate in tetra sheet/redevelopment agreement negotiations; and WHEREAS, Professional fees for these services should be concluded within the next two months and will be based on time required to complete this assignment; and WHEREAS, S.B. Friedman and Company estimates the fee to review the proposal and draft a term sheet on the Village's behalf which will outline the business terms and financing structures of a potential redevelopment agreement will be between $23,000 to $25.000: and WHEREAS, further negotiations of the term sheet will be based on S.S. Friedman and Company's standard hourly rates. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Resolution as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2: The Corporate Authorities hereby authorize the execution of an agreement between the Village of Morton Grove and S.B. Friedman and Company in substantial conformity with S.B. Friedman and Company's November 18, 2011, proposal and scope of services which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A ". SECTION 3: The Village President and Village Clerk are hereby authorized to execute an attest to such agreement. SECTION 4: The Village Administrator and staff are hereby authorized to coordinate the implementation of this agreement with S.B. Friedman and Company. SECTION 5: This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and upon its passage and approval PASSED THIS 28 °i DAY OF November 2011 Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee DiMaria Gomberg Grear Marcus Thill Toth APPROVED BY ME THIS 28 "' DAY OF November 2011 Daniel J. Staackmann, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois ATTESTED and FILED in my office This 29`h DAY OF November 2011 Tony S. KaloQerakos, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois Exhibit "A" S.B. Friedman& Company i 221 North LaSa lie Strent,SLhte820% C:Ncago, H. 60601 (T2 1 2) 424-4250 f F1312)424 -4267. November 18, 2011 Mr. Joe Wade Village Administrator Village of Morton Grove 6101 Capulina Ave. Morton Grove, IL 60053 -2902 Dear Mr. Wade: SB Friedman & Company (SB Friedman) is pleased to continue our work with the Village of Morton Grove ( "the Village ") to review a request for Village financial assistance submitted by the owners and representatives of the Prairie View Shopping Center (the "Developer"). Plans are underwayto demolish and redevelop the shopping center to create a more contemporary shopping environment and attract higher profile retail tenants. Under our previous engagement with the Village (dated June 21, 2011), we prepared projections of incremental property and sales taxes to estimate the project's potential capacity to finance the Developer's preliminary request. The next step now involves conducting a thorough review of the Developer's pro formas and financial assistance application to determine the appropriate level and structure of financial assistance for the project. The following scope of services outlines SB Friedman's role in assisting you with this comprehensive review. Scope of Services The scope of our review includes the following tasks: 1. Review Developer's Recent Submittals. The Developer has provided an updated site plan and a financing gap analysis that demonstrates his need for financial assistance. SB Friedman will identify any material changes in the development program and review the assumptions and data presented in the gap analysis. 2. Evaluate Development Costs. We will review detailed construction cost estimates from the Developer as information becomes available. Using industry sources such as R. S. Means Building Construction Costs and in -house data, we will compare the Developer's estimated hard costs to typical industry costs. If there are unique or unusual features (e.g. extraordinary site prep costs) that require further analysis, we will identify them and recommend alternative approaches to validate the costs. Soft costs will be reviewed against industry norms including design fees, construction oversight, taxes and insurance during construction, marketing and leasing costs, legal and accounting fees, and construction period interest. We will also review the Developer's appraisal of existing land value. SE FRIEDMAN ( DEVELOPMENT ADVISORS 1 www.sbfriedman.com Village of Morton Grove Prairie View Project Review 3. Review Rents and Lease -up /Absorption Assumptions. We will perform limited independent research using CoStor to confirm the rent and lease -up /absorption assumptions used in the pro forma. We will assume pass through of retail operating costs and will validate our assumptions using industry sources such as Dollars & Cents of Shopping Centers. 4. Financial Analysis. Our analysis will review the revenues, expenses, and resulting net operating income generated by the project, including the capitalized value of the retail space against development costs. We will confirm appropriate capitalization rates for the hypothetical sale of the retail portion of the project using industry sources such as ACLI, RERC and Korpacz /PriceWaterhouseCoopers reports and benchmarks. 5. Evaluate Returns. We will create a model that calculates returns both with and without municipal assistance. Options for assessing profitability include reviewing returns on total cost and return on equity. Return benchmarks will be derived from the sources noted above, adjusted for applicable development and marketing risks. 6. Prepare Memo of Findings. We will prepare a memorandum of findings detailing our evaluation of assumptions and conclusions. We will meet with Village staff to review the memorandum and present our findings in a meeting with the Village Board. If additional meetings are required or requested that exceed the time allotted in the budget, they will be billed at the applicable rates for the personnel involved. 7. Draft a Term Sheet. We will draft a term sheet on the Village's behalf that will outline the business terms and financing structure of the type and level of public assistance to the Developer. We will work with the Village to insert provisions that best protect the Village's policy concerns and financial interests. 8. Participate in Term Sheet /Redevelopment Agreement Negotiations. We will participate in direct negotiations with the Developer regarding the provisions outlined in the term sheet. It is anticipated that the Village's legal counsel will merge the mutually agreed upon term sheet into a formal Redevelopment Agreement. We will also review the Redevelopment Agreement with regard to business terms and assist the Village in its negotiations with the Developer. Considering the unique dynamics of every negotiation, it is difficult to estimate the time that will be expended for th is task. We expect that it will likely entail review meetings with you and Village staff, meetings with the Developer, supplemental research and analysis /refinement, and other tasks to be determined. Since the scope forthis task is undefined, we will bill you for actual time and expenses incurred at the current hourly billing rates of the staff involved (see page 3). Timeframe and Fees The Developer and the Village have jointly agreed that a term sheet should be firm by the end of January 2012. While our analysis is largely contingent on the timely receipt of requested information from the Developer, we will work as diligently as possible to meet this timeframe. Professional fees for these services will be based on the time required at the current hourly billing rates of SB FRIEDMAN I DEVELOPMENT ADVISORS 2 www.sbfriedman.com Village of Morton Grove Prairie View Project Review those involved. Based on our experience with similar projects, our fee estimate is as follows: Tasks 1 to 7 Deal Review, Financial Structuring and Term Sheet Draft $23,000 to 25,000 Task 8 Term Sheet/Redevelopment Agreement Time at Standard Rates Negotiation Support A detailed budget estimate is included on the last page of this letter. These estimates will serve as benchmarks to measure our progress. We will inform you if we are diverging from these estimates so that we can discuss how to modify the scope or the budget to our mutual satisfaction. The following rates for the type of services contemplated in this letter apply to this engagement: President $300 Practice Leader $235 Senior Project Manager $195 Project Manager $180 Associate Project Manager $145 Associate $115 Research Associate $105 Intern $ 75 These rates are those that have been in effect for this type of service since 2009. In recognition of our relationship with you, we will hold to these rates through this engagement. Local travel, lodging, publications, maps, telephone toll charges, photocopies, report reproduction, color reproduction, faxes, messenger and express services, postage, data purchased specifically for this project, use of company owned or licensed databases, and other out -of- pocket expenses are not included in this estimate and will be billed in addition to professional fees incurred. These are typically less than 5% of total professional fees. Invoices will be rendered either monthly or at key milestones as our work progresses for services and costs incurred. Invoices are payable within 30 days. If at any point the decision is made to discontinue our services, our fee will be based upon the actual time expended and out -of- pocket costs incurred to that date. The attached "Limitations of Our Engagement" apply to this assignment. ns MMUMAN I DEVELOPMENT ADVISORS 3 wwwsbfriedman.com Village of Morton Grove Prairie View Project Review Acceptance Procedures We appreciate the opportunity to be of service to the Village of Morton Grove. To indicate your acceptance of this proposal, please sign the enclosed copy and return it to us as authorization for us to proceed. Please do not hesitate to call if you have any questions. Sincerely, Stephen B. Friedman, AICP, CRE President Accepted: Signature YT ' %`Jewell Walton, AICP Project Manager November 28, 2011 Date Daniel J. Staackmann, Village President Name Title SB FRIEDMANI DEVELOPMENT ADVISORS 4 www.sbfriedman.com Village of Morton Grove Prairie View Project Review Limitations of Our Engagement Our analysis and memo will be based on estimates, assumptions and other information developed from research of the market, knowledge of the industry and meetings with you and /the Developer during which you will provide us certain information. The sources of information and bases of the estimates and assumptions will be stated in the memo. Some assumptions inevitably will not materialize, and unanticipated events and circumstances may occur; therefore, actual results achieved during the period covered by ouranalysis will necessarily vary from those described in our memo and the variations may be material. The terms of this engagement are such that we have no obligation to revise analyses, memo or other documents to reflect events or conditions which occur subsequent to the date of the report. These events or conditions include without limitation economic growth trends, governmental actions, additional competitive developments, interest rates and other market factors. However, we will be available to discuss the necessity for revision in view of changes in the economic or market factors affecting the proposed project. Our memo will be intended solely for your information and that of the Village Board and should not be relied upon by any other person, firm or corporation or for any other purposes. Neither the memo nor its contents, nor any reference to our Firm, may be included or quoted in any offering circular or registration statement, appraisal, sales brochure, prospectus, loan or other agreement or document intended for use in obtaining funds from individual investors without our written consent. We acknowledge that upon submission to the Village the documents may become public documents within the meaning of the Freedom of Information Act. Nothing in these limitations is intended to block the disclosure of the documents under such act. SS FRIEDMAN I DEVELOPMENT ADVISORS 5 www.sbfriedman.com Village of Morton Grove Prairie View Project Review Prairie View Project Review: Detailed Budget Total Fees Contingency @ 10% Total Professional Fees Estimated Range (approximate) it&I IIR7 SB FRIEDMAN I DEVELOPMENT ADVISORS 6 www.sbfriedman.com Project . _. President Manager Associate Tasks ..$ 300 $ 180 $ ......110',. 1 Review Developer Recent Submittals 1' 4 2. ,.. Evaluate Devel apment Costs 4 3. Review Rents, Lease -up, and Absorption 1`'` 4 12 4. Financial Analysis 2 S. _ _ Evaluate Returns 8 16 --6 6 Memo of Summarizing Findings. 11 21 2 One (1) Staff Review Meeting 8 16 One (1) Village Board Meetmg(Bri efi ng 41 4 4I 4 Total Fees Contingency @ 10% Total Professional Fees Estimated Range (approximate) it&I IIR7 SB FRIEDMAN I DEVELOPMENT ADVISORS 6 www.sbfriedman.com Legislative Summary Resolution 11 -59 AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE AND COHEN, SALK & HUVARD, P.C. TO ACT AS SPECIAL TIF COUNSEL Introduced: November 28, 2011 Synopsis: The Village of Morton Grove is giving serious consideration to the creation of a Tax Increment Financing District for the Prairie View Plaza Shopping Center and certain surrounding properties. Purpose: A special counsel will be required to work with Corporation Counsel to insure all procedural requirements for the creation of a Tax Increment Financing District are met, and assist Village staff and the Village's TIF consultant in the negotiation and proper agreements associated with projects in the Tax Increment Financing District. Background: The Village is giving serious consideration to the creation of a Tax Increment Financing District for the Prairie View Plaza Shopping Center and certain surrounding properties. In order to complete the procedural requirements for the creation of this TIF a special counsel will be required. The Village has received a proposal from Bruce K. Huvard of the law firm of Cohen, Salk & Huvard who has special expertise in the creation of Tax Increment Financing Districts along with the preparation of agreements associated with such districts. Such service will include but are not limited to the following: • Ensure compliance with all statutory procedural requirements for the establishment of a TIF including compliance with laws regarding interested parties registry; Y Preparation of ordinances to set dates for hearings on the redevelopment plan; C Preparation of ordinances designating redevelopment project areas, and adoption of tax increment financing district; • Convene and meet with the Joint Review Board and issue a report; • Supervise the preparation and publishing of legally required notices and the holding of public hearings by the Village Board. The proposal submitted by special counsel will be based on an hourly fee, and is subject to limitation and modification as deemed necessary and advisable by Corporation Counsel and staff. Programs, Depts, Village Administrator, Community Development, Corporation Counsel, Finance Department. Groups Affected: Fiscal Impact: Estimated between $25,000 to $50,000 based on need. Source of Funds: Lehigh /FerrisTIF — Account No. 151079- 552110 Workload Impact: The Village Administrator, Corporation Counsel, Director of Community Development, and Finance Director will assist Cohen, Salk & Huvard, PC. AdminRecommend: Approval as presented. First Reading: Not required. Special Consider or None Requirements: Respectfully submitted: Prepared by: Administrator Teresa Hofffiiaif Liston, Corporation Counsel RESOLUTION 11 -59 AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE AND COHEN, SALK & HUVARD, P.C. TO ACT AS SPECIAL TIF COUNSEL WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (Village), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove is giving serious consideration to the creation of a Tax Increment Financing District for the Prairie View Plaza Shopping Center and certain surrounding properties; and WHEREAS, in order to properly establish a Tax Increment Financing District it will be necessary to retain special counsel to work with the Village's Corporation Counsel to insure all procedural requirements for the creation of a Tax Increment Financing District are met, and assist Village staff and the Village's TIF consultant in the negotiation and proper agreements associated with projects in the Tax Increment Financing District; and WHEREAS, the Village has received a proposal from Bruce K. Huvard of the law firm of Cohen, Salle & Huvard who has special expertise in the creation of a Tax Increment Financing District and the preparation of agreements associated with such districts. The proposal includes the following categories without limitation: • Comply with all statutory procedural requirements for the establishment of a TIF including compliance with laws regarding interested parties registry; a Make proposed redevelopment plans available to the public; • Preparation of ordinances to set dates for hearings on the redevelopment plan; Preparation of ordinances designating redevelopment project areas, and adoption of the tax increment financing district; • Convene and meet with Joint Review Board and issue report; o Supervise the preparation and publishing of legally required notices and the holding of public hearings by the Village Board; and WHEREAS, the proposals submitted by special counsel will be based on an hourly fee, and is subject to limitation and modification as deemed necessary and advisable by Corporation Counsel and Village staff and estimated to be between 525,000 and $50,000. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Resolution as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2: The Corporate Authorities are hereby authorized to execute an agreement with Cohen, Salk & Huvard, P.C. to provide procedural requirements and perform other negotiations and property agreements associated with the creation of a Tax Increment Financing District for the Prairie View Plaza Shopping Center. SECTION 3: The Village President and Village Clerk are hereby authorized to execute an attest to such agreement. SECTION 4: The Village Administrator and staff are hereby authorized to coordinate the implementation of this agreement with Cohen, Salk & Huvard, P.C. SECTION 5: This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and upon its passage and approval. PASSED THIS 28 °' DAY OF November 2011. Trustee DiMaria Trustee Gomberg Trustee Grear Trustee Marcus Trustee Thill Trustee Toth APPROVED BY ME THIS 28 °' DAY OF November 2011 Daniel J. Staackmann, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois ATTESTED and FILED in my office This 29`" DAY OF November 2011 Tony S. Kalogerakos, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois BRUCE K. HUVARD WRITER'S DIRECT DIAL 547.480.7543 November 22, 2011 By Email Teresa Hoffman Liston Corporation Counsel Village of Morton Grove 6101 Capulina Avenue Morton Grove, IL 60053 Re: Special Counsel Engagement Dear Terry: COHEN, SALK HUVARD, P.C. ATTORNEYS AT LAW .630 DUNDEE ROAD, SUITE 120 NORTHBROOK,- ILLINOIS 60062 TEL 847.4BO,7500 FAX 8//�47.480.7882 EMAIL SHUVARD@CSHLEGAL.COM We are pleased to be considered for the role of special counsel to the Village of Morton Grove in connection with the proposed Prairie View TIF. This letter outlines the intended scope of our engagement and indicates a range of expected fees. Scope of Services As special counsel, we understand that our role is to work collaboratively with you, as corporation counsel for the Village, and with S.B. Friedman & Co., the Village's TIF consultant, We will render advice on the procedural requirements for the creation of the TIF and under your direction assume a direct role in negotiating and preparing a Redevelopment Agreement with the owner of the shopping center (Developer). S.B. Friedman has expertise in identifying the presence of eligibility factors, preparing a Redevelopment Plan and recommending economic terms for the Redevelopment Agreement, including resolving questions about thejustifiable level of TIF subsidy. We expect to participate in those discussions with the redevelopment team, review the Plan against the requirements of the TIF Act and seek clarity concerning the range of programs and expenditures —so that future activities can take place within the intent and purposes of the Plan. The Prairie View Redevelopment Plan will identify programs that the Developer will undertake — and therefore preparation of the Plan will entail discussions and negotiations with the Developer for determining the content and budget of such programs. We understand that a sales tax sharing agreement has been mentioned as an element of the Redevelopment Agreement. In this case, negotiation and preparation of the Plan goes hand in hand with the term sheet for the Redevelopment Agreement. Assuming the eligibility findings support the formation of the TIF, we then advise on a timeline of procedural steps as required by the TIF Act. The broad action categories are as follows: Comply with Interested Parties Registry (adoption of rules, notice) Make proposed Redevelopment Plan available to public Preparation of Ordinance to set date for hearing on the Plan Preparation of Ordinances designating Area, adopting Plan, and adopting tax increment financing Convene and meet with Joint Review Board (JRB) and issue report Notices and hold public hearing by the Village Board Professional fees for our services will be based on time required at the billing rates of lawyers in our firm. I will be the lawyer principally involved in this matter. The hourly rate that I apply when working for municipalities on development work is $295. Other lawyers in our firm may assistme, at hourly rates ranging from $250 to $295. Our charges for out -of- pocket costs, overnight courier charges or other client disbursements are based on our costs. Our invoices are mailed monthly covering services for the prior month, with payment due in 30 days. With respect to retention of files, we generally attempt to retain contract documents, letters and file materials in electronic format, and only maintain hard copy client Piles for originals or important documents specifically entrusted to us. We may archive, delete or dispose of all files pertaining to this matter at any time after two (2) years have elapsed after we have last performed services on such matter. The Village may request, at any time before disposal of files, copies of any materials contained in such files. Please recognize that our lawyers may, in exercising their judgment while working on a platter, discard certain documents, such as interim drafts, the retention of which they do not believe to be significant to the protection of your interest. For the range of fees described below, we have not included text amendments or zoning changes or eminent domain proceedings. We assumed 5 meetings with the redevelopment team to review the proposed Plan,, two meetings with the JRB and no need to revise the Plan on the basis of JRB recommendations. We assumed no need to amend the Plan of the adjacent TIF (Lehigh Terrace). We have assumed one meeting for the Village Board to hold a hearing and a second meeting at which the TIF ordinances are adopted. We have not assumed preparation of any disclosure materials or opinions relating to outside financing. Estimate of Fees On the mostly procedural elements of the TIP process, we would budget 20 -40 hoes, not including time and meetings to review the Plan and tern sheet with the Developer. We cannot fully anticipate [lie complexity of the economic arrangements in the Redevelopment Agreement. Often, the interests of outside parties providing financing or major tenants come into play. My experience tells me there will be six to ten drafts, internal review, major deal points and possibly some unique provisions. I can estimate 60 -120 hours. With this budget, I would round off our estimate of fees at between $25,000 and $50,000. Our estimate will need to be adjusted if we commit to additional meeting time and services beyond what we have assumed. In all cases, our intent will be to charge fairly for our services. Disclosures As you know, I am currently village attorney in Golf. Last year, the Village of Golf entered into an agreement with the Village of Morton Grove for the purchase of municipal water. The villages sometimes discuss other topics which may result in other intergovernmental agreements in the future. The professional rules of conduct describe a "direct adversity" conflict, when a lawyer is representing two clients in the same matter, which will not be the case here. Another conflict is said to arise when the representation of one client creates a material limitation on the ability of lawyer to represent independently the interests of the other client. A lawyer must identify whether a material limitation conflict will likely arise. Given the nature of the representation for each village, I believe that I can fully discharge my duty of loyalty to both clients and there is very little likelihood that my work for one client will act as a material limitation on exercising my professional independence for the other client. I am aided in coming to this judgment by the fact that both villages are experienced consumers of legal services and understand that my duty is to exercise the same professional courtesy and competence in all matters I undertake. Acceptance of Engagement We are very appreciative of the opportunity to be considered for this engagement. If we are selected, we would appreciate receiving a letter confirming the details of our engagement asset forth herein. Sincerely, COHEN, SALK & HUVARD, P.C. Leeislative Summary ORDINANCE 11 -46 AUTHORIZING AN AMENDMENT TO TITLE 5, CHAPTER 13, ARTICLE E, SECTION I ENTITLED "STREETS AND ALLEYS DESIGNATED AS ONE -WAY " OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE Introduced: November 28, 201 1 Synopsis: ( Following review of Ordinance 1 1 -34, the Board determined the one -way alley behind the CVS Pharmacy would remain, and the alley would be one way eastbound. Purpose: To amend title 5, Chapter 13, Article E, Section 1 Entitled "Streets and Alleys Designated as One- Way" Background In 1972, the alley south of Dempster between Austin and Marmora was designated one -way west bound raider Ordinance 72 -17. With the construction of CVS Pharmacy in 2001 and under special use permit, Ordinance 01 -60 was passed that called for the alley to be designated one -way east bound. Signage was installed to reflect the alley's east bound status, however Ordinance 72 -17 was never removed form the Municipal Code. On September 26, 201 1, the Village Board of Trustee's passed Ordinance 11 -34. That Ordinance called for the removal of the one -way restriction allowing two -way traffic flows. At the October 10, 2011 Board Meeting, Trustee's requested an additional review of Ordinance 1 1 -34. That review was conducted during the November 14, 2011, Board meeting, and at that time staff was directed to prepare an Ordinance designating the alley to be one-way east bound from Austin to Marmora, so that any conflicting ordinances would be removed from the Municipal Code. Programs, Depts or Public works, residents and businesses bordering the alleyway. Groups Affected: I Fiscal Impact: Minimal i Source of Funds: General Fund Workload Impact Minimal Admin Recommend See Special Consideration Second Reading Required — Municipal Code Change Special Eastbound traffic needs to be maintained through alley in -order to allow deliveries to the CVS Considerations or loading dock. Staff requests a waiver of the second reading of this ordinance to avoid confusion. Requirements: Respectfully submitted: AncLy DeMo t Director Public Works Reviewed by: 5 - Teresa Hoffm n L ton, Corporation Counsel Reviewed by: �.MZ4 -lose n F. ade, Village Administrator ORDINANCE 11 -46 AUTHORIZING AN AMENDMENT TO TITLE 51 CHAPTER 13, ARTICLE E, SECTION ENTITLED "STREETS AND ALLEYS DESIGNATED AS ONE -WAY" OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (Village), located in Cook County, Illinois, is ahome rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, the alley located one -half block south of Dempster Street between Austin Avenue and Mannora Avenue under Ordinance 72 -17 was designated one -way westbound; and WHEREAS, as part of the special use Ordinance 01 -60, the alley was designated one -way eastbound; however, current Village Code designates this alley as one -way westbound; and WHEREAS, on November 14, 2011, after reviewing all Ordinances pertaining to said alley the Village Board of Trustees directed staff to prepare an Ordinance designating the alley eastbound. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Ordinance as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2: Title 5, Chapter 13, Article E, Section I Entitled "Streets and Alleys Designated as One -Way" is hereby amended to read as follows: 5- 13E -1: STREETS AND ALLEYS DESIGNATED AS ONE -WAY: The following streets and alleys are designed as one -way streets and alleys: Street Between Direction Alley 1/Z block south of Dempster Street Austin Avenue and Marmora Avenue Eastbound SECTION 3: The Director of Public Works and/or his designee is hereby authorized and directed to remove any conflicting signs and erect such signs as detailed in this Ordinance. SECTION 4: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its approval and publication. PASSED THIS 28° day of November 2011 Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee DiMaria Gomberg Grear Marcus Thill Toth APPROVED BY ME THIS 28 °i day of November 2011 Daniel ,I. Staackmann, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois ATTESTED and FILED in my office This 28 "' day of November 2011. Tony S. Kalogerakos, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois Legislative Surnmary Resolution 11 -56 � APPROPRIATION OF 2012 MOTOR FUEL TAX FUNDS FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF STREETS AND HIGHWAYS MFT SECTION I1- 00000 -OOGM Introduced: I November 28, 201 1 Synopsis: To authorize the Village President to execute the documentation required by the State of Illinois for the 2012 Motor Fuel Tax program. Purpose: To appropriate the Village's estimated motor fuel tax revenue for 2012 as required by the State of Illinois. Background: Each year the Village receives a portion of the motor fuel tax collected by the State. These funds must be spent on the eligible improvements of roadways. The State requires an estimate and final statement of the maintenance expenses for each year of the program. Programs, Departments Public Works Department or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: The total estimated expenses for the 2012 Motor Fuel Tax Program are $635,500. Source of Funds: State of Illinois, Motor Fuel Tax Workload Impact: The implementation of the program is done as part ofthe normal operations of the Public Works Department. Administrator Approval as presented. Recommendation: First Reading: Not required. Special Considerations or None Requirements: Respectfully submitted: 7 C(�% �4CL Reviewed by: _f� _ losepl . Wa e, Village Administrator Teresa Hoffman Lis n, .o poration Counsel Prepared by: _ _ Reviewed by: _ Chris Tomich, Village Engineer Andy DeMonte, Director of Public Works RESOLUTION I1 -56 APPROPRIATION OF 2012 MOTOR FUEL TAX FUNDS FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF STREETS AND HIGHWAYS MET SECTION 11- 00000 -00 -GM WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (VILLAGE), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, the Illinois Highway Code requires the Village of Morton Grove Board of Trustees to authorize the appropriation of Motor Fuel Tax (MET) Funds for the purpose of Maintaining Streets and Highways within the Village from January I , 2012 to December 31, 2012: and WHEREAS, the estimated expenditures from the MET Funds for the period January 1, 2012 to December 31, 2012, are $635,500, and WHEREAS, the attached .'Resolution for, Maintenance of Streets and Highways by Municipality under the Illinois Highway Code" (BLR 14230) and the "Municipal Estimate of Maintenance Costs" (BLR 1423 1) have provided for the distribution of the anticipated 2012 MFT Funds for maintenance of streets within the Village of Morton Grove, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY. ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Resolution as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2: Only those operations listed and described on the Municipal Estimate of Maintenance Costs approved in connection with this Resolution are eligible for reimbursement with Motor Fuel Tax during the period specified above. SECTION 3: The Corporate Authorities hereby approve and the Village President is hereby authorized to execute the Illinois Department of Transportation Municipal Estimate of Maintenance Costs (BLR 14231) and the Illinois Department of Transportation Resolution for Maintenance of Streets and Highways by Municipality under the Illinois Highway Code (BLR 14230). SECTION 4: Two certified copies of this Resolution will be transmitted to the District Office of the Illinois Department of Transportation at Schaumburg,. Illinois. SECTION 5: This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and upon its passage and approval. PASSED THIS 28`x' DAY OF NOVEMBER 201 1 Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee DiMaria Gomberg Great Marcus Thill Toth APPROVED BY ME THIS 2811' DAY OF NOVEMBER 2011 Daniel J. Staackmann, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois ATTESTED and FILED in my office This 29`x' DAY OF NOVEMBER 2011 Tony S. Kalogerakos, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cools County, Illinois BE IT RESOLVED, by the President and Board of Trustees Resolution for Maintenance of Streets and Highways by Municipality Under the Illinois Highway Code of the Village (Council or President and Board of Trustees) 9 of Morton Grove Illinois, that there is hereby (City, Town or Village) (Name) appropriated the sum of $609,000.00 of Motor Fuel Tax funds for the purpose of maintaining streets and highways under the applicable provisions of the Illinois Highway Code from January 1, 2012 to December 31, 2012 1 (Date) BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that only those streets, highways, and operations as listed and described on the approved Municipal Estimate of Maintenance Costs, including supplemental or revised estimates approved in connection with this resolution, are eligible for maintenance with Motor Fuel Tax funds during the period as specified above. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Clerk shall, as soon a practicable after the close of the period as given above, submit to the Department of Transportation, on forms furnished by said Department , a certified statement showing expenditures from and balances remaining in the account(s) for this period, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Clerk shall immediately transmit two certified copies of this resolution to the district office of the Department of Transportation, at Schaumburg Illinois. 11 Tony Kalogerakos Clerk in and for the Village of Morton Grove ,County of Cook (City, Town or Village) hereby certify the foregoing to be a true, perfect and complete copy of a resolution adopted by the President and Board of Trustees at a meeting on (Council or President and Board of Trustees) IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this (SEAL) Village (City, Date Department of Transportation ional November 28, 2011 Date day of November, 2011 or Village) Clerk Printed 11/21/2011 BLR 14230 (Rev- 11/06) Period from 01/01/2012 to 12/31/2012 Municipal Estimate of Maintenance Costs Section Number 12 - 00000 - 00 - GM Municipality MORTON GROVE Estimated Cost of Maintenance Operations Maintenance For Grou I, II or Ili Material _E ui ment or Labor Operation Group Unit _ Operation (No.— Description) (I 11,111,N) Item Unit ' Quantity` Price ! Cost Cost 1 Snow Removal I Salt (State of IL) TON 1 45001 60- 755.00 273,500.00 & Ice Control I III Calcium Chloride Salaries rGAL 4400 00.56 $2,464.00 2,500.00 HR I 18 36,00 j $64.800.00 65,000.00 2 Bituminous Materials Hot Mix Asphalt TON 900 48.00 j $43,200.00 45,000.00 & Patching (Local) _ I Cold Mix Asphalt TON % 20_0 100.00 $20,000.00 20,000.00 II Salaries I HR 1500 —33100 $49,500.00 50,000.00 3 Street Sweeping III Salaries HR 900 33.00 $29,700.00 30,000.00 I — _� - 4 Street Lighting & 1 IV Street Lighting and Traffic 70,000_00 Traffic Signal Maint. _� Si nal Maintenance �- _ Contract -� - - 5 Concrete Concrete Materials C—y--F 180 100,00 $18,000.00 18,000.00 III Salaries HR 150 I 33.00 $4,950.00 I 5,000,00 6 Catch Basin Cleaning III Salaries_ HR 900 33.00 ; $29.700.00 30,000.00 1 Total Day Labor Costs $29.700.00 Total Estimated Maintenance Operation Cost $609,000,00 — Preliminary Engineering Engineering Inspection Material Testing Total Estimated Engineering Cost Total Estimated Maintenance Cost $609,000.00 Submitted: _ 11/29/2011 _ Approved: Date By: Village President Municipal Official Title Submit Four (4) Copies to Regional Engineer Page 1 of 1 Printed on 11/21/2011 11:48:11 AM Regional Engineer BLR 14231 (Rev. 2/23/06) Legislative Summary Resolution 11 -57 AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A SERVICE CONTRACT WITH MUNICIPAL GIS PARTNERS (MGP) FOR GEOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION SYSTEM SERVICES Introduced: Synopsis: Purpose: Background: Programs, Departments or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: Source of Funds: Workload Impact: Administrator Recommendation: Second Reading: Special Considerations or Requirements: November 28.2011 To authorize the Village Administrator to execute a contract with Municipal GIS Partners, Inc. (MGP) for the maintenance and development of Geographical Information System (GIS) services in 2012. To continue the services of Municipal GIS Partners in developing and maintaining the Village's GIS system as part of the GIS Consortium, The GIS Consortium was founded in 1999 by several municipalities as a way of reducing the costs of implementing GIS technology by participating in collective bargaining, group training, joint purchasing and development and innovation sharing. The Village of Morton Grove joined the Consortium in 2002. MGP was determined to be the lowest responsible provider for the maintenance and development of GIS systems for the member communities. This contract between the Village and MGP is a continuation of these services for 2012. All Village Departments utilize the GIS system, as well as Village residents and businesses. The amount of the contract is a not -to- exceed value of $53,615.00. General Revenue The management and implementation of the program is performed by the Public Works Department, Engineering Division as part of their normal work activities. Approval as presented. Not Required. None Respectfully submitted: rylf, ,losepl � 'We, Village Administrator Prepared by: Chris Tomich, Village Engineer Reviewed by: Reviewed by::: Teresa Hoffman Listonloorat ation Counsel Andy DeMonte, Dir.Of Public Works RESOLUTION 11 -57 AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OR A SERVICE CONTRACT WITH MUNICIPAL GIS PARTNERS (MGP) FOR GEOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION SYSTEM SERVICES WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (Village), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove desires to utilize a geographic information system (GIS) to assist in the service, maintenance, and long range planning of its operations; and WHEREAS, in 1999 several municipalities established an intergovernmental agreement setting forth the responsibilities of the parties hereto with regard to the operation of a consortium, known as the Geographic Information System Consortium (GISCon), to develop, maintain and share GIS data and applications; and WHEREAS, in 2002 a GIS Committee was formed to evaluate the future direction of the Village's GIS and recommended joining the GISCon to cost efficiently and effectively develop and maintain the Village's GIS; and WHEREAS, on November 11, 2002, the Village of Morton Grove entered into an agreement to join GISCon; and WHEREAS, the success of GISCon has resulted in growth from four municipalities in 1999 to seventeen in 2010, which reduces the Village's overall cost of participation; and WHEREAS, GISCon desires to Limit expenses in developing GIS for their communities by participating in collective bargaining, group training,joint purchasing and development and innovation sharing; and WHEREAS, the GISCon researched the geographic information system service providers and find Municipal GIS Partners, Inc. (MGP) to be the Lowest responsible service provider; and WHEREAS, MGP has a history of successfully providing GIS services to the Village at a reasonable cost; and WHEREAS, MGP represents to be in compliance with Illinois Statutes relating to professional registration of individuals and continues to have the necessary expertise and experience to furnish such services upon the terms and conditions set forth in the contract in Exhibit "A ": and WHEREAS, funds for this contract are included in the proposed 2011 budget, in account number 022025-552110; and WHEREAS, the amount of the contract is a not -to- exceed value of $53.615.00. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION l: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Resolution as though (idly set forth, therein thereby malting the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2: The Village President of the Village of Morton Grove is hereby authorized and directed to execute and the Village Clerk of the Village of Morton Grove is authorized to attest a contract with Municipal GIS Partners, Inc. providing the Village of Morton Grove with geographical information system services as provided in their contract attached hereto and as described in Exhibit A„ SECTION 3: The Village Administrator and Village Engineer are hereby authorized to implement the contract and provide for GIS services. SECTION 4: This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and upon its passage and approval. PASSED THIS 28`x' DAY OF NOVEMBER 2011 Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee DiMaria Gomberg Grear Marcus Thill Toth APPROVED BY ME THIS 28 °i DAY OF NOVEMBER 2011 Daniel. Staackmann, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois ATTESTED and FILED in my office This 28`" DAY OF NOVEMBER 2011 Tony S. Kalogerakos, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois CIS Consortium Service Provider Contract This CONTRACT made and entered into this 1st day of'January 2012, by and between the Village of Morton Grove, an Illinois municipal corporation (hereinafter referred to as "Village "), and Municipal GIS Partners, me. (MGP), 701 Lee Street, Suite 1020, Des Plaines, Illinois 60016 (hereinafter referred to as "Consultant "); and WHEREAS, the Village desires to engage the Consultant to provide support services in connection with the Village's geographical information system ( "GIS "); and WHEREAS, the Consultant represents to be in compliance with Illinois Statutes relating to professional registration of individuals and has the necessary expertise and experience to furnish such services upon the terms and conditions set forth herein below; NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby agreed by and between the Village and the Consultant that: I. SCOPE OF SERVICES The Scope of Services shall be as set forth in the "Proposal for Geographic Information System Services" (Attachment 1). Should there be a conflict in terms between this Contract and the Proposal, this Contract shall control. II. PERFORMANCE OF WORK All work hereunder shall be performed under the direction of the Village Administrator of the Village or his designee (hereinafter referred to as the "Village Administrator "). III. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR The Consultant shall at all times be deemed to be an independent contractor, engaged by the Village to perform the services set forth in Attachment 1. Neither the Consultant nor any of its employees shall be considered to be employees of the Village for any reason, including but not limited to for purposes of workmen's compensation law, Social Security, or any other applicable statute or regulation. IV. PAYMENT TO THE CONSULTANT For work associated with the project, the Consultant shall be reimbursed in an amount NOT TO EXCEED $53.615. A. The Consultant shall submit invoices in a format approved by the Village. B. The Consultant shall maintain records showing actual time devoted and cost incurred. The Consultant shall permit the authorized representative of the Village to inspect and audit all data and records of the Consultant for work done under this Contract. The Consultant shall make these records available at reasonable times during the Contract period, and for a year after termination of this Contract. C. The Village shall make monthly payments to the Consultant based upon actual progress, within 35 days after receipt of invoice, hugs flehzreponv mgt mn.. n /Admi Y.at "Co, /Leila V(.ani' eMM L,, Lm e IU201; M11L1,1t ONV l b, M?s. r� 'l 1e,r•nP.0 \Wi 201? 10fc V. TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT Notwithstanding any other provision hereof, the Village may terminate this Contract at any time upon fifteen (15) days prior written notice to the Consultant. In the event that this Contract is so terminated, the Consultant shall be paid for services actually performed and reimbursable expenses actually incurred, if any, prior to termination, not exceeding the value of work completed determined on the basis of the percentage completed as agreed upon between the Village and the Consultant. VI. TERM This Contract shall become effective as of the date the Consultant is given a written Notice to Proceed and, unless terminated for cause or pursuant to Article V foregoing, shall expire on December 31, 2012, or on the date the Village Administrator determines that all of the Consultant's work under this Contract is completed. A determination of completion shall not constitute a waiver of any rights or claims which the Village may have or thereafter acquire with respect to any breach hereof by the Consultant. VII. RENEWAL OF CONTRACT The Village shall decide at least sixty (60) days before the end of the Term, as defined in Article VI of this Contract, whether the Village desires to engage the Consultant in another Contract to provide support services in connection with the Village's geographical information system. The Village shall provide the Consultant written notice within thirty (30) days of said decision. VIII. NOTICE OF CLAIM If the Consultant wishes to make a claim for additional compensation as a result of action taken by the Village, the Consultant shall give written notice of his claim within fifteen (15) days after occurrence of such action. No claim for additional compensation shall be valid unless so made. Any changes in the Consultant's fee shall be valid only to the extent that such changes are included in writing signed by the Village and the Consultant. Regardless of the decision of the Village Administrator relative to a claim submitted by the Consultant, all work required under this Contract as determined by the Village Administrator shall proceed without interruption_ IX. BREACH OF CONTRACT If any party violates or breaches any term of this Contract, such violation or breach shall be deemed to constitute a default, and the other party has the right to seek such administrative, contractual or legal remedies as may be suitable to the violation or breach; and, in addition, if any party, by reason of any default, fails within thirty (30) days after notice thereof by the other party to comply with the conditions of the Contract, the other party may terminate this Contract. X. INDEMNIFICATION The Consultant shall indemnify and save harmless the Village and its officers and employees from and against any and all loss, liability and damages of whatever nature, including Workmen's Compensation claims by Consultant's employees, in any way resulting from or arising out of negligent actions or omissions of the Consultant in connection herewith, including negligent actions or omissions of employees or agents of the Consultant arising out of the performance of this Contract. XI. NO PERSONAL LIABILITY No official, director, officer, agent, or employee of any party shall be charged personally or held contractually liable by or to the other party under any term or provision of this Contract or because of its or their execution, approval, or attempted execution of this Contract. XII. NON- DISCRIMINATION In all hiring or employment made possible or resulting from this Contract, there shall be no discrimination against any employee or applicant for employment because of sex, age, race, color, creed, national origin, marital status, of the presence of any sensory, mental, or physical handicap, unless based upon a bona fide occupational qualification, and this requirement shall apply to, but not be limited to, the following: employment, advertising, layoff or termination, rates of pay or other forms of compensation, and selection for training, including apprenticeship. No person shall be denied, or subjected to discrimination in receipt of the benefit of any services or activities made possible by or resulting from this Contract on the grounds of sex, race, color, creed, national origin, marital status, the presence of any sensory, mental or physical handicap or age except minimum age and retirement provisions. Any violation of this provision shall be considered a violation of a material provision of this Contract and shall be grounds for cancellation, termination or suspension, in whole or in part, of the Contract by the Village. XIII. ASSIGNMENT AND SUCCESSORS This Contract and each and every portion thereof shall be binding upon the successors and the assigns of the parties hereto; provided, however, that no assignment shall be made without the prior written consent of the Village. XIV. DELEGATING AND SUBCONTRACTING Any assignment, delegation or subcontracting shall be subject to all the terms, conditions and other provisions of this Contract and the Consultant shall remain liable to the Village with respect to each and every item, condition and other provision hereof to the same extent that the Consultant would have been obligated if it had done the work itself and no assignment, delegation or subcontract had been made. XV. NO CO- PARTNERSHIP OR AGENCY It is understood and agreed that nothing herein contained is intended or shall be construed to, in any respect, create or establish the relationship of co- partners between the Village and the Consultant, or as constituting the Consultant as the general representative or general agent of the Village for any purpose whatsoever. XVI. SEVERABILITY The parties intend and agree that, if any paragraph, subparagraph, phrase, clause, or other provision of this Contract, or any portion thereof, shall be held to be void or otherwise unenforceable, all other portions of this Contract shall remain in full force and effect. XVII. HEADINGS The headings of the several paragraphs of this Contract are inserted only as a matter of convenience and for reference and in no way are they intended to define, limit, or describe the scope of intent of any provision of this Contract, nor shall they be construed to affect in any manner the terms and provisions hereof or the interpretation or construction thereof. XVIH. MODIFICATION OR AMENDMENT This Contract constitutes the entire Contract of the parties on the subject matter hereof and may not be changed, modified, discharged, or extended except by written amendment duly executed by the parties. Each party agrees that no representations or warranties shall be binding upon the other party unless expressed in writing herein or in a duly executed amendment hereof, or Change Order as herein provided. XIX. APPLICABLE LAW This Contract shall be deemed to have been made in, and shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Illinois. XX. NEWS RELEASES The Consultant may not issue any news releases without prior approval from the Village Administrator nor will the Consultant make public proposals developed under this Contract without prior written approval .from the Village Administrator prior to said documentation becoming matters of public record. XXI. COOPERATION WITH OTHER CONSULTANTS The Consultant shall cooperate with any other persons in the Village's employ on any work associated with the project. XXIL NOTICES All notices, reports and documents required under this Contract shall be in writing and shall be mailed by first class mail, postage prepaid, addressed as follows: If to Village: Village of Morton Grove Chris Tomich, Village Engineer 61.01 Capulina Avenue Morton Grove, IL 60053 If to Consultant: MGP, Inc. Thomas A. Thomey 701 Lee Street, Suite 1030 Des Plaines, IL 60016 XXIII. INTERFERENCE WITH PUBLIC CONTRACTING: P.A. 85 -1295 The Consultant certifies hereby that it is not barred from entering into this Contract as a result of violations of either Section 33E -3 or Section 33E -4 of the Illinois Criminal Code. XXIV. SEXUAL HARASSMENT POLICY: 775ILCS 5 /2- 105(A)(4) The Consultant certifies hereby that it has a written Sexual Harassment Policy in full compliance with 775 ILCS 5/3- 105(A)(4). XXV. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS All recommendations and other communications by the Consultant to the Village Administrator and to other participants, which may affect cost or time of completion, shall be made or confirmed in writing. The Village Administrator may also require other recommendations and communications by the Consultant be made or confirmed in writing. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have placed their hands and seals hereto on the date first above written. ATTEST: Village Clerk ATTEST: By Village President - CONSULTANT By. Proposal for Geographic Information System Services Attachment I 1) GENERAL PURPOSE The purpose of this agreement is for the Village to enter an agreement with the Consultant for all or part of its geographic information system (GIS) management, development, operation, and maintenance. In addition to supporting the existing GIS program, the Consultant will identify opportunities for continued development and enhancement. The Village will be sharing management, development, and maintenance expertise and staffing with other municipalities as a member of the Geographic Information System Consortium (GISC). The benefits to the Village include, but are not limited to, collective bargaining for rates and services, shared development costs, and joint purchasing and training. The Consultant is the sole Service Provider for GISC and is responsible for providing the necessary GIS professional resources to support this entity. The Consultant will facilitate and manage resource, cost, and technical innovation sharing among GISC members. 2) CONFIDENTIALITY This attachment includes proprietary and confidential information. It shall not be copied, circulated, or otherwise ,provided to any person or organization that is not part of the process established for its consideration without the advance written permission of MGP, Inc., 3) SERVICE TYPES For the purpose of cost accounting, the Consultant will provide two (2) service types to the Village. The intent of this distinction is to track specific types of investment without, overburdening general operation of the GIS program. Many of these services will go unnoticed to the Village but are required to sustain the GIS program. The Consultant will employ reasonable professional discretion when specific direction is not provided by the Village or the GIS Consortium. A. Services relate to the direct management, development, operation, and maintenance of the Village GIS required to reasonably support the system. B. Services relating to the investigation, research, and development of new functionality and capability for the GIS Consortium and its members. 4) SERVICES The Consultant will help provide the necessary resources to support the Village GIS program. The allocation of these resources will be reasonably commensurate with the level of expertise required to fulfill the specific task thus enabling efficient use of Village investment. The Consultant includes, but is not limited to, the following personnel: https ll re➢nint,ng p Inc - conilAd m in I IauaC , /lA KRING ['2GC /Moto, ("I OVE, 11 J [ttY.huw or 1-F, IN 'I eI'v i , nu' °' i i % MW 2012 I(N[ A. A GIS Manager that is responsible for the overall implementation of the GIS program based on the directions and instructions of the Village. The GIS Manager will provide senior - consultant services and will provide coordination and facilitation of DISC developments and initiatives. Budget forecasting and work reporting will be provided by the GIS Manager as directed by the Village. B. A GIS Coordinator is responsible for the operation of the GIS program including the coordination of'resources. The GIS Coordinator will provide services to the Village in determining the sbort- and long -term needs of the GIS program. The GIS Coordinator will be responsible for managing the program resources including Consultant resources, external agencies, and Village committees and user groups. - C. A GIS Data Administrator is responsible for managing the data model and administering the database and related information. The GIS Data Administrator plans, implements, and configures the data to enhance performance and maintain integrity of the data system. D. A GIS Application Developer that is responsible for the conceptualization, design, development, testing, installation, documentation, training, and maintenance of GIS and related software. Software includes, but is not limited to; computer programs, form designs, user manuals, data specifications, and associated documentation. E. A GIS Analyst is responsible for analyzing and planning special projects that require skills beyond the typical operation of the system_ Special projects may include the development of ad hoc maps, layers, databases, and user solutions. F. A GIS Specialist that provides the daily operation, maintenance, and support of the GIS. This individual is typically fully allocated to the Village and is responsible for database development and maintenance, map production, user training and help -desk, user group support, and system support and documentation. a PR,OJF,CTED UTILIZATION Projected utilization is an estimate of service hours required of the Consultant by the Village. This projection is established by and between the Village, GISC, and the Consultant. Although variations are anticipated, the Village and the Consultant have a fiduciary responsibility to GISC and its members to meet their projected utilization. Significant variations in actual utilization may negatively influence service rates for GISC members. The anticipated projected utilization for each Consultant service is: A. 4_93 hours of GIS Specialist B. 49 hours of GIS Coordinator C. 41 hours of GIS Analyst D. 41 hours of GIS Data Administrator E. 41 hours of GIS Application Developer F. 41 hours of GIS Manager 6) SERVICE RATES Rates are based on projected utilization of GISC members in collective bargaining with the Consultant. The Consultant guarantees these rates for the term of this agreement as long as actual utilization is reasonably consistent with projected utilization. The GISC collective bargaining rates are as follows: A. 67.10 per hour for GIS Specialist B. S 83.90 per hour for GIS Coordinator C. $ 83.90 per hour for GIS Analyst D. $104.90 per hour for GIS Data Administrator E. $104.90 per hour for GIS Application Developer F. $104.90 per hour for GIS Manager 7) FACILITIES AND EOUTIPMENT The Village is required to provide the Consultant adequate space, furnishings, hardware, and software to fulfill the objectives of the GIS program. The facilities requirement is no different than would be otherwise required by the Village to support a GIS program. The rate structure extended to GISC members is contingent on these provisions for the Consultant. Facilities and equipment include, but are not limited to, the following A. Full -time office space for the GIS Specialist and periodic office space for guests. This space should effectively and securely house all required GIS systems, peripherals, and support tools. This space must be available during normal business hours. B. Furnishings including adequate desk(s), shelving, and seating accommodations for the GIS Specialist and periodic guests. A telephone line and phone to originate and receive outside calls. A network connection with access to the Internet. C. Hardware including a workstation, server, plotter, printer, digitizer, scanner and network infrastructure. D. Software including GIS software(s), productivity tools, application development tools, commercial databases, and network access software. E. The Village is responsible for installing, operating, and maintaining the backup and recovery systems for all Village owned GIS assets that permits the Consultant to continue services within a reasonable period of time following a disaster. 8) BILLING & PAYMENT The Consultant will invoice the Village on a monthly basis for work completed and work in- progress. The Consultant requires 100% payment within 35 days of invoicing. 9) INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY If any intellectual property should be developed during the course of this agreement, the Village and the Consultant shall be joint owners of said intellectual property. A. It is understood that this agreement does not grant to the Village or any employees, partners, business associates or other associated parties thereof, any rights in any intellectual property developed by the Consultant outside the terms of this agreement, or any protectable interests stemming there from. B. The Village and the Consultant agree, that no assignments, authorization of reuse by others, giveaways, license grants, sales, transfer, security interests, or any other grant of rights for any intellectual property that may be developed during this agreement, will be made to any third party without a written agreement between the Village and the Consultant. C. If this agreement between the Village and the Consultant should be terminated, the Village shall, in good faith, allow the Consultant, any reasonable use of any Intellectual Property developed during this Contract. Legislative Summary _Ordinance II -42 j AMENDING THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE SECTIONS 12 -4 -3 AND 12 -17 -1 TO ALLOW AN AUTO GLASS REPAIR /REPLACEMENT FACILITY AS A SPECIAL USE IN THE C -I GENERAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT Introduced: Synopsis: Purpose: Background Programs, Departs or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: Source of Funds: Workload Impact: Admin Recommend Second Reading: Special Consider or Requirements: November 14, 201 1 This ordinance will approve text amendments to amend the Unified Development Code to allow an auto glass repair /replacement facility in the C -I Commercial District as a special use. To allow an auto glass repair /replacement facility in the C -1 Commercial District as a special use. The Unified Development Code (UDC) is a comprehensive set of regulations for the zoning of land and development of parcels within the Village. Currently. the UDC does not allow auto glass repair /replacement facilities in the C -1 General Commercial District. The current applicant has submitted a request for an amendment to allow for an auto class repair/replacement facility as a special use. While the applicant desires to locate an auto glass repair /replacement facility at 8910 Waukegan Road, which is zoned C -1; the Village's review Of the current proposal is for all C -1 areas of the Village- Based on staff review of zoning requirements from other communities reviewed. it was determined allowing an auto glass repair /replacement facility as a special use in C -1 would be reasonable, and would provide opportunities for adaptive reuse of commercial areas. Special use review is warranted because of the unique operations of auto related uses which usually have different operations than most typical C -1 uses. This topic was discussed by the Plan Commission at the public hearing. Staff recommends this change. The Plan Commission recommends approval of these amendments. Building and htspectional Services, and Community and Economic Development Departments N/A N/A These amendments will be implemented by the Director of Community Development and the Building Department in the normal course of business. Approval as presented November 28, 2011, Required — Municipal Code Book change None Submitted by: Ca %, Reviewed by JoseplaAdministrator Teresa Hoffman Prepared by John D. Said. Community and Economic Development Director Counsel ORDINANCE I1 -42 AMENDING THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE SECTIONS 12 -4 -3 AND 12 -17 -1 TO ALLOW AN AUTO GLASS REPAIR/REPLACEMENT FACILITY AS A SPECIAL USE IN THE C -1 GENERAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (VILLAGE). located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions ofArticle 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, the Village continuously reviews and. as it deems necessary. updates existing Municipal Codes to assure they are kept current and relevant; and WHEREAS, the applicant, Safelite AutoGlass has made a proper application to the Plan Commission in Case No. PC t 1 -10 to consider and recommend the adoption of certain text amendments to the Village of Morton Grove Unified Development Code, Section 12 -4 -3 and 12 -17 -1 to allow auto glass repair /replacement facilities as special uses in the C -1 General Commercial District; and WHEREAS, upon public notice duly published in the Morton Grove Champion newspaper. a newspaper of general circulation in the Village of Morton Grove, which took place on October 2, 2011. and a public hearing conducted on October 17, 2011. relative to the above referenced case at which time all concerned parties were given the opportunity to present and express their views for the consideration of the Plan Commission. As a result of said hearing, the Plan Commission made certain recommendations and conditions through a report dated October 31.2011, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof and marked as Exhibit "A'% and WHEREAS, the Corporate Authorities have concluded allowing auto glass repair /replacement facilities as special uses with limits in the C -I General Commercial Zoning District is appropriate and consistent with the intent of the C -1 District within the Village of Morton Grove, and is consistent with development Vends within the surrounding areas of the Village of Morton Grove, and will allow for greater flexibility and creativity in the use of available land within the Village; and WHEREAS, the Corporate Authorities have considered this matter at a public meeting and find the text amendment, when evaluated in the context of the whole Village, serves the public good. WHEREAS, the Village is desirous of assuring all policies are kept current and relevant. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: "The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Ordinance as though fully set 'forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2: The following section of the Unified Development Code, 12 -4 -3, entitled `Uses" (for the C -1 General Commercial District) is hereby amended: D. Uses: Zoning Districts Categories of Use _ C -1 C -2 CR� Automotive repair (oi I change, tires brakes, auto glass, S S k other mechanical items only) SECTION 3: The following section of the Unified Development Code, 12 -17 -1, entitled "Terms Defined" is hereby amended: 12 -17 -1: TERMS DEFINED: AUTOMOTIVE OR OTHER Any building or portion thereof or premises where battery, tire, MOTOR VEHICLE REPAIR and other similar services are rendered, but only if rendered wholly within lot lines. If automotive fuel dispensed, or offered for sale. is incidental to the conduct of automobile repair. the premises are classified as automobile repair. Automotive repair facilities do not include automotive repair beyond mechanical repair and auto glass. Any type of body work shall be considered a motor vehicle body shop. Automobile repair facilities do not include open sales lots as defined herein. SECTION 4: The Corporate Authorities, in particular the Village Clerk, are hereby authorized and directed to amend all pertinent records of the Village of Morton Grove to conform to this text amendment. SECTION 5: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form according to law. PASSED this 28`x' day of November 2011. Trustee DiMaria Trustee Gornberg Trustee Grear Trustee Marcus Trustee Thill Trustee Toth APPROVED by me this 28`x' day of November 201 Daniel J. Staackmann, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois APPROVED and FILED in my office this 29 "' day of November 2011. Tony S. Kalogerakos, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois ire, Village of &%f orton Cjrove Planning Commission flomming Board of Appeals Village President and Board of Trustees From: Ronald L. Farkas, Chairman, Plan Commission C- -% } ^% Date: October 31, 2011 Re: Plan Commission Case PC11 -10; Safelite Auto Glass (8910 Waukegan Road); Request for Text Amendments to the Unified Development Code and a Special Use regarding an auto glass facility in the C1 District Commission Report Public Notice was provided for the public hearing for this request in accordance with applicable requirements. A public notice was published on October 2, 2011, letters were sent to surrounding property owners on September 29, 2011, and a public notice sign was placed on the subject property on September 30, 2011, On October 17, 2011, a public hearing was conducted by the Morton Grove Plan Commission after notice for this public hearing was duly provided, as noted above, for Plan Commission case PC 11 -10. PC 11 -10 consists of a request by applicant Safelite AutoGlass for the following: • Amendments to Section 12 -4 -3 of the Unified Development Code (UDC), to include auto glass replacement within the definition of Automotive Repair use; • Amendment to Section 12 -17 -1, definition for "Automotive or Other Motor Vehicle Repair" to add a reference for auto glass replacement; • A resulting Special Use to permit the proposed Safelite AutoGlass as a Special Use for automotive repair at 8910 Waukegan; and Director of Community Development and Village Planner John D. Said introduced the case on behalf of the Village. He reviewed details of the request, including the proposed text amendment language, the status of the Safelite AutoGlass application, the site plan and related details. The applicant was represented at the hearing by Mr. Greg Alexander of Safelite and Mr. John Szabo of Kudrna Associates architects. Both individuals testified concerning their request, and Village staff through Mr. Said provided an overview of the zoning matters associated with this application. The testimony and overview included the following information: They testified that Safelite proposes to construct a Safelite AutoGlass facility of approximately 4500 square feet, and in order to do so, amend to Village's requirements and obtain a special use to have this use conform to Village requirements. Safelite consists solely of auto glass replacement, installation and repair, and all such activity onsite is done entirely within the proposed enclosed building. Richard T. Flickinger Municipal Center 6101 Capuiina Avenue • Morton Grove, Illinois 60053 -2985 v� Tel: (847) 965 -4100 Fay: (847) 965 -4162 +��' Mr. Said affirmed that the UDC (Unified Development Code) currently prohibits auto glass installation in the C -1 District, as it is classified with auto body repair. Auto body repair is allowed in the Village's M Districts; as a special use in M -1 and as a permitted use in M -2. Mr. Said further noted that Safelite's proposed operations, which as described above are limited to auto glass; they will not be engaged in body repair /collision services. Further, Safelite does not do auto repair such as mechanical work, tire replacement, brakes, oil, and related services, although such auto repairs are allowed in the C -1 District as special uses. Mr. Said noted that there are a number of mechanical shops in the immediate vicinity of the subject location, although he was not aware of any other business in the Village solely involved in auto glass replacement. Mr. Said asserted that there are single- family residential homes located west of the subject site, in an R -2 Single Family Residence District. There is an intervening 16' wide alley between the subject site and the single - family homes which provides further separation between the proposed commercial use and the residential area. Mr. Said noted that Safelite has agreed to cooperate with the Village to use the alley as part of their development plans for an increased buffer between the proposed commercial use and the adjacent residential area. In response, the applicant proposes a solid 6' wood fence along the west edge of the alley, and proposes to use the alley area for landscaping. In this way, Safelite's property and the alley will be developed as a unified site. According to Mr. Said, a license agreement will be developed between the Village and Safelite, so that the Village will retain ownership of the alley area, as there is an existing sewer line within the alley property. As such, the Village can access the sewer at any time for maintenance or repair needs. Safelite will be responsible for maintenance and upkeep of the landscaping and fencing in this area, the same as those improvements on their site. A condition of approval is included regarding the licensing agreement. In response to questions about parking, the applicants testified that much of the work originating from this location will be done by mobile units visiting customers throughout the region. Mobile units will visit this location, pick up supplies and auto glass, and then visit customers throughout the day. Often, such mobile units will visit a customer's home or place of work and complete glass replacement /repairs while a car is parked on a driveway or in a parking lot. Mobile units will be parked at employees' homes during non -work hours, not at this location. The proposed nineteen (19) parking spaces, including 15 outside spaces and four garage spaces, meets applicable requirements. Regarding the text amendment, Mr. Said further explained that the unique aspect of the proposed use, as a limited use, made comparisons to zoning requirements of other communities more difficult. Similar to Morton Grove, most zoning regulations from other communities do not delineate between auto glass and other body shop activities. Some communities allow auto body repair in their more intensive commercial areas (typically as special uses), while others limited such uses to industrial areas. More intensive activities, such as body work and auto painting, are certainly a consideration in those instances of increased restrictions. By itself, auto glass installation /repair /replacement would appear to cause less noise, vibration, odor, waste product, etc. than auto repair uses already allowed in C -1 as special uses. 2 Initially, the applicant was requesting a rear yard (along north property line) setback variation of 1.0 feet; however, based on questioning from the Commission, the applicants testified that they would be able to slightly modify the site to eliminate the requested variation. Revised plans will comply with the required 5' setback. Commissioners also asked about the text amendments, and instructed that a few references be omitted. This way, glass repair will continue to be allowed in industrial districts (auto body uses). Commissioners further asked the applicant to relocate a light pole to improve lighting on the subject site. Finally, regarding the review process, Mr. Said explained that the applicant has received positive recommendations from the Appearance Commission and Traffic Safety Commission for this project. They went through some revisions based on Staff review and Appearance Commission review, and have addressed all requested recommendations. After testimony and Commissioner questions and discussion were concluded, any members of the public in attendance were invited to express their views on the project. No one in the audience wished to speak about this request. Findings of Fact — Text Amendment The applicants also testified to the applicable standards for amendments in Sec. 12- 16 -4 -E of the Unified Development Code; this testimony was further supported by Staff. The proposed text amendment will benefit the Village as a whole and does not confer special rights upon the applicant, as their proposed development is consistent with the intent of the commercial area. The applicant does not have a particular hardship that this amendment will address, as the proposal is intended to provide flexibility for the entire C1 District. Findings of Fact — Special Use The applicants also testified to the applicable Standards for a Special Use as specified in Sec. 12- 16-4C of the Unified Development Code. The Commission concurred with testimony from Mr. Oleson, Mr. Grendys, and Mr. Duffy, and based their decision on, these findings. 1. Preservation of Health, Safety, Morals and welfare —'The establishment, maintenance and operation of the Special Use will not be detrimental to or endanger the public health, safety, morals or general welfare. The proposed use is designed to support the public health, safety and other concerns of the Village. No detrimental impact is expected. 2. /adjacent Properties —'She Special Use should not be injurious to the use and enjoyment of other property in the immediate vicinity for the uses permitted in .the zoning district. The proposed business is utilizing a commercially -zoned lot for a commercial business. The applicant plans to install landscaping and fencing to minimize this site's impact on residential properties. 3. Orderly Development —The establishment of the Special Use will not impede normal and orderly development or impede the utilization of surrounding property for uses permitted in the zoning district. The property is located within the C1 Commercial District, and surrounding properties are fully developed, except for the site to the south, which can develop without negative impact from the proposed business. 4. Adequate Facilities — Adequate utilities, access roads, drainage and other necessary facilities are in existence or are being provided. Adequate facilities, including utilities, access roads and related services are already provided to this area. Utilities and other services are adequately sized to accommodate this business. S. Traffic Control — Adequate measures have been or will be taken to provide ingress and egress designed to minimize traffic congestion on the public streets. The proposed use of the subject site should not draw substantial amounts of traffic on local residential streets. The proposed site includes a single entrance /exit off Greenwood Ave., and will not directly access Waukegan Road. This will ensure better circulation and reduced conflicts along Waukegan Road. 6, Adequate Buffering — Adequate fencing and /or screening shall be provided to ensure the right of enjoyment of surrounding properties to provide for the public safety or to screen parking areas and other visually incompatible uses. The proposed site plan includes appropriate landscape buffering around the site, including use of the 16' alley along the west edge for buffering to the adjacent residential area. A 6' solid wood fence will be provided in this area as well to provide a visual barrier between the commercial and residential properties. 7. Conformance to other Regulations — The Special Use shall, in all other respects, conform to applicable provisions of this Ordinance or amendments thereto. Variation from provisions of this Ordinance, as provided for in Section 12-16 - 3A1, may be considered by the Plan Commission and the Village Board of Trustees as a part of the special use permit. The proposed Special Use will be required to meet all Village Codes and Ordinances, and otherwise the proposal and the building appear to conform to applicable zoning requirements. Commission Recommendations Text Amendment: It was moved, and seconded, to recommend approval of the Text Amendments as requested. The motion carried: Yes 7; No 0; Absent 0 The voting; Chairman Farkas Aye Commissioner Blonz Aye Commissioner Dorgan Aye Commissioner Gabriel Aye Commissioner Ramos Aye Commissioner Roepenack Aye Commissioner Shimanski Aye Special Use: It was moved, and seconded, to recommend approval of the Special Use for this project. The motion carried: Yes 7; No 0; Absent 0 The voting: Chairman Farkas Aye Commissioner Blonz Aye Commissioner Dorgan Aye Commissioner Gabriel Aye Commissioner Ramos Aye Commissioner Roepenack Aye Commissioner Shimanski Aye The Plan Commission recommends the following as conditions of approval for this project: 1. Prior to issuance of any permit, the applicant and the Village shall sign a license agreement that specifies Village access to its sewer and Safelite's requirement to install and maintain the required improvements in the alley area. 01 K 5 The proposed Safelite AutoGlass facility shall be constructed in accordance with the following: • Site Plan (C -2) dated 11 -02 -2011 by Kudrna Associates; • Landscape Plan (LS -1) dated 11 -02 -2011 by Kudrna Associates; Building Elevations Plan (A -3) dated 9 -21 -11 by the Embree Group; • Trash Enclosure Plan and Details (A -4) dated 9 -21 -11 by the Embree Group; and • Lighting and Photometric Plans (no date) by AMES Engineering, with the light pole relocated to the northwest part of the property as specified at the October 17, 2011 Plan Commission meeting, and subject to review and approval of the Village Engineer. The hours of operation for Safelite shall be Monday through Saturday, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., and Sunday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., or shorter hours within these timeframes. Leeislative Summary Ordinance II -43 AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW AN AUTO GLASS REPAIR /REPLACEMENT FACILITY AT THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 8910 WAUKEGAN ROAD Introduced: November 14,2011 Synopsis: This ordinance will grant a special use permit to allow an auto glass j repair /replacement facility to operate at the property located at 8910 Waukegan Road, Morton Grove, Illinois. Purpose: This property is located in the C -1 General Commercial District. Auto glass repair /replacement facilities are allowed in that district pursuant to a special use permit, subject to approval of the corresponding ordinance to this request for a text amendment to the Municipal Code. Background: The applicant, Safelite AutoGlass, applied for a special use permit to operate an auto glass repair /replacement facility at 8910 Waukegan Road. A public hearing was held regarding this request before the Village of Morton Grove Plan Commission on October 17, 2011. Village staff had no major concerns with the applicant's proposal and no concerned parties spoke regarding the matter. The applicant and Plan Commission addressed all topics associated with this request, leading to the Commission unanimously recommending the Village Board grant the special use to allow an auto glass repair /replacement facility to be known as Safelite AutoGlass at 8910 Waukegan Road, which shall be subject to certain special conditions including improvements to the alley, and days and hours of operation. Programs, Departments Building and inspectional Services; Community and Economic Development or Groups Affected Department; Village Engineer Fiscal Impact: Anticipated sales tax and property tax revenues due to this new development. Source of Funds: N/A Workload Impact: The special use application was processed by the Director of Community Development, and the Village Engineer, pursuant to the normal course of business. Admin Recommendation: Approval as presented. Second Reading: November 28, 2011, required Special Considerations or None Requirements: Respectfully submitted: Village Prepared by:_� z _ Approved by_g�1 r Teresa 1- Ioffmall oo, Corporation poration Counsel John U. Said, Community d conomic Develop Dir ORDINANCE 11 -43 AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW AN AUTO GLASS REPAIR /REPLACEMENT FACILITY AT THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 8910 WAUKEGAN ROAD WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (Village), located in Cool: County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, the applicant, Safelite 2000, has made a proper application to the Case No. PCl l -10 requesting the approval repair /replacement facility at the property Grove, Illinois 60053; and AutoGlass, P.O. Box 182000, Columbus. Ohio 43218 - Plan Commission in the Village of Morton Grove under of a special use permit to operate an auto glass ;onvnonly known as 8910 Waukegan Road. Morton WHEREAS, the property is located in the C -1 General Commercial District; and WHEREAS. Section 12 -4 -3 of the Village of Morton Grove Unified Development Code is being amended to allow an auto glass repair /replacement facility to be located in the C -I General Commercial District pursuant to a special use permit; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the applicable provisions of the Municipal Code upon public notice duly published in the Morton Grove Champion, a newspaper of general circulation in the Village of Morton Grove which publication took place on October 2, 22011, and pursuant to the posting of a sign on the property and written notification sent to property owners within 250 feet ofthe subject property as required by ordinance, the Morton Grove Plan Commission held a public hearing relative to the above referenced case on October 17, 2011, at which time all concerned parties were given the opportunity to he present and express their views for the consideration of the Plan Commission, and as result of said hearing, the Plan Commission made certain recommendations and conditions through a report dated October 31, 2011, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof and marked as Exhibit "A'; and WHEREAS, the Corporate Authorities have considered this matter at a Public Meeting and find pursuant to the relevant provisions of the Village o /Morton Grove Unified Development Code, that the proposed Special Use Amendment is so designed, located, and proposed to be operated so the public health, safety and welfare will be protected and will not cause substantial injury to the value of the other properties in the neighborhood in which it is located; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of the Village of Morton Grove Municipal Code, the Corporate Authorities have determined the Special Use Amendment, as approved by the Plan Commission, shall be issued subject to the conditions and restrictions as set forth herein. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS- SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Ordinance, as though fully set forth herein, thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth: SECTION 2: The property located at 8919 Waukegan Road, Morton Grove, Illinois 60053, is hereby granted a special use permit to allow an auto glass repair/replacement facility to be located and operated at that address subject to the following conditions and restrictions which shall be binding on the owners /lessees, occupants and users of this property, their successors and assigns for the duration of the special use: 1. Prior to issuance of any permit, the applicant and the Village shall sign a license agreement which specifies Village access to its sewer and Safelite's requirement to install and maintain the required improvements in the alley area. The proposed Safelite AutoGlass facility shall be constructed in accordance with the following: a. Site plan (C -2) dated November 2.20 11, by Kudrna Associates; b. Landscape plan (LS -1) dated November 2, 2011, by Kudrna Associates; C. Building elevations plan (A -3) dated September 21, 2011, by the Embree Group; d. Trash enclosure plan and details (A -4) dated September 21, 2011, by the Embree Group;and e. Lighting and photometric plans (no date) by AMES Engineering, with the light pole relocated in the northwest part of the property as specified at the October 17, 2011, Plan Commission meeting, and subject to review and approval of the Village Engineer. The hours of operation for Safelite AutoGlass shall be Monday through Saturday, 7:00 am to 7:00 pm, and Sunday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, or shorter hours within these time frames. SECTION 3: The owners, lessees, occupants, and users of 8910 Waukegan Road, their successors and assigns allow employees and authorized agents of the Village of Morton Grove access to the premise at all reasonable times for the purpose of inspecting said premise to verify all terms and conditions of this special use permit have been met. SECTION 4: The special use permit is granted so long as the owner.. occupant and users of this property utilize the area for the purposes as herein designrated. SECTION 5: The Village Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to amend all pertinent records of the Village of Morton Grove to show and designate the special use as granted and amended hereunder. SECTION 6: The Applicant /Owner shall comply with all requirements of the Village of Morton Grove Ordinances and Codes that are applicable. SECTION 7: This Ordinance shall be in full force and eftect from and after its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form according to law. PASSED this 28`' day of November 2011. Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee DiMaria Gomberg Grear Marcus Thi ll Toth APPROVED by me this 28 °i day of November 2011. Daniel J. Staackmann, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois APPROVED and PILED in my office this 29`x' day of November 2011. Tony S. Kalogerakos, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois To: 11 age of c5forton Planning Commission Zasning ]Hosed of Appeals Village President and Board of Trustees - From: Ronald L. Farkas, Chairman, Plan Commission Date: October 31, 2011 Re: Plan Commission Case PC11 -10; Safelite Auto Glass (8910 Waukegan Road); Request for Text Amendments to the Unified Development Code and a Special Use regarding an auto glass facility in the C1 District Commission Report Public Notice was provided for the public hearing for this request in accordance with applicable requirements. A public notice was published on October 2, 2011, letters were sent to surrounding property owners on September 29, 2011, and a public notice sign was placed on the subject property on September 30, 2011. On October 17, 2011, a public hearing was conducted by the Morton Grove Plan Commission after notice for this public hearing was duly provided, as noted above, for Plan Commission case PC 11 -10. PC 11 -10 consists of a request by applicant Safelite AutoGlass for the following: • Amendments to Section 12 -4 -3 of the Unified Development Code (UDC), to include auto glass replacement within the definition of Automotive Repair use; m Amendment to Section 12 -17 -1, definition for "Automotive Dr Other Motor Vehicle Repair" to add a reference for auto glass replacement; A resulting Special Use to permit the proposed Safelite AutoGlass as a Special Use for automotive repair at 8910 Waukegan; and Director of Community Development and Village Planner John D. Said introduced the case on behalf of the Village. He reviewed details of the request, including the proposed text amendment language, the status of the Safelite AutoGlass application, the site plan and related details. The applicant was represented at the hearing by Mr. Greg Alexander of Safelite and Mr. John Szabo of Kudrna Associates architects. Both individuals testified concerning their request, and Village staff through Mr. Said provided an overview of the zoning matters associated with this application. The testimony and overview included the following information: They testified that Safelite proposes to construct a Safelite AutoGlass facility of approximately 4500 square feet, and in order to do so, amend to Village's requirements and obtain a special use to have this use conform to Village requirements. Safelite consists solely of auto glass replacement, installation and repair, and all such activity onsite is done entirely within the proposed enclosed building. Richard T. Flickinger Municipal Center 6101 Capuiina Avenue • Morton Grove, Illinois 60053 -2985 , Tel: (847) 96:5 -4100 Fax: (847) 965 -4162 ��.r Mr. Said affirmed that the UDC (Unified Development Code) currently prohibits auto glass installation in the C -1 District, as it is classified with auto body repair. Auto body repair is allowed in the Village's M Districts; as a special use in M -1 and as a permitted use in M -2. Mr. Said further noted that Safelite's proposed operations, which as described above are limited to auto glass; they will not be engaged in body repair /collision services. Further, Safelite does not do auto repair such as mechanical work, tire replacement, brakes, oil, and related services, although such auto repairs are allowed in the C -1 District as special uses. Mr. Said noted that there are a number of mechanical shops in the immediate vicinity of the subject location, although was not aware of any other business in the Village solely involved in auto glass replacement. Mr. Said asserted that there are single - family residential homes located west of the subject site, in an R -2 Single Family Residence District. There is an intervening 16' wide alley between the subject site and the single - family homes which provides further separation between the proposed commercial use and the residential area. Mr. Said noted that Safelite has agreed to cooperate with the Village to use the alley as part of their development plans for an increased buffer between the proposed commercial use and the adjacent residential area. In response, the applicant proposes a solid 6' wood fence along the west edge of the alley, and proposes to use the alley area for landscaping. In this way, Safelite's property and the alley will be developed as a unified site. According to Mr. Said, a license agreement will be developed between the Village and Safelite, so that the Village will retain ownership of the alley area, as there is an existing sewer line within the alley property. As such, the Village can access the sewer at any time for maintenance or repair needs. Safelite will be responsible for maintenance and upkeep of the landscaping and fencing in this area, the same as those improvements on their site. A condition of approval is included regarding the licensing agreement. In response to questions about 'parking, the applicants testified that much of the work originating from this location will be done by mobile units visiting customers throughout the region. Mobile units will visit this location, pick up supplies and auto glass, and then visit customers throughout the day. Often, such mobile units will visit a customer's home or place of work and complete glass replacement/ repairs while a car is parked on a driveway or in a parking lot. Mobile units will be parked at employees' homes during non -work hours, not at this location. The proposed nineteen (19) parking spaces, including 15 outside spaces and four garage spaces, meets applicable requirements. Regarding the text amendment, Mr. Said further explained that the unique aspect of the proposed use, as a limited use, made comparisons to zoning requirements of other communities more difficult. Similar to Morton Grove, most zoning regulations from other communities do not delineate between auto glass and other body shop activities. Some communities allow auto body repair in their more intensive commercial areas (typically as special uses), while others limited such uses to industrial areas. More intensive activities, such as body work and auto painting, are certainly a consideration in those instances of increased restrictions. By itself, auto glass installation /repair /replacement would appear to cause less noise, vibration, odor, waste product, etc. than auto repair uses already allowed in C -1 as special uses. Initially, the applicant was requesting a rear yard (along north property line) setback variation of 1.0 feet; however, based on questioning from the Commission, the applicants testified that they would be able to slightly modify the site to eliminate the requested variation. Revised plans will comply with the required 5'setback. Commissioners also asked about the text amendments, and instructed that a few references be omitted. This way, glass repair will continue to be allowed in industrial districts (auto body uses). Commissioners further asked the applicant to relocate a light pole to improve lighting on the subject site. Finally, regarding the review process, Mr. Said explained that the applicant has received positive recommendations from the Appearance Commission and Traffic Safety Commission for this project. They went through some revisions based on Staff review and Appearance Commission review, and have addressed all requested recommendations. After testimony and Commissioner questions and discussion were concluded, any members of the public in attendance were invited to express their views on the project. No one in the audience wished to speak about this request. Findings of Fact — Text Amendment The applicants also testified to the applicable standards for amendments in Sec. 12- 16 -4 -E of the Unified Development Code; this testimony was further supported by Staff. The proposed text amendment will benefit the Village as a whole and does not confer special rights upon the applicant, as their proposed development is consistent with the intent of the commercial area. The applicant does not have a particular hardship that this amendment will address, as the proposal is intended to provide flexibility for the entire Cl District. Findings of Fact — Special Use The applicants also testified to the applicable Standards for a Special Use as specified in Sec. 12- 16-4C of the Unified Development Code. The Commission concurred with testimony from Mr. Oleson, Mr. Grendys, and Mr. Duffy, and based their decision on, these findings. Is preservation of health, Safety, Morals and welfare — The establishment, maintenance and operation of the Special Use will not be detrimental to or endanger the public health, safety, morals or general welfare. The proposed use is designed to support the public health, safety and other concerns of the Village. No detrimental impact is expected. 2. Adjacent properties — The Special Use should not be injurious to the use and enjoyment of other property in the immediate vicinity for the uses permitted in the zoning district. The proposed business is utilizing a commercially -zoned lot for a commercial business. The applicant plans to install landscaping and fencing to minimize this site's impact on residential properties. 3. Orderly Development —The establishment of the Special Use will not impede normal and orderly development or impede the utilization of surrounding property for uses permitted in the zoning district. The property is located within the CI Commercial District, and surrounding properties are fully developed, except for the site to the south, which can develop without negative impact from the proposed business. 4. Adequate Facilities — Adequate utilities, access roads, drainage and other necessary facilities are in existence or are being provided. Adequate facilities, including utilities, access roads and related services are already provided to this area. Utilities and other services are adequately sized to accommodate this business. Traffic Control — Adequate measures have been or will be taken to provide ingress and egress designed to minimize traffic congestion on the public streets. The proposed use of the subject site should not draw substantial amounts of traffic on local residential streets. The proposed site includes a single entrance /exit off Greenwood Ave., and will not directly access Waukegan Road. This will ensure better circulation and reduced conflicts along Waukegan Road. 6. Adequate Buffering — Adequate fencing and /or screening shall be provided to ensure the right of enjoyment of surrounding properties to provide for the public safety or to screen parking areas and other visually incompatible uses. The proposed site plan includes appropriate landscape buffering around the site, including use of the 16' alley along the west edge for buffering to the adjacent residential area. A 6' solid wood fence will be provided in this area as well to provide a visual barrier between the commercial and residential properties. 7. Conformance to Other Regulations — The Special Use shall, in all other respects, conform to applicable provisions of this Ordinance or amendments thereto. Variation from provisions of this Ordinance, as provided for in Section 12-16 - 3A1, may be considered by the Plan Commission and the Village Board of Trustees as a part of the special use permit. The proposed Special Use will be required to meet all Village Codes and Ordinances, and otherwise the proposal and the building appear to conform to applicable zoning requirements. Commission Recommendations Text Amendment: It was moved, and seconded, to recommend approval of the Text Amendments as requested. The motion carried: Yes 7; No 0; Absent 0 The voting: Chairman Farkas Aye Commissioner Blonz Aye Commissioner Dorgan Aye Commissioner Gabriel Aye Commissioner Ramos Aye Commissioner Roepenack Aye Commissioner Shimanski Aye Special Use: It was moved, and seconded, to recommend approval of the Special Use for this project. The motion carried: Yes 7; No 0; Absent 0 The voting: Chairman Farkas Aye Commissioner Blonz Aye Commissioner Dorgan Aye Commissioner Gabriel Aye Commissioner Ramos Aye Commissioner Roepenack Aye Commissioner Shimanski Aye The Plan Commission recommends the following as conditions of approval for this project: 1. Prior to issuance of any permit, the applicant and the Village shall sign a license agreement that specifies Village access to its sewer and Safelite`s requirement to install and maintain the required improvements in the alley area. 2. 3. 5 The proposed Safelite AutoGlass facility shall be constructed in accordance with the following: Site Plan (C -2) dated 11 -02 -2011 by Kudrna Associates; • Landscape Plan (1-S -1) dated 11 -02 -2011 by Kudrna Associates; Building Elevations Plan (A -3) dated 9 -21 -11 by the Embree Group; Trash Enclosure Plan and Details (A -4) dated 9 -21 -11 by the Embree Group; and ® Lighting and Photometric Plans (no date) by AMES Engineering, with the light pole relocated to the northwest part of the property as specified at the October 17, 2011 Plan Commission meeting, and subject to review and approval of the Village Engineer. The hours of operation for Safelite shall be Monday through Saturday, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., and Sunday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., or shorter hours within these timeframes. Legislative Summary _ Ordinance 11 -44 AMENDING THE VILLAGE MROG20VE UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE SECTION 12 -4 -3 TO ALLOW CLUBS AND LODGES AS SPECIAL USES IN THE CR COMMERCIAL /RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT Introduced Synopsis: Purpose: Background: Programs, Departs or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: Source of Funds: Workload Impact: Admin Recommend: Second Reading: Special Consider or Requirements: November 14, 20) 1 This ordinance will approve a text amendment to amend the Unified Development Code to allow clubs and lodges in the CR Commercial /Residential District as special uses. To allow clubs and lodges in the CR Commercial /Residential District as special uses. The Unified Development Code (UDC) is a comprehensive set of regulations for the zoning of land and development of parcels within the Village. Currently, the UDC does not allow clubs and lodges in the CR Commercial /Residential District. The current applicant has submitted a request requesting an amendment to allow a special use. While the applicant desires to maintain an existing club as a special use at 6419 Chestnut, which is zoned CR; the Village's review of the current proposal is for all CR areas of the Village. Based on staff review of zoning requirements from other communities, allowing clubs and lodges as a special use in the CR District would be appropriate, and would provide additional flexibility for land uses in the CR District. Special use review is warranted because of the unique operation of clubs and lodges which may have different homy and parking needs than most typical CR uses. Staff has also added further controls to help limit such facilities to locations and conditions appropriate to the CR District. This topic was not discussed at a public hearing and the definition has not been changed. Staff and the Plan Commission recommends approval of these amendments. Building and Inspectional Services, and Community and Economic Development Departments N/A N/A These amendments will be implemented by the Director of Community Development and the Building Department in the normal course of business. Approval as presented November 28, 201 1, Required — Municipal Code Book change None Submitted by: p r' Reviewed by Joseph . Wa e, Village Administrator Teresa Roffman Liston orporation Counsel Prepared by: John D. Said, Community and Development Director ORDINANCE 11 -44 AMENDING THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE SECTION 12 -4 -3 TO ALLOW CLUBS AND LODGES AS SPECIAL USES IN THE CR COMMERCIAL /RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (VILLAGE), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, the Village continuously reviews and, as it deems necessary, updates existing Municipal Codes to assure they are kept current and relevant; and WHEREAS, the applicant, Morton Grove Moose Lodge #376, has made a proper application to The Plan Commission in Case No. PC 11 -11 to consider and recommend the adoption of a certain text amendment to the Village of Morton Grove Unified Development Code: Section 12 -4 -3 to allow clubs and lodges as special uses in the CR Commercial/Residential District; and WHEREAS, upon public notice duly published in the Morton Grove Champion newspaper, a newspaper of general circulation in the Village of Morton Grove, which took place on October 2, 20115 and a public hearing conducted on October 17, 2011, relative to the above referenced case at which time all concerned parties were given the opportunity to present and express their views for the consideration of the Plan Commission. As a result of said hearing, the Plan Commission made certain recommendations and conditions through a report dated October 31, 2011, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof and marked as Ex'hjibit "A "; and WHEREAS, the Corporate Authorities have concluded allowing clubs and lodges as a special use with limits in the CR Commercial /Residential Zoning District is appropriate and consistent with the intent of the CR District within the Village of Morton Grove, and is consistent witli development trends within surrounding areas of the Village of Morton Grove, and will allow for greater flexibility and creativity in the use of available land within the Village; and WHEREAS, the Corporate Authorities have considered this matter at a public meeting and find the text amendment, when evaluated in the context of the whole Village, serves the public good. WHEREAS, the Village is desirous of assuring all policies are kept current and relevant. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF 'TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Ordinance as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2: The following section of the Unified Development Code, 12 -4 -3, entitled "Uses" (for the CR Commercial /Residential District) is hereby amended: D. Uses: Zoning Districts Categories of Us_e C -1 C -2 I CR Clubs and Lodges 5 S S Notes: (1 -4 existing) S. Clubs and lodges in the CR District shall have kitchen and dining facilities for members and guests, and shall be located on lots with not less than 25.000 square feet nor more than 35,000 square feet of area. SECTION 3: The Corporate Authorities, in particular the Village Clerk, are hereby authorized and directed to amend all pertinent records of the Village of Morton Grove to conform to this text amendment. SECTION 4: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form according to law. PASSED this 29"' day of November 2011. Trustee DiMaria Trustee Gomberg Trustee Grear Trustee Marcus Trustee Thill Trustee Toth APPROVED by me this 28"' day of November 2011 Daniel J. Staackmann, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois APPROVED and FILED in my office this 29"' day of November 2011. Tony S. Kalogerakos, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois To: From: Date: Village of c.%forto Planning Commission Zoning Board of Appeals Village President and Board of Trustees Ronald L. Farkas, Chairman, Plan Commission //� \ October 31, 2011 Re: Plan Commission Case PC11 -11; Moose Lodge (6419 Chestnut); Request for a Text Amendment to the Unified Development Code and a Special Use regarding club and lodge uses in the CR District Commission Report Public Notice was provided for the public hearing for this request in accordance with applicable requirements. A public notice was published on October 2, 2011, letters were sent to surrounding property owners on September 29, 2011, and a public notice sign was placed on the subject property on September 30, 2011. On October 17, 2011, a public hearing was conducted by the Morton Grove Plan Commission after notice for this public hearing was duly provided, as noted above, for Plan Commission case PC 11 -11. PC 11 -11 consists of a request by applicant Morton Grove Moose Lodge #376 for the following: • Amendment to Section 12 -4 -3 of the Unified Development Code (UDC), to allow clubs and lodges as special uses in the C/R (Commercial /Residential) District; and • A resulting Special Use to permit the Moose Lodge at its current location (6419 Chestnut). Director of Community Development and Village Planner John D. Said introduced the case on behalf of the Village. He reviewed details of the request, including the proposed text amendment language, the status of the existing Moose Lodge and land use, and the site layout. The applicant was represented at the hearing by Mr. Eric Hoffman and Mr. Gerry Swearingen of the Moose Lodge. Both individuals testified concerning their request, and Village staff through Mr. Said provided an overview of the zoning matters associated with this application. The testimony and overview included the following information: The subject site is 6419 Chestnut, located west of Lehigh Ave. near the Morton Grove Metra station. The applicant desires to have the existing Moose Lodge conform to Village land use requirements, which currently prohibit Clubs and Lodges in the CR District, although they are allowed as Special Uses in the Ci and C2 Districts. As such, the Moose Lodge has been considered a legal nonconforming use. Staff identified one other club /lodge facility in the Village; the American Legion, which is at 6140 Dempster in the Cl District. Mr. Said mentioned that other clubs and social organizations Richard T. Flickinger Municipal Center 6101 Capulina Avenue ^ Morton Grove, Illinois 60053 -2985 Tel: (847) 965 -4100 Fax: (847) 965 -41162 certainly exist in the Village, but typically conduct meetings at facilities such as schools, houses of worship, civic facilities, or business locations. The applicants testified that they plan no major changes to the Moose Lodge in the foreseeable future. Rather, they wish to establish compliance with the Village's existing requirements. They may do some relatively minor improvements in the future, such as an exterior update /upgrade and possibly a parking area resurfacing. Whatever changes are to come, they wish to avoid difficulties later due to a zoning nonconformity. Mr. Said asserted that Clubs and Lodges do not appear to conflict with the intent of the C/R District. He further explained that the existing Moose Lodge has been present at its current location for nearly 50 years, and can arguably be considered as more consistent with the emerging business /commercial uses in its immediate area than the previous quasi - industrial land uses around the subject site. He also emphasized that with the Special Use provision, the Village will retain a higher level of review for each potential request for this use in the CR District. Mr. Said further asserted that the Moose Lodge complies with applicable Development Standards (such as setbacks, FAR, and related requirements) of the C/R District. While the existing building does not conform to several of the recommended General Provisions in C/R (such as the recommended design guidelines and pedestrian orientation), these provisions are intended for new projects developed after this zoning district was created; however, the Moose Lodge has been present on this site since the early 1960's. Finally, Mr. Said explained that the long -term existing nature of this facility translated to no substantive Staff comments. As well, Traffic Safety Commission and Appearance Commission review were not required, as no traffic or appearance changes are proposed, Upon questioning from the Plan Commission, applicant Mr. Hoffman testified that the Moose Lodge meets the applicable Standards for Special Use; he reviewed and responded to each of the Standards to the satisfaction of the Commission. The Commission had other general questions concerning the site and the Moose Lodge, which the applicant answered. After Commissioner questions were concluded, any members of the public in attendance were invited to express their views on the project. No one in the audience wished to speak about this request. Findings of Fact — Text Amendment The applicants also testified to the applicable standards for amendments in Sec. 12- 16 -4 -E of the Unified Development Code; this testimony was further supported by Staff. The proposed text amendment will benefit the Village as a whole and does not confer special rights upon the applicant, as their existing operations will not change based on this request. Further, the applicant does not have a particular hardship that this amendment will address; their business has operated for approximately 50 years, and is considered a legal non - conforming use. Findings of Fact — Special Use The applicants also testified to the applicable Standards for a Special Use as specified in Sec. 12- 16-4C of the Unified Development Code. The Commission concurred with testimony from Mr. Oleson, Mr. Grendys, and Mr. Duffy, and based their decision on, these findings. IQ Preservation of Health, Safety, Morals and Welfare — The establishment, maintenance and operation of the Special Use will not be detrimental to or endanger the public health, safety, morals or general welfare. The proposed use is managed to maintain the public health, safety and welfare. It has existed for a long time, and has not posed any difficulties for public health, safety, morals or welfare. 2. Adjacent Properties — The Special Use should not be injurious to the use and enjoyment of other property in the immediate vicinity for the uses permitted in the zoning district. The proposed business is bounded on two sides by the Forest Preserve, on a third by a municipal parking lot, and on the fourth by a proposed restaurant. The use and operations of the subject site are self- contained and do not spill over onto adjacent properties. 3. Orderly Development — The establishment of the Special Use will not impede normal and orderly development or impede the utilization of surrounding property for uses permitted in the zoning district. The property is located within the CR Commercial /Residential District, and the use already occupies an existing building. The Moose plans to maintain the existing site without using adjacent sites. 4. Adequate Facilities — Adequate utilities, access roads, drainage and other necessary facilities are in existence or are being provided. Adequate facilities, including utilities, access roads and related services are already provided to this area. No changes are proposed to the Moose Lodge, so no changes need to be considered to services. 5. Traffic Control — Adequate measures have been or will be taken to provide ingress and egress designed to minimize traffic congestion on the public streets. The proposed use of the subject site should not draw substantial amounts of traffic on local residential streets. The existing building and parking areas are already provided with appropriate entrance and exit points. The location of the Moose Lodge on a dead -end street further helps to control traffic in this area, which is a mix of commercial, Metra train station, residential and other uses. Fs. Adequate Buffering — Adequate fencing and /or screening shall be provided to ensure the right of enjoyment of surrounding properties to provide for the public safety or to screen parking areas and other visually incompatible uses. The existing building requires no additional buffering beyond what is already provided. No changes are proposed to the Moose Lodge. Further, wooded forest preserve land is located adjacent to the forest preserve on two sides, and to compatible uses on its other sides. 7. Conformance to Other Regulations — The Special Use shall, in all other respects, conform to applicable provisions of this Ordinance or amendments thereto. Variation from provisions of this Ordinance, as provided for in Section 12-16 - 3A1, may be considered by the Plan Commission and the Village Board of Trustees as a part of the special use permit. The proposed Special Use will be required to meet all Village Codes and Ordinances, and otherwise the proposal and the building appear to conform to applicable zoning requirements. Commission Recommendations Text Amendment: It was moved, and seconded, to recommend approval of the Text Amendments as requested. The motion carried: Yes 7; No 0; Absent 0 The voting: Chairman Farkas Aye Commissioner Blonz Aye Commissioner Dorgan Aye Commissioner Gabriel Aye Commissioner Ramos Aye Commissioner Roepenack Aye Commissioner Shimanski Aye Special Use: It was moved, and seconded, to recommend approval of the Special Use for this project. The motion carried: Yes 7; No 0; Absent 0 The voting: Chairman Farkas Aye Commissioner Blonz Aye Commissioner Dorgan Aye Commissioner Gabriel Aye Commissioner Ramos Aye Commissioner Roepenack Aye Commissioner Shimanski Aye The Plan Commission had no recommendation regarding conditions of approval. B Legislative Summary Ordinance 1145 AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW CLUBS AND LODGES AT THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 6419 CHESTNUT Introduced: November 14, 2011 Synopsis: This ordinance will grant a special use permit to allow a club and lodge to operate at the property located at 6419 Chestnut, Morton Grove, Illinois, Purpose: This property is located in the CR Commercial /Residential District. Clubs and lodges are allowed in that district pursuant to a special use permit, subject to approval of the corresponding ordinance to this request for a text amendment to the Municipal Code. Background: The applicant, Morton Grove Moose Lodge 076, applied for a special use permit to operate a club and lodge at 6419 Chestnut. A public hearing was held regarding this request before the Village of Morton Grove Plan Commission on October 17, 2011. Village staff had no major concerns with the applicant's proposal and no concerned parties spoke regarding the matter. The Plan Commission is unanimously recommending the Village Board grant the special use to allow the special use at the property commonly known as the Moose Lodge at 6419 Chestnut. Programs, Departments Building and htspectional Services; Community and Economic Development or Groups Affected Department; Village Engineer I Fiscal Impact: N/A Source of Funds: N/A Workload Impact: � The special use application was processed by the Director of Community Development, and the Village Engineer, pursuant to the normal course of business. Admin Recommendation: Approval as presented. Second Reading: ( November 28, 2011, required Special Considerations or None Requirements: Respectfully submitted: 7Wa 1 Z1, i✓11u� Joseph E Vil lage Administrator Prepared by: 6 !`- _ Approved by:� Teresa HofFm i n, Corporation Counsel John D. Said, Community and Economic Develop Dir ORDINANCE 11-45 AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW CLUBS AND LODGES AT THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 6419 CHESTNUT WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (Village), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, the applicant, Morton Grove Moose Lodge 4376, 6419 Chestnut. Morton Grove, Illinois 60053, has made a proper application to the Plan Commission in the Village of Morton Grove under Case No. PC 11-11 requesting the approval of a special use permit to operate a club and lodge at the property commonly known as 6419 Chestnut, Morton Grove, Illinois 60053; and WHEREAS, the property is located in the CR Commercial/Residential District; and WHEREAS, Section 12 -4 -3 of the Village of Morton Grove Unified Development Code is being amended to allow clubs and lodges to be located in the CR Commercial/Residential District pursuant to a special use permit; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the applicable provisions of the Municipal Code upon public notice duly published in the Morton Grove Chaninion, a newspaper of general circulation in the Village of Morton Grove which publication took place on October 2, 2011, and pursuant to the posting of a sign on the property and written notification sent to property owners within 250 feet of the subject property as required by ordinance, the Morton Grove Plan Commission held a public hearing relative to the above referenced case on October 17, 2011, at which time all concerned parties were given the opportunity to be present and express their views for the consideration of the Plan Commission, and as result of said hearing, the Plan Commission made certain recommendations and conditions through a report dated October 31, 2011, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof and marked as Exhibit "A"; and WHEREAS, the Corporate Authorities have considered this matter at a Public Meeting and find pursuant to the relevant provisions of the Village of Morton Grove Unified Development Code, that the proposed Special Use Amendment is so designed, located, and proposed to be operated so the public health, safety and welfare will be protected and will not cause substantial injury to the value of the other properties in the neighborhood in which it is located; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of the Village of Morton Grove Municipal Code, the Corporate Authorities have detennined the Special Use Amendment, as approved by the Plan Commission, shall be issued subject to the conditions and restrictions as set forth herein. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Ordinance, as though fully set forth herein, thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth: SECTION 2: The property located at 6419 Chestnut, Morton Grove, Illinois 60053, is hereby granted a special use permit to allow a club and lodge to be located and operated at that address. SECTION 3: The owners, lessees, occupants, and users of 6419 Chestnut, their successors and assigns allow employees and authorized agents of the Village of Morton Grove access to the premise at all reasonable times for the purpose of inspecting said premise to verify all terms and conditions of this special use permit have been met. SECTION 4: The special use permit is granted so long as the owner, occupant and users of this property utilize the area for the purposes as herein designated. SECTION 5: The Village Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to amend all pertinent records of the Village of Morton Grove to show and designate the special use as granted and amended hereunder. SECTION 6: The Applicant /Owner shall comply with all requirements of the Village of Morton Grove Ordinances and Codes that are applicable. SECTION 7: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet fonn according to law. PASSED this 28° day of November 2011. Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee DiMaria Gomberg Grear Marcus Thill Toth APPROVED by me this 28`x' day of November 2011. Daniel J. Staackmann, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois APPROVED and FILED in my office this 29`x' day of November 2011. Tony S. Kalogerakos, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois V illage ; rove. Planning Commission To: ®e Village President and Board of T s es� ®arc8 ®f Appeals �1 From: Ronald L. Farkas, Chairman, Plan Commission // Date: October 31, 2011 Re: Plan Commission Case PC11 -11; Moose Lodge (6419 Chestnut); Request for a Text Amendment to the Unified Development Code and a Special Use regarding club and lodge uses in the CR District Commission Report Public Notice was provided for the public hearing for this request in accordance with applicable requirements. A public notice was published on October 2, 2011, letters were sent to surrounding property owners on September 29, 2011, and a public notice sign was placed on the subject property on September 30, 2011, On October 17, 2011, a public hearing was conducted by the Morton Grove Plan Commission after notice for this public hearing was duly provided, as noted above, for Plan Commission case PC 11 -11. PC 11 -11 consists of a request by applicant Morton Grove Moose Lodge #376 for the following: • Amendment to Section 12 -4 -3 of the Unified Development Code (UDC), to allow clubs and lodges as special uses in the C/R (Commercial /Residential) District; and • A resulting Special Use to permit the Moose Lodge at its current location (6419 Chestnut). Director of Community Development and Village Planner John D. Said introduced the case on behalf of the Village. He reviewed details of the request, including the proposed text amendment language, the status of the existing Moose Lodge and land use, and the site layout. The applicant was represented at the hearing by Mr. Eric Hoffman and Mr. Gerry Swearingen of the Moose Lodge. Both individuals testified concerning their request, and Village staff through Mr. Said provided an overview of the zoning matters associated with this application. The testimony and overview included the following information: The subject site is 6419 Chestnut, located west of Lehigh Ave. near the Morton Grove Metra station. The applicant desires to have the existing Moose Lodge conform to Village land use requirements, which currently prohibit Clubs and Lodges in the CR District, although they are allowed as Special Uses in the CI and C2 Districts. As such, the Moose Lodge has been considered a legal nonconforming use. Staff identified one other club /lodge facility in the Village; the American Legion, which is at 6140 Dempster in the C1 District. Mr. Said mentioned that other clubs and social organizations Richard T. FIickinger Municipal Center 6101 Capulina Avenue • Morton Grove, i finis 60053 -2985 Tel: (847) 965 -4100 Fax: (847) 965 - 4162` certainly exist in the Village, but typically conduct meetings at facilities such as schools, houses of worship, civic facilities, or business locations. The applicants testified that they plan no major changes to the Moose Lodge in the foreseeable future. Rather, they wish to establish compliance with the Village's existing requirements. They may do some relatively minor improvements in the future, such as an exterior update /upgrade and possibly a parking area resurfacing. Whatever changes are to come, they wish to avoid difficulties later due to a zoning nonconformity. Mr. Said asserted that Clubs and Lodges do not appear to conflict with the intent of the C/R District. He further explained that the existing Moose Lodge has been present at its current location for nearly 50 years, and can arguably be considered as more consistent with the emerging business /commercial uses in its immediate area than the previous quasi - industrial land uses around the subject site. He also emphasized that with the Special Use provision, the Village will retain a higher level of review for each potential request for this use in the CR District. Mr. Said further asserted that the Moose Lodge complies with applicable Development Standards (such as setbacks, FAR, and related requirements) of the C/R District. While the existing building does not conform to several of the recommended General Provisions in C/R (such as the recommended design guidelines and pedestrian orientation), these provisions are intended for new projects developed after this zoning district was created; however, the Moose Lodge has been present on this site since the early 1960's. Finally, Mr. Said explained that the long -term existing nature of this facility translated to no substantive Staff comments. As well, Traffic Safety Commission and Appearance Commission review were not required, as no traffic or appearance changes are proposed. Upon questioning from the Plan Commission, applicant Mr. Hoffman testified that the Moose Lodge meets the applicable Standards for Special Use; he reviewed and responded to each of the Standards to the satisfaction of the Commission. The Commission had other general questions concerning the site and the Moose Lodge, which the applicant answered. After Commissioner questions were concluded, any members of the public in attendance were invited to express their views on the project. No one in the audience wished to speak about this request. Findings of Fact — Text Amendment The applicants also testified to the applicable standards for amendments in Sec. 12- 16 -4 -E of the Unified Development Code; this testimony was further supported by Staff. The proposed text amendment will benefit the Village as a whole and does not confer special rights upon the applicant, as their existing operations will not change based on this request. Further, the applicant does not have a particular hardship that this amendment will address; their business has operated for approximately 50 years, and is considered a legal non - conforming use. Findings of Fact — Special Use The applicants also testified to the applicable Standards for a Special Use as specified in Sec. 12- 16-4C of the Unified Development Code. The Commission concurred with testimony from Mr. Oleson, Mr. Grendys, and Mr. Duffy, and based their decision on, these findings, 2 !. Preservation of Health, Safety, Morals and Welfare — The establishment, maintenance and operation of the Special Use will not be detrimental to or endanger the public health, safety, morals or general welfare. The proposed use is managed to maintain the public health, safety and welfare. It has existed for a long time, and has not posed any difficulties for public health, safety, morals or welfare. 2. Adjacent Properties — The Special Use should not be injurious to the use and enjoyment of other property in the immediate vicinity for the uses permitted in the zoning district. The proposed business is bounded on two sides by the Forest Preserve, on a third by a municipal parking lot, and on the fourth by a proposed restaurant. The use and operations of the subject site are self - contained and do not spill over onto adjacent compatible uses on its other sides. properties. S. orderly Development —The establishment of the Special Use will not impede normal and orderly development or impede the utilization of surrounding property for uses permitted in the zoning district. The property is located within the CR Commercial /Residential District, and the use already occupies an existing building. The Moose plans to maintain the existing site without using adjacent sites. 4. Adequate Facilities — Adequate utilities, access roads, drainage and other necessary facilities are in existence or are being provided. Adequate facilities, including utilities, access roads and related services are already provided to this area. No changes are proposed to the Moose Lodge, so no changes need to be considered to services. S. Traffic Control — Adequate measures have been or will be taken to provide ingress and egress designed to minimize traffic congestion on the public streets. The proposed use of the subject site should not draw substantial amounts of traffic on local residential streets. The existing building and parking areas are already provided with appropriate entrance and exit points. The location of the Moose Lodge on a dead -end street further helps to control traffic in this area, which is a mix of commercial, Metra train station, residential and other uses. 6. Adequate Buffering — Adequate fencing and /or screening shall be provided to ensure the right of enjoyment of surrounding properties to provide for the public safety or to screen parking areas and other visually incompatible uses. The existing building requires no additional buffering beyond what is already provided. No changes are proposed to the Moose Lodge. Further, wooded forest preserve land is located adjacent to the forest preserve on two sides, and to compatible uses on its other sides. 7, Conformance to Other Regulations — The Special Use shall, in all other respects, conform to applicable provisions of this Ordinance or amendments thereto. Variation from provisions of this Ordinance, as provided for in Section 12-16 - 3A1, may be considered by the Plan Commission and the Village Board of Trustees as a part of the special use permit. The proposed Special Use will be required to meet all Village Codes and Ordinances, and otherwise the proposal and the building appear to conform to applicable zoning requirements. Commission Recommendations Text Amendment: It was moved, and seconded, to recommend approval of the Text Amendments as requested. The motion carried: Yes 7; No 0; Absent 0 The voting Chairman Farkas Aye Commissioner Blonz Aye Commissioner Dorgan Aye Commissioner Gabriel Aye Commissioner Ramos Aye Commissioner Roepenack Aye Commissioner Shimanski Aye Special Use: It was moved, and seconded, to recommend approval of the Special Use for this project. The motion carried: Yes 7; No 0; Absent 0 The voting: Chairman Fark Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner as Aye Blonz Aye Dorgan Aye Gabriel Aye Ramos Ave Roepenack Aye Shimanski Aye The Plan Commission had no recommendation regarding conditions of approval. 4 Legislative Summary Ordinance 11-47 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE BUDGETS FOR ALL CORPORATE PURPOSES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE AND THE MORTON GROVE LIBRARY, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2012, AND ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2012 Introduced: Synopsis Purpose: Background: Budget Summary: Administrator Recommendation: Second Reading: Special Considerations or Requirements: November 28.201 1 This ordinance formally adopts the Village's 2012 Budget. The 2012 Budget represents the Corporate Authorities' projections of revenue which are expected to become available during fiscal year 2011. as well as recommended expenditures for the Village. The Budget was presented at the October 25, 2011, Village Workshop and discussed and revised thereafter including a public hearing to be held on December 12, 2011. Public notice of the hearing was published in the Pioneer Press newspaper on December 1, 201 L The Budget has been available for inspection at the office of the Village Administrator, the Public Library, and posted on the Village's website since at least November 30. 201 1. Fund Description Budget General Corporate Fund $23,565,433 Motor Fuel Tax Fund 6841000 Enhanced 911 Telephone System Fund 263,242 Economic Development Fund 377,094 Commuter Parking Lot Fund 1401000 TIE Fund — Lehigh /Ferris 3,964,225 TIF Fund —Waukegan Road 2127,485 Debt Service Fund 21148,672 Capital Projects Fund 4,263,000 Enterprise Fund (Water /Sewer) 8,2681578 Enterprise Fund (Fire Alarm) 60,000 Enterprise Fund (Municipal Parking) 6,000 Enterprise Fund (Solid Waster) 1,882.937 CNA Pension Fund 933,000 Firefighters Pension Fund 2,398,300 Police Pension Fund 2.469.510 Total Budget — Village of Morton Grove $53,551,475 Total Budget— Morton Grove Public Library 3,154.901 Budget Grand Total —Village and Library 56 706 376 Approval as presented Required The budget is required to be passed before December 31, 2011 Respectfully submitted: ( Aja / Reviewed by3� ,Ios�A Watt Villa „e Administrator Teresa Prepared by: _1 a fs//oi,✓� Rz Hor 'Finance Director /Treasurer stop, Corporation Counsel ORDINANCE 11 -47 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE BUDGETS FOR ALL CORPORATE PURPOSES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE AND THE MORTON GROVE LIBRARY, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2012, AND ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2012 WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (Village), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Ordinance 97 -53 enacted on the 1 1 °' day of November 1997, the Corporate Authorities of the Village of Morton Grove established by a two - thirds majority vote of the Village Board then holding office, the budget system, all as authorized pursuant to Statute 65 ILCS 5/8 -2 -9.1 and pursuant to said statute and local ordinance, the Village Administrator of the Village of Morton Grove has previously prepared and compiled the contents of the 2011 Budget and presented said Budget in tentative form for consideration by the Village Board; and WHEREAS, the proposed annual budget has been made conveniently available for public inspection in the Office of the Village Administrator at least by November 30, 2011. such date being at least ten (10) days prior to the date of passage of this Ordinance by the Village Board; and WHEREAS, the Village Board held a public hearing on the proposed annual budget on the 12`h day of December 2011, such date being not less than one week after the proposed budget was made available for inspection; and WHEREAS, notice of such hearing was given by publication in the Pioneer Press Newsoauer which is a newspaper of general circulation in the Village, at least one week prior to the time of said hearing; and WHEREAS the budget documents are too voluminous to attach to this ordinance, but comport with the budget recapitulation attached hereto as Exhibit "A ". NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY. ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Ordinance as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2: The annual budget of the Village of Morton Grove, Illinois for the calendar year beginning January 1, 2012 and ending December 31, 2012, pursuant to the official budget documents currently kept in the Office of the Village Administrator shall be and is hereby adopted. SECTION 3: The Amoral Budget of the Morton Grove Public Library for the fiscal year beginning January L 2012 and ending December 31, 2012, is attached hereto as Exhibit 'B11 shall be and is hereby adopted SECTION G: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form according to law. PASSED this 12`x' day of December 2011. Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee DiMaria Gomberg Grear Marcus Trill Toth APPROVED by me this 12 "' day of December 2011. Daniel J. Staackmann, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois APPROVED and FILED in my office this 13`x' day of December 2011. Tony S. Kalogerakos, Village Cleric Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois EXHIBIT "A" VILLAGE.. OF MORTON GROVE AND MORTON GROVE PUBLIC LIBRARY BUDGET ORDINANCE 11 -47 CALENDAR YEAR JANUARY 1, 2012 TO DECEMBER 31, 2012 RECAPITULATION Fund Description Budget General Corporate Fund $23.565,433 Motor Fuel Tax Fund 684,000 Enhanced 911 Telephone System Fund 263,242 Economic Development Fund 377,094 Commuter Parking Lot Fund 140,000 TIF Fund — Lchigh/Ferris 3,964,225 TIF Fund — Waukegan Road 2,127,485 Debt Service Fund 2.148,672 Capital Projects Fund 4.263.000 Enterprise Fund (Water /Sewer) 81268,578 Enterprise Fund (Fire Alarm) 60,000 Enterprise Fund (Municipal Parking) 6,000 Enterprise Fund (Solid Waster) 1,882.937 CNA Pension Fund 933.000 Firefighters Pension Fund 2,398.300 Police Pension Fund 2.469,510 Total Budget— Village of Morton Grove $53.551,475 Total Budget — Morton Grove Public Library 3.154,901 Budget Grand Total — Village and Library $56.706°37.6 EXHIBIT "B" MORTON GROVE PUBLIC LIBRARY APPROPRIATIONS AND LEVY CALENDAR YEAR 2011 Re etnae 1;62_3,067 Property Tax Reccipts Replaccrrtent Tax Receipts 2012 Fines Last Book Payrni;nt Phcltm:opyillrinting Receipts M iscce.11ime oils Income Audio Visual Rental Receipts 1.728 Grwits Interest Incc)nae. Book Stile Receipts Donations "I`O1V 1 L Expenses { sttxnmary 1 Salaries Other Personnel Expenses Materi alp.. Services Speci al Taxes Transfer to Other Funds TOTAL Change in Fund Balance Be„innin`! Fund 13ttlttatce. Jan Endilu� Fund Balance, Dec 3I Fund Balance as r'r of Expenses 2011 1;62_3,067 1,7 171,179 fluducted Estimated -1111,3(2#) 2012 3,099510 i1}4)9310 29673(g) 8'68 25,W) 24,755 31.501 "31. X)0 31 d)(y) 1.728 1.rfMi I,F.K1 5 2 3.6(X) 3,500 n `' 16 3381 150 ) 544 SW RNI 961 1.1() 15W ?,(K 4) 13.(00 9 ?811 3.165 849 3.193,9S5 ;,057.955 1.717.479 1;62_3,067 1,7 171,179 378 S47 373,117 -1111,3(2#) 519.9-11;1 5 12,844 5 29,985 4t7tt940 63.7 =7 _'151 75() 140,45 7 1.15.000 t'50,3177 - 3).1,0{} - 3.E£a1,948 7 41411.155 5.11i,fil)I 245830 (97.046 1,900.880 1900,880 00,880 ?,146.710 LQW.880 1,14(010 104 9,664 Note, Fund balances include Special Reserve Fund. Approved by the Berard of Trustees,Morton Grove Public Library, November 10. 2011 Morton Grove Public Library l 2011 Revenue Budgeted Estimated 2012 Property Tax Receipts 3,099,510 3,099,510 2,967,300 Replacement Tax Receipts 22,868 25,000 24,755 Fines 31.501 31,000 31,000 Lost Book Payment 1,728 1,800 1,900 Photocopy/Printing Receipts 3,552 3,600 3,500 Miscellaneous Income 2,216 3,389 1.500 Audio Visual Rental Receipts 544 800 800 Grants - 22,975 22,000 Interest Income 2,961 1,100 1.500 Book Sale Receipts - 2,000 3.600 Donations 967 2,811 TOTAL 3,165,848 3,193,985 3,057,855 Expenses (summary) Salaries 1,717,479 1,623,667 1,717,479 Other Personnel Expenses 378,047 373,417 431,300 Materials { Services 519,925 512,844 529,985 Operations 400,940 263,227 325,750 Special Taxes 149,457 145,000 150,387 Transfer to Other Funds - 30,000 - TOTAL 3,165,848 2,948,155 3,154,901 Change in Fund Balance 0 245,830 (97,046) Beginning Fund Balance, Jan 1 1,900,880 1,900,880 2,146,710 Ending Fund Balance, Dec 31 1,900,880 2,146,710 2,049,664 Fund Balance as % of Expenses 60% 73% 65% Note: Fund balances include Special Reserve Fund. Approved by the Board of Trustees, Morton Grove Public Library, November 10, 2011 Expenses (detail) Personnel Salaries Unemployment Retirement Health Insurance FSA Long Term Disability Life Insurance TOTAL Materials & Services Books Periodicals AV Microforms Programming Photocopier Computer Systems Subscription Databases Web Design TOTAL Operations Building /Grounds Maint. Equip. /Mach. Maint, Equip. /Mach. Purchase Furniture Utilities Insurance Library Supplies Telephone Postage Printing Continuing Ed. /Mtgs. Membership Professional Services Consultant Services Miscellaneous Facilities Planning Reserve /Emergency Van Delivery TOTAL Morton Grove Public Library 1 2011 140,900 Budgeted Estimated 1.717A79 1,623,667 - 7,333 184,059 157,183 191,069 195,522 - 10,579 1,122 1,000 1.797 1,800 2012 Budget 1,717,479 8,000 167,000 252,000 1200 1,100 2,000 2,095,526 1,997,084 2,148,779 140,887 140,900 139,900 22,100 1-1,823 2 2. 100 64,600 60,900 65,600 1,200 1.200 1.200 46.750 44,885 43,800 16,185 17,500 15,500 109,597 109,311 103365 118,606 116,325 118,520 - - 20,000 519,925 512,844 529,985 73,670 42,000 69,100 40.000 32,000 30,650 new budget line 2,100 10,000 20,900 5,000 15,000 10,500 11-500 32,457 28,200 38.000 35,020 31.000 31.700 36,200 11,429 25,000 12,959 11,617 13,000 52,300 35,864 29,600 9,000 11,000 10,500 6,000 1,217 1,800 31,934 23.000 45.200 10,000 3,500 10,000 I ,000 1 ,000 2,600 10,000 - - 20,000 5,400 - - 400,940 263,227 325,750 Special Taxes Morton Grove Public Library 2012 Budget FICA 131,387 127,000 131387 Annual Audit 4,000 4,000 4,000 Tort Liability. 14,070 14,000 15,000 TOTAL 149.457 145,000 150,387 Transfer to Other Fund To Special Reserve 30,000 GRAND TOTAL 3,165,848 2,948,155 3,154,901 Legislative Summary ORDINANCE 11 -48 AN ORDINANCE LEVYING AND ASSESSING TAXES FOR THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 2012 AND ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2012 Introduced: November 28, 2011 Synopsis I This ordinance sets the levy for property taxes for tax year 2011 which are collected in 2012. Purpose: This ordinance must be adopted and filed with the Cook County Clerk in order to levy property taxes within the Village of Morton Grove. Background: Pursuant to Ordinance 11 -47, the Village Board of Trustees passed the 2012 Budget for the Village of Morton Grove and the Morton Grove Public Library. Said budget calls for expenditures in the amount of $56,706,376. The amount necessary to be levied for 2011 property taxes is the amount of $11,573,832. By law the Village is required to levy an additional $6,300,396 for debt service payments authorized by general obligation notes and bonds for a total levy before abatement in the amount of $17,874,228. However, the Village Board intends to adopt Resolutions which will immediately abate $5,231,265 from the levy resulting in the net levy as intended by the Corporate Authorities in the amount of $12,642,963. After extensions for loss and cost, the effective result is a 0.0% increase in the Village's portion of the tax levy and a reduction of ($136,186) or (4.27 %) in the Library's portion of the tax levy, resulting in an overall decrease of (- 1.03 %) from the requested final extended tax levy from the previous year. Summary of Appropriations Tax Levy Net to be levied and Assessed: Fund Requirements Abatements 2011 Levy Corporate $4,756,532 $0 $45756,532 IMRF 175,000 0 175,000 C.N.A. 3255000 0 325,000 Capital Improvements 50,000 0 50,000 Police Pension 1,550,000 0 11550,000 Eire Pension 1,75%000 000 0 1,750.000 Subtotal ___$8606532 $0 W606,532 532 Debt Service Bonds $5,554,821 ($4,502,629) $1,052,192 Notes 745 575 (728 636) 16 939 Total Debt Service $6300396 ($5231265) $10691131 TOTAL VILLAGE TAX LEVY 514,906 928 ($5,231.265) $9 675 663 LIBRARY $2 967 300 $0 $2,967100 COMBINED TOTAL LEVY $17874228 ($5231265) $12642963 Administrator Approval as presented. Recommendation: Second Reading: Required Special Considerations or A certified copy of this resolution must be filed with the Cook County Clerk. Requirements: Respectfully submitted Josep ad pillage Administrator Reviewed b y: r� ,/ /nz Prepared by: ^ Teresa Hoffilrlan, 'stop, Corporation Comtsel Rya ome, finance Direetor/Treasurer AN ORDINANCE LEVYING AND ASSESSING TAXES FOR THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 2012 AND ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2012 WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (Village), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, on December 12, 2011, the President and Board of Trustees of the Village passed and approved by roll call vote, the annual Budget Ordinance 11 -47 of said Village for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2012, and ending December 31, 2012, effective from and after January 1, 2012. The Ordinance was duly signed and approved by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village and attested by the Village Cleric, and thereafter it was duly published in pamphlet form by order of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village; and WHEREAS, a Notice of the Public Hearing for the 2011 Levy was published in the December 1, 2011, Morton Grove Champion, a Pioneer Press Publication in the time and form as required by the State Statute; and WHEREAS, a Public Hearing was held at 7:00 pm on Monday, December 12, 2011, in the Richard T. Flickinger Municipal Center where comments were heard and addressed by the Village Board of Trustees; and WHEREAS, the aforementioned Budget Ordinance, as adopted on December 12, 2011, provided for a total property tax levy including the total levy for all Debt Service requirements before abatements of SEVENTEEN MILLION EIGHT HUNDRED SEVENTY -FOUR THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED TWENTY -EIGHT DOLLARS ($17,874,228); and WHEREAS, the Village will subsequently pass additional resolutions abating tax levies relating to the refunded General Obligation Bonds Series 1999 for ONE MILLION EIGHT HUNDRED FORTY -EIGHT THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED TWENTY DOLLARS ($1,848,520) and the refunded General Obligation Bonds Series 2002 for FOUR HUNDRED FIFTY -EIGHT THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED FORTY DOLLARS ($458,740) and the share provided for by the Village Water /Sewer Fund for EIGHT HUNDRED ONE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED ELEVEN DOLLARS ($801,911) and from the proceeds related to the share of the local option sales tax totaling FOUR HUNDRED FORTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ($440,000) and the share provided for by the Village's Lehigh Ferris Tax Increment Financing Area Funds for FIVE HUNDRED EIGHTY -SEVEN THOUSAND DOLLARS ($587,000) and the share provided for by the Village's Waukegan Road Tax Increment Financing Area Funds for EIGHT HUNDRED TWELVE THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED EIGHT -FOUR DOLLARS ($812,484) and the share provided for by the Debt Service Fund for TWO HUNDRED EIGHTY -ONE THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED TEN DOLLARS ($281,610) and an additional ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($1,000) from General Village Funds accumulated through interest earnings; and WHEREAS, the result of the above abatements will be to reduce the gross property tax from the original SEVENTEEN MILLION EIGHT HUNDRED SEVENTY -FOUR THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED TWENTY -EIGHT DOLLARS ($17,874,228); as indicated in this Ordinance, to a net property tax levy of TWELVE MILLION SIX HUNDRED FORTY -TWO THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED SIXTY -THREE DOLLARS ($12,642,963), a reduction of FIVE MILLION TWO HUNDRED THIRTY -ONE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED SIXTY -FIVE DOLLARS ($5,231,265). NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION l: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Ordinance as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2: The total amount of appropriations for all corporate purposes legally made and to be collected from the tax levy of 2011 to be collected in 2012 is hereby ascertained to be the sum of SEVENTEEN MILLION EIGHT HUNDRED SEVENTY -FOUR THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED TWENTY -EIGHT DOLLARS ($17,874,228) of which FIVE MILLION TWO HUNDRED THIRTY - ONE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED SIXTY -FIVE DOLLARS ($5,231,265) is abated, leaving a net property tax levy of TWELVE MILLION SIX HUNDRED FORTY -TWO THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED SIXTY -THREE DOLLARS ($12,642,963). SECTION 3: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form according to law. PASSED this 12`h day of December 2011 Trustee DiMaria Trustee Gomberg Trustee Grear Trustee Marcus Trustee Thill Trustee Toth APPROVED by me this 12 "' day of December 2011. Daniel J. Staackmann, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois APPROVED and FILED in my office this 13`h day of December 2011, Tony S. Kalogerakos, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois Legislative Summary RESOLUTION 11 -60 TAX ABATEMENT RESOLUTION FOR 2011 TAN LEVY RELATING TO ORDINANCE NO 02 -30 Introduced: November 28, 2011 I Synopsis This resolution authorizes the abatement (reduction) of taxes levied for 2011 which are collected in 2012 in the amount of $458,740. Purpose: Pursuant to the 2012 Budget, the Village has chosen to pay for certain semi - annual note debt service payments from sources other than property taxes. In order for the County Clerk not to levy said debt service payments, it is necessary to pass this resolution and to file a certified copy of same with the County Clerk of Cook County, Illinois. Background: On July 8, 2002, pursuant to Ordinance 02 -30, the Village Board issued $5,300,000 in general obligation promissory notes, Series 2002. Said ordinance provided that the levy of taxes for the year 2011 include sufficient funds to produce $458,740 which represents the debt service payment for 2012. On September 14, 2009, pursuant to Ordinance 09 -15, the Village Board issued refunding bonds in the amount of $4,920,000, Series 2009A, to refinance the remaining Series 2002 Notes. However, despite the refunding, Cook County will continue to levy taxes as provided for in Ordinance 02 -30. Therefore a Resolution abating the debt service for the Series 2002 Notes is required. After all abatement the net levy for the 2002 Notes is ZERO $0. Programs, Departments Finance Department or Groups Affected i Fiscal Impact: This resolution shall reduce the levy for property taxes in the amount of $458,740. Source of Funds: N/A Workload Impact: The filing of this resolution with the County Clerk of Cook County, Illinois will be done by the Finance Department as part of their normal work activities. Administrator Approval as presented. Recommendation: First Reading: None required Special Considerations This tax abatement resolution has been placed on the November 28, 2011, Agenda or Requirements: for informational purposes only and should be passed following passage of the Tax Levy Ordinance on December 12, 2011. Respectfully submitted h Wa e, Village Administrator % Prepared by: Reviewed by. 4 G' Ran ce Director Teresa HoffM n' iston, Corporation Counsel RESOLUTION 11 -60 TAX ABATEMENT RESOLUTION FOR 2011 TAX LEVY RELATING TO ORDINANCE NUMBER 02 -30 WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (Village), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (VILLAGE) has issued FIVE MILLION TIII2EE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($5,300,000), General Obligation Promissory Note Series 2002, providing financing for various land acquisitions and related purposes for the Waukegan Road Tax Increment Financing Area (lrnown as Project "B "), and which provided for the levy grid collection for direct annual tax for the payment of the principal and interest of said bonds for the year 2002 through 2021 at an interest rate of 4.62 %, pursuant to Ordinance 02 -30, passed by the President and Board of Trustees of said VILLAGE on July 8, 2002, certified copy of said ordinance having been filed in the Office of the County Clerk on October 23, 2002; and WHEREAS, said note is designated as "General Obligation Promissory Note, Series 2002" dated July 22, 2002, in the aggregate principal amount of FIVE MILLION THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($5,300,000), and shall be due and payable on June 1, 2022, having installment payments due semi - annually on June 1 and December 1 through 2022. WHEREAS, provision has been made in said ordinance for the levy of taxes for the year 2011 sufficient to produce the amount of FOUR HUNDRED FIFTY -EIGHT THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED FORTY DOLLARS ($458,740) for said payment of principal and interest on said note up to and including December 31, 2012; and WHEREAS, the levy and appropriation for payment of debt service on the notes is not shown in the Debt Service Fund and therefore is excluded from the Village Levy Ordinance; and WHEREAS, the Village has appropriated revenue from the Waukegan Road TIE Fund of the Village in the amount of FOUR HUNDRED FIFTY -EIGHT THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED FORTY DOLLARS ($458,740) to pay said principal and interest on said promissory note and said funds shall be separately designated for the payment of principal and interest due as heretofore specified when the above indebtedness is due. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Resolution as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2: There shall be abated for the levy of taxes for the tax year 2011 for taxes which . are collected in 2012 in the amount of FOUR HUNDRED FIFTY -EIGHT THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED FORTY DOLLARS ($458,740) leaving the net property tax levy with respect to Ordinance 02 -30 ZERO (SO), for said tax year as provided in an ordinance entitled: ORDINANCE 02 -30 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF A 55,300,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION PROMISSORY NOTE, SERIES 2002 OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, AND PROVIDING FOR THE LEVY AND COLLECTION OF A DIRECT ANNUAL TAX FOR THE PAYMENT OF THE PRINCIPAL OF AND INTEREST ON SAID BONDS Adopted by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village on July 8, 2002, certified copy of which was filed with the County Clerk of Cook County, Illinois, on October 23, 2001 SECTION 3: The Village Treasurer is hereby authorized to set aside and designate those funds necessary to pay said debt service payment as stated above from the Waukegan Road TIE Fund. SECTION 4: The Village Treasurer is hereby directed to file with the County clerk of Cook County, Illinois, a certified copy of this Resolution. SECTION 5: This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. PASSED this 12" day of December 2011. Trustee DiMaria Trustee Gomberg Trustee Grear Trustee Marcus Trustee Thill Trustee Toth APPROVED BY ME THIS 12`x' day of December 2011. Daniel J. Staackinann, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois ATTESTED and FILED in my office this 13`h day of December 2011. Tony S. Kalogerakos, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois Legislative Summary RESOLUTION 11 -61 TAX ABATEMENT RESOLUTION FOR 2011 . TAX LEVY RELATING TO ORDINANCE NO 09 -05 Introduced: November 28, 2011 Synopsis This resolution authorizes the abatement (reduction) of taxes levied for 2011 which are collected in 2012 in the amount of $1,077,634. Purpose: Pursuant to the 2011 Budget, the Village has chosen to pay for certain semi - annual bond debt service payments from sources other than property taxes. In order for the County Clerk not to levy said debt service payments, it is necessary to pass this resolution and to file a certified copy of same with the County Clerk of Cook County, Illinois. Background: On March 23, 2009, pursuant to Ordinance 09 -05, the Village Board issued $7,650,000 in general obligation bond, Series 2009. Said ordinance provided that the levy of taxes for the year 2011 include sufficient funds to produce $1,746,538, which represents the debt service payment for 2012. The 2012 Village Budget has allocated reverme from the Local Option Sales Tax of the Village in the amount of $440,000, revenue from the general funds of the Village accumulated interest earnings of $1,000, revenue from the Water /Sewer Fund of the Village in the amount of $436,634, and available fund balance in the Debt Service Fund of $200,000 to pay the above referenced debt service. The law requires the Village levy taxes as required by Ordinance 09 -05, but may then abate said taxes pursuant to a resolution which identifies the alternative source of revenue and obligates the Village Treasurer to set aside and designate said funds to pay the required note payments. After all abatements the net levy for this bond series is $668,904. Programs, Departments ' Finance Department or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: This resolution shall reduce the tax levy of $1,746,538 by $1,077,634, resulting in a net tax levy in the amount of $668,904. Source of Funds: N/A Workload Impact: j The filing of this resolution with the County Clerk of Cook County, Illinois will be done by the Finance Department as part of their normal work activities. Administrator Approval as presented. Recommendation: First Reading: i None required Special Considerations This tax abatement resolution has been placed on the November 28, 2011, Agenda or Requirements: for informational purposes only and should be passed following passage of the Tax Levy Ordinance on December 12, 2011. Respectfully submitted Reviewed by: Village Administrator Teresa Aoffrhafiq iston, Corporation Counsel Prepared by: Ryan o ie, Finan e Director /Treasurer RESOLUTION 11 -61 TAX ABATEMENT RESOLUTION FOR 2011 TAX LEVY RELATING TO ORDINANCE NO. 09 -05 WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (VILLAGE), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, the Village has issued SEVEN MILLION SIX HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ($7,650,000), General Obligation Refunding Bonds Series 2009 to refund prior bonds issued, Series 1999, dated February 8, 1999, and which provided for the levy and collection for direct annual tax for the payment of the principal and interest of said bonds for the year 2009 through 2014 at a true interest rate of 2.2583 %, pursuant to Ordinance 09 -05, passed by the President and Board of Trustees of said Village on March 23, 2009, certified copy of said ordinance having been filed in the Office of the County Clerk on April 3, 2009; and WHEREAS, said note is designated as "General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2009" dated March 23, 2009, in the aggregate principal amount of SEVEN MILLION SIX HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ($7,650,000), and shall be due and payable on December 1, 2014, having installment payments due semi - annually on June 1 and December I through 2014. WHEREAS, provision has been made in said ordinance for the levy of taxes for the year 2011 sufficient to produce the amount of ONE MILLION SEVEN HUNDRED FORTY -SIX THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED THIRTY -EIGHT DOLLARS ($1,746,538), for said payment of principal and interest on said note up to and including December 31, 2012; and WHEREAS, the Village had approved Ordinance 94 -20 on May 16, 1994, providing for an increase in its existing Local Option Sales Tax by 1/4 of 1% (.25 %) or from % of 1% (.50 %) to 314 of 1% (.75 %); and WHEREAS, it is the intent of the Village to utilize the proceeds from the increase in the local option sales tax to make the debt payments from the above mentioned bond issue into the Debt Service Fund; and WHEREAS, the Village anticipates additional revenues from Local Option Sales Tax of FOUR HUNDRED FORTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ($440,000) and revenue appropriated from the Water /Sewer (Enterprise) Fund of the Village in the amount of THREE HUNDRED SEVENTY -TWO THOUSAND FIFTY -FOUR DOLLARS ($436,634) and available fund balance in the Debt Service Fund of TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($200,000) plus an additional ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($1,000) shall be utilized from general Village funds accumulated from interest earnings for a total abatement of ONE MILLION SEVENTY -SEVEN THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED THIRTY -FOUR DOLLARS ($1,077,634) to pay a portion of said principal and interest on said corporate bonds and said funds shall be separately designated for the payment of principal and interest due as hereto fore specified when the above indebtedness is due. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Resolution as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2: There shall be abated for the levy of taxes for the tax year 2011 for taxes which are collected in 2012 in the amount of ONE MILLION SEVENTY -SEVEN THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED THIRTY -FOUR DOLLARS ($1,077,634) leaving the net property tax levy with respect to Ordinance 09 -05 SIX HUNDRED SIXTY -EIGHT THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED FOUR DOLLARS ($668,904), for said tax year as provided in an ordinance entitled: ORDNANCE 09 -05 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF $7,650,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION REFUNDING BONDS, SERIES 2009 OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, PROVIDING FOR THE LEVY AND COLLECTION OF A DIRECT ANNUAL TAX FOR THE PAYMENT OF THE PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST ON SAID BONDS Adopted by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village on March 23, 2009, certified copy of which was filed with the County Clerk of Cook County, Illinois, on April 3, 2009. SECTION 3: The Village Treasurer is hereby authorized to set aside and designate those funds necessary to pay said debt service payment as stated above from the Debt Service Fund. SECTION 4: The Village Treasurer is hereby directed to file with the County Clerk of Cook County, Illinois, a certified copy of this Resolution. SECTION S: This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. PASSED this 12 "' day of December 2011. Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee DiMaria Gomberg Grear Marcus Thill Toth APPROVED BY ME THIS 12 "' day of December 2011. Daniel J. Staackmann, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois ATTESTED and FILED in my office this 13t° day of December 2011. Tony S. Kalogerakos, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois Legislative Summary I RESOLUTION I1 -62 TAX ABATEMENT RESOLUTION FOR 2011 TAX LEVY RELATING TO ORDINANCE NO 10 -01 Introduced: November 28, 2011 Synopsis This resolution authorizes the abatement (reduction) of taxes levied for 2011 which are collected in 2012 in the amount of $446,887. Purpose: Pursuant to the 2012 Budget, the Village has chosen to pay for certain semi - annual bond debt service payments from sources other than property taxes. In order for the County Clerk not to levy said debt service payments, it is necessary to pass this resolution and to file a certified copy of same wiCh the County Clerk of Cook County, Illinois. Background: On March 31, 2010, pursuant to Ordinance 10 -01, the Village Board issued $9,975,000 in general obligation bond, Series 2010A and Series 2010B. Said ordinance provided that the levy of taxes for the year 2012 include sufficient funds to produce $830,175, which represents the debt service payments for 2012. The 2012 Village Budget has allocated revenue from the Water Sewer Fund in the amount of $365,277, and available fund balance in the Debt Service Fund from the Build America Bond Subsidy of $81,610 to pay the above referenced debt service. The law requires the Village levy taxes as required by Ordinance 10 -01, but may then abate said taxes pursuant to a resolution which identifies the alternative source of revenue and obligates the Village Treasurer to set aside and designate said funds to pay the required note payments. After all abatements the net levy for this bond series is $383,288. Programs, Departments Finance Department or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: This resolution shall reduce the levy for property taxes in the amount of $446,887. Source of Funds: N/A Workload Impact: The filing of this resolution with the County Clerk of Cook County, Illinois will be done by the Finance Department as part of their normal work activities. Administrator Approval as presented. Recommendation: First Reading: None required Special Considerations This tax abatement resolution has been placed on the November 28, 2011, Agenda or Requirements: for informational purposes only and should be passed following passage of the Tax Levy Ordinance on December 12, 2011. Respectfully submitted 0y, Administrator Reviewed by: Teresa Hoffman'/ stun, Corporation Counsel Prepared by: / r Ryan rne, F ance Director /Treasurer RESOLUTION 11 -62 TAX ABATEMENT RESOLUTION FOR 2011 TAX LEVY RELATING TO ORDINANCE NO. 10 -01 WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (VILLAGE), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, the Village has issued ONE MILLION EIGHT HUNDRED FORTY -FIVE THOUSAND (SI,845,000), General Obligation Bonds Series 2010A, and EIGHT MILLION ONE HUNDRED THIRTY THOUSAND (58,130,000), Taxable General Obligation. Bonds, Series 2010B (Build America Bonds — Direct Payment to Issuer), for a combined issuance of NINE MILLION NINE HUNDRED SEVENTY -FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($9,975,000), providing financing for capital projects throughout the Village, and which provided for the levy and collection for direct annual tax for the payment of the principal and interest of said bonds for the year 2010 through 2029, pursuant to Ordinance 10 -01, passed by the President and Board of Trustees of said Village on January 25, 2010, certified copy of said ordinance having been filed in the Office of the County Clerk on March 31, 2010; and WHEREAS, said bonds are designated as "General Obligation Bonds, Series 2010" dated March 31, 2010, in the aggregate principal amount of NINE MILLION NINE HUNDRED SEVENTY -FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($9,975,000), and shall be due and payable on December 15, 2029, having installment payments due semi - annually on June 15 and December 15 through 2029. WHEREAS, provision has been made in said ordinance for the levy of taxes for the year 2011 sufficient to produce the amount of EIGHT HUNDRED THIRTY THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED SEVENTY -FIVE DOLLARS ($830,175), for said payment of principal and interest on said bonds up to and including December 31, 2012; . and WHEREAS, the Village will receive Federal subsidies for the Build America Bonds — Direct Payment to Issuer of EIGHTY -ONE THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED TEN DOLLARS ($81,610) and revenue appropriated from the Water /Sewer (Enterprise) Fund of the Village in the amount of THREE HUNDRED SIXTY -FIVE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED SEVENTY -SEVEN DOLLARS ($365,277) for a total abatement of FOUR HUNDRED FOURTY -SIX THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED EIGHTY -SEVEN DOLLARS ($446,887) to pay a portion of said principal and interest on said corporate bonds and said funds shall be separately designated for the payment of principal and interest due as hereto fore specified when the above indebtedness is due. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION l: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Resolution as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2: There shall be abated for the levy of taxes for the tax year 2011 for taxes which are collected in 2012 in the amount of FOUR HUNDRED FOURTY -SIX THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED EIGHTY -SEVEN DOLLARS ($446,887) leaving the net property tax levy with respect to Ordinance 10 -01 of THREE HUNDRED EIGHTY -THREE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED EIGHTY -EIGHT DOLLARS ($383,288), for said tax year as provided in an ordinance entitled: ORDINANCE 10 -01 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF ONE OR MORE SERIES OF GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS, SERIES 2010, OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF ONE OR MORE BOND ORDERS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH AND PROVIDING FOR THE LEVY AND COLLECTION OF A DIRECT ANNUAL TAX FOR THE PAYMENT OF THE PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST ON SAID BONDS Adopted by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village on January 25, 2010, certified copy of which was filed with the County Clerk of Cook County, Illinois, on March 31, 2010. SECTION 3: The Village Treasurer is hereby authorized to set aside and designate those funds necessary to pay said debt service payment as stated above from the Debt Service Fund and Water Sewer Fund. SECTION 4: The Village Treasurer is hereby directed to file with the County Clerk of Cook County, Illinois, a certified copy of this Resolution. SECTION 5: This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. PASSED this 12`h day of December 2011. Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee DiMaia Gomberg Grear Marcus Thill Toth APPROVED BY ME TI3IS 12'h day of December 2011. Daniel J. Staackmann, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois ATTESTED and FILED in my office this 13th day of December 2011. Tony S. Kalogerakos, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois Legislative Summary RESOLUTION 11 -63 TAX ABATEMENT RESOLUTION FOR 2011 TAX LEVY RELATING TO ORDINANCE NO 07 -26 Introduced: November 28, 2011 Synopsis This resolution authorizes the abatement (reduction) of taxes levied for 2011 which are collected in 2012 . in the amount of $587,000. Purpose: Pursuant to the 2012 Budget, the Village has chosen to pay for certain bond debt service payment from sources other than property taxes. In order for the County Clerk not to levy said debt service payments, it is necessary to pass this resolution and to file a certified copy of same with the County Clerk of Cook County, Illinois. Background: On October 8, 2007, pursuant to Ordinance 07 -26, the Village Board issued $9,200,000 in general obligation bond, Series 2007. Said ordinance provided that the levy of taxes for the year 2011 shall include sufficient funds to produce $587,000 for the payment of principal and interest on said bonds up to and including December 31, 2012. The 2012 Village Budget has allocated revenue from the Lehigh /Ferris TIF Fund in the amount of $587,000 to pay for the above referenced debt service. The law requires the Village to levy taxes as required by Ordinance 07 -26 but then may abate said taxes pursuant to a resolution which identifies the alternative sources of revenue and obligates the Village Treasurer to set aside and designate those funds to pay the required bond payments. Programs, Departments Finance Department, all Village Departments or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: This resolution shall reduce the levy for property taxes in the amount of $587,000. Source of Funds: N/A Workload Impact: The filing of this resolution with the County Clerk of Cook County, Illinois will be done by the Finance Department as part of their normal work activities. Administrator Approval as presented. Recommendation: First Reading: None required Special Considerations This tax abatement resolution has been placed on the November 28, 2011, Agenda or Requirements: for informational purposes only and should be passed following passage of the Tax Levy Ordinance on December 12, 2011. Respectfully submitted C%, (r z& age Administrator Prepared by: Teresa Hoffiiz�iston, Corporation Counsel Reviewed by: _ Ryan 11 me irfan ce Director /Treasurer RESOLUTION 11 -63 TAX ABATEMENT RESOLUTION FOR 2011 TAX LEVY RELATING TO ORDINANCE NUMBER 07 -26 WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (Village), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perfoml any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (VILLAGE) has issued NINE MILLION TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($9,200,000), General Obligation Bonds, Series 2007, providing financing for various land acquisitions and related purposes for the Lehigh/Ferris Tax Increment Financing area, and which provided for the levy and collection for direct annual tax for the payment of the principal and interest of said bonds for the year 2007 through 2024 at an interest rate of 4.00 %, pursuant to Ordinance 07 -26, passed by the President and Board of Trustees of said VILLAGE on October 8, 2007, certified copy of said ordinance having been filed in the Office of the County Clerk on October 25, 2007; and WHEREAS, said note is designated as "General Obligation Bonds, Series 2007' dated November 1, 2007, in the aggregate principal amount of NINE MILLION TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($9,200,000), and shall be due and payable on December 1, 2024, having installment payments due semi - annually on June 1 and December I through 2024. WHEREAS, provision has been made in said ordinance for the levy of taxes for the year 2011 sufficient to produce the amount of FIVE HUNDRED EIGHTY -SEVEN THOUSAND DOLLARS ($587,000) for said payment of principal and interest on said bond up to and including December 31, 2012; and WHEREAS, the County Clerk is required to collect taxes in addition to those taxes levied pursuant to Ordinance 07 -33 in the amount of FIVE HUNDRED EIGHTY -SEVEN THOUSAND DOLLARS ($587,000) unless the Village adopts an abatement resolution; and WHEREAS, the Village desires the pay this obligation from sources other than property taxes, and has appropriated revenue from the Lehigh/Ferris TIF Fund in the amount of FIVE HUNDRED EIGHTY -SEVEN THOUSAND DOLLARS ($587,000) to pay said principal and interest on said Bonds and said funds shall be separately designated for the payment of interest due as heretofore specified when the above indebtedness is due. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Resolution as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2: There shall be abated for the levy of taxes for the tax year 2011 for taxes which are collected in 2012 in the amount of FIVE HUNDRED EIGHTY -SEVEN THOUSAND DOLLARS ($587,000) leaving the net property tax levy with respect to Ordinance 07 -26 ZERO (SO), for said tax year as provided in an ordinance entitled: ORDINANCE 07 -26 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF A $9,200,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS, SERIES 2007 OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, AND PROVIDING FOR THE LEVY AND COLLECTION OF A DIRECT ANNUAL TAX FOR THE PAYMENT OF THE PRINCIPAL OF AND INTEREST ON SAID BONDS Adopted by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village on October 8, 2007, certified copy of which was filed with the County Clerk of Cook County, Illinois, on October 25, 2007. SECTION 3: The Village Treasurer is hereby authorized to set aside and designate those funds necessary to pay said debt service payment as stated above from the Lehigh Ferris TIF Fund SECTION 4: The Village Treasurer is hereby directed to file with the County Cleric of Cook County, Illinois, a certified copy of this Resolution. SECTION 5: This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. PASSED this 12th day of December 2011 Trustee DiMaria Trustee Gomberg Trustee Grear Trustee Marcus Trustee Thili Trustee Toth APPROVED by me this 12th day of December 2011. Daniel T. Staaekmann, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois APPROVED and FILED in my office this 13th day of December 2011. Tony S. Kalogerakos, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois Legislative Summary RESOLUTION 11 -64 TAX ABATEMENT RESOLUTION FOR 2011 TAX LEVY RELATING TO ORDINANCE NO 09 -15 Introduced: November 28, 2011 Synopsis This resolution authorizes the abatement (reduction) of taxes levied for 2011 which are collected in 2012 in the amount of $542,588. Purpose: j Pursuant to the 2012 Budget, the Village has chosen to pay for certain bond debt service payment from sources other than property taxes. In order for the County Clerk not to levy said debt service payments, it is necessary to pass this resolution and to file a certified copy of same with the County Clerk of Cook County, Illinois. Background: On September 14, 2009, pursuant to Ordinance 09 -15, the Village Board issued $4,920,000 in general obligation refunding bonds, Series 2009A. Said ordinance provided that the levy of taxes for the year 2011 shall include sufficient funds to produce $542,588 for the payment of principal and interest on said bonds up to and including December 31, 2012. The 2012 Village Budget has allocated revenue from the Waukegan Road TIF Fund in the amount of $542,588 to pay for the above referenced debt service. The law requires the Village to levy taxes as required by Ordinance 09 -15 but then may abate said taxes pursuant to a resolution which identifies the alternative sources of revenue and obligates the Village Treasurer to set aside and designate those funds to pay the required bond payments. Programs, Departments Finance Department, all Village Departments or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: This resolution shall reduce the levy for property taxes in the amount of $542,588. Source of Funds: N/A Workload Impact: The filing of this resolution with the County Clerk of Cook County, Illinois will be done by the Finance Department as part of their normal work activities. Administrator Approval as presented. Recommendation: First Reading: None required Special Considerations This tax abatement resolution has been placed on the November 28, 2011, Agenda or Requirements: for informational purposes only and should be passed following passage of the Tax Levy Ordinance on December 12, 2011. Respectfully submitted Village Administrator Prepared by: J ✓ �u`r- , ""_. Teresa Hofftn n' rston, Corporation Counsel anace Reviewed b y: Ryan mector /Treasurer RESOLUTION 11 -64 TAX ABATEMENT RESOLUTION FOR 2011 TAX LEVY RELATING TO ORDINANCE NUMBER 09 -15 WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (Village), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (VILLAGE) has issued FOUR MILLION NINE HUNDRED TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ($4,920,000), General Obligation Bonds Series 2009A, providing financing for various land acquisitions and related purposes for the Waukegan Road Tax Increment Financing Area (known as Project "B "), and which provided for the levy and collection for direct annual tax for the payment of the principal and interest of said bonds for the year 2009 through 2018 at a true interest rate of 3.708 %, pursuant to Ordinance 09 -15, passed by the President and Board of Trustees of said VILLAGE on September 14, 2009 certified copy of said ordinance having been filed in the Office of the County Clerk on September 24, 2009; and WHEREAS, said note is designated as "General Obligation Bond, Series 2009A" dated September 14, 2009, in the aggregate principal amount of FOUR MILLION NINE HUNDRED TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ($4,920,000), and shall be due and payable on December 1, 2018, having installment payments due semi - annually on June 1 and December 1 through 2018. WHEREAS, provision has been made in said ordinance for the levy of taxes for the year 2011 sufficient to produce the amount of FIVE HUNDRED FORTY -TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED EIGHTY -EIGHT ($542,588) for said payment of principal and interest on said note up to and including December 31, 2012; and WHEREAS, the levy and appropriation for payment of debt service on the 2009A Bonds notes is not shown in the Debt Service Fund and therefore is excluded from the Village Levy Ordinance; and WHEREAS, the Village has appropriated revenue from the Waukegan Road TIF Fund of the Village in the amount of FIVE HUNDRED FORTY -TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED EIGHTY - EIGHT ($542,588) to pay said principal and interest on said promissory note and said funds shall be separately designated for the payment of principal and interest due as heretofore specified when the above indebtedness is due. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Resolution as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2: There shall be abated for the levy of taxes for the tax year 2011 for taxes which are collected in 2012 in the amount of FIVE HUNDRED FORTY -TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED EIGHTY -EIGHT ($542,588) leaving the net property tax levy with respect to Ordinance 09 -15 ZERO ($0), for said tax year as provided in an ordinance entitled: ORDINANCE 09 -15 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF $4,920,000 TAXABLE GENERAL OBLIGATION REFUNDING BONDS, SERIES 2009A OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, AND PROVIDING FOR THE LEVY AND COLLECTION OF A DIRECT ANNUAL TAX FOR THE PAYMENT OF THE PRINCIPAL OF AND INTEREST ON SAID BONDS Adopted by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village on September 14, 2009, certified copy of which was filed with the County Clerk of Cook County, Illinois, on September 24, 2009. SECTION 3: The Village Treasurer is hereby authorized to set aside and designate those funds necessary to pay said debt service payment as stated above from the Waukegan Road TIF Fund. SECTION 4: The Village Treasurer is hereby directed to file with the County clerk of Cook County, Illinois, a certified copy of this Resolution. SECTION 5: This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. PASSED this 12th day of December 2011 Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee DiMaria Gomberg Grear Marcus Thill Toth APPROVED by me this 12`11 day of December 2011. Daniel J. Staackmami, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois APPROVED and FILED in my office this 13th day of December 2011. Tony S. Kalogerakos, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois Legislative Summary RESOLUTION 11 -65 TAX ABATEMENT RESOLUTION FOR 2010 TAX LEVY RELATING TO ORDINANCE NO 98 -41 Introduced: November 28, 2011 Synopsis This resolution authorizes the abatement (reduction) of taxes levied for 2011 which are collected in 2012 in the amount of $269,896. Purpose: Pursuant to the 2012 Budget, the Village has chosen to pay for certain semi - annual bond debt service payments from sources other than property taxes. In order for the County Clerk not to levy said debt service payments, it is necessary to pass this resolution and to file a certified copy of same with the County Clerk of Cook County, Illinois. Background: On September 28, 1998, pursuant to Ordinance 98 -41, the Village Board issued $3,165,000 in general obligation promissory notes, Series 1998A. Said ordinance provided the levy of taxes for the year 2011 include sufficient funds to produce $269,896, which represents the debt service payment for 2012. The 2012 Village Budget has allocated revenue from the Waukegan Road TIF Fund of the Village in the amount of $269,896 to pay the above referenced debt service. The law requires the Village to levy taxes as required by Ordinance 98 -41, but then may abate said taxes pursuant to a resolution which identifies the alternative source of revenue and obligates the Village Treasurer to set aside and designate those funds to pay the required note payments. Programs, Departments Finance Department or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: This resolution shall reduce the levy for property taxes in the amount of $269,896. Source of Funds: N/A Workload Impact: The filing of this resolution with the County Clerk of Cook County, Illinois will be done by the Finance Department as part of their normal work activities. Administrator Approval as presented. Recommendation: First Reading: None Required Special Considerations This tax abatement resolution has been placed on the November 28, 2011, Agenda or Requirements: for informational purposes only and should be passed following passage of the Tax Levy Ordinance on December 12, 2011. Respectfully submitted '\Jph .A y /illage Administrator Reviewed by: / , ✓` Prepared by: Teresa Hoffman LSston, Corporation Counsel Ryan H e, Fi n e Director /Treasurer RESOLUTION I1 -65 TAX ABATEMENT RESOLUTION FOR 2011 TAX LEVY RELATING TO ORDINANCE NUMBER 98 -41 WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (Village), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (VILLAGE) has issued THREE MILLION ONE HUNDRED SIXTY -FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($3,165,000), General Obligation Promissory Note Series 1998A, providing financing for various land acquisitions and related purposes for the Waukegan Road Tax Increment Financing Area (known as Project "A "), and which provided for the levy and collection for direct annual tax for the payment of the principal and interest of said bonds for the year 1998 through 2016 at an interest rate of 5.32°/x, pursuant to Ordinance 98 -41, passed by the President and Board of Trustees of said VILLAGE on September 28, 1998, certified copy of said ordinance having been filed in the Office of the County Clerk on October 22, 1998; and WHEREAS, said note is designated as "General Obligation Promissory Note, Series 1998A" dated July 6, 1998, in the aggregate principal amount of THREE MILLION ONE HUNDRED SIXTY - FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($3,165,000), and shall be due and payable on July 6, 2018, having installment payments due semi - annually on January 6 and July 6 through 2018. WHEREAS, provision has been made in said ordinance for the levy of taxes for the year 2011 sufficient to produce the amount of TWO HUNDRED SIXTY -NINE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED NINETY -SIX DOLLARS ($269,896), for said payment of principal and interest on said note up to and including December 31, 2012; and WHEREAS, the levy and appropriation for payment of debt service on the 1998A notes is not shown in the Debt Service Fund and therefore is excluded from the Village Levy Ordinance; and WHEREAS, the Village has appropriated revenue from the Waukegan Road TIF Fund of the Village in the amount of TWO HUNDRED SIXTY -NINE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED NINETY -SIX DOLLARS ($269,896) to pay said principal and interest on said promissory note and said funds shall be separately designated for the payment of principal and interest due as heretofore specified when the above indebtedness is due. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Resolution as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2: There shall be abated for the levy of taxes for the tax year 2011 for taxes which are collected in 2012 in the amount of TWO HUNDRED SIXTY -NINE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED NINETY -SIX DOLLARS ($269,896) leaving the net property tax Levy with respect to Ordinance 98-41 ZERO ($0), for said tax year as provided in an ordinance entitled: ORDINANCE 98 -41 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF 53,165,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION PROMISSORY NOTE, SERIES 1998A OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, PROVIDING FOR THE LEVY AND COLLECTION OF A DIRECT ANNUAL TAX FOR THE PAYMENT OF THE PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST ON SAID BONDS Adopted by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village on September 29, 1998, certified copy of which was filed with the County Clerk of Cook County, Illinois, on October 22, 1998. SECTION 3: The Village Treasurer is hereby authorized to set aside and designate those funds necessary to pay said debt service payment as stated above from the Waukegan. Road TIF Fund, SECTION 4: The Village Treasurer is hereby directed to file with the County Clerk of Cook County, Illinois, a certified copy of this Resolution. SECTION 5: This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. PASSED this 12`x' day of December 2011 Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee DiMaria Gomberg Grear Marcus Thill Toth APPROVED by me this 13`i' day of December 2010. APPROVED by me this 12"' day of December 2011. Daniel J. Staackmann, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois APPROVED and PILED in my office this 12th day of December 2011, Tony S. Kalogerakos, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois