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2011-09-26 Agenda
I . Cali to Order 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Roll Call 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Approval of Minutes — Regular Meeting of August 12, 2011 Special Reports Public hearings Residents' Comments (agenda items only) President's Report — Administration, Northivev Allunicipal Conference, Council ofMayors, TIF Committee, Capital Projects, Real Estate Committee a. Proclamation - Tire Prevention Week - October 9 -15, 2011 b. Proclamation -- Clime Prevention Month — October 2011 c. Commission/Board appointment is requested as follows: Appointment Cable and Telecommunications Commission Clerk's Report — Legal, Cable and Telecommunications Commission 10. Staff Reports a. Village Administrator b. Corporation Counsel Reports by Trustees Patrick Kansoer Jordan Kaplan a. Trustee DiMaria — Fire Department, Emergency A/tanagemeni Agencv, RED Center, NCPSTA. Police and Fire Commission ("Trustee Grear) b. Trustee Gomberg — Police Department, Environmental Health. Police and Fire Commission, IT Communicalions (Trustee Marcus) 1 1 . Reports by Trustees (continued) C. Trustee Orear — Community and Economic Development Department, Chamher of Commerce, Waukegan Road TIF Review, LehighJFerri s TIF Review, Dempster Street Corridor Plan, Real Estate Committee, Comprehensive Plan, Economic Developmeni (Trustee DiMaricr) d. Trustee Marcus — Puhlic Works Department, Condominium Association, Community Relations Commission, .Solid Waste Agency of Northern Cook County, Natural Resource Commission, Traffic Sgfety Commission (Trustee Thill) 1) Ordinance 11 -34 (Introduced .Septernher 12, 2011) (Second Reading) Amending Title 5, Chapter 1 3. Article E, Section I Entitled "Streets and Alleys Designated as One -Way" of the Municipal Code 2) Ordinance 11 -35 (Introduced Septernher 12, 2011) (Second Reading) Amending Title 5, Chapter 13, Article F, Section 1 Entitled "No Parking Streets" and "Title 5, Chapter 13, Article F, Section 2 entitled "No Parking During Certain Hours" of the Municipal Code 3) Ordinance 11 -36 (Introduced September 12, 2011) (Second Reading) Amending Title 5, Chapter 13, Article F, Section 1 Entitled `No Parking Streets" and Title 5, Chapter 13, Article F, Section 3 F,ntitled "Time Limit Parking Zones" of the Municipal Code 4) Resolution 11 -46 (Introduced Septernher 26, 2011) Approving an Agreement for Access to Cook County Geographic Information System Data 5) Resolution 11 -47 (Introduced September 26, 2011) Authorizing the Sale of Surplus Personal Property Owned by the Village of Morton Grove through the Northwest Municipal Conference 6) Resolution 11 -48 (Introduced Septemher 26, 201 1) Authorizing the Annual Veterans Day Parade e. Trustee Thill — Building Department, Appearance Commission, Capital Projects, Plan Commission /Zoning Board ofAppeal,s (Trustee Toth) 1) Ordinance 11 -37 (Introduced September 26, 2017) (Firs? Reacting) Granting Amendments to Special Use Permits for the Property Located at 6040 Oakton Street, Morton Grove, Illinois, for the Replacement and Installation of Antennas and Related Equipment on a Village Water Tower 2) Ordinance 11 -38 (Introduced September 26, 2011) (First Reading) Granting Amendments to Special Use Permits for the Property Located at 8220 National Avenue. Morton Grove, Illinois, for the Replacement and Installation of Antennas and Related Equipment on a Village Water Tower I I. Reports by Trustees (continued) C. Trustee Thill (continued) 3) Ordinance 11 -39 (Ltatroduced Seplember 26, 2011) (Firs? Reading) Approving and Authorizing an Amendment to the Lease Agreement Between the Village and Sprintcom, Inc. Concerning Real Property Owned by the Village and Located at 6040 Oakton Street Trustee Toth -- Finance Department, Finance Advisory Commission, Northwest N/ienicipcd Conference, Advisory Commission on Aging, Family and Senior Services Department (Trustee Gomberg) 12. Other Business 13. Presentation of Warrants - $1,271,633.63 14. Residents' Comments 15. Executive ,Session — Personnel Matters, Labor Negotiations, Pending Litigation, and Real Estate 16. Adjournment - To ensure full acces.sihiln)y and u)zrai participntiat for all inleresied cai =erns, individuals with disahilniec who plan to ancnd and who require terrain accommodations in order to observe and /or participate in this ineeiing, or who have questions regarding the accessibilrtp of ihescfacil ties, are requested to contact Susan or Marione (847/470 -52)0) prompdt+to allow the Village to make reasonable accommodations. CALLTO ORDER Village President Dan Staackmann called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. He introduced Deputy Clerk Marilyn Sneider and informed everyone that Clerk Tony Kalogerakos was still recuperating, but had assured him that he would be present at the next Board meeting. Mayor Staackmann led the assemblage in the Pledge of Allegiance. He then directed the Deputy Clerk to call the roll. Deputy Clerk Sneider called the roll. Present were: Trustees Dan DiMaria, Larry Gomberg, Bill Grear, She] Marcus, John Thill, and Maria Toth. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Regarding the Minutes of the August 8, 2011 Regular Meeting, Trustee DiMaria moved, seconded by Trustee Toth, to accept the Minutes as presented. There was no discussion. Motion passed unanimously via voice vote. IV. SPECIAL REPORTS 1. Presentation by the American Legion Casey Buchara and Joe Gesicki were introduced by Mayor Staackmann to give a "heads up" about the Legion's annual Thanksgiving event. a. Mr. Buchara chairs the Thanksgiving Day Committee. He thanked the mayor and board for their past support of "Navy Day" on Thanksgiving. He explained that Navy Day is an occasion for the older veterans to show their apreciation of the new military personnel. He said that this is his 12" year of doing this, his 5'P year in Morton Grove. Great Lakes Naval Base is the only military training facility in the area. The Legion buses in 50 recruits in the morning. They start their day with coffee and sweets. During the course of the day, they are offered a variety of entertainment, including movies, card playing, musical entertainment, computers with WiFi, and occasionally, cheerleaders! There is also a phone bank so that they can call anyone, anywhere, for no charge. Mr. Buchara especially commended Family and Senior Services Director Jackie Walker- O'Keefe for all that she does for this event. b. Mr. Buchara said that, over the past five years, this has evolved from being a "Legion" function to being a "town" function. Many local merchants assist in this event, from Best Buy to Kappy's. Costco to Meier's Bakery, Produce World to Village Creamery, and more. In spite of the donations, though, the Legion still spends between $1,500 and $1;800 for this event. Minutes vflleptemberlZWll Eoard Mee2iAAg IV. SPECIAL REPORTS (continued) Mr. Buchara said that he hoped the Board members would be able to financially support the event again this year, and hoped to see everyone at the Legion on Thanksgiving Day. Mayor Staackmann asked Village Administrator Joe Wade to promote this event on the Village's website, and to encourage people to make donations to the Legion for this program. V. PUBLIC HEARINGS NONE VC. RESIDENTS' COMMENTS (Agenda Items Only) on Bill Harmon. Mr. Harmon lives behind CVS and the new office building. He said that the alley behind CVS is being used as a racetrack and it's a very dangerous situation. No one abides by the 10mph limit, and he was turning to the Village for a solution, possibly some extra police monitoring /enforcement there. Mayor Staackmann thanked him for his input. 1. Mayor Staackmann proclaimed the week of September 17 -23 as "Constitution Week" in the Village. He said that it is fitting and proper to officially recognize the Constitution and the anniversary of its creation, and asked all residents to reaffirm the ideals the founding framers of the Constitution had in 1787. 2. Mayor Staackmann sought concurrence for the appointment of Richard Block to the Appearance Commission, Trustee Gomberg so moved, seconded by Trustee Thill. Motion passed unanimously via voice vote. 3. Mayor Staackmann noted that resident Alex Brown was returning home from the war. There will be a reception for him at the American Legion Memorial Civic Center on September 22 at 6:30 p.m. 4. Mayor Staackmann announced that Athans Motors had donated $500 to the Village for the tree planting program. He and the Board thanked Athens Motors for their generosity. 5. Mayor Staackmann complimented Trustee Marcus and Village staff for a beautiful ceremony yesterday, the 101h anniversary of the 9/11 tragedy. He also thanked Library Board President Mark Albers, who donated two special flags to the Village: a Flag of Honor, which lists the names of all the victims as its stripes, and a Flag of Heroes, which lists the names of all the emergency services personnel who died that day. Mayor Staackmann expressed his gratitude to Mr. Albers and said he planned to display the flags for a period of time at Village Hall, at the Civic Center, and at the Fire Station, before they are permanently retired to the Historical Society. VIII. ' NnpteenfS tember12,201h eattl''7Jfeiati:;.'.. CLERK'S REPORT a. Clerk Sneider said she attended the 9/11 ceremony yesterday and was pleased and proud at how well attended the event was. She thanked the planners and the participants for doing an excellent job. She added that Trustee Marcus did a wonderful job of emceeing the event. b. Clerk Sneider announced that volunteers are needed for the Finance Advisory Commission. Anyone with a background in business or finance is a plus. Resumes can be sent to the Mayor's attention at Village Hall, or to the Finance Advisory Commission's liaison, Trustee Toth. c. Clerk Sneider said that she had spoken with Clerk Kalogerakos and he wanted to say hello to everyone. His recuperation is coming along well. IX. STAFF REPORTS A. Village Administrator Mr. Wade had no report. B. Corporation Counsel Corporation Counsel Liston had no report. X. TRUSTEES' REPORTS A. Trustee DiMana: 1. Trustee DiMaria had no formal report, but thanked everyone who participated in yesterday's Patriot Day ceremony. He said Morton Grove's emergency services personnel made everyone proud. B. Trustee Gomberg Trustee Gomberg had no report. C. Trustee Grear: Trustee Grear had no formal report, but announced that the Economic Development Commission was planning a Pet Adoption Day on Sunday, September 25, from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the Washington Commons shopping center on Golf Road. This is a free event. Veterinarians will be on -site, as well as pet product suppliers. Also, on Saturday, October 22, the Economic Development Commission will sponsor a Health /Fitness Expo at the Civic Center. N C. Trustee Grear: (continued) Minutes AnrSePImber'A2, 3b'1118oard `RAieeetUa TRUSTEES' REPORTS (continued) 3. Trustee Grear noted that St. Martha's Church will be having an Octoberfest celebration on Saturday, October 1, from 4:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. at 8523 Georgiana. Besides all the good food and beverages, there will be a raffle with a $20,000 grand prize. Tickets are $25 each or 5 for $100. 4. Trustee Greer stated that the Steak Fry for Niles Township Food Pantry raised $4,400. He said that Chamber Executive Director Jacky Liston and all the Moose volunteers did a fantastic job. 5. Trustee Grear thanked everyone who participated in the various 9/11 commemorations yesterday. He said it was a very touching day. D. Trustee Marcus: 1. Trustee Marcus presented Resolution 11 -41, Authorization to Execute a Professional Services Agreement With Ciorba Group, Inc. for Construction Engineering Services for the North Station 20 -Inch Feeder Main Relocation Project and Church Street / Metra Water Main Replacement. He explained that the Village needs to relocate a water feeder main at the north pumping station and replace a broken water main under the Metra tracks. To that end, the Village requested proposals from three engineering firms with recent experience with the Village to provide construction engineering services for these two construction contracts. The Village recommends accepting the negotiated proposal of Ciorba Group, Inc. Ciorba is the design engineer for both projects and has been providing construction engineering services to the Village for many years. Trustee Marcus moved to approve Resolution 11-41, seconded by Trustee Greer. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. DiMaria aye Tr. Gomberg aye Tr. Grear afire Tr. Marcus aae Tr. Thill aye Tr. Toth aye 2. Trustee Marcus next presented Resolution 11 -42, Authorizing the Execution of a Contract With Bolder Contractors, Inc. for Church Street / Metra Crossing Water Main Replacement. He explained that the 12 -inch water main under the Matra tracks near Church Street and Lehigh broke earlier this year and was immediately taken out of service. However, it is a necessary part of a looped water distribution system supplying water to the northeast part of the Village and should be replaced. Ciorba Group was hired to prepare contract documents to replace this water main. Twenty -one bid packages were purchased or downloaded and seven bids were submitted. The Village has determined that the low bidder, Trine Construction Corp., is not a responsible bidder, but the second lowest bid, Bolder Contractors, Inc. is. Village staff recommends that the bid of Bolder Contractors, Inc. in the amount of $164,984 be accepted. 01nOteebf$ tember 2120,11136ardrTi!lepgtq" X. TRUSTEES' REPORTS (continued) D. Trustee Marcus: (continued) Trustee Marcus moved to approve Resolution 11 -42, seconded by Trustee Grear. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. DiMaria ave Tr. Gomberg aye Tr. Grear aye Tr. Marcus aye Tr. Thill ,aye Tr. Toth aye Next, Trustee Marcus presented Resolution 11 -43, Authorizing the Execution of a Contract With Bolder Contractors, Inc. for North Station 204nch Feeder Main Relocation Project. Trustee Marcus moved to approve Resolution 11 -43, seconded by Trustee DiMaria. a. Trustee Toth asked Public Works Director Andy DeMonte about the timeframe of these two projects. Mr. DeMonte said they wanted to wait a little bit until the pumpage decreases, but he estimates the projects will be complete by the end of November. Trustee Marcus asked Mr. DeMonte to share the reason for this relocation and the impact on the Village if it doesn't happen. Mr. DeMonte said that repairing the 12 -inch water main under the Matra tracks will provide a looped water distribution system for the east side of town, and will provide better circulation and supply. The 20 -inch main runs between two homes and is not easy to maintain, due to the close proximity to the houses. It needs to be relocated because, if it were to break, it could pose a threat to the public health and safety. The main is in good shape, but it does need to be relocated, and because of last year's bond issue, it is now feasible to do so. Mayor Staackmann pointed out that the main was installed first, the houses were later built around it. Mr. DeMonte acknowledged that, and pointed out that this relocation has been something Public Works has wanted to do since at least 2003. There being no further discussion, Mayor Staackmann called for the vote. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. DlMaria aye Tr. Gomberg aye Tr. Grear aye Tr. Marcus aye Tr. Thill aye Tr. Toth aye 4 Trustee Marcus then brought forward Resolution 11 -44, Authorizing the Purchase of 4,500 Tons of Roadway Salt for Village Use. He explained that this salt is being purchased through the State of Illinois Joint Purchasing Program. The estimated contract value is $273,465, but since this is a unit price contract, the final contract amount will be based on the actual quantity of salt purchased at a per ton cost of $60.77. Trustee Marcus moved to approve Resolution 11 -44, seconded by Trustee Toth. b. Trustee Grear asked how much salt was left over from last year. Mr. DeMonte said the Village had about 2,000 tons left. He added that the State contract mandates that the Village has to take 80% of it, even if this year's winter is mild. X. D. Trustee Marcus: (continued) ;Milpu#ESbf» RPWnberN2,2011,BOaral Meet uti TRUSTEES' REPORTS (continued) c. Mr. DeMonte said the price is about 77 -cents higher than last year. Trustee Marcus noted that buying it now at this price is much more cost - effective than buying it at top dollar if the Village were to run out of it in the middle of winter. There being no further discussion, Mayor Staackmann called for the vote. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. DiMaria acre Tr. Gomberg safe Tr. Grear aye Tr. Marcus acre Tr. Thill aye Tr. Toth acre 5. Trustee Marcus introduced for a first reading Ordinance 11 -34, Amending Title 5, Chapter 13, Article E, Section 1 of the Municipal Code of the Village of Morton Grove Entitled "Streets and Alleys Designated as One -Way" a. He explained that the Traffic Safety Commission had received a request from the Village to repeal the one -way restriction on the alley a half block south of Dempster Street between Austin and Marmora Avenues. The alley had been restricted to one -way as part of the Special Use Permit for the property at 5925 -45 Dempster (CVS). The signage within the alley had been changed to reflect that it was one -way eastbound, but the Municipal Code was never changed from being one -way westbound (which it had been since 1972). The Traffic Safety Commission was made aware of a letter from a resident describing a collision of the resident's vehicle with the concrete loading dock adjacent to the alley. The Commission recommended eliminating the one -way restriction with special consideration being given to the Special Use Permit and additional signage to be added at the loading dock. Trustee Thill asked why it was a one -way. Mayor Staackmann said he believed it was because of the Special Use for CVS. Trustee Thill suggested that the Village could research the possibility of using temporary speed bumps in the alley, as this would not inconvenience the Police, Fire, or Public Works Departments. They would be removable in the winter for plowing. He also suggested that the resident could try backing into his garage, rather than backing out of the garage, because of the concrete loading dock. c Mayor Staackmann conferred with Corporation Counsel Liston, then informed Trustee Thill that no amendment would need to be made to this ordinance; researching the speed bumps would be a directive to staff. d. Trustee Toth asked if staff could also research affixing large mirrors to the light poles to improve visibility. e. Mayor Staackmann said he believed, from the Board's comments, that staff had a good idea of the type of options to research. He asked that they be prepared to share some recommendations by the time the ordinance comes up for its second reading. The mayor also cautioned the Board, stating that once the Village starts uses speed bumps, it becomes like the parking restrictions in the Metra area.... once started, where you we stop? f. Trustee Grear said that it's not really a "normal" alley, it's more a throughway than other alleys in the Village. Mayor Staackmann said that the alley has become ingress and egress from a commercial parking lot, so Trustee Grear was correct. Mintites bf eptember13,X011 Board lilseYiWWI X. TRUSTEES' REPORTS (continued) D. Trustee Marcus: (continued) Next, Trustee Marcus introduced for a first reading Ordinance 11 -36, Amending Title 5, Chapter 13, Article F, Section 1 Entitled "No Parking Streets" and Title 5, Chapter 13, Article F, Section 2 Entitled "No Parking During Certain Hours" of the Municipal Code of the Village of Morton Grove. This ordinance will allow for on- street parking from 6:30 p.m. to 12:00 p.m, on the west side of Ferris Avenue from a point 130 north of the centerline of Lincoln Avenue to a point 210 feet north of the centerline of Lincoln Avenue, as recommended by the Traffic Safety Commission. The ordinance further resolves a technical issue related to existing parking restrictions in the area, specifically, there are conflicts in the Municipal Code between two different parking restrictions for the same segment of street. There was no discussion on Ordinance 11 -35. Trustee Marcus then brought forward for a first reading Ordinance 11 -36, Amending Title 5, Chapter 13, Article F, Section 1 Entitled "No Parking Streets" and Title 5, Chapter 13, Article F, Section 3 Entitled "Time Limit Parking Zones" of the Municipal Code of the Village of Morton Grove. This ordinance will resolve a technical issue related to on- street parking on both sides of Dempster Street, Trustee Toth asked about the estimated fiscal impact of this ordinance of $2,000. She wondered if it was for signage needed to rectify the situation. Corporation Counsel Liston said that was what it was for. Trustee Marcus next presented Resolution 11 -45, Authorization to Execute a Professional Services Agreement With Automation Engineering, Ltd., for Design Engineering of the Water Distribution Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition ( SCADA) System. Trustee Marcus moved, seconded by Trustee Gomberg, to approve Resolution 11 -45. Trustee Marcus asked Mr. DeMonte to explain this issue. SCADA stands for Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition. The system is key to the automated functioning of the water distribution system. It was first installed in the Village in 1992. This ordinance will authorize updating the hardware. Mr. DeMonte said that, next year, the Village will update the software. The Village's current system is outdated. There being no discussion, Mayor Staackmann called for the vote. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. DiMaria ?L Tr. Gomberg aye Tr. Grear aye Tr. Marcus are Tr. Thili aye Tr. Toth aye Trustee Marcus acknowledged the wonderful participation of the residents and Village staff at yesterday's Patriot Day ceremony, singling out Police Chief Erickson and Fire Chief Friel. He said he was amazed at the number of young people who turned out for the memorable program. He said it was important for them to see our community coming together in all its diversity. D. Trustee Marcus (continued) 10. Trustee Marcus added that he had attended the Interfaith Service at St. Martha's later in the day yesterday, along with Trustee Grears and Gomberg. He thought it was very moving. He said he was very proud of the Village. E. Trustee Thilk 1. Trustee Thill had no official report. He asked that the Flags of Honor be displayed tonight so people could see them. He said he had received a call from a resident who lives on Lincoln Avenue across from the Public Library. This resident was dismayed and did not feel that the "traffic calming" methods on Lincoln Avenue were working. He asked Chief Erickson to tell the assemblage what has been done about this problem. a. Chief Erickson said that the Police Department has received complaints from that neighborhood in November last year and April this year. Enforcement was stepped up in the area at least 200 different times. The police department also has recorded traffic data from the area, and from that learned that over 90% of the traffic in the area goes by at less than 30 mph. The resident is now requesting signage and pedestrian crosswalks, so this has been referred to Village Engineer Chris Tomich. b Trustee Thill said he felt stop signs in the area could result in a number of rear -end collisions. Chief Erickson said the Village Engineer would research it and make a recommendation. c Trustee Marcus said he thought the pedestrian crosswalk signs were mandated by the State. Chief Erickson said they are not mandated. There is some slight controvery because they include the red octagon stop sign, which means traffic must stop when a pedestrian is in the crosswalk. Chief Erickson said there is currently one such sign located at Lincoln and Ferris. Initially, it did cause some confusion, but now drivers are more familiar and comfortable with it. d. Village Administrator Wade said he believe the reason that pedestrian crosswalk sign was in that particular area was because of its proximity to the railroad crossing. He added that putting a stop sign there during rush hour could cause traffic to back up, which would cause more of a problem. He said that traffic engineers have told him that "you can't use stop signs to reduce speed." It's a failed method. Trustee Thill said he was aware of the location Mr. Wade was talking about, but he was referring to a location closer to the Library than the train crossing. Mr. Wade noted that Village has to abide by national standards for the placement of stop signs or traffic signals, by meeting certain "warrants ", and if that's not done properly, the Village risks liability to itself . There was no further discussion on Ordinance 11 -26, F. Trustee Toth: Trustee Toth presented Ordinance 11 -33, Establishing Title 1, Chapter 17 Entitled "Amusement Tax" in the Village of Morton Grove. a. This ordinance will impose a tax of 5% on the admission fee or charge imposed on every amusement patron for the privilege of admission to qualifying amusements. It is projected to generate $25,000 in General Fund revenue to support all municipal services within the Village. Trustee Toth moved to adopt Ordinance 11 -33, seconded by Trustee DiMaria. b. Trustee Thill noted that the ordinance is written addressing "active" amusements and passive" amusements. He said he'd like the Board to consider imposing the tax on all amusements, whether active or passive. He said he had spoken with some of his colleagues about this, and some objected to his idea, saying they didn't want to tax a single business. Trustee Thill said that the ordinance, as it stands, singles out one business. He said that, five years ago, he had suggested taxing health clubs, and was told at that time it couldn't be done. But in this ordinance, certain businesses or types of amusements are exempt. Trustee Thill said he still felt it would be a good idea to tax video games, health clubs, and bowling alleys. He felt that instead of narrowing this tax, the Board should expand it. Precedent has been set with the gas tax and the food and beverage tax. Both were imposed with the idea that they would impact people other than residents only. He added that police and fire services have to be available whether people are here to bowl three games or to go through Fear City's display. He said he just didn't see the equality of the tax. He asked the Board to make this a general tax, covering every "amusement" in the Village. c. Corporation Counsel Liston asked if Trustee Thill was making that a motion to amend the ordinance. He said he was. Trustee DiMaria seconded the motion. Ms. Liston asked if Trustee Thill was amending the ordinance by taking the items listed under "C, #1" of Section 1 -17 -1 "Definitions" and making them item #4 under "A" of that section. Trustee Thill said that was his intent. d. Trustee Toth said if that part was amended, then "A" under Section 1 -17 -2 would also need to be amended, because, for example, bowling alleys don't charge an "admission fee ", so as written, it wouldn't apply. Ms. Liston clarified that Trustees Toth and Thill wanted the wording in Section 1 -17 -2 to read "An amusement tax of five percent (5 %) on the admission or participation fee or charge imposed upon every amusement patron for the privilege of admission to or participation in any amusement in the Village." Both trustees concurred. Trustee Thill amended his motion to amend the ordinance by changing both 1 -17 -1 and 1 -17 -2 as noted by Corporation Counsel. Trustee DiMaria seconded the motion. e. Trustee Grear cautioned that the Board is now considering imposing a tax on existing businesses, whereas the ordinance originally was contemplating taxing a brand new business. He did not think it was right to tax existing businesses just because the Village has a new business in town that it wants to tax. Trustee Thill pointed out that the Village imposed a tax on gas stations, restaurants, and storage facilities. Trustee Grear acknowledged that, but reiterated that he did not agree with this. f. Mayor Staackmann was concerned about the Board revamping the ordinance and voting on it without a second reading (of the revamped ordinance) and without giving the businesses potentially impacted a chance to weigh in on the matter. He strongly encouraged the Board to take that into consideration. Trustee Grear agreed. He felt people should have an opportunity to address this issue. _ minutes 0f.SePtBT11b0eI320112oarAdJ& tj4 X. TRUSTEES' REPORTS (continued) F. Trustee Toth: (continued) Mayor Staackmann called for the vote on the motion to amend the ordinance. Motion failed: 2 ayes, 4 nays. Tr. DiMaria AYe Tr. Gomberg nay Tr. Grear nay Tr. Marcus nay Tr. Thill ave Tr. Toth nay 9 Under discussion of the motion to adopt this ordinance, Trustee Marcus thanked staff and Corporation Counsel for their hard work on this ordinance. He said this wasn't an easy issue, because of the "grey" areas in it. Singling out one business versus including all of them. He was very concerned about small businesses in Morton Grove. These have been difficult times for the Village's small businesses, and he did not feel it was right to add another tax burden to businesses. He said he has concluded he cannot support this ordinance and will vote "no ". Mayor Staackmann called for the vote on the motion to adopt Ordinance 11 -33. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. DiMaria ave Tr. Gomberg ave Tr. Grear ave Tr. Marcus nav Tr. Thill ave Tr. Toth aye XI. OTHER BUSINESS Trustee Grear thanked Deputy Clerk Sneider for stepping in to handle the duties of Clerk at this evening's meeting. He also complimented Trustee Marcus for doing a fabulous job at yesterday's Patriot Day ceremony. X11, WARRANTS Trustee Toth presented the Warrant Register for August 22, 2011 in the amount of $1,031,439.58. She moved to accept the Warrants, seconded by Trustee Marcus. Trustee Thill had several questions which were answered by Finance Director Ryan Horne. There being no further discussion, Mayor Staackmann called for the vote on the Warrant Register for August 22, 2011. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. DiMaria aerie Tr. Gomberg aye Tr. Grear ave Tr. Marcus ave Tr. Thill aye Tr. Toth aye Trustee Toth then presented the Warrant Register for September 12, 2011 in the amount of $931,271.59. She moved to accept the Warrants, seconded by Trustee Thill. Trustee Thill had several questions which were answered by Finance Director Ryan Horne. There being no further discussion, Mayor Staackmann called for the vote on the Warrant Register for August 22, 2011. Motion passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 abstain. Tr. DiMaria abstain Tr. Gomberg ave Tr. Grear ave Tr. Marcus ave Tr. Thill ave Tr. Toth aye 10 '�` "` �IIIinWtesaofa5epiember '��D9��.osrd�Yli�j Xlll. RESIDENTS' COMMENTS Mike Daly, 7542 Lyons. Mr. Daly, a 40 -year resident, was asking for the Board's help to resolve a situation he's concerned about. He said that Public Works always does a great job, but he felt that Commonwealth Edison is not doing what it's supposed to, especially when it comes to cutting the grass under their wires. They leave grass cuttings all over and it just looks messy and sloppy. This isn't all over, it's only at the area near Ozark and Washington. Mr. Daly said that he has spoken with several managers at ComEd over the last couple of years who have actually come out and looked at what he's referring to, and have agreed it was an eyesore. But it's at the point now where the ComEd official is encouraging Mr. Daly to have the Village lend its voice to hopefully get the problem resolved. He brought pictures of the area that he had taken and distributed them to the Board. Mayor Staackmann said that he would direct staff to compose a letter to ComEd, and asked Mr. Daly to provide Village Administrator Wade with his name and address so that he could be copied on the Village's correspondence. 2. Janice Cha. Mrs. Cha, a member of the Community Relations Commission, gave an update on the Commission's 7 Wonders of Morton Grove" project. As of this past Friday, 20 "wonders" have been nominated. The Commission is hoping to receive 100 nomination forms. The forms can be downloaded from the Village's website, or they're available at the Library and at Village Hall, and would soon also be available at the Civic Center and Prairie View Center. Wonders that have been nominated to date include Village Hall, the Civic Center, the Centennial Gazebo, the Doughboy Statue, Produced World, TAVA, the Morton Grove Public Library, the Community Garden at the Library, the Forest Preserves, the Morton Grove Prairie, the Harrer Pool Waterslide, Simkins Funeral Home, and St. Martha's Small Church. Mrs. Cha encouraged everyone to submit a nomination, noting the deadline (September 30) is fast approaching! XIV. ADJOURNMENT/EXECUTIVE SESSION Trustee Marcus moved to adjourn the Meeting. Trustee Thill seconded the motion. Motion passed: 6 ayes 0 nays Tr. DiMaria aye Tr. Gornberg ave Tr. Marcus ave Tr. Thill aye The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. Tr. Grear ave Tr. Toth aye 11 PASSED this 26th day of September, 2011, Trustee DiMaria Trustee Gomberg Trustee Grear Trustee Marcus Trustee Thill Trustee Toth APPROVED by me this 26th day of September, 2011. Daniel J. Staackmann, Village President Board of Trustees, Morton Grove, Illinois APPROVED and FILED in my office this 27th day of September, 2011. Tony S. Kalogerakos, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove, Cook County, Illinois Minut0'Af "September 12 2014 SD&4, Meetnig„ Mlnotesoy: Teresa eOUAar 12 Village ! Morton Gro WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove is committed to ensuring the safety and security of all those living in and visiting our community; and WHEREAS, fire is a serious public safety concern both locally and nationally, and homes are the locations where people are at greatest risk from fire; and WHEREAS, home fires killed more than 2,500 people in the United States in 2009, according to the latest research from the nonprofit National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), and fire departments in the United States responded to more than 360,000 home fires; and WHEREAS, Morton Grove's first responders are dedicated to reducing the occurrence of home fires and home fire injuries through prevention and protection education; and WHEREAS, Morton Grove's residents are responsive to public education measures and are able to take personal steps to increase their safety from fire, especially in their homes; and WHEREAS, the 2011 Fire Prevention Week theme, "It's Fire Prevention Week. Protect your Family from Fire! effectively serves to remind us all of the simple actions we can take to keep our homes and families safe from fire during Fire Prevention Week and year - round. THEREFORE, I Daniel j. Staackmann, Mayor of the Village of Morton Grove do hereby proclaim October 9 -15, 2011 as FIRE PREVENTION WEEK throughout this village, and I urge all the people of Morton Grove to protect their homes and I amilies by heeding the important safety messages of Fire Prevention Week 2011, and to support the many public safety activities and efforts of Morton Groves fire and emergency services. Daniel j. Staackmann, Mayor illage of Morton Grove Whereas, the vitality of Morton Grove depends on how safe we keep our homes, neighborhoods, schools, workplaces, and communities; and Whereas, crime and fear of crime destroys trust in others and in civic institutions, threatening a community's health, prosperity, and quality of lire; and Whereas, people of all ages must be made aware of what they can do to prevent themselves and their families, neighbors, and co- workers from being harmed by crime; and Whereas, the personal injury, financial loss, and community deterioration resulting from crime are intolerable and require investment from the whole community; and Whereas, crime prevention initiatives must include self - protection and security, but they must also go beyond these to promote collaborative efforts to make neighborhoods safer for all ages and to develop positive opportunities for young people; and Whereas, effective crime prevention excels because of partnerships with law enforcement, other government agencies, civic groups, schools, faith communities, businesses. and individuals as they help to nurture communal responsibility and instill pride. NOW, THEREFORE, I, Daniel J. Staackmann, Mayor of the Village of Morton Grove, Illinois, do hereby proclaim the month of October 2011, as CRIME PREVENTION MONTH in Morton Grove and urge all citizens, government agencies, public and private institutions, as well as businesses to invest in the power of prevention and work together to make Morton Grove, Illinois a safer, stronger and more caring community. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the seal rove. Daniel J. Staackmann, Village President Legislative Summary — -- ._ - -� -- Ordinance 11 -34 — - -- —� AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 5, CHAPTER 13, ARTICLE E, SECTION I ENTITLED "STREETS AND ALLEYS DESIGNATED AS ONE -WAY" OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE VILLAGE Introduced Objective Purpose Background Programs, Departs or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact Source of Funds Workload Impact Admin Recommend Second Reading Special Considerations or Requirements September 12, 201 1 To amend Title 5, Chapter 13, Article E, Section I Entitled "Streets and Alleys Designated as One -Way" intersections within the Dempster Street corridor. To encourage two -way traffic to use the alleys to access rear parking of businesses and signalized intersections within the Dempster Street corridor. The Traffic Safety Commission received a request from Village staff to repeal the one -way restriction on the alley one -half block south of Dempster Street between Austin Avenue and Marmora Avenue. The Traffic Safety Commission recalled the Special Use Permit for the property at 5925- 5945 Dempster Street which stipulates the alley one -half block south of Dempster Street between Austin Avenue and Mannora Avenue be made one -way eastbound. The signage within this alley was changed to restrict traffic to one -way eastbound, but the Municipal Code was never changed from the one -way westbound restriction enacted by Ordinance in 1972. The Traffic Safety Commission was made aware of a letter from a resident describing a collision of the resident's vehicle with the concrete loading dock adjacent to the alley. The Traffic Safety Commission recommends eliminating the one -way restriction with special consideration hcing given to the Special Use Permit and additional signageto be added at the loading dock. Public Works, Engineering Division No fiscal impact N/A None. Approval as presented. Required — Municipal Code Change N/A Respectfully submitted: d , /L Reviewed —�sepW de, Village Administrator � Prepared by: �— Reviewed by: Chris Tomich, Village Engineer Teresa Works Liston, Corporation Counsel AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND TITLE 5, CHAPTER 13, ARTICLE E, SECTION 1 ENTITLED "STREETS AND ALLEYS DESIGNA'FED AS ONE -WAY" OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (Villa(ye), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt: and WHEREAS, the Village established the Traffic Safety Commission to receive, review, and present recommendations to the President and Board of Trustees regarding requests or inquiries on matters involving traffic safety, including requests for installation of traffic control devices; and WHEREAS, the Traffic Safety Commission received a request from Village staff to repeal the one -way restriction on the alley one -half block south of Dempster Street between Austin Avenue and Marmora Avenue to encourage two -way traffic to use the alleys to access rear parking of businesses and signalized intersections within the Dempster Street corridor; and WHEREAS, the Traffic Safety Commission, at its regularly scheduled meeting on August 4, 2011, at 7:30 pm at the Richard T. Flickinger Municipal Center, considered the above referenced request; and WHEREAS, notifications of the meetings were sent to residents in the area; and WHEREAS, the Traffic Safety Commission discussed the Ordinance 0 1 -60 which granted a Special Use Permit to the property at 5925 -5945 Dempster Street with the stipulation the alley one -half block south of Dempster Street between Austin Avenue and Marmora Avenue be made one -way eastbound: and WHEREAS, the signage within this alley was changed to restrict traffic to one -way eastbound, but the Municipal Code was never changed from the one -way westbound restriction enacted by Ordinance in 1972: and WHEREAS, Village staff has determined the Village is not bound by conditions and restrictions placed upon the Owner, Lessee, Occupant and Users in the Special Use Permit granted in Ordinance 01- 60;and WHEREAS, the Traffic Safety Commission was made aware of a letter from a resident describing a collision of the resident's vehicle with the concrete loading dock adjacent to the alley; and WHEREAS, the Traffic Safety Commission recommends eliminating the one -way restriction with special consideration being given to the Special Use Permit and additional signage to be added at the loading dock. WHEREAS, the Village President and Board of "Trustees have determined it is in the best interest of the Village to eliminate the one -way restriction on the alley one -half block south of Dempster Street between Austin Avenue and Marmora Avenue to encourage two -way traffic to use the alleys to access the rear parking of businesses and signalized intersections within the Dempster Street corridor and to advise the property owner at 5925 -5945 Dempster Street of the poor visibility of the concrete loading dock on their property adjacent to the Village's alley. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUN'T'Y, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Ordinance as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2: Title 5, Chapter 13, Article E, Section I Entitled "Streets and Alleys Designated as One. Way" is hereby amended to delete the following restriction: 5- 13E -1: STREETS AND ALLEYS DESIGNATED AS ONE -WAY: The following streets and alleys are designed as one -way streets and alleys: Street Between Direction Alley /Z block south of Dempster Street Austin Avenue and Marmora Avenue 1 Westbound SECTION 3: The Director of Public Works and/or his designee is hereby authorized and directed to remove any conflicting signs and erect such signs as detailed in this Ordinance. SECTION 4: The Village Engineer is hereby directed to contact the property owner of 5925- 5945 Dempster Street to advise the property owner of limited visibility of the concrete load dock and to request the property owner add warning signage that will effectively demarcate the fixed object adjacent to the travelled way. SECTION 5: This ordinance shall be communicated to residents and businesses adjacent to the alley via a letter, which shall be received as evidence of the passage and legal publication of this Ordinance. SECTION 6: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its approval and publication. PASSED THIS 26 "h day ofSepte.mber 2011 Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee DiMaria Gomberg Grear Marcus Thil l Toth APPROVED BY ME THIS 26 "' day of September 2011 Daniel J. Staackmann, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois ATTESTED and FILED in my office This 27'h day of September 2011. Pony S. Kalogerakos, Village Clerk Villag,-; of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois Legislative Summary Ordinance 11 -35 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND TITLE. 5, CHAPTER 13, ARTICLE F, SECTION I ENTITLED "NO PARKING STREETS" AND TITLE 5, CHAPTER 13, ARTICLE F, SECTION 2 ENTITLED "NO PARKING DURING CERTAIN HOURS" OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE Introduced September 12, 201 1 Objective To amend Title 5, Chapter 13, Article F, Section I Entitled "No Parkin, Streets" and Title 51 Chapter 13, Article F, Section 2 Entitled "No Parking During Certain Hours" Purpose To change the parking restrictions on Ferris Avenue to allow parking on the west side of Ferris Avenue during off-peak hours near its intersection with Lincoln Avenue. Background The Traffic Safety Commission received a request to establish parking restrictions on Ferris Avenue between Lincoln Avenue and Capulina Avenue to allow on- street parking dwring off - peak travel times on Ferris Avenue to provide additional parking for residents and a business. Village staff found technical deficiencies in the parking restrictions on both sides of Ferris Avenue during an investigation of the existing parking restrictions. The Traffic Safety Commission recommends amending the parking restrictions to allow parking from 6:30 pm to 12:00 pm on the west side of Ferris Avenue from a point 130 feet north of the centerline of Lincoln Avenue to a point 210 feet north of the centerline of Lincoln Avenue, The Traffic Safety Commission also recommends the Village Engineer work directly with the Village Board to resolve technical issues related to parking restrictions. There is a technical deficiency in the Municipal Code regarding parking on the east side of Ferris Avenue near Lincoln Avenue. The Municipal Code has a parking restriction which does not allow parking on the east side of Ferris Avenue within 190 feet of Lincoln Avenue. The Municipal Code also has a Zone 5 parking restriction on the east side of Ferris Avenue between 125 feet north of Lincoln Avenue to Capulina Avenue. The conflicts exist for the segment between 125 feet and 190 feet north of Lincoln Avenue. It is clear from the constructed improvements on Ferris Avenue, the Village intends to have Zone 5 parking on the east side of Ferris Avenue to a point 125 feet north of the centerline of Lincoln Avenue. Programs, Departs Public Works, Engineering Division or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact No fiscal impact Source of Funds N/A Workload Impact one Admin Recommend Approval as presented. Second Reading Required — Municipal Code Change Special N/A Considerations or Requirements Respectfully submitted: Reviewed by: Joseph F.. W de, Village Administrator A d }v De ire, Director Public Works p f'� Prepared by: e. , p Reviewed by: w Chris Tomich, Village Engineer Teresa Pto maiiListon, Corporation Counsel ORDINANCE 11 -35 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND TITLE 5, CHAPTER 13, ARTICLE F, SECTION l ENTITLED "NO PARKING STREETS" AND TITLE 5, CHAPTER 13, ARTICLE F, SECTION 2 ENTITLED "NO PARKING DURING CERTAIN HOURS" OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (Village), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WPfEREAS, the Village established the Traffic Safety Commission receive, review, and present recommendations to the President and Board of Trustees regarding requests or inquiries on matters involving traffic safety, including requests for installation oftraffic control devices; and WHEREAS, the Traffic Safety Commission received a request to establish parking restrictions on Ferris Avenue between Lincoln Avenue and Capulina Avenue to allow on- street parking during off- peak travel times on Ferris Avenue which would provide additional parking for residents and a business; and WHEREAS, the "Lincoln Avenue and Ferris Avenue Roadway Improvements" is a capital project of the Village of Morton Grove, which included geometric changes to Ferris Avenue at its intersection with Lincoln Avenue with the intention to eliminate on- street parking within the intersection channelization area; and WHEREAS, technical deficiencies in the parking restrictions on both sides of Ferris Avenue were identified by Village staff during an investigation of the existing parking restrictions related to the request for different parking restrictions; and WHEREAS, the 'T'raffic Safety Commission, at regularly scheduled meetings held at 7:30 pm on May 5, 2011; June 2, 201 1; and September 1, 2011, at the Richard T. Flickinger Municipal Center, considered the above referenced request; and WHEREAS, notifications of the meetings were sent to residents in the area; and WHEREAS, the Traffic Safety Commission recommends the Village amend the parking restrictions to allow parking from 6:30 pm to 12:00 pm on the west side of Ferris Avenue from a point 150 feet north of the centerline of Lincoln Avenue to a point 240 feet north of the centerline of Lincoln Avenue; and WHEREAS, the Traffic Safety Commission further recommends the Village Engineer work directly with the Village Board to resolve technical issues related to parking restrictions; and WHEREAS, Title 5, Chapter 13, Article F, Section I Entitled "No Parking Streets" of the Municipal Code prohibits parking on the east side of Ferris Avenue from the centerline of Lincoln Avenue to a point 190 feet north of the centerline of Lincoln Avenue: and WHEREAS, Title 5, Chapter 13, Article F, Section 4A -5 Entitled "Restricted Parking Streets" of the Municipal Code restricts parking on the east side of Ferris Avenue from a point 125 feet north of the centerline of Lincoln Avenue to the centerline of Henning Court to 90 minutes from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm daily, except Saturday, Sunday and holidays, except for vehicles displaying a Zone 5 special parking permit; and WHEREAS, the constructed improvements mark the on- street parking spaces in a manner consistent with the Zone 5 parking restrictions prescribed in Title 5, Chapter 13, Article F. Section 4A- 5 Entitled "Restricted Parking Streets" ofthe Municipal Code. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Ordinance as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2: Title 5, Chapter 13, Article F. Section l Entitled "No Parking Streets' is hereby amended to delete the following restrictions: 5- 13F -1: NO PARKING STREETS: There shall be no parking at any time on any of the following. The Director of Public Works or his designee shall place "no parking" signs in or at suitable places within the no parking zones as herein established. Street Between Side of Street Ferris Avenue Lincoln Avenue and a point 75 West feet north of the centerline of Lincoln Avenue Ferris Avenue Lincoln Avenue and a point 190 East feet north of the centerline of Lincoln Avenue SECTION 3: Title 5, Chapter 13, Article F, Section I Entitled "No Parking Streets" is hereby amended to add the following restrictions: 5- 13F -1: NO PARKING STREETS: There shall be no parking at any time on any of the following. The Director of Public Works or his designee shall place "no parking" signs in or at suitable places within the no parking zones as herein established. Street Between Side of Street Ferris Avenue Lincoln Avenue and a point 150 West feet north of the centerline of Lincoln Avenue Ferris Avenue A point 240 feet north of the West centerline of Lincoln Avenue to a point 395 feet north of the centerline of Lincoln Avenue Ferris Avenue Lincoln Avenue and a point 125 East feet north of the centerline of Lincoln Avenue SECTION 4: Title 5, Chapter 13, Article F, Section 2 Entitled "No Parking During Certain Hours" is hereby amended to add the following restriction: 5- 1317-2: NO PARKING DURING CERTAIN HOURS: There shall be no parking at the times listed below on any of the following streets: and the Director of Public Works or his designee shall place "no parking" signs in or at suitable places within the no parking zones herein established which specify the parking restrictions herein established: Street Between Side of Street Date and Time Ferris Avenue A point 150 feet north of the West 90 minute parking from centerline of Lincoln Avenue 8:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. to a point 240 feet north of the daily except Saturday, centerline of Lincoln Avenue Sunday and holidays SECTION 5: The Director of Public Works and /or his designee is hereby authorized and directed to remove any conflicting signs and erect such signs as detailed in this Ordinance. SECTION 6: This ordinance shall be communicated to residents adjacent to the parking restrictions via a letter, which shall be received as evidence of the passage and legal publication of this Ordinance. SECTION 7: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its approval and publication. PASSED THIS 26 °i day of September 2011 Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee DiMaria Gomberg Grear Marcus Thi ll Trustee Toth APPROVED BY ME THIS 26`x' day of September 201 I Daniel J. Staackmann, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois ATTESTED and FILED in my office This 27 °i day of September 201 1. Tony S. Kalogerakos, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois Legislative Summary — -- Ordinance 11 -36- - -- -� AN ORDINANCE. TO AMEND TITLE 5, CHAPTER 13, ARTICLE F SECTION I ENTITLED "NO PARKING STREETS" AND TITLE 5, CHAPTER 13, ARTICLE F SECTION 3 ENTITLED "TIME LIMIT PARKING ZONES" OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE Introduced Objective Purpose Background Programs, Departs or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact Source of Funds Workload Impact Admin Recommend Second Reading Special Considerations or I Requirements September 12, 2011 To amend Title 5, Chapter 13, Article F, Section I entitled "No Parking Streets" and Title 5, Chapter 13, Article F, Section 3 entitled "Time Limit Parking Zones" of the Municipal Code To add parking restrictions on both sides of Dempster Street within the Village limits. The Village has an agreement with the Illinois Department of Transportation to prohibit parking on both sides of Dempster Street between Ferris Avenue and Central Avenue as a condition of proceeding with the construction improvements on Dempster Street. The construction improvements on Dempster Street between Ferris Avenue and Central Avenue are substantially complete. The roadway facility on Dempster Street within the Village limits are intended to not accommodate on- street parking, but the Municipal Code does not prohibit parking on all segments of Dempster Street within the Village limits. The Traffic Safety Commission reviewed a request from Village staff to recommend how to address technical deficiencies in parking restrictions such as the matter of restricting parking on both sides of Dempster Street within the Villagc. The Traffic Safety Commission recommended the Village Engineer work with the Village Board to make amendments to the Municipal Code to eliminate technical deficiencies in parking restrictions. Public Works $2,000 (estimated) General Fund Account Number 305060 - 553300 None. Approval as presented. Required - MmIicipal Code Change None Respectfully submitted: (, fd� _ Reviewed by: loser) F. W de, Village Administrator q C Prepared by: Reviewed by: Chris Tomich, Village Engineer T( Public Works Corporation Counsel ORDINANCE 11 -36 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND TITLE 5, CHAPTER 13, ARTICLE F SECTION 1 ENTITLED "NO PARKING STREETS" AND TITLE 5, CHAPTER 13, ARTICLE F SECTION 3 ENTITLED "TIME, LIMIT PARKING ZONES" OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (Village), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, the Village has an agreement with the Illinois Department of Transportation to prohibit parking on both sides of Dempster Street between Ferris Avenue and Central Avenue as a condition of proceeding with the construction improvements on Dempster Street; and WHEREAS, the construction improvements are substantially complete; and WHEREAS, the roadway facility on Dempster Street within the Village limits are intended to not accommodate on- street parking; and WHEREAS, the Municipal Code does not prohibit parking on all segements of Dempster Street within the Village limits; WHEREAS, the Village established the Traffic Safety Commission to receive, review, and present recommendations to the President and Board of Trustees regarding requests or inquiries on matters involving traffic safety, including requests for installation of traffic control devices; and WHEREAS, the Traffic Safety Commission reviewed a request from Village staff to recommend how to address technical deficiencies in parking restrictions such as the matter of� restricting parking on both sides of Dempster Street within the Village; and WHEREAS, the Traffic Safety Commission, at its regularly scheduled meetings on September 1, 2011 at 7:30 pm at the Richard T. Flickinger Municipal Center, considered the above referenced request; and WHEREAS, the Traffic Safety Commission recommended the Village Engineer work with the Village Board to make amendments to the Municipal Code to eliminate technical deficiencies in parking restrictions; and WHEREAS, the Village Board of Trustees believe the best interest of the Village of Morton Grove will be served by amending the Municipal Code as set forth herein to add a parking restriction prohibiting parking on both sides of Dempster Street within the Village and to delete any and all existing parking restrictions that would be in conflict with the additional restriction. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF ]MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Ordinance as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2: The following provisions are added to Municipal Code TITLE 5, CHAPTER 13, ARTICLE F SECTION 1 ENTITLED "NO PARKING STREETS ": Street Between Side of Street Dempster Street Within the Village limits 130111 SECTION 3: 'file following provisions are deleted from Municipal Code TITLE 5, CHAPTER 13, ARTICLE F SECTION I ENTITLED "NO PARKING STREETS": Street Between Side of Street Dempster Street Shermer Road and Harlem Avenue North Dempster Street East line of Elmore Street to the west line of Osceola Avenue Dempster Street Central Avenue and a point 334 feet west of the South centerline of Central Avenue Dempster Street A point 1-58 feet west of Menard Avenue to the South centerline of Menard Avenue Dempster Street Ferris Avenue and Central Avenue North SECFION 4: The following provisions are deleted from Municipal Code TITLE 5, CHAPTER 13, ARTICLE F SECTION 3 ENTITLED `TIME LIMIT PARKING ZONES " Subsection A: Two Hour Parking: Side Of Sti -eet Between Street Day And Time Dempster Street Callie and Central, except as otherwise South At all times posted SECTION 5: The Director of Public Works is hereby authorized and directed to remove any conflicting signs and erect such signs as detailed in this Ordinance. SECTION 6: This ordinance shall be communicated to businesses adjacent to the parking restrictions via a letter, which shall be received as evidence of the passage and legal publication of this Ordinance. SECTION 7: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its approval and publication. PASSED THIS 26`x' day of SEPTEMBER 2011 Trustee DiMaria Trustee Gomberg Trustee Grear Trustee Marcus Trustee Thill Trustee Toth APPROVED BY ME THIS 26`' day of SEPTEMBER 2011 Daniel. Staackmann, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois ATTESTED and FILED in my office This 27 °i day of SEPTEMBER 2011 Tony S. Kalogerakos, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois L.eLFislative Summary Resolution I1 -46 APPROVING AN AGREEMENT FOR ACCESS TO COOL{ COUNTY GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM DATA Introduced: September 26, 201 1 Synopsis: To approve an agreement with Cool< County to gain access to the County geographic information systems at no cost to the Village. Purpose: To enhance cooperation and sharing of information between Cook County and the Village. Background: The Village maintains a geographic information system to manage many aspects of Village operations. Cook County also maintains a geographic information system which contains similar and additional pieces of data. It would therefore benefit the Village to have access to Cool( County's data. Cooperation between and among governmental agencies and entities through intergovernmental agreements is authorized and encouraged by the Illinois Constitution of 1 970 and by the Intergovernmental Cooperation Act. Cook County is willing to share the data at no cost to the Village, but reb dates the use and distribution of the data through an intergovernmental agreement process. The Village executed this same agreement in 2010. I Programs, Departments Public Works. or Groups Affected i Fiscal Impact: N/A Source of Funds: N/A i Workload Impact: N/A Administrator Approval as presented. Recommendation: Second Reading: N/A Special Considerations or None Requirements: Respectfully submitted: ",�Ii� rG Itcc Reviewed by: Josh h F. . Wade, Village Administrator Prepared by: Chris Tomich, Village Engineer Reviewed by: Teresa Director Public Worts Liston, Corporation Counsel RESOLUTION 11 -46 APPROVING AN AGREEMENT FOR ACCESS TO COOK COUNTY GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM DATA WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (Village), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt: and WHEREAS.. in the performance of its general governmental responsibilities, the Village is constantly evaluating and accessing information regarding the physical and other attributes within the Village and adjacent to its boundaries; and WHEREAS, the Cook County Assessor's Office has a geographic information system ( "GIS ") database that it is willing to make available to the Village at no cost; and WHEREAS, GIS data sharing with the Cook County Assessor's Office will allow the Village to access GIS data from the Assessor which will facilitate the Village's decision - making process with respect to its management, provision, and maintenance of governmental services; and WHEREAS, cooperation between and among governmental agencies and entities through intergovernmental agreements is authorized and encouraged by Article VII, Section 10 of the Illinois Constitution of 1970 and by the Intergovernmental Cooperation Act, 5 II,CS 220/1 el seq.; and WHEREAS, the Village and the Cook County Assessor have negotiated an Agreement for Access to the Cook County Geographic Information System in substantial conformity to the form attached to this Resolution as Exhibit A (the "Intergovernmental Agreement"): NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WI IEREAS clauses into this Resolution as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2: The Village Board of Trustees hereby approves the hntergovernmental Agreement in substantial conformity to the form attached as Exhibit "A ": provided that Village Administrator and Director of Public Works, in consultation with the Village Attorney, are authorized to finalize the Intergovernmental Agreement. Once finalized, the Village President or Village Administrator is authorized to execute the Intergovernmental Agreement and any other necessary documents required within the attached Intergovernmental Agreement on behalf of the Village. SECTION 3: This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and upon its passage and approval. PASSED THIS 26 °i DAY OF SEPTEMBER 2011. Trustee DiMaria Trustee Gomberg Trustee Grear Trustee Marcus Trustee Thill Trustee Toth APPROVED BY ME THIS 26`x' DAY OF SEPTEMBER 2011 ATTESTED and FILED in my office This 27`' day of SEPTEMBER 2011 Tony S. Kalogerakos, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois Daniel J. Staaclanarm, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois ® The Geographic Information System Consortium CfltlSOft6UY4i www.GISConsortium oro 2011 Cook County Assessor Data Request The request for GIS data from Cook County has been separated into two independent requests. The second request is for assessor data from Cook County, which is included below. The first is the request for vector data. This page gives directions for GISC member communities to make the request for assessor data. Please keep this page for reference. Community Name: Day (numeric): Month: Year: Morton Grove 27 September 2011 Authorized requestors name: Joseph F. wade Authorized requestors title: village Administrator Authorized requestors phone number: _$47- 663 -3001 Authorized requestors fax number: 847-965-4162 Authorized requestors e-mail address: jwadeCmortongroveil oro Directions: 1. Please complete the fields above. The following pages will automatically populate the required information in the necessary locations. Please note that the authorized requestor is typically the city or village manager. 2. Print pages 1 through 16 of the PDF. 3. Complete the appropriate signatures on the numbered pages four (4), and six (6) through (13). 4. The agreement requires a community resolution be passed before the data agreement will be accepted. If you need an example of a resolution, please contact Jim Gorny (iaornvC�m�pinc com). We have found that using the same resolution content of previous years has been successful. Include a copy of your community's passed resolution with the printed pages. 5. Print pages seventeen (17) and eighteen (18) of the PDF on your community's letterhead, have the authorized requestor sign it, and include it with the printed pages from step two and signed in step three. 6. Mail the entire packet to: Dominick Spalla Manager of incentives Cook County Assessor's Office 118 N. Clark Street Room 301 Chicago, IL 60602 7. Once sent, please e -mail Jim Gorny (iaomy( @mepinc com) that the assessor data request has been completed and sent so that all requests from the GIS Consortium can be coordinated into a single delivery from the county. Creating Value through Collaboration AGREEMENT FOR ACCESS TO GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM This AGREEMENT is entered into as of the 2? day of sepcember 20 zi , by and between Morton Grove ( "A enc ') and the Cook County Assessor's Office (the "CCAO "). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the CCAO has developed a Geographic Information System (the "GIS ") consisting of cadastral data, planimetric data, assessment data, property hmages, digital orthophotography (aerial photos) and other data (collectively, such images, photos and data, "Assessor Data "); WHEREAS, portions of the GIS, and the related data dictionary, are copyrighted materials of the CCAO and/or Cook County of the State of Illinois ( "Cook County"); WHEREAS, some of the Assessor Data in the GIS is only available to the public and to conmaercial users for a fee, as permitted by law; WHEREAS, Agency has requested access to and license to use the GIS for use in performing its official functions (as set forth below); WHEREAS, the CCAO in the spirit of cooperation desires to make the GIS available, efficiently and without charge, to Agency for use in perfonming its official functions; and WHEREAS, Agency acknowledges and agrees that access to the GIS and /or Assessor Data is conditioned upon the agreement that access is provided as set forth in this Agreement solely for use in performing the official functions of the Agency, and that any other use, alteration, sale, dissemination, lease or transfer of the GIS and/or Assessor Data by Agency, or by any employee or agent of same, without written consent of the CCAO is strictly prohibited, and shall be deemed to warrant immediate tem- miation of this Agreement, as well as entitle the CCAO to pursue any other remedies to which it is entitled. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants and the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: i • U43 The foregoing recitals are incorporated into and made a part of this Agreement as if fully set forth herein. to the GIS SECTION 2. STATEMENT OF OFFICIAL PURPOSES• RESTRICTIONS ON USE. For purposes of this Agreement, Agency represents and warrants as its official purpose for access to the GIS and Assessor Data as stated in Exhibit A and incorporated herein. Agency agrees that access to the GIS and/or Assessor Data is conditioned upon and provided as set forth in this Agreement solely for its use in performing its official purposes (as described in Exhibit A). Any other use of the GIS or Assessor Data, without express written consent of the CCAO, is strictly prohibited, including the display, sale, transfer, lease, dissemination or lease of the GIS or Assessor Data in any location or inanner in its current form, derivative or altered form, or otherwise. Any such prohibited use shall be deemed to be a breach which warrants immediate termination of tins Agreement. This Section shall survive the temnnation of this Agreement. SECTION 3, INFORIMATION PROVIDED The CCAO agrees to provide Agency access to the GIS and Assessor Data only upon the conditions and based upon the representations and warranties set forth in this Agreement. In order to obtain specific Assessor Data, Agency must request Assessor Data by filing the attached exhibits with the Department of Automation of the CCAO (each such request, an "Information Request"). Each Information Request is subject to approval of the CCAO. SECTION 4. LIMITED LICENSE TO USE Subject to the provisions of this Agreement, the CCAO hereby grants to Agency a non- exclusive, non- transferable license to use the Assessor Data only as specifically provided for in this Agreement. Agency acknowledges that the title, copyright and all other rights to the GIS and Assessor Data remain with the CCAO and/or Cook County. Neither Agency nor any other authorized user shall have any right, title or interest in the GIS or Assessor Data except as expressly described herein. The CCAO reserves the right to withdraw from the GIS and/or Assessor Data any item or part of an item for wlnch it no longer retains ownership rights or which it has reasonable grounds to believe hiffinges copyright or is unlawful or otherwise objectionable. SECTION 5. TERM AND EXTENSION This Agreement is for one year, effective from the date of execution. It will be extended annually for terms of one year each, unless, at least 30 days prior to the expiration of any term, either party notifies the other in writing of its intent not to renew the Agreement. SECTION 6. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES The GIS and the Assessor Data is provided "as is" without any warranty or representation whatsoever, including any representation as to accuracy, timeliness, completeness, infringement of rights of privacy, copyright or trademark rights or disclosure of confidential information. All burdens, including any burden for determining accuracy, completeness, timeliness, merchantability and fitness for or the appropriateness for use, rests solely on Agency and /or the requester. The CCAO and Cook County make no warranties, express or implied, as to the use of the GIS. There are no implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. There is no warranty to update any of the information provided hereunder. THE CCAO AND COOK COUNTY EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES (EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, ORAL OR WRITTEN) RELATING TO THE GIS AND /OR ASSESSOR DATA, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY AND ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF QUALITY, PERFORMANCE, ACCURACY, COMPLETENESS, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR 2 PURPOSE. Agency acknowledges and accepts the limitations of the GIS and the Assessor Data, including the fact that the GIS and Assessor Data are dynamic and are in a constant state of maintenance, correction and update. SECTION 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY AGENCY EXPRESSLY AGREES THAT NO MEMBER, OFFICIAL, EMPLOYEE, REPRESENTATIVE OR AGENT OF THE CCAO OR COOK COUNTY, OR THEIR RESPECTIVE SUCCESSORS, HEIRS OR ASSIGNS, SHALL BE LIABLE, WHETHER INDIVIDUALLY OR PERSONALLY OR OTHERWISE, TO AGENCY OR ANY OTHER PERSON OR ENTITY, OR THEIR RESPECTIVE SUCCESSORS, HEIRS OR ASSIGNS, FOR ANY LOSS OR CLAIM, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, EXEMPLARY OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR LOSS OF GOODWILL DATA OR IN THE EVENT OF ANY DEFAULT OR BREACH BY THE CCAO UNDER THIS AGREEMENT OR ANY INACCURACY OF THE GIS OR ASSESSOR DATA, IN ANY WAY ARISING FROM OR RELATING TO THIS AGREEMENT OR RESULTING FROM THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE GIS AND /OR ANY ASSESSOR DATA. SECTION 8. AGENCY INDEMNIFICATION. Agency agrees to hold harmless and indemnify the CCAO and Cook County, its commissioners, officers, agents, employees, representatives and affiliates, and their respective heirs, successors and assigns, from and against, and defend, at its own expense (including reasonable attorneys', accountants' and consultants' fees), any suit, claim, action or proceeding brought by any third party against the CCAO, Cook County or any commissioner, officer, agent, employee, representative or affiliate of the CCAO or Cook County arising out of or incident to the performance or nonperformance of this Agreement by CCAO, Cook County, Agency or any other entity. To the extent that the CCAO or Cook County incurs administrative expenses including attorneys' fees during Agency's defense of any claim, Agency shall reimburse the CCAO or Cook County, as appropriate, for all such expenses. The provisions of this Section shall survive the termination of this Agreement. SECTION 9. APPLICABLE LAW. This Agreement shall be interpreted and construed in accordance with, and governed by, the laws of the State of Illinois, excluding any such laws that might direct the application of the laws of another jurisdiction. Venue shall be in a court of competent jurisdiction located within the County of Cook, Illinois. The CCAO and Agency each acknowledge the existence of state and other applicable law defining the duties and responsibilities of each party regarding real estate taxation and other governmental functions. No part of this Agreement has the effect of or is intended to impact any applicable legal duty of either party under existing law, especially the Illinois Property Tax Code, 35 ILCS 200/1 gt sea_ Both parties remain responsible under applicable law for performing all stated duties and responsibilities. 3 SECTION 10. CONFIDENTIALITY Agency acknowledges and agrees that information regarding this Agreement, and portions of the GIS and Assessor Data and other information disclosed hereunder, is confidential and shall not be disclosed, directly, indirectly or by implication, or be used by Agency in any way, whether during the term of this Agreement or any time thereafter, except solely in accordance with the official purposes set forth above. All such Assessor Data and the GIS shall be treated in confidential manner, except as otherwise expressly stated in a written document. SECTION IL MISCELLANEOUS (a) This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior agreements, understandings, negotiations and discussions, whether oral or written, in relation to the matters dealt with herein. There are no representations, warranties, collateral agreements or conditions to this Agreement, except as expressly stated in this Agreement. (b) The section headings are for reference and information purposes only, and shall not affect in any way the meaning or interpretation of this Agreement. References to singular shall include the plural and to plural shall include the singular. References to a person shall include a corporate or government body. Words such as "including" and similar expressions shall not be read as words of limitation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement by their respective authorized representatives as of the date first written above. Michael Stone Chief Deputy Assessor Cools County Assessor's Office Signature: Joseph F. Wade Print Name Title: Village Administrator Agency Name: Morton trove Telephone Number: 847- 663 -3001 Exhibit A: Statement of Official Pnrnose Our community's GIS system holds over 300 feature classes, many of which are supported by county GIS data. This request for county GIS data helps keep our data current, supports our processes of creating and viewing maps, selecting and querying database information, analyzing geographic data, using directly with other community data, deriving additional information, and displaying in community applications. Exhibit B: Assessment Data Morton Grove accordance with the Agreement, dated Assessor's Office (the "CCAO "). (`Agency ") hereby requests access to assessment data in Sept. 27 2011 , between Agency and the Cook County The CCAO has developed a file of assessment data, which is maintained on the Cook County Mainframe. The CCAO will make the file of assessment data available to Agency, subject to the terms and restrictions and limitations as set forth in the Agreement. A data dictionary is available upon request. Agency requests assessment data based on the following geographic area (select area by completing one of the blanks below): ❑ Tax Codes: @� Municipality: Morton Grove with a one mile buffer ❑ Permanent Index Number range: Attach additional sheet if necessary ❑ Township: Requested by Name: Joseph F. Wade Signature: Date: Sept. 27 2011 3 Exhibit C: Property Images Morton Grove ( "Agency") hereby requests access to property images in _ accordance with the Agreement, dated Sept. 27 2011, between Agency and the Cook County Assessor's Office (the "CCAO "). The CCAO has developed a computerized database of property images. The CCAO will make this computerized database of property images available to Agency in JPEG format, subject to the terms and restrictions and limitations as set forth in the Agreement. In addition to the property images, the CCAO will provide a file containing Permanent Index Number(s), property image capture date, and a list of Permanent Index Number(s) that have no property image assigned. A data dictionary is available upon request. Agency requests assessment data based on the following geographic area (select area by completing one of the blanks below): ❑ Permanent Index Number range: Attach additional sheet if necessary ❑ Municipality: ❑ Year 1998 Photos ❑ Year 2007 Photos Not requested Requested by Name: Joseph F. Wade Signature: Date: Sept. 27 2011 Exhibit D: Digital Orthonhoto ranhv (Aerial Photos) Morton Grove ( " AaenC ��') hereby requests access to digital orthophotography (aerial photos) in accordance with the Agreement, dated sept. 27 2011 between Agency and the Cook County Assessor's Office (the "CCAO") The CCAO has developed a computerized database of digital orthophotography (aerial photos). The computerized database of digital orthophotography for Cook County contains 4,486 tiles. The CCAO will make the computerized database of digital orthophotography available to Agency, subject to the terms and restrictions and limitations as set forth in the Agreement. The digital orthophotgraphy will be provided in .tif or .sid format. In addition to the digital orthophotography, the CCAO will provide a shapefile containing an index of all the tiles for Cook County. Metadata is available upon request. Agency requests assessment data based on the following geographic area (select area by completing one of the blanks below): ❑ Municipality: ❑ Township: ❑ Year 1998 Photos ❑ Year 2003 Photos Reguested by Name: Joseph F. Wade Signature: Date: 27 2 Not requested Exhibit E: Planimetric data Morton Grove ( "Acetic v ") hereby requests access to planimetric data in accordance with the Agreement, dated Sept. 27 2011 between Agency and the Cook County Assessor's Office (the "CCAO "). The CCAO has developed a computerized database of geographic information system (GIS). This computerized database consists of both planimetric data and cadastral data. The CCAO will make the computerized database of planimetric data available to Agency, subject to the terns and restrictions and limitations as set forth in the Agreement. The planimetric data is maintained using ESRI's ArcGIS software and is in a geodatabase format specific to ESRI's product line. Metadata is available upon request. Agency requests assessment data based on the following geographic area (select area by completing one of the blanks below): ❑ Permanent Index Number range: Attach additional sheet if necessary ❑ Municipality: ❑ Township: Not requested iReauested b® Name: Joseph F. Wade Signature: Date: Sept. 27 2011 I Exhibit R: Cadastral data Morton Grove ( "A gnc ') hereby requests access to cadastral data in accordance with the Agreement, dated Sept. 27 2017, between Agency and the Cook County Assessor's Office (the "CCAO"), The CCAO has developed a computerized database of geographic information system (GIS). This computerized database consists of both planirnetric data and cadastral data. The CCAO will make the computerized database of cadastral data available to Agency, subject to the terms and restrictions and limitations as set forth in the Agency Agreement. The cadastral data is maintained using ESRI's ArcGIS software and is in a geodatabase format specific to ESRI's product line. Metadata is available upon request. Agency requests assessment data based on the following geographic area (select area by completing one of the blanks below): ❑ Permanent Index Number range: Attach additional sheet if necessary ❑ Municipality: ❑ Township: Not requested Iieuuested by Name: Joseph F. Wade Signature: Date: sent. 27 2011 10 Exhibit G: Digital Terrain data Norton Grove _ _ ( "A eme ') hereby requests access to digital terrain data in accordance with the Agreement, dated Sept. 27 2011 between Agency and the Cook County Assessor's Office (the "CCAO "). The CCAO has developed a computerized database of geographic information system (GIS). This computerized database includes digital terrain data, The CCAO will make the computerized database of digital terrain data available to Agency, subject to the terns and restrictions and limitations as set forth in the Agency Agreement. Agency requests assessment data based on the following geographic area (select area by completing one of the blanks below): ❑ Municipality: ❑ Township: Not requested Reuuested by Name: Joseph F. Wade Signature: Date: Sept. 27 2011 II Exhibit I£: Lidar data Morton trove _ ( "A enc ") hereby requests access to iidar data in accordance with the Agreement, dated Sept_ 27 2011 between Agency and the Cook County Assessor's Office (the "CCAO "). The CCAO has developed a computerized database of geographic information system (GIS). This computerized database includes lidar data. The CCAO will make the computerized database of digital terrain data available to Agency, subject to the teens and restrictions and 1nnitations as set forth in the Agency Agreement. Agency requests assessment data based on the following geographic area (select area by completing one of the blanks below): Reuuested by Dame: Sosep] Signature: Date: Sep ❑ Municipality: ❑ Township: F. Wade 27 2011 Not requested 1) Exhibit I: Obligue Aerial Imagery Morton Grove ( "A ene ') hereby requests access to oblique aerial imagery in accordance with the Agreement, dated Sept. 27 2011 , between Agency and the Cook County Assessor's Office (the "CCAO" ). The CCAO has developed a computerized database of geographic information system (GIS). This computerized database includes Oblique Aerial Imagery data. The CCAO will make the computerized database of Oblique Aerial Imagery data available to Agency, subject to the terns and restrictions and limitations as set forth in the Agency Agreement. Agency requests assessment data based on the following geographic area (select area by completing one of the blanks below): ❑ Mug cipality: ❑ Township: Not requested Rea uested by Name: Joseph F. Wade Signature: Date: sent. 27 2011_ 13 YES Sept. 27 2011 Cook County Assessor's Office Attn: Chief Legal Counsel 118 North Clark Street Room 312 Chicago, Illinois 60602 Re: Consultant Letter Inter - Agency Agreement between the Cook County Assessor's Office and Morton Grove ( "Agency "),dated Sept. 27 201.1 Dear Chief Legal Counsel: This letter concerns the agreement listed above (the "Agreement ") and is an acknowledgement by MGP, Inc. ( "Consultant ") of its obligations under the Agreement. Consultant has received and reviewed the Agreement, pursuant to which the Cook County Assessor's Office has agreed to provide certain data to Agency. Consultant wishes to receive such data on behalf of Agency as agent for Agency and agrees at all times to act in accordance with the Agreement, including, but not limited to, the data request procedures described in the Exhibits to the Agreement. Without affecting the liability of Agency under the Agreement, Consultant agrees to indemnify the Cook County Assessor's Office for breaches by Consultant of the Agreement as if Consultant were an original party to the Agreement (replacing the word Agency with Consultant), all in accordance with Section 8 of the Agreement. This letter is being given by Consultant to induce the Cook County Assessor's Office to deliver to Consultant such data or to have such data forwarded to Consultant. Sincerely, Thomas A. Thomey President, MGP, Inc. r� Thomas A. Thomey President, MGP, Inc. Sept. 27 2011 Cook County Assessor's Office Attn: Chief Legal Counsel 118 North Clark Street Room 312 Chicago, Illinois 60602 The Geographic information System Consortium www. GISConsorti um. oro Re: Consultant Letter Inter- Agency Agreement between the Cook County Assessor's Office and Morton Grove ("Agency"), dated Sept. 27 2011 Dear Chief Legal Counsel: This letter concerns the agreement listed above (the "Agreement ") and is an acknowledgement by the GIS Consortium ( "Consultant") of its obligations under the Agreement. Consultant has received and reviewed the Agreement, pursuant to which the Cook County Assessor's Office has agreed to provide certain data to Agency. Consultant wishes to receive such data on behalf of Agency as agent for Agency and agrees at all times to act in accordance with the Agreement, including, but not limited to, the data request procedures described in the Exhibits to the Agreement. Without affecting the liability of Agency under the Agreement, Consultant agrees to indemnify the Cook County Assessor's Office for breaches by Consultant of the Agreement as if Consultant were an original party to the Agreement (replacing the word Agency with Consultant), all in accordance with Section 8 of the Agreement. This letter is being given by Consultant to induce the Cook County Assessor's Office to deliver to Consultant such data or to have such data forwarded to Consultant. Sincerely, .ion Duddles President, GIS Consortium Creating Value through Collaboration Sept. 27 2011 Cook County Assessor's Office Attn: Chief Legal Counsel 118 North Clark Street Room 312 Chicago, Illinois 60602 Re: Agencv Letter Inter - Agency Agreement between the Cook County Assessor's Office and Morton Grove ("Agency") dated Sept. 27 2011 Dear Chief Legal Counsel: This letter concerns the agreement listed above (the "Agreement ") and is a request that either the Cook County Assessor's Office send Assessor Data (as that term is defined in the Agreement) directly to Municipal GIS Partners, Inc, ( "Consultant") or that Agency be allowed to forward Assessor Data to Consultant directly or through one of its agents. Agency hereby authorizes Consultant to act for Agency and in Agency's name with respect to those certain Exhibits attached to the Agreement, including, but not limited to, the completion and execution of such Exhibits. Agency will at all times remain liable under the Agreement and any Exhibits, including, but not limited to, any Exhibits completed and executed by Agency and/or Consultant, subject to the terms of the Agreement. This letter is being written to induce the Cook County Assessor's Office to deliver Assessor Data to Consultant or to grant permission that Agency be allowed to forward Assessor Data to Consultant. Sincerely, Joseph F. Wade Sept. 27 2011 Cook County Assessor's Office Attn: Chief Legal Counsel 118 North Clark Street Room 312 Chicago, Illinois 60602 Re: Cover Letter Inter - Agency Agreement between the Cook County Assessor's Office and Morton Grove ("Agency"), dated Sept. 27 2011 Dear Chief Legal Counsel: Please accept this letter and attachments in consideration of the Inter- Agency Agreement between the Cook County Assessor's Office and the Morton Grove The Morton Grove is a local government within Cook County. I have full authority to act on behalf of the Morton Grove We participate in an organization called the GIS Consortium which was formed in 1998 to help small- and medium -size communities realize the full benefits of Geographic Information Systems (GIS). The GIS Consortium consists of only local government members, of which the majority are located in Cook County. Each community possesses it own hardware and software, and all activities relating to the use of this data are performed under the direct supervision of the communities. Our community's GIS system holds over 300 feature classes, many of which are supported by county GIS data. This request for county GIS data helps keep our data current, and supports our processes of creating and viewing maps, selecting and querying database information, analyzing geographic data, using directly with other community data, deriving additional information, and displaying in community applications. I want to ensure you that the use of this information is limited as required by the county agreements. If you have any additional requirements or questions, please call me at or contact me by email at jwade@mortongroveil.org Sincerely, Joseph F. Wade Legislative Summary Resolution 11 -47 AUTHORIZING THE SA-LE OF SURPLUS PERSONAL PROPERTY OWNED BY THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE Introduced: Synopsis: Purpose: Background: Programs, Departments or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: Source of Funds: Workload Impact: Admin Recommendation: Second Reading: Special Consideration or Requirements: September 26, 2011 This Resolution will authorize the sale of motor vehicles deemed surplus Property, Selling motor vehicles and equipment through the Northwest Municipal Conference nro auction in cooperation with Manheim Auctions, provides for an effective means for the Village to sell surplus vehicles. The Public Works Department in its normal course of business annually reviews vehicle and equipment conditions for all Village departments. After a review by the department some of the equipment is determined to be no longer useful for a variety of reasons; some reasons being but not limited to the cost of maintenance, scheduled for replacement, outdated, or no longer used by Village departments. Ordinance 05 -27 allows the Village to sell surplus motor vehicles pursuant to a resolution approved by simple majority of the Village Board of Trustees. Public Works Department, Police Department, Fire Department, Finance. Funds to be generated by the sale of equipment at auction are unknown at this time. N/A Minimal, delivery of equipment to auction. Approval as presented. Not required None Respectfully submitted:��,C�2 Joseph' . Wage, Village Administrator Prepared by: f 'k X�r Reviewed by: y De Monte, Director of Public Works Teresa Corporation Counsel AUTHORIZING THE SALE BY PUBLIC AUCTION OF PERSONAL PROPERTY OWNED BY THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (VILLAGE)- located in Cool. County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS., Article Vii, Section 10 of the Constitution of the State of Illinois, and Chapter 127, paragraphs 741 -748 of the Illinois Revised Statutes, authorize and encourage intergovernmental cooperation; and WHEREAS, the Northwest Municipal Confcrence, a corporate organization representing municipalities and townships chartered within the State of Illinois and Counties of Cook, Lake, McHenry, Kane, and DuPage, organizes joint municipal auctions of surplus vehicles through Manheim Auctions; and WHEREAS, on or about May 23, 2005, the Corporate Authorities adopted Ordinance 05- 27 which provides 'obsolete or surplus personal property which is, in the opinion of the Finance Director and Village Adrninisirator, no longer necessary or useful to the Village and has an estimated value exceeding $1,000 and all motor vehicles and real property of any value of the Village of Morton Grove shall be sold subject to approval by resolution of a simple rngjoru'v of the Village Board of Trustees "; and WHEREAS, the Finance Director, Village Administrator, and Director of Public Works have deemed the vehicles listed in Exhibit "A" no longer necessary or useful to the Villagee and the Director of Public Works has recommended these vehicles be sold at thejoint municipal auction of surplus vehicles conducted by the Northwest Municipal Conference /Manheim Auctions. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, AND ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: 'The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Resolution as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2: Pursuant to Ordinance 05 -27 of the Village of Morton Grove, the Village President and Board of Trustees for the Village of Morton Grove find the described personal property listed on Exhibit "A" attached hereto, now owned by saidjurisdiction, is no longer necessary or useful to said jurisdiction and said jurisdiction would he best served by the sale of the properties. SECTION 3: The Village Administrator for the Village of Morton Grove is hereby authorized to direct the sale of' the aforementioned personal property at the following Northwest Municipal Conference /Manheinn Auctions scheduled for: 10:00 am Saturday, October 15, 2011 Wheeling Public Works Facility 77 West hIintz Road Wheeling Illinois, 60090 SECTION 4: The Village Administrator is hereby authorized to direct the Northwest Municipal Conference /Manheim Auctions to advertise the sale of the aforementioned personal property through area newspapers, direct mailings, and other channels deemed appropriate prior to the date of said auction. SECTION 5: The Village Administrator is authorized to direct the Northwest Municipal Conference/Manheim Auctions to enter into an agreement for the sale of said property whereby said property is sold at the auction. SECTION 6: No bid shall be accepted for the sale of an item, which is less than the minimum value set forth herein, unless the Viliaae Administrator, and /or his designee so authorizes at the time of the auction. SECTION 7: Upon payment in full of the auctioned price for the aforesaid items of personal property by the highest bidder. t]-,e Village Administrator is authorized to direct the Northwest Municipal Conference /Manheim Auctions to convey and transfer the title and ownership of said personal property to the bidder. SECTION 8: 'This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage. PASSED this 26 °i day of September 2011. Trustee DiMaria Trustee Gomberg Trustee Grear Trustee Marcus Trustee ThiII Trustee Toth APPROVED by me this 26`" day of September 2011. Daniel J. Staackntann, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois APPROVED and PILED in my office this 27`x' day of September 2011. Tony S. Kalogerakos, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois i N N N U1 ti m m O C O a Z oa C ro N u° N U C Y O i v m v m J C cCJ G y v 0 0 � O w C O o C U � 3 � u g aJ m N 'a � c O Z i N N N U1 ti m m O C O a Z oa C ro N u° N U C Y O i v m v m 0 V F O O a y L {V s � N m c ry X D 2 w C C� F Ga° lV o olio 0 0 � c Z Z z Z z Z C a a 1p O a w x N 3. K W tJ C O L N Fn Fn m � m C � � � S � � a u! c -c v io v a p ry m O n m C ( U V l U v > > > w J 4 V � m a o J X000 uwJJ ` 0 V F O O a y L {V s � N m c ry X D 2 w C C� F Ga° lV Legislative Summary Resolution 11 -48 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ANNUAL VETERANS DAY PARADE Introduction: i September 26, 201 1 Synopsis: This resolution will authorize the 2011 Veterans Day Parade to cross Dempster Street at Georgiana, Georgiana to Crain, east on Crain to School, South on School to Lincoln, west on Lincoln to the Morton Grove Public Library and back, from I:00 pin to 3:00 pm on Sunday, November 6, 2011- which will require the closing of Dempster Street, Route 58, either partially or completely at i Georgiana Avenue. Purpose: To authorize the Village President to instruct the Village Engineer to make application through the Illinois Department of Transportation to request the approval of the closing of Dempster Street, Route 58, from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm on Sunday, November 6, 2011, for the Annual Veterans Day Parade Background: The Village of Morton Grove has been conducting Veterans Day Parades for a great deal of time and each year a resolution of this nature is developed authorizing the parade and assuming full responsibility for the direction, protection, and regulation of traffic during the time the detour is in effect and all liabilities for damages of any kind occasioned by the closing of said state route. It is further agreed efficient all- weather detours will be maintained and continuously marked and jurisdictionally police patrolled for the benefit of the traffic deviated from the state route. Programs, Departments Public Works — Placement of barricades and directional information or Groups Affected Police Department— Enforcement and traffic control Fiscal Impact: Overtime associated with above activities. i Source of Funds: j General Fund dollars will be used to support the manpower and equipment costs VVorlcioad Impact: All Village Departments will provide their usual support for this activity Administrator Approval Recommendation: First Reading: None required Special Considerations or None Requirements: Respectfully submitted: Prepared by: ad&Village Administrator Liston, Corporation Counsel RESOLUTION 11 -48 AUTHORIZING THE ANNUAL VETERAN'S DAY PARADE WHEREAS, Morton Grove Post 134 of the American Leion of the Village of Morton Grove desires to hold their annual VETERANS DAY PARADE by crossing Dempster Street, Route 58, at Georgiana, and will proceed down Georgiana to Crain, east on Crain to School, south on School to Lincoln, west on Lincoln to the Morton Grove Public Library and back from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m., on Sunday, November 6, 2009: and WHEREAS, said parade will require the closing of Dempster Street, Route 58, either partially or completely between Fernald Avenue and Austin Avenue; and WHEREAS, the State of Illinois requires the Village of Morton Grove to assume all responsibility and liability involved in the closing of said highway. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED B Y THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The Corporate AuthoritieF do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Resolution as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2: That said Village wil. assume full responsibility for the direction, protection and regulation of traffic du rim.) the time the detour is in effect and all liabilities for damages of any kind occasioned by the closing of said State route. It is further agreed that efficient all weather detours will be maintained, conspicuously marked andjudiciously police patrolled for the benefit of traffic deviated from the State route. SECTION 3: 'This Resolution shall be in full force and effect upon its passage and approval. PASSED TI °IIS 26 "' day of September 2011 Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee DiMaria Gomberg Grear Marcus Thill Toth APPROVED BY ME THIS 26`x' day of September 2011 Daniel .1. Staackmainn, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois ATTESTED AND FILED in my office This 27`' day of September 2011. Tony S. Kalogerakos, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois Daniel Staackmann Village President The American Legion, Pest 134 6144 Dempster Street, Morton Grove, IL 60053 (847) 965 -9503 mortongrovepost 7 34,org Village of Morton Grove 6101 Capulina Street Morton Grove, Illinois 60053 ff The Morton Grove American Legion Post #134 will have the Merneeial Day Parade and ceremony on Sunday November 6, 2011. Step off will be at 1:30PM from the parking lot. The parade route will be across Dempster at Georgiana, Georgiana to Crain, east on Crain to School, south on School to Lincoln, west on Lincoln to the library. The return route will be Georgiana to Dempster, crossing Dempster at about 2:30PM. The ceremony at the library will be the speeches; you as mayor are invited to make some remarks. Please notify Mathew Ingram, Commander or Kurt Lepinski, Senior Vice commander if you are able to participate in the program. After our return to the post, you and any trustees are invited to join us for refreshments in the Post 134 Club Room. Thank you in advance for your help in malting this a successful parade. Mathew Ingram Commander CC: Joe Wade Andrew DeMonte *osephedrick Village Liasion LeLlislative Summary Ordinance 1I -37 GRANTING AMENDMENTS TO SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 6040 OAKTON STREET, MORTON GROVE, ILLINOIS FOR THE REPLACEMENT AND INSTALLATION OF ANTENNAS AND RELATED EQUIPMENT ON A VILLAGE WATER TOWER Introduced: September 26, 2011 Synopsis: To grant an amendment to a special use permit for the property located at 6040 Oakton Street which will allow the replacement of antennas on the Village's water tower at this location. Purpose: ' he Unified Devel opment Code requires an amendment to the special use permit when minor revisions of this nature are proposed to existing special uses. i Background: In 1997, pursuant to Ordinances 97 -61, the Corporate Authorities approved a special use permit for antennas to be installed on the Village water tower at 6040 Oakton St. "rhe applicant, Sprint Wireless Communications, now returns with this request to replace antennas to accommodate updated technology. Pursuant to the Unified Development Code, adopted pursuant to Ordinance 07 -07, such minor changes can be approved without the need of going through a full formal Plan i Commission process, so long as the amendment has been approved by the Village Administrator, Corporation COnnsel, Building Commissioner, and Plan Commission Chairperson. All these officials have approved the proposed amendment. Approval of this fordinance will formally grant the amendment to the special use permits subject to certain conditions set forth in the proposed ordinance. Programs, Departs i Building and Inspectional Services, Public Works Department, Community and Economic or Groups Affected Development Department Fiscal Impact: An ongoing financial benefit to the Village in conjunction with leasing of space on a Villagc facility. Source of Funds: N/A Workload Impact: This special use amendment was processed by the Director of Community Development with assistance from the Public Works Department pmsuant to the normal course of business. Admin Recommend: Approval as presented. Second Reading: Required. Special Consider Conditions of approval as previously mentioned. or Requirements: Respectfully submitted: l7$ .f �a Joseph F. W4 e, Village Administrator Prepared by: John D. Said, Community and Economic Development Director Reviewed by: / Teresa Hoffman Counsel WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove, located in Cook County, Illinois, is a Home Rule unit of government and under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, and as such can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to, the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, in 1997, pursuant to Ordinances 97 -61, a special use permit allowing for the replacement and installation of antennas and related structure on the Village's water tower located at 6040 Oakton Street was approved by the Village Board; and WHEREAS, the applicant, Sprint Communications, pursuant to Plan Commission Case PC 11-12 has made a proper application to the Village of Morton Grove for a minor amendment to the special use permits previously granted to allow for the replacement of antennas to accommodate new technology; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Ordinance 07 -07 the Village adopted a Unified Development Code which set forth an abbreviated procedure for minor revisions to special use pennits which allows for the granting of such minor amendments without a formal grant process upon the approval of the Village Administrator, Corporation Counsel, Building Commissioner and Plan Commission Chairperson; and WHEREAS, the Village Administrator, Corporation. Counsel, Building Commissioner and Plan Commission Chairperson have approved the proposed amendment and have found such amendment with certain conditions set forth in a report dated September 19, 2011, attached hereto as Exhibit "A" meets the standard for the abbreviated process described above; and WHEREAS, the property is zoned M2 "Manufacturing District" pursuant to the provisions of the Village of Morton Grove Unified Development Code; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of the Village of Morton Grove Unified Development Code, the Corporate Authorities have determined the proposed amendment to the special use shall be`approved subject to conditions and restrictions as set forth herein. NOW, TITEREFO'i2E, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OP THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION l: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Ordinance, as though fully set forth herein, thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2: Sprint Communications is hereby granted an amendment to the special use permi previous iy granted pursuant to Ordinance 97 -61 to allow for the replacement and maintenance cf antennas subject to the following conditions and restrictions: 1. The applicant must complete a signed lease agreement with the Village which authorizes this project prior to submittal of a building pen-nit application. 2 Tb,, installation be completed according to the site plans dated September 9, 2011 (6040 0 kton Street). 3. The final engineering plans, if necessary, be signed and scaled by an Illinois licensed ngineer and manufacturer specifications be submitted at the time of the building permit application. 4. The equipment be painted the same color as the water tower. 5. Any connections or modifications to the tank stein be reviewed and approved by Chicago Bridge and Iron (CB & 1) and paid for by the applicant. 6. Any connections or modifications to the tank stem be perfom2ed by CB & I and paid for by the applicant. 7. All proposed wire and /or service connections between the water tower and the equipment in the structures at ground level be installed and buried below ground in such a manner as to avoid existing driveways or other existing at -grade improvements. 8. If any of these foregoing conditions and restrictions of this special use permit amendment are not fully performed and complied with after thirty (30) days written notice to the owner, occupant or lessee of the property during which time said failure is not corrected and no request for a hearing having been received, then the Corporate Authorities of the Village of Morton Grove may forthwith terminate this special use permit, which shall then have no further force and effect. SECTION 3: The Village Cleric is hereby authorized and directed to amend all pertinent records of the Village of Morton Grove to show and designate the special use permit as amended hereunder. SECTION 4: The Applicant/Owner shall comply with all applicable requirements of the Village of Morton Grove Ordinances and Codes. SECTION 5: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form according to law. PASSED this 10 "h day of October 2011, Trustee DiMaria Trustee Gomberg Trustee Grear Trustee Marcus Trustee Tbill Trustee Toth APPROVED by me this 10th day of October 2011. Daniel J. Staackmamu, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois APPROVED and FILED in my office this 11`h day of October 2011. Tony S. Kalogerakos, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois 1ft tLac11111c11L 24-1 Date: September 19, 2011 To: Mayor Staackmann and Village Board of Trustees C: Joseph D. Wade, Village Administrator Terry Liston, Village Attorney From: John D. Said, AICP, Director u�> Re: Minor Amendment — Special Use — Sprint Communications 8220 National and 6040 Oakton (Village water towers) Village Staff respectfully requests Village Board approval of a minor amendment to an existing Special Use for Sprint Communications. Sprint proposes to replace 6 (six) antennas on the water tower at 6040 Oakton, and replace 5 (five) existing antennas, and install one (1) new antenna on the water tower at 8820 National. Sprint also proposes to replace some cabinets and wiring at both locations. All improvements are being done to upgrade the technology of the hardware due to improvements in wireless communications and data. The proposal is considered as a minor amendment to existing special uses, as identified in the UDC (Unified Development Code): 12 -16 -4 B. Abbreviated Procedure: 1. Eligibility: Minor amendments to existing special use permits, planned unit developments and final plats before they are recorded. 2. Filing: Applicants shall submit in writing a list of all items which are being modified from the original ordinance. 3. Review: The building commissioner or his designee, the plan commission chairman, village administrator, and corporation counsel shall review each eligible application. If they unanimously find that the proposed modification is in substantial compliance with and does not change the intent of the original ordinance, a memorandum will be sent to the board of trustees describing the proposed modification, containing findings as to its impact and specific recommendations, if any. If they find that the modification is not in substantial compliance or changes the intent of the original ordinance, then the formal plan commission procedure, above, must be repeated. 4. Board Approval: The board of trustees shall review each request for an abbreviated amendment. If the amendment is granted, the board of trustees shall make a finding that the requested amendment is in substantial compliance with the originally enacted ordinance. Staff respectfully recommends the following conditions be included with this request: 1. The applicant must complete a signed lease agreement with the Village which authorizes this project prior to submittal of a building permit application. 2. The installation be completed according to the site plans dated September 8, 2011 (for 8820 National) and September 9, 2011 (for 6040 Oakton). 3. The final engineering plans, if necessary, be signed and sealed by an Illinois licensed engineer and manufacturer specifications be submitted at the time of the building permit application. 4, The equipment be painted the same color as the water tower. 5. Any connections or modifications to the tank stem be reviewed and approved by Chicago Bridge and Iron (CB & I) and paid for by the applicant. 6. Any connections or modifications to the tank stem be performed by CB & I and paid for by the applicant. 7. All proposed wire and /or service connections between the water tower and the equipment in the structures at ground level be installed and buried below ground in such a manner as to avoid existing driveways or other existing at -grade improvements. 8. If any of these foregoing conditions and restrictions of this special use permit amendment are not fully performed and complied with, after thirty (30) days written notice to the owner, occupant or lessee of the property during which time said failure is not corrected and no request for a hearing having been received, then the Corporate Authorities of the Village of Morton Grove may forthwith terminate this special use permit, which shall then have no further force and effect. Staff will be available to answer any questions regarding this request. i » September 12, 2011 John D. Said, AICP Director, Community and Economic Development Village of Morton Grove 6101 CapulmeAve. Morton Grove, Illinois 60053 RE: Sprint Wireless Telecommunications Sites located at 8820 National Ave. (Sprint 4CH03XC248) and 6040 W. Oakton St. (Sprint #CII03XC253). Dear John: As you are aware, I represent Black & Veatch who is working with Samsung on behalf of Sprint Communications to upgrade equipment at the existing Wireless Facilities referenced above. Based on our previous conversations and correspondence, we are petitioning on behalf of Sprint for a minor special use amendment to authorize the proposed modifications. The general scope of work for both sites is similar and involves replacing existing antennas, cabling, and equipment cabinets with newer models. For both sites, new radio cabinets and antennas will be installed alongside the existing antennas and cabinets, and the existing coaxial cables will be removed and replaced with smaller fiber optic bundles. Once the new equipment is tested and operational, the old antennas and cabinets will be removed and the sites restored. In the case of Oakton St., the modification will entail a one- for -one replacement of old vs. new. In the case of National Ave., the five existing antennas will be replaced by six new. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at via phone at 630 -890 -4514 or via email at layne@insite- inc.com. Thank you for your attention in this matter. Sincerely, Black & Veatch Corporation 7600 South County Line Rd, Suite 1 Burr Ridge, IL 60527 USA Telephone: 630.789.1900 CKGH� n. yi,,tNMt'Mi+J] MR33!J tt,W3j.,II � LY.. Ci55}3iX3 }n.: y.to,,'aN '0'W5 iV MrOS SHt }PN 4ON° thgQ I ' I O IWL Zrv0 Mol 7 °. 17 Wnw i- J I�2 mc m p p:m�p jl oa III! g7Z 0' & "d U rcg _ ol o da m n Z _o p a IL O40 4 W Lh.6 M1 w tz� Pto i� ae� z o° W ��pp Z iN It :n . 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One additional antenna is to be installed on the water tower at 8220 National. Purpose: The Unified Development Code requires an amendment to the special use permit when minor revisions of this nature are proposed to existing special uses. Background: In 1997, pursuant to Ordinances 97 -60, the Corporate Authorities approved a special use permit for antennas to be installed on the Village water tower at 8220 National Ave. The applicant, Sprint Wireless Communications, now returns with this request to replace antennas to accommodate updated technology. Pursuant to the unified Development Code, adopted pursuant to Ordinance 07 -07, such minor changes can be approved without the need of going through a full format Plan Commission process, so long as the amendment has been approved by the Village Administrator, Corporation Counsel, Building Commissioner, and Plan Commission Chairperson. All these officials have approved the proposed amendment. Approval of this ordinance will formally grant the amendment to the special use permits subject to certain conditions set forth in the proposed ordinance. Programs, Departs Building and hrspectional Services, Public Works Department, Community and Economic or Groups Affected Development Department Fiscal Impact: An ongoing financial benefit to the Village in conjunction with leasing of space on a Village facility. Source of Funds: I N/A Workload Impact: This special use amendment was processed by the Director of Community Development with assistance from the Public Works Department pursuant to the normal course of business. Admin Recommend: Approval as presented. Second Reading: I Required. Special Consider Conditions of approval as previously mentioned or Requirements: Respectfully submitted: a4& JoselZ F. Wade, Village Administrator Prepared by: John D. Said, Community and Economic Development Director Reviewed by: Teresa Hoffman Counsel ORDINANCE 1I -38 AN ORDINANCE GRANTING AN AMENDMENT TO A SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 8220 NATIONAL AVENUE, MORTON GROVE, ILLINOIS FOR THE REPLACEMENT AND INSTALLATION OF ANTENNAS AND RELATED EQUIPMENT ON A VILLAGE WATER TOWER WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove, located in Cook County, Illinois, is a Home Rule unit of government and under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, and as such can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to, the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, in 1997, pursuant to Ordinances 97 -60, a special use permit allowing for the replacement and installation of antennas and related structure on the Village's water tower Iocated at 8220 National Avenue was approved by the Village Board; and WHEREAS, the applicant, Sprint Communications, pursuant to Plan Commission Case PC] 1 -12 has made a proper application to the Village of Morton Grove for a minor amendment to the special use permit previously granted to allow for the replacement of antemlas and installation of one new antenna (at 8220 National) to accommodate new technology; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Ordinance 07 -07 the Village adopted a Unified Development Code which set forth an abbreviated procedure for minor revisions to special use pen-nits which allows for the granting of such minor amendments without a formal grant process upon the approval of the Village Administrator, Corporation Counsel, Building Commissioner and Plan Commission Chairperson; and WHEREAS, the Village Administrator, Corporation Counsel, Building Commissioner and Plan Commission Chairperson have approved the proposed amendment and have found such amendment with certain conditions set forth in a report dated September 19, 2011, attached hereto as Exhibit "A" meets the standard for the abbreviated process described above; and WHEREAS, the property is zoned R -2 "Residential District" pursuant to the provisions of the Village of Morton Grove Unified Development Code; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of the Village of Morton Grove Unified Development Code, the Corporate Authorities have determined the proposed amendment to the special use shall be approved subject to conditions and restrictions as set forth herein. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Ordinance, as though fully set forth herein, thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2: Sprint Communications is hereby granted an amendment to the special use permit previously granted pursuant to Ordinance 97 -60 to allow for the replacement and maintenance of antennas, and installation of one additional antenna, subject to the following conditions and restrictions: 1. The applicant must complete a signed lease agreement with the Village which authorizes this project prior to submittal of a building pemnit application. 2. The installation be completed according to the site plans dated September 8, 2011 (8220 National Avenue). 3. The final engineering plans, if necessary, be signed and sealed by an Illinois licensed engineer and manufacturer specifications be submitted at the time of the building permit application. 4. The equipment be painted the same color as the water tower. 5. Any connections or modifications to the tank stem be reviewed and approved by Chicago Bridge and Iron (CB & 1) and paid for by the applicant. 6. Any connections or modifications to the tank stein be performed by CB & I and paid for by the applicant. 7. All proposed wire and /or service connections between the water tower and the equipment in the structures at ground level be installed and buried below ground in such a manner as to avoid existing driveways or other existing at -grade improvements. 8. If any of these foregoing conditions and restrictions of this special use permit amendment are not fully performed and complied with, after thirty (30) days written notice to the owner, occupant or lessee of the property during which time said failure is not corrected and no request for a hearing having been received, then the Corporate Authorities of the Village of Morton Grove may forthwith terminate this special use permit, which shall then have no further force and effect. SECTION 3: The Village Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to amend all pertinent records of the Village of Morton Grove to show and designate the special use permit as amended hereunder. SECTION 4: The Applicant /Owner shall comply with all applicable requirements of the Village of Morton Grove Ordinances and Codes. SECTION 5: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form according to law. PASSED this 10th day of October 2011. Trustee DiMaria Trustee Gomberg Trustee Grear Trustee Marcus Trustee Thill Trustee Toth APPROVED by me this 101h day of October 2011. Daniel J. Staackmann, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois APPROVED and FILED in my office this 11h' day of October 2011. Tony S. Kalogerakos, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois Attachment A Date: September 19, 2011 To: Mayor Staackmann and Village Board of Trustees C: Joseph D. Wade, Village Administrator Terry Liston, Village Attorney From: John D. Said, AICP, Director Re: Minor Amendment — Special Use — Sprint Communications 8220 National and 6040 Oakton (Village water towers) Village Staff respectfully requests Village Board approval of a minor amendment to an existing Special Use for Sprint Communications. Sprint proposes to replace 6 (six) antennas on the water tower at 6040 Oakton, and replace 5 (five) existing antennas, and install one (1) new antenna on the water tower at 8820 National. Sprint also proposes to replace some cabinets and wiring at both locations. All improvements are being done to upgrade the technology of the hardware due to improvements in wireless communications and data. The proposal is considered as a minor amendment to existing special uses, as identified in the UDC (Unified Development Code): 12 -16 -4 B. Abbreviated Procedure: I. Eligibility: Minor amendments to existing special use permits, planned unit developments and final plats before they are recorded. 2. Filing: Applicants shall submit in writing a list of all items which are being modified from the original ordinance. 3. Review: The building commissioner or his designee, the plan commission chairman, village administrator, and corporation counsel shall review each eligible application. If they unanimously find that the proposed modification is in substantial compliance with and does not change the intent of the original ordinance, a memorandum will be sent to the board of trustees describing the proposed modification, containing findings as to its impact and specific recommendations, if any. If they find that the modification is not in substantial compliance or changes the intent of the original ordinance, then the formal plan commission procedure, above, must be repeated. 4. Board Approval: The board of trustees shall review each request for an abbreviated amendment. If the amendment is granted, the board of trustees shall make a finding that the requested amendment is in substantial compliance with the originally enacted ordinance. Staff respectfully recommends the following conditions be included with this request: 1. The applicant must complete a signed lease agreement with the Village which authorizes this project prior to submittal of a building permit application. 2. The installation be completed according to the site plans dated September 8, 2011 (for 8820 National) and September 9, 2011 (for 6040 Oakton). 3. The final engineering plans, if necessary, be signed and sealed by an Illinois licensed engineer and manufacturer specifications be submitted at the time of the building permit application. 4. The equipment be painted the same color as the water tower. 5. Any connections or modifications to the tank stem be reviewed and approved by Chicago Bridge and Iron (CB & I) and paid for by the applicant. 6. Any connections or modifications to the tank stem be performed by CB & I and paid for by the applicant. 7. All proposed wire and /or service connections between the water tower and the equipment in the structures at ground level be installed and buried below ground in such a manner as to avoid existing driveways or other existing at -grade improvements. 8. If any of these foregoing conditions and restrictions of this special use permit amendment are not fully performed and complied with, after thirty (30) days written notice to the owner, occupant or lessee of the property during which time said failure is not corrected and no request for a hearing having been received, then the Corporate Authorities of the Village of Morton Grove may forthwith terminate this special use permit, which shall then have no further force and effect. Staff will be available to answer any questions regarding this request. r September 12, 2011 John D. Said, AICP Director, Community and Economic Development Village of Morton Grove 6101 Capulina Ave. Morton Grove, Illinois 60053 RE: Sprint Wireless Telecommunications Sites located at 8820 National Ave. (Sprint 4CH03XC248) and 6040 W. Oakton St. (Sprint #CH03XC253). Dear John: As you are aware, I represent Black & Veatch who is working with Samsung on behalf of Sprint Communications to upgrade equipment at the existing Wireless Facilities referenced above. Based on our previous conversations and correspondence, we are petitioning on behalf of Sprint for a minor special use amendment to authorize the proposed modifications. The general scope of work for both sites is similar and involves replacing existing antennas, cabling, and equipment cabinets with newer models. For both sites, new radio cabinets and antennas will be installed alongside the existing antennas and cabinets, and the existing coaxial cables will.be removed and replaced with smaller fiber optic bundles. Once the new equipment is tested and operational, the old antennas and cabinets will be removed and the sites restored. In the case of Oakton St., the modification will entail a one- for -one replacement of old vs. new. In the case of National Ave., the five existing antennas will be replaced by six new. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at via phone at 630 - 890 -4514 or via email at Layne @insite- ine.com. Thank you for your attention in this matter Sincerely, Black & Veatch Corporation 7600 South County Line Rd, Suite 1 Burr Ridge, IL 60527 USA - Telephone: 630.769.1900 -4310 MA ?iJN JJ :M1ag No"12 C :.T" PL n 'H: iO3�T 3d f1Y'U- OJa eY: i9 v I BJ 31581) :WJ.'910 A%Wa +4.m f1H:dpyd 3Xfh OYmVtl09ml j+-L obd�ose� uj d�o.LL C X° dQYQ' —Wi W m i Oo' 11 0 Q la v a o s Uj mm an 2 c 4om r< d e z J ro'ei W mo�� 21 6 � � � a� o oat. fi re Z n o tioti w W arv'..s y on zr u $c me S a uF7 pc d W I IIW : i L m opmm d sl 4 I 7 OI u- n LL, IU °ash r �w Icfl Ln W W p z up l- } LM ® � d) WI V Qi ez 0 0 G I 0 z 3 0 n ymio oa 3� os ov; Lbm�o °om3 �Z ooh 0o b��' aooba� §b a,= NIV,?� 'ap ow vujw I &LL'^�mrcg gg„q d � I& Zssa.,2r.��.2'.a III.Z UI} J h9m y �e �pm pm` e Qdiu m9 doe LSE mob ..o s o w 3 Mod MCP VIMAJ ^ � n 3 G � 4 w Y f �1 0 Z m `7a so zu ol om ' J pU O rc 9 g <pa :wx ��oar w °- u 2 b m 8 "o a � - i TU z 0 n w Q z Um ~` w ?s_ Wo Ym a Q_ mm' Mod MCP VIMAJ ^ � n 3 G � 4 w Y f �1 0 Z m `7a so zu ol om ' J pU O rc 9 g <pa :wx ��oar w °- u 2 b m 8 "o a � - i TU z 0 n w Q z 'WliH11GY 91 ll'nM!llLtpJ ggd3NIAA WL??plNg W o iJ i Um anw F��a wl 03 0 O z� w U i �.n v . , bI .n ° u: Ian wzn� a sl �'aW'eln'l`ni' Jw6lz a vo Ivauxdce! 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Purpose: The lease amendment shall extend the term of the lease through March 2, 2013, with two five (5) year option periods and will provide for automatic rent increases at the rate of 3% per year. Background: The Village approved a lease agreement with SprintCom Inc., a Kansas Corporation on September 23, 1997, for the installation of personal wireless telecommunications facilities. The lease was amended pursuant to Ordinance 01 -31 in order to locate and operate personal communication service telecommunications facilities at the South Elevated Water Tank. The term of the original lease amendment ended on March 1, 2008. Since that time SprintCom, Inc., continued to lease and utilize the property without the benefit of a formal lease agreement. Village staff and SprintCom, Inc., have negotiated a formal lease extension agreement for the period of time from March 2, 2008, and ending on March 1, 2013, subject to two additional five (5) year renewal options; rent shall be increased by three percent (3 %) per year; all other terms and conditions of the original lease dated September 23, 1997, and the amendment dated July 9, 2001, shall remain in full force and effect. Programs, Departs Building and Inspectional Services, Public Works Department, Community and Economic or Groups Affected Development Department Fiscal Impact: An ongoing financial benefit to the Village in conjunction with leasing of space on a Village facility. Source of Funds: N/A Workload Impact: This special use amendment was processed by the Director of Community Development with assistance from the Public Works Department pursuant to the normal course of business. Admin Recommend: Approval as presented. Second Reading: Required. Special Consider ( Conditions of approval as previously mentioned. or Requirements: Respectfully submitted: , Joseo F. NVade, Village Administrator Prepared by: John D. Said, Community and Economic Development Director Reviewed by: Teresa (loft ORDINANCE 11 -39 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING AN AMENDMENT TO THE LEASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE AND SPRINTCOM INC., A KANSAS CORPORATION CONCERNING REAL PROPERTY OWNED BY THE VILLAGE AND LOCATED AT 6040 WEST OAKTON STREET WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (Village), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a Home Rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, the Village is the owner in fee simple of certain real property commonly known as 6040 W. Oakton Street (hereinafter referred to as "the South Elevated Water Tank "); and WHEREAS, the Village approved a lease agreement with SprintCom Inc, a Kansas Corporation on September 23, 1997, which legally describes the South Elevated Water Tank in Exhibit "A"; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Morton Grove, certain real property may be utilized for the installation of personal wireless telecommunications facilities, subject to approval of a special use permit and such other variations as may be required and which was approved on December 8, 1997, and WHEREAS, on or about July 9, 2001, the Village pursuant to Ordinance 01 -31 approved an amendment to this lease agreement in order to locate and operate personal communication service telecommunications facilities at the South Elevated Water Tank; and WHEREAS, the term of the original lease amendment ended on March 1, 2008; and WHEREAS, Since March 2, 2008, SprintCom, Inc., has continued to lease and utilize the property without the benefit of a formal lease agreement; and WHEREAS, the Village and SprintCom, Inc., have negotiated a formal lease extension agreement for the period of time from March 2, 2008, and ending on March 1, 2013, subject to two additional five (5) year renewal options; rent shall be increased by three percent (3 %) at the anniversary of the commencement of each year thereafter; all other terms and conditions of the original lease dated September 23, 1997, and the amendment dated July 9, 2001, shall remain in full force and effect; and WHEREAS, the President and Board of Trustees find, after consideration and review of the lease amendment, the public interest will be served by the Village entering into this lease amendment, which will provide for the continuation and improvement of public telecommunications within the Village, provide fair and reasonable compensation for the use and enjoyment of the premises to be leased herein with minimum proliferation and impact on Village facilities on the community; and WHEREAS, the parties' obligations under this lease are further contingent upon the adoption of a certain special use amendment currently being considered by the Village Board pursuant to Ordinance 1.1 -37. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this ordinance as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as herein above set forth. SECTION 2: The Village President is hereby authorized to execute and the Village Clerk to attest to a lease amendment on behalf of the Village of Morton Grove in the same or substantially the same form as attached hereto. SECTION 3: The Village Administrator or his designee is hereby authorized and directed to take actions that are necessary or permitted under the terms of this lease amendment and as may be required under the lease amendment or as may be otherwise necessary to give full force and effect to this ordinance. SECTION 5: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval as required by law. PASSED this 101h day of October 2011. Trustee DiMaria Trustee Gomberg Trustee Grear Trustee Marcus Trustee Thill Trustee Toth APPROVED by me this 10 day of October 2011. APPROVED and FILED in my office this I l d' day of October 2011. Tony S. Kalogerakos, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois Daniel J. Staackmann, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois legislative \ordinanees \6040 Oakton Sprint lease amend south Site Name: South Morton Grove WtT Twr Site ID #: CH03XC253 -A AMENDMENT NO. 2 TO SITE AGREEMENT This Amendment No. 2 ( "Amendment'), effective as of the date Last signed below ( "Effective Date "), amends a certain Water Tank Lease Agreement between SprintCom, Inc., a Kansas corporation (`Lessee ") and Village of Morton Grove, an Illinois municipal corporation (" Lessor"), dated September 23, 1997, (the "Agreement'), as amended by the Amendment to the Water Tank Lease Agreement dated July 9, 2001 (`the Amendment") BACKGROUND Lessee and Lessor desire to amend the payment terms of the Agreement and Amendment, as set forth herein. AGREEMENT In consideration of the mutual promises between the parties and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is acknowledged, Lessor and Lessee agree as follows: 1. Rent and Other Considerations. Section 5 (e) of the Agreement entitled Rent and Other Considerations and Section 4 of the Amendment, are amended with the following: (a) Effective March 2, 2008, (`Effective Date "), the payment of the monthly Rent amount then in effect shall be increased by 3% to Twenty Three Thousand Eight Hundred Eight One and 04/100 Dollars ($23,881.04) per year ("Rent"). (b) Commencing on March 2, 2009, and at the anniversary of the commencement each year, Rent shall be increased by three percent (3 %). (c) A total amount of Ninety Nine Thousand, Nine Hundred Nine and 38/100 Dollars ($99,909.38) is due from March 2, 2008 through March 1, 2012, Payment will be made within 30 days of full execution, 2. Term. Section 4 of the Agreement entitled Term is amended with the following: (a) The current term of the Agreement commenced March 2, 2008 and will expire March 1, 2013, subject to two (2) Additional five (5) year renewals. 3. All notices must be in writing and are effective only when deposited in the U.S. mail, return receipt requested and postage prepaid or when sent via overnight delivery service. Notices to Lessee are to be sent to: Sprint/NexteI Property Services, Sprint/Nextel Property Services, Mailstop KSOPHT0101- Z2650, 6391 Sprint Parkway, Overland Park, Kansas 66251-2650, with a mandatory copy to: SprintlNextel Law Department, Mailstop KSOPHT0101- Z2020, 6391 Sprint Parkway, Overland Park, Kansas 66251 -20203 Ann.: Real Estate Attorney. 4. General Terms and Conditions. (a) All capitalized terms used in this Amendment, unless otherwise defined herein, will have the same meaning as the terms contained in the Agreement. (b) In case of any inconsistencies between the terms and conditions contained in the Agreement and the terms and conditions contained in this Amendment, the terms and conditions herein control. Except as set forth in this Amendment all provisions of the Agreement are ratified and remain unchanged and in full force and effect. (c) This Amendment may be executed in duplicate counterparts, each of which will be deemed an original. (d) Each of the parties represent and warrant that they have the right power, legal capacity and authority to enter into and perform their respective obligations under this Amendment. ** *SIGNATURES ON FOLLOWING PAGE * ** The parties have executed this Amendment as of the Effective Date, Lessor: Lessee: Village of Morton Grove, an Illinois municipal SprintCom, Inc., a Kansas corporation corporation By: Name: Title: Date: By: Name: Deborah S. Title: Authorized Representative Date: September 20, 2011 VIA EMAIL Email: rnavarreteComortongroveil.org Village of Morton Grove OtYiee of Finance Director, Treasury 6101 Capulina Ave. Morton Grove, IL 60053 For Sprint — Ericsson Property Services Mailstop KSOPHT0101 -Z2650 6391 Sprint Parkway Overland Park, KS 66251 -2650 Toll Free: (800) 357 -7641 Facsimile: (913) 523 -9735 Email: LandlordSolut�om Re: Renewal. of Water Tank Levee Agreement("Aereenrent') dated: September 237 1997, as amended Lessor: Village of Morton Grove Lessee (`Sprint'): SprintCom, Inc. Sprint Site ID: CH03XC253 -A Lessor Site ID: South Elevated Water Tank., Site Address: 6040 W. Oakton,)vforton Grove, IL Dear Sir or Madam: This letter serves as notice to Lessor that Sprint is exercising its option to renew the above - referenced Agreement. The Agreement remains in full force said effect with the renewal term commencing on March 2, 2008 and ending on March 1, 2013, subject to two (2) additional five ('S) renewal options. Please have an authorized representative of Lessor execute the bottom of this letter as an acknowledgment and return to my attention via fax (913 -523. 9735), regular mail, or email (Jaekii.Howard0aeriessson.eom). All notices should be delivered to Sprint at the address Pound at the top of this letter, with a copy to the Sprint Law Department, Attention: Sprint PCS Real Estate Attorney, Mail stop: KSOPHT0101- Z2020, 6391 Sprint Parkway, Overland Park, KS 66251 -2020. We appreciate your cooperation in this matter. Should you have any questions regarding this renewal, please do not hesitate to contact our toll -free ltotlinc at 800 - 357 -7641. When callinm� please have the Sprint Site ID (above) available for reference. Si ely, Jackii Howard Sprint's Authorised Representative ACKNOWLEDGED BY LESSOR: Village of Murton Grove By: Name. Daniel J. Staackmann Title: Village President Date: September 26, 2011