HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-06-14 Agenda�i
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3, Roll Call
4. Approval of Minutes — Special Meeting of May 24, 2010
Regular Meeting of May 24, 2010
5. Public Hearings
6, Special Reports
a. Commemoration of the Northwest Suburban Jewish Congregation
b. American Legion Post #134 Presentation to Village of Morton Grove to Support Senior Services
7, Residents' Comments (agenda items only)
8. President's Report —Administration, Northwest Municipal Conference, Council of Mayors, TIF
Committee, Capital Projects, Real Estate Committee
a. Board appointments are requested as follows:
Finance Advisory Commission — 3 year term Peter Meehan
b. Proclamation — Northwest Suburban Jewish Congregation Day — June 19, 2010
C, Ordinance 10 -13 (Introduced May 24, 2010) (second reading)
Amending Title 4, Chapter 3, Sections 6, 10, and 14 Entitled Liquor Control of the Municipal
Code of the Village of Morton Grove
9. Clerk's Report — Legal, Cable and Telecommunications Commission
10. Staff Reports
a. Village Administrator
1) Presentation of Proposed Residential Storm Water Assistance Program by Public Works
Director Andy DeMonte
2) Announcement of the Golf Road Closure between Waukegan Road and Harms Road for
the Metra Bridge Construction (7:00 pm on June 18, 2010 to 4:00 am on June 21, 2010)
10. Staff Reports (continued)
b. Corporation Counsel
11. Reports by Trustees
a. Trustee DiMaria — Community and Economic Development Department, Waukegan Road TIF
Review, Comprehensive Plan, Real Estate Committee, LehighlFerris TIF Review, Economic
Development, Dempster Street Corridor Plan (Trustee Thill)
b. Trustee Gomberg — Finance Department, Community Relations Commission, Finance Advisory
Commission, Northwest Municipal Conference, Condominium Association (Trustee Toth)
C, Trustee Grear — Fire Department, Emergency Management Agency, RED Center, NIPSTA,
Police and Fire Commission (Trustee DiMaria)
d. Trustee Marcus — Family and Senior Services Department, Police Department, Environmental
Health, Police and Fire Commission, IT Communications, Chamber of Commerce (Trustee
e. Trustee Thill — Public Works, Capital Projects, Traffic Safety Commission, Natural Resource
Commission, Solid Waste Agency of Northern Cook County, Advisory Commission on Aging
(Trustee Marcus)
1) Resolution 1043 (Introduced June 14, 2010)
Authorizing the Implementation of a Residential Cost Sharing Program for the Installation
of Overhead Sewers or Flood Control Devices
2) Resolution 10 -44 (Introduced June 14, 2010)
Authorizing the Execution. of Change Order No. 2 to the Contract with Ciorba Group, Inc.
for Professional Engineering Services
3) Resolution 1045 (Introduced June 14, 2010)
Authorizing a Construction Engineering Agreement with Ciorba Regarding Chestnut Street
Interim Commuter Parking Lot Construction
f. Trustee Toth — Building Department, Appearance Commission, Capital Projects,
Plan Commission/Zoning Board of Appeals (Trustee Grear)
12. Other Business
13. Presentation of Warrants — $779,006.52
14. Residents' Comments
15, Executive Session - Personnel Matters, Labor Negotiations, Pending Litigation, and Real Estate
16. Adjournment - To ensure full accessibility and equal participation for all interested citizens, individuals with disabilities
who plan to attend and who require certain accommodations in order to observe and /or participate in this meeting, or who
have questions regarding the accessibility of these facilities, are requested to contact Susan or Marlene (8471470 -5220)
promptly to allow the Village to make reasonable accommodations.
Pursuant to proper notice in accordance with the Open Meetings Act, the special meeting was called to
order at 6: 03 pm by Mayor Daniel J. Staackmann who led the assemblage in the pledge of allegiance.
Clerk Kalogerakos called the roll. In attendance were:
Elected Officials: President Daniel Staackmann, Trustees Dan DiMaria, Larry Gomberg,
William Grear, Sheldon Marcus, John Thill, Maria Toth, and Village
Clerk Tony Kalogerakos
Village Staff. Village Administrator Joseph F. Wade, Corporation Counsel Teresa
Hoffman Liston, and Community and Economic Development Director
John D. Said
Also Present: None
Mayor Staackmann stated the purpose of this meeting was to discuss pending litigation, personnel
issues, collective bargaining issues, the purchase and sale of Village owned real estate, and executive
session minutes, and such topics are appropriate for Executive Session,
Mayor Staackmann asked for a motion to adjourn to Executive Session. The motion was made by
Trustee Toth and seconded by Trustee Thill to discuss pending litigation, personnel issues, collective
bargaining issues, the purchase and sale of Village owned real estate, and review of Executive Session
minutes. The motion was approved unanimously pursuant to a roll call vote at 6:03 pm.
At the conclusion of the Executive Session, Trustee Marcus moved to adjourn the Special Meeting.
The motion was seconded by Trustee Thill and approved unanimously pursuant to a voice vote at 6:51
Minutes by: Tony S. Kalogerakos, Village Clerk
Special meeting minutes.05 -24 -10
Village President Dan Staackmann called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. After leading the
assemblage in the Pledge of Allegiance, he directed the Village Clerk to call the roll.
II. Village Clerk Tony Kalogerakos called the roll. Present were: Trustees Dan DiMaria, Larry
Gomberg, Bill Grear, Shel Marcus, John Thill, and Maria Toth.
Regarding the Minutes of the Special Meeting of May 10, 2010, Trustee DiMaria moved,
seconded by Trustee Grear, to accept the Minutes as presented. There was no discussion.
Motion passed unanimously via voice vote.
Regarding the Minutes of the May 10, 2010 Regular Meeting, Trustee DiMaria moved,
seconded by Trustee Grear, to accept the Minutes as presented. There was no discussion.
Motion passed unanimously via voice vote.
1. Mayor Staackmann asked for a motion to approve the administrative appointment of John
Said as Community and Economic Development Director. Trustee DiMaria so moved,
seconded by Trustee Toth. Motion passed unanimously via voice vote.
2. Mayor Staackmann asked Community Relations liaison Larry Gomberg to join him at the
podium for the next item on the Agenda. Mayor Staackmann said this is an extraordinary
opportunity for the Village of Morton Grove. He stated that people talk about armed forces
personnel doing great deeds to protect the freedoms we all enjoy, but it is an honor tonight to
recognize a civilian who gave of himself, overseas, to help make the world a better place, and
who, in the course of his actions, was seriously wounded. Mayor Staackmann proclaimed
May 24, 2010, as "Neil Daniel Day" in the Village to recognize the valor and sacrifice of Neil
Daniel, and with the appreciation of a grateful Village. Trustee Gomberg said the Village was
honored to present to Mr. Daniel a key to the Village. Mr. Daniel thanked everyone and said
he was honored. He said his goal was to keep serving this country.
3. On behalf of Mayor Staackmann in his capacity as Liquor Control Commissioner of the
Village, Trustee Marcus introduced for a first reading Ordinance 10-43, Amending Title 4,
Chapter 3, Sections 6, 10, and 14 Entitled "Liquor Control" of the Municipal Code
of the Village of Morton Grove.
He explained that this Ordinance will require all managers and sellers, preparers, and servers
of liquor licenses to attend a Basset training program or such other alcohol sales and training
program as approved in writing by the local Liquor Control Commissioner.
Trustee Thill asked for an explanation of Basset training. Police Chief Mark Erickson said that
the Illinois Liquor Commission and most insurance companies require this type of training. It's
a 4 -hour training course. The Police Department has trained several officers to perform this
type of training, or the course can be taken online. Chief Erickson said this program trains in
things such as ID card recognition, signs of over - serving, etc.
Trustee Grear asked if everyone who serves at the 4 t of July event would have to go through
this training. Corporation Counsel Liston said that, if this ordinance is passed in June, it goes
into effect immediately. Therefore the servers will have to go through this training. Chief
Erickson said the Police Department was ready to begin training right away.
4. Mayor Staackmann said that a potentially big fire in town had been brought under control
within minutes. He complimented the Fire Department on a great job.
Clerk Kalogerakos had no formal report, but commended Neil Daniel for the extraordinary
courage he's shown throughout his recovery.
A. Village Administrator
1. Mr. Wade announced that Morton Grove Days is looking for volunteers to help with the
three -day event. Anyone interested in volunteering should send an email message to
"mortongrovedays @gmaii.com ".
STAFF REPORTS (continued)
Minutes of May 24,2010 Board Meeting
2. Mr. Wade stated that staff has worked for quite some time on a recommendation for a plan
for storm water flooding. The plan will be presented at the June 14, 2010 meeting for the
Board's consideration. Basically, there are three ways to deal with storm water management.
First would be a Village -wide effort, which is extremely expensive. Another way is to segment
off neighborhoods and do special service areas, but that, too, is expensive. Any funds
expended would be paid back through special property taxes, which would take possibly
20 -30 years. However, you could be in a special service area and be paying for this, even
if you do not have a flooding problem, so there's an equity issue with that. So a plan that
would provide direct benefit to those who actually need it is very difficult. The staff's recom-
mendation is a storm water management grant system, where the Village would provide
financial assistance for those seeking overhead sewers.
3. Mr. Wade said there would be a Special Board Meeting on June 12, 2010, to be held at the
Northeastern Illinois Public Safety Training Administration (NIPSTA) facility in Glenview. It
will include a tour and demonstration of current Morton Grove fire service capabilities and
operations, including ambulance calls and a live burn.
4. Mr. Wade announced that an informational meeting regarding the upcoming Dempster Street
construction would be held at 5.30 p.m. on June 2, 2010, at the American Legion Memorial
Civic Center. The meeting is oriented toward the businesses on Dempster, and will advise
them on what's coming up (i.e., removal of sidewalks, curbs, etc.) and how they can prepare
their businesses for this construction project.
4. Mr, Wade introduced Village Engineer Chris Tomich to give a presentation on the Chestnut
Street Interim Commuter Parking Lot.
a. Mr. Tomich said he was looking for feedback from the Board as to whether or not they were
satisfied with this proposed design and if the project should proceed to the bidding stage. It
could be ready for bidding in three weeks, if the Board gave direction to proceed. Staff is also
looking for feedback on the pavement and fee collection system.
b. Mr. Tomich explained that, in January of 2010, the Board had asked Village staff to develop
parking lot alternatives in the Metra station area. The Board would ultimately like to have a
parking structure that would accommodate 150 vehicles or more. Until that can be accom-
plished, there is a need for an interim parking lot at a lower cost. The directive for the design
was for reduced cost and a permeable pavement option for storm water concerns. The initial
conceptual design for this lot was priced at $533,000; this current plan is estimated at
$487,000. The lot would have 112 spaces and entrances on the east and west ends. The
Village would need to obtain a permit from the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District before
proceeding. Coordination with Commonwealth Edison is also necessary because a utility pole
would need to be relocated. Ideally, if the Board decided to proceed, the project could be let
in mid -June, with construction beginning in early August and ending in early September.
c. Although the Board had expressed interest in a permeable pavement option, Mr. Tomich said
staff and the Village's engineering consultant (Ciorba Group) believe that brick pavers are
best suited as a permeable option for this type of interim parking lot. They are durable and
can be reused later. After considering this, the Village engineering division felt that the
Village's money would be better spent in using asphalt traditional pavement. Storm water
management would be handled through the use of detention and bioswales.
STAFF REPORTS (continued)
d. Bioswales are essentially excavated trenches or ditches. The clay soil is excavated because
the water can't get through the clay to the lower soil strata. The ditch is then filled in with
earthen material that has a lot of air pockets, which can subsequently hold water. The
permeable pavement would cost an extra $30,000; and bioswales would be used in addition
to the permeable pavement.
e. Mr. Tomich said the Appearance Commission recommended that this be considered an
"interim" improvement, and they would expect that the property would be redeveloped within
7 years. The parking lot would have lighting; Mr. Tomich suggested that the Village could
reuse some of the street lighting that will be coming off of Ferris Avenue. Those lights could
be reused again once the interim parking lot is redeveloped.
f. Mr. Tomich said there are three options for fee collection: an electronic system like the one at
the main Metra lot, a coin box system, or parking permits. If the Village decided to go with an
electronic system, they would need to purchase an additional machine like the one at the
main Metra lot. If the Village decided to go with the coin box system, it would mean that the
Police Department would have to collect the fees. If the Village decided to issue parking
permits, people would apply for a permit for a certain term and fee (to be determined by the
Board). Because this parking lot is being built on Village -owned property, the fee structure
would be totally under Village control.
Mayor Staackmann asked the Board to provide Mr. Tomich some direction.
g. Trustee DiMaria said he was satisfied with the project and design; he said he agreed with the
asphalt pavement recommendation; and as for the parking fee collection system, he did not
want to combine it with Metra; he felt that permits should be issued with first preference given
to Village residents.
h. Trustee Toth asked if the estimated cost of $487,000 was for using asphalt or the brick
pavers. Mr. Tomich said it was for the asphalt recommendation; brick pavers would cost
$30,000 more. Trustee Toth said she agreed with asphalt and liked Trustee DiMaria's idea of
permits with a priority for Morton Grove residents for the fee collection system. She said she
was excited about this and wanted the project to move forward.
i. Trustee Gomberg said he, too, was excited about this project. He was satisfied with the
project design and felt the construction should move forward. He agreed with the recommen-
dation of asphalt, and liked the permit idea, with Morton Grove residents being given priority.
j. Trustee Marcus said this is a project that ties in well with the redevelopment of the train
station area. It's the beginning of a number of projects the Village is working on. He agreed
that asphalt was the way to go, although he liked the look of brick pavers. The plan design
looks fine and the amount of parking spaces seems reasonable. As for the fee collection
system, Trustee Marcus said that he initially thought the Metra machine was the way to go,
but after hearing his colleagues, and depending on the costs, he would support the issuance
of parking permits. in general, fees will need to be reviewed and determined.
k. Trustee Thill was concerned about the safety of brick pavers, especially for women in high
heels. He felt asphalt was the better way to go. He was excited that the landscaping and
water management design would be using bioswales, and even more excited that native
plants would be used. He cautioned Mr. Tomich to ask Lurvey's to make sure the plantings
would not be attractive to deer. Trustee Thill felt that permits should be issued, and to Morton
Grove residents first, but on a lottery system. He asked Mr. DeMonte if the design of the
Minutes DfMay 24 2010 Sgard'Mokio ,
IX. STAFF REPORTS (continued)
parking lot would hinder snow removal at all. Mr. DeMonte said he anticipated no problems.
Trustee Grear agreed with Mr. Tomich's recommendation regarding asphalt. He was glad
that TIF money would be spent to construct this parking lot. He felt that whatever was the
most efficient fee collection system is what should be used. Since the Village is uncertain as
to how long this parking lot will be in existence, he felt that spending on this should be kept at
a reasonable minimum. He asked Corporation Counsel if the Village could "legally" grant
Morton Grove residents first priority on this lot. She assured him the Village legally could.
m. Trustee Thill asked, regarding the 112 parking spots, if a business moved in, would they be
allowed to use any of those spots? Trustee DiMaria said that, ideally, the Village would like it
structured so that a business that may need parking during the evening hours would be using
those spots, when commuters aren't.
n. Mayor Staackmann said this is a great project, adding that he was glad the entire Village
could benefit from something being built using TIF dollars. He agreed that Morton Grove
residents should have first priority on the parking permits.
5. Mr. Wade then asked Finance Director Ryan Horne to present the quarterly financial status
report. He said this is a snapshot of where the Village is at today. Mr. Horne will also look at
the short-term and long -term financial health of the Village.
a. Mr. Horne said that General Fund "major" revenues (e.g., property taxes, state income tax,
sales tax, telecommunications taxes, etc.) were estimated at 82.6% in 2009 and at 80% in
2010. "Other sources of income" were budgeted at 17% last year and at 20% for 2010.
Mr Horne said retail sales tax was budgeted at $3,737,000 for 2010, a decrease of $263,000
from last year's budget. However, sales tax revenue increased 11.2% between January and
February of 2010, which Mr. Horne considers very positive. The last two times there was
an increase between January and February were in 2006 (a 6% increase) and 2007 (a 3%
increase). Home rule sales tax also shows an increase between January and February. He
noted that, in the last several years, there has always been a decrease between January and
February. He felt that the increase this year, though slight, was a positive indicator. State
income tax was also looking positive. Mayor Staackmann cautioned Mr. Horne that Springfield
is thinking about decreasing the amount of sales tax revenue the Village receives by 30 %.
Mr. Horne said this could cost the Village up to $500,000 in lost revenue.
b. As far as year -to -date expenses, the Village has spent about 1/3 of its budgeted expenses in
the first 1/3 of the year. He felt this was a very positive efficiency indicator.
C. Mr. Horne then talked about some upcoming financial challenges the Village will be facing.
According to the latest actuarial report on the police and fire pension funds, the Village's
contribution for the 2011 Budget will have to increase by $341,000, which is a 10% increase.
In 2007, pension obligations combined were $2.9 million, or 32% of the Village's tax levy,
while operational costs were $4.7 million, or 55 %. Pension costs continue to increase, and
the burden falls on operating costs. Without a tax increase for 2011, operating costs will
shrink from $4.7 million in 2007 to $3.4 million in 2011. Trustee Thill asked about the pension
increase; was it due to stock market losses or what. Mr. Horne said the actuaries use a three -
year smoothing technique. He said the Village has been making its actuariay- recommended
pension contribution for the past several years, but is still falling behind. So pension costs are
a short-term, mid -term, and long -term challenge.
STAFF REPORTS (continued)
d. Another challenge can be found in the debt schedule. Over the next five years, four
installment notes will be paid off. For 2012, the Village will have a shortage in the debt fund.
However, by 2015, all but the 2010 bond issue will be paid off.
e. Remaining capital needs are still a challenge. The $10 million bond issue from earlier this
year takes care of some needs, but there are still at least $20 million dollars worth of capital
needs. Mr. Horne said he expected that that number would likely increase. He pointed out
that, in 2015, the Village would be able to do another bond issue to address these needs,
f• Other post - employment retirement benefits (OPEB) are also a
example of someone who started working for the Village at the
retire at the age of 50, after putting in 30 years with the Village
pay 50% of that person's health insurance for the rest of his or
OPEB obligations are at $10.5 million. For mid -term and long=
about how it will fund these obligations.
concern. Mr. Horne gave the
age of 20, who could then
The Village is obligated to
her life. Currently the Village's
erm, the Village needs to think
g. In summary, the revenue trends look positive, although it's rather early to tell. Expenses are
on target, which is also positive. Pension costs remain a challenge. Bond payments will be a
mid -term challenge. OPEB obligations are a mid- and long -term challenge.
h. Trustee Thill asked how the $10.5 million OPEB obligation was arrived at. Mr. Horne said it's
an actuarial calculation based on employee demographics and claims data.
Trustee Marcus thanked Mr. Horne for the very informative presentation, and said it was great
to have quarterly reports for planning purposes. The fact that the Village is on track with its
expenses shows that the decisions the Board made when planning the Budget were the right
ones. He said he was very pleased that the Village's debt service will be positive in 2015.
j. Mr. Horne thanked all the department heads for managing their expenses so well.
B. Corporation Counsel:
Ms. Liston had no report.
A. Trustee DiMaria:
Trustee DiMaria had no report.
B. Trustee Gomberg:
1. Trustee Gomberg had no formal report, but thanked Mr. Horne for his presentation. He also
invited the public to the Financial Advisory Commission's meeting at 7:00 p.m. on May 26 in
the Trustees' Conference Room on the second floor. The Commission can and will be re-
commending legislation to the Board. He said it was important for the public to have a voice in
these recommendations and let their voice be heard.
Minutes of
B. Trustee Gomberg. (cont'd.)
2. Trustee Gomberg recognized Val Norona from East -West Financial Group, the Chamber of
Commerce's "member of the month" for May. He said the Chamber is rated A +, the highest
rating achievable by the Better Business Bureau. He said he hoped to recognize other
Chamber "members of the month" in the future.
C. Trustee Grear:
1. Trustee Grear presented Resolution 10 -39, Authorization to Purchase a New 2011 Type I
Medium Duty Advanced Life Support Ambulance..
Trustee Grear explained that the Village has recognized a need for a new ambulance since
2008; however, the purchase was deferred year after year due to lack of funds. In January
2010, the Board authorized the public sale of General Obligation Bonds to fund capital im-
provements in the Village, including the purchase of an ambulance to replace ambulance #4.
The Northwest Municipal Conference (NWMC) had previously negotiated a group purchasing
contract through a competitive bidding process. The bidding process identified a primary
vendor and an alternate vendor. The alternate vendor, Foster Coach, Inc. of Sterling, IL, can
manufacture a product which meets the specifications established by the Morton Grove Fire
Department's Ambulance Committee. The base bid for the Foster Coach ambulance is ap-
proximately $20,000 less than the base bid of the NWMC's primary vendor. The Ambulance
Committee also requested specification enhancements to apparatus access, lighting, and
safety. These enhancements are included in the ambulance's cost of $229,479.
Trustee Grear • ^• seconded by • to approve Resolution 1i • Motion
• i
DiMaria pye Tr. Gomberg aye Tr, Grear aye
Tr, Marcus aye Tr. Thill aye Tr. Toth ave
2• Trustee Grear reminded everyone of the upcoming Chamber of Commerce Golf Outing,
scheduled for June 16, 2010. It will be a shotgun start at 11:00 a.m. at Chevy Chase in
Wheeling. He encouraged everyone to attend —and non - golfers should come for dinner.
3. Trustee Grear reiterated Mr. Wade 's request for volunteers for the Morton Grove Days event.
He also confirmed that this year's parade route will once again be down Dempster Street.
D. Trustee Marcus:
1. Trustee Marcus had no formal report, but reiterated Trustee Grear's request for support for
the Chamber golf outing. He said this is a great way to show your support for the Village's
business community.
D. Trustee Marcus: (continued)
2. Trustee Marcus also congratulated Neil Daniel. He noted that Memorial Day is coming up this
weekend, and asked everyone to honor and respect those in harms' way, and those who've
passed away, and to display the flag to show respect for those who've given their lives for the
freedoms we enjoy.
3. Trustee Marcus announced that there would be a special reception on Wednesday, May 26,
at the Senior Center at 1:30 p.m. Mary Futrell from the North Shore Senior Center will be on
hand to listen to suggestions for new programs. Trustee Marcus urged everyone to join the
Senior Center and participate in the programs... many of the programs are not just for seniors!
4. Trustee Marcus encouraged everyone to attend the grand opening of the Farmers' Market.
The Farmers' Market is located on Waukegan Road next to the Illinois Bone & Joint Institute
building. It will be open from 7:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. A variety of produce and other services
will be offered.
E. Trustee Thill
1. Trustee Thill presented Resolution 1040, Authorizing the Village President to Execute a
Contract with Commonwealth Edison Company to Bury Overhead Electrical Utilities on
Lincoln Avenue Between Fernald Avenue and School Street,
Trustee Thill said that this contract is worth approximately $395,000. He moved to approve
Resolution 10 -40, seconded by Trustee Toth. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays.
Tr. DiMaria aye Tr. Gomberg afire Tr. Grear afire
Tr. Marcus aye Tr. Thill Aye Tr. Toth awe
2. Trustee Thill next presented Resolution 1041, • • the Village President to
Execute a Contract with Comcast Cable Communications, Inc. to Bury Overhead Cable
Utilities on • • Avenue and School
Trustee Thill said that this contract is worth approximately $45,000. He moved to approve
Resolution 10 -41, seconded by Trustee Marcus. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays.
Tr. DiMarla aye Tr. Gomberg aye Tr. Grear aye
Tr. Marcus ffee Tr. Thill are Tr. Toth aye
3. Trustee Thill presented Resolution 1042, Authorizing the Village President to Execute a
Contract with SBC Illinois to Bury Overhead Telephone Utilities on Lincoln Avenue
Between Fernald Avenue and School
Trustee Thill said that this contract is worth approximately $55,000. He moved to approve
Resolution 10 -40, seconded by Trustee Toth. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays.
Tr. DiMaria afire Tr. Gomberg aye Tr. Grear ffe
Tr. Marcus aye Tr. Thill afire Tr. Toth Me
E. Trustee Thill: (continued)
- Minutes of Ma 24, 2010 Board Meet �
Trustee Grear commented that this is in the TIF District and that TIF funds will be used.
Trustee Thill said that these three resolutions total an expenditure of $500,000 of residents'
funds, but the end result will be a more aesthetically pleasing —and safer — roadway.
4. Trustee Thies read a letter received by Mayor Staackmann from the Arbor Day Foundation.
The letter congratulated Morton Grove on being named a "Tree City USA" for 2009.
5. Trustee Thill encouraged everyone to attend the Memorial Day ceremonies at the Civic
Center on Monday.
6. Trustee Thill thanked Fire Chief Tom Friel for getting the Village another air raid siren. It
was obtained through a grant so it didn't cost the Village anything. He said he appreciated
the enhanced safety the Village enjoys now thanks to this new siren.
F. Trustee Toth:
Trustee Toth had no report.
Trustee Gomberg wanted to clarify and correct some conflicting statements regarding
Resolutions 10 -40, 10 -41, and 10 -42. The contract amounts for each of these resolutions
will be paid out of TIF Funds, and therefore not costing "the residents" money.
Trustee Gomberg presented
the Warrant Register
for May 24,
2010 in the amount of
$1,172,354.73. He moved to
accept the Warrants,
by Trustee Thill.
Trustee Thill had two questions:
a. He noted that the Village paid for eight or nine right -of -ways on Dempster Street, ranging
from under $1,000 to over $20,000. He wondered why there was such a disparity in price.
Mr. Tomich said the Village bought seven parcels. Its policy is to pay for the value of the land
and for the reduction in the property, and the cost to relocate any assets within that parcel.
He said it's a normal part of any right -of -way transaction. These parcels will be used for traffic
signal equipment.
b. Trustee Marcus asked if the cost was based on assessed value. Mr. TOmich said the Village
followed the State's process: a professional appraiser is used; the appraisal is review by a
professional reviewer; and then a settlement is negotiated with the homeowner. The highest
cost was $24,500, and that was the appraised value of the land.
WARRANTS (continued)
C. Trustee Thill asked about a check for $6,400 payable to Cityscapes Property for "refund
parking lot deposit ". Mr. Horne said it was pursuant to a 2006 agreement with a business
owner along Dempster Street for angled parking on the side street adjacent to their business.
They had given the Village a deposit of $12,800, and the Village refunded half once the
construction was complete.
d. Trustee Grear asked about a check on page 14, payable to Patent Industries for "PW
transmission repair" in the amount of $10,877. He wondered how many transmissions were
repaired for this amount. Mr. DeMonte said it was only one vehicle. But to replace the vehicle
with a new one would have cost the Village between $280,000 — $300,000. Trustee Grear said
before he was a trustee, he couldn't imagine a transmission costing over $10,000. He felt it
was important for the public to realize that these are the types of things the Village needs to
do and purchase. He said he had fielded questions and complaints from residents the other
day, mostly about the vehicle sticker price and the garbage fee. He said that he himself didn't
want to implement those changes, but being in the position of Trustee, he now realizes that
the Village had to do these things to get closer to a balanced budget. Trustee Grear said the
decisions were tough, but they were made for the betterment of Morton Grove. He hoped that
a time would come when those fees could be reduced, stating that he would certainly vote for
that. But the Board has to pay attention to the future of the Village.
e. Trustee DiMaria reminded the assemblage that the Board took "a lot of heat" over the creation
of the Lehigh /Ferris TIF District, which is now an unqualified success. He agreed with Trustee
Grear that the decisions the Board makes today won't just affect the Village for the next
month or year .... they can have an impact over the next 10, 25, or 50 years.
There being no further discussion on the Warrants, Mayor Staackmann called for the vote.
Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays.
Tr. DiMaria aye Tr. Gomberg afire— Tr. Grear afire
Tr. Marcus afire Tr. Thill aye Tr. Toth afire
Mike Murphy. Mr. Murphy, a resident of The Woodlands, noted that the Moose has become
"conspicuous" now that its surrounding buildings have been razed. As a member of the
Moose, he was curious if the Moose Lodge would be allowed to stay in that location.
Nancy Lanning. Mrs. Lanning gave a huge "thank you" to the Fire Department. She had
several occasions to call them on behalf of her sister. She said you can always feel confident
when you call 9 -1 -1.
Trustee Grear publicly offered his condolences to Mrs. Lanning on the death of her sister.
Trustee Marcus moved to adjourn the meeting. Trustee Thill seconded the motion. Motion
passed unanimously via voice vote. The meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m.
PASSED this 14th day of June, 2010.
APPROVED by me this 14th day of June, 2010.
Daniel J. Staackmann, Village President
Board of Trustees, Morton Grove, Illinois
APPROVED and FILED in my office this 15th day of June, 2010.
Tony S. Kalogerakos, Village Clerk
Village of Morton Grove, Cook County, Illinois
Minutes of May 24, 2040 Hoard Meeting
Minutes by: Teresa Cousar
WHEREAS, the Northwest Suburban Jewish Congregation was formed in 1958 and was
affiliated with the Jewish conservative movement called United Synagogue; and
WHEREAS, the Northwest Suburban Jewish Congregation acquired land in the Village
of Morton Grove at 7800 West Lyons, the old Schroeder's tree farm, to build their permanent
home; and
WHEREAS, under the direction of Rabbi Lawrence Charney, the Northwest Suburban
Jewish Congregation broke ground and their sanctuary was dedicated on July 16, 1961; and
WHEREAS, during its 52 years of service to its members and the community, the
Northwest Suburban Jewish Congregation, under the spiritual leadership of Rabbi Charney,
initiated interfaith services between all of Morton Grove's houses of worship every
Thanksgiving; and
WHEREAS, the Northwest Suburban Jewish Congregation during its 52 years of service
in Morton Grove had at its highest point 800 families and 800 students in its award winning
religious and nursery schools; and
WHEREAS, many members of the Northwest Suburban Jewish Congregation have
served and are presently serving the Village of Morton Grove in various capacities; and
WHEREAS, after 52 years of service in the Village of Morton Grove, the Northwest
Suburban Jewish Congregation, under the current spiritual leadership of Rabbi Kenneth Cohen,
closed its doors on June 1, 20100
NOW, THEREFORE, I, Daniel J. Staackmann, Mayor of the Village of Morton Grove,
Illinois, do herby proclaim June 19, 2010, as
in Morton Grove in honor of the Northwest Suburban Jewish Congregation's service,
dedication, and friendship to the Village of Morton Grove,
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and
caused to be affixed the seal of the Village of Morton Grove.
Daniel J. Staackmann, Village President
Legislative Summary.
Ordinance 14 -13
Introduced: May 24, 2010
Synopsis: This ordinance amends and updates to Title 4, Chapter 3 pertaining to Basset
training for liquor licensed establishments.
Purpose: To require all managers and sellers, preparers, and servers of liquor licenses to
attend a Basset training program or such other alcohol sales and training program
as approved in writing by the Local Liquor Control Commissioner.
Background: In 2005 and 2006, the Village President, in his capacity as the Local Liquor
Control Commissioner, directed staff to review and update the Village's liquor
control ordinance. An additional update is now being suggested to require liquor
licensees within the Village to receive Basset training for their managers and
employees engaged in the preparing, sale, or service of alcoholic liquor, or other
alcohol sales.
Programs, Departments Liquor Control Commission, Village Administrator, Police Department, Finance
or Groups Affected Department, Legal Department
Fiscal Impact: The adjustment will have a minimal impact on the Village's finances.
Source of Funds: Not applicable
Workload Impact: The implementation of this ordinance will be performed by the Village
President, the Morton Grove Police Department, Finance Department, and Legal
Administrator Approval as presented
Second Reading: Required — Code Amendment
Special Considerations or None
Respectfully submitted:
Prepared and Reviewed by:
Teresa'Hogint& lsto'n, Corporation Counsel
WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (Village), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a
home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the
State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government
affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and
WHEREAS, the Village is continuously reviewing and as it deems necessary updating
existing Municipal Codes (Code) to assure they are kept current and relevant; and
WHEREAS, Village staff and especially Corporation Counsel's office is proposing Title
4, Chapter 3 of the Municipal Code be updated to include in Sections 6, 10, and 14 a requirement
that the manager of a licensed establishment, and each employee of that licensee who will be
engaging in the selling, mixing, preparing or serving alcoholic liquor at the licensed premise
attend a BASSET program, a TIPS program or other such alcohol sales and service training
program as approved in writing by the Local Liquor Control Commissioner; and
WHEREAS, the proposed text amendments are in the Village's best interest.
SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing
WHEREAS clauses into this Ordinance as though fully set forth therein thereby making the
findings as hereinabove set forth.
SECTION 2: Title 4, Chapter 3, Sections 6 entitled Privilege Granted by License is
hereby amended to read as follows:
4 -3 -6: PRIVILEGE GRANTED BY LICENSE: A liquor license granted pursuant to
this chapter is solely a personal privilege, and unless sooner revoked pursuant to
this chapter or by federal or state law shall last for no more than one year; from May 1 (or later
for an initial application) through the following April 30, except for classes G and 3 licenses
which shall expire on the date specified thereon. A license shall not constitute property and may
not be transferred. It shall not be used as collateral, nor be subject to voluntary or involuntary
attachment, assignment, garnishment, or execution, encumbrance or hypothecation, nor shall it
descend by the laws of testate or intestate devolution. Renewal of this license is a privilege and
shall not be construed as a vested right which shall limit or prevent the decreasing number of
licenses to be issued within the Village.
No license shall be renewed under this Section unless the manager of the licensed establishment,
and each employee of the licensee who is or will be engaged in the selling, mixing, preparing, or
serving of alcoholic liquor at the licensed premise has successfully completed a BASSET
program, TIPS program or such other alcohol sales and service training program approved in
writing by the Commissioner. (Ord. 06 -20, 6 -12 -2006)
SECTION 3: Title 4, Chapter 3, Sections 10 entitled License Application is hereby
amended to read as follows:
A. The commissioner shall prepare, or cause to be prepared, an application form, in
accordance with the foregoing, and requesting such other additional information or
records as the commissioner or chief of police shall from time to time determine to be
B. Any person desiring a license authorized by this chapter shall make application to the
commissioner. A separate application shall be made for each license by the applicant.
Such application shall be typed or legibly handwritten on forms prepared and furnished
by the commissioner. Each application shall be signed and verified by oath or affidavit by
each person so required, and shall be filed with the office of the village administrator.
The following persons shall be listed on the application:
1. If the applicant is an individual or individuals, each individual shall sign and
verify the application.
2. If the applicant is a general partnership, all partners shall sign and verify the
3. If the applicant
partner owning
and any person
the partnership
percentage of ii
is a limited partnership, all general partners and any limited
more than a five percent (5 %) interest in such limited partnership
entitled to share in more than five percent (5 %) of the profits of
who shall sign and verify the application and specify the
iterest owned or profit to which he is entitled.
4. If the applicant is a corporation or a limited liability corporation (LLC), all
officers, directors and managing members and any stockholders owning more
than fifty percent (50 %) of the corporate stock of a publicly traded corporation
and more than five percent (5 %) of the corporate stock of a nonpublicly traded
corporation, shall be listed, and their official position and percentage of stock
owned shall be specified. The application shall be signed and verified by the
president, secretary, managing member and site manager.
5. If the applicant is a club, all local officers and directors shall be listed and their
official position shall be specified. The application shall be signed and verified by
the president, secretary and site manager.
6. Any person who acts as the manager or agent of the licensee shall submit
information and documentation as required of him by the commissioner.
C. Applications shall contain the following information and statements:
1. The name, address, and date of birth and social security number of all persons
required to be listed on the application.
2. A statement whether each person required to be listed on the application is a
resident of the state of Illinois. In the case of corporations, officers, directors, or
stockholders and in the case of partnerships, partners do not have to be residents
of Illinois if the licensee employs a resident manager to operate the licensed
3. A statement of the citizenship of all persons required to be listed on the
application, and if any person is a naturalized citizen of the United States, the date
and place of naturalization and a copy of said naturalization documents. If any
person is not a citizen of the United States, a statement the person has the legal
authority to reside in the United States and a copy of all documents granting said
4. The name and address of the applicant's prospective business, and if applicable,
the date of the filing of the "assumed name" of the business with the county clerk.
5. If the applicant is an Illinois corporation, a copy of the articles of incorporation
and a certificate of good standing.
6. If the applicant is a foreign corporation, a certificate from the secretary of state of
Illinois to conduct business in Illinois as a foreign corporation.
7. If the applicant is an Illinois limited partnership, a copy of the filed certificate of
limited partnership and a certificate of good standing from the Illinois secretary of
8. If the applicant is a foreign limited partnership, a copy of the filed certificate of
limited partnership in the state of filing, and a copy of the filed application for
admission to transact business as a foreign limited partnership in Illinois.
9. If the applicant is an individual, a statement as to the nature of the business of the
10, If the applicant is a club, a copy of its charter, the date it was formed, and state of
its headquarters, and a statement as to the nature of its business and activities
within the state of Illinois.
11. A statement whether the proposed location is within one hundred feet (100') of
any church, school, hospital, home for the aged or indigent persons or for war
veterans, their wives or children.
12. A statement whether food for human consumption is to be sold at the event
conducted or in the licensed premises if the license is granted. A statement
whether the business will be in combination with a restaurant, and whether fifty
percent (50 %) of the gross receipts of the licensed business will be or has been
from the sale of such food, and documentation substantiating this statement if
requested by the local liquor control commissioner.
13. A statement as to the ownership of the licensed premises. If the applicant is not
the owner of the licensed premises, the name, address, and phone number of the
owner, and the duration of the lease. Documentation showing proof of ownership
(deed, or tax bill or like document) or a copy of the lease.
14. A statement whether any person required to be listed on the application previously
applied for, holds, or held a liquor license of any type issued by any state or
subdivision thereof or by the federal government that was rejected, suspended or
revoked, and all pertinent information detailing the reason for and circumstances
of any such rejection, suspension or revocation.
15. A statement whether or not any person required to be listed on the application or
any agent, bartender, limited partner or stockholder has ever been convicted of
being the keeper or an inmate of a house of prostitution, or pandering, or of any
other crime or misdemeanor, with the exception of traffic offenses not connected
with the misuse of alcoholic beverages.
16. A statement whether any person required to be listed on the application is not at
the time of making the application connected directly or indirectly with a house of
ill fame and verification that no such connection will occur during the existence
of the license.
17. A statement whether any person required to be listed on the application has ever
been convicted of a felony, or is disqualified to receive the license sought by
reason of any matter or thing contained in this chapter, the laws of this state, or
the ordinances of the village. If any such person has been convicted of a felony, a
statement indicating the state and county in which the conviction occurred. and
explaining the nature of the charges which led to the conviction and other relevant
information pertaining to the conviction.
18. A statement that should the licensed premises become or constitute a nuisance the
license, permit or certificate may be suspended or revoked or the licensee may be
fined by the commissioner.
194 A statement that any person required to be listed on the application will testify
under oath and subscribe to the truth in response to all relevant and material
questions propounded to him, in any hearing conducted by the commissioner,
either before or after the issuance of a license.
20. A statement that any person required to be listed on the application will provide,
on receipt of a lawfully authorized subpoena by the commissioner, any book or
record of his licensed business in connection with any investigation conducted by
the commissioner.
21. A statement that any person required to be listed on the application, and any
manager, bartender, agent or employee, if requested by the commissioner, will
permit a record of his or her fingerprints to be made by the village's police
22. In the case of the purchase of an existing business, a statement listing the value of
the physical assets if purchased and proof of purchase and a statement setting
forth the amount paid for the business as a going concern having value.
23. In the case of a new business, a statement listing all persons and corporations
financing the purchase or construction of the business to be licensed and, if
requested, a statement detailing the financial background of the applicant and
business to be licensed.
24. A statement that all persons required to be listed on the application have paid all
taxes, fees or other debts owed to the village of Morton Grove,
25. A statement that neither any person required to be listed on the application, nor
any member of his or her household is a member or employee of the Morton
Grove police department, corporate authorities or local liquor control
commissioner, nor is any such person interested in any way, directly or indirectly,
in relation to the license applied for, the premises or the profits or proceeds from
the sale of alcoholic liquor.
26. A statement authorizing the commissioner to cause to fingerprint all persons
required to be listed on the application and all managers and key employees
pursuant to subsection G of this section.
2T A statement that all persons required to be listed on the application will not
violate any of the laws of the state of Illinois, or of the United States, or any
ordinance of the village in relation to the license or the licensed premises.
28. Proof that all managers of the license premise and each employee who will be
engaged in the selling, mixing, preparing, serving, or delivering alcoholic liquor
for consumption on or off the licensed premise has successfully completed either
a BASSET program, a TIPS program, or such other alcohol sales and service
training program approved in writing by the Commissioner as required by Section
4 -3 -14I of this Chapter.
29. A copy of the licensee's village of Morton Grove business license, and state liquor
license (when available) and the licensee's federal employer identification
30. All information required must be supplied at the time of application and clearly
typed or legibly handwritten. It is the applicant's responsibility to supply on the
application, the name and address of each manager or agent to be employed and
to ensure that a background investigation is completed on each if required by this
chapter or by the commissioner, including the submission of fingerprints.
D. The requirement of supplying all of the above information is a continuing one. If any
supplied information or statements become invalid, it is the duty of the licensee to
provide updated information to the commissioner. This includes changes in the makeup
or control of partnerships or corporations as follows:
1. If the licensee is a partnership, the commissioner must be informed within seven
(7) days of the dissolution of the partnership, and within thirty (30) days of the
sale or acquisition of a five percent (5 %) interest in the partnership by any person,
or upon any partner acquiring a fifty percent (50 %) or greater interest in the
partnership if such partner was not shown to own a fifty percent (50 %) or greater
interest on prior applications or renewals, or of the resignation or replacement of
any managing partner or site manager.
2. If the licensee is a corporation, the commissioner must be informed within seven
(7) days of the dissolution of the corporation, and within thirty (30) days of the
resignation or replacement of any officer, managing member or site manager or of
the sale or acquisition or transfer of five percent (5 %) of the corporate stock by or
from any one stockholder, or if any stockholder acquires fifty percent (50 %) or
more of the stock if such stockholder was not shown to own fifty percent (50 %)
or more of the stock on prior applications or subsequent renewals.
3. In the case of clubs, the commissioner must be informed within thirty (30) days
upon the election or appointment of a new officer or director, and annually if the
membership roster changes.
4. The commissioner must be informed within seven (7) days of the death,
insolvency, bankruptcy or conviction of a felony of any licensee, or person
required to be listed on the license application.
E. No license shall be issued, renewed, or allowed to continue, unless the applicant files
with the commissioner a certificate by an insurance company authorized to do business in
the state of Illinois certifying the applicant has in full force and effect dram shop
insurance in such amount as required by law or in the amount of one million dollars
($1,000,000.00) whichever is greater, and listing the village as the certificate holder, and
proof of other insurance that may be required by all local ordinances, state, and federal
statutes. If at any time during the period of the license said insurance is not maintained or
a current certificate of insurance is not on file with the commissioner, said license shall
be suspended or revoked.
F. It is unlawful for a licensee to attempt to pay a license fee, transfer fee, late fee,
settlement, or fine pursuant to this chapter with a negotiable instrument that is dishonored
on presentation and said negotiable instrument shall not be considered payment and shall
be cause for disciplinary action.
G. Prior to the initial approval and issuance of a license, or whenever a transfer of any
interest in the license pursuant to subsection D of this section or section 4 -3 -7 of this
chapter, or at the request of the commissioner, all persons required to be listed on the
application and at the request of the commissioner, any key employees, including, but not
limited to, site managers and employee(s) in charge of the premises shall submit his or
her fingerprints to the Illinois state police in the form and manner prescribed by the
Illinois state police. These fingerprints shall be checked against the fingerprint records
now and hereafter filed in the Illinois state police and federal bureau of investigation
criminal history records databases. The Illinois state police shall charge and the applicant
shall pay a fee for conducting the criminal history records check, which shall be
deposited in the state police services fund and. shall not exceed the actual cost of the
records check. The Illinois state police shall furnish, pursuant to positive identification,
records of conviction to the chief of police.
H. An application for renewal of any previously issued license shall be filed prior to April 1
each year. The application shall be accompanied by payment of all the requisite fees,
shall be verified, and shall include the same information and documentation as shown
above, which shall be current and accurate as of the date of filing said renewal
application as well as the following documentation and information:
1. A copy of the applicant's current state liquor license number;
2. The date the applicant first obtained a license for the sale of liquor at his place of
3. The applicant's retailer's occupation tax (ROT) registration number;
4. Whether the applicant is delinquent in the payment of the retailer's occupational
tax (sales tax), and if so, the reasons therefore.
Any application for renewal of a liquor license submitted after April 1 must be
accompanied by a one hundred dollar ($100.00) late filing fee. The failure to
renew a license or to pay all requisite fees before the expiration of the license
shall render the license nonrenewable unless all required information,
documentation, and fees, including a late fee in the amount of two hundred dollars
($200.00) or ten percent (10 %) of the Iicense fee, whichever is greater, are filed
with the village administrator within ten (10) working days of the expiration of
the license. (Ord. 06 -20, 6 -12 -2006)
5. Proof of completion of alcohol sales and service training program required by
Section 4 -3 -14I of this Chapter for each manager and employee who is or will be
engaged in the selling, mixing, preparing, serving, or delivering of alcoholic
liquor to customers, guests, or patrons for consumption on or off the licensed
SECTION 4: Title 4, Chapter 3, Sections 14 entitled Regulations for Licensees is hereby
amended to read as follows:
A. All licensed premises shall be kept in a clean and sanitary condition and shall be
governed by the ordinances of the Village regulating the condition of the premises used
for the storage or sale of food for human consumption.
B. No licensee shall permit any alcoholic liquor to be sold or given away or consumed on a
licensed premises between the hours of two o'clock (2:00) A.M. and six o'clock (6:00)
A.M. on weekdays and Saturday; and between the hours of three o'clock (3:00) A.M. and
ten o'clock (10:00) A.M. on Sunday.
C. All lights of all outside advertising display or illuminating signs of licensed premises
shall be turned off at one o'clock (1:00) A.M. on weekdays and Saturday, and two o'clock
(2:00) A.M. on Sunday.
D. Each licensee shall cause his license to be framed and hung in plain view in a
conspicuous place on the licensed premises.
E. Each licensee shall make his books and records available upon reasonable notice for the
purpose of investigation and control by the commissioner. Such books and records shall
be maintained in the state of Illinois, unless access to the records is available
electronically. (Ord. 06 -20, 6 -12 -2006)
F. Every licensee shall post in plain view on the licensed premises an eight and one -half
inch by eleven inch (81/2" x 11 ") sign with the following message: "GOVERNMENT
RISK OF BIRTH DEFECTS". The local Liquor Control Commission shall furnish a copy
of this sign upon request. If the licensee fails to post said sign within seven (7) days after
receiving a written warning, he shall be fined in accordance with Title 1, Chapter 4 of the
Code for each such violation, and each day the violation continues shall constitute a
separate offense. (Ord. 08 -22, 5 -12 -2008)
G. Subject to all applicable Village ordinances, the Local Liquor Control Commissioner may
allow the sale and consumption of alcoholic liquor in completely enclosed outdoor areas
such as decks and patios adjacent to the permanent structure of a licensed premises so
long as he determines said sale and consumption shall not adversely impact the peace,
health, safety or welfare of the surrounding neighborhood. Said determination is subject
to review and reconsideration on an annual basis.
H. Unless waived in writing by the Commissioner, the holder of a Class D or Class F license
pursuant to this Chapter shall install and maintain in good working order video recording
and monitoring equipment pursuant to specifications as determined from time -to -time by
the Commissioner, and shall maintain video recordings of all sales of alcoholic liquor for
a period of at least fourteen (14) days after each sale. A written notice that "all sales of
alcohol are video recorded" shall be posted near the point of sale. (Ord. 06 -20, 6-12-
I. Responsible Alcohol Service Training Required:
1. Each manager of a licensed premise, and each employee of a licensee who will be
engaged in selling, mixing, preparing, serving or delivering alcoholic liquor to
customers, guests or patrons for consumption on or off the licensed premises,
shall, within ten (10) days after beginning employment with the licensee,
successfully complete a BASSET program, a TIPS program, or such other alcohol
sales and service training program approved in writing by the Commissioner.
2. Each licensee shall maintain on the licensed premises proof of completion of the
training required pursuant to this section in a manner that will allow inspection,
upon demand, by any designee of either the State of Illinois Liquor Control
Commission or the Local Liquor Control Commissioner.
3. No person shall sell, mix, prepare, serve, or deliver alcoholic liquor in the Village,
for consumption on or off the licensed premises, unless that person has
successfully completed a BASSET or TIPS program or such other alcohol sales
and service training program. approved in writing by the Commissioner, and that
proof of such training is available for inspection at the licensed premise.
4. No local liquor licensee shall allow alcoholic liquor to be sold, served, or
delivered except by a person who has successfully completed a BASSET or TIPS
program or such other alcohol sales and service training program approved in
writing by the Commissioner.
SECTION 5: The terms and conditions of this ordinance shall be severable and if any
section, term, provision, or condition is found to be invalid or unenforceable by any reason by a
court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining sections, terms, provisions, and conditions, shall
remain in full force and effect.
SECTION 6: In the event this ordinance or any code amendment herein is in conflict
with any statute, ordinance, or resolution or part thereof, the amendments in this ordinance shall
be controlling and shall supersede all other statutes, ordinance, or resolutions but only to the
extent of such conflict. Except as amended in this ordinance, all chapters and sections of the
Village of Morton Grove Village Code are hereby restated, readopted, and shall remain in full
force and effect.
SECTION 7: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage,
approval and publication in pamphlet form according to law on January 1, 2010, for licensees
who are granted a license after January 1, 2010, and on April 30, 2010, for licensees holding a
license before December 31, 2009.
PASSED this 14th day of June 20101
Trustee DiMaria
Trustee Gomberg
Trustee Grear
Trustee Marcus
Trustee Thill
Trustee Toth
APPROVED by me this 14th day of June 2010,
Daniel J. Staackmann, Village President
Village of Morton Grove
Cook County, Illinois
ATTESTED and FILED in my office
this 15th day of June 20101
Tony S. Kalogerakos, Village Clerk
Village of Morton Grove
Cook County, Illinois
Legislative Summary
Resolution 10 -43
Programs, Departments
or Groups Affected
Fiscal Impact:
Source of Funds:
Workload Impact:
Second Reading:
Special Considerations
Respectfully submitted:
Prepared by:
June 14, 2010
This resolution will authorize the implementation of a residential cost sharing program
dealing with the installation of overhead sewers or flood control devices.
The purpose of this program is to financially assist residents with the installation of
approved flood control devices in -order to eliminate sanitary sewer back -ups in their
homes which occur during heavy rain events and /or sewer blockages.
Homes constructed prior to the early 1960's were installed with gravity sewer systems
which make their basements more susceptible to flooding from sanitary sewer backups
especially during sever rain falls (as experienced during the past several years.) The
Village of Morton Grove's Public Works Department strives to provide safe, reliable and
effective utility services though it's practice of regularly maintaining, repairing and
upgrading its infrastructure which reduces the number and degree of sewer back -up
incidents. It is impossible for the Village to eliminate such back -ups altogether due to age
of the system; however, the current level of technology, and the limitations of fiscal
resources still makes it difficult. Staff therefore recommends the implementation of this
program in -order to assist single family residential homeowners with the installation of
approved flood control devices
Public Works Sewer and Engineering Divisions / Department of Building and Inspectional
Services / Finance Department
Beginning in 2011, $50,000 will be budgeted for this program, and reviewed for funding
each year thereafter.
Enterprise fund.
Substantial workload increase is expected for the Public Works Sewer and Engineering
Divisions, Building and Inspectional Services, and the Finance Department in the
execution of this program.
Approval as presented.
Not required
100 nI^
1�44 Reviewed by:
F. Wdde, Village Administrator Ed Hildebrandt, Building Commissioner
Reviewed by:
Teresa Hofman Liston, Corporation Counsel
Programs, Departments
or Groups Affected
Fiscal Impact:
Source of Funds:
Workload Impact:
Second Reading:
Special Considerations
Respectfully submitted:
Prepared by:
Legislative Summary
Resolution 10 -43
June 14, 2010
I i 1
This resolution will authorize the implementation of a residential cost assistance program
dealing with the installation of overhead sewers or flood control devices.
The purpose of this program is to financially assist residents, by providing interest free
loans for the installation of approved flood control devices in -order to eliminate sanitary
sewer back -ups in their homes which occur during heavy rain events and /or sewer
Homes constructed prior to the early 1960's were installed with gravity sewer systems
which make their basements more susceptible to flooding from sanitary sewer backups
especially during sever rain falls (as experienced during the past several years.) The
Village of Morton Grove's Public Works Department strives to provide safe, reliable and
effective utility services though it's practice of regularly maintaining, repairing and
upgrading its infrastructure which reduces the number and degree of sewer back -up
incidents. It is impossible for the Village to eliminate such back -ups altogether due to age
of the system; however, the current level of technology, and the limitations of fiscal
resources still makes it difficult. Staff therefore recommends the implementation of this
program in -order to assist single family residential homeowners with the installation of
approved flood control devices.
Public Works Sewer and Engineering Divisions / Department of Building and Inspectional
Services / Finance Department
Beginning in 2011, $50,000 will be budgeted for this program, and reviewed for funding
each year thereafter. The loans will be repaid upon the sale of the property or ten years
after maturity, which ever occurs first.
Enterprise fund.
Substantial workload increase is expected for the Public Works Sewer and Engineering
Divisions, Building and Inspectional Services, and the Finance Department in the
execution of this program.
Approval as presented.
Not required
Joseph F. Wade, Village Administrator
Andy De Monte, Director of Public Works
Reviewed by:
Reviewed by:
Ed Hildebrandt, Building Commissioner
Teresa Hoffman Liston, Corporation Counsel
WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (Village), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home
rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois,
can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not
limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and
WHEREAS, despite the Sanitary Sewer System Maintenance and Repair Program, some residents
with gravity sewer systems have experienced sanitary sewer backups during sewer blockages or periods of
heavy rainfall; and
WHEREAS, the Village has determined the installation of overhead sewers or backflow prevention
devices will prevent future occurrences of sanitary sewer backups in homes installing said devices; and
WHEREAS, the Village has determined an overall public purpose is served in assisting residents
that have gravity sewer systems by providing interest free loans in an amount of approximately $2,500 per
household in order to remediate sewage backups; and
WHEREAS, in order to provide public funding, the Village hereby establishes a program to assist
private property owners with financing in order to carry out approved flood control installation. The
interest free loans given under this program will be required to be paid back upon the sale of the property
or ten years after maturity, which ever occurs first.
SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS
clauses into this Resolution as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove
set forth.
SECTION 2: The Village Administrator, Director of Finance, Public Works Director, Building
and Inspectional Services Commissioner and/or their designees are hereby authorized to take all steps
necessary to implement the aforementioned program.
SECTION 3: The Village of Morton Grove reserves the right to amend any aspect of the
program from time -to -time as it deems necessary.
SECTION 4: This Resolution shall be in full force and effect upon its passage and approval.
PASSED this 14th day of June 2010.
Trustee Thill
Trustee Toth
APPROVED by me this 14th day of June 20101
Daniel J. Staackmann, Village President
Village of Morton Grove
Cook County, Illinois
APPROVED and FILED in my office
this 15th day of June 201.01
Tony S. Kalogerakos, Village Clerk
Village of Morton Grove
Cook County, Illinois
Assistance Program
Homes constructed prior to the early nineteen - sixties were installed with gravity sewer systems
that make their basements more susceptible to flooding from sanitary sewer backups; especially
during heavy and extended rain falls.
During intense rains, at times the capacity of the sanitary sewer system is not adequate to carry
the peak flow, resulting in pressurized sewers. When pressurized, sewage can backflow through
house sewers into basements if there is no backflow prevention device.
The Overhead Sewer and flood Control Device Assistance Program was authorized to provide
assistance to homeowners by providing interest free loans to revise the house plumbing so
sewage cannot backflow into the house when the combined sewer is pressurized. There are three
basic options available to the homeowner as listed below:
1) Modification of the soil stack to direct the flow out of the house in a new OVERHEAD
SEWER and elimination of all gravity drainage below the basement floor slab.
2) Installation of an interior or exterior BACKFLOW PREVENTION VALVE and bypass
pump on the house lateral in an underground vault.
3) LIFT STATION system within an inside or outside underground vault.
Each approach has different costs and degrees of homeowner disruption, as well as different
implications on the homeowner's use of the revised plumbing.
It should be noted; however, that option one (1) above, the installation of a new overhead
sewer, is strongly recommended to provide the greatest protection available under all
weather conditions and storm events to prevent sewage from entering the home.
This program does not include updating or enhancements to current systems, however, our
Public Works Department will inspect your current system for free. If you have an old system
and choose to replace the entire system then this program will help cover these costs.
Goals and Objectives
This program has several goals. The primary goals are to provide protection from the back up of
sewage into basements, increase property values by eliminating detrimental basement back up,
eliminate unsafe sanitary conditions, and to save substantial taxpayer dollars in the long term.
Residential properties in Morton Grove's corporate limits constructed prior to 1965, when
building codes were revised and required overhead plumbing, are eligible for the Overhead
Sewer and Flood Control Device Program,
1. The Overhead Sewer and Flood Control. Device Program is limited to conversion
of sanitary sewer gravity systems.
2. Eligibility for the Overhead Sewer and Flood Control Device Program will be
contingent upon the perimeter footing drains, driveway drains, outside stairwell
drains, downspouts and any other ground water source not being connected to the
sanitary sewer system.
3. For properties that currently have perimeter footing drains, driveway drains,
outside stairwell drains, downspouts and any other ground water source being
directly discharged (i.e. connected) into the sanitary sewer system, the property
owner must submit confirmation that the above footing drains, driveway drains,
outside stairwell drains, downspouts and any other ground water source shall be
disconnected from the sanitary sewer system per Title 7, 7 -54A of the Municipal
Code and the installation of a separate storm sewer system (i.e. Sump Pit and
Pump) to handle these extraneous flows has been included as part of the proposed
4. The individual seeking participation in the Overhead Sewer and Flood Control
Device Assistance Program and seeking Village reimbursement must establish
they are the owner of the property of the proposed modification of their plumbing
system. Participation in and reimbursement through this Overhead Sewer and
Flood Control Device Assistance Program is limited to one time only per address.
5. The property owner must complete and submit an Overhead Sewer and flood
control device Program Application Form. A representative from the Village will
perform an on -site inspection to determine if the property is eligible for this
program. When a property is approved for the Overhead Sewer and Flood
Control Device Assistance Program in writing by the Village, the property owner
will have 90 days to complete the project. The 90 days time frame commences
with the Village letter acknowledging that this sewer work is eligible to
participate in the program.
6. The property owner shall obtain three written detailed estimates from three (3)
Illinois licensed contractors that have not been barred doing business in Morton
Grove. The property owner shall submit a copy of the 3 estimates to Public
Works at the time the building permits are applied for.
7. The property owner shall contract with the plumbing firm for the overhead sewer
or flood control device and obtain all required Village permits. All plumbing
work must be performed by a licensed plumber. All work must conform to the
Village Building Codes and related sections of the Morton Grove Municipal
8. The program is on a first come, first serve basis and applications received will be
prioritized and authorized on availability of the Village funding.
9. The Village reserves the right to alter, postpone or cancel program from year to
year as funding is dependent on budgetary and financial constraints of the Village.
Loan Requirements
1. Loans from the Village for properties that pre - qualified for the Overhead Sewer
and Flood Control Device Assistance Program will be processed only upon
completion of all work.
2. Loans made by the Village will be limited to 50% of the actual contractual
construction cost, up to a maximum of $2,500. If the property owner selects a
plumbing firm other than the lowest estimates, then the Village's contribution will
be limited to 50% of the lowest bid amount, up to a maximum of $2,500. The
property owner shall sign a promissory note and mortgage for all amounts
borrowed. The note and mortgage shall provide that the loan shall not bear
interest unless the property owner fails to repay the loan when due. The loan shall
be due upon the sale of the property or the ten (10) year anniversary of the
execution of the loan documents.
3. The property owner must submit to Public Works verification of all required
inspections and final approval of the completed improvements by the Village's
Building Department; a copy of the licensed plumber's as- built, signed and dated;
(with plumber's state license #) and proof of payment, in the form of paid recite
and contractors waiver of lien.
4. Village shall make payments to applicants only, not to contractors or suppliers.
1' l 1' 1 1 1 1 ., r milli-4cloll
Initial inspection by public works staff in -order to verify eligibility:
Letter sent to resident to proceed:
:1 1151 . '
. woo
Dote: Work must be completed within 90 days from notification by the Village,
in -order to remain eligible for cost reimbursement.
Resolution 1044
Introduced: June 14, 2010
Synopsis: To authorize the Village Engineer to execute the attached change order extending the contract
termination date of the task order contract with Ciorba Group, Inc. to June 30, 2011, as well as to
update the hourly salary rates and direct cost rates for the time period from July 1, 2010 to June 30,
Purpose: To make available to the Village a consulting engineering company to supplement existing
engineering staff during peak periods of work and /or to perform specialized services.
Background: Municipal Code Title 1, Chapter 9, Article A Section 6, Paragraph D includes requirements for
purchasing procedures for professional engineering services, which encourages requesting
proposals from capable professionals whenever time and circumstances warrant. A formal
process to solicit and evaluate proposals and negotiate a contract would require approximately
two months. A two -month delay in the schedule for projects being developed would not meet
the Village's schedule to have the project ready to bid and would jeopardize the ability of
Village staff to reliably manage and implement on -going projects and programs. Resolution
05 -35 authorized executing a Task Order Contract with the firm Ciorba Group, Inc. for
consulting engineering services that will expire on June 30, 2010. Ciorba Group, Inc.
performed satisfactorily for the Village in the past. Village staff recommends to the Village
Board to extend the contract with Ciorba Group, Inc. based on their ability to perform the
work, institutional knowledge of the Village's infrastructure and value. The schedule of
hourly rates and direct costs needs to be updated to reflect Ciorba Group's current fees. This
revision has been incorporated into the recommended change order.
Progs, Depts or Public Works Department — Engineering Division
Groups Affected
Fiscal Impact: This contract does not guarantee the Village will authorize any work. The budget allocates $10,000.
Source of Funds. General Fund Account No. 025018- 552140
Workload Impact: Engineering Division staff manages this contract as a normal part of division functions.
Adrnin Reeom: Approval as presented.
Second Reading: N/A
Special Consid or N/A
Respectfully submitted:
Joseph F. Wade, Village Administrator
Prepared by: 4 Reviewed by:
Chris Tomich, Villag Engineer Teresa Hoffman Liston, Corporation Counsel
WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (VILLAGE), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a
home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of
Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs,
including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and
WHEREAS, the Village requires the use of a consulting engineering company to supplement
existing engineering staff during peak periods of work and /or to perform specialized services; and
WHEREAS, Municipal Code Title 1, Chapter 9, Article A Section 6. Paragraph D includes
requirements for purchasing procedures for professional engineering services, which encourages
requesting proposals from capable professionals whenever time and circumstances warrant; and
WHEREAS, a formal process to solicit and evaluate proposals and negotiate a contract would
require approximately two months; and
WHEREAS, a two -month delay in the schedule for projects being developed would not meet
the Village's schedule to have the project ready to bid and would jeopardize the ability of Village staff
to reliably manage and implement on -going projects and programs; and
WHEREAS, Resolution 05 -35 authorized executing a task order contract with the firm Ciorba
Group, Inc. for consulting engineering services that will expire on June 30, 2010; and
WHEREAS, Ciorba Group, Inc. performed satisfactorily for the Village in the past; and
WHEREAS, Village staff recommends to the Village Board to extend the contract with Ciorba
Group, Inc. based on their ability to perform the work, institutional knowledge of the Village's
infrastructure and value; and
WHEREAS, Ciorba Group, Inc. desires to modify the hourly labor rates and direct cost billing rates
detailed in Attachment 1 of the contract; and
WHEREAS, funding for this work is included in Account No. 025018- 552140 in the amount of
SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby 'incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS
clauses into this Resolution as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove
set forth.
SECTION 2: The Village Engineer of the Village of Morton Grove is hereby authorized to execute
Change Order No. 2 to the Contract with Ciorba Group, Inc. for consulting engineering services to change
the time of performance to June 30, 2011, and change the basis of compensation to published hourly labor
rates and direct cost billing rates for the period from July 1, 2010 to June 30, 20111
SECTION 3: The Village Engineer is hereby authorized to issue individual task orders to Ciorba
Group under this contract.
SECTION 4: This Resolution shall be in full force and effect upon its passage and approval.
Trustee DiMaria
Trustee Gomberg
Trustee Grear
Trustee Marcus
Trustee Thill
Trustee Toth
Daniel J. Staackmann, Village President
Village of Morton Grove
Cook County, Illinois
ATTESTED and FILED in my office
This 15`" DAY OF June 2010
Tony S. Kalogerakos, Village Clerk
Village of Morton Grove
Cook County, Illinois
Morton Grove Schedule of Fees 711110 . Rtanti1 7/1110
Labor Classification
Principal !Project
$ 189
Supervise and direct with final administrative authority.
Project Manager
Manage staff in performance of engineering work tasks.
$ 149
Senior Project
Supervise engineering work tasks on more complex assignments.
$ 139
Responsible for making decisions and interpretations affecting design.
Supervise engineering work tasks under general direction with the
Project Engineer
responsibility and choice of action in making decisions and interpretations
$ 129
affecting design.
Sensor Engineer
Perform assignments requiring a broad knowledge of engineering
$ 100
fundamentals: under direction, but not immediate supervision.
Perform tasks requiring training experience and some knowledge of
Staff Engineer
engineering fundamentals relating to design. Requires immediate
$ 73
Senior Structural
Perform engineering assignments under general direction with the
requirement for responsibility and choice of action in making decisions and
$ 115
interpretations affecting design.
Structural Engineer
Perform assignments requiring a broad knowledge of structural engineering
$ 95
fundamentals: under immediate supervision.
Structural /Senior
Perform assignments requiring a broad knowledge of structural detailing and
CADD Technician
$ 105
plan preparation: under direction, but not immediate supervision.
Construction Service
Perform supervisory work requiring special engineering requirements or
attainments in construction, and offering wide latitude for independent action
$ 140
and decisions.
Senior Resident
Perform particularly important engineering work requiring special
$ 135
engineering requirements or attainments in construction.
Perform engineering assignments under general direction with the
Resident Engineer
requirement for responsibility and choice of action in making decisions and
$ 110
interpretations affecting construction.
Senior Construction
Perform assignments requiring a broad knowledge of construction
Engineer /inspector
engineering; under direction but not immediate supervision.
$ 98
Perform tasks requiring training experience and knowledge of engineering
Engineer /Inspector
fundamentals relating to construction. Requires immediate supervision.
$ 73
Party Chief
Perform supervisory tasks requiring training and experience in surveying
$ 85
techniques and equipment.
Person /Rod Man
$ 73
Perform tasks requiring training and experience in surveying equipment.
Perform tasks requiring training experience and some knowledge of
engineering fundamentals relating to design. Requires immediate
$ 40
C: \Documents and Settings\ctomich \Local Settings \Temporary Internet Files \Content .Outlook \RYTGULIO \Morton Grove salary
rates 07 -01 -10
Attachment D
Village of Morton Grove
In accordance with Article 35 of the Consulting Services Contract dated September 12, 2005 ( "Contract ") between
the Village of Morton Grove ( "VILLAGE ") and Ciorba Group, Inc. ( "CONSULTANT "), this Change Order
modifies the Contract as follows:
1. Change in Contracted Services:
2. Change in time of Performance (attach schedule if appropriate):
The second sentence of Article 2.1 of the Contract shall be revised to read "This Contract terminates on June 30
2011 unless terminated earlier pursuant to the terms and conditions of this Contract
3. Change in CONSULTANT's Compensation:
The labor rates listed in Attachment 1 are replaced with labor rates for the period of July 1 2010 to June 30 2011
(attached). The second sentence of Attachment B Article 1 1 is deleted
All other terms and conditions remain unchanged.
Chris R. Tomich, F.E.
Village Engineer
Name (Printed or Typed)
Attachment D 1 of 1 6/8/2010
Legislative Summary
For Consideration at the, June 14, 2010
Meeting of the Village Board of Trustees
Resolution 10 - 45
Programs, Departments
or Groups Affected
Fiscal Impact:
Source of Funds:
Workload Impact:
First Reading:
Special Considerations or
To authorize the Village President to execute a contract with Ciorba Group, Inc. to
provide construction engineering services for the Chestnut Street Interim Parking
Lot Construction.
To provide the necessary engineering resources and expertise to ensure the proposed
temporary parking lot construction improvements on the Village -owned properties
at 6400 -6420 Chestnut Street meet Village construction and administrative
The scope of the construction improvements exceeds the expertise and capacity of
Village staff to provide construction engineering for the daily oversight of the work.
The Village has contracted the services of Ciorba Group, Inc. to supplement
existing engineering staff during peak periods of work and /or to perform specialized
Public Works, Engineering Division
Lehigh - Ferris TIF District Fund — Account No. 151099- 571030.
The Public Works Department, Engineering Division, as part of their normal work
activities, performs the management and implementation of the program.
Approval as presented.
Respectfully submitted:
Joseph 1 Wadve, Village Administrator
Prepared by:- Reviewed by:
Chris Tomich, Village Engineer
Reviewed by:
Teresa Hoffman Liston, Corporation Counsel
Andy DeMonte, Dir. Of Public Works
WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (Village), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a
home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State
of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs,
including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and
WHEREAS, the Village intends to construct a temporary parking lot on the Village-
owned properties at 6400 -6420 Chestnut Street in order to accommodate the desire of commuters
to park closer to the train station to be known as "Chestnut Street Interim Parking Lot
Construction "; and
WHEREAS, the scope of the construction improvements exceeds the expertise and
capacity of Village staff to provide construction engineering for the daily oversight of the work;
WHEREAS, the Village has contracted the services of Ciorba Group, Lac. to supplement
existing engineering staff during peak periods of work and/or to perform specialized services;
WHEREAS, Village staff has negotiated a scope of work with Ciorba Group, Inc. valued at
$24,427.20; and
WHEREAS, funding for this work is included in the 2010 Annual Budget from the Lehigh-
Ferris TIF District Fund Account 151099 - 571030 for the value of the contract.
Section 1. The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS
clauses into this Resolution as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as
hereinabove set forth.
Section 2. The Village President of the Village of Morton Grove is hereby authorized to
execute and the Village Clerk to attest a contract with Ciorba Group, Inc. for construction
engineering services for "Chestnut Street Interim Parking Lot Construction"
Section 3. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect upon its passage and approval.
Trustee DiMaria
Trustee Gomberg
Trustee Grear
Trustee Marcus
Trustee ThiIl
Trustee Toth
Daniel J. Staackmann, Village President
Village of Morton Grove
Cools County, Illinois
ATTESTED and FILED in my office
This 15th DAY OF JUNE 2010
Tony S. Kalogerakos, Village Clerk
Village of Morton Grove
Cook County, Illinois
Wlegislative\resolutionsVes 2010 \Chestnut Pkg L.ot Imp, Engineering Contract Approval (4).doc