HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-03-22 AgendaVILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES TO BE HELD AT THE RICHARD T. FLICKINGER MUNICIPAL CENTER 1. Call to Order 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Roll Call 4. 5 5. Approval of Minutes — Public Hearings Special Reports March 22, 2010 Meeting 7 :00 pm Special Meeting of March 2, 2010 Regular Meeting of March 8, 2010 7. Resident's Comments (agenda items only) 8. President's Report — Administration, Northwest Municipal Conference, Council of Mayors, TIF Committee, Capital Projects, Real Estate Committee a. Proclamation — Barth Day — April 22, 2010 b. Board appointments are requested as follows: Economic Development Commission — 3 year term 9. Clerk's Report — Legal, Cable and Telecommunications Commission 10. Staff Reports a. Village Administrator 1) Farmers' Market Staff Report and Presentation 2) Miscellaneous Reports and Updates b. Corporation Counsel George Alpogianis 11. Reports by Trustees a. Trustee DiMaria — Community and Economic Development Department, Waukegan Road TIF Review, Comprehensive Plan, Real Estate Committee, Lehigh/Ferris TIF Review, Economic Development, Dempster Street Corridor Plan (Trustee Thill) 1) Resolution 10 -25 (Introduced March 22, 2010) Authorizing an Economic Development Agreement between the Village of Morton Grove and Harlem Dempster Limited Partnership (HDLP) b. Trustee Gomberg — Finance Department, Community Relations Commission, Finance Advisory Commission, Northwest Municipal Conference, Condominium Association (Trustee Toth) 1) Resolution 10 -21 (Introduced March 22, 2010) Authorizing Membership in the Pension Fairness for Illinois Communities Coalition 2) Resolution 10 -20 (Introduced March 22, 2010) Authorizing the Adoption of the Vantagecare RIIS Employer Investment Program in the Village 3) Resolution 10 -23 (Introduced march 22, 2010) Authorizing the Appointment of a Delegate and Alternate Delegate to the Intergovernmental Risk Management Agency C. Trustee Grear —Fire Department, Emergency Management Agency, RED Center, NIPSTA, Police and Fire Commission (Trustee DiMaria) d. Trustee Marcus — Family and Senior Services Department, Police Department, Environmental Health, Police and Fire Commission, IT Communications, Chamber of Commerce (Trustee Gomberg) 1) Report and Recommendation Concerning a Senior Service Provider e. Trustee Thill — Public Works, Capital Projects, Traff c Safety Commission, Natural Resource Commission, Solid Waste Agency ofNorthern Cook County, Advisory Commission on Aging (Trustee Marcus) 1) Ordinance 10 -07 (Introduced March 8, 2010, Second Reading) Amending Title 5, Chapter 13, Article A -1, Entitled "Traffic Schedules" of the Municipal Code 2) Ordinance 10 -09 (Introduced March 22, 2010, First Reading) Amending Title 5, Chapter 13, Article P, Section 3. Entitled "Time Limit Parking Zones" of the Municipal Code of the Village of Morton Grove 3) Resolution 10 -22 (Introduced March 22, 2010) Authorizing the Acceptance of the Low Bid and Execution of a Contract with Lyons Electric Company for the 2010 Maintenance of Street Lighting and Traffic Control Signal Units Program 11. Reports by Trustees (continued) £ Trustee Toth — Building Department, Appearance Commission, Capital Projects, Plan Commission /Zoning Board of Appeals (Trustee Great) 12. Other Business 13. Presentation of Warrants — $403,428.33 14. Resident's Comments 15. Executive Session — Personnel Matters, Labor Negotiations, Pending Litigation, and Real Estate 16. Ad jonrnment -To ensure full accessibility and equal participation for all interested citizens, individuals with disabilities who plan to attend and who require certain accommodations in order to observe and/or participate in this meeting, or who have questions regarding the accessibility of these facilities, are requested to contact Susan or Marlene (8471470 -5220) promptly to allow the Village to make reasonable accommodations. MINUTES OF THE MARCH 25 2010, SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES RICHARD T. FLICKINGER MUNICIPAL CENTER 6101 CAPULINA AVENUE MORTON GROVE, ILLINOIS 60053 Pursuant to proper notice in accordance with the Open Meetings Act, the special meeting was called to order at 5:31 pm by Mayor Daniel J. Staackmam3 who led the assemblage in the pledge of allegiance. Village Administrator Joseph F. Wade called the roll. In attendance were: Elected Officials: President Daniel Staackmann, Trustees Dan DiMaria, Larry Gomberg, William Grear, Sheldon Marcus, John. Thill, and Maria Toth Absent: Village Clerk Tony Kalogerakos Village Staff: Village Administrator Joseph F. Wade, Family and Senior Services Director Jackie Walker O'Keefe, Finance Director /Treasurer Ryan Horne, and Corporation Counsel Teresa Hoffman Liston Also Present: None Mayor Staackmann stated the purpose of this meeting was to discuss personnel, real estate, and pending litigation, and such topics are appropriate for Executive Sesston. Trustee Marcus moved to adjourn to Executive Session to discuss personnel. real estate, and pending litigation. The motion was seconded by Trustee DiMaria and approved unanimously pursuant to a roll call vote at 5:32 pm. At the conclusion of the Executive Session, Trustee Thili moved to adjourn the Special Meeting. The motion was seconded by Trustee Marcus and approved unanimously pursuant to a voice vote at 6:27 Pal. Minutes by: Teresa Hoffman Liston, Corporation Counsel Special meeting minutes.03 -02 -10 CALL TO ORDER !. Village President Dan Staackmann called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. After leading the assemblage in the Pledge of Allegiance, he directed the Village Clerk to call the roll. II. Village Clerk Tony Kalogerakos called the roll. Present were: Trustees Dan DiMaria, Larry Gomberg, Bill Grear, John Thill, and Maria Toth. (Trustee Marcus was out of town.) APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. Regarding the Minutes of the Special Meeting of January 27, 2010, Trustee DiMaria moved, seconded by Trustee Toth, to accept the Minutes as presented. There was no discussion. Motion passed unanimously via voice vote. b. Regarding the Minutes of the Special Meeting of February 15, 2010, Trustee DiMaria moved, seconded by Trustee Grear, to accept the Minutes as presented. There was no discussion. Motion passed unanimously via voice vote. c. Regarding the Minutes of the Special Meeting of February 22, 2010, Trustee DiMaria moved, seconded by Trustee Toth, to accept the Minutes as presented. There was no discussion. Motion passed unanimously via voice vote. d. Regarding the Minutes of the February 22, 2010 Regular Meeting, Trustee DiMaria moved, seconded by Trustee Grear, to accept the Minutes as presented. Trustee Gomberg noted that there was a misspelling of the SWANCC representative's name throughout the Minutes. His last name is spelled "Beal ", not "Biel ". (The Minutes will be corrected and resubmitted for posting on the Village's website.) There was no further discussion. Motion passed unanimously via voice vote. IV. SPECIAL REPORTS NONE Minutes of March 8, 2010'. Board Meeting. V. PUBLIC HEARINGS NONE VI. RESIDENTS' COMMENTS (Agenda Items Only) NONE VII. PRESIDENT'S REPORT Mayor Staackmann proclaimed March 27, 2010, as "Lights Out America —Earth Hour" in Morton Grove. He said that Earth Hour is an initiative to turn of the lights in cities around the world for one hour, starting at 8:30 p.m. local time on March 27`h. This will help demonstrate that, working together, each of us can make a positive impact on carbon dioxide emissions and the world's climate. Mayor Staackmann encouraged all residents and businesses to participate, on a voluntary basis, in Earth Hour by turning off all non - essential lighting from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m. on March 27`h Mayor Staackmann said that Thursday night is the "Taste ", and that he would defer his comments to Corporation Counsel Liston, who is very involved with this event. VIII. CLERK'S REPORT Clerk Kalogerakos presented Ordinance 10 -06, Amending Title 1, Chapter 5, Section 8 of the Municipal Code to Modify the Meeting Agenda. This is the second reading of this Ordinance. Clerk Kalogerakos explained that, prior to 2005, the Village Board's agenda included a consent agenda. The consent agenda includes ordinances and resolutions which are typically perfunctory or non - controversial in nature. Only one motion and one second is needed to move to approve or deny all the items contained on the consent agenda. The Village President or any of the Trustees may remove any item from the consent agenda at any time prior to a vote being taken. Ordinance 10 -06 would modify the Village Board's agenda to once again include a consent agenda. Trustee Thill said he wanted the public to know that all this Ordinance would do is put "mundane" items under one umbrella, so the Board could take just one vote. He said he felt that everything the Board passes, however, should be discussed in public, or at least be given the opportunity to be discussed in public. Mayor Staackmann commented that every item brought before the Board is discussed and is available for public review. Having a consent agenda would in no way hinder public access or public discussion. The consent agenda would only serve to expedite the Board meetings. Trustee DiMaria moved to approve Ordinance failed: 0 ayes, 5 nays, 1 absent. Tr. DiMaria nay Tr. Gomberg Tr. Marcus absent Tr. Thill 10 -06, seconded by Trustee Thill. Motion nay Tr. Grear nav nav Tr. Toth nay IX. STAFF REPORTS A. Village Administrator Dempster Street Status Report a. Mr. Wade said that the Board tonight will be voting on the first of "hopefully few" change orders for Dempster Street, and that this is the first monthly Dempster Street status report. He asked Public Works Director Andy DeMonte to update the Board and the assemblage about this $12 million project. Mr. DeMonte said his first piece of advice is to "stay off of Dempster." He said the contractor started at Lincoln & Dempster, connected to the 10" and 6" valve there, and is now at Ferris Avenue. This is Phase 1. They will be going as far east as Austin Avenue. Along the way they will be installing the new 12" water main down the center of Dempster, connecting hydrants that need to be connected, connecting individual side streets to the 12" main, and connecting valves. The valves will stay closed until they can be pressurized, chlorinated, and tested be- fore being opened back up. Mr. DeMonte said that, somewhere along the line, the contractor will have to go back and connect individual services. That is another thing can't be done until after pressurizing, chlorinating, and testing. He said he was not sure if the contractor will go to Austin and then come back, or if they'll have another crew follow the first after they go a couple of blocks. He said he's having a meeting with the contractor next week in their trailer. The meeting is staff only, as there is not really enough room in the trailer for members of the public. Mr. DeMonte said if anyone needs any information, they should call him. Trustee Thill asked if "no parking" signs had been posted on Dempster. Mr. DeMonte said they had been, up to Austin. He said he would estimate that the project is about 5% completed at this point. He said that he hasn't received a lot of complaints. The few that came in were about letting traffic flow to the businesses at Ferris and Dempster and Lincoln & Dempster. Mr. DeMonte added that some night work may happen, especially at McDonald's, which is open 24 hours. They will have to be shut down at some point, and the Village has communicated that with McDonalds' management. On another topic, Mr. DeMonte noted that the north water tower painting project will begin on Monday, March 15. B. Corporation Counsel: Ms. Liston said the Morton Grove Foundation's "Taste" event is this Thursday. She looked over the assemblage and commented that pretty much everyone in attendance is either a volunteer or a participant or a reporter (who will cover the event favorably). She thanked everyone on behalf of the Taste committee, saying that the Taste is a wonderful community event, entirely put together by volunteers. The event to date has raised over $450,000. It's money from Morton Grove residents that goes back to needy people in the Village or in the area. There is no paid staff; sponsors donate; restaurants donate; the firefighters have some fabulous raffles; and the volunteers not only work the event, they also buy raffle tickets. Ms. Liston reiterated her thanks to all. X. A. 91 TRUSTEES'REPORTS Trustee DiMaria: Minutes of Mamh 8, 2010. Hoard Meeting Trustee DiMaria had no formal report, but announced that, in support of the soon -to -open Morton Grove Farmers' Market, every Wednesday in March from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., if anyone eats at Kappy's, they have pledged to donate a percentage of the receipts to the Farmers' Market. He said he hoped everyone would support the Farmers' Market by eating out at Kappy's on any Wednesday in March. Trustee Gombepa Trustee Gomberg presented for a first reading Ordinance 10 -08, Amending Title 51 Chapter 3, Section 3 of the Village of Morton Grove Municipal Code Entitled "License Fees." He explained that, as part of the 2010 budget process, the Board had recommended various vehicle license fees be raised. Specifically, raising the basic motor vehicle license fee from $30 to $55, the discounted vehicle fee for seniors over the age of 65 to $25, the fee for an- tique motor vehicles (over 25 years old) to $40, and increasing the license fee for larger trucks as well. Trustee Gomberg said that these increases will provide the Village an estimated $433,255 in revenue. He said that, since vehicle license mailings will be going out around March 15, 2010, the Finance Department has requested that this ordinance be passed tonight. Trustee Gom- berg therefore moved to waive the second reading of Ordinance 10 -08, Trustee DiMaria seconded the motion. Motion passed: 4 ayes, 1 nay, 1 absent. Tr. DiMaria aye Tr. Gomberg aye Tr. Grear nay Tr. Marcus absent Tr. Thill aye Tr. Toth aye Trustee Gomberg then moved to approve Ordinance 10 -08, seconded by Trustee Toth. Motion passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent. Tr. DiMaria aye Tr. Gomberg acre Tr. Grear aye Tr. Marcus absent Tr. Thill ave Tr. Toth acre Trustee Gomberg reminded the assemblage to tune in to Channel 6 for an informative panel discussion regarding the 2010 Census. Many questions are addressed during the program, which was done with the assistance of the Community Relations Commission. C. Trustee Grear: Trustee Grear had no report but echoed Trustee DiMaria's remarks about Kappy's efforts to support the Farmers' Market. Minutes of March 8, 2010 Board Meeting X. TRUSTEES' REPORTS (continued) D. Trustee Marcus: In the absence of Trustee Marcus, Trustee Gomberg presented Ordinance 10 -05, An Ordinance Amending Various Sections of Title 5 Including 5 -1 -5, Entitled "Compliance Citations," 5 -3 -2 Entitled "Vehicle License Requirements," 5-4 -19 Entitled "Violations Suitable for Enforcement by Compliance Citations," and 5 -8-4 Entitled "Prohibited Equipment or Condition." This is the second reading of this ordinance. Trustee Gomberg explained that this ordinance updates various sections of Title 5 of the Village's Municipal Code to bring them into conformity with contemporary police operations, to prohibit vehicles with expired state registrations from parking on public rights -of -way, and to prohibit vehicles from having tinted or darkened windshields and front windows. Trustee Gomberg moved, seconded by Trustee Grear, to approve Ordinance 10 -05. Motion passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent. Tr. DiMaria aye Tr. Gomberg aye Tr. Grear aye Tr. Marcus absent Tr. Thill aye Tr. Toth aye Trustee Thill Trustee Thill presented Resolution 10 -19, Authorization to Execute Change Order No. 2 With De Meo Brothers, Inc., For the Dempster Street Water Main Improvements. Trustee Thill explained that the Village has a set contract for the water main work being done on Dempster. He said that, of the first four valves the contractor uncovered, three were leaking badly and were faulty. Rather than take chances on the remainder of the valves, the Village will replace all 19 valves, which will cost $107,000. Trustee Thill moved to approve Resolution 10 -19, seconded by Trustee Toth. Motion passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent. Tr. DiMaria aye Tr. Gomberg aye Tr. Grear aye Tr. Marcus absent Tr. Thill aye Tr. Toth a rye Trustee Thill then presented Ordinance 10 -03, Amending Title 5, Chapter 13, Article F, Section 2 Entitled "No Parking During Certain Hours" and Title 5, Chapter 13, Article F, Section 4 Entitled "Restricted Parking Streets" of the Municipal Code of the Village of Morton Grove. This is the second reading of this Ordinance, which was introduced at the Board Meeting on January 11, 2010, and subsequently remanded back to the Traffic Safety Commission. Trustee Thill noted that the Traffic Safety Commission considered this matter at their February 4, 2010 regular meeting and again at a special meeting on February 18th. They recommend that the Village restrict parking on the south side of Henning Ct. between Narragansett and Ferris and that said area require a Zone 5 or Zone 11 special parking permit, to be determined by the Village's administration. Minutes of March % 2010Board Meeting: X. TRUSTEES' REPORTS (continued) E. Trustee Thill: (cont'd.) Staff supports the recommendation and notes that Zone 5 special permit parking restrictions exist on the abutting east side of Ferris Avenue, so requiring Zone 5 special parking on the south side of Henning Ct. Is recommended. Trustee Thill moved to adopt Ordinance 10 -03, seconded by Trustee Toth. Motion passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent. Tr. DiMaria acre Tr. Gomberg acre Tr. Grear aye Tr. Marcus absent Tr. Thill aye Tr. Toth aye 3• Trustee Thill introduced for a first reading Ordinance 10 -07, Amending Title 5, Chapter 13, Article A -1, Entitled "Traffic Schedules" of the Municipal Code of the Village of Morton Grove. Trustee Thill explained that the Traffic Safety Commission heard and subsequently recommended approval of a request for stop signs at the intersection of Henning Ct. and Narragansett Avenue. The recommendation conforms to the provisions of the Illinois Vehicle Code and Illinois Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices. There was no further discussion on Ordinance 10 -07. F. Trustee Toth: Trustee Toth had no formal report, but reminded the assemblage that the Morton Grove Foundation would host its annual "Taste" event on March 11, 2010, at the White Eagle, 6845 Milwaukee Avenue, in Niles, Doors open at 5:30 p.m. Tickets for the event are $30 in advance and $40 at the door. The event will feature cuisine from many area restaurants as well as the Village's own firefighters. Tickets are available at Village Hall, Century 21 Marinc Realtors, and Inland Bank, Trustee Toth also reminded everyone that the Community Relations Commission had extended its deadline for submissions for its "Most Memorable Morton Grove Moment" essay project to March 31, 2010. Detailed information and essay forms for submissions can be obtained at Village Hall, the Library, the Civic Center, and Prairie View Center. XI. OTHER BUSINESS NONE XII. WARRANTS Trustee Gomberg presented the Warrant Register for March 8, 2010 in the amount of $395,229.54. He moved to accept the Warrants, seconded by Trustee Toth. Minutes of March 8, 2010 Board Meeting. XII. WARRANTS (continued) Trustee Thill had several questions: a. On page 4, there are several checks payable to Commonwealth Edison; two are for $300. He noted that these were payments made on behalf of residents who couldn't afford to pay their electric bill. He wondered if these were bills for a single month of service or if they were cumulative. Finance Director Ryan Horne answered that they were cumulative. b. Also on page 4, Trustee Thill wondered about a check payable to CVS Corporation for $10,800. He knew it was for the Village's revenue - sharing agreement with them, and wondered if this was the last payment. Mr. Horne said it is not the last payment; the agreement calls for the Village to pay CVS either $250,000 or for 14 years, whichever comes first. To date, the Village has paid them approximately $120,000. There is about 5 more years left on the agreement. c. On page 6, Trustee Thill asked about a $2,000 charge for sulphuric acid chlorine color meter, and wondered why it was being purchased. Mr. DeMonte said it's part of a chemical Public Works uses in an automatic chlorinator device that reads chlorine residual daily. This is a year's supply of the chemical for three units; the color meter is part of one of these devices. d. Trustee Thill wondered about a charge to High Tech Auto Glass, Inc. to replace a rear window in a squad car. Chief Erickson said this was because of a broken defroster embedded in the rear window's glass so the glass had to be replaced. e. Trustee Thill inquired about a charge on page 7 to Valley Safety Inc. for "gas mask fit." Chief Erickson said this is something mandated by the State. The Police Department needs to have those masks tested and fitted once a year. He said they are currently working with Chief Friel to have the Fire Department do the testing and fitting in order to eliminate that expense. f. Also on page 7, Trustee Thill wondered if a payment of $2,600 to International Piping HVAC was for maintenance. Building Commissioner Ed Hildebrandt responded that a portion of it is for maintenance, but approximately $834 is for service repairs not covered by the contract. g. Trustee Thill inquired about an $845 charge to Premier Bus Lines. He wondered if that was for a senior trip and if the seniors pay for it. Mr. Horne said that the seniors do pay for it. There was no further discussion on the Warrants. Upon the vote, the motion passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent. Tr. DiMaria ave Tr. Gomberg aye Tr. Grear ave Tr. Marcus absent Tr. Thill ave Tr. Toth ave XIII. a. Barbara Novick. Ms. Novick said she is a 25 -year resident of the Village, currently living in the Woodlands, and is a member of the Village's Advisory Commission on Aging. She had questions about a senior event on March 12`h being sponsored by American Legion Post #134. In their newsletter, they promote the event and say that the funds will go to the Commission on Aging. As a member of that Commission, Ms. Novick said she had not seen anything in writing about this until she was given the Legion's newsletter with this article in it. She pointed out that the Commission does not have a bank account and depends on the Village to handle whatever expenses it incurs. She wondered if it was even permissible to give money to a Village Commission. Minutes of March 8, 2010 Board Meeting XIII. RESIDENTS' COMMENTS (continued) Ms. Novick said her understanding is that payments are to be made to the American Legion, which will then turn the money raised over to the Commission. She was considered because the Commission is not designed to handle money. She wondered if the Village or the Com- mission on Aging should be involved in this, and wondered if there were any administrative costs or fees incurred by the Legion that will be passed along. Mayor Staackmann said that he, too, was confused. He said the Village and the Legion Post #134 have an agreement for three members from the Legion and three members from the Village Board to meet periodically to discuss issues pertinent to either group. That group convened on February 9`h and the Village asked similar questions, but could not get any answers or direction about this fundraiser from the Commander. Mayor Staackmann said that he's been getting calls seeking information about this but does not have information. On February 25th, the Legion Board met. The chairperson of the Commission on Aging is also the President of the Legion's Auxiliary, and she doesn't have any information either. He agreed that the Commission on Aging is not set up to take in money. Mayor Staackmann said this is a very noble effort of the Legion, but as of right now, no one from the Legion has approached either himself or Family & Senior Services Director Jackie Walker- O'Keefe to discuss how this will work. b. Eric Poders. Mr. Poders said that he has a meeting in Sena Jan Schakowsky's office tomorrow. This is "appropriations" time and he is going to ask for funds for the senior center services for 2011. He is also going to talk about Comcast and their service issues. They basically have a monopoly in the Village. Mr. Poders said it was his understanding that AT &T U -verse has stopped production. He is going to try to get discounts for seniors on cable services. He said he would also talk about this with the Commission on Aging at its meeting tomorrow. Trustee DiMaria said that he believed U -verse was still being offered in various sections of town. It's not everywhere in the Village yet, but it's still being rolled out. He added that he was going to get it himself XIV. ADJOURNMENT /EXECUTIVE SESSION There being no further business, Trustee Thill moved to adjourn the meeting. Trustee Toth seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously via voice vote. The meeting adjourned at 7:39 p.m. PASSED this 22nd day of March, 2010, Trustee DiMaria Trustee Gomberg Trustee Grear Trustee Marcus Trustee Thill Trustee Toth APPROVED by me this 22nd day of March, 2010. Daniel J. Staackmann, Village President Board of Trustees, Morton Grove, Illinois APPROVED and FILED in my office this 23rd day of March, 2010. Tony S. Kalogerakos, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove, Cook County, Illinois Minutes of March 8, 2010 Board Meeting` Minutes by Teresa Censer Resolution 10 -25 AUTHORIZING AN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE AND HARLEM DEMPSTER LIMITED PARTNERSHIP (HDLP) Introduced: March 22, 2010 Synopsis: An economic development agreement is proposed with Lonore Plaza Shopping Center to return a portion of the sales tax revenues generated from the new business with the shopping center. Purpose: The owner of Lonore Plaza Shopping Center has approached the Village with a request to provide financial assistance to attract a new retail tenant. This shopping center has suffered from a nearly 50% vacancy rate since it's anchor tenant left more than twelve months ago. Dollar General would like to locate in this modern shopping center. The maximum rent they can offer to pay is below the minimum rent the owner can accept without compromising the terns of the commercial mortgage. For more than one year, this space has been vacant. This vacancy has hurt the other businesses in the shopping center. The Village has collected no sales tax revenue from this vacant space for more than one year. An economic development agreement is proposed to return a portion of the sales tax revenues generated from the new business to the landlord to offset below market rent from this tenant. This creates a net return from the tenant space that is consistent with the expectations of the commercial lender that holds the mortgage on the property. The Village would retain 50% of new sales tax revenue from the new business. The owner has agreed to make improvements to the site to increase its attractiveness and leas ability. The agreement contains `clawbacks' and other safeguards to protect the Village's interest in the event that the new business is not successful. Background: The current economic climate has placed extreme pressure on many commercial properties. Retail businesses are hesitant to open new locations while property owners with many vacancies struggle to remain in good standing with their commercial mortgages. Programs, Departs Oversight will be provided by the Finance Department as part of their normal duties. or Groups Affected: Fiscal Impact: This agreement would allow the vacant space to be leased, resulting in approximately $13,000 of new sales tax revenue each year. Source of Funds: N/A Workload Impact: The Finance Department will perform the management and implementation of this program as part of their normal work activities. Admin Recommend: j Approval as presented. Second Reading: ( Not required Special Considerations None or Requirements: Respectfully submitted. Joseph F. Wade, Village Administrator Prepared be: ` 1 �C�� Bill NeuendorT, Community and Eco'nomu ev Director Reviewed by _ Teresa Hoffman Liston, Corporation Counsel f AUTHORIZING AN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE AND HARLEM DEMPSTER LIMITED PARTNERSHIP (HDLP) WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (Village), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, the Village is committed to quality economic development projects which will serve to improve the economic base in the community leading to increased business activity, development of job opportunities, enhanced equalized assessed value of property within the Village, enhanced revenue which will contribute to the cost of public services, all of which will serve to improve the health, safety, and general welfare of the businesses and residents of the Village; and WHEREAS, the Village and the nation are experiencing extremely challenging economic times that are making it extraordinarily difficult to attract retail tenants to shopping centers without jeopardizing the solvency and viability of the shopping centers; and WHEREAS, the Lonore Plaza Shopping Center located at 7130 to 7188 Dempster Street has experienced high levels of vacancy for an extended period despite its convenient location and modern layout; and WHEREAS, Harlem Dempster Limited Partnership (HDLP), the owner of the Lonore Plaza Shopping Center has received a Letter of Intent from Dollar General to open a new 9,000 square foot retail store in a vacant space in the shopping center; and WHEREAS, the new retail business is anticipated to generate approximately $26,000 in annual sales tax revenue for the Village that otherwise would not be created; and WHEREAS, HDLP has approached the Village seeking financial assistance to bridge a gap between the maximum lease rate proposed by Dollar General and the minimum lease rate likely to be acceptable to the mortgage holder of the shopping center; and WHEREAS, HDLP has pledged to make improvements to the property that are not required by Village Code to upgrade its attractiveness and leasability; and WHEREAS, the attraction of a new successful retail business will serve the interests of the Village residents and will contribute to the overall economic health of the Village; and WHEREAS, only with the assistance from the Village through an Economic Development Agreement can HDLP and Dollar General enter into a 5 -year lease and operate a viable retail business in Morton Grove. NOW, THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE. COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Resolution as though fully set forth therein making the findings as hereimbove set forth. SECTION 2: The Village Administrator. Corporation Counsel and Director of Community and Economic Development are authorized to prepare an Economic Development Agreement with Harlem Dempster Limited Partnership (HELP), the owner of the Lonore Plaza Shopping Center, based on the following terms: 1) The Village will enter into an Economic Development Agreement with HDLP to bridge a gap between the maximum lease /rent proposed by Dollar General, and minimum lease /rent acceptable to HDLP's lender. The funding source will be the sales -taxes generated from the new tenant. 2) Up to 50% of the sales taxes received by the Village from this new retail tenant shall be reimbursed to HDLP for the costs associated with securing Dollar General as a new tenant. 3) Annual payment shall not exceed $13,000. Total incentive shall not exceed $65,000. 4) A single annual payment to HDLP is expected in December of each year following. the first full year of occupancy. terns. i. Tenant must comply with sales tax reporting procedures of the Illinois Department of Revenue. ii. Payment will be withheld until any past due amount owed to the municipality or other local taxing agencies are paid in full. 5) HDLP and Dollar General must comply with all applicable provisions of Morton Grove Municipal Code. 6) HDLP and Dollar General must enter into a binding contract for a period no less than 60- months with renewal and extension terns. 7) If Dollar General ceases operations prior to lease termination. HDLP must return 50% of the incentive payments to the Village and any remaining incentive payments shall not be required. 8) HDLP and their representatives shall make best efforts to attract a new sit -down restaurant to the site. 9) HDLP shall make site improvements to improve the leasing prospects of the shopping center. Specific improvements could include but are not limited to: updated monument signs or improved landscaping. SECTION 3: The Village President shall be authorized to execute the Economic Development Agreement that is substantially in conformance with the terms and conditions stated above. SECTION 4: This Resolution shall be in full force and effect upon its passage and approval. PASSED THIS 22nd DAY OF MARCH 2010 Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee DiMaria Gomberg Grear Marcus Thill Toth APPROVED BY ME THIS 22nd DAY OF MARCH 2010 Daniel J. Staackmann, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois ATTESTED and FILED in my office This 23rd DAY OF March 2010 Tony S. Kalogerakos, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois Legislative Summary Resolution 10 -21 AUTHORIZING MEMBERSHIP IN THE PENSION FAIRNESS FOR ILLINOIS COMMUNITIES COALITION Introduced: Synopsis: Purpose: Background: Programs, Departments or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: Source of Funds: Workload Impact: Administrator Recommendation: Second Reading: Special Considerations or Requirements: March 22, 2010 To authorize the Village to be a participant in the Pension Fairness for Illinois Communities Coalition. To recognize the Village's obligation to provide its public safety employees with a fair pension that reflects their service to the community. Maintaining and securing pension benefits and public services is a challenge to municipalities throughout the State. The Village of Morton Grove, like other communities, is committed to providing public safety employees with a fair pension that reflects their service to the community; however current and future pension funding requirements have and will place a financial strain on the Village and taxpayers. The Village of Morton Grove is committed to working with all stakeholders to implement fair and long -term changes that will ensure the sustainability of these pension funds without placing an overwhelming burden upon the Village's taxpayers or leaving it without the ability to provide basic services. The Pension Fairness for Illinois Communities Coalition has been formed to implement fair and long -term changes to ensure the sustainability of these pension funds without placing an overwhelming burden upon the Village's taxpayers or leaving it without the ability to provide basic services. Administration and Legal Departments minimal General funds The Administration and Legal Departments, will performs the management and implementation of this program, as part of their normal work activities. Approval as presented. NIA Drone Respectfully submitted: _ /'�'z Joseph F( Wade, Village Administrator 4. Reviewed by: Teresa I loffinan Liston, Corporation Counsel RESOLUTION 10 -21 AUTHORIZING MEMBERSHIP IN THE PENSION FAIRNESS FOR ILLINOIS COMMUNITIES COALITION WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (Village), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS', one of the primary functions of local municipal governments is to ensure public safety within our communities; and WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove appreciates the outstanding effort put forth by public safety employees in protecting their communities; and WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove also recognizes its obligation to provide its public safety employees with a fair pension that reflects their service to the community; and WHEREAS, the General Assembly has not determined the cost of providing pension benefits to public safety employees, such costs currently have placed a great financial strain on communities and taxpayers; and WHEREAS, if solutions are not enacted by the General Assembly, other growing pension costs will place the Village's ability to provide public safety and other municipal services in jeopardy; and WHEREAS, this problem extends beyond the Village of Morton Grove and affects all mtmicipalities statewide; and WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove is committed to working with all stakeholders to implement fair and long -term changes that will ensure the sustainability of these pension funds without placing an overwhelming burden upon the Village's taxpayers or leaving it without the ability to provide basic services; and WHEREAS. the Pension Fairness for Illinois Communities, a coalition of local governments and other concerned entities, has been formed with a mission of pursuing pension reforms. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTIONI: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Resolution as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2: The Corporate Authorities agree to support the mission of the Pension Fairness for Illinois Communities Coalition and further agrees to become a member of said Coalition; and SECTION 3: The Village of Morton Grove will actively encourage the participation of local governments, their representative local government organizations, and other concerned entities throughout the State of Illinois in the Pension Fairness for Illinois Communities Coalition. SECTION 4: This Resolution shall be in full force and effect upon its passage and approval. PASSED THIS 22n' DAY OF MARCH 2010 Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee DiMaria Gomberg Grear Marcus Thill Toth APPROVED BY ME THIS 22nd DAY OF MARCH 2010 Daniel J. Staackmann, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois ATTESTED and FILED in my office This 23`d DAY OF MARCH 2010 Tony S. Kalogerakos, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois Legislative Summary Resolution 10 -20 AUTHORIZING THE ADOPTION OF THE VANTAGECARE RHS EMPLOYER INVESTMENT PROGRAM IN THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE Introduced: March 22, 2010 Synopsis: This resolution will authorize the Village to adopt a ICMA retirement corporation Vantagecare RHS Employer Investment Program. Purpose: The RHS Employer Investment Program will allow the Village the flexibility to invest funds in a trust for retiree health insurance benefits. Background: The Village of Morton Grove is committed to providing certain retiree health insurance benefits especially for emp�oyees ,h.i:_ ed be- ore January , 200 / . The v d .a e is "!so obligated make a contribution to a post employment health benefit plan for members of collective bargaining units who were hired after September 4, 2007. The creation of an RHS Employer Investment Program and the holding of assets in trust will allow the Village to make contributions in compliance with its collective bargaining obligations, and will allow the Village to segregate funds for future retiree health insurance expenses. In the future, the establishment of an RHS Employer Investment Program may also allow the Village to offer opportunities to employees to save for retiree health benefits. Programs, Depts Legal, Finance, and Administrative Departments or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: Not Applicable Source of Funds: Not Applicable Workload Impact: The management and implementation of the program will be performed by the Finance and Administrative Departments as part of their normal work activities. Admin Recommend: Approval as presented. Second Reading: Not required Special Consider None or Requirements: Respectfully submitted: ' Joseph F ?Wade., Village Administrator Reviewed by: -- `? Ryan Horne, mance Director /Treasurer Prepared by (_"`- Teresa Hoffman Liston, Corporation Counsel 1 RESOLUTION 10 -20 AUTHORIZING THE ADOPTION OF THE VANTAGECARE RHS EMPLOYER INVESTMENT PROGRAM IN THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (Village), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove has employees rendering valuable services; and WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove has determined that providing opportunities to current Village employees to save for retiree health benefits, and in certain cases for providing employees with retiree health benefits serves the interest of the Village by enabling employees to plan for their health insurance needs during retirement by providing increased flexibility in its personnel management system and by assisting in the attraction and retention of competent personnel; and WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove has determined the establishment of the retiree health savings plan (the Plan) serves the above objectives. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Resolution as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2: The Corporate Authorities hereby authorize the adoption of the Plan in the form of the ICMA Retirement Corporation's VantageCare RHS Employer Investment Program. SECTION 3: The assets of the Plan shall be held in trust, with the Village Administrator serving as trustee for the exclusive benefit of the Plan participants. their survivors and their beneficiaries.. and the assets of the Plan shall not be diverted to any other purpose prior to the satisfaction of all liabilities of the Plan. The Village of Morton Grove has executed the Declaration of Trust of the Village of Morton Grove Integral Part Trust in the form of the model trust made available by the ICMA Retirement Corporation. SECTION 4: The Finance Director /Treasurer and/or his designee shall be the coordinator and contact for the Plan and shall receive necessary reports and notices. SECTION 5: This Resolution shall be in full force and effect upon the date of its adoption, approval and publication according to law. PASSED this 22 °d day of MARCH 2010 Trustee DiMaria Trustee Gomberg Trustee Grear Trustee Marcus Trustee Thill Trustee Toth APPROVED by me this 22nd day of MARCH 2010 Daniel J. Staackmann, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois ATTESTED and FILED in my office this 23rd day of MARCH 2010 Tony S. Kalogerakos, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois Legislative Summary Resolution 10 -23 AUTHORIZING THE APPOINTMENT OF A DELEGATE AND ALTERNATE DELEGATE TO THE INTERGOVERNMENTAL RISK MANAGEMENT AGENCY Introduced: March 22, 2010 Synopsis: To authorize the appointment of a delegate and alternate delegate to the Intergovernmental Risk Management Agency (IRMA). Purpose: IRMA requires the Village adopt a resolution to designate its representatives to this Agency. Background: The Village is a member of the Intergovernmental Risk Management Agency (IRMA). Delegates are needed to represent the Village in IRMA matters. This resolution designates the Finance Director and the Assistant Finance Director as Village representatives. Programs, Departments Administration and Finance Department. or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: Not applicable. Source of Funds: i Not applicable. Workload Impact: Participation in IRMA is performed by the Finance Department as part of their normal work activities. Administrator Approval as presented. Recommendation: First Reading: Not required. Special Considerations or None Requirements: Respectfully submitted: Jose h F. F. dadAdministrator Prepared by: Ryap'4orn , Finance Director/Treasurer Teresa Hoffman Liston, Corporation Counsel f RESOLUTION 10 -23 AUTHORIZING THE APPOINTMENT OF A DELEGATE. AND ALTERNATE DELEGATE TO THE INTERGOVERNMENTAL RISK MANAGEMENT AGENCY WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove adopted the contract and by -laws of the Intergovernmental Risk Management Agency by ordinance and thereby became a member of said cooperative; and WHEREAS, said contract provides that member units of local government shall, by majority vote of its corporate authorities. select one Intergovernmental Agency. NOW, THEREFORE, BE Finance Director/Treasurer of the Morton Grove on the Board of Di March 22. 2010. .) person to represent that body on the Board of Directors of said IT RESOLVED by the Village of Morton Grove, Illinois that Ryan Home, Village ofMorton Grove is hereby appointed to represent the Village of rectors of said Intergovernmental Risk Management Agency commencing on BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Remy Navarrete, Assistant Finance Director, of the Village of Morton Grove is hereby selected as the alternative representative to serve if Ryan Horne is unable to cant' out his aforesaid duties as the representative of the Village of Morton Grove to said Intergovernmental Agency. ADOPTED by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Morton Grove, Illinois on this 22nd day of March 2010, PASSED THIS 22nd DAY OF MARCH 2010 Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee DiMaria Gomberg Grear Marcus Thill Toth APPROVED BY ME THIS 22 ❑d DAY OF MARCH 2010 Daniel J. Staackmann, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois ATTESTED and FILED in my office Tbis 23`d DAY OF MARCH 2010 Tony S. Kalogerakos, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois Legislative Summary AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 51 CHAPTER 13, ARTICLE A -1, ENTITLED TRAFFIC SCHEDULES OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE Introduced March 8, 2010 Objective To amend Title 5, Chapter 13, Article A - I - entitled "Traffic Schedules" of the Municipal Code. Purpose To establish stop control on westbound Henning Court at its intersection with Narragansett fVt enue Background and The Traffic Safety Commission received a request lol stop signs at rt_ intersection of Henning Court and Narragansett Avenue to reduce the occurrences of cut - through traffic and speeding along Narragansett Avenue, The Traffic Safety Commission reviewed the request at their meetings held on December 3, 2009, January 7, 2010 and February 4, 1.010 and recommended the Village establish stop control on westbound Henning Court at its intersection with Narragansett Avenue. The reconvnendation conforms to the provisions of the Illinois Vehicle Code and Illinois Manual of Unifoml Traffic Control Devices. Programs, Departments Public Works. Engineering Division or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact The estimated cost for the new sign is approximately $50. Source of Funds General Fund- Account No.:025017- 563130. Workload Impact � The Public Works Department as part of their normal work activities, will install the sign panels. Administrator Recommendation Approval as presented. Second Reading Required; Code Book Change Special Considerations or N/A Requirements !. Reviewed bv. __ Respectfully submitted. I /.^ c^ �� -- Ctd DeMonte, Director Public Works Jo: eph 1 . AR'ade, Village Administrator ) Prepared by Chris Tomich, Village Engineer Reviewed by: _ Ceresa Hoffman Liston, Corporation Counsel ORDINANCE 10 -07 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 55 CHAPTER 13, ARTICLE A -I ENTITLED TRAFFIC SCHEDULES OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (VILLAGE), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS. the. Village established the Traffic Safety Commission to receive, review, and present recommendations to the President and Board of Trustees regarding requests or inquiries on matters involving traffic safety, including requests for installation of traffic control devices; and WHEREAS, the Traffic Safety Commission received a request for stop signs at the intersection of Henning Court and Narragansett Avenue to reduce the occurrence of cut - through traffic and speeding on Narragansett Avenue; and WHEREAS, the Traffic Safety Commission, at its regularly scheduled meetings on December 3, 2009, January 7, 2010. and February 4, ?010, at 7:30 p.m. at the Richard T. Flickinger Municipal Center, considered the above referenced request; and WHEREAS, notifications of the meetings were sent to residents acrd businesses in the area: and WHEREAS, the Traffic Safety Commission recommends the Village establish stop control on westbound Henning Court at its intersection with Narragansett Avenue; and WHEREAS, installing a stop sign on the terminating street of a T- intersection conforms to the provisions of the Illinois Vehicle Code and Illinois Manual of Uniforra Traffic Control Devices; mid WHEREAS, the Corporate Authorities have determined in order to protect the public safety, health and welfare of the citizens of the Village of Morton Grove it is reasonable, appropriate. and necessary to update and amend Title 5, Chapterl3. Article A. of the Municipal Code of the Village of Morton Grove as set forth in this Ordinance. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Ordinance as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION): Title 5, Chapter I3, Article A -1 of the Municipal Code is hereby amended to add the following: Street Direction At Its Intersection With Henning Court Westbound Narragansett Avenue SECTION 3: The Director of Public Works and /or his designee is hereby authorized and directed to take such action necessary to install and maintain the above mentioned signs as directed by the Village President. SECTION 4: That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and upon its passage and approval. PASSED this 22 "d day of March 2010. Trustee DiMaria Trustee Gomberg Trustee Grear Trustee Marcus Trustee Thill Trustee Toth APPROVED BY ME THIS 22 °d DAY OF MARCH 2010 Daniel J. Staackmann, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois ATTESTED and FILED in my office This 23`d DAY OF MARCH 2010 Tony S. Kalogerakos, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois Legislative Summary ORDINANCE 10 -09 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND TITLE 5, CHAPTER 13, ARTICLE F SECTION 3 ENTITLED "TIME LIMIT PARKING ZONES" OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE Introduced Objective Purpose Background Programs, Departs or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact Source of Funds Workload Impact Admin Recommend Second Reading Special Considerations or Requirements March 22, 2010 To amend Title 5, Chapter 13, Article F, Section 3 entitled "Time Limit Parking Zones" of the Municipal Code To rescind parking restrictions on Narragansett Avenue between Henning Court and Dempster Street. The Traffic Safety Commission reviewed a request to amend parking restrictions on Narragansett Ave. between Henning Ct. and Dempster Street as well as Henning Ct. between Narragansett Ave. and Ferris Ave. to discourage on- street parking by train, commuters. As part of staff research into this request, staff discovered the Municipal Code includes a 90- minute parking restriction between 8:00 am and 6:00 pm on the west side Narragansett Ave. between Henning and Dempster, but there was no signage to make the restriction enforceable. Staff discussed with the petitioner, as an interim solution to evaluate the effect on commuter parking, adding the signage for the restriction on Narragansett Ave. That was acceptable to the petitioner and the signage was added. However, the businesses were unaware of the restriction ever being signed and were displeased with the effect on the operation of their businesses. The matter was first discussed by the Traffic Safety Commission at their December 3, 2009 meeting. Their recommendation was reviewed by the Village Board at a meeting on January 1 I, 2010, along with a dissenting recommendation by Village staff. The Village Board the remanded the matter back to the Traffic Safety Commission. The Traffic Safety Commission reconsidered the matter at their February 4, 2010, meeting and again at a Special Meeting on February 18, 2010. The petitioner and the Traffic Safety Commission acknowledged it was not the original intention to include parking restrictions within the business district and so changes to parking restrictions on Narragansett Ave. were discontinued. The Police Chief then issued a memorandum dated February 1, 2010, with the approval of the Village Engineer as specified in the Municipal Code Section 5 -1 -4 to make temporary (traffic) regulations to cover special conditions for not more than 90 days. The Village then received a petition dated February 22, 2010, with six signatures from three addresses on Narragansett Ave. requesting the Village remove the parking restrictions and associated signage on the west side of the 8700 block of Narragansett. Staff therefore advises reverting back to the no parking signed parking restrictions will not discourage commuter parking, but does not either condone or oppose the request. Public Works NIA N/A None. Approval as presented. Required — Municipal Code Change Respectfully submitted: �.<<','- f1�.�'�u' Iosdp`h F. ade, Village Administrator Reviewed by: dy Z�ionte,. Director Public Works r �= Prepared by: _. Reviewed by:_ Chris Tomich, Village Engineer Teresa Hoffman Liston, Corporation Counsel AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND TITLE 5, CHAPTER 13, ARTICLE F, SECTION 3 ENTITLED "TIME LIMIT PARKING ZONES" OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE VILLAGE OF rivusTOWUSM0 lO SM WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (Village), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, the Village established the Traffic Safety Commission_ to receive, review, and present recommendations to the President and Board of Trustees regarding requests or inquiries on matters involving traffic safety, including requests for installation of traffic control devices; and WHEREAS, the Traffic Safety Commission received a request to amend parking restrictions on Narragansett Ave. between Henning Ct. and Dempster Street as well as Henning Ct. between Narragansett Ave. and Ferris Ave. to discourage on- street parking by train commuters; and WHEREAS, the Traffic Safety Commission, at its regularly scheduled meetings on December 3, 2009, and February 4, 2010, and at its Special Meeting on February 18, 2010, at 7:30 pm in the Richard T. Flickinger Municipal Center, considered the above referenced request; and WHEREAS, notifications of the meetings were sent to residents in the area; acid WHEREAS. the Petitioner stated at the February 18, 2010, meeting it was not the original intention of the petition to change parking restrictions in the business district; and WHEREAS, the Traffic Safety Commission made no recommendation on changes to the parking restriction on Narragansett Avenue, but advised the fronting businesses at the February 18, 2010, meeting to petition the Village Board about this matter; and WHEREAS, the Village received a petition dated February 22, 2010, containing six signatures from three addresses on Narragansett Avenue; and WHEREAS, the Police Chief issued a memorandum dated February 1, 2010, and approved by the Village Engineer as specified in the Municipal Code Section 5 -1 -4 to make temporary (traffic) regulations to cover special conditions for not more than ninety (90) days; and WHEREAS, Village staff considers the situation with parking to be operating adequately under the temporary regulations; and WHEREAS, the Village Board of Trustees believe the best interest of the Village of Morton Grove will be served by amending Title 5, Chapter 13, Article F, Section 3 entitled "Time Limit Parking Zones" of the Municipal Code as set forth herein to rescind parking restrictions on Narragansett Avenue Henning Court and Dempster Street. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Ordinance as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as heremabove set forth. SECTION 2: The following provisions are deleted from the Municipal Code, Title 5, Chapter 13, Article F, Section 3 entitled "Time Limit Parking Zones", Subsection B: Ninety Minute Parking: Street Between Side of Street Date and Time Narragansett The north right -of -way tine of West Monday through Avenue Henning Court extended and Friday, 8:00 am to the centerline of Dempster 5:00 pm. Street SECTION 3: The Director of Public Works is hereby authorized and directed to remove any conflicting signs and erect such signs as detailed in this Ordinance. SECTION 4: This ordinance shall be communicated to residents adjacent to the parking restrictions via a letter, which shall be received as evidence of the passage and legal publication of this Ordinance. SECTION 5: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its approval and publication. PASSED THIS 1211' day ofAPRIL 2010 Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee DiMaria Gomberg Grear Marcus Thill Toth APPROVED BY ME THIS 12" DAY OF APRIL 2010 Daniel J. Staaekmann, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois ATTESTED and FILED in my office This 13'' day of APRIL 2010 Tony S. Kalogerakos, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois LcEjslative Summary Resolution 10 -22 AUTHORIZING THE ACCEPTANCE OF THE LOW BID AND EXECUTION OF A CONTRACT WITH LYONS ELECTRIC COMPANY FOR 2010 MAINTENANCE OF STREET LIGHTING & TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNAL UNITS PROGRAM Introduced: March 22, 2010 Synopsis: To authorize the Village President to execute a contract with Lyons Electric Company for the 2010 Traffic Control Signal and Street Lighting Maintenance Program. Purpose: To maintain the Village's traffic signals and street lights. Background: Each year the Village contracts with an electrical contractor to assist in the maintenance of street lighting and traffic control signals within the Village. The Village, in compliance with its bidding procedures, advertised for bids and three bids were received and publicly opened ranging in price from $37,995 to $22,795. Lyons Electric company submitted the low bid in the amount of $22,795.20 and was deemed qualified as it has performed work in the Village of Morton Grove previously in a satisfactory manner. It is the recommendation of the Village Engineer, the Board approve a contract with Lyons Electric Company for the 2010 Street Lighting and Traffic Control. Signal Maintenance Program. Programs, Departments Public Works. or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: The estimated contract value for routine maintenance is $22,795.20. Source of Funds: Motor Fuel Tax Fund Workload Impact: The Public Works Department as part of their normal work activities performs the management and implementation of this program. Administrator Approval as presented. Recommendation: First Reading: March 22, 2010 I Special Considerations or None Requirements: Respectfully submitted: _rl c + fy . - t e- Reviewed by: L Joseph F Wade, Village Administrator Prepared by: _ r Reviewed by: Chris Tomich, Village Engineer Teresa dy lie- lonte, Director Public Works Liston, Corporation Counsel RESOLUTION 10 -22 AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A SERVICE CONTRACT WITH LYONS ELECTRIC COMPANY FOR THE 2010 TRAFFIC SIGNAL AND STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE PROGRAM WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (Village), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, the 2010 Traffic Signal and Street Lighting Maintenance Program is necessary for the maintenance of Village traffic signal and street light infrastructure; and WHEREAS, the Public Works Department advertised in the February 25, 2010, issue of the Pioneer Press Newspaper inviting bids on the "2010 Traffic Signal and Street Lighting Maintenance Program'; and WHEREAS, the Public Works Department advertised in the March 4 and March I I, 2010, issue of the Illinois Department of Transportation Notice to Contractors Bulletin inviting bids to the "2010 Traffic Signal and Street Lighting Maintenance Program "; and WHEREAS, five general contractors were notified of the availability of bidding materials and five general contractors obtained the bidding materials; and WHEREAS, three bids were received, publicly opened and read at the Public Works Facility at 9:00 am on Wednesday March 17, 2010, with the bid results as follows: ; and Contractor Total Lyons Electric Company $22,795.20 H & H Electric Company $33,359.00 Meade Electric Company $37,995.00 WHEREAS, Motor Fuel Tax Funds will be used to perform the necessary work; and WHEREAS, funding for the above work is included in the adopted Village of Morton Groves 2010 Budget in Account Number 035060- 554170; and WHEREAS, the lowest qualified bidder has performed work for the Village of Morton Grove in a satisfactory manner; and WHEREAS, the qualifications and availability of the lowest qualified bidder has been verified. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTIONi 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Resolution as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. for the "2010 'rraffrc Control and SECTION 2: The Village President of the Village of Morton Grove is hereby authorized to execute and the Village Clerk to attest to contract with the Lyons Electric Company, 650 East Elm Avenue, LaGrange, Illinois 60525, based upon their bid for the "2010 'rraffrc Control and Street Lighting Maintenance Program" in amount of $22,795.20. SECTION 3: This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and upon its passage and approval. PASSED THIS 22 °d DAY OF MARCH 2010. Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee DiMaria Gomberg Grear Marcus Thill Toth APPROVED BY ME THIS 22 "d DAY OF MARCH 1.010 Daniel J. Staackmann, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois ATTESTED and FILED in my office This 23`d day of MARCH 2010 Tony S. Kalogerakos, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois