HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-10-26 MinutesI &II. CALL TO ORDER /PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE
Village President Daniel J. Staackmann called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. After leading
the assemblage in the Pledge of Allegiance, he directed the Village Clerk to call the roll.
Village Clerk Tony Kalogerakos called the roll. Present were: Trustees Dan DiMaria, Larry
Gomberg, Bill Grear, Shel Marcus, John Thill and Maria Toth.
Regarding the minutes of the October 7, 2009, special meeting, Trustee Marcus moved, sec-
onded by Trustee DiMaria, to approve the minutes as presented. There was no discussion.
Motion passed unanimously via voice vote.
Regarding the minutes of the October 12, 2009, special meeting, Trustee Marcus moved,
seconded by Trustee Thill, to approve the minutes as presented. There was no discussion.
Motion passed unanimously via voice vote.
Regarding the minutes of the October 12, 2009, regular meeting, Trustee DiMaria moved,
seconded by Trustee Toth, to approve the minutes as presented. There was no discussion.
Motion passed unanimously via voice vote.
Eric Poders, 7940 Foster - Mr. Poders expressed concern that there were no dollar amounts
in Ordinance 09 -26. He also asked about whether the Village was installing the red light cam-
eras for revenue or because of accidents at the designated intersections. Mayor Staackmann
felt Mr. Poder's answers would be answered when the ordinance was presented and the Po-
lice Department made a small presentation.
` ° "- MinWes of October 26, 2009 Board Meeting:
a. Mayor Staackmann presented and sought concurrence with the following
board /commission appointments:
Nancy Brothers to the Advisory Commission on Aging, for a three year term.
Trustee Thill moved to concur with the appointment, seconded by Trustee Marcus.
There was no discussion. Motion passed unanimously via voice vote.
Mayor Staackmann then stated there was a nice article this week in the Tribune which high-
lighted Morton Grove as a great community in which to live. He thanked staff for working hard
to make Morton Grove such a great village.
Clerk Kalogerakos had no formal report; however stated he was liaison to the Cable and
Telecommunications Commission and as such wanted to announce a new community pro-
gramming schedule. These programs will be aired to better inform residents about Village
services. This month, fire prevention and safety from the Fire Department, and crime preven-
tion from the Police Department will be featured. In time, all the various departments will have
segments. Last month a bus tour focused on street repair, the Dempster Street resurfacing,
and the Public Works pumping station. This programming will run on Monday, Wednesday,
and Friday at 12 noon, on Tuesday and Thursday at 6:00 pm, and on Saturday and Sunday at
9:00 am. Clerk Kalogerakos also encouraged residents to visit the Village's website when
seeking information and to sign -up for the Village's e- newsletter.
a. Village Administrator
Mr. Wade announced the fourth Budget Workshop is scheduled for 7:00 pm on No-
vember 3, 2009, to discuss the Village's 2010 revenues and expenditures. A budget
book should be available at that time for the Board to review. Mr. Wade also an-
nounced the next Solid Waste Advisory Committee meeting would be held at 5:30 pm
on November 3, 2009 to discuss the commercial and institutional solid waste services
agreement and the preparation of a Request for Proposal for the residential and com-
mercial solid waste services contract.
b. Corporation Counsel
Corporation Counsel had no formal report.
a. Trustee DiMaria
1) Trustee DiMaria presented Resolution 09 -59, Authorizing the Village to Ac-
quire Property Commonly Known as 8720 -26 Ferris Avenue. Trustee DiMaria
stated a contract was negotiated for a purchase price of $625,000. The closing will
occur on or before April 30, 2010, and tenants will be vacated before the closing.
Minutes of October 26, 2069 Board Meeting .
Funds for this purchase come from the Lehigh /Ferris TIF Fund and Corporation Coun-
sel will handle the closing as part of her normal workload. There was no discussion,
however, Trustee Marcus stated he was a tenant in this building and would abstain
from voting.
- Trustee DiMaria moved, seconded by Trustee Thill, to approve Resolution 09 -59. Mo-
tion passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 abstain.
Tr. DiMaria aye Tr. Gomberg afire Tr. Grear aae
Tr. Marcus abstain Tr. Thill aye Tr. Toth aye
2) Trustee DiMaria presented Resolution 09 -60 authorizing the Execution of a
Contract with McDonough Associates, Inc. for the Dempster Street Water Main
Improvements. Due to an anticipated delay associated with obtaining federal funding
for the roadway improvements /paving, acquiring additional right -of -way necessary for
the roadway improvements, and investigating the disposition and future handling of ex-
isting soil to be excavated, it is strategically practical to separate the roadway construc-
tion from the water main construction since this portion of the project is already fully
funded with Village funds. This separation will require additional engineering; how-
ever, since this is being done, staff recommended the water main installation be ex-
tended to the river on the western terminus. In answer to a brief question raised by
Trustee Thill, the scope of this work is at a not to exceed amount of $83,832.08 for the
water main design and construction engineering. It is anticipated there will be a Janu-
ary 2010 letting with funds coming from the 2010 and 2011 Village Budget. There was
no discussion.
Trustee DiMaria moved, seconded by Trustee Toth, to approve Resolution 09 -60. Mo-
tion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays.
Tr. DiMaria aye Tr. Gomberg aye Tr. Grear aye
Tr. Marcus acre Tr. Thill aae Tr. Toth aye
3) Trustee DiMaria deferred the presentation of Ordinance 09 -26 Amending Ti-
tle 5, to Add a New Chapter 2A Entitled Automated Traffic Law Enforcement Sys-
tem (ATLES System) for a first reading to Trustee Marcus who is the liaison to the
Police Department, Trustee Marcus stated this system will produce recorded images
of violators who enter specific intersections against a red signal indication. These
cameras will help reduce violations, prevent crashes, avoid injuries, and positively
change drivers' behavior and save lives. Cities using these cameras have reported
accident reductions of between 20% and 80 %. Violators will face a $100 fine if paid
within 30 days or a $200 fine if paid thereafter. The Village will give warning notices to
violators for thirty days following the installation before issuing the citations. This or-
dinance will appear for its second reading on the November 9, 2009, Agenda.
Police Chief Mark Erickson stated he and Police Officer Ken Vanderhagen have been
working on a contract for the ATLES System with American Traffic Solutions. They
like this company because the Morton Grove Police Department will have the final and
only say on whether a ticket is issued for a violation of this type. Chief Erickson stated
there is very little risk to the Village and this type of system has helped with traffic and
public safety elsewhere. It has even shown to be effective when other crimes are in
progress because of its recording capabilities. There is no installation cost but there
Minutes of tictober 26, 2009 So2trd Meeting]
will be a small monthly fee. He stated law enforcement's future is automated. Skokie
and Lincolnwood are also installing the same type of equipment. Cameras in Morton
Grove maybe installed at Dempster and Waukegan Golf and Waukegan, and Demp-
ster and Central
b. Trustee- Gomberg
1) Trustee Gomberg presented Ordinance 09 -20, Amending Title 1, Chapter 8,
Section 11 and 12 Entitled "Code of Ethics" and "Code of Ethical Conduct" in
the Village for a second reading. This ordinance addresses prohibition of Village offi-
cials from being financially interested in Village contract work or business, political ac-
tivity during compensated time, acceptance of gifts, or economic benefit, limits on po-
litical donations, maintenance of confidential information and other considerations.
This ordinance also incorporates the Gift Ban Act. All elected officials and members of
the Village's Boards and Commissions will also have the option of signing the Village
of Morton Grove's Code of Ethical Conduct.
Trustee Gomberg moved, seconded by Trustee DiMaria, to approve Ordinance 09 -20
Trustee Thill expressed some concern over the section on political activity. Corpora-
tion Counsel stated these sections are the same as in the State of Illinois Statute
which prohibits certain political activities during Village compensated time. This is
specifically outlined in 1 -8 -11A Prohibited Political Activity, and 1 -8 -11 E, Prohibited Po-
litical Activity, number 3.
Trustee Marcus also expressed concern but felt more comfortable with Corporation
Counsel's explanation. He felt the Code of Ethics was a good thing and would help
residents know their officials have integrity.
Mayor Staackmann then called for the vote. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays.
2) Trustee Gomberg presented Resolution 09 -61, Authorizing the Acquisition
of Property Commonly Known as 6410 Chestnut Street. This parcel is being ac-
quired for future development in the Lehigh /Ferris TIF District. A contract has been
negotiated for a purchase price of $1,050,000 which includes the razing of the building,
clearing of the site, and termination of all leases. The closing will occur on or before
December 18, 2009. Funds for this purchase come from the Lehigh /Ferris TIF Fund
and Corporation Counsel will handle the closing as part of her normal workload.
Trustee Gomberg moved, seconded by Trustee Toth, to approve Resolution 09 -61.
Trustee Marcus was in support of this purchase. He asked for clarification on whether
TIF funds could be used only for purchasing TIF properties. Mr. Wade stated by State
law, TIF funds could only be used for TIF properties unless, there is a reasonable in-
frastructure improvement that would directly affect the TIF area. Then TIF funds could
be used. The example he used was the Dempster water main because it will service
the Lehigh /Ferris TIF area. Mayor Staackmann then called for the vote. Motion
passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 abstain.
Minutes of October 26, 2009 Board Meeting
Tr. DiMaria
Tr. Gomberg aye
Tr. Grear
Tr: Marcus
Tr. Thill aye
Tr. Toth
Trustee Gornberg stated the next
Condominium Association
meeting would
be at 7:00 pm on
Wednesday, October
28, 2009, here at Village Hall.
C. Trustee Grear
Trustee Grear
had no formal report. He wished Police Chief Mark Erickson
a happy
birthday since
his birthday
was tomorrow. The Board
Chief Erickson
with a round of applause.
d. Trustee Marcus
Trustee Marcus had no additional report beyond Ordinance 09 -26 which he earlier
e. Trustee Thill
1) Trustee Thill presented Ordinance 09 -25, Amending Title 5, Chapter 13, Ar-
ticle M, Section 1 Entitled "Parking Zones for Buses" of the Municipal Code for
its second reading. This ordinance replaces Ordinance 92 -41 which established a
parking zone for businesses on the west side of Gross Point Road near the main en-
trance of Edison School. The current restrictive hours have been determined by the
Traffic Safety Commission not to be sufficient to insure unhindered access for loading
disabled students. The proposed change would amend the current ordinance to allow
for a time change from the original 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm to 2:30 pm — 3:30 pm. This time
period coincides more closely with the dismissal time for loading disabled students.
The estimated cost for the new signage at this location is $50. There was no discus-
Trustee Thill moved, seconded by Trustee Marcus, to approve Resolution 09 -25. Mo-
tion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays.
a +fie
Trustee Thill stated last Saturday he was at Oakton Community College wherein 100 volun-
teers worked in the wooded area around the campus. He then attended the annual Park Dis-
trict Halloween Party. He stated there were more than 80 volunteers and was pleasantly sur-
prised at what a good time everyone had. He thanked the Park District for their hard work to
bring this event to the community children.
Trustee Toth
1) Trustee Toth presented Ordinance 09 -23, Granting an Amendment to the
Special Use in the !Village for the Property Located at 8340 Concord Drive to
Construct 33 Townhomes in Lieu of a 75 Unit Condominium Building, for a sec-
ond reading. This Planned Unit Development (PUD) will allow for a 33 unit town home
development in lieu of the original condominium building. The multi -use structures will
M'inufes of October 28, 2669 Boird.MeeGng]
encompass six buildings and is actually a better project than the original proposed con-
dominium building at the former Schwarz Paper Company property. This PUD in-
cludes seventeen more parking spaces, a green outdoor seating area, and plantings
similar to the surrounding condominium buildings. A condition was also added to pro-
vide denser landscaping between the Woodlands and this proposed development
since there was concern over the differential in elevation. Concerns had been ex-
pressed concerning storm water detention and that has also been addressed by the
installation of an oversized underground pipe. There was no discussion.
Trustee Toth moved, seconded by Trustee Thill, to approve Ordinance 09 -23. Motion
passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays.
Tr. DiMaria gye Tr. Gomberg aYe Tr. Grear aye
Tr. Marcus aye Tr. Thill aye Tr. Toth aye
2) Trustee Toth presented Ordinance 09 -24, Amending Title 2, Chapters 1
through 18 entitled `Boards and Commissions ", for a second reading. Miscellane-
ous text amendments have been made to these various chapters to update and clarify
the Municipal Code relative to the various boards and commissions in the Village. She
stated these changes also help to make Board procedures consistent and clarify the
Boards' and Commissions' powers and duties. There was one minor change made to
the Board of Environmental Health. Membership will now be seven instead of from
nine to 12 members. There was no discussion.
Trustee Toth moved, seconded by Trustee Grear, to approve Ordinance 09 -24. Trus-
tee Grear thanked everyone particularly Corporation Counsel for their hard work on
this ordinance. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays.
Tr. DiMaria aye Tr. Gomberg ave Tr. Grear aye
Tr. Marcus acre Tr. Thill aave Tr. Toth aye
Trustee Gomberg presented the Warrant Register for October 26, in the amount of
$727,958.62. He moved to accept the Warrants, seconded by Trustee Marcus. Trustee Thill
then questioned several items on the warrant list which were answered by various Department
Directors. Trustee Marcus questioned the bill for GIS Partners, Inc. Mr. DeMonte responded
it was a monthly bill the Village received for mapping system services. The GIS is used Vil-
lage wide by all the departments and Village residents can access this system by entering
through the Village's website. There being no additional questions, Mayor Staackmann called
for the vote. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays.
Minutes of bctober 26, 2009 Board Meefin:"
{ v
Rudy Firenza, 7628 Lake — Mr. Firenza thanked the Mayor for the answers to his previous
questions. He stated he had additional questions about what has not been answered and
new questions that he wanted to ask. Mayor Staackmann reiterated flooding questions would
not be answered until `the end of the first quarter of 2010. A meeting would be arranged with
Public Works Director Andy DeMonteto hopefully resolve some of Mr. Firenza's issues.
Patty Owens, 8719 Ferris -- Ms. Owens expressed concerns over a lack of concern for her
various problems. She stated she was having problems with not only her landlord but with
Nicor, Commonwealth Edison, and the Village. She stated the only help she received was
from the Fire Department. Mayor Staackmann stated a follow -up meeting would be held at
5:00 pm on Wednesday, October 28, 2009 in the Mayor's Conference Room, to hopefully
work out some of Ms. Ownes concerns. Mr. Hildebrandt along with Trustee Toth would also
attend this meeting.
There being no further business, Trustee Marcus moved to adjourn the Regular Board Meet-
ing, seconded by Trustee DiMaria. The motion passed unanimously via voice vote. The
Board Meeting adjourned at 7:59 pm.
PASSED this 91h day of November 2009.
Trustee DiMaria
Trustee Gomberg
Trustee Grear
Trustee Marcus
Trustee Thill
Trustee Toth
9"' day of November 2009.
6ani`el J. Staackmann, Village President
Board of Trustees, Morton Grove, Illinois
APPROVED and FILED in my office
this 10`h day of November,42009.
Tony S`. KalogOako� Village Clerk
Village of Morton Grove, Cook County, Illinois
Minutes by Susan Lattanzi