HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-09-23 Special MinutesMINUTES OF THE SEPTEMBER 23, 2009, SPECIAL MEETING —
Pursuant to proper notice in accordance with the Open Meetings Act, the special meeting was
called to order at 7:02 pm by Mayor Daniel J. Staackmann who led the assemblage in the pledge
of allegiance. Clerk Kalogerakos called the roll. In attendance were:
Elected Officials: President Daniel Staackmann, Trustees Dan DiMaria, Larry
Gomberg, William Great, Sheldon Marcus, John Thill, and Maria
Toth, and Village Clerk Tony Kalogerakos
Village Staff: Village Administrator Joseph F. Wade, Corporation Counsel
Teresa Hoffman Liston, Finance Director /Treasurer Ryan Horne,
Community and Economic Development Director Bill Neuendorf,
Public Works Director Andy DeMonte, Police Chief Mark
Erickson, Police Commander Brian Fennelly, Police Commander
Norman Stromberg, Family and Senior Services Director Jackie
Walker O'Keefe, Network Administrator Boyle Wong, Family and
Senior Services Coordinator Bud Swanson, Building
Commissioner Ed Hildebrandt, and Fire Chief Tom Friel
Also Present: Members of the press and public
President Staackmann introduced Mr. Wade to the assemblage who stated this is the first of a
series of workshops for the 2010 budget. Mr. Wade noted this is a long process and thanked
staff for their hard work and efforts. Mr. Wade noted Morton Grove, like many municipalities,
was wrestling with the current recession in order to meet escalating costs coupled with shrinking
revenues. The Village has taken a series of cost saving steps that include not filling the
following staff positions the human resource manager, a police officer, a pumping station
operator, an account intern, part -time social worker, part-time custodian, and a receptionist at the
senior center. The Village had also deferred filling the finance director, a mechanic's position,
assistant finance director, and two community service officers positions. Capital items have also
been deferred. The 2010 budget, as prepared to date by staff, is in draft form and subject to
revision at the direction of the Village Board. The current budget is based on a 0% cost -of -living
increase for non - represented employees; however, all 2010 pension contributions will be fully
funded. The Village will continue to defer capital items such as streets, water mains, and alley
improvements. The administration recognizes these items need attention but due to the dire
economy they are again being deferred.
Mr. Wade then introduced Finance Director /Treasurer Ryan Horne. Mr. Horne stated this is the
first of a series of budget workshops with the last to be conducted on October 19, 2009. He
noted all the data being provided today must be considered within context. Mr. Horne stated in
2009 the projected revenues were calculated at $21,765,674. However, budgeted operating
expenses were estimated at $24,554,480 for a deficit in 2009 of $3 million which will be made
up by a withdrawal from the Village's fund balance. This $3 million deficit is caused in part by
declining revenues. The projected 2009 revenue is approximately $315,000 less than 2008
revenues, $1,400,000 less than 2007 revenues, and $1,300,000 from 2006 revenues. This is
attributed to declining real estate transfer taxes, sales taxes, and income taxes. During the same
period of time, the Village has also faced increasing expenses due to escalating pension costs,
increased costs for commodities, and personnel costs. Mr. Horne was pleased in both March and
September of 2009 the Village's bond ratings remained stable at Aa3. This rating, assessed by
Moody's remains stable despite the Village's financial state due to prudent fiscal management,
and available reserves. The Village currently has a reserve policy of 25% of operating budget.
In order to reach short term solutions to the financial crisis, the Village has, as Mr. Wade stated,
not filled or deferred staff positions and deferred capital expenses. Mr. Home noted such
deferrals could not continue indefinitely and it was important for the Village to focus on its
Mr. Horne then introduced the Administrative Budget. The Administrative Budget is broken
into four distinct departments, Legislative (which are expenses related to elected officials, boards
and commissions, and village functions), Legal, Administration, and Economic Development.
The 2010 Legislative Budget is requested at $107,900, a $30,180 or 22% decrease which can be
attributed in part to the elimination of Family Fest, and certain professional services. The
Administration Budget for 2010 requested in the amount of $387,210 is $16,127 less than the
2009 or a 4% decrease which is attributed to the elimination of the Village's Administrative
Intern. Mr. Horne noted the 2009 Budget represented a significant decrease from previous years
because the Village did not fill the human resource manager's position for a savings of $85,146.
The Village's Legal Budget for 2010 requested in the amount of $408,000 was unchanged from
previous years. Mr. Horne stated in fiscal economic times litigation expenses are expected to
increase. Corporation Counsel Liston noted the Village was expected to go to arbitration with
respect to its FOP and IAFF contracts.
Mr. Horne then introduced the Economic Development Budget. The 2010 request in the
amount of $124,150 remained virtually unchanged from previous years. The Economic
Development Fund (Fund 16) was requested for 2010 in the amount of $272,625 or a decrease of
$79,148 from previous years. This fund's decrease is due in large part because the Village has
paid off its obligations under certain economic development agreements including the McGrath
Acura Agreement and the Menard's Agreement, as well as the St. Paul Federal Agreement. The
Village was also eliminating the Facade Improvement Program for 2010. 'This budget expects
slight increases to the Village's payment to District 70 and District 67.
Mr. Home and Mr. Neuendorf then reported on the Village's Lehigh /Ferris TIF Fund (Fund
15). The revenue totals for 2010 were projected at $4,480,000, an increase of $469,500 due to
increased valuations. Expenditures related to the 2007 Bond issue were requested at $9,288,800.
Mr. Neuendorf stated unlike many other funds discussed during the budget process, the
Lehigh/Ferris TIF fund was an independent account and not based on the assessment of property
taxes from Village wide property owners. Tire revenue in this fund emanated from the bond
proceeds, and incremental taxes which can only be spent within the TIF fund. Mr. Neuendorf
stated capital projects expected within the district in 2010 included construction and realignment
costs for Lincoln and Ferris Avenues (railroad realignment) the Dempster Street water main, and
also marketing expenses which could be paid from the TIF Fund. Mr. Neuendorf then reported
on the Waukegan Road TIF District (Fund 17). The 2009 projected revenue was expected at
$727,500. Budget requests from this fund were expected to increase by $945,465 and included
possible land acquisition costs.
Mr. Horne then reported on the requested 2010 Finance Department Budget in the amount of
$2,310,080. This amount reflected a decrease from the previous year in the amount of $135,499
or 6 %. This decrease was due to a change in personnel for a savings of $55,195, and the fact the
Village paid off the loan for the 2006 ambulance. Retiree health insurance costs of $265,000 are
included in the Finance Department's budget. Mr. Horne also noted the 2010 Finance
Department Budget included Reserves in the amount of $333,000 which would be used to pay
increased health insurance costs and any personnel increase cost required by Collective
Bargaining Agreements which have not yet been finalized.
Mr. Wong then introduced the Information Technology Budget. The 2010 budget request in
the amount of $464,713 remained virtually unchanged from the previous year. Mr. Wong then
noted the accomplishments from 2009 which included two major server refreshes, the increase in
high availability workers (cell phones that can also provide data), and electronic document
archiving. Mr. Wong had begun an e -mail archive and retention project as well. The 2010
informational technology goals include the establishment of citizen relationship management
software which will help track and enhance customer service. Mr. Wong is also working on a
microwave connectivity project which will eventually save the Village expenses for a phone wire
cost to transfer data between Village Hall buildings. Mr. Wong also noted the 2010 budget
includes a cost for server, hardware virtualization. The goal of information technology is to
either increase service /productivity at no cost or maintain current levels of service and
productivity at a cost savings.
Mr. Hildebrandt introduced the Building and Inspectional Service Budget which was requested
in 2010 in the amount of $513,150. This budget is virtually unchanged from previous years and
Mr. Hildebrandt noted a reduction in the part-time inspectors is planned. Mr. Hildebrandt also
noted the workload within the department had decreased due in large part to the declining
permits being issued, for example, from 2003 — 2006 permits per year averaged 900. In 2008,
there were 777 permits issued and as of September 30, 2009, only 372 permits have been issued.
Mr. Hildebrandt also introduced the Municipal Buildings Budget which request for 2010 was
$155,675 or a decrease from previous years in the amount of $150,350 (49 %). This decrease is
due to the fact no maintenance projects are included in the proposed budget.
Jackie Walker O'Keefe introduced the Family and Senior Service Budget requested for 2010 in
the amount of $397,073 which is virtually unchanged from previous years. Ms. Walker O'Keefe
summarized her department strives to provide high quality programs for residents and in 2009
successfully increased outreach efforts to seniors and disabled residents. Also in 2009, the
Village received a grant in the amount of $57,714 to replace the 1999 senior bus. Ms. Walker
O'Keefe noted the 2010 goats and objectives which included maintaining social services for
seniors, and identified gaps in social services for non - seniors. Bud Swanson introduced the
Civic Center Budget in the amount of $277,350 which represented a decrease of $9,346 or 3 %.
In 2009 the senior center surpassed its revenue goals and received revenue in the amount of
$140,180 which compares favorably to 2005 revenue in the amount of $57,762. He noted the
Village takes great pride in keeping the building attractive and maintaining a high level of
customer service which is why rentals seem to be very popular there. Mr. Swanson stated the
department was considering a slight increase in rental rates. Mr. Swanson also noted the new
roof expense has been completed in 2009 and in 2010 the department planned to rebuild the
Mayor Staackmann asked for questions from the Board and there were none. He then asked for a
questions from the audience and there none.
There being no further business, Trustee Di Maria moved to adjourn the Special Meeting. The
motion was seconded by Trustee Marcus and approved unanimously pursuant to a voice vote at
8:00 pm. — i 1 n ✓'+
S. Kalogerakos
Special meeting minutes.09 -23 -09