HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-09-02 Special MinutesMINUTES OF THE SEPTEMBER 2, 2009, SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES RICHARD T. FLICKINGER MUNICIPAL CENTER 6101 CAPULINA AVENUE MORTON GROVE, ILLINOIS 60053 Pursuant to proper notice in accordance with the Open Meetings Act, the special meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm by Village President Daniel J. Staackmann who led the assemblage in the Pledge of Allegiance. Clerk Kalogerakos called the roll. In attendance were: Elected Officials: President Daniel Staackmann, Trustees Dan DiMaria, Larry Gomberg, William Grear, Sheldon Marcus, John Thill, and Maria Toth, and Village Clerk Tony Kalogerakos Absent None Village Staff: Village Administrator Joseph F. Wade, Corporation Counsel Teresa Hoffman Liston, Finance Director/Treasurer Ryan Horne, Fire Chief Tom Friel, Police Chief Mark Erickson, Building Commissioner Ed Hildebrandt, Community and Economic Development Director Bill Neuendorf, Public Works Director Andy DeMonte, Family and Senior Services Director Jackie Walker-O'Keefe, Network Administrator Boyle Wong, Public Works Street Superintendent Paul Tobin, Village Engineer Chris Tomich, and Public Works Superintendent Joe Dahm Also Present: 1Vlembers of the press, members from the Village of Morton Grove EMA, and approximately ten residents President Staackmann stated the purpose of this meeting was to review the Village of Morton Grove's capital project needs during the next five years. Mr. Wade than stated that during this evening's presentation various department heads and management, personnel of the Village would present priority capital projects of the Village summarized by the year the project was expected to take place, a description of the project, the Village's prioritization of the project, and its funding source and estimated cost. Public Works Director Andy DeMonte then reported on various Public Works projects. They included: 1. Ferris Avenue Water Main Project. This project would take place in the year 2010, and would replace an eight inch water main with a sixteen inch water main located on Ferris Avenue in order to increase the water capacity and fire flow in this neighborhood. The fund would be paid for by the Lehigh/Ferris Tax Increment Financing District at an estimated cost of $443,22~~~~.00 2. Mr. DeMonte stated the Village also planned to replace the water main on Dempster Street from Central Avenue to Narragansett Avenue in the year 2010 at a total cost of $ 1, 400,000.00. Fifty-three percent of these funds would come from the Enterprise Fund which is a fund supported by water billing, and forty-seven percent from the Village's Lehigh/Ferris TIF District Fund. 3. Mr. DeMonte also stated the Village also planned in 2010 to relocate a twenty inch water feeder which supplies water to the Village's two million gallon tank reservoir at the north pumping station at an anticipated total cost of $230,000. Approximately one hundred twenty feet of this feeder is located between existing houses. The Village desires to reroute the feeder underneath Belleforte Avenue and an alley which will eliminate anticipated problems with future repairs. The total length of the reroute is estimated at four hundred feet. 4. Mr. DeMonte stated in 2010 and 2011 the Village planned to upgrade its supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) which monitors and controls various operations at both pumping stations at an anticipated total cost of $110,261. Modern technology upgrades are needed for safe and reliable pumping operations. 5. Mr. Joe Dahm, Public Works Superintendent, advised the Board that the Village also planned a valve replacement program from 2010 through 2014, at a total cost of $328,000.00 to be paid for in the Enterprise Fund. Mr. Dahm noted that the Village has one thousand fifty valves. Over the next five years, twenty-five needed to be replaced. The Village replaces in-house valves up to a ten inch size. Valves that cannot be repaired in-house need to be replaced by outside contractors. 6. Mr. Dahm noted that the Village planned on replacing the twelve inch and twenty inch water mains that cross under the river between Caldwell Avenue and Natchez Avenue in the Cook County Forest Preserve. Mr. Dahm noted that the Village has experienced several leaks within these water mains and has serious concerns for the condition of the mains under the river. This project is expected to take place in 2010 at a cost of $700,000.00 to be paid for through the Enterprise Fund. 7. Mr. Dahm also reported on Village plans to replace water mains along twelve different streets between 2012 and 2014 at a total cost of $3,478,831.00 to be paid for through the Enterprise Fund. The replacement of these water mains has been recommended by the Village's consultant, Consoer Townsend Envirodyne Engineers, Inc. In order to correct deficiencies such as high or low operating pressures, insufficient fire flows, poor water quality, or inadequate velocity. 8. Mr. Dahm also reported on pump replacement projects to take place between 2012 and 2013 at a cost of $390,000.00. This program would replace two pumps that are over fifty-five years old. Replacement of the pumps will increase electrical efficiency and cut electrical costs. Further it is becoming harder to find qualified technicians to work on this aging equipment. 9. Mr. Dahm also reported on the replacement of a north station influent valve in the year 2014 at a cost of $44,574.00 to be paid for through the Enterprise Fund. This project will replace a sixteen inch inlet valve on reservoir number 2 at the north pumping station and has been mandated by the City of Chicago to study the rate of water filling the Village reservoir tanks. 10. Mr. Dahm also reported in the year 2010 the Village plans on painting the north water tower at cost of $367,000.00 to be paid through the Enterprise Fund. The tower was last painted in 1996. During the process the tank will be out of service for forty-five to sixty days. 11. Mr. Dahm also noted in the year 2011 the Village will also paint the south water tower at a cost of $372,907.00 to be paid for through the Enterprise Fund. 12. Mr. Dahm noted that the Village plans in the years 2010 through 2012 to replace all water meters throughout the Village at a cost of $2,587,197.00 to be paid through the Enterprise Fund. The present average age of water meters in the Village is twenty-six years old. It is estimated that the Village looses fourteen percent of water it receives as a result of aged meters. These meters will also allow for a radio read system which will reduce the man hours needed to read meters from twenty-five days to approximately five days. Mr. DeMonte estimated that the Village would retrieve its investment in the water meter replacements in approximate 4.8 years. He also stated that the new meters would allow the Village to move to a monthly billing cycle which would make budgeting easier for residents. 13. Mr. Dahm then advised the Board in 2010 the Village planned on spending approximately $574,740.00 to line various storni and sanitary sewers within the Lehigh/Ferris TIF District. Sewer lining is a cost efficient way to rehabilitate sewers and increase their life expectancy from twenty-five to fifty years. This process also reduces costs, destruction of trees, driveways, and resident inconvenience. 14. Mr. Dahm stated that from 2010 to 1014 the Village plans to line various sewers throughout the Village at a cost of $1,061,827.00. 15. Mr. Dahm noted that in 2010 the Village plans to undertake a west basin sewer study at a cost of $35,000.00 to analyze the hydraulic grade line for the existing drainage system to better determine what storm events causes the overflow of drainage structures at the intersection of Lake Street and Oriole Avenue. After analyzing the existing storm sewers, proposed improvements will be considered. 16. Division Superintendent Paul Tobin reported in the year 2010, the Village planned to replace the diesel and gasoline at the Public Works facility at a cost of $29,000.00 to be paid from the General Fund. 17. Mr. Tobin also noted that in 2011, the Village plans to replace the gasoline tanks sump and tank monitoring equipment at a cost of $14,000.00. 18. Mr. Tobin noted that from 2010 through 2014, the Village will replace various municipal vehicles at a cost of $1,250,000.00. Staff is recommending that the Village allot $250,000.00 per year towards the replacement of vehicles in the Public Works, Police Department, Fire Department, and Village Hall. The average age of the current fleet is twelve years old with the oldest vehicle being built in 1972. The aging fleet is increasingly burdensome for the maintenance division. 19. The vehicle replacement program for the Enterprise Fund, this replacement will be paid for through the Village's Enterprise Fund and will begin a replacement program to maintain the equipment that serves as the Village's water and sewer infrastructure at an anticipated total five year cost of $650,000.- 20. Village Engineer Chris Tomich then reported on the Village's Asphalt Street Improvement Program to take place between the years 2010 through 2014 at various locations throughout the Village at a total cost of $11,325,000.00. Mr. Tomich noted that the Village undertook an asphalt street inventory of seventy centerline miles of street. Approximately thirty miles are below a pavement condition rated satisfactory. The goal of the Village is to get as many streets in good condition as quickly as possible and then keep them in good condition. The Village's current strategy is that the street's that need to be reconstructed last in order to be "save streets that can be saved." The Village is also applying for Federal funds for these resurfacing projects, and funds may be available from the Lehigh/Ferris TIF District for streets within that district. Mr. Tomich noted that concrete streets also needed to be replaced, but these streets would be replaced last due to the cost of repair, and a determination that concrete streets generally last longer than asphalt streets. 21. Mr. Tomich then reported on the Village's Commercial Alley Improvement Program to take place between years 2010 and 2014 at a cost of $2, 500,000.00 to be paid for through the General Fund. This program will replace failed alleys mostly along Waukegan Road and some along Dempster Street. Businesses and staff have expressed a preference for concrete alleys which provide a higher surface level and support increased usage. Mr. Tomich also noted that Dempster Street improvements are being considered. The total prefinal cost for this project is $6,140,404.00 which includes the cost for the water main replacement. The Village is pursuing many funding sources for this project. 22. Building Commissioner Ed Hildebrandt reported that in 2010 the Village plans a Lighting and Fan Improvement Project in the Public Works garage at a cost of $20,000.00 to be paid for through the General Fund. The use of this facility has evolved from storage to an operational use and therefore, more lighting and ventilation is required. 23. Mr. Hildebrandt reported that in 2410 the Village planned upgrades to the H/HVAC system in Fire Station #5 at a cost of $9,440.40 to create better room comfort and system operating efficiencies. 24. Mr. Hildebrandt also noted that in 2010 the Village will undertake a temporary solution to provide evidence storage for the Police Department which includes the installation of steel caging in the north half of the current police garage at an estimated cost of $12,000.00. 25. Mr. Hildebrandt stated that the Village planned to replace the air dampers in the Police Department gun range in 2010 at a cost of $2,344.04. 26. Mr. Hildebrandt stated that the Village planned to seal coat the exterior masonry in the Flickinger Center in 2010 at an estimated cost of $4,000.00. 27. Mr. Hildebrandt stated that the Village planned to replace the Public Works salt dome in 2011 at a cost of $294,000.04. The current salt storage dome was erected in 1981. A 2008 engineering evaluation indicated the dome is in poor condition and needs to be replaced. 28. In 2011 the Village plans to conduct an update to its Police Department space planning study :it an anticipated cost of $20,000.00.- A previous study was undertaken by the architecture firm of Sente and Ruebel which seemed most conducive to meeting some of the Village's needs within a reasonable budget. An update of this plan is needed to take into consideration operational changes and additional requirements by State statute. The Village should consider various alternatives including remodeling the existing facility, building an additional to the existing facility, or constructing a new building. 29. Mr. Hildebrandt further stated that the parking lot at the Flickinger Municipal Center and both fire states needs to be repaved at a cost of $204,300.04. Plans for this project are anticipated in 2012. 30. In 2012, the Village plans to paint and seal coat the cement block walls in the vehicle bays of the fire department apparatus room as well as coat the floors with an epoxy finish designed for vehicle traffic in order to reduce slip and falls. The cost for this project is $40,540.40. 31. The Village plans to replace the stand by generator and electrical service at the Public Works facility at 2414 at a cost of $165,000.00. The current main electrical panel is an obsolete live front paneled which poses a safety hazard. This project will move the generator to the interior of the building and provide an adequate fuel tank, upgrade the automatic transfer switch and replace the obsolete electrical panel. 32. In 2012, the Village plans to relocate the Public Works garage service doors to the exterior walls adjacent to the overhead door for more efficient access to the maintenance shop at a cost of $17,000.00. 33. In 2013, the Village plans to upgrade the elevator controls at the Flickinger Municipal Center and Fire Station #4 at a cost of $22,300.00 to be compliant with the requirements of the State fire marshal. 34. In 2013, the Village plans to replace the standby generator in Fire Station #4 at a cost of $83,404.00. The current generator was installed in 1974 and is not large enough to supply power for the entire needs of the building. 35. In 2013, the Village plans to replace the carpeting at both fire stations and the public works facilities at a cost of $87,000.00. 36. In 2013, the Village plans to install material yards storage sheds at the Public Works facility at a cost of $40,000.00. These sheds will assist in the prevention of storm water run off into the sewers located in the yard and will prevent material shrinkage. 37. In 2013, the Village plans to rekey all the locks at the Flickinger Municipal Center at a cost of $5,400.00. The last time the building was rekeyed was in the early 1990's. 38. In 2014, the Village plans kitchen restorations at both fire stations at a cost of $19,000.00. 39. In 2014, the Village plans to replace the roof couplings at the Public Works facilities at a cost of $38,500.00. In order to protect the masonry walls from moisture infiltration. 40. In 2014, the Village plans an addition to the Police Department garage at a cost of $230,000.00. In order to replace the parking stalls that were given up for evidence storage. This project may be deleted or expanded based on the outcome of the 2011 Police Department Space Needs Facility study. 41. In 2014, the Village will replace the fire alarm system at the Flickinger Municipal Center in order to install manual pull stations and additional horn strobe, audio-visual notification devices at a cost of $15,000.00. 42. In 2014, the Village will replace the standby generator at the Flickinger Municipal Center at a cost of $235,000.00. The current generator was installed in 1979, and does not supply enough power to make the Village Hall and Police Department operational during a power outage for example, now of the electrical outlet which power computers and the telephone systems are powered by this generator. Finance Director/Treasurer Ryan Horne then provided a summary of the Village's capital needs by year. He noted irrthe anticipated cost for the years 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014 are $7,783,391, $5,833,231, $5,933,500, $5,263,518 and $4,641,226; respectively. ~~.~a The total anticipated cost of allthe Village capital improvements i~wa~?,''~~'~n~2~-~~~~~ 29'T~~5~33,59n~o~2-9T3 ~5i36,5-14~0~2-9'T~$11,F~r2~?6.nn~~tet-ate $29,454,866.00. The Village's largesttep five capital projects~~ are (1) the= Dempster Street `'Vater Nlain Replacement Project anticipated for the year 2010 at a cost of $1,400,000; (2) the Water Main Replacement Program anticipated far the ,years 2012, 2013 and 2014 at a total cost of $3,478,831; (3) the ~x~.,+,,,- ~,r.,:., n:~..i,,,.:~.,.,,~+ n.-.~,~,-.,.,, „ ,,,,+~,a ;., ~ni i „+ ., ,.r+ „~e~nn nnn nn, Water 11-73~eter Replacement and U~pgrade~ Project anticipated for the years 2010, ZO11, and 2012 at a total cost of $2,587,197; (4) ; ~ ; ,_ ~tt~ the Asphalt Street Improvement Program anticipated for the years ZO10, 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014 at a cost of $2,760,000, $2,300,000, $2,300,000, $2,415,000 and $1,550,000, respectively for a total cost of $11,325,000; and (5) the Commercial Alley Improvement Program anticipated for the years 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014 at a cost of $500,000 each year for a total of $2 500 OOO.e3~er~des irr2~0--e~~~n nnn ~~~-3~n nn,~n~ ~~~nn~nnn,.nII~~ > > S~ ,i i c nnn nn. r n nnn nn ~ ,- i i ~ c nnn nn „r,a ~ ~ , - , , "29r~ , ~5~, tit-&i~~t~ ~~r , '^~-er ~~-29T4Ter~-Ee{i~~?i~e1~4e-,e~~,cnn nnn nn These largest five project~~ represent $21,291,028 or 78.28% of the Village total capital improvement expenditures. Mr. Horne then reviewed the capital projects by funding source and noted that the total capital project expenditures from the General Ffund are was $16,681,300.00 or approximately 57% of the total expenditures. The expenditures from the Lehigh/Ferris TIF District fund area $1,675,969.40 or approximately 6% of total expenditures. The expenditures fromit~ the Water Department ar ~ $11,497,597.44 or approximately 38% ofthe total expenditures. Finally, Mr. Horne summarized the funding by source by year. Mayor Staackmann noted that while these numbers are large the Village as working diligently to obtain grants and matching funds for many of these projects. Trustee DiMaria noted that these expenditures were easy to put off but eventually they catch up to you. He believed the Village had stretched everything possible to this point. Trustee Marcus noted the numbers were frightening but perhaps just the tip of the iceberg; unanticipated expenditures may come up. The Village needed to start with a plan, and they needed to be honest with the residents. He was confident that the Village could find the revenue to meet its needs. Mayor Staackmann asked for questions from the audience and there were none. He then thanked the audience and the Village staff for their time in the preparation of this report and their attendance at the meeting. There being no further business Trustee Di11~Iaria then moved to adjourn the special meeting. The motion was seconded by Trustee Thill and approved unanimously pursuant to a voice at 8:29 pm. Minutes by: Tony S. Kalogerakos