MAY 28, 2024
I. Village President Dan DiMaria convened the Regular Meeting of the Village Board at 7:00 p.m.
in the Council Chambers of Village Hall and led the assemblage in the Pledge of Allegiance.
II. Village Clerk Eileen Harford called the roll. Present were Trustees Rita Minx, Ashur Shiba, John Thill,
Connie Travis, and Janine Witko. Trustee Saba Khan was absent with notice.
Mayor DiMaria asked for a motion to approve the Minutes of the May 14, 2024 Village Board
Meeting as presented. Trustee Minx so moved, seconded by Trustee Witko. Motion passed
unanimously via voice vote with one absent.
1. Swearinr;-In of New Police Officer Lindsay LaPaglia
Mayor DiMaria asked Fire and Police Commission Chairman Mike Simkins to perform the swearing-
in ceremony for three new police officers.
a. Mr. Simkins introduced Lindsay LaPaglia, who had her mom and aunt with her this evening. He
provided some background about Lindsay: She began her employment with the Village on
December 4, 2023. She began her training at the Suburban Law Enforcement Police Academy while
she was hired by the Woodridge Police Department and graduated on December 16, 2022.
b. Lindsay was born and raised in Morton Grove. She attended Niles West High School and moved on
to Oakton Community College where she studied law enforcement. From as young as 8 years old,
she was determined to become a Police Officer. While pursuing her career in law enforcement, she
spent her time working in the automotive industry in several roles. In her spare time, Lindsay
enjoys being outdoors, traveling, and spending time with family.
c. Mr. Simkins administered Lindsay's Oath of Office and her mother pinned on her badge as Lindsay
was welcomed by the Village Board and assemblage.
Minutes of May 28, 2024 Board Meeting
2. Swearing -In of New Police Officer Froylan "Chris" Serna
a. Next, Chairman Simkins introduced Chris Serna, who had brought with him his dad, a retired
member of the Chicago Police Department, and his dad's wife. Chris' background: He started his
employment with the Village of Morton Grove on December 28, 2023. He was born and raised on
the northwest side of Chicago, attending Saint Patrick and Ridgewood High School. After high
school, he attended Triton College and studied criminal justice.
b. Chris decided to pursue a career in law enforcement, following in his dad's footsteps. In 2020, he
was hired by the Illinois Secretary of State Police and attended the Macon County.Law Enforcement
Training Center. He served as an Investigator with the Illinois Secretary of State Police and
completed three and a half years of service before lateraling to Morton Grove. In his spare time,
Chris enjoys working out, traveling, and being outdoors.
c. Mr. Simkins administered the Oath of Office to Chris, whose dad proudly pinned on his badge.
Chris was welcomed by the Board and assemblage.
3. Swearing -In of New Police Officer Trunr; B. Nguyen
a. Lastly, Mr. Simkins introduced Trung Nguyen, who was accompanied by his wife. Mr. Simkins
provided some background: Trung was born in Vietnam and raised in Chicago. He has served in
distinguished roles across multiple law enforcement capacities. His military service includes time
with the elite 75th Ranger Regiment, where he was deployed to Mosul, Iraq in 2004 and 2005.
During this brief but intense four-month deployment in 2004, he participated in over 120 special
operations missions, earning the Combat Infantry Badge for his outstanding service.
b. Following his service in the Army, he embarked on a 14 -year career in law enforcement, which
included roles with the Park Ridge Police Department in Illinois, the Los Angeles Police Department,
and a significant ten years with the Chicago Police Department. His tenure at the Chicago PD
included five years on the full-time SWAT team as a shield operator. His extensive training includes
certificates from the FBI SWAT and Sniper Schools, a Team Leader Course, and a Hostage Rescue
Course, among others. Outside of his professional life, he enjoys working out and spending time
with his family.
c. Chairman Simkins administered the Oath of Office to Trung, whose wife pinned on his badge. The
Board and assemblage welcomed him warmly.
4. Mayor DiMaria commented, "It really takes a special person, especially these days, to become a
police officer. This is a new, young, diverse group of officers coming in. At the same time, we have
officers that have been with us for quite some time. Residents can rest assured that they are in
good hands with the MG Police Department." He asked for a round of applause for the current
members of the MGPD, and thanked them for all they do, day in and day out.
Minutes of May 28, 2024 Board Meetin
5. Next, Mayor DiMaria welcomed Mark Fernandez, Chairman of the Economic Development
Commission, here this evening to present the "Greener Morton Grove" awards. The awards were
given out for several categories.
• In the category "Public Schools," the award goes to Park View Elementary School,
The school started a "green club" for students in grades 6 through 8. The club
added recycling containers and educated student and staff on recycling. They
also set up bins to "upcycle" school materials. On Earth Day, they encouraged
students to walk or ride bikes, promoted "no waste" lunch, and held a
trash challenge.
• In the category "Religious Organizations," the winner is the Muslim Community
Center of Chicago (MCC). The MCC has provided refillable water bottles and
water stations, transitioned to eco -friendly serving water, and promoted
sustainability through services. They have a Newsletter and regional
partnerships participating in the Village's annual Sustainability Expo. They have
reduced waste in their classrooms and have promoted composting and
gardening in the community.
• In the "Business" category, the award goes to Catering By Michaels. They are one
of only two caterers in the nation to earn a 4 -star Green Restaurant Certification
from the Green Restaurant Association. Since partnering with Rescuing Leftover
Cuisine in 2023, they have diverted 5,095 pounds of food to food shelters and
food banks rather than landfills. That's equivalent to 4,500 meals!
• Finally, in the "Service Provider" category, Waste -Not Compost wins the award.
As Morton Grove's exclusive provider of curbside compost collection, they have
increased the number of households participating from 53 to 94 since January
2024. Waste-Not's commitment to zero emissions and 100% electric van fleet
prevent 60,000 gallons of gas from being burned annually.
Mr. Fernandez said, "This year's recipients showcased remarkable achievements in waste
reduction, recycling, water and energy conservation, public education, and sustainable
transportation." He thanked the award winners for making Morton Grove a greener and more
sustainable place to live, work, and play.
f. Mayor DiMaria commented, "If that's not something to be proud about, I don't know what is!"
Minutes of May 28, 2024 Board Meeting
1. Mayor DiMaria sought the Board's concurrence of several appointments this evening:
• Eric Rubio to the Police & Fire Commission
• Mubashir Khan to the Economic Development Commission
• Ibrahim Khan to the Environment and Natural Resources Commission
Trustee Minx moved to concur with these appointments, seconded by Trustee Thill.
Motion passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent.
Tr. Khan absent Tr. Minx aye Tr. Shiba aye
Tr. Thill aye Tr. Travis aye Tr. Witko aye
2. Mayor DiMaria extended special thanks to all those who made the Village's second Community
Clean -Up event on Saturday, May 18, a success, including the over 50 residents who participated,
as well as Village staff, notably Saba Koya, Kevin Lochner and other Public Works staff,
Trustees Thill and Travis, and members of the Environment and Natural Resources Commission.
3. Mayor DiMaria said there's still time to get a free Kids Explorer Kit for getting involved in the
Village's sustainability efforts. They only need to sign the Kid's Sustainability Pledge found in the
Earth Month edition of the Village newsletter, then bring it to Village Hall to receive a free Kids
Explorer Kit.
4. Mayor DiMaria reminded everyone that Morton Grove Days will be here before we know it! This
event will be held starting Wednesday, July 3 and ending Saturday, July 6. It's a celebration of
country and community spirit, featuring live music, a carnival, a parade, fireworks, a beer garden,
food, and fun for the whole family. There will be more information on the Village website and in an
upcoming Village newsletter. You can find the event schedule and money -saving information
regarding carnival Megabands at the event website: mortongrovedays.org. New this year, on
Saturday, July 6, from 10am to 4pm, there will be a Morton Grove Days Market on the grounds.
5. Mayor DiMaria said that the Village is seeking volunteers for the upcoming Morton Grove Days
event. Volunteer scheduling is very flexible, and any amount of time you're willing to commit is
welcome! If interested, please sign up on the Village website or contact Village Hall.
Minutes of May 28, 2024 Board Meeting
6. Mayor DiMaria noted that, on Tuesday, August 6, from 5:30 to 8:30pm, the Morton Grove Police
Department will host "National Night Out." This is a free event to enhance the relationship
between residents and law enforcement while fostering a greater sense of community. Family -
friendly activities, entertainment, and refreshments will be available. This event takes place in the
parking lot of the American Legion Memorial Civic Center, 6140 Dempster.
7. Mayor DiMaria said that the Village is seeking volunteers beyond the Morton Grove Days event.
There are various events throughout the year that require volunteers. Get involved! Sign up on the
Village's website or contact Village Hall.
Clerk Harford had no formal report this evening.
A. Village Administrator:
1. Mr. Czerwinski presented Ordinance 24-07, Amending Title 4, Chapter 2, Section 1 entitled
"Definitions," and Title 4, Chapter 6D entitled "Liquor Control," Section 8 entitled "License
Classifications and Fees," and Section 14 entitled "Regulations for Licenses Operating Video
Gaming Terminals on the Licensed Premise."
This is a second reading of this Ordinance.
a. Mr. Czerwinski explained the Village's 2023 Strategic Plan establishes goals of enhancing economic
development programs and efforts, and preserving and promoting the character of the
Morton Grove community. To help achieve these goals, staff has developed a Legacy Restaurant
Assistance Program to support the continued success and longevity of restaurants that have
operated under common family ownership in Morton Grove continuously for at least thirty (30)
years. These establishments help define Morton Grove's identity and character, are cultural
assets, and have contributed significantly to the local food and beverage sales tax base.
b. This Ordinance amends Title 4. Chapter 2, Section 1, and Title 4, Chapter 6D, Sections 8 and 14, to
support the proposed program as follows:
• Amends Section 4-2-1 to clarify the definition of a "restaurant" as an establishment
deriving more than fifty percent (50%) of its gross sales from prepared food.
• Amends Section 4-6D-9 to allow the issuance of additional Class E -V
restaurant and video gaming liquor licenses to Legacy Restaurants pursuant
to the Program.
Minutes of Ma 28, 124 Board Meeting
STAFF REPORTS (continued
A. Village Administrator:
• Amends Section 4-6D-14 to relocate requirements for video gaming
establishments to the Program requirements and determined on a
case-by-case basis through economic development agreements between
the Village and the licensee.
c. Mr. Czerwinski noted that adoption of the Legacy Restaurant Assistance Program will be considered
under Resolution 24-37 on this evening's Agenda.
Mayor DiMaria asked for a motion regarding Ordinance 24-07. Trustee Minx moved to adopt
Ordinance 24-07, seconded by Trustee Shiba.
Motion passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent.
Tr. Khan absent Tr. Minx aye Tr. Shiba aye
Tr. Thill aye Tr. Travis aye Tr. Witko aye
2. Next, Mr. Czerwinski presented Resolution 24-37, Authorizing a Legacy Restaurant Assistance
a. He explained this proposed Legacy Restaurant Assistance Program will be available to restaurants
who have submitted a complete application, meet the definition of a "restaurant" as defined by
Section 4-2-1 of the Municipal Code, which, under the just -passed Ordinance 24-07, is clarified as
being under individual or common ownership for at least thirty (30) years without any break in
operations for more than six (6) months except as required by construction activities or due to the
COVID-19 pandemic, and are in compliance with all applicable Village rules and regulations.
b. Designated Legacy Restaurants are eligible to receive a one-time grant of $5,000 for commercial
fagade improvements or a Class E -V Restaurant and Video Gaming License, provided certain
criteria relating to square footage, video gaming terminal area design, and signage are met. This
Resolution is being considered in conjunction with Ordinance 24-07, which amends Title 4,
Chapters 2 and 6D, to support the proposed Legacy Restaurant Assistance Program.
Trustee Thill moved to approve Resolution 24-37, seconded by Trustee Witko.
Motion passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent.
Tr. Khan absent Tr. Minx aye Tr. Shiba aye
Tr. Thill aye Tr. Travis aye Tr. Witko aye
c. Trustee Thill asked Mr. Czerwinski how many restaurants currently qualify for this Assistance
Program. Mr. Czerwinski said he felt there would be four or five that would qualify. The Village does
plan to advertise this new program.
Minutes of May 28, 2024 Board Meeting
B. Corporation Counsel:
Corporation Counsel Liston had no formal report this evening.
STAFF REPORTS (continued
A. Trustee Khan:
Trustee Khan was absent with notice—no formal report this evening.
B. Trustee Minx:
Trustee Minx had no formal report this evening.
C. Trustee Shiba:
Trustee Shiba wanted to remind residents about two upcoming events to remember:
• Crayon Recycling Program—Collection points are at Village Hall and the
Library. This program began April 1 and runs through June 30, 2024.
• Morton Grove 2024 Tree Walk—This event takes place on Saturday, June 8,
at 10:00 a.m. and starts at the Morton Grove Civic Center.
D. Trustee Thill•
1. Trustee Thill presented Resolution 24-38, Authorizing the Closure of Dempster Street for the
Annual Fourth of July Parade.
a. The July 4 Parade is a Morton Grove tradition. The 2024 parade is scheduled to begin at 2:30pm on
Thursday, July 4, and will require Dempster Street to be partially or completely closed between
Central and Lincoln Avenues from 2:OOpm to 4:30pm. The Illinois Department of Transportation
(IDOT) requires the Village to adopt a resolution to approve this closing and assume full
responsibility for the direction, protection, and regulation of traffic along with all liabilities for
damages of any kind occasioned by the closing of this state route.
Trustee Thill moved, seconded by Trustee Travis, to approve Resolution 24-38.
Minutes of May 28, 924 Board Meeting
D. Trustee Thill: (continued)
Motion passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent.
Tr. Khan absent Tr. Minx aye Tr. Shiba aye
Tr. Thill aye Tr. Travis aye Tr. Witko aye
2. Next, Trustee Thill presented Resolution 24-39, Authorizing the Purchase of a New 2024 Ford F450
XL 4x4 Pickup From Sutton Ford Inc. of Matteson, Illinois.
The Public Works Department Vehicle Maintenance Division routinely reviews vehicles and
equipment for fuel economy, safety, dependability, age, and excessive repair cost, and has
recommended that its fleet be upgraded by the purchase of a 2024 Ford F450 XL 4x4 utility
pickup truck. The Village, along with 142 other municipalities, participates in the Northwest
Municipal Conference (NWMC) Suburban Purchasing Cooperative to take advantage of volume
purchasing discounts for vehicles. The Suburban Purchasing Cooperative conducted a bidding
process for 2024 For F450 XL pickup trucks and awarded contract #226 to Sutton Ford Inc. in
Matteson, IL. Sutton Ford has provided a quote to the Village for this vehicle in the amount of
$86,100. This Resolution will authorize a Purchase Order for this expenditure.
Trustee Thill moved to approve Resolution 24-39, seconded by Trustee Travis.
Motion passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent.
Tr. Khan absent Tr. Minx aye Tr. Shiba aye
Tr. Thill aye Tr. Travis aye Tr. Witko aye
Trustee Thill thanked the Morton Grove Police Department for participating in "Cop on a Roof" this
year to raise money for the Special Olympics. He said maybe a bigger advertising push might be
needed next year.
Trustee Thill also recounted that a woman had called Village Hall, quite upset to learn that the
Village isn't "spraying" for cicadas. He said cicadas come around once every 17 years. They are not
pretty, and they're very noisy. But cicadas are good for the environment. He suggested people
learn more about cicadas before complaining about them.
E. Trustee Travis:
1. Trustee Travis reported the following on behalf of the Community Relations Commission. Details
for the following upcoming Community events are also on the Village website:
E. Trustee Travis: (continued)
Minutes of May 28, 2024 Board Meeting
b. • Community Garage Sale—scheduled for June 7-9. Check the Village
website for details and to register by May 15.
c. Trustee Travis said, if you're participating in the garage sale and the Summer Adopt -a -Planter
program, you can get your garage sale signs at the same time as when you pick up your planter
materials, which is Saturday, June 1.
2. Trustee Travis set the Community Relations Commission is sponsoring a Summer Photo Contest,
themed "Summer in MG." The contest is underway and goes till Labor Day. She encouraged
everyone to participate.
F. Trustee Witko:
1. Trustee Witko presented Ordinance 24-08, Approving a Minor Amendment to Ordinance 23-13,
Granting a Special Use Permit for a Restaurant with a Drive -Through Facility at 5843 Dempster
Street in Morton Grove, IL.
a. She explained that this Ordinance is an amendment to the Special Use Permit authorizing the
construction of a new Dunkin' restaurant with a drive-through at 5843 Dempster. It would grant
the Applicant a one-year extension to May 23, 2025. The Village Board approved a Special Use
Permit for this project in 2023 under Ordinance 23-13. Village Code states that a Special Use Permit
is valid for one year unless a building permit is issued and construction has begun. The Village has a
complete permit application as of April 29, 2024, which is being reviewed, but the building per nit
will not be issued prior to the May 23 deadline.
Trustee Witko moved, seconded by Trustee Travis, to adopt Ordinance 24-08.
Motion passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent.
Tr. Khan absent Tr. Minx aye Tr. Shiba ave
Tr. Thill aye Tr. Travis aye Tr. Witko ave
2. Next, Trustee Witko presented for a second reading Ordinance 24-09, Approving a Special Use
Permit for a Commercial Tutoring/Learning Center at 8120 Lehigh Avenue in Morton Grove, IL.
She explained that this is a request for a Special Use Permit for the operation of a tutoring and
learning center at 8120 Lehigh, which is the eastern half of the North Grove Corporate Park/office
complex. Apex Pediatric Therapy Services is currently leasing over 3,000 square feet to
accommodate a business that provides therapy services to children and adolescents with autism.
Minutes of May 28, 324 Board Meeting
F. Trustee Witko: (continued)
b. They operate similar facilities in Illinois, including locations in Gurnee, Lisle, and Palatine, and in
similar office campus environments.
c. Apex Pediatric Therapy has been operating at the subject property without a business compliance
certificate since April 2023 but has now entered into a compliance and escrow agreement to obtain
the required Special Use Permit retroactively.
d. Trustee Witko said it should also be noted that, in 2017, a similar business, By Your Side Autism
Therapy Services, was permitted by Special Use in the western building at North Grove Corporate
Trustee Witko moved, seconded by Trustee Thill, to adopt Ordinance 24-09.
Motion passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent.
Tr. Khan absent Tr. Minx aye Tr. Shiba ave
Tr. Thill aye Tr. Travis aye Tr. Witko ave
In the absence of Trustee Khan, Trustee Travis presented the Warrant Register for May 28, 2024 in
the amount of $397,895.79. She moved to approve the Warrants as presented, seconded by
Trustee Minx.
Motion passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent.
Tr. Khan absent Tr. Minx aye Tr. Shiba ave
Tr. Thill aye Tr. Travis aye Tr. Witko aye
1. Lisa Ware, President of Catering By Michael's addressed the Board regarding its exclusive
composting franchise. The company has been based in Morton Grove since 1991. She thanked
Mayor DiMaria and the Board for their time tonight, and also for recognizing the company as a
leader in sustainability. She noted that the "event industry" can often be one of excess and waste.
Catering By Michael's has focused on reducing its impact on the planet long before it was trendy or
Minute • M •y ¢ j • • •rd Meetin:
a. Ms. Ware said a significant part of the company's sustainability practice, and one which the Board
clearly values, is composting. She noted that, twelve years ago, options for commercial composting
were extremely limited, and none of the companies that provided the service were willing to come
to Morton Grove.
b. Catering By Michael's began composting in April of 2012, thanks to a company called Collective
Resource Compost, who was willing to take a chance on the catering company. Their businesses
grew together and today, Catering By Michael's is one of the largest, if not the largest single
generator of compost in the Village. In 2022, the company composed 85.7 tons of food scraps.
c. Ms. Ware said she was addressing the Board today because of the challenges her company and its
sustainability program are facing with Waste -Not, the new exclusive compost franchisee. Village
staff is aware that the company has had challenges with the new franchise agreement, Ms. Ware
said, but as they are not in a position to change it, she wanted to bring it to the Board's attention.
She added that her interactions with Village staff have always been excellent, and her company
values staff's efforts.
d. Ms. Ware said, as the owner of a business and of real estate in Morton Grove, her first and most
important objection to this exclusive agreement is that it's not the role of government to tell her
who she can do business with. She said she understands the value of waste -hauler franchise
agreement for residential areas, but they have no place in the business or industrial realm.
Competition is health, and the free market should force companies to try to win her business with
the best service levels and the best pricing for her company's needs.
e. Ms. Ware said Waste -Not is a good company, led by good people providing good service. However,
their business model is not the best for her company's needs. She said we have met with and
shared our issues with Waste -Not leadership, and they have not been able to meet us where we
need them to be. The information collected by the Village in the RFP process for this agreement
was not sufficient to evaluate bidders' pricing and operational practices for larger commercial
users such as Catering By Michaels and their neighbor, John Crane, who shares her feelings on this
f. Under the agreement with Waste -Not, Ms. Ware said their pricing for composting has increased
70% because Waste -Not doesn't offer volume pricing like Collective Resources does. Prices have
gone up from $14 per tote to $23.75 per tote. At 87.5 tons a year, that's a lot of money. Also,
Waste -Not does not offered metered pricing as Collective does. With metered pricing, they are only
billed for the amount of compost hauled each pick-up day, whereas now they are being billed for
the maximum amount of compost that "could have been" hauled, even if the actual amount is far
less, as happens in their slower weeks. Ms. Ware said, when are busier than usual and need an
extra pick-up, they are charged an off -route fee, so her company is being penalized whether they're
busy or slow. Waste -Not also charges for tote delivery and several other fees that Collective
doesn't have. Changes to scheduling or services require significant lead time, which is very difficult,
given the last-minute nature of the catering business. She said she is projecting their compost
spend to be more than $15,000 higher this year—money they don't have with the thin margins in
the catering industry.
Minutes of May 28, ' 24 Board Meeting
Ms. Ware said, due to the significant cost increases and other service level challenges Catering By
Michael's is facing, it will be very difficult for the company to maintain its same level of composting
that it has done historically. She said she is very proud of the way the company "greens" its
operations, and clearly the Village values it as well, based on the award they received early this
evening. She said it pained her to have to consider scaling back their efforts because of an anti-
competitive agreement. In addition, Collective Resources is a woman -owned business, which is
important to her as the female owner of a business, and it's very important to their customers who
have minority-owned vendor purchasing thresholds to meet.
h. Ms. Ware said Morton Grove is the only municipality in the area that has an exclusive agreement
for compost hauling. The agreement the Village entered into with Waste -Not allows the Village to
terminate the agreement at any time with 30 days' notice. She is asking the Board to consider
revising the agreement with Waste -Not to be exclusive to residential service only and to allow
businesses to hire any vendor of their choosing.
2. Hamid Akbari, 9233 Shermer Road. Mr. Akbari wanted to call attention to some Juneteenth events
being held by the Dehkhoda Education Foundation. There will be a round table discussion on
June 21st and a classical concert on June 22nd. They are located at Shermer and Harlem and they
welcome everyone. They asked for the Board to support these activities.
3. Rudy Vilk. Mayor DiMaria cautioned Mr. Vilk about "rehashing" topics he's already brought up.
Mr. Vilk said he had talked to Mr. Czerwinski about the public auction of vehicles and wanted more
information about them. Mr. Czerwinski told Mr. Vilk he'd have to talk to Public Works about
more specific information; he didn't want to misspeak. Mr. Vilk felt that Mr. Czerwinski "should
know" and felt it was ridiculous to direct him to Public Works.
Mr. Vilk also said that Trustee Thill had said something about the new pipe in Linne Woods but it
was different from what Mr. Czerwinski had said. He said he did not like getting different answers
to the same question. He also complained about needing to acquire a Village sticker; and said that
Corporation Counsel Liston ignores him.
With that, Mayor DiMaria asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting.
Trustee Minx moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Trustee Shiba. Motion passed
unanimously via voice vote with one absent.
The meeting adjourned at 7:48 p.m.
Minutes at May 282024 Board NTeetsng
PASSED this 11th day of June, 2024.
Trustee Khan
Trustee Minx
Trustee Shiba
Trustee Thill
Trustee Travis
Trustee Witko
APPROVED by me this 11th day of June, 2024.
Daniel P. DiMaria, Village President
Board of Trustees, Morton Grove, Illinois
APPROVED and FILED in my office this 12th day of June, 2024.
.14° a/141-4
Eileen Harford, Village Clerk
Village of Morton Grove, Cook County, Illinois
Minutes by Teresa Cousar