HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-10-2023MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE PRESIDENT AND THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE RICHARD T. FLICKINGER MUNICIPAL CENTER COUNCIL CHAMBERS OCTOBER 10, 2023 CALL TO ORDER I. Village President Dan DiMaria convened the Regular Meeting of the Village Board at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of Village Hall. 11. Village Clerk Eileen Harford called the roll. Present were Trustees Saba Khan, Rita Minx, Ashur Shiba, John Thill, Connie Travis, and Janine Witko. 111. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Trustee Minx moved to approve the Minutes of the September 26, 2023 Village Board Meeting as presented. Trustee Khan seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously via voice vote. IV. SPECIAL REPORTS 1. Outstanding Neighbor Recognition: MCC Academy, Superintendent Habeeb Quadri, Nominated by Julia S. Molloy Education Center a. Mayor DiMaria welcomed Community Relations Commissioner Kristey Chalabi to the podium to present this Special Report. Ms. Chalabi said she was proud to represent the Commission this evening. She explained that the Commission's purpose is to foster, encourage, and improve our sense of community through positive interactions among all residents regardless of age gender, religion, national origin or economic status. Ms. Chalabi then asked the nominators and nominees to join her. b. Ms. Chalabi said the Outstanding Neighbor Program gives all Morton Grove residents the chance to acknowledge an outstanding neighbor for doing special things that make their neighborhood a better place to live. Tonight's Outstanding Neighbor(s) are Superintendent Habeeb Quadri and the MCC Academy, nominated by the Julia S. Malloy Education Center. Ms. Chalabi introduced the principal of the Malloy Education Center, Chris Perry. c. Ms. Perry said she nominated Mr. Quadri and the MCC Academy because of the great relationship the Malloy Education Center has with them. She said, in her first year as principal, during the first month of school, she got a knock on her door on morning at 9:15 am. It turned out that a construction worker nearby had cut a gas line, resulting in the urgent need to evacuate the Malloy Education Center—for the day! Minutes of October 10, 2.23 Board Meeting IV. SPECIAL REPORTS (continued) d. Ms. Perry said she called the MCC and asked if they could evacuate to the MCC's location and they said, "Come on over!" They've been a great partner ever since—even opening up space in their parking lot for their neighbors when construction was occurring in their parking lots! The latest "joint venture" between Malloy Educational Center and the MCC Academy is have some of the MCC's students who are high school seniors are coming over to Malloy on a daily basis to work with some of the educational center's students. Ms. Perry said she looks forward to continuing this wonderful partnership with the MCC Academy. e. Ms. Chalabi then read the nominating letter sent in by Ms. Perry, which reiterated how patient and supportive the MCC Academy has been during the disruptions caused by the Malloy Education Center's construction projects. It mentioned a recently held cultural night at the Center, where the Academy provided food and dancers. The letter said the MCC Academy generously shares information on their culture, which helps foster acceptance of diversity. Both organizations are partnering to build a strong community. f. Mayor DiMaria said, "How cool is this, to have two important community groups coming together. This epitomizes what Morton Grove is." He said it wasn't a surprise at all that Habeeb had been nominated, since he has been all about building community since day one. Mayor DiMaria said he's very proud that both organizations call Morton Grove home. He gave Habeeb a pin and a pen, and said the Village normally also includes a $25 gift certificate, but in this case, the Village will be providing lunch to Habeeb and his staff one day. g. Habeeb thanked the Village and the Community Relations Commission. He said the Academy and the Education are "incredibly close"—especially on Fridays! As he thanked Ms. Perry and the Education Center for the nomination, he said he was grateful for the connection between the two groups and the open communication between both. He then introduced Mrs. Sharif, who is in charge of the MCC's Morton Grove campus, saying "I do all the talking; she does all the work." The assemblage congratulated both groups for their fine work. V. PUBLIC HEARINGS NONE VI. PLAN COMMISSION REPORTS NONE VII. RESIDENTS' COMMENTS (AGENDA ITEMS ONLY) NONE 2 Minutes of October 10, 2023 Board Meeting VIII. PRESIDENT'S REPORT 1. Proclamation: Polio Eradication Awareness Day a. Mayor DiMaria prefaced his reading of the proclamation by saying that, when he was growing up, he had a couple of relatives who had polio, which opened his eyes to what a terrible disease this is. He then proclaimed October 24 as "Polio Eradication Awareness Day." This is the day set aside for recognizing the Global Polio Eradication Initiative, which has been active for over the 35 years, and whose goal of ridding the world of this disease is closer than ever. b. Mayor DiMaria said that Rotary International, which is the parent organization of the Rotary Club of Skokie Valley and a founding member of the Initiative, reports that worldwide polio cases have been reduced by 99.9% since the first Rotary International project to vaccinate children in the Philippines in 1979. Rotary members across the world have contributed more than $2.1 billion dollars and countless volunteer hours to protect nearly 3 billion children in 122 countries from this paralyzing disease. Rotary's advocacy efforts have played a role in decisions by governments to contribute more than $10 dollar to the effort. Today, polio remains endemic only in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Mayor DiMaria pointed out that, if all eradication efforts ended today, with ten years, polio could paralyze as many as 200,000 children each year. He encouraged all residents to consider and remember how fortunate we are to live polio -free, and to support the total end of polio on earth. c. Mayor DiMaria presented the proclamation to Al Rigoni, past president of the Skokie Valley Rotary Club and Jonathan Lavin, the immediate past president of the group. Mr. Rigoni pointed out that "Skokie Valley" is a large umbrella for the municipalities of Skokie, Morton Grove, Lincolnwood, and Niles. The Skokie Valley Rotary Club supports many local non -profits that provide a wide variety of services in the Skokie Valley municipalities. He said he's very proud of that. 2. Fall Leaf Collection Beginning Soon a. Mayor DiMaria stated that the Public Works Department will begin the annual Fall Leaf Collection Service, starting on October 16 and running to December 1. The Village is requesting that residents place leaves in the street by the curb and away from parked cars the day before their regularly scheduled street sweeping and refuse pick-up day. As a reminder, residents should NOT include other landscaping debris, such as grass clippings, bushes, flowers, or branches in leaf piles. These items damage equipment and cause delays in completing leaf collection. b. The Village will only pick up leaves. Residents are cautioned not to park on top of leaf piles. Many parts on the underside of a vehicle, specifically the exhaust system, generate a great amount of heat, which could ignite the leaves. c. If residents choose to place leaves in containers for collection with their regular Groot trash pickup, the following procedures should be followed: A dedicated 34 -gallon can or biodegradable yard wastepaper bag must be used. Please DO NOT use plastic bags for yard waste. Also, each container or branch bundle must have a yard waste sticker attached to it. 3 Minutes of October 10., 21023 Board Meeting VIII. PRESIDENT'S REPORT (continued) 3. Halloween Trick -or -Treat Hours a. Mayor DiMaria announced that trick or treat hours in the Village will be from 3:30 to 7:OOpm on Tuesday, October 1. Household participating in trick or treating are asked to turn on their porch or outdoor lights during the authorized hours. b. Households not interested in participating should turn off their porch lights and minimize exterior lighting. Trick or treaters should only visit homes that have their porch/outdoor lights on. 4. Mayor DiMaria asked everyone to keep their Israeli/Jewish friends in their thoughts and prayers. IX. CLERK'S REPORT 1. Clerk Harford noted that the October Senior luncheon will be at the Civic Center on November 3 with the theme "Thanksgiving." Seniors should reserve a spot by calling 847-868-5928. 2. Senior Programming has recently engaged with Oak Street Health (a division of CVS Health) to offer blood sugar and cholesterol screenings to local seniors. Health professionals will be at the Civic Center on the 3rd Thursday of every month at 10am to provide the service. No appointment is necessary and the screenings are free. 3. Also, as a reminder, the Morton Grove Senior Ride Share Program is supported by funds through the SafeLIGHT Foundation and private donors. The program offers free Lyft ride to registered residents who are at least 65 years old. A total of 60 MG senior "households" are currently registered and receiving services. As of the end of August, a total of 228 rides have been provided since the program's inception in late 2022. Scheduled rides are provided to grocery stores, pharmacies, and medical appointments within MG. Rides are also available to medical appointments at most area hospitals and medical buildings. The Program will continue as long as funds are available. X. STAFF REPORTS A. Village Administrator: Village Administrator Czerwinski had no formal report this evening. 4 Minutes of October 10, 2023 Board Meeting X. B. Corporation Counsel: Corporation Counsel Liston had no formal report this evening. XI. STAFF REPORTS (continued) TRUSTEES' REPORTS A. Trustee Khan: Trustee Khan had no formal report this evening, but commented that, in addition to prayers for Israel, this is a global crisis for the people of the Middle East, and she asked that people pray for those in Palestine as well. B. Trustee Minx: Trustee Minx had no formal report, but commented on this weekend's Open House at Fire Station #4. Many people attended the event and were given tours of Station 4 and giveaways. She said it seemed to her that the demonstration people found most compelling was "Spiderman" repelling down the tower! She thanked Chief Ensign and that staff of the MGFD for putting on a great event. C. Trustee Shiba: a. Trustee Shiba had no formal report this evening, but commented that recently, a wedding fire had occurred in northern Iraq, in a small village named Bakhdida. It's one of the last Assyrian villages left there. One hundred forty people died. He said, "We turn on the news today and we see a lot of what's happening in Palestine, Israel, Ukraine, Russia, and Iraq, and things look bleak." He add- ed, there are good things happening in the world, however—a lot of them right here in Morton Grove. b. Trustee Shiba wanted to thank a few individuals, starting with Village Administrator Ralph Czer- winski. He said Ralph has taken so much time, sitting with him and talking with him to guide him and educate him. Ralph is amazing! Trustee Shiba said Ralph helped make it possible to hold the Assyrian Food Festival in the Village, and more recently, helped him with the vigil. c. Trustee Shiba also singled out Park Commissioner Paul Minx and Trustee Rita Minx; they were extremely helpful in obtaining a permit from Park District Executive Director Jeff's Wait office for the vigil. He also thanked the Village's first responders, who made sure that the vigil was peaceful and that everyone felt safe. Trustee Shiba thanked Mayor DiMaria and the Board of Trustees, and said he and his family are very glad to be in Morton Grove. 5 Minutes of October 10,1023 Board Meeting XI. TRUSTEES' REPORTS (continued) D. Trustee Thill: 1. Trustee Thill presented Resolution 23-39, Authorizing the Execution of a Contract Amendment with Christopher B. Burke Engineering Ltd. For Preliminary and Design Engineering Services for Oakton Street Pedestrian Facility Improvements Project. a. The Village is cooperatively developing a project for a pedestrian facility along Oakton Street and Caldwell Avenue with Cook County, the Village of Niles, and the Village of Skokie. Resolution 19-12 had authorized the execution of a contract in the amount of $164,026.41 to complete preliminary and design engineering for the Oakton Street Pedestrian Facility Improvements Project. Later, Resolution 20-40 authorized the execution of a supplemental agreement for additional preliminary and design engineering not included in the original scope of work in the amount of $25,061.74 b. The project has been split into three stages in order to build segments as they are ready to be built. This requires additional engineering effort not included in the original scope of work or the supplemental work. There was additional engineering effort required beyond the first supplemental authorization that needs to be paid. The Village of Niles has requested an additional connection to the forest preserve, which requires additional engineering effort. c. This Resolution will approve amending the contract of Christopher B. Burke Engineering Ltd. to complete the additional engineering effort in the amount of $77,500. Truste Thill moved to approve Resolution 23-39, seconded by Trustee Witko. d. Trustee Thill asked if this price is just for the north end. Mr. Czerwinski said yes, it would be running between River and the entrance to the St. Paul Woods. The cost will be shared by Skokie and Niles as well. Mr. Czerwinski said the new 10 -foot path offers safety and security, and has come together with funds from Skokie, Niles, and Morton Grove as well as Cook County and the State of Illinois. Mr. Czerwinski said there will be a ribbon -cutting with representatives from the various funding agencies on October 19, 2023. e. Trustee Thill commented that he was raised to spend money on "needs," not "wants." He said he did not see any reason to have a path on the south side and the north side, and he had not seen any evidence to prove there is such a need. Meanwhile, possibly a quarter of a million dollars is being spent. He moved to table this Resolution so the Board could put more thought into this. There was no second to Trustee Thill's motion, so Mayor DiMaria called for the vote on the motion to approve Resolution 23-39. Motion passed: 5 ayes, 1 nay. Tr. Khan Tr. Minx gyR Tr. Shiba ave Tr. Thill nay Tr. Travis aye Tr. Witko aye 6 Minutes of October 10, 2023 Board Meeting XI. TRUSTEES' REPORTS (continued) E. Trustee Travis: Trustee Travis announced that the Community Relations Commission (CRC) would be rolling out the Winter Adopt -a -Planter program, and they're hoping all Village residents and businesses will participate by signing up to decorate and care for the large Village planters located at the train station, Civic Center, and along Dempster Street and Waukegan Road. This program provides residents an opportunity to show pride in our community by adopting a planter to decorate and care for over the season. She noted that the majority of planters will include a 4 -foot tall live evergreen tree for residents to decorate. And, new this year, some of the planters on Waukegan Road will have Red Twig Dogwood bushes planted in them as a permanent display. There will also be a few planters in various locations with a unique winter plant display. Instructions will be provided on how to decorate these planters. Online registration has begun but it ends on November 10, 2023, or when all the planters have been adopted. For more information, please call 847-663-3007 or email CRC@mortongroveil.org. F. Trustee Witko: Trustee Witko had no formal report this evening. XII. OTHER BUSINESS NONE XIII. WARRANTS Trustee Khan presented the Warrant Register for October 10, 2023 in the amount of $591,567.73. She moved to approve the Warrant Register as presented, seconded by Trustee Minx. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. Khan aye Tr. Minx aye Tr. Shiba aye Tr. Thill aye Tr. Travis aye Tr. Witko a� XIV. RESIDENTS' COMMENTS Rudolf Vilk, 7508 Emerson. Mr. Vilk said he has a problem with Trustee Witko; he has given her two letters, once concerning his water bill and the other concerning his village sticker. He said that people who use less than 3,000 gallons of water still have to pay for 3,000 gallons of water. He also said that it makes no sense for a person who owns a vehicle and doesn't use it to still have to pay for a village sticker for the vehicle, especially when said vehicle is on private property. 7 Minutes of October 10, 2 2 Board Meeting XV. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business being brought before the Board, Trustee Minx moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Trustee Travis. Motion passed unanimously via voice vote. The meeting adjourned at 7:32 p.m. PASSED this 24th day of October, 2023. Trustee Khan Trustee Minx Trustee Shiba Trustee Thill Trustee Travis Trustee Witko APPROVED by me this 24th day of October, 2023. 11 1 EC diiiel P. DiM9arid, Village President Fro --Tem Board of Trustees, Morton Grove, Illinois APPROVED and FILED in my office this 25th day of October, 2023. Eileen Harford, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove, Cook County, Illinois Minutes by Teresa Cousar 8