JULY 25, 2023
I. Village President Dan DiMaria convened the Regular Meeting of the Village Board at 7:00 p.m.
in the Council Chambers of Village Hall.
II. Village Clerk Eileen Harford called the roll. Present were Trustees Saba Khan, Rita Minx,
Ashur Shiba, John Thill, Connie Travis, and Janine Witko.
Trustee Minx moved to approve the Minutes of the July 11, 2023 Village Board Meeting as
presented. Trustee Khan seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously via voice vote.
1Miirtesof IUTy25,A.23 Board Meeting
1. Mayor DiMaria presented Resolution 23-29, Approving and Adopting the 2023 Village of
Morton Grove Strategic Plan Update.
a. Mayor DiMaria commented that the Village developed its very first Strategic Plan in 2015. At the
time, the Board felt it was very important, and in fact, the Plan helped the Board focus in issues
such as pension funding and community events that would bring people together. Now the 2023
Strategic Plan Update has been concluded. It was a labor of love by the Village Board, staff,
community leaders, local businesses, and those residents who volunteered to be part of the
Strategic Plan Advisory Commission.
b. Mayor DiMaria said he was looking for a motion to accept the Strategic Plan, but then he also
wanted it tabled until the August 22nd Board Meeting. The Plan is currently on the front page of
the Village website with instructions on how to offer comments. Mayor DiMaria said tabling
this Resolution would allow sufficient time for residents to read the Plan and react to it.
Trustee Travis moved to accept Resolution 23-29, seconded by Trustee Witko.
Trustee Witko then moved to table Resolution 23-29 until the August 22nd Board Meeting,
seconded by Trustee Travis.
Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays.
Tr. Khan aye Tr. Minx ave Tr. Shiba aye
Tr. Thill aye Tr. Travis aye Tr. Witko aye
c. Trustee Thill asked if many comments had been posted thus far, and if they were in favor of the
Strategic Plan or not. Mr. Czerwinski responded that the Plan hasn't been posted for very long,
and as of yet there are not many comments. He noted that Trustee Thill and Trustee Khan had
posted comments and both were appreciated. He said the Strategic Plan has also been sent to the
ad hoc committee for comments.
2. Mayor DiMaria reminded everyone that National Night Out is coming up on Tuesday, August 1,
from 5:30pm to 8:30pm in the parking lot of the American Legion Memorial Civic Center. This
free event, hosted by the Morton Grove Police Department, is meant to enhance the relationship
between residents and law enforcement, while fostering a greater sense of community. The
event will feature family -friendly activities, and entertainment and refreshments will be available.
Clerk Harford had no formal report this evening.
Minutes of July 25, 2023 Board Meeting
A. Village Administrator:
1. Village Administrator Czerwinski presented Resolution 29-30, Authorizing and Approving a
Change Order to the Professional Service Agreement Between RM Swanson Architects and the
Village of Morton Grove for Architectural Services for the Morton Grove Metra Station.
a. Mr. Czerwinski said the Board had approved a Professional Service Agreement with RM Swanson
Architects for architectural and related services for the reconstruction of the Metra Commuter
Station located at 8501 Lehigh Avenue. The Village plans to reconstruct the Metra station to
included ADA improvements and enhancements to the surrounding platform, landscaping,
parking lot, bicycle parking, and pedestrian safety upgrades.
b. The new station will feature quality architecture, incorporate sustainable practices where feasible
and serve as an attractive gateway to the Village. The original Agreement authorized the
expenditure of $82,800 for professional services and up to an additional 5%, or $4,140, for
reimbursable expenses, totaling $86,940. The Village Administrator has determined that additional
architectural services not contemplated by the original Agreement are necessary and/or are
required by Metra, including photometric design for the parking lot and for Lehigh Avenue,
reconfiguration for the drainage and grading of the parking lot, additional configuration and
design work associated with the rail platform, parking lot, and new station for ADA compliance
and to save construction cost, assistance preparing Metra documentation, and other related work
and services. This Resolution will authorize the Village Administrator to negotiate and execute
change orders for these additional services for a price not to exceed $50,000.
Mr. Czerwinski concluded by telling the Board that staff appreciated their support.
Trustee Minx moved to approve Resolution 29-30, seconded by Trustee Witko.
Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays.
Tr. Khan aye Tr. Minx ly± Tr. Shiba aye
Tr. Thill aye Tr. Travis aye Tr. Witko awe
B. Corporation Counsel:
Corporation Counsel Liston had no formal report this evening.
Minutes of July 25, 2023 Board Meeting
A. Trustee Khan:
Trustee Khan had no formal report this evening.
B. Trustee Minx:
Trustee Minx had no formal report this evening.
C. Trustee Shiba:
Trustee Shiba invited everyone to mark their calendar for the upcoming Morton Grove
Sustainability Expo on Saturday, September 9, from 10am to 1pm at the Morton Grove Civic
Center, 6140 Dempster Street. Enjoy family -friendly activities, kids' crafts, and connect with
eco -friendly vendors! New this year will be a "Recycling Fest" at the Expo. This will be a convenient
on -stop drop-off recycling event to bring various recyclable items. Visit the Expo web page on the
Village's website for more information on acceptable items that you can bring that day.
D. Trustee Thill:
Trustee Thill had five (5) Resolutions to present this evening:
1. Resolution 23-31, Authorizing a Contract with A Lamp Concrete Contractors, Inc. for the 2023
Arterial Street Improvement Program (MFT Section 22 -00112 -00 -RS).
a. The Public Works Department's Engineering Division developed a project to resurface Harlem Ave.
from Dempster Street to Golf Road, and Shermer Road from Dempster Street to Harlem Avenue.
The project will be funded with REBUILD Illinois and Motor Fuel Tax funds. The State of Illinois
regulates spending motor fuel tax funds through its Department of Transportation. The regulation
includes forms used state-wide for contract documents. The Illinois Department of Transportation
(IDOT) has approved the documents for this contract.
b. Bids were solicited by the Village and IDOT for eleven business days. Twenty-one entities down-
loaded the contract documents. Seven bids were received and opened on July 6, 2023. A Lamp
Concrete Contractors, Inc. submitted the lowest bid and is qualified to perform this work. This
contract conforms to the purchasing requirements of the Village and the State. This contract must
conform to the requirements of the Prevailing Wage Act. The fiscal impact of this Resolution is
Trustee Thill moved to approve Resolution 23-31, seconded by Trustee Travis.
Minutes of July 25, 2023 Board Meeting
D. Trustee ThiII: (continued)
Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays.
Tr. Khan aye Tr. Minx aye Tr. Shiba aye
Tr. Thill aye Tr. Travis aye Tr. Witko aye
2. Resolution 23-32, Authorizing the Execution of a Task Order with Ciorba Group, Inc. for
Construction Engineering Services for the 2023 Arterial Street Improvement Program
(MFT Section 22 -00112 -00 -RS).
a. Resolution 22-01, approved in January of 2022, authorized execution of a task order contract with
Ciorba Group, Inc. for professional engineering services. Resolution 23-31 authorizes execution of
a contract with A Lamp Concrete Contractors, Inc. for 2023 Arterial Street Improvement Program.
The construction engineering for this contract exceeds the capacity of the Public Works
Department. Village staff has negotiated a scope of services with Ciorba Group, Inc. in the amount
of $91,679 to perform the construction engineering services for the contract.
Trustee Thill moved, seconded by Trustee Witko, to approve Resolution 23-32.
Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays.
Tr. Khan ave Tr. Minx aye Tr. Shiba
Tr. Thill aye Tr. Travis aye Tr. Witko aye
3. Resolution 23-33, Appropriation of Motor Fuel Tax Funds for 2023 Arterial Street Improvement
Program (MFT Section 22 -00112 -00 -RS).
a. Resolution 23-31 authorized a contract to be executed with A Lamp Concrete Contractors, Inc.
for construction services for the 2023 Arterial Street Improvement Program. Resolution 23-32
authorized a contract to be executed with Ciorba Group, Inc. for construction engineering services
for the same project. Those contracts will be paid with Motor Fuel Tax Funds. The State of Illinois
regulates spending motor fuel tax funds through its Department of Transportation and requires
the appropriation of MFT funds using state-wide forms. This Resolution shall approve the
appropriation of One Million Four Hundred Thousand and Zero cents ($1,400,000) of Motor Fuel
Tax Funds for the repair, milling, and resurfacing of Harlem Avenue from Dempster Street to Golf
Road and Shermer Road from Dempster Street to Harlem Avenue.
Trustee ThiII moved to approve Resolution 23-33, seconded by Trustee Minx.
Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays.
Tr. Khan aye Tr. Minx aye Tr. Shiba
Tr. Thill aye Tr. Travis aye Tr. Witko aye
Minutes of July 25, 2Q23 Board Meeting
D. Trustee Thill: (continued)
4. Resolution 23-34, Authorizing a Contract With Superior Road Striping, Inc. for the 2023
Pavement Marking Program.
a. Pavement markings throughout the Village are maintained through an annual pavement marking
program. The Public Works Department developed contract documents, and bids were solicited on
the Village and IDOT's websites for eleven business days. Two bids were received and opened on
July 13, 2023. Superior Road Striping, Inc. submitted the lowest bid and is qualified to perform this
work. This contract conforms to the purchasing requirements of the Village and the state of
Illinois. This work should be completed over approximately two weeks. This contract must
conform to the requirements of the Prevailing Wage Act. The fiscal impact of this Resolution is
Trustee Thill moved, seconded by Trustee Travis, to approve Resolution 23-34.
Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays.
Tr. Khan aye Tr. Minx ly± Tr. Shiba aye
Tr. Thill aye Tr. Travis aye Tr. Witko aye
5. Resolution 23-35, Approving and Authorizing a Lease Agreement Between the Village of
Morton Grove and New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC, Concerning Real Property Owned by the
Village of Morton Grove and Located at 8820 National Avenue, Morton Grove, IL.
a. The Village has leased space on its water tower located at 8820 National Avenue to AT&T or its
designee since 1997 for the installation of nine (9) antennae and associated cabling and
equipment for the provision of wireless communication services to persons and businesses in the
Village. Village staff has negotiated a new lease with AT&T's designee, New Cingular Wireless PCS,
LLC (the "Lessee"). The lease is for an initial five-year term with four 5 -year optional extensions.
The annual rent shall initially be $37,250 per year, and shall increase each year thereafter during
the initial term and any extension period at the rate of the greater of either three percent (3%) or
the US Consumer Price Index (CPI) All Urban Chicago for the preceding year. The antennae and
equipment are already installed on the Village property.
b. The fiscal impact of this Resolution: the Village will realize $37,250 per year in rent, increasing an-
nually by the greater of 3% of the CPI for the previous year. It will also receive an initial payment
of $10,000 to compensate it for preparing the lease.
Trustee Thill moved to approve Resolution 23-35, seconded by Trustee Minx.
Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays.
Tr. Khan aye Tr. Minx aye Tr. Shiba
Tr. ThiII aye Tr. Travis aye Tr. Witko aye
Minutes of July 25, 2023 Board Meeting
E. Trustee Travis:
1. Trustee Travis thanked everyone who participated in the Summer Adopt -a -Planter Program. She
said the plants looks great, and thanked the Village staff making that happen. She reminded all
planter adopters to periodically check on their planters and water the plants to keep them looking
2. Trustee Travis also reminded everyone that the Summer Photo Contest is underway. Please submit
your photographs of people having fun in Morton Grove this summer to the Community Relations
Commission via the Zink on the Village website. The photo contest ends on Labor Day.
F. Trustee Witko:
1. Trustee Witko presented Ordinance 23-12, Approving a Preliminary and Final Plat of
Subdivision and a Planned Unit Development Special Use Permit for an Eighty -Nine Unit
Townhome Development on Property Commonly Known as 8350 Lehigh Avenue in
Morton Grove, Illinois.
This is the second reading of this Ordinance.
a. Trustee Witko explained that Lexington Homes, LLC (the "Applicant") had submitted a complete
Subdivision and Planned Unit Development (PUD) application requesting the entitlement of an
89 -unit attached single-family (townhome) development with accessory parking, accessway,
detention, and landscape areas for the 7.6 acre property commonly known as 8350 Lehigh Avenue
("Subject Property"). The Applicant is requesting the approval of plans to construct 89 townhomes
within 16 buildings under the control of a PUD and a subdivision to allow for the future sale of the
townhomes on individual Tots, with common areas to be owned and maintained by a proposed
homeowner's association (HOA). The Applicant is under contract to purchase the property from
Morton Grove Pharmaceuticals/Wockhardt USA. A similar townhome development was approved
by the Board of Trustee for the Subject Property in 2022.
b. The proposed development meets the minimum requirements for density, setback, building
height, and impermeable lot coverage set forth in Section 12-5-7 of the Unified Development
Code. With 205 proposed parking spaces for resident and guest use, the development exceeds the
minimum off-street parking requirement of 176 spaces set forth in Section 12-7-3:1, with a 10%
parking reduction provided by Section 12-5-7:A.2.b for transit -oriented developments within a
quarter mile of the Metra station. The Plan Commission has voted unanimously to recommend
approval of the Application, with conditions relating to site development and operation.
Trustee Witko moved to adopt Ordinance 23-12, seconded by Trustee Travis.
Minutes of July 25, 2*23 Board Meeting
F. Trustee Witko: (continued)
Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays.
Tr. Khan aye Tr. Minx aye Tr. Shiba aye
Tr. Thill aye Tr. Travis au Tr. Witko
2. Next, Trustee Witko presented Ordinance 23-16, Approving a Final Plat of Subdivision for a Minor
Subdivision at 8833 Waukegan Road, 6900 Dempster Street, 8888 New England Avenue, and
Property Vacated under Cook County Document #2310257013 in Morton Grove, Illinois.
This is the second reading of this Ordinance.
a. Trustee Witko explained that Steve Napleton Honda Automotive Group ("Applicant") and
100 West Golf LLC ("Owner") submitted a complete Subdivision Application requesting the
approval of a consolidation of property at 8833 Waukegan Road, 6900 Dempster Street, and
8800 New England Avenue, and property vacated to 100 West Golf LLC under Cook County
document number 2310257013 in Morton Grove, IL ("Subject Property"). The subject property is
currently improved with three structures and is operated as a motor vehicle dealership by the
Steve Napleton Automotive Group. The property was formerly owned and operated by Castle
Honda but was sold to 100 West Golf LLC, the real estate entity for the Steve Napleton Automotive
Group, in 2022.
b. The Applicant is seeking the Village Board's approval of a minor subdivision as depicted in the
submitted Final Plat of Subdivision, "Napleton Honda of Morton Grove Subdivision," to consolidate
the subject property, which is currently under unified ownership, to simplify tax procedures and
overall management. The Applicant plans to redevelop the property by constructing a new
40,000 square foot Honda dealership, along with accessory parking, outdoor vehicle storage, and
landscaped areas. The Village does not require lot consolidation for this project and can approve
the development as proposed, with minor modifications to comply with relevant code
Trustee Witko moved to adopt Ordinance 23-16, seconded by Trustee Minx.
Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays.
Tr. Khan Tr. Minx Tr. Shiba aye
Tr. Thill aye Tr. Travis aye Tr. Witko ave
Trustee Thill reminded all residents who've received new trees on their parkway to water them
MiPruth.4 di Jul 2$, 2023 Board Meet A
Trustee Khan presented the Warrant Register for July 25, 2023 in the amount of $1,225,258.32.
She moved to approve the Warrant Register as presented, seconded by Trustee Minx.
Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays.
Tr. Khan aye Tr. Minx lys. Tr. Shiba aye
Tr. Thill aye Tr. Travis Lyg. Tr. Witko aye
Rudy Vilk said that he is not happy with the responses he's received (or not received) from the
mayor, corporation counsel, or village administrator, and suggested they all should undergo lie
detector tests.
Mayor DiMaria told Mr. Vilk that he (Mr. Vilk) is just repeating himself, and reminded him that he
had been told if he did that, the Board would adjourn the meeting. Mayor DiMaria then asked for
a motion to adjourn.
There being no further business to be brought before the Board, Trustee Minx moved to adjourn
the meeting, seconded by Trustee Witko. Motion passed unanimously via voice vote.
The meeting adjourned at 7:24 p.m.
.Minutes ofJuly 25
23 Board Meeting
PASSED this 8th day of August, 2023.
Trustee Khan
Trustee Minx
Trustee Shiba
Trustee Thill
Trustee Travis
Trustee Witko
APPROVED by me this 8th day of August, 2023.
Daniel P. DiMaria, Village President
Board of Trustees, Morton Grove, Illinois
APPROVED and FILED in my office this 9th day of August, 2023.
Eileen Harford, Village Clerk
Village of Morton Grove, Cook County, Illinois
Minutes by Teresa Cousar