MAY 23, 2023
I. Village President Dan DiMaria convened the Regular Meeting of the Village Board at 7:00 p.m.
& II. in the Council Chambers of Village Hall.
III. Village Clerk Eileen Harford called the roll. Present were Trustees Saba Khan, Rita Minx,
Ashur Shiba, John Thill, Connie Travis, and Janine Witko.
Trustee Minx moved to approve the Minutes of the May 9, 2023 Village Board Meeting as
presented. Trustee Khan seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously via voice vote.
Outstanding Neighbor Recognition for Bill, James. and Max Gold
Mayor DiMaria introduced Community Relations Commissioner Kristey Chalabi to present this
a. Commissioner Chalabi explained the purpose of the Commission is to foster, encourage, and
stimulate improvement of relations among and between citizens of all races, creeds, national
origins, and economic and educational models, and to provide all individuals with an equal
opportunity to grow and participate to the best of their ability in the economic, educational,
social, and cultural activities available in our community. She said the Commission will also assist
in the development of public information and related communication programs to enhance the
quality of life for all village residents.
b. Commissioner Chalabi said she was proud to represent the Community Relations Commission this
evening as they recognize another extraordinary neighbor via the Commission's Outstanding
Neighbor Recognition Program. This program gives all Morton Grove residents the opportunity to
acknowledge an outstanding neighbor for doing special things that make their neighborhood a
better place.
c. Commissioner Chalabi said tonight some very special neighbors are being recognized: Bill, James,
and Max Gold. Their nomination comes from their neighbor, David Wolf, who had wonderful
things to say about them. She then invited the Golds and David to join her at the podium.
Minutes of May 23, 2023 Board Meeting
d. Commissioner Chalabi read David's nomination: "Bill and his sons, James and Max, have been very
helpful to my wife and me ever since I hurt myself in early 2020. My wife and I have difficulties
with some of the chores, including bring out and returning the garbage cans on pickup day. They
have shoveled snow when my service wasn't available. They are available for anything I am limited
on performing. Jim is one of the most thoughtful neighbors you could ask for. He always asks how
we are doing and if there's anything we need. In winter, he helps the whole block with snow re-
moval, no matter how cold it is. This past Fourth of July, he placed a flagpole in his front yard and
three veterans who live on our block help raise the first flag. He always watches out for our house.
He is one of a kind and deserves to be recognized.
Commissioner Chalabi then called on Trustee Travis and Mayor DiMaria to come to the podium.
Mayor DiMaria congratulated the Golds and said he's know Dave Wolf for a very, very long time,
so if he's recommending the Golds for this award, they are top-quality people, because you don't
get much better than Dave. The mayor presented them with an Outstanding Neighbor Recognition
certificate, a gift card, and a pen. Last, but definitely not least, Mayor DiMaria presented them
with a Village of Morton Grove, and pointed out that these pins are not given to just anybody,
which makes them special. He encouraged them to wear their pin on the lapel of their jacket
when they go out, because it can be a great conversation -starter, and if someone asks, "Where's
Morton Grove?," he encouraged them to respond as he always does "Six double -o-5-3, the only
place to be!" Mayor DiMaria congratulated the Golds once again and told them "You help bring
our community slogan—Incredibly Close. Amazingly Open.—to life. You prove there is still good
in the world." Dave said, "I personally want to thank you for being wonderful neighbors."
The group gathered for a photo and reclaimed their seats.
1. Mayor DiMaria noted that Public Works Week runs from May 21 to May 27, 2023, and said, "We
all must thank our amazing public works employees for their outstanding devotion and unfaltering
efforts to ensure our Village continues to run in an orderly manner. Though frequently overlooked,
Minutes of May 23, 2023 Board Meeting
their actions are vital for our daily lives."
a. Mayor DiMaria continued, stating "From preserving the state of our roads and water systems to
safeguarding us during challenging times, these individuals are the foundation of our society. Our
sincere appreciation goes out to all public works employees for your exemplary leadership,
teamwork, and drive. We express our gratitude for all that you do! It is a pleasure to work with
each and every one of you to make our community safe, efficient, inviting, and the best in the
nation. Public Works employees identify concerns and correct them before they are even realized
by our residents, and for that we can't thank you enough!"
b. Mayor DiMaria noted some recent examples of Public Works personnel accomplishments include
the lead role they took in the Electronic Recycling and Document Destruction event on May 13,
when 565 participants were efficiently handled in three hours. Also, the first Community Clean -Up
event on May 20, which was a tremendous success. Both events were conducted in conjunction
with the Village's Environment & Natural Resources Commission (ENRC). In short, a huge
Thank You to Public Works staff for all that they do, day in and day out!
c. Mayor DiMaria also thanked the 565 participants who took advantage of the Electronic Recycling
and Document Destruction event, as well as the Solid Waste Agency of Northern Cook County,
ENRC members Christine Corelli, Sarah Tag, and Kim Moldofsy, as well as Public Works staff.
Mayor DiMaria offered special thanks to the 51 participants who made the first Community
Clean -Up event a success, and especially thanked Village staff members Saba Kaya, Kevin Lochner
and Public Works staff, Village Trustees Ashur Shiba, John ThiII, Connie Travis and Janine Witko,
and ENRC members Christine Corelli, Sarah Tag, and Kim Moldofsky.
Clerk Harford had no formal report this evening.
A. Village Administrator:
Village Administrator Czerwinski had no formal report this evening.
B. Corporation Counsel:
Corporation Counsel Liston had no formal report this evening.
Minutes of May 23, 2023 Board Meeting
A. Trustee Khan:
Trustee Khan had no formal report this evening.
B. Trustee Minx:
Trustee Minx had no formal report this evening.
C. Trustee Shiba:
Trustee Shiba encouraged residents to participate in these upcoming Village activities:
• Morton Grove 2023 Tree Walk: Saturday, June 10 at 10:OOam, starting at Village Hall
• 2023 Crayon & Marker Recycling Program: Collection points will be at Village Hall
and the Library from April 1 to June 30, 2023. Remember to dispose of crayons and
markers appropriately as the school year ends.
D. Trustee Thill:
1. Trustee Thill presented Resolution 23-24, Authorizing a Contract with Schroeder and Schroeder,
Inc. for the 2023 Concrete Replacement Program.
a. Concrete curbs, pavements, and sidewalks are repaired through an annual concrete replacement
program. The work is performed mostly by a contractor hired by the Village. The contract was bid
through a public process, and Schroeder and Schroeder submitted the only bid of $281,800. The
bid amount exceeds the budgeted amount of $170,000. Since this is a unit price contract, the
scope of the work will be scaled back so that the total contract price does not exceed the
budgeted amount.
Trustee Thill moved to approve Resolution 23-24, seconded by Trustee Minx.
Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays.
Tr. Khan aye Tr. Minx aye Tr. Shiba
Tr. Thill aye Tr. Travis ly± Tr. Witko ave
Minutes of May 23, 2023 Board Meeting
D. Trustee Thill: (continued)
2. Next, Trustee Thill presented Resolution 23-25, Authorizing a Contract with LRS Cleansweep
for Supplemental Street Sweeping.
a. The Village provides street sweeping services for its residents, mostly done by the Public Works
staff. The Village has found it necessary and cost-efficient to use outside contractors for street
sweeping work during the spring and fall seasons. The Village issued a request for bids for these
services, conforming the competitive purchasing requirements of the Municipal Code. Although
five (5) contractors requested bidding documents, only one contractor submitted a bid.
b. LRS Cleansweep of Rosemont, IL has performed this work satisfactorily for the Village in the past
and is qualified for this project. This Resolution authorizes a contract with LRS Cleansweep in an
amount not to exceed $50,000. The Village Administrator is authorized to extend this contract for
additional terms in 2024 and 2025.
Trustee Thill moved, seconded by Trustee Travis, to approve Resolution 23-25.
Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays.
Tr. Khan aye Tr. Minx ly± Tr. Shiba aye
Tr. Thill aye Tr. Travis aye Tr. Witko aye
E. Trustee Travis:
1. Trustee Travis noted that details regarding these upcoming community events are on the
Village website:
• Summer Adopt -a -Planter Program: program registration is open and available on the
Village's website. Plant pick-up is scheduled for Saturday, June 3, at Village Hall, and there
a limited number of planters that remain available.
• The Community Garage Sale will be held on June 9, 10, and 11. Registration
information is on the Village's website.
• The Summer Photo Contest begins on June 1 and goes until September 4 (Labor Day.)
Photographers are encouraged to submit photos at Village Hall or via the Village website.
Minutes of May 23, 2023 Board Meeting
F. Trustee Witko:
Trustee Witko had five (5) ordinances to present this evening:
1. Ordinance 23-09, Approving a Special Use Permit For a Car Wash at 9120 Waukegan Road,
Morton Grove, Illinois.
a. She explained that the site is currently developed as a full-service car wash being operated as
Platinum Car Wash. Everclean Car Wash plans to demolish the norther portion of the 7,600 sq. ft.
building containing the detailing area. Proposed modifications to the site plan, building elevations,
signage, and landscaping are intended to improve circulation, reduce bottlenecking, create
covered outdoor vacuum stalls for customer convenience, and reflect the Everclean Car Wash
brand. The car wash will operate between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. seven days a week.
Between two and three employees will work on-site on a daily basis, with no more than four
employees on the busiest days. The proposed use meets the minimum parking requirement
established by the Unified Development Code (UDC) and the membership -based business model
will produce steadier traffic volumes compared with standard service car washes.
b. Trustee Witko said that, on April 4, the Appearance Commission Chairperson recommended
approval of the application with conditions, and on April 6, the Traffic Safety Commission also
recommended approval of the application. On April 24, based on the application, staff report, and
testimony presented at the public hearing, the Plan Commission voted unanimously (with
Chairperson Blonz absent) to recommend approval of the Special Use Permit with conditions
relating to business operation and site improvements.
Trustee Witko moved to adopt Ordinance 23-09, seconded by Trustee Travis.
Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays.
Tr. Khan ave Tr. Minx aye Tr. Shiba aye
Tr. Thill aye Tr. Travis ave Tr. Witko ay±
2. Ordinance 23-10, Approving a Text Amendment to Modify Regulations Relating to Non -Profit
Educational Institutions in Morton Grove, Illinois.
a. Trustee Witko said that Imagine MG LLC had submitted a complete application requesting
approval of a Text Amendment to the Unified Development Code to allow non-profit educational
institutions in the R-1 Single Family Residential District. Imagine MG LLC proposes to operate two
non-profit organizations focused on early childhood and leadership education at 9233 Shermer in
conjunction with an existing daycare center and house of worship. Imagine MG LLC is concurrently
requesting a Special Use Permit to operate the mix of uses, and the Village Board's approval of the
Special Use Permit request will be contingent upon the approval of the request for a Text
Minutes of May 23, 2023 Board Meeting
F. Trustee Witko: (continued)
b. Trustee Witko noted that, as part of the application, staff recommended defining the use in a
manner that accommodates education -related uses that operate on a not-for-profit basis but do
not fit neatly with more traditional educational land use categories currently defined in the UDC
by Section 12-17.1. The use may involve on-site classes and training, office activities, events, and
various educational programs. Because the definition is broad, to ensure future educational
institutions are compatible with surrounding residential uses and to mitigate any negative impacts
associated with the use, staff is recommending that the use is listed as a Special Use in the
Village's residential and commercial zoning districts.
Trustee Witko moved, seconded by Trustee Thill, to adopt Ordinance 23-10.
Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays.
Tr. Khan Tr. Minx aye Tr. Shiba
Tr. Thill aye Tr. Travis aye Tr. Witko
3. Ordinance 23-11, Approving a Special Use Permit for a Daycare Center, Non -Profit Educational
Institution, and House of Worship at 9233 Shermer Road in Morton Grove, Illinois.
a. Trustee Witko said, as previously mentioned, Imagine MG LLC is seeking approval of a Special Use
Permit authorizing the operation of an existing daycare center and house of worship and a new
non-profit educational institution at 9233 Shermer Road.
b. Imagine MG LLC currently operates Kids Academy Early Learning Center in the northern portion of
the 14,140 sq. ft. principal structure. The southern portion is operated as a house of worship by
St. Luke's United Church of Christ and the Korean Ark Covenant Church. Currently both the house
of worship and daycare center are operating without a special use permit as legal nonconforming
uses. The intensity, in particular, of the daycare center has increased incrementally since it began
in 1994, while the intensity of the house of worship use has decreased quite a bit. In 2022,
Imagine MG LLC purchased the property from St. Luke's Church. Because they are proposing to
add the operation of a non-profit educational institution (a use now classified as a Special Use),
staff recommended the submittal of a Special Use Permit application to authorize the daycare
center, house of worship, and the non-profit educational institution use under one Special Use
Trustee Witko moved to adopt Ordinance 23-11, seconded by Trustee Travis.
Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays.
Tr. Khan aye Tr. Minx aye Tr. Shiba aye
Tr. Thill aye Tr. Travis aye Tr. Witko aye
Minutes of May 23, 2023 Board Meelting
F. Trustee Witko: (continued)
4. Ordinance 23-12, Approving a Preliminary and Final Plat of Subdivision and a Planned Unit
Development Special Use Permit for an Eighty -Nine Unit Townhome Development on
Property Commonly Known as 8350 Lehigh Avenue in Morton Grove, IL.
a. Trustee Witko noted the Applicant in this Request, Lexington Homes, LL, is requesting that this
Ordinance be tabled until the June 13, 2023 Village Board Meeting.
Trustee Witko moved to table Ordinance 23-12 until the June 13, 2023 Village Board Meeting.
Trustee Minx seconded the motion.
Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays.
Tr. Khan ave Tr. Minx aye Tr. Shiba aye
Tr. Thill aye Tr. Travis aye Tr. Witko aye
5. Ordinance 23-13, Approving a Special Use Permit for a Restaurant With a Drive -Through
Facility at 5843 Dempster Street in Morton Grove, Illinois.
a. Trustee Witko explained that the Jamar Group submitted a complete application requesting a
Special Use Permit to construct a 1,562 sq. Ft. Restaurant with a drive -though facility at
5843 Dempster Street, to be operated as a Dunkin' restaurant. The property will be fully
redeveloped, with the existing structure occupied by Dunkin' and Subway to be demolished.
Jamar Group is the operator of the existing Dunkin' business located on that property.
b. Trustee Witko noted that the proposed new site plan complies with all dimensional requirements
of the UDC. On April 4, the Appearance Commission recommended approval of the application
with conditions, and on April 6, the Traffic Safety Commission also recommended approval of the
application. On April 24, based on the application, staff report, and testimony presented at the
public hearing, the Plan Commission voted unanimously (with Chairperson Blonz absent) to
recommend approval of the Special Use Permit with conditions relating to site improvements,
deliveries, noise, and general operations.
Trustee Witko moved, seconded by Trustee Minx, to adopt Ordinance 23-13.
Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays.
Tr. Khan aye Tr. Minx aye Tr. Shiba aye
Tr. Thill aye Tr. Travis Ay& Tr. Witko Ayg
Minutes of May 23, 2023 Board Meeting
Trustee Khan presented the Warrant Register for May 23, 2023 in the amount of $589,396.45.
She moved to approve the Warrant Register as presented, seconded by Trustee Minx.
Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays.
Tr. Khan aye Tr. Minx aye Tr. Shiba aye
Tr. Thill aye Tr. Travis lu Tr. Witko aye
There being no further business to be brought before the Board, Trustee Minx moved to adjourn
the meeting, seconded by Trustee Travis. Motion passed unanimously via voice vote.
The meeting adjourned at 7:23 p.m.
Minutes of May 23, 2023 Board Meeting
PASSED this 13th day of June, 2023.
Trustee Khan
Trustee Minx
Trustee Shiba
Trustee Thill
Trustee Travis
Trustee Witko
APPROVED by me this 13th day of June, 2023.
Janine Witko, President Pro -tem
Morton Grove, Illinois
APPROVED and FILED in my office this 14th day of June, 2023.
Eileen Harford, Village Clerk
Village of Morton Grove, Cook County, Illinois
Minutes by Teresa Cousar