FEBRUARY 14, 2023
I. Village Clerk Eileen Harford called the meeting to order and noted that Mayor Dan DiMaria was
absent with notice this evening and a President pro -tem would be necessary. Trustee Travis
moved to name Trustee Witko as President pro -tem for tonight's meeting, seconded by
Trustee Thill. Clerk Harford called the roll:
Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays.
Tr. Khan Ay± Tr. Minx aye Tr. Shiba
Tr. Thill aye Tr. Travis aye Tr. Witko aye
Mayor pro -tem Janine Witko convened the Regular Meeting of the Village Board at 7:00 p.m.
in the Council Chambers of Village Hall and led the assemblage in the Pledge of Allegiance. She
then asked for a moment of silence for the victims of the earthquake in Syria and Turkey, and their
III. Clerk Eileen Harford called the roll. Present were Trustees Saba Khan, Rita Minx, Ashur Shiba,
John Thill, Connie Travis, and Janine Witko.
Trustee Minx moved to approve the Minutes of the January 24, 2022 Village Board Meeting as
presented. Trustee Khan seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously via voice vote.
Minutes of February 14,1023 Board Meeting
1. Mayor pro tem Witko invited everyone to attend the next Neighborhood Outreach Meeting.
It will be held on Thursday, February 16, at 6:00 p.m. at Melzer School, 9400 Oriole Avenue. This
meeting will be a wonderful opportunity to meet elected officials and department heads, learn
about ongoing and new projects, discuss issues one-on-one, and meet your neighbors.
2. Mayor pro tem invited everyone to participate in National Restaurant Month in February and win
one of 10 $25 gift cards! To enter, you can either submit a photo of you, your friends, or your
family dining at a Morton Grove restaurant, or, submit receipts from a Morton Grove restaurant
totaling at least $25 and dated within the month of February. Entries are due by March 9. Dine -in,
take-out, and delivery are all eligible! Visit Village Hall to submit receipts or printed phots, or go to
www.mortongroveil.orgldinemg to submit digital photos. Winning entries will be announced at
the March 14 Village Board meeting. Maximum of one winner per household.
Clerk Harford had no formal report this evening.
A. Village Administrator:
1. Village Administrator Czerwinski presented for a first reading Ordinance 23-03, Approving and
Authorizing the Execution of an Economic Incentive and Tax Increment Allocation Financing
Development by and between the Village of Morton Grove, Illinoi, MHDC SLF LLC, and
Metropolitan Housing Development Corporation, in regard to Certain Real Property Located in
the Lincoln/Lehigh Redevelopment Area and the Expenditure of Funds From the Lincoln/
Lehigh Tax Increment Financing District Fund.
a. Mr. Czerwinski said this Ordinance approves and authorizes an Economic Incentive and Tax
Increment Allocation Financing Development Agreement between the Village and MHDC SLF LLC,
and Metropolitan Housing Development Corporation for a mixed-use development to include
24 residential units (including 6 affordable units) and ground -floor commercial uses with the
Lincoln/Lehigh TIF District.
_Minyfe5 Of Februa 14, Fon, BOOM Meetin
STAFF REPORTS (continued)
A. Village Administrator:
b. Mr. Czerwinski said the Village owns property in the Lincoln/Lehigh TIF District, 8500 and 8550
Lehigh Avenue. 8500 Lehigh is currently vacant and has been for some time. 8550 Lehigh is
improved with an asphalt parking lot. MHDC SLF LLC ("Owner") and Metropolitan Housing
Development Corporation ("Developer") propose to develop both properties and a portion of
Chestnut Avenue that abuts these parcels with a mixed-use development to include twenty-four
(24) residential units, including six (6) affordable units as defined by the Illinois Housing
Development Authority). There will also be a coffee shop, a microbrewery, a private banquet
room, restaurant, and cafe/bar.
The Developer has represented, and the Village has verified, that the Development is not
Financially feasible and cannot be constructed as proposed without Village assistance. The
Developer submitted a TIF application demonstrating that financial assistance is necessary
for the Development to generate a reasonable rate of return. The application was reviewed by
Kane McKenna and Associates, who determined that the level of TIF assistance to be provided
by the Village is reasonable. The total project cost for the Development is estimated to be
$13.3 million, which is likely to increase due to hikes in construction and financing costs. The
Developer and Village staff negotiated an Economic Incentive and Tax Increment Allocation
Financing Development Agreement, which provides that the Village will sell its property to Owner
for $1 million (subject to a note and mortgage for the full purchase price to be held by the Village);
the Owner and Developer will develop, construct, operate, and maintain the Development as
approved pursuant to Ordinance 22-03; upon completion of the Development, including the
affordable housing units, the Village will reimburse the Owner and Developer for up to $1.8
million in TIF -eligible expenses; any Illinois Affordable Housing Tax Credits received by the Village
relating to the Development shall be donated to the Developer; and the Owner's note to the
Village shall be forgiven at a rate of 75% of the Village's share of state and local sales taxes
generated by the Development.
Mr. Czerwinski said the Village TIF assistance accounts for approximately 13.53% of the total
development costs. This Ordinance will approve the Agreement and authorize the expenditure of
TIF funds for this project.
As this is a first reading, no further action will be taken this evening.
B. Corporation Counsel:
Corporation Counsel Liston had no formal report this evening.
Minutes of February 14,2123 Board Meeting
A. Trustee Khan:
Trustee Khan had no formal report this evening.
B. Trustee Minx:
Trustee Minx had no formal report this evening.
C. Trustee Shiba:
Trustee Shiba had no formal report this evening.
D. Trustee Thill:
1. Trustee Thill presented Resolution 23-08, Authorizing a Contract With Murphy Construction
Services, LLC for the 2023 Concrete Sawcutting Program
a. As part of the Village's annual Concrete Sawcutting Program, the Village hires a contractor to
saw cut uneven sidewalk joints in Village rights-of-way to eliminate trip hazards, improve public
safety, and reduce liability. The contract was bid through a public process and two bids were
received. Murphy Construction Services, LLC was the lowest qualified bidder with a bid amount of
$80,550, which was $9,450 Tess than the Engineer's Estimate of Cost and $9,450 less than the
amount budgeted for this work. However the bid amount is based on unit pricing and the final
price of the contract will be based upon the number of units the Village determines. This contract
must conform to the requirements of the Prevailing Wage Act. The financial impact of this
Resolution is not to exceed $90,000.
Trustee Thill moved to approve Resolution 23-08, seconded by Trustee Minx.
Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays.
Tr. Khan ave Tr. Minx ay& Tr. Shiba ay±
Tr. Thill aye Tr. Travis ave Tr. Witko ave
2. Next, Trustee Thill presented Resolution 23-09, Authorizing the Purchase of One New Morbark
Eeger Beever Brush Chipper from Alexander Equipment of Lisle, Illinois.
Public Works routinely reviews all its equipment for fuel economy, safety, dependability, age and
excessive repair cost, and has recommended the Village replace its 1995 Morbark Brush Clipper.
Minute's offebnieiv14, ZJ23 Boatel Meati
D. Trustee Thill: (continued)
a. The 1995 Brush Chipper will be traded in as part of this purchase with a trade-in value of $8,000.
The purchase of the new Morbark Eeger Beever Brush Clipper was competitively bid through
Sourcewell Procurement Contract #031721 -MBI. Alexander Equipment of Lisle, IL was selected as
the low bid vendor in the amount of $107,900.96.
Trustee Thill moved, seconded by Trustee Minx, to approve Resolution 23-09.
Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays.
Tr. Khan aye Tr. Minx ly± Tr. Shiba aye
Tr. Thill aye Tr. Travis aye Tr. Witko aye
3. Trustee Thill then presented Resolution 223-10, Authorizing the Purchase of One New Vermeer
Stump Grinder from Vermeer Midwest of Aurora, Illinois.
a. Again, as part of Public Works' routine reviewing of its equipment for fuel economy, safety,
dependability, age and excessive repair costs, the Department is recommending the Village
replace the 1998 Vermeer Stump Grinder. It will be traded in as part of this purchase, with a
trade-in value of $10,000. The purchase of the new Vermeer Stump Grinder was competitively bid
through Sourcewell Procurement Contract #031721-VRM. Vermeer Midwest of Aurora, IL was se-
lected as the low bid vendor in the net amount after trade-in of $66,949.
Trustee Thill moved to approve Resolution 23-10, seconded by Trustee Minx.
Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays.
Tr. Khan aye Tr. Minx aye Tr. Shiba aye
Tr. Thill aye Tr. Travis gy± Tr. Witko aye
4. Next, Trustee Thill presented Resolution 23-11, Authorizing a Contract with Advanced Tree Care,
Inc. for the 2023 Tree Trimming Program.
a. An annual tree trimming program is necessary to maintain the health and appearance of trees as
well as to maintain safety for the public within the Village rights-of-way. The Village annually
contracts with tree experts to assist in the trimming of parkway trees. The Village followed a
competitive bidding process for this contract and received only one bid, despite two separate
solicitations. The bid received was more than double the Engineer's Estimate of Cost, and Village
staff recommends rejecting the bid.
b. Village staff investigated an option to participate in a cooperative purchasing group, which is
allowed by the Municipal Code. Village staff considers it advantageous to purchase tree trimming
Minutes of February 14, 2023 Board Meeting
D. Trustee Thill: (continued)
services through this method. The bid amount is based on unit pricing and the final price of the
contract will be based upon the number of units determined by the Village. This Resolution will
authorize a contract with Advanced Tree Care, Inc. for the 2023 Tree Trimming Program, and, if
circumstances warrant, will authorize the Village Administrator to extend this contract for the
2024 Tree Trimming Program. The fiscal impact of this Resolution is not to exceed $64,626.86.
Trustee Thill moved to approve Resolution 23-11. Trustee Minx seconded the motion, and
clarified that the amount (Trustee Thill initially said it was $66,626.86.) is, in fact, $64,626.86.
Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays.
Tr. Khan aye Tr. Minx aye Tr. Shiba aye
Tr. Thill aye Tr. Travis aye Tr. Witko aye
5. Trustee Thill announced that a new public plaza, "Gateway Plaza," will be constructed in 2023 at
Lincoln and Ferris Avenues. Community members will be able to leave a lasting legacy through the
purchase of a commemorative brick ($125) or bench ($3,000) to be installed in the plaza. He said
that benches are currently sold out.
a. Trustee Thill noted that commemorative bricks are a wonderful way to honor a loved one, living
or deceased, a veteran, a neighbor, a friend, family, or local organization. Watch for more
information on the Village's website and in an upcoming community mailing. Applications will be
taken until March 15, 2023. Commemorative items will be reserved on a first-come, first-served
6. Trustee Thill reminded the assemblage that discarded holiday lights will be recycled through the
Solid Waste Agency of Northern Cook County (SWANCC) and Elgin Recycling at Village Hall through
February 28. He pointed out that garlands, live greens, wreaths, and other decorations attached to
lights will NOT be accepted. If there are questions, call Elgin Recycling at 847-448-4311.
E. Trustee Travis:
1. Trustee Travis presented Resolution 23-12, Authorization for the Purchase of a Ram 1500 4x4
Quad Cab Truck from National Auto Fleet Group of Watsonville, CA for Use as a Police
Department Squad Car.
a. She explained that, every three years, high mileage squad vehicles are replaced to ensure that key
equipment utilized by our offices does not fail during their duties as public safety first responders.
These vehicles are utilized 24 hours a day and they need to be in excellent condition at all times.
Minutes of Februa 14, 2037leard Meeti
E. Trustee Travis: (continued)
b. Trustee Travis said the Village participates in the Sourcewell Purchasing Cooperative, a govern-
ment organization that competitively solicits bids for products and services. Sourcewell's nation-
wide purchasing program includes contracts for police department vehicles at a substantial cost
savings. Sourcewell awarded contract 09 -1521 -NAF to National Auto Fleet Group for a 2023 Dodge
Ram 1500 Express 4x4 Quad Cab 6'4" Box for a total cost of $40,529.50. This vehicle is a suitable
replacement for older and high mileage squad cars in the police department fleet. The fiscal
impact of this Resolution is $40,529.50 for one 2023 Dodge Ram 1500 Express 4x4 Quad Cab
6'4" Box from National Auto Fleet Group pursuant to Sourcewell contract 09 -1521 -NAF.
Trustee Travis moved to approve Resolution 23-12, seconded by Trustee Minx.
Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays.
Tr. Khan aye Tr. Minx aye Tr. Shiba aye
Tr. Thill aye Tr. Travis aye Tr. Witko aye
2. Trustee Travis next presented Resolution 23-13, Authorizing the Purchase of Three (3) Police
Pursuit Vehicles.
a. She noted that police squad cars are utilized 24 hours a day and need to be in excellent condition
at all times. Every three years, high mileage squad vehicles are replaced to ensure that key
equipment utilized by our officers does not fail during their duties as first responders.
b. In 2022, pursuant to Resolution 22-15, the Village Board authorized, and Village staff attempted to
purchase, four police pursuit vehicles, but Ford cancelled the order for three of these vehicles due
to supply chain -related issues. The 2023 Village Budget includes funds to purchase police squad
cars during calendar year 2023, but based on continuing vehicle supply chain challenges, the
Village Administrator and Finance Director recommend the Board pre -authorize the expenditure
of up to $130,000 for the purchase of three Ford Police Interceptor Utility Vehicles from a Ford
dealer pursuant to terms and conditions deemed favorable to the Village, so that the Village can
act quickly to purchase squad cars when they become available. This Resolution will provide the
requested pre -authorization, and will also waive the competitive bidding requirements for
contracts over $25,000 as set forth in the Village Code. Waiving these competitive bidding
requirements requires a 2/3 majority vote, as set forth in the Village Code.
Trustee Travis moved, seconded by Trustee Thill, to approve Resolution 23-13.
Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays.
Tr. Khan aye Tr. Minx aye Tr. Shiba aye
Tr. Thill aye Tr. Travis me Tr. Witko aye
Minutes of February 14, ,.23 Board Meeting
E. Trustee Travis: (continued)
3. Trustee Travis announced that the Morton Grove Police and Fire Department are seeking
"Citizens Police & Fire Academy" participants. 2023 is the first year the Fire Department will be
joining the Academy. This free, 12 -week program gives residents a working knowledge of the
departments' operations, law enforcement, firefighting, and emergency medical services. The
Academy will be held on Tuesdays, March 7 through May 23, from 6:30pm to 8:30pm at Village
Hall, 6101 Capulina Avenue. Visit the Village's website or contact the MGPD Community Liaison
Officers at 847-470-5200 to apply. Classes are limited to 20 students, so sign up today!
F. Trustee Witko:
1. Trustee Witko presented Resolution 23-14, Authorizing a License Agreement With the Forest
Preserve District of Cook County for the Maintenance of a Portion of Forest Preserve District
a. She explained that the Cook County Forest Preserve District owns St. Paul Woods, a portion of
which directly abuts Lehigh Avenue public right-of-way and property commonly known as
8500 Lehigh Avenue in Morton Grove, which contains dense vegetation. The Village and Forest
Preserve District have negotiated a License Agreement allowing and authorizing the Village to
enter this property to provide certain clean-up and maintenance services for the property at the
Village's expense. This will include a one-time manicuring (including, but not limited to, removal of
buckthorns, noxious weeds, and downed trees; trimming; and overall reduction of the vegetation
on or before September 1, 2023), ongoing maintenance of the property, including mowing,
cutting, and overall reduction of the vegetation, and the installation of a stand-alone sign
identifying the property. The clean-up and maintenance of this property will benefit Village
residents and the public -at -large. The Forest Preserve District has waived all license fees; all other
costs shall be paid by the Village.
Trustee Witko moved to approve Resolution 23-14, seconded by Trustee Travis.
Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays.
Tr. Khan Tr. Minx Tr. Shiba
Tr. Thill aye Tr. Travis au Tr. Witko aye
Minutes of February 14, 2023 Board Meetin:
Trustee Khan presented the Warrant Register for February 14, 2023 in the amount of
$3,424,634.01. She moved to approve the Warrant Register as presented, seconded by
Trustee Minx.
Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays.
Tr. Khan aye Tr. Minx aye Tr. Shiba ave
Tr. ThiII ave Tr. Travis aye Tr. Witko aye
Trustee Minx moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Trustee Travis. Motion passed
unanimously via voice vote.
The meeting adjourned at 7:19 p.m.
Minutes of February 14.23 Board Meeting
Passed this 28th day of February 2023.
Trustee Khan
Trustee Minx
Trustee Shiba
Trustee Thill
Trustee Travis
Trustee Witko
Approved by me this 28th day of February 2023.
Daniel P. DiMaria, Village President
Board of Trustees, Morton Grove, Illinois
Attested and Filed in my office this 1st day of March 2023.
Eileen Harford, Village Clerk �.
Village of Morton Grove, Cook County, Illinois
Minutes by Teresa Cousar