HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-14-2023MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE PRESIDENT AND THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE RICHARD T. FLICKINGER MUNICIPAL CENTER COUNCIL CHAMBERS MARCH 14, 2023 CALL TO ORDER I. Village President Dan DiMaria convened the Regular Meeting of the Village Board at 7:00 p.m. & II. in the Council Chambers of Village Hall. III. Village Clerk Eileen Harford called the roll. Present were Trustees Saba Khan, Rita Minx, Ashur Shiba, John Thill, Connie Travis, and Janine Witko. IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Trustee Minx moved to approve the Minutes of the February 28, 2023 Village Board Meeting as presented. Trustee Khan seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously via voice vote. V. SPECIAL REPORTS Mayor DiMaria said the Village had celebrated National Restaurant Month during February 2023 by once again holding its annual "Dine Morton Grove" contest. Both residents and non-residents were encouraged to submit receipts and/or photos of their Morton Grove take-out or dine -in experiences during the month to be entered into a drawing to win a $25 gift card. Mayor DiMaria said that 88 entries were received from 24 households, and 10 participants were randomly chosen from all entries earlier today. These participants will receive a $25 American Express gift card via US mail: • Michael Flatley • Donna Ratner • Paula Hicks • Rosalie Koontz • Alan Frohlichstein • Doris France • Cindy Tanaka • Susan Filerman • Christine Stancy • Janet Nelson Mayor DiMaria encouraged the assemblage to keep visiting Morton Grove's restaurants. The town has many diverse places to eat—we have something for every palate! VI. PUBLIC HEARINGS NONE Minutes of March 14, p23 Board Meeting VII. PLAN COMMISSION REPORTS 1. Plan Commission Case PC 23-01, Request by Maasal Medical Center, Inc. for Approval of a Special Use Permit for the operation of a medical and dental office/clinic at the property commonly known as 5833-35 Dempster Street. 2. Plan Commission Case PC 23-02: Request by Medina Gardens, LLC for Approval of a Time Exten- sion for a Planned Unit Development (PUD) and Preliminary Plat of Subdivision Authorized under Ordinance 18-20 to subdivide the subject property into eght new lots of record for the develop- ment of four attached single-family dwellings and five detached single family dwellings with waiver for lot width, lot area, floor area ratio, impervious lot and rear yard coverage, driveway setback, location of fencing, lot standards, and accesswav design. Mayor DiMaria introduced Community Development Administrator Zoe Heidorn to report on Plan Commission Cases PC 23-01 and PC 23-02. la. Ms. Heidorn said it was her pleasure to introduce tonight Plan Commission Case PC 23-01, which will be introduced by Trustee Witko as Ordinance 23-05 under her report. This is a request by Maasal Medical Center, Inc. for approval of a Special Use Permit for the operation of a medical and dental office/clinic at 5833-35 Dempster Street. With 20 onsite parking spaces, the Applicant is requesting a variance of 5 spaces based on a peak demand of 25 parking spaces established in the submitted study. On February 2, 2023, the Traffic Safety Commission unanimously recommended approval of the application, and on February 21, 2023, the Plan Commission also unanimously recommended approval of the case, with conditions relating to parking and business operations. 2a. Regarding Plan Commission Case PC 23-02, which will be introduced tonight as Ordinance 23-06, this is a request for an extension to a Planned Unit Development (PUB) Special Use Permit issued to Medina Gardens, LLC and approved by the Village Board on August 24, 2020 under Ordinance 20-18. Ms. Heidorn said the developer submitted a site improvement permit application for proposed infrastructure and storm water retention facilities in October of 2020, shortly after the PUD was approved. 2b. Between that time and November 21, 2020, the developer made permit resubmittal, performed limited site preparation activity, and placed the property at auction, unsuccessfully. When no activity occurred by the developer between the issuance of permit comments in February of 2022 and August of 2022—nearly an entire construction season— the Village notified the developer that the project was not progressing according to the approved construction schedule and that the Planned Unit Development was at risk of revocation unless action was taken by the Village Board to grant an extension. 2c. Ms. Heidorn said, in September of 2022, the Applicant resubmitted plans. To date, however, no permit has been issued for the proposed site improvements, as communicated to the project engineer by the Village Engineer in December 2022. The plans are approvable, but no permit can be issued until an approved Metropolitan Water Reclamation District (MWRD) permit, Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (TEPA) permit, an engineer's estimate of cost, and a performance guarantee have been submitted and approved by the Village Engineer. 2 Minutes of Martie 34, 202311 rd Wein VII. PLAN COMMISSION REPORTS (continued) 2d. None of these things, in addition to other items requested by staff, including a detailed project schedule and a financing plan, have been received. The Developer has indicated he's working on these. 2e. Ms. Heidorn noted that the developer, builder, engineer, and attorney are in attendance to respond to any questions, and she too would be happy to answer any questions from the Board. VIII. RESIDENTS' COMMENTS (Agenda Items Only) NONE IX. PRESIDENT'S REPORT 1. Mayor DiMaria reminded the assemblage that tomorrow is the deadline to apply for a commemorative brick for Morton Grove's new public plaza, "Gateway Plaza," which will be constructed later in 2023 at Lincoln and Ferris Avenues. He said a commemorative brick ($125) is a wonderful way to honor a loved one, living or deceased, a veteran, a neighbor, a friend, family, or local organization. More information can be found on the Village's website. Applications will be taken until March 15, 2023. 2. Mayor DiMaria noted that Morton Grove is once again offering residents an opportunity to participate in the Village's 50/50 Tree Planting Program, which allows residents to choose available tree types to be planted in their parkway by paying 50% of the cost. This year, the cost for the resident is $60 per tree. To take part in this program, visit the Village's website or pick up an application at Village Hall. The deadline to apply for this program is April 1, 2023. X. CLERK'S REPORT 1. Clerk Harford announced that Morton Grove will be an early voting site for the 2023 Consolidated Election. Early voting will begin on March 20 and be open daily until April 3 at 5:OOpm. Early voting will be held in the American Legion Memorial Civic Center, 6140 Dempster, on the second floor. Hours for voting are: Mondays—Saturdays, 9:OOam to 5:OOpm, Sundays, 10:OOam to 4:OOpm. Voters do not need to provide an excuse or a reason why they cannot vote on Election Day, and government IDs are not required, but can be helpful. 2. Mayor DiMaria said that presidential elections get all the hype and glory, so, to an extent, do state and city elections, but by far, the most important election you can vote in is your local municipal election. That's where your vote counts the most. That's where your voice is heard. That's where you'll be represented. He strongly encouraged everyone to vote on April 4 or during early voting. 3 Minutes of March 14, 2023 Board Meeting XI. A. Village Administrator: STAFF REPORTS In the absence of Village Administrator Czerwinski, Assistant to the Administrator, Tom Friel, had no report this evening. B. Corporation Counsel: Corporation Counsel Liston had no formal report this evening. XII. TRUSTEES' REPORTS A. Trustee Khan: Trustee Khan had no formal report this evening. B. Trustee Minx: Trustee Minx had no formal report this evening. C. Trustee Shiba: Trustee Shiba had no formal report this evening. D. Trustee Thill: Trustee Thill presented Resolution 23-16, Authorizing a Contract By and Between the Village of Morton Grove and the Automobile Mechanics Union Local No. 701 for the Period of January 1, 2023 Through December 31, 2026. Trustee Thill moved to approve Resolution 23-16, seconded by Trustee Minx. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. Khan Tr. Minx aye Tr. Shiba aye Tr. Thill aye Tr. Travis aye Tr. Witko aye 4 Minutes of March 14, 2023 Board Meeting XII. E. Trustee Travis: Trustee Travis had no formal report this evening. TRUSTEES' REPORTS (continued) F. Trustee Witko: 1. Trustee Witko introduced Ordinance 23-05, Approving a Special Use Permit for a Medical and Dental Office/Clinic for the Property Commonly Known as 5833-35 Dempster Street in Morton Grove. a. She said this was pursuant to Plan Commission Case PC 23-01, previously reported out by Community Development Administrator Zoe Heidorn. Trustee Witko said, as this is a first reading of this Ordinance, no action will be taken this evening. 2. Next, Trustee Witko presented Ordinance 23-06, Approving a Special Use Permit Amendment to Provide a Time Extension to Commence and Proceed With Construction of a Planned Unit Development for the Property Commonly Known as 6037 Lincoln Avenue in Morton Grove. a. She said this was pursuant to Plan Commission Case PC 23-02, reported out earlier tonight by Community Development Administrator Zoe Heidorn. Trustee Witko said, as this is a first reading of this Ordinance, no action will be taken this evening. XIII. OTHER BUSINESS NONE XIV. WARRANTS Trustee Khan presented the Warrant Register for March 14, 2023 in the amount of $626,009.24. She moved to approve the Warrant Register as presented, seconded by Trustee Thill. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. Khan ave Tr. Minx aye Tr. Shiba aye Tr. Thill aye Tr. Travis 2y± Tr. Witko aye 5 Minutes of March 14, 2023 Board Meeting XV. RESIDENTS' COMMENTS 1. David King, a 35 -year resident, said he has spoken to the Board previously in opposition to the recreational marijuana dispensary scheduled to open at Sawmill Station. He said he saw their sign a. going up—"Med Men." He said there's nothing "med" about this; it's not a medical dispensary; it's recreational marijuana, a very unhealthy, and in his opinion, dangerous substance. He said he was present this evening to talk about the business behind the sign: Med Men Enterprises, Inc. b. Mr. King said he hoped the Board would keep vigilant about this company and do its due diligence. He referenced an article about the company dated February 22, 2023, in the Chicago Sun Times with the headline "Cannabis Operator Med Men Considering Selling Stores in Oak Park and Morton Grove." The article talked about the company's financial difficulties and said it had hired a financial consultant regarding the possible sale of the Morton Grove location. c. Mr. King also mentioned an article from the Fortune Magazine website, alluding to Med Men and the "once hot pot industry." It cited a regulatory filing Med Men Enterprises had submitted where the company states it has a "working capital deficit." Mr. King had doubts that this company can meet its obligations to the Village. He suggested that if Med Men attempts to sell the Morton Grove location, the Village should say no to another marijuana dispensary or consider another moratorium to prevent one. 2. Rudolf Vilk commented that Mayor DiMaria must be the mayor only to Mr. Vilk, as he is trying to use his power to limit his speech. He suggested the mayor read the Constitution. a. Mr. Vilk said he had sent letters to the Board on February 28th and March 6th. Everyone had at least two weeks of time to respond to him but no one has. He assured the Board he has no personal enmity for any of the Village staff members or Board members. He is just trying to hold them to their responsibility as elected officials. He asked for a response, even if it's just "I disagree with you" or "Mr. Vilk, you're a liar." He said his letters are his opinions and he understands not everyone agrees with him. XVI. ADJOURNMENT Trustee Minx moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Trustee Witko. Motion passed unanimously via voice vote. The meeting adjourned at 7:20 p.m. 6 Minutes of March 14, 2023 Board Meeting Passed this 28th day of March 2023. Trustee Khan Trustee Minx Trustee Shiba Trustee Thill Trustee Travis Trustee Witko Approved by me this 28th day of March 2023. Daniel P. DiMaria, Village President Board of Trustees, Morton Grove, Illinois Attested and Filed in my office this 29th day of March 2023. 67-13.77 Eileen Harford, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove, Cook County, Illinois U «ve elek Minutes by Teresa Cousar 7 i