HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-10-28 Special Meeting MinutesMINUTES OF THE
Pursuant to proper notice as provided by the Illinois Open Meetings Act, the Special Meeting was
called to order at 8:30 am by Village President Richard Krier.
President Krier called the roll In attendance were:
Elected Officials: Mayor Richard Krier, Trustees Georgianne Brunner, Rita Minx, Dale
Senensky, and Dan Staackmann, Clerk Carol A. Fritzshall
Absent: Trustees Daniel DiMaria and Roy Kogstad
Village Staff: Administrator Joseph F. Wade, Corporation Counsel Teresa Hoffman
Liston, Finance Director/Treasurer Daniela Partipilo, Human Resource
Coordinator Nancy Pankiw, Fire Chief Tom Friel, Public Works
Director Andy DeMonte, Village Engineer Ryan Gillingham, Division
Superintendent Paul Tobin, Division Superintendent Joe Dahm,
Community and Economic Development Director Bill Neuendorf, and
Building Commissioner Ed Hildebrandt
Guests: Nick Katz, Morton Grove Champion and several residents
President Krier welcomed the assemblage and lead them in the Pledge of Allegiance. Mr. Wade then
introduced the Budget Workshop by noting the Village's operating costs remains virtually the same
as with the 2006 Budget even with rising energy and insurance costs which are beyond the control of
Village staff. Mr. Wade noted staff recommended additional funding be allocated for street
improvements, but due to budget constraints, these improvements have not been included in the 2007
Budget. Mr. Wade also noted the Village just became aware the Police dispatching costs would
increase by $22,000, and the IRMA insurance costs would increase by an additional $180,000.
Ms. Partipilo introduced the morning's topics and addressed questions previously posed by the Board
including the impact of the proposed budget on a typical District 67 and District 63 tax bill, which
would show an increase of $7.00 and $6.63 per $1,000 of tax bill respectfully. Ms. Partipilo also
reviewed the historical cash balances, and noted with additional cash balances the Village's bond
rating may improve which may result in better interest rates.
Mr. DeMonte then presented the Public Works budget and noted the budget was approximately
$240,000 higher due to energy costs and vehicle replacements. Mr. DeMonte also introduced the
budgets for Engineering, Solid Waste, Vehicle Maintenance, MFT, and Metres Mr. DeMonte then
presented the budgets for the Enterprise Funds (i. e. water and sewer accounts). He is anticipating
increases due to energy and vehicle replacements costs and decreases due to note redemption and
reduced interest payments. Mr. Gillingham then presented a PowerPoint and video presentation of
the Village's current and planned capital projects. The 2007 Capital Projects Budget is projected to
increase by $2.3 million due to construction and property acquisition costs for Dempster Street. He
noted most of these funds are coming from grants. The Village has been approved fora $2.3 million
grant from the State, but this grant has not yet been funded. Village staff and elected officials were
able to reallocate Federal funds for part of this project until the State funds are made available. Mr.
Gillingham then showed a history of street improvements accomplished within the Village and
discussed a recent survey and an evaluation of all Village streets. He noted the Village would need
approximately $1.5 million over the next three years to resurface the worst streets.
Mr. Hildebrandt presented the budgets for Building and Inspectional Services.
Mr. Neuendorf presented the Community and Economic Development budget and the TIF budgets.
Mr. Wade presented the Administrative budgets and Ms. Liston presented the Legal budget.
Ms. Partipilo then presented an analysis of Village debt and compared the current level of debt to
debt allowed if the Village was anon-home rule community. She noted the 2007 Budget included
approximately $1.345 million of increased expenses beyond the control of staff which included
additional pension costs, energy, and dispatch costs.
Mr. Wade then asked the Board for suggestions, questions, and/or comments regarding the budget. A
general discussion ensued. Ms. Partipilo presented a scenario for funds available and funds needed
based on a minimum cash balance policy to be determined by the Board. Discussion then ensured as
to options available to the Board once the minimum cash balance was achieved.
President Krier noted there would be an additional budget workshop on Wednesday, November 1,
2006, at 6:00 p.m., and received comments from the audience.
There being no further business, Trustee Staackmann moved to adjourn the special meeting at 10:42
a.m. The motion was seconded by Trustee Brunner and passed unanimously via a voice vote.
Minutes by: Carol A. Fritzshall, Village Clerk
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