HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-10-25 Special Meeting MinutesMINUTES OF THE OCTOBER 25, 2006, SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES/ 2007 BUDGET WORKSHOP OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE RICHARD T. FLICKINGER MUNICIPAL CENTER -TRUSTEES CONFERENCE ROOM 6101 CAPULINA MORTON GROVE, ILLINOIS 60053 Pursuant to proper notice as provided by the Illinois Open Meetings Act, the Special Meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm by Village President Richard Krier. Clerk Fritzshall called the roll. In attendance were: Elected Officials: Mayor Richard Krier, Trustees Georgianne Brunner, Roy Kogstad (arrived at 6:25 pm), Rita Minx, Dale Senensky, and Dan Staackmann, Clerk Carol A. Fritzshall Absent: Trustee Dan DiMaria Village Staff: Administrator Joseph F. Wade, Corporation Counsel Teresa Hoffman Liston, Finance Director/Treasurer Daniela Partipilo, Assistant Finance Director Steven Drazner, Police Chief Paul Tasch, Support Services Supervisor Gil Santiago, Human Resource Coordinator Nancy Pankiw, Fire Chief Tom Friel, Public Works Director Andy DeMonte, Family and Senior Services Director Jackie Walker-O'Keefe, and Family and Senior Services Coordinator Bud Swanson, ESDA Coordinator Craig Karas Guests: Several residents After opening comments, the meeting was turned over to Village Administrator Joseph Wade who gave an overview of the Village Budget. Mr. Wade stated except for pension increases, and capital projects, the budget was static. He noted increased funding for the pensions exceeded $1 million. The budget would provide for infrastructure upgrades to Osceola and Shermer Road. Most of the funding for the Shermer Road improvement would come from federal grant funds. Mr. Wade also noted the budget included funds for a Dempster Street fagade improvement program and funds to upgrade technology at the Police Department. Finance Director Daniela Partipilo reported on the current status of the 2006 Budget and noted projected spending was approximately $500,000 less than originally projected and revenue was approximately $500,000 more than budgeted, with a net overall increase to the fund balance of $1 million. Ms. Partipilo also advised the Board the 2006 Budget anticipated a property tax levy of approximately 4.2% and assumed a 4.55% growth in sales taxes and a 6.9% increase in state use tax. The budget also assumed the local tax and food and beverage tax would continue through 2007. Ma Partipilo reviewed the impact on this budget on typical tax bills in Niles and Maine Townships. She also reviewed the Village's current revenue and sources of revenue. Ms. Partipilo then presented the Finance Department and the Information Technology Budget. She noted the budget provided funds to upgrade the Village's telephone system. Tom Friel then presented the Fire Department Budget which included funds to purchase a new command vehicle. He also noted the Village anticipated purchasing a new ambulance to be funded in 2008. Craig Karas presented the ESDA budget which included additional funds for outdoor warning sirens. The funds will be provided through a state grant. Chief Paul Tasch presented the Police Department Budget which projected increases due to increased dispatch costs, and technology upgrades. Jackie Walker O'Keefe presented the Family and Senior Services Budget. Bud Swanson then presented the Civic Center Budget. Mayor Krier, Mr. Wade, and the Department Directors then heard audience comments and answered questions from the Board of Trustees. There being no further business, Trustee Staackmann moved to adjourn the special meeting at 8:10 pm. The motion was seconded by Trustee Brunner and passed unanimously via a voice vote. Minutes by: Carol A. Fritzshall, Village Clerk legis~minutes~specialmeetingminutes. l 0-25-06