HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-05-22 MinutesCALL TO ORDER I. Village President Rick Krier called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. and led the assemblage in the Pledge of Allegiance. II. Village Clerk Carol Fritzshall called the roll. Present were: Trustees Georgianne Brunner, Dan DiMaria, Roy Kogstad, Rita Minx, and Dale Senensky. Mayor Krier said that Trustee Staackmann had called to let him know that he would not be at tonight's meeting. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. Regarding the Minutes of the April 24, 2006 Regular Meeting, Trustee Minx moved to approve the Minutes as submitted, dispensing with the reading thereof. The motion was seconded by Trustee Brunner. Motion passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent. Tr. Brunner ~ Tr. DiMaria ~ Tr. Kogstad Tr. Minx ~ Tr. Senensky ~ Tr. Staackmann absent b~ Regarding the Minutes of the May 15 Town Hall Meeting, Trustee Minx moved to approve the Minutes as submitted, dispensing with the reading thereof. Trustee Brunner seconded the motion. Motion passed: 4 ayes, 0 nays, 2 abstain, 1 absent. Tr. Brunner ~ Tr. DiMaria abstain Tr. Kogstad abstain Tr. Minx ~ Tr. Senensky ~ Tr. Staackmann absent Mayor Krier IV. PUBLIC HEARINGS NONE V. SPECIAL REPORTS PLEDGE ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL APR. 24 BOARD MEETING MINUTES APPROVED MAY 15 TOWN HALL MEETING MINUTES APPROVED NONE VI. RESIDENTS' COMMENTS (Agenda Items Only) NONE VII. VIII. IX. A. B. X. PRESIDENT'S REPORT Mayor Krier proclaimed June 4, 2006 as "May Stoesser Day" to honor heron her 90th birthday. Mrs. Stoesser has 4 children, 7 grandchildren, and 2 great- grandchildren. She is an active member of the Morton Grove Senior Center. Mayor Krier and the Board extended their congratulations to heron this occasion. CLERK'S REPORT Clerk Fritzshall had no report. STAFF REPORTS Village Administrator: Mr. Wade had no report. Corporation Counsel: Ms. Liston had no report. TRUSTEES'REPORTS A. Trustee Brunner: Trustee Brunner presented for approval Ordinance 06-16, Amending Title 1, Chapter 15; Title 3, Chapter 4-1, 4-3 of the Municipal Code of Morton Grove, to Define the Duties and Authorities of the Director of Family and Senior Services. Trustee Brunner said that the Board had created the permanent position of Director of Family and Senior Services in December, 2005. This ordinance cleans up the various provisions in the Municipal Code to provide for the official duties of the Director. Previously the Code provided that the operations of the Family and Senior Service Department were handled by the Assistant Village Administrator and the Coordinator of Family and Senior Services. MAY STOESSER HONORED ORD. 06-16 AMENDS MUNICIPAL CODE TO DEFINE DUTIES AND AUTHORITIES OF DIRECTOR OF FAMI LY AN D SENIOR SERVICES There was no discussion on this ordinance at the first reading, and no discussion this evening. X. A. TRUSTEES' REPORTS (continued) Trustee Brunner: (continued) Trustee Brunner moved to approve Ordinance 06-16, seconded by Trustee Minx. Motion passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent. Tr. Brunner ~ Tr. DiMaria ~ Tr. Kogstad Tr. Minx ~ Tr. Senensky ~ Tr. Staackmann absent B. Trustee DiMaria: Trustee DiMaria had no report. C. Trustee Kogstad: Trustee Kogstad presented for a first reading Ordinance 06-20, Amending Title 4, Chapter 3 Entitled "Liquor Control" Of the Municipal Code of the Village. He explained that, in 2005, the Village updated its liquor control ordinance pursuant to Ordinance 05-46. The Village President is recommending additional revisions to allow liquor licenses for private clubs and to allow for a new class of temporary off-premise sale and consumption of alcohol by current holders of Class A, B, C, or E liquor licenses. Trustee Brunner asked Trustee Kogstad if he could highlight the pages that had been amended. Mayor Krier said that basically, private clubs had been redefined, and a requirement that stipulated that clubs wanting a liquor license needed to provide a list of its members to the Liquor Commissioner had been deleted because it was felt to be intrusive. Section 4-3-10-c-10 has also been revised to be able to provide off-premises sale of alcohol by establishments that currently hold certain types of liquor license. There was no further discussion. 2~ Next, Trustee Kogstad presented Resolution 06-28, Authorization to Enter Into a Contract with S.B. Friedman & Company to Perform Development Consulting in the Lehigh/Ferris Redevelopment Subarea. For purposes of discussion, Trustee Kogstad moved to adopt Resolution 06-28, seconded by Trustee Brunner. Trustee Kogstad commented that this resolution would authorize a contract with S.B Friedman & Company-not to exceed $458,000-for development consulting services for the Lehigh-Ferris subarea. He said that the original agreement with the company had said that their fees would be paid by the proposed $10 million bond issue. The bond issue did not happen, in part because of the Domicile lawsuit. ORD. 06-16 APPROVED ORD. 06-20 AMENDS MUNICIPAL CODE REGARDING LIQUOR CONTROL (FIRST READING) RES. 06-25 AUTHORIZES CONTRACT WITH S.B. FRIEDMAN FOR DEVELOPMENT CONSULTING IN THE LEHIGH- FERRIS SUBAREA X. C. TRUSTEES' REPORTS (continued) Trustee Kogstad: (continued) Trustee Kogstad said that, although a judgment was made in favor of the Village in that lawsuit, the decision is under appeal. He encouraged the Board to be cautious until all the legal challenges were exhausted, rather than spending money it doesn't have. Trustee Kogstad said that it concerned him that the Board hadn't yet given any direction to S.B. Friedman. He wondered how the Village could pay $458,000 for unknown projects. He pointed out that there was supposed to be a public hearing, so that residents could provide input as to how they wanted the sub- area, but that has not happened yet. Trustee Kogstad said that the current cash balance in the Lehigh-Ferris TIF Fund was -$433,000. He noted that the Village is still using the General Fund to pay for Lehigh-Ferris TIF expenses. Trustee Kogstad said the Village could be using that money to pay down its debt or to increase its payments to the Police and Fire Pension Funds. He moved to postpone voting on this resolution until all financial ramifications had been thoroughly discussed. The motion died for lack of a second. Trustee Kogstad then moved to amend the resolution to reduce the "not to exceed" amount to $200,000-the amount of expenditure that would occur in 2006-with a provision for further funds in the future. Trustee DiMaria seconded the motion. Trustee Brunner clarified that the resolution stated that this was a "not to exceed" amount. Mayor Krier confirmed that, adding that, just as it was possible that the Village would spend less than $458,000, it was also possible that it would spend less than $200,000. He said that the contract with S.B. Friedman would be a "pay as you go" contract-no spending could occur with- out the Village's approval. He said this was to get the process started so that, at some point, there can be a public hearing. Mayor Krier also clarified that, at the end of the 2005 fiscal year, the Lehigh-Ferris TIF Fund didn't owe the General Fund anything. The reason it's showing a negative balance now is simply a matter of how and when the revenue comes in. Mayor Krier called for the vote on the motion to amend the resolution by reducing the "not to exceed" amount to $200,000. Motion failed: 1 aye, 4 nays, 1 absent. Tr. Brunner ~ Tr. DiMaria ~ Tr. Kogstad Tr. Minx ~ Tr. Senensky ~ Tr. Staackmann absent Mayor Krier then called for the vote on Resolution 06-28. .Motion passed: 4 ayes, 1 nay, 1 absent. Tr. Brunner ~ Tr. DiMaria ~ Tr. Kogstad Tr. Minx ~ Tr. Senensky ~ Tr. Staackmann absent MOTION TO POSTPONE TAKING ACTION FAILS FOR LACK OF SECOND MOTION TO REDUCE CONTRACT PRICE FAILS RES. 06-25 APPROVED X. D. 2. E. TRUSTEES' REPORTS (continued) Trustee Minx: Trustee Minx resented Resolution 06-27 Authorizin the Purchase of a p ~ g RES. 06-27 AUTHORIZES New Breathing Air Compressor with Storage Cascade and Upgrade PURCHASE OF Squad-4 Mobile Air Cascade System. NEw BREATHING AIR Trustee Minx explained that the Village's Fire Department had been awarded a COMPRESSOR WITH STORAGE grant for the purchase of self-contained breathing apparatus equipment in the CASCADE amount of $48,288. The Villa a must contribute a 10% match, or $4,773. g AND UPGRADE SQUAD 4 Resolution 06-27 would authorize this expenditure. Trustee Minx moved to MOBILE AIR approve Resolution 06-27, seconded by Trustee DiMaria. Motion passed: cnscnDE 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent. svsrEM Tr. Brunner ~ Tr. DiMaria ~ Tr. Kogstad Tr. Minx a e Tr. Senensk a e Tr. Staackmann absent ~L Y ~ RES. 06-27 APPROVED Trustee Minx wished everyone a safe and happy Memorial Day holiday. Trustee Senensky: Trustee Senensky presented for a first reading Ordinance 06-21, Amending ORD. 06-21 Title 4, Chapter 2D Entitled "Carnivals and Circuses" of the Municipal AMENDS MUNICIPAL Code of the Village of Morton Grove. coDE REGARDING Trustee Senensky said that this ordinance incorporates relevant provisions of CARNIVAND the State statutes regulating carnivals and carnival workers. It establishes clRCUSEs regulations for the employment of carnival workers within the Village, and establishes insurance and security requirements as well. It provides for the (FIRST READING) reimbursement of costs incurred by the Village for traffic control and/or security needs. Ordinance 06-21 also establishes record-keeping requirements for carnival workers; hours of operation, etc. Trustee Senensky commented that he thought this was a good ordinance. He thanked the Village Administrator for collaborating with Jeff Fougerousse, Executive Director of the Park District, on this. There was no further discussion. Trustee Staackmann In the absence of Trustee Staackmann, Trustee Brunner presented RES. os-zs AUTHORIZATION Resolution 06-26, Authorization to Execute a Revised Letter of Intent TO EXECUTE With the Illinois Department of Transportation For the Dempster Street A REVISED COCCICIOr Im prOVement PCOgram LET O . INTE T WITH IDOT Trustee Brunner explained that the Dempster Street Corridor Improvement FOR THE Project was started in 1999 as a way to improve the safety and efficiency of DEMPSTER STREET the traffic flow on Dempster, while also addressing the economic vitality of the CORRIDOR bUSIneSSOS Wlthln the COmmerClal COrrldOr from FerrlS AVenUe t0 Central. IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM X. XI. TRUSTEES' REPORTS (continued) Trustee Staackmann: (continued) One of the main deficiencies identified is that the roadway lacks a continuous center turn lane. This results in difficult turning movements and dangerous lane blockages. The current recommended solution is to remove the parking along Dempster Street, replace the on-street parking with comparable off- street parking, improve the geometry of the intersections, and add a center turn lane. Both the State and the Federal government have allocated funding for this project. Trustee Brunner said that this letter of intent will allow the Village to move forward with the Dempster Street Corridor Improvement Project by using currently available federal funds for off-street parking facilities, and future State legislative appropriations for reimbursement of parcels previously acquired and for roadway construction. There was no further discussion. Trustee Brunner moved, seconded by Trustee DiMaria, to approve Resolution 06-26. Motion passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent. Tr. Brunner ~ Tr. DiMaria ~ Tr. Kogstad Tr. Minx ~ Tr. Senensky ~ Tr. Staackmann absent Mayor Krier thanked Village Engineer Ryan Gillingham, Village Administrator Joe Wade, and Economic Development Director Bill Nuendorf. He explained that the Dempster Street project involves ten different funding sources, and it's very difficult to get all the promised funding from all these government agencies, but these three gentlemen did a yeoman's job of getting some of the funds to come through in this fiscal year. Mayor Krier also acknowledged the assistance of State Representatives Lou Lang and John D'Amico, Congress- woman Jan Schakowsky, and State Senator Ira Silverstein. OTHER BUSINESS Mayor Krier reminded the assemblage that the annual Memorial Day Parade would be held on Sunday, starting at the American Legion Memorial Civic Center and ending at the Public Library. He encouraged all residents to attend and honor our veterans. XI I. WARRANTS Trustee Kogstad presented the Warrant Register, which totaled $878,363.47. He moved to approve the Warrants, seconded by Trustee Minx. Motion passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent. Tr. Brunner ~ Tr. DiMaria ~ Tr. Kogstad Tr. Minx ~ Tr. Senensky ~ Tr. Staackmann absent RES. 06-26 APPROVED WARRANTS APPROVED XIII. RESIDENTS' COMMENTS Sherwin Dubren said that he agreed with Trustee Kogstad's comments regarding the Village entering into a contract with S.B. Friedman & Company. He said he had checked the company's website, and they were estimating that the Village would spend $458,000 on this contract, so he advised the Board not to have the illusion that the Village is getting a deal. Mayor Krier said that the company has a list of things that it's including, but the Board has the option of saying that the Village doesn't want to pursue those items that it doesn't want to pursue. Basically, the Board asked Friedman to price out various things; that information will be included in the Board's decision-making process. Trustee DiMaria added that one of the advantages to going with S.B. Friedman is that they are one of the few firms that will work with the Village on an "as needed" basis. He said the Board put together a "wish list" and asked Friedman to estimate the costs, but the Village is not obligated to do any of the items on the wish list. Trustee DiMaria said the Lehigh-Ferris TIF is the most exciting project in Morton Grove. Mayor Krier said that the "visuals" of the Lehigh-Ferris subarea aren't up to date-they don't show the Preserves project, the Toll Brothers project, etc. He said that's another thing that S.B. Friedman will do for the Village, in preparation for a public hearing, which will probably be held sometime in July. 2~ Raymond Solal noted that the Warrant Register does not include the cost of "human services". He also complained that the mayor goes against village code because he has said that he sets the Agenda. Mr. Solal said that the mayor should post for more insurance. He also asked for a police investigation into the removal of a sign in the Capulina right-of-way. He asked the mayor why certain documents have disappeared. Regarding the May 15th Town Hall meeting, Mr. Solal claimed that that meeting was in violation of the Open Meetings Act because it wasn't posted at the Civic Center and because the Agenda for it, posted on the Village's website, was "insufficient". Regarding the April 24th Board Meeting Minutes, Mr. Solal said that comments he had made regarding the fact that the Village was misleading the judicial system because the judge was not getting the proper information were omit- ted. He said the mayor doesn't want to file any objection or pleading or request, and therefore the MCC has taken over the Capulina right-of-way and has removed the signage. Mr. Solal said he reported this to the Police Department and the Building Department today. Regarding the S.B. Friedman contract, Mr. Solal said that, in 2005, the firm cost the Village ahalf-million dollars, and the Domicile lawsuit cost the Village another $1.5 million. He said he thought the judge in that lawsuit was misled, and suggested that specific goals be determined before the Village issues a $10 million dollar bond issue. He felt the Village was "too loose" with taxpay- ers' money. XIII. RESIDENTS' COMMENTS (continued) XIV. Regarding Resolution 06-26 (funding for Dempster), Mr. Solal asked the Board "for the credibility of the Village" to have separate funding for this project. Mr. Solal said that the MCC's ownership claim of the Capulina right-of-way was a "fraud from day one". He said there are a lot of questions that need to be answered by a special investigator. He asked the mayor to bring about a change for integrity. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Board, Trustee Minx moved to adjourn to Executive Session to discuss real estate, personnel, and litigation. Trustee Senensky seconded the motion. Motion passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent. Tr. Brunner ~ Tr. DiMaria ~ Tr. Kogstad Tr. Minx ~ Tr. Senensky ~ Tr. Staackmann absent The meeting adjourned to Executive Session at 8:18 p.m. The Executive Session was called to order at 8:41 p.m. Present were Mayor Krier, Clerk Fritzshall, and Trustees Brunner, DiMaria, Minx, and Senensky. Also present were Village Administrator Wade and Corporation Counsel Liston. The Executive Session concluded at 9:28 p.m. with a motion to adjourn by Trustee DiMaria, seconded by Trustee Minx. Motion passed: 4 ayes, 0 nays, 2 absent. Tr. Brunner ~ Tr. DiMaria ~ Tr. Kogstad absent Tr. Minx ~ Tr. Senensky ~ Tr. Staackmann absent Trustee Brunner then moved to adjourn the Board Meeting, seconded by Trustee Minx. Motion passed: 4 ayes, 0 nays, 2 absent. Tr. Brunner ~ Tr. DiMaria ~ Tr. Kogstad absent Tr. Minx ~ Tr. Senensky ~ Tr. Staackmann absent The Board Meeting adjourned at 9:29 p.m. ADJOURN TO EXECUTIVE SESSION MEETING ADJOURNED 8 PASSED this 12th day of June, 2446. Trustee Brunner Trustee DiMaria Trustee Kogstad Trustee Minx Trustee Senensky Trustee Staackmann APPROVED by me this 12th day of June, 2446. Richard Krier, Village President Board of Trustees, Morton Grove, Illinois APPROVED and FILED in my office this 13th day of June, 2406. Carol A. Fritzshall, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois Minutes by: Teresa Cousar