HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-11-01 Budget Workshop MinutesMINUTES OF THE
Pursuant to proper notice in accordance with the Illinois Open Meetings Act, the Special Meeting was
called to order at 7:01 pm by Mayor Richard Krier who led the assemblage in the pledge of allegiance.
Corporation Counsel Teresa Hoffman Liston called the roll In attendance were:
Elected Officials: Mayor Richard Krier, Trustee Georgianne Brunner, Trustee Shel
Marcus, Trustee Rita Minx, Trustee Dan Staackmann, Trustee John Thill
Absent: Trustee Roy Kogstad, Clerk Carol A. Fritzshall
Village Staff: Village Administrator Joseph F. Wade, Corporation Counsel Teresa
Hoffman Liston, Finance Director Daniela Partipilo, Fire Chief Tom
Friel, Family and Senior Services Director Jackie Walker O'Keefe,
Police Chief Paul Tasch
Also Present: Several members of the public and the press
President Krier announced the purpose of this fourth Budget Workshop was to address issues
previously raised by the Board and answer any additional questions the Board may have concerning
the budget.
Mr. Wade then summarized his position on the use of fund balances. Mr. Wade stated he did not
advise the use of fund balances for reoccurring expenses.
Ms. Partipilo reported on a recent study from the Illinois Municipal League on refuse collection fees.
She stated according to the report, approximately 54% of municipalities in the state have their residents
pay a flat monthly fee for garbage pick-up. The Chicago average for collection costs is $16.11 per
month compared with Morton Grove's charge of $9.61 per month. Yard waste stickers in Morton
Grove cost $1.65 compared to an average cost of $2.02 per sticker. She further noted in 2002, the
Village's solid waste costs were $1,303,800 compared to today's cost of $1,637,009. Today the
Village assumes approximately 50% of that cost and the residents pay the balance directly to Groot. If
the Village were to assume an additional $265,000 of this cost, the Village's cost for solid waste
related expenses would increase to $944,000 (59% of total cost and the resident's share would decrease
to approximately 41%).
Ms. Partipilo then gave a summary on fund balance. The GFOA recommends governments maintain a
fund balance of 5% to 15% of its General Fund revenue or one to two months of expenditure costs;
however, the GFOA notes the fund balance is a matter of choice and most village managers
recommend a fund balance of 25%. She cautioned the Board to consider additional factors such as the
imposition of a storage tax, tax levy adjustments, additional budget reductions, the implementation of
GASB 45, future infrastructure costs, and capital equipment replacements.
Mayor Krier advised the Board during the first three months of 2008 he had asked staff to propose
resolutions dealing with revenue enhancements.
Trustee Minx stated the budget workshops are the first opportunity elected officials have to give input
to the budget. Prior to that, the budget is the product of staff and the Mayor. Trustee Minx stated she
believed the garbage fee is a nuisance bill and in time she would like it gradually moved back to the
property tax rolls.
Trustee Staackmann stated he was concerned about using a fund balance to support additional garbage
subsidies. He pointed out a healthy fund balance generates interest and is needed for infrastructure.
He also noted the Village's current Groot contract does not have a fuel escalation clause and the future
contract would include those expenses. Trustee Brunner noted Trustee Minx had good intentions but
she agreed with Trustee Staackmann. Her recollection is the large levy increase of 2006 was to build
up reserves for future infrastructure expenses. She would be in favor of using additional revenue to
pay deferred expenses and budget requests from staff. Trustee Marcus concurred with Trustee
Staackmann and Brunner and felt it was his job to maintain fiscal responsibility to keep services
excellent within the Village. He did, however, have empathy for the aggravation associated with the
garbage bill.
President Krier called for a motion to take Trustee Minx's prior motion to increase the Village's
subsidy for solid waste collection costs from $235,000 to $500,000. The motion was approved
There being no further discussion on the motion, Mayor Krier called for the question. The motion
failed. All Trustees voted no with the exception of Trustee Minx.
Trustee Minx then asked that a committee be established to review other revenue enhancement
options. Mayor Krier stated the Village's priority after January was to focus on examining the
Village's revenue stream. Trustee Staackmann asked the Village designate certain revenues toward
certain expenses and the discussion on this topic ensued.
Trustee Staackmann then asked Ms. Partipilo for explanations on various budget items.
President Krier asked for resident comments:
Resident Eric Poders thanked Trustee Minx for her motion, questioned the status of the Village's
Fagade Improvement Program and recommended the Village focus on storage and sales offices for
electronic investments. He further stated the Village should be more proactive with its zoning. Mayor
Krier explained the Village's recent efforts to amend its Zoning Code for that very reason.
Resident William Luksha stated the Village's tax rate was twice the rate of Lincolnwood and Skokie.
Mayor Krier pointed out Skokie and Lincolnwood had larger tax bases and received much more sales
tax revenue. Trustee Minx stated these communities have larger parcels for shopping centers which
Morton Grove does not. Trustee Thill noted the Village's recent successful bond sale is an indication
the Village is moving in the right direction.
There being no further business, Trustee Marcus moved to adjourn the special meeting. The motion
was seconded by Trustee Minx and approved unanimously pursuant to a voice vote at 7:53 pm.
Minutes by: Teresa Hoffman Liston, Corporation Counsel
PASSED THIS 12a' day of November 2007.
Trustee Brunner
Trustee Kogstad
Trustee Marcus
Trustee Minx
Trustee Staackmann
Trustee Thill
APPROVED BY ME THIS 12a' day of November 2007
Richard Krier, Village President
Village of Morton Grove
Cook County, Illinois
ATTESTED and FILED in my office
This 13a' day of November 2007
Susan Lattanzi, Deputy Village Clerk
Village of Morton Grove
Cook County, Illinois