HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-10-27 Budget Workshop MinutesMINUTES OF THE OCTOBER 27, 2007, SPECIAL MEETING - 2008 BUDGET WORKSHOP OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE RICHARD T. FLICKINGER MUNICIPAL CENTER -COUNCIL CHAMBERS MORTON GROVE, ILLINOIS 60053 Pursuant to proper notice in accordance with the Illinois Open Meetings Act, the Special Meeting was called to order at 9:02 am by Mayor Richard Krier who led the assemblage in the pledge of allegiance. Clerk Carol A. Fritzshall called the roll. In attendance were: Elected Officials: Mayor Richard Krier, Trustee Georgianne Brunner, Trustee Roy Kogstad, Trustee Shel Marcus, Trustee Rita Minx, Trustee Dan Staackmann, Trustee John Thill Absent: None Village Staff: Village Administrator Joseph F. Wade, Corporation Counsel Teresa Hoffman Liston, Finance Director Daniela Partipilo, Assistant Finance Director Ryan Horne, Fire Chief Tom Friel, Public Works Director Andy DeMonte, Public Works Division Superintendent Joseph Dahm, Public Works Division Superintendent Paul Tobin, Village Engineer Ryan Gillingham, Building Commissioner Ed Hildebrandt, Network Administrator Boyle Wong Also Present: Several members of the public and the press President Krier announced the purpose of this morning's meeting was to conduct a second Budget Workshop for the 2008 Village Budget. Mr. Wade gave introductory comments and introduced Building Commissioner Edward Hildebrandt, who presented the budget for Building and Inspectional Services. Mr. Hildebrandt noted 2007 highlights including the adoption of the Unified Development Code and new Energy and Building Code updates. The 2008 Budget is projected in the amount of $496,935 and represented virtually no change from the 2007 Budget. Mr. Hildebrandt then presented the budget for the Municipal Buildings and Maintenance. He noted in 2007, the Village completed heating and air conditioning upgrades to the Police Department. The 2008 goals will include the painting of Village Hall and adding air conditioning components to the computer areas in the Public Works building. The 2008 budget in the amount of $197,905 also included funds for the replacement of the windows at Fire Station #4. Village Administrator Joseph Wade presented the Administrative budget. 2007 accomplishments included providing background information and resources for regular and Special Board meetings and working with staff and officials to advance the Dempster Street Corridor and Lehigh/Ferris Redevelopment Plans. In 2008, the Administrator's office will continue to work closely with the Economic Development Director to promote business recruitment and retention. Work will continue with all departments insuring effective, efficient, and customer friendly delivery of services. The 2008 proposed budget in the amount of $507,873 showed slight increases due to salary adjustments. Corporation Counsel Teresa Hoffman Liston presented the Legal Budget. She noted 2007 accomplishments included the completion of the collective bargaining agreements for the FOP and the IAFF. These agreements represented significant changes in employee and retiree health insurance benefits. In 2008 collective bargaining for all unions will begin again. The Corporation Counsel's office plans to revise the Village's Personnel Policy Manual and improve the collections of various fines and fees. The Legal Budget in the amount of $455,450 is significantly less than the 2007 Budget. Trustee Minx moved to adjourn to Executive Session to discuss personnel, salaries, pending litigation and real estate. The motion was seconded by Trustee Marcus and approved unanimously pursuant to a roll call vote at 9:18 am. At the conclusion of the Executive Session, President Krier reconvened the Special Meeting at 10:04 am. Boyle Wong presented the Information Technology Budget. 2007 accomplishments included redesigning the Village's website and developing an RFP for a new Village wide telephone system. The 2008 goals included expanding wireless connections throughout public facilities, centralized management of all software, enhanced network connectivity options, and the expansion of the Village's electronic document management system. The 2008 Budget in the amount of $463,645 reflects a reduction from the 2007 Budget which was attributed to less utilization of outside professional services. The budget also included funds for software licensing and the transition from leased desktop computers to the purchase of desktop computers. Mr. Wong answered questions from Trustee Marcus regarding the adaptability of the Village's current software to new equipment. Mr. Wong advised Trustee Staackmann of the cost of various software licenses. In answer to Trustee Brnnner's concerns, Mr. Wong explained the new phone system would be a voice over Internet protocol system that would have survivability safeguards built into the system if the Village's network "ever went down". President Krier thanked Mr. Wong for his leadership in enhancing the Village's public access television stations and developing the Village's website. Andy DeMonte presented the various budgets associated with the Public Works Department. The 2008 Street Department's goal would be to continue to provide excellent services and to begin to remove approximately 5% to 10% of the ash trees within the Village. The 2008 Budget in the amount of $2,095,974 included costs for the purchase of new street sweepers, pool cars, and a riding mower. The Department is also considering newly purchased replacement vehicles which Mr. DeMonte stated in the long run would be more cost effective than attempting to use old police vehicles. The 2008 Street Budget reflected an increase of approximately 1% which was consistent for all Public Works Department Budgets. He presented the Engineering Budget in the amount of $325,496. He then presented the Solid Waste Budget for 2008 in the amount of $773,000. Goals for 2008 included promoting more recycling throughout the Village. In response to questions from Trustees, he stated the Village would begin researching and collecting data for negotiations for the new Solid Waste Contract as the current Groot Contract will expire in April 2010. A general discussion ensued regarding the Village's Solid Waste Program. Mr. DeMonte also presented the Vehicle Maintenance Budget for 2008 in the amount of $784,712, also the 2008 Motor Fuel Tax Budget in the amount of $898,200 which included the use of unobligated fund balance for Austin Avenue street resurfacing. He then presented the Commuter Parking Budget in the amount of $159,700 which was an increase from the prior year due to increased costs for the purchase of new meter machines. In response to a question from Trustee Brunner, the Board directed staff to research raising commuter parking fees to $1.75 per day. Mr. DeMonte presented the budget of the Water Division in the amount of $3,511,669. This budget represented an increase of over $400,000 due to the purchase of a new generator. He advised the Board funds would be needed in 2009 for the painting of the water tower. In response to questions from Trustee Kogstad, he noted projections from the City of Chicago anticipated a water rate increase from 4% to 10%, which would be passed along to the residents. Mr. DeMonte presented the Sewer Department's budget in the amount of $902,206. This budget included funds for the purchase of a camera to inspect sewer lines and continuing costs for the lining of failing sewers. He presented the 2008 Budget for Water Administration in the amount of $628,661. He then answered questions regarding the sale of old Public Works vehicles through State conducted auctions. Ryan Gillingham presented the Capital Projects budget. He noted the 2008 Capital Projects Budget, like previous CIP budgets, was divided into five different criteria: (1) streets, (2) sewers, (3) water, (4) municipal facilities, and (5) other. The source of funds for various projects depended on the nature of the projects. In 2008, the Village budgeted $1,466,750 from the Capital Projects Fund, $376,300 from the Enterprise Fund, $0 from the General Fund, $250,200 from the Motor Fuel Tax Fund, and $2,165,000 from the TIF Fund for capital projects. Within the Street category, in 2008, the Village expects to spend $1,392,128 from the General Fund and $250,200 from the Motor Fuel Tax Fund for projects including the Dempster Street Corridor Improvement Project, Harlem Avenue Street Resurfacing, the 2008 Street Improvement Project, Shermer Road Resurfacing, Beckwith Avenue Bridge Rehabilitation and Austin Avenue Street Resurfacing. It also projected to spend $2,155,000 from TIF Funds for the Lincoln Avenue Streetscape, Lincoln and Ferris Avenue Intersection Improvements, Lehigh and Lincoln Intersection Improvements, Ferris/Lincoln Park Plaza, Ferris Avenue Streetscape, and a rail walk project. Mr. Gillingham noted in 2008, the Village expects to improve approximately 2.11 miles of streets. Mr. Gillingham reviewed a street comparison of conditions from 2006 to 2007 and noted in general the Village was keeping pace. From 2009 through 2012, Capital Project Funds anticipated street expenditures of $10,495,000. The Capital Projects within the water category in 2008 included $309,350 from the General Fund for north pumping station improvements and a water distribution study, and $50,000 from TIF Funds for a utility study. From 2009 to 2012, Capital Projects relating to water are estimated in the amount of $8,860,955. Within the sewer category, the Village expected to spend $66,950 in 2008 for its Sewer Lining Program. From 2009 through 2012, the Village expected to spend $2,030,000 for Capital Projects in this category. The Village also plans to spend $74,622 in 2008 for Street Lighting. Mr. Gillingham then presented a review of the Dempster Street Corridor Improvement Project in which a total of $10,841,080 of expenses are planned over the next several years. Of these expenses, approximately $3.5 million would come from federal funds, $4.1 million would come from state and other funds, and $3.1 million would come from local funds. Mr. Gillingham then answered questions from the Board regarding these capital projects. Mayor Krier then asked for resident comments. Comments and concerns were received from four residents. Mayor Krier then noted the levy for this year's budget would increase by approximately $280,000 over the previous year. All but $156,000 of this amount would be applied towards pensions. He noted the 2008 budget was very lean and drew approximately $900,000 from previous fund balances. He thanked staff, especially Village Administrator Joseph Wade and Finance Director Partipilo for their efforts. Trustee Minx stated the Village needed to plan for future expenses including street resurfacing. She asked the Board to consider a levy increase for infrastructure improvements in 2009 or the possibility of selling Capital Improvement Bonds. She further noted residents are frustrated by the current garbage bill from Groot. Ultimately she would like to see this charge placed back in the property tax levy. Trustee Minx then moved to increase the Village's contribution for Solid Waste Collections from $235,000 to $500,000. Trustee Brunner seconded the motion. A discussion on the motion then ensued. Trustee Brunner voiced concerns about further depleting the Village's fund balance especially since the Village anticipated large expenditures for Capital Projects. She questioned the impact of how this subsidy would impact Village residents. Finance Director Partipilo stated for every quarter percent increase of the tax levy, the Village would gain approximately $23,000. Trustee Staackmann asked the Village to consider increasing fines and fees instead of raising the tax levy and requested more time to consider this matter. Trustee Marcus was concerned about the timing of this issue. Trustee Staackmann then moved to table this motion to a special meeting on November 1, 2007, at 7:00 pm. The motion was seconded by Trustee Thill and approved unanimously pursuant to a voice vote. There being no further business, Trustee Marcus moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by Trustee Minx and approved unanimously pursuant to a voice vote at 12:05 pm. Minutes by: Carol A. Fritzshall, Village Clerk PASSED THIS 12a' day of November 2007. Trustee Brunner Trustee Kogstad Trustee Marcus Trustee Minx Trustee Staackmann Trustee Thill APPROVED BY ME THIS 12a' day of November 2007 Richard Krier, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois ATTESTED and FILED in my office This 13a' day of November 2007 Susan Lattanzi, Deputy Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois