HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-06-25 Special Meeting MinutesMINUTES OF THE JUNE 25, 2007, SPECIAL MEETING
Pursuant to proper notice, as provided by the Illinois Open Meetings Act, the Special Meeting
was called to order at 6:00 pm by Village President Richard Krier who lead the assemblage in
the pledge of allegiance.
Clerk Fritzshall called the roll. In attendance were:
Elected Officials: Mayor Richard Krier, Trustees Georgianne Brunner, Sheldon
Marcus, Rita Minx, Dan Staackmann, John Thill, Clerk Carol A.
Absent: Trustee Roy Kogstad
Village Staff: Administrator Joseph F. Wade, Corporation Counsel Teresa
Hoffman Liston, Fire Chief Tom Friel, Police Chief Paul Tasch,
Finance Director Daniela Partipilo, Building Commissioner, Ed
Hildebrandt, Village Planner Bonnie Jacobson, Community and
Economic Development Director Bill Neuendorf
Guests: Numerous guests
President Krier stated the purpose of this meeting was for the Board to receive information from
the Village's staff and consultants regarding developing a final framework plan for the
Lehigh/Ferris TIF. Today's meeting's purpose was to identify key projects in order for the
Board to provide direction.
Steve Friedman of S.B. Friedman then introduced the consultants who were present, including
Jill Steen, of S.B. Friedman and Associates, Tim Doran, of KLLOA Traffic Consultants, Leslie
Oberholtzer, of FAR and Associates, and Adam Freck, of S.B. Friedman. Mr. Friedman then
discussed the framework planning process to date which included building upon the subarea and
comprehensive plan, to defining market potential, refining goals and objectives, conducting a
charrett, conducting site studies, and facilitating a community workshop.
Ms. Steen then summarized the development potential regarding all sites within the TIF except
Subareas "D and "H". This potential included approximately 400 housing units at the
Woodlands, 100-150 affordable senior housing units, approximately 30,000 to 40,000 square feet
of commercial space, a new Metra station, 465 parking spaces, 22 apartment units, and numerous
additional condominium units. She also discussed the planning and land use recommendations
developed to date. Ms. Oberholtzer from FAR and Associates, reviewed the existing street grid
and network within the neighborhood and compared the roadways in developed residential areas
with the prior industrial areas. She noted the area included unsafe railroad crossings and fewer
connections than in adjacent neighborhoods with no dead ends and lack of pedestrian continuity.
She then introduced proposed street networks which were more pedestrian friendly. Ms.
Oberholtzer also suggested creating more public access to the forest preserve and higher housing
density around the train station which may include a mixed use parking garage and small scale
commercial. Mr. Friedman then discussed the possibility for a new Metra station and informed
the assemblage as to similar projects in Palatine and Wheaton which combined parking
structures with office and retail space. He also discussed the potential for senior housing.
A discussion then ensued as to the railroad crossing at Lincoln and Lehigh and the possibility of
closing the unsafe angled crossing at Old Lincoln Avenue and building a new railroad crossing at
Capulina Avenue. Mr. Friedman and Ms. Oberholtzer then discussed the possibility of
realigning Lehigh Avenue, and constructing arail-walk and bike path from Dempster Street to
the train station.
Ms. Steen summarized some of the suggestions and conclusions from the July 2006 Workshop
which included bringing in more retail, the possibility of relocating the library, including more
senior housing, additional Metra parking and improving the Metra crossings. Ms. Steen also
updated the TIF revenue projections and noted after the Woodlands received funds due to it from
the Village's redevelopment agreement, the Village will expect an additional $40 million in TIF
revenue which could be used for public improvements.
Mr. Friedman then discussed the next steps in the planning process which included completing
the traffic study, selecting a preferred plan for its Site `B", and preparing and soliciting RFQs.
Updating cost estimates for key projects, revising the framework plans based on feedback, and
finally prioritizing and improving the framework plan.
Mr. Friedman then introduced Tim Doran who noted many of the concerns from the 2006
Workshop were traffic related. He compared the traffic to be generated from housing units
within the TIF District, with traffic from the prior industrial sites.
Staff and the consultants then entertained questions from Trustees and Village Commissioners
who had been invited to attend the meeting.
There being no further business, Trustee Minx moved to adjourn the special meeting at 7:19 pm.
The motion was seconded by Trustee Brunner and approved unanimously pursuant to a voice
Minutes by: Carol A. Fritzshall, Village Clerk
Special Meeting Minutes.06-25-07