HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-10-29 Town Hall MinutesTOWN HALL MEETING MINUTES
OCTOBER 29, 2007
Pursuant to proper notice as required by the Illinois Open Meetings Act, Village President Richard
Krier called the meeting to order at 7:02 pm. Corporation Counsel Teresa Hoffman Liston called the
roll. In attendance were:
Elected Officials: President Richard Krier, Trustees Georgianne Brunner, Rita Minx,
Daniel Staackmann, John Thill and Clerk Carol A. Fritzshall (arrived at
7:10 pm)
Absent: Trustee Roy Kogstad, Trustee Shel Marcus
Village Staff: Village Administrator Joseph F. Wade, and Corporation Counsel Teresa
Hoffman Liston
Guests: Members of the Community Relations Commission and three Village
Village President Krier stated there was no specific topic for this Town Hall meeting. He asked for
comments about the preference of continuing Town Hall meetings due to the lack of attendance.
Trustee Staackmann suggested the Village conduct only one Town Hall meeting a year which would
be devoted to giving residents information on ordinances that had recently been passed. Trustee Thill
stated the same information could be provided in the Village's newsletter. Trustee Brunner noted she
would like the Village to pursue a special meeting where the chairpersons of the Village's
Commissions and Boards could give a report on their activities.
Resident Bill Jacobson stated he liked Town Hall meetings because they were less structured than
Village Board meetings. He thanked the Village, especially Village Administrator Joseph F. Wade for
addressing a situation in the 8700 block of Austin Avenue. He also congratulated the Board on the
success of the Family Fun Fest and advised the Board to ignore the negative comments in the
newspaper by a few malcontents. Mr. Jacobson also stated he was disappointed with Trustee Kogstad.
Trustee Thill asked for clarification on resident concerns about early morning noise on the Chick
Evans Golf Course and a possible water leak near the bike path. President Krier stated the noise
complaints have been ongoing and usually increase during the fall. He further noted Billy Kasper is
responsible for the water leak on the golf course property.
Terry Cousar asked for clarification as to Village regulations of charity solicitors at busy intersections
Corporation Counsel gave a summary of the Supreme Court Watch Tower case and noted
noncommercial solicitation is protected by the first amendment and the Village's regulations would
need to focus on safety concerns. A discussion then took place.
Mayor Krier reported Cook County was recently designated as a disaster area and Village staff was
working on getting federal funds to reimburse its costs for the August 2007 storms. Mr. Caplan noted
his neighborhood lost almost all of their parkway trees. A discussion then ensued about whether the
trees could be replaced pursuant to the Village's 50/50 program.
There being no further business, Trustee Staackmann moved to adjourn the Town Hall meeting. The
motion was seconded by Trustee Thill and approved unanimously pursuant to a voice vote at 7:38 pm.
Minutes by:
Carol A. Fritzshall, Village Clerk
PASSED THIS 12a' day of November 2007
Trustee Brunner
Trustee Kogstad
Trustee Marcus
Trustee Minx
Trustee Staackmann
Trustee Thill
APPROVED BY ME THIS 12a' day of November 2007.
Richard Krier, Village President
Village of Morton Grove
Cook County, Illinois
ATTESTED and FILED in my office
This 13a' day of November 2007.
Susan Lattanzi, Deputy Village Clerk
Village of Morton Grove
Cook County, Illinois
Admin/Legis/Minutes/town hall minutes 10-29-07