HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-06-11 MinutesCALL TO ORDER
I. Village President Rick Krier called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. and led the assemblage in
the Pledge of Allegiance.
II. Village Clerk Carol Fritzshall called the roll. Present were: Trustees Georgianne Brunner,
Shel Marcus, Rita Minx, Dan Staackmann, and John Thill. Trustee Roy Kogstad was absent.
Regarding the Minutes of the May 14, 2007 Regular Meeting, Mayor Krier asked if
anyone had any changes or corrections to the Minutes. There were none. Trustee Minx
moved, seconded by Trustee Marcus, to approve the May 14, 2007 Minutes as presented.
Motion passed unanimously via voice vote.
2. Regarding the Minutes of the May 25, 2007 Budget Workshop Meeting, Mayor Krier asked if
anyone had any changes or corrections to these Minutes. There were none. Trustee Minx
moved, seconded by Trustee Marcus, to approve the May 25, 2007 Budget Workshop
Minutes as presented. Motion passed unanimously via voice vote.
Mayor Krier asked that those in attendance who wished to speak regarding Resolution 07-29
(authorizing the execution of a contract with Charter One Bank) please wait to do so until the
Resolution was introduced. He said he would ask for audience comments at that time. There
were no comments from the assemblage.
Mayor Krier proclaimed June 11, 2007 as "Marisa Ann Weiler Day" in the Village. Miss
Weiler is a Morton Grove resident who was recently crowned Young American Junior Teen
Miss for 2007. Mayor Krier and the Board congratulated Miss Weiler and her family.
2. Next, Mayor Krier sought concurrence from the Board for his appointment of Susan Anderson
to the Fire and Police Commission. Ms. Anderson, a retired Treasury agent, will be replacing
Commissioner Larry Strybel. Mayor Krier thanked Mr. Strybel for his ten years of service on
the Fire and Police Commission. Trustee Minx moved to concur with Mayor Krier's appoint-
ment, seconded by Trustee Brunner. Motion passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays.
Tr. Brunner ~ Tr. Kogstad absent Tr. Marcus
Tr. Minx ~ Tr. Staackmann ~ Tr. Thill
3. Mayor Krier also asked for the Board's concurrence with his appointment of Janine Witko to
the Economic Development Commission. Ms. Witko has attended several meetings of this
Commission and informed Mayor Krier that it's a Commission she was interested in and
would like to serve on. An opening came up, hence this appointment. Trustee Minx moved
to concur with Mayor Krier's appointment. Trustee Marcus seconded the motion. Motion
passed unanimously via voice vote.
Clerk Fritzshall invited all who are interested to attend the Commission on Aging meeting,
scheduled for Tuesday, June 12th, at 1:00 p.m. at the Civic Center.
2. Clerk Fritzshall also announced that Morton Grove will have early voting in January prior to the
February 5, 2008 presidential primary.
A. Village Administrator
Mr. Wade announced that Morton Grove Days would be held from June 30 through July 4.
Once again, there will be a carnival, live entertainment, a daily "split the pot" drawing, and a
wonderful fireworks show. He encouraged everyone to attend.
2. Mr. Wade noted that there will be a Special Meeting to discuss the Lehigh-Ferris TIF District at
6:00 p.m. on Monday, June 25, 2007 in the Council Chambers. There will also be a meeting
of the Lehigh-Ferris TIF District Joint Review Board at 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, June 28, in the
Trustees' Conference Room at Village Hall. This is a meeting of all the taxing bodies im-
pacted by the TIF District to review the financial activity within the TIF during fiscal 2006, being
held pursuant to State Statute. Mr. Wade said both meetings were open to the public.
STAFF REPORTS (continued)
Corporation Counsel:
Ms. Liston had no report.
Trustee Brunner:
Trustee Brunner congratulated Director of Family and Senior Services Jackie Walker-O'Keefe.
Due to Jackie's efforts, the Village received a letter from the governor indicating
that the Village will receive a new paratransit vehicle, at a cost of $81,747, paid for by a
grant from the State of Illinois.
Trustee Marcus:
Trustee Marcus presented Resolution 07-28, Authorizing the Purchase of Motorola
HT1250 Portable Radios and Advance Charger Technology (ACT) Battery Chargers.
Trustee Marcus explained that the radio equipment currently in use is no longer being
supported by the manufacturer. Since portable radios are an essential piece of equipment
used by the Village's police officers, it is imperative that they have equipment that is not only
current, but can remain serviceable and functional. Trustee Marcus said that the Police
Department staff went through formal bidding procedures and recommended Alpha Prime
Communications of Northbrook due to their low price and many years of service to the Village.
The equipment will cost $12,150 for fifteen portable radios and three battery chargers.
Trustee Marcus moved, seconded by Trustee Brunner, to approve Resolution 07-28. Motion
passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays.
Tr. Brunner ~ Tr. Kogstad absent Tr. Marcus
Tr. Minx ~ Tr. Staackmann ~ Tr. Thill
2~ Next, Trustee Marcus presented a report and recommendation regarding parking during the
Morton Grove Days 4th of July festivities. He asked Police Chief Paul Tasch to elaborate.
Chief Tasch explained that Morton Grove has always had its fireworks show on the 4th of July.
Several years ago, the Village of Skokie decided that it would have its fireworks show on the
4th of July also. Morton Grove officials at that time talked to Skokie officials to see if some kind
of arrangement could be made so that both towns weren't doing their fireworks shows on the
same night, but no accommodation could be reached. Thus Skokie holds its fireworks at Niles
West, attracting approximately 8,000-10,000 people, most of whom park in Morton Grove.
This has become a critical safety matter, as the streets in the Niles West area become so
congested that no emergency vehicles could get through, if they were needed. Morton
Grove's Police and Fire Chiefs, after monitoring the situation over the last couple of years,
have recommended that temporary parking restrictions be put in place this year on July 4th in
the Niles West area. Parking will not be allowed on the fire hydrant side of the east-west
streets or on the east side of the north-south streets on July 4, 2007, between the hours of
noon and midnight. The parameters of this area are: Cleveland to Oakton and Austin to
Major. Signage so stating this temporary parking restriction will be put up on July 3`d
B. Trustee Marcus: (continued)
Chief Tasch reported that letters to the residents of the impacted area notifying them of this
temporary parking restriction and inviting them to attend tonight's meeting were sent out on
June 5, 2007. He said the Police Department has not heard any negative responses.
Jim Simkins suggested that parking be restricted to Morton Grove residents only.
Maggie Zimmer asked about people who live in that area who have parties on the 4th of July.
Chief Tasch replied that guests would still be allowed to park on one side of the street.
3. Trustee Marcus commented that he and Trustee Minx had visited the NIPSA facility with
Chiefs Friel and Tasch and Public Works Director Andy DeMonte. Trustee Marcus said that
the facility (20 acres in The Glen), which is used for training public service personnel, was very
interesting and educational.
C. Trustee Koastad:
Trustee Kogstad was absent - no report.
D. Trustee Minx:
Trustee Minx presented Resolution 07-29, Authorizing the Execution of an Agreement
with Charter One Bank for Banking Services.
Trustee Minx explained that the Village's last RFP for banking services was completed in the
1990's. Currently, the Village uses several financial institutions for banking services. It was
anticipated that consolidation of accounts would result in lower cost of services and higher
rates of return.
An RFP was published in February and sent to 11 financial institutions, including five banks
with branch locations in Morton Grove. Eight responses were received and were analyzed
based on the following criteria: rates of earnings, cost of services, online banking functionality,
and quality of service and accessibility. Based on this analysis, staff was recommending that
the Village enter into a financial services agreement with Charter One Bank. Trustee Minx
moved, seconded by Trustee Brunner, to approve Resolution 07-29.
To aid the discussion, Mayor Krier asked Finance Director Daniels Partipilo to further explain
the analysis. He noted that he had given strict orders not to "weigh" the banks based on
community involvement, etc., rather to just base their recommendation on the "numbers".
Ms. Partipilo said that she and her staff had reviewed the eight responses received based on
the above criteria. They took a look at the numbers (all the items, transactions, etc.) over a
one-month period. Charter One Bank won out with the lowest costs; Harris Bank was second;
and mb Financial was third.
Mayor Krier pointed out that the Village would still maintain a relationship with other banks.
D. Trustee Minx: (continued)
Trustee Marcus asked what the limit of the financial services agreement was, and, if approved
this evening, when it would go into effect. Ms. Partipilo said it would be initially afour-year
contract but could be extended. It would probably go into effect sometime in July.
Trustee Minx noted that, during the 2006 Budget process, the Board had felt that this was an
area where some money could be saved.
Ms. Partipilo said that there will also be an RFP for the Village's audit services. She said that
going through an RFP process has no bearing at all on the present quality of service being
Trustee Marcus asked if the Village would still have accounts in other banks. Ms. Partipilo
said it would to a small degree, but the point was to consolidate. Trustee Marcus also won-
dered why Charter One's rates were so far below all the other quotes received. Ms. Partipilo
said that representatives from Charter One in attendance could likely explain that better.
Mayor Krier asked if anyone in the audience wanted to comment.
a. Noble LeHew asked how much the Village would save by making this switch. Ms. Partipilo
said it would be approximately $7,000 annually.
b. Former Trustee Dan DiMaria felt it was a mistake not to weigh "community involvement".
He pointed out that banks are in the investment business and that mb Financial has certainly
invested in Morton Grove. He felt that a $7,000 savings was "peanuts" compared to the
support mb Financial has given to the community. Mr. DiMaria said that he also felt looking
at only one month of activity was not enough research upon which to base making a change.
He added that the Village doesn't always have to go with the lowest bid, and said that, as a
former business owner, it's important to weigh the value of the relationships you have and the
service that's provided. Mr. DiMaria said that, were he still on the Board, he would not vote to
change to Charter One.
c~ Mike Simkins said he understands the importance of the Board's fiduciary responsibility, but
felt it was equally important to consider the fact that mb Financial has taken any number of
community events under its wing, contributing thousands of dollars to events. They've proven
to be a community member that can be counted on to not only help out, but even to carry
certain events.
d~ Jim Simkins agreed that mb's "loyalty and support" should be strongly considered. He said
they not only get involved, they become members of the various civic organizations in town.
He said mb has probably contributed over $30,000 to the Morton Grove Days festivities over
the years. He felt that the Board should support those who support the Village.
e. Eric Poders said that he has an account with Charter One and had learned that the local
branch manager was a Morton Grove resident. He felt the staff was ethnically diverse, which
was something he thought the Board should also take into consideration. Mr. Poders also
pointed out that, until one begins doing business with someone else, a relationship can't
Trustee Minx: (continued)
AI Wheel, Senior Vice President of mb Financial, said that his staff at Morton Grove's two
branch locations was ethnically diverse. He urged to Board to consider mb's invaluable,
intangible asset-service. He pointed out that, in its days of being the First National Bank of
Morton Grove, was a founding member of the Morton Grove Foundation, and that it did-and
still does-allow its facility to be used for meetings of various Morton Grove organizations.
Mr. Wheel said the bank has 23,000 accounts that include 6,000 relationships with Morton
Grove households. He said that "numbers can be arbitrary" and urged the Board to look
behind the numbers, stating that "we are a pillar and will continue to help as we see fit."
Glenn Mazade, Senior Vice President of Charter One Bank, said he respected the emotion
and history being shared this evening. He said Charter One's "legacy" bank, St. Paul Federal,
was also heavily involved in the community and Charter was committed to continuing as a
"good corporate citizen". He said that the reason Charter One's rates were so low was
because the Village had earned it. He said this is standard pricing for Charter One when re-
sponding to government sector RFPs. Trustee Marcus asked how many other municipalities
Charter One provided services for. Mr. Mazade said Charter One has customers all around
the Chicago area, including several park districts.
Trustee Thill and Mayor Krier asked Ms. Partipilo what percentage of the Village's banking
would be handled by the proposed financial services agreement, and what would that per-
centage be in dollars. She responded, "Approximately 30%-40%, or $3-$5 million dollars."
Trustee Minx asked Ms. Partipilo about the online banking comparison. Ms. Partipilo replied
that staff generally felt Charter One's online banking was more user friendly.
Trustee Marcus asked what would happen if this resolution was not approved. Village Admin-
istrator Wade said that everything would stay "status quo", adding that staff would be looking
for "some direction" from the Board.
Corporation Counsel Liston said that there's no requirement for the Village to have a written
service agreement with any bank. All the proposals were favorable. She felt the Board should
at least "lock in" with one bank, whether it's the staffs recommendation or not. Mayor Krier
agreed that it would be good to reach a consensus. He told the Board they should be the
ones to consider the intangibles, such as community involvement, in trying to reach a consen-
Trustee Staackmann said that this RFP process had proven to be a good and educational
tool. He said he appreciated the staff's and the banks' time spent working on this matter. He
agreed that it's the Board's place to look at community involvement. He said this is a tough
decision, especially in light of everything that's going on in the banking industry today.
Trustee Minx said she feels the Board has a fiscal responsibility and that the savings are sig-
nificant enough to warrant the change.
Mayor Krier called for the vote on the motion made by Trustee Minx and duly seconded by
Trustee Brunner to approve Resolution 07-29. Motion failed: 2 ayes, 3 nays.
Tr. Brunner ~ Tr. Kogstad absent Tr. Marcus
Tr. Minx ~ Tr. Staackmann ~ Tr. Thill
Trustee Minx: (continued)
Trustee Staackmann then moved to direct staff to prepare a resolution to enter into a financial
services agreement with mb Financial Bank, with a contract attached indicating rates as
provided in their RFP response-or lower. Further, this was to be on the Agenda for the
June 25th Board Meeting. Trustee Brunner seconded the motion.
Motion passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays.
Tr. Brunner ~ Tr. Kogstad absent Tr. Marcus
Tr. Minx ~ Tr. Staackmann ~ Tr. Thill
Trustee Staackmann
Trustee Staackmann had no formal report. He complimented Public Works Director Andy De-
Monte and the Public Works personnel for doing another fine clean-up job after some
recent heavy storms.
Trustee Thill
Trustee Thill presented for a first reading Ordinance 07-15, An Ordinance Establishing the
Prevailing Rate of Wages for Laborers, Mechanics, and Other Workers in the Village of
Morton Grove Employed in Performing Construction of Public Works for the Village.
He explained that the Village must comply with the Illinois Prevailing Wage Act, which
requires that contractors and subcontractors pay laborers, workers, and mechanics employed
on public works projects no less than the general prevailing rate of wages established by the
Village. The Act defines "public works" as "all fixed works constructed by any public body, or
paid for wholly or in part out of public funds." Each year, during the month of June, the Act
requires the Village to investigate and ascertain the prevailing rate of wages.
There was no discussion regarding this Ordinance.
Next, Trustee Thill presented Resolution 07-31, Authorization to Execute a Professional
Services Agreement with Municipal and Financial Services Group for the Water and
Sewer Rate Study.
He explained that this would provide a cost of service study, a cost of service analysis, and
would develop a rate model for water sales and sewer usage to ensure that the Village's
water and sewer rates are recovering the cost of these enterprises. The cost of this contract
is not to exceed $42,000. Trustee Thill moved to approve Resolution 07-31, seconded by
Trustee Brunner. Motion passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays.
Tr. Brunner ~ Tr. Kogstad absent Tr. Marcus
Tr. Minx ~ Tr. Staackmann ~ Tr. Thill
Trustee Thill: (continued)
Trustee Thill then introduced Resolution 07-32, Authorizing the Execution of a Contract
with Arrow Road Construction Company for the 2007 Street Improvement Program.
He explained that the Village contracts with paving contractors to resurface and/or reconstruct
streets within the Village that have reached the end of their useful lives. The current program
calls for the resurfacing of Greenwood Avenue between Ozark and Oriole; Linder Avenue
between Church Street and Emerson; Main Street between Linder and Gross Point Road; and
the reconstruction of Osceola Avenue between Beckwith and Foster. The estimated contract
value is $689,562.90, but since this is a unit price contract, the final contract amount will be
based on the actual quantity of work performed.
Mayor Krier noted that this price is significantly under what the Village had budgeted, so it's
possible that there may be enough money left over to do another street or two.
Trustee Thill moved to approve Resolution 07-32, seconded by Trustee Minx. Motion
passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays.
Tr. Brunner ~ Tr. Kogstad absent Tr. Marcus
Tr. Minx ~ Tr. Staackmann ~ Tr. Thill
Trustee Thill brought forward Resolution 07-33, Authorization to Execute a Contract with
C.T.R. Systems, Inc. for the 2007 Sewer Videotaping Program.
He explained that the Village contracts with a sewer videotaping company to view the inside of
its various sewers, to assess them for possible repairs. This estimated contract is for $3,995.
Again, since it's a unit price contract, the final contract amount will be based on the actual
quantity of work performed. Trustee Thill moved to approve Resolution 07-33. Trustee Minx
seconded the motion, which passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays.
Tr. Brunner ~ Tr. Kogstad absent
Tr. Minx ~ Tr. Staackmann
Tr. Marcus
Tr. Thill
Trustee Minx presented the Warrant Register of May 28, 2007, which totaled $802,882.49.
Trustee Minx moved to approve the Warrant Registers, seconded by Trustee Brunner.
Trustee Marcus had a question about one of the line items (Broadway in Chicago). Village
Administrator Wade said he believed it had something to do with a program run by the
Department of Family and Senior Services. Upon the vote, the motion passed: 5 ayes,
0 nays.
Tr. Brunner ~ Tr. Kogstad absent Tr. Marcus
Tr. Minx ~ Tr. Staackmann ~ Tr. Thill
WARRANTS (continued)
2. Trustee Minx then presented the Warrant Register of June 11, 2007, totaling $235,232.95.
She moved to approve the Warrants, seconded by Trustee Marcus. Motion passed: 5 ayes,
o nays.
Tr. Brunner ~ Tr. Kogstad absent Tr. Marcus
Tr. Minx ~ Tr. Staackmann ~ Tr. Thill
Eric Poders. Mr. Poders said he wants to be a "positive element" in the Village. He corrected
the April 23, 2007 Minutes, stating that Bill Nuendorf and John Pietron did not attend the Fran-
corp meeting with him. He said he wanted to take all the Village's documents and create an
image for the Village. Mr. Poders was at the most recent Economic Development Commis-
sion meeting and felt the newest appointments were a good addition. He said that new Com-
missionerTina Merritello seemed "very connected" and new Commissioner Randy Israel was
very "customer service-oriented". He suggested that the Village should create a senior citizen
"discount card" to create revenue streams in order to contain revenue within the
Village. Mr. Poders said he was also working with a local artist to create a Morton Grove
Artists Coalition, to create an environment for the culturally diverse.
Following the regular meeting of the Village Board of Trustees, Trustee Minx moved to
adjourn to Executive Session to discuss the lease/sale of real estate and personnel matters.
The motion was seconded by Trustee Brunner and approved unanimously pursuant to a roll
call vote at 8:53 p.m.
Mayor Krier called the Executive Session to order at 9:06 p.m. Clerk Fritzshall called the roll.
In attendance were: Mayor Krier, Clerk Fritzshall, Trustees Brunner, Marcus, Minx, Staack-
mann, and Thill. Also in attendance were Village Administrator Wade and Corporation Coun-
sel Liston.
There being no further business, Trustee Marcus moved to adjourn the Executive Session.
The motion was seconded by Trustee Minx and approved unanimously pursuant to a roll call
vote at 9:22 p.m. Trustee Minx then moved to adjourn the regular Village Board meeting.
The motion was seconded by Trustee Brunner and approved unanimously by voice vote at
9:23 p.m.
PASSED this 25th day of June, 2007.
Trustee Brunner
Trustee Kogstad
Trustee Marcus
Trustee Minx
Trustee Staackmann
Trustee Thill
APPROVED by me this 25th day of June, 2007.
Richard Krier, Village President
Board of Trustees, Morton Grove, Illinois
APPROVED and FILED in my office this 26th day of June, 2007.
Carol A. Fritzshall, Village Clerk
Village of Morton Grove
Cook County, Illinois
Minutes by: Teresa Cousar