HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-07-23 MinutesCALL TO ORDER I. Village President Rick Krier called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. and led the assemblage in the Pledge of Allegiance. II. Village Clerk Carol Fritzshall called the roll. Present were: Trustees Georgianne Brunner, Shel Marcus, Rita Minx, Dan Staackmann, and John Thill. Trustee Roy Kogstad was absent. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Regarding the Minutes of the July 9, 2007 Regular Meeting, Mayor Krier asked if anyone had any changes or corrections. Trustee Brunner noted a correction on page 2, d., 2°d paragraph: Instead of saying, "Property is re-valued every three years per the Illinois state constitution, except in Cook County..." it should read, "Property is re-valued every year, per the Illinois state constitution, except in Cook County....". Trustee Thill also had a clarification. This was regarding page 12, F., #2, the 4th line from the bottom: Trustee Thill said he was not disturbed because the notification letters went out in English. He said that he actually felt that was proper. He just felt that neighbors who could read English should translate for their neighbors who could not. Trustee Minx moved, seconded by Trustee Marcus, to approve the July 9 Regular Meeting Minutes as corrected. Motion passed unanimously via voice vote. IV V PUBLIC HEARINGS NONE SPECIAL REPORTS NONE VI. RESIDENTS' COMMENTS (Agenda Items Only) Mayor Krier asked if any residents had any comments. He added that, if a resident had com- ments concerning Ordinance 07-19, the ordinance granting T-Mobile a Special Use Permit, he would rather let them speak after the ordinance itself had been presented. There were no residents' comments. VII. Mayor Krier noted that Niles Township Assessor Scott Bagnall would be holding a seminar at 6:30 p.m. at the Skokie Public Library on July 26 regarding the assessment process and how to appeal your assessment. He encouraged all residents to attend. VIII. Clerk Fritzshall had no report IX. A. Village Administrator CLERK'S REPORT STAFF REPORTS Mr. Wade announced that the next Town Hall Meeting was scheduled for Monday, July 30tH at 7:00 p.m. at Prairie View Center, 6834 Dempster. He encouraged all residents to attend. B. Corporation Counsel: Ms. Liston had no report. X. A. Trustee Brunner: TRUSTEES'REPORTS Trustee Brunner said she had no formal report, but noted that the Village's smoking ban will go into effect at the end of July. She said the governor had signed off on the State's smoking ban so it will go into effective January 1, 2008 and, at that time, will supersede the Village's. B. Trustee Marcus: Trustee Marcus presented Resolution 07-42, Authorizing the Application for a Grant from the North Suburban Emergency Communications Center. He explained that the member communities of the North Suburban Joint Emergency Tele- phone System Board have decided to apply for a grant to be used toward replacement of the 9-1-1-telephone system and uninterruptible power system. X. B. TRUSTEES' REPORTS (continued) Trustee Marcus (continued) The grant is actually a percentage of monies collected under the Telecommunications Infra- structure Maintenance Fee Act of 1997. The fee was subsequently determined to be uncon- stitutional, but 30% of the monies that had been collected were allowed to be retained. These funds are now available as grant money. This resolution will authorize the Mayor of Des Plaines to execute and deliver a grant application for these funds. Trustee Marcus moved, seconded by Trustee Minx, to approve Resolution 07-42. Motion C. passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, Tr. Brunner Tr. Minx absent. Tr. Kogstad absent Tr. Staackmann Tr. Marcus Tr. Thill Trustee Kogstad: Trustee Kogstad was absent - no report. D. Trustee Minx: Trustee Minx presented Ordinance 07-17, Approving a Final Plat for a Minor Subdivision for That Property Commonly Known as 6601 Golf Road in the Village of Morton Grove. This is the second reading for this ordinance. Trustee Minx explained that this is pursuant to Plan Commission Case PC 07-06. The applicant requested a minor subdivision for this property and has agreed to install two separate storm sewer systems, one for each lot, as the Village requested. She moved to adopt Ordinance 07-17, seconded by Trustee Thill. Trustee Thill commented that he would like the Village to consider teaching residents about rain gardens. In a case such as this one, that would be useful. He said it's better to use a rain garden, so the water goes back into the soil, than having the water go into the sewer system. Upon the vote, the motion passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent. Tr. Brunner ~ Tr. Kogstad absent Tr. Marcus Tr. Minx ~ Tr. Staackmann ~ Tr. Thill 2. Trustee Minx next presented Ordinance 07-19, An Ordinance Granting a Special Use Permit in the Village of Morton Grove for Property Located at 9228 Oriole Avenue for a Commercial Wireless Antenna Installation. This is the second reading for this ordinance. Trustee Minx moved to adopt Ordinance 07-19, seconded by Trustee Brunner. Mayor Krier called upon Mark Layne, a representative of T-Mobile, who was present this eve- ning along with a Kevin Mize, an RF engineer for T-Mobile, and David Kunkel, an independent real estate professional. X. D. TRUSTEES' REPORTS (continued) Trustee Minx: (continued) Mr. Layne said that some concern had been expressed at the last Board Meeting regarding his "credentials". He said that he is aState-certified real estate appraiser in Illinois and Wisconsin. He has been managing T-Mobile's Commonwealth Edison co-location program since 2003. Kevin Mize spoke regarding the need for the antenna and the need for this particular site. He said T-Mobile was having problems with their wireless coverage in the area along Golf Road from Shermer to Washington-it's one of the "weaker signal" areas shown on their website. He said T-Mobile has been searching for two years in that area, working with landlords trying to find a rooftop location, to no avail. They then approached Commonwealth Edison, even though that particular site is further away than they'd like. Their only other option was to build what essentially would be a monopole tower, which the Village's zoning precludes. Basically T-Mobile is proposing to add ten feet to an existing structure. Mr. Mize told the assemblage that the additional ten feet won't attract additional lightning. Trustee Thill asked him where T-Mobile had looked. He said they had spoken to the owner of one building who already had two wireless carriers on his roof and his terms were just too difficult to meet. Mr. Mize said the ComEd location meets T-Mobile's coverage objectives by about 90%. Trustee Marcus asked, since the location is "off target", why couldn't they choose an "off target" location more to the north than the south. Mr. Mize said the problem was that there are either no good existing structures, landlords who are unwilling to work with them, or "hostile" zoning situations. He said they looked at the area at Golf and Shermer, but the Village's zoning restrictions wouldn't allow anything there. Trustee Marcus clarified that, without this antenna, T-Mobile won't be able to provide good quality service. Mr. Mize said yes, in fact, several people in this area are leaving or have already left their service citing engineering problems. Over the last 12 months, about 15-20 customers have complained of dropped calls while in their residences. Trustee Staackmann asked if other cellular companies are having similar problems in that area. Mr. Mize said he didn't know, and referred to the fact that there are a couple of wireless carriers in the area already, plus he didn't know how their networks were designed. Trustee Staackmann asked if the customers who were complaining about dropped calls were residents. Mr. Mize said that would typically be the case, more so than a motorist driving through the area. He said, "You can't change your signal problem when you're in your house, but you can in your car just by driving away from the problem area." Regarding the criticism at the last meeting that the Village "has no plan" regarding wireless / cellular towers/antennas, and that it "could become a dumping ground" for such structures, Mr. Mize said that every municipality has zoning codes and putting a tower in a residential area is typically not an available option. He said that it costs T-Mobile about a quarter of a million dollars to build the antenna so they only do it where there's really a need and where people are demanding improvement. Real estate professional David Kunkel then spoke regarding the issue of property values. He said he owns a real estate appraisal firm in Lisle and has been active over 26 years in the industry. Among other credentials, he is one of only 15 real estate professionals approved and certified to teach other appraisers standards and ethics. X. D. TRUSTEES' REPORTS (continued) Trustee Minx: (continued) Mr. Kunkel said the basis for stating facts about property values can't be opinions. You have to look at property transactions and what's happening in the marketplace. You have to find property transactions where a certain factor-such as a communications tower-can be isolated. Mr. Kunkel said that he's been involved in a study of "matched pairs" in 40 - 50 different locations in metro Chicago. It's a very detailed and difficult process, because you have to find two properties with very similar characteristics, except that one has a view of or is in proximity to a tower. In this case, there are numerous large lattice towers, high tension power lines, both serving to create a corridor and separate neighborhoods. He said that what creates a "negative" factor in that neighborhood is the power lines and these towers. Mr. Kunkel said the monopole (the additional 10-foot antenna) will have a negligible impact. Mr. Layne spoke again, saying that, at the last Board Meeting, there had been much concern expressed regarding safety. He provided a letter from ComEd attesting to the structural integ- rity of the existing tower and to the fact that there will be on-site supervision as the antenna goes up. He said that ComEd does not want-and cannot afford-anyone getting hurt at this site or anyone doing anything that could affect their power grid. As far as children climbing over the fence, Mr. Layne said he had contact the Paul Yaras of the Morton Grove Police Department, who was unable to provide Mr. Layne with any incidences of children hurting themselves in a similar situation. In spite of that, Mr. Layne said, T-Mobile was indicating that it was willing to work with the Village on fencing alternatives. As far as aesthetics, Mr. Layne said the change T-Mobile is making to the existing tower by adding the antenna is minimal-there's no material impact. He said T-Mobile will work with the Village regarding providing parkway trees along Ozark and Oriole, pending ComEd's approval. He read for the record a letter from T-Mobile underscoring T-Mobile's willingness to work with the Village on both the fencing and the trees. Trustee Brunner asked Corporation Counsel Liston if it would be "unreasonably discriminating" for the Board to deny granting the Special Use Permit, since they've already granted such a permit to another carrier in that area. Ms. Liston responded that it would depend upon the Village's reason(s) for denial-it/they would have to be very specifically articulated so as not to be seen as "capricious and arbitrary" or as "unreasonably discriminating"specially because similar structures had been granted a Special Use Permit in the same general area. Mayor Krier said he would allow residents to speak but asked everyone to direct their com- ments to him. He said he was quite lenient with the time he allowed for comments at the July 9th Board Meeting and said the Board and staff-and T-Mobile-had taken everyone's comments very seriously. He said T-Mobile's presentation tonight and their responsiveness was evidence of that. Mayor Krier asked speakers not to impugn anyone's integrity or motives. Eric Poders. Mr. Poders said he had a 6-7 page written statement he'd like to read. Mayor Krier said he should give a copy of his statement to the Clerk to be included in the record. The mayor asked if the statement contained new information regarding this matter; Mr. Poders said it did. He said he opposes the granting of a Special Use Permit for this an- tenna. He said that on July 20th, he notified Clerk Fritzshall that he wanted to speak at to- night's meeting. Mr. Poders said he has done hours of research and has uncovered a number of inconsistencies, from both at the Plan Commission's hearing on this matter, and the July 9th Village Board Meeting. X. TRUSTEES' REPORTS (continued) D. Trustee Minx: (continued) Mr. Poders went on to say that, on March 7, 2007, ComEd sent correspondence to the Morton Grove Zoning & Planning Department stating that ComEd and T-Mobile were finalizing a site license agreement to locate T-Mobile's antenna on ComEd's existing transmission tower #43 located at Oriole and Beckwith. That correspondence also referenced a letter stating that a structural analysis of the tower had been done by the Paul J. Ford Company, and the results concluded that the tower was found to have the capacity to safely support the new antenna. On April 2, a Plan Commission application was applied for by T-Mobile for this project, noting that the street address of the property was 7700 Maple. Mayor Krier asked Mr. Poders to please get to the substance of his objection. Mr. Poders felt that, because the address of the original application was incorrect, T-Mobile should be made to reapply. He said the Village's ordinance states that "improper completion of (the application) should cause a postpone- ment...". Mr. Poders also was concerned about the height of the tower, but understood that a height variance could be granted under the terms of a Special Use Permit. Mr. Poders wondered if ComEd or T-Mobile could put in writing a guarantee to the residents of Morton Grove that the "maintenance of any previous T-Mobile towers or extensions and all future extensions will be maintained in accordance to the Village's codes and ordinances", or if they'd put in writing assurances that they would "provide tree-planting and staking detail, typi- cal shrub planting detail, and typical tree planting reports in reference to the appearance around the fencing that is to be installed". Mayor Krier stated that the Village had followed its own laws and asked Mr. Poders to simply state why he objected to the antenna. Mr. Poders suggested that "a tax on the towers may create a revenue stream, although it would be detrimental to the residents because they would be further expenses by taxes which businesses could simply write off." He was also con- cerned about a statement made by one of the Plan Commission members, who referenced the "megahertz or the transmission of the signal of the tower being 1850 to 1900 megahertz, transmitting at 1950 to 1975 megahertz, versus a standard 1240 megahertz." He wondered if that means that "this tower is being pushed through at all levels for the benefit of unincorpo- rated Glenview." Mr. Poders said that several questions remain to be answered, and pointed out that there are now 138 signatures on a petition asking that the Special Use Permit be denied. He asked the Board not to "sell us short" and to not base their vote upon the fact that "we could be sued by T-Mobile and everyone," as Mayor Krier had been quoted in a local paper. Mayor Krier said Mr. Poders was taking the quote out of context. Mary Elsner. Mrs. Elsner requested that her address not be included in the Minutes, as it had previously. She asked about T-Mobile's "two-year search" for a suitable property closer to their desired area. She wondered how many customers were in the area they were talking about. She also wondered if this structure was indeed a monopole, as Mr. Kunkel had stated. Mrs. Elsner asked if T-Mobile had talked to ComEd about the fencing, shrubs, and fire safety issues, and if those matters would be included in the Ordinance. Mayor Krier said the Village has a letter from T-Mobile stating that they will work with the Village on these matters. Mrs. Elsner also wondered if a market study had been done of this area, regarding property values. Mayor Krier said he believed that Mr. Kunkel had appropriately addressed the prop- erty value issue, and if Mrs. Elsner disagreed with him, that was her privilege. X. D. Trustee Minx: (continued) TRUSTEES' REPORTS (continued) Mrs. Elsner asked Corporation Counsel if she had looked into the matter of the amount of footage required for the setback for antennas. It had been in the previous iteration of the Village's zoning ordinance, but did not appear to be in the new Unified Development Code. Ms. Liston said that there are setbacks outlined in the Unified Development Code in Section 12.3.6 (a) and subsections. There are different setback requirements depending on where the structure is located. She said it is a little different from the previous ordinance. Mrs. Elsner contended that it was completely different with regard to commercial wireless antennas. She said she had called Ms. Liston about this, and did not think she had received a return call. Ms. Liston responded that she had indeed returned the call. Mrs. Elsner said she was requesting the Village deny this request because the application had been submitted incorrectly. She also wondered if T-Mobile would sue the Village if the request was denied. Mr. Layne said he didn't know that answer. As far as Mr. Kunkel calling the structure a "monopole", he said that Mr. Kunkel had used an incorrect term. In the cellular wireless antenna world, a monopole is a specific nomenclature. This antenna is, basically, a pipe riser. Regarding the fencing, he said that T-Mobile is on record as stating that it is willing to work with the Village to provide a better solution. Regarding the Plan Commission application, he said that the Special Use process is very interactive. It was the Village that asked them to change the address on the application. Regarding the number of subscribers, he said that T-Mobile has over 4,500 subscribers in Morton Grove-approximately 20% of its population. He felt that those 4,500 would support a more robust network, and said that it's only a vocal minority opposing it. Trustee Minx asked if the address issue was addressed at the Plan Commission hearing. Mr. Layne said it was in Bonnie Jacobson's report. Trustee Brunner wondered if the wooden fence would be a fire hazard. Fire Chief Tom Friel said that, without seeing specific plans, he felt it was very unlikely that a fire on the fence would be detrimental to the tower. Pat Kansoer. Mr. Kansoer said he was neither for nor against the ordinance, but the phrase "vocal minority" used by Mr. Layne caught his attention. He said being a member of a "vocal minority" means you have a passion for an issue-it's about being involved. He said that there are a number of residents clearly against this because they feel it will negatively affect their quality of life. Mr. Kansoer asked the Board to base their decision on what's good for the residents of Morton Grove, not on whether or not the Village will be sued. Mayor Krier said he totally agreed with Mr. Kansoer. He said the "vocal minority" is important and they do have a voice. He said he has given everyone plenty of leeway, plenty of opportu- nity to speak. They may not agree, but, he said, he believed the Board's primary goal is always the good of the Village. Mary Elsner. Mrs. Elsner asked that the phrase "Golf and Washington" be changed to "Golf and Sherme~". Mayor Krier said he'd make sure it was changed. She also said that the mayor has given plenty of time to T-Mobile for its presentation and felt he should give the same consideration to the residents. Mayor Krier said that's what the Plan Commission hearing was for. X. D. TRUSTEES' REPORTS (continued) Trustee Minx: (continued) Trustee Staackmann said he was concerned about "working out the fencing". Did that mean changing the fencing? Adding to it? He wanted to be able to see a "finished product" before voting on it. Mayor Krier said the Plan Commission saw T-Mobile's fence plan and approved it, but subsequently, T-Mobile has agreed to work with the Village to make it better. He asked Trustee Staackmann to trust the staff that the change would be for the better. He also said that Trustee Thill would be involved in the placement of the trees. Mayor Krier said this is T-Mobile's "good faith effort" to work with the Village. Trustee Thill said he really didn't believe this antenna would lower property values in the area. He agreed with Mr. Kunkel, that the towers themselves have a negative impact. He said he was comfortable with the fence issue. Trustee Thill said that he was disturbed that the federal government passed a law that prevents him, as a Village Trustee, from discussing health issues or asking those types of questions. Trustee Marcus thanked the residents for coming out to speak. He said he has looked at this matter factually, has gotten as much information as he possibly could, and has visited the area. He said he understands the residents' concerns, and would vote based on the best interests of Morton Grove. Trustee Marcus said the process of keeping the meeting "open" was very important and thanked Mayor Krier for doing just that. Upon the vote, the motion passed: 4 ayes, Tr. Brunner ~ Tr. Kogstad Tr. Minx ~ Tr. Staackmann 3. nay, 1 absent. absent Tr. Marcus Tr. Thill Trustee Minx presented Resolution 07-41, Authorizing a Contract with the Morton Grove Firefighters Association, Local 2178, IAFF For the Period of January 1, 2006 Through December 31, 2008. She explained that this agreement will extend the Collective Bargaining Agreement for three years. The agreement provides fora 3.5% per year salary adjustment and an additional .75% per year salary adjustment in return for significant revisions to the Village's long-standing retiree health insurance benefits, and also for plan design changes to the Village's health insurance coverage for current employees. The Village will continue to provide retiree health insurance contributions for existing retirees. The contract also provides for additional adminis- trative modifications. Trustee Minx moved to approve Resolution 07-41, seconded by Trustee Brunner. Motion passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent. Tr. Brunner ~ Tr. Kogstad absent Tr. Marcus Tr. Minx ~ Tr. Staackmann ~ Tr. Thill 4. Trustee Minx noted that the Economic Development Commission had recently held a meeting. She said that Chairman John Pietron was in attendance to give a report on the Commission and update the Board on its activities. X. D. Trustee Minx: (continued) TRUSTEES' REPORTS (continued) Chairman Pietron introduced himself and explained that the Economic Development Commis- sion (EDC) was comprised of Morton Grove residents, business owners, or employees of businesses in Morton Grove. The EDC acts as a business focus group that provides its per- ceptions of Morton Grove's opportunities, weaknesses, or threats to Community & Economic Development Director Bill Nuendorf. Its members also act as goodwill ambassadors, making other businesses aware of Morton Grove so they'll hopefully relocate and/or expand here. Chairman Pietron said the EDC's activities to date fall into two categories: legislative and awareness. In the legislative arena, the EDC has met with Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky and Illinois State Representatives Lou Lang and Beth Coulson; all three have been guests at EDC meetings. Rep. John D'Amico has also agreed to attend a future meeting. Chairman Pietron outlined several other things, including attending political functions "outside" the Village, that he and other EDC members are doing. As far as "awareness", he said the EDC has contacted several restaurants, including aStudio- type of restaurant and the Lettuce Entertain You chain. Chairman Pietron has spoken with the owner of a banquet hall/restaurant facility and to a movie theater development group about opportunities in Morton Grove-both declined. He said the EDC and Mr. Nuendorf try to attend various trade shows and expos too, to "talk up" Morton Grove. The EDC is also revising the strategic plan for future economic development in the Village. Chairman Pietron invited everyone to attend the EDC meetings, which are generally the third Wednesday of each month at 5:30 p.m. at Village Hall. E. Trustee Staackmann Trustee Staackmann had no report. Trustee Thill Trustee Thill presented for a first reading Ordinance 07-21, Authorizing the Installation of a Stop Sign on Lyons Street at its Intersection with Menard Avenue Within the Village of Morton Grove. He explained that the Traffic Safety Commission had heard a request from residents to install a stop or yield sign on Lyons at Menard, and had recommended approval of this request. Trustee Thill asked, if the problem is because of speeding on Menard, why would the stop sign be put up on Lyons? Trustee Minx responded that her understanding is that the Village wants Menard to remain a "through" street-although she admitted that this is confusing. Mayor Krier asked Village Administrator Wade to get more information about this. Mr. Wade said that it is along-standing traffic engineering philosophy that stop signs don't control speed-the two issues (speeding and stop signs) don't go hand-in-hand. He said his under- standing was the same as Trustee Minx's, but he would try to get more information. There was no further discussion on Ordinance 07-21. X. TRUSTEES' REPORTS (continued) Trustee Thill: (continued) 2. Next, Trustee Thill presented for a first reading Ordinance 07-22, Authorizing the Installa- tion of Stop Signs on Emerson Street at its Intersection with Menard Avenue Within the Village of Morton Grove. He explained that this is essentially the same issue as previously discussed, except it's putting a stop sign on Emerson instead of Lyons. There was no further discussion on Ordinance 07-22. 3. Trustee Thill then brought forward Resolution 07-40, Authorizing the Execution of a Contract with Insituform Technologies USA, Inc. For The 2007 Sewer Lining Program. He explained that the Village annually contracts with a sewer lining contractor to rehabilitate sewers within the Village to maintain their structural integrity, improve their efficiency, decrease infiltration, and extend their service life. The estimated contract value is $63,305, but since this is a unit price contract, the final contract amount will be based on the actual quantity of work performed. Trustee Thill moved to approve Resolution 07-40, seconded by Trustee Minx. Motion passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent. Tr. Brunner ~ Tr. Kogstad absent Tr. Marcus Tr. Minx ~ Tr. Staackmann ~ Tr. Thill 4. Truste Thill noted that he had occasion to have the Fire Department at his house last week because his home had been struck by lightning. He applauded Chief Friel and the Fire Department personnel, and said they arrived very quickly, were very efficient, and very courteous and helpful. 5. Trustee Thill also had a comment for Mr. Harold Cohon regarding Mr. Cohon's recent letter to the editor, in which he had referred to the Board's recent action of retaining mb Financial for its banking services as a "done deal". Trustee Thill assured him that, although he had spoken to one fellow trustee about the matter (mostly for further explanation) he had not had any advance discussions with anyone as to how he would vote. It was by no means a "done deal"; he voted his sense of loyalty, as he so stated before the vote was taken. 6. Trustee Thill also encouraged the assemblage to attend Natural History Day from 1-4pm on Saturday, July 28, at Prairie View. This will be afamily-oriented outing put together by the Park District for people who want to learn more about the natural world. Trustee Thill said he had some brochures about the event if anyone wanted to learn more. to XI. OTHER BUSINESS Mayor Krier noted that part of the new Firefighters contract includes the termination of retiree health insurance contributions for employees hired after January 1, 2007; reductions of the Village's contributions for retiree health insurance for employees hired after 1993; and modifi- cations to the current health insurance plans. The health insurance plans will change for the firefighters and non-represented employees effective January 1, 2008. Also as part of the new contract, firefighters will receive an annual 3.5% pay increase for fiscal year 2006, 2007, and 2008, plus an additional'/a% increase for each fiscal year as a "quid pro quo" for the retiree health insurance and health plan changes. Since these health insurance changes will also be applied to non-represented employees, Mayor Krier said it was his opin- ion that the non-represented employees should also receive the same per-year pay increase. He asked the Board for a motion to direct staff to prepare an amendment to the 2007 Budget to account for these increases. Trustee Minx so moved, seconded by Trustee Marcus. Motion passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent. Tr. Brunner ~ Tr. Kogstad absent Tr. Marcus Tr. Minx ~ Tr. Staackmann ~ Tr. Thill XI I. WARRANTS Trustee Minx presented the Warrant Register for July 23, 2007, which totaled $174,575.59. She moved to approve the Warrants as presented, seconded by Trustee Thill. Motion passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent. Tr. Brunner ~ Tr. Kogstad absent Tr. Marcus Tr. Minx ~ Tr. Staackmann ~ Tr. Thill XIII. RESIDENTS' COMMENTS a. Harold Cohon. Mr. Cohon, responding Trustee Thill's remark, said the he was not accusing anyone of anything. He'd merely noted that the representative from mb Financial had thanked the Action Party trustees, and had told the Caucus Party trustees that he looked forward to working with them -all before the vote was even taken. "Draw your own conclusions," Mr. Cohon stated. Trustee Thill reiterated that it wasn't a done deal and asked Mr. Cohon not to use that term unless he was absolutely sure of his facts. b. Eric Poders. Mr. Poders noted that this was the third recording device he was using this evening, and alluded to some comments made by residents after seeing the July 9th Board Meeting video. XIV. ADJOURNMENT/EXECUTIVE SESSION There being no further business, Trustee Minx moved to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Trustee Brunner. Motion passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent. Tr. Brunner ~ Tr. Kogstad absent Tr. Marcus Tr. Minx ~ Tr. Staackmann ~ Tr. Thill The meeting adjourned at 9:04 p.m. 11 PASSED this 13th day of August, 2007. Trustee Brunner Trustee Kogstad Trustee Marcus Trustee Minx Trustee Staackmann Trustee Thill APPROVED by me this 13th day of August, 2007. Richard Krier, Village President Board of Trustees, Morton Grove, Illinois APPROVED and FILED in my office this 14th day of August, 2007. Carol A. Fritzshall, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois Minutes by: Teresa Cousar 12