SEPTEMBER 26, 2022
I. Village President Dan DiMaria convened the Regular Meeting of the Village Board at 7:00 p.m.
& II. in the Council Chambers of Village Hall.
III. Village Clerk Eileen Harford called the roll. Present were Trustees Bill Grear, Saba Khan, Rita Minx,
John Thill, Connie Travis, and Janine Witko.
Trustee Minx moved to accept the Minutes of the September 12, 2022 Village Board meeting as
presented, seconded by Trustee Grear. Motion passed unanimously via voice vote.
Next, Trustee Minx moved to accept the Minutes of the Special Meeting (Strategic Plan
Workshop) of August 9, 2022 as presented. Trustee Khan seconded the motion. Motion passed
unanimously via voice vote.
Trustee Minx then moved to accept the Minutes of the Special Meeting (Strategic Plan Workshop)
of August 16, 2022 as presented, seconded by Trustee Thill. Motion passed unanimously via
voice vote.
Minutes of September 26,4,22 Board Meeting
Mayor DiMaria proclaimed the week of October 9 through October 15 2022 as "Fire Prevention
Week" in the Village, and the people of Morton Grove to plan and practice a home fire escape for
this year's Fire Prevention Week. The theme this year is "Fire won't wait. Plan your escape." He
also urged residents to make sure their smoke and CO alarms are working properly and meet the
needs of all family members, including those with sensory or physical disabilities. Mayor DiMaria
noted that Morton Grove's first responders are dedicated to reducing the occurrence of home fire
and injuries from home fires through prevention and protection education. He asked everyone to
support the many public safety activities and efforts of the Village's fire and emergency services.
Clerk Harford had no formal report this evening, but wanted to save a few words to Trustee Grear
on this, his last Board meeting as a Trustee. She said she has known him longer than anyone in the
room tonight—since first grade! She said Bill has always been the "loud voice in the room" and
the person with the spirit to get everyone else involved and excited about the future. She cited
his devotion to any cause he embraces has been apparent over the years, and has served him well
in his youth, with his career, his family, and his community. Clerk Harford said that Bill's mentors,
Dan Scanlon and Jack O'Brien, would be so proud of Bill's unwavering commitment to the
Village. She thanked him for his years of selfless dedication to Morton Grove, and said she hoped
he wouldn't be a stranger to this community that he's always called home.
A. Village Administrator:
In the absence of Village Administrator Czerwinski, Tom Friel, Assistant to the Village
Administrator, presented Resolution 22-39, Authorizing the Conveyance of Portions of Oketo
Park From the Village of Morton Grove to the Morton Grove Park District, Pursuant to the Local
Government Property Transfer Act.
He explained that the Park District plans to construct significant park and recreational
improvements at Oketo Park at a cost of over $1,000,000 and is seeking a $500,000 grant from
the Illinois Department of Natural Resources to pay for part of these improvements. In order to
obtain this grant, the Park District must show proof that it owns the property. To resolve any
ambiguity about the ownership of the property, the Park District has requested, and the Village
has agreed, to execute a Quit Claim deed transferring any interest it has in this land to the Park
District. Since the grant application must be submitted by September 30, 2022, immediate action
is needed on this Resolution. Mr. Friel asked for the Board's support of this matter.
Minutes of September 26, 2022 Board Meeting
STAFF REPORTS (continued)
A. Villap;e Administrator: (continued)
b. Trustee Grear moved to approve Resolution 22-39, seconded by Trustee Khan. Mayor DiMaria
asked if any Board members had any questions or concerns about this matter.
c. Trustee Thill asked how it happened that the Village owned part of Oketo Park's land and the Park
District owned part of it. Mr. Friel directed the question to Corporation Counsel Liston.
d. Ms. Liston said that, back in the 1950s and 1960s, when subdivisions were being created, one of
the things the Village would do would be to require a portion of the land be dedicated for park
purposes and a portion be dedicated for recreational purposes. Two subdivisions were created
near Oketo Park in 1954 and 1955. Those two parcels, plus a third parcel the Park District acquired
independently, became what is today's Oketo Park. The Park District has exercised exclusive
control over the property. They maintain it as a Park expense and they run programs there. The
Park District, in its efforts to upgrade Oketo Park, has applied for a $500,000 grant. They have to
prove ownership, and in discussions with the title company, this issue came up, because the
phrasing doesn't say "Dedicated to the Morton Grove Park District," rather, it says "Dedicate for
parks and recreation." To resolve this title ambiguity and to ensure that nothing gets in the way of
the Park District's efforts to get this important grant, this Resolution authorizes the Village to
execute a Quit Claim deed and transfer all its interests in this land to the Park District. The Village
would no longer have title to any of it.
Trustee Thill asked Ms. Liston if the requirement of donating land when creating a subdivision is
still "on the books." Ms. Liston said it's not strictly adhered to; the last time she can recall it
being used was when the Delaine Farm subdivision was being built. She asked Community
Development Administrator Zoe Heidorn if she had anything further to add. Ms. Heidorn said
the practice of asking for land to be donated for parks/recreational purposes is solely at the
discretion of the Plan Commission.
f Trustee Thill asked if it was requested of the new development at 8500-8550 Lehigh. Ms. Liston
said different developers have to meet different requirements. She believed that the developer
for the new development Trustee Thill referred to had been required to donate a certain amount
to affordable housing in the Village.
There being no further questions, Mayor DiMaria called for the vote on Resolution 22-39.
Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays.
Tr. Grear aye Tr. Khan aye Tr. Minx aye
Tr. Thill aye Tr. Travis aye Tr. Witko aye
Minutes of September 26, 2022 Board Meeting
B. Corporation Counsel:
Corporation Counsel Liston had no formal report this evening.
STAFF REPORTS (continued)
A. Trustee Grear:
Trustee Grear had no formal report this evening.
B. Trustee Khan:
1. Trustee Khan presented Ordinance 22-18, Approving a Special Use Permit for a Public Service
Use for the Construction of a New Commuter Rail Station on Property Commonly Known as
8501 Lehigh Avenue in Morton Grove, II.
This is the second reading of this Ordinance.
a. She explained that the Village submitted a complete Special Use Application to the Department
of Community and Economic Development requesting approval of a Special Use Permit for the
construction of a new Metra commuter rail station at 8501 Lehigh Avenue in Morton Grove,
which is zoned C/R Commercial/Residential. The "public service use" is classified as a Special Use
in the C/R District. There is no Special Use Permit on file for the existing station, which was
constructed in the 1970s.
b. The Applicant (Village of Morton Grove) is proposing to locate the new station north of the
current station to improve site access, circulation, and visibility. The proposed station will include
approximately 1,280 square feet of interior floor space and feature a foyer, atrium, waiting areas,
retail space, restroom, and utility closet. A heated 24-hour waiting area required by Metra will be
accessible from the west elevation. The surface parking area, which currently contains 99 parking
spaces, will be reconfigured to provide 103 parking spaces. New landscape areas will be provided
around the site's perimeter and throughout the parking lot.
c. On August 1, 2022, the Appearance Commission reviewed the Application, approved an
Appearance Certificate for proposed improvements, and recommended approval of the
Application with conditions. On August 4, 2022, the Traffic Safety Commission Chairperson
determined that the project will not have a significant negative impact on the community from a
traffic safety perspective, and waived the review of the Application by the full Commission. On
August 15, 2022, the Applicant appeared before the Plan Commission to present the request for
approval of the Application made under Case PC 22-11. Based on the Application, supporting
staff report, and testimony presented at the public hearing, the Plan Commission voted
unanimously (with one Commissioner absent) to recommend approval of the Special User Permit.
Minutes of Sept¢r 1bet 26, 2022 Board M€et'
B. Trustee Khan: (continued)
Trustee Khan moved to adopt Ordinance 22-18, seconded by Trustee Thill.
Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays.
Tr. Grear aye Tr. Khan Ry± Tr. Minx aye
Tr. ThiII Tr. Travis aye Tr. Witko aye
C. Trustee Minx:
Trustee Minx had no formal report this evening.
D. Trustee Thill:
Trustee Thill had no formal report this evening.
E. Trustee Travis:
1. Trustee Travis presented for a first reading Ordinance 22-17, Amending Title 6, Chapter 3 of the
Municipal Code of the Village of Morton Grove to Add a New Section 4 Entitled "Truancy."
a. She said this Ordinance would establish truancy as a local ordinance violation and hold the parent
or guardian responsible for a minor's chronic or habitual truancy.
b. It is intended to be a "tool of last resort" to assist local school districts in curbing or stopping
chronic or habitual truancy. A chronic or habitual truant is defined as a child who is under the age
of 16, is subject to compulsory school attendance, and is absent for 5% or more of the previous
180 regular attendance days without valid cause, as determined by the principal of the child's
c. At the request of superintendents of local area school districts, the Chief of Police has developed
proposed amendments to the Village Code which will make chronic or habitual truancy a local
ordinance violation and hold a parent or guardian responsible for a minor's chronic or habitual
truancy. No citation shall be written pursuant to this Section unless the principal or his/her
designee of the schools where the child is enrolled determines that the child is a chronic or
habitual truant, that the child and/or his parent or guardian has been offered services or
participation in a program which is intended to result in the cessation of habitual or ongoing
truant behavior, including prevention, diagnostic, intervention, remedial services, drug and
Minutes of September 26, 1:122 Board Meeting
E. Trustee Travis: (continued)
alcohol counseling, mental health services, community service, education classes or other coun-
seling services alternative programs, and the child and parents refused to accept such services or
participate in such program. Fines imposed for violations of this Ordinance may be reduced or
waived if the truant successfully completes and approved program intended to result in the
cessation of the truant behavior.
d. Trustee Travis said, as this is the first reading of Ordinance 22-17, no action will be taken this
e. Trustee ThiII asked if the Village knows the number of truants or the percentage of truancy that
occurs in Morton Grove schools.
f. Police Chief Mike Simo responded that it isn't a serious problem, but having this Ordinance on the
books would be helpful going forward. It would be "another tool in the tool box."
g. Trustee Thill asked if any parents were giving the police officers a hard time. Chief Simo said,
occasionally, there are statements made by parents to keep their kids out of school for reasons
the schools don't find reasonable or acceptable.
h. Trustee Grear said he was really glad this ordinance wasn't around when he was a kid going to
F. Trustee Witko:
1. Trustee Witko presented Resolution 22-38, Authorizing the Purchase of One (1) New 2022 Ram
2500 Tradesman Utility Truck from Larry Roesch Chrysler Ram, Elmhurst, Illinois.
a. She explained that the Water/Sewer Division of Public Works regularly uses a Utility Truck as part
of its normal operations. Its current 2011 Ford F350 Utility Truck has outlived its useful life.
Typically, the Village purchases replacement vehicles of this nature from the Northwest Municipal
XII. Conference (NWMC) Suburban Purchasing Cooperative. However, due to supply chain issues,
Utility Trucks are not currently available through the Cooperative, and the availability of Heavy
F. and Light Duty Utility Trucks from most dealerships has been suspended for 2022 and most of
2023, with no certainty of delivery in 2024. The Vehicle Maintenance Division has found a new
b. 2022 Ram 2500 Tradesman Utility Truck which meets the needs of the Department available for
purchase from Larry Roesch Chrysler Ram of Elmhurst, IL, for a total price of $75,900.24. After a
trade-in credit for 10 surplus vehicles of $58,000, the net cost to the Village is $17,900.24.
Trustee Witko said funds for this purchase are available in the 2022 Water Enterprise budget.
She moved to approve Resolution 22-38, seconded by Trustee Travis.
Minutes of September 26, 2022 Board Meeting
F. Trustee Witko: (continued)
Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays.
Tr. Grear aye Tr. Khan Tr. Minx aye
Tr. Thill aye Tr. Travis aye Tr. Witko aye
1. Mayor DiMaria called Trustee Grear to the podium. The mayor proclaimed today, September 26,
2022, as "Trustee Bill Grear Day" to honor Bill for his service and dedication to the people of
Morton Grove and to the Morton Grove Board of Trustees. Mayor DiMaria noted that Bill and his
wife, Jan, raised their three children in Morton Grove, and Bill was an active volunteer for many
year as an assistant coach and coach for a variety of sports. Bill has also been a perennial
volunteer for countless fundraisers and community events. He has been a key leader in running
the Village's annual Moron Grove Days Festival, as a volunteer and as President of the
Morton Grove Days Commission. Bill has served with distinction as a member of the Village Board
for thirteen years, dedicating himself to his mission of making life better for the residents,
businesses, and employees of Morton Grove. He's been a liaison to the Police Department, Fire
Department, RED Center, Public Works, the Building Department, and the Finance Department.
His desire to solve problems and his love for his neighbors supplied the tools he needed to serve
his community with pride and excellence.
a. Mayor DiMaria presented Bill with a clock, and said, "We couldn't have done all we've gotten
done without Billy Grear. He has always backed me." He thanked Bill for his support and told him,
"You're doing what's right for you and your family. Everyone's replaceable. But there's nobody
who's worked longer and harder, or cared more, than you."
2. Trustee Khan also thanked Bill for his service. She felt he had service as a colleague, a brother, a
friend, and a mentor to her. His service to Morton Grove has been invaluable. She said, "I'm sure
this was a hard decision for you, and I wish you all the best."
3. Trustee Minx agreed that Bill has be a friend, mentor, co-worker, and a partner in legislation to
her. She wished Bill good luck and told him to enjoy his time with his family. She said, "You're
leaving behind big shoes to fill!" and reminded him to call whenever he's here in town.
4. Corporation Counsel Liston said she's known Bill for a very long time, and remembered a time
when she had to tell him, "No, you can't award live bunnies as prizes at MarthaFest." She said Bill
always says what he means. She looked over the packed Council Chambers and said, "All these
people, current employees, former employees, former Board members—they've shown up here
tonight to thank you for the difference you've made." She said Bill was always the first person to
show up and the last person to leave.
Minutes of September 26, p22 Board Meeting
OTHER BUSINESS (continued)
5. Trustee Thill noted that Bill Grear has "the biggest heart of anyone I know." He said Bill "left his
footprints" all over town.
6. Trustee Travis said that Bill Grear is a true "Grover." The Village has been lucky to have him. She
complimented Bill for helping so many residents and for serving selflessly for thirteen years.
She said she was thankful for his car and friendship, for answering her questions, and for
challenging her thinking. Trustee Travis said it makes her happy to know he's going to be spending
time now doing what he wants to do.
7. Trustee Witko noted the theme of "mentor" being mentioned by some of her colleagues. She said
she loved that she could talk with Bill anytime. He's lived a lifetime of volunteerism and leadership
and she said she's blessed to have known Bill.
8. Fire Chief Ralph Ensign gave Bill a Fire Department coffee cup, a sweatshirt, and a tee-shirt
(because it's warm in Florida) on behalf of the MG Fire Department personnel. He told Bill,
"The firefighters think you're a great guy." Bill thanked the Chief and asked him to convey his
thanks to the firefighters and staff.
9. Police Chief Mike Simo presented Bill with a card, a personalized Police Department jacket and a
very cool picture of a cop car. He thanked Bill for all his help and support over the years. Bill told
him he'd miss the MGPD dearly, and asked Chief Simo to thank the police personnel for him.
10. Joe Dahm of Public Works recalled the first time he met Bill Grear, Bill was pitching to him! He
praised Bill for his dedication, honesty, and wit, and said it had been a privilege to have worked
with him. He presented Bill with a Morton Grove Public Works sweatshirt.
11. Park District Commissioner Mazhar Khan said he was profoundly grateful for Bill's kindness and
steadfast support over the years. He thanked Bill for all he has done for the community, and said
that he and his family extend their deep and sincere thanks to Bill.
12. Bill thanked everyone and said, "Thirteen years doesn't sound like a long time." He said he was
grateful that he had been part of a great family—not only his own, but the Action Party family. He
thanked the Action Party members for "putting up with him," noting that he's not always the
easiest guy to put up with. Bill said, "We always moved the Village forward and found great
people to oversee this great Village." He thanked Dan Scanlon and Jack O'Brien and said, "If they
hadn't gotten me involved 35 years ago, I would not be here."
Minutes of September 26, 2022 Board Meeting
OTHER BUSINESS (continued)
a. Bill noted that the Village Board is only as good as those "pulling the wagon," in other words, the
remarkable staff of the Village. He thanked them wholeheartedly.
b. Bill said he would always be grateful to former Mayor Dan Staackmann, who asked Tom Friel to
mentor Bill and "show me the ropes" back in 2009 when Bill was first elected.
c. Bill also thanked the residents. He said he always felt that he gave 100%, but for some reason,
possibly due to the pandemic, he lost his stride and felt he was no longer giving that 100%.
d. Lastly, Bill thanked his wife and his kids. He said he realizes that are a lot of family events that he's
missed; it's part of doing your job as an elected official, and you've got to love what you do. He
said he's always had a habit, when he's won an election or his "team" has swept the opposition,
of making a sweeping motion with his hands and saying "Buh-bye." He looked around the room,
grinned, and with a sweeping motion, told everyone "Buh-bye."
13. Mayor DiMaria said he will be appointing someone to fill Bill's seat on the Board. He is taking
applications; anyone interested should visit the Village's website and apply by October 31.
He will then do interviews and hopefully will make a decision before Thanksgiving.
Trustee Grear presented the Warrant Register for September 26, 2022 in the amount of
$334,357.07. He moved to approve this evening's Warrant Register as presented, seconded by
Trustee Khan.
Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays.
Tr. Grear aye Tr. Khan ly± Tr. Minx aye
Tr. ThiII Tr. Travis aye Tr. Witko
Rudy Vilk. Mr. Vilk said he had given a letter to Corporation Counsel Liston and to Village
Administrator Czerwinski but he has not received any answer. He continued to find fault with
Ms. Liston, said she gets angry with him, she's makes mistakes, she won't help him, etc.
As Mr. Vilk was speaking, his time elapsed.
Minutes of September.26, 2.B22 Board Meeting
Trustee Minx moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Trustee Witko. Motion passed
unanimously via voice vote.
The meeting adjourned at 7:48 p.m.
PASSED this 10th day of October, 2022.
Trustee Khan
Trustee Minx
Trustee Thill
Trustee Travis
Trustee Witko
APPROVED by me this 10th day of October, 2022.
Daniel P. DiMaria, Village President
Board of Trustees, Morton Grove, Illinois
APPROVED and FILED in my office this 11th day of September, 2022.
Saba Koya, Deputy Village Clerk
Village of Morton Grove, Cook County, Illinois
Minutes by Teresa Cousar