HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-11-26 AgendaAGENDA VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES TO BE HELD AT THE RICHARD T. FLICKINGER MUNICIPAL CENTER November 26, 2007 Meeting 7:30 pm 1. Call fo Drder 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Roll Call 4. Approval of >Vlinutes - Regular Meeting, November 12, 2007 5 6. 7 8 Public Hearings a. 2008 Budget Special Reports a. Fire Poster Contest Awards to be Presented by the Morton Grove Firefighters' Association b. Swearing in Ceremony for a New FirefighterlParamedic Josenh G. Durante, to be Presented by Fire and Police Commission Chairperson Michael Simkins Resident's Comments (agenda items only) President's Report -Administration, Northwest Municipal Conference, Cou~zcil of Mayors, TIF Committee, Capital Projects, Real Estate Committee a. Establish Village Board Meeting Dates for Calendar Year 2008 b. Board and Commission Chairperson Appointments for Calendar Year 2008 a Establish Regular Meetings for Various Boards, Commissions, Committees, and Subcommittees for Calendar Year 2008 d. Administrative Appointments for Calendar Year 2008 e. Appointments 9. Clerk's Report -Condominium Association, Advasory Commission on Agirag 10. Staff Reports a. Village Administrator i) .Reminder of the December 24 Village Board Meeting Cancellation 2) Miscellaneous Reports and Updates b. Corporation Counsel 1 t. Reports by Trustees a. Trustee Brunner -Legal, Family and Senior Services Department, Cable and Telecommunicatians Commission, Envirorrnental I~ealth, N/aukegan Road TIF Review, Solid Waste Agency of Northern Cook Comity (Trustee Kogstad) b. Trustee Ko~stad -Community Relations Commission, Comprehensive Plan, Advisory Commission on Aging (Trustee Minx) c. Trustee Marcus -Police Department, Police and Fire Commission, Real Estate Committee, Chamber of Commerce (Trustee Thill) Trustee Minx -Finance Department, Real Estate Committee, Plan Commission, Ferris/Lehigh TIF Review, Fig°e Department RED Center, NIPSTA, Capital Projects, Police and Fire Commission, Economic Development, Northwest Municipal Conference (Trustee Staackmann) 1) Ordinance 07-3f (b~h•oduced November 12, 2007) Granting a Special Use Permit in the Village for ProperCy Located at 8323 Nagle Avenue for a Commercial Wireless Antenna Installation 2) Ordinance 07-32 (Introduced November 12, 200 Adopting the Budgets for all Corporate Purposes of the Village of Morton Grove and the Morton Cirove Library Effective January 1, 2008 and Ending December 31, 2008. 3) Ordinance 07-33 (Introduced November 26, 2007) Levies and Assesses Taxes for the Village for Calendar Year 2008 e. Trustee Staaekmann -Building Department, .Appearance Commission, ESDA, IT/Communications, Dempster Street Corridor Plan (Trustee Brunner) £ Trustee Thitl -Public Works, Capital Projects, Traffic ~4afety Commission, Natural Resource Commission, Solid Waste Agency of Northern Cook County (Trustee Marcus) 1) Resolution 07-61 (Introduced November 26, ?007) Authorization to Accept and Approve the Municipal Maintenance Expenditure Statement for Work Completed on the 2006 Motor Fuel Tax Maintenance Program ?) Resolution 07-62 (Introduced November 26, 200 Appropriation of 2008 Motor Fuel Tax Funds for the Maintenance of Streets and Highways MFT Section 08-00000-OOGM 3) Resolution 07-63 (Introduced November 26, 2007) Authorizing the Execution of a Service Contract with Municipal GIS Partners (MGP) for Geographical Information System Services I2. Other Business 13. Presentat~i®n of 6Varrarets - $859,221.46 14. Resident's Comments 15. Executive Session -Review of Executive Session Minutes, Personnel, Labor Negotiations, and Real Estate 16. AdjouCnment - To ensure full accessibility and equal participation for all interested citizens, individuals with disabilities who plan to atteiad and who require certain accommodations in order to observe and/or participate in this meeting, or who have questions regarding the accessibility of these facilities, are requested (o contact Susan or Marlene (847/470-1220) promptl~~ ao allow the Village to make reasonable accommodations. CALL TO ORDER I. Village President Rick Krier called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. and led the assemblage in the Pledge of Allegiance. He asked everyone to "remember a veteran" on this Veteran's Day. In the absence of Clerk Carol Fritzshall, Deputy Village Clerk Susan Lattanzi called the roll. Present were: Trustees Georgianne Brunner, Shel Marcus, Rita Minx, Dan Staackmann, and John Thill. Trustee Roy Kogstad was absent. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. Regarding the Minutes of the October 22, 2007 Regular Meeting, Mayor Krier asked if anyone had any changes or corrections to the Minutes. Trustee Brunner had a correction under her report. In the second sentence., the PEG access fees should be listed as 1 %, not 21 %. And in the third sentence, everything after the words "cable television provider" should be deleted as it was not said at the meeting, but rather, included in the legislative summary. Trustee Minx moved, seconded by Trustee Marcus, to approve the October 8 Regular Meeting Minutes as corrected. Motion passed unanimously via voice vote. b. Regarding the Minutes of the October 24, 2007 Budget Workshop; Mayor Krier asked if anyone had any changes or corrections to these Minutes. Seeing none, Trustee Minx moved, seconded by Trustee Brunner, to approve the October 24, 2007 Budget Workshop Minutes as presented. Motion passed unanimously via voice vote. c. Regarding the Minutes of the October 27, 2007 Budget Workshop, Mayor Krier asked if anyone had any changes or corrections to these Minutes. Seeing none, Trustee Minx moved, seconded by Trustee Thill, to approve the October 27, 2007 Budget Workshop Minutes as presented. Motion passed unanimously via voice vote. d. Regarding the Minutes of the October 29, 2007 Town Hall Meeting, Mayor Krier asked if anyone had any changes or corrections to these Minutes. Seeing none, Trustee Thill moved, seconded by Trustee Minx, to approve the October 29, 2007 Town Hall Meeting Minutes as presented. Trustee Marcus said that he would abstain from the vote as he had not been present at the Town Hall Meeting. Motion passed unanimously via voice vote with one abstention. e. Regarding the Minutes of the November 1, 2007 Budget Workshop, Mayor Krier asked if anyone had any changes or corrections to these Minutes. Seeing none, Trustee Minx moved, seconded by Trustee Thill, to approve the November 1, 2007 Budget Workshop Minutes as presented. Motion passed unanimously via voice vote. Minutes of November 12, 2007 Boats PAeetin' IV. PUBLIC HEARINGS NONE V. SPECIAL REPORTS 8323 Nagle Avenue. Plan Commission Chairman Ron Farkas presented this case. The applicant, SAC Wireless, is requesting a Special Use Permit to construct an installation of three microwave dish antennas on the existing tower and one 4' x 4'ground-mounted equipment cabinet at 8323 Nagle Ave- nue. Chairman Farkas said that the site is in an M-2 zoning district behind industrial buildings. Currently there are three other antenna systems on that tower; these would be installed at 165 feet. Staff had recommended that the Village's requirement for landscaping/screening be waived in Phis instance, because of the location. The existing antenna systems on that tower have also received this waiver. Chairman Farkas said that the applicant testified that this proposed system is different from other carriers in that it is a backhaul system supporting different cellular carriers, and is a microwave system that operates at higher frequencies than most carriers. It is a "high tech" alternative to the T-1 fiber optic system that allows cellular companies to better transmit information to remote locations and is a back-up to the T-1. Comsearch, an independent consultant, had reviewed the applicant's proposal in terms of frequencies, and concluded that there will be no problem with interference to/from other carriers. The system will support data for all cellular carriers, not just for one company. Chairman Farkas noted that one resident opposed the proposa! and expressed concerns at the Plan Commission hearing. He was concerned about the potential health risk to the employees of the neighboring businesses, and was also concerned about the maintenance of the property. He wanted the case tabled. One of the Commissioners responded that the antennas would be mounted too high, the frequencies would be too high; and the radio waves will be specifically aimed at other towers-this should all preclude any health problems. Chairman Farkas pointed out that, even if the Commission agreed with the resident, it would not be a basis on which to deny the application, according to Section 704 of the FCC's Telecommunications Act of 1996, which makes the FCC the only entity able to deny a request based on environmental/health concerns. The Commission voted 5-1, with one absent, to recommend approval of this request, including staffs recommendation that the requirement for screening/landscaping/fencing be waived. The Board had no questions for Mr. Farkas. Trustee Minx moved to accept the Plan Commis- sion's report, seconded by Trustee Marcus. Motion passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent. Tr. Brunner afire Tr. Kogstad absent Tr. Marcus ave Tr. Minx a~ Tr. Staackmann afire Tr. Thill aye V!. RESIDENTS' COMMENTS (Agenda Items Only) NONE '~~ Minutes of NOVemtier 12, 20076oard Meeting. VII. PRESIDENT'S REPORT Mayor Krier proclaimed the month of November, 2007, as "Affordable Housing Month" in the Village, and encouraged all residents to participate in appropriate activities sponsored by private and public entities aimed at providing or advocating for accessible, affordable housing in the Village. 2. Mayor Krier reported that he had just returned from a meeting in Madison, MS, with the may- ors of other towns who had won the Family Circle "Best Towns to Raise a Family" award. He said it was interesting to hear other perspectives, adding that the group is working on a report. He said he will soon have some hand-outs for the trustees. Mayor Krier thanked everyone who participated in yesterday's Veterans Day Parade, including his wife, who stepped in and spoke for him during the Parade's ceremonies. VIII. CLERK'S REPORT Clerk Fritzshall was absent - no report. IX. A. Village Administrator Mc Wade had no report. B. Corporation Counsel: Ms. Liston had no report. X. A. Trustee Brunner: STAFF REPORTS TRUSTEES'REPORTS Trustee Brunner presented Ordinance 07-30, Establishing Title 4, Chapter 17H Entitled "CableNideo Service Provider Fee and PEG Access Support Fee" in the Village of Morton Grove. This is the second reading of this ordinance. She explained that this ordinance will establish acable/video service provider fee to replace revenue expected to be lost should the Village's current cable franchisee opts for a state license pursuant to the Illinois Cable and Video Competition Law of 2007. That legislation allows municipalities to adopt acable/video service provider fee and public, education, and government (PEG) access support fee of up to 5% of the service providers' gross revenue and 1 % for PEG. Trustee Brunner moved, seconded by Trustee Minx, to adopt Ordinance 07-30. Motion passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent. Tr. Brunner aye Tr. Kogstad absent Tr. Marcus a}~ Tr. Minx a rye Tr. Staackmann aye Tr. Thill aye Minutes of November 12, 2007 Board Meeting X. TRUSTEES' REPORTS (continued) B. Trustee Marcus: Trustee Marcus reported, as liaison to the Chamber of Commerce, that the Chamber was again having a Christmas tree program in Harrer Park, where businesses or organizations could purchase a tree, decorate it, and have it be visible on Dempster Street. There are a limited number of trees and it's being done on a first-come, first-served basis. Trustee Marcus said this was an opportunity for businesses, associations, or even families to support the Chamber. C. Trustee Kogstad: Trustee Kogstad was absent - no report. D. Trustee Minx: Trustee Minx presented for a first reading Ordinance 07-31, An Ordinance Granting a Special Use Permit in the Village of Morton Grove for Property Located at 8323 Nagle Avenue for a Commercial Wireless Antenna Installation. She explained that this is pursuant to Plan Commission Case 07-07, heard earlier this evening. This ordinance will grant the requested Special Use Permit to place three microwave dish antennas on an existing tower and construct one ground-mounted equipment cabinet at 8323 Nagle, and will waive the landscaping requirement. Mayor Krier added that Building Commissioner Ed Hildebrandt was already addressing the maintenance issues that had been brought up during the Plan Commission hearing. The mayor said he thought it would all work out, but if not, the tower owner would be receiving notices of violations. There was no further discussion on Ordinance 07-31. 2 Next, Trustee Minx presented for a first reading Ordinance 07-32, An Ordinance Adopting the Budgets for All Corporate Purposes of the Village of Morton Grove and the Morton Grove Library, Cook County, Illinois, for the Calendar Year Effective January 1, 2008 and Ending December 31, 2008. Trustee Minx said that this ordinance formally adopts the Village's 2008 Budget. It represents projections of revenue which are expected to become available during fiscal 2008 as well as recommended expenditures for the Village. The Budget was first presented at the October 24, 2007 Budget Workshop, and has been discussed and revised in three subsequent meetings. A Public Hearing on the BudgeYwill be held as part of the Board's regularly-scheduled November 26, 2007 Board Meeting. The Budget is available for inspection at the Village Administrator's office and at the Morton Grove Public Library. It has also been posted on the Village's Web site since at feast October 22, 2007. The Village's portion of the budget is $46,099,745 and the Library's is $2,732,364, for a total budget of $48,832,109. Minutes of November 12, 2007 Boarcl Meetin' X. D. Trustee Minx: (continued) TRUSTEES' REPORTS (continued) Trustee Thill asked if anything in the budget had changed, added, or deleted since the last budget workshop. Mayor Krier responded that nothing had been changed, except that the Library's levy request had been received by the Village and incorporated into the budget. The trustees had all received a copy of that. The mayor thanked Ben Shapiro, Executive Director of the Library, for attending the meeting tonight, and asked if he would be able to be present at the next meeting, in the event any questions concerning the Library's levy request arose. Mr. Shapiro assured the mayor that he would attend the next meeting. Trustee Minx also said she had attended the Veterans Day Parade and agreed that the mayor's wife had done a fine job stepping in for him. She felt that the parade was well represented by the village's residents and everyone who participated had a wonderful time. E. Trustee Staackmann Trustee Staackmann had no report. Trustee Thill Trustee Thill had no formal report, but said that he had attended the ground-breaking ceremony for the new Historical Society addition. They have the foundation in and they're making good progress. He also complimented the mayor's wife's speech. XI. OTHER BUSINESS NONE XII. WARRANTS Trustee Minx presented the Warrant Register for November 12, 2007, which totaled $1,734,474.69. She moved to approve the Warrants as presented, seconded by Trustee Marcus. Trustee Thill noted that the Warrants reflect a couple of people getting rebates from the commuter pai king at the train station and wandered why. Finance Director Partipilo responded that sometimes the machine at the train station malfunctions. People pay and it doesn't register, and they have to pay again. They save the receipts and bring them in to Village Hall. The receipts are reviewed and if they are deemed to be double-paid, the person receives a refund. Trustee Marcus commented that he would like to see the Village more actively seek local businesses and vendors wherever possible; it's to the Village's advantage. Mayor Krier agreed. Minutes of November 12; 2007 Board Meetin ` XII. WARRANTS (continued} Mayor Krier called for a vote on the Warrants. Motion passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent. Tr. Brunner afire Tr. Kogstad absent Tr. Marcus afire Tr. Minx afire Tr. Staackmann a~fe Tr. Thili afire XI(I. RESIDENTS' COMMENTS NONE XIV. ADJOURNMENT/EXECUTIVE SESSION There being no further business, Trustee Minx moved to adjourn to Executive Session to discuss personnel, labor negotiations, and real estate matters. The motion was seconded by Trustee Brunner. Motion passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent. Tr. Brunner afire Tr. Kogstad absent Tr. Marcus aye Tr. Minx aye Tr. Staackmann awe Tr. Thill aye The Board adjourned to Executive Session at 7:57 p.m. Mayor Krier called the Executive Session to order at 8:08 p.m. In attendance were Mayor Krier, Trustees Brunner, Marcus, Minx, Staackmann, and Thill; Village Administrator Wade, and Corporation Counsel Liston. Following the discussion, Trustee Minx moved to adjourn the Executive Session, seconded by Trustee Brunner. The motion passed unanimously via voice vote at 8:53 p.m. Trustee Minx then moved to adjourn the Regular Meeting, seconded by Trustee Brunner. That motian also passed unanimously via voice vote. The meeting adjourned at 8:54 p.m. 6 Minutes of November 12, 2007 Board Meetin PASSED this 26th day of November, 2007. Trustee Brunner Trustee Kogstad Trustee Marcus Trustee Minx Trustee Staackmann Trustee Thill APPROVED by me this 26th day of November, 2007. Richard Krier, Village President Board of Trustees, Morton Grove, Illinois APPROVED and FILED in my office this 27th day of November, 2007. Carol A. Fritzshall, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois Minutes by: Tnrasa Cousar NOTICE OF PROPOSED PROPERTY TAX LEVY I. A public hearing to approve a proposed property tax levy for the village of Morton Grove for 2007 will be held on December 10, 2007, at 7:30 pm at the Richard T. Flickinger Municipal Center, 6101 Capulina Avenue, Morton Grove, Illinois. Any person desiring to appear at the public hearing and present testimony to the taxing district may contact Mr. Joseph Wade, Village Administrator, 6101 Capulina Avenue, Morton Grove, Illinois 847/663- 6101. II. Corporate and special purpose property taxes extended or abated for 2006 were $12,164,795. The proposed corporate and special purpose property taxes to be levied by the Village for 2007 are $12,580,203. This represents a 3.418 increase over the previous year. III. Property taxes extended for debt service and public building commission leases for 2006 were $1,083,694. The estimated property taxes to be levied for debt service and public building commission leases for 2007 are $1,093,407. This represents a 0.90& increase from the previous year. IV. The total property taxes extended or abated for 2006 were $13,248,489. The estimated total property taxes to be levied for 2007 are $13,673,610. This represents a 3.21 increase over the previous year. SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION FOR PROPOSED PROPERTY TAX LEVY FOR T8E VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE Included in the aggregate levy for the Village of Morton Grove is the levy for the Morton Grove Public Library. Property taxes extended for the Library for 2006 were $2,478,282. .The proposed library property taxes to be levied for 2007 are $2,569,195. This represents a 3.67 increase over the previous year. The aggregate levy of the Village of Morton Grove for 2007 for corporate and special purpose taxes includes abatements totaling $1,407,791. The net increase to the Village's levy for 2007 after the abatement is $419,239 or 3.54$. F,RF NORT~~~ ~FZT~~ ~~i®W~ ~IR)°/ EP~3il~T EDIT GROVE ~' 6260 LINCOLN AVENUE MORTON GROVE. ILLINOIS 60063 847-470-6226 ®EP~C. EAx sal-s6s-771 ~ W W W.MO RTONGROV EI L.O RG 2007 FIRE PREVENTION POSTER CONTEST The Fire Department's Director of Fire Prevention, Captain W iiiiam P. Porter recently conduc;red the FIFTEEN'T'H ANNUAL POSTER CONTEST, in conjunction with the Morton Grove Fire Department and the Firefighter's Association of Morton Grove. All the schools in the Village of Morton Grove were invited to participate in the program. A list of contest rules for the posters and a date the posters were to be turned in by was given to each school. This year, the theme was any fire safety topic the student wanted to choose. The posters were judged on the following criteria. 1. The fire safety message is correct. 2. The message is clear. 3. And, the quality of the artwork of the poster. The Firefighter's Association of Morton Grove sponsored the awards for the program. A plaque with a digitized photo of their winning pester and a Special Coin are given for the winning poster in each grade classification. In addition, plaques are awarded to the student with the overall winning poster and to the school that student represents. The following are the 2007 Poster Contest winners. Kindergarten First Grade Second Grade Third Grade Fourth Grade Fifth. Grade Sixth Grade Seventh Grade Eighth Grade Madison Precht Brigid Williams Anna Starobinets Vincent Park. Renata Epple Aisha Usman William Farrell Stephanie Swanson Kasey Ockerlund Hynes School Jerusalem Lutheran School Hynes School Park View School Jerusalem Lutheran School Park. View School Jerusalem Lutheran School Jerusalem Lutheran School Jerusalem Lutheran School. ***Overall Winner Rachel Naumann Jerusalem Lutheran School *** Protection through Prevention and Preparedness °l n Fire and Police Commission Direct Telephone 847/470-5826 Fas 847/965-7711 November 7, 2007 President & Board of Trustees VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE 6101 Captilhla Ave. Morton Grove, IL 6005.3 In accordance with directives issued by you, competitive examinations were conducted in accordance with 65 ILCS 5/10-2.1-6 of the Illinois Compiled Stat~rtes, 1992 (Revised). The following person has qualified and is herewith appointed to a probationary status of Firefighter/Paramedic in the Morton Grove Fire Department of the Village of Morton Grove, Illinois, pursuant to the Rules and Regidations of the Fire aild Police Commission, effective nn The date following his name. JOSEPH G. DURANT)1 Effective date of appointment is November 26, 2007; at the hotiir of 8:00 a.n1., at which time he will report to Fire Chief Tom Friel. Formal swearing in will be conducted at the Village Board meeting on December 10, 2007, 7:30 p.m., at the Village Council Chalmbers. . ubmitted by: , ,~ ~." ,Michael Simkins, Chairman Fire & Police Commission C: J. Durante 1. Friel i. Wade Richard T. Flickinger Municipal Center 6101 Capulina Avenue ~ Morton Grove, Illinois 60053-2485 ~~ TeL (847) 965-4100 ~ TDD (84'~ 470-6289 Fax (847) q65-4162 ~?~ :a<a ,~~r ills a of art rave L~GA~ N®T~c~ TIIE REGI?LAR MEETINGS OF THE IIOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OE MORTON GROVE FOR 2008 WILL BE HELI3 ON THE SECOND AND FOURTH MONDAY OF THE MONTH AT THE RICHARD T. FLICKINGER MUNICIPAL CENTER 6101. CAPULINA AVENUE, MORTON GROVE, ILLINOIS REGULAR iVIEETING 7:30 PM A1.1 Village Board meetings are held at 7:30 pm and are open to the public during the months and on the dates as follows: January 14 July 14 January 28 .Tiny 28 February I 1 August 11 February 25 August 25 March 10 September 8 March 24 September 22 April 14 October 13 Apri128 October 27 May 12 November 10 May 26 (cancelled due to Memorial Day) I~?ovember 24 June 9 December 8 June 23 December 22 (cancelled due to the Christmas Holiday) To ensure full accessibiliry and equal partici~.~ation for all interested citizens, individuals with disabilities mho plan to attend and mho require certain accommodations in order to observe and/or participate in this meeting, or who have questions regarding the accessibiliry of these facilities, are requested to contact Susan or Marle:ze (87/470-5220) proneptly to allow the Village to make reasonable accommodations. legsslageiulalyear-ly meeting nottre Richard T. Flickinger Municipal Center 6101 Capulina Avenue Morton Grove, Illinois 60053-2985 Tel: (847) 965-4100 Fax: (847) 965-4162 2ecycled Paper ` Vi11a a o rt r VILLAGE BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS `:iir"~iiii ERSOi^r AI'~OIN'I,MEN'I'S EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2008 TI-IROIJGH DECEMBER 3I, 2008 Advisory Commission on Aging Appearance Commission Cable and Telecommunications Commission Community Relations Commission Economic Development Commission Board of Environmental Health Fire and Police Co~mnission Natural Resources Commission Plan CormnissionlZoning Board of Appeals Traffic Safety Commission Nobel LeHew - Chaizperson Deanna Gotta-Chairperson Don Sneider -Chairperson Terri Cousar -Chairperson John Pietron -Chairperson Raoul Smoczynski, Chairperson Joseph O'Shea, Vice-Chairperson Michael Simkins, Chain,~erson Mary Busch, Chairperson Ronald Farkas, Chairperson C. Norman Rockel, Chairperson The above named officials are submitted for appointment or reappointment to the positions noted and are approved as of November 26, 2007. Richard Krier, Village President Richard T. Flickinger Muivcipal Center 6101 Capulina Avenue • Morton Cn'ove, Illinois 60053-2985 Tel: (847) 965-4100 Fax: (847) 965-4162 RecycleA Papcr " ~Ti11a ~ can r~~ LEGAL li'~TECE TFiE RE€~ULAR MEETING=S OF VARIOUS BOARI2S, COMMISSIONS, COMNIYTTEES AND SUBCOMMITTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE FOR 2008 WILL BE IiELD AT VARIOUS TIMES AND LOCATIONS AS LISTED Time Dates Location Adviso, Commission ou Aeinv 1:00 rn 2"d Tuesday eve month Civic Center _ A earance Review Commission 7:00 m 1" Monda of eve month Council Chambers Board of Environmental Health 7:00 m 1 ~` Tuesda of eve month Trustees Conference Room Cable and Telecommunications 7:30 pm 2"d Thursday twice yearly Council Chambers Commission Community Relations 7:30 pm 2" Tuesday (every other Trustees Conference Room Commission month) Council of Condominium 7:30 pm 2"d Wednesday (every other Council Chambers Associations month) Dempster SCreet Advisory Varies Varies Varies Committee Economic Development 5:30 pm 3rd Wednesday of every Trustees Conference Room Commission month Fair Housin Commission Varies Varies Varies Fire and Police Commission 7:00 m 4`~' Tuesda eve matth Fire Station #4 Fire Pension Board 3:00 m 3rd Tuesda (Quarter)) Fire Station #4 Natural Resource Commission 6:00 m 3`d Monda ~ eve month Trustees Conference Room Plan Convnission 7:30 m 3`d Monda eve month Counci( Chambers PolicePension Board x:00 m Quarter) Council Chambers Real Estate Committee Varies Varies Varies Traffic Safet Commission 7:30 m ls` Thursda eve month Council Chambers ___ 7oninn Board of A eals ___ 7:30 m 3`d Monda eve month Council Chambers _' Tv ensure full accessibility and e yual participation for all interested citizens, individuals with disabilities whoplan to attend and who require certain accommodations in order to obser°ve and/or participate iu dais rneeling, or wlao hcrve questions regarding the accessibility of these facilities, are requested to contact Saran w° Mas~lene (8-17/470-5220) promptly to allow the Village to make reasonable accommodations. Iegislagendalyearly niecling aotue frn~ Bds & Coinrr~,r Richard T. Flickinger Municipal Center 6101 Capulina Avenue • Morton C'irove, Illinois 60053 X985 ~' Tel: (847) 965-4100 Fax: (84'7) 965-4162 Recycled P:+per ilk ran _- VILLAGE ADMINISTRATIVE APPOINTMENTS I'.FFEG'I'~VIr. -i~,~~.:r4R~' I~ ~€~~~ 'I'~-IR€3~TGII DIJG~r~r~R ~a ~ sr~~~ Village Administrator Adjudication Officer Building Comrnissioner Community and Economic Development Director Corporation Counsel ESDA Coordinator Family and Senior Services Director Finance Director/Treasurer Fire Chief Police Chief Public Works Director Village Prosecutor Joseph. F. Wade Elizabeth Iv1. Rochford Ed Hildebrandt William Neuendorf Teresa Hoffman Liston John Hill Jackie Walker-O'Keefe Daniela Partipilo Tom Friel Paul L. Tasch Andy DeMonte Nate BrennerlFrank Tennant The above named officials are submitted for appointment/reappointment to the positions noted and are approved as of November 26, 2007. Richard Krier, Village President Richard T'. Flickinger Municipal Center 6101 Capulina Avenue • Morton Grove, Illinois 60053-2985 ~~ Tel: (847) 965-A 100 Pax: (847) 965-4] 62 Recycled Paper Ordinance 07-31 AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT IN THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 8323 NAGLE AVENUE FOR A COMMERCIAL WIRELESS ANTENNA INSTALLATION ~ trod aced: iynopsis: 'urpose: 3ackground 'rograms, Depts. sroaps Affected ?fiscal Impact: iource olFunds: vVorkload Impact: ~dmin 2ecommendatiou: ^irst Reading: ipecial Consider- ations or Require: _Kespectfuily gubq Pre. aced b l~ P y'--- November 12, 2007 This ordinance will approve a special use permit to construct three microwave dish antennas on an existing tower and related equipment at 8323 Nagle Avenue for SAG Wireless. To allow SAC wireless to place three microwave dis17 antennas on an existing tower and construct one ground-mounted equipment cabinet at 8323 Nagle Avenue. SAC Wireless requested a special use permit to instal( three microwave dish aniem~as on an exisling tower at 8323 Nagle Avenue which is located in an industrial area near the forest preserve. Section 332 (c)(7) of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 states local government may not m~reasonably disa~iminate among providers of cell phone services and may not regulate the siting of commercial antennas in a manner that has the effect of prohibiting the provision of personal wireless services. This statute also preempts local decisions based on environmental affects of Radio Frequency (RF) emissions, as the FCC has exc{usive jurisdiction to regulate antennas based on RF emissions. SAC Wireless has submitted documentation to the Village which assures the Village the transmission tower with the antennas installed are structurally sound. It has also submitted a report from an independent testing agency certifying the proposed emissions from SAC Wireless' antennas from this location fall well within emission standards established by the FCG, and a report stating the installation of these antennas will not adversely affect property values. The applicant has stated the installation of the three antennas reflect ne.w microwave technology which operates at a higher frequency than most other carriers. This is a more high-tech alternative to the T-1 fiber optic system and will allow the company to better transmit information to remote locations. The applicant hired an independent consultant who has determined this installation will not interfere with other carriers. Village staff has recommended the approval of this application and further recommended the Corporate Authorities waive landse3ping and screening requirements due to the obsew~e location of the tower. The Plan Commission, after a hearing held on October ] 5, 2007, found the special use permit meets the standard set forth in the Village Code and recommended the special use permit be granted. Building and Inspectional Services; Village Planner; Village Engineer N/A N/A The special use application was processed by the Building Commissioner, Village Engineer, and Village Plvmer pursuant to the normal course of business. Approval as presented. November 12, 2007, Required None fitted: Teresa Administrator ~~~/~/~ y Reviewed bx;~~~~~ '' - -- Counsel d ildEbrandY, Budding .ommissioner ORDINANCE 07-31 AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT IN THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 8323 NAGLE AVENLiE FOR A COMMERCIAL WIRELESS ANTENNA INSTALLATION WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (Village), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a Home Ruie unit of government and under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 C~rwtitu~iat2 Gi t;ac- State o{Iliin~ois at~d can exercise any power and perform ally fianctioii pertaining to its gaverma~ental affairs, including but not Limited to, the power to tax and incur debt; acid WHEREAS, the applicant, SAC Wireless, 655 First Bank Drive, Palatine, Illinois 60657 on behalf of Fibertower, has made a proper application to the Plan Commission in the Village of Morton Grove colder Plan Commission Case No. PC 07-07 requesting a special use permit for 8323 Nagle Avenue to construct three microwave dish antennas on the existing tower and one ground-mounted equipment cabinet at said site; and. WHEREAS, said property is zoned and classified in the M-2 "General Manufacturing District" under the provisions of the Village of Morton Unified Development Code; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the applicable provisions of the Village of Morton Grove Zoning Code, upon proper notice duly published in T1ae Chcrmpiora Newspaper, a newspaper of general circulation in the Village of Morton Grove, which publication took place on September 27, 2007, and upon the posting of a sign on the property and upon notice sent to property owners within two hundred fifty (250) feet of the subject property, pursuant to applicable law, the Morton Grove Plan Commission held a public hearing relative to the above referenced case on October 15, 2007, at wlvch tune all interested and concerned parties were given an opportunity to be present and express their views for the consideration of the Plan Commission, and as a result of said hearing, the Plan Commission made certain recommendations and certain conditions through a report dated November 12, 2007, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and made a pazrt hereof; and WHEREAS, Section 332(cj(7) the Federal Telecommunications Act of 1996 prohibits the local govenunents from regulating connnercial wireless antemla facilities based on the environmental effects of Radio Frequency (RFC emissions; as the P.C.C. has the exclusivejurisdiction to regulate such facilities based on RP emissions; and WHEREAS, the Corporate Authorities have considered this matter at a Public Hearing and fmd pursuant to the relevant provisions of the Village of Morton Cirove Uiufied Development Cade, that the proposed Special Use Permit complies with Village Ordinances and specific evidence was presented to establish that granting the permit would not cause substantial injury to the value of the other properties in the neighborhood in which it is located; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of the Village of Morton Grove U~zi~ed Development Code, the Corporate Authorities have detern>ined that the Special Use Permit shall be issued subject to conditions and restrictions as hereinafter set fcrtl.. NOW, THEREF®RE, ICE IT ORI3AIllrEJ BY THE PIdESIDENT ANID B®ARD C~F TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COU1V'TY, ILLINOIS, AS FOLL(}WS: SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Ordinance, as though fully set forth herein, thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth: SECTION 2: The property commonly known as 8323 Nagle Avenue, MOrC011 Grove, Illinois, is hereby granted a special use permit to allow for the installation of three microwave dish antennas on the existing tower and one ground-mounted equipment cabinet at said address subject to the following conditions: I . The proposed three dish antennas a,td one ground-mounted equipment cabinet be constructed in accordance with the site plan and elevations dated Oetober 4, 2007; 2. A variation be granted from Section 12-3-6C1 of the Village of Morton Grove Unified Development Code regarding screening, landscaping and fencing; 3. Local contact information be provided to the Building Commissioner for American Tower regarding property maintenance, prior to the issuance of a building permit; and 4. All other codes and ordinances be met. SECTION 3: A variation is hereby granted from Section 12-3-6C 1 of the Village of Morton Grove Unified Development Code waiving requirements for landscaping, screening, and fencing. SECTION 4: The special use is granted for so long as the occupant and the users of this property utilize the area for the purposes as herein designated. SF_CT1ON S: The Village Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to amend all pertinent records of the Village of Morton Grove to show alyd designate the special use granted hereunder. SECTION 6: The applicantlowner shall comply with all requirements of the Village of Morton Grove ordinances and codes that are applicable SECTION 7: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form according to law. PASSED this 26`" day of Iv'ovember ?007. Trustee Brunner Tnrstee Kogstad Trustee Marcus Trustee Nfinx Trustee Staaekn~ann Trustee `I`hill APPROVED by me this 26`~ day of November 2007. Richard Krier, Village President Village of Morten Grove Cook County, Illinois APPROVED and FILBD in my off ce this 27`x' day of November 2007. Carol A. Fritzshall, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois legis'wrdAPlan Comm Case 07-07 SAC wireless )?I3.IIStitPg C.QYY1FI11sSi®II Zoning S®ard of L~ppesls November 12, 2007 Vi11aL~e President Members of the Board of Trustees 6101 Capulina Avenue Morton Grove, Illinois 60053 Dear President Krier and Members of the Village Boai'd: On October 15, 2007, a public hearing was conducted by the Morton Grove Plan Conunission after being published on September 27, 2007 in The Champion newspaper, a sign posted on the property and written notification sent to property owners within 250 feet of the subject property as required by ordinance regarding: Plan Commission Case PC07-07, wherein the applicant, SAC Wireless, 655 First Bank Drive, Palatine, Illinois 60657, on behalf of Fibertower, requested a Special Use Perniit to construct an installation of three microwave dish antennas on the existing tower and one ground-mounted equipment cabinet at 8323. Nagle Avenue. Ms. Bonnie .Tacobson, Planner, introduced the case for the Village. She noted that the original application called for the irstallation of one antenna on the tower, but the applicant, after further analyzing the site wished to add two additional antennas. She smruvarized her background memo and noted that none of the staff had any concerns regarding the case, and both the Appearance Conunissiorti and Traffic Safety Commission waived review. Ms. Jacobson also suggested that the landscaping/screening requirement be waived. The tower is located in an obscure location in an industrial area by the Forest Preserve. The tower is also extremely large and has several other conunercial wireless antennas located on it. The applicant, Tony Phillips of SAC Wireless testified on behalf of the applicant. He noted that the proposed system is different than other carriers in that it is a baekhaul system supporting the different cellular carriers, and is a microware system that operates at higher frequencies than most carriers. He noted that this system is a more high tech alternative to the T-1 fiber optic system that allows cellular companies to better transmit inforn~ation tp remote locations and as a backup to the T-l. Mr. Phillips indicated that they had an independent consultant review their proposal in Terms of frequencies, and there is no problem with interference to/from other carriers or any other issues. No interested parties registered for this case, but Mr. Eric Poders, a Morton Grove resident did express concerns. Mr. Poders indicated that he was concerned about the potential health risk to the employees of neighboring businesses. He was also concerned about the maintenance of the property, noting there were piles of asphalt stored on the site, an empty cable wheel and overhansing branches from neighboring properties ou the site. Mr. Poders suggested the case be tabled. Richard T. Flickinger Municipal Center 6]01 Ca}~ulina Avenue • Morton Grove, Illinois 600>3-2985 ~" Tel: (847) 965-4100 Fax: (847) 965-4162 Recydcd Pape[ Commissioner Roepenack responded that the antennas are too high up on the tower to cause any health risks, and ivls. Jacobson added that the neighboring businesses were sent letters regarding the proposed case and did not respond with any concerns. The Commissioners then discussed what impact the maintenance issues had on approving a special use, and Chairman Farkas questioned whether the landscape requirement should be waived. At Commissioner Gabriel's suggestion, the Commissioners concluded that the maintenance issue could be best addressed by adding a condition that theappheant provide the local contact information for the property owner, American Tower, for follow up by code enforcement. ~~ i_n~yjg;nner Ro~,r~eirack inadC fi motiGIl~ wh;Ch 'Na3 BeGCi.ded by COnllmlSSlollC." Gabriel t0 ap~FOVe aIl antenna and ground-mounted equipment installation at 8323 Nagle Avenue, subject fo the following conditions: I. That the proposed three dish antennas and one ground-mounted equipment cabinet be constructed in accordance with the site plan and elevations dated 1014/07; 2. That a variation be granted from Section I2-3-6CI of the Village of Morton Grove Unified Development Code regarding screening, landscaping and fencing; 3. That local contact information be provided to the Building Commissioner for American Tower regarding property maintenance, prior to the issuance of a building permit; and 4. That all other codes and ordinances Ue met. The motion can~ied: Yes 5; No 1; Absent 1 The voting: Chairman Farkas Commissioner Dorgan Cornn~issioner Gabriel Commissioner Gattorna Commissioner Goyal Commissioner Patel No Absent ~'es Yes Yes Yes Conmsissioner Roepenack Yes The "Findings of Fact" relative to the seven standards by which a Speeia] Use is evaluated is attached to the report. Commdev/zoning/planwmm/pc07-07 report Findines of Fact Listed below are seven standards articulated in Section 12-16-4C of the Village of Morton Grove Unifr.ed Devaloproaent Code upon wlvch the Plan Commission based its decision. Preservation of Health, Safety, AZorals and Welfare -The establishment, maintenance and operation of fhe Special Use will nut be detrimental to or endanger the public health,. safety, morals or general welfare. The Plan Commission concluded that the public welfare would not be endangered by the proposed installaf~on. Pased an the applicant's *.estimony and the fact that the antennas are 165 feet high, the Commission concluded that there would be no ill effect on the public and that the public would actually be served by the proposed backhaul system for the cell phone carriers. 2. Adjacent Properties -The Special LJse should not be injurious to the use and enjoyment of other property in the immediate vicinity for the uses permitted in fhe zoning district. The proposed antenna installation will not be injurious to the use and enjoyment of surrounding properly. The property is in an industrial caning district surrounded by industrial uses. The antennas will be mounted on an existing microwave tower and will be barely visible. The ground-mounted equipment will be stored on the site which is already fenced from surrounding neighbors. 3. Orderly Development -The establishment of the Special lise wilt not impede normal and orderly development or impede the utilization of surrounding property for uses permitted in the zoning district. • The proposed installation is on an existing tower hi an existnzg built-out industrial area that is not planned for redevelopment. Thus, orderly development is not impeded. 4. Adequate Racilities -Adequate utilities, access roads, drainage and other necessary facilities are in existence or are being provided. • The proposed Special lise is on an existing tower where adequate facilities are already present. 5. Traffic Control -Adequate measures have been or will be taken to provide ingress and egress designed to minimize traffic congestion on the public streets. The proposed use of the subject site should not draw substantial amounts of traffic on local residential streets. • The proposed antenna installation requires once a month service and thus will not affect traffic or cause congestion. The Traffic Safety Commission waived review of the case due to minimal baffle impact. 6. Adequate )3uffering -Adequate fencing and/or screening shall be provided to ensure the right of enjoyment of surrounding properties to provide for the public safety or to screen parking areas and other visually incompatible uses. There was discussion as to whether tandseaph~g acid screening was necessary, but the majority of the Commission felt that given die obscure location, the site was suffcientty screened by the existing fence. 7. Conformance to Other Regulations -The Special Use shall, in all other respects, conform to applicable provisions of this Ordinance or amendmenfs thereto. Variation from provisions of this Ordinance, as provided for in Sectio^ 12-16-3A1, may be considered by the Plan Commission and the Village Board of Trustees as a part of the special use permit. The proposed installation will be required to adhere to all pertinent Village codes and crdinances and a variation was granted from Sec±ion 12-3-6C1 regarding the need for landscaping/screening around the ground-mounted equipment. The Commission deemed this requirement unnecessary due to the nature and location of the site. ComdevAzoningAplancom1pc07-07 findings of fact Legislative Summary Ordinance 07-32 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE BUDGETS FOR ALL CORPORATE PURPOSES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE AND TAE MORTON GROVE LIBRARY, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2008, AND ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2008 Introduced: November 12, 2007 Synopsis: This ordinance formally adopts the Village's 2007 Budget. Purpose: The 2008 Budget represents the Corporate Authorities' projections of revenue which are expected to become available during fiscal year' 2008 as well as reCGn"_?vended exprndituro; fGr thr Village. Background: The Budget was presented at the October 24, 200 7, Village Workshop and discussed and revised pursuant to three additional rneetiugs. A public hearing has been scheduled for November 26, 2007, and public notice of the hearing shalLbe published in the Pioneer Press newspaper on November 15, 2007. The Budget has been available for inspection at the office of the V"illage Administrator, the Public Library, and posted on the Village's website since at least October 22, 2007. Budget Summary: Fund Description Budget General Corporate Fund $23,980,258 Motor Fuel Tax Fund 898,200 Enhanced 911 Telephone System Fund 232,000 TIF Fund - Lehigh/Ferris 6,873;822 Economic Development Fund 316,253 TIF Fund -Waukegan Road 697.220 Commuter Parking Lot Fund 159,700 Debt Service Fund 1,619,823 Capital Projects Fund 1,810,210 Enterprise Fund (WaterlSewer} 5,042,536 CNA Pension Fund 429,000 Firefighters Pension Fund 1,908,397 Police Pension Fund 2,132,326 Total Budget -Village of Morten Grove $46,099,745 Total Budget -Morton Grove Public Library 2,732,364 Budget Grand Total -Village and Library $~,z,$32 109 Administrator Approval as presented. Recommendation: First Reading: November 12, 2007 Special The budget is required to be passed before December 31, 2007 Considerations or Requirements: , ~~ ~ Respectfully submitted: 7JL~Cr~ Reviewed by: f~~,`~ ~S 7ose~ F. de, (Village Administrator Teresa Hoffi~ iston, Corporation Comrsel Prepared by: ~ ~A) ~~ // 1~ ~ artipilo, inan irector/T~easurer ORDINANCE 07-32 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE BUDGETS FOR ALL CORPORATE PURPOSES OF THE VILLAGE OF iLIORTON GROVE AND THE ItIORTON GROVE LIBRARY, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2008, AND ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2008 WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (Village), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of govermnent under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its govenunent affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Ordinance 97-53 enacted on the 11 ~~' day of November 1997, the Corporate Authorities of the Village of Morton Grove established by atwo-thirds majority vote of the Village Board then holding office, the budget system, all as authorized pursuant to Statute 65 ILCS 5/8-2-91 and pursuant to said statute and local ordinance; and WHEREAS, the Village Administrator of the Village of Morton Grove has prepared and compiled the contents of the 2008 Budget and presented said Budget in tentative form for consideration by the Village Board; and WHEREAS, the proposed aimual budget has been made conveniently available for public inspection in the Office of the Village Administrator at least by October 22, 2007, such date being at least ten (10) days prior to the date of passage of this Ordinance by the Village Board; and WHEREAS, the Village Board held a public hearing on the proposed armual budget on the 26 day of November 2007, such date being not less than one week after the proposed budget was made available for inspection; and WHEREAS, notice of such hearing was given by publication in the Pioneer Press Newspaper which is a newspaper of general circulation in the Village, at ]east one week prior to the time of said hearing; and WHEREAS the budget documents are too voluminous to attach to this ordinance, but comport with the budget recapitulation attached hereto as Exhibit "A". NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDALNED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, IL,LINrOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION L The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Ordinance as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2: The annual budget of fhe Village of Morton Grove, Illinois for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2008 and ending December 31, 2008, pursuant to the official budget documents currently kept in the Office of the Village Administrator shall be and is hereby adopted. SECTION 3: The Annual Budget of the Morton. Grove Public Library for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2008 and ending December 31, 2008, is attached hereto as Exhibit "B" shall be and is hereby adopted SECTION 4: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form according to law PASSED this 26th day of November 2007. Trustee Brunner Trustee Kogstad Trustee Marcus Trustee Minx Trustee Staackmann Trustee Thill APPROVED by me this 26`~ day of November 2007. Richard Krier; Village President Village of Morton Crrove Cook County, Illinois APPROVED and FILED in my office this 27`~ day of November 2007. Carol A. Pritzshall, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois legis\ord12007\2008 Budget adoption ExxtslT «A„ VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE AND MORTON GROVE PUBLIC LIBRARY BUDGET ORDINANCE 07-32 CALENDAR YEAR JANUARY I, 2008 TO DECEMBER 31, 2008 RECAPITULATION Fund Description Budget General. Corporate Fund $23,98v,258 Motor Fue] Tax Fund 898,200 Enhanced 911 Telephone System Fund 232,000 TIF Fund -Lehigh/Ferris 6,873,822 Economic Development Fund 316,253 TIF Fund -Waukegan Road 697,220 Commuter Parking Lot Fetid 159,'700 Debt Service Fund 1.619,823 Capital Projects Fund 1,810,210 Enterprise Fund (Water/Sewer) 5,042,536 CNA Pension Fund 429,000 Firefighters Pension Fund 1,908,397 Police Pension Fund 2,132,326 Total Budget - Village of Morton Grove $46,099,'745 ~Ibtal Budget -Morton Grove Public Library 2,732,364 Budget Urant Total -Village and Library X48.832 109 EXHIBIT "B" MORTON GROVE PUBLIC LIBRARY APPROPRIATIONS AND LEVY FISCAL YEAR 2008 November 9, 2007 Village of Morton Grove Board of Trustees Richard Krier, President Viiiage of Morton Grove 6101 Capulina Morton Grove IL 60053 President Krier, The Budget for the Morton Grove Public Library reflects the levels of revenue and appropriations required to provide Library operations and services during the fiscal period January 1 to December 31, 2008. The budget results in a property tax levy of $2,494,364 and expenditures totaling $2,732,364. Sincerely, ~~ M fi 140 Linco6; Avenue Morton Grove. Illinois ~ooss2nay phone: H»9.965 4220 fax: 547.965]903 cdd: ha7,965A236 www.we6rary.m'g Benjamin R Schapiro Direcror Renee Miller, President Board of Library Trustees for the Village of Morton Grove MORTON GROVE PUBLIC LIBRARY APPROPRIATIONS & LEVY CALENDAR YEAR 2008 PERSONNEL Salaries Retirement Health Insurance Long Term Disability Life Insurance Subtotal: APPRO- OTHER PRIATION REVENUE 1,398,562 33,500 127,912 25,153 246,942 23,153 2,500 2,200 2,291 2,291 1,778,207 86,297 PATRON MATERIALS & SERVICES Books Periodicals Downlcadable Books Audiovisuals Programs 70th Anniversary Photocopier Acquisitions & Maint. Computer Network Database Access Charges Subtotal: CY2008 Morton Grove Public Library Board of Trustees November 8, 2007 151,000 28,700 4,100 55,200 36,250 5,000 12, 000 56,980 83,084 432,314 12,000 2,500 2, 000 5,500 8,000 5,000 12, 000 5,000 8,000 60,000 TAX LEVY 1,365, 062 102, 759 223,789 300 1,691,910 139,000 26,200 2,100 49, 700 28,250 0 0 51,980 75,084 372,314 6140 Lincoln Av¢nue Mrnion Grove, Illinois 60053.2989 phone: 847 965A220 fax: S47 965.7903 tdd: 847.965.4236 www.wehrary.org I3enjan~in H. Schapiro Director 1119/079:48 AM MGPLAPPROPRIATIONS & LEVY CY2008 APPRO- OTHER TAX OPERATIONS PRIATION REVENUE LEVY Maintenance 72,000 5,000 67,000 Equipment/FurnitureAcquisitions 32,000 5,000 27,000 Utilities 18,700 1,500 17,200 Insurance 35,462 4,962 30,500 Library Supplies 33,GG0 5,2G0 27,800 Telephone 12,500 1,000 11,500 Postage 11,000 1,000 10;000 Printing 33,000 3,000 30,000 Continuing Education/Meetings 22,000 8,000 14,000 Memberships 6,000 1,500 4,500 Professional Services 30,000 1,600 29,000 Consultant Services 24,000 5,000 19,000 Miscellaneous 1,000 500 500 Facilities Planning 30,000 30,000 0 Reserve/Emergency 33,000 12,000 21,000 Subtotal: 393,662 84,662 309,000 SPECIAL TAXES FICA 107,181 3,041 104,140 Annua! Audit 4,000 2,000 2,000 Tort Liability 17,000 2,000 15,000 Subtotal: 128,181 7,041 121,140 Total: 2,732,364 238,000 2,494,364 Working Cash Fund: 177,292 177,292 0 Totals: 2,909,656 415,292 2,494,364 CY2008 Morton Grove Public Library Board of Trustees November 8, 2007 11 /9/079:48 AM 2 MORTON GROVE PUBLIC LIBRARY CALENDAR YEAR 2008 BUDGET REVENUES Property Tax Receipts 2,494,364 Replacement Tax Receipts 24,000 Fines 24,000 Lost Materials Payments 2,800 Photocopying/Printing Receipts 4,500 Miscellaneous Income 0 Audiovisual Rental Receipts 1,200 Grants 27,500 Interest Income 60,000 Book Sale Receipts 4,000 Total 2,642,364 Available Fund Balance: 90,000 Total Revenues: 2,732,364 Working Cash Fund: 177,292 Total Resources: 2,909,656 CY2008 Budget Approved November 8, 2007 Morton Grove Public Library Board of Trustees 614D Lincoln Avenue Morton Drove, Piirois 60013 ~9R9 phone: 8A7 165.x220 fax: 847.965.1903 tdd: 847.9654236 www.webrery.org Benjamin H. Schapiro Director 11/9/079:43 AM EXPENDITURES PERSONNEL Salaries 1,398,562 Retirement 127,912 Health Insurance 246,942 Long Term Disability 2,500 Life Insurance 2,291 Subtotal: 1,778,207 PATRON MATERIALS & SERVICES Books 151,000 Periodicals 28,700 Downloadable Books 4,100 Audiovisuals 55,200 Programs 36,250 70th Anniversary 5,000 Photocopier Acquisitions & Maini 12,000 Computer Network 56,980 Database Access Charges 83,084 Subtotal: 432,314 GY2008 Budget Approved November 8, 2007 Morton Grove Public Library Board of Trustees ll /9/079;43 AM OPERATIONS Maintenance Equipment/Furniture Acquisition Utilities Insurance Library Supplies Telephone Postage Printing Continuing Education/Meetings Memberships Professional Services Consultant Services nlliscellaneous Facilities Planning Reserve/Emergency Subtotal: SPECIAL TAXES FICA Annual Audit Tort Liability Subtotal: Total Expenditures: Working Cash Fund: Total Appropriations: CY2008 Budget Approved November 8, 2007 Morton Grove Public Library Board of Trustees 72,000 32,000 18,700 35,462 33, 000 12, 500 11,000 33,000 22,000 6,000 30,000 24,000 1,000 30,000 33,000 393,662 107,181 4,000 17, 000 128,181 2,732,364 177,292 2,909,656 1119/079:43 AM MGPL BUDGET NOTES CY2008 MORTON GROVE PUBLIC LIBRARY FISCAL YEAR 2008 BUDGET NOTES REVENUES Property tax receipts - 3100 $2,494,364 Set after necessary expenditures and other revenues are projected. A 3.67% increase of $88,265 compared to 2007. Repiacement taxes - 3110 $24,000 Allocated by Village according to state statute; tax is replacement for the personal property tax of 1976. Increase of $4,000 from 2007. Fines - 3200 $24,000 Fees for overdue materials. No change from 2007. Lost Materials Payments - 3210 $2,800 Fees for non-returned materials. No change from 2007. 6140 Lincoln Avcnue Moaon Grove. lilii~ois 60053..>_989 phone. 849965.4220 fax: 8479659903 tdd: 847.965.4236 www.webrary.org Benjamin H. Scheprto Director Photocopy/Printing Receipts - 3800 $4,500 Fees for patron photocopies and computer printouts. No change from 2007. Miscellaneous Income - 3900 $0 Includes non-resident fees, determined by state formula. MGPL calculated fee for 2006-2007 is $273; account also includes fees for computer disks; replacement library cards. No change from 2007. AV Rental Receipts - 3910 $1,200 Fees for rental of videos and DVDs ($1 for 1 wk. circ) to non- residents. Changed from $15,000 in 2006. The application of this fee to resident borrowers was stopped in 2007. MGPL BUDGET NOTES CY2008 Grants - 3920 $ 27,500 Includes per capita grant estimated at $1.25 per capita, allocated by the Illinois State Library. The typical grant amount is in the $27,000 range. Interest Income - 3930 $60,000 Projected returns on funds deposited in Illinois Funds and other financial institutions. Increased from 2007, $3,808. Book Sale Receipts - 3940 $4,000 Revenue from book sale conducted by library volunteers. No change from 2007. EXPENDITURES PERSONNEL Salaries: $1,398.562 Professional Salaries - 4010 Salaries for full time professional staff. 12 FTE. Decrease from 2007, $36,136. Support Staff - 4020 Salaries for part time staff. 18.7 FTE; 37 employees. Includes one new full time Reference Librarian, replacing one part time Reference Librarian, one circulation clerk, and one part time Program Aide to monitor movies and events. Increase from 2007, $30,820. Custodial Staff - 4030 Salaries for full time and part time custodial staff. 3.7 FTE. Includes one additional part time position. Five employees. Increase from 2007, $24,969. Retirement - 4050 $127,912 Includes participation in retirement plan with the Village of Morton Grove and the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund (IMRF). Increase from 2007, $2,912. Health Insurance - 4060 $246,942 Based on broker's projection, PPO and HMO coverage for 21 employees. Increase from 2007, $26,458. MGPL BUDGET NOTES CY2008 Long Term Disability - 4070 $2, 500 Coverage included as part of Village of MG plan for 22 full-time employees. Increase from 2007, $300. Life Insurance - 4080 $2,291 Coverage far 22 participants. Increase of 5% from 2007, $109. PATRON l'e'EATEREALS 8a SERYiCES Books: $151,000 Fiction, nonfiction, reference and other print materials for Adult and Youth Services. Downloadable Books - 5012 $4,100 Includes MyMediaMall access charges. No change from 2007. Periodicals - 5020 $28,700 Added publications balanced by dropped and ceased publications, allows for new Titles while maintaining same spending level. No .change from 2007. Audiovisuals: $55,200 Adult - 5030 Includes audiobooks on CD or PlayAway and MP3 audiobooks and popular and classical music CDs. Increase from 2007, $13,800. Youth Services - 5031 Includes CD-ROMS, compact discs, kits, audiobooks and Circulating video games. Increase from 2007, $1,200. Microforms - 5050 $1,200 Includes ongoing filming of current issues of MG Champion by Illinois State Historical Library. No change from 2007. Programs: $41,250 Adult - 5300 Includes funding for entertainment & educational programs, computer training programs and summer reading programs; incentives, prizes, consumables(refreshments. Decrease from 2007, $3,000. Youth Services - 5301 Includes funding for special outside presenters, prizes and refreshments. Increase from 2007, $4,750. MGPL BUDGET NOTES CY2008 70th Anniversary - 53xx Includes funding for special outside presenters, prizes and refreshments for both Adult and Youth programs. Photocopier Acquisitions & Maintenance - 5400 $12,000 Reflects contractual leasing costs and supplies for 3 copiers. No change from 2007. Camouter Svstem - 6050 $56,980 Includes. SIRSI annual maintenance; IAN maintenance; various software upgrades; computers replacements. Increase from 2007, $5,817. Database Access Charges - 6300 $83,084 Includes funding for OCLC's international bibliographic database and various reference databases. Increase from 2007, $5,688. OPERATIONS Maintenance: $72,000 Building & Grounds Maintenance - 7010 Includes expenditures for elevator maintenance, exterminator, emergency services, electrical, landscaping, plumbing, janitorial/cleaning supplies, snow removal, carpet cleaning, parking lot and leased parking. No change from 2007. Equipment/Machinery Maintenance - 7030 Includes contractual maintenance of HVAC system, alarm system, sprinkler system, car, and fire extinguishers. No change from 2007. EquipmentiFurniture Acquisitions - 7040 $32,000 Includes expenditures for miscellaneous equipment and office furniture, shelving, office chairs, etc. No change from 2007. Utiiities - 7060 $18,700 Includes water and gas expenses. No change from 2007. Insurance - 7080 $35,462 Includes multi-peril package and worker's comp. No change from 2007. MGPL BUDGET NOTES CY2008 Library Supplies - 8000 $33,000 Includes expenditures for office supplies (stationery, pens, binders) and library supplies such as book covers, labels. Increase from 2007, $5,000. Telephone - 8010 $12,500 Includes costs for key telephone system ISDN line; 2 business lines: Iona distance; 1 cellular phone. No change from 2007. Postage - 8020 $11,000 Includes mailing of newsletter and various public information items, such as correspondence, overdue notices, MatchBook, etc. No change from 2007. Printing - 8030 $33,000 Reflects costs for newsletter and printing of data mailers, new service brochures, etc. No change from 2007. Continuing Education/Meetings - 8050 $22,000 Includes funding for various meetings/conferences-NSLS sponsored CE, ALA Conference/ Chicago, PLA Symposium, Reaching Forward Conference, Illinois Library Conference, etc. at the rate of $2,000 per full time professional employee. Increase from 2007 $3,000. Memberships - 8080 $6,000 Includes institutional, trustee and administrative memberships in library associations, LACONI, and the MG Chamber of Commerce. No change from 2007. Professional Services - 8130 $30,000 Includes funding for financial assistance; ADP Direct HR services and increased legal counsel. Increase from 2007, $15,000. Consultant Services - 8140 $24,000 Includes funding for actuary and misc. consulting. No change from 2007. MGPL BUDGET NOTES CY2008 Miscellaneous - 8150 $1,000 Includes incidental expenses and auto mileage. Increase from 2007, $500. Facilities PlanninglBuilding - 8160 $30, 000 Reserve for building renovation and/or new construction. No change from 2007. Reserve for Extraordinary & Emergency Expenditures - 8170 $33,000 No change from 2007. SPECIAL TAXES FICA - 9010 $107,181 Social Security/Medicare contributions. Increase from 2007, $1,944. Annual Audit - 9020 $4,000 No change from 2007. Tort Liability - 9030 $17,000 Includes auto, directors & officers, umbrella and surety bond coverage. No change from 2007. Legislative Summary ORDINANCE 07-33 _~ AN ORDIi~rANCE LEVYING AND ASSESSING TAXES FOR'LTIE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 2008 AND ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2008 Introduced: November 26, 2007 Synopsis This ordinance set the levy for property taxes for tax year 2007 which are collected in 2008. Purpose: This ordinance must be adopted and fried with the Cook County Clerk in order to levy property taxes within the Village of Morton Grove. i3ackground: Pursuant r„ nr,iinance n7-32, the Village Board of Tructres passed the 2008 Budeet for the Village of Morton Grove and the Morton Grove Public Library. Said budget calls for expenditures in the amount of $48,832,109. The amount necessary to be levied for 2007 property taxes in the amount of $11,898,236. By law, the Village is required to levy an additional $1,407,791 for debt service payments authorized by general obligation notes and bonds for a total levy before abatement in the amount of $13,306,027. However, the Village Board intends to adopt Resolutions 07-58, 07-59, 07- 60, which will immediately abate $ 1,407,79) from the levy resulting in the net levy as intended by the Corporate Authorities in the amounf of $11,898,236. Summary of Appropriations Tax Levy Net to be levied and Assessed: Fund Requirements Abatements 2007 Levy Corporate $4,873,250 $0 $4,813,250 1MRF 168,823 0 168,823 C.N.A. 325,Sli 0 325,815 Capital Improvements 378,000 0 378,000 Police Pension 1,244,559 0 1.244,559 Fire Pension 1,422,190 0 1,0.22,190 Subtotal $8,352.637 $0 $8,352.637 Debt Service 1999 Bonds $1,342,280 ($810,570) $531,710 IEPA Notes 502,586 0 502,586 Waukegan TIF Area "A" 3.165M Note 286,835 (269.896) 16,939 Waukegan TIF Area "B" 3.765M Note 327,325 (327,325) 0 Total Debt Service $2.459,026 ($1,407.791) $1,051,235 Total Village Tax Levy $10,811,663 ($),407.791) $9,403,872 ~ Library $2.494.364 $0 52.494.364 COMBINED TOTAL LEVY 513.306,027 ($1,407,797) 511,898,236 Administrator ~ Approval as presented.. Recommendation: First Reading: November 26, 2007 Special Considerations or A certified copy of this resolution must be filed with the Cook County Clerk Requirements: i Respectfully submitted ~~___ ___ Joseph .Wad Village Administrator ~--- Reviewe~dby:_. _.__ Preparedb7~ 1~~__'~"""~~~~eatia_ Teresa Hoffinan Liston, Corporation Counsel Damela Partipilq Finance Director/Treasure ORDINANCE 07-33 AN OKDINANCE LEVYING AND ASSESSING TAXES FOR THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY I, 2008 AND F,NDING DECEMBER 31, 2008 WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (VILLAGE), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unitof government under the provisions of Article 7 of The 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power. and perform any function pertasning to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, on November 26; 2007, the President and Board of Trustees of the VILLAGE passed and approved by roll call vote, the annual Appropriation Ordinance (07-32) of said VILLAGE for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2008, and ending December 31, 2008, effective from and after January 1, 2008. The Ordinance was duly signed and approved by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village and attested by the Village Clerk; and thereafter it was duly published in pamphlet form by order of the President and Board of Trustees of the VILLAGE; and WHEREAS, the President and Board of Trustees of the VILLAGE have determined it is in the public interest to levy the following amounts as indicated on said Ordinance for the objects and purposes hereinafter set forth, pursuant to law and Article VII, Section 6, of the Constitution of the State of Illinois; and ~~~ ~ ~ 1207 WHEREAS, a Notice of the Public Hearing was published in the 6et~Her-3G~$07, Pioneer Press in the time and form as required by the State Statute; and WHEREAS, a Public Hearing was held at 7:30 pm on Monday, December 10, 2007, in the Richard T. Flickinger Municipal Center where comments were heard and addressed by the Village Board of Trustees; and WHEREAS, the aforementioned Appropriation Ordinance as adopted on December 10, 2007, provided for a total property tax levy including the total levy for all Debt Service requirements before abatements of THIRTEEN MILLION THREE HUNDRED SIX THOUSAND TWENTY-SEVEN DOLLARS ($13,306,027); and WHEREAS, the VILLAGE will subsequently pass additional resolutions abating tax Levies relating to the share provided for by the VILLAGE'S Water/Sewer Fund for THREE HUNDRED THIRTY-FIVE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED SEVENTY DOLLARS ($335,570) and from the proceeds related to the share of the local option sales tax totaling FOUR HUNDRED FORTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ($440,000) and the share provided for by the VILLAGE Waukegan Road Tax Increment Financing Area Funds for THREE HUNDRED TWENTY-SEVEN THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS ($327,325) and the share provided for by the VILLAGE Waukegan Road Tax Increment Financing Area Funds for TWO HUNDRED SIXTY-NIhrE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED NINETY-SlX DOLLARS ($269,896) and an additional THIRTY FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($35,000} from General VILLAGE funds accumulated through interest earnings; and WHEREAS, the result of the above abatements will be to reduce the gross property tax from the original THIRTEEN MILLION THREE HUNDRED SIX THOUSAND TWENTY-SEVEN DOLLARS ($13,306,027) as indicated in this Ordinance to a net property tax levy of ELEVEN MILLION EIGHT HUNDRED NINETY-EIGHT THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED THIRTY-SIX DOLLARS ($11,898,236), areduction of ONE MILLION FOUR HUNDRED SEVEN THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED NINETY-ONE DOLLARS ($1,407,791). NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Ordu~ance~ as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SEC"PION 2: The total amount of appropriations for all corporate purposes legally made and to be collected from the tax levy of the current year is hereby ascertained to be the sum of THIRTEEN MILLION THREE HUNDRED SIX THOUS AND TWENTY-SEVEN DOLLARS ($13,306,027) being the total appropriation heretofore legally made which is to be collected from the tax levy of the current year. SECTION 3: That the sumof THIRTEEN MILLION THREE H[JNDRF,D SIX THOUSAND TWENTY-SEVEN DOLLARS ($13,306,027) being the total of appropriations heretofore legally made which are to be collected from the tax levy of the current year of the VILLAGE subject to taxation for the current year, the specific amounts as levied for the various funds being included herein being placed in separate columns under the heading "Amount to be Raised by Tax Levy" which appears over the same, the tax so levied being for fiscal year 2008 of said VILLAGE, and for the said appropriation to be collected from said tax levy, to be applied to liquidation of the appropriations heretofore made by Ordinance No. 07-32 adopted by roll call vote by the President and Board of Trustees of said VILLAGE at a meeting thereof regularly convened and held on I~?ovember 26, 2007, and being as follows: SECTION 4: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form according to law. PASSED this l0a' day of December 2007. Trustee Brunner Trustee Kogstad Trustee Marcus Trustee Minx Trustee Staackmann Trustee Thill APPROVED by me this 10~' day of December 2007. Richard Krier, Village President Village of MorCon Grove Cook County, Illinois APPROVED and FILED in my office this 11`" day of December 2007. Carol A. Fritzshall, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois Budget Levy Amount GENERAL CORPORATE FUND Administration -Legislative Personal Services Salaries-Regular 35,000 0 Salaries-Part Time 18:000 0 Stipends 19,000 0 Social Security 3,500 0 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 75,500 0 Contractual Services Dues ~ Subs^^ptiens 1°,000 0 Meetings And Conferences 2,525 0 Official Village Business 7,750 0 Community Relations 8,050 0 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 36,325 0 Commodities Operational Supplies 2,500 0 TOTAL COMMODITIES 2,500 0 TOTAL LEGISLATIVE 114,325 0 Administration -Village Administrator Office Personal Services Salaries-Regular 343,900 0 Salaries-Part Time 17,000 0 Longevity 3,200 0 Longevity -Auto Allowance 6,365 0 Social Security 25,000 0 Hospitalization Insurance 43,000 0 IMRF Employer Contribution 21,883 21,883 Employer Contribution to 457 Plan 5,150 0 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 465,498 21,883 Contractual Services Due & Subscriptions Meetings And Conferences Training & Instructions Employee Relations Personnel Recruitment Professional Services Postage & Meter Rental Maintenance Of Non Auto Equip TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3, 300 2,175 350 5,550 2,500 18,800 6, 000 700 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 39,375 0 Commodities Operational Supplies 3,000 0 TOTAL COMMODITIES 3,000 0 TOTAL ADMINISTRATION 507,873 21,883 Budget Levy Amount Administration -Legal Personal Services Salaries-Regular Social Security IMRF Employer Contribution TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES Contractual Services 99,230 0 9,591 0 9,129 9,129 117,950 9,129 Dues & Subscriptions 7,000 0 Meetings And Conferences 1,500 0 Pubiicativn and i~iisc Fees 3,000 0 Retainer Of Village Prosecutor 20,000 0 Additional Legal Fees 235,000 0 Administrative Adjudication 6,000 0 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 272,500 0 TOTAL LEGAL 390,450 9,129 Administration -Economic Development Personal Services Salaries-Regular 77,072 0 Salaries-Part Time 10,000 0 Social Security 6,800 0 Hospitalization Insurance 4,860 0 IMRF Employer Contribution 7,201 7,201 Auto Allowance 1,200 0 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 107,133 7,201 Contractual Services Mileage Allowance 200 0 Dues & Subscriptions 1,400 0 Meetings And Conferences 4,200 0 Economic Development Commission 1,000 0 Printing And Publishing 6,000 0 Telephone 225 0 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 13,025 0 Commodities Office Supplies 1,000 0 TOTAL COMMODITIES 1,000 0 TOTAL COMMUNITY & ECON DEVELOP 121,158 7,201 TOTAL ADMINISTRATION 1,133,806 38,213 Finance Personal Services Salaries-Regular 330,000 0 Salaries-Part Time 15,000 0 Salaries-SeasonaUTemporary 9,891 0 Budget Levy Amount Longevity 1,950 0 Social Security 25,000 0 Hospitalization Insurance 73,000 0 IMRFEmployerContribution 20,185 20,185 Retiree Health Expense 243,800 0 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 718,826 20,185 Contractual Services Dues & Subscriptions 2,000 0 Meetings And Conferences 2;700 0 Training & Instructions 1,500 0 Professional Services 45,000. 0 Pos±age A nne4er Ren±al 34,500 0 Printing And Publishing 15,000 0 Equipment Lease/rental Pymts 15,000 0 Utilities Telephone 80,000 0 Maintenance Of Non Auto Equip 13,300 0 Self insurance/irma Pool Contr 913,400 0 Bank fees and charges 18,000 0 Contribution to CNA Fund 325,815 325,815 Replacement tax transfer expense 25,000 0 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1,491,215 325,815 Commodities Operational Supplies 20,000 0 TOTAL COMMODITIES 20,000 0 Transfers Transfer to Debt Service Fund 137,162 0 TOTAL TRANSFERS 137,162 0 TOTAL FINANCE 2,367,203 346,000 Finance-Information Technology Personal Services Salaries-Regular 83,150 0 Social Security 6,361 0 Hospitalization Insurance 16,900 0 IMRF Employer Contribution 7,650 7,650 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 114,061 7,650 Contractual Services Dues & Subscriptions 900 0 Meetings And Conferences 850 0 Training & Instructions 13,000 0 Professional Services 105,171 0 Programming & Software Fees 94,125 0 Telephone 1,500 0 Utilities Internet Connection 20,300 0 Maintenance Of Computers 42,488 0 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 278,334 0 Commodities Operational Supplies 2,550 0 TOTAL COMMODITIES 2,550 0 Capital Outlav Machinery & Equipment 68,700 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 68,700 0 Budget Levy Amount TOTAL Information Technology 463,645 7,650 Finance-Reserve Reserves Reserve For Emergency/extra Ex 75,000 0 Reserve For Unemployment Comp 3,000 0 Reserve For Irma Deductibles 65,000 0 Reserve For Compensation 25,000 0 Reserve For Retirement (sli} 15,000 0 TOTAL RESERVES 183,000 0 TOTAL FINANCE 3,Oi3,840 353,85^v Police Personal Services Salaries-Regular (Non-Union) Salaries-Regular (Union) Salaries-Seasonal/Tempora ry Salaries Overtime Holiday Pay Police Court Time 1,277,300 0 2,795,000 2,200,000 116,500 0 150,000 0 97,000 0 60,000 0 Longevity 40,000 0 Social Security 102,000 0 Hospitalization Insurance 678,700 0 IMRF Employer Contribution 47,000 47,000 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 5,363,500 2,247,000 Contractual Services Dues & Subscriptions 14,749 0 Meetings And Conferences 2,150 0 Training & Instructions 41,225 0 Employee Relations 4,025 0 Personnel Recruitment 7,600 0 Postage 250 0 Printing And Publishing 6,200 0 Abandon Auto Removal 250 0 Equipment Lease/Rental Pymts 8,400 0 Telephone 5,400 0 Maintenance Of Equipment 82,085 0 Community Relations 1,200 0 Mutual Aid 8,550 0 Central Dispatch 721,700 0 Speciallnvestigations 2,650 0 Pension Contribution Expense 1,244,559 0 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 2,150,993 0 Commodities Operational Supplies 27,380 0 Office Supplies 8,938 0 Uniform Purchase & Replacement 53,035 0 Guns & Ammunition 19,845 0 Crime Prevention Expense 2,700 0 TOTAL COMMODITIES 111,898 0 Capital Outlay Machinery & Equipment 73,800 Motor Vehicles 88,000 Budget Levy Amount TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 161,800 0 TOTAL POLICE 7,788,191 2,247,000 Fire Personal Services Salaries-Regular (Non-Union) 620,000 0 Salaries-Regular (Union) 3,030,000 2,200,000 Salaries-Part Time 37,000 0 Salaries Overtime 297,000 0 Holiday Pay 159,500 0 Longevity 41,300 0 Social Security 48,000 0 Hospitalization Insurance 651,200 0 IMRF Employer Contribution 1,975 1,975 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 4,885,975 2,201,975 Contractual Services Dues & Subscriptions 16,913 0 Meetings And Conferences 2,550 0 Training & Instructions 22,200 0 Employee Relations 11,900 0 Personnel Recruitment 3,200 0 Prinfing And Publishing 2,500 0 Equipment Lease/rental Pymts 9,240 0 Telephone 4,000 0 Maintenance Of Equipment 15,000 0 Maintenance Of Radio Equipment 8,400 0 Regional Emergency Dispatch 171,000 0 Pension Contribution Expense 1,422,190 0 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1,689,093 0 Commodities Fire Prevention Supplies 7,655 0 Operational Supplies 10,000 D Janitorial Supplies 4,200 0 Paramedic Program/supplies 19,665 0 Office Supplies 4,500 0 Hazardous Material & Supplies 5,500 0 Operational Equipment 15,550 0 Hose Fittings/suppression Equi 8,800 0 Uniform Purchase & Replacement 24,194 0 TOTAL COMMODITIES 100,064 0 TOTAL FIRE 6,675,132 2,201,975 Fire-Civil Preparedness Personal Services Salary ESDA Coordinator 1,200 0 Social Security 92 0 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 1,292 0 Contractual Services Mileage Allowance 50 Dues & Subscriptions 55 Meetings And Conferences 120 Training & Instructions 700 Personnel Recruitment Printing And Publishing Equipment Lease/rental Pymts Telephone Maintenance Of Non Auto Equip Maintenance Of Radio Equipment TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Budget Levy Amount 500 0 100 0 1, 782 400 1,712 600 6, 019 Commodities Operational Supplies 1,350 0 Uniform Purchase & Replacement 2,000 0 TOTAL COMMODITIES 3,350 0 Capital OutiaV Machinery & Equipment 2,500 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 2,500 0 TOTAL ESDA 13,161 TOTAL FIRE 6,688,293 2,201,975 Public Works -Streets and Sidewalks Personal Services Salaries-Regular 1,082,000 413,250 Salaries-Part Time 33,500 0 Salaries-SeasonallTemporary 20,000 0 Salaries Overtime 98,000 0 Longevity 18,425 0 Social Security 97,000 0 Hospitalization Insurance 223,900 0 IMRF Employer Contribution 10,800 10,800 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 1,583,625 424,050 Contractual Services Dues & Subscriptions 5,400 0 Meetings And Conferences 700 0 Training & Instruction 700 0 Employee Relations 1,500 0 Tree Replacement 30,000 0 Tree Trimming 30,000 0 Landfill Expense 35,000 0 Construction Services 25,000 0 Telephone 4,000 0 Utilities Street Lighting 135,000 0 Maintenance Of Equipment 4,000 0 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 271,300 0 Commodities Operational Supplies 16,000 Janitorial Supplies 1,550 Office Supplies 1,500 Landscaping Materials 7,500 0 Construction Materials 18,000 0 Street Sign Materials 25,000 0 Operational Equipment 27,500 0 Uniform Purchase & Replacement 4,800 0 TOTAL COMMODITIES 101,850 0 Capital Outlav Machinery & Equipment 139,200 0 Budget Levy Amount TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 139,200 0 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS-STREETS 2,095,975 424,050 Public Works -Engineering Personal Services Salaries-Regular 225,000 0 Salaries Overtime 5,000 0 Longevity 425 0 Social Security 17,750 0 Hospitalization Insurance 38,171 0 IMRF Employer Contribution 18,300 18,300 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 304,646 18,300 Contractual Services Dues & Subscriptions 1,100 0 Meetings And Conferences 700 0 Training & Instructions 1,200 0 Employee Relations 250 O Printing And Publishing 1,000 0 Engineering Services 12,000 0 Equipment Lease/rental Pymts 200 0 Telephone 700 0 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 17,150 0 Commodities Operational Supplies 1,500 0 Office Supplies 500 0 Uniform Purchase & Replacement 700 0 TOTAL COMMODITIES 2,700 0 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS-ENGINEERING 324,496 18,300 Public Works-Solid Waste Contractual Services Yard Waste Program 80,000 Residents Waste Collection Fees 235,000. 0 Swancc Tipping/disposal Fees 430,000 0 Swancc Debt Contribution 28,000 0 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 773,000 0 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS-SOLID WASTE 773,000 0 Public Works -Vehicle Maintenance Personal Services Salaries-Regular 233,300 0 Salaries Overtime 20,000 0 Longevity 2,700 0 Social Security 19,800 0 Hospitalization Insurance 38,900 0 Mechanics Pen- Employer Contri 18,512 0 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 333,212 0 Contractual Services Dues & Subscriptions 400 Training & Instructions 1,000 Employee Relations 200 Telephone 600 Budget Levy Amount Maintenance Of Equipment 63,000 0 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 65,200 0 Commodities Equipment Supplies/Parts 152,000 0 Gas, Diesel, Fuel, & Oil 210,000 0 Operational Supplies 22,000 0 Office Supplies 200 0 Uniform Purchase & Replacement 2,100 0 TOTAL COMMODITIES 386,300 0 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS-VEHICLE MAINT 784,712 0 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS 3,978,183 442,350 Family and Senior Services Personal Services Salaries-Regular Salaries-Part Time Sala ries-Seasonal/Tem porary Longevity Social Security Hospitalization Insurance 153,000 0 74,000 0 39,000 0 1,330 0 29,000 0 39,800 0 IMRF Employer Contribution 10,000 10,000 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 346,130 10,000 Contractual Services Mileage Allowance 250 0 Programming & Activity Exp 33,150 0 Dues & Subscriptions 735 0 Meetings And Conferences 700 0 Employee Relations 787 0 Postage & Meter Rental 2,200 0 Printing And Publishing 1,675 0 Special Assistance 27,000 0 Senior Citizen Cab Fares 3,500 0 Counseling & Social Services 100 0 Telephone 1,500 0 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 71,597 0 Commodities Operational Supplies 4,650 Medical Supplies 3,500 TOTAL COMMODITIES 8,150 TOTAL FAMILY & SENIOR SERVICES 425,877 10,000 Civic Center Personal Services Salaries-Regular 101, 900 Salaries- Part Time 11,000 Salaries-Seasonal/Temporary 38,000 Longevity 2,370 0 Social Security 13,000 0 Health Insurance 15,700 0 IMRF Employer Contribution 2,700 2,700 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 184,670 2,700 Budget Levy Amount Contractual Services Dues & Subscriptions Janitorial Services Equipment Lease/rental Pymts Utilities-municipal Facilities Maintenance of Buildings Maintenance Of Non-auto Equip TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 180 15,160 3, 500 16,000 10, 000 12,210 57,050 Commodities Operational Supplies 12,500 0 Janitorial Supplies 3,000 0 TOTAL COivtivtvuiTiES 15,500 0 TOTAL CIVIC CENTER 257,220 2,700 TOTAL FAM & SR. SERVICE/CIVIC CENTER 683,097 12,700 Building and Inspec4ional Services Personal Services Salaries-Regular 344,600 0 Salaries-Seasonal/Temporary 27,000 0 Longevity 4,050 0 Social Security 29,500 0 Hospitalization Insurance 66,350 0 IMRF Employer Contribution 12,000 .12,000 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 483,500 12,000 Contractual Services Dues & Subscriptions 1,535 0 Meetings And Conferences 1,500 0 Public Health Services 250 0 Engineering Services 6,500 0 Telephone 1,200. 0 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 10,985 0 Commodities Operational Supplies 1,950 Uniform Purchase & Replacement 500 TOTAL COMMODITIES 2,450 TOTAL BLDG & INSPECTIONAL SERVICES 496,935 12,000 Municipal Buildings Personal Services Salaries Custodians 15,000 0 Social Security 1,150 0 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 16,150 0 Contractual Services Janitorial Services 32,000 0 Utilities Municipal Facilities 18,000 0 Maintenance Of Buildings 48,200 0 Maintenance Of Non Auto Equip 43,330 0 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 141,530 0 Commodities Building Maintenance Materials 5,000 0 Uniform Purchase & Replacement 125 0 TOTAL COMMODITIES 5,125 0 Budget Levy Amount Capital Outla Capital Improvements To Bldgs 27,600 0 Furniture & Fixtures 7,500 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 35,100 0 TOTAL MUNICIPAL BUILDINGS 197,905 0 TOTAL DEVELOPMENT & MUNICIPAL BLDG 694,840 12,000 TOTAL GENERAL CORPORATE FUND 23,980,258 5,307,888 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND Capital Outlav Demeter Street Improvement Harlem Avenue LAPP 2006 Street Improv-Greenwood 2008 Street Improvement 2007 Street Improvement Oakton Street Interconnect Project Beckwith Bridge Rehabilitation 892,146 95,871 0 0 591,000 378,000 35,080 0 2007 Street Lighting Project 38,164 0 Shermer Road LAPP 157,949 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 1,810,210 378,000 TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND 1,810,210 378,000 POLICE PENSION FUND Contractual Services Dues & Subscriptions 900 0 Meetings And Conferences 500 0 Additional Legal Fees 5,000 0 Retirement/service Benefits 1,735,528 1,244,559 Duty Disability Benefits 69,158 0 Surviving Spouse Benefits 165,640 0 Refund on Employee Pension Contributions 20,000 0 Medical Exams & Expenses 1,000 0 Investment Advisor Fees 27,000 0 Secretarial Services 500 Department Of Insurance Fees 5,000 0 Other Miscellaneous 2,100 0 Reserve For Pension Benefits 100,000 0 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 2,132,326 1,244,559 TOTAL POLICE PENSION FUND 2,132,326 1, 244, 559 FIREFIGHTERS' PENSION FUND Contractual Services Dues & Subscriptions Meetings And Conferences Additional Legal Fees Retirement/service Benefits Duty Disability Benefits Surviving Spouse Benefits Children's Benefits 200 0 2,000 0 29,800 0 1,192, 366 1,192, 366 340,620 229,824 105,740 0 0 0 Budget Levy Amount Occupational Disease Pensions 53,071 0 Refund Of Employee Pension Con 20,000 0 Medical Exams & Expenses 10,000 0 Investment Advisor Fees 45;500 0 Department Of Insurance Fees 4,000 0 Other Miscellaneous 5,000 0 Office Supplies 100 0 Reserve For Pension Benefits 100,000 0 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1,908,397 1,422,190 TOTAL FIREFIGHTERS' PENSION FUND 1,908,397 1,422,190 DEBT SERVICE FUND Interest Expense Bond Redemption 701,250 467,260 Bond Interest 305,460 0 Note Redemption 531,124 502,586 Note Interest 81,389 81,389 Agent Fees 600 0 TOTAL INTEREST EXPENSE 1,619,823 1,051,235 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE FUND 1,619,823 1,051,235 PUBLIC LIBRARY Personal Services Salaries 1,398,562 1,365,062 Retirement 127,912 102,759 Health Insurance 246,942 223,789 Long Term Disability 2,500 300 Life Insurance 2,291 0 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 1,778,207 1,691,910 Patron Materials and Services Books 151,000 139,000 Periodicals 28,700 26,200 Downloadable Books 4,100 2,100 Audiovisuals 55,200 49,700 Programs 36,250 28,250 70th Anniversary 5,000 0 Photocopier Acquisitions & Maint. 12,000 0 Computer Network 56,980 51,980 Database Access Charges 83,084 75,084 TOTAL PATRON MATERIALS AND SERVICES 432,314 372,314 Operations Maintenance 72,000 67,000 Equipment/Furniture Acquisitions 32,000 27,000 Utilities 18,700 17,200 Insurance 35,462 30,500 Library Supplies 33,000 27,800 Telephone 12, 500 11, 500 Postage 11, 000 10, 000 Printing 33,000 30,000 Continuing Education/Meetings Memberships Professional Services Consultant Services Budget Levy Amount 22, 000 14, 000 6,000 4,500 30,000 29,000 24,000 19,000 Miscellaneous 1,000 500 Facilities Planning 30,000 0 Reserve/Emergency 33,000 21,000 TOTAL OPERATIONS EXPENSE 393,662 309,000 SPECIAL TAXES FICA 107,181 104,140 Ar~r~ual Audit 4,000 2,000 Tort Liability 17,000 15,000 TOTAL SPECIAL TAXES 128,181 121,140 SUBTOTAL PUBLIC LIBRARY Working Cash Fund 2,732,364 2,494,364 177,292 TOTAL PUBLIC LIBRARY 2,909,656 2,494,364 Legislative Summary Resolution 07-61 AUTHORIZATION TO ACCEPT AND APPROVE THE MUNICIPAL MAINTENANCE EXPENDITURE STATEMENT FOR WORK COMPLETED ON THE 2006 MOTOR FUEL TAX MAINTENANCE PROGRAM Introduced: November 26, 2007 Synopsis: Final accounting for the 2006 Motor Fuel Tax Program. Purpose: Ta accept and approve the final accounting statement for the 2006 Motor Fuel Tax Program as required by the State of Illinois. Background: Each year the Village receives a partion of the motor fuel tax collected by the State. These funds must be spent on the improvement and/or maintenance of roadways. The State requires an estimate and final statement of the maintenance expenses for each year of the program. Programs, Departments Public Works Department or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: The total expenses for the 2006 Motor Fuel Tax Program are $74,198.87. Source of Funds: State of Illinois, Motor Fuel Tax Workload Impact: The implementation of the program is done as part of the normal operations of the Public Works Department. Administrator Approval as presented. Recommendation: First Reading: November 26, 2007 Special Considerations or None Requirements: Respectfully submitted: Q~~ '~Iey,~L Josep .. Wide, Village Administrator ~"~ f - __ ',, Prepared by: ~~~E~ I~ ~n, __ Reviewed by: R n C. iliingham, Village 1~ gineer Liston, Corporation Counsel Resolution 07-61 AUTHORIZATION TO ACCEPT AND APPROVE THE MUNICIPAL MAINTENANCE EXPENDITURE STATEMENT FOR WORK COMPLETED ON THE 2006 MOTOR FUEL TAX MAINTENANCE PROGRAM WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (Village), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, the Village approved and authorized the resolution for the 2006 Motor Fuel Tax Maintenance Program on December 2, 2005, in the amount of $658,814.00; and WHEREAS, this program is completed with expenses totaling $574,198.87; and WHEREAS, the execution of the Municipal Maintenance Expenditure Statement (BLR 14310) to accept the final quantities and costs of the Motor Fuel Tax Program is required by the Illinois Department of Transportation; and WHEREAS, the Municipal Maintenance Expenditure Statement, attached and made a part of the Resolution, identifies a total program expenditure amount of $574,198.87. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing clauses into this Resolution as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2: The President and Village Clerk of the Village of Morton Grove are authorized to approve the Municipal Maintenance Expenditure Statement (BLR 14310) attached hereto and made a part of this Resolution for the 2006 Motor Fuel Tax Maintenance Program. SECTION 3: This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. PASSED THIS 26`~ DAY OF NOVEMBER 2007. Trustee Brunner Trustee Kogstad Trustee Marcus Trustee Mirx Trustee Staackmann Trustee Thi11 APPROVED BY ME THIS 26`x' DAY OF NOVEMBER 2007. Richard Krier, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois ATTESTED and FILED in my office this 27t" day of NOVEMBER 2007. Carol A. Fritzshall, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois Illinois Department Of Transportation Municipal Maintenance Expenditure Statement Section Number: 06 - 00000 - 00 - GM Municipality: I hereby certify that the maintenance operations shown below were completed in accordance with the items of work listed on the Municipal Estimate of Maintenance Costs, Form BLR 14231 approved on 12/02!2005 ,and revised or supplemental Municipal Estimate of Maintenance Costs, Form BLR 14231, approved on ,and that the expenditure of motor fuel tax funds, for that work, during the period from 01!01/06 thru 12/31/06 is as shown and that receipted bills are on file and available for audit. Maintenance Operation Costs Maintenance Operation Completed Group For Grou III or III (For details see a^ raved BLR 14231 ti n, in ~u, Labar Materials Eauiai ~ gent Tatais 1. Snow Removal and Ice Control I, III 75,000.00 31,194.12 $106,194.12 2. Bituminous Materials &Patchin I, I!I 80,000.00 31,166.78 $111,166.78 3. Street Swee in III 80,000.00 $80,000.00 4. Street Li htin & Traffic Si nal Main IV $61,811.41 5. Concrete !, I!1 35,000.00 52,310.5E $87,310.56 6. Catch Basin Cleanin III 55.000.00 $55,00000 7. Patchin IV $72,716.00 Total Maintenance Cost: $574,198.87 Less Other Contributions and/or Refunds: Net Cost of Maintenance: $574,198.87 Net Cost of En ineerin _ Maintenance E~ineerin _ t 1. Total Motor Fuel Tax Funds authorized $658,814.00 2. Net cost to date $574,198.87 3. Unexpended balance $84,615.13 4. Outstandin bills __ _ _ $0 _ 5. Credit to unobligated balance (line 3 or line 3 minus line 4) .._.$84,615.13 Remarks: Submitted: Approved: ey: _ Municipal pfficial Title Regional Engineer Submit Four (4) Copies to Regional Engineer Page 1 of 1 BLR 14310 (Rev. 72/05) Printed on i1/SI20W 8:03.43 AM Le~istative Summary Resolution 07-62 APPROPRIATION OF 2008 MOTOR FUEL TAX FUNDS FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF STREETS AND HIGHWAYS MFT SECTION 08-00000-OOGM Introduced: November 26, 2007 Synopsis: To authorize the Village President to execute the documentation required by the State of Illinois for the 2008 Motor Fuel Tax program. Purpose: To appropriate The Village's estimated motor fuel tax revenue for 2008 as required by the State of Illinais. Background: Each year, the Village receives a portion of the motor fuel tax collected by the State. These funds must be spent on the improvement of roadways. The State requires an estimate and final statement of the mainfenance expenses for each year of the program. Programs, Departments Public Works Department or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: The total estimated expenses for the 2008 .Ivlotor Fuel Tax Program are $648,000.00. Source of Funds: State of Illinois, Motor Fuel Tax Workload Impact: The implementation of the program is done as part of the normal operations of the Public Works Department. i Administrator Approval as presented. Recommendation: First Reading: Not required. Special Considerations or 1 Drone Requirements: Respectfully submitted: ~r ~dtl9 C~. ~~~.t~ Josep F. W de, Village Administrator r ~" 1.---_ C ' -` ~ i'' -~~ ~f~ ~~~ry ~~ R-epared by: = - ~ / Ir. _ Reviewed by ~ J~ ,'an Gillingb m, Village. ~gineer Teresa NofPman Lisron, Corporation Counsel Resolution 07-62 APPROPRIATION OF 2008 MOTOR FUEL TAX FUNDS FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF STREETS AND HIGHWAY'S MFT SECTION 08-00000-OOGM WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (VILLAGE}, located in Cook County, Illinois, 1S 3 i10n"iC rule Uriit Of gOVerriil'iCrit Under file pr6Y1SI6nS Of ArtIC1e ~ Of the 14~i1 CrlnStl tl.Illorl 6f the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, the Illinois Highway Code requires the Village of Morton Grove Board cf Trustees to authorize the appropriation of Motor Fuel Tax (MFT) Funds for the purpose of Maintaining Streets and Highways within the Village from January 1, 2008 to December 31, 2008; and WHEREAS, the estimated expenditures from the MFT Funds for the period January 1, 2008 to December 31, 2008 are $648,000; and WHEREAS, the attached "Resolution for Maintenance of Streets and Highways by Municipality under the Illinois Highway Code" (BLR 14230) and the "Municipal Estimate of Maintenance Costs" (BLR 1423 I) have provided for the distribution of the anticipated 2008 MFT Funds for maintenance of streets within the Village of Morton Grove. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VII.LAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTX, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Resolution as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2: That only those operations listed and described on the Municipal Estimate of Maintenance Costs approved in connection with this Resolution are eligible for reimbursement with Motor Fuel Tax during the period specified above. SECTION 3: The Village President is hereby authorized to execute the Illinois Department of Transportation Municipal Estimate of Maintenance Costs (BLR 14231) and the Illinois Department of Transportation Resolution for Maintenance of Streets and Highways by Municipality under the Illinois Highway Code (BLR 14230). SECTION 4: That two certified copies of this Resolution will be transmitted to the District Office of the Illinois Department of Transportation at Schaumburg, Illinois. SECTION 5: That this Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and upon its passage and approval. PASSED THIS 26`'' day of November 2007 Tnzstee Brunner Trustee Kogstad Trustee Marcus Trustee Minx Trustee Staackmann Trustee T17ill APPROVED BY ME THIS 26`h day of November 2007 Richard 1Crier, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois ATTESTED AND FILED in my office this 27th day of November 2007 Carol A. Fritzshall, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois Illinois Department of Transportation Period from 01 /01!2008 Municipal Estimate of Maintenance Costs Section Number 08 - 00000 - 00 - GM to 12/31!2008 Municipality Villa eg of Morton Grove Estimated Cost of Maintenance Operations Maintenance For Grou III o r III Material E ui ment or La bor Operation (No.-Description) Group ti,n,m,iv> Item Unit Quantit Unit Price Cost Operation Cost 1 Snow Removal I Sait State of iL Tons 2875 40.00 $115.000.00 115 000.00 & Ice Control I Calcium Chloride Gals 4000 0.75 $3,000.00 3,000.00 III Salaries $70,000.00 70,000.00 - - -- -- I ~ ~ 2 Bituminous Materials I Hot Mix As halt Ton ~ 370 45.95 $17.000.00 17,000.00 & Patchin Local I Cold Mix UPM Ton 110 100.00 $11,000.00 11,000.00 III Salaries $65,000.00 65,000.00 3 Street Swee in III Salaries $80.000.00 80,000.00 4 Street Li htin & IV Street Li htin and Traffic LS 1 70,000. $70,000.00 70,000.00 Traffic Si nal Maint. Si nal Maintenance Contract 5 Concrete I Concrete Materials CY 525 89.52 $47,000.00 47,000.00 III Salaries $30,000.00 30.000.00 6 Catch Basin Cleanin III. Salaries $50,000.00 50,000.00 7 Patchin IV Patchin Contract LS 1 90,000. $90,000.00 90,000.00 I „ ~. ~~ ,. Total Da Labor Costs Total Estimated Maintenance Operation Cost $648,000.00 Preliminary Engineering 0 Engineering Inspection 0 Material Testing 0 _ - -_ Total Estimated Engineering Cost 0 Total Estimated Maintenance Cost ~ $648,000.00 Submitted: 11 /26/2007 Date gy. Village President __ Municipal Official Title Submit Four (4) Copies to Regional Engineer Approved: Regional Engineer Page 1 of 1 BLR 14231 (Rev- 2/23/06) Printed on 11/8/2007 4:14.10 PM (~IInO1S D@partl'T1P~lt of Transportation BE IT RESOLVED, by the Village (City, Town or Village) appropriated the sum of $648,000.00 (Name) of Motor Fuel Tax funds for the purpose of maintaining streets and highways under the applicable provisions of the Illinois Highway Code from January 1, 2008 (Date) to December 31, 2008 (Date) BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that only those streets, highways, and operafions as (fisted and described on the approved Municipal Estimate of Maintenance Costs, including supplemental or revised estimates approved in connection with this resolution, are eligible for maintenance with Motor Fuel Tax funds during the period as specified above. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Clerk shall, as soon a practicable after the close of the period as given above, submit to the Department of Transportation, on forms furnished by said Department , a certified statement showing expenditures from and balances remaining in the account(s) for this period; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Clerk shall immediately transmit iwo certified copies of this resolution to the district office of the Department of Transportation, at District 1, Schaumburg ,Illinois. Carol A. Fritzshall of Morton Grove County of Clerk in and for the Village (City, Town or Village) Cook hereby certify the foregoing to be a true, perfect and complete copy of a resolution adopted by the President and Board of Trustees at a meeting on November 26, 2007 or President and Board of Trustees) IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 27th day of November 2007 (SEAL) Village (City, Town or Village) Approved Dale Department of Transportation Resolution for Maintenance of Streets and Highways by Municipality Under the Illinois Highway Code President and Board of Trustees of the (Council or President and Board of Trustees) of Morton Grove ,Illinois, that there is hereby Clerk Printed 11/8/2007 BLR 14230 (Rev. 11/06) Legislative Summary Resolution 07-63'~ AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A SERVICE CONTRACT WITH MUNICIPAL GIS PARTNERS (MGP) FOR GEOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION SYSTEM SERVICES Introduced: November 26, 2007 Synopsis: To authorize the Village Administrator to execute a cantract with Municipal GIS Partners, Ina (MGP) for the maintenance and development of Geographical Information System (GIS} se; vices in 2008. Purpose: To continue the services of Municipal GIS Partners in developing and maintaining the Village's GIS system as part of the GIS Consortium. Background: "1'he GIS Consortium was founded iu 1999 by several municipalities as a way of reducing the costs of implementing GIS technology by participating in collective bargaining, group training, joint purchasing and development and innovation sharing. The Village of Morton Grove joined the Consortium in 2002. MGP was determined to be the lowest responsible provider for the maintenance and development of GIS systems for the member communities. This contract between the Village and MGP is a continuation of these services for 2008. Programs, Departments All Village Departments utilize the GIS system. as well as Village residents or Groups Affected and businesses. Fiscal Impact: The amount of the contract is anot-to-exceed value of $~ 1,050.00 Source of Funds: General Revenue Workload Impact: The management and implementation of the program is performed by the Public Works Department, Engineering Division as part of their normal work activities. Administrator Approval as presented. Recommendation: First Reading: November 26, 2007 Special Considerations or ~ None Requirements: Respectfully submitted: Q~C~o ~1X~ Josepl F. lade, Village Administrator Prepared b~ -~'_ ,~l ~ Reviewed by: R an Gitlin am, Villag 6ngmeer Teresa Hoffman Liston, Corporation Counsel Resolution 07-63 AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A SERVICE CONTRACT WITH MUNICIPAL GIS PARTNERS (MGP) FOR GEOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION SYSTEM SERVICES WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (Village), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove desires to utilize a geographic information system (GIS) to assist in the service, maintenance, and long range planning of its operations; and WHEREAS, in 1999 several municipalities established an intergovernmental agreement setting forth the responsibilities of the parties hereto with regard to the operation of a consortium, known as the Geographic Information System Consortium (GISCon), to develop, maintain and share GIS data and applications; and WHEREAS, in 2002 a GIS Committee was formed to evaluate the future direction of the Village's GIS and recommended joining the Geographic Information System Consortium (GISCon) to cost efficiently and effectively develop and maintain the Village's GIS; and WHEREAS, on November ll, 2002, the Village of Morton Grove entered into an agreement to join GISCon; and WHEREAS, the success of GISCon has resulted in growth from four municipalities in 1999 to twelve in 2007, which reduces the Village's overall cost of participation; and WHEREAS, GISCon desires w limit expenses in developing GIS for their communities by participating in collective bargaining, group training, joint purchasing and development and innovation sharing; and WFIEREAS, the GISCon researched the geographic information system service providers and find Municipal GIS Partners, Inc. (MGP) to be the lowest responsible service provider; and WHEREAS, MGP has a history of successfully providing GIS services to the Village at a reasonable cost; and WHEREAS, MGP represents to be in compliance with Illinois Statues relating to professional registration of individuals and continues to have the necessary expertise and experience to furnish such services upon the terms and conditions set forth in the contract in Exhibit "A"; and WHEREAS, funds for tlvs contract are included in the proposed 2008 budget, in account number 02- 20-25-55-2110; and WHEREAS, the amount of the contract is anot-to-exceed value of $51,050.00 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Resolution as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2: The Village President of the Village of Morton Grove is hereby authorized to execute and the Village Clerk of the Village of Morton Grove is authorized to attest a contract with Municipal GIS Pali?e?s, inc. providir?g tl?e Village ef?:~Iorton Greve with geographical :it.urt??atioi? s'y'stem services as provided in their cantract attached hereto and as described in Exhibit "A." SECTION 3: The Village Administrator and Village Engineer are hereby authorized to implement the contract and provide for GiS services. SECTION ~: This Resolution shalt Bern full force and effect from and upon its passage and approval. PASSED THIS 26`h day of November 2007 Trustee Brunner Trustee Kogstad Trustee Mareus Trustee Minx Trustee Staackmann Trustee Thill APPROVED BY ME THIS 26`h day of November 2007 Richard Krier, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois ATTESTED AND FILED in my office This 27`" day of November 2007 Carol A. Fritzshall, Village Clerk V illage of Morton Grove Cook Co?mty. Illinois EXHIBIT "A" GIS Consortium Service Provider Contract This CONTRACT made and entered into this 1st day of Januarv. 2008, by and between the Village of Morton Grove, an Illinois municipal corporation (hereinafter referred to as "Village"), and Municipal GIS Partners, Inc., 3500 Western Avenue, Suite 200, Highland Park, Illinois 60035 (hereinafter referred to as "Consultant"); and WHEREAS, the Village desires to engage the Consultant to provide support services in connection with the Village's geographical information system ("GIS"); and WHEREAS, the Consultant represents to be in compliance with IIlinois Statutes relating to professional registration of individuals and has the necessary expertise and experience to furnish such services upon the terms and conditions set forth herein below; NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby agreed by and between the Village and the Consultant that: I. SCOPE OF SERVICES The Scope of Services shall be as set forth in the "Proposal for Geographic Information System Services" dated Januarv 1, 2008, (Attachment I). Should there be a conflict in terms between this Contract and the Proposal, this Contract shall control. II. PERFORMANCE OF WORK AIl work hereunder shall be performed under the direction of the Village Administrator of the Village or his designee (hereinafter referred to as the "Village Administrator"). III. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR The Consultant sha12 at all times be deemed to be an independent contractor, engaged by the Village to perform the services set forth in Attachment 1. Neither the Consultant nor any of its employees shall be considered to be employees of the Village for any reason, including but not limited to for purposes of workmen's compensation law, Social Security, or any other applicable statute or regulation. IV. PAYMENT TO THE CONSULTANT For work associated with the project, the Consultant shall be reimbursed in an amount NOT TO EXCEED 51 050. A. The Consultant shall submit invoices in a format approved by the Village. B. The Consultant shall maintain records showing actual time devoted and cost incurred. The Consultant shall permit the authorized representative of the Village to inspect and audit all data and records of the Consultant for work done under this Contract. The Consultant shall make these records available at reasonable times during the Contract period, and for a year after termination of this Contract. C:4~1GP O~ficeU4gp\GlfiConV.fembere\Marwn Gmve, Ytlaga ot\Convecta\20o8Jsnuary\CISC Servim Provider A¢,cement 20~'1IOOa.da C. The Village shall make monthly payments to the Consultant based upon actual progress, within 35 days after receipt of invoice. V. TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT Notwithstanding any other provision hereof, the Village may terminate this Contract at any time upon fifteen (15) days prior written notice to the Consultant. In the event that this Contract ss so terminated, the Consultant shaIl be paid for services actually performed and reimbursable expenses actually incurred, if any, prior to termination, not exceeding the value of work completed determined on the ba6is Gf the percentage completed as agreed upon between the Village and the Consultant. VI. TERM This Contract shall become effective as of the date the Consultant is given a written Notice to Proceed and, unless terminated for cause or pursuant to Article V foregoing, shall expire on December 31. 2008, or on the date the Village Administrator determines that all of the Consultant's work under this Contract is completed. A determination of completion shall not constitute a waiver of any rights or claims which the Village may have or thereafter acquire with respect to any breach hereof by the Consultant. VII. RENEWAL OF CONTRACT The Village shall decide at least sixty (60) days before the end of the Term, as defined in Article VI of this Contract, whether the Village desires to engage the Consultant in another Contract to provide support services in connection with the Village's geographical information system. The Village ahaIl provide the Consultant written notice within thirty (30} days of said decision. VIII. NOTICE OF CLAIM I£ the Consultant wishes to make a claim for additional compensation as a result of action taken by the Village, the Consultant shall give written notice of his claim within fifteen (15) days after occurrence of such action. No claim for additional compensation shall be valid unless so made. Any changes in the Consultant's fee shall be valid only to the extent that such changes are included in writing signed by the Village and the Consultant. Regardless of the decision of the Village Administrator relative to a claim submitted by the Consultant, all work required under this Contract as determined by the Village Administrator shall proceed without interruption. IX. BREACH OF CONTRACT If any party violates or breaches any term of this Contract, such violation or breach shall be deemed to constitute a default, and the other party has the right to seek such administrative, contractual or Legal remedies as may be suitable to the violation or breach; and, in addition, if any party, by reason of any default, fails within thirty (30) days after notice thereof by the other party to comply with the conditions of the Contract, the other party may terminate this Contract. X. INDEMNIFICATION The Consultant shall indemnify and save harmless the Village and its officers and employees from and against any and all loss, liability and damages of whatever nature, including Workmen's Compensation claims by Consultant°s employees, in any way resulting from or arising out of negligent actions or omissions of the Consultant in connection herewith, including negligent actions or omissions of employees or agents of the Consultant arising out of the performance of this Contract. l;I. NO PERSONAL LIABTLI'1'Y No official, director, officer, agent, or employee of any party shall be charged personally or held contractually liable by or io the other party under any term or provision of this Contract or because of its or their execution, approval, or attempted execution of this Contract. XII. NON-DISCRIMINATION In all hiring or employment made possible or resulting from this Contract, there shall be no discrimination against any employee or applicant for employment because of sex, age, race, color, creed, national origin, marital status, of the presence of any sensory, mental, or physical handicap, unless based upon a bona fide occupational quaycation, and this requirement shall apply to, but not be limited to, the following: employment, advertising, layoff or termination, rates of pay or other forms of compensation, and selection for training, including apprenticeship. No person shall be denied, or subjected to discrimination in receipt of the benefit of any services or activities made possible by or resulting from this Contract on the grounds of sex, race, color, creed; national origin, marital status, the presence of any sensory, mental or physical handicap or age except minimum age and retirement provisions. Any ~~iolation of this provision shall be considered a violation of a material provision of this Contract and shall be grounds for cancellation, termination or suspension, in whole or in part, of the Contract by the Village. XIII. ASSIGNMENT AND SUCCESSORS This Contract and each and every portion thereof shall be binding upon the successors and the assigns of the parties hereto; provided, however, that no assignment shall be made without the prior written consent of the Village. XIV. DELEGATING AND SUBCONTRACTING. Any assignment, delegation or subcontracting shall be subject to all the terms, conditions and other provisions of this Contract and the Consultant shall remain liable to the Village with respect to each and every item, condition and other provision hereof to the same extent that the Consultant would have been obligated if it had done the work itself and no assignment, delegation or subcontract had been made. XV. NO COPARTNERSHIP OR AGENCY It is understood and agreed that nothing herein contained is intended or shall be construed to, in any respect, create or establish the relationship of co-partners between the Village and the Consultant, or as constituting the Consultant as the general representative or general agent of the Village for any purpose whatsoever. XVI. SEVERABILITY The parties intend and agree that, if any paragraph, subparagraph, phrase, clause, or other provision of this Contract, or any portion thereof, shall be held to be void or otherwise unenforceable, all other portions of this Contract shall remain in full force and effect. XVII. HEADINGS The headings of the several paragraphs of this Contract are inserted only as a matter of convenience and for reference and in no way are they intended to define, iiniit, Vr dCSel~lbe the SI:UFIe Ul llltent of any pro visiCln vi tila Contract, nar shall they be construed to affect in any manner the terms and provisions hereof or the interpretation or construction thereof. XVIII. MODIFICATION OR AMENDMENT This Contract constitutes the entire Contract of the parties on the subject matter hereof and may not be changed, modified, discharged, or extended except by written amendment duly executed by the parties. Each party agrees that no representations or warranties shall be binding upon the other party unless expressed in writing herein or in a duly executed amendment hereof, or Change Order as herein provided. XIX. APPLICABLE LAW This Contract shall he deemed to have been made in, and shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Illinois. XX. NEWS RELEASES The Consultant may not issue any news releases without prior approval from the Village Administrator nor will the Consultant make public proposals developed under this Contract without prior written approval from the Village Administrator prior to said documentation becoming matters of public record. XXI. COOPERATION WITH OTHER CONSULTANTS The Consultant shall cooperate with any other persons in the Village's employ on any work associated with the project. XXII. NOTICES All notices, reports and documents required under this Contract shall be in writing and shall be mailed by first class mail, postage prepaid, addressed as follows: If to Village: Village of Morton Grove Ryan Gillingham 6101 Capulina Avenue Morton Grove, IL 60053 If to Consultant: Municipal GIS Partners, Inc. Thomas A. Thomey 3500 Western Avenue, Suite 200 Highland Park, IL 60035 4 XXIII. INTERFERENCE WITH PUBLIC CONTRACTING: P.A. 85-1295 The Consultant certifies hereby that it is not barred from entering into this Contract as a result of violations of either Section 33E-3 or Section 33E-4 o£the Illinois Criminal Code. XXIV. SEXUAL HARASSMENT POLICY: 775 ILLS 512.105(A)(4) The Consultant certifies hereby that it has a written Sexual Harassment Policy in full compliance with 775 ILCS 5/2-105(A)(4). XXV. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS All recommendations and other communications by the Consultant to the Village Administrator and to other participants, which may affect cost or time of completion, shall be made or confirmed in writing. The Village Administrator may also require other recommendations and communications by the Consultant be made or confirmed in writing. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have placed their hands and seals hereto on the date first above written. ATTEST: Village Clerk Village Administrator ATTEST: CONSULTANT BY. Proposal for Geographic Information System Services Attachment 1 I) GENERAL PURPOSE The purpose of this agreement is for the Village to enter an agreement with the Consultant for all or part of its geographic information system (GI5) management, development. operation, and maintenance. In addition to supporting the existing GIS program, the Consultant will identify opportunities for continued development and enhancement. The Village will be sharing management, development, and maintenance expertise and staffing with other municipalities as a member of the Geographic Information System Consortium (GISC). The benefits to the Village include, but are not limited to, collective bargaining far rates and services, shared development costs, and joint purchasing and training. The Consultant is the sole Service Provider for GISC and is responsible for providing the necessary GIS professional resources to support this entity. The Consultant will facilitate and manage resource, cost, and technical innovation sharing among GISC members. 2) CONFIDENTIALITY This attachment includes proprietary and confidential information. It shall not be copied, circulated, or otherwise provided to any person or organization that is not part of the process established for its consideration without the advance written permission of Municipal GIS Partners, Inc., 3) SERVICE TYPES For the purpose of cost accounting, the Consultant will provide two (2) service types to the Village. The intent of this distinction is to track specific types of investment without overburdening general operation of the GIS program. A. Support-based services relate to the management, development, operation, and maintenance of the GIS required to reasonably support the needs of the Village. Many of these services will go unnoticed to the Village but are required to sustain the GIS program. The Consultant will employ reasonable professional discretion when specific direction is not provided by the Village. B. Project•based services relates to specific requests of the Village regarding the investigation, research, or development of new functionality or capability. The Village and the Consultant will agree to an approach before actual work is initiated. Project-based work may be procured in cooperation with other GISC members. 4) SERVICES The Consultant will help provide the necessary resources to support the Village GIS program. The allocation of these resources will be reasonably commensurate with the level of expertise required to fulfill the specific task thus enabling efficient use of C:\MGP Otsce\1Agp\GLSCan\Mombom\Mortan Gzove, Vi-ege oAContecle\2009 January\GISC Service I+rovidez Agreement 200T1004.drc Village investment. The Consultant includes, but is not limited to, the following personnel: A. A GIS Manager that is responsible for the overall implementation of the GIS program based on the directions and instructions of the Village. The GIS Manager will provide senior-consultant services to the Villagesn determining the short- and long-term needs of the GIS program. The GIS Manager will be responsible for managing the program resources including Consultant resources, external agencies, and Village committees and user groups. In addition, the GIS Manager is responsible for the coordination and facilitation of GISC developments and initiatives. Budget forecasting and work reporting will be provided by the GIS Manager as directed by the Village. B. A GIS Data Administrator is responsible for managing the data model and administering the database and related information. The GIS Data Administrator plans, implements, and configures the data to enhance performance and maintain integrity of the data system. C. A GIS Application Developer that is responsible for the conceptualization, design, development, testing, installation, documentation, training, and maintenance of GIS and related software. Software includes, but is not limited to; computer programs, form designs, user manuals, data specifications, and associated documentation. D. A GIS Analyst is responsible for analyzing and planning special projects that require skills beyond the typical operation of the system. Special projects may include the development of ad hoc maps, layers, databases, and user solutions. E. A GIS Specialist that provides the daily operation, maintenance, and support o£ the GIS. This individual is typically fully allocated to the Village and is responsible £or database development and maintenance, map production, user training and help-desk, user group support, and system support and documentation. 5) ORGANIZATION The Village has control and flexibility in coordinating the activities of the Consultant. The Village-structure and placement of the GIS department within the Village is beyond the scope of this agreement. As a minimum, the Village must provide the following structure in order to support this agreement. A. Formation of a GIS Executive Committee to provide the overall objectives and goals of the GIS program. The Consultant will participate in this group as a communicator of progress and as an advisor for future developments. B. The GIS Executive Committee must appoint a GIS Coordinator that is responsible for articulating and documenting the specific intentions of the committee to the Consultant GIS Manager. C. The Consultant GIS Manager is responsible for implementing the programs as articulated by the Village GIS Coordinator. D. The Consultant GIS Data Administrator, Application Developer, Analyst, and Specialist report directly to the Consultant GIS Manager. The Village GIS Coordinator may also participate in the management of these resources. 6) PROJECTED UTILIZATION Projected utilization is an estimate of service hours required ot` the Consultant by the Village. This projection is established by and between the Village, GISC, and the Consultant. Although variations are anticipated, the Village and the Consultant have a fiduciary responsibility to GISC and its members to meet their projected utilization. Sign cant variations in actual utilization may negatively influence service rates for GISC members. The anticipated projected utilization for each Consultant service is: A. 61 hours of GIS Manager B. 61 hours of GIS Data Administrator C. 61 hours of GIS Application Developer D. 61 hours of GIS Analyst E. 509 hours of GIS Specialist '~ SERVICE RATES Rates are based on projected utilization of GISC members in collective bargaining with the Consultant. The Consultant guarantees these rates for the term of this agreement as long as actual utilization is reasonably consistent with projected utilization. The GISC collective bargaining rates axe as Follows: A. 98.10 per hour for GIS Manager B. 86.60 per hour for GIS Data Administrator C. 8 .60 per hour for GIS Application Developer D. is 73.30 per hour for GIS Analyst E. 59.10 per hour for GIS Specialist 8) FACILITIES AND EfaUIPMENT The Village is required to provide the Consultant adequate space, furnishings, hardware, and software to fulfill the objectives of the GIS program. The facilities requirement is no different than would be otherwise required by the Village to support a GIS program. The rate structure extended to GISC members is contingent on these provisions for the Consultant. Facilities and equipment include, but are not limited to, the following A. Full-time office apace for the GIS Specialist and periodic office space for guests. This space should effectively and securely house all required GIS systems, peripherals, and support tools. This space must be available during normal business hours. B- Furnishings including adequate desk(s), shelving, and seating accommodations fox the GIS Specialist and periodic guests. A telephone line and phone to originate and receive outside calls. A network connection with access to the Internet. C. Hardware including a workstation, server, plotter, printer, digitizer, scanner and network infrastructure. D. Software including GIS software(s), productivity tools, application development tools, commercial databases, and network access software. E. The Village is responsible for installing, operating, and maintaining the backup and recovery systems for all Village owned GIS assets that permits the Consultant to continue services within a reasonable period of time following a disaster. 9) BILLING & PAYMENT The Consultant will invoice the Village on a monthly basis for work completed and work in•progrese. The Consultant requires 100% payment within 35 days of invoicing. 10) INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY If any intellectual property should be developed during the course of this agreement, the Village and the Consultant shall be joint owners of said intellectual property. A. It is understocd that this agreement does not grant to the Village or any employees, partners, business associates or other associated parties thereof, any rights in any intellectual property developed by the Consultant outside the terms of this agreement, or any protectable interests stemming there from. B. The Village and the Consultant agree, that no assignments, authorization of reuse by others, giveaways, license grants, sales, transfer, security interests, or any other grant of rights for any intellectual property that may be developed during this agreement, will be made to any third party without a written agreement between the Village and the Consultant. C. If this agreement between the Village and the Consultant should be terminated, the Village shall, in good faith, allow the Consultant, any reasonable use of any Intellectual Property developed during this Contract.