HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-11-26 MinutesCALL TO ORDER
I. Village President Rick Krier called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. and led the assemblage in
the Pledge of Allegiance.
II. Village Clerk Carol Fritzshall called the roll. Present were: Trustees Georgianne Brunner, Roy
Kogstad, Rita Minx, Dan Staackmann, and John Thill. Trustee Shel Marcus was on vacation.
Regarding the Minutes of the November 12, 2007 Regular Meeting, Mayor Krier asked if
anyone had any changes or corrections to the Minutes. Seeing none, Trustee Minx moved,
seconded by Trustee Brunner, to approve the November 12, 2007 Regular Meeting Minutes
as presented. Motion passed unanimously via voice vote.
Mayor Krier asked if anyone had any objection to changing the Agenda order so that "Special
Reports" could precede "Public Hearings". There were no objections.
Fire Poster Contest Awards
Captain Bill Porter, Director of the Fire Prevention Bureau, explained that the first full week of
October every year is "Fire Prevention Week", and the Fire Department involves young people
in fire education by conducting an annual poster contest. The posters typically have a theme
and are judged by members of the Firefighters Association on several criteria, including: that
the fire safety message is correct; that the message is clear; and the quality of the artwork.
Captain Porter said that all the schools in the Village, public and private, are invited to partici-
pate, and typically 200-300 posters are received.
Thic year marks the 15`h annual poster contest. Winners will reca_ive a plaque with a digitized
photo of their poster plus a special Benjamin Franklin 50-cent piece. Captain Porter explained
that Benjamin Franklin has particular significance because he had so much to do with fire ser-
Captain Porter, assisted by Fire Chief Tom Friel, Trustee-liaison Rita Minx, and members of
the Firefighters Association presented the winners with their prizes. The winners are as fol-
Minutes of November 26, 2002 Board Meetie"
SPECIAL REPORTS (contininued)
Kindergarten: Madison Precht, Hynes School
First Grade: Brigid Williams, Jerusalem Lutheran School
Second Grade: Anna Starobinets, Hynes School
Third Grade: Vincent Park, Park View School
Fourth Grade: Renato Epple, Jerusalem Lutheran School
Fifth Grade: Aisha Usman, Park View School
Sixth Grade: William Farrell, Jerusalem Lutheran School
Seventh Grade: Stephanie Swanson, Jerusalem Lutheran School
Eighth Grade: Kasey Ockerlund, Jerusalem Lutheran School
Overall Winner: Roche( Naumann, Jerusalem Lutheran. School
Principal Naumann of Jerusalem Lutheran School received a plaque for the school in honor of
having the poster named "Overall Winner".
Mayor Krier thanked everyone fcr participating and reminded the assemblage they could
watch this awards ceremony on Channel 6 later in the week. Mayor Krier also thanked Cap-
tain Porter, Chief Friel, and the members of the Firefighters Association for all their hard work
in making this year's poster contest so successful.
Swearing In Ceremony for New FirefigherlParamedic Joseph G. Durante
Mayor Krier explained that this Agenda item had been postponed to the Board's Decem-
ber 10"' meeting.
GY2008 Budget
Mayor Krier opened the Public Nearing on the 2008 Budget at 7:41 p.m. and asked the as-
semblage if anyone had any questions or comments regarding said Budget. No one did.
Therefore Trustee Minx moved to close the Public Hearing, seconded by Trustee Brunner.
The motion passed unanimously via voice vote. The Public Hearing closed at 7:42 p.m.
Eric Poders. Mr. Poders had two questions. One was regarding the Board Meeting Schedule
for 2008. He noted that there were two instances where a meeting cancellation (due to a holi-
day) resulted in a four- or five-week gap between meetings, and wondered how that could
work. His second question was about Village Commissions where the members don't show
up, resulting in no quorum and no business being able to occur.
Regarding the Board Meeting schedule, Mayor Krier said that everyone knows in advance
about any gaps between meetings and they schedule Board business appropriately. Also, the
Board can and will hold Special Meetings if there's a need or to get imperative Village busi-
gAfnutes of November 26, 2007 Board AAeetin
VI. RESIDENTS' COMMENTS (Agenda Items Only) (continued)
As far as Mr. Poders' comment about the lack of quorums at Commission meetings, Mayor
Krier said that was a good comment. The Mayor said that, earlier this year, he had begun re-
questing that the staff liaison to the various Commissions keep attendance, which he has
been tracking. It's important to understand that these are volunteer positions, for the most
part, and the Mayor said he could certainly understand absenteeism due to vacation, holidays,
etc. He pointed out that there have been several occasions when "time sensitive" Commis-
sions, such as any involved in the procedural control process, have not had a quorum and ap-
plicants have had to come to a second meeting. Mayor Krier said it's not a major problem, but
he is watching it.
a. Mayor Krier said that he had attended the Village's 43rd Interfaith Service on Thanksgiving
Eve, along with Trustees Marcus, Thill, and Staackmann. This year it was held at the No!th-
west Suburban Jewish Congregation. Clergy representing St. Luke's, St. Martha's, the Com-
munity Church, and the Muslim Education Center also participated, as did Jackie Walker-
O'Keefe, representing the Village. Mayor Krier said the service really showed the diversity of
Morton Grove.
b. Mayor Krier also commended the American Legion for their Thanksgiving Day activities. The
Legion took 45 cadets from Great Lakes Naval Station and brought them to the Civic Center
for the day, where they were fed by Scout troops and other volunteers. Hollywood Video do-
nated several movies for the cadets to watch during the course of the day, and Blockbuster
donated X-box games for their entertainment. AT&T put in six phone lines so the cadets could
call anywhere in the world for no charge. Mayor Krier thanked the Legion for doing a great
c. Mayor Krier noted that the Police Department collected 62 boxes (1,800 pounds) worth of food
and other items in its "Holidays for Heroes" campaign. Kappy's Restaurant had volunteered to
take care of the shipping costs, but with the large volume to be shipped, gladly accepted the
assistance of the Police Department command staff, who donated the balance of the shipping
costs. Mayor Krier complimented the Police Department, the command staff, and Kappy's for
this worthwhile project.
Mayor Krier announced that this is the last week for leaf pick-up; it ends on December 15`. All
the landfills are now closed for leaves, and there are four tons of leaves in the Public Works
garage. There will also be no more yard waste pickup after December 1~`, even if it's properly
bagged and stickered. Mayor Krier said that people have been asking if the leaf and yard
waste pickup season can be extended, but there are no plans at this time to extend it.
Trustee Thill suggested that residents rake the leaves back onto their lawns and cut them up
with a lawn mower and leave them there for the winter. Trustee Staackmann encouraged
people who are raking ar blowing their leaves into the street to "work with your neighbors" to
arrange leaf piles in such a way that the street sweepers will have access to be able to pick
them up.
e. Mayor Krier then read off the proposed Board Meeting schedule for 2008. The Board will meet
January 14 & 28; February 11 & 25, March 10 & 24, April 14 & 28, May 12, June 9 & 23,
July 14 & 28, August 11 & 25, September 8 & 22, October 13 & 27, November 10 & 24, and
December 8. The Board voted unanimously via voice vote to approve the 2008 Meeting
Mayor Krier recited the list of Board and Commission Chairperson appointments for calendar
year 2008. He noted that they are the same as in 2007, with the exception of Mary Busch,
who was appointed Chairperson of the Natural Resources Commission in mid-2007. The ap-
pointments are as follows:
Advisory Commission on Aging: Noble LeHew
Appearance Commission: Deanna Gotta
Cable and Telecommunications Commission: Don Sneider
Community Relations Commission: Terri Cousar
Economic Development Commission: John Pietron
Board of Environmental Hea/fh: Raoul Smoczynski, Chair; Joseph O'Shea, Vice-Chair
Fire and Police Commission: Michael Simkins
Natural Resources Commission: Mary Busch
Plan Commissior,/Zoning Soard of Appeals: Ron Farkas
Traffic Safety Commission: Norm Rockel
The Board voted unanimously via voice vote to approve the Board and Commission Chair-
person appointments for 2008.
g. Mayor Krier read the Meeting Schedule for the various Boards and Commissions for 2008.
The schedule is as follows:
Advisory Commission on Aging.' meets at 1 pm the second Tuesday every month at the Civic
Appearance Commission: meets at 7pm the first Monday of every month in the Council
Board of Environmental Health: meets at 7pm the first Tuesday of every month in the Trustees
Conference Room;
Cable and Telecommunications Commission: meets in the Council Chambers at 7:30pm twice
annually on the second Thursday;
Community Relations Commission: meets in the Trustees Conference Room at 7:30pm the
second Tuesday every other month;
Council of Condominium Associations: meets in the Council Chambers at 7:30pm the second
Wednesday every other month;
Dempster Street Advisory Committee: meetings vary;
Economic Development Commission: meets in the Trustees Conference Room at 5:30pm the
third Wednesday every month;
Fair Housing Commission: meetings vary;
Fire and Police Commission: meets at Fire Station #4 at 7pm the fourth Tuesday every month;
Fire Pension Board: meets at Fire Station #4 at 3pm quarterly on the third Tuesday;
Natural Resource Commission: meets in the Trustees Conference Room at 6pm the third
Monday every month;
Plan Commission/Zoring Board of Appeals: meets in the Council Chambers at 7:30pm the
third Monday every month;
Police Pension Board. meets in the Council Chambers at 5pm quarterly;
Real Estate Committee: meetings vary;
Traffic Safety Commission: meets in the Council Chambers at 7:30pm the first Thursday every
The Board voted unanimously via voice vote to approve the Board and Commission Meet-
ing Schedule for 2008.
Mayor Krier went through the list of Administrative Appointments for calendar year 2008 and
called for a vote on each individual appointment.
Village Administrator: Joseph F. Wade-approved unanimously via voice vote
Adjudication Officer: Elizabeth M. Rochford-approved unanimously via voice vote
Building Commissioner: Ed Hildebrandt-approved unanimously via voice vote
Community & Economic Development Director.' William Neuendorf-approved unanimously
via voice vote
Corporation Counsel: Teresa Hoffman Liston-approved unanimously via voice vote
ESDA Coordinafor: John HiII-approved unanimously via voice vote
Family & Senior Services Director: Jackie Walker-O'Keefe-approved unanimously via
voice vote
Finance Director/Treasurer Daniela Partipilo-approved unanimously via voice vote
Fire Chief: Tom Friel-approved unanimously via voice vote
Police Chief.' Paul L. Tasch-approved unanimously via voice vote
Public Works Director. Andy DeMonte-approved unanimously via voice vote
Village Prosecutor: Nate Brenner/Frank Tennant-approved unanimously via voice vote
Clerk Fritzshall had no report.
A. Village Administrator
a. Mr. Wade reminded the assemblage that the Village Board Meeting scheduled for Decem-
ber 24, 2007, was cancelled due to the Christmas holiday.
b. Mr. Wade announced a couple of charitable initiatives being undertaken by Village public
safety personnel: the Firefighters Association is having a food drive. Non-perishable items will
be collected until December 19. Collection barrels can be found at various locations around
town, including Village Hall. Also, the Police Department, in cooperation with the U.S. Marine
Corps, is collecting Toys for Tots. Unwrapped toys can be donated at the Police Station, Vil-
lage Hall, or the Civic Center.
c. Mr. \Nade said he had an award to present to Fire Chief Tom Friel. He explained that the De-
partment of Homeland Security runs a National Fire Academy. Less than 1 % of the nation's
fire service professionals are accepted into their program and complete it. Chief Friel has par-
ticipated in this program over the last few summers and also wrote a 50-page thesis on selec-
tion traits for firefighters. Being a firefighter requires a unique individual, and Chief Friel's the-
sis highlights key behavioral traits, such as teamwork, compassion, ability to make quick deci-
sions, etc., for selecting someone who can be successful in this type of career. The award,
presented to Chief Friel by Mr. Wade and Trustee Minx, comes from the Department of Home-
land Security National Fire Academy and confers the title of "Executive Fire Officer" to Chief
Friel. The Board and assemblage congratulated him as he accepted the award. Chief Friel
commented that it was a "rigorous" program, and thanked the Board and his colleagues for
putting up with his absences and his research.
Minutes of November 26, 20078oaN Meeting
Corporation Counsel:
Ms. Liston had no report.
A. Trustee Brunner:
STAFF REPORTS (continued)
Trustee Brunner had no formal report, but announced that the Board of Environmental Health
was sponsoring a Nike "Reuse-a-Shoe" program in conjunction with the Solid Waste Agency
of Northern Cook County (SWANCC). There will be a collection box at Village Hall for all used
athletic shoes; however, shoes that have metal eyelets, zippers, cleats, or spikes cannot be
donated. Other types of shoes will not be accepted-this program is for athletic shoes only. If
the shoes are gently used, Nike will donate them. If not, they will be turned into "Nike grind", a
material used to make running #racks and athletic fields. Trustee Brunner said that, for more
information, people should go to the Nike web site (www.nikereuseashoe.com) or the
SWANCC web site (www.swancc.org).
2. Trustee Brunner informed the assemblage that Santa Claus would be visiting Morton Grove
on December 9`". He will travel throughout the town starting at noon and will end up at the
Morton Grove Moose Family Center.
B. Trustee Marcus:
Trustee Marcus was absent - no report.
C. Trustee Kogstad:
Trustee Kogstad had no report.
D. Trustee Minx:
Trustee Minx presented Ordinance 07-31, An Ordinance Granting a Special Use Permit in
the Village of Morton Grove for Property Located at 8323 Nagle Avenue fora Commer-
cial Wireless Antenna Installation.
This is the second reading of this ordinance.
Trustee Minx explained that this is pursuant to Plan Commission Case 07-07. This ordinance
will grant a Special Use Permit to place three microwave dish antennas on an existing tower
and construct one ground-mounted equipment cabinet at 8323 Nagle, and will waive the land-
scaping requirement. The Plan Commission found that it met all the standards for a Special
Use Permit and had recommended approval of the request.
X. TRUSTEES' REPORTS (continued)
D. Trustee Minx: (continued)
Trustee Minx moved to approve Ordinance 07-3i, seconded by Trustee Thill. Motion passed:
5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent.
Tr. Brunner afire Tr. Kogstad aye Tr. Marcus absent
Tr. Minx aye Tr. Staackmann ay Tr. Thill
Next, Trustee Minx presented Ordinance 07-32, An Ordinance Adoptina the Budaets for
Ail Corporate Purposes of the Village of Morton Grave and the Morton Grove Library,
Cook County, Illinois, for the Calendar Year Effective January i, 2008 and Ending Oee
cember 31, 2008.
This is the second reading of this ordinance.
Trustee Minx said that this crdinance formally adopts the Village's 2008 Budget. {t represents
projections of revenue which are expected to become available during fiscal 2008 as well as
recommended expenditures for the Village. The Budget was first presented at the October 24,
2007 Budget Workshop, and has been discussed and revised in three subsequent meetings.
A Public Hearing on the Budget was held earlier this evening. The Budget is available for in-
spection at the Village Administrator's office and at the Morton Grove Public Library. It has
also been posted on the Village's Web site since at least October 22, 2007. The Village's por-
tion of the budget is $46,099,745 and the Library's is $2,732,364, for a total budget of
$48,832,109. Trustee Minx moved to approve Ordinance 07-32, seconded by Trustee Brun-
ner. Mayor Krier asked if there was any discussion.
Trustee Kogstad said he noticed that Board members had received a memo this evening rela-
tive to the Budget. Mayor Krier said if was Finance Qirector Partipilo's response to a request
from Trustee Minx, and he had asked Ms. Partipilo to copy all the Board members on the re-
sponse for informational purposes only. The memo showed several different scenarios and
how they would impact the Village, specifically the General Fund balance.
Trustee Kogstad said that, although he had attended only one of the budget workshops, he
followed the discussion from the Minutes and said he felt that Trustee Minx' s proposal (to in-
crease the Village's contribution for Solid Waste Collection by $265,000, which would come
from the fund balance) was a good one. He said that he had gone through the audit, and
noted that there are nine funds. Reducing the General Fund balance would not affect Capital
Projects or the Water/Sewer Fund balance. Trustee Kogstad detailed the analysis he had
done on ell of the Village's fund balances, which, he concluded, were quite healthy-enough
so to support a proposal to increase the Village's Solid Waste contribution or to reduce the
proposed tax levy from 3.5% to 2.5%.
Mayor Krier pointed out to Trustee Kogstad that "just reading the Minutes" doesn't really pro-
vide the same in-depth analysis and level of discussion as does actually attending the budget
workshops. He said he s comfortable with the Village's fund balances being at a level where
the Village could operate for three months, meeting all of its payroll and other obligations, in
the event of a catastrophe-or, as has just happened, in the event that property tax revenue is
delayed (because the property tax bills were sent out later than normal). He said that other
communities have had to go out and get short-term loans to cover their expenses while wait-
ing for the property tax revenue to come in.
;. Minutes of November 26, 24Q78oard Me~tin"
D. Trustee Minx: (continued)
Mayor Krier allowed that Trustee Kogstad made some valid points, but vdas dismayed that he
was bringing these up "at the 11th hour". He pointed out that the Village is drawing down on
some of its fund balances. Nevertheless, the Village is in good financial shape, with a AA3 rat-
ing from Moody's, who said in a report that they believe "the Village's debt burden will remain
Trustee Brunner said this is the third time that Trustee Kogstad has gone through the budget
process and each time he brings up questions at the last minute that he should have brought
up at any of the budget workshops. She said he should have been at the November 1st
budget workshop to hear the discussion. Trustee Brunner said she understood the intention of
Trustee Minx's proposal, but with all the items that staff has been asked to reduce or defer,
she would rather "put those things back in" than reduce the tax levy or increase the Village's
Solid Waste contribuiion. She pointed out that "we've been Through all this-we should work
with this budget."
Trustee Minx said that she had proposed the increase in the Village's Solid Waste contribution
because it's been a burden on the residents to pay for it themselves. She said she had re-
ceived information that only 8.8% of municipalities in Illinois have their solid waste collection
paid for by the municipality. Her goal, she said, was to have Morton Grove be in that 8.8%.
She said that, for the 2007 Budget, the Village had decided to maintain a 23% fund balance,
which allowed them to take $936,921 and put $235,000 toward Solid Waste, while the balance
went to street repair/resurfacing projects. For the 2008 Budget, the Village wants to maintain
a 25% - 26% fund balance. Trustee Minx said that, if the Board had decided to put an addi-
tional $265,000 from the fund balance toward Solid Waste, residents would have saved ap-
proximately $33.52 on their garbage bill annually, and the fund balance would be at 24.81 %.
If the Village were to reduce the tax levy by 1%, the fund balance would be 25.55%. And if the
Village were to support both of those options, the fund balance would be at 24.41 %. She
agreed with Trustee Brunner that this discussion was held weeks ago and shouldn't be held
again at the 11th hour. Trustee Minx said she could accept the budget as presented.
Trustee Thill said that, while the budget process was "new" to him, he was of the opinion that it
would be better to reduce the tax levy by 1%-"take less out of people's pockets"-than in-
crease the Village's contribution to Solid Waste, which would only give $33.52 back to the
Mayor Krier asked Trustee Kogstad if his intent was to take monies from the General Fund
balance. He responded yes, because taking it out of the General Fund balance would not af-
fect the Capital Projects Fund or the Water/Sewer Fund. Mayor Krier pointed out that the
General Fund subsidizes some of the water/sewer projects and capital projects that the Vil-
lage undertakes, so taking monies out of the General Fund would have some impact on capi-
tal projects and water/sewer projects.
Trustee Brunner reiterated that this is a discussion that should have happened earlier. She
said, not being an accountant, the various numbers Trustee Kogstad was mentioning had no
meaning. She said she would need to see it on a balance sheet.
Trustee Minx said she understands Trustee Kogstad's basic premise, but the Village's ex-
penses and revenues are not "frozen in time." She recounted an incident that happened just a
month or so ago, where six water main breaks occurred in one day. She said the Village
needs to start putting money aside for infrastructure.
` Minutes of November 26, 2007 Board Meetin"
D. Trustee Minx: (continued)
T rustee Minx said that, during the budget workshops, the Board saw a presentation from Vil-
lage Engineer Ryan Gillingham about the Village's roads. There are no "failed" roads yet, but
there are definitely some that are in very poor shape. She said there will come a time when
about 40% of roads will need to be repaired or replaced. How is that going to happen? She
said the ultimate resolution at the November 1st budget workshop was that the Board does
not want to touch the fund balance.
Trustee Thil! asked if the budget could be voted on a± the next Board Meeting. Mayor Krier
said it could, but he felt it would be unfair to the rest of the Board. Trustee Thill said he was
hoping that Trustee Marcus could weigh in. Mayor Krier said that Trustee Marcus won't be
back from vacation until after the next Board Meeting.
Mayor Krier said that, Morton Grove, unlike some ether municipalities, has the fund balances
the way it does because that's the most transparent way of doing it. Unfortunately, it ends up
looking like there's a lot of cash sitting there. That's not really the case. He pointed out that
the 2008 budget has $0 budgeted for water main replacement. Last year, $186,000 was
budgeted. Because the 2008 budget is a "lean" budget, that means that, if a water main
breaks, the Village will use regular maintenance costs and hope that there's no major prob-
lems. If an emergency comes up, the Village will go into the fund balance. Mayor Krier
agreed that a lot of items that staff hoped for were deferred; things from magazine dues to
public works equipment. The Board has gone over the budget and there's been plenty of give
and take between the department heads and the trustees. There's really no reason why the
Budget can't be approved tonight.
Trustee Kogstad moved to amend the Budget to include a 1 % reduction in the tax levy. Trus-
tee Thill seconded the motion. Mayor Krier pointed out that the levy is not what's before the
Board right now-the Budget is. He said he did not think Trustee Kogstad's motion was
Corporation Counsel Liston said that the Budget is a planning tool. It outlines what the Village
expects to spend in 2008 and what income/revenue is expected to come in. She said no one
has talked about changing any of the expenditures; the budget up for passage this evening is
a list of expected expenditures for 2008. The Budget doesn't really address the property tax
levy, which, she said, was what Trustee Kogstad was trying to amend. Mayor Krier agreed.
He said that, if he wished, Trustee Kogstad could amend the budget by showing where he
planned to spend less.
Trustee Kogstad said that he would withdraw his original motion and make a new motion to
amend the Budget by reducing the General Corporate Fund Balance of $23,980,258, by
$94,000. Corporation Counsel pointed out that just to say "reduce the General Corporate Fund
Balance" doesn't really give staff a clear direction on where that $94,000 would come from.
The Budget calls for using roughly $900,000 of the fund balance to "balance' the budget.
Money has been set aside for insurance claims, etc. She cautioned Trustee Kogstad that,
"You can take that money out of the budget, but then you'll have to come back and amend it."
Ms. Liston asked Trustee Kogstad, "Are you expecting to spend less?" Trustee Kogstad said
the spending is dependent on the income + the fund balance. He said he wanted to reduce
the property tax.
Minutes of November 26, 20076oartl Maetingi
Trustee Minx: (continued)
Trustee Thiil asked if the Budget could be voted on tonight and the levy at the next meeting.
Mayor Krier said that would be fine.
Trustee Minx said she understood Trustee Kogstad's intent, but wondered why he was switch-
ing his "allegiance," why was he no longer adamant about eliminating the garbage fee. Trus-
tee Kogstad responded that if Trustee Minx were to make such a motion, he would second it.
Trustee Minx then moved to incorporate her original proposal to take $265,000 from the Gen-
era! Fund to reduce the garbage. Trustee Kogstad seconded ±he motion,. Trustee Brunner
wondered where that was money going to come from. Trustee Minx replied that it would come
from the fund balance. Trustee Brunner pointed out that there had been considerable discus-
sion at the November 1st Budget Workshop about using reserves for ongoing expenses. She
reminded Trustee Minx, "You don't know if you'll have the income to be able to sustain that
ongoing expense year after year." She also pointed out, in terms of the garbage fee being
deductible when it was part of the property tax bill, that residen#s can't deduct it from their
taxes unless they itemize. If a person doesn't itemize, they won't get that deduction. Trustee
Minx related that a resident had come to her when the garbage fee was first implemented and
said it was tantamount to a 35% tax increase. Trustee Brunner said that, in order to keep this
(garbage fee reduction) going, the Board will have to raise the tax levy year after year. She
asked, "How is that business friendly? Businesses don't get the benefit of having their garbage
paid for-they'd have to pay the same property tax plus pay their own garbage."
Trustee Minx restated her motion. She moved to amend the budget by increasing the solid
waste subsidy (line item: trash collection service) to $500K, and to draw down the fund bal-
ance by $265,000. Money will come from the fund balance. Trustee Kogstad restated his
Trustee Staackmann clarified that this proposed amendment would, in effect, put the fund bal-
ance at under 25%. Trustee Minx said that was correct.
Mayor Krier called for a vote on the motion to amend the budget. Motion failed: 2 ayes,
3 nays, 1 absent.
Tr. Brunner ~ Tr. i~ogstad afire Tr. Marcus absent
Tr. Minx ~ Tr. Staackmann ~ Tr. Thill n~
Mayor Krier then called for a vote on the motion to approve the budget as presented. Motion
still on the floor for budget as presented. Motion passed: 4 ayes, 1 nay, 1 absent.
Tr. Brunner awe Tr. Kogstad ~ Tr. Marcus absent
Tr. Minx aye Tr. Staackmann aye Tr. Thill
T rustee Minx then introduced for a first reading Ordinance 07-33, An Ordinance Levying
and Assessing Taxes for the Village of Morton Grove, Cook County, Illinois for the Fis-
cal Year Beginning January 1, 2008 and Eroding December 31, 2008.
She explained that this ordinance sets the tax levy for property taxes for tax year 2007 which
are then collected in 2008. The Budget just passed by the Board calls for expenditures in the
amount of $48,832,109. The amount necessary to be levied for 2007 property taxes is
$11,898,236. By law, the Village is required to levy an additional $1,407,791 for debt service
Minutes of November 26, 2007BOard Meeting:
D. Trustee Minx: (continued)
payments authorzed by general obligation notes and bonds, for a total levy (before abate-
ment) of $13,306,027. However, the Village Board intends to adopt several resolutions which
will immediately abate the $1,407,791 from the levy, resulting in the net levy amount of
$11, 898,236.
Mayor Krier asked if there was any discussion.
Trustee Kogstad asked if the Board could vote on this ordirarce tonight. Mayor Krier said
there would have to be a motion to waive the second reading; if that were done, the Board
could pass it and be in compliance with its own ordinances. Corporation Counsel Liston
added that, since this the levy amount is less than 5%, there is no need fora "Truth in Taxa-
tion" Public Hearing to be held; however, the Village has already published a notice that such
a Pubic Hearing would be held on December 10, 2007. That notice would have to be re-
scinded. Trustee Kogstad said that he would like to see the levy at 2.5% rather than 3.5%, but
said he would wait until the next meeting.
There was no further discussion on Ordinance 07-33.
E. Trustee Staackmann
Trustee Staackmann had no report.
F. Trustee Thill
Trustee Thill presented Resolution 07-81, Authorization to Accept and Approve the Mu-
nicipal Maintenance Expenditure Statement for Work Completed on the 2006 Motor Fuel
Tax Maintenance Program.
He explained that, each year, the Village receives a portion of the motor fuel tax collected by
the State. The funds must be spent on the improvement of and/or maintenance of roadways.
The State requires an estimate and a final statement of the maintenance expenses each year
of the program. In 2007, the Village spent $574,198.87 for the 2006 Motor Fuel Tax Program.
Trustee Thill moved to adopt Resolution 07-61, seconded by Trustee Brunner. Motion
passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent.
Tr. Brunner afire Tr. Kogstad awe Tr. Marcus absent
Tr. Minx awe Tr. Staackmann a~ Tr. Thill aye
2 Next, Trustee Thill presented Resolution 07-82, Appropriation of 2008 Motor Fuel Tax
Funds for the Maintenance of Streets and Highways, MFT Section 08-00000-OOGM.
He explained that the Village needs to appropriate its estimated motor fuel tax revenue for
2008 as required by State law. The total estimated expenses for the 2008 Motor Fuel Tax
Program are $648,000.
X. TRUSTEES' REPORTS (continued)
F. Trustee Thill: (continued)
Trustee Thill moved to adopt Resolution 07-62, seconded by Trustee Brunner. Motion
passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent.
Tr. Brunner awe Tr. Kogstad a~ Tr. Marcus absent
Tr. Minx aL Tr. Staackmann ~ Tr. Thill
3. Trustee Thill then presented Resolution 07-63, Authorizina the Execution of a Service
Contract with Municipal GIS Partners (MGP) for Geographical information System Ser-
Fie explained that the Village is a member of a GIS Consortium, founded in 1999 by several
municipalities as a way of reducing the costs of implementing GIS technology by participating
in collective bargaining, group training, joint purchasing, and development and inncvation
sharing. MGP has been determined by the Consortium to be the Icwest responsible provider
for the maintenance and development of G!S systems for its members. This contract is a con-
tinuation of these services for 2008. The amount of the contract is not to exceed $51,050.
Trustee Thili moved, seconded by Trustee Brunner, to adopt Resolution 07-63. Motion
passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent.
Tr. Brunner a~ Tr. Kogstad aye Tr. Marcus absent
Tr. Minx awe Tr. Staackmann a~ Tr. Thill a~
4. Lastly, Trustee Thill reminded everyone that, in this season of giving, the Historical Society is
still looking for donations to help with the museum expansion project.
Mayor Krier thanked the Morton Grove Public Library's Executive Director, Ben Schapiro, and
Board Member Agnes Quinn, for attending tonight's meeting to be on hand in case any ques-
tions arose.
Trustee Minx presented the Warrant Register for November 26, 2007, which totaled
$859,221.46. She moved to approve the Warrants as presented, seconded by Trustee Brun-
ner. Motion passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent.
Tr. Brunner afire Tr. Kogstad awe Tr. Marcus absent
Tr. Minx afire Tr. Staackmann aye Tr. Thill a~
Eric Poders. Mr. Poders said that he had attended the October 27, 2007 Budget Workshop.
Fie noted that a presentation had been shown that included many charts and graphs, line
items, descriptions, etc. and he wondered if that presentation could be made public.
Minutes of November 26, 2007 Board Meeting:
Mr. Poders said that residents have a lot of questions and if they could peruse that presenta-
tion, it might be helpful. He said the budget may be "transparent" in the mayor's eyes but it's
not that clear to everyone.
Also, regarding Ordinance 07-31, which granted a Special Use Permit for the installation of a
commercial wireless antenna at 8323 Nagle, Mr. Poders said that many people have concerns
regarding cell towers and wireless antennae. He said he learned from Building Commissioner
Hildebrandt that there's going to be an "education hearing" with SAC Wireless and several
other companies on December 12. He hoped that it would be publicized and that concerned
residents vrou!d attend.
Mayor Krier said he disagreed with Mr. Poders and felt that the meetings were open and
"transparent". He noted that it's understandable if people find it difficult to understand, even
the Board members say that "it's not easy". He said he's been doing this for a while and even
he still has questions. Mr. Poders said he wasn't referring to the meetings or the budget
packet; he was referring to the supporting materials. Mayor Krier said that that information is
available online or they could sit down and talk with staff.
Trustee Thill commented that, if people have questions, they could write them down or send
them in, or come visit the Mayor on Thursday nights when he's at Village Hall until 8:00 p.m
He encourage people to come to the Village and talk, rather than "talk over the backyard
There being no further business, Trustee Minx moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion was
seconded by Trustee Brunner. Motion passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent.
Tr. Brunner awe Tr. Kogstad absent Tr. Marcus aye
Tr. Minx aye Tr. Staackmann ~ Tr. Thill aye
The meeting adjourned at 9:29 p.m.
"... "...... --. -- Minutes of November 2Q 20076oaN Meetin'"
PASSED this 10th day of December, 2007.
Trustee Brunner i
Trustee Kogstad
Trustee Marcus
Trustee Minx
Trustee Staackmann
Trustee Thill
.APPROVE y e this 0 f1 day of December, 2007.
~° ~ a~~~~ J~~ ~ ~~ ~~
~ ~ ~, : .
Richard~Krier, Village President
Board of Trustees, Morton Grove, Illinois
APPROVED and FILED in my office this 11th day of December, 2007.
Carol A. Fritzshall, Village Clerk
Village of Morton Grove
Cook County, Illinois
Minutes 5y'. Teresa Cousar