HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-12-08 AgendaAGENDA VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES TO BE HELD AT THE RICHARD T. FLICKiNGER MUNICIPAL CENTER DECEMBER 8, 2008 Meeting 7:30 pm Call to Order 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Roll Calt 4. Approval of Minutes - Budget Workshop, November 5, 2008 Special Meeting, November 24, 2008 Regular Meeting, November 24, 2008 5. Public Hearings a. 2008 Tax Levy b. 2008 Budget Request for the 2009 Calendar Year 6. Special Reports a. Presentation of Employee Anniversary Awards to be made by Mayor Richard Krier and Administrator Joseph F. Wade 7. kesident's Comments (agenda items only] 8. President's Report-Administration, Northwest Municipal Confere~2ee, Council of Mayors, TIF Committee, Capital Projects, Real Estate Committee a. Establish Village Board Meeting Dates for Calendar Year 2009 b. Board and Commission Chairperson Appointments for Calendar Year 2009 c. Establish Regular Meetings for Various Boards, Commissions, Committees, a11d Subcommittees for Calendar Year 2009 d. Administrative Appointments for Calendar Year 2009 e. Reappointments - Advisory Commission oiz Aging - 3 year term Rachel Slotnik and Thomas Stockenberg Appearance Cormission - 3 year teen Deamza S. Gotta Convnunity Relations Commission - 3 year term Nancy Leming, Lina Sosa, Terri Cousar, Zaya Khanauu President's Report (continued} e. Reappointments (continued) Board of Environmental Health - 3 yem~ term Joseph P. O'Shea Natural Resources Commission - 3 year term Mary Busch Fire and Police Commission - 3 year term Mike Simkins Plan Commission/Zoning Board ofAppeals - S year term Coring Keating and Dwight Roepenack Traffic Safely Commission - 4 year term Keith White, Theodore Sievert, Lee Tamraz 9. Clerk's Report - Condonainimn Association, Advisory Commission on Aging 10. Staff Reports a. Village Administrator 1) Reminder of the December 22 Village Board Meeting Cancellation 2) Announcement of Special Village Board meeting to be held at 7:00 pm on Tuesday, December 16, 2008, to Review Development Proposals for Site `B", Ferris and Capulina Avenues b. Corporation Counsel I I. Reports by Trustees a. Trustee Brunner -Legal, Family and Senior Services Department, Cable and Telecommunications Commission, Environmental Health, Waukegan Road TIF Keview, Solid Waste Agency of Northern Cook County, Conenaunity Relations Commission (Trustee Kogstad) b. Trustee Kogstad -Comprehensive Plan, Advisory Commission on Aging (Trustee Minx) c. Trustee Marcus -Police Department, Police and Fire Commission, Real Ftate Committee, Chamber of Commerce ('trustee Tlaill) d. Trustee Minx-Finance Department, Real Estate Committee, Plan Commission, Fer°ris/Lelaigh TIF Review, Fire Department, RED Center, NIPSTA, Capital Projects, Police and Fire Commission, Economic Development, Northwest Municipal Conference (Trustee Staaclanann) 1) Ordinance OS-43 (Introduced November 24, 2008) Adopting the Budgets for All Corporate Purposes of the Village and the Morton Grove Public Library for Calendar Year Effective January 1, 2009 and Ending December 31, 2009 2) Ordinance 08-44 (Introduced November 24, 2008) Levying and Assessing Taxes for the Village for the Fiscal Year Begiiming January 1, 2009 and Ending December 31, 2009 11. Reports by Trustees (continued) d. Trustee Minx (continued) 3) Resolution 08-64 (bztroduced November 2A, 2008) Tax Abatement Resolution for the 2008 Tax Levy Relating to Ordinance 07-26 4) Resolution 08-65 (Into^oduced November 24, 2008) Tax Abatement Resolution for the 2008 Tax Levy Relating to Ordinance 02-30 5) Resolution 08-63 (Introduced November 24, 2008) Tax Abatement Resolution for the 2008 Tax Levy Relating to Ordinance 99-01 6) Resolution 08-66 (Introduced November 24, 2008) Tax Abatement Resolution for the 2008 Tax Levy Relating to Ordinance 98-41 e. Trustee Staaekmann -Building Department, Appearance Co»amissic~n, ESDA, IT/Communications, Dempster Street Corridor Plan (Trustee Brunner) f. Trustee Thill -Public Works, Capital Projects, Traffic Safety Conrnarssion, Natural Resource Commission, Solid Waste Agency of Northern Cook County (Trustee Marcus) 1) Ordinance 08-42 (Introduced November 24, 2008) Amending the Legal SpeedLimit on Central Avenue Between Church Street and Golf Road Within the Village of Morton Grove 2) Resolution 08-67 (Ine~roduced December 8, 2008) Authorizing the Extension of a Contract with Lyons-Pinner Electric Company for the 2009 Maintenance of Street Lighting and Traff c Control Signals 3) Resolution 08-68 (batroduced December $ 2008) Authorizing the Execution of a Service Contract with Municipal GIS Partners (MGP) for Geographical Inforn~ation System Services 4) Resolution 06-69 (Introduced December 8, 2008) Appropriation of 2009 Motor Fuel Tax Funds for the Maintenance of Sheets and Highways -MFT Section 09-0000-OOGM 12. Other Business 13. Presentation of Warrants - $2,333,971.16 14. Resident's C'emments 15. Executive Session - Persomiel, Labor Negotiations, Real Estate, az~d Review of Executive Session Minutes 16. Adjournment - To ensure full accessibility and equal participation for all i~aterested citizens, individuals with disabiUtles wla~o~lan (o attend and who require certain accommodations in order to observe and/or participate in [his meeting, or who have questions regarding the accessibility of these facilities, are requested to contact Susan or Marlene <847/470-5220) proneptly to allow the Village to make reasonable accomnvadations. MINUTES OF A BUDGET WORKSHOP MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, HELD ON NOVEMBER 5, 2008, IN THE TRUSTEE'S CONFERENCE ROOM RICHARD T. FLICKINGER MUNICIPAL CENTER 6101 CAPULINA AVENUE, MORTON GROVE, ILLINOIS 60053 Pursuant to proper notice in accordance with the Open Meetings Act, the Budget Workshop was called to order at 7:00 pm by Mayor Richard Krier. Clerk Fritzshall called the roll. In attendance were: Elected Officials: President Richard Krier, Trustees Georgianne Brunner, Sheldon Mat•cus, Rita Minx, Dan Staackmann, John Thill, and Clerk Carol A. Fritzshall Absent: Trustee Roy Kogstad Village Staff: _ Police Chief Paul L. Tasch, IT Administrator Boyle Wong, Community acrd Economic Development Director Sill Neuendorf, Building Commissioner Ed Hildebrandt, Assistant Finance Director Ryan Horne, Public Works Director Andy DeMonte, Chief Tom Friel, Family and Senior Services Director Jackie Walker O'Keefe, Finance Director Daniela Partipilo, Village Administrator Joseph F. Wade, Corporation Counsel Teresa Hoffman Liston Also Present: Several members of the public Mayor Krier thanked everyone for attending this meeting. He then introduced Village Administrator Joseph F: Wade. Mr. Wade thanked Trustee Kogstad for bringing several topics up for discussion at the last meeting. It is hoped staff will be able to successfully answer those questions and concerns. He also pointed out staff is diligent when it comes to preparing the budget and always keeps in mind the taxpayers and the economy. He also noted the Village has won the GFOA award for excellence in financial reporting for many years. Less than 5% of governmental units receive this prestigious award. Village Administrator Wade outlined some of the areas to be discussed this evening: e How does the Village predict and judge expenditures for the purchase of salt for the snowplowing season? Mr. DeMonte and the Finance Department will hopefully clarify this process. • Trustee Kogstad inquired about inventory controls and the encumbrances of the accounting in the Village. 11ie Finance Department will advise the Village Board as to these practices. • While Trustee Kogstad did fnd some mistakes in this budget document, it should be noted hundreds of revenue acid expenses are entered to create the budget, and when nwnbers are taken and prepared in an alternate program (excel) to create the budget it is diff cult not to have an error. Administrator Wade statedprojeoting revenues and expenditures takes diligence on the part of staff as they review the historical data. On a whole, the budget's revenues have been within 96% of those projected and expenditures have been within 99%. The Finance Department will be reviewing the budget document for the Board and hopefully clarify any misconceptions. • The application and use of fund balances will also be discussed. Mr. Wade stated at the end of the meeting the Village Board went over many different funds. Having $1.5 million in the Water Fund is not a lot considering the Village's impending obligations such as the Dempster Street Corridor, and the painting of two water towers. Mr. Wade reiterated these are both expensive endeavors. • A review of the Water Fund and whether there are adequate funds available will be reviewed. • As previously noted, the streets in the Village ai•e in a declining condition. The major concern is how are these streets going to be updated and maintained. It has been previously estimated t11e Village needs to besetting aside $1.4 million to maintain and keep up with this encroaching problem each year. Village Administrator Wade stated all the Deparinrent Directors are at this meeting Co answer airy questions the Village Board may have. Assistant Finance Director Ryan Home and Finance Director Daniela Partipilo were then invited to discuss the budget document and financial issues. Mr. Wade stated Mr. Horne was hired a little over a year ago; he has 13 years of overall experience in the accounting field. Ms. Partipilo admitted There were a few errors contained within the budget document. She stated it is difficult to transfer data and formulas from the Springbrook program to the Excel spreadsheets the Board reviews in flee prepared Proposed Budget document. She stated the raw data that comes from the Springbrook program is correct and therefore matches the audit report. She believes there were some entry errors when transferring the data to Excel but reiterated the data is correct in Springbrook. Assistant Finance Director Ryan Horn then guided the Board tliroiigh the fund balai7ce and accounting practices used by the Village. He made comparisons to help the Village Board understand how the budget relates to the various funds. Mr. FIorne stated budgeting is simply fina~lcial forecasting. There is no way to exactly predict what revenues and expenditures will be for any given year, however with the help of the Department Directors, educated estimates are made and as previously stated by Mr. Wade, the Village does come very close to those guesstimates. The question was raised as to whether the Village should account for the inventory it has such as salt? 1t is hard to predict what unomlt will be used in a pa~-ticuiar season. The Village can estimate how much salt will be used for a given snowstorm but it is difficult to predict how long the season will last at7d whether additional purchases will be required and how much will remain at the end of that season. He stated accounting is a practice, a guesstinzafe since there can be a great disparity from 12 months ago when purchases were made. Currently, at the end of the year, accounting adjustments are made. By April of the following year those figures are given to the auditors so they can do their comparisons and prepare their report. Springbrook is a good repository 'for the Village's data; however the documents created appear to be difficult for the general public to understand. Currently, other softwaa~e packages are available but the Village believes Springbrook provides the services needed aid uses the resources of the Village in a reasonable imarmcr. To make a change at this time would be expensive when training, maintenance and implementation are taken into consideration. Mr. Horn stated he believed the Vil]age is doing the best with the resources available. Finance Director Pa~xipilo stated from the time the budget preparations begin until the time the audit is received is between 18 to 21 months. She stated there have been many changes in the economy during the time period. and as the 2009 budget document is prepared it is important to remember there have been many changes. She stated they look at projections and do comparisons. 'The average budget revenue projections have been within 7% of variance with expenditures showing 2%. The Village has historically taken a conservative approach when projecting revenues, which she be]ieves is a good practice. Some budget amendments may be required once the document is approved if revenues are not great enough to cover the expenses of a particular fund. The Finance Department prepares a warrant list for every Village Board meeting to show the Board the Village's expenses on a conthrual basis. The Board also receives memorandums that update them on projects having problems and subsequent overruns. She stated overages do happen on occasion; however departments continue to hold the line and watch expenses. Fund balances are retained in some funds; however it should be noted some of those funds are not available to the General Fund because of restrictions such as the Motor Fuel Fund; and the Commuter Parking Fund. Village Administrator Wade stated the credit market for municipalities is terrible and has been affected by the world markets. He stated there is fiord balance available but it should also be noted there are infrastructure needs that must be addressed in the future. It is easy to draw down the fund balance in the Enterprise Fund: however $1 million dollars needs to be added each year (which has not been done) to maintain an amount necessary to provide the fmzds for infrastructure improvements. Finance Director Partipilo noted the Village had a good capital project year in 2007. Many streets were improved that were in very poor condition. hi 2008, more money was spent on capital projects; however in 2009 the drawdown is being used for general operations and not capital improvements. Community and Economic Development Director Bill Neuendorf then discussed the Waukegan Road TIF Fund. He stated that fund is also separate from the General Fetid and is governed by state statute. It was created in 1995 and will expire iu 2018. Municipal bonds were issued to bring businesses and changes to that district. Currenfly monies are being paid back to the Genera] Fund that were loaned to this TIF Fund. It is hoped that debt can be repaid early; however revenues need to increase before that can happen. Currently Produce World is Iookiug at moving into the TIF area and building a much larger store, and it is anticipated some monies received shou]d be able to help repay the outstanding loan. His recommendation is to make the improvements to Churchill Street so this project ca~~ become a viable entity in the TIF and free up the Demister/Waukegan northwest conger for an additional revenue generating business. He stated the Village is continuing to seek out other businesses for this District. Trustee Marcus expressed concern on whether monies would ever be available to pay back the debt owed to the General Fund. Mr. Neuendorf felt the monies would be available if the current monies being generated by the fund are not paid to the General Fund at this time. Public Works Director Andy DeMonte was introduced and stated there are 31 miles of roadway that need to be updated in the Village. He has forwarded a memorandum to the Board concerning the conditions of the various streets. He also stated there should be 5,000 feet of watermain replaced each year. He reminded the Village Board the Village has an aging system and it is important to keep up wiffi these repairs. The Mayor then asked if there were any convnents from the audience. There were none. Village Administrator Wade stated the Budget Ordinance will be prepared for the November 24, 2008, Village Board meeting. He asked if the Board would like anything added or deleted from that document. The Village Board had no comments. The Village Board asked Finance Director Partipilo for copies of the pages that were changed in the proposed budget document. They expressed concern about the correctness of the copies and wanted to make sure the Finance Deparhnent had time to make the corrections. Mayor Krier then asked if there was a problem with passing a 2% levy increase and if possible to have a consensus of the Village Board this evening. It was determined if it was not passed it would impact the Village's operating budget by $180,000. If a 1% levy increase is passed the Village would receive an additional approximately $93,000. If the Village Board chooses to not increase its levy for this year the shortfall would be $200,000 more than originally budgeted. Several Village Board members felt it was the responsible thing to do this year to have no levy increase. Trustee Brunner expressed concern there would not be anything available if the Village were to experience an extraordinary event. The Village Board generally expressed concern about having taxes raised considering the recent reassessment. With foreclosures and vacancies at an all time high, the burden has been shifted to the taxpayers. Trustee Marcus felt next year would be a tough economic year and his responsibility is to the taxpayers of the Village. Since there is money to retain services he felt the levy should remain the same. Trustee Minx expressed her concerns that ifno levy is assessed there could be repercussions in the 20I0- budget. The drawdown on the fund balance does have rippling effects and there are areas of the budget that will need to be looked at. Trustee Staackmann also stated a lot of people are hurting died more businesses are closing: He does not see how the levy can be raised. It is the right and moral thing to do to keep the levy at 0% increase. The Line needs to be held grid the Village Board needs to find a way riot to increase taxes at this time. Trustee Brunner was concerned about the end result. Eating up reserves is not a good thing and she disagreed with the other board members about not passing a tax levy increase for this year. Trustee Staackmaml felt as long as the Village was not cutting vital services that a 0% increase was appropriate. He felt if necessary, other fliings could be cut. Trustee Brunner reminded the Village Board of the unforeseen incidents that happened last year such as the dramatic increase in salt prices and the huge September storm which required extensive garbage and waste removal Trustee Staackmann stated the reserves are at 25% acid there is money. Trustee Thill felt the psychological impact on the community would be beneficial. Trustee Marcus felt this was a good conversation and if the economy was better he believes they would not be having this discussion: He feels strongly the levy should be held for the coming year as Long as the Village can continue to provide services and programs without disruption. Following the discussion, Mayor Krier stated there will be a 0% increase in the levy for this year. He stated he believes the Village Board has the citizens of the Village at heart. The Village Board then expressed concern over the Library's requested 6.2% tax levy increase. Corporation Counsel was asked for her opinion on whether the Village had a right to ask the Library to hold down its requested levy. Corporation Counsel stated the library cannot pass a levy without the Village Board's vote. Trustee Staackmann wanted to know why they want a 6.2% increase and felt they should also hold the line for this year. Mayor Krier stated Ile woulc like to write the Library and ask them why they want to pass such a large increase and at the sazne time inform them the Village will have no levy increase, h was suggested the Library Board appear at the November 24, 2008 Village Board meeting. The Village Board then asked for documentation on why the Library is requesting a 6.2% increase in their tax levy. A correspondence will be prepared immediately by Mayor Krier. There being no further business, Trustee Minx moved to adjourn the budget-workshop. The motion was seconded by Trustee Marcus and approved unanimously pursuant to a voice vote at 9:24 pm. Minutes by: Carol A. Fritzshall Village Clerk MINUTES OF THE NOVEMBER 24, 2008, SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, TRUSTEE'S CONFERENCE ROOM RICHARD T. FLICKINGER MUNICIPAL CENTER 6101 CAPULINA AVENUE, MORTON` GROVE, ILLINOIS 60053 Pursuant to proper notice in accordance with the Open Meeting Act, the Special Meeting was called to order at 7:02 pm by Mayor Richard Krier. Clerk Fritzshall called the roll. In attendance were: Elected Officials: President Richard Krier, Trustees Georgiaime Brunner, Roy Kogstad, Shel Marcus, Rita Minx, Dan Staackmann, and John Thill Absent: No absences Village Staff: Village Administrator Joseph F. Wade, and Corporation ~ounscl Teresa Hoffman Liston President Krier led the assemblage in the pledge of allegiance: Trustee Minx then moved to adjourn to Executive Session to discuss personnel matters. The motion was seconded by Trustee Marcus and approved unanimously pursuant to a roll call vote at 7:02 pm. At the conclusion of the Executive Session, Trustee Minx moved to adjourn the Special Meeting. The motion was seconded by Trustee Marcus and approved unanimously pursuant to a voice vote at 7:30 pm. Minutes by: Carol A. Fritzshall Special ~nee[ing minutes. L 1-25-08 CALL TO ORDER Village President Rick Krier called the meeting to order at 7:32 p.m. and led the assemblage in the Pledge of Allegiance. Village Clerk Carol Fritzshall called the roll. Present were: Trustees Georgianne Brunner, Roy Kogstad, Shel Marcus, Rita Minx, Dan Staackmann, and John Thill. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. Regarding the Minutes of the October 30, 2008 Budget Workshop, Mayor Krier asked if anyone had any changes or corrections. Seeing none, Trustee Minx moved to approve the October 30, 2008 Budget Workshop Minutes as submitted, seconded by Trustee Thill. Motion passed unanimously via voice vote. Regarding the Minutes of the November 10, 2008 Regular Meeting, Mayor Krier asked if anyone had any changes or corrections to the Minutes. Seeing none, Trustee Marcus moved, seconded by Trustee Minx, to approve the November 10 2008 Regular Meeting Minutes as submitted. Motion passed unanimously viabdide vote: IV. PUBLIC HEARINGS NONE V. SPECIAL REPORTS a. Presentation of Fire Department Poster Contest Awards Fire Chief Tom Friel said that the first week of October is Fire Prevention Week, and the Fire Department traditionally sponsors a "fire education° poster contest open to all Morton Grove schools. This is the 16t" year of the contest, and Chief Friel acknowledged the sponsorship and efforts of the members of the Village's Firefighters Association, some of whom were in attendance tonight to help present the awards to the winning students. Captain Bill Porter, Director of the Fire Prevention Bureau, explained that the posters typically have a theme and are judged by members of the Firefghters Association on several criteria, including: that the fire safety message is correct; that the message is clear; and the quality of ~~ MinlrteS OfNpxrem~er~+i, 2DDS~pardiVleEtirag~ V. SPECIAL REPORTS (continued) the artwork. Captain Porter said that all the schools in the Village, public and private, are invited to participate, and, as is typical, this year 226 posters were received. This year marks the 15`"annual poster contest. Winners will be awarded a plaque with a digitized photo of their poster plus a special Benjamin Franklin 50-cent piece and a certificate of participation. Captain Porter explained that Benjamin Franklin has particular signifcance because he had so much to do with fire service. Captain Porter, assisted by Fire Chief Tom Friel, Trustee-liaison Rita Minx, and members of the Firefighters Association presented the winners with their prizes. The winners are as follows: Kindergarten: Jessica Nanut, Hynes School First Grade: Madison Precht, Hynes School Second Grade: Hana Frisch, Park View School Third Grade: Tina Intarapanont, Hynes School Fourth Grade: Suha Moten, MCC Full Time School Fifth Grade: Madiha Malik, MCC Full Time School Sixth Grade: Aisha Usman, Park View School (not present) Seventh Grade: Megan Keating, Jerusalem Lutheran School Co-Eighth Grade: Joy Sherman, Jerusalem Lutheran School Co-Eighth Grade: Taida Avdic, MCC Full Time School Overall Winner: Madiha Malik, MCC Full Time School The principal of the MCC Full Tlme School received a plaque for the school in honor of having one of the school's student's poster named "Overall Winner". Mayor Krier thanked everyone for participating, and thanked Captain Porter, Chief Friel, and the members of the Firefighters Association for all their hard work in making this year's poster contest so successful VI. RESIDENTS' COMMENTS (Agenda Items Only) a. Eric Poders. Mr. Poders had concerns regarding Ordinance 08-42 (which reduces the speed limit on Central Avenue between Church Street and Golf Road), specifically, that the street is not marked (lanes, street parking, etc.). He was especially concerned about the 9200 and 9300 blocks of Luna Avenue and wondered if Luna could be made one-way southbound so as to prevent people from using Luna as acut-through. Mr. Poders commended the Board on their budget workshops and said he was glad the Village is working on increasing its revenue by enforcing train station parking and by increasing the visibility, and therefore the rental income, of the Civic Center. Mayor Krier said Mr. Poders' concerns regarding Luna would be addressed when the ordinance was discussed. b. Patrick Kansoer. Mr. Kansoer was speaking in regard to Ordinance 08-44 (the tax levy ordinance). He said that, according to the local newspaper, there was not going to be a tax levy increase this year. Mr. Kansoer said that he wanted to congratulate those Board members who were responsible for this and expressed his gratitude to them for fighting to "hold the line" on a tax levy increase. "Min~EB~ ~f NovBml~r~4„~ODa~nard ]Weetii~~`~ VI. RESIDENTS' COMMENTS (Agenda Items Only) (continued) Bill Luksha. Mr. Luksha said that he lives six houses from Central north of Church and agrees that people do speed in that area. He pointed out that south of Church Street, the speed limit is 25 mph. He felt that people should slow down-there would be less accidents and it would be safer for bicyclists. Regarding the tax levy ordinance, Mr. Luksha said that the people of Morton Grove are "all in a tough situation" and added that it was good that the Board "pulled together". VII. PRESIDENT'S REPORT Proclamation Mayor Krier Mayor Krier proclaimed the month of December 2008 as "Drunk and Drugged Driving (3D) Prevention Month" in the Village and called upon everyone to support programs and policies to reduce the incidence of impaired drivers, and to promote safer and healthier behaviors regarding the use of alcohol and drugs during the December holiday season and throughout the year. VIII. CLERK'S REPORT Clerk Fritzshall had no formal report, but noted that the FEMA officials had visited her. She announced to the assemblage that the deadline for applying for disaster assistance has been extended to December 16, 2008. For more information, residents can call 1-800-621-3362 or visit FEMA's Website at www.fema.gov. IX. STAFF REPORTS A. Village Administrator Mr. Wade announced that the Tax Levy Public Hearing will be held as part of the regularly- scheduled Village Board Meeting on December 8, 2008. Mr. Wade said that Village staff is looking for direction from the Board as to what it wants to do about proceeding with the Dempster Street project in 2009. He said that it's the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT)'s project as well as its road, but the Village does have some decisions to make. The project is 10 years old. Does the Village want to continue waiting for the funding to construct additional parking lots or does it want to go forward with the roadway improvement in the 2009 construction season? Mr. Wade pointed out that IDOT's priority is improving traffic flow, not constructing parking lots. a. Mr. Wade said that Dempster Street has been designated a Strategic Regional Arterial road- way because it connects the Edens Expressway and the Illinois Tollway and because approximately 38,000-40,000 vehicles use it daily. Because it has what IDOT deems as a "higher than acceptable" incidence of accidents, IDOT has proposed improvements such as intersection improvements and a continuous center turning lane in the mile-long stretch between Lehigh and Central. This would be a way of improving turning radius, alleviating congestion, and lowering the number of accidents. If there is a continuous center turning lane, 123 street parking spaces will be lost. Minutes biNOVember 24, 20D8~n~rtl 7~leetir IX. STAFF REPORTS (continued) b. Because this would hurt local businesses, a parking study was done and the Village proposed to replace the 123 street parking spaces with parking lots that would offer 166 parking spaces. To date, the Village has constructed three parking lots and made additional side street parking for a total of 181 spaces. c. Mr. Wade expressed concern because the Village has received a dozen grants for funding this project and those grants may expire if they aren't used soon. He turned the presentation over to Economic and Community Development Director Bill Neuendorf for more project specifics, noting that Mr. Neuendorf is taking the project over since the departure of Ryan Gillingham. Mr. Neuendorf holds a professional engineering certificate. Mr. Neuendorf said that IDOT wants to improve traffic flow; the Village wants to retain the viability of its business district. To achieve both goals, the Village suggested relocating the street parking, improving the streetscape and appearance of Dempster, and retaining or reducing the existing speed limit. There have been many meetings and discussions about the Dempster Street Project, the most recently being ±his past summer. Final recommendations for the project include widening the sidewalks, improving the sidewalks with trees, benches, etc.; removing and relocating the on-street parking, and installing a continuous center turn - lane. The finished product would, it is hoped. inspire business owners to renovate their business' appearance and possibly entice new businesses to come in. e. Mr. Neuendorf said, with regard to this project, that timing is "an opportunity and a challenge". It would be an opportune time to replace one of the Village's oldest water mains, which runs under Dempster Street. Water mains are designed for 50 years of service; this one has been in service for 96 years. The cost estimate to replace the water main is $1.5 million. The good news is that, if the Village replaces the water main during the reconstruction of Dempster Street, the Village wouldn't be burdened with the full cost of the reconstruction. The new water main would improve water pressure and reliability. The total cost for the Dempster Street project is $10,320,977, which includes $4.3 million for roadway construction and $3.9 million for parking lots. Mr. Neuendorf summarized the sources of grants-there are 12. Morton Grove's"local match" is virtually nil. He mentioned that there are three Federal grants, five State grants, and one township grant...and each grant only covers certain things. At this point, the project is scheduled to use 17% of Village funds, with 40% coming from the federal government and 43% coming from the State. The Phase 1 drawings were approved a year ago. The Phase 2 drawings are being reviewed. 181 parking spaces have been created. Mr. Neuendorf said the State is in no hurry to fund the remaining $3.9 million for the parking lots. The Village has already waited for eight years, and is not on IDOT's schedule for 2009, 2010, or 2011. He agreed with Administrator Wade that the grants may expire if they aren't used soon, although he noted that Village staff has been diligent about reviewing the grants and requesting extensions of time and/or renewals. But if the funds aren't used soon, they will not be around. g. Mr. Neuendorf said that another concern is that construction and labor costs are increasing, commenting that the Dempster Street project cost has already increased 10% since the Phase 1 drawings were approved. If the Village continues to wait, there will be additional inflationary costs which the grants do not cover...so the Village would have to cover them. Therefore, the Board needs to decide how to proceed. If the Board decides to wait, the traffic delays on Dempster will continue; the street will continue to deteriorate and to look run down; funding could be lost; the water main will continue to decline; grants could be reallocated. If the Board decides to proceed, staff recommends a bond issue for the water main replacement or the use of the Enterprise Fund Balance. -a~ - - ;MinutesaoiT,lovemtierxd„'300B~ioaNi~Vleeting IX. STAFF REPORTS (continued) h. Construction could begin as early as summer of 2009. Replacement of the water main would likely take 6-8 months. i. Mayor Krier said that Corporation Counsel Liston was looking into whether a resolution or an ordinance would be needed. He added that the State is looking to balance its budget and it's quite conceivable that the Village could lose some of the State's funding. Trustee Kogstad asked about the impact of this construction on local businesses. Mr. Neuendorf said it would definitely have an impact, but the project could be done in phases. It's too early to determine the construction phasing at this point. But the Village would make it clear that the construction cannot shut down local businesses. He said he would recommend an approach wherein both sides of the street would be done at the same time and traffic would be detoured around that particular point. k. Trustee Staackmann said that it might be advantageous to do this while the economy is slow and there are so many empty storefronts. 1. Trustee Marcus asked about the truck traffic being detoured. Mr. NeuendorF agreed that trucks might need "special" re-routing. m. Mr. Wade said that staff is maintaining a dialogue with IDOT and would like to know the Board's position as soon as possible. B. Corporation Counsel: Ms. Liston had no report. X. A. Trustee Brunner: TRUSTEES'REPORTS Trustee Brunner reported that the Solid Waste Agency of Northern Cook County (SWANCC) said that the Village recycled 1,608 tons of paper in asix-month period, resulting in the Village receiving a check for $45,000. The bad news is that the price for recycled paper has dropped dramatically. It's unlikely the Village will receive that kind of money again; nevertheless, Trustee Brunner encouraged everyone to recycle, recycle, recyle! B. Trustee Kogstad: Trustee Kogstad had no report. C. Trustee Marcus: Trustee Marcus had no report, but wished everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. ' ~ Nlinitesuf No+retiber~24#^2D08~oaW.Meefng~. X. TRUSTEES' REPORTS (continued) Trustee Minx: Trustee Minx presented Resolution 08-61, Authorizing the Village of Morton Grove to Acquire Property Commonly Known as 9733 Narragansett Avenue, Morton Grove, Illinois. This property is located within the Lehigh/Ferris TIF District and will be land-banked for future redevelopment. The purchase price is $290,000 and the closing will take place on or before December 31, 2008. Funds for the purchase of this property are contained in the 2008 Budget in the Lehigh/Ferris TIF District Fund. Trustee Minx moved to approve Resolution 08-61, seconded by Trustee Thill. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. Brunner afire Tr. Kogstad afire Tr. Marcus aye Tr. Minx awe, Tr. Staackmann aye Tr. Thill aYe 2. Next, Trustee Minx introduced for a first reading Ordinance 08-43, Adopting the Budgets for All Corporate Purposes of the Village of Morton Grove and the Morton Grove Library for the Calendar Year Effective January 1, 2009 and Ending December 31, 2009. She explained that the Budget has been available for inspection at the offce of the Village Administrator, the Public Library, and posted on the Village's website since at least October 16, 2008. The Village's total budget is $51,574,586 and the Public Library's budget is $3,034,607, for a grand total of $54,609,193. There were no questions about the Budget. Trustee Marcus pointed out that he understands the reasoning behind the Library's levy and will support it. 3. Trustee Minx then presented for a first reading Ordinance 08-44, An Ordinance Levying and Assessing Taxes for the Village of Morton Grove, Cook County,711nois, for the Fiscal Year Beginning January 1, 2009 and Ending December 31, 2009. She said that, with budget expenditures of $51,574,586, the amount necessary to be levied for 2008 property taxes is $12,006,873. By law, the Village is required to levy an additional $2,264,388 for debt service payments authorized by general obligation notes and bonds, for a total levy (before abatement) of $14,271,261. However, the Board intends to adopt several resolutions that will immediately abate $2,264,388 from the levy, resulting in the net levy, as intended, of $12,006,873. Trustee Minx pointed out that the abatement resolutions are on tonight's Agenda but will not be voted on until the December 8 Board Meeting. They can't be voted on until the Budget ordinance passes. Trustee Minx wished everyone a happy and safe Thanksgiving holiday. MinutesnfTlovember.3A,'20088eei'[n30eetirl~~ X. TRUSTEES' REPORTS (continued) E. Trustee Staackmann: Trustee Staackmann presented Resolution 08-62, Authorizing a Contractual Agreement with CDW-G to Provide Coordination of a Microsoft Enterprise Agreement and the Purchase of Microsoft Software Licensing for Operating and Productivity Software for All Village Desktop Computers. The Village is required to maintain licensing for the software it uses in daily operations. Trustee Staackmann moved to approve Resolution 08-62, seconded by Trustee Minx. Trustee Brunner noted that the total licensing expense is $69,984 with a year 2008 payment of $23,328. She asked if this is a three-year licensing agreement. Trustee Staackmann said it is. Trustee Brunner said the resolution covers 130 desktop computers; she wondered if laptops are included, too. Trustee Staackmann said they are not. There being no further discussion, Mayor Krier called for a vote on Resolution 08-62. Motion passed:8 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. Brunner ~ Tr. Kogstad aye Tr. Marcus Tr. Minx a~~e Tr. Staackmann awe Tr. Thill awe 2 Trustee Staackmann thanked the Public Works Department for the excellent job they've been doing on leaf pick-up, and clarified that leaf pick-up ends on December 5, 2008. Trustee Thill Trustee Thill presented for a frst reading Ordinance 08-42, Authorization to Amend the Legal Speed Limit on Central Avenue Between Church Street and Golf Road Within the Village of Morton Grove. He explained that the Traffic Safety Commission had recommended this to create a safer environment for residents living on Central Avenue as well as the general public. This will reduce the speed limit from 35 mph to 25 mph on Central between Church Street and 500 feet south of the Golf Road center line. Trustee Thill asked if there could be a two-week grace period after the new speed limit signage is in place so that people have a chance to get used to the new speed and "break the habit" of going 35 mph (or more). XI. OTHER BUSINESS NONE XI I. WARRANTS Trustee Minx presented the Warrant Register for November 24, 2008, in the amount of $512,122.94. She moved to approve the Warrants, seconded by Trustee Brunner. . 1lAinute5 bf November34, ^20DIS::rd 1Ne`eYing XII. WARRANTS (continued) There was no discussion or questions about any Warrant items. Mayor Krier called for a vote on the Warrants. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. Brunner ~ Tr. Kogstad aye Tr. Marcus Tr. Minx awe Tr. Staackmann afire Tr. Thill aye XIII. RESIDENTS' COMMENTS Gary Bailey. Mc.Bailey works for the Illinois Fraternal Order of Police Labor Counsel, which is the exclusive bargaining agent for police officers below the rank of Sergeant. He has worked with Morton Grove's officers for many years and said he was present tonight on their behalf and at their insistence and direction. He said that, on November 10, 2008, the union member- ship held a meeting to discuss a vote of "no confidence" in Police Chief Paul Tasch. A vote of no confidence has been referred to as a way to communicate to the community and Village management that the union's membership perceives the police chief to be "incompetent, disinterested, non-communicative, and/or uncaring". The motion passed overwhelmingly. The union members wanted this vote to be made public to the Board and the citizens of Morton Grove. a. Mr. Bailey said that the decision to take this vote and publicize its outcome was not made in haste or without consideration of the implications to the Village. It was not done for political purposes or to embarrass or humiliate the Chief. The union membership passed this vote to alert residents and the Board that their efforts to bring the Village the best service possible are being undermined and endangered. They passed this vote to alert the Village that the problems are such that they are genuinely concerned with the future of the police department. The vote was taken with the best interests of the Village foremost, and with recognition that there could be retribution for those who supported the measure. b. Mr. Bailey said that, in the years since his appointment, Chief Tasch has caused a steady deterioration in the morale of the Police Department. Failure to respond to officers' needs has contributed to this, and alienating officers under his command has caused a serious impact on the respect for his leadership. His failure to address the glaring morale problems has caused the union membership to question his priorities for the department. Mr. Bailey went on to say that the chiefs tenure has been marked by Zack of communication; he has replaced direct contact and the open sharing of information with silence. This leaves the membership feeling that the chief is indifferent to their concerns. They feel a "climate of secrecy' has replaced a previous "open door" policy. Veteran officers have departed, stating that they could no longer work under his management. Current officers are evaluating their employment options, should working conditions not improve dramatically. The membership feels that safety issues seem to have faded from importance. They allege that the chief has failed to request updated technological capabilities; that important training opportunities have decreased, and some have even been eliminated. Other failings were noted as well. Mr. Bailey said that the Village Administrator, Mayor Krier, and Corporation Counsel Liston met with union representatives last week and were alerted that this Note had been taken and the intention to make the vote and the union's concerns public. Certain police department rules prevented a more specific discussion of concerns from taking place, but Mr. Bailey said the membership is pleased that those Village representatives are interested in hearing their concerns. RESIDENTS' COMMENTS (continued) Minutes af~luvember;9A,~DbB BuerA3~etitivy'. XIII. Mr. Bailey concluded by saying the police officers took an oath to protect the residents; they d. put themselves in harm's way when it's needed and risk their lives. They are thankful for the opportunity to serve the Village and want the police department to be the best in the country. They hope Village management will listen to this appeal tonight and take action to prevent any further harm from coming to the police department. Deputy Chief Mark Erickson. Deputy Chief Erickson, accompanied by and speaking for the 2. command staff (rank of Sergeant and above), stated that the services provided by the police department would not be diminished in either the delivery of services or the professionalism of the officers due to any form of public or private disagreements related to contract or labor issues. Deputy Chief Erickson said that the Morton Grove Police Department is a para-military organization. Its members do not want to be accused of disobedience or insubordination. This type of organization requires its members to adhere to a structured chain of command. This chain of command is necessary to establish the authority of the Chief of Police to designate command and to establish the accountability of supervisors and officers. Through State statutes and local ordinance, the responsibilities ofthe Chief include the management, direction, and control of the operations and management of the department. It is the opinion of the members of the supervisory and command staftvthat they are required to support the Chief in this process. Deputy Chief Erickson and the command staff encouraged the use of venues in place to work through common differences to realize a reasonable work environment for all. He reiterated the dedication members of the Village's police department have to their mission and to the community. He assured the residents that they will continue to provide the best possible ser- vice to the Village and that they are committed to making Morton Grove the safest place in which to live and work. Chief Paul Tasch. Chief Tasch said that this is the first time he is hearing a lot of these 3. comments. He thanked everyone who has supported him, and stated that he has done nothing "illegal, immoral, unethical, or detrimental to the Morton Grove Police Department." He said his good name fias beemtarnished, adding that he's disappointed in the way in which this matter has been pursued. He said he has always been and will continue to be available, not only to the FOP membership, but to any member of the Police Department who wants to discuss any issue with him. Chief Tasch concluded by stating that it's his goal, as shared by the command and supervisory staff, to ensure that the MGPD continues to be a professional law enforcement agency that provides quality service to the citizens of Morton Grove. Mayor Krier, speaking for himself and the entire Board, stated that the actions taken by the FOP attorney tonight are disturbing. The FOP's attorney has assured Mayor Krier that there are no allegations being brought against Chief Tasch regarding any illegal activity or corrup- tion or immoral act. Mayor Krier said that he has been assured by Chief Tasch, Deputy Chief Erickson, the supervisory and command staff, and representatives of the FOP that the Department has and will continue to operate effectively, and that public safety is in no way being jeopardized by the FOP's action. Mayor Krier said, in essence, the FOP's attorney has come before the Board at a televised meeting and has attacked the Police Chief, a man with an impeccable 35-year record of service. He added that, once an attack is made, even if it is untrue, the damage is done. Mayor Krier said he found it troubling that Chief Tasch was given no prior indication of the FOP's action. The FOP hasn't provided any basis or accusation for this attack. RESIDENTS' COMMENTS (continued) ~< ,'- Minutes ~f Nnvembar3~t,~DOB~oaM~llleetingl x111. Mayor Krier said that no one has come to him, Corporation Counsel Liston, the Village Admin- istrator, or any elected official to voice any concerns. There are no facts to support this attack, and Chief Tasch has no means to defend himself. He asked that everyone respect Chief Tasch's due process rights and to not pass any judgment whatsoever against the Chief unless or until specific charges are alleged and proven. Speaking for the Board and the administration, he said that nothing in the FOP's action to date has shaken any of their confidence in Chief Tasch. In the next few weeks, the Village and FOP will begin negotiations on a new collective bargaining agreement. He said he hoped this wasn't an attempt by the FOP to strengthen their bargaining position. A resident (Mike) said he empathized with Chief Tasch. He asked, regarding the property 5. the Village had purchased on Narragansett, if it would be demolished. He also asked why the Village wouldn't proceed with the Dempster Street project, especially when it sounds like we have enough parking spaces now. Mayor Krier said that the Narragansett property will likely be demolished; it's been the Village's practice. Regarding the Dempster Street project, the $1.5 million cost of the water main replacement is the biggest concern about going forward. Melinda Mumford. Ms. Mumford commended the Board on televising the Budget Workshops. Regarding Ordinance 08-43, she wondered what the Capital Improvements are for 2009. Also the projected revenue for Public Works is $480,000 versus expenditures of over $700,000...it's a shortfall of $290,000-where does that money come from? She also commented that, since 2006, many Village streets are in need of repair. Ms. Mumford wondered why the Village wasn't putting more money towards street repairs. She was concerned about the decrease in revenue from real estate transfer taxes, and wondered if the condition of the streets might be a contributing factor in the decline of said revenue. Ms. Mumford also asked if the Village's TIF Districts are generating more revenue now, and a. thought it was unfortunate that that revenue has to stay in the TIF Fund. She wondered if the Village was trying to force people out by having such high property taxes, or if it was trying to force seniors out. Why hasn't senior housing been accomplished? Regarding Resolution 08-62, the software licensing, she wondered if it was necessary for the b. Village to spend ahalf-million dollars on information technology. She also wondered why the Village pays so much for consulting fees-why can't the Village just ask the people what they want?, She asked what the Village does with its old computers-does it sell them or donate them? Ms. Mumford also felt that services to seniors were being cut, in spite of the fact that the Civic c. Center (senior center) is generating more revenue than ever. She asked if something could be done about that. Ms. Mumford felt there was a serious traffic problem at Theobald and Central. She had d. attended many Traffic Safety Commission meetings about this but was told there was no money in the 2008 Budget to address the problem. She wanted to make sure that funds would be allocated in the 2009 Budget for this. She felt children's lives were in danger and thought there should be a cul de sac there, with the traffic rerouted to Frontage Road. Mayor Krier asked Ms. Mumford what senior services were cut. She couldn't answer and took e. the statement back. RESIDENTS' COMMENTS (continued) 1a rrt ~.r, ;~< r .:: , 'Minutes~ff4ovember.~4r"2d0$i8oar$~IIIe12Elri9.i XIII. Mayor Krier said, regarding Capital Projects, there was an ambulance and a few other things, f. but in general, that budget has been cut. Regarding street maintenance and repair, he said the Village would like to do more streets, but again, it's a budget issue. The Village used fund balance monies over the last couple of years to do more streets. He said the Village is not trying to "force anyone out", it's just that money is tight and there's not much coming in. The Village is proposing a 0% tax levy and is using its fund balances in order to achieve this. g. The TIF District is generating more revenue but it's a fallacy that "we can't take money out of there". Increment must stay there but when the TIF expires, the EAV will be higher and there will be more revenue to spread around. Regarding senior housing, the Board is committed to it and is reviewing an option for senior housing at the Domicile property. Mayor Krier pointed out that the Village will have to "step up"and make a financial commitment to senior housing as developers are reluctant to build senior housing that is affordable. Eric Poders. Mr. Poders said his previous questions/concerns regarding Ordinance 08-42 and Luna Avenue hadn't been addressed. He said he hoped they would be addressed at the December 8, 2008 Board Meeting. At the Traffic Safety Commission meeting, a woman had testified that she had gotten hit in a vehicular accident on Luna, so it is a serious concern. _ Mr. Poders also commented that some positions at the Civic Center have been eliminated, in a. spite of the fact that the revenue generated by the rental of the Civic Center has increased from $27,000 in 2002 to $118,000 projected for this year. Regarding the TIFs, in the 2008 Budget, due to delays in property tax revenue, there was no percentage increase in the fax basis, in spite of the fact that incremental property values in the Lehigh/Ferris TIF are $1.9 million and $660,000 in the Waukegan Road TIF. There are many street improvements earmarked in 2009 in those TIFs-almost $2.8 million in capital improvements. The TIFs are generating revenue but all of it is being spent in the TIFs, while the rest of the Village suffers. Now that Mr. Gillingham is gone, Mr. Poders asked what's going to happen with the Village and its streets? He, too, felt that there were too many consultants. Regarding computers, Mr. Poders said the Village doesn't have to lease them, noting that c. buying things doesn't have to hurt if one can extend the useable life of things. He commended the Public Works Department for being excellent at that. There are people that are active in the Village who truly care, but many times they aren't listened to. Their recommendations and ideas aren't being heard. He hoped the Village would move forward in 2009. He also hoped that more residents would be present for the Public Hearing on December 8'h and asked if the Library's levy was going to remain at 6.2% or if it was going to be a 0% increase. Mayor Krier said the Library's levy would be 6.2%. Pat Kansoer. Mr. Kansoer observed that the Board is considering dropping the speed limit on 8. Central between Church Street and Golf Road from 35 mph to 25 mph so it is uniform all the way. It is also considering movino forward with a construction project on Dempster. If there's construction on Dempster, where will the traffic go? Will it be going north down Central to Golf? Is that where the trucks will go, and is Central rated for the weight of the trucks? He felt the Village needed to look closely at this. It sounds good on the surface, but all of the consequences need to be considered. RESIDENTS' COMMENTS (continued) li =7~Ainutes ot"Nmreinhar24, 20tfS~uartltJleetin XIII. Bill Luksha. Mr. Luksha said that, with the 35 mph speed limit on Central, people generally 9. go 40 or 45 mph. He thought the Village was correct to reduce the speed limit. Regarding the attack on Chief Tasch, he felt it was very unfortunate that this was brought out in public. He said that he had some issues with the police service prior to Chief Tasch's appointment and since he's been the Chief, he feels there's been more police "presence" in the Village, that he's made improvements. Mr. Luksha wondered if there was an ethics ordinance in the Village that restricts companies who do business with the Village from contributing to local politicians or political parties. He said he's done some research on this and learned that one political party received contribu- tions from Groot and S.B. Friedman Associates in 2005, and, in the 2005 election, one party spent and collected close to $40,000. He felt it was time to "remove this temptation" from local politics. Mike said, regarding the Dempster Street project, that he had heard a while ago that there 10. was a federal transportation grant (a CTA/Metra/Pace transportation grant) to run express buses from Evanston to O'Hare. This is a project that was going to begin, he thought, in 2009. Is that something that IDOT and the Village is aware of and considering when thinking about whether to proceed with the Dempster Street construction? He also wondered if there would be another Dempster Street presentation coming up to discuss the traffic rerouting issue. Mayor Krier said he frequently receives letters from the CTA and Pace about cutting lines that service Morton Grove. The Village sent a letter to the governor today asking him not to cut the transportation and distribution funding. Regarding another Dempster Street presentation, Mayor Krier said there will be another one, but it's premature to do so right now. Jim Quinn. Mr. Quinn said it was inappropriate and insensitive for the FOP union to do a 11. "chop job" on the police chief with no prior warning and in public. It should have been handled in a private meeting. The way it was handled says bad things about that union. He felt that it was related to the upcoming labor negotiations and felt that "work rules" would be the union's main issue iri the negotiations.. Mr. Quinn felt the union'stacticshad harmed the Village and, as a taxpayer and a happy citizen, he resents it. Trustee Marcus said that, as liaison to the Police and Fire Commission, he's worked with 12. Chief Tasch and has found him to be very professional, a man of honor and integrity. He felt Chief Tasch had always had an open door policy. Trustee Marcus said he was proud of the chief and has always been proud of the police department, but he concurred with Mr. Quinn in that the representative of the FOP's approach was, in his opinion, unprofessional and unethical. He felt the best way to resolve problems is for the parties to sit down and discuss the issues and come to a common agreement. That would have been better for the Board and the Chief. Trustee Marcus said he respected and supported Chief Tasch. IZ ':.~.. ., 4 , ~ ~.:. t ~w ~ , . IWinY?tes°nftJovem3era7A;~2~D$a`S~arif~VleMio"• XIV. ADJOURNMENT/EXECUTIVE SESSION a. A Special Meeting was called for November 24, 2008, prior to the regularly-scheduled Village Board meeting. At the Special Meeting, which began at 7:00 p.m., Trustee Minx moved to adjourn to Executive. Session, seconded by Trustee Marcus, to discuss personnel matters. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. Brunner ~? Tr. Kogstad ~ Tr. Marcus Tr. Minx a~+e Tr. Staackmann afire Tr. Thill awe The Executive Session began at 7:02 p.m. Clerk Fritzshall called the roll. Present were: Mayor Krier, Trustees Brunner, Kogstad, Marcus, Minx, Staackmann; and Thill, and Clerk Fritzshall. Also in attendance were Village Administrator Wade and Corporation Counsel Liston. There being no further business, Trustee Minx moved to adjourn the Executive Session. Trustee Marcus seconded the motion, which passed unanimously via voice vote. Trustee h4inx then moved to adjaurr. the Special Meeting. Trustee PAarcus again seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously via voice vote. The Special Meeting adjourned aL7:30 p. m. b At the conclusion of the regularly scheduled Board Meeting, there being no further business, Trustee Minx moved to adjourn to Executive Session to discuss personnel, labor negotiations, real estate, and to review past Executive Session Minutes. Trustee Brunner seconded the motion, which passed unanimously via voice vote. The Board adjourned to Executive Session at 9:25 p.m. The Executive Session was called to order at 9:38 p.m. Clerk Fritzshall called the roll. Present were: Mayor Krier, Trustees Brunner, Kogstad, Marcus, Minx, Staackmann, and Thill, and Clerk Fritzshall. Also in attendance were Village Administrator Wade and Corporation Counsel Liston. There being no furtherbusiness; Trustee Minx moved to adjourn the Executive Session, seconded by Trustee Staackmann. The motion passed unanimously via voice vote. The Executive Session adjourned at 10:21 p.m. Trustee Marcus then moved to adjourn the Board Meeting. Trustee Minx seconded the motion, which passed unanimously via voice vote. The Board Meeting adjourned at 10:22 p.m. 13 Minutes pt: N~vember~Z4,;2008~asrdAAeeYitig PASSED this 8th day of December, 2008. Trustee Brunner Trustee Kogstad Trustee Marcus Trustee Minx Trustee Staackmann Trustee Thill APPROVED by me this 8th day of December, 2008. Richard Krier, Village President Board of Trustees, Morton Grove, Illinois APPROVED and FILED in my office this 9th day of December, 2008. Carol A. Fritzshall, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove, Cook County, Illinois Minutes by: Teresa Cousar 14 NOTICE OF PROPOSED PROPERTY TAX LEVY I. A public hearing to approve a proposed property tax levy for the Village of Morton Grove for 2007 will be held on December 8, 2008, at 7:30 pm at the Richard T. Flickinger Municipal Center, 6101 Capulina Avenue, Morton Grove, Illinois. Any person desiring to appear at the public hearing and present testimony to the taxing district may contact Mr. Joseph Wade, Village Administrator, 6101 Capulina Avenue, Morton Grove, Illinois 847/663- 6101. II. Corporate and special purpose property taxes extended or abated for 2007 were $12,218,449. The proposed corporate and special purpose property taxes to be levied by the Village for 2008 are $12,377,739. This represents a 1.30& increase over the previous year. III. Property taxes extended for debt service and public building commission leases for 2007 were $1,093,407. The estimated property taxes to be levied for debtservice and public building commission leases for 2008 are $1,094,718. This represents a 0.12 increase from the previous year. IV. The total property taxes extended or abated for 2007 were$13,626,240. The estimated total property taxes to be levied for 2008 are $14,642,127. This represents a 7.46 increase over the previous year. SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION FOR PROPOSED PROPERTY TAX LEVY FOR THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE Included in the aggregate levy for the Village of Morton Grove is the levy for the Morton Grove Public Library. Property taxes extended for the Library for 2007 were $2,569,195. The proposed library property taxes to be levied for 2008 are $2,728,485. This represents a 6.20 increase over the previous year. The aggregate levy of the Village of Morton Grove for 2008 for corporate and special purpose taxes includes abatements totaling $2,264,388. The net increase to the Village's levy for 2008 after the abatement is $159,290or 1.30. LEGAL NOTICE- PUBLIC HEARING VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, ILLINOIS PROPOSED BUDGET REQUEST- 2009 CALENDAR YEAR The Village of Morton Grove will hold a public hearing at 7:30 pm on Monday, December 8, 2008, at the Richard T. Flickinger Municipal Center, 6101 Capulina Ave., Morton Grove, Illinois for the purpose of hearing written or oral comments from the public concerning the proposed annual budget for the calendar year ending December 31, 2009, as contained in the proposed budget summarized below. Summary of Proposed FY 20D9 Budget Expense Revenue Legislative 138,080 Administrative 403,337 Legal 407,610 Community & Economic Development 123,255 Finance 2,445,579 Information Technology 467,054 Police 8,364,421 Fire 6,943,682 Civil Preparedness 11,942 Public Works- Streets & Sidewalks 2,232,742 Public Works- Engineering 328,902 Solid Waste 802,808 Public Works- Vehicle Maintenance 736,788 Family & Senior Services 396,276 Civic Center 286,696 Building & Inspectional Services 518,678 Municipal Services 306,025 Reserves 343,000 Total General Corporate Fund 25,256,875 22,173,138 Motor Fuel Tax Fund 645,000 645,000 E911 Fund 238,300 231,300 Economic Development Fund 333,733 333,000 Commuter Parking Lot 102,900 122,000 Enterprise- WateriSewer Fund 5,606,372 4,699,000 Lehigh/Ferris TIF Fund 10,905,342 4,010,500 Waukegan Rd.TIF Fund 1,045,401 675,000 Debt Service Fund 1,648,090 1,619,551 Capital Projects Fund 766,512 480,000 C.N.A. Pension Fund 542,000 956,559 Fire Pension Fund 2,155,271 2,234,799 Police Pension Fund 2,328,790 2,261,984 Total All Non-General Funds 26,317,711 18,268,693 TOTAL ALL FUNDS 51,574,586 40,441,831 A copy of this information, the entire budget and additional background materials are available for public inspection during normal business hours at the Richard T. Flickinger Municipal Center, 6101 Capulina, Morton Grove, Illinois 60053 or on the village's website www.mortongroveil.org. A copy of the entire budget is also available at the Morton Grove Public Library, 6140 Lincoln Ave., Morton Grove, Illinois 60053. Sincerely, Daniela Partipilo, Finance Director/Treasurer ~. v e, DECEMBER 8, 2008 VILLAGE BOARD MEETING EMPLOYF,E ANNIVERSARY AWARDS Robert Anderberg -Public Works - 20 years Gloria Fallcovitz -Family and Senior Services - 25 years Robert Green -Public Works - 10 years Thei°esa Selzer -Family and Senior Services - 10 years Norman Stromberg -Police Department- 25 years t2ichard T. t^lic]<ii~ger Municipal Center 6101 Capulina Avenue ^ Morton Grove, Illinois 60053-2985 Tel: (847) 965-4] 00 Fax: (847) 965-4162 ao~y~i~a e:~Ue~ ill LEGAL NOTICE THE REGULAR MEETINGS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE FOR 2009 WILL BE HELD ON THE SECOND AND FOURTH MONDAY OF THE MONTH AT THE RICHARD T. FLICKINGER MUNICLPAL CENTER 6101 CAPULINA AVENUE, MORTON GROVE, ILLINOIS REGULAR MEETING 7:30 PM All Village Board meetings are held at 7:30 pm and are open to the public during the months and. on the dates as fol]ows: .Ianuary 12 January 26 July 13 July 27 February 9 February 23 March 9 March 23 April 13 April 27 May 11 May 25 (cancelled due to Memorial Day) June $ June 22 August 10 August 24 September ] 4 September 28 (cancelled due to Yom Kippur) October 12 October 26 November 9 November 23 December 14 December 28 (cai~eelled due to Christmas) To ensure,full accessibility and equal participation for all inPerested citizens, individuals with disabilities who plan to attend and who requh°e certain accommodations ira~ order to observe and/or participate in this meeting, or wh_o ?za>>e quesPions regarding Che accessibility of these facilities, are requested to contact Susan or Marlene (897/470-5220) promptly to allow the Village to make reasonable accommodations. leglslagendalyearlj~ meeaing notice Richard T. Flic]<inger Mtuiicipal Center 6101 Captdina Avenue • Morton Grove, Illinois 60053-2485 Tel: (847} 465-4100 Fax: (847) 965-4]62 liecycled Papee ~° ~. . , A VILLAGE BOARDS ANA coMMlssrONs CHAIRPERSON APPOINTMENTS EFF`EC'TIVE JANUARY 1, 2009 THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2009 Advisory Commission on Aging Appearance Commission Cable and Telecommunications Commission Community Relations Commission Economic Development Commission Board of Environmental Health Fire; and Police Commission Natural Resources Commission Plan Commission/'Coning Board of Appeals Traffic Safety Commission Nobel LeHew-Chairperson - Deanna Gotta -Chairperson Don Sneider -Chairperson Terri Cousar-Chairperson John Pietron-Chairperson Raoal Smoczynski, Chairperson ,Toseph O'Shea, Vice-Chairperson Michael Simkins, Chairperson Mary Busch, Chairperson Ronald Farkas; Chairperson C. Norman Rockel, Chairperson The above named officials are submitted for appoinhnent or reappointment to the positions noted alzd a~•e approved as of December 8, 2008. f c~ RiciardKrier, Village President Richard T. Flickinger Municipal Center 6101 Capulina Avenue • :Morton Grove, Tilinois 60053-2985 Tel: ($47} 965-4100 Fax: (847) 965-4162 IYcryclcd Pspnr A ` E LEGAL NOTICE 'THE REGULAR VIEET[NGS OF VARIOGS BOARDS, COMMISSIONS, COMMITTEES AND SOBCOMMITTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF 1~ORTON GROVE FOI2 2009 WILL BE HELD AT VARIOUS TIMES AND LOCATIONS AS LISTED f Time Dates Location Ad~udication Hearin<> 9:OOam 2"d Wednesda eve month Council Chambers Advisox Commission on A =in 1:00 m _ 2"~ Tuesda eve month Civic Center '~ ~ A ~earance Review Commission 7:00 ~m 1~` Monday of eve month Council Chambers ! _Board of Environmental Health 7:00 pm 1'" Tuesday of every month 'Trustees Conference Room I Cable and Telecanmunicalions Commission 7:30 pm 2"d Thursday twice yearly Council Chambers Community Relations Commission 7:30 pm 2"~ Tuesday (every other month) Trustees Conference Room i Council of Condominium Associations _ Varies As needed basis Varies _ Dempster Street Advisory Committee _ Varies Varies Varies ---- jEconomic Development Convnission - 5;30 pm i 3"{ Wednesday of every month Trustees Conference Room ' Fair Housin r Commission Varies Varies Varies _ Fire and Police Commission _ 7:00 m A`~ Tuesda ever month Fire Station #4 Fire Pension Board 3:00 m , 3id Tuesda (Quarterly Fire Station #4 _ Natural Resource C_ ommission __ 6:00 pm______ 3`~ Monday every month Trustees Conference Room Plan Commission _ _ 7:30 ~m_ 3`~ Monda every month Council Chambers___ Police Pension Board 5:00 ~m Quarterly ( Council Chambers _ _ Real Estate Committee I. ___ Varies Varies ~ ~ Varies Traffic 5afet Commission ____ 7:30 m _ 1"Thursday every month ~ Council Chambers Zonin~oard of A peals _ 7:30 m __ 3rd Monday every month Council Chambers To crnsure, full accessibility and equal participation, for all interested citizens, individuals with disabilities who plan to attend and who requii°e certain accornrnodalions in order to observe and/or participate in this meeting, or ~nrho have questions regarding the accessibility of t7tese far, ilities, are requested to contact Susan or Marlene (84~/470-J 220) promptly to allow tl¢e Village t~o make reasonable accovramodations. legfslagendalye--arty meeti~xg notice jor Bds & Con~ms Richard T. Flickinger Mtmiei~al Center 6101 Capulina Avenue • iVlorton Grove, Illinois 60053-29&5 Tel: (847) 965-4100 Fax: (847) 965-4162 Recycled Paper ~J~Li„4 ~T~ ~~1~~1'~F~T~~'FIV~; APPOINTMIiJNTS ~~~I,~'~'~"~~ ~A~IJ~~~~' 1, ZOOS T~~~~I;GII DECEIVISER 31, 2009 ViIlage A~di~inistra~r Adjudication Officer Building Comenis,ioner ~C:in.munity amid Economic Develol'finent Dire~etor Cap°lsoration Counsel ESDA Coordinator F~nily and Senior Se~wices Director Fire (~hief Police Chief PuE>lic Works Director Village Prosecutor Joseph F. Wade Elizabeth M. Rockford Ed Hildebrandt William Neuendorf Teresa Hoffman Liston John Hill Jackie Walker-O'Keefe Tom Friel Paul L. Tasch Andy DeMonte Nate Brenner/Frank Tennant 'The above ~Farned o+frciais ai°c ,ubmi[ted for appointment/reappointment to the positions noted and are approved as of 1)c~c.embcr 3, 200£. Richard I{Tier, Village President Richard T. Flickinger Municipal Center 6101 Capulina Avenue • Morton Grove, Illinois 60053-2485 Tel: ($4'~ 965-4100 Fax: (847) 965-4162 Recycled Paper TO: Village Board of Trustees ,- / I ~;~ sir FROM: Rick Krier, Village Presideii~t ; ~ ,d DATE: December 1, 2008 RE: Commission Reappointments Following is the list of Commissioner reappointments to be made at the December 8, 2008, Board meeting: Advisory Commission on Aging - 3 year term Rachel Slotnik Thomas Stockenberg Appearance Commission - 3 year term Deanna S. Gotta Community Relations Commission - 3 year term Nancy LamZing Linda Sosa Terri Cousar ZayaIChananu Board of Environmental Health -- 3 year term Joseph P. O'Shea Natw-al Resources Commission - 3 year term Mary Busch hire and. Police Commission -- 3 year teen Mike Si~nlcins Plan Commission/Zoilin~ Board of Apt~eals - 5 year term Carina Keating Dwight Roepenack Traffic Safet~Commission - 4 year teen Keith White Theodore Sievert Lee Tamraz /mk P~ :arid i ~ Iic;4~ng~,r :~'c~~~al C~r~fer i com Fissions eappuintmens for the meefing of l~ec 8, 08 doe '31t"Jl ~.ag ttl7 3~ ~..v i2r.t. 1~~YTE7S"t LS"6! , ".liaroiS ~J~t~53-2 Jn; cJ -% t e2 X8/;7) ~! ~-4.t fi?f3 ,^ax: ;41} E>c,5-4:52 MEMORANDUM Legislative Summary -_. __- Ordinance 08 43 AN ORDINANCI. AllOPl ING TIIE BODGEIS FOR AL.L COItPORA'PE 1'URPOSI:S OF'FHE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE ANI>'PtIE MOR'T'ON GROVE LIBILARY, FOR "FIIE CALENllAR YEAR AND ENDING DECEMBL='R Introduced: Synopsis: Purpose: Background: ri3udget Summary: AdminisfraU>r Recommendation: First Rcadint;: Special Considerations or Requirements: November 24,2008 This ordinancefonnally adopts the Village's 2009 Budget. 1'he 2009 [3udget represents the Corporate Authorities' projections of revenue which are exported to become available during fiscal year 2009 as well as recommended expenditures for the Village. 'T'he Budget was presented at the October 16 and October 18, 2008, Village Workshop and discussed and revised at additional meetings including a public hearing on December 8, 2008. Public notice of the hearing was published in the Pioneer R~ess newspaper on November 27, 2008. The Budget has been available for inspectiod at the office of the Village Adminis6~afor, the Public Library, and posted on the Village's website since at least October 16, 2008. Fund Description _ Budget General Corporate Fund $25,256,875 Motor Puel Tax Fund 645,000 Enhanced 911 'T'elephone System Fund 238,300 Economic Development Fund 333,733 Commuter Parking Lot fund 102,900 Enterprise Pund (Water/Sewer) 5,606,372 fIF Fund -Lehigh/Ferris 10,905,342 TIF Fund -Waukegan Road 1,045,401 Debt Service Fund 1,648,090 CNA Pension Fund 542,000 Firefighters Pension Fund 2,155,271 Police Pension Fund 2,328,790 Capital Projects Fuiad 766,512 Totall3udget-Village ofTvlortonGrove $57,574,586 Total Budget-Morton Grove Public Library 3,034,607 Budget Grand "hotal -Village and Library $_5.4_;609 I_y3 Approval as presented. November 24.2008 I"he budget is required to be passed before December 31, 2008 Res~ecffull submitted:_ ~, ~~it~ Reviewedb ,_.' 1 Y ~~' _ ~-~ -- y'- ti- Jos ~ F. y de, Vill" Administrator Teresa Corporation Counsel ,- _. Prepared by: ~ ~ ~ _~ / ~~~__~ _}{;~,. `-CJaniela Partipilo, finance Directi r/Treasurer ORDI1\'ANCE 0~-43 AN ORllINANCE ADOPTING THE I3LrDGETS FOR ALL CORPORATE PURPOSES OF "I'IIE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE AND THE MOR'PON GROVE LII3I2ARY, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS FOR THE CALENllAR YEAR EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2009, AND ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2009 WHIRF_AS, the Village of Morton Grove (Village), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 o'f the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise a~,y power and perform any fimction pertaining to its govemment affairs, in'clud'ing but noY limited to the power Co tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Ordinance 97-53 enacted on the 1 1 °' day of November 1997, the Corporate Authorities of the Village of Morton Grove established by atwo-thirds majority vote of the Village Board then holding office, the budget system, all as authorized pursuant' to Statute 65 ILCS 5/8-2-9.1 and pursuant to said statute and local ordinance, the Village Administrator of the Village of Morton Grove has previously prepared and compiled the contents of the 2009 Budget and presented said Budget in tentative form for consideration by the Village Board; and WIIERI~AS, the proposed alviual budget has been made conveniently available for public inspection in the Office o~P the ViIlage Administrator at least by October 16, 2008, such date being at least ten (10) days prior to the date o~Fpassage of this Ordinance by die Village Board; and WHEREAS, the Village Board held a public hearing on the proposed annual budget on the 8`~ day of December 2008, such date being not less th~u~ one week after the proposed budget was made available for inspection; and WI iEREAS, notice of such hearing was given by publication in the Pioneer Press Newspaper which is a newspaper of general circulation in the Village, at least one week prior to the time o~P said hearing; and WHEREAS the budget documents comport with the budget recapi+.ulation attached hereto as Exhibit "A". NOW, 'i`H-EItEFOR~, BE IT ORDAINL'J'3Y ;'HE PR~,SIDBNT ANDBOARD C3F TRUSTEES OP T111 VIhLAUE OF MOR'CON C,ROVE, COOK COUNT"Y, ILLINOIS AS I~OLI_O W S: SF,C'T10N 1: 7~Ze Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregaing WI~IGRBAS clauses into this Ordinance as though fully set forth therein thereby malting the findings as hereinabove set forth. SI/CTION 2: "The aimual budget of the Village o'f Morton Grove, Illinois for the calendar year beginning' January 1, 2009 and ending I)eeember 31, 2009, pursuant to the official budget docmnents currently Kept in the Off ce of the Village Administrator shall be and is hereby adopted. SF~CTION 3: The Annual Budget of the Morton Grove Public Library for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2009 and ending December 31, 2009, as attached hereto as Lxhibit "B" shall be and is hereby adopted SEC1"ION 4: This Ordinance shall be in 'Pull force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form according to law. FASSI/D this 8~' day of December 2008. "Trustee 13iunncr Trustee Kogstad Trustee Marcus Trustee Minx Trustee Staackmann "1•rustee Tlull APP'ROVEI~ by me this 8`~' day of December 2008. Richard I~•ier, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois AI'1?ROVFD and PILED in my office this 9`~ day of December ?008. Carol A. Pritzshall, Village Cleric Village of Morton Grove Cook County; Illinois legis\ord~2006A2007 3ud.~,ot adoption EXHIBIT "A" VILLAGE OR iVIORTON GROVE AND MORTON GROVE PUBLIC LIBRARY BiJDC>ET OI2DINANCF. 08-43 CALENDAR YEAR JANUARY 1, 2009 TO DECEMBER 31, 2009 RECAPI'PULA"PION Fund Description Budget General Corporate fund $25,256,875 ivlotor Fuel Tax Fund 645,000 Enhanced 91 I "Telephone System fund 238,300 F,conomic Dcvelopmenf Fund 333,733 Commuter Parking Lot Fund 102,900 Enterprise Fund (Water/Sewer) 5,606,372 I'IF Fund-Lehigh/Ferris 10,905,342 TIF Fund- Waukegan Road 1,045,401 Debt Service Fund 1,648,090 CNA Pension Fund 542,000 Firefighters PensionF~md 2,155,271 Police Pension 'hund 2,328,790 Capital Projects Fund 766,512 Total Budget- Village of Morton Grove $5],574,586 Total T3adget- ivlorton Grove Public Library 3,034,607 Budget Grand Total -Village and Library 54 EXHII~IT "B" MORTON GROVE PUBLIC LIBRARY APPROPRIA'T`IONS AND LEVY CALENDAR YEAR 2009 October 31, 2008 Village of Morton Grove Board of Trustees Richard Krier, President Village of Morton Grove 6101 Capulina Morton Grove IL 60053 President Krier, The Budget for the Morton Grove Public Library reflects the levels of revenue and appropriations required to provide Library operations and services during the fiscal period January 1 to December 31, 2009. The budget results in a property tax levy of $2,649,015 and expenditures totaling $3,034,607. Sincerely, Daniel Hoffman, President Board of Library Trustees for the Village of Morton Grove 6140 Lincoln Avenue Morton Gmve, PHnoie 60053.2989 phone: 847.965.4220 fax: 847,965.7903 tdd: 847.9658236 v/ww.webrary.org - Benjaznin H. Schapiro Directoe MORTON GROVE PUBLIC LIBRARY APPROPRIATIONS & LEVY CALENDAR YEAR 2009 6140 Lincoln Avenue Morton Grove, Illinois 60053.2989 phone: 847.965.4220 fax: 847,965.7903 tdd: 847.965.4236 www.webrary.org PERSONNEL Salaries Retirement Health Insurance Long Term Disability Life Insurance Subtotal: APPRO- OTHER PRIATION REVENUE 1,593,662.04 36,000 130,727.00 25,000 207,596.29 25,000 1,705.00 1,705 2,000.00 2,000 1,935,690.33 89,705 PATRON MATERIALS & SERVICES Books Periodicals Downloadable Books Audiovisuals Microforms Programs PhotocopierAcquisitions & Maint. Computer Network Database Access Charges Web Design Subtotal: CY2009 Morton Grove Public Library Board of Trustees October 30, 2008 139,612.00 25,700.00 4,100.00 54,000.00 1,200.00 44,250.00 12,000.00 46,600.00 100,372.06 20,000.00 447,834 10/311083:22 PM 16,100 2,600 500 5,400 120 5,000 1,200 4,600 10, 372 2,000 47,892 TAX LEVY 1, 557, 662 105, 727 182,596 0 0 1,845,985 123, 512 23,100 3,600 48,600 1, 080 39,250 10, 800 42,000 90,000 18, 000 399,942 Benjamin H. Schapiro Director 1 MGPL APPROPRIATIONS & LEVY CY2009 OPERATIONS Maintenance Equipment/Furniture Acquisitions Utilities Insurance Library Supplies Telephone Postage Printing Continuing EducationiMeetings Memberships Professional Services - Consultant Services Miscellaneous Facilities Planning Reserve/Emergency Subtotal SPECIAL TAXES FICA Annual Audit Tort Liability Subtotal: Total: Working Cash Fund: Totals: CY2009 Morton Grove Public Library Board of Trustees October 9, 2008 APPRO- OTHER TAX PRIATION REVENUE LEVY 72,000 5,.000 67,000 20,000 5,000 15,000 20,570 1,500 19,070 28,656.18 4;962 23,694 33,000 5,200 27,800 15, 625 1, 000 14,625 11,330 1,000 10,330 34,650 3,000 31,650 16,578 8,000 8,578 6,000 1,500 4,500 25,000 1,000 24,000 8:,000 5,000 -3,000 1,000 500 500 9,439 9,000 439 33,000 12,000 21,000 334,848 63,662 271,186 121,915.15 3,041 118,874 4,000.00 2,000 2,000 13,026.78 2,000. .11.,027 138,942 7,041 131,901 2,857,315 208,300 2,649,015 177,292 177,292 0 3,034,607 385,592 2,649,015 10/31/083:22 PM 2 MORTON GROVE PUBLIC LIBRARY CALENDAR YEAR 2009 BUDGET REVENUES Property Tax Receipts 2,649,015 Replacement Tax Receipts 27,000 Fines _ 24,000 Lost Materials Payments 2,800 Photocopying/Printing Receipts 4,0'00 Miscellaneous Income p AV Rental Receipts 1,000 Grants 27,500 Interest Income 30,000 Book Sale Receipts 2,000 Total 2,767,315 Available Fund Balance: 90,000 Total Revenues: 2,857,315 Working Cash Fund: 177,292 Total Resources: 3,034,607 CY2009 Budget IVlortan Grove Public Library Board of Trustees Approved October 30, 2008 6140 Lincoln Avenue Moron Grove, Il1irois 60053.2989 phone: 847.965.4220 fax: 847.965.7903 tdd: 847.965.4236 www.webrary.org Benjamin H. Schapiro Director EXPENDITURES PERSONNEL Salaries 1,593,662 Retirement 130,727 Health Insurance 207,596 Long Term Disability 1,705 Life Insurance 2,000 Subtotal: 1,935,690 -PATRON MATERIALS & SERVICES Books 139,612 Downloadable Books 4,100 Periodicals 25,700 Audiovisuals 54,000 Microforms 1,200 Programs 44,250 Photocopier Acquisitions & Maintei 12,000 Computer Network 46,600 Database Access Charges 100,372 Web Design 20,000 Subtotal: 447,834 CY2009 Budget fylorton Grove Public Library Board of Trustees Approved October 30, 2008 OPERATIONS Maintenance Equipment/Furniture Acquisitions Utilities Insurance Library Supplies Telephone Postage Printing Continuing Education/Meetings Memberships Professional Services Consultant Services Miscellaneous Facilities Planning`, Reserve/Emergency Subtotal: SPECIAL TAXE5 FICA Annual Audit Tort Liability Subtotal: Total Expenditures: Working Cash Fund: Total Appropriations: GY2009 Budget Morton Grove Public LBbrary Board of Trustees Approved October 30, 2008 72, 000 20,000 20,570 28,656 33,000 15,625 11,330 34,650 16,578 6,000 25,000 8,eoo 1,000 9,439 33,000 334,848 121,915 4,000 13,027 138,942 2,857,315 177,292 3,034,607 Legislative Summary ORDINANCE 08-44 AN ORDINANCE LF:VY[NG AND ASSESSING TAXES FOR TAG VILLAGE OF MOR'CON CROV E, COOK '"~ UNTY, ILLINOIS FOR TILE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY I, 2009 AND ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2009 Introduced: Synopsis Purpose: Background: Summary of Appropriations to be levied and Assessed: Administrator Recommendation: First Readinb: Special Considerations or Requirements: ~! Respectful ly Reviewed by: November 24.2008 This ordinance set the levy for property taxes for tax year 2008 which are collected in 2009. This ordinance must he adopted and filed with the Cook County Clerk in order to levy property taxes within the Village of Moron Grove. Pursuant to Ordinance -08-43, the Village Board of Trustees passed the 2004 Budget for the Village of Morton Grove and the Morton Grove Public Library. Said budget calls for expenditures in the amount of $51,574,586. Pursuant to the adopted budget, the amount necessary fo be levied for ?008 property taxes in the amount of $12,006,873. By law the Village is required to levy an additional $2,264,388 for debt service payments authorized by general obligation notes and bonds for a total levy before ahatement in the amount of $14,2'71,261. However, the Village Board intends to adopt Resolutions 08- 63, OR-64, 08-GS and 08-66, which will immediately abate $2,264,388 fi'om the levy resulting in the net levy as intended by the Corporate Authorities in the amount of $12,006,873. Fund Co~porafe IMRP C.N.A. Capital Improvements Police Pension Pire Pension Subtotal Debt Service 1999 Bonds IEPA Notcs* 2007 GO Bond ($9.2M) Waukegan TIF Area "A" 3.165M Notc** Waukegan TIF Arca "[3" 3.165NI Note Total Uebt Service Tol'aI Village Tax Levy Library COM[31NE,D TOTAL LEVY Approval as presented. November 24, ?008 Tax Lnvy :quiremcneti -Ab.nemcnts Net ?OOS Levy $4,494,327 $0 $4,494,327 189,775 0 189,775 297,984 0 297 ~)A9 300.000 0 3UO,o00 !,411,984 0 1,4i 1,984 1,611,299 0 1,611,299 $8,305,374 $0 $8,305,374 81,343,945 (5810,986) .8532,959 502,586 0 502,586 763,000 (763,000) 0 28G,A35 (269,896) I(i,939 420,506 (420,506) 0 $3,316,872 {$2,264,388) 51,052,4$4_ $7(,(22,246 ($2 264,388) 59,357,858 $?,649,OIS $0 $2,649,015_ 514,27L26] (52,264,388) 512,000,873 A cet-tified copy of Phis r~soleti~i~on must be tiled with the C-ook County Clerk by December 30, 2008. ~._~~r/4~~- _ ~/a~e, Village Administrator ~ ~` ~'""° _ Prepared b _~ _ ston, Corporation Counsel artipilo, Fine ~irector/Trea, rer ORI}INA~CE 0~-44 AN ORDINANCE LEVYING AND ASSESSING TAXES FOR TfiE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE; COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGtNN(NG JANUARY 1, 2009 AND ENDING DECEMBER 37, 2009 W F~IEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (VILLAGE), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home Wile unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of 8~e 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform airy function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited. to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, on December 8, 2008, tl~e President and Board of Trustees of the VILLAGE passed and approved by roll call vote, the annual Appropriation Ordinance (08-43) of said VILLAGE for the tiscal year beginning January ], 2009, and ending December 31, 2009, effective from and after January l , 2009. The Ordinance was duly signed and approved by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village and attested by the Village Clerk; and (hereafter it was duly published in pan~phlet foam by order- of the President and Boaa~d of Trustees of the VILLAGE; and WI-1 EREAS, the President and Board of Trustees of the VILLAGE have determined that it is in the public interest to levy property taxes as indicated on said Ordinance for the objects and purposes hereinafter set faith, pursuant to law and Article VII, Section 6, of the Constitution of the State of Illinois; and WHEREAS, a Notice of the Public Hearing was published in the November 27, 2008, Pion.ecr Press in the time and form as required by the State Statute, and WHEKEAS, a Public Hearing was held at 7:30 pm on Monday, December 8, 2008, in the Richard T. Flickinger Municipal Center where comments were heard and addressed by the V it lage Board of'i'rustees; and WHEREAS, the aforementioned Appropriation ordinance as adopted on December 8, 2008, provided for a total property tax levy including the total levy for al] Debt Service requirements before abaYcments of FOURTEEN MILLION TWO HU1v`DRED SEVENTY ONE THOUSAN~L? 'TWO HUNDRED SIX1"Y ON)~: DOLLARS ($14,271,261); and WHEKEAS, the VILLAGB will subsequently pass additional resolutions abating tax levies relating to the share provided for by the VILLAGE Water/Sewer fund for 1"HREE HUNDRED TN[R°hY FIVE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED EIGHTY SIX DOLLARS ($335,986) and from the proceeds related to the share ofthe local option sales tax totaling FOUR HUNDRED FORTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ($440,000) and an additional THIRTY FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($35,000) from general Village funds acemnulated through interest earnings and the share provided for by the VILLAGE Lehigh Ferris Tax Increment Financing Area Funds for SEVEN HUNDRED SIXTY TI{REE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($763,000) and the share provided for by the VILLAGE Waukegan Road Tax Increment Financing Area Funds for FOUR HUNDRED TWENTY THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED SIX DOLLARS ($420,506) and the share provided for by the VILLAGE Waukegan Road Tax hicrement Financing Area Funds for TWO HUNDRED SIXTY NINE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED NINETY SIX DOLLARS ($269,896); and WHEREAS, the result of the above abatements will be to reduce the gross property tax from the original FOURTEEN MILLION TWO HUTdDRED SEVENTY ONE THOUSAND Tt~JO HUNDRED SIXTY ONE DOLLARS ($14,271,261) as indicated in this Ordinance to a net property tax levy of `TWELVE V[ILLION SIX THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED SEVENTY THREE DOLLARS ($12,006,873), a reducfron of'[`WO MILLION TWO HUNDRED SIXTY FOUR THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED EIGHTY EIGHT DOLLARS 02,264,388). NOW, THEREFORE BE 1T ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Ordinance as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SEC"PION 2: 'That the total amount of appropriations For all corporate purposes legally made and to be collected from the tax levy of the current year is hereby ascertained to be the sum of FOURTEEN MILLION TWO HUNDRED SEVENTY ONE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED SIXTY ONE DOLLARS ($14,271,261) being the total appropriation heretofore legally made which are to be collected ti-om the tax levy of the cun-cnt year. SECTION 3: That the sum of FOURTEEN MILLION TWO HUNDRED SEVENTY ONE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED SIXTY ONE DOLLARS ($14,271,261) being the total oT` appropriations heretofore legally made which are to be collected fi-om the tax levy of the current year of the VILLAGE subject to taxation for the current year, the specific amounts as levied for the various funds being included herein being placed in separate columns under the heading "Amount to be Raised by Tax Levy" which appears over the same, the tax so levied being for fiscal year 2008 of said VILLAGE, and for the said appropriation to be collected. fi-om said tax levy, Co be applied to liquidation of the appropriations heretofore made by Ordinance No. 08-43 adopted by roll call vote by the President and Board of Trustees of said VILLAGE at a meeting therepf regularly convened and held on December 8, 2008, and being as follows: SECTION ~: "Chis Ordinance shall be in full force and effect firom and after its passage, approval and publication in pamphleC form according to law. PASSED this 8°i day of December 2008. Trustee Brunner Trustee Kogstad Trustee Marcus Trustee Minx Trustee Staackmanu Trustee Thill APPROVED by me this 8°i day of December 2008. Richard Krier, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois APPROVED and FILED in my office this 9`~' day of December 2008. Carol A. Fritzshall, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois TRUTH IN TAXATION CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I, Richard Krier, hereby certify that I am the presiding officer of the Village of Morton. Grove, and as such presiding officer I certify that the levy ordinance, a copy of which is attached, was adopted pursuant to, and in all respects in compliance with the provisions of the Illinois Property Tax Code -Truth in Taxation Law, 35 ILLS 200!18-60 through 18-85(2002). This certificate applies to the 2008 levy. Richard Krier, Village President Date Budget Levy Amount GENERAL CORPORATE FUND Administration -Legislative Personal Services Salaries-Regular 39,480 0 Salaries-Part Time 3,000 0 Overtime 3,500 0 Stipends 19,000 0 Social Security 4,700 0 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 69,680 0 Contractual Services Professional Services 11,500 Dues & Subscriptions 18,000 0 Meetings And Conferences 2,600 0 Official Village Business 7,800 0 Community Relations 26,000 0 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 65,900 0 Commodities Operational Supplies 2,500 0 TOTAL COMMODITIES 2,500 0 TOTAL LEGISLATIVE 138,080 0 Administration -Village Administrator Office Personal Services Salaries-Regular 261,700 0 Salaries-Part Time 19,000 0 Longevity 3,200 D Longevity -Auto Allowance 6,000 0 Social Security 22,OOD 0 Hospitalization Insurance 29,027 0 IMRF Employer Contribution 14,000 14,000 Empioyer Contribution to 457 Plan 5,835 0 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 361,662 14,000 Contractual Services Due & Subscriptions 3,100 0 Meetings And Conferences 2,175 0 Training & Instructions 350 0 Employee Relations 5,550 0 Personnel Recruitment 2,500 0 Professional Services 18,800 0 Postage & Meter Rental 6,000 0 Maintenance Of Non Auto Equip 200 0 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 38,675 0 Commodities Operational Supplies 3,000 0 TOTAL COMMODITIES. 3;000 0 Budget Levy Amount TOTAL ADMINISTRATION 403,337 14,000 Administration -Legal Personal Services Salaries-Regular 102,210 0 Social Security 7,800 0 IMRF Employer Contribution 9,600 9,600 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 119,610 9,600 Contractual Services Dues & Subscriptions 7,000 0 Meetings And Conferences 1,500 0 Publication and Misc Fees 3,500 0 Retainer Of Village Prosecutor 20,000 0 Additional Legal Fees 250,000 0 Administrative Adjudication 6,000 0 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 288,000 G TOTAL LEGAL 407,610 9,600 Administration -Economic Development Personal Services Salaries-Regular 79,500 0 Salaries-Part Time 10,000 0 Social Security 6,900 0 Hospitalization Insurance 5,130 0 IMRF Employer Contribution 7,500 7,500 Auto Allowance 1,200 0 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 110,230 7,500 Contractual Services Mileage Allowance 200 0 Dues & Subscriptions 1,400 0 Meetings And Conferences 3,200 0 Economic Development Commission 1,000 0 Printing And Publishing 6,000 0 Telephone 225 0 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 12,025 0 Commodities Office Supplies 1,000 0 TOTAL COMMODITIES 1,000 0 TOTAL COMMUNITY & ECON DEVELOP 123,255 TOTAL ADMINISTRATION 1,072,282 Finance Personal Services Salaries-Regular 337, 700 7,500 31,100 0 Budget Levy Amount Salaries-Part Time 17,000 0 Salaries-Seasonal/Temporary 4,000 0 Longevity 850 0 Social Security 25,000 0 Hospitalization Insurance 89,795 0 Post Employment Health Benefits 3,200 D IMRF Employer Contribution 23,000 23,000 Retiree Health Expense 265,000 0 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 765,545 23,000 Contractual Services Dues & Subscriptions 2,000 0 Meetings And Conferences 2,700 D Training & Instructions 1,500 0 Professional Services 47,000 0 Postage & Meter Rental 30,000 0 Printing And Publishing 15,000 0 Equipment Lease/rental Pymts 15,000 0 Utilities Telephone 60,000 0 Maintenance Of Non Auto Equip 10,500 0 Self Insurance/irma Pool Contr 1,003,400 0 Bank fees and charges 15,000 0 Contribution to CNA Fund 297,989 297,989 Replacement tax transfer expense 25,000 0 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1,525,089 297,989 Commodities Operational Supplies 18,000 0 TOTAL COMMODITIES 18,000 0 Transfers Transfer to Debt Service Fund 136,945 0 TOTAL TRANSFERS 136,945 0 TOTAL FINANCE 2,445,579 320,989 Finance-Information Technology Personal Services Salaries-Regular 85,700 0 Social Security 6,500 0 Hospitalization Insurance 18,781 0 IMRF Employer Contribution 7,900 7,900 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 118,881 7,900 Contractual Services Dues & Subscriptions 405 0 Meetings And Conferences 875 0 Training & Instructions 13,000 0 Professional Services 115,736 0 Programming & Software Fees 98,982 0 Telephone 800 C Utilities Internet Connection 19,450 0 Maintenance Of Computers 32,600 0 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 281,848 0 Commodities Operational Supplies 3,225 0 TOTAL COMMODITIES 3,225 0 Capital Outla Budget Levy Amount Machinery & Equipment 63,100 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 63,100 0 TOTAL Information Technology 467,054 7,900 Finance-Reserve Reserves Reserve For Emergency/extra Ex 100,000 0 Reserve For Unemployment Comp 3,000 0 Reserve For Irma Deductibles 65,000 0 Reserve For Compensation 160,000 0 Reserve For Retirement (sli) 15,000 0 TOTAL RESERVES 343,000 0 TOTAL FINANCE 3,255,633 328,889 Police Personal Services Salaries-Regular (Non-Union) 1,857,000 0 - Salaries-Regular (Union) 2,455,500 2,200,000 Salaries-SeasonaVTemporary 90,000 0 Salaries Overtime 150,000 0 Holiday Pay 100,000 0 Police Court Time 60,000 0 longevity 43,700 0 Social Security 100,000 0 Hospitalization Insurance 731,643 0 Reimbursable Detail 1,000 0 IMRF Employer Contribution 55,000 55,000 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 5,643,843 2,255,000 Contractual Services Dues & Subscriptions 14,999 0 Meetings And Conferences 2,150 0 Training & Instructions 42,125 0 Employee Relations 3,900 0 Personnel Recruitment 13,600 0 Postage 250 0 Printing And Publishing 6,200 0 Abandon Auto Removal 250 0 Equipment Lease/Rental Pymts 8,400 0 Telephone 3,500 0 Maintenance Of Equipment 74,306 0 Vehicle Operating Costs 67,492 0 Community Relations 1,200 0 Mutual Aid 8,550 0 Central Dispatch 743,351 0 Speciallnvestigations 2,650 0 Pension Contribution Expense 1,411,984 0 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 2,404,907 0 Commodities Operational Supplies 33,670 0 Office Supplies 8,938 0 - Uniform Purchase & Replacement 53,115 0 Guns & Ammunition 22,598 0 Budget Levy Amount Crime Prevention Expense 2,700 0 TOTAL COMMODITIES 121,021 0 Capital Outlay Machinery & Equipment 84,650 0 Motor Vehicles 110,000 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 194,650 0 TOTAL POLICE 8,364,421 2,255,000 Fire Personal Services Salaries-Regular (Non-Union) Salaries-Regular (Union) Salaries-Part Time Salaries Overtime Holiday Pay Longevity Social Security Hospitalization Insurance 645,000 0 2,900,000 2,200,000 40,000 0 297,000 0 175,000 0 38,500 0 50,000 0 655,208 0 IMRF Employer Contribution 2,500 2,500 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 4,803,208 2,202,500 Contractual Services Dues & Subscriptions 21,938 0 Meetings And Conferences 2,550 0 Training & Instructions 22,200 0 Employee Relations 11,900 0 Personnel Recruitment 15,650 0 Printing And Publishing 2,500 0 Equipment Lease/rental Pymts 9,240 0 Telephone 3,600 0 Maintenance Of Equipment 14,000 D Maintenance Of Radio Equipment 7,400 0 Vehicle Operating Costs 22,538 0 Regional Emergency Dispatch 173,500 0 Pension Contribution Expense 1,611,299 0 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1,918,315 0 Commodities Fire Prevention Supplies 6,655 0 Operational Supplies 10,000 0 Janitorial Supplies 4,000 0 Paramedic Program/supplies 20.000 0 Office Supplies 4,500 0 Hazardous Material & Supplies 5,000 0 Operational Equipment 14,550 D Hose Fittings/suppression Equi 7,800 0 Uniform Purchase & Replacement 24,654 0 I OTAL COMMODITIES 97,159 0 Capital Outlay Machinery & Equipment 0 0 Motor Vehicles 125,000 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 125,000 0 TOTAL FIRE 6,943,682 2,202,500 Budget Levy Amount Fire-Civil Preparedness Personal Services Salary ESDA Coordinator 1,200 0 Social Security 92 0 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 1,292 0 Contractual Services Mileage Allowance 50 0 Dues & Subscriptions 0 0 Meetings And Conferences 150 0 Training & Instructions 350 0 Personnel Recruitment 250 0 Printing And Publishing 100 0 Equipment Lease/rental Pymts 1,600 0 Telephone 400 0 Maintenance Of Non Auto Equip 1,500 0 Maintenance Of Radio Equipment 500 0 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 4,900 0 Commodities Operational Supplies 1,250 0 Uniform Purchase & Replacement 2,000 0 TOTAL COMMODITIES 3,250 0 Capital Outlay Machinery & Equipment 2,500 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 2,500 0 TOTAL ESDA 11,942 0 TOTAL FIRE 6,955,624 2,202,500 Public Works -Streets and Sidewalks Personal Services Salaries-Regular 1,119,700 106,902 Salaries-Part Time 34,000 0 Salaries-Seasonal/Temporary 20,000 0 Salaries Overtime 98,000 0 Longevity 17,000 0 Social Security 97,000 0 Hospitalization Insurance 226,742 0 IMRF Employer Contribution 14,000 14,000 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 1,626,442 120,902 Contractual Services Dues & Subscriptions 3,400 0 Meetings And Conferences 400 0 Training & instruction 1,100 D Employee Relations 1,500 0 Tree Replacement 15,000 0 Tree Trimming 40,000 0 Landfill Expense 40,000 0 Construction Services 30,000 0 Telephone 5,400 0 Utilities Street Lighting 135,000 0 Maintenance Of Equipment 4,000 0 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 275,800 0 Commodities Operational Supplies 17,800 0 Janitorial Supplies OfFlce Supplies Landscaping Materials Construction Materials Snow Removal Materials Street Sign Materials Operational Equipment Budget Levy Amount 1,700 0 1.700 0 7,400 21,000 150;000 22,000 41, 200 Uniform Purchase & Replacement 9,500 0 TOTAL COMMODITIES 272,300 0 Capital Outlay Machinery & Equipment 58,200 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 58,200 0 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS-STREETS 2,232,742 120,902 Public Works -Engineering Personal Services Salaries-Regular 229,500 0 Salaries-Seasonal/Temporary 5,000 Salaries Overtime 5,000 0 Longevity_ ~ 550 0 Social Security 18,000 0 Hospitalization Insurance 29,752 0 IMRF Employer Contribution 19.500 19,500 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 307,302 19,500 Contractual Services Dues & Subscriptions 950 0 Meetings And Conferences 400 0 Training & Instructions 800 0 Employee Relations 250 0 Printing And Publishing 600 0 Engineering Services 12,000 0 Equipment Lease/rental Pymts 0 0 Telephone 3,600 0 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 18,600 0 Commodities Operational Supplies 1,000 0 Office Supplies 500 0 Uniform Purchase & Replacement 1,500 0 TOTAL COMMODITIES 3,000 0 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS-ENGINEERING 328,902 19,500 Public Works-Solid Waste Contractual Services Yard Waste Program 80,000 0 Residents Waste Collec±ion Fees 235,000 0 Swancc Tipping/disposal Fees 447,550 0 Swancc Debt Contribution 40,258 0 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 802,808 0 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS-SOLID WASTE 802,808 Public Works -Vehicle Maintenance Personal Services Budget Levy Amount Salaries-Regular 240,000 0 Salaries Overtime 20,000 0 Longevity 3,700 0 Social Security 20,000 0 Hospitalization Insurance 42,973 0 Mechanics Pen- Employer Contri 18,512 0 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 345,185 0 Contractual Services Dues & Subscriptions 400 0 Training & Instructions 1;000 0 Employee Relations 200 D Outside Services 7,000 0 Telephone 600 D Shop Equipment 39,200 0 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 48,400 0 Commodities Vehicle Parts 209,000 0 Gas, Diesel, Fuel, & Oil 92,903 0 Operational Supplies 39,10G 0 Office Supplies 200 0 Uniform Purchase & Replacement 2,000 0 TOTAL COMMODITIES 343,203 0 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS-VEHICLE MAINT 736,788 0 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS 4,101,240 140,402 Family and Senior Services Personal Services Salaries-Regular 160,000 0 Salaries-Part Time 53,000 0 Salaries-Seasonal/Temporary 39,000 0 Longevity 1,330 0 Social Security 19,000 0 Hospitalization Insurance 33,766 0 IMRF Employer Contribution 10,500 10,500 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 316,596 10,500 Contractual Services Mileage Allowance 200 0 Programming & Activity Exp 33,150 D Dues & Subscriptions 465 0 Meetings And Conferences 500 0 Employee Relations 760 0 Postage & Meter Rental 2,500 0 Printing And Publishing 1,625 0 Special Assistance 20,000 0 Telephone 1,10C Vehicle Operating Costs 8,405 0 Senior Citizen Cab Fares 3,000 0 Counseling & Social Services 100 0 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 71,805. 0 Commodities Operational Supplies 4,625 0 Medical Supplies 3,250 D Budget Levy Amount TOTAL COMMODITIES 7,875 0 TOTAL FAMILY & SENIOR SERVICES 396,276 10,500 Civic Center Personal Services Salaries-Regular 105,000 Salaries-Part Time 11,000 0 Salaries-Seasonal/Temporary 35,000 0 Longevity 2,370 0 Social Security 11,000 0 Health Insurance 16,778 0 IMRF Employer Contribution 2,700 2.700 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 183,848 2,700 Contractual Services Dues & Subscriptions 200 0 Printing and Publishing 1,790 Janitorial Services 14,250 0 Equipment Lease/rental Pymts 3,500 0 Utilities-municipal Facilities 19,000 0 Maintenance of Buildings 35,043 0 Maintenance Of Non-auto Equip 13,555 0 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 87,348 0 Commodities Operational Supplies 12,500 0 Janitorial Supplies 3,000 D TOTAL COMMODITIES 15,500 0 TOTAL CIVIC CENTER 286,696 2,700 TOTAL FAM & SR. SERVICE/CIVIC CENTER G82,972 13,200 Building and Inspectional Services Personal Services Salaries-Regular 362,100 0 Salaries-Seasonal/Temporary 20,000 0 Longevity 3,550 0 Social Security 29,000 0 Hospitalization Insurance 75,870 0 IMRF Employer Contribution 11,000 11,000 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 501,520 11,000 Contractual Services Dues & Subscriptions 1,500 Meetings And Conferences 1,500 Public Health Services 0 Engineering Services 6,500 Vehicle Operating Costs 4,308 Telephone 1,200 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 15,008 Commodities Operational Supplies 1,950 0 - Uniform Purchase & Replacement 200 0 -- TOTAL COMMODITIES 2,150 0 Budget Levy Amount TOTAL BLDG & INSPECTIONAL SERVICES 518,678 11,000 Municipal Buildings Personal Services Salaries Custodians 12,000 D Social Security 750 0 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 12,750 0 Contractual Services Janitorial Services 32,500 0 Utilities Municipal Facilities 15,000 .. 0 Maintenance Of Buildings 67,000 0 Maintenance Of Equipment 42,500 0 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 157,000 0 Commodities Building Maintenance Materials 5,200 0 Uniform Purchase & Replacement 75 0 TOTAL COMMODITIES 5,275 0 Capital Outlay Capital Improvements To Bldgs 131,000 0 Furniture & Fixtures 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 131,000 0 TOTAL MUNICIPAL BUILDINGS 306,025 0 TOTAL DEVELOPMENT & MUNICIPAL BLDG 824,703 11,000 TOTAL GENERAL CORPORATE FUND 25.256,875 4,982,091 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND Capital Outlay Demeter Street Improvement 100,000 .0 LAPP Projects 416,248 49,737 20081mprovements 24D,263 240,263 Oakton Street Interconnect Project 0 0 Beckwith Bridge Rehabilitation 10,000 10,000 Street Lighting Project 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 766,511 300,000 TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND POLICE PENSION FUND Contractual Services Dues & Subscriptions Meetings And Conferences Additional Legal Fees Retirement/service Benefits Duty Disability Benefits Surviving Spouse Benefits Refund on Employee Pension Contributions Medical Exams & Expenses Investment Advisor Fees Secretarial Services Department Of Insurance Fees Other Miscellaneous Reserve For Pension Benefits 765,511 300,000 900 0 750 0 0 0 1,950,000 1,411,984 75,000 0 165,G40 0 D 0 1.000 0 28,000 0 0 5,500 0 2,000 0 100,000 0 Budget Levy Amount TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 2,328,790 1,411,984 TOTAL POLICE PENSION FUND 2,328,790 1,411,984 FIREFIGHTERS' PENSION FUND Contractual Services Dues & Subscriptions 200 0 Meetings And Conferences 2,000 0 Additional Legal Fees 30,000 0 Retirement/service Benefits 1,340,000 1,340,000 Duty Disability Benefts 390,000 271,299 Surviving Spouse Benefits 175,000 0 Children's Benefits 0 0 Occupational Disease Pensions 53,071 0 Refund Of Employee Pension Con 0 0 Medical Exams & Expenses 10,000 D Investment Advisor Fees 45,500 0 Department Of Insurance Fees 4,500 0 Other Miscellaneous 5,000 0 Office Supplies ~ 0 D Reserve For Pension Benefits 100,000 0 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 2,155,271 1,6 11,299 TOTAL FIREFIGHTERS' PENSION FUND DEBT SERVICE FUND Interest Expense Bond Redemption Bond Interest Note Redemption Note Interest Agent Fees TOTAL INTEREST EXPENSE TOTAL DEBT SERVICE FUND PUBLIC LIBRARY Personal Services Salaries Retirement Health Insurance Long Term Disability Life Insurance TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES Patron Materials and Services Books Periodicals Down!oadable Books Audiovisuals Programs 70th Anniversary Photocopier Acquisitions & Maint 2,155,271 1,611,299 731,250 276,709 585,210 54,320 600 495,578 0 502,586 54, 320 0 1,648,C89 1, 052,484 1, 648, 089 1, 052, 484 1,593,662 1,557,G62 130,727 105,727 207, 596 182, 596 1,705 0 2,000 0 1,935;690 1,845,985 139,612 123,512 25,700 23,100 4,100 .3,600 54;000 48,600 1,200 1,080 44,250 39,250 12, 000 10, 800 Budget Levy Amount Computer Network 46,600 42,000 Web Design 20,000 18,000 Database Access Charges 100,372 90,000 TOTAL PATRON MATERIALS AND SERVICES 447,834 399,942 Operations Maintenance 72,000 67,000 Equipment/Furniture Acquisitions 20,000 15,000 Utilities 20, 570 19:070 Insurance 28,655 23,694 Library Supplies 33,000 27,800 Telephone 15,625 14,625 Postage 11,330 10,330 Printing 34,650 31,650 Continuing Education/Meetings 16,578 8,578 Memberships 6,000 4,500 Professional Services 25,000 24,000 Consultant Services 8,000 3,000 Miscellaneous 1,000 500 Facilities Planning 9,439 439 Reserve/Emergency 33,000 21,000 TOTAL OPERATIONS EXPENSE 334,848 271,186 SPECIAL TAXES FICA 121,915 118,874 Annual Audit 4,000 2,000 Tort Liability 13,027 11,027 TOTAL SPECIAL TAXES 138,942 131,901 SUBTOTAL PUBLIC LIBRARY 2,857,315 2,649,015 Working Cash Fund 177,292 0 TOTAL PUBLIC LIBRARY 3,034,607 2,649,015 Legislative Summary __ _ RESOLUTION 08-64 _ _____ TAX ABATEMENT RF,SOLITI'30N FOR 2008 'PAX LEVY RELATING TO ORDINANCE NO 07-26 Introduced: December 8; 2008 Synopsis "Phis resolution authorizes an abatement of taxes levied for 2008 which are collected in 2009 in the amount of $763,000. Purpose: The passage of this resolution is necessary to authorize and direct the Cook County Clerk not to collect property taxes for principal and interest payments in the amount of 5763,000 due in 2009 representing Debt Service on the 2007 General !Obligation Bonds. Background: On October 8, 2007, pursuant to Ordinance 07-26, the Village Board issued $9,200,000 in general obligation bonds, Series 2007. "The bonds were issued as general obligation bonds in order to obtain tnore favorable interest rates. Since they are general obligation bonds, the Vitiage pursuant to the bond Ordinance 07- 26levied taxes sufficient for-principal and intzresl payments. In 2009, principal and interest payments in the amount of $763,000 are due. In order for the Couni'y Clerk not to collect this amount, it is necessary to pass this abatement resolution. Programs, Departments Finance Department or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: ~ This resolution shall reduce the levy for property taxes in the amount of $763,000. Source of I+unds: N/A Workload Impact: N/A Administrator Approval as presented. Recommendation: First Reading: None required Special Considerations ; A certif ed copy of this resolution must be f led with the Cook County Clerk by or Requirements: ~ December 30, 2008. This resolution should be approved after C)rdinance 08-43 (2009 Audget) and Ordinance 08-44 ("'l'ax Levy) are approved. Respecefidly subnriued __,- ~ _ l~, ~`rUy~ _ ______ i J hd' jade, Village Ada~imsCrator ""~"""~-~,., ~~ ~ ~~ _ l-~- ~ ~~ Reviewed by. ~,~'~' ,*~ ~~~_ ---- Piepaiec'4.6.y_ } ~'_ F lc(csraHgfii~Lin,CorpordtionCounsel Daniela~Partipilo,hinancEDirector/]reasurer RE~(~LUTION 08-64 TAX ABATEMENT RESOLUTION FOI2 2008 TAX LEVY RELATING "I'O ORDINANCE NUMI3F.R 07-26 WTIERLAS, the Village of Morton Grove (Village), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of govermnent under the provisions of Art9cle 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its govermnent affairs, including but not limited to the bower to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (VILLAGE) has issued NINE MILLION 1~W0 HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($9,200,000), General Obligation Bonds, Series 2007, providing financing for various land acquisitions and related purposes for the LehighJFerris Tax Inerernent Financing area, and which provided for the levy and collection for direct am~ual tax for the payment ofthe principal and interest of said bonds for the year 2007 through 2024 at an interest rate of 4.00%, pursuant to Ordinance 07-26, passed by the President and Board of Trustees o'F said VILLAGE on October 8, 2007, certified copy of said ordinance having been filed in the Office of the County C;lerlc on October 25, 2007; and WHEREAS, said note is designated as "General Obligation Bonds, Series 2007" dated November 1; 2007, iii the aggregate principal amount of NINE MILLION TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($9,200,000), and shall be due and payable on December 1, 2024, having installment payments due semi-annually on June 1 and December 1 through 2024. WHEREAS, provisioi7 izas bee~i mane in said ordinance for Che levy of taxes for the year 2008 sufficient to produce the amount of SEVEN HUNDRED SIX7~Y THREE TI-IOUSAND DOLLARS ($763,000) for said payment of principal and interest on said note up to and including December 31, 2009; and ~~IZiREAS, the County Clerlc is required to levy taxes in addition to those taxes levied pursuant to Ordinance 07-33 in the amomzt of SFVLN HUNDRED SIXTY Tl-IREE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($763,000) unless Che Village adopts ass abatemani resolution; and WHEREAS, the Village desires to pay this obligation from sources other than property taxes, and has appropriated revenue from tl.e LelLgh/Ferris TIP Fand in the amount of SEVEN (HUNDRED S1XTY THREE 1'1-IOUSAND DOLLARS (5763,000) to pay said principal and interest on said Bonds and said fwlds shall be separately designated for the payment of principal and interest due as heretofore specified when the above indebtedness is due. NOW, THEREFOILG BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OP TIIE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SBC"1"lON 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate Che foregoing WI-IBREAS clauses into this Resolution as though fully set forth therein thereby malting the f ndiugs as hereinabove set'Porth. SECTION 2: There shall be abated for the levy of faxes for the tax year 2008 for taxes which are collected in 2009 in the amount of SEVEN I-ILTNDRED SIXTY "I'HRI;E THOUSAND DCJLLARS ($763,000) ]caving the net property tax levy with respect Co Ordinance 07-26 ZERO (SO), for said tax year as provided In an ordinance entitled: ORDINANCI 07-26 AN ORDINANCF. PROVIDING POR THE ISSUANCE OF A $9,200,000 GBNERAI, OBLIGATION BONDS, SEKIES 2007 OP THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVF„ COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, AND PROVIDING FOIZ THE LEVY AND COLLECTION OF A DIRECT AIv~NUAL TAX POR THI~i PAYMENT OF 1'HE PRINCIPAL OF AND INTE'RES1" ON SAID I30NDS Adopted by the President and Board o'f Trustees o'Pfhe Village ou October 8, 2007, cerfifed copy o'f which was f led with the County Clerk of Cool< County, Illinois, on October 25, 2007. SLCTlON 3: The Village Treasurer is hereby authorized to set aside and designate those fw~ds necessary to pay said debt service payment as stated. above frgm the Lehigh Perris TIF Fund SECTION ~}: The Village Treasm~er is hereby directed to f le with the County Clerk of Cool< County, Illinois, a eerti~fied copy of Phis Resolution. SECTION 5: This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. PASSED this 8`'~' day of December 2008. Trustee Brum~er I'ivslee Kogstad _ __.__ Trustee Marcus Trustee Minx Trustee Staackmaim Trustee'I'hill APPROVPD 13Y ME'I`HIS day of December 2008. Richard Krier, Village President Village of Moi~YOn Grove Cool< County, Illinois A"I'"1'ESTI~I) and PILfiD in my office this 9"'day of Decen~be 2008. Carol h. hrii~zshall, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cool< County, Illinois Legislative Sammary ~_ ___ RESOLU"['ION 08-65 _~ TAX ABATEMENT RESOLUTION FOR 2008 TAX LEVY RELATING TO ORDINANCE NO 02-30 [ntroduced; ~ December 8, 2008 Synopsis "Phis resolution authorizes the abatement (reduction) of taxes levied for 2008 which are collected in 2009 in the ainount of $420,506. Purpose: Pursuant to the 2009 Budget, the Village has chosen to pay for certain semi-annual bond debt service payments from sources other than property taxes. In order for I the County Clerk not to levy said debt service payments, it is necessary to pass this resolution and to file a certified copy of same with flee County Clcrl< of Cook County, Illinois. Background: On July 8, 2002, pursuanl to Ordinance 02-30, the Village Board issued $5,300,000 in general obligation promissory notes, Series 2002. Said ordinance provided that the levy of taxes for the year 2008 include sufficient funds to produce $420,506, which represents the debt service payment for 2009. 1"he 2009 Village Budget allocates revenue from the Waukegazi Road TiF Fund of the Village in the amount of $420,506 to pay the above referenced debt service. The law requires the Village to levy taxes as required by Ordinance 0~-30, but then may abate said taxes pursuant to a resolution which identifies the alternative sources of revenue and obligates the Village Treasurer to set aside and designate those funds to pay the required note payments. Programs, Departments Finance Department or Groups Afi'ected Fiscal Impact; ~ This resolution shall reduce the Icvy for property taxes in the amount of $420,506. Soarce of Funds: NIA Workload Impact:. N/A Administrator Approval as presented. Kecommendation: First Reading: ~ None required Special Consider°ations ( A certi~f ed copy of this resolution must be filed with the Cook County Clerk by or Requirements: December 30, 2008. This resolution should be approved after Ordinance 08-43 ' fax Levy) are approved. (2009 Budget) and Ordinance 08-44 ( Resp:,ctfully sub:nittcd _~, /~ ~~LG~ _ ~~ tos ly'F.- ade, Village Administrator Reviewedby:_ yGv`.~' fJ ~~ __ Pr~pai~dby: it (~~~ ~•~- (~.ff 1 eies~a I{ofifip`a~iston, Co:~~oration Counsel ~`-C7LIiie1a Partipilo, Finan e Duectoi/I i ~asuier RESOLUTIE3IV 08-65 'PAR ABATEMF<NT 12ESOLU'PION FOR 2008 "PAX LEVY RFI,ATING TO ORDINANCE NUMBER 02-30 WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (Village), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; aid WHERI3AS, the Village of Morton Grove (VILLAGE) has issued FIVE MILLION THRICE HtJNDRED'1'HOUSAND DOLLARS ($5,300,000), General Obligation Promissory Note Series 2002, providing tinaiicing for various land acquisitions and related purposes for the Waukegan Road Tax Increment Financing Area (i<nown as Froject "B"}, and which provided for tl;e levy aa,d eellection for direct annual tax for the payment of the principal acid interest of said bonds for the year 2002 through 2021 at an interest rate of 4.62%, pursuant to Ordinance 02-30, passed by the President and Board of Trustees of said VILLAGE on 7uly 8, 2002, certified copy of said ordinance having been tiled in the Office of the County Clerk on October 23, 2002; and WIIEI2EAS, said note is designated as "General Obligation Promissory Note, Series 2002" dated 7uly 22, 2002, in the aggregate principal amount of FIVE MILLION THREE HL)NDRED tHOIJSAND DOLLARS ($5,300,000), and shall be dye and payable on June I, 2022, having installment payments due semi-annually on .Tune 1 aid December 1 through 2022. WHEREAS; provision has been made in said ordinance for the levy of taxes for the year 2008 suflieicnt to produce the amount of FOUR IIUNDRhD 1'WIsNTY TH011SAND FNE HUNDRED TWENTY SIX DOLLARS ($420,506) for said payment of principal gild interest on said note up to and including December 31, 2009; and WHEREAS, the levy and appropriation for payment of debt service on the '02 notes is not shown in the Debt Service Fund and therefore is excluded from the Village Levy Ordinance; and WHL:REAS, the Village has appropriated revenue from the Waukegan Road TIF Fund of the Villagein the amount of FOUR I1'IJNDRED TWENTY °IHOllSAND FIVE HITNDRED TWENTY SIX DOLLARS ($420,506) to pay said principal and interest on said proii~issory note and said ,ands shall he sepiu-ately designated for the payment o'f principal and interest due as heretofore specif ed when the above indebtedness is due. NOW, "CIItiRIiFO12Ii I3E IT RESOLVED BY "I'IIE PRI~SIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE Oh MORTON Gi2OVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS POLI,OWS: SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Resolution as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SI~C:TI ON 2: There shall he abated for the levy of taxes 'for the tax year 2008 for taxes which are collected in ?009 in the amount of POUR HIJNDI~D TWEN"IY THOUSAND PTVE HUNDRED TWENTY SIX DOLLARS ($420,506) leaving the net property tax levy with respect to Ordinance 02- 30 71sR0 ($0), for said tax year as provided in an ordinance entitled: ORDINANCE 02-30 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING 11OK TIIE ISSUANCE OF A $5,300,000 GENERAL ` OBLIGA"PION PROMISSORY NO'T'E, S13RIBS 2002 OF THIS VILLAGE OF MOR'T'ON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, AND PROVIDING FOR THE LEVY AND COLLECTION OP A DIRECT ANNUAL 'I~AX POR TI-IE PAYMENT OF TIIB PRINCIPAL OF AND INTEREST ON SAID BONDS Adopted by the President and 33oard of Trustees of the Village on July 8, 2002, certified copy of which was filed with the County Clerk of Cook County, Illinois, on October 23, 2002. SEC"PION 3: The Village Treasm'er is hereby authorized to set aside and designate those funds necessary to pay said debt service payment as stated above from the Economic Development Fund and TIP Fund. SECTION 4: The Village Treasurer is hereby directed to file with the County clerk of Cook Comity, Illinois, a certi~f ed copy of this Resolution. SECTION 5: 'T'his Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. PASSED this Srn day of December 2008 Trustee Br~uimer Trustee Kogstad ~__ Trustee Marcus Trustee Minx Trustee Staackn~arm Trustee Thill AFPROVI~D I3Y ML TI-IIS 8`~ day of December X008. Richard Krier, Village President Village of Morton Cirove Cook County, Illinois Al"ITS'i'ED aid PILED in my office this 9~~' day of December 2008. Carol A. Pritzshail, Village Clerlc Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois Legislative Summary RESOLUTION OS-63 TAX ABATEMENT RESOLUTION FOR 2008 TAX LEVY RELATING 'I'O ORDINANCE NO 99-1 __ Introduced: December 8, 2008 Synopsis This resolution autlrorius the abatement (reduction) o'f taxes levied for 2008 which are collected in 2009 in the amount of $],343,945. Purpose: Pursuant to the 2008 Budget, the Village has chosen to pay for certain semi-annual bond debt service payments fi-om sources other than property taxes. In order for the County Clerk not to levy said debt service payments, it is necessary to pass this resolution and to file a certified copy of same with the County Clerk of Coolc County, Illinois. Background: On February 8, 1999, pursuant to Ordinance 99-1, the Village Board issued ~ $15,495,000 in general obligation bond, Series 1999. Said ordinance provided that the levy of taxes for the year 2008 include sufficient 'funds to produce $1,343,945, which represents the debt service payment for 2009. The 2009 Village Budget has allocated revenue from the Local Option Sales =Fax of the Village in the amount o'f $440,000, and revenue from the general funds of the Village in the amount of $35,000 from accumulated interest earnings, and revenue fiom the Water/Sewer Fund of the Village in the amount of $335,986 to pay the above referenced debt service. The law requires the Village levy taxes as required by Ordinance 99-1, but may then abate said taxes ptt<suaiit to a resolution which identifies the alternative source of revenue and obligates the Village Treasurer to set aside and designate said funds to pay the reduired note payments. After all abatements the net levy for this bond series is $532,959. Programs, Departments Finance DcpartmenY or Uroups Affected Fiscal Impact: This resolution shall reduce the levy for property taxes in the amount of $810,986. Source of Funds: N/A Workload Impact: N/A Administrator Appiroval as presented. 12ecommendation: First Reading: None required Special Considerations A certified copy of this resolution must he filed with the Coo]< County Clerk by or Regnireruents: December 30, 2008. This resolution should be approved after Ordinance 08-43 ' ' ax Levy} are approved. l (2009 Budget) and Ordinance 08-44 ( Respectfully submitted _. ~ ~~ Village Adm inisVator Reviewed by: F%<z!Y~-f~~,~~ Prepared Teresa Hpf n~afvLrston, Corporation Counsel Finance Director/Treasurer RESOLUTION 0~-63 TAX ABATEMEN'P RESOLUTION FOR 2008 TAX LEVY RELATING 'TO ORDINANCE NO. 99-I WIIEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (VILLAGE), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to fax and incm~ debt; and WHEREAS, the Village has issued FIF1"EEN MILLION FOUR I-IUNDRED NINL,`1~Y-FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($15,495,000), General Obligation Bonds Series 1999 providing financing for the acquisition and construction of capital improvements to the existing infrastl•ucture and to refund prior bonds issued, Series 1994, dated Ntay 1, 1.994, and which provided for the le ~y and collection for direct annual tax for the payment ofthe principal and interest of said bonds for the year 1998 through 2014 at an interest rate from 4. ] 0% to 6.00% inclusive, pursuant to Ordina~~ce 99-1, passed by the President and Board of Trustees of said Village on February 8, 1999, certified copy of said ordinance having been filed in the Office of the County Clerk on February 10, 1999; a~~d WHEREAS, said note is designated as "General Obligation Bonds,Series 1999" dated February 1, 1999, in the aggregate principal amowit of FIFTEEN MILLION FOUR HUNDRED NINETY-FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($15,495,000), and shall be due ar~d payable on December 1, 2014, having installment payments due semi-annually on June 1 and December 1 through 2014. WHEREAS, provision has been made in said ordinance for the levy of taxes for the year 200& sufficient to produce the amount of ONE MILLION THREE HTJNDRED FORTY 'T'HREE THOUSAND NIIlTE HUNDRED FORTY FIVE DOLLARS ($1,343,945), for said payment of principal and interest on said note up to and including December 31, 2009; a~~d WHEREAS, the Village had approved Ordinance 94-20 on May 16, 1994, providing for an increase in its existing Local Option Sales 'I"ax by 1/4 of 1% (.25%) or from '/~ of 1 % (.50%} to 3/4 of 1% (.75%); and WHEREAS, it is the intent aFthe Village to utilize the proceeds from the increase in the local option sales tax to make the debt payments from the above mentioned bond issue h~to the De'~?t Service Fund; and WHEREAS, the Village anticipates additional revenues from Local Option Sales Tax of FOUR HUNDRED FORTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ($440,000) and revenue appropriated from the Water/Sewer (Enterprise) Fund of the Village in the amount of'1'HREE HUNDRED THIR°FY-PTVh fHOUSAND NINE HUNDRED FLIGHTY SIX DOLLARS ($335,986) plus an additional TIiIR`pY FIVE THOUSAND ($35,000) shall be utilized from general Village funds accumulated fiom interest earnings for a total abatement of EIGHT HUNDRED TEN THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED EIGHTY SIX DOLLARS ($810,986) to pay a portion of said principal and interest on said corporate bonds ar~d said funds shall be separately designated for the payment of principal aid interest due as hereto fore specified when the above indebtedness is due. NOW, "THEREFORE, BG ITRESOLVED BY T'HL; F'RESIDEN'I~AND BOAP~D OF TRUSTEES OF "I'HE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILT INOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION l: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Resolution as though fully set forth therein Thereby malting the findings as hereinabove sei fos•th. SECTION 2: There shall be abated for the levy of taxes for the tax year 2008 for ta~.es which are collected in 2009 in the amow~t of EIGHT HUNDRED TEN THOUSAND NINE IIIJNDRED EIGHTY SIX DOLLARS ($810,986) leaving the net property tax levy with respect to Ordinance 99-1 FIVE Ht~:'vDRED THIRTY TWO THOUSAND NI'QE IIUNDRED FIFTY NIlsIE DOLLARS ($532,959), for said tax year as provided in an ordinance entitled: ORDINANCE 99-i AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR "I'HE ISSUANCE OF $15,495,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS, SERIES 1999 OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, PI20VIDING FOR THE LEVY AND COLLECTION OF A DIRECTANNUAL TAX FOR. TIME PAYMEN'h OF THE PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST ON SAID BONDS Adopted by the President and Board of'Crustiees of the Village on February 8, 1999, certified copy of which was filed with the County Clerk of Cook County, Illinois, on February ] 0, 1999. SECTIC)N 3: The Village "]'reasurer is hereby authorized to set aside and designate those funds necessary to pay said debt service payment as stated above from the Debt Service Fund. SEC"PION 4: "I'he Village Treasurer is hereby directed to file with the County Cleric of Cook County, Illinois, a certified copy of this Resolution. SECTION 5: This Resolution steal[ be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. PASSED this 8`" day of December 2008. Trustee Brunner Trustee Kogstad Trustee Mareus l~rustee Minx "T"rustee Staaclm~ami Trustee Thill APPROVED ~I3Y ML; "PHIS 8f~' day of December 2008. '" Richard Krier, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois AT7"ESTER and FIL13D in my office this 9`~ day of December 2008. Carol A. Pritzshall, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois Legislative Summary ~_ __ ___ __ IZESOLIJ'I'K)N OS-66 __ -- _ --~- __~ TAX ABATEMENT RESOLUTION FOR 2008 TAX LEVY I2F,LA'FING TO ORDINANCE, NO 98-41 Introduced: December 8, 2008 Synopsis 'I'bis resolution authorizes the abatement (reduction) of taxes levied for 2008 which are collected in 2009 in the amount of $269,896. Purpose; Pursuant to the 2009 Budget, the Village has chosen to pay for certain semi-annual bond debt service payments from sources other than property taxes. In order for the County Clerk not to levy said debt service payments, it is necessary to pass this resolution and to file a certified copy of same with the County Clerk of Cook County, Illinois. Background: On September 28, 1998, pursuant to Ordinance 98-41, the Village Board issued $3,165,000 in general obligation promissory notes, Series 1998A. Said ordinance provided that. the levy of taxes for the year 2008 include sufficient funds to produce $269,896, which represents the debt service payment for 2009. The 2009 Village Budget has allocated revenue from the Waukegan Road TII+ Pund of the Village in the amount of $269,896 to pay the above referenced debt service. "I"he law requires the Village to levy taxes as required by Ordinance 98-41, but then may abate said taxes pursuant to a resolution which identifies the alternative source of revenue and obligates the Village Treasurer to set aside and designate those funds to pay the required note payments. Programs, Departments Finance Department or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: This resolution shall reduce the levy for property taxes in the amount o'f $269,896. Source of Funds: N/A Workload Impact: N/A Administrator Approval as presented. Recommendation: i First Reading: ;done Required Special Considerations A certified copy of this resolution must be filed with the Cook County Clerk by or Requirements; December 30, 2008. This resolution should be approved after Ordinance 08-43 (2009 Budget) and Ordinance 08-44 (Tax I„evy) are approved. Respectfu!(ysubmitted ~ ',~Gr~~+-c4' - - --- ' J s' ph R.1 ad/ Village Administrator ~_~ Reviewedby:__~~` [ ~~ ~- Prepar.d v:~~.~~ ~~f -~('l,~ f r -- - _` __ _- ~ ~ ~--- - 1 cirsa Hofffvm~ iston, Corporation Counsel Daniela Partipilo, Pinai~ce Director I i~asurer RESOLUTION 08-66 TAX ABATEMENT RESOLUTION FOI2 2008 TAX LEVY RELATING 'PO ORDINANCE 1\TUMBEI2 98-41 WI-IERI;AS, the Village of Morton Grove (Village}, located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of P,i~licle 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (VILLAGE) has issued TI-IIt1~,E MILLION ONE HUNDRED SIX'T'Y-FIVE"I'HOIJSAND DOLLARS ($3,165,000), General Obligation Promissory 1vlotc Series 1998A, providing financing for vu~ious land acquisitions and related purposes for the Waukegan R oad'I"ax InGrC;in(:nt Financing Area (known as Project ''A"), and which prcvidcd for the levy and co(lectionfor direct annual tax for the payment of the principal and interest of said bonds for _ the year 1998 through 2016 at an interest rate of x.32%, pursuant to Ordinance 98-41, passed by the President and Board of Trustees of said VILLAGE on September 28, 1998, certified copy of said ordinance having been filed in the Office of the Gounty Clerk on October 22, 1998; and WHERI~AS, said note is designated as "General Obligation Promissory Note, Sei°ies 1998A" dated July 6, 1998, in the aggregate principal amount of "THREE MILLION ONE HUNDRED SIXTY- FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($3,165,000), and shall be due and payable on .iuly 6, 2018, having installment payments due semi-amiually on January 6 and July 6 tluough 2018. WI IEREAS, provision has been made in said ordinance for thelevy of taxes for the year 2008 sufficient to pi°oduee the amount of TW0 IIUivTDRED SIXTY-NINE THOUSAND E1GH'I" HiJNDRED NINF_'IY-SIX DOLLARS ($269,896), for said payment of principal and interest on said note up to and including December 31, 2009; and WHI3REAS, the levy and appropriation for payment of debt service on the'98 A notes is not shown in the Debt Se~wice Fund a~~d therefore is excluded from the Village Levy Ordinance; and WIIL;RIAS, the Village has apps°opriated revenue from the Waukegai7 Road "I'IP Fund of the Village in the amount of TWO HUNDRED SDCTY-NINE THOUSAND LIGHT HUNDRED NINETY-SIX DOLLARS ($269,896} to pay said principal and interest on said promissory note and said funds shall be separately designated for the payment of principal and interesl due as heretofore specified when the above indebtedness is due. NOW, THEREI~OIZE BE IT RI4SOLVED I3Y TIIG PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF "['HE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incarhorate the foregoing WHERI/AS clauses into this Resolution as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hcreinabove set forth. SI?CTION 2; There shall be abated for the levy of taxes for the tax year 2008 for taxes which are collected in 2009 in the amount o'f "1"WO IIUNDR1iD SIX'I"Y-NINE THOI7SAND EIUHT I~iUNDRED NINF,TY-SIX DOLLARS ($269,896) leaving the net properi~y tax levy with respect to Ordinance 98-41 7_.1;R0 ($0), for said tax year as provided in a~~ ordinance entitled: ORDINANCE 98-41 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOL2 TIIE ISSUANCE OF $3,165,000 GENERAL OBLIGA'PION PROMISSOKY NOTE, SERIES 1998A OF THE VILLAGE OF MOR7"ON GROVE, COOK COI7NTY, ILLINOIS, PROVIDING FOR THE LEVY AND COLI,F,C'pION OF A DIRECT ANNUAL TAX FOR THE PAYMENT OF THE PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST ON SAID BONDS Adopted by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village on September 29, 1998, certified copy of which was filed with the County Clerk of Cook County, Illinois, ou October 22, 1998. SEC"PION 3: "I'he Village Treasurer is hereby authorized to set aside and designate those funds necessary to pay said debt service payment as stated above'IT0117 the Economic Development Fund and IIF Fund. SECTION 4: -The Village Treasm~er is hereby directed to file witih the County Clerk of Cook County, Illinois, a eertilied copy of this Resolution. SECTION 5: This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. PASSED this 8"' day of December 2008. ICUS1-E0 B7"UI11]CT Trustee Kogstad Trustee Marcus Trustee Minx Irustce Staackmann Trustee Thi11 APPROVED I3Y MF THIS 8°i day of Deceulbcr 2008. Richard Krier, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois A'1"I'ES"I'Ti1~ and FILIsD in my office this 9°i day of December 2008. Carol A. Fritzshall, Village Cleric Village cf Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois Legislative Summary For Consideration at the November 24, 2008 Meeting of the Village Board of Trustees Ordinance OS-42 AUTHORIZATION TO AMEND THE LEGAL SPEED LIMIT ON CENTRAL AVENUE BETWEEN CHURCH STREET AND GOLF ROAD WITHIN THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE Synopsis: Purpose: Background: Programs, Departments or Groups Affected ?iscal Impact: Source of Finds: Wortdoad Impact: Administrator Recommendation: First Reading: Special Considerations or Requirements: To approve a speed limit amendment pursuant to Traffic Safety Commission recommendations. To reduce the existing speed limit on Central Avenue between Church Street and 500 feet south of the Golf Road center line. At the November 6, 2008, Traffic Safety Commission meeting, a request was presented to reduce the existing speed limit along the 9200 through 9400 blocks of Central Avenue from 35 mph to 25 mph. The intent is to create a safer environment for residents residing on Central Avenue as well as the general public After discussion, the Traffic. Safety Commission recommended approving the requested speed limit change on Central Avenue including from Church Street to 500 feet south of the Golf Road center line. Public Works Department; Police Department Costs are associated with the signage materials, installation and maintenance. The cost of materials is approximately $200, General Revenue -Account No. 025017-563130 -Street Sign Materials Sign installation and maintenance would be performed by the Public Works/Street Division; and enforcement would be performed by the Police Department. Approval as presented. .November 24, 2008 The 500 feet south of the Golf Road centerline is required in-order to comply with regulations regarding Speed Zone Ahead signage. (Required when lowering or raishrg limitby 10 MPH or more. Zespectfully submitted: j~lL1 '~ ",~ ~ ~ ZR~`L~G~ JosJos pYt/~.~de, Village Adminishator r ..,,. t Prepared by: =~ .~ Div''; ~•~ Reviewed by: ~~ y DeMonte, Public Works Director Teresa i_. l~ 5 I` ~^~ Corporation Counsel ORDINANCE 08-42 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE LEGAL SPEED LIMIT ON CENTRAL AVENUE BETWEEN CHURCH STREET AND GOLF ROAD WITHIN THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE WHEREAS, the Village of Moilon Grove (Village), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, the Village established the Traffic Safety Commission to receive, review, and present recommendations to the President and Board of Trustees regarding requests or inquiries on matters involving traff c safety, including requests for installation of traffic control devices; and WHEREAS, the Traffic Safety Commission received a request to reduce the legal speed limit along the 9200 through 9400 blocks on Central Avenue from 35 miles per hour to 25 miles per hour; and WHEREAS, the Traffic Safety Commission considered the above referenced request at its regularly scheduled meeting on November 6, 2008 at 730 p.m. at the Richard T. Flickinger Municipal Center; and WHEREAS, notifications of the meeting were sent to residents in the area, and flee agenda was posted by the Village for general notificafion and viewing by the public; and WrIEREAS, the current legal speed limit per Village Code on Central Avenue between Church Street and Golf Road is 35 miles per hotii•. WHEREAS, the Traffic Safety Commission reeormnends that the Village require a reduced speed limit on Central Avenue between Church Street and 500 feet south of the Gotf Road centerline from 35 miles per hour to 25 miles per how; and WHEREAS, the Traffic Safety Commission recommends that the Municipal Code be amended to include the aforementioned legal speed limit reduction in order to accommodate the needs of the Village residents; aiid WHEREAS, the Village Board of Trustees believe the best interest of the Village of Morton Grove will be served by concun•ing with the preceding recommendations of the Traffic Safety Commission. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION L• The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Ordinance as though fully. set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2: The following provisions shat] be removed from the existing Mm7icipal Code, Section 5-13K-1: SPEED LIMITS; EXCEPTIONS: Street Between MPH Central Avenue Church Street and Golf Road 35 thereby causing this segment of Central Avenue between Church Street and 500 feet south of the Golf Road center line to be governed by the speed limit of 25 miles per hour as put forth within the general speed restrictions within the speed regulations section of the Village Code. SECTION 3: This Ordinance shall be communicated to residents within the vicinity of the speed limit change via a letter, which shall be received as evidence of the passage and legal publication of this Ordinance. SECTION 4: The Director of Public Works is hereby authorized and directed to remove any conflicting signs and erect such signs as detailed in this Ordinance. SECTION 5: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its approval, legal publication in pamphlet form, and required signage installation and conflicting signage removal. PASSED this 8`~' day of DECEMBER 2008. Trustee Bnumer "Trustee Kogstad Trustee Marcus Trustee Minx Trustee Thill Trustee Staackmann APPROVED by me this 8`~ day of DECEMBER 2008. Richard Krier, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook Comity, Illinois ATTESTED and FILED in my office this 9°' day of DECEMBER 2008. Carol A. Fritzshall, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois Legislative Sumrnary Resolution OS-67 AUTHORIZING THE EXTENSION OF A CONTRACT WITH LYONS-PINNER ELECTRIC COMPANY FOR THE 2009 MAINTENANCE OF STREET LIGHTING & TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNALS Introduced Synopsis: Purpose: ;ac::graund: Programs, Departments or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: Source of Funds: Workload Impact: Administrator Recommendation: First Reading: Special Considerations or Kequirements: December 8, 2008 To authorize the Village President to extend the 2006 contract with Lyons- Pinner Electric Companies for the 2009 Traffic Control and Street Lighting Maintenance Program. To ensure proper maintenance and repair of the Village's traffic signals and street lights. In 2006 the traffic signal and street lighting maintenance pragrarn was competitively bid and awarded to Lyons-Pinner Electric Company. That contract included a provision that allowed for extensions in one year increments under the same terms and conditions as the original contract. Public Works. The estimated contract value for routine maintenance is $22,795.20. MFT The Public Works Department as part of their normal work activities performs the management and implementation of the program. Approval as presentul. Not Required None Respectfully submitted: ~r~9-E'~aL>~fl FJ~ ~~ ,i eph F. ade, Village Administrator Prepared by: ~ ~ ~'~'...~ Reviewed by: dy De Monte; Director of Public Works Teresa Hoffman Liston, Corporation Counsel Legislative Summary Resolution 08-67 AUTHORIZING THE EXTENSION OF A CONTRACT WITH LYONS-PINNER ELECTRIC COMPANY FOR THE 2009 MAINTENANCE OF STREET LIGHTING & TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNALS Introduced Synopsis: Purpose: 3aci:ground: Programs, Departments or Croups Affected Fiscal Impact: Source of Funds: Workload Impact: Administrator Recommendation: First Reading: Special Considerations or Requirements: December 8, 2008 To authorize the Village President to extend the 2006 contract with Lyons- Pinncr Electric Companies for the 2009 Traff c Control and Street Lighting Maintenance Program, To ensure proper maintenance and repair of the Village's Yraffic signals and street lights. In 2006 the traffic signal and street lighting maintenance program was competitively bid and awarded to Lyons-Pinner Electric Company. That contract included a provision that allowed for extensions in one year increments under the same terms and conditions as the original conriact. Public Works. The estimated contract value for routine maintenance is $22,795.20. MFT The Public Works Department as part of their normal work activities performs the management and implementation of the program. Approval as presented. Not Required None Respectfully submitted: yEA~(',r~~u~- ~ph P. adc, Village Administrator Prepared by:~`~$~ ?/ ~~ Reviewed by: i ~y De Monte, Director of Public Worlcs Teresa Hoffman Liston, Corporation Counsel RESOLUTIOI~T 0~-67 AUTHORIZING THE EXTENSION OF A SERVICE CONTRACT WITH LYONS-PINNER ELECTRIC COMPANY FOR THE 2009 TRAFFIC SIGNAL AND STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE PROGRAM WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (Village), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, includirig but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt and WHEREAS, the 2006 Traff c Signal and Street Lighting Maintenance Program was competitively bid with the contract awarded to Lyons-Pinner Electric Company; and WHERAS, the contract included provisions that allowed for extensions in one year increments under the same terms and conditions as the original contract up to the end of 2010; and WHEREAS, the Public Works Department is satisfied with the past performance of Lyons- Pinner Electric Company; and WHEREAS, both parties agree to the extend the contract until December 31, 2009; and WHEREAS, funding for the above work is included in the adopted Village of Morton Groves 2009 budget in account numbers 035060-554170. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND EOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVF,, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I :The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Resolution as though fully set forth therein thereby making the Endings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2: The Village President of the Village of Morton Grove is hereby authorized to execute atld the Village Clerk to attest to an extension of the 2006 contract under the same terms and conditions mitil December 31, 2009, with the Lyons-Pinner Electric Companies, 650 East Elm Avenue, LaGrange, Illinois 60525. SECTION 3: That this Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and upon its passage and approval. PASSED this 8th day of December 2008. Trustee Brumler Trustee Kogstad Trustee Marcus Trustee Minx Trustee Staackmarzn Trustee Thill APPROVED by me this 8th day of December 2008. Richard Krier, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois APPROVED and FILED in my office This 9th day of December 2008 Carol A. Fritzshall, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County; Illinois M;Alegisla[iveAresolutions\res 2008\Traffic Signal Maintenance Progrxn~, 12-08.doc Legislative Summary Resolution 08-68 AUTHORIZIi!'G THE EXECUTION OE A SERVICE CONTRACT WITH MUNICIPAL GIS PARTNERS (MGP) FOR GEOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION SYSTEM SERVICES Introduced ( December 8, 2008 Synopsis: To authorize the Village Administrator to execute a contract with Municipal GIS Partners, Ina (MGP) for the maintenance and development of Geographical Information System (GIS) services in 2009. Purpose: To continue the services of Municipal GIS Partners in developing and maintaining the Village's GIS system as part of the GIS Consortium. Background: The GIS Consortium was founded in 1999 by several municipalities as a way of reducing the costs of irnpie~i~er~ting GIS technology by participating in collective bargaining, group training, joint purchasing and development and innovation sharing. The Village of Morton Grove joined the Consortium in 2002. MGP was determined to be the lowest responsible provider for the maintenance and development of GIS systems for the member communities. This contract between the Village and MGP is a continuation of these services for 2009. Programs, Departments All Village Departments utilize the GIS system, as well as Village residents or Groups Affected and businesses. Fiscal Impact: The amount of the contract is anot-to-exceed value of $52,583.00 Source of Funds: General Revenue Workload Impact: The management and implementation of the program is performed by the Public Works Department, Engineering Division as part of their normal work activities. Administrator Approval as presented. Recommendation: FirsC Reading: i Not Required Special Considerations or None Requirements: Respectfully submitted: ~ ~ . ~~l~ f~/~~Pz .los~~ph F~ ade, Village Administrator Prepared by: ~ %~~~,a?' Reviewed by: y De Monte, Director of Public Works Teresa Hoffman Liston, Corporation Counsel RESOLUTION 08- AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A SERVICE CONTRACT WITH MUNICIPAL GIS PARTNERS (MGP) FOR GEOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION SYSTEM SERVICES WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (Village), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any fm~etion pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax a~~d incur debt; and WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove desires to utilize a geographic information system (GIS) to assist in the service, maintenance, and long range planning of its operations; and ~7~IHEREAS, in 1949 several municipalities established an intexgeverrarental agreement setting forth the responsibilities of the parties hereto with regard to the operation of a eoiisortium, known as the Geographic Information System Consortimn (GISCon), to develop, maintain and share GIS data and applications; and WHEREAS, in 2002 a GIS Committee was formed to evaluate the future direction of the Village's GIS and recommended joining the Geographic Inforniation System Consortium (GISCon) to cost efficiently and effectively develop and maintain the Village"s GIS; and WHEREAS, on November 1 1, 2002, the Village of Morton Grove entered into an agreement to join GISCon; and WHEREAS, the success of GISCon has resulted in growth from four municipalities in 1999 to fifteen in 2008, which reduces the Village's overall cost of participation; and WHEREAS, GISCon desires to limit expenses in developing GIS for their communities by participating in collective bargaining, group training, joint purchasing and development and innovation sharing; and WHEREAS, the GISCon researched the geographic information system service providers and fnd Municipal GIS Partners, Inc. (MGP) to be the lowest responsible service provider; and WHEREAS, MGP has a history of successfully providing GI5 services to the Village at a reasonable cast; and WHEREAS, MGP represents to be in compliance with Illinois Statues relating to professional registration of individuals and continues to have the necessary expertise and experience to furnish such services upon the terms and conditions set forth in the contract in Exhibit "A"; and WHEREAS, funds for this contract are included in the proposed 2009 budget, in account number 022025-552110; and WHEREAS, the amount of the contract is anot-to-exceed value of $52,583.00. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Resolution as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2: The Village President of the Village of Morton Grove is hereby authorized to execute and the Village Clerk of the Village of Morton Grove is authorized to attest a cont~:act with Municipal GIS Partners, Inc. providing the Village of Morton Grove with. geographical information system services as provided in their contract attached hereto and as described in Exhibit "A." SECTION 3: The Village Administrator and Village Public Works Director are hereby authorized to implement the contract and provide for GIS services. SECTION 4: This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and upon its passage and approval. PASSED 'pIIIS 8`h day of December 2008 Trustee Brunner Trustee Kogstad Trustee Marcus Trustee Minx Trustee Staaekmann Trustee Thili APPROVED BY ME THIS 8`h day of December 2008 Richard Krier, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois ATTESTED AND FILED in my office This 9`~' day of December 2008 Ca~•ol A. Fritzshall, Village Clerk VillageofMorton Grove Cook County, Illinois M:Vegislalive\resolutions\res 2008VGIS Contract Authorization 2009.doe GIS Consortium Service Provider Contract This CONTRACT made and entered into this 1st day of January. 2009, by and between the Village of Morton Grove, an Illinois municipal corporation (hereinafter referred to as "Village"), and MGP, Inc., 3500 Western Avenue, Suite 200, Highland Park, Illinois 60035 (hereinafter referred to as "Consultant"); and WHEREAS, the Village desires to engage the Consultant to provide support services in connection with the Village's geographical information system ("GIS"); and WHEREAS, the Consultant represents to be in compliance with Illinois Statutes relating to professional registration of individuals and has the necessary expertise and experience to furnish such services upon the terms and conditions set forth herein below; NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby agreed by and between the Village and the Ccnsultantthat: I. SCOPE OF SERVICES The Scope of Services shall be as set forth in the "Proposal for Geographic Information System Services" dated January 1 2009, (Attachment 1). Should there be a conflict in terms between this Contract and the Proposal, this Contract shall control. IT. PERFORMANCE OF WORD All work hereunder shall be performed under the direction of the Village Administrator of the Village or his designee (hereinafter referred to as the "Village Administrator"). III. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR The Consultant shall at all times be deemed to be an independent contractor, engaged by the Village to perform the services set forth in Attachment I. Neither the Consultant nor any of its employees shall be considered to be employees of the Village for any reason, including but not limited to for purposes of workmen's compensation law, Social Security, or any other applicable statute or regulation. IV. PAYMENT TO THE CONSULTANT For work associated with the project, the Consultant shall be reimbursed in an amount NOT TO EXCEED 852,583. A. The Consultant shall submit invoices in a format approved by the Village. S. The Consultant shall maintain records showing actual time devoted and cost incurred. The Consultant shall permit the authorized representative of the Village to inspect and audit ail data and reccrds of the Consultant for vrork done under this Contract. The Consultant shall make these records available at reasonable times during the Contract period, and. for a year after termination of this Contract. C~. AThomey\WOrkV,SGPL,cAClientsAG[SCAMambersAMortm~Orove, VIliage ot~Cunccacts\2009 Jaauary\MCP3ervioeProviderAgreement_0009_20081103.doc.doc C. The Village shall make monthly payments to the Consultant based upon actual progress, within 35 days after receipt of invoice. V. TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT Notwithstanding any other provision hereof, the Village may terminate this Contract at any time upon fifteen (15) days prior written notice to the Consultant. In the event that this Contract is so terminated, the Consultant shall be paid for services actually performed and reimbursable expenses actually incurred, if any, prior to termination, not exceeding the value of work completed determined on the basis of the percentage completed as agreed upon between the Village and the Consultant. VI. TERM This Contract shall become effective as of the date the Consultant is given a written Notice to Proceed and, unless terminated for cause or pursuant to Article V foregoing, shall expire on December 31. 2009, or on the date the Village Administrator determines that all of the Consultant's work under this Contract is _ completed. A determination of completion shall not constitute a waiver of any rights or claims which the Village may have or thereafter acquire with respect to any breach hereof by the Consultant. VII. RENEWAL OF CONTRACT The Village shall decide at least sixty (60) days before the end of the Term, as defined in Article VI of this Contract, whether the Village desires to engage the Consultant in another Contract to provide support services in connection with the Village's geographical information system. The Village shall provide the Consultant written notice within thirty (30) days of said decision. VIIL NOTICE OP' CLAIM If the Consultant wishes to make a claim for additional compensation as a result of action taken by the Village, the Consultant shall give written notice of his claim within fifteen (15) days after occurrence of such action. No claim for additional. compensation shall be valid unless so made. Any changes in the Consultant's fee shall be valid only to the extent that such changes are included in writing signed by the Village and the Consultant. Regardless of the decision of the Village Administrator relative to a claim submitted by the Consultant, all work required under this Contract as determined by the Village Administrator shall proceed without interruption. IX. BREACH OF CONTRACT If any party violates or breaches any term of this Contract, such violation or breach shall be deemed to constitute a default, and the other party has the right to seek such administrative, contractual or legal remedies as may be suitable to the violation or breach; and, in addition, if any party, by reason of any default, fails within thirty (301 days after notice thereof by t_he other party to comply with the conditions of the Contract, the other party may terminate this Contract. X. INDEMNIFICATION The Consultant shall indemnify and save harmless the Village and its officers and employees from and against any and all loss, liability and damages of whatever nature, including Workmen's Compensation claims by Consultant's employees, in any way resulting from or arising out of negligent actions or omissions of the Consultant in connection herewith, including negligent actions or omissions of employees or agents of the Consultant arising out of the performance of this Contract. XI. NO PERSONAL LIABILITY No official, director, officer, agent, or employee of any party shall be charged personally or held contractually liable by or to the other party under any term or provision of this Contract or because of its or their execution, approval, or attempted execution of this Contract. XII. NON-DISCRIMINATION In aIl hiring or employment made possible or resulting from this Contract, there shall be no discrimination against any employee or applicant for employment because of sex, age, race, color, creed, national origin, marital status, of the presence of any sensory, mental, or physical handicap, unless based upon a bona fide occupational qualification, and this requirement shall apply to, but not be limited to, the following: employment, advertising, layoff or termination, rates of pay or other forms of compensation, and selection for training, including apprenticeship. No person shall be denied, or subjected to discrimination in receipt of the benefit of any services or activities made possible by or resulting from this Contract on the grounds of sex, race, color, creed, national origin, marital status, the presence of any sensory, mental or physical handicap or age except minimum age and retirement provisions. Any violation of this provision shall be considered a violation of a material provision of this Contract and shall be grounds for cancellation, termination or suspension, in whole or in part, of the Contract by the Village. XIII. ASSIGNMENT AND SUCCESSORS This Contract and each and every portion thereof shall be binding upon the successors and the assigns of the parties hereto; provided, however, that no assignment shall be made without the prior written consent of the Village. XIV. DELEGATING AND SUBCONTRACTING Any assignment, delegation or subcontracting shall be subject to all the terms, conditions and other provisions of this Contract and the Consultant shall remain liable to the Village with respect to each and every item, condition and other provision hereof to the same extent that the Consultant would have been obligatedrf it had done the work itself and no assignment, delegation or subcontract had been made. XV. NO CO-PARTNERSIDP OI? AGEAtry It is understood and agreed that nothing herein contained is intended or shall be construed to, in any respect, create or establish the relationship of co-partners between the Village and the Consultant, or as constituting the Consultant as the general representative or general agent of the Village for any purpose whatsoever. XVI. SEVERABILITY The parties intend and agree that, if any paragraph, subparagraph, phrase, clause, or other provision of this Contract, or any portion thereof, shall be held to be void or otherwise unenforceable, all other portions of this Contract shall remain in full force and effect. XVII. HEADINGS The headings of the several paragraphs of this Contract are inserted only as a matter of convenience and for reference and in no way are they intended to define, limit, or describe the scope of intent of any provision of this Contract, nor shall they be construed to affect in any manner the terms and provisions hereof or the interpretation or construction thereof. X~~III. MODIFICATION OR AMENDMENT This Contract constitutes the entire Contract of the parties on the subject matter hereof and may not be changed, modified, discharged, or extended except by written amendment duly executed by the parties. Each party agrees that no representations or warranties shall be binding upon the other party unless expressed in writing herein o`r in a duly executed amendment hereof, or Change Order as herein provided. XIX. APPLICABLE LAW This Contract shall be deemed to have been made in, and shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Illinois. XX. NEWS RELEASES The Consultant may not issue any news releases without prior approval from the Village Administrator nor will the Consultant make public proposals developed under this Contract without prior written approval from the Village Administrator prior to said documentation becoming matters of public record. XXL COOPERATION_WITH OTHER CONSULTANTS The Consultant shall cooperate with any other persons in the Village's employ on any work associated with the project. XXII. NOTICES All notices, reports and documents required under this Contract shall be in writing and shall be mailed by first class mail, postage prepaid, addressed as follows: If to Village: Village of Morton Grove John Garcia 6101 Capulina Avenue Morton Grove, 1L 60053 If to Consultant: MGP, Inc. Thomas A. Thomey 3500 Western Avenue, Suite 200 Highland Park, IL 60035 XXIII. INTERFERENCE WITH PUBLIC CONTRACTING: P.A. 85-1295 The Consultant certifies hereby that it is not barred from entering into this Contract as a result of violations of either Section 33E-3 or Section 33E-4 of the Illinois Criminal Code.. XXIV. SEXUAL HARASSMENT POLICY: 775 ILLS 5/2-105(A)(4) The Consultant certifies hereby that it has a written Sexual Harassment Policy in full compliance with 775 ILCS 5/2-105(A)(4). XXV. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS All recommendations and other communications by the Consultant to the Village Administrator and to other participants, which may affect cost or time of completion, shall be made or confirmed in writing. The Village Administrator may also require other recommendations and communications by the Consultant be made or confirmed in writing. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have placed their hands and seals hereto on the date first above written. ATTEST: _. Village Clerk Village Administrator ATTEST: CONSULTANT Pronosal for Geogranhic Information Svstem Services Attachment 1 1) GENERAL PURPOSE The purpose of this agreement is for the Village to enter an agreement with the Consultant for all or part of its geographic information system (GIS) management, development, operation, and maintenance. In addition to supporting the existing GIS program, the Consultant will identify opportunities for continued development and enhancement. The Village will be sharing management, development, and maintenance expertise and staffing with other municipalities as a member of the Geographic Information System Consortium (GISC). The benefits to the Village include, but are not limited to, collective bargaining for rates and services, shared development costs, and joint purchasing and training. The Consultant is the sole Service Provider for DISC and is responsible for providing the necessary GIS professional resources to support this entity. The Consultant will facilitate and manage resource, cost, and technical innovation sharing among GISC members. 2) CONFIDENTIALITY This attachment includes proprietary and confidential information. It shall not be copied, circulated, or otherwise provided to any person or organization that is not part of the process established for its consideration without the advance written permission of MGP, Inc., 3) SERVICE TYPES For the purpose of cast accounting, the Consultant will provide two (2) service types to the Village. The intent of this distinction is to track specific types of investment without overburdening general operation of the GIS program. Many of these services will go unnoticed to the Village but are required to sustain the GIS program. The Consultant will employ reasonable professional discretion when specific direction is not provided by the Village or the GIS Consortium. A. Services relate to the direct management, development, operation, and maintenance of the Village GIS required to reasonably support the system. B. Services relating to the investigation, research, and development of new functionality and capability for the GIS Consortium and its members. 4) SERVICES The Consultant will help provide the necessary resources to support the Village GIS program. The allocation of these resources will be reasonably commensurate with the level of expertise required to fulfill the specific task thus enabling efficient use of Village investment. The Consultant includes, but is not limited to, the following personnel: C:AThomeyAWork\MGPIocAClientsAGISCAMembersAMmmn erwe, Vil:age ot~Conn~aocs~2009 SvnuaryVvlGPServiaeA~ovidecAgxeemenc_2009 20081109 doc.doc A. A GIS Manager that is responsible for the overall implementation of the GIS program based on the directions and instructions of the Village. The GIS Manager will provide senior-consultant services and will provide coordination and facilitation of GISC developments and initiatives. Budget forecasting and work reporting will be provided by the GIS Manager as directed by the Village. B. A GIS Coordinator is responsible for the operation of the GIS program including the coordination of resources. The GIS Coordinator will provide services to the Village in determining the short- and long-term needs of the GIS program. The GIS Coordinator will be responsible for managing the program resources including Consultant resources, external agencies, and Village committees and user groups. C. A GIS Data Administrator is responsible for managing the data model and administering the database and related information. 11^he GIS Data Administrator plans, implements, and configures the data to enhance ` performance and maintain integrity of the data system. D. A GIS Application Developer that is responsible for the conceptualization, design, development, testing, installation, documentation, training, and maintenance of GIS and related software. Software includes, but is not limited to; computer programs, form designs, user manuals, data specifications, and associated documentation. E. A GIS Analyst is responsible for analyzing and planning special projects that require skills beyond the typical operation of the system. Special projects may include the development of ad hoc maps, layers, databases, and user solutions. F. A GIS Specialist that provides the daily operation; maintenance; and support of the GIS. This individual is typically fully allocated to the Village and is responsible for database development and maintenance, map production, user training and help-desk, user group support, and system support and documentation. 5) PROJECTED UTILIZATION Projected utilization is an estimate of service hours required of the Consultant by the Village. This projection is established by and between the Village, GISC, and the Consultant. Although variations are anticipated, the Village and the Consultant have a fiduciary responsibility to GISC and its members to meet their projected utilization. Significant variations in actual utilization may negatively influence service rates for GISC members. The anticipated projected utilization for each Consultant service is: A. 38 hours of GIS Manager B. 48 hours of GIS Coordinator C. 38 hours of GIS Data Administrator D. 38 hours of GIS Application Developer E. 48 hours of GIS Analyst F. 528 hours o£ GIS Specialist 6) SERVICE RATES Rates are based on projected utilization of GISC members in collective bargaining with the Consultant. The Consultant guarantees these rates for the term of this agreement as long as actual utilization is reasonably consistent with projected utilization. The GISC collective bargaining rates are as follows: A. 111.40 per hour for GIS Manager B. 82.10 per hour for GIS Coordinator C. 99.60 per hour for GIS Data Administrator D. 99.60 per hour for GIS Application Developer E. 82.10 per hour for GIS Analyst F. 62.37 per hour for GIS Specialist 7) FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT The Village is required to provide the Consultant adequate space, furnishings, hardware, and software to fulfill the objectives of the GIS program. The facilities requirement is no different than would be otherwise required by the Village to support a GIS program. The rate structure extended to GISC members is contingent on these provisions for the Consultant. Facilities and equipment include, but are not limited to, the following A. Full-time office space for the GIS Specialist and periodic office space for guests. This space should effectively and securely house all required GIS systems, peripherals, and support tools. This space must be available during normal business hours. B. Furnishings including adequate desk(s), shelving, and seating accommodations for the GIS Specialist and periodic guests. A telephone line and phone to originate and receive outside calls. A network connection with access to the Internet. C. I-Iardware including a workstation, server, plotter, printer, digitizer, scanner and network infrastructure. D. Software including GSS software(s), productivity tools, application development tools, commercial databases, and network access software. E. The Village is responsible for installing, operating, and maintaining the backup and recovery systems for all Village owned GIS assets that permits the Consultant to continue services within a reasonable period of time following a disaster. 8) BILLING & PAYMENT The Consultant will invoice the Village on a monthly basis for work completed and work in-progress. The Consultant requires 100% payment within 35 days of invoicing. 9) INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY If any intellectual property should be developed during the course of this agreement, the Village and the Consultant shall be joint owners of said intellectual property. A. It is understood that this agreement does not grant to the Village or any employees, partners, business associates or other associated parties thereof, any rights in any intellectual property developed by the Consultant outside the terms of this agreement, or any protectable interests stemming there from. B. The Village and the Consultant agree, that no assignments, authorization of reuse by others, giveaways, license grants, sales, transfer, security interests, or any other grant of rights for any intellectual property that may be developed during this agreement, will be made to any third party without a written agreement between the Village and. the Consultant. C. If this agreement between the Village and the Consultant should be terminated, the Village shall, in good faith, allow the Consultant, any reasonable use of any Intellectual. Property developed during this Contract. L,e~is9ative Satnmary Resolution 08 - 69 APPROPRIATION OF 2009 MOTOR FUEL TAX FUNDS IrO12'I'HE MAINTENANCE OF STREETS AND HIGHWAYS MFT SECTION 09-00600-OOGM Introduced: ~ December 8, 2008 Synopsis: To aulhori~e the Village President to execute the documentation required by f the State of Illinois for the 2009 Motor Fuel Tax program. Purpose: To appropriate the Village's estimated motor fuel tax revenue for 2009 as required by the State of Illinois. I3aekgronnd: Each year the Village receives a portion of the motor fuel tax collected by the State. These funds must be spent on the improvement of roadways. The State requires an estimate ar~d final statement of the maintenance expenses ~ for each year of the program. I Programs, DepartFnents f. Public Worts Department or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: 'The total estimated expenses for the 2009 Motor Fuel Tax Program are ~ $645,000.00. Source of Funds: ~ State of Ilinois, Motor Fuel Tax Workload Impact: The implementation of the program is done as part of the normal operations ~ of the Public Works Department. Administratoi° Approval as presented. Recommendation: I First Reading: Not required. Special Consia9erations or ~ None itequirements: ~ ~ 0 0 A, Respectfully submitted: ~ . r ~ G~', ~J~.r°'___ Joseph''. Wa e, Village Administrator '' . Prepared by: /.__ ~l Reviewed by: An DeMonte, Public Works Lliractor Teresa Hoffman piston, Corporation Counsel I2ES®L~'TION 08 - 69 APPROPRIATION OF 2009 MOTOR FUEL TAX FUNDS FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF STREETS AND HIGHWAYS MFT SECTION 09-00000-OOGIVI WI-IEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (VILLAGE), located in Cook Com1ry, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not ]invited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, the lllinois Highway Code requires the VIllage of Morton Grove Board of Trustees to authorize the appropriation of Motor f uel Tax (MFT) Funds for the purpose of Maintaining Streets ~~d 1ligi~way s wifl~in the Village from January 1, 2009 to December 3I, 2009; and WHEREAS, the estimated expenditures from the MFT Funds for the period January 1, 2009 to December 31, ?009 are $645,000; and WHEREAS, the attached. `Resolution for Maintena~~ce of Streets and Highways by Municipality under the Illinois Highway Code° (BLR 14230) and the "Municipal Estimate of Maintenance Costs" (BLR 14231) have Provided for the distribution of the anticipated 2009 MFT Funds for maintenance of streets within the Village of Morton Grove. NOW, THI;REFORF, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUS"]°EES OF'I'HE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Resolution as though fully set forth therein thereby malting the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECT[ON 2: That only those operations listed and described on the Municipal Estimate of Maintenance Costs approved in connection with this Resolution are eligible for reimbursement with Motor Fuel Tax during the period specified above. SECTION 3: The Village President is her°eby autl~oriz~d to execute the ?llinois Department of Transportation Municipal Estimate of Maintenance Costs (BLR 14231) and the Illinois Department of Transportation Resolution for Maintenance of Streets and Highways by Municipality under the Illinois Highway Code (BLR 14230). SECTION 4: That two certified copies of this Resolution will be transmitted to the District Office of d1e lilinoi~ Department of Transportation at Schaumburg, Illinois. SECTION 5: 'That this Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and upon its passage and approval. PASSED THIS 8'~' day of December 2008 Trustee 6runner Trustee Kogsfad Trustee Marcus "1'rustce Minx Trustee Staa~clunann 11~ustee Thill APPROVED BY METF-115 8`~' day of December 2008 Richard Krier, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois ATTI STED AND FILED in my office this 9th day of December 2008 Giro) A. Fritzshall, VillageCerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois II~Ir1®IS ®E'E3~P$tTl t ~f ~'ranspor~ati®n Resolution for Maintenance of Streets and Highways by Municipality Under the Illinois Highway Code BE IT RESOLVED, by the President and Board of Trustees of fhe (Council or President and Board of Trustees) Village of Morton Grove ,Illinois, that there is hereby (City, Town or VIIIage) (Name) appropriated the sum of $645,000.00 of Motor Fuel Tax funds for the purpose of maintaining streets and highways under the applicable provisions of the Illinois Highway Code from January 1, 2009 (Date) to December 31, 2009 (Date) BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that only those streets, highways, and operations as listed and described on the approved Municipal Estimate of Maintenance Costs, including supplemental or revised estimates approved in connection with this resolution, are eligible for maintenance with Motor Fuel Tax funds during the period as specified above. BE iT FURTHER RESOLED, that the Clerk shall, as soon a practicable after the close of this period as given above, submit to the Department of Transportation, on forms furnished by said Department , a certified statement showing expenditures from and balances remaining in the account(s) for this period; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Clerk shall immediately transmit two certified copies of this resolution to the district office of the Department of Transportation, at District 1, Schaumburg ,Illinois. Carol A. Fritzshall of Morton Grove Village (City, Town or Village) Clerk in and for the Village (City, Town or Village) Cook hereby certify the foregoing to be a true, perfect and complete copy of a resolution adopted by the President and Board of Trustees at a meeting on December 8, 2008 (Council or Presidenfand Board of Trustees) Date IN TESTIMONY W HEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 9th day of December, 2008 (SEAL) Approved Date Department of Transportation County of Clerk Printed 12/4/2008 BLR 14230 (Rev. 11/06) Municipal Estimate of Maintenance Costs Section Number 09 - 00000 - 00 - GM Municipality Village of Morton Grove Estimated Cost of Maintenance Operations Maintenance For Grou I II or III Material E ui ment or La bor Operation (NO.-Description) Group tl,u,mdv) Item Unit Quantit Unit Price Cost Operation Cost 1 Snow Removal I I Salt State of IL Tons 2360 105.00 $247 800.00 247 800.00 & Ice Control I Calcium Chloride Gals 4000 $0.55 $2,200.00 $2,200.00 III Salaries $50,000.00 $50,000.00 2 Bituminous Materials I Hot Mix As halt Ton 435.26 $45.95 $20,000.00 $20,000.00 & Patchin Local I Cold Mix UPM Ton 100 $100.00 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 III Salaries $39,000.00 $39,000.00 3 Street Swee in III Salaries $45,000.00 $45,000.00 4 Street Li htin & IV Street Li htin and Traffic LS 1 $71,000 $71,000.00 $71,000.00 Traffic Si nal Maint. Si nal Maintenance Contract 5 Concrete I Concrete Materials CY 558.53 $89.52 $50,000.00 $50,000.00 III Salaries $10,000.00 $10,000.00 6 Catch Basin Cleanin III Salaries $10,000.00 $10,000.00 i 7 Patchin IV Patchin Contract LS 1 $90,000 i $90,000.00 $90,000.00 Total Da Labor Costs Total Estimated Maintenance Operation Cost $645,000.00 Preliminary Engineering 0 Engineering Inspection 0 Material Testing 0 Total Estimated Engineering Cost I 0 Total Estimated Maintenance Cost ~ $645.000.00 Submitted 12/08/2008 By: Village President Municipal Official Title Page 1 of 1 Printed on 1214/2008 9:31:04 AM Submit Four (4) Copies to Regional Engineer Approved: Date Regional Engineer BAR 14231 (Rev. 2/23/06)