HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-11-10 AgendaAGENDA
NOVEMBER 1.0, 2008
Meeting 7:30 pm
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
s. Roii Caii
Approval of Minutes -
Public Hearings
Special Reports
Budget Workshop, October 16, 2008
Budget Workshop, October 18, 2008
Rc~nlar Meeting, October 27, 2008
a. Presentation of Champion and Heritage Tree Designation to the Village by the Natural Resource
Commission and the Morton Grove Historical Society.
Resident's Comments (agenda items only)
President's Report-Administration, NorthwestMuraicipal Conference, Council of Mayors, TIF
Committee, Capital Projects, Real Estate Committee
Clerk's Report- Condominium Association, Advisory Commission on Aging
Staff Reports
a. Village Administrator
b. Corporation Counsel
11. Reports by Trustees
a. Trustee Brunner -Legal, Family and Senior Services Department, Cable and
Telecommunications Commission, E'nvironrnentall3ealt72, Waukegan Road TIFReview, Solid
Waste Agency of Northern Cook County, Community Relations Commission (Trustee Kogstad)
b. Trustee Kogstad -Comprehensive Plan, Advisory Commission on Aging (Trustee Minx)
o. Trustee Marcus -Police Department, Police and Fire Commission, Real Estate Committee,
Chamber of Commerce (Trustee Thill)
d. Trustee Minx-Finance Department, Real Estate Committee, Plan Cornnaission, Ferris/Lehigh
TIF Keview, Fire Department, RED Center, NlPSTA, Capital Projects, Police and Fire
Commission, Economic Development, Northwest Municipal Corzference (Trustee Staacknutnn)
e. Trustee Staackmann -Building Department, Appearance Commission, ESDA,
IT/Communications, Dempster Street Corridor Plan (Trustee Brunner)
Trustee Thill -Public Worlcs, Capital Projects, Traffic Safety Commission, Natural Resource
Commission, Solid Waste Agency of Northern Cook County (Trustee Marcus)
12. Other Business
13. Presentation of Warrants - $148,374.48
14. Resident's Comments
15. Executive Session -Personnel, Labor Negotiations, Real Estate, and Review of Executive Session
16. ACtJOUYnment - To ensure full aecessibiliy and equal pm~ttcipation for all interested citizens, individuals with disabilities
who plan to attend mrd who require certain accommodations in order to observe and/or- participate in tlsis meeting, or who
have questions regarding the accessibility of these fi~ci7ities, are requested to contact Susan or Marlene (847/470-5220)
promptly to allow the Village to make reasonabte accommodations.
Pursuant to proper notice in accordance with the Open Meetings Act, the Budget Workshop was
called to order at 7:00 pm by Mayor Richard Krier. Clerk Fritzshall called the roll. In attendance
Elected Officials: President Richard Krier, Trustees Georgianne Brunner, Roy Kogstad,
Sheldon Marcus, Rita Minx, Dan Staackmann, John Thill, and Clerk
Carol A. Fritzshall
Absent: none
Village Staff: Village Administrator Joseph F. Wade, Corporation Counsel Teresa
Hoffman Liston, Finance Director Daniela Partipilo, Assistant
Finance Director Ryan Horne, Police Chief Paul L. Tasch, Fire Clrief
Tom Friel, Community and Economic Development Director Bi11
Neuendorf, Family and Senior Services Director Jackie Walker-
O'Keefe, Network Administrator Boyle Wong, Emergency
Management Agency Coordinator John Hili, and numerous residents
and members of the public.
President Krier thanked everyone for attending and introduced Village Administrator Joseph F.
Mr. Wade thanked key staff members for preparation of the 2009 Proposed Budget. He stated the
proposed budget represented a draft plan for review and comment. Changes in this budget reflect
economic uncertainties felt throughout the country. The Village would drawdown on its reserves in
order to maintain essential services. The Village also is proposing significant cuts including not
filling open positions for a police officer, human resource coordinator, and apart-time social
worker. An ambulance which was proposed to be purchased in 2009 would be deferred. The
Village would place one-half the cost for this purchase in a "sinking fund" and the remaining costs
would be paid in 2010 resulting in the Village taking delivery of this ambulance in 2010.
Finance Director Daniela Partipilo noted the budget has been posted on the Village's website. She
explained the budget layout and format. The budget is grouped by fund types, then by fmid, and
then by department. The budget is a spending plan. Ms. Partipilo then reviewed the calendar
detailing upcoming budget hearings and meetings. She then noted staff is proposing a tax levy
increase of approximately two percent (2%) from the prior year. She expects revenues to decrease,
but key expenses such as health insurance, pension costs, and commodity costs for salt and fuel will
increase. Ms. Partipilo then explained the budget changes from 2003 to the present. She noted the
budget had somewhat changed to become more a "program budget". Costs and allocations such as
fuel, health insurance, and pension costs are now being shown within each department.
Ms. Partipilo noted the General Fund revenue increased from $17,758,238 in 2004 to $22,359,738
in 2008. She provided a detail of the increase in the Village's tax levy. Virtually all increased
funds for the levy were attributable to increased pension funding. She noted the Village now
contributes 100% of the pension contributions recommended by the actuary; however, the pension
funding levels have still not significantly increased and remain at approximately 64%.
Ms. Partipilo then reviewed the Legislative Budget for 2008. This budget increased from $107,050
to $137,580. The increase was due to a reallocation of certain costs.
Village Administrator Joseph F. Wade then reviewed the Administration Budget. This budget
decreased by over $100,000, primarily because the Village had chosen not to fill the Human
Resource Coordinator's position for 2009. These duties will be divided among existing staff and
the Finance Director.
Corporation Counsel Teresa Hoffman Liston reviewed the Legal Budget. This budget proposes an
increase of $13,000.
The Community and Economic Development Director Bill Neuendorf presented his budget. He
presented the Village's accomplishments in 2008 which included the completion of parking lots on
Dempster Street, efforts to expand businesses on Waukegan Road, industrial expansions on Austin
Avenue, and the development of the Economic Development Strategic Plan. This budget will
remain virtually flat from the prior year.
Boyle Wong, the Network Administrator, presented the Information Technology Budget. He noted
in 2008 the Village successfully iransitioned to a new phone system. His goals for 2009 include the
establishment of an e-mail archive system, and to update the Village's software. The Information
Technology Budget for 2009 in the amount of $464,115 was approximately $500 more than the
department's 2008 budget.
Finance Director Daniela Partipilo presented the Finance Department Budget. She noted the
department experienced significant savings by transiting to a new vendor for utility billing. The
Finance Department Budget for 2009 in the amount of $2,440,289 reflected a $7,000 increase from
Police Chief Paul L. Tasch presented the Police Department Budget. He noted in 2008, the Village
successfully responded to over 23,000 incidents, conducted 87 tobacco compliance checks, and 54
liquor compliance checks. The Police Department budget for 2009 in the amount of $8,106,578
reflected an increase from 2008 ($7,'788,191). Most of this increase was due to significant
employer pension contribution increased costs.
Fire Chief Friel then presented the Fire Department Budget. The Fire Department in 2008
responded, to date, to over 3,542 calls. The Fire Department Budget proposed for 2009 in the
amount of $7,027,949 reflected an increase from 2008 ($6,675, ] 32). A significant part of this
increase was due to the creation of a sinking fund for half the purchase of a new ambulance, and for
increased pension funding costs.
Coordinator John Hill presented the F,mergency Management Agency Budget. This budget for 2009
in the amount of $11,942 recommends a decrease from the 2008 budget ($13,161).
Family and Senior Services Director Jackie Walker-O'Keefe presented the Family and Senior
Services Budget. She noted in 2008 the Village expanded its nursing service program and increased
senior center membership by 5%. The 2009 budget in the amount of $400,779 reflected a decrease
of approximately $25,000 from the prior year.
Ms. Walker-O'Keefe then presented the Civic Center Budget. This budget in the amount of
$285,596 reflected an increase of approximately $30,000 from the prior year.
Mr. Neuendorf then presented the proposed budget for the Lehigh Ferris TIF District and Waukegan
Road TIF District. He noted the accomplishments which occurred in 2008 and proposed goals for
2009. The Proposed 2009 TIF budget in the amount of $10,905,342 reflects an increase of over
$4,000,000. The increase is primarily due to land acquisition costs.
The Waukegan Road TIF budget for 2009 in the amount of $1,045,401 reflects an increase of
approximately $350,000 which reflects areallocation/transfer to the general fund. Mr. Neuendorf
also presented the F,conomic Development Fund in the amount of $333,773 which reflects a
decrease of approximately of $]7,000 from the previous year.
There being no further business, Trustee Minx moved to adjourn the budget workshop. The motion
was seconded by Trustee Brunner and approved unanimously pursuant to a voice vote at 10:50 pm.
Minutes by: Carol A. Pritzshall
Village Clerk
M:AIegislative~minuPes\2008Vbudget workshop minutes. LO-16-08.doc
President Krier called the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of Trustees to order at 9:00 am. and
called the roll. In attendance were:
F_]ected Officials: President Richard Krier, Trustees Georgianne Brunner, Roy Kogstad,
Sheldon Marcus, Rita Minx, Dan Staackmann, and john Thill
Absent: Clerk Carol A. Fritzshall
Village Staff: Village Administrator Joseph F. Wade, Public Works Director Andy
DeMonte, Public Works Superintendents Paul Tobin acid Toe Dahm,
Building Commissioner Ed Hildebrandt, and Finance Director Daniela
President Krier announced the sole purpose of this meeting was to discuss budget issues.
Building Commissioner Hildebrandt presented the Building and Inspectional Services Department
proposed budget. Discussion followed regarding capital improvements to buildings, including exhaust
fans at Public Works and the pavement condition of the Village HalUPolice Department parking lot.
After general discussion of impact fees, Commissioner Hildebrandt advised that with new development,
the developer pays for sewer, street, sidewalk and other subdivision code required costs.
Public Works Director DeMonte presented the proposed Public Works department budget. He noted that
one of the importaalt issues was salt supply. Salt prices have increased dramatically. The Department is
examining alternative methods of snow and ice control but at present, salt is the most effecfive and
Mr. DeMonte stated that monies for replacement of Public Works vehicles is down to $58,000 this year
and expressed concern that there may be larger spikes in future years as equipment further ages and
requires replacement.
There was discussion regarding the replacement of the landscaping trailer. Superintendent Tobin advised
that the trailer is ten years old and has major structural problems associated with use. The floor of the
trailer has been replaced twice. The cost of maintenance is increasing while deterioration of the trailer
Discussion followed regarding the placement of cell phone costs within individual department budgets.
Finance Director Partipilo advised thaC for cost accounting purposes, the Village is attempting to allocate
costs directly to individual departments when it is possible.
It was noted that the solid waste contract expires in April 2010. Trustee Brunner, a liaison to the Solid
Waste Agency of Northern Cook County suggested that the Village utilize the services of the agency to
help get the best contract for the Village.
Mr. DeMonte then presented the motor fuel tax fund budget. The budget is based upon allocation
information. fi-om the State and is subject to change. It was requested that the Village obtain the most-up-
to-date allocation number from the State.
Mr. DeMonte presented the commuter parking fm7d and enterprise water fund proposed budgets. Trustee
Staackmaml referred to the water rate analysis meeting held by the Board last spring and recalled the
Municipal Iinanciai Services consultant report regarding the replacement of water meters. As the meters
age, the accuracy of water usage records dimiushes causing a loss of revenue to the Village.
It was requested that staff review the cost of inaccurate meters and examine the feasibility of a bond issue
to fund this expense.
Village Administrator Wade advised that related to capital projects, the Village was at a decision point
concerning Dempster Street. The Village is scheduled to subnut a set of ready-to-build engineering plans
to the Illinois Department of Transportation in November. The remaining obstacle to completing the
project as it is related to the 1998 plan is obtaining funding for the purchase ofproperties and eonstnxction
of three parking lots.
Mr. Wade stated that reconstruction of the street and elimination of on-street parking would cause the loss
of 123 parking spaces. A parking study conducted at the time recommended that this loss be replaced
with 166 parking spaces. Over time, and through the construction of three parking lots and parking
spaces constructed near Dempster Street intersections, the Village has built 181 spaces.
The question for the Village to consider is whether the Village waists to proceed with this project without
obtaining state funding for the remaining three lots, or, whether the Village wants to wait until funding is
obtained for those lots.
If the Village proceeds without the lots, the project could begin in 2009 or 2010. If the Village waits for
funding of the lots, the beginning of the piroj ect is indefiiute. Mr. Wade said there were advantages and
disadvantages of each option. By moving forward, the Village has certainty of the project and avoids
construction cost increases which could be beyond what the project is funded at. As a disadvantage, there
is no certainty the State would come back and fund more parking when the proj ect is completed.
Should the project move forward, Mr. Wade stated that the Village would need to fund the $1.5 million
related to water system improvements.
Discussion ensued regarding tlvs consideration and it was agreed that further information was necessary.
Trustee Minx then moved to adj oum the regular meeting. The motion was seconded by Trustee Thill and
approved unanimously pursuant to a voice vote and to go into executive session to discuss personnel
matters/collective bargaining as related to the Proposed 2009 budget.
The regular meeting was adjourned at 11:40 am.
is ~~ ~ C2~r.~
"~~ Minutes by: Joseph F. Wade
Village Administrator
M:~egisiativeAminutes~2008\badget workshop mnmees.10.18-08.doc
I. Village President Rick Krier called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. and led the assemblage in
the Pledge of Allegiance.
II. Village Clerk Carol Fritzshall called the roll. Present were: Trustees Georgianne Brunner, Roy
Kogstad, Shel Marcus, Rita Minx, Dan Staackmann, and John Thill.
Regarding the Minutes of the October 13, 2008 Regular Meeting, Mayor Krier asked if
anyone had any changes or corrections to the Minutes. Seeing none, Trustee Minx moved,
seconded by Trustee Marcus, to approve the October 13 2008 Regular Meeting Minutes as
submitted. Motion passed unanimously via voice vote.
Emoloyee Recognition Awards
The Board, along with Mayor Krier and Administrator Wade, recognized and congratulated
Alvin Abuja for his 15 years of service in the Police Department and presented him with a
plaque to commemorate this milestone.
Minutes of October 27, 2008 Boartl Meeting
Mayor Krier proclaimed November 7, 2008 as "Arbor Day" in the Village and encouraged all
citizens to plant trees and to support efforts to protect our trees and woodlands and to support
the Village's urban forestry program. Ne said that Morton Grove has been recognized as a
"Tree City USA" by the National Arbor Day Foundation, noting that trees in the Village
increase property values, enhance the economic vitality of business areas, and beautify the
Clerk Fritzshall noted that over 2,000 people have voted early in Morton Grove so far. Early
voting ends on October 30`".
A. Village Administrator
Mr. Wade announced that afollow-up budget workshop would be held on October 30 at
7:00 p.m. in the Trustees' Conference Room. The workshop is open to the public.
B. Corporation Counsel:
Ms. Liston had no report.
A. Trustee Brunner:
Trustee Brunner had no formal report, but announced that the Seniortran will be available on
Election Day, November 4`h, to take Morton Grove seniors to their polling places. Residents
must know where they vote and need to call the Senior Hotline, 847-470-5223, to make a
Trustee Kogstad:
Trustee Kogstad had no report.
'Minutes of October 27, 2008 Board Meeting
Trustee Marcus:
Trustee Marcus had no formal report, but commented that he had attended the Chamber's
"State of the Village" meeting, which drew a large crowd, including several candidates for local
congressional races. He said that Mayor Krier did a great job of explaining the Village's plans
for the future as well as the expenses involved in unfunded State mandates.
Mayor Krier added that the presentation was available on the Village's website, and would al-
so be featured on cable.
Trustee Minx:
Trustee Minx presented Ordinance 08-40, Granting a Special Use Amendment in the
Village of Morton Grove to Allow a Second Story Addition and Reconstruction for the
Property Commonly Known as 8425 Waukegan Road, Morton Grove, Illinois.
This is the second reading of this ordinance. Trustee Minx moved, seconded by Trustee
Brunner, to adopt Ordinance 08-40.
As background, Trustee Minx explained that this ordinance was pursuant to Plan Commission
Case PC08-06, heard at the October 13`" Board Meeting. It would grant a special use
amendment for the construction of a second story addition and the reconstruction of the
southwest wing of the current building. The new construction will be within the existing
footprint of the building. The occupancy will be lower since most rooms will now be single-
occupancy. As part of the reconstruction, the building will be fully sprinklered and a new
state-of-the-art air handling system will be installed.
Seeing as there were no questions, comments, or other discussion, Mayor Krier called for the
vote on Ordinance 08-40. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays.
Tr. Brunner aye Tr. Kogstad afire, Tr. Marcus afire
Tr. Minx afire Tr. Staackmann afire Tr. Thill
2, Trustee Minx then presented Resolution 08-59, Adopting the Village of Morton Grove's
Identity Theft Prevention Program.
She said that, pursuant to the Fair and Accurate Credit Transaction Act of 2003 (FACT),
creditors are required to implement policies and procedures to detect, prevent, and mitigate
the impact of identity theft. Because the Village provides water and sewer services to custom-
ers before the customer pays for these services, it is deemed a creditor and must therefore
comply with the FACT law. Morton Grove's identity theft program requires Village personnel
to monitor information and documentation provided by customers and third party service pro-
viders in connection with opening new accounts in order to determine whether any red flags
exist. If any red flags are detected, Village staff will be required to take appropriate responses
to prevent or mitigate identity theft.
Trustee Minx moved, seconded by Trustee Brunner, to approve Resolution 08-59. Motion
passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays.
Tr. Brunner aye
Tr. Minx
Tr. Kogstad aye Tr. Marcus afire
Tr. Staackmann aye Tr. Thill afire
-- - Minutes of Octo6er2~, 20088oard Meeting
D. Trustee Minx: (continued)
3. Trustee Minx then brought forward Resolution 08-60, Adopting an Economic Development
Strategic Plan for the Village of Morton Grove.
Trustee Minx explained that this resolution will adopt a strategic plan and vision and will
establish guidelines, priorities, and directions for economic development. The Village's
advisory Economic Development Commission put this plan together and formally presented
it to the Village in April of 2008. The plan has been available for final public comment, but to
date, no additional public comments have been received. The Strategic Plan is intended to
establish a vision for the Village's future planning and development endeavors. It is not
intended to preempt or supersede any existing codes or regulations. Trustee Minx moved to
approved Resolution 08-60, seconded by Trustee Staackmann.
Trustee Marcus complimented the Economic Development Commission on their efforts but
said he was concerned about the fact that there has been no additional public input. He felt
it was imperative that business and community leaders review the plan and that they realize
that action has to be taken. Trustee Marcus said that the Plan would work only through
participation and urged the local business community to work with the Board and/or the
Economic Development Commission to generate ideas.
Trustee Staackmann thanked the Commission too, but noted several ideas mentioned in the
Plan's strategies and asked if the Village would be obligated to do all these things. He said he
was concerned about things that would require funding, for example, the suggested "business
expo". Mayor Krier said that this is anon-binding document; it's an outline, a strategic plan.
Corporation Counsel Liston agreed that the resolution is not binding the Village to anything
except its own resolve to accomplish certain goals and give weight to various strategies. It's a
direction for the Village to move in. Any ideas listed in the plan that would require funding
would necessitate a budget appropriation. Voting to approve the resolution would mean a vote
to concur with the goals outlined in the plan.
Trustee Staackmann wondered if giving out a list of business license holders is legal.
Ms. Liston said that it is legal information, not private or protected information. It is information
that is obtainable under the Freedom of Information Act.
Trustee Staackmann said he had read through the plan several times and several of the
things listed in the plan are already being done, either by the Chamber of Commerce or the
Village. He said his concern was more around committing to things that the Village may not
be able to do.
Trustee Minx said that this is a "footprint" for the Economic Development Commission to follow
to encourage businesses to come to town; it provides a framework within which to work. She
noted that a lot of brainstorming had been involved in putting the plan together.
Trustee Marcus said he understood Trustee Staackmann's concerns about getting "locked in"
to things the Village couldn't do or deliver, but felt the focus should be on the words "would
like"; that the plan was tantamount to saying these are concepts and ideas that the Village
"would like" to see happen. He again emphasized that participation from the business
community was critical.
Minutes of Oe[ober27, 2008 BOard Meeting
D. Trustee Minx: (continued)
Trustee Thill said that, as he had read through the plan, he had noted several of the strategies
and/or ideas that he felt were a "home run". He cited Strategy 1 b, Strategy 4 (seek outside
funding), Strategy 5 (promote businesses that attract people), Strategy 8 (vigorously enforce
property maintenance} and Strategy 9c (create legislation to prohibit restrictive covenants that
prevent or hinder the re-use of commercial property). He agreed that there are many things in
the plan that the Village and Chamber are already doing. Trustee Thill thanked the Economic
Development Commission for putting the plan together.
There being no further discussion, Mayor Krier called for the vote on Resolution 08-60.
Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays.
Tr. Brunner ~ Tr. Kogstad afire Tr. Marcus afire
Tr. Minx aye Tr. Staackmann a~~e Tr. Thill aye
E. Trustee Staackmann:
Trustee Staackmann had no formal report, but announced that it's leaf pick-up time again.
He asked that residents put their leaves at the curb where they can be swept up, and compli-
mented the Public Works Department on doing a great job of getting the leaves cleaned up.
F. Trustee Thill
Trustee Thill had no formal report, but thanked EMA Director John HiII for his informational talk
about the History of Civil Defense in Morton Grove, presented at the library last week.
Trustee Brunner said that, after the repeal of the gun ban ordinance, she had received many
phone calls and emails thanking her for her support of the gun ban. At the time of the vote,
she had indicated that she would be interested in pursuing other legislation, such as gun
registration. Trustee Brunner said that she has researched the matter and discussed it with
Corporation Counsel Liston, but that she doesn't feel there's a lot of support for gun
registration on the Board or in the Village. She said that, rather than waste Village staff time
on developing an ordinance that wouldn't be supported, she had decided to let the matter go
for now. She said that maybe someday, the idea could be pursued. Trustee Brunner asked
that any residents interested in supporting gun registration contact her and her colleagues on
the Board to let them know that there is community support for such an initiative.
Trustee Minx presented the Warrant Register for October 27, 2008, in the amount of
$513,448.40. She moved to approve the Warrants, seconded by Trustee Thill.
XII. WARRANTS (continued)
a. Trustee Thill asked about an item on page 7: "site remediation progress review' in the amount
of $2,200 to the Illinois EPA. BiII Neuendorf said that the Village had received a $54,000 grant
from the State several years ago to remediate and do some environmental studies around the
train station; a recent change in policy is that now the State charges the Village for State staff
time to access Village grant funds. So basically, part of the grant is being used to pay the
State. Mr. Neuendorf said there would probably be another couple of invoices like this coming
b. Trustee Thill asked about another item on page 7 payable to the Illinois EPA, a nearly $39,000
payment labeled "payment #36": Finance Director Partipilo said this is a payment on a long-
term loan; she said the 2008 Budget lists when each payment comes due. The payment is for
the Capulina sewer project.
c. Trustee Thill also asked about an item on page 13-$880 for Halloween safety packs. He
asked if that's something the Village gives away. Ms. Partipilo said the Police Department
distributes these safety packs. Chief Tasch concurred.
Trustee Thill asked about a "land meeting lunch" charge of $84. Jackie Walker-O'Keefe, Di-
rector of Family and Senior Services, explained that it was supposed to be "LAN (local area
network)", and that, annually, a network of agencies who provide funding through the Depart-
ment of Children and Family Services (DCFS) to at-risk children and families, holds a program
for new employees and all the agencies involved give a presentation. It's atwo-day affair, and
on the second day, Niles, MG, and Skokie share the cost of the lunch.
Seeing no further questions, Mayor Krier called for the vote on the Warrants. Motion passed:
6 ayes, 0 nays.
Tr. Brunner ~ Tr. Kogstad ~ Tr. Marcus aLe
Tr. Minx aye Tr. Staackmann a~ Tr. Thill afire
a. Eric Poders. Mr. Poders asked a question he had asked at the Board Meeting of October 13,
namely, regarding Plan Commission Case 08-07, will the installation of a T-Mobile antenna at
the tower at Village Hall generate revenue for the Village?
Mr. Poders also asked about the budget; noting he had questions he was unable to ask at the
budget workshop on October 18. He wondered when the budget workshops would be shown
on cable.
Mr. Poders commented that iY seemed that a lot of commission meetings had been cancelled
lately, citing the Traffic Safety Commission, Plan Commission, and the Fire and Police
Commission. He wondered "what's really going on in the Village?"
Mr. Poders was glad the Economic Development Strategic Plan had been approved, but
wondered about the revenue the Lehigh-Ferris TIF is generating; what the status is of the
Preserves project; how many streets will be improved this year; and what budget cuts were
being discussed. He said he would have liked to ask these questions at the budget workshop
but was unable to.
-- Minutes of October 27, 20086oard Meetin
Mayor Krier responded that the Village will receive v~24,000 annually from T-Mobile. As far as
when the budget workshops will be shown, the Village's IT department is working on it. The
budget workshops are quite lengthy, so special accommodations are needed in order for them
to be shown. In reply to Mr. Poders' comments about all the commission meetings being
cancelled, Mayor Krier said they were cancelled due to lack of business and lack of concerned
residents. He didn't feel that people were concerned if they didn't come to the meetings.
Mayor Krier said the budget draft was online and that people were welcome to review it.
Mr. Poders asked if the Mayor could say what the budget gap is and how much of the reserve
funds will the Village have to tap in to. He said, "people want to know."
Mayor Krier disagreed with that statement, saying that the Village is letting people know
what's going on. He said the budget discussions are open to the public and the "state of the
Village" presentation is available on the Village's website and soon will be seen on cable.
Trustee Marcus pointed out that there will be another budget workshop on Thursday. He said
the Board is still working an the budget, and staff is doing an outstanding job of gettirg the an-
swers to all the trustees' questions. He told Mr. Poders that his questions just could not be
answered intelligently at this time because the Board simply does not have all the information.
Trustee Marcus said that questions will be raised and answered on Thursday.
Mr. Poders said he respected that, adding that he's aware that it's still early in the process.
b. Harold Cohon, 9237 Nashville. Mr. Cohon said, regarding the gun issue, that registration is
the first step to confiscation, and if the Village were to consider registration, that issue would
"tear the Village apart".
There being no further business, Trustee Minx moved to adjourn the regular Board Meeting,
seconded by Trustee Brunner. The motion passed unanimously via voice vote. The
Board Meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m.
Minutes of October 27, 20086oard Meeting)
PASSED this 10th day of November, 2008.
Trustee Brunner
Trustee Kogstad
Trustee Marcus
Trustee Minx
Trustee Staackmann
Trustee Thill
APPROVED by me this 10th day of November, 2008.
Richard Krier, Village President
Board of Trustees, Morton Grove, Illinois
APPROVED and FILED in my office this 11th day of November, 2008.
Carol A. Fritzshall, Village Clerk
Village of Morton Grove, Cook County, Illinois
Minutes by'. Teresa Cousar