HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-09-08 AgendaAGENDA VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES TO BE HELD AT THE RICHARD T. FLICKINGER MUNICIPAL CENTER SEPTEMBER 8, 2008 Meeting 7:30 pm L Call to Order 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Roll Call 4. Approval of Minutes - Special Meeting, June 25, 2008 Special Meeting, July 10, 2008 Regular Meeting, August 25, 2008 5. Public Hearings 6. Special Reports a. Plan Commission Case PC 08-04 Requesting a Special Use Permit for a Commercial Wireless Antenna Installation on an Existing Commonwealth Edison Transmission Tower at 9398 Mansfield Avenue will be Presented by Plan Coimission Chairperson Ron Farkas 7. Resident's-Comments {agenda-items only) 8. President's Report -Administration, No3~thwest Municipal Conference, Council of Mayors, TIF Committee, Capital Projects, Real Estate Committee a. Proclamation -National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month -September 2008 b. Reminder announcement of Morton Grove Family Fest -September 20, 2008 c. Announcement -United Way Food Drive for Local Food Pantries -September 15 - 25, 2008, drop offs will beat Village Hall, Civic Center, and Fire Stations #4 and #5 9. Clerk's Report - Condonxinium Association, Advisory Commission on Aging 10. Staff Reports a. Village Administrator b. Corporation Counsel 11. Reports by Trustees a. Trustee Brunner -Legal, Family and Senior Services Department, Cable and Telecommunications Commission, Environmental Health, Waukegan Road TIF Review, Solid Waste Agency of Northern Cook County, Community Relations Commission (Trustee Kogstad) b. Trustee Kogstad -Comprehensive Plan, Advisory Commission on Aging (Trustee Minx) c. Trustee Marcus -Police Department, Police and Fire Commission, Real Estate Committee, Chamber of Commerce (Trustee Thill) d. Trustee Minx -Finance Department, Real Estate Committee, Plan Commission, Ferris/Lehigh TIF Review, Fire Department, RED Center, NIPSTA, Capital Projects, Police and Fire Commission, Economic Development, Northwest Municipal Conference (Trustee Staackmann) T) Ordinance 08-39 (Introduced September 8, 2008) Granting a Special Use Permit in the Village for Property Located at 9398 1Vlansfield Avenue for a Commercial Wireless Antenna Installation 2} Resolution 08-52 (Introduced September 8, 2008) Authorizing the Negotiation of a Redevelopment Agreement between the Village, Castle Honda, and Produce World for the Vacation and Relocation of Public Rights-of--Way to Promote Economic Growth 3) Resolution 08-5Q (Inn~oduced September 8, 2008) Authorizing the Execution of an Agreement with Ciorba Group, Inc. for the Churchill Street Relocation Project and to Reallocate Expenditures in the 2008 Budget of the Waukegan Road Tax Increment Financing (TIF) District 4) Ordinance 08-53 (Introduced September 8, 2008) Authorizing the Application to the Office of the Governor for an Allocation of 2008 Private Activity Bond Volume Cap for Bonds to be Issued by the Illinois Finance Authority for a Project for Regis Technologies, Inc. and a Reallocation of 2008 Private Activity Bond Volume Cap so Received to Illinois Finance Authority Trustee Staackmann -Building Department, Appearance Commission, ESDA, IT/Communications, Dempster Street Corridor Plan (Trustee Brunner) 1) Ordinance 08-33 (Introduced August 25, 2008) - Amending Title 10, Chapter 3 Entitled Plumbing Regulations of the Municipal Code of the Village 2} Resolution 08-SO (Introduced September 8, 2008) Authorizing the Execution of a Contract with Top Notch Painting, Inc. for Exterior Painting at 6101 Capulina Avenue 1 L Reports by Trustees (continued) £ Trustee Thill -Public Works, Capital Projects, .Traffic Safety Commission, Natural Resource Commission, Solid Waste Agency of Northern Cook County ('T'rustee Marcus) 1) Ordinance 08-34 (Introduced August 25, 2008) Authorization to Install Parking Restrictions on Morton Avenue between Lincoln and South Park Avenues within the Village 2) Ordinance 08-35 (introduced August 25, 2008) Authorization to Install Parking Restrictions on Collie Avenue between Capulina Avenue and Dempster Street within the Village 3) Ordinance 08-37 (Introduced August 25, 2008) Authorization to Install Parking Restrictions on Grove Avenue between Morton and Austin Avenues within the Village 4) Ordinance 08-38 (Intrroduced August 25, 2008) Amending Village Code Section 5-13F-4 to Provide for the Regulated Distribution of Parking Permits by the Village Administrator 5) Resolution 08-51 (Introduced September 8, 2008) Authorizing the Annual Veterans Day Parade 12. Other Business 13. Presentation of Warrants - $250,501.63 14. Resident's Comments 15. Executive Session -Personnel, Labor Negotiations, and Real Estate 16. Adjournment - To ensure full accessibility and equal participation for all interested citizens, individuals with disabilities who plan to attend and who require certain accommodations in order to observe and/or participate in this neeeting, or who have questions regarding the accessibility of these facilities, are requested to contact Susan or Marlene (847/470-5220). promptly to allow the Village to make reasonable accommodations. MINUTESOF THE SPECIAL MEETING THE JUNE 25, 2008, MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, TRUSTEE'S CONFERENCE ROOM RICHARD T. FLICHINGER MUNICIl'AL CENTER 6101 CAPULINA AVENUE, MORTON GROVE, ILLINOIS 60053 Pursuant to proper notice in accordance with the Open Meeting Act, the Special Meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Mayor Richard Krier. Clerk Fritzshall called the roll. In attendance were: Elected Officials: President Richard Krier, Trustees Georgianne Brunner, Roy Kogstad, Shel Marcus, Rita Minx, Dan Staackmann, and John Thill Absent: No absences Village Staff: Village Administrator Joseph F. Wade, and Corporation Counsel Teresa Hoffman Liston, Finance Director Daniela Partipilo, Assistant Finance Director Ryan Horne Also Present: Daniel Berg of Sikich, one member of the press, and approximately 8 members of the community President Krier announced the purpose of the meeting was to answer any questions the Board may have regarding the initial draft of the Village's Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR). Mr. Wade gave a brief overview of the repot[. He noted pursuant to Fcesoiution 04-28 the Village confirmed debt previously owed by the Waukegan Road TIF District Fund to the General Fund. He also reviewed various accounting procedures and draft financial policies includmg reporting requirements. Mr. Wade noted the Village's finance policy should support its goals, not the other way around. Mr. Berg then provided a detailed presentation of the Village's audit process and explained each step of that process: planning meetings; preliminary field work, final field work, and the exit conference. Mr. Berg. then answered questions regarding the delay in submitting the final draft which was in part due. to approval of the resolution confirming the Waukegan Road TIF debt to the Village:' Mr. Berg then discussed the financial highlights of 2007 audit azid explained the transmittal and management letter. He noted the CAFR including all of its documents serves as a historical Village file explaining where the Village stood financially as of aparticular time, i.e., December 31, 2007. A brief discussion then ensued relative to the impact on certain bonds issued by the Village for the Holocaust Museum. Mr. Berg emphasized the Village has no legal or financial obligation with respect to these bonds, and the bonds do not impact the Village's budget in any way. Mr. Berg then answered multiple questions from Village Trustees regarding accounting records and the Village's investment policies: A short discussion then ensued regarding the current deficit in the Waukegan Road TIF District Fund. This Fund is currently generating sufficientrevenue where it is begimiing to pay back the General Fund; however, it can not be determined if and when the debt owed by the TIF Fund to the General Fund will be paid in full. The Board then discussed the Village's internal controls on its payroll process. Ms. Partipilo presented a PowerPoint presentation on the Village's accounts by individual funds. Mr. Wade then discussed the Village's financial policy. Mr. Berg confirmed the Village used cash basis accounting for day-to-day bookkeeping of its transactions. At the end of the year, these accounts are converted to The modifred accrual basis. Mr. Berg stressed this is a common practice for municipal financing. A discussion then ensued regarding historical reports received by Village Trustees from past Finance Directors. Mr. Berg stated the Village could use a modified accrual basis throughout the year but he does notbelieve the cost for such accounting would justify its benefits. A discussion then ensued as to the current percentage of the Village's fund balance. After a general discussion it was the consensus of a majority of the Trustees the Village's fund balance should be maintained at 25% of the operating budget. Mr: Wade then gave a brief presentation on the GASB 45 requirement "thatthe Village quantify its past employee health benefit cost". A brief discussion then ensued. The Village Board then entertained comments from the audience. There being no further business, Trustee Minx moved to adjourn the special meeting. The motion was seconded. by Trustee Brunner and approved unanimously pursuant to a voice vote at 9:21 pm. Minutes by: Carol A. Rrstzshall Special meeting minutes.06-25-OS ~ Trustee Kogstad has requested Exhibit "A" be appended to these minutes. 2 EXHIBIT "A" ADD'L MIIv`UTES FROM THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE CARF FY 2007 WORKSHOP DATED: 6/25/08 Time Indicator: 52 minutes Tr. SM asked for "some indication" of a report on a qtly basis, a % of departments' expenses vs. budget (over/under) DP we have done that in the past, currently review by department. It hasn'# been done, but it certainly could be done -qtly basis (would not cause a problem). Don't do 1St qtr. Tr. SM report on qtly orsemi-annual basis - to be better informed If no objection, this is something we should look at Pres. RK I agree with you 1 hr 23 min Tr. SM policy 25% fund balance -why used? Auditor DB most commonly used % by my clients Some Gov use a) 25% or b) 33% or c) between 25 - 30%. Toe fine Tine, too much or too little. Tr.SM maintain fiduciary relationship to maintain health and safety of Village TR. RK 25% is good number to maintain. The GFOA recommendation of 5-15% if you don't have any other fund balances. 1 hr 42 min Ti-.DS policy issue of 25% - Is the 25% cash or accrued#und ' balance? Auditor DB Most people use the prior years audit - Accrued! Tr. DS The 25% that you say is the norm our there, is that accrued not cash? Auditor DB Correct 1 hr 52 min Tr: DS The topic of last years budget came down to: fund balance, is it in cash, or accrued? The answer that was definitely said, it is accrual Pres. RK We also look at cash as a tool 1 hr 56 min DP There are Finance Directors that take cash balance, there are finance directors that take fund balance, our auditor prefers accrual balances. Just a management tool MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES HELD ON JULY 10, 2008, AT THE MAIN HALL OF THE AMERICAN LEGION MEMORIAL CIVIC CENTER 6140 DEMPSTER STREET, MORTON GROVE, ILLINOIS 60053 TO DISCUSS THE PRELIMINARY ENTGINEERING AND STREETSCAPING PLANS OF THE DEMPSTER STREET CORRIDOR Pursuant to proper notice in accordance with the Open Meeting Act, the Special Meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Mayor Richard Krier. Clerk Fritzshall called the roll. In attendance were: Elected Officials: Mayor Richard Krier, Trustees Georgianne Brunner, Rita Minx, Dan Staackmann, and John Thill Absent: Trustees Roy Kogstad and Shel Marcus Village Staff: Village Administrator Joseph F. Wade, Village Engineer Ryan Gillingham, Community and Economic Development Director Bill Neuendorf Also Present: Ted Haffner, Terry Guen Design Associates; Nathaniel K. Utz, McDonough Associates; Eric Miller, Representative Beth Coulson's Chief of Staff; approximately 50 residents. Mayor Krier thanked everyone for coming and stated the Village has been diligent in trying to obtain monies for this project for over ten years. He then turned the meeting over to Administrator Wade. Mr. Wade gave a brief overview and background of the project and stated after the formal presentation of the meeting, he would encourage residents to speak and present their questions and concerns. He stated the Village is now working on final engineering plans for this project which has taken ten years to come to fruition. The Village is at the point where they would appreciate public input before the final document is submitted to IDOT for approval. Mr. Wade stated Dempster Street was a Strategic Regional Arterial (SRA) with a traffic flow of between 38,000 and 40,000 cars a day. There`have been above average accidents on this roadway. This project will add a turning lane which should help traffic flow and increase safety. A Dempster Street Committee was originally formed and they devised a concept and the consultants and design engineers have been working diligently to progress through the various steps needed to bring this project to the point of where it is today. Mr. Wade introduced Mr. Gillingham who presented the engineering concepts. Mr. Wade reiterated that residents having .questions and suggestions were encouraged to speak at the conclusion of this presentation. Mr. Gillingham stated he has been working on the project since 2004. He stated it is the intention of the Village to improve safety on this roadway as well as improve the overall aesthetics. In 2001, the master plan was completed for this corridor. In 2006, the Village received Phase I approval which included removing the two parking lanes on either side of the street, adding bi-directional lanes and widening the sidewalk. In 2001, three parcels were acquired and the Village began turning those into parking areas to help patron's access retail businesses in those areas. Three additional parking areas have been designated but funds have not yet been acquired to proceed with those peripheral projects. The Village and their consultants have been working on detailed design drawings and with the comments given here tonight it is anticipated those plans will now be ready to be submitted to IDOT. To date the Village has received a commitment in grant monies from tiie state and federal governments of$7.7 million. As mentioned earlier, there are three additional lots still to be built but unfortunately the $3.6 million that has been promised has yet to be placed into the State's budget. The Village anticipates the earliest this construction could begin is 2010. Construction would begin in the early spring and continue Through fall of the same year. Work continues with the Village's State Representatives to obtain additional funding for the remaining parking areas. Mr. Gillingham also stated as part of this project a twelve inch water main would be placed down the middle of Dempster to replace the antiquated original four h~ch main installed at the turn of he century. Finally, he is hopeful driveways can be consolidated to help make this a safer route. Mr. Neuendorf then discussed the aesthetics of this project. Basically aesthetics give an area character. He stated sidewalks will be expanded and there will nbt only be more area to walk safety but there will now be room for trees, benches, pots of flowers, etc. Street lighting will now be uniform and the style be more contemporary. There will be banner poles so the Village can display seasonal banners to give the roadway a more decorative look. Contemporary bicycle racks will also be installed to promote the use of bicycles. There will be a variety of planters placed in strategic areas. Grant money will pay for the initial construction work; however the maintenance of the project will fall back on the Village. Consequently durable materials and maintenance friendly materials will be used: There has been some discussion about creating a special service area (tax) to be paid by the area that benefits from these improvements. There have been no final decisions yet but rather a thought on how to maintain the plantings and purchase bazmers. Residents were made aware of the many photos and plans that have. been provided for their viewing this evening. At the conclusion of the formal portion of this meeting, the staff and consultants will be available to answer one-on-one questions. Mr. Wade advised those present that money is the key factor. Currently 80% of the project's funds are coming from twelve different funding sources. The Village is very close but help is still needed. Mayor Krier then asked for questions from the audience: Question Will the turning lane be continuous from Central Avenue to the river? Answer Yes, except for intersections or where there is a turning lane. Question What are the terms of design and sustainability for this roadway? ' Answer This is a traditional roadway design. It will mostly consist bf roadway and sidewalk reconstruction. Question How is snow removal going to be handled once this project is completed, taking into consideration the new streetscape? Answer The Public Works DeparUnent currently handles snow removal on Dempster and will continue to do so. Streetscape items will be grouped together so snow removal will continue to fast and efficient. Question Will the timing of signals be better managed? Answer Congestion mitigation and air quality -Signals will be timed and synchronized w better manage congestion and mitigate air pollution.. Question Currently there are three additional parking lots, the Village does not have. How do we get them? Answer Certain criteria are in place to obtain the funding and the property. Question How is the Village going to pay for the maintenance of the landscaping and snow removal on Dempster? Answer A merchant tax is possible but the Village Board is not looking at that at this time. 2 Question Can the Village control the speed limit down Dempster? Answer It is the Village's understanding the speed limit on Dempster Street (30 mph) will remain the same; however, if it was to change it is understood the State would consult with the Village before making such a change. Question Will there be a bicycle lane? Answer Due to the limited right-of--way space there are no plans for a bicycle lane. Question How are the signals timed relative to speed of traffic? Answer The signal devices are regulated and timed to efficiently move the flow of traffic. Question How is pedestrians crossing the roadway timed? Answer There are engineering calculations done on the amount of time it takes to cross the street times the width of the roadway, eta Question Whattype of striping will be done on the pedestrian crossings? Answer There will be two types, white lines plus the asphalt will be stamped. Question Has the Village taken a took at the conditionof the streets and alleys that feed into Dempster? Answer Currently Pubfic Works has all the streets and alleys mapped with a rating from good to bad. Replacing streets comes down to the overall budget. Currently only radius returns are being planned to be replaced with this project. Question What about a pedestrian bridge at Harrer Park? Answer That issue has not been explored because funding for such a project is different. It should be noted that IDOT would never allow a bridge to be built if there was any chance that it would interfere with signals or visibility by motorists. A pedestrian bridge must also meet the criteria of the American with Disabilities Act (ADA). It would therefore bring the beginning of the bridge to approximately mid-block. TrusteeThill then suggested the entrance into the forest preserve hat is just to the east of Ferris Avenue be moved to line up directly with Ferris Avenue. There is currently no mention of this reconfiguration on the plan. He stated after talking with other officials that it was felt that this was a noteworthy change. It was felt that while this was a good idea, it could ultimately delay the Dempster Street project by a couple of years. The consultant noted it is very difficult to work with the Forest Preserve and has consequently not been included in the plan. Trustee Thill stated this is not a large project. It is only moving the driveway to make it safer for motorists and pedestrians at this intersection. He named several communities that have alreadydone this type of change. Question Should the forest preserve entrance change be a separate project? Answer It may be worth pursuing as a separate project. Question Are there set areas where handicapped parking will be? Answer This project, as well, as aI1 other projects need to be ADA compliant so ramps and accessibility for handicapped individuals will be part of this project. Question Will there be access for the businesses while the street is under construction? Answer The Village will wor~C diligently to make access available to all businesses during construction. Question How are restricted left hand turns determined? Answer Left hand turns will be more palatable with the integration of the left turn lane down Dempster Street. Question What is the status of the Simkins Furniture store? Answer The Village has been approached by someone to purchase the building. Once the Village owned the. building it was determined it was not needed to provide sufficient parking for this area. A contract is currently pending and the Village Board will be voting on the purchase in the next few weeks. The proceeds will be placed back into the General Fund. Trustee Staackmann stated he would like to see the monies go back into the Dempster Street Project and be earmarked for parking, or at a minimum for the project as a whole. Trustee Staackmann thanked everyone for their hard work. It has taken a long time to get to this point. He suggested the businesses get together and form a Dempster Street Business Association. He would not like to see a special taxing district but businesses need to get together and share ideas and see how costs can be consolidated, parking can be shared, eta Mayor Krier then closed the formal portion of the meeting, however he encouraged everyone to stay and share ideas in an informal setting. There being. no further business, Trustee Minx moved to adjourn the_special meeting. The motion was seconded by Trustee Thill and approved unanimously pursuant to a voice vote at 8:12 pm. Minutes by: Carol A. Fritzshall, Village Clerk 4 Village President Richard Krier called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. and led the assem- blage in the Pledge of Allegiance. III. Village. Clerk Carol Fritzshall called the roll. Present were: Trustees Georgianne Brunner, Roy Kogstad, Shel Marcus, Rita Minx, Dan Staackmann, and John Thill. IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Regarding the Minutes of the August 11, 2008, Regular Meeting, Mayor Krier asked if anyone had any changes or corrections to the Minutes. Seeing none, Trustee Minx moved, seconded by Trustee Thill, to approve the August 11, 2008, Regular Meeting Minutes as presented. Motion passed unanimously via voice vote. V, PUBLIC HEARINGS NONE Vl, SPECIAL REPORTS a. Swearing in Ceremony for a New Police Sergeant. Fire and Police Commission Chairperson Mike Simkins, accompanied by Police Chief Paul L. Tasch and Trustees Minx and Marcus performed the swearing in of the new police sergeant. Officer Paul Yaras began his employment with the Village in 1996, after serving in the Air Force and attending Northeastern Illinois University. He has performed his duties admirably since then which included being the Village's Dare Officer. It is with great pride the Village advances this officer to the rank of sergeant. The effective date of this appointment is today, August 25, 2008. The Board and the assemblage congratulated the new sergeant. b. Plan Commission Case PC08-08 Requests a Special Use Permit for a Planned Unit Development at the Addresses Commonly Known as 6415 Dempster 6421-57 Demp- ster and 8717 Lincoln Avenue. Plan Commission Chairperson Ron Farkas presented this case. He explained the ap- plicant, Morton Grove DL, LLC, is requesting a Special Use Permit to construct 10,892 square feet of retail space, 54 condominium units and 21 town homes. Mr. Farkas I&II. CALL TO ORDER Minutes of7iugust 25 2008 Board Meeting stated this applicant's original special use for this planned unit development was re- voked on June 9, 2008, because the applicant had not secured appropriate financing.... The applicant has stated they now have secured financing, and have subsequently re- applied for the same special use to construct the same planned unit development. The only items completed on the project so far are the underground utilities and water system. The new completion date for this project has been set for July 23, 2010. The Plan Commission heard this case on August 18, 2008, wherein a vote of five to one recommends the approval of the special use subject to certain conditions set forth in the Plan Commission report. Mr. Farkas explained he was the only dissenting vote and it was because he was due to his concern about the marketing capabilities of this project. Trustee Minx moved to accept the Plan Commission's report in the matter of PC08-08. Trustee Marcus seconded the motion. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays, 0 absent. Tr. Brunner aye 7r. Kogstad aye Tr. Marcus aye Tr. Minx aloe Tr. Staackmann aye Tr. Thill aye VII. RESIDENTS' COMMENTS (Agenda Items Only) Mayor Krier asked if any residents had any comments regarding agenda items other than Or- dinance 08-36 which would be discussed later. Eric Poders, 7940 Foster asked for a detailed explanation regarding ±he commuter parking situation relative to Ordinances 08-34, 08-35 and 08-37 from the Board. Bob Burkhart, 6034 Grove had concerns about the Metra parking and the restricted parking areas throughout the Village and expressed concern on how to resolve this growing problem. He felt the Village should be committed to being a ".green" community and promote more pub- lic transportation. Mayor Krier stated as part of the Village's long range plan is hopeful it can build a parking garage at the commuter station. VIII: PRESIDENT'S REPORT a. Mayor Krier read a proclamation proclaiming Chamber of Commerce Week which is September 8 -September 12, 2008. b. Mayor Krier announced this year's Family Fest would be on September 20, 2008, and will once again be at Village HaII. This is an all-day family oriented event that was a great success last year and he anticipates it being the same this year. There will be a pancake breakfast followed by a new resident reception, food throughout the day, as well as activities for all. He encouraged everyone to attend. c. Mayor Krier stated he was concerned about a recent newspaper article in which an individual expressed concern over an "inadequate siren warning system". Mayor Krier stated grants have been recently obtained and money spent to upgrade the Village's. tornado warning system. He went on to state this is strictly a "warning system" and not intended to relay information. If residents hear this warning they must turn on a radio and/or television to find out further information. The evening in question had a tornado sighted in Schiller Park which is within ten miles of the Village. At no other time that evening had a tornado been reported, although we had very heavy rains and wind. Minutes of August 25, 2008 Board Meeting) CLERK'S REPORT Clerk Fritzshall had no formal report; however she did stress there is a voting registration drive and that anyone can register to vote until October 7, 2008, either here at Village Hall or the Library. She stated she will be at the Library every Wednesday evening through Septem- ber: Residents may also register to vote up to fourteen days after the October 7 deadline downtown. Election judges are also desperately needed. Anyone interested should contact her at Village Hall. X. STAFF REPORTS a. Village Administrator Mr. Wade had no formal report. b. Corporation Counsel Ms. Liston had no formal report. XL TRUSTEES'REPORTS a. Trustee Brunner Trustee Brunner had no formal report. She did want everyone to know there would be another Document Destruction Day at the Civic Center from 9:00 am to 11:00 am on September 20, 2008. b. Trustee Ko sq tad Trustee Kogstad had no formal report. c. Trustee Marcus: Trustee Marcus presented Resolution 08-48, authorizing the purchase of one digi- tal voice recorder for the Morton Grove Police Department. Trustee Marcus ex- plained the voice logger is used to record in-coming phone calls to the Police Depart- ment and is used to record radio traffic. After going through a formal bid process, the Police Department is recommending Word Systems be awarded the contract at $12,837, which also includes afive-year all inclusive maintenance contract. A brief discussion ensued between the Board on what the other bids were and who they were from. Chief Tasch stated he would a-mail that information to Trustees. He also stated Word Systems was a reputable company. Trustee Marcus moved, seconded by Trustee Minx to adopt Resolution 08-48. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays, 0 absent. Tr. Brunner a}L Tr. Kogstad ~ Tr. Marcus aye Tr. Minx afire Tr. Staackmann ale Tr. Thill aye Minutes of August 25; 2008 6oardMeeting'.. d. Trustee Minx: 1) Trustee Minx presented for a second reading Ordinance 08-30 Granting a Special Use Permit in the Village for Property Located at 9400 Austin Avenue for a Commercial Wireless Antenna Installation. This ordinance was presented and dis- cussed at the August 11, 2008, Village Board meeting. Essentially, this document will confirm Plan Commission Case PC08-03 to allow Verizon wireless to construct a commercial wireless antenna on the Commonwealth Edison Tower at 9400 Austin Avenue. The Plan Commission held three public hearings on this matter and various cohcerns and questions were raised and answered regarding this installation. The Plan Commission unanimously recommended the approval of this request. Trustee Minx moved, seconded by Trustee Thill, to adopt Ordinance 08-30. Motion passed: 5 ayes, 1 nays, 0 absent.. Tr. Brunner ayre_ Tr. Kogstad ~ Tr. Marcus aye Tr. Minx aye Tr. Staackmann ~ Tr. Thill a~~e 2) Next, Trustee Minx presented for a first read Ordinance 08-36 Granting a Special Use in the Village for the Property Located at 6415 Dempster, 6421-57 Dempster, and 9717 Lincoln to Approve a Planned Unit Development. Trustee Minx noted the applicant has asked the first reading be waived so they (MG DL, LLC) can close on their construction loan. As explained under the Plan Commission report, this Ordi- Hance will authorize a planned unit development at the aforementioned addresses. It should be noted this ordinance also includes significant additional conditions above the recommendations made by the Plan Commission that relate to the applicant's financial capabilities to complete this project. in a timely manner. These conditions include flexi- bility for the Village to reconsider or revoke the special use if certain construction benchmarks are not met in a timely fashion along with penalties in the event the appli- cant fails to suitably complete this project. The ordinance also requires the applicant provide security in the amount of $200,000 to insure its completion. If not completed, the Village will then have the right to enter the site and make such improvements nec- essary to bring the site into compliance with Village codes thereby mitigating any nega- tivdimnort nn tho a irmnnriinn nainhhnrhnnN Thic nrdinanCP WIII aISO=amend `5-13F-2 and 3 of the Village Code to provide restricted 90 minute parking on Lincoln and Nar- ragansett Avenues in this area. Mr. Tolan from Tolan Construction spoke to the Board and explained their position as construction and project manager, and how they anticipate the project to proceed. He explained this project has lingered for five years because the wrong team was assem- bled and the project was not financed properly. Now the correct team has been as- sembled and 100% financing for the project is available which requires no presale of any units. All land costs, subcontractors and creditors will be paid. New price points have been determined and they will not be TIF dependent. Financing is contingent upon the approval of the special use and they have until the end of September; how- everthe foreclosure on the property is August 28, 2008, and documentation needs to be in place before that: At the closing a check will be placed in escrow at the Bank of America. The summary of project costs are as follows: land cost and creditors - $6,931,631, hard costs (construction) - $19,475,000, soft costs (various accounts and legal fees) - $1,717,147, and sales/marketing $565,000, equity is anticipated to be $2,688,822. Contingencies have also been figured in for the project. It was explained a market study was not needed because the appraisal addressed all historical and fu- ture data needs. He explained the first priority will be to clean up the site and create an inviting appearance. They have agreed to the escrow agreement and penalties be- - Minutes of August.25, 2006 Board Meeting'. cause they believe in the project and know it can succeed. Construction will begin with the townhomes on the south side of the site and in the spring Building "B" will begin. Trustee Thlll expressed concern about parking for the retail portion of the project. The architect explained there were service entrances on the back of the buildings depend- ing on the leases. Indoor parking is being provided for residents and there should be adequate parking in the back lot, as well as parking on Lincoln Avenue. Mr. Marino will be heading up the sales and marketing teams and believes sales will do well considering properties are selling better this year than last. He also stated there is a demand for a development of this type and he is optimistic. Trustee Thill stated in the same editorial previously noted by Mayor Krier that Mr. Kropp is "not connected". He is a good and decent individual who is working hard to bring his vision to fruition.. Ne wanted everyone to know the. Village does not own this property nor does it have control over what is built there. As long as this project abides by the rules and regulations of the Village that is all that can be done. Trustee Minx was in agreement. She stated the Village can only guide and advise owners of what the laws are in the Village. Trustee Marcus stated the only reason this project is here this evening is to satisfy the special use regulations. The Trustees have only a fiduci- ary responsibility on behalf of the community. Trustee Brunner thanked everyone for being cooperative. Mayor Krier then asked if anyone else would like#o make a brief comment concerning this ordinance. The following .individuals spoke: Eric Poders, 7940 Foster asked about what would be the economic benefit of this project to the Village? The Board explained this project would provide more value than the vacant property that now exists. It is not a TIF project and therefore the Village is hopeful this project will succeed and bring businesses and pride into that area. Trustee Minx then made a motion to waive the second reading of Ordinance 08-36. The motion was econded by Trustee Brunner. Motion°passed: 5 ayes, 1 nays, 0 absent. Tr. Brunner asre_ Tr. Kogstad ~C? Tr. Marcus aye Tr. Minx afire Tr. Staackmann ~ Tr. Thill aye Trustee Minx then moved to adopt Ordinance 08-36, seconded by Trustee Thill. Mo- tion passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 0 absent, 1 abstain. Tr. Brunner ~ Tr. Kogstad ~ Tr. Marcus aye Tr. Minx aye Tr. Staackmann abstain Tr. Thill Mayor Krier congratulated Mr. Kropp and his team and wished him a successful project. He also thanked staff for their hard work and dedication concerning the preparation of all the various documents as well as tonight's ordinance. Trustee Minx ended her report by encouraging everyone to take advantage of the document destruction day which will be held on September 20. 5 Minutes of August 25;21)08 6oardMeeting Trustee Staackmann 1} Trustee Staackmann presented for a first reading Ordinance 08-33 to amend Title 10, Chapter 3 entitled Plumbing Regulations of the Village's Municipal Code. Trustee Staackmann explained this code change would update the plumbing regula- tions and coordinate those regulations with the 2004 Illinois State Plumbing Code. Unique local amendments would also clarify various technical sections with the major change being the list of allowed plumbing materials. No Board action was taken. This ordinance will appear again on the September 8 Village Board Agenda for a second reading. Trustee Thill 1) Trustee Thill presented for a second reading Ordinance OS-32 which will authorize the sale of surplus property owned by the Village. Four vehicles have been deemed to be no longer useful to the Village due to either cost of maintenance, and/or scheduled for replacement. Funds from the sale will be entered in the General Fund. Trustee Thill moved, seconded by Trustee Minx, to adopt Ordinance 08-30. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays, 0 absent. Tr. Brunner ~ Tr. Kogstad aye Tr. Marcus aye Tr. Minx aye Tr. Staackmann aye Tr. Thill aye 2) Trustee Thill then presented Resolution 08-49 which will Authorize the Execution of a Contract with Insituform Technologies USA, Inc. for the 2008 Sewer Lining Program. Trustee Thill stated this contract is needed to maintain the Village's sewer system. This annual contract rehabilitates the sewers in specified areas to help main- tain the structural integrity, improve efficiency, decrease infiltration, and essentially ex- tend the service life of a particular sewer. This public process contracted bid is in ac- cordance with Village Code. The estimated contract amount is $48,491.60; however this is a unit price contract and the final contract amount will be based on the actual quantity of wbrk performed. The Board asked Mr.`DeMonte;`Director of Public'-Works'` to explain and show how the relining is done. Mr. DeMonte had a model which he ex- plained. He also explained the process is five to ten times cheaper than the actual re- placement of a sewer, and should extend its life by a minimum of 50 years. Trustee Thill moved, seconded by Trustee Minx, to adopt Ordinance 08-30. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays, 0 absent. Tr. Brunner aye Tr. Kogstad aye Tr. Marcus aye Tr. Minx aye Tr. Staackmann aye Tr. Thill aye 3) Trustee Thill then presented for a first reading Ordinance 08-34 to authorize the in- stallation of parking restrictions on Morton Avenue between Lincoln and South Park. To alleviate commuter parking congestion on this street, the Traffic Safety Commission is recommending this street be made into a restricted Zone 11 parking zone. There is minimal cost to the Village associated with this restriction for signage, materials, and installation. Trustee Kogstad asked the Traffic Safety Commission minutes that relate to this ordinance be attached. Trustee Minx expressed concerns for this area of the Village and the inconveniences parking restrictions convey; how- ever, she felt there was no immediate solution. No Board action was taken. This ordi- nance will appear again on the September 8 Village Board Agenda for a second read- ing. Minutes of August:25, 2008 BoardMeeting~ XII. 4) Trustee Thill then presented for a first reading Ordinance 08-35 to authorize the in- stallation of parking restrictions on Callie Avenue between Capulina and Demp- ster. To alleviate commuter parking congestion on this street, the Traffic Safety Commission is recommending this street be made into a restricted Zone 11 parking zone. There is minimal cost to the Village associated with this restriction for signage, materials, and installation. No Board action was taken. This ordinance will appear again on the September 8 Village Board Agenda for a second reading. 5) Trustee Thill then presented for a first reading Ordinance 08-37 to authorize the in- stallation of parking restrictions on Grove Street between Morton and Austin. Tc alleviate commuter parking congestion on this street, the Traffic Safety Commission is recommending this be made into a restricted Zone 11 parking zone. There is minimal cost to the Village associated with this restriction for signage, materials, and installa- tion. No Board action was taken. This ordinance will appear again on the September 8 Village Board Agenda for a second reading. 6) Trustee Thill then presented for a firstreading Ordinance 08-38 to amend Village Code Section 5-13F-4 to Provide for the Discretionary Distribution of Parking Permits by the Village Administrator. With the various restricted parking areas throughout the Village where parking permits are distributed to residents who reside on the affected streets, there are those instances where nearby residents may also be af- fected and place an unintentional burden on those residents. This ordinance would give the Village Administrator discretionary authority to provide parking permits to those area residents who demonstrate special circumstances that warrant the receipt of that particular zoned parking permit. No Board action was taken. This ordinance will appear again on the September 8 Village Board Agenda for a second reading OTHER BUSINESS A brief discussion ensued among Board members concerning a handicapped spot wherein a resident from Skokie parks and walks to the train. This assigned handicapped spot cannot be restricted"at this time; however, Corpdration Counsel stated a special zone could be created within the Municipal Code allowing for a particular sticker number to be assigned to that spot. Mayor Krier felt it important for residents to write the Traffic Safety Commission concerning this situation. Trustee Staackmann wanted to know where the minutes were from the Dempster Street Open House? Mr. Wade informed the Board there was a delay due to the preparation of other documents that required staff attention. Those minutes should be completed and available for Board review and approval at the next Village Board meeting to be held on September 8, 2008. XI I1. WARRANTS Trustee Minx presented the Warrant Register for August 25, 2008, which totaled $496,437.57. She moved to approve the Warrants as presented, seconded by Trustee Thill. Trustee Staackmann questioned the reason for bank fees for two employees. Ms. Partipilo explained this was a problem created in the Finance Department: Trustee Kogstad also in- quired about the interest paid on the Quint. Ms. Partipilo stated she would e-mail him the payment schedule relative to this piece of equipment. Minutes of August 25, 2008 Board Meeting Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays, 0 absent. Tr. Brunner aYe Tr. Kogstad aye Tr. Marcus aye Tr. Minx aye Tr. Staackmann aye Tr. Thill aye XIV. RESIDENTS' COMMENTS NONE XV ADJOURNMENT/EXECUTIVE SESSION XVI. There being no further business, Trustee Minx moved to adjourn to Executive Session to dis- cuss personnel, labor negotiations, and real estate. The motion was seconded by Trustee Marcus. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays, 0 absent. Tr. Brunner afire Tr. Kogstad ~ Tr. MaPCUS aye Tr. Minx aye Tr. Staackmann a~ Tr. Thill The meeting adjourned to Executive Session at 9:29 pm. Mayor Krier called the Executive Session to order at 9:37 pm. In attendance were: Mayor Krier, Clerk Fritzshall, Trustees Brunner, Kogstad, Marcus, Minx, Staackmann, and Thill, as well as Village Administrator Wade, Corporation Counsel Liston, and Community and Eco- nomic Development Direotor NeuendorF. There being no further business, Trustee Minx moved to adjourn the Executive Session, sec- onded by Trustee Brunner. The motion passed unanimously via voice vote at 9:59 pm. Trustee Minx then moved to adjourn the regular Board meeting at 10:00 pm. The motion was seconded by Trustee Brunner. The motion passed unanimously via voice vote. s ~~: - PASSED this 8`" of September 2008. Trustee Brunner Trustee Kogstad Trustee Marcus Trustee Minx Trustee Staackmann Trustee Thill APPROVED by me this 8~" of September 2008. Richard Krier, Village President of the Board of Trustees Village of Morton Grove, Cook County, Illinois APPROVED and FILED in my office this 9`h day of September 2008. Carol A. Fritzshall, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove, Cook County, Illinois Minutes by: Susan Lattanzi 9 il~?l~maning C~ffnYrals~i®n ~csnan ~~aa°d ®f A.pe~ September 8, 2008 Village President Members of the Village Board 6101 Capnlina Avenue Morton Grove, Illinois 60053 Dear President Krier and Members of the Village Board: On July 21, 2008, and August 18, 2008, a public hearing was conducted by the Morton Grove Plan Commission after notification being published on July 3, 2008, and July 31; 2008, in The Champion newspaper, a sign posted on the property and written notification sent to property owners within 250 feet of the subject property as required by ordinance, regarding: Plan Commission Case PC 08-04, wherein the applicant, Powder River, agent for Denali Specnwn operations db'a Cricket Communications, 2223 Peach Tree .Lane, Igorthbrook, IL, 60062 requested a Special Use permit for a commercial wireless antemia installation on an existing ComEd Transmission tower at 9398 Mansfield Avenue. Ms. Bonnie Jacobson, Planner, introduced the case for the Village. She indicated that there were not_any staff/commission coneems regarding this case except for adchngatum-around for the service truck Staff also suggested the driveway be accessed off of Mansfield Avenue instead of Marmora Avenue since it is closer. The applicant did not appear at the inifialhearing, and thus the case was continued to the following month. Despite the continuance, several residents spoke at the initial hearing, indicating their displeasure with the Mansfield Avenue driveway, instead preferring the Marnlora Avenue accessway. Therefore, for the second hearing date, the site plan was changed back to showing the access drive off of Mannora Avenue, as initially proposed by the applicant. The applicant, at the August 18,2008, hearhng was represented by Mr. Mark Layne. Mr. Layne took over for the person who was to present the case and apologized for no one attending the last hearing date. He noted that this installation is similar to other installations already in the right-of--way, except that this tower is for a new provider, and is not an infill site. Mr. Layne presented the coverage area and the RF study required by the FCC. He added that the FCC sets safety guidelines for all radio broadcasts and iieenses them. The proposed antenna frequencies are well below the FCC maximum limits. Local authority regarding frequencies is pre-erupt by the FCC. Mr. Layne did bring the RF engineer, Mr. Mike Gitomer to answer specific technical questions. The local authority can regulate the aesthetics, and Mr. Layne presented a new site plan that shows the access drive off of Mannora Avenue with a tun? around. CC~lard. T. Si!'Yi,~tger i"j?iil'se,3p<'.l ~ent::r ~v`1- G3uli?~x /: Vir.87:e i`~Or[ESrt t,_a`(ve, A4iF iCt3 i7~FJ'~"J a_,^„~~j 1°~: C8~7) 9~5-4 :. Cs£j '_"a.X: t~/. IJ 3A3,~~°_Lr 6/, ., Ms. Beth Berman filed an appearance as an interested party. She thanked the Village for switching the access drive, but is still concerned about the frequency ernissions. She knows this is regulated by the FCC and has called Representative Tan Schakowslcy's office. She had several questions of the RF engineer, to which Mr. Gitomer responded. Several concemed parties spoke regarding this case expressing their displeasure with the proposed tower, Many were concerned about the safety despite the testhriony provided regarding the minimum frequency output and the fact that the Plan Convnission cannot base their decision on such issues. In fact, some commission members noted that electromagnetic output from ordinary power lines exceeds that from the proposed antennas. A motion was made by Commissioner Gattorna and seconded by Commissioner Gabriel to approve a Special Use Permit for a Commercial Wireless Antenna Snstallation at the existing ComEd Towner at 9398 Mansfield Avenue, subject to the following conditions: 1. That the proposed installation be constructed in accordance with the site plan dated 3/14/08, but that a "grasscrete" turnaround be added at the end of .the driveway, subject to the review and approval of the Building Department; prior to obtaining a building permit; 2. That the proposed installation be constructed in accordance with the proposed elevation dated 3/14/08; 3. That the equipment be screened with an eight-foot high wooden fence and five mission arborvitae each on the north and south sides of the equipment shelter; and 4. That ail other pertinent Village Codes and Ordinance be met The motion passed: Yes - 6, No - 0, Absent - 1. The Voting: Chairman Farkas Yes Commissioner Dorgan Yes Commissioner Gabriel Yes. Commissioner Gattoma Yes Commissioner Patel Absent Commissioner Roepenaclc Yes Commissioner Shimansla Yes The "Findings of Fact" relative to the seven standards for Special Uses is attached. Plan Commission Comm Dev\Zoning\Plan Comm\pc08-04 report Findin^s of Fact Listed below are seven standards ariiculated in Article N "Special Uses" of the Village's Zoning Ordinance upon whichthe Plan Commission based its decision. 1. Preservation of Health, Safety, Morals and Welfare -The establishment, maintenance and operation of the Special Use will not be detrimental to or endanger the public health, safety, morals or general welfare. • The Commissioners concluded the proposed antenna installation would not be injurious to the health, safety and welfare of the community. Despite complaints from neighboring residents regarding the safety of the electro-magnetic output, The Plan Commission felt comfortable that all FCC safety guiflelines would be met. The Plan Commission is also pre-empted by the FCC from ruling on environmental issues. 2. Adjacent Properties -The Special Use should not be injurious to the use and enjoyment of other property in the immediate vicinity for the uses permitted in the zoning district. Based on testimony and consensus from neighboring residents the access drive was changed from Mansfield to Marmora Avenue. This would have less impact on the .neighboring properties. The proposed installation is on an existing ComEd transmission tower and will not be injurious to the use and enjoyment of other property in the immediate vicinity for d1e uses permitted in the zoning district. 3. Orderly Development -The establishment of the Special Use will not Impede normal and orderly development or impede the utilization of surrounding property for uses permitted in the zoning district. The proposed. antetma installation is located on as existing utility tower and. is located in an already developed area and thus will not impede orderly development. 4. Adequate Facilities -Adequate utilities, access roads, drainage and other necessary facilities ara-in nvictanre nr am heinv nrnvidvd. The proposed antenna installation has adequate facilities. Access was expanded to the site`to allow trucks to tum around and enter and exit the site more eff ciently and not cause damage to the grass in the right-of--way. 5. Traffic Control - Adequate measures have been or will be taken to provide ingress and egress designed to minimize traffic congestion on the public streets. The proposed use of the subject site should not draw substantial amounts of traffic on local residential streets. Based on the letter provided by the applicant and Traffic Safety Connnission's "iro comment", the Plan Commission determined that there is no significant traffic impact from the proposed antenna installation. By changing the access drive to Mannora Avenue, the service truck wi]I not be affecting any traffic on Mansfield Avenue. 6. Adequate Buffering-Adequate fencing and/or screening shall be provided to ensure the right of enjoyment of surrounding properties to provide for the public safety or to screen parking areas and other visually incompatible uses. • The proposed installation will be screened with a solid fence and landscaping from the adjacent neighbors per the approved site plan. The "grasscrete" driveway will also screen the access drive. 7. Conformance to Other Regulations -The. Special Use shall, in all other respects, conform to applicable provisions of this Ordinance or amendments thereto. Variation from provisions of this Ordinance, as provided for in Section 12-16-3A1, may be considered by the Plan Commission and the Village Board of Trustees as a part of the special use permit. • The proposed installation will be required to meet all pertinent Village codes and. ordinances Comded~zoning\plancom\pc08-04 findings of fact ~Vgll~~~~ ®~ I~1[®>r~®~a ~~®v~ W~-1~I`~,~~5, tr~atm¢nt and long-tQrm rQCOV~ry from ~ub~tanc~ uarz di~ord¢ra can of fir s r¢n~wrzd outlook on lif¢ for thoa¢ who arQ addict¢d and thtzir family m¢mbQr~; and W'I1~Y;~~S, ~ub~tanc¢ ua¢ di~ord¢r~ impact 22.6 million pQOp1Q agQd 72 or o1dQr in thQ unitQd StatQa, which i~ morQ than thQ numbQr of ptzopl¢ living with coronary hQart di~¢8~¢, cancQr, or `fllzh¢im¢r'a dia¢aaQ eombinQ~; and W`Ff~9~,~~~, paoplQ who r¢c¢iv¢ trQatm¢nt for aubatancQ ua¢ di~ord¢ra can lead morQ produetiv¢ and fulfilling live, p¢raonally and profQ~~ionally; and. Wfi1C ;G~~S, ~tudiQa havQ con~i3t{zntly found that individualizQd tr¢atmQnt i~ Qa~Qntial for pQOpl¢ to bQ succQa~ful in their path of rQCOV¢ry; and W~iC~i ~~5, r¢al atoriQ~ of long-term r~cov¢ry con in~pir~ othQr~ to ask for hQlp and improve th¢ir own liV¢~, ths? IIVQ~ of thQir famili~a, and thQ ¢ntirrz community; and W~tiC-'~( ~~9~, it i~ ~ritieal that wQ Qdueat¢ our community mQmbQr~ that ~ub~tan~Q uatt di~ord~r~ arQ trQatablQ, y¢t a~riod~ h~aith carfz problszm~, and by trszafing th¢m Iik~ oth¢r chronic di~~s~QS, wQ can improv¢ the qualify of li f¢ for the r~ntir¢ community; and W1iCf~~19~, to h¢Ip aehiQVZ this goal, thQ u.~. fl¢partmQnt of `rlQalth and ~tiuman a~rvic~~, thQ ~SubatancQ ~bua¢ and f~1¢ntal TI¢slth S~rvicQ~ ~dmini~tration, the WhitQ ~iou~rz Of ficQ of rational flrug control policy and our local tr~atmQnt agency, fJ¢¢r ~S~rvicQ~, invitQ sll rQaidQnta of th¢ 1~illag¢ of R1orton C~rovfz to participatQ in ~'stional 291eohol and flru~ 79ddiction ~n~o very ~9onth. rc~W, T`ttG`i~s/~C`?9ZC, I, 9~ichard IjriQr, ls1ayor of th¢ ~illag¢ of I~lorton r7rOV¢, do h~rQby proclaim fhb month of ~¢pf¢mb¢r 2008 s~ rational alcohol and flrug R4ddiction R¢cov¢ry I~tonth in thQ VillagQ of Morton C7rOV¢ and ¢ncouragQ all cititi¢n~ fo ob~Qrv¢ fhia month with appropriat¢ program, activitiQa, and c¢rQmoniQ~ supporting this yQar'~ ih¢m¢, "Join thr~ t~oic¢~ fbr R~cov~ry: wild a ~Stron~~r, fiTealthi~r C"ommanity°. Ir WIT>~~~S~S W71~12~Ot', I havQ hQrQUnfO ~¢t my hand and cau~Qd to brz of fiX¢d the a¢sl of th¢ ~illag~ of Morton ~rov¢. I`~ichard tZriQr, VillagQ fJr~~idQnt S : 3 0 AM - 11:00 PM Saturday, September 20 Morton Grove Village Hall 6101 Capulina Avenue 8:30 to Pancake Breakfast, Family Storytelling 11:00 AM & other displays 10:00 AM ~ School Scarecrow Challenge ~~ to noon Corn Roast, Chili, Smoked Pulled Pork, Pizza, Bubble Tea, Desserts and more local food Hay Ride, AYSO Apple & Pumpkin Sale 11:00 AM to Sing-a-longs, Bouncy Castle, Sand Art, Guitar Hero 4:00 PM Challenge, Climbing Wall, and more activities Library book sale, Touch-a-Truck, Park District display, and much more II' 4:00 PM to Live Music, Beer Tent, Great Food ~~ 11:00 PM Ordinance AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT IN THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 9398 MANSFIELD AVENUE FOR A COMMERCIAL WIRELESS ANTENNA INSTALLATION Introduced: ~ September 8, 2008 Synopsis: This ordinance will approve a special use permit to construct a commercial wireless antenna installation on an existing Commonwealth Edison transmission tower at 9398 Mansfield Avenue for Cricket Communications. Purpose: Commercial wireless antenna installations are allowed only as special uses, above a certain height. Background: Powder River, as agents for Benali Spectrum operations dba Cricket Communications requested a special use permit to construct a commercial wireless antenna installation on the existing Commonwealth Edison transmission tower located at 9398 Mansfield Avenue. Section 332 (c)(7) of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 states local government may not unreasonably discriminate among providers of cell phone services and may not regulate the siting of commercial antennas in a manner that has the effect of prohibiting the provision of personal wireless services. This statute also preempts local decisions based on environmental affects of Radio Frequency (RF) emissions, as the FCC has exclusive jurisdiction to regulate antennas based on RF emissions. The Plan Commission held two public hearings on this matter on July 21, .2008 and August 18, 2008, and the applicant answered various concerns of the Plan Commission, and the public. After the public hearings, the Plan Commission recommended approval of the request for the special use permit by a unanimous vote. Programs, Depts. Building and Inspectional Services; Village Planner; Village Engineer Groups Affected FiscalImpaet: N/A' : Source of Funds: N/A Workload Impact: The special use application was processed by the Building Commissioner, Village Engineer, and Village Planner pursuant to their normal course of business. Administrator Approval as presented. Recommendation: First Reading: ~ September 8, 2008, Required Special None Considerations or Requirements: Respectfully submitted: ~~~ ~f,~,,~, .tose~h ade, Village Administrator ? Prepared by: '' °-t"~:,, ~ ,` `~~^'-^~ Reviewed by' -~" ~. Teresa ~Ioff;na ` on, Corporation Counsel d it ebrandt, Building Commissioner ORDINANCE 08-39 AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT IN THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 9398 MANSFIELD AVENUE FOR A COMMERCIAL WIRELESS ANTENNA INSTALLATION WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (Village), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a Home Rule unit of government acid under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois and can exercise any power and perform any funetien pertaining to its governmental affairs, including but not limited to, the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, the applicant, Powder River, agent for Denali Spectrum operations dba Cricket Communications, 2223 Peach Tree Lane, Northbrook, IL 60062, has made a proper application to the Plan Commission in the Village of Morton Grove under Plan Commission Case No. PC08-04 requesting a Special Use Pemlit for 9398 Mansfield Avenue to construct a commercial wireless antenna installation on an exisfsizg Commonwealth Edison transmission towei; and WHEREAS, said property is zoned acid classified in the R-1 "Residential District" under the provisions of the Village of Morton Grove Unified Development Code; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the applicable provisions of the Village of Morton Grove Zoning Code, upon proper notice duly published in The Champion Newspaper, a newspaper of general circulation in the Village, of Morton Grove,. which publication took place on July 3, 2008 and July 31, 2008, and upon the posting of a sign on the property and upon notice sent to property owners within two htuidred fifty (250) feet of the subject property, pursuant to applicable law, the Morton Grove Plan Commission held public hearings relative to the above referenced case on July 21, 2008 and August 18, 2008, at which time all interestedand concerned parties were given an opportunity to be present and express their views for the consideration of the Plan Commission, and as a result of said hearing, the Plan Commission made certain recommendations and certain conditions through a report dated September 8, 2008, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, Section 332(c)(7) the Federal Teleeommunicatioiis Act of 1996 prohibits the local govermnents fiom regulating commercial wireless antenna facilities based on the environmental effects of Radio Frequency (RF) emissions; as the F.C.C. has the exclusive jurisdiction to regulate such facilities based on RF emissions; and WHEREAS, the Corporate Authorities have considered this matter at a Public Hearing and find pursuant to the relevant provisions of the Village of Morton Grove Unified Development Code, the proposed Special Use Permit complies with Village Ordinances and specific evidence was presented to establish granting the permit would not cause substantial injury to the value of the other properties in the. neighborhood in which it is located; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of the Village ~of Morton Grove Unified Development Gode, the Corporate Authorities have determined the Special Use Permit shall be issued subject to conditions and restrictions as hereinafter set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incarporate the foregoing WHEREAS cluases into this Ordinance, as though fully set forth herein, thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth: SECTION 2: The property commonly known as 9398 Mansfield Avenue, Morton Grove, Illinois, is hereby granted a special use. permit to allow for the constr~zction of a commercial. wireless antenna installation on an existing Commonwealth Edison transmission tower subject to the following conditions: 1. The proposed installation be constructed in accordance with the site plan dated March 14, 2008, but a "grasserete" turnaround be added at the end of the driveway, subject to the review and approval of the Building Department, prior to obtaining a building permit; 2. The proposed installation be constructed in accordance with the proposed elevation dated March 14, 2008; 3' The equipment be screened with aneight-foot "'high wooden fence and five mission arborvitae each on the north and south sides of the equipment shelter; and 4. All other pertinenfVillage Codes and Ordinances be met. SECTION 3: The special use is granted for so long as the occupant and the users of this property utilize the area for the purposes as herein designated. SECTION 4: The Village Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to amend all pertinent records of the Village of Morton Grove to show and designate the special use granted hereunder. SECTION 5: The applicanbowner shall comply with all requirements of the Village of Morton Grove ordinances and codes that are applicable SECTION 6: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form according to law. PASSED this 8"' day of September 2008. Trustee Brunner Trustee. Kogstad Trustee Marcus Trustee Minx Trustee Staackmann Trustee Thin APPROVED by me this 8`h day of September 2008 Richard Krier, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois APPROVED and FILED in my office this 9`h day of September 2008. Carol A. Fritzshall, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois legis\ord\pc 08-04, 9398 Mansfield 3 .~ ~~ -.~, PY f;®xax °s~p®a~ ~~~.nn~ fed ~f A.pp~s September 8, 2008 Village President Members of the Village Board 6101 Capulina Avenue Morton Grove, Illinois 60053 Dear President Krier and Members of the Village Board: On July Z1, 2008, and August 18; 2008, a public hearing was conducted by the Morton Grove Plan Commission after notification being published on July 3, 2008, and July 31, 2008, in The Champion newspaper, a sign posted on the property and written notification sent to property owners within 250 feet of the: subject property as required by ordinance, regarding: Plan Commission Case PC 08-04, wherein the applicant, Powder 12iver, agent for Denali Spech'um operations dba Cricket Communications, 2223 Peach Tree Lane, Northbrook, IL, 60062 requested a Special Use permit for a commercial wireless antenna installation on an existing CotnEd Transmission tower at 9398 Mansfield Avenue. Ms. Bonnie Jacobson, Planner, introduced the case for the Village. She indicated that there were not any_ staff/commission concerns regarding this case except for adding a tum-aroLmd for the service truck Staff also suggested the driveway be accessed off of Mansfield Avenue instead of Marmora Avenue since it is closer. The applicant did not appear at the initial hearing, and thus the case was continued to the following month. Despite the continuance, several residents spoke at the initial hearing, indicating Their displeasm'e with the Mansfield Avenue driveway, instead preferring the Marmora Avenue accessway. Therefore, for the second hearing date, the site plan was changed back to showing the access drive off of Marniora Avenue, as initially proposed by the applicant. The applicant, at the August 18, 2008, hearurg was represented by Mr. Marls Layne. Mr. Layne tools over for the person who was to present the case and apologized for no one attending the last hearing date. Fle noted that this installation is similar to other installations already in the right-of-way, except that this tower is for a new provider, and is not an infill site. Mr. Layne presented the coverage area and the RF study required by the FCC. He added that the FCC sets safety guidelines for all radio broadcasts and licenses them. The proposed antenna frequencies are well below the P'CC maximum limits. Local authority regarding frequencies is pre-empt by the FCC. Mr. Layne did bring the RF engineer, Mr. Mike Gitomer to answer specific technical questions. The local authority can regulate the aesthetics, and Mr. Lame presented a new site plan that shows the access drive off of Marmora Avenue with a turn around. ~+.i C9. <°:'f?. T. ~1?C34ir:ge"c l~t?i1kCk~"iFt~ C d~?Itnr ~.iVl C.c`tS7 ultrSa ~' ai r,~„f ll.i; 1~C3fl"x^Yl `LTn . `J°„ ~~F, ~S=. ;~r~t '~C'GC T:i: (S~"i) 965-4100 max.:`gait 3>~n_S6% Ms. Beth Berman filed an appearance as an interested party. She thanked the Village for switching the access drive, but is still concerned about the frequency emissions. She Imows .this is regulated by the FCC and has called Representative Jan Schakowsky's office.. She had several questions of the RF engineer, to which Mr. Gitomer responded. Several concerned parties spoke regarding this case expressing their displeasure with the proposed tower. Many were concerned about the safety despite the testimony provided regarding the minimum frequency output uid the fact that the Plan Commission cannot base their decision on such issues. Irr fact, some commission members noted that electromagnetic output from ordinary power lines exceeds that from the proposed antennas. A motion was made by Commissioner Gattoma and seconded by Commissioner Gabriel to approve a Special Use Permit for a Commercial Wireless Antenna Installation of the existing CornEd Towner at 9398 Mansfield Avenue, subject Co the following conditions:. 1. That the proposed installation be constructed in accordance with the site plan dated 3/14/08, but that a "grasscrete" turnaround be added at the end of the driveway, subject to the review and approval of the Building Deparhnent, prior to obtaining a building permit; 2. That the proposed installation be constructed in accordance with the proposed elevafion dated 3/14/08; 3. That the equipment be screened with an eight-foot high wooden fence and five mission arborvitae each on the north and south sides of the equipment shelter; and 4. Tilat all other pertinent Village Codes and Crdinanee be met. The motion passed`. Yes - The Voting: Chairman Farkas Commissioner Dorgan Commissioner Gabriel Commissioner Gattorna Corninissioner Patel Commissioner Roepenack Commissioner Shimanski 6, No - 0, Absent - 1 Yes Yes Yes Yes Absent Yes Yes The "Findings of fact" relative to the seven standards for Special Uses is attached. Rlan Commission Corun UevlLonirgV'lan Comm\pc08-04 report Findings of Fact Listed below are seven standards articulated. in Article N "Special Uses" of the Village's Zoning Ordinance upon which the Plan Commission. based its decision. 1. Preservation of Health, Safety, Morals and Welfare -The establishment, maintenance and operation of the Special Use will not be detrimental to or endanger the public health, safety, morals or general welfare. • The Commissioners concluded the proposed antenna installation would not be injurious to the health, safety and welfare of the community.. Despite complaints fi-om neighboring residents regarding the safety of the electro-magnetic output, the Plan Commission felt comfortable that all FCC safety guidelines would be met. The Plan Commission is also pre-empted by the FCC from ruling on environmental issues. 2. Adjacent Properties -The .Special Use should not be injurious. to the use and enjoymenfpf other property in the immediate vicinity for the uses permitted in the zoning district. • Based on testimony and consensus from neighboring residents the access drive was changed from Mansfield to Marmora Avenue. This would have less impact on the neighboring properties. The proposed installation is on an existing ComEd transmission tower and will not be injurious to the use and enjoyment of other property in the immediate vicinity for the uses permitted in the zoning district: 3. Orderly Development -The establishment of the Special Use will not impede normal and orderly development or impede the utilization of surrounding property for uses permitted in the zoning district. • The proposed antenna installation is located on as existing utility tower and is located in an already developed area and thus will not impede orderly development. 4. Adequate Facilities -Adequate utilities, access roads, drainage and other necessary facilities are in existence or are beingprovided. The proposed antenna installation has adequate facilities: Access was expanded to the site ao allow trucks to turn around and enter and exit the site more efficiently and not cause damage to the grass in the right-o£--way. 5. Traffic Control -Adequate measures have been or will be taken to provide ingress and egress designed to minimize traffic congestion on the public streets. The proposed use of the subject site should not draw substantial amounts of traffic on local residential streets. • Based on the letter provided by the applicant and Traffic Safety Comnussion's "no coimnent", the Plan Commission determined that there is no significant traffic impact from the proposed antenna installation. By changing the access drive to Marmora Avenue, the service truck will not be affecting any traffic on Mansfield Avenue. 6. Adequate Buffering -Adequate fencing and/or screening shall be provided to ensure the right of enjoyment of surrounding properties to provide for the public safety or to screen parking areas and other visually incompatible uses. The proposed installation will be screened with a solid fence and landscaping from the adjacent neighbors per the approved site plan. The "grasscrete" driveway will also screen the access drive. 7. Conformance to Other Regulations -The Special tise shall, in all other respects, conform'to applicable provisions of this Ordinance or amendments thereto. Variation from provisions of this Ordinance, as provided for in Section 12-16-3A1, may be considered by the Plan Commission and the Village Board of Trustees as a part of the special nse permit. • The proposed installation will be required to meet all pertinent Village codes and ordinances. Comdevazonu~g\plancom\pc08-0G frndings of fact Resolution OS-52 AUTHORIZING THE NEGOTIATION OF A REDEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, CASTLE HONDA, AND PRODUCE WORLD FOR THE VACATION AND RELOCATION OF PUBLIC RIGHTS-OF-WAY TO PROMOTE ECONOMIC GROWTH Introduced: September 8, 2008 Synopsis: This resolution will authorize the Village Administrator to negotiate a redevelopment agreement with the owners of Produce World and Castle Honda regarding the vacation of public alleys and relocation of a public street to promote economic growth and beautification of the Waukegan Road. commercial corridor Purpose: To recognize the preliminary concept and authorize negotiation of final terms so the private business owners can proceed. with their expansion plans in 2009. Background: The owners of Produce World grocery store intend to acquire two commercial properties at the intersection of Waukegan and Churchill and construct a new grocery store specializing in fresh produce and international foods. The new facility will include approximately 20,000 square feet of space for the grocery store plus an additional 5,000 square feet of space for commercial tenants. Simultaneously, the owner of Castle Honda intends to expand the showroom and sales offices as well as make other site improvements. Both business expansions are. expected to be completed in 2009. To promote this investment in Morton Grove, it is advantageous to vacate the existing alleys and relocate the existing street. Although platted as public alleys, these alleys are essentially being used exclusively by the adjacent businesses. The existing Churchill. Street is in serious disrepair and does not present an attractive route to the Park District recreation fields. The relocation of the street will allow customers of the new grocery store to enter and exit the store without having to cross a public road. The new street location will also result in a safe and attractive route to access the businesses and the Park District facilities. The future roadway will include a pedestrian sidewalk, street trees, and landscaping where none currently exists. The new roadway will also increase visibility to the adjacent businesses. Programs, Depts Building and Inspectional Services, Community and Economic Development, Village Engineer; or Groups Affected and. adjacent property owners and users, including the Morton Grove Park District Fiscal Impact: Numerous revenue sources are expected to increase after the completion of these private and public -... _ .. nrniPnfc inrlnrlina• . '. • Increased property tax base (for the Waukegan Road TIP District and alt the taxing agencies) due to building construction and public land being returned to the tax roles • Increased iax increment (TIF) revenue (to repay Waukegan Road T[F debt) • Increased sales tax revenue • Reduced capita( improvement costs to the Village (road construction costs split by Waukegan Road TIF fund and: property owners) • Reduced liability and maintenance costs (due to elimination of unused alleys) Source of Funds: Village's portion funded by incremental tax revenue from the Waukegan Road TIF District Workload Impact: The negotiation, design and construction oversight performed as part of staff's normal functions. Admin Recommend Approval as presented. First Reading: Not Required Special Consider or None Requirements: Respectfully submitted: ~r~l e~ ~ ) f Jd'~`eph Pf. Wade, Village Administrator ~`~, / / Prepared by: Reviewed by: ~~'~/`~~ Bill Neuendor , Community a Economic Develop Director Teresa Hoff n tston, Corporation Counsel RESOLUTION 08-52 AUTHORIZING THE NEGOTATION OF A REDEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE VILLAGE OF:MORTON GROVE, CASTLE HONDA, AND PRODUCE WORLD FOR THE VACATION AND RELOCATION OF PUBLIC RIGHTS-OF-WAY TO PROMOTE ECONOMIC GROWTH WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (Village), located in Cook County, Illinois, is ahome rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power aid perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, the Waukegan Road Tax Increment Financing (TIF) District was created in 1995 to promote the redevelopment of certain parcels within that District, to improve the Village's infrastructure, as well as to promote the conservation and continued development of commercial activities within the District, all in accordance with llhnois law; and WHEREAS, Produce World and Castle Honda are both long-standing members of the business community who desire to grow and expand to better serve the residents of Morton Grove and the surrounding communities; and WHEREAS, Produce World has entered into contractual agreements to acquire parcels of land located at 9001 Waukegan Road and 6834 Churchill Street in order to assemble a site for a new retail store including an expanding grocery store and additional commercial tenant spaces; and WHEREAS, Castle Honda located at 6900 Dempster Street has applied to make improvements to their property'n order to modernize and expand business operations; and WHEREAS, these businesses propose to make a substantial investment in the Village to further their business goals and to benefit the residents of Morton Grove by providing new goods and services, by increasing the property tax base and by potentially increasing sales tax revenue; and WHEREAS, these private-sector investments can be better achieved by the vacation of portions of the public alleys in Blocks 321 and 310 and by the vacation and relocation of Churchill Street between New England Avenue and Waukegan Road; and. WHEREAS, these public improvements are anticipated to result in severable favorable outcomes to the Village, including: a. Increased property tax revenue generated from Produce World & Castle Honda to the benefit of the Waukegan Road TIF District, the Village's general fund, and all other taxing agencies, b. Increased sales tax revenue from Produce World and small tenants, c. Potential for increased sales tax revenue from Castle Honda, d. Improved vehicle and pedestrian access to Morton Grove Park District property, and e. Beautification of the Waukegan Road commercial district NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Resolution as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2: The Village Administrator and the Director of Community & F,conomic Development are authorized to negotiate a redevelopment agreement to bring about the necessary changes to the public rights-of--way. The redevelopment agreement is to be based on the following preliminary terms: 1) Produce World to assemble property and construct a new retail store Activities portions of their parking 2) Castle Honda to expand their showroom and update to be performed . lot 3) Village to vacate Churchill Street between Waukegan Road and New England Avenue 4) Village to vacate public alley in Block 321 that bisects the Castle Honda block 5} Village to vacate public alley in Block 310 that is east of the 6834 Churchill Streetproperry 6) Village to construct new street at the interface of the new Produce World parking lot and existing Castle Honda parking lot 1) Village to manage the design and construction of the public roadway Distribution of 2) The vacated street and alley will be exchanged for privately-owned land to design and construction costs build the new roadway 3) Costs of design and construction to be split three-ways; a. Village, Produce World and Castle Honda will each pay approximately one-third of the total cost of designing and building the new public roadway b. Village will "front-fund" the cost with reimbursement from the two businesses over amulti-year period SECTION 3: The proposed changes to the public rights-of--way and the proposed improvements to private property are subject to the usual review and evaluation procedures for public and private improvements as identified in the Village's Municipal Code, particularly the Unified Development Code. SECTION 4: This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form according to law. PASSED this 8~" DAY OF SEPTEMBER 2008. Trustee Brunner Trustee Kogstad Trustee Marcus Trustee Minx Trustee Staackmann Trustee Thill APPROVED by me this ST" DAY OF SEPTEMBER 2008. Richard Krier, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois APPROVED and FILED in my office this 8`n day. of SEPTEMBER 2008 _ _ Carol A. Fritzshal7, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois ~... ~" ~ x~ ~~ ~~,~ k 3N' tl YjY_ ~ ~ ~~r ~~ fir, if "d~ BYM' Vu ~ Vd Y° N~a },w '~^ Q,~F4 C+9 f ~~µt ~YY ~ fl Y~ M ~~ ~Y4 f, eWVf~~ ~~ ~. T~ e = ~ERd .'z ~fj` ,..~._, ~+b.,.i 4 Etna ~!, °`. „.K i~`. Ili ~ ' ~ i i ~ ~ I t (iN3Y133N~V 1 3NStl3 'JNIHdVd} 3 f1N3A, ONV ~5N3 M3N l(t ~ { ® j~~~ o ; - f ~ .~~fi ~ >~ ~ i j ,~ w m :~° ~ I h) I N ~~ b .,i. ~ ca r~ i° ~ ,L T58 J J a I -,LL"OZl S ~ ' CJ :v ,~ ~ ~. ~. ~ ~ r S rty U ~ } ~~~N~~ a v o~ N~~ 3 ~+ n vn~ "" . ~m ,~ L~ ~- LL r `~J r~ r r,! I = 4 ~~ ~ cr #8 dl. A3TIY W W t- O W i- Q U d Lil C] _a_ W Z -_ AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH CIORBA GROUP, TNC. FOR THE CHURCHILL STREET RELOCATION PROJECT AND TO REALLOCATE EXPENDITURES IN THE 2008 BUDGET OF THE WAUKEGAN ROAD TAX INCREMENT FINANCING (TIF) REDEVELOPMENT DISTRICT Introduced: September 8, 2008 Synopsis: This resolution will authorize the Village to enter into a contract with a professional engineering .firm to prepare plans, specifications, cost estimates, and other services related to the vacation of public alleys in Blocks 321 and 310 and. the relocation of Churchill Street between Waukegan Road and New England. This resolution also modifies the 2008 Waukegan Road TIF District budget to account for these previously unanticipated professional services. Purpose: To allow the preliminary design of these public improvements to proceed sous not to hinder private investment by two successful Morton Grove businesses. The private business owners expect to carry out their expansion plans in 2009. Background: The owners of Produce World grocery store and Castle Honda auto dealership intend to make substantial investments in Morton Grove in 2009. These projects can be improved by the vacation of unused public alleys and. the relocation of a public street. The design of these public improvements must be prepared promptly so as to avoid hindering the construction of these private investments. Ciorba Group, Inc. was selected from a field of qualified. engineering consulting firms that responded to the Village's 2005 Request for Qualifications for various roadway and engineering projects. A 2-year contract was executed and subsequently renewed. To date, Ciorba Group has performed satisfactorily and is considered. qualified and capable of completing this project. Programs, Depts Village Engineer, Finance, Community & economic Development or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: Numerous revenue sources are expected to increase after the completion of these private and public projects, including: • Increased property tax base (for the Waukegan Road TIF District & all the taxing agencies) due to building construction and public land being returned to the tax roles • Increased tax increment (TIF) revenue (to repay Waukegan Road TIF debt) • Increased sales tax revenue • Reduced capital'iinprovement costs to Village (road construction costs split by Waukegan Road TIP fund & property owners) • Reduced liability & maintenance costs (due to elimination of unused alleys) Source of Funds: Village's portion funded by incremental tax revenue from Waukegan Road TIF District Workload Impact: The design and construction oversight performed as part of staffls normal functions. Admin Recommend Approval as presented. First Reading: Not Required Special Consider or None Requirements: Respectfully submitted: /~~ Joseph P. Wade, Village Administrator Prepared by: Bill Neuendorf, Commuiii & Economic Develop Dir Reviewed by: _ Teresa Hoffman Liston, Corporation Counsel RESOLUTION 08-54 AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH CIORBA GROUP, INC. FOR THE CHURCHILL STREET RELOCATION PROJECT AND TO REALLOCATE EXPENDITURES IN THE 2008 BUDGET OF THE WAUKEGAN ROAD TAXTNCREMENT FINANCING (TIF) REDEVELOPMENT DISTRICT WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (Village), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, the Waukegan Road Tax Increment Financing (TIF) District was created in 1995 to promote the redevelopment of certain parcels within that District, to improve the V illage's infrastructure, as well as to promote the conservation and continued development of commercial activities within the District, all in accordance with Illinois law; and WHEREAS, the Village finds it advantageous to the economic development of the community to consider the vacation of unused alleys and the relocation of streets to better serve the business district and general community; and WHEREAS, local business and property owners at 9001 Waukegan Road and 6900 Dempster Street propose to make a substantial investment in the Village to further their business goals and to benefit the residents of Morton Grove by providing new goods and services for purchase and by increasing the property tax base and by potentially increasing the sales tax revenue collected by the Village; and WHEREAS, these private-sector investments can be better achieved by the vacation of portions of the public alleys in 131ocks 321 and 310 and by the vacation and relocation of Churchill Street between New England Avenue and Waukegan Road; and WHEREAS, Ciorba Group, Inc. was selected as an engineering consulting firm to the Village for a task order contract through a request for qualifications process (reference Resolution OS-37) and has performed satisfactorily on past projects; and WHEREAS, Ciorba Group, Inc. has submitted a proposal to prepare plans, specifications, and cost estimates and to conduct other engineering services related to the vacation of public alleys and relocation of a public street in the amount not to exceed $25,159; and WHEREAS, the construction of these projects is anticipated to begin in early 2009 and to be substantially completed later that year, provided that the roadway design is carried out promptly; and WHEREAS, the 2008 budget for the Waukegan Road TIF District approved by Ordinance 07-33 contains sufficient appropriations for these professional services provided that expenses are reallocated in a manner that does not increase the total appropriation; and WHEREAS, adequate funds currently exist for these professional engineering services in the Waukegan Road TIF fund balance: NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Resolution as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2: The Village Engineer is hereby authorized to issue a task order under the existing task order contract with Ciorba Group, Inc. regarding the Churchill Street Relocation which is attached hereto. SECTION 3: The Village Administrator and Village Engineer and/or their designees are hereby authorized. to take arty and all steps necessary to implement and administer said agreement. SECTION ~}: The Village Board hereby reallocates expenditures within the Village Budget approved for Calendar Year 2008 by authorizing the following changes: Account Name Account Number Reallocation Waukegan Road TIF Fund Professional Services 17-10-45-55-2110 increase from $0 to $30,000 Transfer to General Fund 17-10-45-81-1:010 decrease from $100,000.to $70,000 SECTION 5: The Village Administrator and Director of FinancelTreasurer are authorized to take all necessary steps to implement this budget reallocation. SECTION 6: This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form. according to law. PASSED this 8T" DAY OF SEPTEMBER 2008. Trustee Brunner Trustee Kogstad Trustee Marcus Trustee Minx Trustee Staackmann Trustee Thill APPROVED by me this 8T" DAY OF SEPTEMBER 2008. Richard Krier, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois APPROVED and FILED in my office this 8"' day of SEPTEMBER 2008 Carol. A. Fritzshall, Village Clerk Village of;viorton Grove Cook County, Illinois Churchill Street Relocation Village of Morton Grove Scope of Services Work Task #1 -Obtain Preliminary IDOT Approval Develop Preliminary Roadway Geometry -Using Village's GIS database, develop exhibit showing the preliminary geometry of the relocated roadway's intersection with Waukegan Avenue. Locate and dimension all existing vehicle access points near the new intersection including driveways and Greenwood Avenue. 2. Village Meetings and Coordination -Meet with Village to review exhibit. Attend second meeting to discuss IDOT review comments and coordinate response. 3. IDOT Meeting and Coordination -Submit exhibit to IDOT for review. Obtain and review their comments. Meet with IDOT to discuss their comments and resolve any issues. Work Task #2 -Legal Documents Piats of vacation for existing Churchill Street right-of way and. alleys, plat of easement for existing Churchill Street right-of--way and plat of dedication for relocated Churchill Street will be prepared by Gremley & Bierdetmann Work Task #3 -Plans, Specifications and Cost Estimates Plans and specifications will be prepared based upon improvements that include new pavement on new alignment, new sidewalk on one. side of street, new storm sewer connected to existing storm sewer on New England Avenue, new pedestrian lighting and landscaping trees, pavement restriping on Waukegan Avenue and parkway restoration. In addition, a concrete block retaining wall is anticipated for the east end of the relocated roadway due to elevation differences with the adjacent parking lot. Meetings, Data Collection and Coordination -Two review meetings with Village are anticipated. Coordinate any potential utility conflicts and future facility improvements with the respective utility company. CtORBA GROUP Consuiting "engineers Churchill Street Relocation Village of Morton Grove Scope of Services 2. Topographic Field Survey and 13ase Sheet Development - Complete a full topographic survey within the project limits and prepare base sheets for plans. 3. Pre-Final Contract Plans, Specifications and. Cost Estimates -Prepare pre-final plans, specifications and cost estimate for all improvements. Perform QC/QA and constructability review. Submit to Village for review. 4. Final Contract Plans, Specifications and Cost Estimate -Prepare final plans, specifications and cost estimate based upon Village review comments. Perform final QC/QA review. 5. IDOT Permit -After Village approval, submit plans and specifications to IDOT for review and approval. E. :i`idding Assistance -Any addenda required will be prepared by Ciorba. Ciorba will review the bids for conformance with Village requirements and prepare a bid tabulation. CIORBA GROUP Consulting Engineer:, Churchill Street Relocation Village of Morton Grove Engineering Fee Work Task #I -Obtain Preliminary IDOT Approval Staff Hours = 28 Average Hourly Rate = $41.75 Multiplier = 2.6 In-House Direct Costs = $200 Engineering Fee =Staff Hours x Average Hourly Rate x Multiplier + In-House Direct Costs = 28 x $41.75 x 2.6 + $200 _ $3,240 Work Task #2 -Legal Documents Staff Hours = 2 Average Hourly Rate = $51.00 Multiplier = 2.6 Outside Services = $2,200 Engineering Fee =Staff Hours x Average Hourly Rate x Multiplier + Outside Services = 2 x $51 x 2.6 + $2,200 =.$2;465 Work Task #3 -Plans, Specification and Cost Estimate Staff Hours = 204 Average Hourly Rate = $33.85 Multiplier = 2.6 In-House Direct Costs = $1,500 Engineering Fee =Staff Hours x Average Hourly Rate x Multiplier + In-House Direct Costs = 204 x $33.85 x 2.6 + $1,500 _ $19,454 CIORBA GROUP Consulting Engineers O y V o NN Ll. 0TH. 2 Y 0 .f L ~ L U . tp W N N d' N ~ O~ O Oy d' N ID N NO J N N 4 O' r M M C ° O' ~ N a N ~ ~ 2' q>:U w v v m ~ ~ c `m "m 5' W ~ ,m c >m ? i ~ q ~. O W M W ~ Q r: {~::. N'. H N C W of (° V W W N !- M M (O N f0 d' N W ~ `o ~, ,. :'c ~, N' (A :m W' N fD W U ~ d C O 'm a °c W' N V N W N N (O V N 7 N N U N N N ' O p' ~ d ~: r r N N N R ~ a .~ ,.. U LC..: ~..C a w d m E i6 > N I11 ~ ~° Y Y N ~ Y R p, Q X uJ N h- m h- U m F- F ` Y C E Y ~ E ~ > 3 N ~ O N O W r O N C ° N N p ~ ~ N /+ ~... m U` c ~ m ~ Y ~ ~ ~ ° C w ~ ~ 3 b ~ 5 E N ~ '~, ~ ~ ` L o a ~° o o S v o 2 a m ~ o °-' 2 ° ~ U ' w o ~ ~ ~ c C ~ m O m U a w cn m O to N N Vi ° N m ~ m n m ~ O Q i fl1 .~ C N ~ N N t N a d ~ Q1' C O ~ G to ~ ~O N C A O ~ C m p h J = O ~ O ~ ~ ... ' C O Y N N ' N O !- #k ~ d. ~ N ~ N }t O '~ M it m p~ o N ~ d ~ N ~ ~ tn Q ~ ~ N O QI ~ N G N 'O U ~ ~ Q. ~ , ~ Q N 9 ~ p ) o Y ~ j '~ U ~ iL U ~ VI O' m ~ ~ N M y a ~ N M V' N CO I~ ~ Q7 ~ a O (7 d m O U ~. Legislative Summary A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE APPLICATION TO THE OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR FOR AN ALLOCATION OF 2008 PRIVATE ACTIVITY BOND VOLUME CAP FOR BONDS TO BE ISSUED BY THE ILLINOIS FINANCE AUTHORITY FOR A PROJECT FOR REGIS TECHNOLOGIES, INC. AND A REALLOCATION OF 2008 PRIVATE ACTIVITY BOND VOLUME CAP SO RECEIVED TO ILLINOIS FINANCE AUTHORITY Introduced: ~ September 8, 2008 Synopsis: This resolution will authorize Village Officials to apply to the State of Illinois for a reallocation of its Private Activity Bond Volume Cap in the minimum amount of $1,909,270 and the maximum amount of $3,000,000. Purpose: If the Village's request is granted, the volume cap shall be reallocated and used to finance acquisition, renovation, construction, and equipping costs for Regis 1 echnologies, Ina Background: Each year, the State of Illinois authorizes municipalities such as the Village of Morton Grove to allocate private activity bonds The Village has no cost or obligation with respect to these bonds but can request the bonds be used by local companies to create jobs and improve their facilities. if the Village chooses to reallocate this bond cap it typically must do so by May 1, 2008. The Village was not aware of any private activities requiring its bond cap and did not reserve its 2008 allocation. Subsequently, the Village became aware Regis Technologies, Inc., a high tech manufacturer of new pharmaceutical products and biochemical products located. in the Village of Morton Grove will be undertaking a $12,775,000 expansion of its existing facility. Regis Technologies, Inc. has been a valued corporate citizen in the Village of Morton Grove since 1972 and the proposed expansion will promote the retention of this important manufacturing business, will increase the value of its .property, and will result in the promotion and retention of additional employment. This resolution authorizes the Village to apply to the Office of the Governor for a reallocation of its volume cap to the Illinois Finance Authority to finance the cost of the Regis Technology, Inc. improvements, and authorize Village Officials to execute all documents in relation to this reallocation and transfer. "Programs, Depts, ' "Administration and Community and Ecariomic Development or Grps Affected Fiscal Impact: The reallocation of the Village's volume cap will not result in any additional obligation or costs to the Village. Source of Funds: N/A Workload The review of this project and the application for the reallocation of the volume cap will be handled Impact: by Village staff as part of their normal duties. AdminRecom: Approval as presented. First Reading: Not Required Special Consid or None Requirements: Respect'I'dH submi tted l - ~~ "tee r^~' ~~~ Jo -'~ ~. %'ade, Village Administrator ,~ ,~.~~ Prepared by: "'""~ ~ !~"'~~~^"' Reviewed by: "~ Teresa l~foff ai iston, Corporation Counse] Bill Neue ~dorf Co u ty and Economic Develop Dir STATE OF ILLINOIS ) SS COUNTY OF COOK ) CERTIFICATION OF MINUTES AND RESOLUTION I, the undersigned, do hereby certify that I am the duly qualified and acting Village Clerk of the Village of Morton Grove, Cook County, Illinois (the "Village"), and as such afficial I am the keeper of the official journal of proceedings, books, records, minutes and files of the Village and of the President and Board of Trustees (the "Corporate Authorities")thereof. I do further certify the foregoing is a full, true and complete transcript of ffiat portion of the minutes of the meeting of the Corporate Authorities held on the 8th day of September 2008, insofar as the same relates to the adoption of a Resolution, numbered 08-53, and entitled: AN RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE APPLICATION TO THE OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR FOR AN ALLOCATION OF 2008 PRIVATE ACTNITY BOND VOLUME CAP FOR BONDS TO BE ISSUED BY THE ILLINOIS FINANCE AUTHORITY FOR A PROJECT FOR REGIS TGCHNOLOOIES, INC. AND A REALLOCATION OF 2008 PRIVATE ACTIVITY BOND VOLUME CAP SO RECEIVED TO ILLINOIS FINANCE AUTHORITY. a true, correct and complete copy of which said Resolution as adopted at said meeting appears in the foregoing transcript of the minutes of said meeting. I do further certify the deliberations of the Corporate Authorities on the adoption of said Resolution were Taken openly; that the vote on the adoption of said Resolution was taken openly; that said meeting was held at a specified time and place convenient to the public; that notice of said meeting was duly given to all newspapers and other news media requesting such notice; that an agenda - for said meefing'vvas pasted at the location-where said meeting was held-and atthe principal office of the Corporate Authorities at ]east forty-eight (48) hours in advance of the holding of said meeting; and said meeting was called and held in strict compliance with the provisions of the Open Meetings Act of the State of Illinois, as amended, and the Illinois Municipal Code, as amended, and the Corporate Authorities have complied with all of the provisions of said Act and said Code, except as validly superseded by the home rule authorities of the Village, and with all of. the procedural rules of the Corporate Authorities in the adoption of said Resolution. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto affix my official signature and the seal of the Village of Morton Grove this 8th day of September 2008. Village Clerk [SEAL] CHI 57473244v1 RESOLUTION 08-53 A Resolution Authorizing the Application to the Office of the Governor for an allocation of 2008 Private Activity Bond Volume Cap for Bonds to be issued by the Illinois Finance Authority for a Project for Regis Technologies, Inc. and a Reallocation of 2008 Private Activity Bond Volume Cap so Received To Illinois Finance Authority. Adopted by the Village President and' Board of Trustees of the Village of Morton Grove, Cook County, Illinois, on the 8th day of September 2008. CHI 57473244v1 RESOLUTION 08-53 A Resolution Authorizing the Application to the Office of the Governor for an allocation of 2008 Private Activity Bond Volume Cap for Bonds to be issued by the Tllinois Finance Authority. for a Project for Regis Technologies, Inc. and a Reallocation of 2008 Private Activity Bond Volume Cap so Received To Illinois Finance Authority. WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (Village), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, according to an official Bureau of the Census population estimate as set forth in the State of Illinois Allocation of Bonding Authority in Accordance with the Tax Reform Act of 1986 and 30 ILLS 345 Guidelines and Procedures of the Office of Governor, effective Juiuary 1, 2008 (the "Guidelines and Procedures"), the most recent census estimate of the resident population of the Village of Morton Grove, Cook County, Illinois (the "Village") is 22,462 providing the Village with a volume cap of $1,909,270 for the year 2008; and WHEREAS, the Village did not reserve its 2008 private activity bond volume cap ("Volume Cap") prior to May 1, 2008, and the full amount of such Volume Cap was thereby ceded to the Office of the Governor; and WHEREAS, Regis Technologies, Ina (the "Company") has requested the Village apply to flie Office cf the Governor ofthe State of Illirrois (the "Offce ofthe Governor?') pursuant to the Guidelines and Procedures for an allocation of Volume Cap in the minimum amount of $1,909,270 and. the maximum amount of $3,000,000, and upon receipt of such allocation, to reallocate the amount so received (with the permission of the Office of the Governor) tc> the Illinois Finance Authority ("IFA") to be used in connection with certain private activity bonds issued by IFA to finance costs of acquisition, renovation, construction and/or equipping of a manufacturing facility owned and operated by the Company in Morton Grove, Illinois (the "Project"). NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRU-STEES OF'fHE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: CHI 57473244v1 SECTION l: The Cozporate Authorities do hereby incozporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Resolution as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2: In accordance with and pursuant to the power and authority granted by and under Section 6 of Article VII of the Constitution of Illinois, Section 146 of the Code, the Act and the Guidelines and Procedures, the officers of the Village of Morton Grove are hereby authorized and directed to apply to the Office of the Governor for a reallocation of Volume Cap iri the minimum amount of $1,909,270 and the maximum amount of $3,000,000, and upon. receipt of such allocation, to reallocate the amount so received (with the permission of the Office of the Governor) to IFA to be used in connection with certain private activity bonds issued by IFA to finance costs of the Project. SECTION 3: As required by the Act, IFA shall maintain in its records for the term of the bonds a record of the reallocation described in Section 2 of this Resolution. Within ten (10) calendar days of the date the bonds are issued, IFA shall file or cause to be filed in the Office of the Governor written evidence of such reallocation and a confirmation of bond issuance letter as described in the Guidelines and Procedures. SECTION 4: The Village of Morton Grove hereby covenanY~s and warrants it has taken no action or issued bonds which would abrogate, diminish or impair its ability to fulfill the written agreement, covenants and undertakings on its part under this Resolution. SECTION 5: The Village President, Village Administrator or any other officer of the Village of Morton Grove shall execute such agreements; certificates and other documents on behalf of the Village of Morton Grove as the Village President, Village Administrator or such other officerdeems necessary and desirable to apply for the Volume Cap and to evidence the reallocation of its Volume Cap, which may include a representation on behalf of the Village the reallocation of its Volume Cap has not been used and is available for reallocation under the Code and the Act. SECTION 6: All Resolutions and/or Ordinances, orders and parts thereof in conflict herewith are hereby superseded to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 7: If any section, paragraph, clause or provision of this Resolution shall be held invalid, the invalidity of such section, paragraph, clause or provision shalt not affect any other provisions of this Resolution. -~- SECTION 8: This Resolution shall be effective immediately upon passage and approval. PASSED THIS 8`" DAY OF September 2008 Trustee Brunner Trustee Kogstad Trustee Marcus Trustee Minx Trustee Staackmann Trustee ThIlI APPROVED BY ME THIS 8`" DAY OF September 2008 Richard Kier, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois ATTESTED and FILED in my office this 9`" day of September 2008 Carol A. Fritzshall, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois -3- Legislative Summary Ordinance 08-33 AMENDING TITLE 10, CHAPTER 3 ENTITLED PLUMBING REGULATIONS OF THE MUNTCTPAL CODE OF THE. VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE Introduced August 25, 2008 Objective To amend Title 10; Chapter 3, of the Village Municipal Code entitled "Plumbing Regulations." Purpose: The purpose of this ordinance is to update the plumbing regulations and coordinate these regulations with the 2004 Illinois State Plumbing Code. Background: The plumbing regulations were last updated in 1999. The Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) has sole authority to promulgate plumbing regulations within the State. Local municipalities may adopt an amended version of the 2004 Illinois State Plumbing Code with IDPH approval. This ordinance was submitted to the IDPH on March 7, 2008, and on June 20, 2008, the [DPH issued theirapproval letter. The amendments add sections from the 2003 International Plumbing Code (a companion code to the adopted building code) covering code administration, flood hazard resistance, required washrooms, installation of water heaters, and storm drainage. Unique local amendments ciarify various technical sections with the major change being the list of allowed plumbing materials. Programs, Departments Department of Building aa~d Inspectional Services. or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: None. This is a technical code for installation of plumbing. Source of Funds: Not applicable. Workload Impact: Minimal impact on inspector workload. Administrator Approval as presented. - - - Recommendation: First Reading: Special Considerations or Requirements: Required-Code Amendment None Administrator Approval ~~ ~ G!/d~ Jose F. Wide, Village Administrator Prepared by~~%~f=. ~ ,~~E~~ - Reviewed by: Gd Hildebrandt, Budding Commissioner Teresa --`°~~ tt Corporation Counsel ORDINANCE 08-33 AMENDING TITLE 10, CHAPTER 3 ENTITLED PLUMBING REGULATIONS OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (VILLAGE), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, the Village is continually in the process of reviewing, and as necessary, updating existing Municipal Ordinances; and WHEREAS; as part of that review process, Title 10, Chapter 3 entitled, "PLUMBING REGULATIONS° has been reviewed and is in need of updating to reference the current SJa~ of Illinois plumbing code; and WHEREAS, pursuant to 225ILCS 320/42, the Illinois Department of Public Health has reviewed the amendments to the State Plumbing Code and on June 20, 2008, approved them as proposed; and WHEREAS, the Village is desirous of assuring all ordinances are kept current and relevant. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: ..:SECTION 1: The, Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Ordinance as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2: Title 10, Chapter 3 entitled, "PLUMBING REGULATIONS" of the Municipal Code of the Village of Morton Grove is hereby amended by repealing Title 10, Chapter 3 in its entirety and replacing it with a new Title 10, Chapter 3 also to be entitled "PLUMBING REGULATIONS" to read as follows: CHAPTER 3 PLUMBING REGULATIONS SECTION: 10-3-1: Plumbing Code Adopted 10-3-2 Amendments 10-3-3: Flood Control Regulations 10-3-4: Overhead Plumbing Regulations 10-3-5: Septic Tanks 10-3-6: Plumbing Fees 10-3-7: Penalty 10-3-1: PLUMBING CODE ADOPTED: There is hereby adopted for the purpose of prescribing regulations governing health, welfare and sanitary conditions of the Village that certain code known as Illinois Administrative Code Title 77, Public Health, Chapter I, Department of Public Health, Subchapter r, Water and Sewage, Part 890, Illinois Plumbing Code, 2004; and the following chapter and sections from the 2003 International Plumbing Code as published by the International Code Council: Section 105, "Approval" Section 106, "Permits" Section 108, "Violations" Section 307, "Structural Safety" Section 309, "Flood Hazard Resistance" Section 310, "Washroom and Toilet Roorn Requirements" Section 311. "Toilet Facilities for Workers" Section 314, "Condensate Disposal" Section 502, "Installation of Water Heaters" Chapter 11, "Storm Drainage" The above codes are hereby incorporated by reference and shale be applicable and controlling within the limits of the Village. (Ord 84-12,3-26-84;Ord 41-26,6-10-91;Ord 99-40,9-13-1999;Ord 08- ;date) If any provision of The above referenced code is in conflict with any provision of any code, ordinance, rule, or regulation of the Village, the code, ordinance, rule, or regulation shall prevail and the conflicting provision of the above referenced code shall have no force or effect. (Ord 08- ;date) 10-3-2: AMENDMENTS: ,' A. The following sections of the Illinois Plumbing Code adopted above are hereby amended, deleted, or modified as hereinafter set forth: 890.170a) Delete entire paragraph and replace with: The water distribution system of any building in which Plumbing fixtures are installed shall be connected to a Village owned water main. The drainage system of any building. in which plumbing fixtures are installed shall be comnected to a Village owned sanitary or combined sewer. 890.340f) Add new sentences: Flare fittings shall be used on water service pipe up to and including the first valve inside the building. Threaded fittings shall be used from the first valve through the meter spread. 890.420a)4) Amend subparagraph to read: An exterior full sized cleanout shall be located within 5 feet of the building foundation in direct line with the building drain and sewer. 890.510 Add sentence to read: All restaurants shall have an outside interceptor/catch basin meeting the requirements of Appendix E, Illustration & 890.520d)3) Add sentence to read: Interceptor vent lines shall be copper, galvanized steel, or cast iron. 890.810b)2)A)i) Amend the subparagraph to read: i) All buildings shall provide public restrooms as shown in Appendix A: Table B. All buildings with 5,000 square feet of gross public area or with occupancies of 100 or more shall provide drinking fountains as shown in Appendix A: Table B. 890.1 I SOa)3) Amend the section to read: The minimum depth of any water service pipe shall be at least 5 feet. 890.1190a) and b) Delete paragraphs A)and band replace with: a) Water service shut-off. See Municipal Code 7-4-6, "Service Pipes." b) Water Meter. See Municipal Code 7-4-4, "Meters." 890.1200a} Amend the paragraph to read Water Service Pipe Sizing. The water service pipe from the street main (including the tap) to the water distribution system for the building shall be sized in accordance with Appendix A, Tables M,N,O,P and Q. Water service pipe and fittings for residential buildings shall be at least 1-1/2" diameter. If flushometers or other devices requiring a high rate of water flow are used,. the water service pipe shall be designed and installed to provide the additional flow. $90.1310 Add a new paragraph: c): Sewer pipe used to penetrate foundation walls shall be ductile iron and shall be"of a sufficient length to extend onto virgin soil on the exterior. A 6x4 mission coupling and a full size 6 inch cleanout shall be installed. The cleanout shall be at least 5 feet from the foundation wall. All mission couplings shall be of the non-shear type. 890.1320a) Amend the paragraph to read: Drain -Filled Ground. A building drain installed in filled ground shall be of cast iron. $90.1320c) Amend the paragraph to read: Freezing. No soil or waste pipe shall be installed or permitted outside of a building or in an exterior wall unless provisions are made to protect such piping from freezing. The minimum depth of any building sewer pipe-Esanitary lateral) shall be 48 inches below grade unless otherwise apptiroved by the Village Engineer and meeting the specifications of the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago (MWRDGC} and the Standard Specifications for Water & Sewer Main Construction in Illinois. 890.1340b)4) Amend paragraph to read: No portion of the building drain installed underground or below a basement or cellar ,Moor shall be less than four (4) inches in diameter. 890.1340f) Add a new paragraph f) to read: The minimum size of the building sewer shall be six (6) inches. 890.1370a) Add a new subparagraph 6): In addition to the above, at least one vented floor drain is required in the vicinity of all .washing machines, furnaces, hot water heaters, boilers, reduced pressure backflow preventers, and watermeters. 890.1370b) Amend subparagraph to read: Size. Each floor drain shall be sized for its intended use and the surface area that it drains. Floor drains shall be no less than 4 inches in dianleter. 890.1430b) .Amend the subparagraph to read: Fleshings. Each vent terminal shall be made water-tight with the roof using lead flashing. 890.1440a) Amend paragraph to read: Vent Terminal Size. Each vent extension through the roof shall be at least one inch greater in diameter than the vent, but not less than four (4) inches. V ent terminals shall not be screened. 890.1480c) Delete the paragraph titled, "Vertical Wet Vent." 890.1500 Delete the entire section title, "Installation of Wet Venting." 890.1950 Delete the section titled, "Violations." 890.Appendix A, Table A Delete "Approved Building Drainage/Vent Pipe", "Approved Materials for Building Sewer", "Approved Material for WaterService Pipe", and "Approved Materials for Water'Distribiition Pipe"`and replace with: ' ` Approved Materia Material Ductile iron water pipe Copper or copper alloy pipe Copper or copper alloy tubing (Type K oiily) Is for Water Service Pipe Standard AWWA C151; AWWA C115 ASTM B42; ASTM B302 ASTM B75; ASTM B88; ASTM B251 Approved Materials for Water Distribution Pipe Material ~ Standard Copper or copper alloy pipe ASTM B42; ASTM B30 Copper or copper alloy tubing ASTM 875; ASTM B88; ASTM (type K or L) B251 Galvanized steel pipe ASTM A53 Annroved Material for Above Ground Drainage and Vent Pipe Material Standard Brass pipe ASTM B43 Cast iron pipe ASTM A74; A888; CS64; Hubless (vent only) CISPI 301 Copper or copper alloy ASTM B75; ASTM B88; ASTM (type K,L, M or DWV) B251; ASTM 8306 Galvanized steel pipe ASTM A53 Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) ASTM D2665; ASTM D2949 plastic pipe (type DWV) ASTM F891 Approved Material for Underground Building Drainage and Vent Pipe Material Standard Cast iron pipe ASTM A74 Annroved Material for Building. Sewer Pipe Material Standard Cast iron pipe ASTM A74 Ductile iron pipe ASTM A377; AWWA C151 Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) ASTM D1785,D2729,D3034 Plastic pipe (SDR26) ASTM D2241,D2729,D3034 Vitrified elaypipe ASTM C4; ASTM C700 Approved Material for Building Storm Sewer Pipe Material ^~ Standard Cast iron pipe ASTM A14; Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) ASTM D1785,D2729,D3034 Plastic pipe (SDR26, SDR35, PS50, PS100) ASTM D2241,D2729,D3034 Concrete pipe ASTM C 14; ASTM C76 Vitrified :clay pipe - ASTM C4; ASTM C700- Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) plastic ASTIvI D2665; ASTM D3034 Pipe 4 inch or less in diameter with burial depth not to exceed three feet ASTM F891 Annroved Material for Subsoil Drain Pipe Material Standard Cast Iron ASTM A74; ASTM A888; CISPI 301 Polyethylene (PE) plastic ASTM F405 Polyvinyl chloride(PVC) ASTM D2729; ASTM F891 (Type PS25; PS50, PS100) Vitrified clay pipe ASTM C4; AST'M C700 tubing B. The following sections of the 2003 ICC "International Plumbing Code" adopted above are hereby modified or deleted as hereinafter set forth: Table 1102.4 Delete Table titled "Building Stonn Sewer Pipe" Table 1102.5 Delete Table titled "Subsoil Drain Pipe" 1101.10 Add a new subsection to read: Depth of pipe. The minimum depth of any storm sewer ]ateral shall be 24 inches below grade unless otherwise approved by the Village Engineer and meeting the specifications of the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago (MWRDGC) and the Standard Specification for Water & Sewer Main Construction in Illinois.(Ord 08- ;date) C. CAR WASH INSTALLATIONS: In all new construction and replacement of equipment, car wash installations shall be equipped with a recycling system on the wash water unit and the rinse cycle unit. D. SEWER FLUSHING. No flushing of sanitary sewers with potable water shall be performed except through the use of a high velocity type sewer jet. (Ord 77-32; 12-12-77; Ord 91-26; 6-10- 91) 10-3-3: FLOOD CONTROL (BACKWATER VALVE) REGULATIONS A. Flood control systems: Flood control systems shall be installed inan existing building sewer only at least fifteen feet from the building wall. Flood control systems are not allowed in lieu of an overhead sewer for new construction as required in section 10-3-4. B. Check Valve: Two six inch (6") Palmer check valves, or an equivalent approved by the plumbing inspector, are required. C. Sump Pump: An overflow opening before the check valves shall discharge into a minimum 18"x30" basin located inside the manhole. A two inch ejector pump shall be installed in the basin with two inch discharge piping and check valve. The ejector pump discharge piping shall .extend four feet above the sewer line and discharge into the Palmer valve closest to the street. D. Manhole requirements. The manhole for a flood control systems shall be precast concrete or concrete block at least forty-eight inches (48") in diameter with a minimum twenty-four inch (24") diameter sealed cover flush with grade. Concrete block manholes shall have walls at least four inches thick with the inside parged with brushed cement. Manhole floors shall be concrete. The building sewer and Palmer valves shall be contained within the concrete floor. Manholes over three feet deep shall have ladder steps installed sixteen inches on center vertically beginning one foot from the top of the manhole. D. Cleanout. A minimum six inch eleanout terminating at grade is required on the street side of the manhole. E. Pipe joints. All building sewer joints and joints between check valves within the manhole floor shall be lead type joints. Joints outside of the manhole shall be no-shear type mission couplings. F. Water service. All piping used for potable water shall be routed outside the manhole. G. Electric conduit. An underground rigid conduit shall be installed from the manhole to the building for the ejector pump circuit. Conduit and wiring inside the manhole shall be installed to electric code requirements for wet locations. Ord 08- ;date) 10-3-4: OVERHEAD PLUMBING REGULATIONS; A. Overhead Plumbing Required: All new buildings with basements, floors, rooms or occupancy areas below ground level at the building site and served by a public or private sewer system, shall have overhead plumbing. No building permit application will be accepted nor any permits issued for construction of any structure unless plans and specifications therefore provide for overhead plumbing as called for in this Section. B. Footing Drains: Footing drains shall be connected to sump pumps for further discharge into storm sewer or drainage ditches. No footing drain or drainage the shall be connected to the sanitary sewer system. All sump basins shall be vented. C. Pipe Bedding: Bedding, other than concrete embedment, shall consist of gravel, crushed gravel, pea gravel, crushed stone or crushed slag, one-fourth inch to three-fourths inch (''/a" to 3/4") in size. As a minimum, the material shall conform to the requirements of Article 704.01 of the "Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction", of the State of Illinois or ASTM C- 33. The gradation shall conform to gradation CA 7, CA 8, CA 11 or CA 13 of the Illinois Standard Specifications or to ASTM Graduation No. 67. The pipe shall be laid so that it will be uniformly supported and the entire length of the pipe barrel will have full bearing. No blocking of any kind shall be used to adjust the pipe to grade except when used with embedment concrete. Bedding shall be required for all sewer construction, except ductile iron pipe;-andshall be of a minimum thickness equal to one-fourth('/) of the outside diameter of the sewer pipe but shall not be less than four inches (4"). D. Storm Water Discharge: Down spouts and storm water drains shall not be connected fo the sanitary sewer but shall be discharged on splash blocks to run into a dry well located not less than ten feet (10') from any building walk E. Building PermiCs: No building permit or certificate of occupancy shall be issued for any building; the construction of which is to be commenced after the date hereof, unless the plumbing connections and plans comply with the terms of this Section. The provisions of this paragraph shall not be retroactive to building permits which have been issued prior to the date thereof. 10-3-5: SEPTIC TANKS: A. It shall hereafter be unlawful, on all new construction, whether residential, conunercial or industrial, to use septic tanks, or field drain file sewerage disposal systems within the Village. B. On all new construction, whether residential, commercial or industrial, it shall be required that existing municipal sanitary sewer facilities be used, regardless of the availability or lack of same in the immediate construction area. (Ord. 91-26, 6-10-91) 10-3-6: PLUMBING FEES: Plumbing permit fees shall be calculated using the schedule in Article 10-1A. (Ord 99-40, 9-13-99) 10-3-7: PENALTY: Any person violating any of the provisions of this Chapter shall be fined in accordance with Title 1, Chapter 4 of this Code. (Ord 91-51, 11-11-91; Ord 92-3, 1- 13-92; Ord 99-40, 9-13-99; Ord 08- , 09-08-08) SECTION 5: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form according to law. PASSED this 8`" day of September 2008. Trustee Brunner Trustee Kagstad Trustee Marcus Trustee Minx Trustee Staackmann Trustee Thill APPROVED by me this 8`h day of September 2008. Richard Krier, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois APPROVED acrd FILED in my office this 9°i day of September 2008. Carol A. Fritzshall, Village Clerk __-,.r„ Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois Legislative Summary ~ RESOLUTION 08-50 ~ i _ AUTHORIZATIONTO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH TOP NOTCH PAINTING, INC. FOR EXTERIOR PAIA'TING AT 6101 CAPULINA AVENUE Introduced ( September 8, 2008 Objective Paint exterior woodwork, stucco, and metal doors and frames Purpose: The purpose of the contract is to maintain exterior building surfaces to prevent deterioration of materials and maintain building aesthetics. Background: It has been approximately fifteen years since the exterior of the building was last painted. The stucco panels are begim~ing to show excessive wear to the paint. Wood trim on the building is beginning to deteriorate, particularly on the Police side due to lack of protective coating (paint.} Painting the exterior has been deferred the last few years due to budget considerations. Delaying the work any longer will result in costly wood replacement. Programs, Departments Department of Building and Inspectional Services or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: $9,600 for this service is included in the 2008 budget. Source of Funds: General Fund. Workload Impact: The Building Department will oversee contract administration and coordination. Administrator , Approval as presented. Recommendation: First Reading: `Special Considerations or Requirements: Administrator Approval Not Required Administrator Prepared b E H' debrandt, Bui ding Commissioner Reviewed by: %frS«^! ~' Teresa offi ~ ~ Liston, Corporation Counsel RESOLUTION 08-50 AUTHORIZING A CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENT WITH TOP NOTCH PAINTING, INC. TO PAINT THE EXTERIOR OF 6101 CAPULINA WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (Village), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, on August 14, 2008, the Village advertised in the Morton Grove Champion newspaper, a newspaper of general circulation requesting sealed bids for exterior painting of the Richard T. Flickinger Center, 6101 Capulina Avenue based upon specifications contained in bidding document 24-2-(2008); and WHEREAS eleven contractors submitted sealed bids with the following results: Paint Platoon USA, Cary, IL $12,450.00 Top Notch Painting, Inc., Morton Grove, IL $ 9,600.00 Brookdale Decorating, Naperville, IL $14,890.00 Ron Deco Painting, Chicago, IL D.E.S. Painting, Inc., Chicago, IL Alpha Paintworks; Inc., Chicago, IL Modern Deco Painting, Inc., Palatine, IL $25,560.00 $47,875.00 $22,500.00 $24,700.00 Pinnacle Management, Chicago, IL; Bobbe & Company, Burr Ridge, IL Right-Angle Construction, Antioch, IL P&L Construction, Mt Prospect, IL ....$21,420:00. $14,325.00 $11,680.00 $13,300.00 :and WHEREAS, after a thorough review of the bid packets it has been determined the lowest qualified bidder able to meet the specifications in the bid documents is Top Notch Painting, Inc., of Morton Grove, Illinois; and WHEREAS, sufficient funds for this service have been appropriated in account 028024- 554110, Building and Inspectional Services -Municipal Building Maintenance, Maintenance of Buildings. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVEll BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Resolution as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2. The Village Administrator and staff are hereby authorized to execute a purchase order with Top Notch Painting, Inc., 8434 Waukegan Rd, Morton Grove, Illinois 60053 for the amount of $9,600.00 based upon their September 3, 2008 bid and bid document 24-2-(2008) for exterior painting of the Richard T. Flickinger Center, 6101 Capuliraa Avenue. SECTION 3: This Resolution shall be in full force and effect upon its passage and approval PASSED this 8`h day of September 2008. Trustee Brunner Trus±ee Kogstad Trustee Marcus Trustee Minx Trustee Staackmann Trustee Thill APPROVED by me this 8`h day of September 2008. Richard Krier, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County. Illinois APPROVED and FILED in my office This 9°i day of September 2008 Caa~o1 A. Fritzshall, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois Legislative Summary Ordinance 08-34 AUTHORIZATION TO INSTALL PARKING RESTRICTIONS ON MORTOAT AVENUE BETWEEN LINCOLN AND SOUTH PARK AVENUES WTTHIN THE VILLAGE OI' MORTON GROVE Synopsis: To approve parking restrictions pursuant to the Traffic Safety Commission recommendations. Purpose: To alleviate parking congestion Background: At the August 7, 2008, Traffic Safety Commission meeting, a request was presented for parking restrictions on Morton Avenue between Lincoln and South Park Avenues. The intent is to alleviate commuter parking congestion on this street. After deliberation, the Traffic Safety Commission recommended Zone 11 parking restrictions be implemented. Programs, Departments Public Works Department, Police Department or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: Costs are associated with the signage materials, installation and maintenance. The cost of materials is approximately $210. Source of Funds: General Revenue -Account No. 025017-Sb3130 -Street Sign Materials Workload Impact: The implementation of the parking restrictions will be performed by the Public Works/Engineering Division as part of their normal operations. Sign installation and maintenance will be performed by the .Public Works/Street Division, and. enforcement will be performed by the Police Department. Administrator Approval as presented. Recommendation:. _ First Reading: August 25, 2008 Special Considerations or None. Requirements: Respectfully submitted: `~{~ ~ ~` Ut/~ Josephlk. Wa e, Village Administrator Prepared by: ~%,~., i~~f r r`~'li?'~~ry~ ~ } _ Ryas C~. Gilling~m'n, Vilage Engineer Reviewed by: ~/' Teresa corporar~on wunaei ORDINANCE 0$-34 AN ORDINANCE TO INSTALL PARKING RESTRICTIONS ON MORTON AVENUE BETWEEN LINCOLN AND SOUTH PARK AVENUES ___ WITHIN THE VILLAGE OR MORTON GROVE WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (Village), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, the Village established the Traffic Safety Commission to receive, review, and present recommendations to the President and Board of Trustees regarding requests or inquiries on matters involving traffic safety; including requests for installation of traffic control devices; and WHEREAS, the Traffic Safety Commission received a request for parking restrictions on Morton Avenue between Lincoln Avenue and South Park Avenue to alleviate parking congestion from commuters; and WHEREAS, the Traffic Safety Commission, at its regularly scheduled meeting on August 7, 2008, at 7:30 p.m. at the Richard T. Flickinger Municipal Center, considered the above referenced request; and WHEREAS, notifications of the meeting were sent to residents in the area; and WHEREAS, the Traffic Safety Commission recommends the Village require parking restrictions on Morton Avenue between Lincoln Avenue and South Park Avenue, specifically "No Parking, 6 a.m. to 9 a.m., Monday through Friday, Except for Vehicles Displaying a Zone 11 Permit or Guest Pass"; and WHEREAS, the Traffic Safety Commission recommends the Municipal Code be amended to __ include the aforementioned parking restrictions in order to accoriiiizodate the needs of the Village residents; and WHEREAS, the Village Board of Trustees believe the best interest of the Village of Morton Grove will be served by concurring with the preceding recommendations of the Traffic Safety Commission. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINEDBY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OE MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS 1+OLL0WS: Section 1. The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Ordinance as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. Section 2. The following provisions be added to the existing Municipal Code, Section 5-13F- 4: RESTRICTED PARKING STREETS, Subsection A.11: SPECIAL PERMIT PARKING, Zone 1 l: Ct.oot Roturnan Side of Street Date and Time Morton From the centerline of Lincoln Avenue to West 6:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Avenue the centerline of South Park Avenue. Monday -Friday Morton From the centerline of the first alley north East ' 6:00 a.m: - 9:00 a.m. Avenue of Lincoln Avenue to the centerline of Monday -Friday South Park Avenue. ' Section 3. The Director of Public Works is hereby authorized and directed to remove any conflicting signs and erect such signs as detailed in this Ordinance. Section 4. This ordinance shall be communicated to residents adjacent to the parking restrictions via a ]etter, which shall be received as evidence of the passage and legal publication of this Ordinance. Section 5. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its approval and publication. PASSED this 8`h day of September 2008. Trustee Brunner Trustee Kogstad Trustee Marcus Trustee Minx Trustee Thill Trustee Staackmann APPROVED by me this 8`" day of September 2008. ATTESTED and FILED in my office this 9`~' day of September 2008. Carol A. Fritzshall, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove -" Cook County, Illinois Richard Krier, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois Village o Orton rove Minutes of the Traffic Safety Commission Aueust 7, 2008 Richard T. Flickinger Municipal Center Council Chambers Pursuant to proper notice in accordance with the Open Meetings Act, the reg Traffic Safety Commission was called to order at 7:30 pm by Chairma Chairman Rockel led the assemblage in the Pledge of Allegiance. Secrary the roll. ~~~~ T"'"`' Commissioner(s) Present Norman Rockel -Chairman Ken Hogan George Kochikaran LeeTamraz Keith White Ted Sievert Dale Senensky. Commissioner~(s}=Absent ~~~ ~, ~,,r ,~a' ~w h( ~. g of the Rockel. s called Village Staff Present ~~ ~" ~, ~ ~~~ Ryan Gillingham -Village Engineer~°`~,,~ Bi1~ Porter -Fire Department ,. John Thill -Village Tru~te~ e T~iistee~ x -Villa Mi Rit g ~, n a r? . Commissioner Tatxlraz rr3eved to accept the minutes of the June 5, 2008 meeting as submitted. F ~~,o `" ~~ ,,~~~ Commissloi~,er~White seconded the motion. ~&rx ~ ~~ ~r ~. ~a Secret"~ar Jai~rce Grear called roll. The motion passed: 6 ayes and 0 nays. Commissioner Kochikaran :Aye Cormissioner Tamraz :Aye Commissioner White :Aye Commissioner Sievert :Aye Commissioner Senensky :Aye Commissioner Hogan :Aye Richard T. Flickinger Municipal Center 6101 Capulina Avenue • Morton Grove, Illinois 60053-2485 Tel: (847) 965-4100 I'ax: (847) 965-4162 Recycled Paper TSC Meeting Minutes August 7, 2008 Page 2 of 8 Old Business Central Avenue south of Dempster -Traffic Issues. Ryan Gillingham, Village Engineer, stated that a follow up letter was sent to the resident. There have been multiple suggestions to date for addressing the traffic issue. There has been increased enforcement of traffic laws and/or installation of a speed radar sign. The installation of a stop sign at this location is not warranted. The Village's policy is to not install speed bumps or humps on roadways. The Village Board was provided with a cost estimate for insta"l~i~i~s~a speed radar sign at this location. The Village Board will evaluate this protect aar~t~~~f tl~e 2009 budget. ~~ ~x~. ~~' New Business ,:µ~=~ ""'~~~. n Request for Review -Requesting permit parking restrictions o~~Ca~lie Avenue north of Capulina Avenue. ~, ~ »~ Alicia Loiotile, 8633 Callie Avenue, stated that because, ~ fire station there is parking only on one side of Callie. This parking is taken aimost~`~xclusi~ely by non-residents, Monday- Friday, and is used by the Metra commuters. ~r' Commissioner Tamraz asked if the residents zone parking was. Mr. Gillingham explained zone parking Callie Avenue] has Zone 8 parking re5~x a.m.-9 a.m. It is recommended tost~~, silents. 'Ihe area south of Capulina Avenue [on and the rest of the area is Zone 11, No Parking, 6 e 11 to stay miiform. ,~l 'h§ r. Ca lie Avenue remapns Iq park Wig, the' differenfzones did-not matter as long as the east side of., _. ,. ~"~ , Commissioner Tamr~z s~atedat Zone 11 would be the better option. ~, ~ `~+ky, Chairman Rocket ~~c~~that Zone 11 would work out well for the residents. ikaran motioned to pass the Request for Review for permit parkhlg Avenue north of Capulina Avenue. Senensky seconded the motion. Commissioner Tanlraz suggested that the street sweeping hours be looked into. It was brought to the Commission's attention that a handicapped parking space may be used by a train commuter. It was asked whether this is a state issue or a matter for the police department. Coxnnussioner Tamraz stated that the zone parking restriction. should take care of this issue also. TSC Meeting Minutes August 7, 2008 Page 3 of 8 The motion passed: 6 ayes and 0 nays. Corrunissioner Tamraz :Aye Commissioner White :Aye Commissioner Sievert :Aye Commissioner Senensky :Aye Conunissioner Hogan :Aye Conmlissioner Kochikarn :Aye Request for Review -Requesting permit parking restrictions on Lincoln and South Parlc Avenues. Joanne Braje, 8506 Morton Avenue, is requesting permit parking every day. This past winter they blocked the snow plows from d also interfere with the street cleaning. Bob Rickerd, resident at the corner of Morton A parking. He feels if he has guests or workers at his h. hers are parking great job. They ove Street is against permit not have a place to park. Jim Guthrie, 8528 Morton Avenue, stated his wife ~3~esting the permit parking for Grove Street between Mor-ton and Austin Avenues~`~''Mr. uthrie stated that some of the residents against the permit parking have driveways; ~hisould make it easier for them. a Chairman Roekel stated that if a between 6 a.m. and, 9 a.iiz., they, ticketed service vehicle parking in front of their house Police Department so the vehicle would not be • atr Bernie Gerber, resident .at 'Grope House Condominiums at 6020 Lincoln Avenue, expressed concern because som~e~of t1ie~~owners in the building only have one parking space, and they park along the streets to 1~~~iliade p~rmrt parking, and they would not get the stickers provided by the Village to be allowed to'~park. Mr. GiIlingh~ia staed that the current rule is the resident's property has to touch the affected lug Cvr street to,,be ~eligrblt;' for a parking permit. The condominiums would not receive zone par ng sticker~~iunder the current policy. ~~ ~w;, .,. Mr. Gerbe stated the problem is, when it snows, they have to move the cars from their lot to be plowed. Chairman Roekel stated. they would be allowed to park there after 9 a.m. Mr. Gerber was fine with this. TSC Meeting Minutes August 7, 2008 Page 4 of 8 Eric Abrens, 8543 School Street, resident on the comer of School Street and South Park Avenue expressed concern there would know is an issue on South Park Avenue. Chairman Rockel explained how to apply to Public Works, and this was being done on a street to street basis. Commissioner Senenslcy motioned to pass the Request for Review requesting permit parking restrictions on Morton Avenue between Lincoln and South Park Avenues. ~ r Commissioner White seconded the motion. The motion. passed: 6 ayes and 0 nays. Commissioner White Commissioner Sievert Commissioner Senensky Commissioner Hogan Connnissioner Kochikaran Commissioner Tarnraz Request for Review -Requesting permit and Austin Avenues. ~. ru"~' ~~'_~. ice. f `.~ ~ M E,u' a j a i4 A ~~ k~ ~~ ' rs ~n~~~~ . ~ :Aye ~, ~, :Aye :Aye ~. ,: ~', . ~ f ' :Aye ~,,;xe~n ~ '";,~' . s~ a ~~ ~ ~ t" :Aye arking restnct~ans on Grove Street between Morton ~~ .Jim Gutbiie, 8528 Morton Avenue, step~ied ~qJw ` to explain why his wife, who is out of town, is requesting permit parking. They -feye~"e ommuters are parking here making it difiicult to turn onto Morton Avenue off of L,i~t~ct~ enue. Also, with the cars parked, the street sweeping and snow plowing cannot be done. ~,u y~,, ,:., ~~ Jim Blanchard, 8517 Auk tiii Avenue, expressed concern against the permit parking because his parking is limited on Austin ,Avenue already. He feels his guests would have nowhere to park. He would not be ablo~;obta~`the stickers from the Village because of his location. ~iik , Mr. Gillingham staf°ed~that the Village maybe able to work out something for these residents, by adding the,"adj~ceritfthrough streets to the policy to be able to obtain Village [permit parking] stickers '"'`~ "" ~t ~~ -4 ~~ }-. Chatrman~Roclcel stated that the Village wants to accommodate the residents. Peggy Berg, 8538 Austin Avenue, stated she is not in favor of permit parking, because Austin Avenue is a snow route; when it snows she has to move her car and she would use these side streets. Tracy Minx, 8538 Morton Avenue, stated she is for the permit parking, but there is not enough parking already. The condominiums should provide enough parking for them selves; they chose to live there. TSC Meeting Minutes August 7, 2008 Page 5 of 8 Commissioner Senenslcy motioned to pass the Request for Review requesting permit parking restrictions on Grove Street between Morton and Austin Avenues and adding the proper language to add tluough streets to obtain Zone 11 stickers. Commissioner Hogan seconded the motion. The motion passed: 6 ayes and 0 nays. Commissioner Sievert :Aye Connnissioner Senensky :Aye Cormmissioner Hogan :Aye Commissioner Kochikaran :Aye Commissioner Tamraz :Aye Commissioner White :Aye PC08-06 -Bethany Methodist Corporation - Rec second story addition and redo the wing at the Waukegan Road, Morton Grove, IL 60053. ~~ "~G ~~ "~t*„ °t~ ,~~' ~; a~~~ ~~ ~. ~~`a~„dr iY~"`~Jse Amendment to add a '~of Bethany Terrace, 8425 Kevin Wolfberg stepped forward to explain the pr&p's:' Bethany Terrace; a senior nursing center, plans to remodel their existing facili~" y adc~ng a second floor addition to one of the wings. The plan is to reduce the numberf`beds for the overall facility from 203 to 193 by making more one person rooms. The sti~~f is~lso~ be reduced. Commissioner Kochiicaran stated when he has visited there, he would have to wait as much as fifteen minutes for a~arxmg space. ~, Luay Aboona of Kenigji„hiidg n O'Hara, Aboona, Inc. (KLOA, Inc.) prepared a traffic and parking study for the area. ~~e conducted study was included in the packet. _;, Commissioner T?raz ~pestioned the days of the week the study was conducte on. ,; : Commissionex`t Tan~az stated that the zoning requirement for parking spaces was based on square footag~'~'`I~3erefore there would be a shortage; 163 would be required azld there are only 124 supphed'~ ~2invnissioner Tamraz did not approve of the traffic study for the required parking spaces. "`~Conrssioner Tamraz stated they did not have the proper presentation that gives the facts that s~e1l out the Special Use Variation. James Cox, Cox Ltd., stated that the changes that were being made would beneficial. Because of the reduction in beds aizd staff members, this would require less parking. Mr. Gillinghaan stated that this could be readdressed with Bonnie Jacobson; to take off the number of parking spaces required by square footage and to have a variance to the number of parking spaces per beds. TSC MeetilJg Minutes August 7, 2008 Page6of8 Commissioner Tamraz stated the facts need to be addressed to make an intelligent decision. Commissioner ~~J1ute questioned how many visitors come at one time. Mr. Cox stated they did a survey on visitors to the facility and the employee parking during the different shifts. The study is listed in Table 3 [included in the traffic study]. -; Commissioner TaLnraz stated that there are some maintenance issues to the parkin~'o~~tiatneed to be addressed, including restriping of the parking spaces to identify them. a~ ~~_ et Chairman Rockel questioned snow removal ~ry~~~ ~.- "~~,~` M~S~~i4~[ME Mr. Cox stated that they have been plowing the lot and putting the srw~the sides. w ~"`^~, Chairman Rockel stated this would take too many parking sped f~w'~` have a bad season of snow, this would be a problem. ~~ °' Mr. Cox stated they would hire someone to remove it o£fl e sit ~a Commissioner Tamraz questioned the garbage locati ~r ` d pickup; if any parking spaces were lost due to this. w~ Mr. Cox stated that no parking spaces ~NerevQst t[ue to garbage. There is a service area in the r a ~... back, t" s Commissioner Hogan questioned handicapped parking meets the requirements. Mr. Gillingham stated~tl~e~r~umbe'of available spaces meet the Illinois ADA requirement. Chairman Rockel quxz~ned ~'~the owners would agree to have the snow removal haul off site. Mr. Wolfber~ stat~s~~that it could be approved and made part of the proposal. questioned if the [deteriorated] conditions of the parking lot were to be Mr. Cox slated that on lvlonday they were meeting with Village staff. Commissioner Tamraz questioned traffic control in and out of the facility. Mr. GiIlingham stated that the accident reports showed quite a few. There were four accidents pertaining to the enhance and exit. TSC Meeting Minutes August 7, 2008 Page 7 of 8 Commissioner Sievert expressed concern that when he drove through the facility's lot he had a hard time, and that construction was already taking place. Commissioner Tarnraz asked Mr. Gillingham to look into if the construction had. already started without a permit. Chairman Rockel asked if there were any comments from the Fire Department at this time. Bill Porter stated that the concerns the Fire Department have do not concern this ~~°~ttee, but there are issues with the water supply and the sprinkler system. ~• ~~ b Commissioner Tamraz questioned the ambulance service.. ~~ ~~~~' ~~ab.ie ,.m:~zr~~ ~~-~, Bi11 Porter stated that if they are called, they use the main entrance - Commissioner Tamraz stated to Mr. Gillingham to talk to the B~au~ldmg'I9epartment to check the zoning regturements. ,gin ~, t~, Eric Poders, 7940 Foster Street, stepped forward to expr~s 'concern that this case had no public notice for the appearanca meeting. Mr. Poders agroowit2;Ipmmtssioner Tamraz that it is being rushed tlu~ough and they do not have all their facts. 1'0z3ers feels the case should be tabled. ~'' ~ .R~ • ~ Commissioner Tamraz stated that we are an"avasory board and we need the facts to express our comments and concerns to the Vrllageoa`~~ mmissioner Tamraz stated they should have had a better presentation and all the facts,w ~~ Commissioner Senensky motioned "tb pass case PC08-06 -Bethany Methodist Corporation - Requesting aSpecial :Amendment to~add a second story addition and redo,the wing at the -- southwest side of Bethany Terrace, 8425 Waukegan Road, with the comments of the Commissioners, and t~aa~ th~;t~rraintenance to the parking lot is taken care of, and the restriping be done, t '~ ` ~, ,;,, Commissioner Kopnicaran seconded the motion. gig. Commrssione~~~Tamiaz stated all his co~runents about the requirements for parking spaces per squareootageeed to be addressed for special use to be changed to bed size. The foot print of the parkh?g lot needs to be spelled out with dimensions. Commissioner Tamraz was shocked the fire issues"were not presented tonight because there are issues there concerning traffic safety. Commissioner Tamraz feels that all the facts were not presented tonight and it was a poor presentation. TSC Meeting Minutes August 7, 2008 Page8of8 The motion passed: 6 ayes and 0 nays. Commissioner Senensky :Aye Commissioner Hogan :Aye Commissioner Kochikaran :Aye Commissioner Tamraz :Aye (With Comments) Commissioner White :Aye Commissioner Sievert :Aye +a?PiS;~ ~... ,,`~ '~s„ ~,~ ' Other Business ~ ~~~~;r ~~= r Melinda Mulford, 8715 N. Central Avenue, stepped forward and stated that'she fthat the Old Business was rushed and she did not have time to make a comment"o~els this area still needs to be addressed and believes what is being done so far is not eoug Sh~ feels this area is very dangerous. ;, 't r ~° ~~..~ Sylvia 7LU-ians, 8715 N. Central Avenue, feels the cars still lrey~t~o~t s~o~ ng down in the area. `~t~, ~. Chairman Rockel stated that the residents suggestions'c~b~YSUght to Public Works. %., Eric Poders, 7940. Foster Street, stated that this issue,~a~~~°from the April meeting and these are long time residents and this area has a lot of~ 'OR SA~,E signs. Mr. Poders feels the residents should have communication with the Vihe~ath meetings, e-mail, etc. Everyone should be proactive. The cun-ent budget does not low~orie streets to be redone and speed bumps. r~~,~~^' Adiourument ~"t"~tx,~ There being no further motion was seconded by vote at 9:23 p.m. iissioner-White moved to'-adjourn -the meeting. The Sievert and approved unanimously pursuant to a voice ~~ ' a ~ ~ ~,.,.' Legislative Summary ~ Ordinance d8-35 I AUTHORIZATION TO INSTALL PARKING RESTRICTIONS ON CALLIE AVENUE BETWEEN CAPULINA AVENUE AND DEMPSTER STREET WITHIN THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE Introduced: August 25, 2008 Synopsis: To approve parking restrictions pursuant to the Traffic Safety Commission and Village Staff recommendations. Purpose: To alleviate parking congestion and facilitate emergency vehicle access on Callie. Background: At the August 7, 2008, Traffic Safety Commission meeting, a request was presented for parking restrictions on Callie Avenue between Capulina Avenue and. Dempster Street. The intent is to alleviate commuter parking congestion on this street. After deliberation, the Traffic Safety Commission recommended Zone 11 parking restrictions be implemented. Additionally, it was determined there are parking restrictions currently implemented on Callie Avenue which have not been codified in the Village Code. At this time, these existing restrictions are recommended to be included in the Village Code for clarification purposes. Programs, Departments Public Works Department, Police Department or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: Costs are associated with the signage materials, installation and maintenance. The cost of materials is approximately $150. The signage for the existing No Parking at Anytime restrictions is in place and therefore no cost is required for installation. Source of Funds: General Revenue -Account No. 025017-563130 -Street Sign Materials Workload :Impact:.:. The, implementation of ahe parking restrictions will be„performed by the Public _ Works/Engineering Division as part of their nonna( operations. Sign installation and maintenance will be performed by the- Public Works/Street Division, and enforcement will be performed by the Police Department. Administrator Approval as presented.. Recommendation: First Reading: ~ August 25, 2008 Special Considerations or None. Requirements: Respectfully submitted: _ QrtAJ:k./1ld l~l Josep~il.~. Wake, Village Administrator ~ Reviewed b Prepared by: ~ ~ t. ~v:~ rr< <"~d:^~e..c_.i _ Y: Ryas ~. Gillingham, ~ 'Rage Engineer Teresa i-` w €v Counsel ORDINANCE 08-35 AN-0RDINANCE TO INSTALL PARKING RESTRICTIONS ON CALLIE AVENUE BETWEEN CAPULINA AVENUE AND DEMPSTER STREET WITHIN THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (Village), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, the Village established the Traffic Safety Commission to receive, review, and present recommendations to the President and Board of Trustees regarding requests or inquiries on matters involving traffic safety, including requests for installation of traffic control devices; and WHEREAS, the Traffic Safety Commission received a request for parking restrictions on Callie Avenue between Capulina Avenue and Dempster Street to alleviate parking congestion from commuters; and WHEREAS, the Traffic Safety Commission, at its regularly scheduled meeting on August 7, 2008, at 730 p.m. at the Richard T. Flickinger Municipal Center, considered the above referenced request; and WHEREAS, notifications of the meeting were sent to residents in the area; and WHEREAS,. the Traffic Safety Commission recommends the Village require parking restrictions on Callie Avenue between Capulina Avenue and Dempster Street, specifically "No Parking, 6 a.m, to 9 a.m., Mondaythrough Friday, Except for Vehicles Displaying a Zone I 1 Permit or Guest Pass"; and WHEREAS, the No Parkizz~> at Anytime restriction currently implemented on the east side of Callie Avenue between Lincoln Avenue and Dempster Street has not been codified within the Village Code; and WHEREAS, the No Pm•king at Anytime parking restrictions on the east side of Callie Avenue between Lincoln Avenue and Dempster Street are required by the Fire Department to facilitate emergency vehicle access; and WHEREAS, the No Farking at Anytime restriction currently implemented on the west side of Callie Avenue between Dempster Street and. the south parking lot access drive at 6309 Dempster Street has not been codified within the Village Code, and is required to facilitate vehicular and pedestrian safety at the intersection of Callie Avenue and Dempster Street; and WHEREAS, the Village Code should be updated to include these existing conditions for administrative and enforcement purposes; and WHEREAS, the Traffic Safety Commission recommends the Municipal Code be amended Yo include the aforementioned parking restrictions in order to accommodate the needs of the Village residents and facilitate emergency vehicle access; and WHEREAS, the Village Board of Trustees believe the best interest of the Village of Morton Grove will be served by concurring with the preceding recommendations of the Traffic Safety Commission. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS. clauses into this Ordinance as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. Section 2. The following provisions be added to the existing Municipal Code, Section 5- 13F-4: RESTRICTED PARKING STREETS, Subsection A.It: SPECIAL PERMIT PARKING, Zone 11: Street Between Side of Street Date and Time Callie From the centerline of Capulina Avenue to West 6:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Avenue a point 183 feet south of the centerline of Monday -Friday - Dempster Street. Section 3. The following provisions be added to the existing Municipal Code, Section 5 13F-1: NO PARKING STREETS: Street Between Side of Street Callie From the centerline of Lincoln Avenue to East Avenue the centerline of Dempster Street. Callie Prom a point 183 feet south of the centerline West Avenue of Dempster Street tothe centerline of Dempster Street. Section 4. The Director of Public Works is hereby authorized and directed to remove any conflicting signs and erect such signs as detailed in this Ordinance. Section 5. This ordinance shall be communicated to residents adjacent to the parking restrictions via a letter, which shall be received as evidence of the passage and legal publication of this Ordinance. Section 6. This ordinance shad be in full force and effect upon its approval and publication. PASSED this 8"' day of September 2008. Trustee arunner Trustee Kogstad Trustee Marcus Trustee Minx Trustee Thill Trustee Staackmann APPROVED by me this 8`" day of September 2008. Richard Krier, Village President Village of Morton Grove -Cook County, Ellinos ATTESTED and <:1LED in my office this 9`" day of September 2008. Carol A. Fritzshall, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook. County, Illinois Villa. a of Orton r~a~ Minutes of the Traffic Safety Commission August 7, 2008 Richard T. Flickinger Municipal Center Council Chambers Pursuant to proper notice in accordance with the Open Meetings Act, the reg Traffic Safety Commission was called to order at '7:30 pm by Chairm~ Chairman Rockel led the assemblage in the Pledge of Allegiance. Secretary ~w the roll. ~"'°~~t~. Commissioner(s) Present Norman Rockel -Chairman Ken Hogan George Kochikaran Lee Tarnraz t: Commiss~oner~s)'~bs nt AIESa ~ tt~ a ~~ r x=~,s ~, ~ti ~, g of the Rocket. ~r called Keith White ~'~ "~ Ted Sievert ~~ `~ "` Dale Senensky x „~ `, ~. i Y,- Village Staff Present ~~, ~ ~~~.~ °'~~~''." ~>a Ryan Gillingham -Village Engineer~~, Bill Porter -Fire Departure, Lt _ ~>~ John Tlii11-Village Trusted Rita Miiix -Village Trustee;, pu., r ~. Commissioner T~~tJ,xaz moved to accept the minutes of the June 5, 2008 meeting as submitted. seconded the motion. Grear called roll. The motion passed: 6 ayes and 0 nays. Commissioner Kochikaran :Aye Commmissioner Tamraz :Aye Commissioner White :Aye Connnissioner Sievert :Aye Commissioner Senensky :Aye Commissioner Hogan :Aye Richard T. Flickinger Municipal Center 6101 Capulina Avenue • Morton Grove, Illinois 60053-2985 Tel: (847). 965-4100 .Pax: (847) 965-4162 - Recycled Paper TSC Meeting Minutes August 7, 2008 Page 2 of 8 Old Business Central Avenue south of Dempster -Traffic Issues. Ryan Gillingham, Village Engineer, stated that a follow up letter was sent to the resident. There have been multiple suggestions to date for addressing the traffic issue. There has been increased enforcement of traffic laws and/or installation of a speed radar sign. The installation of a stop sign at this location is not warranted. The Village's policy is to not install speed bumps or humps on roadways. The Village Board was provided with a cost estimate for inst~~1g~,a speed radar sign at this location. The Village Board will evaluate this project as~paof tl~e 2009 budget. >&.~~ 3;„. New Business '~`~~;~~ ~.~~~ :vt ;~, I~ ~'R Request for Review -Requesting permit parking restrictions o6a, Ca~Iie Avenue north of ~ ~t~_a~ Capulina Avenue. ~'`-~.T~~,,,:- ~. ~,~ ,~. v ~, Alicia Loiotile, 8633 Callie Avenue, stated that because~a~t~e fire station there is parking only on one side of Callie. This parking is taken almos~~xclusi~'ely by non-residents, Monday- Friday, and ig used by the Metra commutcrs. ~~- 4: ~~~ `~ Commissioner Tamraz asked if the residents what zone parking was. Mr. Gillingham explained zone. pas Callie Avenue] has Zone 8 parking am.-9 a.m. It is recommended toy silents. The area south of Capulina Avenue [on and the rest of the area is Zone 11, No Parking, 6 e 11 to stay uniform. Bill-Porter;:Fire Department, stated the"different zones did .not matter as long as the eastside of Callie Avenue remains l~o:Parkis~g. n~ ~3 Commissioner Tamra~, stated'at Zone 11 would be the better option. ~+s. ~. Chairman Rockel s~ated,~hat Zone 11 would work out well for the residents. ~:~~ rt~ Commssssoiie~, K~c~hikaran motioned to pass the Request for Review for permit parking restria~ons a°n Callie Avenue north of Capulina Avenue. Senensky seconded the motion. Commissioner Tamraz suggested that the street sweeping hours be looked into. It was brought to the Conmussion's attention that a handicapped parking space maybe used by a train commuter. It was asked whether this is a state issue or a matter for the police department. Commissioner Tamraz stated that the zone parking restriction should take care of this issue also. TSC Meeting Minutes August 7, 2008 Page 3 of 8 The motion passed: 6 ayes and 0 nays. Commissioner Tamraz :Aye Commissioner White :Aye Commissioner Sievert :Aye Commissioner Senensky :Aye Commissioner Hogan :Aye Commissioner Kochikarn :Aye Request for Review -Requesting permit parking restrictions on Lincoln and South Park. Avenues. Joanne Braje, 8506 Morton Avenue, is requesting permit parking every day. This past winter they blocked the snow plows from d also interfere with the street cleaning. Bob Rickerd, resident at the corner of Morton packing. He feels if he has guests or workers at his hers are pazking great job. They ove'Street is against permit not. have a place to park. <. ,ry Jim Gutluie; 8528 Morton Avenue, stated his wife't~~ ~tiesting the permit parking for Grove Street between Morton and Austin Avenue "'~` Mr. C3uthrie stated that some of the. residents against the permit parking have driveways~,t~hs~aould make it easier for diem. Chairman Rockel stated that if a between 6 a.m. and 9 a.m., they, ticketed. Bernie Gerber, resident,,at Grov`~ ~~ ~~~ concern because some~of th~~~own ... ~:w along the streets to lie,izzade perry Village to be allova„ed to~.park. a service vehicle parking in front of their house Police Department so the vehicle would not be __ House Condominiums at 6020 Lincoln Avenue, expressed 's in the building only have one parking space, and they park parking, and they would not get the stickers provided by the Mr. Gilling~a~sr stat~d~that the current rule is the resident's property has to touch the affected street to be;°eh~ili'te for a parking permit. The condominiums would not receive zone parking r ltik~ sticket~ timd~r {h~ current policy. "~~ `` Mr Gerber stated the problem is, when it snows, they have to move the cars from their lot to be plowed. Chairman Rockel stated they would be allowed to park there after 9 a.m. Mr. Gerber was fine with this. TSC Meeting Minutes August 7, 2008 Page 4 of 8 Eric Abrens, 8543 School Street, resident on the corner of School Street and South Park Avenue expressed concern there would know is an issue on Soufll Park Avenue. Chairmatl Rocket explained how to apply to Public Works, and this was being done on a street to street basis. Commissioner Senenslcy motioned to pass the Request for Review requesting permit parking restrictions on Morton Avenue between Lincoln and South Park Avenues. Commissioner White seconded the motion. The motion passed: 6 ayes and 0 nays. Commissioner White Commissioner Sievert Commissioner Senensky Commissioner Hogan Commissioner Kochikaran Commissioner Tamraz Request for Review -Requesting permit and Austin Avenues: ~~ s,, ~ ~,. ~~~ ~Y ~~ ~~;~~~ e, s"°t '~ y a :A e ~~,t{ I ~.• ~~ :Aye a~,.,.e .AYe .as~~ ~~.' ~~,. :Aye ,~ :Aye ~ ~~ ~~~ ~ ~°~~ .~" rrking re~,tnb't~ons on Grove Street between Morton Y a~~~. Jim Gutluie, 8528 Morton. Avenue, step~ec~~w/ad to explain why his wife, who is out of town, is requesting permit parking. They feehe commuters are parking here making it difficult to turn onto Morton Avenue off of I,iQlz~~~~nue. Also, with the cars parked, the street sweeping and snow plowing pamlot be done. ~$a v< Jim Blanchard, 8517 Austrn Aven e, expressed concern against the permit parking because his ~ ,,, parking is limited on ~ilstin Avenue already. He feels his guests would have nowhere to park. He would not be able~`ttoxoUtam~fhe stickers from the Village because of his location. .~. Mr. Gillingham stated4laat the Village maybe able to work out something for these residents, by adding theFtadj~acenta,tbsough streets to the policy to be able to obtain Village [permit parking] stickers ' ~'~~°' x `~~ rK,. ~9z Chairman Ro~akel stated that the Village wants to accommodate the residents. Peggy Berg, 8538 Austin Avenue, stated she is not in favor of permit parking, because Austin Avenue is a snow route; when it snows she has to move her car and she would use these side streets. Tracy Minx, 8538 Morton Avenue, stated she is for the permit parking, but there is not enough parking already. The condominiums should provide enough parking for them selves; they chose to live there. TSC Meeting Minutes August 7, 2008 Page5of8 Commissioner Senensky motioned to pass the Request for Review requesting permit parking reshictions on Grove Street between Morton and Austin Avenues and adding the proper language to add through streets to obtain Zone 11 stickers. Commissioner Hogan seconded the motion. The motion passed: 6 ayes and 0 nays. Commissioner Sievert :Aye Commissioner Senensky :Aye Cornrnissioner Hogan :Aye Commissioner Kochikaran :Aye Commissioner Tamraz :Aye Commissioner White :Aye PC08-06 -Bethany Methodist Corporation - Req second story addition and redo the wing at the Waukegan Road, Morton Grove, IL 60053. ~~; a ryxa ~ ~~~{~~,~~,y~, ~~ ~~ Ft : ,ly w ~~' ~~~ i~ , ~« s zm ~~ ~'7se Amendment to add a of Bethany Terrace, 8425 n - ~r~ Kevin Wolfberg stepped forward to explain the pro. os~` Bethany Terrace, a senior nursing center, plans to remodel their existing facil by ad~ng a second floor addition to one of the wings. The plan is to reduce the number ~Of~'Faeds for the overall facility from 203 to 193 by ~ ~ making more one person rooms. The stiff isso be reduced. Commissioner Kochikaran state a~ts~~mAe~imes, when he has visited there, he would have to wait as much as fifteen minutes fora ,arking space. ~< Luay Aboona of Kemg, ~hdgren O'Hara, Aboona, Ina (KLOA, Inc.) prepared a traffic and parking shrdy for the ~~a.~`'~e conducted study was included in the packet. Commissioner Ta~rraz~tjuestioned the days of the week the study was conducted on. Commrssioner 1 an~~az stated that the zoning requirement for parking spaces was based on square footage 'Flierefore there would be a shortage; 163 would be required and there are only 124 splze'~l~ Cxirnrnissioner Tamraz did not approve of the traffic study for the required parking spaces ~ ~~olussioner "I'amraz stated they did not have the proper presentation that gives the facts that shell out the Special Use Variation. James Cox, Cox Ltd., stated that the changes that were being made would beneficial. Because of the reduction in beds and staff members, this would require less parking. Mr. Gillingham stated that this could be readdressed with Bonnie Jacobson; to take off the number of parking spaces required by squire footage and to have a variance to the number of parking spaces per beds. TSC Meeting Mvzutes August 7, 2008 Page 6 of 8 Comrissioner Tamraz stated the facts need to be addressed to make an intelligent decision. Commissioner White questioned how many visitors come at one time. Mr. Cox stated they did a survey on visitors to the facility and the employee parking during the different shifts. The study is listed in Table 3 [included in the traffic study). Commmissioner Tamraz stated that there are some maintenance issues to the parking lot~^that need to be addressed, including restriping of the parking spaces to identify them. ~~~ ~ Chairman Rocket questioned snow removal "; ~'°~~~~~ ~~"~'~ s Mr. Cox stated that they have been plowing the lot. and putfing the sn~w`the ~"stides. ~~ ~~~ Chairman Roclcel stated this would take too many parking spaces, if~3e have a bad season of ~~' -~'". snow, tlvs would be a problem. ~t~ t e Mr. Cox stated they would hire someone to remove it d3~yth~ si ~~,~. . Commissioner Tamraz questioned the garbage locatit~n`"~7irl pickup; if any parking spaces were lost due to this. ~~ ~ '~' Mr. Cox stated that no parking spaces vve e"t~pstdue to garbage. There is a service area in the ,,, back. ~;, ~' ,~~. ~~~,. Commissioner Hogan questioned if~~ handicapped parking meets the requirements. ~~ «, Mr. Gillingham stated the ilumbe~ of available spaces meet the Illinois ADA requirement. } 4'v Chairmatil Roclcel qu'EStioned i~`the owners would agree to have the snow removal haul off site. Mr. Wolfberg stated''sygs;~that it could be approved and made part of the proposal. questioned if the [deteriorated] conditions of the parking lot were to be ,t Mr. Cox stated that on Monday they were meeting with Village staff. Commissioner Tamraz questioned traffic control in and out of the facility. Mr. Gillingham stated that the accident reports showed quite a few. There were four accidents pertaining to the entrance and exit. TSC Meeting Minutes August 7, 2008 Page 7 of 8 Commissioner Sievert expressed concern that when he drove through the facility's lot he had a hard time, and that construction was already taking place. Commissioner Tamraz asked Mi. Gillingham to look into if the construction had already started without a peni7it. Chairman Rockel asked if there were any comments from the Fire Department at this time. Bill Porter stated that the concerns the Fire Department have do not concern this Co~mi"fa~xtee, but there are issues with the water supply and the sprinkler system. ~~ std ~,~ "~~ ~ Commissioner Tarnraz questioned the ambulance service. ~~. ~~~ `-e~kix~ m M ~ ~~ Bi11 Porter stated that if they are called, they use the main entranc Commissioner Tarnraz stated to Mr. Gillingham to talk to the B,~tr~mg~"epartment to check the zoning requirements. ~ ~ ~~° Eric Poders, 7940 Foster Street, stepped forward to exp~r ~s co ern that this case had no public thm`ommissioner Tamraz that it is being notice for the appearance meeting. Mr. Poders agre~~!i ~,> ~ rushed through and they do not have all their facts. Iv~z~'~tatlers feels the case s~~ould be tabled. ~~ ~ Commissioner Tarmaz stated that we are~an adsory board and we need the facts to express our comments and concerns to the Village oarE ~mmissioner Tamraz stated they should have had a better presentation and all the fa~t~ r$y~ ~~T~ ~~ Comnssioner Senensky motioned to pass case PC08-06 -Bethany Methodist Corporation - 'Requesting-a Special Amendment to `add a second story addition and redo the wing at the southwest side of Betlaan~ Terrace, 8425 Waukegan Road, with the comments of the Commissioners, and that tli"maintenance to the parking lot is taken care of, and the restriping be ?~ `~' done. ~° "~~ "F, ~' Commissioner Kockaran seconded the motion. 1 ~{K= Commissio"»e~ Tantiraz stated all his comments about the requirements fox parking spaces per squaseootage'~ii"aed to be addressed for special use to be changed to bed size. The footprint of the parkiilg~ot needs to be spelled out with dimensions. Commissioner Tamraz was shocked the fire issues°were not presented tonight because there are issues there concerning traffic safety. Commissioner Tamraz feels that all the facts were not presented tonight and it was a poor presentation. TSC Meeting Minutes August 7, 2008 Page 8 of 8 The motion passed: 6 ayes and 0 nays. Convnissioner Senensky Commissioner Hogan Commissioner Kochikaran Commissioner Tamraz Commissioner White Commissioner Sievert Other Business :Aye :Aye :Aye :Aye (With Comments) :Aye :Aye £,,:zr:a;~~~ ~n~~ dw, ~,, ,7 i ,~, ~s~ ~~ Melinda Mulford, 8715 N. Cenhal Avenue, stepped forward and stated that~she~lntR"hat the Old Business was rushed and she did not have time to make a comment. ~lae~~els this area still needs to be addressed and believes what is being done so far is not e~loug, Sloe feels this area is very dangerous. `` s T' Sylvia 7ui-ians, 8715 N. Central Avenue, feels the cars still !e ant ~omg down in the area. ~~~~ Chairman Rockel stated Chat the residents' suggestions'c~~;e b~ught to Public Works. ~~ ~, Eric Poders, 7940 Foster SCreet, stated that this issu~.~wafrom the April meeting and these are long time residents and this area has a lot o OR SLE signs. Mr. Poders feels the residents should have communication with the Villa e ~vtith meetings, e-mail, etc. Everyone should be proactive. The current budget does not a~JodY , or e streets to be redone and speed bumps. ~~ ~~~~~_ Adjournment ~'~?4,a, There being!no :further busii7essrrCommissioner White moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Sievert and approved unanimously pursuant to a voice ,~ vote at 9:23 p.m. ,~ ~,, ~, a~~[iX, Legislative Summary Ordinance 08-37 AUTHORIZATION TO INSTALL PARKING RESTRICTIONS ON GROVE STREET BETWEEN MORTON AND AUSTIN AVENUES WITHIN THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE Introduced; Synopsis: Purpose: Background: Programs, Departments or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: Source of Funds: Workload Impact: August 25, 2008 To approve parking restrictions pursuant to Traffic Safety Commission recommendations. To alleviate parking congestion. At the August 7, 2008, Traffic Safety Commission meeting, a request was presented for parking restrictions on Grove Street between Morton and Austin Avenues. The intent is to alleviate commuter parking congestion on this street. After deliberation, the Traffic Safety Commission recommended Zone 11 parking restrictions be implemented. Public Works Department, Police Department Costs are associated with the signage materials, installation and maintenance. The cost of materials is approximately $? 80. General Revenue -Account No. 02-50-17-56-3130 -Street Sign Materials The implementation of the parking restrictions would be performed by the Public Works/Engineering Division as part of their normal operations, sign installation and maintenance would. be performed by the Public Works/Street Division, and enforcement would be performed. by the Police Department. Administrator Approval as presented. Recommendation: First Reading: ~ August 25, 2008 Special Considerations or None. Requirements: Respectfully submitted: v{, ~~fh~ Joseplt~ Wa ,Village Administrator Prepared by: ~ `?' _` ~ :~ 1 Reviewed by: Ryan .'C~illingha 5 Village ngineer Teresa Ho,i~Fm~n Liston, Corporation Counsel ORDINANCE 0$-37 AN ORDINANCE TO INSTALL PARKING RESTRICTIONS ON GROVE STREET BETWEEN' MORTON AND AUSTIN AVENUES WITHIN THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (Village), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, the Village established the Traffic Safety Commission to receive, review, and present recommendations to the President and Board of Trustees regarding requests or inquiries on matters involving traffic safety, including requests for installation of traffic control devices; and WHEREAS, the Traffic Safety Commission received a request for parking restrictions on Grove Street between Morton Avenue and Austin Avenue to alleviate parking congestion from commuters; and WHEREAS, the Traffic Safety Commission, at its regularly scheduled meeting on August 7, 2008, at 7:30 p.in. at the Richard T. Flickinger Municipal Center, considered the above referenced request; and WHEREAS, notifications of the meeting were sent to residents in the area; and WHEREAS, the Traffic Safety Commission recommends the Village require parking restrictions on Grove Street between Morton Avenue and Austin Avenue, specifically "No Parking, 6 a.m. to 9 a.m., Monday through Friday, Except for Vehicles Displaying a Zone 11 Permit or Guest Pass"; and WHEREAS, the Traffic Safety Commission recommends that the Municipal Code be amended to include the aforementioned parking restrictions in order to accommodate the heeds of the Village residents; and WHEREAS, the Village Board of Trustees believe the best interest of the Village of Morton Grove will be served by concurring with the preceding recommendations of the Traffic Safety Commission. NOW, THEREFORE; BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK. COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Ordinance as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. Section 2. The following provisions be added to the existing Municipal Code, Section 5- 13F-4: RESTRICTED PARKING STREETS, Subsection A.11: SPECIAL PERMIT PARKING, Zone Il Side of Street Between Street Date and Time Grove From the centerline of Morton Avenue to Both 6:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Street the centerline of Austin Avenue. Monday -Friday Section 3. The Director of Public Works is hereby authorized and directed to remove any conflicting signs and erect such signs as detailed in this Ordinance. Section 4. This Ordinance shall be communicated to residents adjacent to the parking restrictions via a letter, which shall be received as evidence of the passage and legal publication of this Ordinance. Section 5. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its approval and. publication. PASSED this 8`h day of September 2008: Tnzstee Bnzmler Trustee Kogstad Trustee Marcus Trustee Minx Trustee Thill - Trustee-Staackmann -- APPROVED by me this 8`h day of September 2008. Richard Krier, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County,. Illinois ATTESTED and FILED in my office this 9`" day of September 2008. Carol A. Fritzshall, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois Villa art Minutes of the Traffic Safety Commission August 7, 2008 Richard T. Flickinger Municipal Center Council Chambers Pursuant to proper notice in accordance with the Open Meetings Act, the reg Traffic Safety Commission was called to order at 7:30 pm by Chairrga~ Chairman Rockel led the assemblage in the Pledge of Allegiance. Secretary the roil. ``~'~ Commissioners} present Nornan Rockel -Chairman Ken Hogan George Kochikaran Lee Tamraz Keith White Ted Sievert Dale Senensky -s~,, Commissioner(s) Absent .~srs, r wu..~ ~~. `~a' -~ ~ak~, , } zL " ~~~ ~ '~ Village Staff Present g of the Rocket. ,r called a~>~ Ryan Gillinghani-Village Engineer'~n. Bill-Porter -Fire Department ,;.- John Thi11-Village Trusted Rita Minx -Village ~'rtils~ee~ Commissioner Tamxaz ix~ved to accept the minutes of the June 5, 2008 meeting as submitted. seconded the motion. Grear called roll. The motion passed: 6 ayes and 0 nays. Commissioner Kochilcaran :Aye Commissioner Tamraz :Aye Commissioner White :Aye Commissioner Sievert :Aye Commissioner Senensky :Aye Commissioner Hogan :Aye Richard T. Flicknger Municipal Center 6101 Capulina Avenue • Morton Grove, Illinois 60Q53-2985 Tel: (847) 965-4100 .Fax: (847) 965-4162 [recycled Paper TSC Meeting Minutes August 7, 2008 Page 2 of 8 Old Business Central Avenue south of Dempster -Traffic Issues. Ryan Gillingham,. Village Engineer, stated that a follow up letter was sent to the resident. There have been multiple suggestions to date for addressing the traffic issue. There has been increased enforcement of traffic laws and/or installation of a speed radar sign. The installation of a stop sign at this location is not warranted. The Village's policy is to not install speed. bumps or humps on roadways. The Village Board was provided with a cost esfimate for instalh'rig,a speed radar sign at this location. The Village Board will evaluate this protect as£~par`r ~f the 2009 budget. F ~~ s . „„ New Business ' ~ ,rxw ~.;r,~. ~~ Request for Review -Requesting permit parking restrictto ort„ Callie Avenue north of ~~ mfrs,*' Capulina Avenue. ' ~ ,, „~,~ ~ ~ . Alicia Loiotile, 8633 Callie Avenue, stated that because~f tie` firefistation there rs parking only on one side of Callie. This parking is taken ahnost`~~xelusi;~dly by non-residents, Monday- Friday, u~d is used by the bTeh-a commuters. ti~,,ar~,y `~i,, Cormmissioner Taim-az asked if the residents zone parking was. Mr: Gillingham explained zone parking ~o tfi6~resi'd'ents. The area south of Capulina Avenue [on Callie Avemte] has Zone 8 parking restrtcons and the rest of the area is Zone I1, No Parking, 6 a.m.-9 a.m. It is recommended to stay, , ~v~ done 11 to stay uniform. ~' ..> 4y Bill Porter; Fire Department, stated the"different zones did not matter as long as the east-side of Callie Avenue remains N,o` P~arkirig. ~-`~~ Commissioner Tamra~, stated 11iat Zone 11 would be the better option. Chairman Rocket stal~cl•that Zone 11 would work out well for the residents. ikaran motioned to pass the Request for Review for permit parking Avenue north ofCapulina Avenue. Senenslcy seconded the motion. Commissioner Tamraz suggested that the street sweeping hours be looked into. It was brought to the Commission's attention that a handicapped parking space maybe used by a train coimnuter. It was asked whether this is a state issue or a matter for the police department. Commissioner Tamraz stated that The zone parking restriction should take care of this issue also. TSC Meetn7g Minutes August 7, 2008 Page 3 of 8 The motion passed: 6 ayes and 0 nays. Commissioner Tamraz Commissioner White Commissioner Sievert Cormmissioner Senensky Commissioner Hogan Conunissioner Kochikarn :Aye :Aye :Aye :Aye :Aye :Aye Request for Review -Requesting permit parking restrictions on Lincoln and South Park Avenues. Joanne Braje, 8506 Morton Avenue, is requesting permit parking every day. This past winter they blocked the snow plows from d also interfere with the street cleaning. Bob Rickerd, resident at the corner of Morton A parking. IIe feels if he has guests or workers at his h. hers are parking great job. They ove Street is against permit not have a place to park. Jim Guthrie, 8528 Morton Avenue, stated his wife °frq~vesting the permit parking for Grove ,~.. Street between Morton acid Austin Avenue_~~t Mr. ,,uthrie stated that some of the residents against the pernlit panting have driveways~~is~5~ouid make it easier for them. Chairman Rockel stated that if a resldentt~has; a service vehicle parking in front of their house between 6 a.m, and 9 a.m., they can notary"'f'he Police Department so the vehicle would not be §a i... ~,, ticketed. _ _ _ ,~., ~~ Bernie Gerber, resident a1`~Gro~e House Condominiums at 6020 Lincoln Avenue, expressed ,;. . concern because some of the,=owners in the building only haue one parking space, and they park. along the streets to be,_iliade permit parking, and they would not get the stickers provided by the Village to be allowed totpark. Mr. Galhnghv~ stated that the current ru1.e is the resident's property has to touch the affected street to be ~elgible~ for a parking permit. The condominiums would not receive zone parking stieker~ under ~tj3'e current policy. Mr. Gerber stated the problem is, when it snows, they have to move the cars from their lot to be plowed. Chairman Rockel stated they would be allowed to park there after 9 a.m. Mr. Gerber was fine with this. TSC Meeting Mhnttes August 7, 2008 Page 4 of 8 Eric Abrens, 8543 School Street, resident on the corner of School Street and South Park Avenue expressed concern there would know is an issue on South Park Avenue. Chairman Rockel explained how to apply to Public Works, and this was being done on a street to street basis. Commmissioner Senensky motioned to pass the Request for Review requesting permit parking restrictions on Morton Avenue between Lincoln and South Park Avenues. xa.. Commissioner White seconded the motion. The motion. passed: 6 ayes and 0 nays. Cormmissioner White Commissioner SieverC Commissioner Senensky Commissioner Hogan Commissioner Kochikaran Commissioner Tarnraz Request for Review -Requesting permit and Austin Avenues Jim Gutlaie, 8528 Morton Avenue, ; is requesting permit paz-king. They tum onto Morton Avenue off of Li~4 and snow plowing earvlot be done. <w~ ~ ~~il"~ ~~ o i~Nt. . ~ 4 A3+Su :Aye ~3q, :Aye ~~ z a,~=" :Aye X44"` Y ~k ~ :A e ~F, :Aye "lti€: t 4 im ~~r~. :Aye ,~ ~~ ~~. a F v~,,. irking re~trio'~ons on Grove Street between Morton ~;E=?r' e °d to explain why his wife; who is out of town, muters are parking here making it difficult to Also, with the cars parked, the street sweeping ~~,. s, Jim Blanchard, 8517 Aus~"m Avenue, expressed concern against the permit parking because his parking is limited on ~lustil;a~venue already. He feels his guests would have nowhere to park. He would not be abioo:obtain the stickers from the Village because of his location. Mr. Gillingham stafcd=that the Village maybe able to work out something for these residents, by adding the adjaceii't„through streets. to the policy to be able to obtain Village [permit parking] sticker s Chairmati,Rockel stated. that the Village wants to accomrmodate the residents. Peggy Berg, 8538 Austin Avenue, stated she is not in favor of permit parking, because Austin Avenue is a snow route; when. it snows she has to move her car and she would use these side streets. Tracy Minx, 8538 Morton Avenue, stated she is fos the permit parking, but there is not enough parking already. The condominiums should provide enough parking for them selves; they chose to live there. TSC Meeting Minutes August 7, 2008 Page 5 of 8 Commissioner Senensky motioned to pass the Request for Review requesting permit parking restrictions on Grove Street between Morton and Austin Avenues and adding the proper language to add through streets to obtain Zone 11 stickers. Commissioner Hogan seconded the motion. The motion passed: 6 ayes and 0 nays. Commissioner Sievert :Aye Commissioner Senensky :Aye Commissioner Hogan :Aye Commissioner Kochikaran :Aye Commissioner Tamraz :Aye Commissioner White :Aye PC08-06 -Bethany Methodist Corporation - Rec second story addition and redo the wing at the Waukegan Road, Morton Grove, IL 60053. x;r '~~~ a„ ' 6~ ~ TG ~~ t~ ~~' ~4j f ~, r.,tt, `~=e. _~~~~' ~C~"Vse Amendment to add a "~of Bethany Terrace, 8425 Kevin Wolfberg stepped forward to explain the pro~jost~; Bethany Terrace, a senior nursing center, plates to remodel their existing facili,,by adcg a second floor addition to one of the wings. The plan is to reduce the numbed bf'b~ds for the overall facility from 203 to 193 by making more one person rooms. The st~~ff is Aso ~ be reduced. Wit,, t Commissioner Kochikaran stateds~kha~~~pmitimes, when he has visited there, he would have to wait as much as fifteen minutes for a~parlnng space. ~:~ - , Luay Aboona of Kenig,,,Lmdgten, O'Hara, Aboona, Ina (KLOA, Inc.) prepared a traffic and parking study for the ~rea.~~~he conducted study was included in the packet. Commissioner Ta111raL nestioned the days of the week the study was conducted on. Commmssioner .Taxi~raz stated that the zoning requirement for parking spaces was based on square footage,.'"Therefore there would be a shortage; 163 would be required and there are only 124 supplied. ~omrnissioner Tamraz did not approve of the traffic study for the required parking spaces C,onimissioner Tamraz stated they did not have the proper presentation that gives the facts that s~etl out the Special Use Variation. James Cox, Cox Ltd., stated that the changes that were being made would beneficial. Because of the reduction in beds and staff members, this would require less parking. Mr. Gillingham stated that this could be readdressed with Bonnie Jacobson; to take off the number of parking spaces required by square footage and to have a variance to the number of parking spaces per beds. TSC Meeting Minutes August 7, 2008 Page 6 of 8 Commissioner Tanuaz stated. the facts need to be addressed to make an intelligent decision. Commissioner White questioned how many visitors come at one time. Mr. Cox stated they did a survey on visitors to the facility and the employee parking during the different shifts. The study is listed in Table 3 [included in the traffic study]. Commissioner Tamraz stated that there are some maintenance issues to the parking~lot~~~lat need to be addressed, including restriping of the parking spaces to identify them ~ #~ ty~ ~.-~` Chairman Roclcel questioned snow removal. ~ ~~~ , :tE~k Mr. Cox stated that they have been plowing the tot and putting the ssta~w t© they sides. Chairman Roclcel stated .this would take too many parking spaces, if'rit; have a bad season of snow, this would be aproblem. ~ ~~`~~ ~1~ ,, <`m ~; Mr. Cox stated they would hire someone to remove it off ~,he srt~8'." ~~ Commissioner Tamraz questioned the garbage~locatioe~and pickup; if any parking spaces were lost due to this. ~t.; ~ '~~~~ ~~;~ Mr. Cox stated that no parking spaces kverelost ~ne to garbage. There is a service area in the back. * , ~,tlr,,: ,. Commissioner Hogan questioned rf the handicapped parking meets the requirements. ,.,,; Mr. Gillingham stated the number` of available spaces meet the Illinois ADA requirement. Chairman Roclcel que~x]ioned i~the owners would agree to have the snow removal haul off site. ~~w- Mr. Wol~tberg statec],~'~ygs; that it could be approved and made part of the proposal. questioned if The [deteriorated] conditions of the parking lot were to be :. Mr. Cox stated that on Monday they were meeting with Village staff. Commissioner Tamraz questioned traffic control in and out of the facility. Mr. Gillingham stated that the accident reports showed quite a few. There were four accidents pertaining to the entrance gild exit. TSC Meeting Minutes August 7, 2008 Page 7 of 8 Commissioner Sieved expressed concern that when he drove through the facility's lot he had a hard time, and that construction was already taking place. Commissioner Tamraz asked Mr. Gillingham to look into if the construction had already started without a permit. Chairman Rockel asked if there were any comments from the Fire Department at this time. Bill Porter stated that the concerns the Fire Department haue do not concern this Com~~ttee, but there are issues with the water supply and the sprinkler system. nr~ ~ < ~ ,, i. Commissioner Tamraz questioned the ambulance service. } ~-~tr,t 9~--,~ h,W ~ ~, Bill Porter stated that if they are called, they use the main entrance ~ '~{ Commissioner Tamraz stated to Mr. Gillingham to zoning requirements. Eric Poders, 7940 Poster Street, stepped forward to notice for the appearance meeting. Mr. Podersagre rushed through and they do not have all their facts. Commissioner Tamraz stated that we are comments and concerns to U1e Village had a bolter presentation and all the facts`; Commissioner Senensky ~; talk to the.Bui7dmgµ)epartment to check the sx~. u. a a- ~ ex1Siess coem that this case had no public >s~wit=G,ommissioner Tamraz that it is being Nlxt~'~'bd`ers feels the case should be tabled. and we need the facts to express our ner Tamraz stated they should have case PC08-06 -Bethany Methodist Corporation - southwest side of Bethany Te~`rrace, 8425 Waukegan Road, with the comments of tihe Commissioners, and the°t' thettnaintenance to the parking lot is taken care of, and the restriping be done. ash, :"`" az, Commissioner Kockilc~ran seconded the motion. Commissioner"T`anii•az stated all his comments about the requirements for parking spaces per squar~:footaneieed to be addressed for special use to be changed to bed size. The foot print of the parl~ing lot needs to be spelled out with dimensions. Commissioner Tamraz was shocked the fire issues were not presented tonight because there are issues there concerning traffic safety. Commissioner Tamraz feels that all the facts were not presented tonight and it was a poor presentation.. TSC Meeting Minutes August 7, 2008 Page 8 of 8 The motion passed: 6 ayes and 0 nays. Commissioner Senensky :Aye Commissioner Hogan :Aye Commissioner Kochikaran :Aye Commissioner Tamraz :Aye (With Comments) Commissioner White :Aye Commissioner Sievert :Aye ' ii;, Other Business =~"° ~ Melinda Mr'ilford, 8715 N. Central Avenue, stepped forward and stated that`she'f~l~~ihat the Old Business was rushed and she did not have time to make a comment. `Slx~ ~els''this area still ~a~r . needs to be addressed and believes what is being done so far is not e~i`oug` SIU feels this area is very dangerous. Y ~ ~~ Sylvia Jurians, 8715 N. Central Avenue, feels the cars still at*d'~o~ Sloyvmg down in the area. Chainnair Rockel stated that the residents' suggestions cyan lie b~ro'ught to Public Works. Eric Poders, '7940 Foster Street, stated that this issue~u7~'~ from the April meeting and these are long time residents and this area has a lot o£=~~OR S~hE signs. Mr. Poders feels the residents should have commuiucation with the Vi11a~e~w~th meetings, e-mail, etc. Everyone should be ~., ~~~ proactive. The cturent budget does not ajlo~~or t`~e streets to be redone and speed bumps. ~~hh,__ Adiournment ~, ,~~~ There being no further business, ~Conmissioner White moved to adjourn the° meeting. The motion was seconded by ~"omm~ssioner Sievert and approved unanimously pursuant to a voice vote at 9:23 p.m. ,,f;~:' ~'t=x=a, LeEislative Summary ORDINANCE OS-38 AMENDING VILLAGE CODE SECTION 5-13F-4 TO PROVIDE FOR THE REGULATED DISTRIBUTION OF PARHING PERMITS BY THE VILLAGE ADMINISTRATOR Introduced August 25, 2008 Objective To amend Title 5, Chapter 13F, Section 4, of the Village Municipal Code entitled "Restricted Parking Streets." Purpose: The purpose of this ordinance is to update the Village's regulations to allow the Village Administrator the authority to distribute zone parking permits in special circumstances. Background: The Village currently has restricted parking on various streets throughout the Village where parking permits are distributed to residents who reside on the affected streets: However, it has been brought to the Village's attention that parking restrictions on these streets may also cause an unintentional burden to other nearby residents that may park on these streets. This ordinance would give the Village Administrator regulated authority to idents who demonstrate to the satisfaction of the i h ose area res ts to t provide parking perm Village Administrator special circumstances warrant the receipt of a zone parking permit. Programs, Departments Finance Department, Administration Department, and Police Department or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: Nct applicable Source of Funds: Not applicable. Workload Impact: impact for the administration and enforcement of this ordinance will be handled by the d Finance Department during their normal ' s office, Police Department, an Adm~mstrator course of duties. Administrator Approval as presented. Recommendation:: First Reading: Required-Code Amendment Special Considerations or None Requirements: i AdministratorApproval_ (~ - Jose F. ade, Village Administrator Prepared by:-~~ ~= •`' ~ ' ~ ti Ryan Gil ~ gha ~, illageE}gineer Reviewed by: Teresa J f~ rnoration Counsel ORDINANCE 08-38 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND VILLAGE CODE SECTION 5-13F-4 TO PROVIDE FOR THE REGULATED DISTRIBUTION OF PARKING PERMITS BY THE VILLAGE ADMINISTRATOR WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (Village), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, the Village has previously established a special permit parking process, codified under Section 5-13F-A: RESTRICTED PARKING STREETS within the Village Code, to alleviate parking congestion for residents near locations of high parking generation; and WHEREAS, Village Code Section 5-13F-4: RESTRICTED PARKING STREETS, Subsection A, states as follows: "Special Permit Parking.• There shall be no pm^king on the following ser^eets between the hours and on the days as indicated except for vehicles displaying a special permit or a special guest pass so to do. The .Village Administr^ator shall issue one such permit for each vehicle registered to any resident of said streets upon snowing proof of payment of the Village license fees as described in Section 5-3-3 of this title. Each such permit shall be fixed firmly to the lower left hand portion of the rear window of the vehicle for which it is issued at all times when such vehicle Is parked on said streets. Guest passes shall be limited to two (2) per household and shall be issued only to residents on the restricted parking side of any Village street listed in the following schedule of restr^icted parking str^eets to be used for vehicles visiting the residents on a temporary basis. (Ord. 93-18, 5-10-1993)" ands. WHEREAS, currently parking permits are distributed through the offices of the Village's Finance Department only to those residents who reside on the side of the street affected by the permit parking restriction; and WHEREAS, residents on high traffic volume streets, or streets with other restrictions or special. issues, have expressed a desire to park on streets with permit parking restrictions; and WHEREAS, restricting parking on any street with permit parking may cause the unintended side effect of inconveniencing other local residents within a neighborhood; and WHEREAS, it is noC the Village's intent to burden nearby residents when providing parking congestion mitigation to others; and WHEREAS, the Village believes and supports the concept that residents of a neighborhood, whenever possible, should be provided priority and reasonable access to existing parking near their residences, for themselves and their guests, to improve the safety and quality of life within each neighborhood; and WHEREAS, it is recommended the Village Code, Section 5-13F-4: RESTRICTED PARKING STREETS be amended to allow the Village Administrator discretion to distribute parking permits to those residents residing nearby, but not immediately adjacent to, permit parking restrictions; and WHEREAS, this regulated distribution of parking permits may be provided only to those nearby residents residing within 500 feet of existing permit parking restrictions and who petition the Village Administrator and demonstrate, to the satisfaction of the Village Administrator, personal need based on circumstances caused by nearby permit parking restrictions; and WHEREAS, Village staff recommends the Municipal Code be amended to include the aforementioned amendment to the permit parking distribution procedure within the Village in order to accommodate the needs of Village residents; and WHEREAS, the Village Board of Trustees believe the best interest of the Village of Morton Grove will be served by concurring with the preceding recommendations of the Village Staff. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAIN?ED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Ordinance as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. Section 2. The existing Municipal Code, Section 5-13F-4: RESTRICTED PARKING STREETS, Subsection A, be amended to include the following. "Special Permit Parking: There shall be no parking on the following streets Between the hours and on-the days as indicated except for vehicles displaying a special permit or a special guest pass so to do: The Village Adminisli^ator shall issue one such permit for each vehicle registered to any resident of said streets upon showing proof of payment of the Village license fees as described in Section 5-3-3 of this title. Each such permit shall be fixed firmly to the lower left hand portion of the rear window of the vehicle for^ which it is issued at all times when such vehicle is parked an said streets. Guest passes shall be limited to two (2) per household and shall be issued only to residents on the restricted parking side of any Village street listed in the following schedule of restricted parking streets Co be used for vehicles visiting the residents on a temporarry basis. The Village Administrator ma~issue parkin permits to nearby residents (within 500 feet of existing perml~arking restrictions) based on a resident petition demonstrating to one suc~errnit for each vehicle registered to any resident who has petitioned and Section 5-3-3 of this title. (Ord. 93-18, 5-10-1993). " Section 3. The Village Administrator is hereby authorized and directed to implement procedures necessary To carry out this Ordinance. Section 4. This Ordinance shall be included in the Village Code, which shall serve as evidence of the passage and legal publication of this Ordinance. Section 5. This Ordinance shall be in full force and. effect upon its approval and publication. PASSED this 8t" day of September 2008. Trustee Brunner Trustee Kogstad Trustee Marcus Trustee Minx Trustee Thill Trustee Staackmann APPROVED by me this 8th day of September 2008. Richard Krier, Village President. Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois ATTESTED and FILED in my office this 9"' day of September 2008. Carol A. Fritzshall, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois Legislative Summary r Resolution -08-51 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ANNUAL VETERAN`S DAY PARADE Introduction: Synopsis: Purpose: Background: Programs, Departments or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: , Source of Funds: Workload Impact: Administrator Recommendation: First Reading: Special Considerations or Requirements: Respectfully submiued: September 8, 2008 This resolution will authorize the 2008 Veterans Day Parade on Dempster Street, Route 58, from. 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm on Sunday, November 9, 2008, which will require the closing of Dempster Street, Route 58, either partially or completely between Fernald Avenue and Austin Avenue. To authorize the Village President to instruct the Village Engineer to make application through the Illinois Department of Transportation to request the approval of the closing of Dempster Street, Route 58, from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm on Sunday, November 9, 2008, for the Amiual Veterans Day Parade The Village of Morton Grove has been conducting Veterans Day Parades for a great deal of time and each year a resolution of this nature is developed authorizing the parade and assuming full responsibility for the direction, protection, and regulation of traffic during the time the detour is in effect and all liabilities for damages of any kind occasioned by the closing of said state route. It is further agreed efficient all-weather detours will be maintained and continuously marked and jurisdictionally police patrolled for the benefit of the. traffic deviated from the state route. Public Works-Placement of barricades and directional information Police Department-Enforcement and traffic control Overtime associated with above activities. General Fund dollars will be used to support the manpower and equipment costs All Village Departments will provide their usual support for this activity Approval None required None ~- r ~~", ~ Etc '. Village Administrator Prepared by: ~"~~` ~" t ! " Teresa Hoffiry~ d~'iston, Corporation Counsel KESOLUTION d8-51 AUTHORIZING THE ANNUAL VETERANS DAY PARADE WHEREAS, Morton Grove Post 134 of the American Legion of the Village of Morton Grove desires to hold their annual VETERANS DAY PARADE on Dempster Street, Route 58 from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m., on Sunday, November 9, 2008; and WHEREAS, said parade will require the closing of Dempster Street, Route 58, either partially or completely between Fernald Avenue and Austin Avenue; and WHEREAS, the State of Illinois requires the Village of Morton Grove to assume all responsibility and liability involved in the closing of said highway. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THEPRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Corporate AuthoritSes do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Resolution as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. Section 2. That said Village will assume full responsibility for the direction, protection and regulation of traffic during the time the detour is in effect and all liabilities for damages of any kind occasioned by the closing of said State route. It is further agreed that efficient all weather detours will be maintained, conspicuously marked and judiciously police patrolled for the benefit of traffic deviated from the State route. Section 3. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect upon its passage and approval. PASSED THIS 8a' day of September 2008 Trustee Brumier Trustee Kogstad Trustee Marcus Trustee Minx Trustee Staaclunann Trustee Thill APPROVED BY ME THIS 8`" day of September 2008 Richard Krier, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois ATTESTED AND FILED in my office This 9`h day of September 2008. Carol A. Fritzshall, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cools County, Illinois e,ad ._ .: a``~^= ~~ Otis q ~5 ~~, C .y, S'~wa%i r 9~fG,0~~ , H qt ~a ///orfon ~rov¢ ~o6t ~.3Q o~lh¢ ~m¢rican o[.¢gion 8140 DEMPSTER STREET MORTON GROVE. ILI.tNOtS 80053 Village of Morton Grove 6101 Capulina Morton Grove, Illinois 60053 Dear Village Administrator, Ira ~' ~' The Morton Grove American Legion Post #134 will have the same two pazades that they have had in the past years, Memorial Day and Veterans Day. The Dates this year fall on Sunday Jung 1st and November ~'~ ai 130PM each dale. The route witl be east on Dempster from the post pazking lot to Austin, south on Austin to Lincoln, west on Lincoln to the Doughboy statue at the Library. After the half hour program, the parade will go north on Georgians crossing Dempster into the pazking lot. Please notify the various village departments and the Illinois Department of Transportatian {IDOT) so that arrangements are made to close the various streets during the parade. Thank you again for your support and continuing help for our Legion programs. ' /i {n ,. n ,: Jr ~l `Joseph Hedrick ::::Village Liaison