HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-05-11 AgendaAGENDA VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES TO BE HELD AT THE RICHARD T. FLICKINGER MUNICIPAL CENTER May 11, 2009 Meeting 7:30 pm 1. Catl to Order 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Roll Call 4. Approval of Minutes -Regular Meeting, Apri127, 2009 5. Public Hearings 6. Special Reports 7. Resident's Comments (agenda items only) 8. President's Report -Administration, Northwest Municipal Conference, Council of Mayors, TIF Committee, Capital Projects, Real Estate Committee a. Ordinance 09-07 (Introduced May 11, 2009) Amending Title 1, Chapters 5 and 7 of the Municipal Code of the Village of Morton Grove Regarding Setting a New Time For Village Board Meetings, the Appointment of Deputy Clerks, and Rules Regarding Nonofficial Recordings of Public Meetings by Tape, Film, or Other Means b. Proclamation-National Police Week, May 10- 16, 2009 a Proclamation -National Public Works Week, May 17 - 23, 2009 d. Assignment of Department and Committee liaisons e. Request for applications for open Trustee position and membership on Village Boards and Commissions 9. Clerk's Report-Legal, Cable and Teleeornmunieations Commission 10. Staff Reports a. Village Administrator 1) Reminder -The May 25, 2009, regularly scheduled Village Board meeting bas been. cancelled for the Memorial Day Holiday. 2} Miscellaneous Reports and Updates b. Corporation Counsel 11. Reports by Trustees a. Trustee DiMaria -Community and Economic Development Department, Waukegan Road TIF Review, Comprehensive Plan, Real Estate Committee, Lehigh/Ferris TIF Review, Economic Development, Dempster Street Corridor Plan (Trustee Thill) 1) Ordinance 09-08 (bitroducedMay 11, 2009) Declaring a Moratorium on New Multi-Family Residential Housing Units in the C-1 Commercial District of the Village of Morton Grove b. Trustee Gomberg -Finance Department, Community Relations Commission, Northwest Municipal Conference, Condominium Association (Trustee ) 1) Resolutiou 09-27 (Introduced May 11, 2009) Authorization for the Village to Update Authorized Signatures on Village Bank Accounts c. Trustee Grear -Fire Department, Emergency Management Agency, RED Center, NIPSTA, Police and Fire Commission (Trustee Dilularia) d. Trustee Marcus -Family and Senior Services Department, Police Department, Environmental Health, Police and Fire Commission, IT Communications, Chamber of Comrarerce (Trustee Gomberg) e. Trustee Thitl -Public Works, Capital Projects, Traffic Safety Commission, Natural Resource Commission, Solid Waste Agency of Northern Cook County, Advisory Commission on Aging (Trustee Marcus) 1} Resolution 09-28 (Introduced May 11;2009) Appointing a Director and Alternate Director to the Solid Waste Agency of Northern Cook County 2) Resolution 09-26 (Introduced May I1, 2009) Allowing the Extension of the Janitorial Services Contract with Crystal Maintenance Service Corp, Mt. Prospect, Illinois 12. Other Business 13. Presentation of Warrants - $362,817.40 1G. Resident's Comments 15. Executive Session 16. Adjournment - To ensure full accessibility and equal participation for all interested citizens, inadividuals with disabilities who plays to attend and wlao require certain accommodations ina order to obserne and/or participate in this meeting, or who (nave questions regarding the accessibility of these faoitiries, are requested to contact Susan or Marlene (847/470-5220) pronnptly to allow the Village to nsake reasonable accommodations. CALL TO ORDER I. Village President Rick Krier called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. After leading the assemhlage in the Pledge of Allegiance, he directed the Village Clerk to call the roll. II. Village Clerk Carol Fritzshall called the roll. Present were: Trustees Georgianne Brunner, ` Roy Kogstad, Shel Marcus, Rita Minx, Dan Staackmann, and John Thill. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Regarding the Minutes of the April 13, 2009 Regular Meeting, Trustee Minx moved, seconded by Trustee Thill, to accept the Minutes as presented. Seeing none, upon the vote, the motion passed unanimousty via voice vote. IV. PUBLIC HEARINGS NONE V. SPECIAL REPORTS NONE VI. RESIDENTS' COMMENTS (Agenda Items Only) Community Relations Chairman Terri Cousar presented Trustee Brunner with a bouquet of flowers and a card signed by the Community Relations Commission, and thanked her for her years of service as Trustee-liaison to the Commission. VII. PRESIDENT'S REPORT Mayor Krier had no report, but acknowledged several dignitaries present tonight, including former Mayor Dan Scanlon, Senator Ira Silverstein, and the Honorable Sheldon Garber. .. _.. ,. „ ::... - ~,...... ~ -~ ,. Mioutea>'f rii 27, 20. 9 Board aneetia" VIII. CLERK'S REPORT Clerk Fritzshall presented Resolution 09-25, Accepting the Canvass Results and Proclamation for the April 7, 2009 Consolidated Election. This resolution notes that Daniel J. Staackmann and Tony S. Kalogerakos have won the election for Village President and Village Clerk, respectively, and that Daniel P. DiMaria, Larry Gomberg, and William "Bill" Grear have also received the votes necessary to be sworn in as new Village Trustees. Trustee Marcus moved to approve Resolution 09-25, seconded by Trustee Minx. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. Brunner afire Tr. Kogstad aye Tr. Marcus Tr. h4inx awe, Tr. Staackmann aye Tr. Thill aerie Clerk Fritzshall thanked the residents for an "interesting" past four years. She acknowledged the Village employees, especially Village Administrator Wade and Executive Secretaries Sue Lattanzi and Marlene Kramaric, for being hard-working, helpful, wonderful people. She also thanked Nancy Lanning for being a wonderful friend. Clerk Fritzshall said she was quite proud of Trustees Brunner and Minx, and cited them far all the time and effort they put into their roles as Trustees and for being wonderful people. She noted that, at the opening ceremonies of Skokie's Holocaust Museum, Mayor Krier was referred to as the Museum's "hero". Clerk Fritzshall echoed that, saying that there is "no term limit on being a hero", and Mayor Krier was hers. She wished the new administration the best of luck. IX. STAFF REPORTS A. Village Administrator Mr. Wade announced that the Village Board Meeting scheduled for Monday, May 25, 2009, was cancelled due to the Memorial Day Holiday.. 2. Mr. Wade thanked the departing Board, stating that it had been a pleasure to work with them. He congratulated the new Board and said he was looking forward to working with the new Board. B. Corporation Counsel 1. Ms. Liston said that it was appropriate and necessary to thank Mayor Krier for allowing her the opportunity to serve the Village as its Corporation Counsel, and, as a resident, thanked him and the rest of the departing Board members on their four years of dedication and service to Morton Grove. 2. She told the new Board that she looked forward to working with them. ~.... ,.. ~ ~.... . ~ Minutes of April 27, 2009 Hoartl Meeting!, X. A. Trustee Brunner: TRUSTEES'REPORTS Trustee Brunner had no formal report, but had a report on the swine flu from the Department of Family and Senior Services, the Fire Department, and the Board of Environmental Health. She said there have been numerous reports on radio and television about the outbreak of swine flu in the U.S. She said that the best source for information is the Center for Disease Control's website, which is www.cdc.aov. The Village's website will have a link to the CDC's site as well. Trustee Brunner provided some basic health tips, including: cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when coughing or sneezing, and then throw the tissue away; wash your hands often, especially after you cough or sneeze; avoid touching your hands to your eyes, nose, or mouth, and lastly, avoid contact with sick people. This is common-sense advice to help avoid the spread of illness. Trustee Brunner echoed Clerk Fritzshall's remarks. She thanked the residents for giving her the opportunity to serve, saying she had found it "fascinating". She said the Village staff was fabulous and very hard-working, commenting on their great fiscal management and their ability to get things done with few resources. She noted that they all wear many hats, and thanked them. Trustee Brunner said she had enjoyed working with this Board and the previous Board, and remarked that although they didn't always see eye-to-eye, many times they were able to come to a compromise. She said she found their points of view interesting; that it made her "ask better questions and seek clearer answers" to allow her to make decisions on matters before the Board. Trustee Brunner thanked the Commissions she had worked with, saying that she had truly enjoyed working with them, and that they were "residents of the Village who put their heart and soul" into helping the Village move forward. She thanked Mayor Krier for taking a chance on her to run with him. She said she was glad that he took that chance and pleased to have served with him. Trustee Brunner thanked her husband and her son, noting that they had sacrified a lot for her. She wished the new Board good luck, stating that they had a lot of hard work ahead of them. B. Trustee Kogstad: Trustee Kogstad said that, having been involved as a Trustee for the past four years and as a community activist prior to that, it was amazing to see some of the achievements that have occurred. He said that he was most proud of the fact that he has kept his promises to the residents of Morton Grove. Another highlight was helping maintain a wholesome Village and protecting high school students from certain businesses. Also, providing sound financial solutions to the Village's fiscal challenges enabled him to utilize his over 20 years of financial experience. Trustee Kogstad said it was a privilege to give back to the Village. He thanked his close associates for their wise counsel and support, and thanked those who had supported him. He also thanked his new friends, many of those being people in the Action Party that he opposed four years ago, noting That some are now among his closest friends. He concluded his remarks by saying, "May Morton Grove and its residents continue to grow and prosper." ..........., ,' Minutes of ApriP27,'xOD9 Boats Meeting X. TRUSTEES' REPORTS (continued) C. Trustee Marcus: Trustee Marcus said that, although they didn't always agree, it's been a pleasure to work with this Board over the last two years. He felt it was important to disagree from time to time. He said that he considers each of the departing Board Members good friends, citing their dedication to the Village and their hard work. Trustee Marcus told Trustee Brunner that she was a joy and pleasure to work with. He thanked Trustee Kogstad for providing much insight into the Village's finances, noting how important that had been to him when he was first elected. He commented on how much he would miss Trustee Minx as a fellow Trustee-liaison to the Fire and Police Commission, because she has a "true understanding" of being able to say what she needed to say in very clear terms. He thanked Clerk Fritzshall for fulfilling her very important administrative role with absolute professionalism. Trustee Marcus also thanked Mayor Krier, noting that what he's done has been heartfelt and with a commitment to serve this Village as best as he could. No one can ask more from anyone who comes to the arena of public service. Trustee Marcus also thanked Christie Krier also, noting that she had worked hard with Mayor Krier on developing and chairing many programs. He congratulated Joe Brunner and Paul Minx for getting their spouses back, and noted, "E-lections come and elections go, but friendships last forever." D. Trustee Minx: Trustee Minx thanked everyone who supported her both four years ago and in the most recent election. She said she had given her personal promise to work as hard as she could to represent the residents of Morton Grove. She said was proud of the fact that she had never missed a Board meeting or a Commission meeting to which she was liaison. Trustee Minx said that she was also proud of the relationships she's forged, and the legislative business she's accomplished. She noted that the staff and the department heads are a phenomenal team, working for the betterment of Morton Grove. She thanked everyone who worked hard to put together the board members' weekly packets. She thanked her family and friends for standing by her, and especially, her husband Paul, who went with her to every meeting she attended. She said she would have liked to have seen some of the plans currently in place come to fruition, stating that she has a lot at stake in Morton Grove, and still believes that it's the best place in which to live, work, and raise a family. E. Trustee Staackmann: Trustee Staackmann said he really appreciated everyone present here tonight and the support and dedication of this Village Board and the Village staff. He thanked the departing Board members for their time and dedication to Morton Grove, stating that "you can never be accusing of not trying or not caring for this Village." . ,......~ : ~; ~... ~ :i Afiinuteaof:APri127.40098oaM Meeting: X. TRUSTEES' REPORTS {continued) Trustee Thill Trustee Thill said, "It's been sweet, and it's been sour." He thanked the departing Board for always trying to work things out, and for their dedication and service. He welcomed the new Board Members, noting, "We have a full plate." Xl, WARRANTS Trustee Minx presented the Warrant Register for April 27, 2009, in the amount of $724,121.02. She moved to approve the Warrants, seconded by Trustee Staackmann. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. Brunner aye Tr. Kogstad a~ Tr. Marcus afire Tr. Minx afire Tr. Staackmann awe Tr. Thill aye Xp. OTHER BUSINESS Mayor Krier said he'd like to address the residents of Morton. Greve ene last time. He thanked everyone for the proud memories that he'll never forget, including the Hurricane Katrina fund- raiser, which a small team put together in just a few weeks and which raised $30,000 for relief efforts in Slidell, Louisiana. Another proud memory was being able to represent Morton Grove as one of the "Top 10 Places in which to Raise a Family." Mayor Krier said he was proud of "Family Fest"and how it built community pride and appreciation for one another. He said he was grateful for the memories and honor bestowed on him by the American Legion Post 134. He said he was truly humbled to be associated with the great men and women who had given so much to this country. Mayor Krier said that, standing at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier and laying a wreath there would always be one of the greatest moments of his life. He said that, because Morton Grove played such a vital role in making the Holocaust Museum and Education Center a reality in the lifetime of some of the survivors, he was honored to repre- sentthe Village at the Museum's opening. He said he would cherishthe memories of repre- senting Morton Grove with Colin Powell, former President Bill Clinton, and other honorees. a. Mayor Krier said he would be remiss if he didn't mention all the precious time he spent with the children of Morton Grove, and calted the children of this community "its greatest blessing." He said that all these memories are possible because of the residents of Morton Grove. " The opportunities I have had to serve you and represent you are only possible because you allowed this privilege," he told the assemblage. b. Mayor Krier thanked the trustees, stating that he enjoyed the debate, the decisions, and the camaraderie. He thanked the Village employees, administrator, and department heads, stating that he's grown to appreciate all their dedication and hard work. He said it had been a privilege to work with them, calling their love of the Village "evident". c. Mayor Krier said that; as a resident and as the mayor, he knows that the place he calls home is in good hands. He thanked the residents for the opportunity to serve as their mayor, and said he worked hard to be worthy of the title. He said that hard decisions were often necessary over the past four years, and whether people agreed or disagreed, he wanted everyone to know that he always contemplated everything and that any decision he made was what he thought, in his heart, was best for the Village and its people. .... ,..... .._ __ ,,. , ,: ,.. _.,.. y.. Miwtes ofA ril27,200§Bosrd Frleetin>.: XII. OTHER BUSINESS (continued) Mayor Krier said that, on a personal note, most people know he Tikes to read about history and likes to quote famous people. Abraham Lincoln is one of his favorites; however, he couldn't find a quote from Mr. Lincoln that would adequately convey what he wanted to say to his wife, Christie. Instead, he quoted Jacqueline Kennedy, who, at age 31, became the First Lady. She said that her role was "to take care of the President," adding that, "if you bungle raising your children, nothing else you do matters very much." Mayor Krier thanked Christie for taking care of his children, stating, "I love you, and I love Morton Grove." 2. Executive Secretary Sue Lattanzi introduced the Honorable Judge Sheldon Garber, who would be performing the swearing-in ceremony for the new Board. a. Judge Garber greeted everyone and said it was his great pleasure to be the installing officer this evening. He said he was always amazed at the historically low voter turnout in local elections. People have said, "Well, it's only a local election." Judge Garber said that, presidential and congressional races, while important, "pale in comparison" to local elections in terms of their impact on our daily lives. Local elections determine the kind of schools we have, the quality of the water we drink, the efficiency of snow removal and garbage pick-up, the programs and housing we have available for our senior citizens, how much taxes we'll pay, the vibrancy of our library, what kind of parks and recreation we'll have, and what our homes will be worth. The best insurance we have is the efficiency of our police and fire departments, and our paramedics. These things that truly impact the quality of our lives have been entrusted to our Board of Trustees and Village officials. Judge Garber said that, overall, our past and present Boards have done a splendid job, resulting in Morton Grove being named one of the top 10 places in the country in which to live, work, and raise a family. He said he was confident that the Village's new President, Clerk, and Trustees, together with the existing Board members, will continue that fine record of honest; efficient, good government, administered with compassion and integrity for all the people of Morton Grove. b. Judge Garber then swore in Tony Kalogerakos as Village Clerk, followed by Dan DiMaria, Larry Gomberg, and Bill Grear as Village Trustees. He then thanked Mayor Krier for his years of service and said that Morton Grove is a better community for that: He wished Mayor Krier well in all his future endeavors. Judge Garber then swore in Dan Staackmann as Village President, and congratulated him. He declared that, as a judge of Cook County, that all the new Board members had been successfully installed, and wished them all well. c. Mayor Staackmann then presented plaques on behalf of the Village to Clerk Fritzshall and Trustees Brunner, Kogstad, and Minx, in recognition of their selfless and dedicated service and commitment to the Village over the last four years. He cited Trustee Brunner's sincerity and compassion, noted how much he would miss Trustee Kogstad, and commented on how far he goes back with Trustee Minx' family: To departing Mayor Krier, he said he appreciates how Mayor Krier has always tried to do the right thing, and thanked him for his offer to be of service in the future. Mayor Staackmann presented a plaque to Mayor Krier, and additionally presented him with a United States flag and a Morton Grove flag, both of which had been flown over Village Hall during Mayor Krier's tenure. Mayor Staackmann asked the new Board if they'd like to make any remarks. 3. Trustee DiMaria thanked everyone for being here tonight; he said it was an honor to be here again. He thanked the voters and the former Board Members and Mayor Krier, stating that no one could understate their dedication to the Village. Trustee DiMaria was wearing an elephant pin, and he said that some people had asked him if that was a Republican pin. _. .... .~ ..~. , ''' ,_ ' ~ r~ flAfnutes ofApril'~7, 2009 BOa~d RAei~ttlg. ~ „ XII. OTHER BUSINESS (continued) a. His response was that it was not. He said that a former Morton Grove resident, Matt Berrafato, had written a book called "Elephant Hunting". Trustee DiMaria said the title intrigued him, and he read the book. The premise of the book was "How do you eat an elephant?" and the answer, by the time the book was finished, was, "You eat an elephant one bite at a time, like you eat anything else." Trustee DiMaria said there are a number of "elephants" now facing the Village, and "if we approach those elephants one bite at a time, we're going to see a prosperous Morton Grove" in the next several years. b. Trustee DiMaria also thanked all the volunteers who worked so hard to get him and the rest of the Action Party slate elected. He said that, without volunteers, "whether you're Action Party or Caucus Party, you're nothing." He said he was truly humbled by the number of people who made phone calls and canvassed on his behalf, and all those who voted for him, and promised to always do his best for the Village. c. Trustee DiMaria lastly thanked his wife, Melodee, and his children, citing the Bette Midler song, "Wind Beneath My Wings", and said that, for him, they are. 4. Trustee Gomberg thanked everyone in attendance for coming out and said it was humbling to see such a crowd. He said the departing board members have received a number of well- deserved accolades this evening, and commented that, "anyone in this position wha does it to the best of their ability and takes the time to do so deserves our thanks." a. Trustee Gomberg thanked his supportive and loving family, including his wife, Diane, and his daughter, Maria, who were both here tonight. (His twin sons are away at college.) He also thanked his "political family" for all of their efforts, stating that he was "proud and honored" to be elected. He thanked the voters for making their voices be heard. Trustee Gomberg said that Morton Grove is a great community, but there is a lot of work to be done, but "we have a great team, a lot of ideas, and energy to achieve things." He said he was looking forward to the challenge, and thanked everyone for the opportunity to serve the Village. 5. Trustee Grear thanked everyone present tonight. He said he was honored to work, grow, and learn from the Village employees. He also thanked the voters, and said he promised to give 180% to those who supported him and those who did not. He thanked his Action Party family, and said he would not be here without them. He said he had three idols in his life: his father, Jack O'Brien, and Dan Scanlon. The latter two convinced him to join the Action Party when he was younger,. and he's never looked back. Trustee Grear thanked his running mates, saying they were unbelievable and he couldn't thank them enough. a. Trustee Grear said that many people know that he's a pure "Morton Grover", a fact he's very proud of: He thanked his 10 brothers and sisters, and said he couldn't have done it without them. Being raised in a large family teaches you about hard work. He thanked his mother, too. Trustee Grear thanked his three children, and his best friend, his wife, Janice. 6. Clerk Kalogerakos said he was extremely honored to accept this new responsibility. He said he knew his mother was proud and that his late father would have been proud too. He prom- ised to work hard for the Village residents, with every ounce of his enthusiasm and knowledge. He said he was grateful for everyone's support and open to everyone's ideas. He said he was eager to meet the challenges ahead, adding that it will be a privilege to sit on this Board. _,._., ,... _... ,~,, ,._. ..... •., -,. Minutes oflA '127, 20D96oartl"Meftin'_' XII. OTHER BUSINESS (continued) Mayor Staackmann acknowledged the presence of so many people, including his grandson; his mother, who's always been there for him; and his former high school guidance counselor, Mary Pat Carr, as well as former high school classmate and friend, Glenn Murphy. He noted that the Guidance Counselor wing at Niles West is named after Mrs. Carr, and applauded her years of dedicated service to the children of Niles Township District 219. a. Mayor Staackmann said, on behalf of the entire Board, he wanted to thank the citizens of Morton Grove for giving everyone the opportunity to serve. He was deeply humbled by that. He also took the opportunity to express his gratitude and appreciation to the departing Board members for their years of dedicated service, noting that Mayor Krier had never missed a meeting or an event in six years of service. b. Mayor Staackmann pledged that he and the rest of the Board would work diligently every day to earn and keep the confidence and the trust the residents have bestowed on them. He said that, as a lifelong resident, he knows that Morton Grove is a wonderful place in which to live, work, and raise a family. It is the Board's job is to maintain the excellent services already in place, and to embrace the many opportunities that lie ahead in hopefully an improving economy. He said he was proud of the Board, the Village staff, and the many dedicated volunteers who serve the Village and make it great. Mayor Staackmann said, "United, we are a team, and we will work as a team to strive for the goals which will shape our community for our children." He said his first priority would be to evaluate what the Village does well, and what it can do better. If changes are needed, they will be made-but they will not be made for change's sake alone. He said the Board will begin with the basics: to provide emergency services, provide protection for our families and homes; provide clean and abundant drinking water; provide safe and clean streets; and maintain and improve the infrastructure of the Village. Once those basics have been addressed, then and only then will the Board consider providing additional or enhanced services. c. Mayor Staackmann said that, in the months ahead, the residents need to know the Board's responsibility is to them. He noted that this Board will make every effort to make sure every- one's voice is heard and respected, and will call upon those who genuinely have a desire to help advance the Village for their ideas and suggestions. He invited all in attendance to a reception at Trackside Tap following tonight's meeting, and encouraged people to carpool as parking there is limited. XI I I. RESIDENTS' COMMENTS NONE XIV. ADJOURNMENT/EXECUTIVE SESSION There being no further business, Trustee DiMaria moved to adjourn the meeting. Trustee Thill seconded the motion. Motion passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. DiMaria awe Tr. Gomberg ~ Tr. Grear Tr. Marcus aye Tr. Thill ~? The Board Meeting adjourned at 8:34 p.m. ~ , a ~ ... ~ ., ~ .~' Ni6ttutes of,~d~if'27, 20D98omrd Me'Eiing~ PASSED this 11th day of May, 2009. Trustee DiMaria Trustee Gomberg Trustee Grear Trustee Marcus Trustee Thill APPROVED by me this 11th day of May, 2009. Daniel J. Staackmann, Village President Board of Trustees, Morton Grove, Illinois APPROVED and FILED in my office this 12th day of May, 2009. Tony S. Kalogerakos, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove, Cook County, Illinois Minutes by: Teresa Cousar I Ordinance 09-0'T I __ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 1, CHAPTERS 5 AND 7 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF TILE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE REGARDING SETTING A NEW TIME FOR VILLAGE BOARD MEETINGS, THE APPOINTMENT OF DEPUTY CLERKS; AND RULES REGARDING NONOFFICIAL RECORDINGS OF PUBLIC MEETINGS BY TAPE, FILM, OR OTHER MEANS Introduced: ~ May 11, 2009 Synopses: Purpose: Back round: Programs, Depart or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: Source of Funds: Workload Impact: Admin Recommend Second Reading:. Special Consid or Requirements: This resolution will authorize the Village Board meetings to begin at 7:00 pm rather than 7:30 pm, will authorize the Village Clerk to appoint up to four (4) Deputy Clerks and will update rules regarding the nonofficial recordings of public meetings by tape, film, or other means. Beginning meetings at 7:00 pm will be more convenient for the public and Village staff and will allow for more effective discussion and resolution of Village business. The appointment of Deputy Clerks will assist the Village Clerk in the performance of his official duties. Village Code Section 1-5-7 sets the time and place of all regular Village Board meetings currently to the second and fourth Monday of each month beginning at 7:30 pm. Recently, the newly elected Village President and members of the Board of Trustees have requested the Village Board meetings begin at 7:00 pm. T'ne Village Clerk has requested that the Municipal Code be changed to allow for the appointment of up to four (4) Deputy Clerks. Also, Section 1-5-5 establishes rules of procedures for Village Boazd meetings. Rule 9 establishes rules regarding nonofficial recording of public meetings by ±ape, film, or other means. Under the State of Illinois' Open Meetings Act, all non-closed sessions of public meetings may be recorded. The Corporate Authorities are required to pass reasonable regulations defining these recordings. Recently, a resident had voiced concern about the Village's requirement that "Any person seeking to record a meeting notify the Village Administrator of his or her intent to record said meeting in advance." While this rule has never been used to prohibit any person to record a Village meeting and is intended to advise Village staff, officials, and the public the meeting is being recorded, the Corporate Authorities believe a clarification of this rule may be beneficial. Section 3 of this ordinance revises Rule 9, Section C, Paragraph 3 to provide that, "Any person seeking to recor^d a public meeting must notify the presiding officer or Chair person of that meeting of his or her^ intent to record the meeting. Whenever practical, any request for special accomnaodationsshoind he made at least two business days before the meeting." This ordinance will amend the Code to effectuate these changes. All departments and commissions will be informed of the updated changes to the Munieij~al Code. N/A N/A N/A Approval as presented Required, Code Book change None Ge/s~r Village Administrator Prepared by: Teresa Corporation Counsel ®RDINANCE 09-07 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 1, CHAPTERS 5 AND 7 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE REGARDING SETTING A NEW TIME FOR VILLAGE BOARD MEETINGS, THE APPOINTMENT OF DEPUTY CLERKS; AND RULES REGARDING NONOFFICIAL RECORDINGS OF PUBLIC MEETINGS BY TAPE, FILM, OR OTHER MEANS WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (VILLAGE), located in Cook County, Illinois is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees recently requested Board meeting times be changed so the regular Board meeting would begin at 7:00 pm; and WHEREAS, the Village Clerk has requested that the Code be changed to allow him to appoint up to four (4) Deputy Clerks; and WHEREAS, an ordinance amendment is required to implement the requests of the Board of Trustees and the Village Clerk; and WHEREAS, the Corporate Authorities deem it to be in the best interest of the Village to implement the aforedescribed modifications. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION l: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incozporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Ordinance as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2: Title 1 of the Mturicipal Code entitled Admi~iistrative, Chapter 5 entitled Village Board of Trustees, Paragraph 7 entitled Meetings is hereby amended by repealing the existing language and enacting in lieu thereof a new Paragraph I-5-7, also to be entitled Meetings to read as follows: 1-5-7: MEETINGS: The regular meethigs of the Board of Trustees shall be held on the second and fourCh Mondays of each month, beginning at seven (7:00) pm. Notice of said meetings shall be pursuant to the Illinois Open. Meetings Act, as amended from time-to-time. (Ord 98-11, 9-14-98; Ord 03-O1, 02-24-03; Ord 04-04, 02-23-04; Ord 09- , 05-11- 09) The location of the meeting shall be set forth in the applicable notice and shall conform to the Illinois Open Meetings Act. (Ord 98-11, 9-14-98; Ord 03-O1, 02-24-03; Ord 04-04, 02-23-04) If there is no quorum present for a meeting, the meeting shall be held on the next business day following said meeting day. (Ord 73-38, 9-18-73) A. Special Meetings: The President, or any three (3) ofthe Trustees, may call special meetings of the Board of Trustees. The person or persons authorized to call the special meetings may fix the day and the hour of such meeting. Notice of any special meeting shall be as provided for in the Open Meetings Act. The attendance of member of the Board of Trustees at any meeting shall constitute proof of waiver of notice of such meeting, except where a Trustee attends a meeting for the expressed purpose of obj ecting to the transaction of any business because the meeting is not lawfully called or convened. B. Quorum: A majority of the elected members of the Board shall constitute a quorum to do business. The President shall, for the purposes of quorum, be considered as one of the elected members of the Board. A smaller number however, may adjourn from time-to- time. No ordinance shall be passed, no ordinance shall be repealed, and the enforcement of any ordinance shall not be stayed, except with The concurrence of a majorityvf the elected members of the Board as defined in this subsection. (Ord. 77-23, 10-14-77) (Ord. 05-24, OS-23-OS) SECTION 3: Title 1 of the Municipal Code entitled Administrative, Chapter 7 entitled Village Clerk, Paragraph 6 entitled Deputy Clerks is hereby amended by repealing the existing language and enacting in lieu thereof a new Paragraph 1-7-6, also to be entitled Deputy Clerks to read as follows: 1-7-6: DEPUTY CLERKS: A. The Village Clerk is authorized to appoint Deputy Clerks not to exceed four (4) in number to serve at the pleasure of the Village Clerk. B. The Deputy Clerk or Clerks shall have such powers and duties to perform such powers and duties of the Village Clerk as maybe assigned to said Deputy Clerk by the Village Clerk from time to time including the power to execute all documents to be executed by the Village Clerk, and affix the seal of the clerk thereto wherever required. Such docmnents bearing the signature affixed by any such deputy, including, but not limited to, contracts, bonds, or other obligations of the municipality, shall haue the same effect as if the documents so executed had been signed by The Village Clerlc in person. In signing any document, a deputy Village Clerk shall sib i the name of the Village Clerk followed by the word "By" and the Deputy Clerk's own name and the words "Deputy Village Clerk". C. The powers and duties of the deputy Village Clerk herein described shall be exercised only in the absence of the Village Clerk from the place where the Village Clerk`s office is maintained. (Ord. 83-17, 10-10-1983) SECTION ~: Title 1 entitled Administrative, Chapter 5 entitled Village Board of Trustees, Paragraph 5 entitled Rules of Procedure of the Municipal Code is hereby amended by repealing the existing Paragraph 1-5-5, Rule 9.C.3 to be replaced with a new Paragraph 1-5-5, Rule 9.C.3 to read as follows: Rule 9: Rules Regarding Nonofficial Recording of Public Meetings by Tape, Film or Other. Means: C. Rules of Procedure: 3. Any person seeking to record a public meeting must notify The presiding officer or chairperson of that meeting of his or her intent to record the meeting. Whenever practical, any request for special accommodations should be made at least two business days before the meeting. SECTION 5: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and api,roval. PASSED THIS 11th day of May 2009 Trustee DiMaria Trustee Gomberg Trustee Grear Trustee Marcus Trustee Thill APPROVED BY ME THIS 11th day of May 2009 Daniel J. Staaclunann, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois ATTESTED and FILED in my office 12th day of May 2009. Tony S. Kalogerakos, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove COOk COUnty, I111n01S M:\Icgislative\ordanances\2009\Vill Bd meeting time change.doc WHEREAS, the Congress and President of the United States have designated May 15 as Peace Officers Memorial Day and the week in which it falls as Police Week; and WHEREAS, the members of the Morton Grove Police Department play an essential role in safeguarding the rights and freedoms of the citizens of Morton Grove; and WHEREAS, it is important that all citizens know and understand the problems, duties and responsibilities of their police department, and that members of our police department recognize their duty to serve the people by safeguarding life and property by protecting them against violence or disorder, and by protecting the innocent against deception and the weak against oppression or intimidation.; and WHEREAS, the Morton Grove Police Department has grown to be a modem and progressive law enforcement agency which constantly provides a vital public service; and WHEREAS, the citizens of Morton Grove need to observe Friday, May 15, 2009, as Peace Officers Memorial Day by honoring those peace officers who, through their courageous deeds, have lost their lives or have become disabled in the performance of duty. NOW, THEREFORE, I, Daniel J. Staackrnann, do hereby proclaim May 10 - 16, 2009, as NATIONAL POLICE WEEK in the Village of Morton Grove, and call upon all citizens and upon all patriotic, civil and educational organizations to observe the week with appropriate ceremonies in which all persons may join in commemorating police officers, past and present, who by their faithful and loyal devotion to their responsibilities have'rendered a dedicated service to their communities and, in doing so, have established for themselves an enviable and enduring reputation for preserving the lights and security of all citizens. In witness herecf; I have herenrto set my hand and caused to be affixed the seal of the Village of Morton Grove. Daniel J. Staaclanann, Village President WHEREAS, Public Works services provided in our community are an integral part of our citizens' everyday lives; and WHEREAS, the support of an understanding and informed citizenry is vital to the efficient operation of public works systems and programs such as water, sewers, streets and highways, and engineering; and WHEREAS, the health, safety and welfare of Morton Grove greatly depends on "these facilities and services; and WHEREAS, the quality and effectiveness of these operations and facilities, ns well ns their planning, design, and construction, is vitally dependent upon the efforts and skill of Public Works officials; and WHEREAS, the efficiency of the qualified and dedicated personnel who staff our Public Works department is significantly influenced by the peoples' attitudes and understanding of the importance of the work they perform, NOW THEREFORE, I, Daniel J. Staackmnnn, Village President of the Village of Morton Grove, do hereby proclaim the week of May 17 to May 23, 2009, as NATIONAL PUBLIC WORKS 1NEEK in the Village of Morton Grove, and call upon all citizens and civic organizations to acquaint themselves with the issues involved in providing public works services and to recognize the contributions which Public Works officials make every day to our health, safety, comfort, and quality of life. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hove hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the seal of the Village of Morton Grove. Daniel J. Staackmann, Village President Legislative Summary ~- Ordinance 09-08 AN ORDINANCE DECLARING A MORATORIUM ON NEW MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL HOUSING UNITS IN TAE C-1 COMMERCIAL DISTRICT OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE Introduction: Synopsis: Purpose: Background: Programs, Departments or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: Source of Funds: Workload Impact: Admin Recommendation Second Reading: Special Considerations or Requirements: May 11, 2009 To attract and retain commercial retail establishments within the Village, a study restricting or prohibiting multi-family housing units within the C-1 commercial district is being proposed. To place a six month hold on any future multi-family housing projects in the C-1 District while the Village Board and staff review the issue of restricting multi- family housing projects in the C-1 Distrct and draft appropriate amendments to the Unified Development Code. Few large commercial sites remain in the C-1 District that basically includes commercial propertees on Dempster St, Waukegan Rd, Golf Rd, and Oakton St. With multi-family development allowed in the CR district, it may be desirable to now eliminate new muiti-family housing from the C-1 district; or at least limit multi-family units to upper floors of mixed use buildings. Time is needed to evaluate the options and obtain market information as to the viability of retail properties in the C-1 district. Community and Economic Development, Building Department, Administrafion, and Legal Department N/A N/A The completion of the various studies required will be handled as part of the regular workload of departments affected. Approval as presented Required None Respectfully Submitted by: ~/. " a ~ '~f z Prepared by Joseph F. ade, illage Administrator Teresa Hoffman Reviewed by:~/~r.C'~.N°~`~ ./'~ Bill Neuendorf, Co nity and Economic Development Director f``~~. Corporation Counsel ORDTNAl~C~ 09-08 AN ORDINANCE DECLARING A MORATORIUM ON NEW MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL HOUSING UNITS IN THE C-1 COMMERCIAL DISTRICT OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (Village), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, and can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its local government affairs; and WHEREAS, multi-family residential housing units of various configurations are currently special uses in the C-1 and C-2 commercial districts, and permitted on special uses in the C-R commercial district; and WHEREAS, the C-1 commercial district is the Village's main commercial district and is located primarily along Dempster Street and Waukegan Road within the Village of Morton Grove; and WHEREAS, there are very few parceis within this district available or expected to be avaiiable in a lot size of one acre or more; and V,~IER~AS,m order to ai~raot and retain restaura~?ts zrd retail estabiisl7.tnents within the Village, Village staff and officials are currently studying restricting or prolribiting multi-family housing units on larger parcels within the C-1 commercial district; and WHEREAS, the Village is interested in maintaining the proper balance of commercial and residential uses in the Village; and WHEREAS, additional time is necessary to fully evaluate, draft, and consider a change in the Village's Municipal Code regarding such restrictions; and WHEREAS, mitil the Village Board is able to complete its review, it is in the best interest of the Village to declare a temporary moratorium on the approval of subdivision plats, special use permits, planned unit developments. and construction permits for multi-family residential housing units including attached dwellings, multi family dwellnigs, community residences, and senior citizen housing in the C-1 corrunercial district; and WHEREAS, it is contemplated the Village will require up to six months before the Corporate Authorities of the Village of Morton Grove will be able to fully evaluate and enact any proposed modifications to its Municipal. Code regarding restricting multi-family residential units in the C-1 commercial district; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Ordinance as though fully set forth therein. thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2: There is hereby established a moratorium upon the approval of preliminary subdivision plats, final subdivision plats, special use permits, planned unit developments or construction permits for all types multiple family development including, but not limited to: attached dwellings, multiple-family dwellings, community residences, and senior citizen housing within the C-1 commercial district of the Village of Morton Grove for a term of six months from the date of passage of this ordinance, or until the enactment of legislation regulating multi-family units in this district, which ever occurs first. SECTION 3: Nothing in this ordinance will be construed to prohibit the continuation of plats of subdivision, special use permits in good standing, or current building permits for multi-family residential housing units which were approved prior to the effective date of this ordinance. SECTION 4: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage, approval, and publication as required bylaw. PASSED this 8`h day of June 2009. Trustee DiMaria Trustee Grear Trustee Gomberg Trustee Marcus Trustee Thill Trustee APPROVED by me this 8`h day of June 2009. Daniel J. Staackmarm, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois APPROVED and FILED in my off ce This 9`h day of June 2409. Tony S. Kalogerakos, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook Connty, Illinois Lzgis\ord~2009\building morarorium Legislative Summary Resolution U9-27 AUTHORIZATION FOR THE VILLAGE TO UPDATE AUTHORIZED SIGNATURES ON VILLAGE BANK ACCOUNTS Introduced: Synopsis: Purpose: Background: Programs, Departments or Groups Affected Fiscal Tmpact: Source of Funds: Workload Impact: Administrator Recommendation: First Reading: Special Considerations or Requirements: Respectfully submitted: Prepared by: f ~`" "r Teresa Hoffman May 11, 2009 This resolution will authorize the Village President, Village Administrator and Finance Director as signatures on various Village bank accounts. With the change over of the Village Board of Trustees with the April ?009 election, vazious institutions will require the filing of a Village resolution for the new designation of authorized signatories. The Village has a number of bank accounts through which it transacts business and from time-to-time the hst of individuals authorized to sign on such accowtis must be updated to reflect changes in personnel. With the departure of the V11age President and the appointment of a new Finance Dtreetor, it is naeessary to update a e authorized slgriat=.:res on t11eSe accounts. Fina<1ce Department. None. None. The Finance Department will implement this change as pal-[ of their normal work activities. Approval as presented. Not required. None. de, Village r .~-^'. Corporation Counsel Z Reviewed by: ~ ~'Z- ^/. f'i K--'L----' Ry i Hor e, Finance Director RESOLUTION 09-27 AUTHORIZATION ROR TAE VILLAGE TO UPDATE AUTHORIZED SIGNATURES ON VILLAGE BANK ACCOUNTS WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (Village), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its govennment affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove, Cook County, Illinois maintains its savings, checking and investment accow~ts at various institutions including: the mb Financial Bank, 1MET, Northern Trust, Illinois Funds, and PMS Securities; and WF-IEREAS, from time-to-time authorized signers on some accounts may change; and WHEREAS, it is necessary and approprizte to update the resoluiions on file with the aforementioned institutions to designate those persons who may be authorized as signatories on various Village bank accounts. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, ILLINOIS. SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Resolution as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereihabove set forth: SECTION 2: The following individuals are authorized signatories, on the various Village bank accounts: Daniel J. Staackmann Village President Village Administrator Joseph F. Wade Finance Director Ryan Horne SECTION 3: The Village Clerk is hereby directed to issue a certificate indicating this action has been duty adopted by the Village Board of Trustees. SECTION a: The Village President, Village Administrator and Finance Director are hereby authorized to execute all documents and take all steps necessary to effectuate this resolution. SECTION 5: This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. PASSED this 11`" day of May 2009. Trustee DiMaria Trustee Gomberg Trustee Grear Trustee Marcus Trustee Thill APPROVED by me this 1 lt" day of May 2009. Daniel J. Staaclonann, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois APPROVED and FILED in my office This 12"' day of May 2009. Tony S. Kalogerakos, Village Clerk Village of Morton Greve Cook County, Illinois LeEistative Summary C Resolution 09-28 __~ APPOINTING A DIRECTOR AND ALTERNATE DIRECTOR TO THE SOLID WASTE AGENCY OF NORTHERN COOK COUNTY Introduced: Synopsis: Purpose: Background: Programs, Departments or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: Source of Funds: Workload Impact: Administrator Recommendation: First Reading: Special Considerations or Requirements: Respectfully submitted: Prepared and Reviewed by: F May 11, 2009 To authorize a representative to the Solid Waste Agency of Northern Cook. County (SWANCC). The Village of Morton Grove, as a member of SWANCC is entitled to appoint a Director to serve on the Agency's Board. The Board of Directors approves the yearly budget for the Agency, and sets policy for the region's long term plan to manage the area's garbage. SWANCC is a unit of local government and anon-profit corporation which was foimed by 23 ifiunicipaliiies in norther7r Cook County in 3 oi8$. in I94P, SWANCC developed a long term plan to manage the region's garbage that is directed by the SWANCC Board of Directors. Each year the Village appoints a Director and Alternate Direotor(s) to SWANCC to represent the Village's interest. The Village Boa~~d has selected Trustee John T'hill as the Village's Director and Trustee Gomberg and Village Administrator Joseph F. Wade as its Altemate Directors. Administration, Finance, and Public Works Departments None N/A Trustee 'I'hill's, Trustee Gomberg's and Mr. Wade's appointment to the Board of Directors will be supported by the Finance Director, and Director of Public Works as part of their normal work load. Approval as presented Not Required None Administrator Corporation Counsel RESOLUTION 09-28 APPOINTING A DIRECTOR AND ALTERNATE DIRECTOR TO THE SOLID WASTE AGENCY OF NORTHERN COOK COUNTY WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (Village), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Ar[icle 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power acid perform ally function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, the Solid Waste Agency of Northern Cook Comity (SWANCC) is a unit of local govermnent and anon-profit corporation which was formed by 23 municipalities in northerr, Cook County in 1988; and WHEREAS, in 1999 SWANCC developed a long term plan to manage the region's garbage that is overseen by the SWANCC Board of Directors; and WHEREAS, the SWANCC Board of Directors is comprised ofrepresentatives of member communities including Morton Grove which are appointed by each community on a yearly basis; and WHERF,AS, the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Morton Grove wish to appoint Trustee John Thill as the Village's Director on the SWANCC Board of Directors; and appoint Trustee Gomberg acid Village Administrator Joseph F. Wade as its Alternate Directors. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRITSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Resolution as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2: The Village of Morton Grove as a member of the Solid Waste Agency of Northern Cook County and, pursuant to the SWANCC Agreement establishing the Solid Waste Agency of Northern Cook County, is entitled to appoint a Director and oue or more Ahernate Director(s) to the Board of Directors of SWANCC. SECTION 3: The President and Board of Trustees appoint Trustee John Thi11 as the Village's Director on the Board of Directors of S WANCC and appoints Trustee Gomberg and Village Administrator Joseph F. Wade as its Alternate Directors, in each case for a term expiring Apri130, 2010, or until. his/her successor is appointed. SECTION 4: This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. PASSED THIS 11 `" day of May 2009. Trustee DiMaria Trustee Gomberg Trustee Grear Trustee Marcus Trustee Thiil APPROVED BY ME THIS 11 `h day of May 2009 Daniel T. Staackmann, Village President ViL'•age of Me;-ren Greve Cook County, Illinois ATTESTED and FILED in my office this 12`" day of May 2009. Tony S. Kalogerakos, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois Legislative Summary j- Resolution 09-26 A RESOLUTION ALLOWING THE EXTENSION OF THE JANITORIAL SERVICES CONTRACT WITH CRYSTAL MAINTENANCE SERVICE CORP., MOUNT PROSPECT, ILLINOIS Introduced: May 11, 2009 Synopsis: To approve the extension of the current janitorial services contract for an additional year from .Tune 1, 2009 to May 31, 2010, with no increase in contact price. Purpose: To assure Village buildings are maintained, clean and presentable to the public and employees the Village will continue using the same janitorial services company that was awarded the contract in June 1, 2008. 3lackground: The Village contracts for janitorial cleaning services at the Village Hali, Police Department, Fire Department offices, Public Works offices, and Civic Center. Crystal Maintenance Service was awarded the contract after a competitive bidding process in 2008. The current quality of work performed meets contract specifications and Village standu•ds. Crystal Maintenance Service has agreed to provide the service at no increase in cost from the June 1, 2008, pricing. Programs, Departments Building and Inspectional Services oversees thejanitorial cleaning service. or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: The cost for this service is included in the 2009 budget. Source of Funds: General Fund account nos.. 028024-552160 arld 026029-552160. Workload Impact: The Building Department will oversee contract administration and coordination. Administrator Approval as presented Recommendation: First Reading: Not required. Special Considerations or None Requirements: Respectfully submitted: u~ L~. ~,Qr.a4~. Josep F. V ade, Village Administrator ~4 Prepared by ~ ~~ ~~ ~ Reviewed by: _ ,r ^ ~ ~ ~ ~;W ' Gd Hildabranclt, 13oilding Commissioner Teresa I loffn~ dL'iston, Corporation Counsel RESOLUTION 09-26 ALLOWING THE EXTENSION OF A JANITORIAL SERVICE CONTRACT WITH CRYSTAL MAINTENANCE SERVICE CORP., MOUNT PROSPECT, ILLINOIS WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (Village), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions bf Article 7 of the ] 970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove opened sealed bids farjanitorial services at the Richard T. Flickinger Municipal Center, Public Works offices, Fire Department administrative offices, and American Legion Memorial Civic Center as bid 24-1 (2008) on April 11, 2008, and the janitorial services contract was awarded to Crystal Maintenance Service Corp, Mount Prospect, Iiiinoiss`or the period ofJmre 1, 2008, to May 31, 2009; and WHEREAS, janitorial services are. currently being provided by Crystal Maintenance Service Corp. at the Richard "I. Flickinger Municipal Center, Public Works offices, Fire Department administrative offices, and the American Legion Memorial Civic Center, and they continue to meet the contract specifications and the quality of work performed meets Village standards; and WHEREAS, Crystal Maintenance Service Corp. n1 correspondence dated February 23, 2009, has agreed to continue providing janitorial cleaning services as specified in bid document 24-1 (2008) for the period June 1, 2009, to May 31; 3010, at the current prices that have been in effect since June 1, 2008. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, ILLINOIS. SECTION I: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate. the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Resolution as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2: Thejanitoria) service contract with Crystal Maintenance Service Corp., Mount Prospect, Illinois, be extended for the period of June 1, 2009, to May 31, 2010, at the following rates: Base bid cleaning Memorial Civic Center Carpet shampooing Strip and wax the floors Other cleaning not specified $2,459.00 per month $ 795.00 per month 07 per square foot 06 per square foot 10.25 per man-hour SECTION 3: This resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after is adoption. PASSED THIS 11`h day of May 2009 Trustee DiMaria Trustee Gomberg Trustee Grear Trustee Marcus Trustee Thill APPROVED by iiie this l1`'' day of May 2009. Daniel 3. Staackmann, Vii"rage President Village of Morton Grove Cools County, Illinois ATTESTED and FILED in my office This 12~' day ofMay 2009. Tony S. Kalogerakos, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois IegisUes\janiforial services contract