HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-13-2021 Budget Workshop MINUTES OF THE OCTOBER 13, 2021
Pursuant to proper notice in accordance with the Open Meetings Act, the special meeting was called to
order at 6:00 p.m. by Mayor DiMaria who led the assemblage in the pledge of allegiance and called the
roll. In attendance were:
Elected Officials: Mayor Daniel P. DiMaria, Trustees Bill Grear, Saba Khan, John Thill, Rita Minx,
Connie Travis, and Janine Witko.
Absent: Clerk Eileen Scanlon Harford,
Village Staff : Village Administrator Ralph Czerwinski, Finance Director Hanna Sullivan, Assistant
to the Village Administrator Tom Friel, Corporation Counsel Teresa Hoffman Liston,
Public Works Director Joe Dahm, Police Chief Mike Simo, Acting Fire Chief Dan
Gallagher, Manager of Building and Inspectional Services Jim English, Land Use
Planner/Coordinator Zoe Heidorn, Assistant Finance Director Mike Marro, and IT
Manager Boyle Wong.
Guests: None
Village Administrator Ralph Czerwinski stated tonight's presentation will include a discussion of the
Enterprise Funds, Fiduciary Funds, and other Village funds. Details for these funds are set forth in the 2022
budget binders and are summarized as follows:
Fund 2021 2022 Difference % Comments
Enterprise- $9,287,854 $9,617,345 $329,491 3.55% Includes water main replacement for Albert
Water St. and valve replacement under Chicago
River. Director Dahm provided details of the
2015 valve failure in this area that resulted in
the loss of over 1,000,000 gallons of water
and pump failures resulting in a boil order.
No water rate increase is planned for 2022.
The Village's rate charged by Evanston and
the debt service cost for the new
infrastructure are still lower than Chicago's
Enterprise- $7,073,790 $1,905,376 -$5,168,414 -73.06% Decrease due to the deferral of the Capri and
Sewer Emerson sewer separation until the Village
receives grants or other funding sources.
Enterprise- $1,757,529 $1,757,629 $100 0.01%
Fire Alarm $393,100 $348,600 -$44,500 -11.32% Decrease due to radios purchased in 2021
Capital $1,517,500 $1,520,000 $2,500 0.16% Ongoing projects include Austin/Oakton
Projects Improvements, Oakton Avenue Pedestrian
path, Beckwith Bridge repair and studies for
new Village Hall and Police station.
Debt Service $1,727,755 $1,579,799 -$147,956 -8.56% Lower payments due to the 2019 refunding
bonds& Retirement of 2014 Bonds. The
Village debt reduction may provide future
opportunity to finance new Village Hall and
iPolice Station without significant property tax
Motor Fuel $1,469,000 $2,959,000 $1,490,000 100% Increase revenue due to increase in
Tax Fund population and higher per capita contribution
from the state. Street resurfacing planned for
Harlem Ave, Shermer Ave, Davis St, Major
Ave. and Capri Lane subject to available
funding —
Emergency $400,000 $420,000 $20,000 5.00% Increased expected revenue will be used to
911 Fund pay larger portion of Central Dispatch
Solid Waste $2,047,698 $2,066,332 $18,634 0.91% Increase in collection costs pursuant to Groot
Funds contract-capped at 3%per year. Increased
collection cost will not be passed on to
Commuter $44,900 $35,300 -$9,600 -21.38% Decrease revenue due to less Metra lot
Parking Fund usage in 2021, trend expected to continue in
Seizure Fund $326,000 $326,000 0.00% Funds derived from drug seizures,Village
participates in state police task force and is
allotted a share of funds and property seized.
Funds must be used for police
enhancements-in 2022 funds will be used
for lockers and desks.
Municipal $5,900 $5,900 0.00%
Parking Fund
Morton Grove $145,000 $145,000 0.00% Fund are obtained from Morton Grove Days
Days Commission and sales from event and are
used to support event activities.
General $1,326,000 $1,326,000 0.00% Currently 15 active employees belong to this
Employees' pension.All other non-fire and police
Pension employees participate in IMRF
Firefighters' $3,869,400 $4,257,200 $387,800 10.02% Increase reflects actual pension payments to
Pension be made in 2022
Police $4,434,800 $4,681,100 $246,300 5.55% Increase reflects actual pension payments to
Pension be made in 2022
Mr. Czerwinski then asked for questions. Trustee Thill complemented staff for a comprehensive
presentation and a well-planned budget. Mr. Czerwinski then stated that the next steps were to prepare a
budget ordinance and a levy ordinance to be considered and passed by the Board at its November 8, 2021,
and November 22, 2021 meetings. A public hearing will also be held on November 22, 2021.
There were no public comments.
Trustee Grear then moved to recess/adjourn the special meeting and go into an executive session to
discuss compensation for specific employees. The motion was seconded by Trustee Minx and approved
unanimously pursuant to a roll call vote at 6:34 pm.
At the conclusion of the executive session, Trustee Minx moved to adjourn the special meeting. The motion
was seconded by Trustee Witko and passed unanimously by a voice vote at 7:06 pm.
Minutes By
Teresa Hoffman Liston
Corporation Counsel