MARCH 9, 2020
I — Village President Dan DiMaria convened the Regular Meeting of the Village Board at 7:00 p.m. in
V. the Council Chambers of Village Hall and led the assemblage in the Pledge of Allegiance.
VI. Village Clerk Eileen Harford called the roll. Present were: Trustees Bill Grear, Ed Ramos,
John Thill, Connie Travis, and Janine Witko. Trustee Rita Minx was absent with notice.
Trustee Thill moved to accept the Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of February 24, 2020 as
presented, seconded by Trustee Witko. Motion passed unanimously (with one absent) via
voice vote.
"Dine Morton Grove" Winners Announced
Village Administrator Ralph Czerwinski said the Dine Morton Grove contest this year drew nearly
70 applicants! Each Village Board member picked names until 10 were picked. The winners
each received dine -out gift certificates. The winners were:
1. Andrew Hoffman
2. Christine Jamulka
3. Sandra Hoffman
4. Gregory Thomas
5. Jeff Schorsh
6. Bobby Weniger
7. Rafe Cruz
8. Ted Begley
9. Sheila Garcia
10. John Cole
d Mayor DiMaria thanked everyone who participated and said he looked forward to doing this
again next year.
Minutes of March 9, 2020 Board Meeting
1. Mayor DiMaria sought the Board's concurrence of his reappointment of Bill Zimmer to the
Appearance Commission.
Trustee Grear so moved, seconded by Trustee Witko. Motion passed unanimously (with one
absent) via voice vote.
Clerk Harford encouraged people to apply online for a mail ballot application for the upcoming
Presidential Primary Election on March 17, 2020. But hurry! Mail ballots must be sent in by
March 12, 2020.
2. Clerk Harford reported that she had attended the quarterly Condominium Association meeting
on Wednesday, February 26, along with Assistant Village Administrator Tom Friel, Fire Chief
Frank Rodgers, and Police Officer Gina Lietz. Mr. Friel reviewed the Sawmill Station
development and gave the condo board members relevant updates. He also discussed
the importance of completing the Census and being counted. Chief Rodgers reported that false
alarms in condo elevators had decreased by 33% since signage was hung in condo elevators.
Officer Lietz reminded condo residents about the importance of getting a knox box to enable
access to individual units for both police and fire departments in the event of an emergency.
She also discussed SMART911 with condo members.
The next quarterly meeting is scheduled for May 27, 2020.
A. Village Administrator:
1. Mr. Czerwinski presented Resolution 20-17, Authorizing a License Agreement Between the
Village and Bensidoun USA, Inc. to Operate a French Market at the American Legion
Memorial Civic Center.
He said that the Morton Grove Chamber of Commerce and its Farmers' Market Committee have
operated a Farmers Market in the Village since 2010. In late 2019, the Farmers Market Commit-
tee announced it would cease operating the Farmers Market. The Village has been approached
by Bensidoun USA, Inc. of Chicago, IL, offering to replace the Farmers Market with a French
Market, which is similar to a Farmers Market in that customers can buy a variety of fresh foods
and drinks, clothing, crafts, and other items sold by local vendors in open air pavilions.
Minutes of March 9, 2020 Board Meeting
A. Village Administrator: (continued)
STAFF REPORTS (continued)
b. Bensidoun currently operates successful French Markets in Chicago, Geneva, Glencoe,
Glen Ellyn, Lisle, Highland Park, and Wilmette.
c. Mr. Czerwinski said this Resolution will authorize him to finalize and execute a ten-year license
agreement with Bensidoun to operate a French Market at the American Legion Memorial Civic
Center, 6140 Dempster Street. They will be open to the public each Saturday pursuant to an
annual schedule approved by both the Village and Bensidoun. The Market will have at least
12 vendors and at least 50% of the vendors will sell produce and food products, including, but
not limited to, fresh vegetables, meats, cheeses, fruits, flower, and baked good for retail sale
and on-site consumption. The agreement also contains provisions requiring Bensidoun to pay the
Village an annual license fee in 2021 of $1,500, which will increase by $100 each year thereafter.
They must also maintain adequate insurance, keep an onsite manager on the premises during
the French Market's operations, and follow regulations to keep the Village's property clean, safe,
orderly, and in good repair. The Village will provide resources to help set up and break down the
vendor's tents before and after each Market.
Trustee Travis moved to approve Resolution 20-17, seconded by Trustee ThiII.
d. Trustee Grear asked Mr. Czerwinski if the Village could cut the agreement short for any reasons.
He responded that the Village could do that if Bensidoun isn't able to provide 12 vendors, if they
are not good tenants, or if they're not providing a good mix of product.
Mayor DiMaria called for the vote on Resolution 20-17.
Motion passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent.
Tr. Grear Tr. Minx absent Tr. Ramos am
Tr. ThiII ay± Tr. Travis Ay± Tr. Witko
B. Corporation Counsel:
Corporation Counsel Liston had no report this evening.
A. Trustee Grear:
Trustee Grear offered accolades to the MGPD's Chief Mike Simo and Commander Mike Weitzel.
Some residents had approached Trustee Grear about an unsafe area in our community and he
brought it up to Chief Simo. In no time at all, the matter was resolved!
B. Trustee Minx:
Trustee Minx was absent—no report.
1Viinutes.ott arch_9, 2020 Board Meetin•
C. Trustee Ramos:
Trustee Ramos had no report this evening.
D. Trustee Thill:
Trustee Thill had no report this evening.
E. Trustee Travis:
1. Trustee Travis said that the Village's Winter Photo Contest, sponsored by the Community
Relations Commission, began January 1 and ends on March 31. There is no specific theme for
the contest. She encouraged all Morton Grove residents to submit up to five entries. Photos can
be emailed between now and March 31 to CRC>i7a.mortongroveil.orq, or dropped off or mailed to
Village Hall. The winning photos will be announced at an April Village Board meeting and will be
enlarged, framed, and displayed at Village Hall.
F. Trustee Witko:
1. Trustee Witko presented Resolution 20-18, Authorizing the Purchase of One 2020 Ford
F-250 Pickup Truck Through the Suburban Purchasing Cooperative Bid Program.
a. She explained that Police Department staff is recommending a specialized vehicle such as a
pickup truck be purchased to aid in their DUI and truck enforcement. The pickup truck is heavier
duty and can carry more equipment than regular squad cards. The truck will be carrying truck
scales used to determine if a truck is overweight, DUI enforcement equipment such as
barricades, traffic cones, flares, etc. The truck will also be a 4WD vehicle the Police Department
can use during adverse weather and/or driving conditions to respond to calls or requests for
assistance. Through the Suburban Purchasing Cooperative, the Village can get a Ford F-250
4WD Crew Cab Pickup Truck from Currie Motors for $33,606.
Trustee Grear noted that this is a replacement vehicle and the cost was included in the 2020
Trustee Witko moved, seconded by Trustee Travis, to approve Resolution 20-18.
Motion passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent.
Tr. Grear aye Tr. Minx absent Tr. Ramos kyl
Tr. Thill ave Tr. Travis Tr. Witko a�
Minutes of March 9, 2020 Board Meeting
F. Trustee Witko: (continued)
2. Next, Trustee Witko presented Resolution 20-19, Authorizing the Annual July 4 Parade and
Closure of Dempster Street.
a. She explained that this Resolution will authorize the 2020 July 4 Parade on Dempster Street
which is scheduled to begin at 2:30 p.m. on Saturday, July 4, 2020. The Illinois Department of
Transportation requires the Village to adopt a resolution approving this closing which will be either
partially or completed closed between Central and Lincoln Avenues from 2:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Trustee Witko moved to approve Resolution 20-19, seconded by Trustee Travis.
Motion passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent.
Tr. Grear Tr. Minx absent Tr. Ramos Ayg
Tr. Thill AyA Tr. Travis ave Tr. Witko
3. Trustee Witko then presented Resolution 20-20, Authorizing the Execution of a Service
Contract Extension with H&H Electric Company for the 2020 Traffic Signal and Street
Lighting Maintenance Program.
a. She explained that each year, the Village contracts with an electrical contractor to assist in the
maintenance of street lighting and traffic control signals within the Village of Morton Grove.
H&H Electric Company satisfactorily performed work on this contract in 2019. The contract con-
tains provisions allowing it to be extend for 2020 and 2021. This contract is required to comply
with the Illinois Prevailing Wage Act.
b. Trustee Witko said this Resolution will authorize the Village Administrator to execute a Letter of
Agreement extending the 2019 contract with H&H Electric Company for one year. The estimated
contract value for routine maintenance is $23,111.88.
Trustee Witko moved, seconded by Trustee Grear, to approve Resolution 20-20.
c. Trustee Thill asked Public Works Director Joe Dahm if H&H has bid on this previously. He said
yes, they have. He added that this is paid for by MFT Funds.
Mayor DiMaria called for the vote on Resolution 20-20.
Motion passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent.
Tr. Grear ave Tr. Minx absent Tr. Ramos kyl
Tr. Thill Eye Tr. Travis Tr. Witko ave
1. Mayor DiMaria announced that, as of Monday, March 2, the Village has completely transition
to the City of Evanston as Morton Grove's water supplier via the Morton Grove -Niles Water
Commission's water delivery system. This transition will avoid the recently -announced 2.45%
rate increase the City of Chicago will be imposing in June. Mayor DiMaria congratulated the
Village of Niles as well about the great partnership that made this transition happen.
OTHER BUSINESS (continued)
2. Mayor DiMaria encouraged everyone to attend the Morton Grove Foundation's "Taste" event this
coming Thursday, March 12, at the White Eagle in Niles. The fest begins at 5:30 p.m.
3. The mayor also urged everyone to complete the 2020 Census, noting that census results have
an impact on planning and funding for the Village and regional concerns ranging from health
clinics to highways, from emergency response to education programs, such as Head Start
and college tuition assistance, and so much more. The 2020 Census is the first time you can
respond online, as well as by phone or mail. The answers you provide are only used to produce
statistics—the Census Bureau is not permitted to publicly release your responses in any way
that could identify you or anyone else in your home.
a. Mayor DiMaria said that, in mid-March, homes will begin receiving invitations to complete the
Census. April 1, Census Day is observed nationwide. By this date, every home will have re-
ceived an invitation to participate in the 2020 Census. He urged people to "be counted" and said
that if any household has not received a census form by April 1St, they should contact Village
Hall. In May through July, census takers will begin visiting homes that haven't responded to the
2020 Census to make sure everyone is counted.
4. Mayor DiMaria announced that PACE is contemplating changes in its bus routes, one of which
will affect Morton Grove. Route 210 is a PACE route running through the Village; it connects
Glenbrook Hospital to Lincolnwood Town Center with stops down Waukegan, across Dempster,
down Ferris, and along Lincoln Avenue. PACE is proposing to discontinue this route. Anyone
who'd like to weigh in on this can do so by calling PACE at 847-364-7223 or by going to
PaceBus.com and submitting comments using the Public Hearing Comment Form. You can also
send your comments to Pace at 550 W. Algonquin Road, Arlington Heights, IL 60006, attention:
External Relations.
5. Mayor DiMaria said there is still space available for the Citizens Police Academy program run by
the Morton Grove Police Department. This is a 10 -week program for anyone interested in get-
ting an up -close look at what the Police Department does. It is designed to give participants an
understanding of the operation of the MG Police Department and a working knowledge of what
law enforcement is all about. Classes are held once a week, on Tuesday evenings, and are
approximately two hours long (6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.). Classes are limited to 20 students, so
anyone who is interested should register early. Register by calling Officers Jurasz or Lietz at
847-470-5200. The sessions are free, and the next session of the Citizens Police Academy
begins on March 24 and ends on May 26.
6. Lastly, Mayor DiMaria said that the MGPD announced today it will be conducting special patrols
this St. Patrick's Day to crack down on impaired drivers and encourage people to wear their seat
belts. St. Patrick's Day is one of the deadliest holidays of the year due to the number of drunk
drivers on the road. Mayor DiMaria encouraged everyone who's planning to go out and
celebrate on St. Patrick's Day to plan ahead for a sober ride home by designating a sober
driver, using a ride -sharing service, calling a cab, or staying where you're at.
Minutes of March 9, 2020 Board Meeting
In the absence of Trustee Minx, Trustee Ramos presented the Warrant Register for March 9,
2020 in the amount of $829,431.91. He moved that the Warrants be approved as presented,
seconded by Trustee Thill.
Motion passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent.
Tr. Greer Ry1 Tr. Minx absent Tr. Ramos ave
Tr. Thill Tr. Travis awe Tr. Witko
Rudolf Vilk addressed the Board. Mr. Vilk said he has received "fake" letters from
Mr. Czerwinski and Mayor DiMaria at the last board meeting. The letters weren't signed. One
was dated 2018 and one 2019, and he never received them until Mr. Czerwinski gave them to
him at the last meeting. He again asked for answers.
Keith White, 9411 Neenah, said he was speaking, not in his official capacity as a Morton Grove
Park District Commissioner, but as a Morton Grove resident of 45 years and a taxpayer. He said
that Harrer Pool is a great asset. It opened the year after he was born and it's officially closed
now after 57 years. It's a community pool and is future is now in the hands of the Morton Grove
voters. He encouraged everyone to vote yes for the Harrer Pool referendum on Election Day.
There being no further business before the Board, Trustee Thill moved to adjourn the meeting,
seconded by Trustee Travis.
Motion passed unanimously via voice vote.
The meeting adjourned at 7:31 p.m.
Minutes of March 9, 2020 Board Meeting
PASSED this 27th day of April, 2020.
Trustee Grear
Trustee Minx
Trustee Ramos
Trustee Thill
Trustee Travis
Trustee Witko
APPROVED by me this 27th day of April, 2020.
Daniel P. DiMaria, Village President
Board of Trustees, Morton Grove, Illinois
APPROVED and FILED in my office this 28th day of April, 2020.
Teen Scanlon Harford, Village Clerk
Village of Morton Grove, Cook County, Illinois
Minutes by Teresa Cousar