AUGUST 8, 2011
Village President Daniel J. Staackmann called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. After leading
the assemblage in the Pledge of Allegiance, he directed the Deputy Village Clerk Susan Lat-
tanzi to call the roll.
Deputy Village Clerk Lattanzi called the roll. Present were: Trustees Dan DiMaria, Larry Gom-
berg, Bill Grear, Shel Marcus, John Thill and Maria Toth.
Mayor Staackmann stated Clerk Kalogerakos was not in attendance this evening due to a se-
rious car accident. He wished him a speedy recovery and stated Deputy Village Clerk Susan
Lattanzi would be filling in this evening.
Regarding the minutes of the July 11, 2011, special meeting, Trustee DiMaria moved,
seconded by Trustee Grear, to approve the minutes as presented. There was no discussion.
Motion passed unanimously via voice vote.
Regarding the minutes of the July 11, 2011, regular meeting, Trustee DiMaria moved,
seconded by Trustee Toth, to approve the minutes as presented. There was no discussion.
Motion passed unanimously via voice vote.
Janice Cha from the Community Relations Commission presented the commission's proposed
Seven Wonders of Morton Grove Program. This program is intended to promote and foster
civic pride by nominating a particular something, person, or place in Morton Grove which is
special to that particular individual, i.e., the woods, the Civic Center, Bringer Inn, Harrer Park,
etc. The Commission is hopeful to receive not only a narrative but also pictures which will help
describe the "wonder". Submittals from residents will run through the end of September where
they will be reviewed and narrowed down. A second vote is then hopeful for the top "won-
ders". The Commission is still working out the final details of this program.
Minutes of Au • ust 8, 2011, B'oard'Meeting'
a. Mayor Staackmann asked for concurrence to appoint the following individuals:
1) Robert Burkhart to the Community Relations Commission. Trustee Marcus
moved to concur, seconded by Trustee DiMaria. Motion passed unanimously
via voice vote.
2) Thomas Galante to the Economic Development Commission. Trustee Marcus
moved to concur, seconded by Trustee DiMaria. Motion passed unanimously
via voice vote.
b. Mayor Staackmann presented the Proclamation proclaiming September 11, 2011, as
Patriot Day.
Trustee Marcus stated at 10:00 am on Sunday, September 11, the Community Rela-
tions Commission along with the Police and Fire Departments, and the American Legion
will be honoring the impact this day has had on the country and our community in front
of the Yehl House. He invited everyone to join in on this remembrance.
c. Mayor Staackmann thanked everyone for a successful Morton Grove Days event. He
stated it was not only a success financially, but served as a wonderful gathering of the
community. The staff as well as the many volunteers contributed greatly to this
achievement. The Mayor also thanked Trustee Grear for his leadership and overall
hard work.
Clerk Kalogerakos had originally wanted to discuss new and updated statutes on the web;
however, in his absence Clerk Lattanzi stated there would be no report this evening.
a. Village Administrator
1) Mr. Wade introduced the representative from Commonwealth Edison (ComEd)
to discuss the recent power outages in and around Morton Grove.
Mr. Eric Duray stated he has been with Commonwealth Edison for four years
and he currently serves eighteen communities on the north shore. He stated
Commonwealth Edision currently has franchises with 400 communities. He
stated they are currently reviewing the storms from this summer as well as
working on making improvements to upgrade service and communication. Mr.
Duray spoke on this summer's storms which brought with them a significant
amount of electrical outages. He noted 50% of the outages were due to tree
damage. They currently have 3.8 million customers and two-thirds of those cus-
tomers were affected this summer. 2011 has brought the strongest set of
storms since 2007. They had customer outages of 189,000 on June 8, 419,000
on June 21, 172,000 on June 30, 172,000, 900,000 on July 11, and 324,000 on
July 21. 50% of those outages were a result of tree damage. ComEd had
1,100 crews working on July 11 in 16 hours on, 8 hours off rotations; replaced
Minutes of August 8, 2011, BoardMeeting
1,000 transformers, fielded 1.3 million calls in five days (their annual call volume
is 9 million), and had no significant injuries. "Swat" teams worked out in the field
to triage and with the help of the ComEd command centers everyone worked to
try and restore power as quickly as possible. Mr. Duray went on to state the Vil-
lage of Morton Grove's performance is well above average and most outages
have been able to be restored within two hours of being detected. ComEd's
main goals during outages such as that on July 11 is to bring power back to
priority locations such as hospitals, police and fire stations, lift stations, etc. In
this particular storm, tree removal was a top priority since lines could not be re-
paired until trees were cut and removed. Smaller neighborhoods find these
times more difficult because ComEd works at the beginning and narrows prob-
lems downward.
Mr. Duray then talked about the smart reader digital technology which will help
ComEd not only detect outages sooner but will be able to locate them faster. If
this technology had been installed during the July 11 storm, ComEd believed
250,000 outages could have been avoided. They realize resident communica-
tion was lacking during these severe storms and it is their hope to improve upon
not only the response time but that communication to residents as well. It is an-
ticipated in order to provide this digital technology there will be an increase to
each customer of $3 per month. But in paying this amount, there will be a more
consistent and reliable performance from ComEd. Currently 9,700 customers
are served in Morton Grove. This season has been very difficult because there
were so many powerful storms within a short period of time but he felt Morton
Grove faired pretty good in comparison to other communities.
Trustee Thill stated he was dismayed to hear the smart grid was a "maybe". He
wanted assurances from ComEd this was going to be installed. He had been at
a previous meeting with ComEd and found the data they provided excluded
2009. Mr. Duray stated there were no significant storms in 2009 and conse-
quently no need for data that year. Trustee Thill also wanted to know if the $3
per month payment being assessed to residents for the digital technology would
go on forever. Mr. Duray stated they anticipated this to be a ten year project in
order to have the $2.6 billion needed to make this change. Once completed the
$3 will disappear.
Trustee Marcus stated he had also been at a previous ComEd meeting. He
noted many people were stressed about not having power and he did not blame
homeowners. He felt ComEd's communication with the Village was good during
these crisis times in indicating when the power was anticipated to return and
where. He told Mr. Duray ComEd needs to communicate better in the future
with residents.
Mayor Staackmann stated the Village will be working with ComEd to improve
communication and will consider using the reverse 911 system to help deliver
that communication to residents.
Trustee Grear stated he was one of the residents that was without power for an
extended period of time and it gave him an opportunity to reflect on life and the
little things, and found that electricity was pretty important. He thanked the
community for their patience and thanked Village staff for their hard work and
just being there during the storms.
Minutes of August 8, 2011`; Board Meeting
Mayor Staackmann stated that usually at a presentation of this sort there would
be no public comments but he felt it important that if anyone had anything to
add they were welcome to do so at this time. There were no resident com-
ments. Mayor Staackmann thanked Mr. Duray for coming and making this
2) Mr. Wade presented Finance Director/Treasurer Ryan Horne, who presented
Mr. Brian LeFevre from Sikich, who presented an overview of the audit and the
Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for 2010. He stated the Executive
Summary gives a stellar overview of the document, and the Financial and Sta-
tistical Sections present the trends. He stated 2010 hit local municipalities hard.
He reiterated forecasting budgets can be difficult when you have to balance
revenue and expenditures. Mr. Horne has conservatively approached the Vil-
lage's budget, and overall the Village has cut expenditures and reduced its
workforce. The Village should also be pleased it receive an increase in their
bond rating from Standard and Poors. The Village has also made changes to
the Enterprise Fund with capital investments needed to replace aging infrastruc-
ture. The Debt Service Fund also appears manageable at this time.
At the conclusion of his report, he congratulated the Village on their 22nd year of
receiving the Certificate of Achievement for Financial Reporting.
Trustee Thill questioned Mr. LeFevre about a couple of the terms he used in his
report. Mr. LeFevre stated unqualified is the highest level of reporting since ac-
countants work backwards.
Trustee Marcus asked about the questionnaire he and other Trustees received
from Sikich. Mr. LeFevre explained not only Trustees receive the questionnaire
but senior level and regular staff receive it as well. This helps determine and
guide the audit in finding the highest risks based strictly on the knowledge and
response from all those individuals. Polices are important to contribute to rat-
ings and the final conclusion of the audit itself.
Trustee DiMaria thanked Mr. LeFevre for coming and presenting such a fine
Mr. Horne then presented a slide show concerning the Village's mid -year budget
position. He stated for the fiscal year 2010 the Village actually ended with a
$91,151 budget surplus. As noted from Mr. LeFevre, the Village also has re-
ceived a bond ranging increase from Standard and Poors. It is believed the Vil-
lage received this rating increase because of the strong income and extremely
strong wealth indicators, the good management practices the Village is using,
and the overall low debt burden the Village carries. He then reviewed the Vil-
lage's revenues and expenditures and what was anticipated for the remainder of
the 2011 calendar year. He explained the fund balance is used for extraordi-
nary circumstances and is currently running at about 24%, which places the Vil-
lage in a good stable situation. 2015 will be the year of opportunity as bonds
(2009 Bond Refunding, 2010 Capital Improvement Bond, and the 2 IEPA Loans)
are paid off. Debt service will require the reallocation of funds but overall the
results are encouraging as the Village moves forward. He anticipates the budg-
et workshops for the 2012 calendar year to begin in early October with final ap-
proval on December 12.
Minutesof August 8, ,2011, BoardM eeting
3) Fire Chief Tom Friel was asked to present the Cook County Emergency Man-
agement Storm Damage Assessment. Chief Friel stated on July 23, 2011, the
Village had an excessive rain total of 4.9 inches which definitely taxed the Vil-
lage's infrastructure. Some flooding was reported but not an excessive amount.
The Cook County Management Agency stated during this storm, many com-
munities met the criteria to apply for federal financial relief and currently data is
being solicited for uninsured damage, including the nature of the damage as
well as the financial impact. It is not anticipated the Village will receive financial
aid at this time since it did not sustain the type of damage many of the surround-
ing communities received, but he is always hopeful. If additional information is
needed he will once again use the reverse 911 and the website to relay informa-
4) Mr. Wade presented a preliminary TIF study for the redevelopment of the Prairie
View Shopping Center. This particular center was built in the 1960s which
makes it approximately 50 years old, and considering that time frame, it is antic-
ipated there will asbestos abatement needed before redevelopment can take
place. This Dempster and Waukegan intersection is dynamic with approximate-
ly 40,000 cars traveling daily on both Dempster and Waukegan. Today it is
hard to reinvest/redevelop and make a profit without some type of cooperation
from the Village. It is anticipated there will be a need for TIF assistance and it
may be possible for that backing to come from the very successful Lehigh/Ferris
TIF. S.B. Friedman has conducted studies in the past for the Village and will be
good in providing the information necessary for the Village to make an informed
and educated decision on the direction it wishes to take relative to this possible
Mr. Friedman stated it may be possible to connect to the Lehigh/Ferris TIF in
order to complete this project. The feasibility study, once completed, will deter-
mine the ultimate viability for the redevelopment.
Mayor Staackmann stated this shopping center was a "breadbasket" for the Vil-
lage early on and it should remain a vital center into the future. It is important to
get the right information and a solid direction to accomplish this redevelopment.
Trustee Marcus stated he knew the owner's representative who was being very
positive. He felt it important to have guidelines for TIF assistance and to make
sure there is an understanding with the school districts so it does not hinder
their operations.
b. Corporation Counsel
Corporation Counsel had no formal report.
a. Trustee DiMaria
Trustee DiMaria had no formal report but stated August 13 was senior day at the Far-
mers' Market and August 26 was the Chamber of Commerce Steak Fry fundraiser. He
wished Tony a speedy recovery.
Minutes: of August 8,,2011, BoardMeeting
b. Trustee Gomberg
1) Trustee Gomberg presented Resolution 11-35 authorizing a contractual
agreement with AT&T to provide telephone services for the Village's tele-
communication infrastructure at all Village building locations. Trustee
Gomberg noted Wilson Consulting was hired to audit the Village's current tele-
phone service structure and develop a formal Request for Proposal. Three
companies representing two telephone service providers responded. Establish-
ing a contract for the telephone services allows the Village to lock in favorable
rates for the duration of the agreement as opposed to a month-to-month con-
tract. After a final evaluation it was determined a cost savings could be possible
by dividing the service agreement between two vendors. It is therefore recom-
mended with this resolution that AT & T and Call One provide the telephone
service infrastructure for the Village's voice calling, data and alarm circuits, and
long distance telephone service. Savings are anticipated to be between
$10,000 and $15,000 annually with AT&T.
There being no further discussion, Trustee Gomberg moved, seconded by Trus-
tee Toth, to approve Resolution 11-35. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays, 0 ab-
Tr. DiMaria aye Tr. Gomberg aye Tr. Grear aye
Tr. Marcus aye Tr. Thill a,L Tr. Toth ayre
2) Trustee Gomberg presented Resolution 11-36 authorizing a contractual
agreement with United Communications Systems Inc., DBA Call One to
provide telephone services for the Village's telecommunication infrastruc-
ture at all Village building locations. Trustee Gomberg noted this is the
second resolution authorizing Call One to be the second provider of the Village's
telephone service infrastructure for voice calling, data and alarm circuits, and
long distance telephone service. Savings are also anticipated to be between
$10,000 and $15,000 annually with Cali One.
There being no further discussion, Trustee Gomberg moved, seconded by Trus-
tee DiMaria, to approve Resolution 11-36. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays, 0
Tr. DiMaria aye
Tr. Marcus are
Tr. Gomberg aye Tr. Grear Ay2
Tr. Thill aye Tr. Toth afire
3) Trustee Gomberg presented Resolution 11-38 authorizing for the disposi-
tion of 18 unclaimed bicycles recovered by the Morton Grove Police De-
partment. Trustee Gomberg stated approximately every six months the de-
partment will donate found or confiscated bicycles to different organizations.
Bicycles in prior years were routinely auctioned off but due to the expense and
the minor amount received from auctioning the bicycles, it was decided a dona-
tion was a more appropriate way to dispose of the unwanted/unclaimed bi-
cycles. This year, the Boy Scouts of America Troop 821 will receive the bicycles
for a fundraising effort. There being no further discussion, Trustee Gomberg
moved, seconded by Trustee Grear to approve Resolution 11-38. Motion
passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays, 0 absent.
Minutes of. August 8,;2011 •Board'Meeting.
Tr. DiMaria are
Tr. Marcus aye
Tr. Gomberg aye Tr. Grear aye
Tr. Thill afire Tr. Toth afire
Trustee Gomberg stated the Mosquito Abatement District sprayed last Wednesday due
to the increased mosquito count. Mosquitos have tested positive in Morton Grove and
he cautioned everyone to be aware of the threat of the West Nile Virus.
Trustee Gomberg wished Tony a speedy recovery and also welcomed Ann Berrafato,
secretary to the Police Department, back after her hip replacement surgery.
c. Trustee Grear
1) Trustee Grear presented Resolution 11-37 authorizing a contractual agree-
ment with S.B. Friedman and Company to perform a preliminary assess-
ment relating to the possible creation of a tax increment financing (TIF)
District for the Prairie View Shopping Plaza and adjacent areas. The own-
ers of the center are interested in redeveloping but have informed the Village
they will need TIF assistance. Currently the center is only 70% occupied and it
is anticipated extensive infrastructure improvements including a stormwater
management system, removal of asbestos, etc. will be needed to attract viable
tenants and customers. It will take between $24,000 and $28,000 for S.B.
Friedman to conduct this preliminary study, which will be reimbursed by the
property owner to the Village. There being no further discussion, Trustee Grear
moved, seconded by Trustee DiMaria, to approve Resolution 11-37. Motion
passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays, 0 absent.
Tr. DiMaria aye Tr. Gomberg afire Tr. Grear aLre
Tr. Marcus aye Tr. Thill aye Tr. Toth
Trustee Grear stated the Car Show will once again be held at 6:00 pm on August 11,
2011, in the Kappy's Restaurant parking lot. This has become a very popular event as
stated. Trustee Grear wished Tony well.
d. Trustee Marcus
1) Trustee Marcus presented Resolution 11-39 authorizing additional work for
the 2011 Street Improvement Program. This resolution will authorize a
change in the Street Improvement Program to include the resurfacing of Chur-
chill Street from the dead end to Lehigh Avenue; the resurfacing of Narragan-
sett Avenue north of Beckwith; and 300 additional feet of curb and gutter re-
placement on New England Avenue from Davis to Church Street. It is antic-
ipated the original project cost will increase by an amount not to exceed
$60,000. Funds are available in the Capital Projects Fund to cover this addi-
tional expense. There being no further discussion, Trustee Marcus moved,
seconded by Trustee Toth, to approve Resolution 11-39. Motion passed: 6
ayes, 0 nays, 0 absent.
Tr. DiMaria afire Tr. Gomberg afire Tr. Grear aye
Tr. Marcus aye Tr. Thill aye Tr. Toth aye
Minutes of August 8, 2011, Board Meeting
2) Trustee Marcus presented Resolution 11-40 authorizing the execution of a
Contract with North Suburban Asphalt Maintenance, Inc. for the 2011
Cracksealing Program. This annual preventative maintenance program can
delay the onset of pavement deterioration if done at the appropriate time in the
life of a pavement's surface and reduce the lifecycle cost of maintaining a par-
ticular street. This work was completed in 2010 by North Suburban Asphalt
Maintenance to the satisfaction of the Village and the company is once again
available to perform the same work at an estimated contract value of $34,000
(since this is a unit price contract and subject to the actual quantity of work per-
formed). There being no additional discussion, Trustee Marcus moved,
seconded by Trustee Thill, to approve Resolution 11-40. Motion passed: 6
ayes, 0 nays, 0 absent.
Tr. DiMaria ave
Tr. Marcus are
Tr. Gomberg afire
Tr. Thill afire
Tr. Grear
Tr. Toth
Trustee Marcus reminded everyone the Community Relations Commission was working
on the Patriot Day commemoration (Sunday, September 11) and if anyone wished to
participate to contact Fire Chief Tom Friel who has been working on coordinating this
event. Trustee Marcus then welcomed Dan Ashta to the Natural Resources Commis-
sion since Mr. Ashta was out-of-town when he was appointed. He stated our communi-
ty is the best because of the many individuals who volunteer their talents. He wished
Tony to get well quick, you are missed.
e. Trustee Thill
1) Trustee Thill presented Ordinance 11-29 to amend the Village's Unified De-
velopment Code, Section 12-16-5 regarding public notice signs for public
hearings. This is the second reading for this ordinance which will streamline the
procedures by allowing general announcement public notice signs for public
hearings ten days before the hearing. This will allow for greater visibility of such
signs by the public. There being no additional discussion, Trustee Thill moved,
seconded by Trustee Toth, to approve Ordinance 11-29. Motion passed: 6
ayes, 0 nays, 0 absent.
Tr. DiMaria ave
Tr. Marcus aye
Tr. Gomberg me Tr. Grear afire
Tr. Thill ave Tr. Toth �e
2) Trustee Thill presented Ordinance 11-30 which will grant an amendment to
the special use permit for the property located at 5520 Lincoln Avenue for a
revised landscape plan for the assisted living facility at this location (North Grove
Manor). This is the second reading for this ordinance which consists of a re-
viewed landscape plan dated April 13, 2011, for this property including different
plantings and a children's play area. It is anticipated these changes will en-
hance the appearance of the project which is currently under construction.
Since this is a minor change approved by the Village Administrator, Building
Commissioner, Corporation Counsel, and Plan Commission Chairperson no
formal Plan Commission was needed. There being no additional discussion,
Trustee Thill moved, seconded by Trustee Toth, to approve Ordinance 11-3.
Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays, 0 absent.
Minutes of August 8, 2011, Bosh: Meeting
Tr. DiMaria aye
Tr. Marcus aye
Tr. Gomberg aye Tr. Grear aye
Tr. Thill aye Tr. Toth aye
3) Trustee Thill presented Ordinance 11-31 which will grant a special use per-
mit to allow an adult day care facility at the property located at 6027
Dempster (Super Senior Center). This is the second reading for this ordinance.
A public hearing was held by the Plan Commission on June 20, 2011, wherein
Village staff had no major concerns. The majority of the Plan Commission ap-
proved the project subject to certain special conditions including parking, gar-
bage removal, and compliance with the Village's fire safety ordinances.
Trustee Thill felt there was not enough retail space being occupied on Dempster
Street and consequently there were not enough taxes going to the Village.
There being no additional discussion, Trustee Thill moved, seconded by Trustee
Marcus, to approve Ordinance 11-31. Motion passed: 4 ayes, 3 nays, 0 ab-
Tr. DiMaria nay Tr. Gomberg aye Tr. Grear afire
Tr. Marcus afire Tr. Thill nay Tr. Toth n y
Mayor Staackmann aye
4) Trustee Thill presented Ordinance 11-32 to grant a special use permit to al-
low open sales at the property located at 7220 Dempster (Produce World).
This is the second reading for this ordinance. Village staff and the Plan Com-
mission had no major concerns following the public hearing held on June 20,
2011. Special conditions include signs and striping to designate a fire lane;
access to fire suppression areas; and the display area shall be installed and
maintained in accordance with the plan submitted. There being no additional
discussion, Trustee Thill moved, seconded by Trustee Marcus, to approve Or-
dinance 11-32. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays, 0 absent.
Tr. DiMaria a�+e Tr. Gomberg afire Tr. Grear aye
Tr. Marcus aye Tr. Thill aye Tr. Toth
Trustee Thill congratulated Blake Helton for achieving the highest honor in scouting and
for his fundraiser which gathered 800 pairs of shoes to be refurbished for the poor and
raised $500 to help with the cost of refurbishing. Congratulations on a job well done.
He wished Tony a speedy recovery.
f. Trustee Toth
1) Trustee Toth presented Ordinance 11-33 establishing Title 1, Chapter 17 en-
titled Amusement Tax in the Village. This is the first reading for this ordin-
ance. Trustee Toth explained this ordinance is being considered in order to
raise additional revenue to support municipal services. This ordinance will im-
pose a 5% tax on the admission fee or charge imposed on every amusement
patron for the privilege of admission. It is anticipated this tax will generate ap-
proximately $25,000 in revenue. There was no discussion on Ordinance 11-33.
Trustee Toth sent a shout out to Tony for a speedy recovery - you are missed.
Minutes of August 8 2011,.BoatriMeetin.
Trustee Toth presented the Warrant Register for July 25, 2011, in the amount of $695,602.36.
Trustee Toth moved to accept the Warrants which was seconded by Trustee DiMaria. Trustee
Thill then questioned several items on the warrant list which were answered by Finance Direc-
tor Ryan Horne. There being no additional questions, Mayor Staackmann called for the vote.
Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstain, 0 absent.
Tr. DiMaria aye
Tr. Marcus aye
Tr. Gomberg ave Tr. Grear aye
Tr. Thin aye Tr. Toth aye
Trustee Toth presented the Warrant Register for August 8, 2011, in the amount of
$472,419.13. Trustee Toth moved to accept the Warrants which was seconded by Trustee
Marcus. Trustee Thill then questioned several items on the warrant list which were answered
by Finance Director Ryan Horne. There being no additional questions, Mayor Staackmann
called for the vote. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstain, 0 absent.
Tr. DiMaria awe
Tr. Marcus
Tr. Gomberg aye Tr. Grear aye
Tr. Thill afire Tr. Toth afire
a. Kristine Otte. Farmers' Market. She wanted to thank everyone for another successful
year. Ms. Otte stated the Farmers' Market has been recognized by the Farmers' Mar-
ket Coalition for their innovation and community oriented spirit. This week is National
Farmers' Market week across the nation. She stated Summer Fun Fest would be Au-
gust 27 and Harvest Fest would be September 24. There will be a pie contest that day
and she needs judges and volunteers.
Trustee Marcus stated he is amazed at the effort that has been put forth in organizing
and keeping the market going. He said everyone should visit and see this wonderful
b. Mr. Dan Ashta thanked the Village for the privilege of being on the Natural Resources
Commission and looked forward to the hard work ahead.
There being no further business, at 9:00 pm, Trustee Marcus moved to adjourn to Executive
Session to discuss personnel matters, labor negotiations, pending litigation, and real estate.
Trustee Thill seconded the motion which was unanimously approved via voice vote.
At the conclusion of the Executive Session, Trustee DiMaria moved to adjourn the Regular
meeting. Trustee Thill seconded the motion at 9:56 pm which was unanimously approved via
voice vote.
Minutes of August 8,',2011 Board Meeting
PASSED this 12th day of September 2011.
Trustee DiMaria
Trustee Gomberg
Trustee Grear
Trustee Marcus
Trustee Thill
Trustee Toth
t s 12th day of September 2011.
Daniel J. -tt ack nn, Village President
Board of Trustees, Morton Grove, Illinois
APPROVED and FILED in my office
this 13th day of September 2011.
Marilyn Sneider, puty Village Jerk
Village of Morton Grove, Co County, Illinois
Minutes oy: Susan Lattanzi