HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-07-09 Board MinutesMINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE PRESIDENT AND THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, HELD AT THE RICHARD T. FLICKINGER MUNICIPAL CENTER JULY 9, 2007 CALL TO ORDER I. Village President Rick Krier called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. and led the assemblage in the Pledge of Allegiance. 11. Village Clerk Carol Fritzshall called the roll. Present were: Trustees Georgianne Brunner, Shel Marcus, Rita Minx, Dan Staackmann, and John Thill. Trustee Roy Kogstad was absent. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Regarding the Minutes of the June 25, 2007 Special Meeting, Mayor Krier asked if anyone had any changes or corrections to the Minutes. Seeing none, Trustee Minx then moved, seconded by Trustee Marcus, to approve the June 25, 2007 Special Meeting Minutes as presented. Motion passed unanimously via voice vote. 2. Regarding the Minutes of the June 25, 2007 Regular Meeting, Mayor Krier asked if anyone had any changes or corrections. Again, there were none. Trustee Minx moved, seconded by Trustee Marcus, to approve the June 25 Regular Meeting Minutes as presented. Motion passed unanimously via voice vote. 3. Regarding the Minutes of the June 27, 2007 Special Meeting, Mayor Krier asked if there were any changes or corrections. Seeing none, Trustee Minx moved to approve the Minutes of the June 27, 2007 Special Meeting as presented. Trustee Brunner seconded the motion, which passed unanimously via voice vote. IV. PUBLIC HEARINGS NONE V. SPECIAL REPORTS a. Presentation of Employee Anniversary Award Mayor Krier and Village Administrator Joe Wade presented an anniversary award to John Genovesi, acknowledging his 15 years of employment as a mechanic with the Village. V. SPECIAL REPORTS (continued) Minutes of July 9, 2007 Board Meeting b. Swearing In Ceremony of a New Police Officer Fire and Police Commission Chairman Mike Simkins was joined by Commander Tim McCloskey and Trustee liaison Shel Marcus as he swore in the Village's newest police officer, Kayla KuIly. Chairman Simkins provided a brief bio on Officer KuIly: She began her employ- ment with the Village on July 2, 2007 and is following in her dad's footsteps in her career choice. She was raised in Niles and Mundelein and graduated from Mundelein High School. She attended Carthage College in Kenosha and graduated with a BS in Psychology. The Board congratulated Office KuIly and welcomed her. c. Village Named One of Top 10 Places to Raise a Family by Family Circle Magazine Mayor Krier announced that Family Circle Magazine had come out with its list of top 10 places to raise a family in the United States and Morton Grove is in the top 10. The list is in the August edition of the magazine. He said that several residents were interviewed and quoted by the magazine, including Kyle and Mike Olin, in attendance this evening. Mr. Olin stated, "We already knew it, but Family Circle just confirmed it...Morton Grove is a great place to raise a family." Village Administrator Wade read a letter from the editor-in-chief of the magazine and showed a plaque they sent. d. Presentation of Reassessment Process Mayor Krier stated that households in Niles Township were reassessed this year as part of the triennial reassessment. He said his own reassessment went up 90%! He introduced Niles Township Assessor Scott Bagnall to explain the reassessment process. Assessor Bagnall said that assessments and the whole property tax cycle are complicated and often misunder- stood. He said the average assessed value for Niles Township increased 34.7%. He said that doesn't mean everyone's taxes are going up that much—there isn't an "absolute" correlation between the assessed value increase and that tax bill people will receive. Assessor Bagnall described the process: Property is re -valued every year per the Illinois state constitution, except in Cook County, where one-third of the property is re -valued every three years. Then all of the assessed values are added together and divided into the amount of money that each particular taxing body requires (that they have levied) and the result of that is a tax rate. After that, individual homes are looked at. He said that "assessed value" is the "inflation component", and is just one of the factors in a person's tax bill. Another thing to consider is the tax levy increase, not only in the municipality, but in the various school districts people are located in. Assessor Bagnall said it doesn't cost anything for a homeowner to appeal their increase and it only takes a couple of minutes. He said that filing an appeal doesn't guarantee you'll get a reduction, but it does mean that your assessed value will be looked at individually, instead of as part of a mass market appraisal, neighborhood by neighborhood. He said that there would be two seminars held in the upcoming weeks about this reassessment. The first will be held on July 19th at 7:00 p.m. at the Niles Township Administrative Building, and the second will be at the Skokie Public Library on July 26th at 6:30 p.m. Mayor Krier thanked Assessor Bagnall for coming. Trustee Marcus did the same, adding that it's important for people to know that they can go somewhere close to get informed. He urged residents to avail themselves of the Assessor's office and its services. 2 Minutes of Jul 9, 2007 Board Meeting V. SPECIAL REPORTS (continued) Trustee Staackmann asked if the reassessment would affect senior citizens on the "tax freeze". Would they be seeing a tax increase? Assessor Bagnall said they could, because of various tax levy increases, but not because of the reassessment or their new assessed value. Commissioner Dick Dorgan of the Plan Commission told Assessor Bagnall that, since he lives in the southeast corner of Morton Grove, he finds himself paying for both the Skokie and the Morton Grove Park Districts, and he has for the past 35 years. He said he's complained before, but it's never been resolved. Assessor Bagnall said he would look into it and try to figure it out, and took Commissioner Dorgan's address. Mayor Krier offered to put the reassessment seminar information on the Village's website, as well as Assessor Bagnall's office information. e. Plan Commission Case PC 07-03, Requesting an Amendment to the Special Use Permit to Construct an Annex Building at 6140-6240 Dempster Street. f. Plan Commissioner Dick Dorgan presented this case in the absence of Plan Commission Chairman Ron Farkas. He explained that the Applicant, the Morton Grove Historical Society, wishes to construct an annex building adjacent to the existing Historical Society museum. The annex would provide needed additional space for storing artifacts and for holding classes. Chairman pro tem Dorgan said that the Plan Commission had unanimously approved recom- mending this case. There were no questions from the Board. Trustee Minx moved, seconded by Trustee Staackmann, to accept the Plan Commission's report. Mayor Krier pointed out that this vote was only to accept the Plan Commission's report—it was not voting on the actual ordinance that would grant the Special Use Amendment. Upon the vote, the motion passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent. Tr. Brunner an Tr. Kogstad absent Tr. Marcus an Tr. Minx an Tr. Staackmann aye Tr. Thill an Plan Commission Case PC 07-04, Requesting a Special Use Permit for a Commercial Wireless Antenna Installation at 9228 Oriole Avenue. Chairman pro tem Dorgan said that the Applicant, T -Mobile Central LLC, was requesting this Special Use Permit. The proposed installation is on existing ComEd tower and would be accessed from Oriole Avenue. There is a similar installation by Sprint, also on an existing ComEd tower, a short distance away. This is meant to address a coverage gap near Golf and Shermer. Commissioner Dorgan said the Plan Commission was aware of the fact that the Telecommunications Act of 1996 had given the FCC preemptive authority over local govern- ment relative to these antenna installations. Local government could, however, regulate the aesthetics. At the hearing, concerns were raised about the antenna's location, declining property values in the area, and wind shear / structural integrity of the existing tower. One resident who spoke at the hearing was concerned about health risks. Another was bothered because the letter to residents notifying them of the hearing was in English, and many people in that area do not speak English. The concerns expressed at the hearing were responded to, and the Plan Commission voted unanimously to approve the Special Use request. 3 Minutes of July 9, 2007 Board Meeting SPECIAL REPORTS (continued) Trustee Thill asked if the tower had to be located in this particular area. Commissioner Dorgan responded that T -Mobile had said that they would have liked it to be located closer to Shermer, but that would mean it would have to be a stand-alone tower. This location was their second choice. Trustee Minx moved to accept the Plan Commission's report, seconded by Trustee Thill. Motion passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent. Tr. Brunner aye Tr. Kogstad absent Tr. Marcus aye Tr. Minx aye Tr. Staackmann aye Tr. Thill aye 9. Plan Commission Case PC 07-06, Requesting a Minor Subdivision at the Property Commonly Known as 6601 Golf Road Chairman pro tem Dorgan presented this case. He said that the proposed subdivision met the lot size and zoning criteria in the Unified Development Code, and that the only real concern had been expressed by the Village Engineer, who requested two separate storm sewer systems for each lot to alleviate ponding. Also, IDOT has to sign off on this because the entrance off of Golf Road is under their jurisdiction. The Applicant, Mohammed Makda, said that he would install the drainage system as requested by the Village Engineer. He added that he had received verbal approval from DOT regarding the proposed driveway configuration. A couple of neighbors attended the hearing and had expressed concerns about the water drainage. They were glad that there would be two separate storm sewer systems for each. Commissioner Dorgan said that the Plan Commission had voted unanimously to approve this request. Trustee Thill asked where the water from sump pumps would go. Commissioner Dorgan said it would probably go into the sewer system. Trustee Minx moved to accept the Plan Commission's report, seconded by Trustee Marcus. Motion passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent. Tr. Brunner aye Tr. Kogstad absent Tr. Marcus aye Tr. Minx aye Tr. Staackmann aye Tr. Thill aye VI. RESIDENTS' COMMENTS (Agenda Items Only) Mayor Krier asked if any residents had any comments. He added that, if a resident had comments concerning Ordinance 07-19, the ordinance granting T -Mobile a Special Use Permit, he would rather let them speak after the ordinance itself had been presented. There were no residents' comments. VII. PRESIDENT'S REPORT 1. Mayor Krier asked for the Board's concurrence on his appointment of Joel Collender to the Environmental Board of Health. Mr. Collender is a pharmacist. Mayor Krier thanked Trustee Marcus for recommending Mr. Collender. Trustee Brunner moved to concur with the Mayor's appointment, seconded by Trustee Marcus. Motion passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent. Tr. Brunner aye Tr. Kogstad absent Tr. Marcus aye Tr. Minx aye Tr. Staackmann aye Tr. Thill aye 4 Minutes of July 9, 2007 Board Meeting VII. PRESIDENT'S REPORT (continued) 2. Mayor Krier said that the Village had received correspondence from PACE indicating possible fare increases and route eliminations if funding doesn't become available from the State. He said the Board is aware of this problem and has spoken to Morton Grove's state legislators. The mayor said he has not, as of yet, written a letter endorsing any specific funding plan, but noted that the two bus routes within the Village—one that goes down Lincoln Avenue, one that goes down Dempster—could both be eliminated. He encouraged residents to contact their state legislators about this matter. 3. Mayor Krier said he would be remiss if he didn't mention Bill Zimmer's upcoming retirement. Mr. Zimmer's last day in the office is Wednesday, after 30 years of employment with the Village. Mayor Krier said that Zimmer has worked for three different Building Commissioners; was the first Deputy Building Commissioner; has been the staff liaison to the Plan Commis- sion, was heavily involved in major re -writes of the Sign Code and the Appearance Code; initiated and managed the Property Maintenance Program, and managed, along with Corporation Counsel, the Village's Administrative Hearing Program, a program under which many property maintenance code violations and certain police citations are handled within the Village, rather than at Cook County. Since 2002, the Administrative Hearing Program has netted $125,000 in fines for the Village, rather than for Cook County. Mayor Krier said that there would likely be a public celebration and acknowledgement of Mr. Zimmer's service sometime in the fall, possibly October. VIII. CLERK'S REPORT Clerk Fritzshall announced that the Condominium Association meeting would be held on July 11th at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at Village Hall. IX. STAFF REPORTS A. Village Administrator 1. Mr. Wade announced that the next Town Hall Meeting was scheduled for Monday, July 30th, at 7:00 p.m. at Prairie View Center, 6834 Dempster. He encouraged all residents to attend. 2. Mr. Wade said that there would be a Special Board Meeting / Executive Session at 6:00 p.m. on Monday, July 23rd, prior to the regular Board Meeting, to discuss the sale of real estate. B. Corporation Counsel: Ms. Liston had no report. 5 MnuteS=;o# Jul X. TRUSTEES' REPORTS A. Trustee Brunner: 1. Trustee Brunner said she had no formal report, but noted that the Village's smoking ban will go into effect at the end of July. She said she had checked with the Building Department to see if any restaurants applied for a permit to build walls but none has. 2. Trustee Brunner also congratulated the Morton Grove Days Committee and Maggie Zimmer and her Parade Committee for doing a wonderful job. She also complimented Jeff Fouger- ousse and his Park District Staff and all of the Village's Public Safety personnel for all their efforts over the holiday. 3. Trustee Brunner wished Bill Zimmer well on his retirement. B. Trustee Marcus: 1. Trustee Marcus presented Resolution 07-39, Authorizing the Purchase of Panasonic CF -30 Toughbook Laptops, Motorola VRM850 Vehicle Radio Modems and Docking Stations and Installations. He explained that this purchase would replace aging squad car laptops and vehicle radio modems subjected to 24-hour use and adverse working environments. He said that, in May, the Police Department had applied for federal grant funding for this purchase in the amount of $13,806. In June, the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority approved the grant appli- cation, with the stipulation that the Village match 25% of the approved grant amount and absorb any miscellaneous expenses necessary to comply with the grant requirements. The cost of purchasing the two laptops, modems, docking stations, and installations is $14,214. The grant will cover $10,355. The Village's share (the 25% match and the miscellaneous expenses) comes to $3,859 and will be paid out of the Police Department budget. Trustee Marcus moved, seconded by Trustee Minx, to approve Resolution 07-39. Motion passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent. Tr. Brunner aye Tr. Kogstad absent Tr. Marcus aye Tr. Minx Tr. Staackmann aye Tr. Thill aye 2. Trustee Marcus said he had attended the recent Fire and Police Commission meeting and had met the newest Commissioner. He looked forward to working with this Commission in the future. C. Trustee Koqstad: Trustee Kogstad was absent — no report. 6 X. D. Trustee Minx: TRUSTEES' REPORTS (continued) Mtmagdi Jul, 9, Board 1. Trustee Minx presented for a first reading Ordinance 07-17, Approving a Final Plat for a Minor Subdivision for That Property Commonly Known as 6601 Golf Road in the Village of Morton Grove. She explained that this is pursuant to Plan Commission Case PC 07-06, reported on earlier this evening. There were no questions or further discussion. 2. Trustee Minx next presented for a first reading Ordinance 07-18, An Ordinance Granting a Special Use Amendment for the Property Known as 6140-6240 Dempster for the Construction of an Annex Building Adjacent to the Existing Historical Society Museum. She explained that this is pursuant to Plan Commission Case PC 07-03, reported on earlier this evening. Mayor Krier suggested the architects, who were in attendance, be allowed to display the pictures of how the annex would look. Trustee Minx then read a letter from John Slater, who has been coordinating this project, asking that the first reading requirement be waived so that construction could begin. Trustee Minx so moved, seconded by Trustee Thill. Motion passed: 4 ayes, 1 nay, 1 absent. Tr. Brunner aye Tr. Kogstad absent Tr. Marcus ave, Tr. Minx afire Tr. Staackmann nay Tr. Thill aye Trustee Staackmann predicated his "nay" vote by stating that he was voting that way because he was the person who had introduced the "first reading requirement" in the first place. Trustee Minx then moved to adopt Ordinance 07-18, seconded by Trustee Staackmann. Motion passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent. Tr. Brunner aye Tr. Kogstad absent Tr. Marcus aye Tr. Minx aye Tr. Staackmann aye Tr. Thill ave Trustee Thill commended John Slater for all his hard work on this project, keeping it going even when, at times, it seemed lost. Trustee Marcus concurred. Trustee Staackmann congratulated Mr. Slater on this achievement. Mr. Slater commented that he believes the Historical Society and Park District have come up with a "win-win" project that will benefit young people in particular. He said the Historical Society had served twelve schools last year, and credited Mary Walsh and her "imaginative programs" for that. He said the Village can look forward to a facility that will go a long way to helping people "share cultures" and uniting in various cultural programs. Trustees Staackmann and Marcus complimented Jeff Fougerousse and the Park District, stating that one of the reasons Morton Grove is one of the top 10 places in which to raise a family is because of the people who live and work here. 3. Trustee Minx then introduced for a first reading Ordinance 07-19, An Ordinance Granting a Special Use Permit in the Village of Morton Grove for Property Located at 9228 Oriole Avenue for a CommerciaC Wireless Antenna Installation. Minutes of July 9, 2007 Board Meeting X. TRUSTEES' REPORTS (continued) D. Trustee Minx: (continued) She explained that T -Mobile is requesting the Special Use Permit to allow them to install a 10 -foot antenna on top of an existing 117 -foot ComEd tower located in the public utility right- of-way west of Oriole Avenue. It's a similar installation to others mounted on ComEd towers. T -Mobile has submitted documentation to the Village which assures the Village that the tower with the antenna is structurally sound. It has also submitted a report from an independent test- ing agency certifying that the proposed emissions from the T -Mobile antenna at this location will fall well within emission standards established by the FCC, and another report from an independent real estate agent stating that this installation will not adversely affect property values in the area. The Plan Commission has recommended approval of this request. Mayor Krier asked the T -Mobile representative if he wanted to speak on this request. Mark Layne, an independent contract acting as a site acquisition agent for T -Mobile for its wireless antenna installations in the Chicago area, introduced himself and displayed a photo simulation of the proposed installation. He said it would be quite similar to the Sprint installation a few towers away. Mr. Layne said, regarding the primary issues raised at the Plan Commission hearing, that as far as the health issue, T -Mobile had an independent consultant do an RF study at the site; the conclusion was that the proposed site will operate with only a fraction of the FCC -permitted exposure levels—there should be no adverse impact in terms of health. Regarding the necessity for the site, he introduced Kevin Mize, the RF engineer for T -Mobile who designs the network, and said that Mr. Mize could answer that question. Mr. Layne said that, basically, all the things people can do with their cell phones now, i.e., taking pictures and videos, surfing the Internet, checking email, etc.—all takes up bandwidth, and that means towers, and towers need to be located in specific areas to build a network. Trustee Staackmann asked if T -Mobile could make the antenna "blend in" with the existing tower. Mr. Layne said it would be painted a galvanized steel color to match the ComEd tower. Trustee Thitl asked why this request needed a Special Use Permit. Corporation Counsel Liston said that a Special Use Permit is required in situations where, generally, the Village has decided to allow that type of facility within a given zoning district, but the nature of it needs a higher level of scrutiny or needs to be looked at on a case-by-case basis. It's a permitted use, but needs additional restrictions or regulations. Trustee Marcus asked Mr. Layne if such installations had a history of lightning strikes, or of toppling. Mr. Layne said no to both. He said that T -Mobile also had a letter from ComEd verifying the structural integrity of the tower. Mayor Krier said he would open the discussion to questions from residents, advising them to please direct their questions to him. a. Arlene Bernstein, 7630 Beckwith. Ms. Bernstein was concerned about the tower's proximity to Oriole Park/Oriole Pool and to Melzer School. She wondered if the studies that had been done had also taken into consideration that there was a similar installation nearby, and said she was concerned about the park and the school. Corporation Counsel Liston asked Ms. Bernstein if she was concerned that the installation and its proximity to the park and the school were a danger. Ms. Bernstein said, "Yes." Ms. Liston said that the federal law is very clear and very strict in saying that local govern- ments cannot regulate these antenna installations unless they are unsafe or a traffic impedi- ment. She used Trustee Marcus' questions about lightning strikes and toppling as examples 8 inutes of July 9, 2097 Boa' d Meetin X. TRUSTEES' REPORTS (continued) D. Trustee Minx: (continued) of what would be considered unsafe. She told Ms. Bernstein that if what she's concerned about are the radio frequencies, that's a matter for the FCC. The FCC regulates the RF part; the Village is powerless to act on that. Mayor Krier added that, even if the Board felt the installation was bad because of the RF transmissions, the Village cannot say, "No, you can't put it here." He said the Village would be sued in a heartbeat. Ms. Bernstein asked if what the Mayor was saying was that the Village has no control over any company just coming in and putting up a tower or adding an antenna to an existing tower. He replied that the Village does have some control, but can't deny an application on the basis of concerns regarding RF transmissions. There would have to be some other compelling reason to deny it. Trustee Staackmann asked if it is a health issue. Ms. Liston said that question has been posed to the FCC, and they have set forth certain standards and guidelines that need to be met and adhered to. Since this facility is purported to be well within those standards, the Village doesn't have the right to deny the application based on health issues. The American Cancer Society and other health agencies have looked at these types of installations, and it is their opinion that they are not a health issue. b. Neil Boggs. Mr. Boggs, a 25 -year resident, lives on Beckwith. He said he fell in love with the neighborhood after looking around in other suburbs such as Glenview and Northbrook. He felt the proposed installation would be an "eyesore" and said others felt the same way. Mr. Boggs was certain that the installation would lower property values. c. d. Cesar Hoyas, 7725 Beckwith. Mr. Hoyas is a 23 -year resident. He brought in pictures from the tower at Shermer, noting that the gate wasn't good, and exposed wires were present. He asked who would do the maintenance at the site. He said the ComEd tower is behind his house and they hardly ever come to cut the grass or clear the field. He said Mr. Layne isn't even a T -Mobile employee—he'll get the site for the installation and then be gone. Kevin Mize, the RF Design Engineer, responsible for the design of the site, said that he has worked for T -Mobile for 10 years. He said T -Mobile maintains its sites. They have field operations personnel who visit the site at least once a month. They mostly visit the site during the day but occasionally at night. They are equipped to take care of grass and weeds. As for safety, the site will be fenced and gated. Power at ground level is equivalent to the power of about two light bulbs. The cabinets cannot be accessed and the equipment is locked. There's very little risk if children climb the fence to get in. Patricia Hoyas, 7725 Beckwith. Mrs. Hoyas asked Mayor Krier if Morton Grove is going to be a "dumping ground" for cellular towers. Mayor Krier replied that there's a regular applica- tion process that all the companies must go through; they have to meet certain critieria but even then, these are looked at on a case-by-case basis. Trustee Brunner said her understanding is that every cellular tower only has a certain range. If a company needs coverage in Glenview, they won't put their tower in Morton Grove. She said T -Mobile was trying to be aesthetic by putting the antenna installation on an existing tower in the ComEd right-of-way rather than having a stand-alone tower. 9 Minutes of July 9, 2007 Board Meeting X. D. Trustee Minx: (continued) TRUSTEES' REPORTS (continued) Trustee Minx concurred, saying that the towers are put in "strategic" locations to maintain a strong signal so that the customer isn't having a lot of dropped calls. e. Diane Bodson. Ms. Bodson said that everyone agrees that the tower is necessary, but why here? Why not by Lehigh or in a non-residential area? She said that the neighborhood has had arcing in the high-tension wires, and felt that the antenna installation will be shot at during the Fourth of July celebrations. She said that, fence or no fence, barbed wire or not, kids will try to get in there, and kids will get hurt. f. Trustee Thill said that barbed wire is illegal. He suggested a rounded top at the top of the fence, similar to fences on bridges over expressways, as a possible deterrent. Mr. Layne said the fence will meet the requirements in the Village's code. Trustee Thill said he was aware of that; he was suggesting that T -Mobile perhaps "go the extra mile" and show they want to be a good neighbor by doing something to make the fence more "kid -proof'. An unidentified resident who said he lives two blocks from the proposed installation asked if the area could perhaps be enhanced by some trees. He said that, currently, the area is void of trees, and that it looked like there would be room to plant three or four 25 -foot or 30 -foot trees. He also said that ComEd shouldn't get all the blame for the appearance of their right-of- way; he said that he's seen residents dumping garbage in the CE right-of-way. Mayor Krier said the tree suggestion was very interesting, and asked Village Administrator Wade and Public Works Director DeMonte to get together to see if it was doable, both from a financial and legal standpoint. The resident offered to donate $115 towards the planting of trees. He suggested that they be planted along Oriole and Ozark, in the parkways. g. Mary Elsner, 9342 Ozanam. Mrs. Elsner suggested the audience "do away with the notion that Morton Grove can't regulate the placement" of the proposed antenna installation. She said that the Telecommunications Acts gives municipalities power over placement of them, adding, "The FCC doesn't prevent Morton Grove from requiring an applicant to prove that there are technical alternatives to putting a tower within 50 feet or so of residential property owners." She said the Village needs to "look at the big picture" and begin to plan where these sites should be. Mrs. Elsner said that Mr. Lane cited the increasing need for more coverage, and suggested the Board consider a moratorium on these types of installations so they can look at tower placement. She asked who would be benefiting from this—ComEd or Morton Grove residents? Mrs. Elsner wondered why this had to be in a residential neighborhood. She said the applicant stated that there was a coverage gap near Golf and Shermer, but on T -Mobile's web site, it says the coverage gap is half in Glenview. In the Legislative Summary for this Ordinance, it says the coverage gap is at Washington and Golf. She said there's no rational basis for placing it in a residential neighborhood and felt that the application was deficient because it lacked certain documentation. Mrs. Elsner questioned the "Findings of Fact" attached to the Plan Commission report. She said she had heard no such findings of fact at the hearing. She felt the Plan Commission Minutes misrepresented what happened at the meeting, and said the Commissioners never gave their reasons for voting the way they did. Mayor Krier said the Findings of Fact were approved by the Commissioners. 10 Minutes of July 9, 2007 Board Meeting X. D. Trustee Minx: (continued) h. TRUSTEES' REPORTS (continued) Mrs. Elsner said, regarding the matter of decreasing property values, that she thought Mr. Layne's assessment was biased. She presented petitions signed by 137 residents and asked why the Board would issue a Special Use Permit when ComEd isn't a "good corporate citizen". She also wondered why there were no setback requirements in the new zoning ordinance although there were in the previous version. Mrs. Elsner asked how the proposed installation would preserve the "health, safety, morals, and welfare" of the neighborhood. She cited a 1999 article from the Chicago Tribune which indicated that property values in proximity to cellular towers decreased and asked for a copy of the independent appraiser's assessment. She wondered what the height limitation was, and asked where the Village would stop when it comes to height. Corporation Counsel Liston said she didn't know and didn't recall any change in the setback requirements, but said she would get back to Mrs. Elsner after she researched it. Jim Busfis. Mr. Busfis, a Certified Safety Specialist, said he had some issues with the structure of the tower, for example, what is the sequence of events? When will it be reinforced? He said there was no safety analysis done, so it was likely that reinforcement would occur during the construction phase, but it would probably depend on the tasks and the subcontractors. He said T -Mobile's report said that the existing tower would adequately support the antenna structure once the reinforcement had been done. Mr. Busfis wondered if it had been done at the other tower—did anyone check? He felt a detailed safety analysis should be done. He said there was nothing in the report about ice load, wind shear, etc. If it wasn't mentioned, has it been looked at? He also felt a wooden fence was a fire hazard. He felt the Board should look at the broad issue, including all the ancillary things. Mr. Layne explained the reinforcement (i.e., cross -bracing) process, noting that ice Toad and wind shear have been taken into consideration. He said T -Mobile had just done an installa- tion exactly like the proposed one in Highland Park, and they were delighted because T -Mobile didn't add to the proliferation of new towers—they used an existing structure. Eric Poders. Mr. Poders felt there were inconsistencies in "systems, methods, and controls" from Mr. Layne. He said Mr. Layne was a real estate professional "just trying to make a commission" and that everything Mr. Layne had said was from a salesman's point of view. Mr. Poders felt Mrs. Elsner had been cross-examined at the Plan Commission hearing and wasn't heard fairly, although he conceded to Mayor Krier that she had been heard fairly this evening. He pointed out that only 4 of the 7 -member Commission were present the night of this hearing. Mr. Poders accused the Village of having political ties to ComEd, but when pressed by Mayor Krier, could not say anything specific. He agreed with Mrs. Elsner that the Village should have a moratorium on the installation of commercial wireless antenna installations until more planning is done. No additional residents addressed the Board. Mayor Krier pointed out that tonight is a first reading of this Ordinance and therefore no Board action would be taken. 4. Trustee Minx congratulated Maggie Zimmer and her committee for an exceptional parade. She complimented the Morton Grove Days Committee and highly praised all the volunteers and public safety personnel. 11 Minutes of July 9, 2007 Board Meeting TRUSTEES' REPORTS (continued) F. Trustee Staackmann 1. Trustee Staackmann congratulated Morton Grove Days Committee Chairman Jim Karp for doing an excellent job. He said he thought Morton Grove was the best—not just one of the top 10—because of the schools, the parks, and the residents of the Village. 2. Trustee Staackmann commented on the Board's decision to go with mb Financial versus Charter One. He said he had done some additional review of the proposals submitted, and was pleasantly surprised to learn that mb Financial pays a higher interest rate than Charter One. This will generate about $4,500 annually for the Village. He was somewhat surprised that this fact hadn't been included in staff's report. F. Trustee Thill 1. Trustee Thill presented Ordinance 07-16, Authorizing the Installation of Parking Restric- tions on South Park Avenue Between School Street and the First Alley West Within the Village of Morton Grove. This is the second reading of this Ordinance. Trustee Thill explained that this would alleviate parking congestion arising from commuter parking in the area. The restrictions proposed are consistent with those in the surrounding area. Trustee Thill moved to adopt Ordinance 07-16, seconded by Trustee Minx. Motion passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent. Tr. Brunner aye Tr. Kogstad absent Tr. Marcus aye Tr. Minx aye Tr. Staackmann aye Tr. Thill aye 2. Trustee Thill said that, over the weekend, he had met with some of the residents concerned about the T -Mobile antenna installation. He was disturbed by two things. The first was the way the residents felt they were treated at the Plan Commission hearing. Trustee Thill asked that all Village commissions and boards treat the public nicely when they attend their meetings. The second think he noted was the fact that the notification letters were sent in English. He felt that. if a person comes to this country, they should learn English...but he asked that neighhnrs be neighborly, and those that can read English should explain the letters to those who can't read English. XI. OTHER BUSINESS NONE 12 Minutes'of kil °,9, 2007 Board Ideon=i XII. XIII. XIV. WARRANTS Trustee Minx presented the Warrant Register for July 9, 2007, which totaled $211,075.34. She moved to approve the Warrants as presented, seconded by Trustee Staackmann. Motion passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent. Tr. Brunner aye Tr. Kogstad absent Tr. Marcus aye Tr. Minx aye Tr. Staackmann aye Tr. ThiII aye RESIDENTS' COMMENTS NONE ADJOURNMENT/EXECUTIVE SESSION There being no further business, Trustee Minx moved to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Trustee Brunner. Motion passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent. Tr. Brunner aye Tr. Kogstad absent Tr. Marcus aye Tr. Minx ave Tr. Staackmann ave Tr. ThiII aye The meeting adjourned at 9:40 p.m. 13 Minutes of July 9, 2007 Board Meeting PASSED this 23rd day of July, 2007. Trustee Brunner Trustee Kogstad Trustee Marcus Trustee Minx Trustee Staackmann Trustee ThiII APPROVED me this 23r day of July, 2007. Ati.4 / • Richard Krier, Village President Board of Trustees, Morton Grove, Illinois APPROVED and FILED in my office this 24th day of July, 2007. 6'46,4 -\71 Carol A. Fritzshall, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois Minutes by: Teresa Cousar 14