NOVEMBER 13, 2006
I. Village President Rick Krier called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. and led the assemblage
in the Pledge of Allegiance.
II. Village Clerk Carol Fritzshall called the roll. Present were: Trustees Georgianne Brunner,
Dan DiMaria, Roy Kogstad, Rita Minx, and Dan Staackmann. Mayor Krier explained that
Trustee Senensky had called to let him know that he wasn't feeling well and wouldn't be at
the meeting this evening.
As there were five sets of Minutes for approval this evening, Mayor Krier suggested that they
be approved by voice vote. Therefore, the Minutes of the October 23, 2006 Regular Meeting;
the October 25, 2006 Special Meeting; the October 28, 2006 Special Meeting; the October 30,
2006 Town Hall Meeting; and the November 1, 2006 Special Meeting were all approved
unanimously pursuant to a voice vote.
Plan Commission Case PC04-05, Requesting a Map Amendment to Rezone Parcels at 8601
and 8625 Waukegan Road.
Plan Commission Chairman Ron Farkas presented this case. Mr. Farkas first explained that
the Village had initiated this request for rezoning when the Revell Monogram property at 8601
Waukegan Road became vacant. However, the owner of the property at that time felt that
rezoning would affect the potential sale. The owner of the property at 8625 Waukegan, Public
Storage, also objected because they had a pending application to increase the number of
storage units within the existing building. The Village agreed to continue the case until both
issues were resolved. The Public Storage facility was expanded and the Revell Monogram
property was sold and is being redeveloped for 110 townhomes. Because of the long interval,
the Village reissued notices and publications regarding this Public Hearing.
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Village Planner Bonnie Jacobson said that the Village had initiated this case based on the
1999 Comprehensive Plan Update, which indicated that, if the subject properties were ever
vacated, they should be redeveloped as a commercial land use rather than industrial.
Rezoning the properties from industrial to commercial would help realize this goal.
Ms. Jacobson noted that, if the rezoning is approved, the existing Public Storage facility could
remain as a non -conforming use, but could not expand or be rebuilt if more than 50% of it
was destroyed. The change in zoning would prevent Public Storage from being redeveloped
to a manufacturing use (which it could be today), and instead would have to be developed to
comply with commercial zoning regulations.
Ms. Jacobson also explained the criteria by which a map amendment is evaluated. The
subject property has to meet at least one of three criteria: it has to be at least three-quarters
of an acre in size; it has to have at least 330 feet of frontage on a public right -way; or it has to
be adjacent to the zoning district which is being proposed. In this case, the subject property
meets all three criteria. Ms. Jacobson emphasized that the case should be based on whether
the amendment is for the benefit of the Village as a whole, for the public good.
One interested party testified regarding the case—the property owner at 8625 Waukegan,
represented by legal counsel. The attorney for Public Storage said that her client felt the re-
zoning would be harmful because, as a non -conforming use in the new zoning district, they
could not expand. She suggested other methods such as a deed restriction or a special use
amendment that would prohibit Public Storage from selling to an industrial use.
Chairman Farkas said that the Plan Commission concluded that all the technical requirements
had been met, and that its job was to determine if the rezoning was in the best interest of the
Village as a whole. The Commission approved the request unanimously, with two members
Mayor Krier thanked Mr. Farkas for his presentation. He noted that the Village had received a
letter from the 8601 Waukegan property owner, stating that they had no objections to the re-
zoning. Public Storage indicated, however, that they would like to attend the November 27th
Board Meeting to state their objections in front of the Board.
None of the trustees had any questions for Chairman Farkas.
Trustee Minx moved to accept the Plan Commission's report,
Motion passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays.
Tr. Brunner au Tr. DiMaria aye
Tr. Minx Tr. Senensky absent
seconded by Trustee Brunner.
Tr. Kogstad aye
Tr. Staackmann
There were no comments; however, Mayor Krier acknowledged that former Trustee Steve
Blonz was in attendance this evening, and thanked him for coming.
Mayor Krier had no report.
Minutes of November 13, 2006 Board Meetin
Clerk Fritzshall had no report.
A. Village Administrator
1. Mr. Wade said he's received several inquiries from the press and the public regarding the
Special Use Amendment for the Muslim Community Center. He said that this matter is
tentatively scheduled for the Plan Commission's December 18th meeting.
2. Mr. Wade announced that the Village Board will have a "committee of the whole" meeting
regarding the smoking ban on January 11, 2007, at 7:00 p.m.
B. Corporation Counsel:
Ms. Liston had no report.
Trustee Brunner:
Trustee Brunner had no report, but thanked the Police and Fire Departments, Public Works,
and ESDA for all their efforts in the Veterans Day Parade.
B. Trustee DiMaria:
Trustee DiMaria had no report.
C. Trustee Kogstad:
1. Trustee Kogstad presented for a first reading Ordinance 06-39, Amending Title 4, Chapter
17F, of the Municipal Code Entitled "Municipal Prepared Food and Beverage Tax".
He explained that this ordinance will remove the "sunset clause" from the Municipal Prepared
Food and Beverage Tax Ordinance. The sunset clause would have allowed this tax to termi-
nate on February 1, 2007.
There was no discussion by the Board.
2. Next, Trustee Kogstad presented for a first reading Ordinance 06-40, Amending Title 4,
Chapter 17E, of the Municipal Code Entitled "Local Motor Fuel Tax".
Minutes of November 13, 2006 Board Meeting
C. Trustee Kogstad: (continued)
He explained that this ordinance will remove the "sunset clause" from the Village's Local
Motor Fuel Tax Ordinance. The sunset clause would have allowed this tax to terminate on
February 1, 2007.
There was no discussion by the Board.
3. Trustee Kogstad then brought forward Resolution 06-60, Authorizing Membership in the
Intergovernmental Personnel Benefits Cooperative.
He explained that 44 local communities have entered into an Intergovernmental Personnel
Benefits Cooperative to administer personnel benefits programs and help stabilize future
health and life insurance rate increases. This resolution will authorize the Village's member-
ship in this cooperative.
Trustee Kogstad thanked Finance Director Partipilo and Human Resources Coordinator
Pankow for their work in researching and recommending this program.
Trustee Staackmann agreed that this was a good idea for the Village, noting that, while
serving on the Park Board, the Park District entered into a similar cooperative. It reduced
the District's exposure and saved money.
Trustee Kogstad moved to approve Resolution 06-60, seconded by Trustee Staackmann.
Motion passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays.
Tr. Brunner aye Tr. DiMaria aye Tr. Kogstad aYe
Tr. Minx aye Tr. Senensky absent Tr. Staackmann gye
Next, Trustee Kogstad introduced for a first reading Ordinance 06-41, An Ordinance Rezon-
ing That Property in the Village of Morton Grove Commonly Known as 8601 and 8625
Waukegan Road From the M1 Restricted Manufacturing District to the C1 General
Commercial District.
He explained that this ordinance is pursuant to Plan Commission Case PC04-05 heard earlier
this evening.
There was no further discussion by the Board.
5, Lastly, Trustee Kogstad presented for a first reading Ordinance 06-42, An Ordinance
Adopting the Budgets for All Corporate Purposes of the Village of Morton Grove
and the Morton Grove Library, Cook County, Illinois, For the Calendar Year Effective
January 1, 2007 and Ending December 31, 2007.
Trustee Kogstad said he didn't feel comfortable introducing this legislation because it wasn't
complete—it was missing the Library's figures, the tax levy, the cost of living amount, etc.
Mayor Krier pointed out that this is a first reading. Trustee Kogstad said there was $700,000
in the budget that he couldn't figure out, plus there was no supporting detail. He felt that
the point of having a first reading was to get the public's input, and that the public should be
allowed to comment on the full, complete budget, not an incomplete document.
Minutes of November 13, 2006 Board Meetin
C. Trustee Koostad: (continued)
Mayor Krier said that a memo was being prepared that will explain the actions taken by the
trustees at the last budget workshop on November 1St. He said that the trustees decided to
use some fund balance monies for garbage assistance, plus they added three additional
streets for paving. The memo will be at the library and on the Village's web site. The Mayor
reminded Trustee Kogstad that the Board is not voting on this tonight.
Trustee Staackmann agreed that the first reading should be of the "finished product", and this
is not. He said he had already spoken to Village staff about the need to move up the budget
timeframe to accommodate the "first reading" provision so that next year, the Board will be
looking at a finished budget document at the time of the first reading.
Mayor Krier said that the November 1st budget workshop had also helped compress the
timing of this document. Trustee Staackmann said he understood the constraints and the
difficulties, noting that when he had first introduced "first read" legislation, he had intended
that what was being introduced was a finished product. He also commented that he thought,
at the last budget workshop, a decision had been made to ask Public Works what the best
use of extra money would be—paving streets or fixing infrastructure. Mayor Krier said he
believed that the consensus was to add in the extra streets to be paved. Trustee Staackmann
disagreed, noting that paving streets and then having to break them up later to repair infra-
structure would be counter-productive.
Trustee DiMaria said that he felt the discussion had been about paving streets and infrastruc-
ture, and that in the end, the Board had budgeted $728,000, and pending Public Works Direc-
tor Andy DeMonte's review, could be used mainly for paving streets or for infrastructure.
There was no further discussion.
D. Trustee Minx:
Trustee Minx had no formal report, but wished everyone a happy and safe Thanksgiving.
E. Trustee Senenskv:
Trustee Senensky was absent—no report.
F. Trustee Staackmann
Trustee Staackmann had no formal report. He, too, wished everyone a safe Thanksgiving
Minutes of November 13, 2006 Board Meeting
Trustee Kogstad presented the Warrant Register, which totaled $1,589,019.82. He moved to
approve the Warrants, seconded by Trustee Minx.
Trustee Kogstad noted that the Village is paying $1.1 million dollars in bonds that are due
December 1st. He asked if the Village couldn't hang on to the money and pay it closer to the
due date, so that it could earn more interest for the Village. Village Administrator Wade
thanked Trustee Kogstad, stating that it was a good suggestion.
Upon the vote, the motion passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays.
Tr. Brunner aye Tr. DiMaria a�►e Tr. Kogstad Lyi
Tr. Minx ay.g. Tr. Senensky absent Tr. Staackmann pie
Patrick Kansoer. Mr. Kansoer spoke about the upcoming hearings for the Special Use
Amendment that the MCC has applied for. He reminded the Board that the original Special
Use Permit had been granted vvith 33 conditions. He said he had done a''freedom of informa-
tion request" of the Village three weeks ago asking how many Special Use Permits had been
issued over the past five years; how many have requested extensions; and how many com-
plaints regarding the MCC have been made over the past year. Mr. Kansoer said the Village
denied the last part of his request because it would take 40 hours of police time to put the
information together. He then called Chief Tasch and was told that the police department
doesn't have the capability to do a keyword search on their computers. He said that, if there
are going to be hearings on this matter on December 18th, the administrator should have all
the information available at the hearings.
Eric Poders. Mr. Poders said that he had attended all three Budget Workshops and thought
they were incredible. He said not many residents attended, but he felt there was excellent
communication there. Regarding the MCC's Special Use Amendment request, Mr. Poders
said he hoped the situation wouldn't get blown out of proportion by Mr. Kansoer's comments.
Following the regular meeting of the Village Board of Trustees, Trustee Minx moved to
adjourn to Executive Session to discuss real estate and personnel matters. The motion
was seconded by Trustee Brunner and approved unanimously pursuant to a roll call vote at
8:14 p.m. President Krier called the Executive Session to order at 8:22 p.m. Clerk Fritzshall
called the roll. In attendance were: Mayor Krier, Trustees Brunner, DiMaria, Kogstad, Minx,
and Staackmann as well as Village Administrator Wade, Corporation Counsel Liston, Finance
Director/Treasurer Partipilo, Human Resource Coordinator Pankiw, and Community and Eco-
nomic Development Director Nuendorf.
Minutes of November 13, 2006 Board Meetin.
There being no further business, Trustee Staackmann moved to adjourn the Executive
Session. The motion was seconded by Trustee Minx and approved unanimously pursuant
to a voice vote at 9:22 p.m. Trustee DiMaria then moved to adjourn the regular Board meet-
ing. The motion was seconded by Trustee Minx and approved unanimously by voice vote at
9:22 p.m.
PASSED this 27th day of November, 2006.
Trustee Brunner
Trustee DiMaria
Trustee Kogstad
Trustee Minx
Trustee Senensky
Trustee Staackmann
PROVE I by ry(e tI $ 2 tr :ay of November, 2006.
"Richarti Krier, Village President
Board of Trustees, Morton Grove, Illinois
APPROVED and FILED in my office this 28th day of November, 2006.
Carol A. Fritzshall, Village Cle
Village of Morton Grove
Cook County, Illinois
Minutes by: Teresa Cousar