SEPTEMBER 25, 2006
1 & 11. Village President Richard Krier called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm and then led the
Assemblage in the Pledge of Allegiance.
111. Village Clerk Carol Fritzshall called the roll. Present were: Trustees Georgianne Brunner, Dan
DiMaria, Roy Kogstad, Rita Minx, Dale Senensky, and Dan Staackmann.
The minutes of the August 14, 2006, Regular Meeting were presented for approval. There
being no changes or alterations to the document, Trustee Minx moved to approve the minutes
as presented. The motion was seconded by Trustee Brunner.
Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstain, 0 absent.
Tr. Brunner aye Tr. DiMaria aye Tr. Kogstad aye
Tr. Minx aye Tr. Senensky aye Tr. Staackmann aye
The minutes of the September 6, 2006, Special Meeting were presented for approval. Trustee
Minx stated she was absent for this meeting ar'irdl the minutres should reflect that correction.
There being no further changes or alterations to the document, Trustee Brunner moved to
approve the minutes as presented. The motion was seconded by Trustee Minx.
Motion passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 abstain, 0 absent.
Tr. Brunner aye Tr. DiMaria aye Tr. Kogstad aye
Tr. Minx aye, Tr. Senensky abstain Tr. Staackmann aye
The minutes of the September 11, 2006, Regular Meeting were presented for approval.
Trustee Brunner stated the corrected definition on "Day Care, Adult" was actually part of the
change and therefore part of the motion to approve Ordinance 06-33. There being no
additional changes or alterations to the document, Trustee Minx moved to approve the minutes
as presented. The motion was seconded by Trustee Brunner.
Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstain, 0 absent.
Tr. Brunner aye Tr. DiMaria aye Tr. Kogstad aye
Tr. Minx aye Tr. Senensky aye, Tr. Staackmann aye
Minutes of September 25, 2006
illage of Morton Grove Board Meeting
A. Mayor Krier presented a proclamation proclaiming October 8 - 14, 2006, as Fire
Prevention Week. This proclamation is presented each year to instruct the community
and raise community awareness.
Mayor Krier stated the Department of Commerce and Community Affairs, through the
work of Representative Lang, approved a grant to the Village. This $105,000 grant is
to be used to install street lights. Reba, Keeney, and Madison have been chosen from
a long list to receive street lights. The Mayor anticipates the funds to arrive in the very
near future.
Clerk Fritzshall had no formal report; however she wanted new residents and residents with
changes to know they can register to vote at Village Hall. An alternate location is at the
township offices, 5255 Main Street.
A. Village Administrator
Mr. Wade reminded everyone of the upcoming SWANCC document destruction event
which will take place from 9:00 am to 11:00 am on October 7, 2006 at the American
Legion Memorial Civic Center. Mr. Wade also announced the upcoming budget
workshop dates which have been scheduled for 6:00 pm on October 25, and 8:30 am
on October 28, 2006 at the Richard T. Flickinger Municipal Center in the Trustees'
Conference Room. A third workshop will be scheduled, only if needed, on November
1, 2006. Mr. Wade also reminded everyone of the upcoming Town Hall meeting which
is scheduled for 7:00 pm on October 30, 2006, at the American Legion Memorial Civic
Center. He explained this is an open forum meeting and all ideas and suggestions are
welcomed. He invited all to attend and participate. He thanked Public Works for the
exemplary performance during last Friday's wind and rain storm. He also thanked the
residents who opened curb grates by removing leaves and debris. Mayor Krier stated
the Village's warning sirens are old; however we have once again been awarded grant
money to install new sirens. Mayor Krier also stated through the hard work of our
representatives these monies are being available to Morton Grove.
B. Corporation Counsel
Ms. Liston had no formal report.
A. Trustee Brunner
Trustee Brunner had no formal report but wanted to thank Public Works for their hard
work during the storm.
Minutes of September 25, 2006
Village of Morton Grove Board Meeting
B. Trustee DiMaria
1. Trustee DiMaria presented Resolution 06-50 which authorizes the annual
Veterans Day Parade. This year the parade will be held from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm on
Sunday, November 12, 2006. Village Engineer Ryan Gillingham will formally request
the closure certificate from IDOT. Dempster Street will be closed between Fernald and
Austin as is done each year.
Trustee DiMaria moved to approve Resolution 06-50, seconded by Trustee Brunner.
Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstain, 0 absent.
Tr. Brunner aye Tr. DiMaria aye, Tr. Kogstad aye
Tr. Minx aye Tr. Senensky aye Tr. Staackmann aye
2. Trustee DiMaria presented Ordinance 06-35 to designate turn restrictions
for the proposed Trafalgar Woods Development's connection points to
Waukegan Road. The Trafalgar Woods development was previously approved by the
Village Board; however, IDOT rejected the approved ingress and egress solutions. The
new turning restrictions are now acceptable to IDOT, the Village's Engineer, and the
developer's Traffic Engineer.
Trustee DiMaria stated this was the first reading of Ordinance 06-35. A second reading
will occur at the October 9, 2006, Village Board meeting.
Trustee DiMaria thanked Public Works for all their work.
C. Trustee Koqstad
1. Trustee Kogstad presented Resolution 06-54 authorizing an agreement
between the Village and Energy Choices, PC for competitively priced electricity.
This company provides consulting services to clients in connection with electricity
supply procurement. With electricity costs anticipated to rise substantially in 2007, the
Village felt it prudent to explore all options. Energy Choices, PC will help the Village
make the most informed choice for providing power to Village accounts.
Trustee Kogstad moved to approve Resolution 06-54, seconded by Trustee Minx.
Motion passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 abstain, 0 absent.
Tr. Brunner aye Tr. DiMaria aye Tr. Kogstad aye
Tr. Minx aye Tr. Senensky abstain Tr. Staackmann aye
2. Trustee Kogstad presented Resolution 06-55 to execute a contract with
Sikich, LLP to perform auditing services. The Village has worked with Sikich since
2002 and a recommendation was made that due to the press of work and recent
personnel changes that the Village retain this particular auditor for one additional year
until the Finance Department can made arrangements to prepare a new Request for
Proposal. This contract will represent a 2% increase over previous years.
Trustee Kogstad moved to approve Resolution 06-55, seconded by Trustee Minx.
Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstain, 0 absent.
Tr. Brunner aye Tr. DiMaria aye Tr. Kogstad aye
Tr. Minx aye Tr. Senensky aye Tr. Staackmann aye
Minutes of September 25, 2006
illage of Morton Grove Board Meeting
D. Trustee Minx
Trustee Minx had no formal report. She did state she had received a call from a
resident inquiring about the upcoming SWANCC document destruction event. She
wanted everyone to know you can watch while your documents are being shredded or
you can just leave them and they will be shred later. Trustee Minx also thanked Public
Works for the great work they do, including the removal of all the downed branches
from last Friday's storm.
E. Trustee Senensky
Trustee Senensky had no formal report.
F. Trustee Staackmann
1. Trustee Staackmann presented Resolution 06-56 which authorizes a
contractual agreement with Galewood Roofing and Tuckpointing for tuckpointing
the public works building at 7840 Lincoln Avenue. Two qualified bids were
received and Galewood was the lowest responsible bidder at $12,600. It should be
noted this ongoing maintenance of the Village's masonry buildings helps retain these
facilities in good condition. The last tuckpointing that was performed on this building
was in 2001.
Trustee Staackmann moved to approve Resolution 06-56, seconded by Trustee Minx.
Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstain, 0 absent.
Tr. Brunner aye Tr. DiMaria aye Tr. Kogstad aye
Tr. Minx aye Tr. Senensky aye Tr. Staackmann aye
Trustee Kogstad presented the Warrant Register which totaled $775,999.70. He moved to
approve the Warrants which were seconded by Trustee Brunner.
Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstain, 0 absent.
Tr. Brunner aye Tr. DiMaria aye Tr. Kogstad ave
Tr. Minx aye Tr. Senensky aye Tr. Staackmann aye
A. Eric Poders. Mr. Poders stated he sat in on the Economic Development Commission
meeting was very long last week but had very positive results. He was impressed with
Mrs. Patel and noted Bill Neuendorf was woefully understaffed. He also stated he will
be starting a bi-weekly grass roots publication on relevant Morton Grove issues.
B. Nancy Lanning. Ms. Lanning thanked the Fire and Police Department for their help
when a neighbor recently fell. She also wanted to thank Deputy Chief Erickson for his
help concerning a personal matter.
Minutes of September 25, 2006
Village of Morton Grove Board Meeting
C. Chris Arns. Mr. Arns was interested in the transferability of obligations of the Osco
outlot article that was written in the Morton Grove Champion. He wanted to know why
the opinion was sought and how much did it cost? Mayor Krier stated the opinion was
sought to see whether the Village was still under a legal obligation for the
economic/redevelopment agreement entered into with Osco now that the building had
been sold to CVS. He believed the cost was around $600 to $800.
There being no further business to come before the Board, Trustee Minx moved to adjourn the
Board meeting into Executive Session to discuss real estate, personnel, closed meeting
minutes, and litigation matters. Trustee Brunner seconded the motion.
Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstain, 0 absent.
Tr. Brunner aye Tr. DiMaria aye Tr. Kogstad aye
Tr. Minx aye Tr. Senensky aye Tr. Staackmann aye
The Board meeting adjourned into Executive Session at 7:59 pm.
An Executive Session was scheduled and called to order at 8:10 pm. Present were Mayor
Krier, Clerk Fritzshali, and Trustees Brunner, niMaria, Kogstad, Minx, Senensky and
Staackmann. Also present were Village Administrator Wade, Corporation Counsel Liston, Bill
The Executive Session concluded at 8:31 pm. A motion to adjourn the Executive Session was
made by Trustee Staackmann, seconded by Trustee Minx.
Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstain, 0 absent.
Tr. Brunner aye Tr. DiMaria aye Tr. Kogstad aye
Tr. Minx aye Tr. Senensky aye Tr. Staackmann ave
There being no further business to come before the Board, Trustee Staackmann moved to
adjourn the Board meeting, seconded by Trustee Brunner.
Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstain, 0 absent.
Tr. Brunner aye Tr. DiMaria aye Tr. Kogstad aye
Tr. Minx aye Tr. Senensky aye Tr. Staackmann aye
The Board meeting adjourned at 8:32 pm.
PASSSED this 9th day of October 2006.
Trustee Brunner
Trustee DiMaria
Trustee Kogstad
Trustee Minx
Trustee Senensky
Trustee Staackmann
APPROVED and FILED in my office
This 10th day of October 2006
Carol A. Fritzshall, Village Ie
Minutes of September 25, 2006
illage of Morton Grove Board Meeting
APPROVED_by-rne,this 9th day of October 2006.
Richard Krier, illage President
Board of Trustees, Morton Grove, Illinois
Board of Trustee, Morton Grove, Illinois
Minutes by: Susan Lattanzi