HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-03-27 Board MinutesMINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE PRESIDENT AND THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, HELD AT THE RICHARD T. FLICKINGER MUNICIPAL CIVIC CENTER MARCH 27, 2006 CALL TO ORDER I. Village President Rick Krier called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. and led the assemblage in the Pledge of Allegiance. II. Village Clerk Carol Fritzshall called the roll. Present were: Trustees Georgianne Brunner, Roy Kogstad, Rita Minx, Dale Senensky, and Dan Staackmann. Trustee DiMaria had notified the Board at the March 13th meeting that he would be out of town for this meeting. III• APPROVAL OF MINUTES Regarding the Minutes of the February 27, 2006 Regular Meeting, Trustee Minx moved to approve the Minutes as submitted, dispensing with the reading thereof. The motion was seconded by Trustee Senensky. Upon the vote, the motion passed: 4 ayes, 0 nay, 1 abstain, 1 absent. Tr. Brunner aye Tr. DiMaria absent Tr. Kogstad abstain Tr. Minx aye Tr. Senensky aye Tr. Staackmann awe IV. PUBLIC HEARINGS NONE V. SPECIAL REPORTS NONE VI. RESIDENTS' COMMENTS (Agenda Items Only) NONE PLEDGE ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL FEB. 27 BOARD MEETING MINUTES APPROVED Minutes of March 27, 2006 Board Meeting VII. PRESIDENT'S REPORT 1. Mayor Krier proclaimed April 28, 2006 as "Arbor Day" in the Village. He noted that Morton Grove has been recognized as a "Tree City USA" by the National Arbor Day Foundation, and urged all citizens to support efforts to protect our trees and woodlands and to support the Village's urban forestry program. 2. Next, Mayor Krier explained that new legislation passed by the State creates two new positions on local Fire Pension Boards and allows MayorsNillage Presidents to appoint two people to serve on their local Fire Pension Board. These appointments do not require concurrence of the Board; they are a mayoral privilege. He explained that the Fire Pension Board is currently, by statute, comprised of the Mayor, the Village Clerk, Corporation Counsel, the Fire Chief, the Finance Director, one retired firefighter elected by other retired firefighters, and three active firefighters, elected by the Firefighters Associa- tion. The new State legislation allows two active firefighters to serve on the Fire Pension Board, instead of three, with two new positions open for mayoral appointment. Mayor Krier said that he was appointing Paul Minx and James Quinn to the Fire Pension Board and asked if there were any objections. Hearing none, the appointments became official. 3. Mayor Krier then sought concurrence for two reappointments to the Advisory Commission on Aging: Rachel Slotnik and Thomas Stockenberg. Trustee Minx moved to concur with these reappointments, seconded by Trustee Brunner. Motion passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent. Tr. Brunner au Tr. DiMaria absent Tr. Kogstad ave Tr. Minx ayre Tr. Senensky Rya Tr. Staackmann afire VIII. IX. CLERK'S REPORT Clerk Fritzshall reported that no final counts from election were in yet— recounting was still going on. She said that 174 voters had taken advantage of the new "early voting" program, adding that she hoped more people would use it in the General Election in November. Mayor Krier said he heard that David Orr had visited one of the Village's polling places when the judges were having trouble transmitting the voting results. STAFF REPORTS A. Village Administrator: 1. Mr. Wade said that the New Resident Reception is scheduled for April 24, 2006, at the Civic Center from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. This will give new residents a chance to meet their elected officials, as well as representatives from the Morton Grove Park District, Public Library, and Chamber of Commerce. Residents are invited to attend the Village Board Meeting, which follows at 7:30 p.m., back at Village Hall in the Council Chambers. ARBOR DAY PROCLAMATION APPOINTMENTS TO FIRE PENSION BOARD REAPPOINTMTS TO ADVISORY COMMISSION ON AGING NO VOTE TOTALS YET NEW RESIDENT RECEPTION SET FOR APRIL 24 AT CIVIC CENTER 2 Minutes of March 27, 2006 Board Meeting IX. STAFF REPORTS (continued) A. Village Administrator: (continued) 2. Mr. Wade reported that the Illinois Mutual Aid Box Alarm System (MABAS) had reimbursed the Village for the cost of its deployment of fire and police person- nel to aid in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. He said the Village had re- ceived a check in the amount of $62,656.09, which covered the entire cost of the Village's participation in the Katrina assistance efforts. Mayor Krier thanked Chief Friel for his assistance in ensuring the Village received reimbursement for this. B. Corporation Counsel: Ms. Liston had no report. X. TRUSTEES' REPORTS A. Trustee Brunner: Trustee Brunner announced that a Public Hearing would take place on March 30, 2006, at 1:00 p.m. at the Civic Center regarding the Village's appli- cation for a grant from the Illinois Department of Transportation for funding for a paratransit vehicle. B. Trustee DiMaria: Trustee Senensky handled Trustee DiMaria's report. He presented Resolution 06-20, Authorizing the Annual July 4 Parade and Closure of Dempster Street. Trustee Senensky explained that this resolution will close Dempster Street either partially or completely between Central and Ferris Avenues on July 4th between 2:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. The resolution is required by the Illinois Department of Transportation. Trustee Senensky moved to approve Resolution 06-20. Trustee Staackmann seconded the motion, which passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent. Tr. Brunner ayre Tr. DiMaria absent Tr. Kogstad mg Tr. Minx ave Tr. Senensky awe Tr. Staackmann 2y2 C. Trustee Kocistad: Trustee Kogstad presented Ordinance 06-05, Amending Title 1, Chapter 14, Section 9 of the Municipal Code Entitled "Civic Center Fees." This Ordinance was introduced at the March 13, 2006 Board Meeting. VILLAGE REIMBURSED FOR KATRINA ASSISTANCE PUBLIC HEARING FOR SENIORTRAN GRANT SET FOR MARCH 30 RES. 06-20 AUTHORIZES ANNUAL FOURTH OF JULY PARADE RES. 06-20 APPROVED 3 Minutes of March 27, 2006 Board Meeting X. TRUSTEES' REPORTS (continued) C. Trustee Kogstad: (continued) Trustee Kogstad explained that this ordinance will phase out an exemption granted to certain senior groups from paying room rental fees at the American Legion Memorial Civic Center. This matter was reviewed by the Village's Advisory Commission on Aging, who unanimously recommended the phase-out, which will be effective January 1, 2007. Trustee Kogstad moved to adopt Ordinance 06-05, seconded by Trustee Minx. Motion passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent. Tr. Brunner aerie Tr. DiMaria absent Tr. Kogstad ave Tr. Minx a�+e Tr. Senensky Ayre Tr. Staackmann gyl D. Trustee Minx: Trustee Minx presented Resolution 06-21, Authorizing the Purchase of a Type! Medium Duty Advanced Life Support Ambulance Through Participation in a Joint Purchase Process Available from the Northwest Municipal Conference. She explained that the Northwest Municipal Conference, through its Fire Core Cost Containment Committee and Ambulance Joint Purchase Program Sub- committee, had designated Foster Coach Sales of Sterling, IL, as the vendor for both the chassis and ambulance modules. The purchase price for this ambulance is $171,446, which is $39,554 less than the budgeted amount of $211,000. Trustee Minx said that the $39,554 will be used to outfit the new ambulance with essential equipment. This new ambulance will move ambu- lance #6, a 1997 model, to Station 4, where it will hopefully receive less calls, thereby extending its service life. The present Station 4 front-line ambulance will then be moved to reserve status. Ultimately, a 1990 current reserve ambulance will be retired due to this purchase. Trustee Minx moved to approve Resolution 06-21. Trustee Staackmann seconded the motion. Motion passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent. Tr. Brunner ave Tr. DiMaria absent Tr. Kogstad Tr. Minx ayie Tr. Senensky Ly1 Tr. Staackmann aye E. Trustee Senensky: Trustee Senensky presented Ordinance 06-06, Amending Title 5, Chapter 1, Section 3, of the Municipal Code Entitled "Motor Vehicles and Traffic; Traffic Administration and Enforcements; Violations, Procedures and Penalties. This is the second reading of this Ordinance. ORD. 06-05 AMENDS MUNICIPAL CODE REGARDING CIVIC CENTER FEES ORD. 06-05 APPROVED RES. 06-21 AUTHORIZES PURCHASE OF AMBULANCE RES. 06-21 APPROVED ORD. 06-06 AMENDS MUNICIPAL CODE REGARDING VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC, TRAFFIC ADMINISTRATN AND ENFORCEMTS, VIOLATIONS, PROCEDURES, AND PENALTIES 4 Minutes of March 27, 2006 Board Meetin. X. TRUSTEES' REPORTS (continued) E. Trustee Senensky: (continued) Trustee Senensky explained, as background, that the Mayor and the Board had directed the Police Chief and Corporation Counsel to review the Village Code sections regarding minimum parking fees and seizure provisions for vehicles used in certain crimes. Similar regulations have been adopted in other communities. The communities that have implemented similar seizure policies have seen increased revenues from between $50,000 to $100,000. Trustee Senensky said that this ordinance incorporates recent amendments to the State of Illinois' traffic laws and increases the cost to pay a citation prior to a scheduled court date. It also establishes a procedure for seizure and impoundment of vehicles used in connection with certain criminal acts such as DUI, reckless driving, drag racing, prostitution, and others. Trustee Senensky moved to approve Ordinance 06-06, Minx. Motion passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent. Tr. Brunner au Tr. DiMaria absent Tr. Tr. Minx aye Tr. Senensky aye Tr. F. Trustee Staackmann seconded by Trustee Kogstad ave Staackmann EyA 1. Trustee Staackmann presented for a first reading Ordinance 06-07, Accept- ing the Plat of Dedication for a Village Right -of -Way at Ferris Avenue and Lincoln Avenue. He explained that this Ordinance will formally accept a plat of subdivision for a parcel of property within the Ferris Avenue and Lincoln Avenue public rights-of- way. Passage of this Ordinance is required to file the plat of dedication with the Cook County Recorder of Deeds. Trustee Staackmann said the Village had acquired title to certain properties at the northeast intersection of Ferris and Lincoln in 1978. In 1985, the Village sold off most of the properties but re- tained approximately 1,290 square feet, which was subsequently improved and used to widen that intersection. However, these properties were never formally dedicated as public rights-of-way. This Ordinance will finalize the dedication of these parcels for public rights-of-way. There was no discussion on this ordinance. XI. OTHER BUSINESS NONE ORD. 06-06 APPROVED ORD. 06-07 ACCEPTS PLAT OF DEDICATION FOR A VILLAGE RIGHT-OF-WAY AT FERRIS AND LINCOLN (FIRST READING) 5 Minutes of March 27, 2006 Board Meeting XII. WARRANTS Trustee Kogstad presented the Warrant Register, totaled $626,906.98. He moved to approve the Warrants, seconded by Trustee Brunner. Motion passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent. Tr. Brunner Ry2 Tr. DiMaria absent Tr. Kogstad afire Tr. Minx aye Tr. Senensky ave Tr. Staackmann aye XIII. RESIDENTS' COMMENTS a. b. Bill Luksha complimented the Police Department for their quick apprehension of the person who robbed LaSalle Bank. He also asked how to go about get- ting a stoop sign installed in his neighborhood. Mayor Krier told him to get an application from the Village Administrator. Petitions for stop signs are heard by the Traffic Safety Commission. Sherwin Dubren appeared before the Board to discuss safety issues. He said he understood that the Village is currently in the process of revising its ordi- nances and said that he wished the Board would seek input from residents when doing this. Mayor Krier reminded him that there was an article about the revision process in the winter edition of The Exchange. Mr. Dubren said he was concerned about pit bulls in Morton Grove; he had run into some people looking for their pit bull and he was worried about a pit bull running around loose in the Village. Mayor Krier said that animal control is a priority of the Board, and when the new Police Chief was hired, they made sure he was aware of its importance. Chief Tasch has developed new animal control procedures and the Board is in the process of strengthening its animal control ordinance. Mayor Krier pointed out to Mr. Dubren that the Village cannot, by State law, single out any particular breed of animal in its ordinance. Mr. Dubren was additionally concerned when he called the police non- emergency phone number on Saturday night and was informed that the animal control person only works Monday through Friday. Trustee Brunner pointed out that there's current State legislation pending that would permit breed -specific provisions in local ordinances. She encouraged Mr. Dubren to reach out to his state legislators and urge them to pass that legislation. Mr. Dubren was also concerned about people rolling through stop signs. He said that he takes walks on Beckwith Road and sees at least half of the cars traveling on Beckwith roll through the stop signs. Even the police cars do it! Mr. Dubren pointed out that the police should be setting an example. He also said that he didn't see a police presence on the west side of town, and felt that there were more police on the east side of town. He said he would like to see more even-handed coverage. Trustee Senensky responded that at least one or two squad cars on all three shifts are assigned to the west side of town. WARRANTS APPROVED RESIDENT HAS SAFETY CONCERNS 6 Minutes of March 27, 2006 Board Meeting XIII. c. d. RESIDENTS' COMMENTS (continued) Raymond Solal suggested that the Board consider reviewing the application for financial assistance for the solid waste assistance program. He felt the form should show the applicant's revenues and expenditures. He told of a person he knows who is taking care of her mother. The cost of the mother's health care is huge. This person's income level is "over" the Village's require- ment, but her expenditures—from taking care of her mother—should allow her to request and receive financial assistance. Mr. Solal also commented, regarding the February 27th Minutes and Corpora- tion Counsel's explanation therein of what IRMA covers, that he had reviewed the IRMA contract but didn't see anything indicating that they wouldn't cover legal expenses incurred in cases where no remuneration was sought. He asked Corporation Counsel Liston to disclose the terms of the IRMA contract. Mr. Solal wanted to publicize the fact that the Linne Woods Recreation Area was now open to the public. He asked the Board to ensure that the 231 trees there would be properly taken care of by the Cook County Forest Preserve District. Mr. Solal requested again an independent storm sewer survey/evaluation. He did not think the present detention plan was workable. Mr. Solal thanked the Mayor and Village Administrator for their presentation of the Village's bank statements and cash balances on March 23`a. He sug- gested that the Village's monthly payroll be published so people can see how the Village can improve its operations. He said it was good to see the Village moving toward openness and accountability. Mr. Solal asked the Board for a special meeting to consider all the documents he remitted to Corporation Counsel regarding the sale of Borg School. He said the Board is accepting a false legal description in the complaint now pending. It's contradicted by the quit claim title. He has requested a police investigation and for an investigation by the State's Attorney. He felt the Village shouldn't "close its eyes" to the "irrefutable" documents now in their possession. Mayor Krier said the Village is handling the matter responsibly and has hired a fine law firm that is doing a good job of representing the Village's interests. Nancy Lanning asked when the Environmental Health Board would be meet- ing again. Trustee Brunner said that the April meeting had been cancelled, so the next meeting would be in May. Mrs. Lanning said that she has been at- tacked three times by dogs. She said that, each time, the police came right away. Minutes of March 27, 2006 Board Meeting XIV. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Board, Trustee Minx moved to adjourn to Executive Session to discuss real estate, litigation, and personnel issues. Trustee Brunner seconded the motion. Motion passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent Tr. Brunner an Tr. DiMaria absent Tr. Kogstad aye Tr. Minx ayre Tr. Senensky ave Tr. Staackmann afire The Board adjourned to Executive Session at 8:12 p.m. The Executive Session began at 8:31 p.m. In attendance were Mayor Krier, Clerk Fritzshall, Trustees Brunner, Kogstad, Minx, Senensky, and Staack- mann. Staff members present included Village Administrator Wade, Corpora- tion Counsel Liston, and Economic Development Director Bill Nuendorf. At the conclusion of the discussion, Trustee Minx moved to adjourn the Executive Session, seconded by Trustee Brunner. Motion passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent. Tr. Brunner Tr. Minx a ie Tr. DiMaria absent Tr. Ay! Tr. Senensky ave Tr. The Executive Session adjourned at 9:58 p.m. Trustee Minx then moved to adjourn the Board Meeting Trustee Brunner. Motion passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 a Tr. Brunner are Tr. DiMaria absent Tr. Tr. Minx Tr. Senensky ay2 Tr. The meeting adjourned at 9:58 p.m. PASSED this 24th day of April, 2006. /WE - Trustee " Trustee Brunner F Trustee DiMaria af5. TA/A) Trustee Kogstad Trustee Minx ,%/5 Trustee Senensky Trustee Staackmann lueG_ APPROVED by me the 24th day of April, 2006. Richard Krier, Village President Board of Trustees, Morton Grove, Illinois APPROVED and FILED in my office this 25th day of April, 2006. /11 Carol A. Fritzshall, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois Kogstad ave Staackmann ayre , seconded by bsent. Kogstad aye Staackmann gyre ADJOURN TO EXECUTIVE SESSION MEETING ADJOURNED Minutes by: Teresa Cousar 8