HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-02-27 Board MinutesMINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE PRESIDENT AND THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, HELD AT THE RICHARD T. FLICKINGER MUNICIPAL CIVIC CENTER FEBRUARY 27, 20056 CALL TO ORDER I. Village President Rick Krier called the meeting to order at 7:31 p.m. and led the assemblage in the Pledge of Allegiance. II. Village Clerk Carol Fritzshall called the roll. Present were: Trustees Georgianne Brunner, Dan DiMaria, Rita Minx. Dale Senensky, and Dan Staackmann. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Regarding the Minutes of the January 23, 2006 Regular Meeting, Trustee Minx moved to approve the Minutes as submitted, dispensing with the reading thereof. The motion was seconded by Trustee Brunner. Motion passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent. Tr. Brunner aye Tr. DiMaria aye Tr. Kogstad absent Tr. Minx aye Tr. Senensky aye Tr. Staackmann aye IV. PUBLIC HEARINGS V. NONE SPECIAL REPORTS Poster Contest Winners for the "Welcome, Neighbor" Program Community Relations Commission Chairman Terri Cousar explained that this poster contest was held to emphasize and promote "being neighborly." The Commission teamed with the Chamber of Commerce on this project. Executive Director Suzanne Archer noted the many Chamber members who helped sponsor this contest. Chairman Cousar said that over 100 entries had been received. The winners were: Grade K-2: 1st place: Aishah Kothawala from MEC 2nd place: Saarah Baiji from MEC 3rd place: Zeemal Rao from MEC. PLEDGE ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL JAN. 23 BOARD MEETING MINUTES APPROVED POSTER CONTEST WINNERS HONORED Minutes of Februar 27, 2006 Board Meeting SPECIAL REPORTS (continued) Grade 3-5: 1st place: Zainab Khan from Golf School 2"d place: Sabina Raja from MEC 3rd place: Saba Patel from MEC Grade 6-8: 1st place: Ayana Jamal from Golf School 2"d place: Kristen Fasano from Park View School 3rd place: Katie Hoban from Park View School Chairman Cousar said that all of the winning posters would be displayed at the Morton Grove Foundation's "Taste of Spring" event at the White Eagle. She thanked Suzanne and the Chamber for partnering with the Commission, and thanked all the members of the Commission for their hard work. Many of the Commissioners were in attendance and Mayor Krier took a moment to recog- nize them. VI. RESIDENTS' COMMENTS (Agenda Items Only) Raymond Solal said he was thankful to the Community Relations Commission for instilling in the Village's youth "the spirit of community." He was also concerned that the February 13th Minutes were not yet available and wanted to be sure that his written comments are included as part of the record. Mr. Solal asked, regarding Resolution 06-15, if the extension of time was related to negotiations related to settling the lawsuit. Mayor Krier responded, "No." Mr. Solal asked, regarding Resolution 06-17, why the Village didn't give this work (the janitorial services contract) to a local company. Mayor Krier said that Trustee Staackmann would explain this under his report. Mr. Solal asked, regarding the Warrant Register, why the Village is assuming the cost (of its defense in the Capulina right-of-way lawsuit) instead of IRMA. He said that, according to the Village's contract with IRMA, IRMA should be paying these legal costs. He questioned a $14,000 payout to IRMA that ap- pears on this evening's Warrant Register. VII. PRESIDENT'S REPORT Mayor Krier had three appointments this evening. • Dayal Patel to the Plan Commission to replace Margaret Blum, who is retiring. Mayor Krier said that Mr. Patel is an HVAC engineer who lives in the Delaine Farm area. He is involved in his Homeowners Associa- tion and wants to get further involved in his community. Trustee DiMaria moved, seconded by Trustee Brunner, to concur with this appointment. The motion passed unanimously via voice vote, with the exception of Trustee Kogstad, who was absent. APPOINTMENT TO PLAN COMMISSION 2 Minutes of February 27, 2006 Board Meeting VII. PRESIDENT'S REPORT (continued) • Karim Chatriwala to the Cable and Telecommunications Commission to replace Jack Franz, who is retiring. Mayor Krier said that Mr. Chatriwala is a businessman in Morton Grove who has gotten involved with the Chamber of Commerce. He owns the Subway at Marmora and Dempster and is also involved with this year's "Taste" event. Trustee Brunner moved to concur with this appointment, seconded by Trustee Minx. The motion passed unanimously via voice vote, with the exception of Trustee Kogstad, who was absent. • Barbara Blonz to the Cable and Telecommunications Commission, a reappointment. Mayor Krier complimented her on the great job she does on this commission. Trustee Brunner moved to concur with this appointment. The motion was seconded by Trustee DiMaria and passed unanimously via voice vote, with the exception of Trustee Kogstad, who was absent. Mayor Krier reported that he had had the opportunity to visit Park View second - graders in January on the occasion of his birthday. He said the children asked very good questions and were happy to share his birthday with him. Mayor Krier said he also has had a Hines School class come to see Village Hall, and has attended Girl Scout events and "Blue and Gold" Cub Scout events. He called it "the best part of being Mayor" and commented that the future of our community is in good hands. VIII. CLERK'S REPORT Clerk Fritzshall reported that today is the first day for "early voting". It will go on through March 16th and after that, residents could vote absentee. She said people should bring along a picture ID. Voting is being held at Village Hall on the 2nd floor between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., and until 8 p.m. on Thursdays. Ballots will be locked up until Election Day when they will be distributed to the respective precincts. Early voting is also available at the Skokie courthouse on Saturday, March 4th, and Saturday March 11, from 9 a.m. until noon. Clerk Fritzshall announced that the Condo Association would hold its next meeting on March 8, 2006 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at Village Hall. IX. STAFF REPORTS A. Village Administrator: Mr. Wade apologized and asked for the Board's and the assemblage's patience as Village staff members try to correct technical difficulties currently occurring in the broadcasting of Board Meetings. He said there have been audio override system problems and noted that Roger has been in touch with the technical support help offered by the equipment manufacturers. Hopefully these problems will be worked out quickly. APPOINTMENT TO CABLE AND TELECOMM COMMISSION REAPPOINTMT TO CABLE AND TELECOMM COMMISSION EARLY VOTING UPDATE CONDO ASSN. MEETING ANNOUNCED TECHNICAL PROBLEMS WITH BROADCASTS OF BOARD MEETINGS DISCUSSED 3 Minutes of February 27, 2006 Board Meeting IX. STAFF REPORTS (continued) Mr. Wade also announced that the Village has received a notice from the Illinois Department of Transportation indicating that funding has been approved for the engineering and design work for the Dempster Street Corridor project. He said the Village has been working with its state senators to move this forward. B. Corporation Counsel: Ms. Liston had no formal report but wanted to respond to one of Mr. Solal's questions. She explained that IRMA (Intergovernmental Risk Management Association) is a risk management pool comprised of Morton Grove and 30 other communities. It is not a private insurance company. Premiums are based on experience. Under IRMA guidelines, certain things are covered. In 2003, the Village had two lawsuits served on it—the MGO's lawsuit appealing for injunctive relief and the MCC's lawsuit seeking money and other conces- sions. Ms. Liston explained that IRMA covers claims for monetary damages but not non -monetary claims. Therefore one of those two lawsuits was covered by IRMA; one was not. IRMA told the Village that it made sense to have one defense for both cases, so the Village entered into an agreement with IRMA which stated that IRMA would pay 75% of the attorneys' fees, and the Village would pay 25%. A condition of the agreement was that IRMA would pick up 100% of the attorneys' fees if at any point, the other lawsuit sought monetary damages. Ultimately the MGO's lawsuit did seek monetary compensation and from that point forward, IRMA paid 100% of the attorneys' fees. The $14,000 expendi- ture Mr. Solal referenced was the Village's 25%. Mayor Krier added that, originally, the bill IRMA sent the Village was higher, but staff was able to prove various inaccuracies which resulted in the lower amount of $14,000. X. TRUSTEES' REPORTS A. Trustee Brunner: Trustee Brunner had no formal report, but thanked Chairman Cousar and the Community Relations Commission for the "Welcome, Neighbor" poster contest. She said it was enlightening to see it all come together and see the winning entries. She also thanked the Chamber of Commerce and Suzanne Archer for their assistance and support. B. Trustee DiMaria: 1. Trustee DiMaria presented a Ordinance 06-03, Amending Title 5, Chapter 9, Section 10 of the Municipal Code of the Village Regarding Municipal Parking Fees. This ordinance was introduced at the February 13, 2006 Board Meeting. FUNDING APPROVED FOR DEMPSTER STREET CORRIDOR PROJECT EXPLANATION OF IRMA PAYOUT ORD. 06-03 AMENDS MUNICIPAL CODE REGARDING MUNICIPAL PARKING FEES 4 Minutes of Februa 27, 2006 Board Meeting X. TRUSTEES' REPORTS (continued) B. Trustee DiMaria: (continued) Trustee DiMaria explained that, in November of 2005, the Board had passed an ordinance which approved an increase in commuter parking fees from $1.25 to $1.75 per day. Since the municipal parking zone immediately adjacent to the Metra station is owned by Metra, Metra must approve all fee increases. Metra has indicated that a 50 -cent per -day increase at one time is not acceptable and has asked the Village to phase-in this increase. This ordinance will allow the Village Finance Director to set a parking fee of up to $1.75 per day, subject to Metra's consent. Upon approval of this ordinance, the Finance Director will immediately increase parking fees to $1.50 per day, and, at a later date, will request Metra's support of an increase to $1.75 per day. 2. Trustee DiMaria moved to adopt Ordinance 06-03, seconded by Trustee Minx. Motion passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent. Tr. Brunner Eyre Tr. DiMaria afire, Tr. Kogstad absent Tr. Minx aye Tr. Senensky aye Tr. Staackmann aye Next, Trustee DiMaria introduced for a first reading Ordinance 06-04, Authorization to Install Parking Restrictions on Washington Street, Avalon Drive, Mayfair Street, and Concord Drive Within the Village of Morton Grove. He explained that parking restrictions were necessary within the Trafalgar Square Development to conform to the approved site place. These must be included in the Village Code because residents are beginning to move into the finished homes. 3. Lastly, Trustee DiMaria encouraged all residents to attend the "Taste of Spring" event this coming Thursday at the White Eagle in Niles. C. Trustee Kogstad: Trustee Kogstad was absent—no report. D. Trustee Minx: Trustee Minx had no report. E. Trustee Senenskv: Trustee Senensky also encouraged residents to attend the Taste, noting that the funds raised go to good causes. ORD. 06-03 APPROVED ORD. 06-04 AUTHORIZES INSTALLATION OF PARKING RESTRICTIONS (AT TRAFALGAR SQUARE) (FIRST READING) 5 Minutes of Februa 27, 2006 Board Meeting X. TRUSTEES' REPORTS (continued) F. Trustee Staackmann 1. Trustee Staackmann presented Resolution 06-15, Granting an Extension of Time for the Recording of the Final Plat of Subdivision for That Property in the Village of Morton Grove Commonly Known as 8710 Ferris Avenue -8701 Lincoln Avenue. He explained that Toll Brothers, Inc. had purchased this property and had obtained approval to build 65 town homes as part of a planned unit develop- ment. The Village accepted and approved a final plat of subdivision for this project. The law requires that final plats of subdivision be recorded within sixty days after the approval of the Board, unless the Board grants an extension. Toll Brothers experienced a delay in securing the necessary signatures for the final plat of subdivision, and requested an extension for its recording. This resolution grants that extension. Trustee Staackmann moved to approve Resolution 06-15. Trustee Brunner seconded the motion. Motion passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent. Tr. Brunner up Tr. DiMaria aae Tr. Kogstad absent Tr. Minx ave Tr. Senensky Tr. Staackmann ave 2. Next, Trustee Staackmann presented Resolution 06-16, Authorizing a Correction to the Final Plat of Subdivision for the Property in the Village of Morton Grove Commonly Known as 6245 Lincoln Avenue. Trustee Staackmann explained that the recorded plat of subdivision for Trafalgar Square incorrectly designated "Mayfair Drive" as "Avalon Drive." This resolution will authorize the plat to be corrected and re-recorded with the Cook County Recorder of Deeds. Trustee Staackmann moved, seconded by Trustee Minx, to approve Resolution 06-16. Motion passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent. Tr. Brunner An Tr. DiMaria awe Tr. Kogstad absent Tr. Minx up Tr. Senensky gyp Tr. Staackmann 3. Trustee Staackmann then brought forward Resolution 06-17, Allowing the Extension of the Janitorial Services Contract with Best Quality Cleaning, Inc., Franklin Park, Illinois. He explained that this resolution would authorize the extension of the current janitorial services contract for an additional year, from June 1, 2006 to May 31, 2007, with no increase in price. The Village originally received bids for this service in 2004. Best Quality Cleaning was the low bidder at that time. They have performed at an acceptable level since then and several extensions of their contract have been granted. They have held their prices since 2004. Trustee Staackmann moved to adopt Resolution 06-17. Trustee Minx seconded the motion. RES. 06-15 GRANTS EXTENSION FOR RECORDING FINAL PLAT OF SUBDIVISION FOR 8710 FERRIS - 8701 LINCOLN RES. 06-15 APPROVED RES. 06-16 AUTHORIZES CORRECTION TO FINAL PLAT OF SUBDIVISION FOR 6245 LINCOLN RES. 06-16 APPROVED RES. 06-17 EXTENDS JANITORIAL SERVICE CONTRACT 2004 PRICING RETAINED 6 Minutes of February 27, 2006 Board Meeting X. TRUSTEES' REPORTS (continued) F. Trustee Staackmann Building Commissioner Ed Hildebrandt, responding to Mr. Solal's earlier question asking why the Village didn't contract this job to a local company, said that, simply put, no Morton Grove company has ever bid on this, or at least, not in the last 16 years. Mayor Krier said the Village hasn't bid this contract out since 2004 because it's been granting extensions to the original contract. He said that, after speaking with the Building Commissioner and the Village Administrator, the Board didn't think the Village could get this service any cheaper and still maintain the quality. Prior to Best Quality Cleaning, the Village had a different cleaning service and they weren't very happy with them. Mr. Hildebrandt said that, typically, the Village doesn't extend contracts more than two or three years. He said that he would likely recommend this contract go out to bid again next year. He added that several companies have bid on this in the past but have been found to be unqualified. Mayor Krier noted that the janitorial service provider and its personnel really have to be scrutinized, as they have keys to all the municipal buildings, access to all the equipment, etc. He then called for the vote on Resolution 06-17. Upon the vote, the motion passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent. Tr. Brunner gyp. Tr. DiMaria 2y± Tr. Kogstad absent Tr. Minx gyl Tr. Senensky Tr. Staackmann aye XI. OTHER BUSINESS NONE XII I. WARRANTS Trustee Minx presented the Warrant Register in Trustee Kogstad's absence. The Warrant Register totaled $326,199.31. She moved to approve the Warrants, seconded by Trustee Brunner. Motion passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent. Tr. Brunner are Tr. DiMaria Tr. Kogstad absent Tr. Minx at Tr. Senensky 2y2 Tr. Staackmann aye XIII. RESIDENTS' COMMENTS a. John ThiII said that he had made a mistake when he spoke at a previous meeting of a tree on Central that had been cut down. The tree is still on the property and it's there because the Village told the developer it must be saved. It is a 150 -year old oak tree. The problem is, the developer cut one-third of the tree's root system so now it's just a matter of time before the tree dies, or blows over onto someone's house in a strong wind. RES. 06-17 APPROVED WARRANT REGISTER APPROVED 7 Minutes of Februa 27, 2006 Board Meeting XIII. b. c. RESIDENTS' COMMENTS (continued) Mr. Thill asked the Board again for a moratorium on the cutting of trees in the Village. He said this case on Central is a perfect example of what he's fighting for. Now the person who buys that property is going to have to pay to have that tree removed because it won't survive with one-third of its root system gone. Mayor Krier said he appreciated Mr. Thill's comments. He told Mr. Thill, "You present yourself with respect, integrity, and professionalism, and we respect you." Raymond Solal said he appreciated Mr. Thill's efforts, noting that 231 trees had been planted by the Forest Preserve District, but almost all of them died because they were planted on rock. He encouraged Mr. Thill to look into that, noting that it was covered at a Cook County Public Hearing on January 9, 2006. Mr. Solal felt that janitorial contract should have been bid out and felt the Board should play by the rules. Mayor Krier said the Village doesn't have to bid out everything. Mr. Solal wanted to make sure that his basement wouldn't flood by ensuring that the connection for the storm sewer is done at Austin. He added that the Capulina right-of-way was needed for drainage and said he felt that the land swap with the MEC was fraudulent. He said that District 70 had been in error when they sold the property originally. Mayor Krier said that the right-of-way is in litigation right now and that everyone who needed to testify would be brought forward. Bill Luksha felt that his comments had been edited out of the February 13th Board Meeting recording. Mayor Krier said that no one was edited out; there were technical difficulties. Mr. Luksha felt the technical problem had occurred at a critical time during his and Mr. Arns' comments. Mayor Krier asked Mr. Luksha not to use the term "edit" since that is not what happened. He said he had people working all weekend trying to get the technical problems solved. If Mr. Luksha's comments are missing, it could be that that was when the tapes were being changed. Mr. Luksha felt the Board should allow residents to comment on the various Agenda items at the time they come up. Mr. Luksha said he had surveyed what other municipalities do in terms of al- lowing residents to speak. He distributed the comparisons to the Board. He commented that some towns limit a speaker's time to five minutes; some towns offer unlimited time to speak. Trustee DiMaria commented that Morton Grove looks pretty good on the comparison. Mr. Luksha suggested that, in the future, when one of the staff members responds to a Board Member's question, the staff member should use a microphone so their comments can be heard on the broadcast. 8 Minutes of February 27, 2006 Board Meetin XIII. RESIDENTS' COMMENTS (continued) d. Nancy Lanning commented that the broadcast problems might be on Comcast's end. She said she often watches movies at home and the picture "freezes" just as what happened while watching the Board Meeting tape. e. Sherwin Dubren said he had tried to view the Board Meeting several times. First it wasn't being shown, and when he called he was told that the tape machine was broken. The next day, Channel 6 was "down" completely, and he was told that it was a computer breakdown. He went to the library to get a copy of the tape and was unsuccessful. He went to Village Hall to get a copy from one of the executive secretaries, but Corporation Counsel advised the secretary not to release the tape. He said he was not given an adequate explanation for why the tape couldn't be released to him. He then went to Mayor Krier, who accompanied him to the Village's IT staffer's office. Roger was not there. Mr. Dubren said he spoke with the Village Administrator who assured him that the meeting would be aired on Thursday at 7:00 p.m. When Mr. Dubren tried to view it, he could see the picture, but there was no audio— only music. Mr. Dubren said he was finally able to check out a copy from the library. It seemed to be complete, but he had heard from some other people that the broadcast was incomplete. He was concerned why Roger didn't take a stronger interest, or ensure that the tape was playing properly. He was also concerned about security, and who had access to the Village's IT room, noting that someone could damage the tapes and/or the machinery. Mr. Wade said he would look into better service or having a second tape machine as a back-up. He agreed that the broadcasts of the Board Meetings are important and shouldn't be delayed a week. Mayor Krier said he appreciated Mr. Dubren's patience. He pointed out that the Village only has one IT person on staff to handle all of its computer needs. He takes care of the laptops in police squad cars, changeover of the Village phone system, etc. Roger's priorities are set by the Village Administrator, who is now aware of the importance of getting the meetings aired. Mr. Dubren said that Roger should be "on call". Mayor Krier replied, "He is." XIV. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Board, Trustee Minx moved to adjourn the Board Meeting, seconded by Trustee Brunner. The motion passed unanimously by voice vote, with the exception of Trustee Kogstad, who was absent. The meeting adjourned at 8:47 p.m. MEETING ADJOURNED 9 Minutes of February 27, 2006 Board Meeting PASSED this 27th day of March, 2006. Trustee Brunner Trustee DiMaria Trustee Kogstad Trustee Minx Trustee Senensky Trustee Staackmann APPR VED by me this 27th day of March, 2006. ,f2%✓ I rte. Richard Krier, Village President Board of Trustees, Morton Grove, Illinois APPROVED and FILED in my office this 28th day of March, 2006. eve/47. Carol A. Fritzshall, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois Minutes by: Teresa Cousar 10